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Understanding Dominance in
      Domestic Dogs

    Presented by: Tristan Flynn, CPDT-KA

               June 23rd 2012
•   What is Dominance? (Misconceptions, Definition)
•   Popularity and Origin of Dominance
•   Dogs vs. Wolves
•   Dog Social Structure
•   Is Dominance a Personality Trait?
•   Dealing with “Dominance” Behaviors in Dogs
•   Sources / Additional Reading
•   Conclusion / Final Questions
Dominance - Misconceptions
The term “Dominance” has been twisted and no clear
meaning exists among the average dog owner.
Dominance is not a behavior, it is an attempted explanation
of behavior.
Growling, biting, staring, mounting, etc. are real observable
Generally, dominance is explained as a characteristic or
“I have a dominant dog”, or “My dog is dominant with other
Dominance - Misconceptions
General assumption of many average dog owners and trainers:
1) Wolf research showed a clear linear hierarchy between pack
   members with the alpha wolf being at the top. The alpha
   wolf must remain strong and use force to maintain his
   position or risk losing it.
2) Dogs are directly descended from wolves, so the same must
   be true of them
3) Humans must be seen as the ‘alpha’ to their dog, or risk
   misbehavior and disobedience. Eating and walking first, not
   allowing dogs on the bed, forcing submission are
   recommended as ways to show you are alpha.
4) When dogs meet other dogs they assess rank and determine
   who will be dominant. Any fights or aggression are labeled
   ‘dominance aggression”
Definition of Dominance
             Definition of Dominance
Dominant behavior is a quantitative and
quantifiable behavior displayed by an individual
with the function of gaining or maintaining
temporary access to a particular resource on a
particular occasion, versus a particular
opponent, without either party incurring injury.
Relationship isn’t established until one individual
consistently defers.
What is Dominance
Dominant behavior is situational, individual and resource related.
Dominance is a fluid relationship based on motivation. Ex: A starving
dog will not give up a bone as readily as before!

Fact: Dominance is driven by environment and learning – it is not set in
stone. “High quality, clumped resources” tend to create stricter social
hierarchies, while “low quality, evenly disbursed resources” tend to
create looser social organizations. Which would describe house dogs?

Dominance relationships are particularly important for social animals
that need to cohabit and cooperate to survive. No animal wants to
expend energy constantly fighting for resources. Many animals must
cooperate in order to survive (wolf packs, family dogs)
Each animal must make the decision how bad they want the resource
relative to the other
What is Dominance
A dominance relationship will be based on several factors:
1) The motivation for the resource of each animal
2) Their history of how to control the resource (some use
    aggression, some ‘sneak’ the resource) “Learned behavior”
3) Their relationship with the animal

These factor will be re-evaluated in each situation and with each
animal thus dominance is very fluid. Factors may however
remain very similar over the course of a relationship
What is Dominance?

Is this cat being “Dominant”?
What is Dominance?

Is this dog being “Dominant”?
What is Dominance
In the previous examples:
• The cat was defending itself from an overly excited dog.
• The young puppy was jumping up because it was friendly and
   excited. It stole food because it could and had not been
   taught otherwise!
“Dominance”, priority access to resources, played no part in
either example.
Why is terminology so important?
Without proper diagnosis, the solution may be flawed. In these
examples the “dominance” of the animal absolved the owners of
blame for the behavior.
Popularity and origin
• Early wolf and dog publications such as “King Soloman’s Ring”
  (Lorenz), “The Wolf” (Mech) and “How To Be Your Dogs Best
  Friend” (Monks) advocated the need to “Dominate” your dog.
• Schenkel’s 1947 “Expressions Studies on Wolves.” is the study
  that gave rise to the now outmoded notion of alpha wolves.
• Dominance allows for a simple and ‘sexy’ explanation of
  behavior with a simple solution (You need to be more
• Absolves owner of responsibility and justifies harsh or abusive
  treatment in the name of training.
• Human social order has many strict linear hierarchies
  (Military, Countries, Church, Companies, Royalty, etc)
Popularity and Origin
• Science is in flux and many experts have recanted their earlier
• Dominance continues to be a central topic of TV dog trainers
    and shows since the concept is easy to explain.
• An unregulated dog training industry is very dangerous.
James O’Heare Wrote:
I think it is intuitive for humans. We, as a species, are very
concerned with who is winning and who is over or under who.
Social dominance makes an intriguing narrative and humans are
very story oriented beings. It has drama. I think that is just
because many people just don't take the interest in familiarizing
themselves with the “boring” principles of learning.
Popularity and Origin
                 Confused Yet?
“A dog that growls when approached near her food bowl might
be labeled dominant. Then if you ask the owner why the dog
growls, she’ll answer, “Because she’s dominant.” So the label
becomes a pseudo-explanation for the behaviour.”

“Dominance theory is so muddled that it often contradicts itself.
For example, if a "dominant dog" is acting aggressively and the
solution is through "calm-assertive" energy which makes the
human the "dominant pack leader," wouldn't a dominant dog act
calm-assertive instead of aggressive?”
Popularity and Origin
L David Mech, Author of “The Wolf” and many other
publications who has studied wolves for over 35 years
Dogs vs. Wolves
Do these animals look similar? Is their behavior
the same?

              how about these?
Dogs vs. Wolves
Comparing wolves to dogs holds as much weight as comparing
chimps to humans when discussing behavior.
Wolves are concerned with hazard avoidance, hunting and
reproduction – dogs are concerned with social joys and
companionship, retrieving and herding and other breed specific

16,000 years or more of domestication has greatly changed a
dog and while many similarities exist in DNA between dog and
wolf, those small changes have profound effect on behavior.
Dogs vs. Wolves
• This evolution of dogs from packs of hunting predators to
  opportunistic scavengers is an important change. It is a
  change of survival tactics that seems largely responsible for
  the highly flexible and creative social capabilities of dogs.
  Dogs are a species that seems to be able to easily adapt to
  life, not just with other dogs but with other species too.

• Wolves spend most of their lives in stable family groups which
  normally do not incorporate outsiders Domestic dogs form
  loose, temporary groups and/or interact fleetingly with each
  other during outings with a human caretaker.
Dogs vs. Wolves
               Early Wolf Studies
• Early studies on wolves were done on captive wolves
  from multiple packs.
• Wolves were not able to hunt or burn off natural
  aggressive energy
• Wolves had no prior relationship and were forced
  into an unnatural family
• Aggression and “submission” was frequently
  observed, giving rise to the idea of alpha wolves and
  the need for physical dominance
Dogs vs. Wolves
                       Early Study
Since captive wolves don’t have access to hunting, their natural
method of reducing stress, or of offloading their natural predatory
aggression, or of fostering group harmony, captive wolves find
themselves fighting instead over little things; that’s what they do with
their aggressive energy—they scrimmage.

Scrimmages were taken to be a battle for dominance, rather than an
outlet for pent up anxiety and aggression

Dogs need outlet for their energy as well such as play and social
bonding. Dogs deprived of this can show aggression which is then
mistaken for ‘dominance’. The degree to which this happens is still far
less in dogs than in wolves, who by nature do not socialize with
outsiders (putting together a group of unrelated wolves causes much
more aggression than unrelated dogs).
Dogs vs. Wolves
Packing: Packing has been proven to be a product of the environment,
not an innate trait.
Wolves pack to:
• Cooperatively hunt large game. Wolves that have no need of
   cooperation to hunt have no need, and do not pack.
• Wild wolf packs will not tolerate outsiders on their territory to
   protect resources
• Packing also defers priority access to mating in order to
   cooperatively raise young to control population.
• Wolf mates both cooperate in raising the young and collecting food
   for them.

All wolves wish to pass on their genes and will leave their pack to form
their own and become the Alpha Wolf (or breeding pair)
Dogs vs. Wolves
Dogs live in a very different environment than wolves and are a
different animal!
Dogs do not form packs because:
• They do not hunt game in groups
• Males/females mate as often as they can with no specific
• Males do not take care of the young, pups often scavenge for
   food at a very young age

Fact: Dogs do not form ‘packs’ as wolves do, but certain aspects
may present depending on the environment (Ex: defending
resources from other dogs should they be scarce).
Dog Social Structure - Dunbar
Dr Ian Dunbar studied groups of domestic dogs for years in the
early 1970’s and made some key observations of their
• Dogs pick very distinct sleeping partners and friends to play
   games with. Dogs have very clear preference for other dogs.
• Females wouldn’t take bones from puppies – 50% of males
   would – as puppies aged they did take the bones.
• Taking bones was noise and there was no
   touching, rolls, grabs, shakes etc – usually done with eye
   contact alone
Dog Social Structure - Conclusions
• Socialization is the KEY to avoiding aggression and
  unstable dogs
• Dogs don’t want fear, physical pain – aggression is
• Dogs need to be taught rules to keep them safe and
  because we are smarter – not because we are
• Dog social system is not that much different from
  human system – friend, enemy, parents, well
  socialization, etc. there is no clear hierarchy in total
  social structure.
Dog Social Structure
  Dominance vs. Submission Signals

Standard “Dominant                Standard “Submission”
Aggressive” position              position

    We discussed that you cannot have dominance
    without a resource. Is this fair labeling of these
Dog Social Structure
    Dominance vs. Submission Signals
These previous postures should correctly be identified as
threatening and non-threatening.
A “Submissive” dog is actually a more socially confident dog in
that they are attempting to ‘turn off’ the aggression of the
threatening dog
Fighting and aggression among dogs is not natural and has to do
with human meddling (poor training, lack of socialization)

Wolf pack fights very rare – only 2-3 fights in wolf park in years.
Free roaming observed dogs had no link between aggression and
priority access to resources.
Dog – Human Social Structure
Dogs are clever scavengers. They will try to get what they want.
They will develop behaviours and strategies to get us to give
them more of the things they want and to keep us from doing
the things they don’t want. But isn’t that more like being an
opportunist than a power-mad status climber? And if we fall for
their strategies, isn’t that more our fault than theirs considering
we have control of all of the resources?
Dog – Human Social Structure
• Dogs do not display aggression or disobedience by a drive to
  obtain rank or leadership but rather by their desire for a
  resource and the associated learning on how to best obtain
  the resource.
• Dogs know we are not dogs and have very different means of
  communication with us than with other dogs.
• Using force and correction is not the ‘natural’ way to train.
  Dogs do not use force to teach other dogs to “Sit” –
  aggression and force is only used to say ‘get away from me’.
• Most dog-dog aggression follows the rule of using the least
  amount of force required (sometimes only a threat). Do
  humans follow the same rules?
Dominance Behavior in Dogs
True behaviour motivation is normally a hedonistic one. Dog
behaviour usually reflects a need or want that makes the dog
feel better. Dogs steal food because it tastes good, pull on leash
because we follow along, or they guard bones because bones are
tasty, not because of rank. In the wild the overall driving
motivation for resources is normally to mate and pass on ones

Many aggressive displays that are currently diagnosed as
dominance aggression are aimed at avoiding some perceived
aversive outcome rather than establishing or maintaining the
offending dog’s social status
Is Dominance a Personality Trait?
• No. By our definition, dominance is a relationship
  between individuals in regards to a particular

• Can dogs be more predisposed to using aggressive
  methods to obtain a resource? Yes!

• This is not a fixed personality trait, but rather
  behavior increased via operant conditioning that can
  be modified.
Dealing with Dominance Issues
•   Aggression is generally a fear based response, not a confident one.
•   Using force (alpha roll, corporal punishment) will stop the
    aggression, but not the reason behind it. When threat of
    punishment is gone, aggression may return.

Being dominant by force is a relationship you can create and your dog
will submit the way anyone that has less power and is being controlled
would. This is not required.
Labeling the dog as “dominant” creates conflict between the dog and
owner and often is seen as justification for harsh training methods.
Most people would not want to shock, hit or choke a dog labeled as
Dealing with Dominance Issues
          Dog-Dog Aggression
• Dogs meeting each other for the first time are often
  assessing if they have friendly intentions (not
  determining rank!)
• Aggression will be based on previous history
  (perhaps with sex, breed or movements of the dog)
• Lack of positive outcomes may predispose the dog
  to continued negative encounters as they become
  classically conditioned that dogs are a threat
• Mostly based on anxiety (unsure if dogs are a risk to
  their safety)
Dealing with Dominance Issues
            Resource Guarding
• One of the most frequent ‘dominance’ behaviors – guarding /
  using aggression to control a resource.
• Isn’t this the definition of dominance from before? YES! You
  could call this dominance, however what you do to correct it
  is key!
Resource guarding manifests because:
1. Resources are scarce
2. The dog has been conditioned that humans will take their
    items (not something that dogs often do, possession =
3. Using aggression to defend the resource has worked in past
Dealing with Dominance Issues
            Resource Guarding
Object guarding and possessiveness are not necessarily
indicators of dominance, even though superficially the behavior
appears to be motivated by dominance- related incentives.
Among wolves, there is little correspondence between object
guarding and dominance, with wolves of all ranks exhibiting
heightened possessiveness over objects located within their
ownership zone around the mouth. In addition, all
wolves, regardless of rank, will attempt to steal food from other
wolves irrespective of dominance (Mech, 1999)

Retaining a resource is a natural behavior in all dogs. To avoid
this issue we do not need to alpha roll, ‘force submission’ or
punish our dogs.
Dealing with Dominance Issues
           Resource Guarding
To correct or prevent resource guarding in dogs:
1. Provide ample resources (not high
   value, limited resources)
2. Teach dogs to trade using reward based
3. Do not create confrontations over
   resources, this causes anxiety and stress
Dealing with Dominance Issues
              Leash Walking
Misconception: Dogs walking ahead of you is a display of their
Reason: Alpha wolves are always in front of the pack, thus you
should be in front of your dog
Not only is this irrelevant, alpha wolves are often not walking in
front of the pack
Why do dogs walk in front or pull on leash?
1. Dogs move faster than us – they must be taught to move at
    our slow pace and to wait for us
2. Often owners allow the dog to pull by moving forward, thus
    the behavior is rewarded and continues (learning).
Dealing with Dominance Issues
               Leash Walking
 By rewarding a dog for walking beside you and stopping
 whenever they pull, a dog will easily learn to walk on leash.
 Dogs can be asked to wait at a door by teaching a stay.
 All can be taught using food, positive reinforcement and clear
 communication. It is that simple.

There is no need to invoke ideas of
dominance, alphas and other human
created reasoning for the behavior.
Dominance – Misconceptions review
General assumption of many average dog owners and trainers:
1) Wolf research showed a clear linear hierarchy between pack
   members with the alpha wolf being at the top. The alpha
   wolf must remain strong and use force to maintain his
   position or risk losing it.
2) Dogs are directly descended from wolves, so the same must
   be true of them
3) Humans must be seen as the ‘alpha’ to their dog or risk
   misbehavior and disobedience. Eating and walking first, not
   allowing dogs on the bed, forcing submission are
   recommended as ways to show you are alpha.
4) When dogs meet other dogs they assess rank and determine
   who will be dominant. Any fights or aggression are labeled
   ‘dominance aggression”
Dominance – updated information
Correct information for dog owners and trainers!
1) Early wolf research on captive packs was unnatural and
   showed increased aggression due to anxiety. In natural, wild
   packs, the alpha is simply the father and dominance is based
   on relationships, not force.
2) Dogs are directly descended from wolves, however their
   environmental and genetic differences result in huge
   behavior variations
3) Humans should be seen as leaders that provide information
   and resources for cooperative behavior from their dogs.
4) When dogs meet other dogs they assess the social ability and
   safety of the other dog. Encounters will be based on
   previous experiences.
Dominance is simply a description of a relationship – it should
not infer the need to use physical force to become the ‘dominant
one’. Dogs are not looking for a dominant ‘personality’ they are
simply looking for clear instruction on how their world works and
how to live within it.
Only a rather incompetent leader would go about challenging
and agitating deferential subordinates. In short, the process of
maintaining dominance is about regulating social limits and
boundaries while making oneself an object of social attention
and affection—a true leader.
“To lead people walk behind them.” Lao Tzu
•   American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviourists – Dominance Training Whitepaper - 2007
    Barry Eaton, Dominance in Dogs, Factor or Fiction, Dogwise Publishing; 3rd Revised edition edition
    (January 2011)

•   Barrette C (1993). The “inheritance of dominance,”or of an aptitude to dominate? Anim
    Behav, 46:591–593.
    Bernstein, I.S. 1981. Dominance: The baby and the bathwater. J Behav Brain Sci 4:419-57.

•   Borchelt PL (1983). Aggressive behavior of dogs kept as companion animals: Classification and
    influence of sex, reproductive status, and breed. Appl Anim Ethol 10:45–61.
    Coppinger, Raymond & Lorna: Dogs – A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior &
    Evolution ©2001, Scribner
    Drews, C. 1993. The concept and definition of dominance behaviour. Behaviour 125: 284-313
Dunbar, Dr. Ian: Dog Behavior – Why Dogs Do What They Do ©1979, TFH Publications

Fonberg E (1988). Dominance and aggression. Int J Neurosci, 41:201–213

James O’Heare - DOMINANCE THEORY AND DOGS, 2ND EDITION, Distributed by Dogwise Publishing

John W.S., Bradshaw , Emily J., Blackwell , Rachel A., Casey. Dominance in domestic dogs -- useful construct or bad
habit? Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, May/June 2009, Pages 135-14

Kenth Svartberga, Björn Forkman, K (2002-06-14). "Personality traits in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)". Applied
animal behaviour science 79 (2): 133–155

Knowles, H.P., and B.O. Saxberg. 1971. Personality and Leadership Behavior. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Lindsay, Steven R. Applied Behavior and Dog Training, Vol. I & II ©2001, Iowa State University Press
Overall, KL, Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Small Animals, Mosby, Inc., Missouri, 1997.

Overall, KL, Dog bite to humans: epidemiology, injury and risks, JAVMA, Volume 218, Number 12, 2001.

Overall, KL, Dominance aggression in dogs, Part 1 and Part 2, Internet publication, http//www.hilltopanimalhospital.
com/dominance%20aggression1.htm (2.htm), 26 February 2002.

Mech, L. David (1999). "Alpha status, dominance, and division of labor in wolf packs" (PDF). Canadian Journal of
Zoology 77:1196-1203.

Mech, L.D (2003) The Wolf, The Ecology and Behavior of an endangered species, University of Minnesota Press
Monks of New Skete, How To Be Your Dog’s Best Friend ©1978, Little Brown
Semyonova, A. 2003, The social organization of the domestic dog; a longitudinal study of domestic
canine behavior and the ontogeny of domestic canine social systems, The Carriage House Foundation, The
Hague, version 2006.

Sidman, M, Coercion and its Fallout, Authors Cooperative, Inc, Publishers, Boston, 1989.

Skinner, BF, Contingencies of Reinforcement, Prentice-Hall inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1969.

Steinker A (2007) “Terminology Think Tank: Social dominance theory as it relates to dogs”, Journal of Veterinary
Behavior (2007)
Svartberg et al, K; Tapper, I; Temrin, H; Radesater, T; Thorman, S (2004-04-26). "Consistency of personality traits
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Parker, GA. (1974) Assessment strategy and the evolution of animal conflicts. Journal of theoretical Biology
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Reisner IR, Erb HN, and Houpt KA (1994). Risk factors for behavior-related euthanasia among dominant-
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Yin, S. 2007. Dominance Versus Leadership in Dog Training. Compendium Continuing Education for the
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Spca wellness dominance_sharing

  • 1. Understanding Dominance in Domestic Dogs Presented by: Tristan Flynn, CPDT-KA June 23rd 2012
  • 2. Contents • What is Dominance? (Misconceptions, Definition) • Popularity and Origin of Dominance • Dogs vs. Wolves • Dog Social Structure • Is Dominance a Personality Trait? • Dealing with “Dominance” Behaviors in Dogs • Sources / Additional Reading • Conclusion / Final Questions
  • 3. Dominance - Misconceptions The term “Dominance” has been twisted and no clear meaning exists among the average dog owner. Dominance is not a behavior, it is an attempted explanation of behavior. Growling, biting, staring, mounting, etc. are real observable behaviors. Generally, dominance is explained as a characteristic or action. “I have a dominant dog”, or “My dog is dominant with other dogs”
  • 4. Dominance - Misconceptions General assumption of many average dog owners and trainers: 1) Wolf research showed a clear linear hierarchy between pack members with the alpha wolf being at the top. The alpha wolf must remain strong and use force to maintain his position or risk losing it. 2) Dogs are directly descended from wolves, so the same must be true of them 3) Humans must be seen as the ‘alpha’ to their dog, or risk misbehavior and disobedience. Eating and walking first, not allowing dogs on the bed, forcing submission are recommended as ways to show you are alpha. 4) When dogs meet other dogs they assess rank and determine who will be dominant. Any fights or aggression are labeled ‘dominance aggression”
  • 5. Definition of Dominance Definition of Dominance Dominant behavior is a quantitative and quantifiable behavior displayed by an individual with the function of gaining or maintaining temporary access to a particular resource on a particular occasion, versus a particular opponent, without either party incurring injury. Relationship isn’t established until one individual consistently defers.
  • 6. What is Dominance Dominant behavior is situational, individual and resource related. Dominance is a fluid relationship based on motivation. Ex: A starving dog will not give up a bone as readily as before! Fact: Dominance is driven by environment and learning – it is not set in stone. “High quality, clumped resources” tend to create stricter social hierarchies, while “low quality, evenly disbursed resources” tend to create looser social organizations. Which would describe house dogs? Dominance relationships are particularly important for social animals that need to cohabit and cooperate to survive. No animal wants to expend energy constantly fighting for resources. Many animals must cooperate in order to survive (wolf packs, family dogs) Each animal must make the decision how bad they want the resource relative to the other
  • 7. What is Dominance A dominance relationship will be based on several factors: 1) The motivation for the resource of each animal (Environment) 2) Their history of how to control the resource (some use aggression, some ‘sneak’ the resource) “Learned behavior” 3) Their relationship with the animal These factor will be re-evaluated in each situation and with each animal thus dominance is very fluid. Factors may however remain very similar over the course of a relationship
  • 8. What is Dominance? Is this cat being “Dominant”?
  • 9. What is Dominance? Is this dog being “Dominant”?
  • 10. What is Dominance In the previous examples: • The cat was defending itself from an overly excited dog. • The young puppy was jumping up because it was friendly and excited. It stole food because it could and had not been taught otherwise! “Dominance”, priority access to resources, played no part in either example. Why is terminology so important? Without proper diagnosis, the solution may be flawed. In these examples the “dominance” of the animal absolved the owners of blame for the behavior.
  • 11. Popularity and origin • Early wolf and dog publications such as “King Soloman’s Ring” (Lorenz), “The Wolf” (Mech) and “How To Be Your Dogs Best Friend” (Monks) advocated the need to “Dominate” your dog. • Schenkel’s 1947 “Expressions Studies on Wolves.” is the study that gave rise to the now outmoded notion of alpha wolves. • Dominance allows for a simple and ‘sexy’ explanation of behavior with a simple solution (You need to be more dominant!) • Absolves owner of responsibility and justifies harsh or abusive treatment in the name of training. • Human social order has many strict linear hierarchies (Military, Countries, Church, Companies, Royalty, etc)
  • 12. Popularity and Origin • Science is in flux and many experts have recanted their earlier research. • Dominance continues to be a central topic of TV dog trainers and shows since the concept is easy to explain. • An unregulated dog training industry is very dangerous. James O’Heare Wrote: I think it is intuitive for humans. We, as a species, are very concerned with who is winning and who is over or under who. Social dominance makes an intriguing narrative and humans are very story oriented beings. It has drama. I think that is just because many people just don't take the interest in familiarizing themselves with the “boring” principles of learning.
  • 13. Popularity and Origin Confused Yet? “A dog that growls when approached near her food bowl might be labeled dominant. Then if you ask the owner why the dog growls, she’ll answer, “Because she’s dominant.” So the label becomes a pseudo-explanation for the behaviour.” “Dominance theory is so muddled that it often contradicts itself. For example, if a "dominant dog" is acting aggressively and the solution is through "calm-assertive" energy which makes the human the "dominant pack leader," wouldn't a dominant dog act calm-assertive instead of aggressive?”
  • 14. Popularity and Origin L David Mech, Author of “The Wolf” and many other publications who has studied wolves for over 35 years
  • 15. Dogs vs. Wolves Do these animals look similar? Is their behavior the same? how about these?
  • 16. Dogs vs. Wolves Comparing wolves to dogs holds as much weight as comparing chimps to humans when discussing behavior. Wolves are concerned with hazard avoidance, hunting and reproduction – dogs are concerned with social joys and companionship, retrieving and herding and other breed specific traits. 16,000 years or more of domestication has greatly changed a dog and while many similarities exist in DNA between dog and wolf, those small changes have profound effect on behavior.
  • 17. Dogs vs. Wolves • This evolution of dogs from packs of hunting predators to opportunistic scavengers is an important change. It is a change of survival tactics that seems largely responsible for the highly flexible and creative social capabilities of dogs. Dogs are a species that seems to be able to easily adapt to life, not just with other dogs but with other species too. • Wolves spend most of their lives in stable family groups which normally do not incorporate outsiders Domestic dogs form loose, temporary groups and/or interact fleetingly with each other during outings with a human caretaker.
  • 18. Dogs vs. Wolves Early Wolf Studies • Early studies on wolves were done on captive wolves from multiple packs. • Wolves were not able to hunt or burn off natural aggressive energy • Wolves had no prior relationship and were forced into an unnatural family • Aggression and “submission” was frequently observed, giving rise to the idea of alpha wolves and the need for physical dominance
  • 19. Dogs vs. Wolves Early Study Since captive wolves don’t have access to hunting, their natural method of reducing stress, or of offloading their natural predatory aggression, or of fostering group harmony, captive wolves find themselves fighting instead over little things; that’s what they do with their aggressive energy—they scrimmage. Scrimmages were taken to be a battle for dominance, rather than an outlet for pent up anxiety and aggression Dogs need outlet for their energy as well such as play and social bonding. Dogs deprived of this can show aggression which is then mistaken for ‘dominance’. The degree to which this happens is still far less in dogs than in wolves, who by nature do not socialize with outsiders (putting together a group of unrelated wolves causes much more aggression than unrelated dogs).
  • 20. Dogs vs. Wolves Packing: Packing has been proven to be a product of the environment, not an innate trait. Wolves pack to: • Cooperatively hunt large game. Wolves that have no need of cooperation to hunt have no need, and do not pack. • Wild wolf packs will not tolerate outsiders on their territory to protect resources • Packing also defers priority access to mating in order to cooperatively raise young to control population. • Wolf mates both cooperate in raising the young and collecting food for them. All wolves wish to pass on their genes and will leave their pack to form their own and become the Alpha Wolf (or breeding pair)
  • 21. Dogs vs. Wolves Dogs live in a very different environment than wolves and are a different animal! Dogs do not form packs because: • They do not hunt game in groups • Males/females mate as often as they can with no specific partner • Males do not take care of the young, pups often scavenge for food at a very young age Fact: Dogs do not form ‘packs’ as wolves do, but certain aspects may present depending on the environment (Ex: defending resources from other dogs should they be scarce).
  • 22. Dog Social Structure - Dunbar Dr Ian Dunbar studied groups of domestic dogs for years in the early 1970’s and made some key observations of their interactions. • Dogs pick very distinct sleeping partners and friends to play games with. Dogs have very clear preference for other dogs. • Females wouldn’t take bones from puppies – 50% of males would – as puppies aged they did take the bones. • Taking bones was noise and there was no touching, rolls, grabs, shakes etc – usually done with eye contact alone
  • 23. Dog Social Structure - Conclusions • Socialization is the KEY to avoiding aggression and unstable dogs • Dogs don’t want fear, physical pain – aggression is abnormal! • Dogs need to be taught rules to keep them safe and because we are smarter – not because we are alphas. • Dog social system is not that much different from human system – friend, enemy, parents, well socialization, etc. there is no clear hierarchy in total social structure.
  • 24. Dog Social Structure Dominance vs. Submission Signals Standard “Dominant Standard “Submission” Aggressive” position position We discussed that you cannot have dominance without a resource. Is this fair labeling of these positions?
  • 25. Dog Social Structure Dominance vs. Submission Signals These previous postures should correctly be identified as threatening and non-threatening. A “Submissive” dog is actually a more socially confident dog in that they are attempting to ‘turn off’ the aggression of the threatening dog Fighting and aggression among dogs is not natural and has to do with human meddling (poor training, lack of socialization) Wolf pack fights very rare – only 2-3 fights in wolf park in years. Free roaming observed dogs had no link between aggression and priority access to resources.
  • 26. Dog – Human Social Structure Dogs are clever scavengers. They will try to get what they want. They will develop behaviours and strategies to get us to give them more of the things they want and to keep us from doing the things they don’t want. But isn’t that more like being an opportunist than a power-mad status climber? And if we fall for their strategies, isn’t that more our fault than theirs considering we have control of all of the resources?
  • 27. Dog – Human Social Structure • Dogs do not display aggression or disobedience by a drive to obtain rank or leadership but rather by their desire for a resource and the associated learning on how to best obtain the resource. • Dogs know we are not dogs and have very different means of communication with us than with other dogs. • Using force and correction is not the ‘natural’ way to train. Dogs do not use force to teach other dogs to “Sit” – aggression and force is only used to say ‘get away from me’. • Most dog-dog aggression follows the rule of using the least amount of force required (sometimes only a threat). Do humans follow the same rules?
  • 28. Dominance Behavior in Dogs True behaviour motivation is normally a hedonistic one. Dog behaviour usually reflects a need or want that makes the dog feel better. Dogs steal food because it tastes good, pull on leash because we follow along, or they guard bones because bones are tasty, not because of rank. In the wild the overall driving motivation for resources is normally to mate and pass on ones genes. Many aggressive displays that are currently diagnosed as dominance aggression are aimed at avoiding some perceived aversive outcome rather than establishing or maintaining the offending dog’s social status
  • 29. Is Dominance a Personality Trait? • No. By our definition, dominance is a relationship between individuals in regards to a particular resource • Can dogs be more predisposed to using aggressive methods to obtain a resource? Yes! • This is not a fixed personality trait, but rather behavior increased via operant conditioning that can be modified.
  • 30. Dealing with Dominance Issues Aggression • Aggression is generally a fear based response, not a confident one. • Using force (alpha roll, corporal punishment) will stop the aggression, but not the reason behind it. When threat of punishment is gone, aggression may return. Being dominant by force is a relationship you can create and your dog will submit the way anyone that has less power and is being controlled would. This is not required. Labeling the dog as “dominant” creates conflict between the dog and owner and often is seen as justification for harsh training methods. Most people would not want to shock, hit or choke a dog labeled as ‘afraid’.
  • 31. Dealing with Dominance Issues Dog-Dog Aggression • Dogs meeting each other for the first time are often assessing if they have friendly intentions (not determining rank!) • Aggression will be based on previous history (perhaps with sex, breed or movements of the dog) • Lack of positive outcomes may predispose the dog to continued negative encounters as they become classically conditioned that dogs are a threat • Mostly based on anxiety (unsure if dogs are a risk to their safety)
  • 32. Dealing with Dominance Issues Resource Guarding • One of the most frequent ‘dominance’ behaviors – guarding / using aggression to control a resource. • Isn’t this the definition of dominance from before? YES! You could call this dominance, however what you do to correct it is key! Resource guarding manifests because: 1. Resources are scarce 2. The dog has been conditioned that humans will take their items (not something that dogs often do, possession = ownership) 3. Using aggression to defend the resource has worked in past
  • 33. Dealing with Dominance Issues Resource Guarding Object guarding and possessiveness are not necessarily indicators of dominance, even though superficially the behavior appears to be motivated by dominance- related incentives. Among wolves, there is little correspondence between object guarding and dominance, with wolves of all ranks exhibiting heightened possessiveness over objects located within their ownership zone around the mouth. In addition, all wolves, regardless of rank, will attempt to steal food from other wolves irrespective of dominance (Mech, 1999) Retaining a resource is a natural behavior in all dogs. To avoid this issue we do not need to alpha roll, ‘force submission’ or punish our dogs.
  • 34. Dealing with Dominance Issues Resource Guarding To correct or prevent resource guarding in dogs: 1. Provide ample resources (not high value, limited resources) 2. Teach dogs to trade using reward based methods 3. Do not create confrontations over resources, this causes anxiety and stress
  • 35. Dealing with Dominance Issues Leash Walking Misconception: Dogs walking ahead of you is a display of their dominance Reason: Alpha wolves are always in front of the pack, thus you should be in front of your dog Not only is this irrelevant, alpha wolves are often not walking in front of the pack Why do dogs walk in front or pull on leash? 1. Dogs move faster than us – they must be taught to move at our slow pace and to wait for us 2. Often owners allow the dog to pull by moving forward, thus the behavior is rewarded and continues (learning).
  • 36. Dealing with Dominance Issues Leash Walking By rewarding a dog for walking beside you and stopping whenever they pull, a dog will easily learn to walk on leash. Dogs can be asked to wait at a door by teaching a stay. All can be taught using food, positive reinforcement and clear communication. It is that simple. There is no need to invoke ideas of dominance, alphas and other human created reasoning for the behavior.
  • 37. Dominance – Misconceptions review General assumption of many average dog owners and trainers: 1) Wolf research showed a clear linear hierarchy between pack members with the alpha wolf being at the top. The alpha wolf must remain strong and use force to maintain his position or risk losing it. 2) Dogs are directly descended from wolves, so the same must be true of them 3) Humans must be seen as the ‘alpha’ to their dog or risk misbehavior and disobedience. Eating and walking first, not allowing dogs on the bed, forcing submission are recommended as ways to show you are alpha. 4) When dogs meet other dogs they assess rank and determine who will be dominant. Any fights or aggression are labeled ‘dominance aggression”
  • 38. Dominance – updated information Correct information for dog owners and trainers! 1) Early wolf research on captive packs was unnatural and showed increased aggression due to anxiety. In natural, wild packs, the alpha is simply the father and dominance is based on relationships, not force. 2) Dogs are directly descended from wolves, however their environmental and genetic differences result in huge behavior variations 3) Humans should be seen as leaders that provide information and resources for cooperative behavior from their dogs. 4) When dogs meet other dogs they assess the social ability and safety of the other dog. Encounters will be based on previous experiences.
  • 39. Conclusion Dominance is simply a description of a relationship – it should not infer the need to use physical force to become the ‘dominant one’. Dogs are not looking for a dominant ‘personality’ they are simply looking for clear instruction on how their world works and how to live within it. Only a rather incompetent leader would go about challenging and agitating deferential subordinates. In short, the process of maintaining dominance is about regulating social limits and boundaries while making oneself an object of social attention and affection—a true leader. “To lead people walk behind them.” Lao Tzu
  • 40. Sources • American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviourists – Dominance Training Whitepaper - 2007 • Barry Eaton, Dominance in Dogs, Factor or Fiction, Dogwise Publishing; 3rd Revised edition edition (January 2011) • Barrette C (1993). The “inheritance of dominance,”or of an aptitude to dominate? Anim Behav, 46:591–593. • Bernstein, I.S. 1981. Dominance: The baby and the bathwater. J Behav Brain Sci 4:419-57. • Borchelt PL (1983). Aggressive behavior of dogs kept as companion animals: Classification and influence of sex, reproductive status, and breed. Appl Anim Ethol 10:45–61. • Coppinger, Raymond & Lorna: Dogs – A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior & Evolution ©2001, Scribner • Drews, C. 1993. The concept and definition of dominance behaviour. Behaviour 125: 284-313
  • 41. Sources Dunbar, Dr. Ian: Dog Behavior – Why Dogs Do What They Do ©1979, TFH Publications Fonberg E (1988). Dominance and aggression. Int J Neurosci, 41:201–213 James O’Heare - DOMINANCE THEORY AND DOGS, 2ND EDITION, Distributed by Dogwise Publishing John W.S., Bradshaw , Emily J., Blackwell , Rachel A., Casey. Dominance in domestic dogs -- useful construct or bad habit? Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, May/June 2009, Pages 135-14 Kenth Svartberga, Björn Forkman, K (2002-06-14). "Personality traits in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)". Applied animal behaviour science 79 (2): 133–155 Knowles, H.P., and B.O. Saxberg. 1971. Personality and Leadership Behavior. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Lindsay, Steven R. Applied Behavior and Dog Training, Vol. I & II ©2001, Iowa State University Press Overall, KL, Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Small Animals, Mosby, Inc., Missouri, 1997. Overall, KL, Dog bite to humans: epidemiology, injury and risks, JAVMA, Volume 218, Number 12, 2001. Overall, KL, Dominance aggression in dogs, Part 1 and Part 2, Internet publication, http//www.hilltopanimalhospital. com/dominance%20aggression1.htm (2.htm), 26 February 2002. Mech, L. David (1999). "Alpha status, dominance, and division of labor in wolf packs" (PDF). Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:1196-1203. Mech, L.D (2003) The Wolf, The Ecology and Behavior of an endangered species, University of Minnesota Press
  • 42. Sources Monks of New Skete, How To Be Your Dog’s Best Friend ©1978, Little Brown Semyonova, A. 2003, The social organization of the domestic dog; a longitudinal study of domestic canine behavior and the ontogeny of domestic canine social systems, The Carriage House Foundation, The Hague, version 2006. Sidman, M, Coercion and its Fallout, Authors Cooperative, Inc, Publishers, Boston, 1989. Skinner, BF, Contingencies of Reinforcement, Prentice-Hall inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1969. Steinker A (2007) “Terminology Think Tank: Social dominance theory as it relates to dogs”, Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2007) Svartberg et al, K; Tapper, I; Temrin, H; Radesater, T; Thorman, S (2004-04-26). "Consistency of personality traits in dogs". Animal Behaviour 69 (2): 283–291. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2004.04.011. Retrieved 2010-06-24. Parker, GA. (1974) Assessment strategy and the evolution of animal conflicts. Journal of theoretical Biology 47, 223-243 Reisner IR, Erb HN, and Houpt KA (1994). Risk factors for behavior-related euthanasia among dominant- aggressive dogs: 110 cases (1989–1992). JAVMA, 205:855–863. Rugaas, T, Calming Signals, Legacy By Mail, Inc., WA, 1997. Thorndike, Edward - The Fundamentals of Learning (1932) Yin, S. 2007. Dominance Versus Leadership in Dog Training. Compendium Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 29:414-32. Yin, S. 2009. Dominance vs. Unruly Behavior. In Low Stress Handling, Restraint and Behavior Modification of Dogs and Cats. 52-73. Davis, Calif.: CattleDog Publishing. Wright JC (1980). The development of social structure during the primary socialization period in German shepherds. Dev Psychobiol, 13:17–24.

Notas del editor

  1. Welcome to Understanding Dominance in Domestic Dogs, I’m Tristan Flynn and I’m a certified Pet Dog Trainer operating in HRM, Formerly I ran Golden Rule Training but will be opening Jollytails doggie daycare in Late July in Halifax Offering daycare along with group training and behavior rehabilitation for aggression and other issues.
  2. Dominance is a traditional ethological concept that pertains to an individual's ability—generally under controlled conditions—to maintain or regulate access to some resource. It is a description of the regularities of winning or losing staged contests over those resources. It is not to be confused with status and, in fact, does not need to confer priority of access to resources.In situations in which the concept of dominance has been used with regard to status, it is important to realize that it is not defined as aggression on the part of the "dominant" animal but rather as the withdrawal of the "subordinate.“The behavior of the relatively lower status individuals, not the relatively higher ranking one, is what determines the relative hierarchical rank.Rank itself is contextually relative. Truly high-ranking animals are tolerant of lower-ranking ones.Dominance displays infrequently lead to actual combat. Instead, combat ensues when these displays are not effective.If there is no assumption of a dominance-based system, one is seldom identified. When free-ranging baboon interactions were classified by behavioral types (e.g., friendly, approach–retreat) and then analyzed according to specific behaviors of the participants, no dominance system was noted. This research was also done by John Bradshaw in the Paper, Dominance in domestic dogs, useful construct or bad habit
  3. “Dominance theory is so muddled that it often contradicts itself. For example, if a "dominant dog" is acting aggressively and the solution is through "calm-assertive" energy which makes the human the "dominant pack leader," wouldn't a dominant dog act calm-assertive instead of aggressive?”Lindsay (2000) – many aggressive displays that are currently diagnosed as dominance aggression are aimed at avoiding some perceived aversive outcome rather than establishing or maintaining the offending dogs social status
  4. Thirty to forty years ago, dominance theory was the basis for dog training. All behaviour and methods linked back to the idea that social interactions take the form of either dominance or submission. Some of the very first dog training books that came out linked to a popular book at the time titled The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species (First published 1970, University of Minnesota Press).  In this book, Biologist David Mech outlines his studies of captive wolves and their behaviour.  He concluded that order was maintained in the wolf pack by one wolf being an alpha leader, which was established through force and physical strength.One of the most popular dog training books that followed was How To Be Your Dog’s Best Friend by the monks of New Skete (first published in 1978).  Many of their methodologies reflected this research and focused on the importance of being a pack leader, being seen as alpha, and the use of physical force in training. They were responsible for the technique known as the “alpha roll” which advised physically flipping a dog on his stomach to force him into a ‘submissive’ position, a practice still done by some trainers today.Dog training, still in its infancy to the general public, became much more popular with these publications. Finally, dog training seemed to be easily explainable and anyone could do it.  Trainers jumped on the bandwagon, agreeing that many behavioural problems were due to the dog being ‘dominant’ and trying to raise his status within his human ‘pack’.  The remedy was based on what science at the time told us wolves would do to resolve the problem. 
  5. Dr Mech States:“Labeling a high-ranking wolf alpha emphasizes its rank in a dominance hierarchy. However, in natural wolf packs, the alpha male or female are merely the breeding animals, the parents of the pack, and dominance contests with other wolves are rare, if they exist at all. During my 13 summers observing the Ellesmere Island pack, I saw none. Thus, calling a wolf an alpha is usually no more appropriate than referring to a human parent or a doe deer as an alpha. Any parent is dominant to its young offspring, so "alpha" adds no information. " The Monks have also re-released How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend with 40% new material and the following notation:“The Monks of New Skete advocate the philosophy that understanding is the key to communication, and compassion with your dog; whether it is a new puppy or an old companion. From The Art of Raising a Puppy we have learned that our monastic environment offers us a unique perspective. Here we are forced to re-examine our attitudes about everything, including dogs. We are constantly challenged to become more open to the language dogs use to communicate with us. “
  6. DNA similarities between the two comparisons are about the same
  7. Prof Ray Coppinger (2001) stated: “Dogs can’t think like wolves because they don’t have wolf brains.  We descended from apes but we don’t behave like them and we don’t think like they do.  We are a much different animal than apes and in spite of our common ancestry – the same is true of the dog and its ancestor the wolf”.
  8. It seems ridiculous to talk about a linear dominance hierarchy in such a  group of dogs, the composition of which may change from minute to minute as the dogs interact in a dog park, since rank,  which is a statistical construct, can only have meaning within in a group that stays together long enough for a statistical  pattern to emerge.
  9. But since captive wolves don’t have access to this natural method of reducing stress, or of offloading their natural predatory aggression, or of fostering group harmony (you can’t hunt large prey without working together), captive wolves find themselves fighting instead over little things; that’s what they do with their aggressive energy—they scrimmage.The same process would be apparent in both village dogs and domesticated dogs.  Village dogs don’t usually hunt together; they mostly scavenge.  So they tend to have the same build up of tension seen in captive wolves, and skirmish a lot.  With pet dogs, who are like both village dogs and captive wolves in that they don’t routinely hunt as a group, it’s often the most “dominant” dog in a household who doesn’t know how to play, for example.  And since play is nature’s stand-in for the hunt (it teaches young predators how to catch prey, and young prey animals how to evade predators), it’s a great tension reducer, as well as a kind of social “glue”—it bonds dogs and owner together emotionally.  And for dogs, in fact for all animals, social play is probably the best tension-reducer there is. That’s why when a “dominant” dog is taught how to play hunting games in a harmonic social context, or when his owner or trainer find another way to reduce his inner anxiety, you’ll find that all his supposed instinctual dominant behaviors begin to magically disappear.So it turns out that what we’ve all been taught was dominance is really two things: a build up of internal stress, and a form of resource guarding, which is an anxiety-based behavior.
  10. Generally a stable wolf pack consists of a mated pair and their immediate offspring known as a nuclear family.  Pack dynamics are not necessarily straight forward as packs can have extended families with siblings and their offspring, a disrupted family where one or both of the parents are missing or a step family which has accepted a wolf from another pack (Packard 2003)Many wolves at the age of about two or three leave the pack and go in search of another lone wolf to start their own pack – these are known as dispersers.  Rather than stay in the nuclear family where there is little chance of passing on their genes and mating they risk the elements of the wild.Original pack observations were from captured wolf packs.  In a natural wolf pack dominance is not manifested as a pecking order and seems to have less significance than the results of studies of captive packs had implied.  In a natural wolf pack the dominance rules bear no resemblance to those of the packing order, that of similar individuals competing for rank. ( mech 2000)Captured wolves are unable to leave the pack and build their own as a free wolf would hence the domination ranks that develop.
  11. Dr Ian Dunbar studied the hierarchy and dominance of Dogs for 10 years in the 1970’s, I was fortunate enough to be able to meet with Dr Dunbar and discuss his research.
  12. Some trainers may not use the word ‘dominance’ in regards to their training methods, but rather market to the idea that using punishment and force is the “natural” way to train dogs.  Their theory is that a dog’s natural communication with each other is through punishment and correction.  These trainers also normally tie this idea in with the dominance model of needing to use corrections and force to maintain order and control.  It’s true that dogs do learn through corrections from other dogs instead of positive reinforcement (you don’t’ see other dogs giving each other bones for a job well done) but the biggest problem here is – a human isn’t a dog.Humans struggle to communicate with dogs in their language.  A study showing how humans played with dogs examined methods for encouraging play.  Despite a play-bow being one of the top ways for dogs to encourage play - a human play-bow was found to be least effective to encourage play from another dog vs. other normal human methods such as jumping around, making noise, etc.Humans are unable to communicate with dogs via language in the same way because communication takes into account all aspects of body language.  Humans don’t have a tail to communicate with, pay very little attention to how their weigh is shifted, and do not use their teeth, mouths, or eyebrows the way a dog would.  While it’s clear that our body language can impact a dog’s behaviour, we simply do not have the same communicative repertory that a dog does.It’s been shown that dogs that more closely resemble wolves have a much higher communicative repertoire than those that do not.  A German Shepard for example displays many more signals than that of a Pug.Humans also cannot hope to have the speed at which dogs correct themselves.  Many humans punish their dogs numerous seconds after an event occurs – a dog’s correction is normally the instant the behaviour occurs.
  13. Suppose you have four groups of four dogs and you toss a juicy bone into each group.  Likely there may be fighting and one dog will likely emerge with the bone. Now put the four dominant animals in the same group and toss a bone. Only one dog will get the bone and they will just form a new hierarchy.  Therefore three of the four animals will lose their dominant standing.You could argue that the overall winner of the bone was the most ‘dominant’ dog however establishing one animal as dominant based on their personality trait can again be problematic.The resource used in this example was that of a juicy bone.  What if three of the dogs were just fed? Likely the forth and hungriest dog would be the one to emerge with the bone, given he would have the strongest motivation to obtain it.  What if all 4 dogs were starved for weeks? Likely they would all fight, perhaps to extreme injury, to obtain the food.  Dominance relationships will break down if resources, such as food, are too scarce for the subordinates.Experiments on chickens which coined the phrase “pecking order” have shown that all animals will attack each other regardless of rank if deprived of food.