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Thank You for all those who contribut-

please submit it to
Clothing Order is due FEBRUARY
28th!! There is a website you go to put
in your order and pay as you purchase.
A wide variety of items you can choose
from… Get your order in NOW so you
have it in time for your Race Season! See
Melissa Erickson with any questions.
Sizing Kits available @ tonight’s meeting

January 2014

If you have a race report, article, recipe

Triathlon Guide to Winter Base training
pgs. 2-3

My Life My Tri with:
Tom Reisenauer & Lora Jackson
pgs. 9-10

Strong Body, Stronger Marriage

pgs. 4-5

Ask a Pro: Balancing Family with Ironman

So Many Castles to Storm and so little time Training
pgs. 11-12
pgs. 6
Good Food Recipes
pgs. 13

Diets are not the same and neither are we
pgs. 7-8

Club Sponsors, BOD, Calendar
pg. 14


Want to know the best way to stay connected to what is going on
in your club? About time you join Facebook and find us there with
lots of up to date post, events, photos & so much more. Check out


& sign in to our new Race Reach, mainly for Members Only of the
Tri-Fusion club, where you can find & RSVP to any and all
scheduled dates from club events, training, meetings & races.
Take advantage of what your club is offering you!
Any questions, ask a member of the board! Happy Training

The weather outside is
colder, the leaves are off
the trees and the amount
of races available has
drastically dropped off.
Don't get the racing
blues—this is arguably the
most important part of
your racing year/
Triathlete Guide to Winter Base
macrocycle. The macrocyTraining
cle, which is 12 months
for most athletes, starts
with the "base" phase for the first "mesocycle."
The base phase, usually starting in the winter, offers great opportunities when the weather turns cold. During the base phase, the main
goals I have for my athletes are to work on form in all three disciplines
(swim, bike, run), build strength and create a large aerobic engine
(cardio system). When these three things are accomplished, it allows
the athlete to go into the next mesocycle stronger, with less risk of injury and a large base to build speed off of.
This training allows us to work on great technique.
In the pool, along with the usual interval training, spend time on drills.
I highly recommend the armpit and fist drill as well as swimming with a
band around the ankles to improve body position. Also, ending a swim
workout with a 500 yard pull set will not only build sport specific
strength, but also aerobic base.
When the weather doesn't allow us to get out on the bike, a trainer is
not only affordable, but very beneficial. It will provide a consistent
workout without stop lights, downhills, etc.
To build the aerobic base, turn on a movie or watch a football game
while you spin for a couple hours. During this time, work on form
(keeping heels down) and a high cadence (problem for a lot of run2
ners). Not only will this help burn off the Christmas cookies, but will
build a great endurance base.
The dreaded treadmill also has benefits for us when you're stuck training indoors. When over-striding on the treadmill, it will let you know
(jamming the foot into the belt, the motor will bog, giving feedback of
improper form). Also, it provides a cushioned surface to prevent injury
and helps with pacing.
To keep the treadmill exciting, work in short speed intervals to work on
turn over. Get outside even if the sidewalks are icy because most of
the time, trails are not. Trail running not only is great aerobically on
the uphills, but helps increase leg turnover on the downhills. It also
helps build sport-specific strength with the hills and the uneven footing
strengthens hips and ankles.
Most of the year, when we're not training, we're trying to recover for
the next intense workout or race, leaving little opportunity to strength
train in the gym. Being endurance athletes, lots of weight isn't needed,
but building muscle over the winter will then allow adaptation come
the next phase.
I highly recommend the leg press as it eliminates the stress on the
back and targets the quads and hamstrings. Also, reps on the lat and
row weight machine will build swim-specific muscles. And don't forget
the core. Planks, roman chair and the old fashion sit up will strengthen
the mid-section where the power for all three sports is generated.
During the winter months, get outside as well. There are many gains
to be made by going out for a couple hours snowshoeing or crosscountry skiing.
Enjoy this season and relax. It will help prepare for the upcoming racing season both physically and mentally


Want intimacy that goes beyond washing your spouse's
bike shorts? Take these tips from someone who's been
there—and come out alright.
Last month, Annie Clements Beaty, wife of Sugarland musician and Kona Inspired spokesperson Thad Beaty, shared her tale of
the awkwardness that can plague a household of mixed fitness goals. This month, she talks about how to balance the long hours
of training while staying (happily) married.
Hi everyone, Annie here—otherwise known around these parts as the "Ironwife."
Today I’d like to talk about balancing my relationship with my husband with his relationship with training. I don’t know if
any of you other "IronSpouses" have noticed, but IRONMAN training takes up an awful lot of time. Like, almost all of my
husband’s free time.
And then there’s the pesky issue of having a job (I’m a musician) that predominantly takes place at night, paired with a
training schedule that often has my husband waking up around the time I’m getting home. More than once I’ve pulled into
the driveway from a late-night show as he is literally securing his bike to his car, heading out for a long ride before his own
workday at the studio begins. Those days are pretty brutal.
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it: I don’t know how ANY of you balance this type of training with children. Kudos to you!
Someone please write a blog about that.
We suspected that things would be tough if Thad decided to take on IRONMAN training so we discussed the prospect together and set expectations for how much time we’d be spending apart and how we’d stay connected through the process.
We had to make a decision as a family to work together, so that Thad’s IRONMAN was something that would make us
stronger, not tear us apart. It’s not easy, but I thought I’d share some of our best practices with you all, in the hopes that
you too can have a relationship with your spouse that is more enjoyably intimate than, say, the intimacy of hand-washing
their bike shorts.

Plan ahead
Now that we’ve been at this for a while, I have a pretty good grasp of Thad’s training schedule. He has his late evening swim
class on Wednesdays so that’s a night I use for catching up with friends over dinner or scheduling a rehearsal. He has early
swim on Fridays (4:20 a.m. early) so if I’m in town, we try to block out date night for Thursday to cook dinner at home,
catch up on some TV shows, and go to bed early so he’s not tossing and turning waiting for me to finish work and come to
bed. We plan ahead and block out time for each other so we don’t stress about it.
That’s not to say we don’t stress. There was the time last month Thad woke me up at four in the morning to ask me to apply
sunscreen to a hard-to-reach (and sunburn susceptible) spot on his back. I refused to get out of bed throughout the process—even to wash the sunscreen off my hands—and just lay there brooding with my hands dangling off the side of the bed
until he brought me a wet cloth.
Anyway, stories aside, let’s move on to tip number two.

Training time = Couple time
I’m not training for a marathon. But I can power-walk and plow through a month of US Weekly’s with the best of ‘em, so
Thad and I often hit side-by-side treadmills at the local recreational center. That way we can at least be in each other’s presence when I find out how much baby weight Kim Kardashian still has to lose before she’ll leave the house.
And if your spouse ever runs drills on the local high school track, there’s no rule that says you can’t go out and lay on a towel in the middle of that same track and work on your tan while they run circles around you. I will ask Thad what his minuteper-mile goal is and then count his laps, turning over after every fourth one to ensure a nice, even seven to nine minute rotation.

Make sacrifices
Are there Thursday nights when I want to attend an extremely specialized line dancing class that will allow me to master the
Chuck Baby and the Tush Push in one fell swoop? You bet. But that’s our date night so it’ll have to wait. Would Thad rather run in the beautiful park by our house than suffer my constant interruptions from the treadmill next door with more
updates on the fallout from Miley’s Grammy performance? Perhaps. But by sticking to the plans we’ve made we have built
the trust necessary to know that we can get through this new season of life as a team. We have to have each other’s back
right now, otherwise the stresses of one spouse taking a lot of perceived "me time" can start to wear pretty thin on the other.
Thad and I are taking on this IRONMAN as a family, and for me, it’s the only way to go. This time is a special season of our
life where he is tackling something that only a small percentage do. And it has inspired him to make lifelong changes for the
betterment of his own health and, ultimately, our family.
So get creative with time management, make plans together and have fun with all the craziness. The payoff on race day will
be that much sweeter. Let’s all help each other avoid that awful "IronWiddow" status by sharing our ideas for how to stay
connected during training with each other.
Until next time,
Annie Clements Beaty, "IronWife"

distance racing and with any luck we will both compete in two this year. We hope our blessings of good health and a few fin-

Iron distance racing provides many life lessons. One of
which is how to do more with less. How to squeeze in one
more run, one more ride, one more mile, one more minute.

"So many castles to storm and so
little time."

- Craig Thorsen

far as number of races within a season, I was lucky enough

that the process of those two events became more then I was comfortable with. There were other highlights within the callled
So how do I correct this? I will choose to chase smaller goals and to focus on the smaller things within the process. Now, that
being said, Bootsie and I are signed up for Calgary 70.3, Ironman Wisconsin and Ironman Arizona. These will be the races we
will build our season around. Our large goals will lie in these races.
Because of the enormity of Iron distance races and what I would like to think of as respect for the distance, the training it
takes to get to the start line and for the other athletes who have done the same, I find I am not very engaging in and around
Iron distance races. I find myself focused solely on the event itself. So lately I have been scouring the local race schedules. I
have a strong desire to include in my race schedule smaller local events. Events where I can reconnect with my roots, with
friends and with teammates.
day and "refueling" stops on the way home. Races like The Snake River Triathlon, Founders Day Trail Blazer Tri and The Palouse River Duathlon

break from any kind of pursuit both physically and men-

nothing at all. Truth be told, last weekend I actually built
my tri bike which had remained in the bike box since traveling home from Arizona. I have however been riding my

Diets are not the Same and Neither are WE!!
Diets are a topic that will always be
talked about. Whether a Doctor
creates a new way of taking in calories and sells it or if scientists discover that everybody should be
eating Mexican squash there will
always be new diets coming out. I
have talked about leaving my plate
alone when it comes to what I
eat. Do not tell me to not eat eggs,
do not tell me to avoid soy beans,
do not tell me that I should avoid
water and air. I am up to my ears
in diets and why I should be eating
the way that the person sharing
their refreshing insights is telling
me to eat.

I was thinking that I was headed for
a good evening. I had just finished
riding my trainer after an hour-long
stop and start commute home from
work so things were looking
up. THEN the dreaded headline on
Facebook as I was scrolling: AVOID CARBS or something
along those lines.

Avoid carbs? Really? Carbs are
not the enemy. The ‘enemy’ is the
type of carbs you put into your
mouth and beyond that it is the
amount of those bad carbs that you
stuff down your face hole. If you
are eating Snickers bars like they
are being phased out then yes you
Yesterday, The Great Miss Z post- should avoid carbs. This got me
ed on Facebook a link to an article thinking that when people are postabout food and as I was reading it I ing and creating their headlines the
could feel a smirk coming across
statements should be AVOID SIMmy face in complete agreePLE SUGARS BUT SOMETIMES
ment. Reading this article came af- YOU MAY WANT THEM SO GO
ter a conversation I had with Tara
of Family Sport Life in which we
FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT BEdiscussed how the presentation of CAUSE WE ALL HAVE CRAVsome bloggers, Facebook and
Twitter accounts is utterly ridiculous. People posting about how
Our bodies are not all the same
they worked out for 5 hours and ate
and so to make such bold statea green onion for lunch. I mean
ments like avoid carbs is perpetuatcome on people let’s be real here,
ing the myth that it is carbs that
please! Anyway, after that phone
cause a person to be overweight. I
conversation and reading that blog
am an example that this is far from
the truth. I eat carbs ALL THE
TIME. I eat pancakes and waffles. I eat potatoes. I eat honey
and molasses. These carbs are
my fuel for the 800 miles I am aiming for on my bike this
month. They help push me out the
door to run and swim. These carbs
are complex and not the typical
sugar you find in a Snickers bar or
M&Ms but at the same time I have
eaten those and will continue when
the body needs it. During long 4 or
5 hour rides there are moments
when I need a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup and I will have one. It is not
habit but I am not going to say that
it doesn’t happen.
My words of advice when people
ask me about nutrition is to figure it
out for YOURSELF. Meaning that
you may need more of this and less
of that but I cannot tell you exactly
what you need. What I can do is
help give you an idea of what I eat
on a typical day. On an intense
training day. On a recovery
day. These are all different and
thus require different food choices
to help fuel me for the day. I also
do not buy into the eat all the protein all the time thought process. We have an infatuation with
protein in this country and yet most
of us get all we need but if you just
look at headlines and marketing

materials you would think that we
are not close to our protein needs.
I will not dive into the Fat Free conversation as I have approached
that many times. Just know that I
do not think that fat is the enemy
either. I think that diets need to be
balanced for your level of activity. If
you are a person who does some
light working out then your diet is
going to be very different from mine
since I am working out 10-15 hours
per week during the off-season and
up to 20 hours in a week during
Ironman training.
Avoid the absolute ‘diets’ and focus
on what your body needs. Eat
whole foods and enjoy your treat
when you have it without the guilt.

My Life My Tri

Tom Reisenauer

Member since: I've been a Tri-fusion member since January 2013
Occupation: I am an outside salesman for Motion Auto
Supply. I have worked there for 14 years.
“A” Race 2014: My main focus for this year is Ironman
Calgary 70.3. I have never been there before but
am looking forward to introduce myself.

Swim, Bike or Run : My favorite event of training for a triathlon is swimming. It give me
time to relax and focus on life itself.
My Song(s): You're Going Down by Sick Puppies , 45 by Shinedown, If Today Was Your
Last Day by Nickelback
Proudest Moment: My proudest moments would be my 3 kids Tyler(14),Madison(11)and Bo
(8). But crossing the finish line at Ironman Coeur d'alene comes in a close second.
Pet Peeve: My biggest pet peeve is listening to people say "I can't". Everything is possible.
Perfect Day: Coffee, sun, sand and kids.
Indulgence: My indulgence would have to include a BIG cheese burger and beer. There for I
swim, bike and run.
Childhood Ambition: My childhood ambition was and is to be like my uncle John Ankerson. He
once told me "Time is what you make it. So make most of your time."
Best Quote: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again."

Lora Jackson
Member since: 2013
Occupation: Assistant Principle, Middle School
“A” Race 2014: Boston Marathon
Swim, Bike or Run: Run. I love the spontaneity. It fits my
often crazy paced. Solo, I love the peace and the sound of
my feet striking ground. Equally, I enjoy the chatter with
besties while mindlessly dodging potholes on a familiar pre-daylight loop. Running, also, is my favorite way to explore
a new city. I meander with no route in mind, often discovering something worth coming back to later in the day.

My Life My Tri

My Song(s): I don’t listen to music while racing or training, but driving to a race I may crank Lady Gaga’s “Poker
Face” or Eminem’s “lose Yourself”
Biggest Challenge in races: Heat has affected me adversely in races. Prior to Kona and Vegas 70.3, I did
the bulk of my training in the heat of the day. Still, I withered! Although I upped my hydration, it
was too conservative. Since I crave warm destinations, it will serve me well to figure out this aspect.
Proudest Moment: I am an Idaho girl. At 19, I wanted to see the East Coast. I applied and was accepted for a student-exchange to Eastern Connecticut State University. Not knowing a soul in that state,
I went out on a limb and contacted the volleyball coach and sent her a high-school game tape. That led
to one of the best experiences of my life. I traveled to Aruba with the team for 2 weeks of pre-season
training and played games at dozens of East Coast colleges. I am proud of taking that risk to pursue
something out of the ordinary.
Pet Peeve: During my first Ironman, CDA 2010, I was peed on not once, but twice. Two different guys
in front of me on the bike peed on the downhill. Both times, the pee hit the wheels and shot up in an elegant arc, landing right on me. I could be more adept at recognizing the signs, but a pet peeve nonetheless.
Perfect Day: I would be pretty darn okay waking up with the sun in Hawaii, doing a long, scenic bike or
run, followed by coffee on a warm sunny patio. That leaves the rest of the day for beachcombing or surfing with the kids. The same works on Lake CDA in the summer, substituting waterskiing and docktime
Indulgence: A warm, butter almond croissant with a strong cup of joe after a good morning workout is the
Best Quote: In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. --- Abraham
Ask a Pro: Balancing Family with IRONMAN Training

Four-time IRONMAN world champion and three-time dad
Craig Alexander weighs in on balancing family, training and racing.
In this series, we pair an IRONMAN newbie with a seasoned pro (think of it as the "Dear Abby" of triathlon). Up next is Nick Tierney, a Kona Inspired hopeful who had to pull out of IRONMAN Wisconsin last year because of a surprising turn of events for he
and his wife: the birth of quadruplets.
Tierney, 35, told us that he gets up between 4 and 5 a.m every morning, depending on his workout. He has a bike trainer and a
treadmill in the basement and takes the baby monitor with him. "I work out until the babies wake up or I have to get ready for
work," he says. On weekends he’ll do an extra hour or so while the babies nap and he tries to hit the pool at least two mornings a
Having just welcomed his third child, four-time IRONMAN world champion Craig Alexander was the perfect man to offer Tierney
a few words of wisdom.
Nick Tierney: My wife and I watched all of your training day videos and we enjoyed seeing how your family interacted
throughout the day as you went through your routine.
Craig Alexander: Thank you. I enjoy having them be part of the process.
NT: What are your sleeping arrangements on race weekends? Do your kids always travel with you?
CA: Four infants is going to teach you some patience over the years, Nick. You are a brave man! Do they make quad running
strollers? But to answer your question, in Kona, for example, we all share a hotel suite. We love the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort,
especially the staff who we’ve gotten to know quite well over the years. We request the same room there every year, which has a
bedroom off a main family room and an amazing lanai. It's becoming more challenging to have the family at every race, however,
especially now with our new baby. For most races now I travel in alone and leave as soon after the race as I can to get back to the
family. It's no secret that I hate being away from them.

NT: What’s the hardest thing about balancing family and training? Is it easier when the kids are really little?
CA: You said the key word in your question: balance. You need it as an athlete. For me, my family creates the perfect balance to
my racing career. Racing is my livelihood and I do it because I love it. But, when I get home from a long training day or a race that
didn't go as well as I’d hoped, seeing my family instantly clears my mind and reminds me how lucky I am to have them.
NT: Do you ever miss family events to train, or miss training sessions and feel guilty afterwards? How do you cope with
CA: In a word, Yes. Do I feel guilty? Yes. Does my family understand? Yes. This year I am missing Lucy's birthday, and I have
missed (my wife) Neri's over the past few years. I’m confident that my kids and Neri know I love them, and that is the most important. Sometimes I miss sessions and then have to play catch-up. It is a long and constant juggle, as any parent knows.
NT: What is your favorite charity and why do you support their mission? I joined "Eleonore rocks" this year, a charity supporting terminally ill children and their families. It hit home for me seeing sick infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.
CA: The KIDS foundation is really close to my heart. They provide an outstanding support system for children who are burn victims or have life-changing injuries. Their founder has done IRONMAN and is just incredibly inspiring. Please check them out
NT: Have you ever burned out during race season? What did you do to get back into it?
CA: Of course. Everyone needs down time, an off-season, and other times to mentally and physically refocus. After racing for nearly 20 years, I learned to build mandatory downtime into the race season schedule. Downtime should equal more productive go-time.
NT: How does your wife keep your kids occupied at races? Do they understand that racing is your job?
CA: Neri is amazing, I have no idea how she juggles it all. I just come back exhausted at the end of the race day and she has everyone waiting for me at the finish. For the big races like Hawaii we usually have extra family and friends there to help. The kids—
well, Lucy anyway—know that I train and race and that it’s my job.
NT: What's your family's favorite non-race vacation? Do you still work out when you go?
CA: If you ask the kids it’s probably the crazy extended family Christmas camping holiday in a tiny beach town near Coffs Harbor.
The days are filled with swimming, games, bikes, the beach, eating and hanging out with the cousins. The best part about it for me
is having no shortage of kids willing to ride with me while I run. Camping is not exactly my cup of tea. I prefer heading off to Hamilton Island or some other tropical destination.
NT: What’s the longest distance you've ever traveled to a race with the kids?
CA: The longest we’ve ever traveled for a race was flying direct from Sydney, through LA, Miami, and then Tampa. We arrived at
2 a.m. after about 30 hours of travel with Lucy in tow. It’s a trip I’m not in a hurry to do again.

(MAY 2013 ARTICLE Originally from: )


4 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce


2 tablespoon dry sherry


2 tablespoon hoisin sauce (found in Asian section of grocery store)


2 teaspoon rice vinegar


2 tablespoon sesame oil


2 tablespoon minced garlic


2 tablespoon minced peeled fresh ginger (I used the pre-ground ginger found in produce section)


1 (14-ounce) package coleslaw (about 4 cups)


4 c shredded skinless, boneless rotisserie chicken breast


1/2 cup sliced green onions, divided


24 Bibb lettuce leaves (I used romaine)


1/2 cup chopped cashews

1. In a bowl, whisk together the first 7 ingredients.
2. In a large saucepan, combine liquid with rotisserie chicken until heated through (add in 1/4 c of green
3. In lettuce leaves, layer coleslaw mix and chicken.
4. Top with remaining green onions and chopped cashews.

February / March





Eric Byrd— Membership Director

Masters Swim offered FREE to 
Trifusion members most Sunday
mornings 8:30AM @ Whitworth.
Be sure to sign up on the Forum
as limited spots

Indoor Trainer Rides/Racing are RACES
happening at Fitness Fanatics on
Thursday nights at 6:00pm and  March 16th—
miles—10am @ SCC
Saturdays at 8:00am


Bike Clinic– 2/20, 2/27, 3/6
6:30-8pm: Led by cycling specialist Roger Thompson & house.
Teach participants how to make
the most of their trainer
workouts. Limited 10 spots.
RSVP required, on Tri-Fusion FB
Race Reach. Email if any questions.

Jarod Crook— Treasure
Meghan Faulkenberry— Mentor Director
& Sponsorship Liason
Natalie Gallagher— Social Director
Greg Gallagher— Vice President
Rene Guerrero— Website Director

Melissa Erickson— Clothing Director
Alison Stitt— Newsletter Director
Jessi Thompson— Secretary
Roger Thompson— President


Headlamp run & dinner– 2/21
6:30pm: Hosted at the Gallaghers’ house. All levels/speeds
welcome. RSVP by 2/20, on the
tri-fusion FB Race Reach
Lots of workout opportunities
posted on the Tri-Fusion website
forum and/or Facebook page,
Race Reach. Also a great place
for all members to post their
workouts that is open to public

to our amazing



Headlamp run #2, 2/21 is a
Social Activity for everyone (see
Training opportunities, and/or
Race Reach on the Tri-Fusion
FaceBook page to RSVP)


March 21 & 22nd—Snake River
Tri /Sprint - Lewiston, ID.


March 22nd—Rapid Rabbit
3&5—East Valley HS 10am


March 29th—Ironman
Oceanside 70.3, California


Offseason...check,, or
posted notice on the forum for
races coming up


March 19th, 6:30pm @ Wandermere Twigs Bistro and Martini
Bar. You can RSVP for this
meeting on RACE REACH on
the Tri-Fusion Facebook page.
Get registered to stay connected!

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Newsletter Feb '

  • 1. Thank You for all those who contribut- please submit it to REMINDER: Clothing Order is due FEBRUARY 28th!! There is a website you go to put in your order and pay as you purchase. A wide variety of items you can choose from… Get your order in NOW so you have it in time for your Race Season! See Melissa Erickson with any questions. Sizing Kits available @ tonight’s meeting January 2014 If you have a race report, article, recipe Triathlon Guide to Winter Base training pgs. 2-3 My Life My Tri with: Tom Reisenauer & Lora Jackson pgs. 9-10 Strong Body, Stronger Marriage pgs. 4-5 Ask a Pro: Balancing Family with Ironman So Many Castles to Storm and so little time Training pgs. 11-12 pgs. 6 Good Food Recipes pgs. 13 Diets are not the same and neither are we pgs. 7-8 Club Sponsors, BOD, Calendar pg. 14 KiDs Triathlon Want to know the best way to stay connected to what is going on in your club? About time you join Facebook and find us there with lots of up to date post, events, photos & so much more. Check out SOLD OUT!! & sign in to our new Race Reach, mainly for Members Only of the Tri-Fusion club, where you can find & RSVP to any and all scheduled dates from club events, training, meetings & races. Take advantage of what your club is offering you! Any questions, ask a member of the board! Happy Training 1
  • 2. The weather outside is colder, the leaves are off the trees and the amount of races available has drastically dropped off. Don't get the racing blues—this is arguably the most important part of your racing year/ Triathlete Guide to Winter Base macrocycle. The macrocyTraining cle, which is 12 months for most athletes, starts with the "base" phase for the first "mesocycle." The base phase, usually starting in the winter, offers great opportunities when the weather turns cold. During the base phase, the main goals I have for my athletes are to work on form in all three disciplines (swim, bike, run), build strength and create a large aerobic engine (cardio system). When these three things are accomplished, it allows the athlete to go into the next mesocycle stronger, with less risk of injury and a large base to build speed off of. This training allows us to work on great technique. SWIMMING In the pool, along with the usual interval training, spend time on drills. I highly recommend the armpit and fist drill as well as swimming with a band around the ankles to improve body position. Also, ending a swim workout with a 500 yard pull set will not only build sport specific strength, but also aerobic base. CYCLING When the weather doesn't allow us to get out on the bike, a trainer is not only affordable, but very beneficial. It will provide a consistent workout without stop lights, downhills, etc. To build the aerobic base, turn on a movie or watch a football game while you spin for a couple hours. During this time, work on form (keeping heels down) and a high cadence (problem for a lot of run2
  • 3. ners). Not only will this help burn off the Christmas cookies, but will build a great endurance base. RUNNING The dreaded treadmill also has benefits for us when you're stuck training indoors. When over-striding on the treadmill, it will let you know (jamming the foot into the belt, the motor will bog, giving feedback of improper form). Also, it provides a cushioned surface to prevent injury and helps with pacing. To keep the treadmill exciting, work in short speed intervals to work on turn over. Get outside even if the sidewalks are icy because most of the time, trails are not. Trail running not only is great aerobically on the uphills, but helps increase leg turnover on the downhills. It also helps build sport-specific strength with the hills and the uneven footing strengthens hips and ankles. STRENGTH TRAINING Most of the year, when we're not training, we're trying to recover for the next intense workout or race, leaving little opportunity to strength train in the gym. Being endurance athletes, lots of weight isn't needed, but building muscle over the winter will then allow adaptation come the next phase. I highly recommend the leg press as it eliminates the stress on the back and targets the quads and hamstrings. Also, reps on the lat and row weight machine will build swim-specific muscles. And don't forget the core. Planks, roman chair and the old fashion sit up will strengthen the mid-section where the power for all three sports is generated. CROSS-TRAINING During the winter months, get outside as well. There are many gains to be made by going out for a couple hours snowshoeing or crosscountry skiing. Enjoy this season and relax. It will help prepare for the upcoming racing season both physically and mentally 3
  • 4. STRONG BODY, STRONGER MARRIAGE Want intimacy that goes beyond washing your spouse's bike shorts? Take these tips from someone who's been there—and come out alright. Last month, Annie Clements Beaty, wife of Sugarland musician and Kona Inspired spokesperson Thad Beaty, shared her tale of the awkwardness that can plague a household of mixed fitness goals. This month, she talks about how to balance the long hours of training while staying (happily) married. Hi everyone, Annie here—otherwise known around these parts as the "Ironwife." Today I’d like to talk about balancing my relationship with my husband with his relationship with training. I don’t know if any of you other "IronSpouses" have noticed, but IRONMAN training takes up an awful lot of time. Like, almost all of my husband’s free time. And then there’s the pesky issue of having a job (I’m a musician) that predominantly takes place at night, paired with a training schedule that often has my husband waking up around the time I’m getting home. More than once I’ve pulled into the driveway from a late-night show as he is literally securing his bike to his car, heading out for a long ride before his own workday at the studio begins. Those days are pretty brutal. I’m just gonna go ahead and say it: I don’t know how ANY of you balance this type of training with children. Kudos to you! Someone please write a blog about that. We suspected that things would be tough if Thad decided to take on IRONMAN training so we discussed the prospect together and set expectations for how much time we’d be spending apart and how we’d stay connected through the process. We had to make a decision as a family to work together, so that Thad’s IRONMAN was something that would make us stronger, not tear us apart. It’s not easy, but I thought I’d share some of our best practices with you all, in the hopes that you too can have a relationship with your spouse that is more enjoyably intimate than, say, the intimacy of hand-washing their bike shorts. 4
  • 5. Plan ahead Now that we’ve been at this for a while, I have a pretty good grasp of Thad’s training schedule. He has his late evening swim class on Wednesdays so that’s a night I use for catching up with friends over dinner or scheduling a rehearsal. He has early swim on Fridays (4:20 a.m. early) so if I’m in town, we try to block out date night for Thursday to cook dinner at home, catch up on some TV shows, and go to bed early so he’s not tossing and turning waiting for me to finish work and come to bed. We plan ahead and block out time for each other so we don’t stress about it. That’s not to say we don’t stress. There was the time last month Thad woke me up at four in the morning to ask me to apply sunscreen to a hard-to-reach (and sunburn susceptible) spot on his back. I refused to get out of bed throughout the process—even to wash the sunscreen off my hands—and just lay there brooding with my hands dangling off the side of the bed until he brought me a wet cloth. Anyway, stories aside, let’s move on to tip number two. Training time = Couple time I’m not training for a marathon. But I can power-walk and plow through a month of US Weekly’s with the best of ‘em, so Thad and I often hit side-by-side treadmills at the local recreational center. That way we can at least be in each other’s presence when I find out how much baby weight Kim Kardashian still has to lose before she’ll leave the house. And if your spouse ever runs drills on the local high school track, there’s no rule that says you can’t go out and lay on a towel in the middle of that same track and work on your tan while they run circles around you. I will ask Thad what his minuteper-mile goal is and then count his laps, turning over after every fourth one to ensure a nice, even seven to nine minute rotation. Make sacrifices Are there Thursday nights when I want to attend an extremely specialized line dancing class that will allow me to master the Chuck Baby and the Tush Push in one fell swoop? You bet. But that’s our date night so it’ll have to wait. Would Thad rather run in the beautiful park by our house than suffer my constant interruptions from the treadmill next door with more updates on the fallout from Miley’s Grammy performance? Perhaps. But by sticking to the plans we’ve made we have built the trust necessary to know that we can get through this new season of life as a team. We have to have each other’s back right now, otherwise the stresses of one spouse taking a lot of perceived "me time" can start to wear pretty thin on the other. Thad and I are taking on this IRONMAN as a family, and for me, it’s the only way to go. This time is a special season of our life where he is tackling something that only a small percentage do. And it has inspired him to make lifelong changes for the betterment of his own health and, ultimately, our family. So get creative with time management, make plans together and have fun with all the craziness. The payoff on race day will be that much sweeter. Let’s all help each other avoid that awful "IronWiddow" status by sharing our ideas for how to stay connected during training with each other. Until next time, Annie Clements Beaty, "IronWife" 5
  • 6. distance racing and with any luck we will both compete in two this year. We hope our blessings of good health and a few fin- Iron distance racing provides many life lessons. One of which is how to do more with less. How to squeeze in one more run, one more ride, one more mile, one more minute. "So many castles to storm and so little time." - Craig Thorsen far as number of races within a season, I was lucky enough that the process of those two events became more then I was comfortable with. There were other highlights within the callled als. So how do I correct this? I will choose to chase smaller goals and to focus on the smaller things within the process. Now, that being said, Bootsie and I are signed up for Calgary 70.3, Ironman Wisconsin and Ironman Arizona. These will be the races we will build our season around. Our large goals will lie in these races. But… Because of the enormity of Iron distance races and what I would like to think of as respect for the distance, the training it takes to get to the start line and for the other athletes who have done the same, I find I am not very engaging in and around Iron distance races. I find myself focused solely on the event itself. So lately I have been scouring the local race schedules. I have a strong desire to include in my race schedule smaller local events. Events where I can reconnect with my roots, with friends and with teammates. day and "refueling" stops on the way home. Races like The Snake River Triathlon, Founders Day Trail Blazer Tri and The Palouse River Duathlon break from any kind of pursuit both physically and men- nothing at all. Truth be told, last weekend I actually built my tri bike which had remained in the bike box since traveling home from Arizona. I have however been riding my 6
  • 7. Diets are not the Same and Neither are WE!! Diets are a topic that will always be talked about. Whether a Doctor creates a new way of taking in calories and sells it or if scientists discover that everybody should be eating Mexican squash there will always be new diets coming out. I have talked about leaving my plate alone when it comes to what I eat. Do not tell me to not eat eggs, do not tell me to avoid soy beans, do not tell me that I should avoid water and air. I am up to my ears in diets and why I should be eating the way that the person sharing their refreshing insights is telling me to eat. I was thinking that I was headed for a good evening. I had just finished riding my trainer after an hour-long stop and start commute home from work so things were looking up. THEN the dreaded headline on Facebook as I was scrolling: AVOID CARBS or something along those lines. Avoid carbs? Really? Carbs are not the enemy. The ‘enemy’ is the type of carbs you put into your mouth and beyond that it is the amount of those bad carbs that you stuff down your face hole. If you are eating Snickers bars like they are being phased out then yes you Yesterday, The Great Miss Z post- should avoid carbs. This got me ed on Facebook a link to an article thinking that when people are postabout food and as I was reading it I ing and creating their headlines the could feel a smirk coming across statements should be AVOID SIMmy face in complete agreePLE SUGARS BUT SOMETIMES ment. Reading this article came af- YOU MAY WANT THEM SO GO ter a conversation I had with Tara AHEAD AND HAVE THEM. DON’T of Family Sport Life in which we FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT BEdiscussed how the presentation of CAUSE WE ALL HAVE CRAVsome bloggers, Facebook and INGS. Twitter accounts is utterly ridiculous. People posting about how Our bodies are not all the same they worked out for 5 hours and ate and so to make such bold statea green onion for lunch. I mean ments like avoid carbs is perpetuatcome on people let’s be real here, ing the myth that it is carbs that please! Anyway, after that phone cause a person to be overweight. I conversation and reading that blog 7
  • 8. am an example that this is far from the truth. I eat carbs ALL THE TIME. I eat pancakes and waffles. I eat potatoes. I eat honey and molasses. These carbs are my fuel for the 800 miles I am aiming for on my bike this month. They help push me out the door to run and swim. These carbs are complex and not the typical sugar you find in a Snickers bar or M&Ms but at the same time I have eaten those and will continue when the body needs it. During long 4 or 5 hour rides there are moments when I need a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup and I will have one. It is not habit but I am not going to say that it doesn’t happen. My words of advice when people ask me about nutrition is to figure it out for YOURSELF. Meaning that you may need more of this and less of that but I cannot tell you exactly what you need. What I can do is help give you an idea of what I eat on a typical day. On an intense training day. On a recovery day. These are all different and thus require different food choices to help fuel me for the day. I also do not buy into the eat all the protein all the time thought process. We have an infatuation with protein in this country and yet most of us get all we need but if you just look at headlines and marketing materials you would think that we are not close to our protein needs. I will not dive into the Fat Free conversation as I have approached that many times. Just know that I do not think that fat is the enemy either. I think that diets need to be balanced for your level of activity. If you are a person who does some light working out then your diet is going to be very different from mine since I am working out 10-15 hours per week during the off-season and up to 20 hours in a week during Ironman training. Avoid the absolute ‘diets’ and focus on what your body needs. Eat whole foods and enjoy your treat when you have it without the guilt. - 8
  • 9. My Life My Tri Tom Reisenauer Member since: I've been a Tri-fusion member since January 2013 Occupation: I am an outside salesman for Motion Auto Supply. I have worked there for 14 years. “A” Race 2014: My main focus for this year is Ironman Calgary 70.3. I have never been there before but am looking forward to introduce myself. Swim, Bike or Run : My favorite event of training for a triathlon is swimming. It give me time to relax and focus on life itself. My Song(s): You're Going Down by Sick Puppies , 45 by Shinedown, If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback Proudest Moment: My proudest moments would be my 3 kids Tyler(14),Madison(11)and Bo (8). But crossing the finish line at Ironman Coeur d'alene comes in a close second. Pet Peeve: My biggest pet peeve is listening to people say "I can't". Everything is possible. Perfect Day: Coffee, sun, sand and kids. Indulgence: My indulgence would have to include a BIG cheese burger and beer. There for I swim, bike and run. Childhood Ambition: My childhood ambition was and is to be like my uncle John Ankerson. He once told me "Time is what you make it. So make most of your time." Best Quote: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again." 9
  • 10. Lora Jackson Member since: 2013 Occupation: Assistant Principle, Middle School “A” Race 2014: Boston Marathon Swim, Bike or Run: Run. I love the spontaneity. It fits my often crazy paced. Solo, I love the peace and the sound of my feet striking ground. Equally, I enjoy the chatter with besties while mindlessly dodging potholes on a familiar pre-daylight loop. Running, also, is my favorite way to explore a new city. I meander with no route in mind, often discovering something worth coming back to later in the day. My Life My Tri My Song(s): I don’t listen to music while racing or training, but driving to a race I may crank Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” or Eminem’s “lose Yourself” Biggest Challenge in races: Heat has affected me adversely in races. Prior to Kona and Vegas 70.3, I did the bulk of my training in the heat of the day. Still, I withered! Although I upped my hydration, it was too conservative. Since I crave warm destinations, it will serve me well to figure out this aspect. Proudest Moment: I am an Idaho girl. At 19, I wanted to see the East Coast. I applied and was accepted for a student-exchange to Eastern Connecticut State University. Not knowing a soul in that state, I went out on a limb and contacted the volleyball coach and sent her a high-school game tape. That led to one of the best experiences of my life. I traveled to Aruba with the team for 2 weeks of pre-season training and played games at dozens of East Coast colleges. I am proud of taking that risk to pursue something out of the ordinary. Pet Peeve: During my first Ironman, CDA 2010, I was peed on not once, but twice. Two different guys in front of me on the bike peed on the downhill. Both times, the pee hit the wheels and shot up in an elegant arc, landing right on me. I could be more adept at recognizing the signs, but a pet peeve nonetheless. Perfect Day: I would be pretty darn okay waking up with the sun in Hawaii, doing a long, scenic bike or run, followed by coffee on a warm sunny patio. That leaves the rest of the day for beachcombing or surfing with the kids. The same works on Lake CDA in the summer, substituting waterskiing and docktime Indulgence: A warm, butter almond croissant with a strong cup of joe after a good morning workout is the best. Best Quote: In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. --- Abraham Lincoln 10
  • 11. Ask a Pro: Balancing Family with IRONMAN Training Four-time IRONMAN world champion and three-time dad Craig Alexander weighs in on balancing family, training and racing. In this series, we pair an IRONMAN newbie with a seasoned pro (think of it as the "Dear Abby" of triathlon). Up next is Nick Tierney, a Kona Inspired hopeful who had to pull out of IRONMAN Wisconsin last year because of a surprising turn of events for he and his wife: the birth of quadruplets. Tierney, 35, told us that he gets up between 4 and 5 a.m every morning, depending on his workout. He has a bike trainer and a treadmill in the basement and takes the baby monitor with him. "I work out until the babies wake up or I have to get ready for work," he says. On weekends he’ll do an extra hour or so while the babies nap and he tries to hit the pool at least two mornings a week. Having just welcomed his third child, four-time IRONMAN world champion Craig Alexander was the perfect man to offer Tierney a few words of wisdom. Nick Tierney: My wife and I watched all of your training day videos and we enjoyed seeing how your family interacted throughout the day as you went through your routine. Craig Alexander: Thank you. I enjoy having them be part of the process. NT: What are your sleeping arrangements on race weekends? Do your kids always travel with you? CA: Four infants is going to teach you some patience over the years, Nick. You are a brave man! Do they make quad running strollers? But to answer your question, in Kona, for example, we all share a hotel suite. We love the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort, especially the staff who we’ve gotten to know quite well over the years. We request the same room there every year, which has a bedroom off a main family room and an amazing lanai. It's becoming more challenging to have the family at every race, however, especially now with our new baby. For most races now I travel in alone and leave as soon after the race as I can to get back to the family. It's no secret that I hate being away from them. 11
  • 12. NT: What’s the hardest thing about balancing family and training? Is it easier when the kids are really little? CA: You said the key word in your question: balance. You need it as an athlete. For me, my family creates the perfect balance to my racing career. Racing is my livelihood and I do it because I love it. But, when I get home from a long training day or a race that didn't go as well as I’d hoped, seeing my family instantly clears my mind and reminds me how lucky I am to have them. NT: Do you ever miss family events to train, or miss training sessions and feel guilty afterwards? How do you cope with that? CA: In a word, Yes. Do I feel guilty? Yes. Does my family understand? Yes. This year I am missing Lucy's birthday, and I have missed (my wife) Neri's over the past few years. I’m confident that my kids and Neri know I love them, and that is the most important. Sometimes I miss sessions and then have to play catch-up. It is a long and constant juggle, as any parent knows. NT: What is your favorite charity and why do you support their mission? I joined "Eleonore rocks" this year, a charity supporting terminally ill children and their families. It hit home for me seeing sick infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. CA: The KIDS foundation is really close to my heart. They provide an outstanding support system for children who are burn victims or have life-changing injuries. Their founder has done IRONMAN and is just incredibly inspiring. Please check them out at NT: Have you ever burned out during race season? What did you do to get back into it? CA: Of course. Everyone needs down time, an off-season, and other times to mentally and physically refocus. After racing for nearly 20 years, I learned to build mandatory downtime into the race season schedule. Downtime should equal more productive go-time. NT: How does your wife keep your kids occupied at races? Do they understand that racing is your job? CA: Neri is amazing, I have no idea how she juggles it all. I just come back exhausted at the end of the race day and she has everyone waiting for me at the finish. For the big races like Hawaii we usually have extra family and friends there to help. The kids— well, Lucy anyway—know that I train and race and that it’s my job. NT: What's your family's favorite non-race vacation? Do you still work out when you go? CA: If you ask the kids it’s probably the crazy extended family Christmas camping holiday in a tiny beach town near Coffs Harbor. The days are filled with swimming, games, bikes, the beach, eating and hanging out with the cousins. The best part about it for me is having no shortage of kids willing to ride with me while I run. Camping is not exactly my cup of tea. I prefer heading off to Hamilton Island or some other tropical destination. NT: What’s the longest distance you've ever traveled to a race with the kids? CA: The longest we’ve ever traveled for a race was flying direct from Sydney, through LA, Miami, and then Tampa. We arrived at 2 a.m. after about 30 hours of travel with Lucy in tow. It’s a trip I’m not in a hurry to do again. (MAY 2013 ARTICLE Originally from: ) 12
  • 13. Ingredients:  4 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce  2 tablespoon dry sherry  2 tablespoon hoisin sauce (found in Asian section of grocery store)  2 teaspoon rice vinegar  2 tablespoon sesame oil  2 tablespoon minced garlic  2 tablespoon minced peeled fresh ginger (I used the pre-ground ginger found in produce section)  1 (14-ounce) package coleslaw (about 4 cups)  4 c shredded skinless, boneless rotisserie chicken breast  1/2 cup sliced green onions, divided  24 Bibb lettuce leaves (I used romaine)  1/2 cup chopped cashews Directions: 1. In a bowl, whisk together the first 7 ingredients. 2. In a large saucepan, combine liquid with rotisserie chicken until heated through (add in 1/4 c of green onions) 3. In lettuce leaves, layer coleslaw mix and chicken. 4. Top with remaining green onions and chopped cashews. 13
  • 14. February / March TRAINING OPPORTUNITES 2014 SOCIAL EVENTS   Eric Byrd— Membership Director Masters Swim offered FREE to  Trifusion members most Sunday mornings 8:30AM @ Whitworth. Be sure to sign up on the Forum as limited spots Indoor Trainer Rides/Racing are RACES happening at Fitness Fanatics on Thursday nights at 6:00pm and  March 16th— miles—10am @ SCC Saturdays at 8:00am  Bike Clinic– 2/20, 2/27, 3/6 6:30-8pm: Led by cycling specialist Roger Thompson & house. Teach participants how to make the most of their trainer workouts. Limited 10 spots. RSVP required, on Tri-Fusion FB Race Reach. Email if any questions. Jarod Crook— Treasure Meghan Faulkenberry— Mentor Director & Sponsorship Liason Natalie Gallagher— Social Director Greg Gallagher— Vice President Rene Guerrero— Website Director  Melissa Erickson— Clothing Director Alison Stitt— Newsletter Director Jessi Thompson— Secretary Roger Thompson— President  Headlamp run & dinner– 2/21 6:30pm: Hosted at the Gallaghers’ house. All levels/speeds welcome. RSVP by 2/20, on the tri-fusion FB Race Reach Lots of workout opportunities posted on the Tri-Fusion website forum and/or Facebook page, Race Reach. Also a great place for all members to post their workouts that is open to public THANK YOU to our amazing SPONSERS 14 Headlamp run #2, 2/21 is a Social Activity for everyone (see Training opportunities, and/or Race Reach on the Tri-Fusion FaceBook page to RSVP)  March 21 & 22nd—Snake River Tri /Sprint - Lewiston, ID.  March 22nd—Rapid Rabbit 3&5—East Valley HS 10am  March 29th—Ironman Oceanside 70.3, California  Offseason...check,, or posted notice on the forum for races coming up MEETINGS:  March 19th, 6:30pm @ Wandermere Twigs Bistro and Martini Bar. You can RSVP for this meeting on RACE REACH on the Tri-Fusion Facebook page. Get registered to stay connected!