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ISRAELI DRAFT STANDARD SI 6236                                                    6236 ‫טיוטה לת"י‬
May 2012                                                                                   2012 ‫מ אי‬



                               ‫תחנות תדלוק לרכבים בגז טבעי דחוס‬

                               This document is a proposal only

                         The Standards Institution of Israel
42 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel-Aviv 69977, Tel. 03-6465154, Fax 03-6412762,

29/05/2012   12091 ‫זג /דק/זג‬
Draft SI 6236 (2012)

This standard was prepared by an Experts Committee of the following members:
Anatoly Dubov, Armand Abramovici, Daniel Weinberg, Haim Melamed,
Dr. Jacob Dror (convenor), Sandra Moscovich

Coordinators of the Standard preparation: Dr. Richard Marrow

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

c om p r es s ed n a t u r a l g a s, a u t om o ti v e, v eh i c l es , f uel i n g , f u el li n g , f il li n g , s t at i o n s, f u el
                                                                                                                                              :‫מילות מפתח‬
                                                                                      ‫גז טבעי דחוס, תחבורה, רכבים, תדלוק, מילוי, תחנות, דלק‬

Updating the Standard
Israel Standards are reviewed periodically at least every five years, in order to adapt them to scientific and technological
developments. Users of Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest editions of the Standard
including its Amendments.
A document appearing in the “Reshumot” (The Israeli Official Journal) as an Amendment may be a separate
Amendment, or an Amendment incorporated into the Standard.

Official Standard
Whether the document or parts of it are Official should be checked. An Official Standard or Amendment (in whole or in
part) takes effect 60 days following publication of the notice in the “Reshumot”, unless the notice states otherwise for the
effective date.

Standards Mark
A manufacturer of a product complying with the requirements of the
applicable Israel Standards is entitled, after being licensed by the
Standards Institution of Israel, to mark it with the Standards Mark:

© This Standard or any part of it may not be photocopied, copied or published by any means whatsoever, without prior
permission in writing of the Standards Institution of Israel.
Draft SI 6236 (2012)

                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1          Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 2
2          Normative References............................................................................................................................. 3
3          Definitions................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.         Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 10
5          General provisions................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1        Gas compressor................................................................................................................ 11

5.2        Gas storage ...................................................................................................................... 11

5.3        Mother-daughter station ..................................................................................................... 11

5.4        Dispenser ......................................................................................................................... 11

5.5        Control systems ................................................................................................................ 12

5.6        Dryer ............................................................................................................................... 12

5.7        Gas cooling system ........................................................................................................... 12

5.8        Filtration ........................................................................................................................... 12
6          General principles of design and installation ....................................................................................... 12
6.1        General construction.......................................................................................................... 12

6.2        Gas composition ............................................................................................................... 16

6.3        Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 17

6.4        Delivery pressure to the vehicles ......................................................................................... 17

6.5        Venting ............................................................................................................................ 18

6.6        Control system .................................................................................................................. 18
7          Location and layout of equipment ........................................................................................................ 19
7.1        General provisions ............................................................................................................ 19

7.2        Hazardous areas ............................................................................................................... 19

7.3        Storage Facility (including ancillary equipment) ..................................................................... 20

7.4        Compressors (including ancillary equipment) ........................................................................ 20

7.5        Dispenser ......................................................................................................................... 21

7.6        Enclosures ....................................................................................................................... 21

7.7        Canopies.......................................................................................................................... 22

7.8        Restrictions and safety distances ........................................................................................ 22
8          Gas supply, metering and composition ................................................................................................ 22

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

    8.1    General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 22
    9      Gas Compressors (including ancillaries) ............................................................................................. 23
    9.1    General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 23

    9.2    Gas recovery .................................................................................................................... 24

    9.3    Condensate drainage and disposal...................................................................................... 24

    9.4    Stage safety devices.......................................................................................................... 25

    9.5    Delivery line non-return valve.............................................................................................. 25

    9.6    Suction line components .................................................................................................... 25

    9.7    Instrumentation ................................................................................................................. 25

    9.8    Markings .......................................................................................................................... 26

    9.9    Instructions....................................................................................................................... 27
    10     Storage facility (including ancillaries) ................................................................................................... 27
    10.1   Storage pressure vessels ................................................................................................... 27

    10.2   Pressure relief devices....................................................................................................... 27

    10.3   Emergency isolation valve .................................................................................................. 28

    10.4   Pressure gauge ................................................................................................................ 28

    10.5   Control Systems................................................................................................................ 28

    10.6   Storage volume................................................................................................................. 28
    11     Station pipework and ancillary devices ................................................................................................ 28
    11.1   Station pipework ............................................................................................................... 28

    11.2   General provisions ............................................................................................................ 29

    11.3   Inlet supply pipework ......................................................................................................... 29

    11.4   Outlet pipework ................................................................................................................. 30

    11.5   Flexible connections .......................................................................................................... 32

    11.6   Pressure gauges ............................................................................................................... 32

    11.7   Pressure testing ................................................................................................................ 32

    11.8   Gas detection system ........................................................................................................ 32
    12     Emergency shutdown procedures ........................................................................................................ 32
    13     Dispenser ............................................................................................................................................... 33
    13.1   Dispensing unit ................................................................................................................. 33

    13.2   Filling hose ....................................................................................................................... 34

    13.3   Filling nozzle..................................................................................................................... 35

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

13.4   Captive vent systems......................................................................................................... 35
14     Electrical equipment and wiring ............................................................................................................ 35
14.1   General ............................................................................................................................ 35

14.2   Earthing protection ............................................................................................................ 35

14.3   Lightning protection ........................................................................................................... 35
15     Testing, purging and commissioning.................................................................................................... 35
16     Marking, operating notices and instructions ........................................................................................ 36
16.1   General ............................................................................................................................ 36

16.2   Marking............................................................................................................................ 36

16.3   Dispenser signs ................................................................................................................ 37

16.5   Instructions....................................................................................................................... 37

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

Fo rewo rd

T h e int en t of t h i s St an dar d i s t o pr ovi d e r equi r em en t s for sa fet y, desi gn , con st r uct i on , t est in g,
c om m i ssi on i n g, gen er a l ma in t enan ce a n d oper a t ion of c om pr ess ed n at ura l ga s (CNG) fuel l i n g
st a t i on s an d fa ci l i t i es wh i ch t a ke a n a t ura l ga s suppl y fr om t h e suppl y n et wor k or fr om m obi l e
st or a ge a n d del i ver i t a s fuel for t h e pr opul si on of a veh i cl e.

It i s a ddr essed t o bot h man ufa ct ur er s an d in st a ller s, for wh om t h i s docum en t pr ovi de s t h e ba si c
pr in ci pl es for th e desi gn an d in st a l la t i on of fa ci l i t i es an d par t s th er eof, an d t o oper a t or s, for
wh om t h e m ini m um r equi r em en t s for sa fe op er a t ion ar e gi ven . It a l so ser ve s a s a ba si s for th e
i n spect i on of n at ura l fuel l in g ga s sta t i on s. Addi ti on a l r equir em en t s m a y be de fi n ed by t h e
a uth or i t y h a vi n g jur i sdi ct i on (AHJ).

It i s n eces sa r y t o en sur e, thr ough th e use of a ppropr i a t e com p on en t s an d ma t er ia l s tha t CNG
fu el l i n g st a t i on s an d th eir com pon en t s, wh en cor r ect l y c on st r uct ed, oper a t ed an d ma in ta in ed ar e
per m an ent l y sa fe a n d oper a t i on al . Pr even t i ve m e a sur es sh al l be t a ken t o en sur e pr ot ect i on
a ga in st fi r e an d expl osi on .

It i s n ow wi d el y a c cept ed t h a t th e ma jor i t y of a c ci den t s in in dustr y gen er a l l y a r e in som e
m ea sur e a t tri but a bl e t o h uman a s wel l a s t echn i ca l fa ct or s i n th e sen se t ha t som eon e' s a ct i on s
i ni t i at ed or con t ri but ed t o t h e a cci den t s or som e on e c oul d h a ve a ct ed bet t er t o a ver t t h em.

It i s th er efor e n ece ssa r y t o gi ve pr oper c on si der at i on t o th e m ana gem en t of t h ese h um an fa ct or s
a n d th e con t r ol of r i sk. Th i s docum en t in cl udes pr ovi si on s t ha t ar e r el eva n t for fi l l in g m obi l e
st or a ge t ra i l er s suppl yi n g CNG t o da ugh t er fuel l i n g sta t i on s.

T h e com pl et e r equi r em en t s fr a m ewor k wi l l be de fi n ed by t h e r el eva n t a uth or i ti es a n d wi t h in a
fut ur e r el eva n t st an dar d.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

Int roduction

T hi s st an dar d pr ovi d es r equi r em en t s for th e desi gn , con st r uct i on , in st a ll a ti on , t est i n g,
c om m i ssi on i n g, m a in t en an ce an d oper a t i on of C NG veh i cl e fu el l i n g sta t i on s.
T h e docum en t ma kes use of t h e t er m s "sh oul d" an d "sh a ll " wh en pr escr i bi n g par ti cul a r
pr ocedur es.

(a ) T h e t er m "sh al l " pr escr i bes a pr oc edur e wh i ch , i t i s in t en ded, wi l l be c om pl i ed wi t h in ful l
       a n d wi t h out devi a t i on .

(b) T h e t er m "sh oul d" pr escr i bes a pr ocedur e wh i ch , i t i s in t en ded, wi l l be c om pl i ed wi t h
       un l ess, a ft er pr i or con si der a t i on , devi a t i on i s con si der ed t o be a c cept a bl e.

1       Scope

1. 1    T hi s st an dar d cover s th e desi gn , con str uct i on , inst a l l a ti on , t est i n g, com m i ssi on i n g an d
        op er a t i on an d m a int en an ce of CNG veh i cl e fu el l i n g sta t i on s oper a t in g wi t h Ma xi m um
        Oper a t i on al Pr essur e (MOP) of 260 ba r fr om th e CNG fu el l i n g sta t i on in l et i sol a t i on va l ve
        t o t h e fi l l in g n oz z l e.

1. 2    It a ppli es t o fu el l i n g st at i on s suppl i ed wi t h Na t ur al Ga s a s defi n ed i n SI 6119.

1. 3    Li que fi ed Na t ur a l Ga s (LNG) fuel l i n g st at i on s are n ot cover ed by t h e sc ope of t h i s
        st a n dar d.

1. 4    LNG t o CNG r ega ssi fi ca t i on m odul e i s n ot cover ed by t h e sc ope of t h i s st an dar d.

1. 5    Veh i cl e Re fu el l i n g Appl i an ces (VRA) a r e n ot cover ed by t h i s st a n dar d.

1. 6    T h e scop e of t h e st an dar d in cl udes fuel l i n g st at ion s of t h e fol l owi n g t yp es (a s sh own i n
        Ann ex J):

                •     On si t e fi l l of veh i cl es

                •     Fa st fi l l of veh i cl es

                •     Pr i va t e a cce ss

                •     Publ i c a c c ess (s el f-s er vi c e or a ssi st ed)

                •     Met er ed di spen ser

                •     Non m et er ed di spen ser

                •     Mot h er -da ugh t er fuel l i n g st at i on s

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

       T h e St an dar d al so i n cl udes gen er a l cr it er i a con ce rn in g th e fol l owi n g a spect s:

              a ) Pr essur e a djust m en t due t o t em per a t ur e dur in g r efu el l i n g;

              b) Sa fet y dur i n g fi l l in g;

              c) Fi l l in g h ose;

              d) St or a ge;

              e) Pr essur e c on tr ol devi c es;

              f)   Di st a n ces bet we en com p on en t s;

              g) Mul t i fuel di spen si n g st at i on s;

              h ) Pi pi n g;

              i)   In st a ll a ti on ;

              j)   Fi n al in spect i on an d t est in g.

              k) E xt ern al sa fet y di st a n ces

1. 7   T h e CNG fuel l i n g fa ci l i t y m a y be i n t egr a t ed wi t h n ew or exi st i n g fuel l in g fa ci l i t i es of
       ot h er fuel s.

1. 8   T hi s St an dar d a ppli es t o pr i va t e an d com m er ci a l st a t i on s h a vi n g fa st an d/ or sl ow fuel l i n g
       di spen ser s. If fu el l i n g sta t i on s ar e in t en ded t o be used by t h e gen er al publ i c, due r egar d
       n eeds t o be t a ken t o an y a ddi t i on a l publ i c sa fet y, secur i t y a n d tr a din g i ssues.

1. 9   Gui da n ce on th e oper a t i on an d m a int en an ce of fu el l i n g st a t i on s i s gi ven in Ann ex J.

2      No rmative Referen ces

       St a n dar ds an d docum en t s r efer en ced i n th i s St anda r d (for un dat ed St an dar ds an d
       docum en t s, th e l at est edi t i on a ppl i es):
       . Isr ae l i Standar ds

       SI 413                        - Desi gn pr ovi si on s for ea r th qua ke r esi st an ce of st r uct ur es

       SI 4295                       - Pr essur e ve ss el s

       SI 5512 (2004)                - Aut om ot i ve l i que fi ed p et r ol eum ga s (LPG) r efu el l i n g fa ci l i t i es

       SI 5664 (a l l par t s) - Na t ur a l ga s syst em s

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

      SI 6119 `                - Aut om ot i ve n a t ur a l ga s

      SI 1173 Pa rt 1          - Li gh tnin g pr ot ect i on s yst em s for bui l di n gs an d i n st al l at i on s:
                                 E xt ern al pr ot ect i on s yst em

      SI 60079 Pa rt 10. 01 - E xpl osi ve a t m osph er es: Cl a ssi fi ca t i on of a r ea s – E xpl osi ve ga s
                                 a t m osph er es

      Inte r nati onal Standar ds

      ISO 14469-1              - Roa d veh i cl es - Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s r efu el l i ng con n ect or - Pa rt
                                 1: 200 ba r

      ISO 14469-2              - Roa d veh i cl es - Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s r efu el l i ng con n ect or - Pa rt
                                 2: 200 ba r si z e 2

      ISO 14469-3              - Roa d veh i cl es - Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s r efu el l i ng con n ect or - Pa rt
                                 3: 250 ba r

      ISO 15501-1              - Roa d veh i cl es – Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s (CNG) fuel s yst em s – Pa r t
                                 1: Sa fet y r equi r em en t s

      ISO 15501-2              - Roa d veh i cl es – Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s (CNG) fuel s yst em s – Pa r t
                                 2: T est m eth ods

      ISO 15609-1              - Spe ci fi ca t i on an d a ppr ova l of wel di n g pr ocedur e s for m et a l li c
                                 m a t eri a l s – Wel di n g pr ocedur e spe ci fi ca t i on - Par t 1: Ar c wel di n g

      ISO 15609-2              - Spe ci fi ca t i on an d qua l i fi ca t i on of wel di n g pr oce dur es for m et a ll i c
                                 m a t eri a l s – Wel di n g pr ocedur e spe ci fi ca t i on - Par t 2: Ga s wel di n g

      IE C 60079-29            - Ga s det ect or s – Per for m an ce r equir em en t s of det e ct or s for fl a m m a bl e
                                 ga ses

      Eur ope an Sta ndar ds

      EN 287-1      - Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels

      EN 473        - Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel – General principles

      EN 1012-1     - Compressors and vacuum pumps; Safety requirements – Part 1: Compressors

      EN 10204      - Metallic products – Types of inspection documents

      EN 15001-1 - Gas Supply systems – Gas installation pipework – Part 1 design requirements

      EN 13445-1 - Unfired pressure vessels - Part 1: General

      EN 13445-2 - Unfired pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

       EN 13480-1 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 1: General

       EN 13480-2 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials

       EN 13480-3 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation

       EN 13480-4 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and installation

       EN 13480-5 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing

       EN 13480-6 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping

       Nati onal Stan dar ds

       IGE / UP/ 5 pa r t 3 – Nat ur a l ga s veh i cl es – Fi l l in g st a t i on oper a t i on s

       IGE M/ SR/ 25 ed. 2            -– Ha z a r dous a r ea cl a ssi fi ca t i on of Na t ur a l Ga s in st a ll a ti on s

       ASME B31. 3 – Pr oce ss pi pi n g

       ASME VIII-1 – Boi l er an d Pr essur e Vess el Cod e - Rul es for Con st r uct i on of Pr es sur e
       Ves sel s

       NGV1 - Com pr ess ed Na t ura l Ga s Vehi cl e (NGV) Fuel i n g Conn ect i on Devi c es

       Isr ae l i l e gi sl ati on:

       T a ma 18 Rev. 4 (2006) – Na t i ona l Outl in e Pl an for Fuel St a t i on s

       E l ect r i ci t y r egul a t i on s 2004

       O the r le gi sl ati on:

       Di r ect i ve 97/ 23/ E C of t h e E ur opea n Par li a m en t an d of t h e Coun ci l of 29 Ma y 1997 on th e
       a ppr oxi m at i on of t h e l a ws of t h e Mem ber St a t es c on cer n in g pr essur e equi pm en t

       Di r ect i ve 98/ 37/ E E C – Th e Appr oxi m a ti on of t h e La ws of t h e Mem ber St a t es Rel a t i n g t o
       Ma ch in er y

3     Defin itions

      For the pur pose of thi s Standar d, the fol l owi ng defi ni ti ons appl y:

3.1    En c lo s ed s p ac e

       a str uc tur e that c annot be defi ned as an open bui l di ng

3.2    B u rst pres s u re (p b )

       the pr essur e whi c h c auses fai l ur e and c onsequenti al fl ui d l oss thr oug h the c om ponent
       envel ope

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

3.3   B rea k-a wa y d evic e

      a devi c e whi c h, when ac ti vated, stops g as fl ow fr om the di spenser ( for exam pl e i f the
      vehi c l e m oves away) whi l e sti ll c onnec ted to the r efuell i ng hose

3.4   Ca n o py

      a r oof, for exam pl e a shel ter , a hood etc . , whic h affor ds a deg ree of weather pr otec ti on

3.5   Ca s c a d e d is p en s in g s equ en c e

      a m eans of all owi ng effi c ient use of the g as stor ag e fac i li ty by divi di ng i t i nto banks
      oper ati ng at di ffer ent pressur e l evel s

3.6   Co mp et ent p ers on

      a per son havi ng the abi l i ty, appr opr i ate tr ai ni ng, knowl edg e and exper ienc e, to super vi se
      or c ar r y out the wor k bei ng under taken i n a safe and pr oper m anner

3.7   Co mp res s io n un it

      a uni t that c om pr esses the natur al g as c onsi sti ng of one or m or e c om pr essor s, i nc l udi ng
      al l pi pi ng and equi pm ent

3.8   Co mp res s o r

      a m ac hi ne whi c h i nc r eases the pressur e of g as from a l ow to a hig her l evel

3.9   Cylin d er

      any vessel used for the stor ag e of c om pr essed natur al g as

3.10 B lo w do wn ves s el

      a vessel whi c h rec ei ves c om pr essed g as fr om the hi g h pr essur e sec ti on of the i nstal l ati on
      and c onduc ts i t to the i nput of the c om pr essi on system and al so ser ves to c ol lec t the
      el i m i nated l i qui ds

3.11 Dis p en s er

      the equi pm ent thr oug h whi c h the c om pr essed natur al g as i s suppl i ed to the vehi cl e

3.12 Dryer

      a system whi c h decr eases the water c ontent of the natur al g as

3.13 En c lo s u re

      a desi g nated str uc tur e, not a bui l di ng , suc h as a housi ng , a c ontai ner etc . , whic h enc l oses
      c om ponents of the stati on

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

3.14 Exp lo s ive ga s at mo sp h ere

       a m i xtur e wi th air , of a fl amm abl e m ater i al i n the for m of g as or vapour i n whi c h, after
       i g ni ti on, c om busti on spr eads thr oug hout the unc onsum ed m i xtur e

3.15 Fa s t fill

       a fi l li ng oper ati on whi c h i s c om par abl e i n dur ation to that of l i qui d fuel

3.16 CN G fillin g/fu ell in g a rea

       a l oc ati on at whic h CNG i s di spensed i nto a vehic l e or to a m obi l e CNG stor ag e.

3.17 Fire wa ll

       a wal l , sc r een or separ ati ng par ti ti on er ec ted i n the open ai r to r educ e the effec ts fr om
       r adi ated heat and to ensur e an adequate di sper si on di stanc e for CNG l eaki ng fr om any

3.18 G a s c on d it io n in g equ ip ment

       equi pm ent to fi l ter and/or r em ove unwanted c onsti tuents ( m oi stur e, debr i s, l i qui d and
       vapour s) fr om the g as ei ther pr i or to or after c om pr essi on

3.19 H a z a rd ou s a rea

       an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e ( flam m abl e g as-ai r m i xtur e) i s pr esent, or
       m ay be expec ted to be pr esent, i n quanti ti es such as to r equi r e spec i al pr ec auti ons for
       the c onstr uc ti on, i nstal l ati on and use of el ec tr i cal appar atus and other sour c es of
       i g ni ti on

3.20 L iq u id s ep a rat o r

       a devi c e whi c h c auses any li qui ds wi thi n the g as to dr op out of suspensi on for c oll ec ti on
       and c an be l oc ated after c om pr essi on of the natur al g as

3.21 L o wer exp lo s ive limit (L EL )

       the c onc entr ati on of fl amm abl e g as or vapour i n ai r bel ow whi c h the g as atm ospher e i s
       not expl osi ve. ( For natur al g as c ontai ni ng onl y m ethane the LE L i s 4. 5 % by vol um e. For
       exam pl e 10 % L EL means 0. 45 % g as i n ai r . )

3.22 M a ximu m op era t ion a l p res s u re (M OP)

       the m axi m um pr essur e at whi c h the system c an be oper ated c onti nuousl y under nor m al
       c ondi ti ons.

       N ot e :

       N o rmal c o n d it i o n s are n o f au l t i n an y d e v i c e o r s t re am.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

3.23 Overp res s u re

      the pr essur e above the m axi m um oper ati onal pressur e whi c h shal l be pr evented by safety
      devi c es

3.24 Delivery p res s u re

      the pr essur e at whi c h the g as i s del i ver ed to the vehi c l e

3.25 N o min a l d elivery p res s ure

      the pr essur e at whi c h fi ll i ng autom ati c al l y stops

3.26 M a ximu m d elivery p ress u re

      the m axi m um pr essur e ac c eptabl e by the vehic l e to be fil l ed

3.27 M o b ile CN G s to ra ge ves s el

      a pr essur e vessel ( m ul ti -c yl i nder or a tank) used for the tr anspor tati on of CNG to other
      fuel l i ng stati ons.

3.28 M o th er-d au ght er

      a stati on not c onnec ted to the pi pel i ne ( daug hter ) wher e CNG i s suppl i ed by a m obil e
      CNG stor ag e tr anspor ted fr om a stati on c onnec ted to the pi pel i ne (m other ).

3.29 N a tu ra l ga s

      a m i xtur e of g ases, hydr oc ar bons or other s, m ainl y m ethane ( CH 4 ) , i n the g aseous state at
      a tem per atur e of 15 °C and at atm ospher ic pr essur e ( 1. 013 bar ) .

3.30 N o rma l o p erat io n

      a si tuati on wher e the equi pm ent i s oper ati ng withi n i ts desi g n par am eter s

3.31 Sa fe a rea

      an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as i s not expec ted to be pr esent i n quanti ti es suc h as to
      r equi r e spec i al pr ec auti ons for the c onstr uc ti on, i nstal l ati on and use of appar atus

3.32 Op en bu ild in g

      a c onstr uc ti on, i n whi c h the sam e venti l ati on c ondi ti ons ar e pr esent as i n the open air
      and no obstr uc ti on for natur al ai r c i rc ul ati on i s pr esent

3.33 On s it e fillin g

      fi l l i ng wher e m any vehi c l es ar e c onnec ted at the sam e tim e for sever al hour s

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

3.34 Prima ry gra d e o f relea s e

      r el ease of g as whic h i s l i kel y to oc c ur under norm al oper ati on

3.35 R ec o very ves s el

      a vessel that r ec over s g as fr om the c om pr essor and i ts anc i l l ari es and whi c h m ay al so
      ser ve to dam p out pr essur e pul sati ons i n the c om pr essor i nl et

3.36 Sa fet y d ist a nc e

      The separ ati on di stanc e between the fuel l i ng stati on, i ts c om ponents and str uc tur es and
      other i nstal l ati ons and str uc tur es i n the vi c i ni ty for pr otec ti ng peopl e and r educ i ng the
      deg r ee of dang er i n the c ase of an i nc i dent

3.37 Sec o nd a ry gra d e relea s e

      the r el ease of g as whi c h i s unl i kel y to oc c ur i n nor m al oper ati on and wil l have onl y a
      l i m i ted dur ati on

3.38 Slo w fill

      a fi l li ng oper ati on whi c h takes, typi c al l y, sever al hour s

3.39 Stati on owner /oper ator
       the per son who owns, or i s r esponsi bl e for the oper ati on of the fuel l i ng stati on

3.40 St o ra ge

      any num ber of sui tabl e c om pr essed natur al g as stor ag e c ontai ner s desi g ned for the
      pur pose of c ontai ni ng and subsequentl y r el easi ng c om pr essed natur al g as

3.41 T es t p res s u re (T P)

      the pr essur e to whi c h the i nstal l ati on or par t of i nstal l ati on, i s tested. Di ffer ent l evel s
      m ay be r equi r ed for stor ag e pr essur e vessel s and other c om ponents

3.42 Ven t ila t io n

      ei ther natur al m ovem ent of ai r and i ts r epl ac ement wi th fr esh ai r due to the effec ts of
      wi nd, tem per atur e g r adi ents, or m ec hani c al m ovem ent by ar ti fi ci al m eans ( for exam pl e
      fans or extr ac tor s)

3.43 Veh ic le refu ellin g a p p lia nc e (VR A)

      a sel f-contai ned system that c om pr esses natur al g as and di spenses the g as to a si ng l e
      vehi c l e fuel system vi a sl ow fil l .

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

3.44 H a z a rd ou s a rea c la s s ific a t io n (a cc o rd in g t o SI 60079-1 0.01 )

3.44. 1 Zo n e 0

           an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e i s pr esent c onti nuousl y or for l ong
           per i ods or frequentl y

3.44. 2 Zo n e 1

           an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e i s l i kel y to occ ur i n norm al oper ati on
           oc c asi onal l y

3.44. 3 Zo n e 2

           an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e i s not l i kel y to oc c ur i n norm al oper ati on
           but, i f i t does oc c ur , i t wi ll per si st for a shor t per i od onl y

3.454 CN G fu ellin g s ta t io n in let is o lat io n va lve

        c onnec ti on poi nt to the suppl i er as defi ned by Isr ael i l aw

3.465 In let s up p ly p ip ewo rk

       the pi pewor k sec ti on upstr eam the c om pr essor .

3. 476 Ou t let p ip ewo rk

       the pi pewor k sec ti on downstr eam the c om pr essor .

4.     Abb reviation s

     pb         - bur st pr essur e

     AHJ        - Aut h or i t y h a vin g jur i sdi ct i on

     MOP        - Maxi m um oper ati ng pr essur e

     NHA        - Non-haz ar dous ar ea

     TP         -Test pr essur e
     STP        - Str eng th test pr essur e

     TTP        - Ti g htness test pr essur e

     LEL        - L ower expl osi ve l im i t
     CNG        - Com pr essed natur al g as

     NG V       - Natur al g as vehi c le
     P RV - -P r essur e r eli ef val ve

     VRA        - Vehi c l e r efuell i ng appl i anc e

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

5       General p rovisi ons

       A c om pr ehensi ve sc hem e of possi bl e c om ponents i s shown as an exam pl e i n the di agr am i n
       Annex I . For all c om ponents of a CNG fuel li ng stati on, the m anufac tur er shal l pr ovi de
       pr oof of thei r c onform i ty to speci fi c ati on.

5. 1    Gas c ompr esso r
        I n g ener al , g as c om pr essor s for Natur al G as fuell i ng stati ons pr oduc e hig h pr essur e li fts.
        Com pr essor s m ay suppl y to bul k stor ag e and/or to a di r ec t fuel li ng faci l i ty. A typi c al
        c om pr essor , for exam pl e woul d be a m ul ti -stag e m ac hi ne whi c h m ay be di rec tl y or
        i ndi r ec tl y dr i ven by an el ec tr ic m otor i n stati onar y fac i li ti es. The c om pr essor shal l be i n
        c om pl i anc e wi th the essenti al r equi rem ents of Eur opean Di r ec ti ve 98/37/E E C on
        m ac hi ner y and wi th E N 1012-1

5. 2    Gas s tor age
        A c er tai n vol um e of g as m ay be stor ed to fac i l i tate fast fi l l i ng of vehi c l es. For exam ple,
        stor ag e i s pr ovi ded i n banks of m ul ti pl e vessel s to speed up fuel li ng , to opti m i se the
        stati on desi g n and to l im i t the num ber of star t/stop c yc l es of the g as c om pr essor . Often,
        c yl i nder s ar e m ani fol ded tog ether to form differi ng pr essur e gr oups to enabl e a c asc ade
        di spensi ng sequenc e.

5. 3    M other-daught er sta tion
        Al l c om ponents of the stati onar y par ts of thi s type of stati on have to c om pl y wi th thi s
        standar d. The m obi l e stor ag e ( wi th or wi thout on-boar d c om pr essor ) shal l c om pl y wi th
        tr anspor tati on r eg ul ati ons. I n al l other si tuati ons thi s standar d appl i es.

5. 4    D ispense r
5.4.1       Co mp on en ts

            A di spenser c om pr i ses for exam pl e:

            - a di spensi ng and opti onal m eteri ng uni t;

            - a fi ll i ng hose;

            - a fi ll i ng noz z le.

            G as for di spensi ng i s dr awn ei ther dir ec tl y fr om a c om pr essor or vi a on-si te stor ag e,
            and then passed i nto the vehi c le CNG c yl i nder .

5.4.2       Fu ellin g met h o ds

            Vehi c l e fuel li ng c an be under taken i n the fol l owing ways:

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

            a) Fast-fi l l ;

            b) On si te fi l l /sl ow fi l l ;

            c ) Wi th tem per atur e c om pensati on.

            I f sl ow-fi ll faci l i ti es are unattended dur i ng the fuel l i ng oper ati on, then the i nstal l ati on
            of extr a safety and sec ur i ty system s i s nec essar y.

5.4.3       Op era t io n

            The di spenser c an be oper ated i n sever al form s, for exam pl e:

            a) Manual l y or autom ati c all y oper ated;

            b) Meter ed or unm eter ed;

            c ) A fil l -post, whi c h i s used on sl ow fuel l i ng stations;

            d) Assi sted or sel f-ser vi c e

5. 5    Control syst ems
        A c ontr ol system oper ates the c om pr essor and/or any stor ag e faci l i ty i n c onjunc ti on wi th
        the dem ands of the di spenser .

5. 6    D ryer
        A dr yi ng system m ay be r equi red to c ontr ol the water c ontent of the g as to c om pl y wi th
        r el evant standar ds. ( See SI 6119 for CNG qual i ty) . I f the dr yi ng system used r educ es the
        odor ant pr esent i n the g as, odor i sati on equi pm ent shal l be added to r e-odor i se the g as to
        the r equi r ed l evel.

5. 7    Gas c ooling sys tem
        A system m ay be r equi r ed to c ontr ol the deli vered g as tem per ature.

5. 8    Filtr ation
        I f fil tr ati on i s r equi r ed. i t shal l be si zed for the m axi m um g as fl ow and have a sui tabl e
        c ol l ec ti on devi c e and a means of r em oval /exc hang e. Differ enti al pr essur e m oni tor i ng
        shoul d be used to c hec k per form anc e.

6       General p rin cip les of design and installation

6 .1    Gener al c ons truc tio n
        Al l equi pment, c om ponents, pi pewor k and fi tti ng s shal l be of a type and m anufac tur e and
        be assem bl ed i n suc h m anner sui tabl e for thei r intended use, for the ful l r ang e of
        pr essur es, type of g as, tem per atur es, weather condi ti ons and l oadi ng s whi c h m ay oc c ur

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

        under nor m al and faul t c ondi ti ons. These shal l be suppor ted by appr opr i ate c er ti fi c ati on
        ( suc h as i n E N 10204) . These shal l be i nstal l ed and used i n ac c or danc e wi th the
        m anufac tur er 's i nstr uc ti ons.

        The desi g n of the stati on shal l ensur e that al l the i ndi vi dual el em ents ar e c om pati bl e and
        c an be i ntegr ated.

        Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to pr essur i sati on and depr essur i sati on of c om ponents e. g.
        for r em oval for m ai ntenanc e pur poses, dr ai ni ng c ondensate, by the pr ovi si on of val ves,
        g aug es and vent c onnec ti ons to ensur e that sec ti ons ar e depr essur i sed befor e ser vi c e
        i nter venti ons. The desi g n pr oc ess shal l i nvol ve appr opr i ate r i sk assessm ents ( suc h as
        HAZ I D, HAZ OP , FME A etc. ) to deter mi ne the adequac y of the pr oposed system s and
        pr oc edur es to mi ti g ate harm or dam ag e to acc eptabl e l evel s.

6.1.1       M a t eria ls

            Al l m ateri al used for the c onstr uc ti on of the stati on shal l c onform to the r equi red
            spec i fi c ati ons. I n par ti c ul ar , doc um entati on pr ovi ded by the m ater i al m anufac tur er
            affi r mi ng c om pl i anc e wi th the spec i fi c ati on m ust be obtai ned for al l m ateri al s used
            for the pr oduc ti on of pr essur e c ar r yi ng c om ponents. For the m ai n pr essur e-bear i ng
            par ts, thi s shal l take the for m of a cer ti fic ate of spec i fi c pr oduc t c ontr ol . Wher e a
            m ater i al m anufac tur er has an appr opri ate qual i ty assur anc e system , c er ti fi c ates
            i ssued by the m anufac tur er shoul d i denti fy c onfor m i ty wi th the rel evant
            r equi r em ents.

            Mater i al s used for the c onstr uc ti on of pr essur i zed par ts shal l :

            a. have sui tabl e pr oper ti es for al l oper ati ng c ondi ti ons whi c h ar e r easonabl y
               for eseeabl e and for al l test c ondi ti ons. I n par ti cul ar , they shoul d be suffi c ientl y
               duc ti l e and toug h. Mor eover , due c ar e shoul d be exer c i sed, i n par ti c ul ar , i n
               sel ec ti ng m ater i al s i n or der to pr event br i ttl e-type fr ac tur e, wher e nec essar y;

            b. be c hem i c al l y r esi stant to del i ver ed qual i ty natur al g as i n acc or danc e wi th SI 6119,
               and, i f appl i c abl e, to reg ener ati ve pr oduc ed g ases;

            c . not be si g ni fi c antl y affec ted by ag ei ng ;

            d. be resi stant to c or r osi on or , al ter nati vel y, protec ted ag ai nst c or r osi on by sui tabl e
               m eans;

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

         e. be sui tabl e for the i ntended pressur es, pr essu r e c ycl i ng and tem per atures and the
            var i ati ons ther eof;

         f. be sel ec ted i n or der to avoi d si g ni fi c ant undesi r abl e effec ts when the var i ous
            m ater i al s ar e put tog ether.

6.1.2    CNG fuel li ng stati ons under the sc ope of thi s standar d m ay be subjec t to the gl obal
         c onfor m i ty assessm ent pr oc edur e whi c h i s appl ic abl e for assem bl ed pr oduc ts fr om a
         var i ety of sour c es under the r esponsi bi l i ty of the m anufac tur er .

6.1.3    R eq u iremen ts fo r t h e va riou s elemen t s o f t h e as s emb ly

         These shal l not onl y be appr opr i ate to thei r norm al func ti oni ng but al so take i nto
         ac c ount the effec t of extr aneous for c es suc h as the effec ts of c hanges i n pressur e and
         tem per atur e, and forc es and vi br ati ons set up dur i ng m anufac tur i ng and assem bl y.
         Thi s i m pl i es pr oof of adequate str eng th ei ther by c al c ul ati on or by exper i mental
         desi g n. Al l the el em ents of assem bl y shal l be protec ted ag ai nst c or r osi on by m eans of
         sui tabl e system s, suc h as pai nti ng , and/or c atho di c pr otec ti on, taki ng i nto ac c ount
         envi r onm ental c ondi ti ons.

6.1.4    Op t io n a l c o mp on en t s

         Opti onal c om ponents ( e. g . dr yer s, odor i ser s, fi l ter s and c hi ll er s) shal l not i m pair the
         oper abi l i ty and safety of the fuell i ng stati on.

6.1.5    Perma n en t j o in in g o f c o mpo n en t s

         P er m anent joi nts and adjac ent z ones shal l be fr ee of any sur fac e or i nter nal defec ts
         detr i m ental to the safety of the system . The pr oper ti es of perm anent joi nts m ust m eet
         the m i nim um pr oper ti es spec i fi ed for the m aterial s to be joi ned unl ess other r el evant
         pr oper ty val ues ar e spec i fi c all y taken i nto ac c ount i n the desi g n c al c ul ati ons. The
         num ber of joi nts shoul d be kept to a m i ni m um .

         Any joi ni ng of c om ponents shal l be per form ed by a c om petent per son. I n par ti c ul ar ,
         wel ded c onnec ti ons shal l be pr oduc ed by a sui tabl y qual i fi ed wel der i n ac c or danc e
         wi th EN 287-1.

         The wel di ng shal l be c arr i ed out i n acc or danc e wi th I SO 15609-1 or I SO 15609-2 taki ng
         i nto ac c ount any nec essar y heat treatm ent and tr ac eabi l i ty of m ater i al s.

         Al l wel ded per m anent joi nts shal l be subjec t to non-destr uc ti ve tests c ar r i ed out by
         sui tabl y qual i fi ed per sonnel , e. g . i n c om pl i anc e wi th EN 287-1 and EN 473.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

6.1.6     Wo rkin g a rea

          A suffi c i ent wor ki ng ar ea for c hec ki ng , m ai ntenanc e and ser vi c e shal l be avai l abl e.
          Com ponents suc h as c yl i nder banks m ay have to be r em oved at i nter val s for
          r eval i dati on. etc .

6.1.7     N o is e at t enu a t ion

          Contr ol of noi se dur i ng oper ati on and m ai ntenanc e ac ti vi ti es shal l c om pl y wi th l oc al
          l eg i sl ati on and si te r equi r em ents. Thi s i ncl udes noi se g ener ated by c om pr essor s and
          venti l ati on system s and fr om pr essur e r el i efs and venti ng oper ati ons.

6.1.8     Co llis io n p rot ec t ion

          The fuel l i ng stati on c om ponents shal l be adequatel y pr otec ted ag ai nst c ol l i si on by
          vehi c l es. Spec i al c onsi der ati on shal l be gi ven to c ol l i si on pr otec ti on of the stor ag e and
          di spenser . Addi ti onal pr otec ti on shal l be pr ovi ded i n the ar ea sur r oundi ng a di spenser
          ser vi ng m obil e stor ag e ( m other -daug hter ) vehi c les, or a stati on suppl i ed by a m obi l e
          stor ag e.

6.1.9     T ra ffic ma n a gement

          Consi der ati on shoul d be g i ven to the fl ow of vehi c l es on the stati on pr em i ses. G r eater
          l evel s of ac cess m ay be r equi r ed wher e the stati on i s suppl i ed by a m obi l e stor ag e.
          Mobi l e stor ag e vehi c l es not under taki ng suppl y shal l not be perm i tted to par k i n the
          stati on pr em i ses.

6.1.1 0   Fo u nd a t ion

          The c om pr essed natur al g as fuel l i ng stati on shal l be m ounted on adequate
          foundati ons. The foundati on desi g n shal l c om pl y wi th the I sr ael i standar d for
          ear thquakes ( SI 413) .

6.1.1 1   Un a u th o riz ed a cc es s

          Ther e shal l be adequate m eans pr ovi ded suc h that safety of oper ati on c annot be
          affec ted by unauthor i zed i nterfer enc e. E qui pm ent shal l be sui tabl y pr otec ted to deter
          unauthor i sed ac c ess and to m i nim i se the effec ts of i nter fer enc e, dam ag e and
          vandal i sm . Addi ti onal pr ec auti ons m ay be nec essar y to pr otec t m obi l e stor ag e uni ts
          dur i ng suppl y oper ati ons.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

6.1.1 2   L o c at io n o f c o mpo n en t s

          E qui pm ent shal l be l oc ated pr efer abl y i n open air or dedi c ated encl osur es. I n all other
          c ases, due c onsi der ati on shal l be g i ven to safety and venti l ati on r equi r em ents.
          E l ec tri c al c om ponents shal l be sui tabl y r ated for thei r l oc ati on.

6.1.1 3   B u ild in g regu la t io ns

          Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to l oc al bui l di ng r eg ul ati ons and per mi ts.

          Al l on-si te c onstr uc ti ons shal l c om pl y wi th the I sr ael i standar d for ear thquakes ( SI 413) .

6.1.1 4   Fire

          L evel s of fi r e pr otec ti on requi r ed by the I sr ael i fi r e author i ty shal l be i m pl em ented.

6.1.1 5   R o ut in e is o lat io n

          A m anual i sol ati on val ve shal l be fi tted to:

            •     the c om pr essor i nl et pi pewor k;

            •     the i nl et/outl et of any g r oup/bank of stor ag e pressur e vessel s;

            •     the i nl et g as suppl y of any di spenser ;

6. 2    Gas c omposi tion
6.2.1     G en era l

          Com pr essed natur al g as di spensed by the fuell i ng stati on shal l be ac c or di ng to SI 6119.

6.2.2     G a s su pp lied to th e fu ellin g st a t ion

          The g as suppl y and m eteri ng equi pm ent for the stati on shal l be sui tabl e for the
          fuel l i ng stati ons r equi r em ents.

6.2.3     G a s su pp lied to th e d is p ens er

          G as suppl i ed to the di spenser shal l have a par ti cul ate m atter l evel whi c h wi l l not
          c ause m al func ti on of the di spensi ng equi pm ent and shal l c om pl y wi th di spenser
          m anufac tur er r equi rem ents.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

6.2.4      G a s Co mp o s it io n d u ring ma int en an c e

           Any m ai ntenanc e or ser vi ci ng anti ci pated dur i ng oper ati on of the fuel li ng stati on shal l
           not affec t adver sel y the c om posi ti on of g as suppl i ed fr om the stati on.

6. 3    S af ety de vic es
6.3.1      G en era l

           Fuel l i ng stati ons shal l be equi pped wi th safety devi c es that pr event over pr essur e i n
           any par t of the fuel l i ng stati on and i ts pi pewor k, and the unc ontr ol led r el ease of
           pr essur i z ed g as.

           Safety devi c es shal l be ful l y i ndependent of other func ti ons, unl ess thei r safety
           func ti on c annot be affec ted by suc h other func tions. They shal l c om pl y wi th
           appr opr i ate desi g n pri nc i pl es i n or der to obtai n sui tabl e and r el i abl e pr otec ti on.

6.3.2      Au t o mat ic a lly o p era t ed s a fet y d evic e

           The c om pr essed natur al g as di spensi ng system shal l be equi pped wi th an
           autom ati c al l y oper ated safety devi c e, whic h wil l wor k i n suc h a way that the del i ver y
           pr essur e to the vehi cl e c annot exc eed the m axim um oper ati ng pr essur e.

6.3.3      Sa fet y is o la t ion d evic es

           Safety i sol ati on devi c es shal l i nc l ude at l east:

              •    an autom ati c em er g enc y g as i sol ati on val ve whi ch i sol ates:

                  - the stati on;

                  - stor ag e;

                  - di spenser ( s) ;

              •    ( a) sui tabl y l oc ated em erg enc y shutdown button( s) .

           The type of autom ati c val ves fi tted shal l be sui tabl e for the r equir ed oper ati on and
           l oc ati on.

6. 4    D elivery pre ssur e to the vehic le s
        The m axi m um deli ver y pr essur e of the c om pr essed natur al g as to the vehi c le shal l not
        exc eed 260 bar for fuel li ng stati ons, r eg ar dl ess of tem per atur e. The fuel li ng stati on has
        to c ontr ol the fi l l i ng of the vehi cl e i n suc h a m anner as to obtai n an on-boar d g as m ass
        not exc eedi ng the m ass c or r espondi ng to stor ag e at 200 bar s and 15 °C.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

6. 5   V enting
       Wher e r eli ef val ve vents ar e m ani fol ded tog ether , oper ati on of any r el i ef val ve shal l not
       be i m peded or obstr uc ted.

       Venti ng shal l not be possi bl e i nto encl osur es.

       Wher e m or e than one pi ec e of si m il ar equi pm ent ( e. g . c om pr essor s, di spenser s or stor ag e
       banks) i s i nstal l ed, m ani fol ded vents fr om eac h pi ec e of sim i l ar equi pm ent shal l not be
       c onnec ted tog ether .
       Rel i ef vent l i nes shal l not be i m peded or obstr ucted. Wher e i sol ati on val ves ar e r equi r ed
       for testi ng /c al i br ati on pur poses, they shal l be l oc ked i n the open posi ti on.

       A haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on assessm ent of the vent end poi nts shal l be under taken
       and appl i ed.

       N ot e :

       T h e an al ysi s w il l be d if f e re nt f o r d i ff e ri n g d e s i gn s o f v e n t .

        Vent m anufac tur er s shoul d be abl e to pr ovi de the r equi r ed i nform ati on.

       P er m anent or tem por ar y i g ni ti on sour c es shal l not be perm i tted wi thi n the vent end poi nt
       c al c ul ated r adi us.

       Safety r el i ef val ves shal l vent to the atm ospher e and the vent pi pe end poi nt shal l :

       a) be fac i ng upwar d and be uni m peded;

       b) be l oc ated at a safe ar ea outdoor s at a hei g ht of at l east 3 m above the g r ound, and at
            l east 1 m hig her than any bui l di ng r oof l evel wi thi n the c alc ul ated r adi us per cl ause
            7. 2 of thi s standar d.

       c ) be desi g ned to take acc ount of the adver se effec ts of r ai n, c ondensati on, for ei g n
            bodi es and r ust.

6. 6   Control syst em
       The c ontr ol system for the fuell i ng fac i l i ty shal l ensur e the safe del i ver y of CNG to the
       di spensi ng uni ts. I t shal l not over r i de or adver sel y affec t any of the essenti al safety
       devi c es or em erg enc y shutdown system s.

       Al l c ontr ol system c om ponents and wir i ng shal l c om pl y wi th the haz ar dous ar ea
       c l assi fi c ati on r equi rem ents.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

7       Location and layout of equipment

7. 1    Gener al p rovis ions
        Si te l oc ati on shal l c om pl y wi th separ ati on di stanc es as outl i ned i n TAMA 18, c l ause
        15. 1/A , sub-sec ti ons 1 and 2.

        Si te l oc ati on and l ayout shal l be pl anned c ar efull y as m ost of the si te c om ponents have
        l oc ati on r estr i c ti ons and m i nim um safety di stanc es and m ay be affec ted by haz ar dous
        ar ea r equi rem ents. Annex B g i ves g ui danc e on the m i ni m um safety di stanc es to be
        appl i ed. These r estr i c ti ons m ay onl y be r educ ed wher e spec i al m easur es ar e taken to
        r em ove or r educe the effec t of the haz ar d.

        I f the CNG fuel li ng fac i l i ty i s i ntegr ated wi th new or exi sti ng fuel li ng faci l i ti es of other
        fuel s, the r equi r em ents of thi s standar d and those of the other fuel l i ng fac il i ti es shal l be
        ful l y im pl em ented.

7.1.1       L o c at io n

            L oc ati on shoul d be pr efer abl y i n the open ai r and i n a wel l venti l ated l oc ati on, but
            under c er tai n c ondi ti ons i n a separ ate fi t for purpose enc l osur e. Any sec uri ty fenc e or
            fi r e wall shal l not i nter fer e wi th the ventil ati on aspec ts of the open ar ea or enc l osur e.

7.1.2       Fire figh t in g

            Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to ac c essi bi l i ty by fi r e fig hter s and their equi pm ent.

7. 2    Haza rdous are as
7.2.1       A haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on anal ysi s of the fuel l i ng stati on and i ts c om ponents
            shal l be under taken and i m plem ented for the l oc ati on of el ec tr i c al equi pm ent and
            other sour c es of i g ni ti on. Speci al attenti on m ust be g i ven to exi sti ng equi pm ent and
            str uc tur es, suc h as hi g h vol tag e equi pm ent and over head c abl es. P r ec auti ons shal l be
            taken for any haz ar dous ar eas g ener ated by other equi pm ent exi sti ng on the si te ( or
            adjac ent to i t) . Vent term i nati ons shal l al so be cl assi fi ed ( see c l ause 6. 5) .

            The c l assi fi c ati on shal l be i n ac c or danc e wi th I srael i Standar d SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01.

            Fur ther g ui danc e i s g i ven i n Annex A.

7.2.2       Haz ar dous ar eas m ay have to be pr ovi si onal l y deter m i ned at an earl y stag e i n a
            pr ojec t to al l ow el ec tri c al equi pm ent to be spec ifi ed and other potenti al sour c es of
            i g ni ti on to be l oc ated. However , a haz ar dous area c l assi fi c ati on dr awi ng shal l be

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

           pr oduc ed pr i or to i nstal l ati on of the fuell i ng stati on and shal l be based on the
           r equi r em ents i n I sr ael i Standar d SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01.

           Fur ther i nform ati on i s gi ven i n IG E M/SR/25 ed. 2.

7.2.3      Both new and exi sti ng i nstal l ati ons shal l c om pl y wi th SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01 when
           affec ted by new haz ar dous ar eas.

7.2.4      The haz ar dous ar ea shal l not exc eed the boundar y of the pr oper ty.

7.2.5      Al l i denti fi ed haz ar dous ar eas shal l be m ai ntai ned and r evi ewed at r eg ul ar i nter val s.

7.2.6      Al l of the CNG fuell i ng stati on c om ponents, exc l udi ng the di spenser s, shal l be
           r estr i c ted fr om unauthor i sed acc ess.

7. 3    S torage F ac ilit y (i nc luding anc illa ry equipm ent)
7.3.1      I nstal l ati on shal l be i n a wel l ventil ated l oc ati on, i deal l y i n the open air . However ,
           wher e thi s m ay have unac c eptable aspec ts, for exam pl e, due to safety, sec ur i ty, noi se
           l evel s, weather pr otec ti on etc . , c onsi der ati on may be g i ven to the use of a fi t for
           pur pose enc l osur e, wi th a sui tabl y desi g ned venti l ati on system . I nstal l ati on i n
           bui l di ng s shal l not be perm i tted.

           I n exc epti onal c ases, i f suppor ted by appr opr i ate r i sk assessm ents, c onsi der ati on m ay
           be g i ven to the use of a sui tabl y desi g ned and protec ted bel ow gr ound stor ag e fac il i ty.
           Mor e i nform ati on i s g i ven i n Annex K.

           I n addi ti on, the base of the fac i li ty shal l be desig ned to pr event the c oll ec ti on of
           l i qui ds, for exam pl e water , l i qui d fuel s etc . , beneath the stor ag e pr essur e vessel s.

7.3.2      Adequate ac c ess, i nc l udi ng over head i f appr opriate, shoul d be g i ven to per m i t
           r em oval and exc hang e of i ndi vi dual banks of stor ag e vessel s, dependent upon desi g n,
           to al l ow r eval i dati on. Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to the pr otec ti on of m ani fol d
           pi pewor k dur i ng r em oval of vessel s.

7.3.3      Mobi l e stor ag e uni ts shal l be l oc ated i n open ai r wel l venti l ated l oc ati ons dur i ng
           suppl y oper ati ons.

7. 4    Compresso rs (inc luding anc ill ar y equip men t)
7.4.1      I nstal l ati on shal l be i n a wel l ventil ated l oc ati on, i deal l y i n the open air . However ,
           wher e thi s m ay have unac c eptable aspec ts, for exam pl e, due to safety, sec ur i ty, noi se
           l evel s, weather pr otec ti on etc . , c onsi der ati on may be g i ven to the use of a fi t for

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

           pur pose enc l osur e, wi th a sui tabl y desi g ned venti l ati on system . I nstal l ati on i n
           bui l di ng s shal l not be perm i tted.

7.4.2      Adequate ac c ess, i nc l udi ng over head, i f appr opri ate, shoul d be g i ven to per mi t
           r em oval and r epl ac em ent of i ndi vi dual c om pr essor .

7. 5    D ispense r
7.5.1      Di spenser s shal l be l oc ated so that vehic l es have adequate spac e for m anoeuvr i ng i nto
           and out of the fil l i ng l oc ati on. Thi s shal l be sim i lar to nor m al fuell i ng stati on desi g n
           for other fuel s. I nstal l ati on i n bui l di ng s shal l not be perm i tted.

7.5.2      Wher e a sl ow-fi ll faci l i ty i s pr ovi ded, adequate sec ur i ty pr otec ti on shal l be g i ven to
           pr otec t ag ai nst unauthor i sed i nter fer enc e, par tic ul ar l y duri ng per i ods of unm anned
           fi l l i ng oper ati ons.

7.5.3      The di spenser shal l c om pl y wi th the haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on appl yi ng to other
           equi pm ent i n the ar ea wher e the di spenser i s plac ed.

           Wher e a m obi l e stor ag e ( m other /daug hter) uni t i s to be fil l ed, the di spenser shal l be
           separ ated fr om any publ i c or pri vate vehi cl e fuel l i ng fac i l i ty and shal l be used for
           m obi l e stor ag e fi ll i ng onl y.

7. 6    Enc losures
7.6.1      G en era l Pro vis io ns

           I t i s pr efer abl e to i nstal l any c om pr essor or storag e fac i li ty i n the open air . However ,
           wher e thi s m ay have unac c eptable c onsequenc es, e. g . for safety, sec ur i ty, noi se
           l evel s, weather pr otec ti on etc . , c onsi der ati on may be g i ven to the use of a fi t for
           pur pose enc l osur e, wi th a sui tabl y desi g ned venti l ati on system . Sui tabl y desig ned
           expl osi on r el i efs shal l be pr ovi ded i f i denti fied by the r i sk assessm ent.

7.6.1 .1 A c om pr essor and stor ag e faci l i ty, i ncl udi ng their r espec ti ve anc i ll ar i es, m ay be
           housed i n the sam e enc l osur e. Contr ol panel s may be i nstal l ed i n a separ ate
           c om par tm ent wi thi n the sam e encl osur e.

7.6.1 .2 An enc l osur e used to house a c om pr essor and/or a stor ag e faci l i ty, i ncl udi ng thei r
           r espec ti ve anc il l ar i es, shal l not be used for any other pur pose.

7.6.1 .3 A venti l ati on system shal l be pr ovi ded for the enc l osur e whi c h:

          •    ensur es c onti nuous di l uti on of the i nter nal vol um e suc h that a potenti al g as
               r el ease wi ll not pr oduc e a c oncentr ati on of 10 % L EL ;

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

           •    ensur es that ther e ar e no dead spac es wher e a fl am m abl e mi xtur e c an ac c um ul ate;

           •    pr ovi des suffi c i ent ventil ati on for any equi pm ent c ool i ng r equi r em ents;

           •    uses unc ontam i nated ai r taken fr om a non-haz ardous ar ea, usi ng i nl ets posi ti oned
                so that a fl am m abl e m i xtur e c annot be cr eated;

           •    Uses venti l ati on openi ng s whi c h ar e not subjec t to i nadver tent obstr uc ti on.
                Ac ousti c tr eatm ent shal l not r educ e the effec ti veness of the openi ng s.

7.6.1 .4 A m ec hani c al venti l ati on system desi g n shal l i ncl ude c ontr ol s to ensur e safe shutdown
           and safe m ai ntenanc e of the system on and fol l owi ng fai l ur e of the venti l ati on system .
           I t m ay be appr opr i ate to have a c om bi nati on of both m ec hani c al and natur al
           venti l ati on to hel p fac i li tate fai l ur e of the mec hani c al venti l ati on.

7.6.1 .5 E nc l osur es shal l be sec ur ed ag ai nst unauthor i sed ac c ess. Ac c ess to the enc l osur e shal l
           be c ontr ol l ed by sui tabl e pr oc edur es to ensur e the safety of per sons enter i ng.

7. 7    Canopie s
        Any c anopy shal l not i nhi bi t natur al ventil ati on and shal l be desi g ned to pr event the
        ac c um ul ati on of any g as r el ease.

7. 8    Restric t ions and saf e ty d ist anc es
        See SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01 and Annex B.

7.8.1      G en era l Pro vis io ns

           I f a fi r e wal l i s c onstr uc ted, thus r educ i ng the mi ni m um safety di stanc es, i t shal l be of
           at l east 1 hour fir e resi stant c onstr uc ti on, i m perm eabl e and of sol i d m asonr y or
           c onc r ete. The wal l shal l be at l east as hi g h as the hi g hest c om ponent and have a
           m i nim um hei g ht of 2 m. The fi r e wal l shal l not inter fer e wi th the ventil ati on aspec ts,
           m ai ntenanc e ac cess or esc ape r outes.

8       Gas supp ly, metering and composition

8. 1    Gener al P rov ision s
        Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to the effec ts of the oper ati on of a c om pr essor on the l oc al
        g as suppl y networ k.

        The g as tr anspor tati on c om pany shal l be advi sed of the exi stenc e of the i nstal l ati on i n
        or der that the anti ci pated tr ansi ent fl ow var i ations c an be c hec ked for c om pati bi li ty wi th
        the over al l g as suppl y/m eter i ng system for the si te.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

        Wher e the g as i s suppl i ed by a m obi l e uni t the com pr essor or stor ag e faci l i ty on the
        stati on shal l be c om pati bl e wi th suppl y fr om a m obi l e stor ag e uni t.

8.1.1      Co n n ect io n to th e ga s su pp ly

           The c apac i ty of the g as suppl y networ k shal l be suffi c i ent to c ope wi th the g as
           c om pr essor suc ti on r equir em ents, and c om pr essor oper ati on shal l not c r eate
           pr obl em s of l ow fl ow r ate, l ow pr essur e, or pul sati on for the l oc al g as suppl y networ k.

           The c apac i ty of the m obi l e stor ag e uni t shal l be suffi c i ent to sati sfy the stati ons
           stor ag e and del i ver y r equir em ents. The desi g n of the c onnec ti on system shal l perm i t
           safe and sec ur e c onnec ti on and di sc onnec ti on.

8.1.2      N o n -ret u rn s ys t em

           A non-r etur n system shal l be fi tted i mm edi atel y downstr eam of the CNG stati on i nl et
           i sol ati on val ve.

           The system shoul d c onsi st of, as a m i ni m um , two devi c es, e. g . a non-r etur n devi c e and
           a pr essur e oper ated sl am -shut devic e.

8.1.3      L o w in let p res s ure

           A safety devi c e ( e. g . a pr essur e swi tc h) shal l be i nstal l ed for shutti ng down the
           c om pr essor and pr event autom ati c r e-star t i f the i nl et g as pr essur e to the c om pr essor
           fal l s bel ow an acc eptabl e l evel , as defi ned by the m anufac tur er .

8.1.4      Sp ec ia l equ ip men t

           I t m ay be nec essar y to pr ovi de g as c ondi ti oni ng equi pm ent, fi l ter s and pr essur e
           r eg ul ati on whic h shal l be desi g ned and c onstr uc ted to appr opr i ate standar ds. I f
           unodor i sed g as i s suppl i ed, odor i si ng equi pm ent wi l l be requi r ed, noti ng that any
           dr yer s m ay r educ e odor ant l evel s.

           The system shal l be desi g ned suc h that any el ement c an be r epl ac ed safel y and easi l y.

9       Gas Co mp ressors (including anci llaries)

9. 1    Gener al P rov ision s
9.1.1      G a s su pp lied fro m c o mp res s o rs

           The g as suppl i ed fr om the c om pr essor ( s) shal l not c ause m al func ti on of equi pm ent
           downstr eam of the c om pr essor wi th r espec t to cor r osi on and bl oc kag e. The

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

            c om pr essor ( s) shal l i nc or por ate a m eans to mi nim i z e l i qui d c arr yover i nto the stor ag e
            or di spensi ng system .

9.1.2      Des ign

            The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be desi g ned for safe oper ati on and shoul d be c apable of
            conti nuous ful l l oad duty.

9.1.3      Vib ra t io n

            The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be pr ovi ded wi th adequate m eans of bal anci ng , suppor t or
            m ounti ng to m i nim i se the tr ansm i ssi on of mec hani c al vi br ati on to the str uc tur e and
            c onnec ted equi pment. The i nl et and outl et c onnec ti ons of the c om pr essor ( s) shal l be
            desi g ned to pr event the tr ansm i ssi on of vi br ati on to pi pewor k and equi pm ent.

9.1.4      Pu ls a t io n

            The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be pr ovi ded wi th a sui tabl e devi c e whi c h pr otec ts the outl et
            system fr om unac ceptabl e pr essur e pul sati ons.

9.1.5      Pro t ec t ion a ga in s t wea th er

            A c om pr essor i ntended for outdoor i nstal l ati on has to be adequatel y pr otec ted ag ai nst
            weather c ondi ti ons to ensur e safe and r eli abl e oper ati on . Pr ec auti ons shal l be taken
            i n or der to pr otec t the c om pr essor and anc i l l ar ies fr om heat r adi ati on (i . e. sun
            r adi ati on) .

9.1.6      Ac c es s ib ilit y

            Com ponents, i nteg r al par ts and user c ontr ol s that m ay r equi r e adjustm ent or
            r epl ac em ent dur i ng ser vi ci ng , oper ati on and m aintenanc e shal l be r eadi l y ac c essi bl e.

9. 2    Gas rec over y
9.2.1      G en era l p ro vis io n s

            Consi der ati on shoul d be g i ven to r ec over y of g as r el eased fr om separ ator s usi ng a
            sui tabl e system whi c h i s acc eptabl e to the c om pr essor m anufac tur er .

9. 3    Condens ate dr ain age a nd di sposal
        A safe and c ontr ol l ed system shal l be used to fac i l i tate li qui d r em oval fr om the poi nt of
        condensate c ol l ec ti on. I n par tic ul ar , any pressur e r el ieved duri ng thi s ac ti on shal l not
        endang er the oper ator or any other per son.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

        Condensate shal l be c onsi der ed as haz ar dous waste and shal l be di sposed i n ac c or danc e
        wi th the I sr aeli haz ar dous waste r eg ul ati ons.

9. 4    S tage s af ety devic e s
9.4.1       G en era l p ro vis io n s

            E ac h stag e of c om pr essi on m ay be equi pped wi th a devi c e to pr event over-pr essur i si ng
            ( i . e. a pr essur e swi tc h). However , a safety val ve shal l be pr ovi ded for the fi nal stag e
            of the c om pr essor .

9.4.1 .1       Resetti ng of the c ontr ol system shal l be by m anual m eans.

9.4.2       R elief Valve

            The fi nal stag e shal l have a full c apac i ty r eli ef val ve whi c h shal l vent to the
            atm ospher e or m ay vent to a r ec over y vessel , whi c h i tsel f shal l have a r el i ef val ve
            whi c h vents to the atm ospher e.

9. 5    D elivery line non -re turn val ve
        A sui tabl e non-r etur n devic e shal l be fi tted to the c om pressor di sc har g e li ne to prevent
        l oss of downstr eam pr essur e when the c om pressor i s unl oadi ng and when the l i qui d
        separ ator i s dr ai ni ng .

9. 6    S uc tion line c omponen ts
        The pr oc edur es di sc ussed i n thi s subc l ause ar e in addi ti on to those g i ven i n c l ause 8.

9.6.1       G en era l p ro vis io n s

            A nor m al l y c l osed val ve shal l be fi tted to i sol ate the g as suppl y to the c om pr essor
            whenever the c om pr essor i s not i n oper ati on.

9. 7    I nstrum ent atio n
9.7.1       An hour s r un m eter shal l be pr ovi ded for the pur pose of i denti fyi ng m ai ntenanc e
            i nter val s.

9.7.2       The c om pr essor system shal l be fi tted wi th shutdown devi c es i n the event of the
            fol l owi ng :

           •    l ow g as i nl et pr essur e;

           •    hi g h g as i nl et pr essur e i f exc eedi ng the c om pr essor i nl et pr essur e c an oc c ur ;

           •    hi g h g as outl et pressur e;

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

             •     hi g h outl et tem per atur e at the fi nal stag e;

             and when appl i c abl e:

             •     l ow l ubr ic ant pr essur e/l evel ;

             •     hi g h hydr aul ic oi l tem per atur e ;

             •     l ow hydr aul i c oi l l evel ;

             •     hi g h tem per atur e of c ool i ng fl ui d.

             Other adver se c ondi ti ons m ay need to be taken into ac c ount.

9.7.3        I ndi c ator s shal l be pr ovi ded to show that the el ec tr i c al suppl y i s "on" and that the
             m otor i s oper ati ng .

9.7.4        The c om pr essor ( s) shal l shut down safel y i n the event of l oss of energ y suppl y ( to the
             c om pr essor dr i ve) .

9.7.5        The c om pr essor ( s) shal l shut down safel y i n the event that the stor ag e PRV wer e to
             sti c k open, or the stor ag e therm al r el ief val ve i s ac ti vated.

9. 8    M arkings
        A c om pr essor shal l be sui tabl y m ar ked by the manufac tur er ac c or di ng to the appl i c abl e
        r equi r em ents. I t shal l bear the fol l owi ng m ar ki ng s i n a dur able, l eg i ble m anner on a
        fi r ml y attac hed pl ate:

        •        i denti fi c ati on of c om pr essed g as ( e. g . CNG c om pr essor ) .

        •        i denti fi c ati on of the m anufac tur er and, wher e appr opr i ate, i denti fi c ati on of hi s
                 author i z ed r epr esentati ve establ i shed wi thi n the c ountr y;

        •        the year of m anufac tur e;

        •        uni que i denti fic ati on of the c om pr essor , suc h as type, ser i es or batc h i denti fi c ati on
                 and/or ser i al num ber ;

        •        essenti al l i m i ts suc h as m axi m um al l owable pr essur es and tem per atur e; r ated power
                 i n kW and suppl y vol tag e i n V;

         •       m axi m um oper ati ng pr essur e of the c om pr essor .

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

       Al l el ec tr i c al m otor and anc i ll ar i es shal l be m ar ked as sui tabl e for use i n haz ar dous ar ea
       ac c or di ng to appli c abl e standar ds.

       Al l oper ati onal valves of the c om pr essor and anci l l ar i es shal l be l abel l ed wi th
       i denti fi c ati on tag s, di spl ayed on the P &I D di ag r am .

       The P & I D di ag r am shal l be pl ac ed adjac ent to the c om pressor .

9. 9   I nstruc tio ns
       The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be pr ovi ded wi th c om prehensi ve i nstal l ati on i nstr uc ti ons,
       di ag r am s, m ai ntenanc e ( i ncl udi ng purg i ng pr oc edur e) , ser vi c i ng and user i nstr uc ti ons.

10     Stora ge faci lity (including anci llaries)

10. 1 S torage p ressu re ves sels
10.1. 1    Al l CNG stor ag e vessel s shal l c om pl y wi th the E ur opean Di r ec ti ve 97/23/E C,
           E N 13445 1 and E N 13445-2 or ASME VI I I -1.

           Hor i z ontal c yli nder s shal l not be i n di r ec t c ontact wi th eac h other . Stor ag e vessel s
           shal l be subjec ted to r eg ul ar i nspec ti on and testi ng at i nter val s as r equi red by the
           I sr ael i Standar d SI 4295

10.1. 2    P r ec auti ons shal l be taken i n or der to pr otec t the stor ag e fac il i ty fr om heat radiation
           (i.e. sun radiation).

10. 2 P ressur e r elief d evic es
10.2. 1    At l east one sui tabl e non-tem per ature dependent safety devi c e shal l be fi tted to
           pr otec t the stor ag e system fr om over -pr essur i sati on, wi th a di sc har g e r ate that i s
           adequate to ensur e a c ontr oll ed depr essur i sati on of the system .

10.2. 2    A stor ag e pr essur e vessel shal l not be i sol ated from a pr essur e r el i ef devic e.

           Wher e sever al vessel s ar e m ani fol ded tog ether wi th a si ng l e sui tabl y si z ed r el i ef
           val ve, no vessel shal l be abl e to be i sol ated fr om the r el i ef val ve.

10.2. 3    A sui tabl e devi c e that r el eases the pr essur e at a tem per atur e of 100 °C ± 10°C when
           usi ng steel pr essur e vessel s shoul d be fi tted to eac h m ani fol ded g r oup of vessel s, i n
           or der to perm i t c ontr ol l ed di sc har g e i n the event of fi re.

           Wher e pr essur e vessel s m ade fr om m ateri al s other than steel are used,
           doc um entati on shal l be pr ovi ded, pr ovi ng that the safety devi c e wi l l oper ate befor e
           fai l ur e of the m ater i al due to hig h tem per atur es i n c ase of fi r e.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

10.2. 4    Any pr essur e r el i ef devi ce shal l be of a desi g n suc h that:

           •     when ac ti vated, i t shal l be abl e to keep the pr essur e not exc eedi ng 1. 1 ti mes the
                 MOP ;

           •     i f adjustabl e, i t c an be seal ed i n the set position in or der to pr event unauthor iz ed
                 adjustm ent;

           •     i t i s m ar ked wi th the set pr essur e and, wher e appr opr i ate, the di r ec ti on of fl ow;

           •     i t di sc har g es to a safe ter mi nati on poi nt per c l ause 6. 5 of thi s standar d.

10. 3 Emerge nc y isol atio n v alve
      An autom ati c em er g enc y i sol ati on val ve shal l be fi tted on the outl et fr om any stor ag e
      fac i l i ty.

10. 4 P ressur e gauge
      At l east one pr essur e g aug e shal l be fi tted to the stor ag e fac il i ty.

      The pr essur e g aug e shal l be c apabl e of r eadi ng a pr essur e l evel of at l east 1. 2 ti m es the
      MOP .

10. 5 Control S ys tem s
      System s to c ontr ol the pr essur e level s i n di fferent stor ag e banks ( e. g . c asc ade system s)
      or buffer system shal l be fi t for pur pose shal l not adver sel y affec t the safety system s of
      the stor ag e fac i li ty

10. 6 S torage volu me
      Mobi l e stor ag e i n publ ic stati ons shal l be li m i ted to two tr ai l er s wi th m axi m um total
      vol um e of 25,000 Nm ³ ( nor m al c ubi c m eter s) .

11    Station pipework and anci llary devices

11. 1 S tation pipew ork
      P i pewor k and fi tti ng s shal l be fi rm l y and sec ur ely fi xed to prevent di sc onnec ti on dur i ng
      nor m al oper ati on.

      Wher e c om ponents ar e pl ac ed on di ffer ent foundati ons, whi c h c oul d m ove separ atel y,
      c onsi der ati on shal l be gi ven to usi ng appr opr i ate fl exi bl e c onnec ti ons. I n al l other
      si tuati ons , the use of fl exi ble c onnec ti ons shal l be l im i ted and subjec ted to an
      appr opr i ate r i sk assessm ent.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

11. 2 Gener al p rovis ions
11.2. 1     The num ber of m ec hani c al joi nts shal l be kept to a m i ni m um .

11.2. 2     P i pewor k shal l be l oc ated i n a l oc ati on wher e i t c annot be dam ag ed by m ovi ng
            vehi c l es, or sui tabl e pr otec ti on shal l be pr ovi ded.

11.2. 3     P r i or to pr essur e testi ng , al l wel ds shal l be subjec ted to non destr uc ti ve testi ng . See
            c l ause 6. 1. 5 of thi s Standar d.

11.2. 4     P i pewor k shal l be i nspec ted on a r eg ul ar basi s. Thi s shal l be defi ned i n the oper ati on
            and m ai ntenanc e pr oc edur e as desc r i bed i n Annex J.

11.2. 5     The desi g n of the pi pewor k wil l c onsi der str ess anal ysi s.

11.2. 6     Al l oper ati onal valves shal l be l abel l ed wi th i denti fi c ati on tag s, whi c h wi l l be
            di spl ayed on the P& I D di ag r am .

            The P & I D di ag r am shal l be di spl ayed for oper ational use.

11. 3 I nlet suppl y pip ew ork
      The pr essur e of the i nlet pi pewor k wi ll depend upon the sour c e. I t m ay be l ow pr essur e i f
      suppl i ed fr om the di str i buti on system , but c oul d be up to 260 bar i f suppl i ed fr om a
      m obi l e stor ag e uni t. The standar d used shal l be sui tabl e for the pr essur e l evel.

      The i nl et pi pewor k shal l be i n ac c or danc e wi th one of the foll owi ng standar ds:
      E N 15001-1, ASME B31. 3. E N 13480-1, E N 13480- 2, E N 13480-3 , E N 13480-4 , E N 13480-5
      and E N 13480-6 or the r elevant par t of SI 5664, dependi ng on the NG suppl y pr essur e.

      The i nl et pi pewor k c an be above or bel ow gr ound ( m ay be bur i ed)

      Al l i nl et pi pewor k shal l be c onstr uc ted of appr opr i ate c orr osi on pr otec ted or stai nl ess
      steel pi pe.

      For m obi l e suppl y, the desi g n and oper ati on of the c onnec ti on system shal l per mi t safe
      and sec ur e c onnec ti on and di sc onnec ti on. The connec ti on poi nt shal l be sec ur el y seal ed
      when not c onnec ted to a suppl y sour c e.

11.3. 1     Ab o ve grou nd in let p ip ewo rk

11.3. 1.1          The above g r ound pi pewor k sec ti on shal l be r estr i c ted fr om unauthor i sed ac c ess.

11.3. 2     B u ried in let p ip ewo rk

11.3. 2.1     Al l bur i ed pi pewor k joi nts shal l be wel ded.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

11.3. 2.2     Bur i ed pi pewor k shal l be i nspec ted for l eakag e on a r eg ul ar basi s.

11.3. 2.3     Car bon steel pi pewor k shal l be sui tabl y pr otec ted by an anti -c orr osi on system .

11.3. 2.4     Wher e the pi pi ng i s c athodi c al l y pr otec ted or other c onsi der ati ons c al l for i t,
              i nsul ated c onnec ti ons shal l be fi tted to el ec tr i c al l y i sol ate fuel l i ng devi c es fr om g as
              pi pewor k.

11.3. 2.5     I nsul ated c onnec ti ons i nstal l ed above gr ound i n haz ar dous ar eas shal l be adequatel y
              separ ated to avoi d spar ki ng .

11.3. 2.6     When i nstal l i ng i nsul ated c onnec ti ons outsi de the c over ed ar ea of the fuell i ng
              stati on, the sec ti on of under g r ound pi pi ng , i nc l udi ng the i nsul ati on joi nt( s) , shal l be
              exter nal l y wr apped.

11.3. 2.7     Under g r ound pi pi ng shal l be m ar ked by m eans of l ayi ng a war ni ng tape above i t
              dur i ng c onstr uc ti on.

11.3. 3     In let p ip ewo rk in du ct s

11.3. 3.1     Wher e pi pewor k i s i nstal l ed i n bel ow g r ound duc ts, effec ti ve venti l ati on and
              dr ai nag e shal l be pr ovi ded. Al l pi pewor k joi nts shal l be wel ded and the pi pewor k
              shal l be c onstr uc ted of an appropriate grade of carbon steel or stai nl ess steel .

11.3. 3.2     The duc ts shal l be ac c essi bl e for vi sual i nspec ti on of the pi pewor k.

11.3. 3.3     The c onstr uc ti on and qual i ty of the pi pewor k shal l be the sam e as for above g r ound
              pi pewor k.

11.3. 3.4     P i pewor k shal l be l oc ated i n a duc t or voi d onl y i f the duc t or voi d i s adequatel y
              venti l ated.

11. 4 Outlet pipew ork
      The fol l owi ng appli es to pi pewor k downstr eam of the c om pr essor ( s) :

11.4. 1     The outl et pi pewor k shal l c om pl y wi th one of the fol l owi ng standar ds, e. g . the E N
            ser i es of E N 13480-1 , E N 13480-2 , E N 13480-3, E N 13480-4 , E N 13480-5 , E N 13480-6
            and ASME B31. 3.

11.4. 2     Above g r ound outl et pi pewor k

11.4. 2.1     Al l above g r ound pi pewor k shal l be c onstr uc ted of appr opr i ate c or r osi on pr otec ted
              or stai nl ess steel pi pe.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

11.4. 2.2     I f possi bl e, above g r ound pi pewor k shoul d not be used for vehi c l e ac c essed ar eas.

              I f above gr ound pi pewor k i s used, i t shal l be so loc ated and pr otec ted to avoi d
              dam ag e fr om hig h vehic l es.

11.4. 3     B elo w grou nd level o ut let p ip ewo rk

11.4. 3.1     P i pewor k i nstal l ed bel ow g r ound l evel shal l be instal l ed wi thi n duc ts as defi ned i n
              c l ause 11. 4. 3. 3 of thi s standar d or i n bel ow g r ound c asi ng as defi ned i n cl ause
              11. 4. 3. 4.

11.4. 3.2     P i pewor k m ay be i nstal l ed i n pi ts c ontai ni ng below g r ound stor ag e ( see c l ause
              7. 3. 1) .

11.4. 3.3     Ou t let p ip ewo rk in d uc t s

11.4. 3.3 .1 Duc ts shal l be spec i all y desi g ned for CNG use.

              The duc ts shal l onl y c ontai n CNG pi pewor k, dr ainag e water li ne and c om pr essed ai r
              l i ne, i f r equi r ed.

              CNG pi pewor k shal l be separ ated fr om other pi pe l i nes.

11.4. 3.3 .2 The duc ts and i ts c over s shal l be c onstr uc ted to wi thstand vehi c l e l oadi ng .

11.4. 3.3 .3 The duc ts shal l have adequate dr ai nag e.

11.4. 3.3 .4 CNG pi pewor k shal l be adequatel y suppor ted and r ai sed above the bottom of the
              duc t.

11.4. 3.3 .5 Al l pi pewor k joi nts i n duc ts shal l be wel ded.

11.4. 3.3 .6 The duc ts shal l be easi l y acc essi bl e for vi sual i nspec ti on of the pi pewor k.

11.4. 3.3 .7 The duc t shal l be adequatel y venti l ated.

11.4. 3.4          Outl et pi pi ng i n c asi ng

11.4. 3.4 .1 The outl et pi pi ng i n c asi ng shal l be i nstal l ed between wel l venti l ated, dr ai ned pi ts.

              When one end of the pi pewor k i s di r ec tl y c onnec ted to equi pment ( i. e. a di spenser
              or c om pressor ) one pi t ( at the other end) i s perm i tted.

11.4. 3.4 .2 The pi ts shal l be l oc ated i n a safe l oc ati on.

11.4. 3.4 .3 P i ts shal l be acc essi bl e to author i sed per sonnel onl y.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

11.4. 3.4 .4 P i pewor k per i odi c al i nspec ti on shal l be spec i fi ed i n the oper ati onal and
             m ai ntenanc e pr ocedur es.

11. 5 Flexible c onn ec tions
      Any fl exi bl e c onnec ti on shal l be sui tabl e for the desi g n par am eter s. For di spenser fil l i ng
      hoses , see c l ause 13. 2.

11. 6 P ressur e gauge s
11.6. 1    Wher e appr opr i ate, adequate m oni tor i ng devi c es, e. g . pr essur e g aug es shal l be
           i nstal l ed to enabl e adequate ac ti on to be taken ei ther autom ati c al l y or m anuall y to
           keep the pr essur e equi pm ent wi thi n the all owabl e l im i ts. All g aug es shal l have a ful l
           sc al e r eadi ng of at l east 1. 2 ti m es the MOP. Sui tabl e pr essur e tr ansduc er s m ay be

11.6. 2    Al l pr essur e g aug es thr oug hout the fuell i ng station, stor ag e fac i l i ti es and di spenser
           shal l have the sam e uni ts.

11. 7 P ressur e t est ing
      The c om pl ete i nstal l ati on shal l be tested for streng th and ti g htness usi ng an appr oved
      m ethod. See al so Annex E .

11. 8 Gas d etec t ion s yst em
      I f a g as detec ti on system i s i nstal l ed, i t shal l c om pl y wi th IE C 60079-29.
      Detec tor s shal l be i nstal l ed i n enc l osur es for the c om pr essor uni t and stor ag e fac il i ty.

12 Emerg ency shutdown p rocedu res

12.1 An em er g enc y shutdown pr oc edur e shal l be pr ovi ded to shut down the fuel l i ng stati on
      safel y and i sol ate the g as i nl et i n an em er g enc y or i n a c ase of a power fail ur e. Thi s shal l
      be i nc or por ated i nto the oper ati onal safety m anag em ent system for the fuel l i ng stati on.

12.2 The pr oc edur e shal l i nc l ude a c om pr essor shutdown and i sol ati on of any stor ag e fac i li ty
      outl et by the oper ati on of autom ati c val ves and a r estar t pr oc edur e after shutdown.

      For exam pl e, an em er g enc y shutdown pr oc edur e c oul d be as fol l ows:

      • The fuel l i ng stati on power suppl y shal l be i sol ated exc ept power for the uni t m oni tor i ng
          c ontr ol and to the m ec hanic al ventil ati on system ;

      • The g as suppl y to the di spenser fuel li ng hose( s) shal l be i sol ated;

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

      • The g as fl ow between the c om pr essor , stor ag e, and di spensi ng uni t and al so between
          stor ag e sec ti ons shal l be stopped. I f m or e than one di spensi ng uni t i s c onnec ted to the
          stor ag e, the del i ver y m ay be stopped wi th c om mon val ves.

      • The i nl et val ve shoul d be autom ati c al l y cl osed dur i ng em er genc y shutdown.

      N ot e :

      A u t o mat i c de p re s s u ri s ati o n s ho u l d b e avo i d ed d u ri ng e me rg e n c y sh u t d o w n.

12.3 E m erg enc y shutdown ac ti vati on devi c es ( e. g . ‘pani c ’ buttons) shal l be sui tabl y l oc ated
      thr oug hout the fuel li ng stati on. Thi s r equir ement dem ands spec i al attenti on for sel f-
      ser vi c e stati ons, i n or der to avoi d i nter fer enc e and m i shandl i ng .

12.4 A r el i abl e power suppl y sour c e shal l be used to oper ate c om ponents that ar e essenti al for

13    Dispen ser

     The l oc ati on shal l be i n a wel l venti l ated l oc ati on, pr efer abl y i n the open ai r . I f not l oc ated
     i n the open air , the l oc ati on shal l be subjec ted to r i sk anal ysi s.

     The l oc ati on shal l be i n the open ai r for publi c ac c essed fuel l i ng stati ons.

13. 1 D ispensi ng uni t
13.1. 1 G as shal l onl y be di spensed usi ng equi pm ent wi th the fol l owi ng safety devi ces:

          •      Br eak-away system . The di sc onnec ti on for c e of the br eakaway devi c e shal l be l ower
                 than 500 N for di spenser s for per sonal vehi c l es and 850 N for hi g h fl ow di spenser s
                 for c omm erc i al vehi c l es, i n any di r ec ti on;

          •      An autom ati c system shal l be i nstal l ed for eac h fuel l i ng hose to shut off the g as
                 fl ow i f a pr essur e l evel of 200 bar at +15 °C i n the vehi c l e g as tank i s reac hed or
                 when the fuell i ng pr oc ess has ended.

13.1. 2       The di spensi ng uni t shal l be pr otec ted ag ai nst vehi c l e c ol l i si on. I n c ase of dam ag e to
              the di spenser ( despi te the c ol l i si on pr otec tor ) , an autom ati c val ve or exc ess fl ow
              val ve shal l be ac ti vated c l osi ng the suppl y to the di spenser at i ts i nlet.

13.1. 3       When c onnec ted to the vehi c l e, the vehi c l e and di spensi ng equi pm ent shal l be
              equi potenti al .

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

13.1. 4   For publ i c fast-fi ll sel f-ser vi c e fuel l i ng stati ons, the di spensi ng uni t shal l be equi pped
          wi th a button or handl e, suc h that after c onnec ti ng the nozz l e to the vehic l e, the
          r efuel l i ng wil l onl y star t when thi s button or handl e i s m anuall y oper ated.

13.1. 5   Vehi c l es shal l be al l owed to enter the haz ar dous ar ea onl y ar ound the di spenser to be
          fuel l ed.

13.1. 6   Sui tabl e c al i br ated m eteri ng system s ar e r equir ed for publ ic fuel l i ng di spenser s
          ac c or di ng to the I sr aeli r eg ul ati ons.

13.1. 7   Di spenser s shal l be l oc kabl e or have other pr ovisi ons for pr eventi ng thei r use when
          the si te i s not m anned.

13. 2 Filling hos e
13.2. 1   The fi l l i ng hose shal l be fl exi bl e and r esi stant to c or r osi on and m ec hani c al dam age. I t
          shal l be adequatel y suppor ted or c oated to pr event ki nki ng and abr asi on.

13.2. 2   The hose shal l be sui tabl e for CNG under norm al oper ati ng c ondi ti ons.

13.2. 3   The l eng th of the fi l li ng hose assem bl y shal l be the m i ni m um r equi r ed. I t shal l ,
          however , not exc eed 5 m etr es or be less than 3 m etr es.

13.2. 4   The fi l l i ng hose shal l be safel y stowed when not i n use.

13.2. 5   The fi l l i ng hose shal l have a bur st pr essur e of at l east 4 ti m es the MOP .

          The hose shal l have been subjec ted to a str eng th test of at l east twi c e the MOP and
          the test r epor t shal l be avai l abl e.

13.2. 6   The hose shal l be c onti nuousl y m ar ked wi th the MOP , date of pr oduc ti on and the
          m anufac tur er 's nam e or tr adem ar k, appl i c able ser vi c e. The hose shal l be i nspec ted
          r eg ul ar l y and r epl ac ed at spec i fi ed i nter val s ac cor di ng to the m anufac tur er 's
          i nstr uc ti ons.

13.2. 7   The hose c onnec ti ons shal l wi thstand a for c e i n the l i near di r ec ti on 20 % gr eater than
          the for c e r equi r ed to oper ate the br eak-away devi c e ( see c l ause 13. 1. 1) and the
          hose's bur st pr ess ur e. The m anufac tur er ’s i nstr uc ti ons for the breakaway devi c e shal l
          be fol l owed for i nstal l ati on, oper ati on and m ai ntenanc e.

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

13. 3 Filling noz zle
13.3. 1   The fi l l i ng noz zl e shal l per mi t the fl ow of g as i f ther e i s an adequate c onnec ti on
          between the noz zl e and the r eceptac l e devi c e on the vehi cl e. The c onnec ti on shal l
          pr event the esc ape of g as when i t i s not full y eng ag ed or bec om es separ ated.

13.3. 2   The noz z l e shal l c om pl y wi th the r equir ements of I SO 14469 or NGV1 and shal l m atc h
          the r ec eptac l e of any vehi c l e c om pl yi ng wi th I SO 15501-1 and I SO 15501-2. The noz z l e
          shal l be sui tabl e for the i ntended m ode of use – sel f ser vi c e/fast fi ll /sl ow fi l l.
          Adaptor s and other types of c onnec ti on fi tti ng s shal l not be used.

13.3. 3   Fi l l i ng noz z l es shal l be sec ur ed ag ai nst i nadver tent di sc onnec ti on, e. g . by the
          ac ti vati on of a l oc ki ng devi c e. They shal l be c onstr uc ted so that no one wi l l be
          endang er ed even when di sc onnec ted under pr essur e.
13.3. 4   When the fi l li ng noz z l e i s not i n use, i t shal l be stor ed i n a m anner to pr event entr y of
          m oi stur e and debri s.

13. 4 Captiv e v ent sy stem s
      Wher e noz z le desi g ns i nc or por ate a system to c ol l ec t the sm al l r el eases of g as on
      c onnec ti on/di sc onnec ti on, they shal l be vented to a safe ar ea.

14    Elect ri cal equip ment and wi ring

14. 1 Gener al
      Wher e the equi pm ent i s pl ac ed i n a haz ar dous ar ea, i t shal l c om pl y wi th the appr opri ate
      z oni ng r ati ng as r equir ed i n SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01

14. 2 Earth ing p rotec t ion
      Car e m ust be taken to ensur e that al l c onduc ti ng sur fac es ( for exam pl e fr am ewor k, pi pi ng
      etc . ) shal l be adequatel y attac hed to a c om m on ear th ac c or di ng to the I sr ael i el ec tri c i ty
      r eg ul ati ons.

14. 3 Lightning prot ec tion
      Measur es for pr otec ti on ag ai nst l i g htni ng shal l com pl y wi th the r equi r ements i n SI 1173
      P ar t 1.

15    Testing, pu rging and commi ssi oning

15.1 The equi pm ent (i . e. c om pr essor s, val ves, etc ) sh al l be str eng th tested. Thi s c an be
      per for m ed off-si te by the m anufac turer s or c ontr ac tor .

Draft SI 6236 (2012)

      Al l pr essur e l oaded equi pm ent shal l be tested for str eng th and tig htness and adequatel y
      pur g ed befor e use as defi ned i n Annex E . Upstr eam of the c om pressi on uni t,
      c onsi der ati on shoul d be g i ven to i nstal l i ng a tem por ar y star t-up (c omm i ssi oni ng ) fil ter .

      Doc um entati on of al l tests, on and off-si te, shal l be pr ovi ded.

      Al l tests shal l be per for m ed by a c om petent per son.

15.2 The c om pr essor m ay need to be exc l uded fr om on-si te testi ng and pur g i ng ac c or di ng to
      the m anufac tur er 's i nstr uc ti ons.

15.3 The system shal l be pur g ed usi ng a m ethod suc h as desc r i bed i n Annex H.

15.4 Com m i ssi oni ng of all stati on c om ponents and proper oper ati on of al l safety equi pm ent
      shal l be under taken by a c om petent per son and doc um ented.

16    Marking, operating notices and inst ruct ions

16. 1 Gener al
      Al l m ar ki ng s and l i ter atur e of a CNG fuel li ng stati on shal l be i n E ngl i sh.

      War ni ng si g ns shal l cl ear l y m ar k the ar ea whi c h i s c l assi fi ed as a haz ar dous ar ea
      i ndi c ati ng that sm oki ng , naked l i g hts and the use of unpr otec ted el ec tri c al equi pm ent ar e
      pr ohi bi ted.

      Si g ns shal l be pr i nted i n I sr ael 's offi c i al l ang uages and shal l i nc l ude the r el evant
      pi c tog r am s.

      Restr i c ted haz ar dous ar eas shal l be m ar ked ac c or di ng l y.

16. 2 M arking
      Fuel l i ng stati on c om ponents shal l c ar r y the m ar ki ng s i n a dur abl e, l eg i bl e m anner on a
      fi r ml y attac hed data pl ate that i nc l udes the fol lowi ng :

       •    I denti fi c ati on of the m anufac tur er and, wher e appr opr i ate, i denti fi c ati on of hi s
            author i z ed r epr esentati ve;

       •    Year of m anufac tur e;

       •    Uni que i denti fi c ati on of the stati on, suc h as type, ser i es or batc h i denti fi c ati on
            and/or ser i al num ber ;

       •    E ssenti al l i mi ts suc h as MOP and tem per atur e;

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טיוטאת תקן

  • 1. ISRAELI DRAFT STANDARD SI 6236 6236 ‫טיוטה לת"י‬ May 2012 2012 ‫מ אי‬ ICS CODE: …… COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) FUELLING STATIONS FOR VEHICLES ‫תחנות תדלוק לרכבים בגז טבעי דחוס‬ This document is a proposal only The Standards Institution of Israel 42 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel-Aviv 69977, Tel. 03-6465154, Fax 03-6412762, 29/05/2012 12091 ‫זג /דק/זג‬
  • 2. Draft SI 6236 (2012) This standard was prepared by an Experts Committee of the following members: Anatoly Dubov, Armand Abramovici, Daniel Weinberg, Haim Melamed, Dr. Jacob Dror (convenor), Sandra Moscovich Coordinators of the Standard preparation: Dr. Richard Marrow 2
  • 3. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Descriptors: c om p r es s ed n a t u r a l g a s, a u t om o ti v e, v eh i c l es , f uel i n g , f u el li n g , f il li n g , s t at i o n s, f u el :‫מילות מפתח‬ ‫גז טבעי דחוס, תחבורה, רכבים, תדלוק, מילוי, תחנות, דלק‬ Updating the Standard Israel Standards are reviewed periodically at least every five years, in order to adapt them to scientific and technological developments. Users of Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest editions of the Standard including its Amendments. A document appearing in the “Reshumot” (The Israeli Official Journal) as an Amendment may be a separate Amendment, or an Amendment incorporated into the Standard. Official Standard Whether the document or parts of it are Official should be checked. An Official Standard or Amendment (in whole or in part) takes effect 60 days following publication of the notice in the “Reshumot”, unless the notice states otherwise for the effective date. Standards Mark A manufacturer of a product complying with the requirements of the applicable Israel Standards is entitled, after being licensed by the Standards Institution of Israel, to mark it with the Standards Mark: Copyright © This Standard or any part of it may not be photocopied, copied or published by any means whatsoever, without prior permission in writing of the Standards Institution of Israel.
  • 4. Draft SI 6236 (2012) TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 Normative References............................................................................................................................. 3 3 Definitions................................................................................................................................................. 5 4. Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 10 5 General provisions................................................................................................................................. 11 5.1 Gas compressor................................................................................................................ 11 5.2 Gas storage ...................................................................................................................... 11 5.3 Mother-daughter station ..................................................................................................... 11 5.4 Dispenser ......................................................................................................................... 11 5.5 Control systems ................................................................................................................ 12 5.6 Dryer ............................................................................................................................... 12 5.7 Gas cooling system ........................................................................................................... 12 5.8 Filtration ........................................................................................................................... 12 6 General principles of design and installation ....................................................................................... 12 6.1 General construction.......................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Gas composition ............................................................................................................... 16 6.3 Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 17 6.4 Delivery pressure to the vehicles ......................................................................................... 17 6.5 Venting ............................................................................................................................ 18 6.6 Control system .................................................................................................................. 18 7 Location and layout of equipment ........................................................................................................ 19 7.1 General provisions ............................................................................................................ 19 7.2 Hazardous areas ............................................................................................................... 19 7.3 Storage Facility (including ancillary equipment) ..................................................................... 20 7.4 Compressors (including ancillary equipment) ........................................................................ 20 7.5 Dispenser ......................................................................................................................... 21 7.6 Enclosures ....................................................................................................................... 21 7.7 Canopies.......................................................................................................................... 22 7.8 Restrictions and safety distances ........................................................................................ 22 8 Gas supply, metering and composition ................................................................................................ 22 a
  • 5. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 8.1 General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 22 9 Gas Compressors (including ancillaries) ............................................................................................. 23 9.1 General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 23 9.2 Gas recovery .................................................................................................................... 24 9.3 Condensate drainage and disposal...................................................................................... 24 9.4 Stage safety devices.......................................................................................................... 25 9.5 Delivery line non-return valve.............................................................................................. 25 9.6 Suction line components .................................................................................................... 25 9.7 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................. 25 9.8 Markings .......................................................................................................................... 26 9.9 Instructions....................................................................................................................... 27 10 Storage facility (including ancillaries) ................................................................................................... 27 10.1 Storage pressure vessels ................................................................................................... 27 10.2 Pressure relief devices....................................................................................................... 27 10.3 Emergency isolation valve .................................................................................................. 28 10.4 Pressure gauge ................................................................................................................ 28 10.5 Control Systems................................................................................................................ 28 10.6 Storage volume................................................................................................................. 28 11 Station pipework and ancillary devices ................................................................................................ 28 11.1 Station pipework ............................................................................................................... 28 11.2 General provisions ............................................................................................................ 29 11.3 Inlet supply pipework ......................................................................................................... 29 11.4 Outlet pipework ................................................................................................................. 30 11.5 Flexible connections .......................................................................................................... 32 11.6 Pressure gauges ............................................................................................................... 32 11.7 Pressure testing ................................................................................................................ 32 11.8 Gas detection system ........................................................................................................ 32 12 Emergency shutdown procedures ........................................................................................................ 32 13 Dispenser ............................................................................................................................................... 33 13.1 Dispensing unit ................................................................................................................. 33 13.2 Filling hose ....................................................................................................................... 34 13.3 Filling nozzle..................................................................................................................... 35 b
  • 6. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 13.4 Captive vent systems......................................................................................................... 35 14 Electrical equipment and wiring ............................................................................................................ 35 14.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 35 14.2 Earthing protection ............................................................................................................ 35 14.3 Lightning protection ........................................................................................................... 35 15 Testing, purging and commissioning.................................................................................................... 35 16 Marking, operating notices and instructions ........................................................................................ 36 16.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 36 16.2 Marking............................................................................................................................ 36 16.3 Dispenser signs ................................................................................................................ 37 16.5 Instructions....................................................................................................................... 37 c
  • 7.
  • 8. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Fo rewo rd T h e int en t of t h i s St an dar d i s t o pr ovi d e r equi r em en t s for sa fet y, desi gn , con st r uct i on , t est in g, c om m i ssi on i n g, gen er a l ma in t enan ce a n d oper a t ion of c om pr ess ed n at ura l ga s (CNG) fuel l i n g st a t i on s an d fa ci l i t i es wh i ch t a ke a n a t ura l ga s suppl y fr om t h e suppl y n et wor k or fr om m obi l e st or a ge a n d del i ver i t a s fuel for t h e pr opul si on of a veh i cl e. It i s a ddr essed t o bot h man ufa ct ur er s an d in st a ller s, for wh om t h i s docum en t pr ovi de s t h e ba si c pr in ci pl es for th e desi gn an d in st a l la t i on of fa ci l i t i es an d par t s th er eof, an d t o oper a t or s, for wh om t h e m ini m um r equi r em en t s for sa fe op er a t ion ar e gi ven . It a l so ser ve s a s a ba si s for th e i n spect i on of n at ura l fuel l in g ga s sta t i on s. Addi ti on a l r equir em en t s m a y be de fi n ed by t h e a uth or i t y h a vi n g jur i sdi ct i on (AHJ). It i s n eces sa r y t o en sur e, thr ough th e use of a ppropr i a t e com p on en t s an d ma t er ia l s tha t CNG fu el l i n g st a t i on s an d th eir com pon en t s, wh en cor r ect l y c on st r uct ed, oper a t ed an d ma in ta in ed ar e per m an ent l y sa fe a n d oper a t i on al . Pr even t i ve m e a sur es sh al l be t a ken t o en sur e pr ot ect i on a ga in st fi r e an d expl osi on . It i s n ow wi d el y a c cept ed t h a t th e ma jor i t y of a c ci den t s in in dustr y gen er a l l y a r e in som e m ea sur e a t tri but a bl e t o h uman a s wel l a s t echn i ca l fa ct or s i n th e sen se t ha t som eon e' s a ct i on s i ni t i at ed or con t ri but ed t o t h e a cci den t s or som e on e c oul d h a ve a ct ed bet t er t o a ver t t h em. It i s th er efor e n ece ssa r y t o gi ve pr oper c on si der at i on t o th e m ana gem en t of t h ese h um an fa ct or s a n d th e con t r ol of r i sk. Th i s docum en t in cl udes pr ovi si on s t ha t ar e r el eva n t for fi l l in g m obi l e st or a ge t ra i l er s suppl yi n g CNG t o da ugh t er fuel l i n g sta t i on s. T h e com pl et e r equi r em en t s fr a m ewor k wi l l be de fi n ed by t h e r el eva n t a uth or i ti es a n d wi t h in a fut ur e r el eva n t st an dar d. 1
  • 9. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Int roduction T hi s st an dar d pr ovi d es r equi r em en t s for th e desi gn , con st r uct i on , in st a ll a ti on , t est i n g, c om m i ssi on i n g, m a in t en an ce an d oper a t i on of C NG veh i cl e fu el l i n g sta t i on s. T h e docum en t ma kes use of t h e t er m s "sh oul d" an d "sh a ll " wh en pr escr i bi n g par ti cul a r pr ocedur es. (a ) T h e t er m "sh al l " pr escr i bes a pr oc edur e wh i ch , i t i s in t en ded, wi l l be c om pl i ed wi t h in ful l a n d wi t h out devi a t i on . (b) T h e t er m "sh oul d" pr escr i bes a pr ocedur e wh i ch , i t i s in t en ded, wi l l be c om pl i ed wi t h un l ess, a ft er pr i or con si der a t i on , devi a t i on i s con si der ed t o be a c cept a bl e. 1 Scope 1. 1 T hi s st an dar d cover s th e desi gn , con str uct i on , inst a l l a ti on , t est i n g, com m i ssi on i n g an d op er a t i on an d m a int en an ce of CNG veh i cl e fu el l i n g sta t i on s oper a t in g wi t h Ma xi m um Oper a t i on al Pr essur e (MOP) of 260 ba r fr om th e CNG fu el l i n g sta t i on in l et i sol a t i on va l ve t o t h e fi l l in g n oz z l e. 1. 2 It a ppli es t o fu el l i n g st at i on s suppl i ed wi t h Na t ur al Ga s a s defi n ed i n SI 6119. 1. 3 Li que fi ed Na t ur a l Ga s (LNG) fuel l i n g st at i on s are n ot cover ed by t h e sc ope of t h i s st a n dar d. 1. 4 LNG t o CNG r ega ssi fi ca t i on m odul e i s n ot cover ed by t h e sc ope of t h i s st an dar d. 1. 5 Veh i cl e Re fu el l i n g Appl i an ces (VRA) a r e n ot cover ed by t h i s st a n dar d. 1. 6 T h e scop e of t h e st an dar d in cl udes fuel l i n g st at ion s of t h e fol l owi n g t yp es (a s sh own i n Ann ex J): • On si t e fi l l of veh i cl es • Fa st fi l l of veh i cl es • Pr i va t e a cce ss • Publ i c a c c ess (s el f-s er vi c e or a ssi st ed) • Met er ed di spen ser • Non m et er ed di spen ser • Mot h er -da ugh t er fuel l i n g st at i on s 2
  • 10. Draft SI 6236 (2012) T h e St an dar d al so i n cl udes gen er a l cr it er i a con ce rn in g th e fol l owi n g a spect s: a ) Pr essur e a djust m en t due t o t em per a t ur e dur in g r efu el l i n g; b) Sa fet y dur i n g fi l l in g; c) Fi l l in g h ose; d) St or a ge; e) Pr essur e c on tr ol devi c es; f) Di st a n ces bet we en com p on en t s; g) Mul t i fuel di spen si n g st at i on s; h ) Pi pi n g; i) In st a ll a ti on ; j) Fi n al in spect i on an d t est in g. k) E xt ern al sa fet y di st a n ces 1. 7 T h e CNG fuel l i n g fa ci l i t y m a y be i n t egr a t ed wi t h n ew or exi st i n g fuel l in g fa ci l i t i es of ot h er fuel s. 1. 8 T hi s St an dar d a ppli es t o pr i va t e an d com m er ci a l st a t i on s h a vi n g fa st an d/ or sl ow fuel l i n g di spen ser s. If fu el l i n g sta t i on s ar e in t en ded t o be used by t h e gen er al publ i c, due r egar d n eeds t o be t a ken t o an y a ddi t i on a l publ i c sa fet y, secur i t y a n d tr a din g i ssues. 1. 9 Gui da n ce on th e oper a t i on an d m a int en an ce of fu el l i n g st a t i on s i s gi ven in Ann ex J. 2 No rmative Referen ces St a n dar ds an d docum en t s r efer en ced i n th i s St anda r d (for un dat ed St an dar ds an d docum en t s, th e l at est edi t i on a ppl i es): . Isr ae l i Standar ds SI 413 - Desi gn pr ovi si on s for ea r th qua ke r esi st an ce of st r uct ur es SI 4295 - Pr essur e ve ss el s SI 5512 (2004) - Aut om ot i ve l i que fi ed p et r ol eum ga s (LPG) r efu el l i n g fa ci l i t i es SI 5664 (a l l par t s) - Na t ur a l ga s syst em s 3
  • 11. Draft SI 6236 (2012) SI 6119 ` - Aut om ot i ve n a t ur a l ga s SI 1173 Pa rt 1 - Li gh tnin g pr ot ect i on s yst em s for bui l di n gs an d i n st al l at i on s: E xt ern al pr ot ect i on s yst em SI 60079 Pa rt 10. 01 - E xpl osi ve a t m osph er es: Cl a ssi fi ca t i on of a r ea s – E xpl osi ve ga s a t m osph er es Inte r nati onal Standar ds ISO 14469-1 - Roa d veh i cl es - Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s r efu el l i ng con n ect or - Pa rt 1: 200 ba r ISO 14469-2 - Roa d veh i cl es - Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s r efu el l i ng con n ect or - Pa rt 2: 200 ba r si z e 2 ISO 14469-3 - Roa d veh i cl es - Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s r efu el l i ng con n ect or - Pa rt 3: 250 ba r ISO 15501-1 - Roa d veh i cl es – Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s (CNG) fuel s yst em s – Pa r t 1: Sa fet y r equi r em en t s ISO 15501-2 - Roa d veh i cl es – Com pr ess ed n a t ura l ga s (CNG) fuel s yst em s – Pa r t 2: T est m eth ods ISO 15609-1 - Spe ci fi ca t i on an d a ppr ova l of wel di n g pr ocedur e s for m et a l li c m a t eri a l s – Wel di n g pr ocedur e spe ci fi ca t i on - Par t 1: Ar c wel di n g ISO 15609-2 - Spe ci fi ca t i on an d qua l i fi ca t i on of wel di n g pr oce dur es for m et a ll i c m a t eri a l s – Wel di n g pr ocedur e spe ci fi ca t i on - Par t 2: Ga s wel di n g IE C 60079-29 - Ga s det ect or s – Per for m an ce r equir em en t s of det e ct or s for fl a m m a bl e ga ses Eur ope an Sta ndar ds EN 287-1 - Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels EN 473 - Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel – General principles EN 1012-1 - Compressors and vacuum pumps; Safety requirements – Part 1: Compressors EN 10204 - Metallic products – Types of inspection documents EN 15001-1 - Gas Supply systems – Gas installation pipework – Part 1 design requirements EN 13445-1 - Unfired pressure vessels - Part 1: General EN 13445-2 - Unfired pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials 4
  • 12. Draft SI 6236 (2012) EN 13480-1 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 1: General EN 13480-2 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials EN 13480-3 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation EN 13480-4 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and installation EN 13480-5 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing EN 13480-6 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping Nati onal Stan dar ds IGE / UP/ 5 pa r t 3 – Nat ur a l ga s veh i cl es – Fi l l in g st a t i on oper a t i on s IGE M/ SR/ 25 ed. 2 -– Ha z a r dous a r ea cl a ssi fi ca t i on of Na t ur a l Ga s in st a ll a ti on s ASME B31. 3 – Pr oce ss pi pi n g ASME VIII-1 – Boi l er an d Pr essur e Vess el Cod e - Rul es for Con st r uct i on of Pr es sur e Ves sel s NGV1 - Com pr ess ed Na t ura l Ga s Vehi cl e (NGV) Fuel i n g Conn ect i on Devi c es Isr ae l i l e gi sl ati on: T a ma 18 Rev. 4 (2006) – Na t i ona l Outl in e Pl an for Fuel St a t i on s E l ect r i ci t y r egul a t i on s 2004 O the r le gi sl ati on: Di r ect i ve 97/ 23/ E C of t h e E ur opea n Par li a m en t an d of t h e Coun ci l of 29 Ma y 1997 on th e a ppr oxi m at i on of t h e l a ws of t h e Mem ber St a t es c on cer n in g pr essur e equi pm en t Di r ect i ve 98/ 37/ E E C – Th e Appr oxi m a ti on of t h e La ws of t h e Mem ber St a t es Rel a t i n g t o Ma ch in er y 3 Defin itions For the pur pose of thi s Standar d, the fol l owi ng defi ni ti ons appl y: 3.1 En c lo s ed s p ac e a str uc tur e that c annot be defi ned as an open bui l di ng 3.2 B u rst pres s u re (p b ) the pr essur e whi c h c auses fai l ur e and c onsequenti al fl ui d l oss thr oug h the c om ponent envel ope 5
  • 13. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 3.3 B rea k-a wa y d evic e a devi c e whi c h, when ac ti vated, stops g as fl ow fr om the di spenser ( for exam pl e i f the vehi c l e m oves away) whi l e sti ll c onnec ted to the r efuell i ng hose 3.4 Ca n o py a r oof, for exam pl e a shel ter , a hood etc . , whic h affor ds a deg ree of weather pr otec ti on 3.5 Ca s c a d e d is p en s in g s equ en c e a m eans of all owi ng effi c ient use of the g as stor ag e fac i li ty by divi di ng i t i nto banks oper ati ng at di ffer ent pressur e l evel s 3.6 Co mp et ent p ers on a per son havi ng the abi l i ty, appr opr i ate tr ai ni ng, knowl edg e and exper ienc e, to super vi se or c ar r y out the wor k bei ng under taken i n a safe and pr oper m anner 3.7 Co mp res s io n un it a uni t that c om pr esses the natur al g as c onsi sti ng of one or m or e c om pr essor s, i nc l udi ng al l pi pi ng and equi pm ent 3.8 Co mp res s o r a m ac hi ne whi c h i nc r eases the pressur e of g as from a l ow to a hig her l evel 3.9 Cylin d er any vessel used for the stor ag e of c om pr essed natur al g as 3.10 B lo w do wn ves s el a vessel whi c h rec ei ves c om pr essed g as fr om the hi g h pr essur e sec ti on of the i nstal l ati on and c onduc ts i t to the i nput of the c om pr essi on system and al so ser ves to c ol lec t the el i m i nated l i qui ds 3.11 Dis p en s er the equi pm ent thr oug h whi c h the c om pr essed natur al g as i s suppl i ed to the vehi cl e 3.12 Dryer a system whi c h decr eases the water c ontent of the natur al g as 3.13 En c lo s u re a desi g nated str uc tur e, not a bui l di ng , suc h as a housi ng , a c ontai ner etc . , whic h enc l oses c om ponents of the stati on 6
  • 14. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 3.14 Exp lo s ive ga s at mo sp h ere a m i xtur e wi th air , of a fl amm abl e m ater i al i n the for m of g as or vapour i n whi c h, after i g ni ti on, c om busti on spr eads thr oug hout the unc onsum ed m i xtur e 3.15 Fa s t fill a fi l li ng oper ati on whi c h i s c om par abl e i n dur ation to that of l i qui d fuel 3.16 CN G fillin g/fu ell in g a rea a l oc ati on at whic h CNG i s di spensed i nto a vehic l e or to a m obi l e CNG stor ag e. 3.17 Fire wa ll a wal l , sc r een or separ ati ng par ti ti on er ec ted i n the open ai r to r educ e the effec ts fr om r adi ated heat and to ensur e an adequate di sper si on di stanc e for CNG l eaki ng fr om any vessel 3.18 G a s c on d it io n in g equ ip ment equi pm ent to fi l ter and/or r em ove unwanted c onsti tuents ( m oi stur e, debr i s, l i qui d and vapour s) fr om the g as ei ther pr i or to or after c om pr essi on 3.19 H a z a rd ou s a rea an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e ( flam m abl e g as-ai r m i xtur e) i s pr esent, or m ay be expec ted to be pr esent, i n quanti ti es such as to r equi r e spec i al pr ec auti ons for the c onstr uc ti on, i nstal l ati on and use of el ec tr i cal appar atus and other sour c es of i g ni ti on 3.20 L iq u id s ep a rat o r a devi c e whi c h c auses any li qui ds wi thi n the g as to dr op out of suspensi on for c oll ec ti on and c an be l oc ated after c om pr essi on of the natur al g as 3.21 L o wer exp lo s ive limit (L EL ) the c onc entr ati on of fl amm abl e g as or vapour i n ai r bel ow whi c h the g as atm ospher e i s not expl osi ve. ( For natur al g as c ontai ni ng onl y m ethane the LE L i s 4. 5 % by vol um e. For exam pl e 10 % L EL means 0. 45 % g as i n ai r . ) 3.22 M a ximu m op era t ion a l p res s u re (M OP) the m axi m um pr essur e at whi c h the system c an be oper ated c onti nuousl y under nor m al c ondi ti ons. N ot e : N o rmal c o n d it i o n s are n o f au l t i n an y d e v i c e o r s t re am. 7
  • 15. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 3.23 Overp res s u re the pr essur e above the m axi m um oper ati onal pressur e whi c h shal l be pr evented by safety devi c es 3.24 Delivery p res s u re the pr essur e at whi c h the g as i s del i ver ed to the vehi c l e 3.25 N o min a l d elivery p res s ure the pr essur e at whi c h fi ll i ng autom ati c al l y stops 3.26 M a ximu m d elivery p ress u re the m axi m um pr essur e ac c eptabl e by the vehic l e to be fil l ed 3.27 M o b ile CN G s to ra ge ves s el a pr essur e vessel ( m ul ti -c yl i nder or a tank) used for the tr anspor tati on of CNG to other fuel l i ng stati ons. 3.28 M o th er-d au ght er a stati on not c onnec ted to the pi pel i ne ( daug hter ) wher e CNG i s suppl i ed by a m obil e CNG stor ag e tr anspor ted fr om a stati on c onnec ted to the pi pel i ne (m other ). 3.29 N a tu ra l ga s a m i xtur e of g ases, hydr oc ar bons or other s, m ainl y m ethane ( CH 4 ) , i n the g aseous state at a tem per atur e of 15 °C and at atm ospher ic pr essur e ( 1. 013 bar ) . 3.30 N o rma l o p erat io n a si tuati on wher e the equi pm ent i s oper ati ng withi n i ts desi g n par am eter s 3.31 Sa fe a rea an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as i s not expec ted to be pr esent i n quanti ti es suc h as to r equi r e spec i al pr ec auti ons for the c onstr uc ti on, i nstal l ati on and use of appar atus 3.32 Op en bu ild in g a c onstr uc ti on, i n whi c h the sam e venti l ati on c ondi ti ons ar e pr esent as i n the open air and no obstr uc ti on for natur al ai r c i rc ul ati on i s pr esent 3.33 On s it e fillin g fi l l i ng wher e m any vehi c l es ar e c onnec ted at the sam e tim e for sever al hour s 8
  • 16. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 3.34 Prima ry gra d e o f relea s e r el ease of g as whic h i s l i kel y to oc c ur under norm al oper ati on 3.35 R ec o very ves s el a vessel that r ec over s g as fr om the c om pr essor and i ts anc i l l ari es and whi c h m ay al so ser ve to dam p out pr essur e pul sati ons i n the c om pr essor i nl et 3.36 Sa fet y d ist a nc e The separ ati on di stanc e between the fuel l i ng stati on, i ts c om ponents and str uc tur es and other i nstal l ati ons and str uc tur es i n the vi c i ni ty for pr otec ti ng peopl e and r educ i ng the deg r ee of dang er i n the c ase of an i nc i dent 3.37 Sec o nd a ry gra d e relea s e the r el ease of g as whi c h i s unl i kel y to oc c ur i n nor m al oper ati on and wil l have onl y a l i m i ted dur ati on 3.38 Slo w fill a fi l li ng oper ati on whi c h takes, typi c al l y, sever al hour s 3.39 Stati on owner /oper ator the per son who owns, or i s r esponsi bl e for the oper ati on of the fuel l i ng stati on 3.40 St o ra ge any num ber of sui tabl e c om pr essed natur al g as stor ag e c ontai ner s desi g ned for the pur pose of c ontai ni ng and subsequentl y r el easi ng c om pr essed natur al g as 3.41 T es t p res s u re (T P) the pr essur e to whi c h the i nstal l ati on or par t of i nstal l ati on, i s tested. Di ffer ent l evel s m ay be r equi r ed for stor ag e pr essur e vessel s and other c om ponents 3.42 Ven t ila t io n ei ther natur al m ovem ent of ai r and i ts r epl ac ement wi th fr esh ai r due to the effec ts of wi nd, tem per atur e g r adi ents, or m ec hani c al m ovem ent by ar ti fi ci al m eans ( for exam pl e fans or extr ac tor s) 3.43 Veh ic le refu ellin g a p p lia nc e (VR A) a sel f-contai ned system that c om pr esses natur al g as and di spenses the g as to a si ng l e vehi c l e fuel system vi a sl ow fil l . 9
  • 17. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 3.44 H a z a rd ou s a rea c la s s ific a t io n (a cc o rd in g t o SI 60079-1 0.01 ) 3.44. 1 Zo n e 0 an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e i s pr esent c onti nuousl y or for l ong per i ods or frequentl y 3.44. 2 Zo n e 1 an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e i s l i kel y to occ ur i n norm al oper ati on oc c asi onal l y 3.44. 3 Zo n e 2 an ar ea i n whi c h an expl osi ve g as atm ospher e i s not l i kel y to oc c ur i n norm al oper ati on but, i f i t does oc c ur , i t wi ll per si st for a shor t per i od onl y 3.454 CN G fu ellin g s ta t io n in let is o lat io n va lve c onnec ti on poi nt to the suppl i er as defi ned by Isr ael i l aw 3.465 In let s up p ly p ip ewo rk the pi pewor k sec ti on upstr eam the c om pr essor . 3. 476 Ou t let p ip ewo rk the pi pewor k sec ti on downstr eam the c om pr essor . 4. Abb reviation s pb - bur st pr essur e AHJ - Aut h or i t y h a vin g jur i sdi ct i on MOP - Maxi m um oper ati ng pr essur e NHA - Non-haz ar dous ar ea TP -Test pr essur e STP - Str eng th test pr essur e TTP - Ti g htness test pr essur e LEL - L ower expl osi ve l im i t CNG - Com pr essed natur al g as NG V - Natur al g as vehi c le P RV - -P r essur e r eli ef val ve VRA - Vehi c l e r efuell i ng appl i anc e 10
  • 18. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 5 General p rovisi ons A c om pr ehensi ve sc hem e of possi bl e c om ponents i s shown as an exam pl e i n the di agr am i n Annex I . For all c om ponents of a CNG fuel li ng stati on, the m anufac tur er shal l pr ovi de pr oof of thei r c onform i ty to speci fi c ati on. 5. 1 Gas c ompr esso r I n g ener al , g as c om pr essor s for Natur al G as fuell i ng stati ons pr oduc e hig h pr essur e li fts. Com pr essor s m ay suppl y to bul k stor ag e and/or to a di r ec t fuel li ng faci l i ty. A typi c al c om pr essor , for exam pl e woul d be a m ul ti -stag e m ac hi ne whi c h m ay be di rec tl y or i ndi r ec tl y dr i ven by an el ec tr ic m otor i n stati onar y fac i li ti es. The c om pr essor shal l be i n c om pl i anc e wi th the essenti al r equi rem ents of Eur opean Di r ec ti ve 98/37/E E C on m ac hi ner y and wi th E N 1012-1 5. 2 Gas s tor age A c er tai n vol um e of g as m ay be stor ed to fac i l i tate fast fi l l i ng of vehi c l es. For exam ple, stor ag e i s pr ovi ded i n banks of m ul ti pl e vessel s to speed up fuel li ng , to opti m i se the stati on desi g n and to l im i t the num ber of star t/stop c yc l es of the g as c om pr essor . Often, c yl i nder s ar e m ani fol ded tog ether to form differi ng pr essur e gr oups to enabl e a c asc ade di spensi ng sequenc e. 5. 3 M other-daught er sta tion Al l c om ponents of the stati onar y par ts of thi s type of stati on have to c om pl y wi th thi s standar d. The m obi l e stor ag e ( wi th or wi thout on-boar d c om pr essor ) shal l c om pl y wi th tr anspor tati on r eg ul ati ons. I n al l other si tuati ons thi s standar d appl i es. 5. 4 D ispense r 5.4.1 Co mp on en ts A di spenser c om pr i ses for exam pl e: - a di spensi ng and opti onal m eteri ng uni t; - a fi ll i ng hose; - a fi ll i ng noz z le. G as for di spensi ng i s dr awn ei ther dir ec tl y fr om a c om pr essor or vi a on-si te stor ag e, and then passed i nto the vehi c le CNG c yl i nder . 5.4.2 Fu ellin g met h o ds Vehi c l e fuel li ng c an be under taken i n the fol l owing ways: 11
  • 19. Draft SI 6236 (2012) a) Fast-fi l l ; b) On si te fi l l /sl ow fi l l ; c ) Wi th tem per atur e c om pensati on. I f sl ow-fi ll faci l i ti es are unattended dur i ng the fuel l i ng oper ati on, then the i nstal l ati on of extr a safety and sec ur i ty system s i s nec essar y. 5.4.3 Op era t io n The di spenser c an be oper ated i n sever al form s, for exam pl e: a) Manual l y or autom ati c all y oper ated; b) Meter ed or unm eter ed; c ) A fil l -post, whi c h i s used on sl ow fuel l i ng stations; d) Assi sted or sel f-ser vi c e 5. 5 Control syst ems A c ontr ol system oper ates the c om pr essor and/or any stor ag e faci l i ty i n c onjunc ti on wi th the dem ands of the di spenser . 5. 6 D ryer A dr yi ng system m ay be r equi red to c ontr ol the water c ontent of the g as to c om pl y wi th r el evant standar ds. ( See SI 6119 for CNG qual i ty) . I f the dr yi ng system used r educ es the odor ant pr esent i n the g as, odor i sati on equi pm ent shal l be added to r e-odor i se the g as to the r equi r ed l evel. 5. 7 Gas c ooling sys tem A system m ay be r equi r ed to c ontr ol the deli vered g as tem per ature. 5. 8 Filtr ation I f fil tr ati on i s r equi r ed. i t shal l be si zed for the m axi m um g as fl ow and have a sui tabl e c ol l ec ti on devi c e and a means of r em oval /exc hang e. Differ enti al pr essur e m oni tor i ng shoul d be used to c hec k per form anc e. 6 General p rin cip les of design and installation 6 .1 Gener al c ons truc tio n Al l equi pment, c om ponents, pi pewor k and fi tti ng s shal l be of a type and m anufac tur e and be assem bl ed i n suc h m anner sui tabl e for thei r intended use, for the ful l r ang e of pr essur es, type of g as, tem per atur es, weather condi ti ons and l oadi ng s whi c h m ay oc c ur 12
  • 20. Draft SI 6236 (2012) under nor m al and faul t c ondi ti ons. These shal l be suppor ted by appr opr i ate c er ti fi c ati on ( suc h as i n E N 10204) . These shal l be i nstal l ed and used i n ac c or danc e wi th the m anufac tur er 's i nstr uc ti ons. The desi g n of the stati on shal l ensur e that al l the i ndi vi dual el em ents ar e c om pati bl e and c an be i ntegr ated. Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to pr essur i sati on and depr essur i sati on of c om ponents e. g. for r em oval for m ai ntenanc e pur poses, dr ai ni ng c ondensate, by the pr ovi si on of val ves, g aug es and vent c onnec ti ons to ensur e that sec ti ons ar e depr essur i sed befor e ser vi c e i nter venti ons. The desi g n pr oc ess shal l i nvol ve appr opr i ate r i sk assessm ents ( suc h as HAZ I D, HAZ OP , FME A etc. ) to deter mi ne the adequac y of the pr oposed system s and pr oc edur es to mi ti g ate harm or dam ag e to acc eptabl e l evel s. 6.1.1 M a t eria ls Al l m ateri al used for the c onstr uc ti on of the stati on shal l c onform to the r equi red spec i fi c ati ons. I n par ti c ul ar , doc um entati on pr ovi ded by the m ater i al m anufac tur er affi r mi ng c om pl i anc e wi th the spec i fi c ati on m ust be obtai ned for al l m ateri al s used for the pr oduc ti on of pr essur e c ar r yi ng c om ponents. For the m ai n pr essur e-bear i ng par ts, thi s shal l take the for m of a cer ti fic ate of spec i fi c pr oduc t c ontr ol . Wher e a m ater i al m anufac tur er has an appr opri ate qual i ty assur anc e system , c er ti fi c ates i ssued by the m anufac tur er shoul d i denti fy c onfor m i ty wi th the rel evant r equi r em ents. Mater i al s used for the c onstr uc ti on of pr essur i zed par ts shal l : a. have sui tabl e pr oper ti es for al l oper ati ng c ondi ti ons whi c h ar e r easonabl y for eseeabl e and for al l test c ondi ti ons. I n par ti cul ar , they shoul d be suffi c ientl y duc ti l e and toug h. Mor eover , due c ar e shoul d be exer c i sed, i n par ti c ul ar , i n sel ec ti ng m ater i al s i n or der to pr event br i ttl e-type fr ac tur e, wher e nec essar y; b. be c hem i c al l y r esi stant to del i ver ed qual i ty natur al g as i n acc or danc e wi th SI 6119, and, i f appl i c abl e, to reg ener ati ve pr oduc ed g ases; c . not be si g ni fi c antl y affec ted by ag ei ng ; d. be resi stant to c or r osi on or , al ter nati vel y, protec ted ag ai nst c or r osi on by sui tabl e m eans; 13
  • 21. Draft SI 6236 (2012) e. be sui tabl e for the i ntended pressur es, pr essu r e c ycl i ng and tem per atures and the var i ati ons ther eof; f. be sel ec ted i n or der to avoi d si g ni fi c ant undesi r abl e effec ts when the var i ous m ater i al s ar e put tog ether. 6.1.2 CNG fuel li ng stati ons under the sc ope of thi s standar d m ay be subjec t to the gl obal c onfor m i ty assessm ent pr oc edur e whi c h i s appl ic abl e for assem bl ed pr oduc ts fr om a var i ety of sour c es under the r esponsi bi l i ty of the m anufac tur er . 6.1.3 R eq u iremen ts fo r t h e va riou s elemen t s o f t h e as s emb ly These shal l not onl y be appr opr i ate to thei r norm al func ti oni ng but al so take i nto ac c ount the effec t of extr aneous for c es suc h as the effec ts of c hanges i n pressur e and tem per atur e, and forc es and vi br ati ons set up dur i ng m anufac tur i ng and assem bl y. Thi s i m pl i es pr oof of adequate str eng th ei ther by c al c ul ati on or by exper i mental desi g n. Al l the el em ents of assem bl y shal l be protec ted ag ai nst c or r osi on by m eans of sui tabl e system s, suc h as pai nti ng , and/or c atho di c pr otec ti on, taki ng i nto ac c ount envi r onm ental c ondi ti ons. 6.1.4 Op t io n a l c o mp on en t s Opti onal c om ponents ( e. g . dr yer s, odor i ser s, fi l ter s and c hi ll er s) shal l not i m pair the oper abi l i ty and safety of the fuell i ng stati on. 6.1.5 Perma n en t j o in in g o f c o mpo n en t s P er m anent joi nts and adjac ent z ones shal l be fr ee of any sur fac e or i nter nal defec ts detr i m ental to the safety of the system . The pr oper ti es of perm anent joi nts m ust m eet the m i nim um pr oper ti es spec i fi ed for the m aterial s to be joi ned unl ess other r el evant pr oper ty val ues ar e spec i fi c all y taken i nto ac c ount i n the desi g n c al c ul ati ons. The num ber of joi nts shoul d be kept to a m i ni m um . Any joi ni ng of c om ponents shal l be per form ed by a c om petent per son. I n par ti c ul ar , wel ded c onnec ti ons shal l be pr oduc ed by a sui tabl y qual i fi ed wel der i n ac c or danc e wi th EN 287-1. The wel di ng shal l be c arr i ed out i n acc or danc e wi th I SO 15609-1 or I SO 15609-2 taki ng i nto ac c ount any nec essar y heat treatm ent and tr ac eabi l i ty of m ater i al s. Al l wel ded per m anent joi nts shal l be subjec t to non-destr uc ti ve tests c ar r i ed out by sui tabl y qual i fi ed per sonnel , e. g . i n c om pl i anc e wi th EN 287-1 and EN 473. 14
  • 22. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 6.1.6 Wo rkin g a rea A suffi c i ent wor ki ng ar ea for c hec ki ng , m ai ntenanc e and ser vi c e shal l be avai l abl e. Com ponents suc h as c yl i nder banks m ay have to be r em oved at i nter val s for r eval i dati on. etc . 6.1.7 N o is e at t enu a t ion Contr ol of noi se dur i ng oper ati on and m ai ntenanc e ac ti vi ti es shal l c om pl y wi th l oc al l eg i sl ati on and si te r equi r em ents. Thi s i ncl udes noi se g ener ated by c om pr essor s and venti l ati on system s and fr om pr essur e r el i efs and venti ng oper ati ons. 6.1.8 Co llis io n p rot ec t ion The fuel l i ng stati on c om ponents shal l be adequatel y pr otec ted ag ai nst c ol l i si on by vehi c l es. Spec i al c onsi der ati on shal l be gi ven to c ol l i si on pr otec ti on of the stor ag e and di spenser . Addi ti onal pr otec ti on shal l be pr ovi ded i n the ar ea sur r oundi ng a di spenser ser vi ng m obil e stor ag e ( m other -daug hter ) vehi c les, or a stati on suppl i ed by a m obi l e stor ag e. 6.1.9 T ra ffic ma n a gement Consi der ati on shoul d be g i ven to the fl ow of vehi c l es on the stati on pr em i ses. G r eater l evel s of ac cess m ay be r equi r ed wher e the stati on i s suppl i ed by a m obi l e stor ag e. Mobi l e stor ag e vehi c l es not under taki ng suppl y shal l not be perm i tted to par k i n the stati on pr em i ses. 6.1.1 0 Fo u nd a t ion The c om pr essed natur al g as fuel l i ng stati on shal l be m ounted on adequate foundati ons. The foundati on desi g n shal l c om pl y wi th the I sr ael i standar d for ear thquakes ( SI 413) . 6.1.1 1 Un a u th o riz ed a cc es s Ther e shal l be adequate m eans pr ovi ded suc h that safety of oper ati on c annot be affec ted by unauthor i zed i nterfer enc e. E qui pm ent shal l be sui tabl y pr otec ted to deter unauthor i sed ac c ess and to m i nim i se the effec ts of i nter fer enc e, dam ag e and vandal i sm . Addi ti onal pr ec auti ons m ay be nec essar y to pr otec t m obi l e stor ag e uni ts dur i ng suppl y oper ati ons. 15
  • 23. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 6.1.1 2 L o c at io n o f c o mpo n en t s E qui pm ent shal l be l oc ated pr efer abl y i n open air or dedi c ated encl osur es. I n all other c ases, due c onsi der ati on shal l be g i ven to safety and venti l ati on r equi r em ents. E l ec tri c al c om ponents shal l be sui tabl y r ated for thei r l oc ati on. 6.1.1 3 B u ild in g regu la t io ns Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to l oc al bui l di ng r eg ul ati ons and per mi ts. Al l on-si te c onstr uc ti ons shal l c om pl y wi th the I sr ael i standar d for ear thquakes ( SI 413) . 6.1.1 4 Fire L evel s of fi r e pr otec ti on requi r ed by the I sr ael i fi r e author i ty shal l be i m pl em ented. 6.1.1 5 R o ut in e is o lat io n A m anual i sol ati on val ve shal l be fi tted to: • the c om pr essor i nl et pi pewor k; • the i nl et/outl et of any g r oup/bank of stor ag e pressur e vessel s; • the i nl et g as suppl y of any di spenser ; 6. 2 Gas c omposi tion 6.2.1 G en era l Com pr essed natur al g as di spensed by the fuell i ng stati on shal l be ac c or di ng to SI 6119. 6.2.2 G a s su pp lied to th e fu ellin g st a t ion The g as suppl y and m eteri ng equi pm ent for the stati on shal l be sui tabl e for the fuel l i ng stati ons r equi r em ents. 6.2.3 G a s su pp lied to th e d is p ens er G as suppl i ed to the di spenser shal l have a par ti cul ate m atter l evel whi c h wi l l not c ause m al func ti on of the di spensi ng equi pm ent and shal l c om pl y wi th di spenser m anufac tur er r equi rem ents. 16
  • 24. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 6.2.4 G a s Co mp o s it io n d u ring ma int en an c e Any m ai ntenanc e or ser vi ci ng anti ci pated dur i ng oper ati on of the fuel li ng stati on shal l not affec t adver sel y the c om posi ti on of g as suppl i ed fr om the stati on. 6. 3 S af ety de vic es 6.3.1 G en era l Fuel l i ng stati ons shal l be equi pped wi th safety devi c es that pr event over pr essur e i n any par t of the fuel l i ng stati on and i ts pi pewor k, and the unc ontr ol led r el ease of pr essur i z ed g as. Safety devi c es shal l be ful l y i ndependent of other func ti ons, unl ess thei r safety func ti on c annot be affec ted by suc h other func tions. They shal l c om pl y wi th appr opr i ate desi g n pri nc i pl es i n or der to obtai n sui tabl e and r el i abl e pr otec ti on. 6.3.2 Au t o mat ic a lly o p era t ed s a fet y d evic e The c om pr essed natur al g as di spensi ng system shal l be equi pped wi th an autom ati c al l y oper ated safety devi c e, whic h wil l wor k i n suc h a way that the del i ver y pr essur e to the vehi cl e c annot exc eed the m axim um oper ati ng pr essur e. 6.3.3 Sa fet y is o la t ion d evic es Safety i sol ati on devi c es shal l i nc l ude at l east: • an autom ati c em er g enc y g as i sol ati on val ve whi ch i sol ates: - the stati on; - stor ag e; - di spenser ( s) ; • ( a) sui tabl y l oc ated em erg enc y shutdown button( s) . The type of autom ati c val ves fi tted shal l be sui tabl e for the r equir ed oper ati on and l oc ati on. 6. 4 D elivery pre ssur e to the vehic le s The m axi m um deli ver y pr essur e of the c om pr essed natur al g as to the vehi c le shal l not exc eed 260 bar for fuel li ng stati ons, r eg ar dl ess of tem per atur e. The fuel li ng stati on has to c ontr ol the fi l l i ng of the vehi cl e i n suc h a m anner as to obtai n an on-boar d g as m ass not exc eedi ng the m ass c or r espondi ng to stor ag e at 200 bar s and 15 °C. 17
  • 25. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 6. 5 V enting Wher e r eli ef val ve vents ar e m ani fol ded tog ether , oper ati on of any r el i ef val ve shal l not be i m peded or obstr uc ted. Venti ng shal l not be possi bl e i nto encl osur es. Wher e m or e than one pi ec e of si m il ar equi pm ent ( e. g . c om pr essor s, di spenser s or stor ag e banks) i s i nstal l ed, m ani fol ded vents fr om eac h pi ec e of sim i l ar equi pm ent shal l not be c onnec ted tog ether . Rel i ef vent l i nes shal l not be i m peded or obstr ucted. Wher e i sol ati on val ves ar e r equi r ed for testi ng /c al i br ati on pur poses, they shal l be l oc ked i n the open posi ti on. A haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on assessm ent of the vent end poi nts shal l be under taken and appl i ed. N ot e : T h e an al ysi s w il l be d if f e re nt f o r d i ff e ri n g d e s i gn s o f v e n t . Vent m anufac tur er s shoul d be abl e to pr ovi de the r equi r ed i nform ati on. P er m anent or tem por ar y i g ni ti on sour c es shal l not be perm i tted wi thi n the vent end poi nt c al c ul ated r adi us. Safety r el i ef val ves shal l vent to the atm ospher e and the vent pi pe end poi nt shal l : a) be fac i ng upwar d and be uni m peded; b) be l oc ated at a safe ar ea outdoor s at a hei g ht of at l east 3 m above the g r ound, and at l east 1 m hig her than any bui l di ng r oof l evel wi thi n the c alc ul ated r adi us per cl ause 7. 2 of thi s standar d. c ) be desi g ned to take acc ount of the adver se effec ts of r ai n, c ondensati on, for ei g n bodi es and r ust. 6. 6 Control syst em The c ontr ol system for the fuell i ng fac i l i ty shal l ensur e the safe del i ver y of CNG to the di spensi ng uni ts. I t shal l not over r i de or adver sel y affec t any of the essenti al safety devi c es or em erg enc y shutdown system s. Al l c ontr ol system c om ponents and wir i ng shal l c om pl y wi th the haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on r equi rem ents. 18
  • 26. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 7 Location and layout of equipment 7. 1 Gener al p rovis ions Si te l oc ati on shal l c om pl y wi th separ ati on di stanc es as outl i ned i n TAMA 18, c l ause 15. 1/A , sub-sec ti ons 1 and 2. Si te l oc ati on and l ayout shal l be pl anned c ar efull y as m ost of the si te c om ponents have l oc ati on r estr i c ti ons and m i nim um safety di stanc es and m ay be affec ted by haz ar dous ar ea r equi rem ents. Annex B g i ves g ui danc e on the m i ni m um safety di stanc es to be appl i ed. These r estr i c ti ons m ay onl y be r educ ed wher e spec i al m easur es ar e taken to r em ove or r educe the effec t of the haz ar d. I f the CNG fuel li ng fac i l i ty i s i ntegr ated wi th new or exi sti ng fuel li ng faci l i ti es of other fuel s, the r equi r em ents of thi s standar d and those of the other fuel l i ng fac il i ti es shal l be ful l y im pl em ented. 7.1.1 L o c at io n L oc ati on shoul d be pr efer abl y i n the open ai r and i n a wel l venti l ated l oc ati on, but under c er tai n c ondi ti ons i n a separ ate fi t for purpose enc l osur e. Any sec uri ty fenc e or fi r e wall shal l not i nter fer e wi th the ventil ati on aspec ts of the open ar ea or enc l osur e. 7.1.2 Fire figh t in g Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to ac c essi bi l i ty by fi r e fig hter s and their equi pm ent. 7. 2 Haza rdous are as 7.2.1 A haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on anal ysi s of the fuel l i ng stati on and i ts c om ponents shal l be under taken and i m plem ented for the l oc ati on of el ec tr i c al equi pm ent and other sour c es of i g ni ti on. Speci al attenti on m ust be g i ven to exi sti ng equi pm ent and str uc tur es, suc h as hi g h vol tag e equi pm ent and over head c abl es. P r ec auti ons shal l be taken for any haz ar dous ar eas g ener ated by other equi pm ent exi sti ng on the si te ( or adjac ent to i t) . Vent term i nati ons shal l al so be cl assi fi ed ( see c l ause 6. 5) . The c l assi fi c ati on shal l be i n ac c or danc e wi th I srael i Standar d SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01. Fur ther g ui danc e i s g i ven i n Annex A. 7.2.2 Haz ar dous ar eas m ay have to be pr ovi si onal l y deter m i ned at an earl y stag e i n a pr ojec t to al l ow el ec tri c al equi pm ent to be spec ifi ed and other potenti al sour c es of i g ni ti on to be l oc ated. However , a haz ar dous area c l assi fi c ati on dr awi ng shal l be 19
  • 27. Draft SI 6236 (2012) pr oduc ed pr i or to i nstal l ati on of the fuell i ng stati on and shal l be based on the r equi r em ents i n I sr ael i Standar d SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01. Fur ther i nform ati on i s gi ven i n IG E M/SR/25 ed. 2. 7.2.3 Both new and exi sti ng i nstal l ati ons shal l c om pl y wi th SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01 when affec ted by new haz ar dous ar eas. 7.2.4 The haz ar dous ar ea shal l not exc eed the boundar y of the pr oper ty. 7.2.5 Al l i denti fi ed haz ar dous ar eas shal l be m ai ntai ned and r evi ewed at r eg ul ar i nter val s. 7.2.6 Al l of the CNG fuell i ng stati on c om ponents, exc l udi ng the di spenser s, shal l be r estr i c ted fr om unauthor i sed acc ess. 7. 3 S torage F ac ilit y (i nc luding anc illa ry equipm ent) 7.3.1 I nstal l ati on shal l be i n a wel l ventil ated l oc ati on, i deal l y i n the open air . However , wher e thi s m ay have unac c eptable aspec ts, for exam pl e, due to safety, sec ur i ty, noi se l evel s, weather pr otec ti on etc . , c onsi der ati on may be g i ven to the use of a fi t for pur pose enc l osur e, wi th a sui tabl y desi g ned venti l ati on system . I nstal l ati on i n bui l di ng s shal l not be perm i tted. I n exc epti onal c ases, i f suppor ted by appr opr i ate r i sk assessm ents, c onsi der ati on m ay be g i ven to the use of a sui tabl y desi g ned and protec ted bel ow gr ound stor ag e fac il i ty. Mor e i nform ati on i s g i ven i n Annex K. I n addi ti on, the base of the fac i li ty shal l be desig ned to pr event the c oll ec ti on of l i qui ds, for exam pl e water , l i qui d fuel s etc . , beneath the stor ag e pr essur e vessel s. 7.3.2 Adequate ac c ess, i nc l udi ng over head i f appr opriate, shoul d be g i ven to per m i t r em oval and exc hang e of i ndi vi dual banks of stor ag e vessel s, dependent upon desi g n, to al l ow r eval i dati on. Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to the pr otec ti on of m ani fol d pi pewor k dur i ng r em oval of vessel s. 7.3.3 Mobi l e stor ag e uni ts shal l be l oc ated i n open ai r wel l venti l ated l oc ati ons dur i ng suppl y oper ati ons. 7. 4 Compresso rs (inc luding anc ill ar y equip men t) 7.4.1 I nstal l ati on shal l be i n a wel l ventil ated l oc ati on, i deal l y i n the open air . However , wher e thi s m ay have unac c eptable aspec ts, for exam pl e, due to safety, sec ur i ty, noi se l evel s, weather pr otec ti on etc . , c onsi der ati on may be g i ven to the use of a fi t for 20
  • 28. Draft SI 6236 (2012) pur pose enc l osur e, wi th a sui tabl y desi g ned venti l ati on system . I nstal l ati on i n bui l di ng s shal l not be perm i tted. 7.4.2 Adequate ac c ess, i nc l udi ng over head, i f appr opri ate, shoul d be g i ven to per mi t r em oval and r epl ac em ent of i ndi vi dual c om pr essor . 7. 5 D ispense r 7.5.1 Di spenser s shal l be l oc ated so that vehic l es have adequate spac e for m anoeuvr i ng i nto and out of the fil l i ng l oc ati on. Thi s shal l be sim i lar to nor m al fuell i ng stati on desi g n for other fuel s. I nstal l ati on i n bui l di ng s shal l not be perm i tted. 7.5.2 Wher e a sl ow-fi ll faci l i ty i s pr ovi ded, adequate sec ur i ty pr otec ti on shal l be g i ven to pr otec t ag ai nst unauthor i sed i nter fer enc e, par tic ul ar l y duri ng per i ods of unm anned fi l l i ng oper ati ons. 7.5.3 The di spenser shal l c om pl y wi th the haz ar dous ar ea c l assi fi c ati on appl yi ng to other equi pm ent i n the ar ea wher e the di spenser i s plac ed. Wher e a m obi l e stor ag e ( m other /daug hter) uni t i s to be fil l ed, the di spenser shal l be separ ated fr om any publ i c or pri vate vehi cl e fuel l i ng fac i l i ty and shal l be used for m obi l e stor ag e fi ll i ng onl y. 7. 6 Enc losures 7.6.1 G en era l Pro vis io ns I t i s pr efer abl e to i nstal l any c om pr essor or storag e fac i li ty i n the open air . However , wher e thi s m ay have unac c eptable c onsequenc es, e. g . for safety, sec ur i ty, noi se l evel s, weather pr otec ti on etc . , c onsi der ati on may be g i ven to the use of a fi t for pur pose enc l osur e, wi th a sui tabl y desi g ned venti l ati on system . Sui tabl y desig ned expl osi on r el i efs shal l be pr ovi ded i f i denti fied by the r i sk assessm ent. 7.6.1 .1 A c om pr essor and stor ag e faci l i ty, i ncl udi ng their r espec ti ve anc i ll ar i es, m ay be housed i n the sam e enc l osur e. Contr ol panel s may be i nstal l ed i n a separ ate c om par tm ent wi thi n the sam e encl osur e. 7.6.1 .2 An enc l osur e used to house a c om pr essor and/or a stor ag e faci l i ty, i ncl udi ng thei r r espec ti ve anc il l ar i es, shal l not be used for any other pur pose. 7.6.1 .3 A venti l ati on system shal l be pr ovi ded for the enc l osur e whi c h: • ensur es c onti nuous di l uti on of the i nter nal vol um e suc h that a potenti al g as r el ease wi ll not pr oduc e a c oncentr ati on of 10 % L EL ; 21
  • 29. Draft SI 6236 (2012) • ensur es that ther e ar e no dead spac es wher e a fl am m abl e mi xtur e c an ac c um ul ate; • pr ovi des suffi c i ent ventil ati on for any equi pm ent c ool i ng r equi r em ents; • uses unc ontam i nated ai r taken fr om a non-haz ardous ar ea, usi ng i nl ets posi ti oned so that a fl am m abl e m i xtur e c annot be cr eated; • Uses venti l ati on openi ng s whi c h ar e not subjec t to i nadver tent obstr uc ti on. Ac ousti c tr eatm ent shal l not r educ e the effec ti veness of the openi ng s. 7.6.1 .4 A m ec hani c al venti l ati on system desi g n shal l i ncl ude c ontr ol s to ensur e safe shutdown and safe m ai ntenanc e of the system on and fol l owi ng fai l ur e of the venti l ati on system . I t m ay be appr opr i ate to have a c om bi nati on of both m ec hani c al and natur al venti l ati on to hel p fac i li tate fai l ur e of the mec hani c al venti l ati on. 7.6.1 .5 E nc l osur es shal l be sec ur ed ag ai nst unauthor i sed ac c ess. Ac c ess to the enc l osur e shal l be c ontr ol l ed by sui tabl e pr oc edur es to ensur e the safety of per sons enter i ng. 7. 7 Canopie s Any c anopy shal l not i nhi bi t natur al ventil ati on and shal l be desi g ned to pr event the ac c um ul ati on of any g as r el ease. 7. 8 Restric t ions and saf e ty d ist anc es See SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01 and Annex B. 7.8.1 G en era l Pro vis io ns I f a fi r e wal l i s c onstr uc ted, thus r educ i ng the mi ni m um safety di stanc es, i t shal l be of at l east 1 hour fir e resi stant c onstr uc ti on, i m perm eabl e and of sol i d m asonr y or c onc r ete. The wal l shal l be at l east as hi g h as the hi g hest c om ponent and have a m i nim um hei g ht of 2 m. The fi r e wal l shal l not inter fer e wi th the ventil ati on aspec ts, m ai ntenanc e ac cess or esc ape r outes. 8 Gas supp ly, metering and composition 8. 1 Gener al P rov ision s Consi der ati on shal l be g i ven to the effec ts of the oper ati on of a c om pr essor on the l oc al g as suppl y networ k. The g as tr anspor tati on c om pany shal l be advi sed of the exi stenc e of the i nstal l ati on i n or der that the anti ci pated tr ansi ent fl ow var i ations c an be c hec ked for c om pati bi li ty wi th the over al l g as suppl y/m eter i ng system for the si te. 22
  • 30. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Wher e the g as i s suppl i ed by a m obi l e uni t the com pr essor or stor ag e faci l i ty on the stati on shal l be c om pati bl e wi th suppl y fr om a m obi l e stor ag e uni t. 8.1.1 Co n n ect io n to th e ga s su pp ly The c apac i ty of the g as suppl y networ k shal l be suffi c i ent to c ope wi th the g as c om pr essor suc ti on r equir em ents, and c om pr essor oper ati on shal l not c r eate pr obl em s of l ow fl ow r ate, l ow pr essur e, or pul sati on for the l oc al g as suppl y networ k. The c apac i ty of the m obi l e stor ag e uni t shal l be suffi c i ent to sati sfy the stati ons stor ag e and del i ver y r equir em ents. The desi g n of the c onnec ti on system shal l perm i t safe and sec ur e c onnec ti on and di sc onnec ti on. 8.1.2 N o n -ret u rn s ys t em A non-r etur n system shal l be fi tted i mm edi atel y downstr eam of the CNG stati on i nl et i sol ati on val ve. The system shoul d c onsi st of, as a m i ni m um , two devi c es, e. g . a non-r etur n devi c e and a pr essur e oper ated sl am -shut devic e. 8.1.3 L o w in let p res s ure A safety devi c e ( e. g . a pr essur e swi tc h) shal l be i nstal l ed for shutti ng down the c om pr essor and pr event autom ati c r e-star t i f the i nl et g as pr essur e to the c om pr essor fal l s bel ow an acc eptabl e l evel , as defi ned by the m anufac tur er . 8.1.4 Sp ec ia l equ ip men t I t m ay be nec essar y to pr ovi de g as c ondi ti oni ng equi pm ent, fi l ter s and pr essur e r eg ul ati on whic h shal l be desi g ned and c onstr uc ted to appr opr i ate standar ds. I f unodor i sed g as i s suppl i ed, odor i si ng equi pm ent wi l l be requi r ed, noti ng that any dr yer s m ay r educ e odor ant l evel s. The system shal l be desi g ned suc h that any el ement c an be r epl ac ed safel y and easi l y. 9 Gas Co mp ressors (including anci llaries) 9. 1 Gener al P rov ision s 9.1.1 G a s su pp lied fro m c o mp res s o rs The g as suppl i ed fr om the c om pr essor ( s) shal l not c ause m al func ti on of equi pm ent downstr eam of the c om pr essor wi th r espec t to cor r osi on and bl oc kag e. The 23
  • 31. Draft SI 6236 (2012) c om pr essor ( s) shal l i nc or por ate a m eans to mi nim i z e l i qui d c arr yover i nto the stor ag e or di spensi ng system . 9.1.2 Des ign The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be desi g ned for safe oper ati on and shoul d be c apable of conti nuous ful l l oad duty. 9.1.3 Vib ra t io n The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be pr ovi ded wi th adequate m eans of bal anci ng , suppor t or m ounti ng to m i nim i se the tr ansm i ssi on of mec hani c al vi br ati on to the str uc tur e and c onnec ted equi pment. The i nl et and outl et c onnec ti ons of the c om pr essor ( s) shal l be desi g ned to pr event the tr ansm i ssi on of vi br ati on to pi pewor k and equi pm ent. 9.1.4 Pu ls a t io n The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be pr ovi ded wi th a sui tabl e devi c e whi c h pr otec ts the outl et system fr om unac ceptabl e pr essur e pul sati ons. 9.1.5 Pro t ec t ion a ga in s t wea th er A c om pr essor i ntended for outdoor i nstal l ati on has to be adequatel y pr otec ted ag ai nst weather c ondi ti ons to ensur e safe and r eli abl e oper ati on . Pr ec auti ons shal l be taken i n or der to pr otec t the c om pr essor and anc i l l ar ies fr om heat r adi ati on (i . e. sun r adi ati on) . 9.1.6 Ac c es s ib ilit y Com ponents, i nteg r al par ts and user c ontr ol s that m ay r equi r e adjustm ent or r epl ac em ent dur i ng ser vi ci ng , oper ati on and m aintenanc e shal l be r eadi l y ac c essi bl e. 9. 2 Gas rec over y 9.2.1 G en era l p ro vis io n s Consi der ati on shoul d be g i ven to r ec over y of g as r el eased fr om separ ator s usi ng a sui tabl e system whi c h i s acc eptabl e to the c om pr essor m anufac tur er . 9. 3 Condens ate dr ain age a nd di sposal A safe and c ontr ol l ed system shal l be used to fac i l i tate li qui d r em oval fr om the poi nt of condensate c ol l ec ti on. I n par tic ul ar , any pressur e r el ieved duri ng thi s ac ti on shal l not endang er the oper ator or any other per son. 24
  • 32. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Condensate shal l be c onsi der ed as haz ar dous waste and shal l be di sposed i n ac c or danc e wi th the I sr aeli haz ar dous waste r eg ul ati ons. 9. 4 S tage s af ety devic e s 9.4.1 G en era l p ro vis io n s E ac h stag e of c om pr essi on m ay be equi pped wi th a devi c e to pr event over-pr essur i si ng ( i . e. a pr essur e swi tc h). However , a safety val ve shal l be pr ovi ded for the fi nal stag e of the c om pr essor . 9.4.1 .1 Resetti ng of the c ontr ol system shal l be by m anual m eans. 9.4.2 R elief Valve The fi nal stag e shal l have a full c apac i ty r eli ef val ve whi c h shal l vent to the atm ospher e or m ay vent to a r ec over y vessel , whi c h i tsel f shal l have a r el i ef val ve whi c h vents to the atm ospher e. 9. 5 D elivery line non -re turn val ve A sui tabl e non-r etur n devic e shal l be fi tted to the c om pressor di sc har g e li ne to prevent l oss of downstr eam pr essur e when the c om pressor i s unl oadi ng and when the l i qui d separ ator i s dr ai ni ng . 9. 6 S uc tion line c omponen ts The pr oc edur es di sc ussed i n thi s subc l ause ar e in addi ti on to those g i ven i n c l ause 8. 9.6.1 G en era l p ro vis io n s A nor m al l y c l osed val ve shal l be fi tted to i sol ate the g as suppl y to the c om pr essor whenever the c om pr essor i s not i n oper ati on. 9. 7 I nstrum ent atio n 9.7.1 An hour s r un m eter shal l be pr ovi ded for the pur pose of i denti fyi ng m ai ntenanc e i nter val s. 9.7.2 The c om pr essor system shal l be fi tted wi th shutdown devi c es i n the event of the fol l owi ng : • l ow g as i nl et pr essur e; • hi g h g as i nl et pr essur e i f exc eedi ng the c om pr essor i nl et pr essur e c an oc c ur ; • hi g h g as outl et pressur e; 25
  • 33. Draft SI 6236 (2012) • hi g h outl et tem per atur e at the fi nal stag e; and when appl i c abl e: • l ow l ubr ic ant pr essur e/l evel ; • hi g h hydr aul ic oi l tem per atur e ; • l ow hydr aul i c oi l l evel ; • hi g h tem per atur e of c ool i ng fl ui d. Other adver se c ondi ti ons m ay need to be taken into ac c ount. 9.7.3 I ndi c ator s shal l be pr ovi ded to show that the el ec tr i c al suppl y i s "on" and that the m otor i s oper ati ng . 9.7.4 The c om pr essor ( s) shal l shut down safel y i n the event of l oss of energ y suppl y ( to the c om pr essor dr i ve) . 9.7.5 The c om pr essor ( s) shal l shut down safel y i n the event that the stor ag e PRV wer e to sti c k open, or the stor ag e therm al r el ief val ve i s ac ti vated. 9. 8 M arkings A c om pr essor shal l be sui tabl y m ar ked by the manufac tur er ac c or di ng to the appl i c abl e r equi r em ents. I t shal l bear the fol l owi ng m ar ki ng s i n a dur able, l eg i ble m anner on a fi r ml y attac hed pl ate: • i denti fi c ati on of c om pr essed g as ( e. g . CNG c om pr essor ) . • i denti fi c ati on of the m anufac tur er and, wher e appr opr i ate, i denti fi c ati on of hi s author i z ed r epr esentati ve establ i shed wi thi n the c ountr y; • the year of m anufac tur e; • uni que i denti fic ati on of the c om pr essor , suc h as type, ser i es or batc h i denti fi c ati on and/or ser i al num ber ; • essenti al l i m i ts suc h as m axi m um al l owable pr essur es and tem per atur e; r ated power i n kW and suppl y vol tag e i n V; • m axi m um oper ati ng pr essur e of the c om pr essor . 26
  • 34. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Al l el ec tr i c al m otor and anc i ll ar i es shal l be m ar ked as sui tabl e for use i n haz ar dous ar ea ac c or di ng to appli c abl e standar ds. Al l oper ati onal valves of the c om pr essor and anci l l ar i es shal l be l abel l ed wi th i denti fi c ati on tag s, di spl ayed on the P &I D di ag r am . The P & I D di ag r am shal l be pl ac ed adjac ent to the c om pressor . 9. 9 I nstruc tio ns The c om pr essor ( s) shal l be pr ovi ded wi th c om prehensi ve i nstal l ati on i nstr uc ti ons, di ag r am s, m ai ntenanc e ( i ncl udi ng purg i ng pr oc edur e) , ser vi c i ng and user i nstr uc ti ons. 10 Stora ge faci lity (including anci llaries) 10. 1 S torage p ressu re ves sels 10.1. 1 Al l CNG stor ag e vessel s shal l c om pl y wi th the E ur opean Di r ec ti ve 97/23/E C, E N 13445 1 and E N 13445-2 or ASME VI I I -1. Hor i z ontal c yli nder s shal l not be i n di r ec t c ontact wi th eac h other . Stor ag e vessel s shal l be subjec ted to r eg ul ar i nspec ti on and testi ng at i nter val s as r equi red by the I sr ael i Standar d SI 4295 10.1. 2 P r ec auti ons shal l be taken i n or der to pr otec t the stor ag e fac il i ty fr om heat radiation (i.e. sun radiation). 10. 2 P ressur e r elief d evic es 10.2. 1 At l east one sui tabl e non-tem per ature dependent safety devi c e shal l be fi tted to pr otec t the stor ag e system fr om over -pr essur i sati on, wi th a di sc har g e r ate that i s adequate to ensur e a c ontr oll ed depr essur i sati on of the system . 10.2. 2 A stor ag e pr essur e vessel shal l not be i sol ated from a pr essur e r el i ef devic e. Wher e sever al vessel s ar e m ani fol ded tog ether wi th a si ng l e sui tabl y si z ed r el i ef val ve, no vessel shal l be abl e to be i sol ated fr om the r el i ef val ve. 10.2. 3 A sui tabl e devi c e that r el eases the pr essur e at a tem per atur e of 100 °C ± 10°C when usi ng steel pr essur e vessel s shoul d be fi tted to eac h m ani fol ded g r oup of vessel s, i n or der to perm i t c ontr ol l ed di sc har g e i n the event of fi re. Wher e pr essur e vessel s m ade fr om m ateri al s other than steel are used, doc um entati on shal l be pr ovi ded, pr ovi ng that the safety devi c e wi l l oper ate befor e fai l ur e of the m ater i al due to hig h tem per atur es i n c ase of fi r e. 27
  • 35. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 10.2. 4 Any pr essur e r el i ef devi ce shal l be of a desi g n suc h that: • when ac ti vated, i t shal l be abl e to keep the pr essur e not exc eedi ng 1. 1 ti mes the MOP ; • i f adjustabl e, i t c an be seal ed i n the set position in or der to pr event unauthor iz ed adjustm ent; • i t i s m ar ked wi th the set pr essur e and, wher e appr opr i ate, the di r ec ti on of fl ow; • i t di sc har g es to a safe ter mi nati on poi nt per c l ause 6. 5 of thi s standar d. 10. 3 Emerge nc y isol atio n v alve An autom ati c em er g enc y i sol ati on val ve shal l be fi tted on the outl et fr om any stor ag e fac i l i ty. 10. 4 P ressur e gauge At l east one pr essur e g aug e shal l be fi tted to the stor ag e fac il i ty. The pr essur e g aug e shal l be c apabl e of r eadi ng a pr essur e l evel of at l east 1. 2 ti m es the MOP . 10. 5 Control S ys tem s System s to c ontr ol the pr essur e level s i n di fferent stor ag e banks ( e. g . c asc ade system s) or buffer system shal l be fi t for pur pose shal l not adver sel y affec t the safety system s of the stor ag e fac i li ty 10. 6 S torage volu me Mobi l e stor ag e i n publ ic stati ons shal l be li m i ted to two tr ai l er s wi th m axi m um total vol um e of 25,000 Nm ³ ( nor m al c ubi c m eter s) . 11 Station pipework and anci llary devices 11. 1 S tation pipew ork P i pewor k and fi tti ng s shal l be fi rm l y and sec ur ely fi xed to prevent di sc onnec ti on dur i ng nor m al oper ati on. Wher e c om ponents ar e pl ac ed on di ffer ent foundati ons, whi c h c oul d m ove separ atel y, c onsi der ati on shal l be gi ven to usi ng appr opr i ate fl exi bl e c onnec ti ons. I n al l other si tuati ons , the use of fl exi ble c onnec ti ons shal l be l im i ted and subjec ted to an appr opr i ate r i sk assessm ent. 28
  • 36. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 11. 2 Gener al p rovis ions 11.2. 1 The num ber of m ec hani c al joi nts shal l be kept to a m i ni m um . 11.2. 2 P i pewor k shal l be l oc ated i n a l oc ati on wher e i t c annot be dam ag ed by m ovi ng vehi c l es, or sui tabl e pr otec ti on shal l be pr ovi ded. 11.2. 3 P r i or to pr essur e testi ng , al l wel ds shal l be subjec ted to non destr uc ti ve testi ng . See c l ause 6. 1. 5 of thi s Standar d. 11.2. 4 P i pewor k shal l be i nspec ted on a r eg ul ar basi s. Thi s shal l be defi ned i n the oper ati on and m ai ntenanc e pr oc edur e as desc r i bed i n Annex J. 11.2. 5 The desi g n of the pi pewor k wil l c onsi der str ess anal ysi s. 11.2. 6 Al l oper ati onal valves shal l be l abel l ed wi th i denti fi c ati on tag s, whi c h wi l l be di spl ayed on the P& I D di ag r am . The P & I D di ag r am shal l be di spl ayed for oper ational use. 11. 3 I nlet suppl y pip ew ork The pr essur e of the i nlet pi pewor k wi ll depend upon the sour c e. I t m ay be l ow pr essur e i f suppl i ed fr om the di str i buti on system , but c oul d be up to 260 bar i f suppl i ed fr om a m obi l e stor ag e uni t. The standar d used shal l be sui tabl e for the pr essur e l evel. The i nl et pi pewor k shal l be i n ac c or danc e wi th one of the foll owi ng standar ds: E N 15001-1, ASME B31. 3. E N 13480-1, E N 13480- 2, E N 13480-3 , E N 13480-4 , E N 13480-5 and E N 13480-6 or the r elevant par t of SI 5664, dependi ng on the NG suppl y pr essur e. The i nl et pi pewor k c an be above or bel ow gr ound ( m ay be bur i ed) Al l i nl et pi pewor k shal l be c onstr uc ted of appr opr i ate c orr osi on pr otec ted or stai nl ess steel pi pe. For m obi l e suppl y, the desi g n and oper ati on of the c onnec ti on system shal l per mi t safe and sec ur e c onnec ti on and di sc onnec ti on. The connec ti on poi nt shal l be sec ur el y seal ed when not c onnec ted to a suppl y sour c e. 11.3. 1 Ab o ve grou nd in let p ip ewo rk 11.3. 1.1 The above g r ound pi pewor k sec ti on shal l be r estr i c ted fr om unauthor i sed ac c ess. 11.3. 2 B u ried in let p ip ewo rk 11.3. 2.1 Al l bur i ed pi pewor k joi nts shal l be wel ded. 29
  • 37. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 11.3. 2.2 Bur i ed pi pewor k shal l be i nspec ted for l eakag e on a r eg ul ar basi s. 11.3. 2.3 Car bon steel pi pewor k shal l be sui tabl y pr otec ted by an anti -c orr osi on system . 11.3. 2.4 Wher e the pi pi ng i s c athodi c al l y pr otec ted or other c onsi der ati ons c al l for i t, i nsul ated c onnec ti ons shal l be fi tted to el ec tr i c al l y i sol ate fuel l i ng devi c es fr om g as pi pewor k. 11.3. 2.5 I nsul ated c onnec ti ons i nstal l ed above gr ound i n haz ar dous ar eas shal l be adequatel y separ ated to avoi d spar ki ng . 11.3. 2.6 When i nstal l i ng i nsul ated c onnec ti ons outsi de the c over ed ar ea of the fuell i ng stati on, the sec ti on of under g r ound pi pi ng , i nc l udi ng the i nsul ati on joi nt( s) , shal l be exter nal l y wr apped. 11.3. 2.7 Under g r ound pi pi ng shal l be m ar ked by m eans of l ayi ng a war ni ng tape above i t dur i ng c onstr uc ti on. 11.3. 3 In let p ip ewo rk in du ct s 11.3. 3.1 Wher e pi pewor k i s i nstal l ed i n bel ow g r ound duc ts, effec ti ve venti l ati on and dr ai nag e shal l be pr ovi ded. Al l pi pewor k joi nts shal l be wel ded and the pi pewor k shal l be c onstr uc ted of an appropriate grade of carbon steel or stai nl ess steel . 11.3. 3.2 The duc ts shal l be ac c essi bl e for vi sual i nspec ti on of the pi pewor k. 11.3. 3.3 The c onstr uc ti on and qual i ty of the pi pewor k shal l be the sam e as for above g r ound pi pewor k. 11.3. 3.4 P i pewor k shal l be l oc ated i n a duc t or voi d onl y i f the duc t or voi d i s adequatel y venti l ated. 11. 4 Outlet pipew ork The fol l owi ng appli es to pi pewor k downstr eam of the c om pr essor ( s) : 11.4. 1 The outl et pi pewor k shal l c om pl y wi th one of the fol l owi ng standar ds, e. g . the E N ser i es of E N 13480-1 , E N 13480-2 , E N 13480-3, E N 13480-4 , E N 13480-5 , E N 13480-6 and ASME B31. 3. 11.4. 2 Above g r ound outl et pi pewor k 11.4. 2.1 Al l above g r ound pi pewor k shal l be c onstr uc ted of appr opr i ate c or r osi on pr otec ted or stai nl ess steel pi pe. 30
  • 38. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 11.4. 2.2 I f possi bl e, above g r ound pi pewor k shoul d not be used for vehi c l e ac c essed ar eas. I f above gr ound pi pewor k i s used, i t shal l be so loc ated and pr otec ted to avoi d dam ag e fr om hig h vehic l es. 11.4. 3 B elo w grou nd level o ut let p ip ewo rk 11.4. 3.1 P i pewor k i nstal l ed bel ow g r ound l evel shal l be instal l ed wi thi n duc ts as defi ned i n c l ause 11. 4. 3. 3 of thi s standar d or i n bel ow g r ound c asi ng as defi ned i n cl ause 11. 4. 3. 4. 11.4. 3.2 P i pewor k m ay be i nstal l ed i n pi ts c ontai ni ng below g r ound stor ag e ( see c l ause 7. 3. 1) . 11.4. 3.3 Ou t let p ip ewo rk in d uc t s 11.4. 3.3 .1 Duc ts shal l be spec i all y desi g ned for CNG use. The duc ts shal l onl y c ontai n CNG pi pewor k, dr ainag e water li ne and c om pr essed ai r l i ne, i f r equi r ed. CNG pi pewor k shal l be separ ated fr om other pi pe l i nes. 11.4. 3.3 .2 The duc ts and i ts c over s shal l be c onstr uc ted to wi thstand vehi c l e l oadi ng . 11.4. 3.3 .3 The duc ts shal l have adequate dr ai nag e. 11.4. 3.3 .4 CNG pi pewor k shal l be adequatel y suppor ted and r ai sed above the bottom of the duc t. 11.4. 3.3 .5 Al l pi pewor k joi nts i n duc ts shal l be wel ded. 11.4. 3.3 .6 The duc ts shal l be easi l y acc essi bl e for vi sual i nspec ti on of the pi pewor k. 11.4. 3.3 .7 The duc t shal l be adequatel y venti l ated. 11.4. 3.4 Outl et pi pi ng i n c asi ng 11.4. 3.4 .1 The outl et pi pi ng i n c asi ng shal l be i nstal l ed between wel l venti l ated, dr ai ned pi ts. When one end of the pi pewor k i s di r ec tl y c onnec ted to equi pment ( i. e. a di spenser or c om pressor ) one pi t ( at the other end) i s perm i tted. 11.4. 3.4 .2 The pi ts shal l be l oc ated i n a safe l oc ati on. 11.4. 3.4 .3 P i ts shal l be acc essi bl e to author i sed per sonnel onl y. 31
  • 39. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 11.4. 3.4 .4 P i pewor k per i odi c al i nspec ti on shal l be spec i fi ed i n the oper ati onal and m ai ntenanc e pr ocedur es. 11. 5 Flexible c onn ec tions Any fl exi bl e c onnec ti on shal l be sui tabl e for the desi g n par am eter s. For di spenser fil l i ng hoses , see c l ause 13. 2. 11. 6 P ressur e gauge s 11.6. 1 Wher e appr opr i ate, adequate m oni tor i ng devi c es, e. g . pr essur e g aug es shal l be i nstal l ed to enabl e adequate ac ti on to be taken ei ther autom ati c al l y or m anuall y to keep the pr essur e equi pm ent wi thi n the all owabl e l im i ts. All g aug es shal l have a ful l sc al e r eadi ng of at l east 1. 2 ti m es the MOP. Sui tabl e pr essur e tr ansduc er s m ay be used. 11.6. 2 Al l pr essur e g aug es thr oug hout the fuell i ng station, stor ag e fac i l i ti es and di spenser shal l have the sam e uni ts. 11. 7 P ressur e t est ing The c om pl ete i nstal l ati on shal l be tested for streng th and ti g htness usi ng an appr oved m ethod. See al so Annex E . 11. 8 Gas d etec t ion s yst em I f a g as detec ti on system i s i nstal l ed, i t shal l c om pl y wi th IE C 60079-29. Detec tor s shal l be i nstal l ed i n enc l osur es for the c om pr essor uni t and stor ag e fac il i ty. 12 Emerg ency shutdown p rocedu res 12.1 An em er g enc y shutdown pr oc edur e shal l be pr ovi ded to shut down the fuel l i ng stati on safel y and i sol ate the g as i nl et i n an em er g enc y or i n a c ase of a power fail ur e. Thi s shal l be i nc or por ated i nto the oper ati onal safety m anag em ent system for the fuel l i ng stati on. 12.2 The pr oc edur e shal l i nc l ude a c om pr essor shutdown and i sol ati on of any stor ag e fac i li ty outl et by the oper ati on of autom ati c val ves and a r estar t pr oc edur e after shutdown. For exam pl e, an em er g enc y shutdown pr oc edur e c oul d be as fol l ows: • The fuel l i ng stati on power suppl y shal l be i sol ated exc ept power for the uni t m oni tor i ng c ontr ol and to the m ec hanic al ventil ati on system ; • The g as suppl y to the di spenser fuel li ng hose( s) shal l be i sol ated; 32
  • 40. Draft SI 6236 (2012) • The g as fl ow between the c om pr essor , stor ag e, and di spensi ng uni t and al so between stor ag e sec ti ons shal l be stopped. I f m or e than one di spensi ng uni t i s c onnec ted to the stor ag e, the del i ver y m ay be stopped wi th c om mon val ves. • The i nl et val ve shoul d be autom ati c al l y cl osed dur i ng em er genc y shutdown. N ot e : A u t o mat i c de p re s s u ri s ati o n s ho u l d b e avo i d ed d u ri ng e me rg e n c y sh u t d o w n. 12.3 E m erg enc y shutdown ac ti vati on devi c es ( e. g . ‘pani c ’ buttons) shal l be sui tabl y l oc ated thr oug hout the fuel li ng stati on. Thi s r equir ement dem ands spec i al attenti on for sel f- ser vi c e stati ons, i n or der to avoi d i nter fer enc e and m i shandl i ng . 12.4 A r el i abl e power suppl y sour c e shal l be used to oper ate c om ponents that ar e essenti al for safety. 13 Dispen ser The l oc ati on shal l be i n a wel l venti l ated l oc ati on, pr efer abl y i n the open ai r . I f not l oc ated i n the open air , the l oc ati on shal l be subjec ted to r i sk anal ysi s. The l oc ati on shal l be i n the open ai r for publi c ac c essed fuel l i ng stati ons. 13. 1 D ispensi ng uni t 13.1. 1 G as shal l onl y be di spensed usi ng equi pm ent wi th the fol l owi ng safety devi ces: • Br eak-away system . The di sc onnec ti on for c e of the br eakaway devi c e shal l be l ower than 500 N for di spenser s for per sonal vehi c l es and 850 N for hi g h fl ow di spenser s for c omm erc i al vehi c l es, i n any di r ec ti on; • An autom ati c system shal l be i nstal l ed for eac h fuel l i ng hose to shut off the g as fl ow i f a pr essur e l evel of 200 bar at +15 °C i n the vehi c l e g as tank i s reac hed or when the fuell i ng pr oc ess has ended. 13.1. 2 The di spensi ng uni t shal l be pr otec ted ag ai nst vehi c l e c ol l i si on. I n c ase of dam ag e to the di spenser ( despi te the c ol l i si on pr otec tor ) , an autom ati c val ve or exc ess fl ow val ve shal l be ac ti vated c l osi ng the suppl y to the di spenser at i ts i nlet. 13.1. 3 When c onnec ted to the vehi c l e, the vehi c l e and di spensi ng equi pm ent shal l be equi potenti al . 33
  • 41. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 13.1. 4 For publ i c fast-fi ll sel f-ser vi c e fuel l i ng stati ons, the di spensi ng uni t shal l be equi pped wi th a button or handl e, suc h that after c onnec ti ng the nozz l e to the vehic l e, the r efuel l i ng wil l onl y star t when thi s button or handl e i s m anuall y oper ated. 13.1. 5 Vehi c l es shal l be al l owed to enter the haz ar dous ar ea onl y ar ound the di spenser to be fuel l ed. 13.1. 6 Sui tabl e c al i br ated m eteri ng system s ar e r equir ed for publ ic fuel l i ng di spenser s ac c or di ng to the I sr aeli r eg ul ati ons. 13.1. 7 Di spenser s shal l be l oc kabl e or have other pr ovisi ons for pr eventi ng thei r use when the si te i s not m anned. 13. 2 Filling hos e 13.2. 1 The fi l l i ng hose shal l be fl exi bl e and r esi stant to c or r osi on and m ec hani c al dam age. I t shal l be adequatel y suppor ted or c oated to pr event ki nki ng and abr asi on. 13.2. 2 The hose shal l be sui tabl e for CNG under norm al oper ati ng c ondi ti ons. 13.2. 3 The l eng th of the fi l li ng hose assem bl y shal l be the m i ni m um r equi r ed. I t shal l , however , not exc eed 5 m etr es or be less than 3 m etr es. 13.2. 4 The fi l l i ng hose shal l be safel y stowed when not i n use. 13.2. 5 The fi l l i ng hose shal l have a bur st pr essur e of at l east 4 ti m es the MOP . The hose shal l have been subjec ted to a str eng th test of at l east twi c e the MOP and the test r epor t shal l be avai l abl e. 13.2. 6 The hose shal l be c onti nuousl y m ar ked wi th the MOP , date of pr oduc ti on and the m anufac tur er 's nam e or tr adem ar k, appl i c able ser vi c e. The hose shal l be i nspec ted r eg ul ar l y and r epl ac ed at spec i fi ed i nter val s ac cor di ng to the m anufac tur er 's i nstr uc ti ons. 13.2. 7 The hose c onnec ti ons shal l wi thstand a for c e i n the l i near di r ec ti on 20 % gr eater than the for c e r equi r ed to oper ate the br eak-away devi c e ( see c l ause 13. 1. 1) and the hose's bur st pr ess ur e. The m anufac tur er ’s i nstr uc ti ons for the breakaway devi c e shal l be fol l owed for i nstal l ati on, oper ati on and m ai ntenanc e. 34
  • 42. Draft SI 6236 (2012) 13. 3 Filling noz zle 13.3. 1 The fi l l i ng noz zl e shal l per mi t the fl ow of g as i f ther e i s an adequate c onnec ti on between the noz zl e and the r eceptac l e devi c e on the vehi cl e. The c onnec ti on shal l pr event the esc ape of g as when i t i s not full y eng ag ed or bec om es separ ated. 13.3. 2 The noz z l e shal l c om pl y wi th the r equir ements of I SO 14469 or NGV1 and shal l m atc h the r ec eptac l e of any vehi c l e c om pl yi ng wi th I SO 15501-1 and I SO 15501-2. The noz z l e shal l be sui tabl e for the i ntended m ode of use – sel f ser vi c e/fast fi ll /sl ow fi l l. Adaptor s and other types of c onnec ti on fi tti ng s shal l not be used. 13.3. 3 Fi l l i ng noz z l es shal l be sec ur ed ag ai nst i nadver tent di sc onnec ti on, e. g . by the ac ti vati on of a l oc ki ng devi c e. They shal l be c onstr uc ted so that no one wi l l be endang er ed even when di sc onnec ted under pr essur e. 13.3. 4 When the fi l li ng noz z l e i s not i n use, i t shal l be stor ed i n a m anner to pr event entr y of m oi stur e and debri s. 13. 4 Captiv e v ent sy stem s Wher e noz z le desi g ns i nc or por ate a system to c ol l ec t the sm al l r el eases of g as on c onnec ti on/di sc onnec ti on, they shal l be vented to a safe ar ea. 14 Elect ri cal equip ment and wi ring 14. 1 Gener al Wher e the equi pm ent i s pl ac ed i n a haz ar dous ar ea, i t shal l c om pl y wi th the appr opri ate z oni ng r ati ng as r equir ed i n SI 60079 P ar t 10. 01 14. 2 Earth ing p rotec t ion Car e m ust be taken to ensur e that al l c onduc ti ng sur fac es ( for exam pl e fr am ewor k, pi pi ng etc . ) shal l be adequatel y attac hed to a c om m on ear th ac c or di ng to the I sr ael i el ec tri c i ty r eg ul ati ons. 14. 3 Lightning prot ec tion Measur es for pr otec ti on ag ai nst l i g htni ng shal l com pl y wi th the r equi r ements i n SI 1173 P ar t 1. 15 Testing, pu rging and commi ssi oning 15.1 The equi pm ent (i . e. c om pr essor s, val ves, etc ) sh al l be str eng th tested. Thi s c an be per for m ed off-si te by the m anufac turer s or c ontr ac tor . 35
  • 43. Draft SI 6236 (2012) Al l pr essur e l oaded equi pm ent shal l be tested for str eng th and tig htness and adequatel y pur g ed befor e use as defi ned i n Annex E . Upstr eam of the c om pressi on uni t, c onsi der ati on shoul d be g i ven to i nstal l i ng a tem por ar y star t-up (c omm i ssi oni ng ) fil ter . Doc um entati on of al l tests, on and off-si te, shal l be pr ovi ded. Al l tests shal l be per for m ed by a c om petent per son. 15.2 The c om pr essor m ay need to be exc l uded fr om on-si te testi ng and pur g i ng ac c or di ng to the m anufac tur er 's i nstr uc ti ons. 15.3 The system shal l be pur g ed usi ng a m ethod suc h as desc r i bed i n Annex H. 15.4 Com m i ssi oni ng of all stati on c om ponents and proper oper ati on of al l safety equi pm ent shal l be under taken by a c om petent per son and doc um ented. 16 Marking, operating notices and inst ruct ions 16. 1 Gener al Al l m ar ki ng s and l i ter atur e of a CNG fuel li ng stati on shal l be i n E ngl i sh. War ni ng si g ns shal l cl ear l y m ar k the ar ea whi c h i s c l assi fi ed as a haz ar dous ar ea i ndi c ati ng that sm oki ng , naked l i g hts and the use of unpr otec ted el ec tri c al equi pm ent ar e pr ohi bi ted. Si g ns shal l be pr i nted i n I sr ael 's offi c i al l ang uages and shal l i nc l ude the r el evant pi c tog r am s. Restr i c ted haz ar dous ar eas shal l be m ar ked ac c or di ng l y. 16. 2 M arking Fuel l i ng stati on c om ponents shal l c ar r y the m ar ki ng s i n a dur abl e, l eg i bl e m anner on a fi r ml y attac hed data pl ate that i nc l udes the fol lowi ng : • I denti fi c ati on of the m anufac tur er and, wher e appr opr i ate, i denti fi c ati on of hi s author i z ed r epr esentati ve; • Year of m anufac tur e; • Uni que i denti fi c ati on of the stati on, suc h as type, ser i es or batc h i denti fi c ati on and/or ser i al num ber ; • E ssenti al l i mi ts suc h as MOP and tem per atur e; 36