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Customize,	 Digitalize,	 Industrialize	 your	 IT	 &	 BPO	 Services	 to	 prepare	 your	
business	for	the	acceleraAng	”On	Demand	Economy”.	
The	4USource	SaaS	PlaGorm	is	the	first	product	that	enables	any	enterprise	to	
configure,	 engineer	 and	 digitalize	 highly	 standardized	 IT	 Services,	 whether	
they	are	sourced	from	internal	IT-operaAons	or	from	any	cloud	or	full	service	
4USource’s	 delivery	 of	 real	 Ame	 Benchmark	 and	 Market	
InformaAon	for	IT	Services	results	in	greater	transparency	
of	service	cost,	quality	and	scope.	This	allows	benchmark-
ing	of	services	across	any	industry	in	our	client	base.	
To	 support	 Service	 Benchmarking,	 4USource’s	 Database	
holds	more	than	10’000	Service	Building	Blocks	and	worth	
more	than	$	3.2B	of	normalized	Service	Contracts..	
4USource’s	PlaGorm	
holds	more	than	
Service	Building	
$3.2	billion	in	normal-
ized	mapped	Service	
Value	Proposi-on	
4USource’s	SaaS	Pla4orm	
enables	the	enterprise	
to	customize,	digitalize	
and	industrialize	ser-
vices	in	order	to	enable	
and	accelerate	the	
“make	or	buy	process“	
of	Services		
Online	Benchmark	of	cur-
rent	Services	
Decrease	sourcing	cycles	

by	up	to	90%	
Reduce	Service	pricing	by	
40%	to	70%	(cloud	services)	
Define	and	build		enterprise	
Service	&	Sourcing	Model	
Service	BudgeAng	&	Planning			
CreaAon	&	deployment	of	
new	Services	
Plug	&	Play	Service	Providers	
Single	Point	of	Billing	(SPOB)	
IT	Demand	&	Supply	Services	
Highly	automated	Service	

Service	Configura-on	
Engineering,	Building	

Planning	and	Sourcing		
Service	Dashboard
1.	Customiza-on	of	Services	
Whether	you	are	a	Service	Provider	or	an	internal	IT	organizaAon,	Product	and	
Service	ConfiguraAon	are	crucial	to	the	delivery	of	any	Customer-Centric	Service	
to	the	enterprise.	Pre-ConfiguraAon	of	Products	is	well	known	from	the	car	manu-
facturing	industry	where	it	is	very	common	to	configure	one’s	own	new	car	with	
‘opAonal	 extras’	 and	 ge^ng	 its	 price	 before	 any	 buying	 decision	 is	 made	 and	
manufacturing	begins.		
This	“on	demand“	thinking	has	transferred	to	other	areas	like	the	apparel	indus-
try.	 Nike	 Sport	 allows	 its	 customers	 to	 design	 and	 customize	 their	 own	 shoes,	
sport	clothing	and	accessories	before	purchase	and	manufacture.	
2.	Digitaliza-on	of	Services	
The	driver	for	the	DigitalizaAon	of	Services	is	the	need	to	increase	the	agility	and	
efficiency	of	Service	Management	processes	(Fulfillment,	Assurance	etc)	in	order	
to	reduce	costs	and	increase	margins.		
DigitalizaAon	of	Services	involves	the	pre-designing	of	services	and	components.	
This	enables	their	bundling	into	Service	SpecificaAons	that	include	service	classifi-
caAon	and	engineering	instrucAons.	For	example,	a	new	car	is	manufactured	from	
assembly	plans	with	a	Bill	of	Materials	that	documents	the	specific	customiza-
Aons	chosen	by	the	customer,	which	then	seamlessly	feeds	the	Assembly	Line	for	
4USource’s	PlaGorm	has	a	Service	ClassificaAon	Model	that	includes	10,000	ser-
vice	components.	Enterprises	use	it	to	enable	and	build	a	digital	model	of	all	their	
IT	and	BPO	services.	Like	in	car	manufacturing,	the	Service	Model	is	the	major	
prerequisite	for	automaAng	service	fulfillment	and	service	assurance.		
Once	modelled,	any	Digitalized	Service	can	be	compared	1:1	to	Market	Service	
Pricing	 for	 benchmarking.	 When	 used	 by	 service	 providers,	 the	 4USource	 Plat-
form	allows	to	benchmark	their	own	digitalized	service	offering	and	to	accelerate	
both	fulfillment	and	go	to	market	processes	across	their	service	offerings.		
3.	Industrializa-on	of	Services	
IndustrializaAon	of	Services	is	the	end	goal	of	Service	DigitalizaAon.	Industrializa-
Aon	means	using	highly	automated	processes	to	plan,	source	and	manage	ser-
vices	in	complex	mulA-supplier,	hybrid	IT	/	BPO	service	factories,	whether	classic	
or	cloud-based	services.	Having	a	database	of	normalized,	classified,	configured	
and	engineered	Services	is	paramount	to	achieve	this	goal.	
The	4USource	“Service	Model“	reflects	the	need	for:	
Faster	Service	delivery	
Compe33ve	Service	Pricing	
Flexible	Service	Scope	and	Service	Op3ons	
Transparent	Service	Quality,	Evolving	Service	Volumes	
Industrializa,on	of		
who	are	the		
in	the	Organiza-on	
✓ IT	Controlling	
✓ IT	Service	Governance	
✓ IT	Service	Management	
✓ IT	Procurement	
✓ IT	vendor	&	Contract	
✓ IT	Delivery	
✓ IT	Infrastructure	Mgmt	
✓ IT	ApplicaAons	Mgmt		
✓ IT	Security	
✓ IT	TransiAon	Mgmt	
✓ IT	Project	Mgmt	
Business	Organiza-on:	
✓ CFO	
✓ COO	
✓ Chief	Procurement		
✓ Service	Owner	
✓ Service	User
Service-	&	Sourcing	Life	Cycle	Management	
The	Service	&	Sourcing	Life	Cycle	is	essenAal	to	the	most	efficient	management	of		
Services	and	the	increased	agility	of	the	enterprise.	
To	sustain	high	levels	of	business	performance,	organizaAons	need	to	offer	com-
peAAve	products	and	services	that	customers	will	value,	buy	and	use.	To	this	end,	
products	and	services	need	to	support	organizaAons	to	quickly	adapt	to	changes	
in	 today’s	 economic	 climate	 and	 market	 place,	 as	 well	 as	 to	 enable	 business	
transformaAon	and	growth.	
Any	Service	that	doesn’t	meet	business	requirements	should	be	adapted,	re-de-
signed,	re-sourced	or	phased-out.	
Service	&	Sourcing	Life	Cycle	Management	
Operate	 Service	 as-is	 with	 minor	 changes	 from	 business,	 keep	 the	 business	
running	(control,	manage,	and	bill	services)	
Discover	new	services	&	providers	or	change	existent	services	&	providers	
Define,	re-design,	or	specify	new	or	exis3ng	services	
Service	Opera3on	
Con3nual	Service	Improvement	
Each	stage	of	the	Service	Lifecycle	relies	on	service	principles,	processes,	roles	
and	 performance	 measures.	 Conversely,	 each	 stage	 is	 dependent	 on	 the	 other	
lifecycle	stages	for	inputs	and	feedback.	A	constant	set	of	checks	and	balances	
throughout	 the	 Service	 &	 Sourcing	 Lifecycle	 ensures	 that	 as	 business	 demand	
changes,	Services	will	be	in	a	posiAon	to	adapt	and	respond	effecAvely	to	them.	
Value	for	our		
✓ AutomaAcally	gen-
erated	resource	
planing	InformaAon	
✓ IdenAfy	A,	B,	C	
clients	and	their	
service	demand	
✓ Be	aware	of	criAcal	
✓ ReporAng	is	man-
aged	by	the	4U-
Source	PlaGorm	
with	dynamic	Re-
“Manage	IT	as	a	Business“	
Transforming	an	“IT	Delivery”	to	“Managing	IT	as	a	Business”	involves	eventually	
changing	the	maturity	level	of	an	internal	IT	organizaAon.	This	means	focussing	
on	three	basic	pillars:	
1)	Most	importantly,	become	a	more	“Customer	Centric	Organiza3on“.		
2)	“Fulfillment“	-	building	the	Service	Data	Model	and	its	content,	which	means	
designing	and	defining	the	“service	model“.	This	model	will	be	the	master	source	
for	any	next	step	to	manage	the	enAre	“Service	&	Sourcing	Life	Cycle“	
3)	“Automa3on“	-	Digitalize	the	services	and	create	informaAon-driven	workflows	
to	achieve	higher	levels	of	automaAon	and	thereby	increase	the	level	of	industri-
alizaAon	for	the	enterprise.	
We	measure	the	level	of	maturity	increase	using	the	three	pillars.	
Manage	IT	as	Business:	
Become	a	customer-focused	service	organiza3on	in	the	„on	demand	econo-
Start	to	build	“the	service	model“	for	the	company,	introduce	Business	Service	
Automate	Service	Demand	&	Service	Supply	Process,	Digitalize	your	Services	
Industrialize	the	“Demand	&	Service	Supply	Process“	
✓ The	4USource	Plat-
form	delivers	the	
framework	to	in-
crease	the	„Maturi-
ty	Level“	
✓ IdenAfy	A,	B,	C	
clients	and	their	
service	demand	
✓ Be	aware	of	criAcal	
✓ ReporAng	is	man-
aged	by	the	4U-
Source	PlaGorm	
with	dynamic	Re-
Value	for	our		
Create	the“Service	Model“	for	your	enterprise	
Changing	 the	 IT	 organizaAon	 from	 an	 “IT	 Delivery“	 towards	 a	 “Customer-	 and	
Business	focused	Service	Organiza3on“	involves	a	Service	Model	that	captures	the	
value	and	business	aspect	of	those	services.	All	services	provided	are	to	be	cross-
charged	 to	 the	 Business	 Units	 (BU)	 or	 Lines	 of	 Business	 (LOB),	 which	 requires	
them	to	be	tracked	and	reported	in	a	transparent	way	(volumes,	cost	s	etc).		
Enterprise	Business	Units	need	to	be	able	to	change	the	services	they	consume	in	
scope,	quality	and	volume	during	the	12	month	budget	cycle.	This	makes	it	even	
more	difficult	to	track	both	what	has	been	agreed	at	the	beginning	of	the	finan-
cial	year	and	what	has	been	provided	and	billed	throughout	the	end	of	the	year.	
These	 changes	 make	 a	 significant	 impact	 on	 the	 invoicing	 and	 cross-charging	
process	between	the	IT	Department	and	the	Business	Units	or	Line	of	Business.	
The	“Service	Model“	plays	a	fundamental	role	in	making	the	complex	service	ful-
fillment	process	manageable.	
Build	the	“Service	Model“	and	map	to:		
Technical	Services	
Business	Services	
Contracts	of	internal-	or	external	Service	Providers

Value	for	our		
✓ Changing	the	level	
of	automaAon	by	
building	the	„Ser-
vice	Model“	
✓ Prepare	the	organi-
zaAon	to	imple-
ment	the“Service	-	
&	Sourcing	Life	Cy-
cle	Mgmt.	
✓ Prepare	the	organi-
zaAon	to	manage	
industrialized	Ser-
✓ Move	from	EXCEl	
based	Management	
to	Service	AnalyAcs
Manage	IT	Demand	
The	 4USource	 PlaGorm	 shows	 all	 the	 Services	 provided	 to	 each	 Business	 Unit	
(BU)	or	Line	of	Business	(LOB)	in	real-Ame.	This	informaAon	is	used	to	manage	
the	demand	for	the	enAre	enterprise	and	shows	the	consumpAon	of	each	service	
for	each	Business	Unit	or	Line	of	Business.	The	Total	Contracted	Volume	(TCV()	of	
all	services	shows	the	ranking	of	the	most	demanding	Business	Units.	
The	demand	for	Services	and	its	evoluAon	is	needed	for	budgeAng	purposes	and	
can	have	significant	impact	on	the	planing	of	IT	resources	and	capabiliAes.	This	
resource	planning	informaAon	influences	and	supports	the	make-or-buy	decision	
of	any	service.	
Service	Demand	Management	
Resource	Planing	for	headcount	
Resource	Planing	for	assets	
Resource	Planing	for	Procurement	
Budget	Informa3on,	Budget	Forecast	Input

✓ AutomaAcally	gener-
ated	resource	plan-
ing	InformaAon	
✓ IdenAfy	A,	B,	C	
clients	and	their	ser-
vice	demand	
✓ Be	aware	of	criAcal	
✓ ReporAng	is	man-
aged	by	the	4U-
Source	PlaGorm	with	
dynamic	ReporAng	
Value	for	our		
Make	us	of	the	“Service	Catalogue“	
Customer-	and	Business-Focused	Service	organizaAons	need	to	offer	compeAAve	
products	and	services	that	customers	will	value,	buy	and	use.	AdapAng	quickly	to	
changes	in	the	economy	and	in	the	market	place	is	of	real	importance.	All	ser-
vices	offered	should	enable	business	adaptaAon,	transformaAon	and	growth.	
Services	that	don’t	meet	business	requirements	should	be	evolved	accordingly,	
replaced,	phased	out	or	swapped	out.	This	may	involve	using	an	alternaAve	inter-
nal	or	external	service	factory	or	perhaps	changing	the	service	provider.	
Service	Catalogue	
Engineering	Catalogue	with	4’092	Services	
KPI	“Key	Performance	Indicators“	Catalogue	with	4’092	pre	defined	KPI’s	
Service	Catalogue	with	101’144	pre	defined	Service	Building	Blocks	
Service	Component	Catalogue	with	44’634	pre	defined	components	
Value	for	our		
✓ Bets	pracAce	Ser-
vice	Catalogues	
✓ Pricing	and	Scope	
✓ Normalized	Services	
to	build	any	Service	
✓ Reusable	Cata-
✓ Customizable	Cata-
✓ No	Investment	in	
expensive	Consult-
ing	Service	Cata-
logue	Projects	
✓ Ready	to	use	form	
day	one	of	subscrip-
Create	your	Customized	Service	Por4olio	
The	4USource	PlaGorm	allows	each	Client	to	maintain	its	own	Service	PorGolio	
which	the	Service	Configurator.	An	example	of	such	a	specific	service	configura-
Aon	is	shown	in	the	screen	shot	above.	
4USource’s	 PlaGorm	 supports	 each	 Client’s	 unique	 Service	 PorGolio	 assembled	
from	IT	Service	Building	Blocks.	Clients	create	their	unique	Service	PorGolio	by	
adding	anributes	to	reference	services	chosen	from	the	“Reference	Catalogue“.	
This	means	the	Client	has	the	opAon	to	adopt	pre-defined	Services	from	the	4U-
Source	Reference	Database	and	specify	each	of	them	according	to	the	specific	
demands	that	are	being	faced.	The	number	of	Services	the	client	organizaAon	is	
going	to	offer	its	Lines	of	business	(LOB)	or	Business	Units	(BU)	can	vary	depend-
ing	on	business	requirements.	The	number	of	Services	maintained	as	a	digitalized	
Service	PorGolio	depends	on	the	degree	of	DigiAalzaAon	or	“Maturity	Level“	of	
the	client	organizaAon.	
Service	Por4olio	and	Classifica-on	
Service	Porolio	for	Business	Services	
Service	Porolio	for	Technical	Services	
Service	Porolio	for	Applica3on	Services	
Service	Porolio	for	Infrastructure	Services

✓ Increase	Customer	
Focus	and	Maturity	
✓ Make	use	of	exisAng	
Service	Models	and	
content,	avoid	to	
reinvent	the	wheel	
✓ Customizable	Ser-
vice	PorGolio	from	
Reference	Catalogue	
✓ ReducAon	in	project	
elapse	Ame	for	im-
plementaAon	of	new	
or	changed	services		
Value	for	our		
Create	and	define	your	Services	
Ooen,	the	SoluAon	Design	process	starts	with	a	request	from	the	Line	of	Business	
(LOB)	or	a	Business	Unit	(BU)	 	for	a	new	or	changed	Services.	At	this	stage	it	is	
important	to	know	how	much	the	new	or	changed	service	is	going	to	cost	and	
what	the	elapsed	Ame	of	the	project	would	be.	Accordingly,	the	budget	will	be	
adjusted	and	a	purchase	order	will	eventually	be	issued.	
The	Service	SoluAon	Design	process	provides	the	basic	indicaAons	for	any	new	or	
changed	Service	at	a	very	early	stage	in	the	project	and	before	any	cost	occurs.	
Important	informaAon	to	support	the	decision	making	process	of	the	manage-
ment	are	“what	if“	informaAon	about	the	scope	and	the	cost	impact	of	a	changed	
soluAon	like:	
	 what	if	the	plaGorm	architecture	is	changed?		
	 what	if	or	a	service	level	is	changed?		
	 what	if	the	scope	of	service	scope	is	changed	and	more?	
At	the	end	of	the	soluAon	design	process,	the	appropriate	decision	can	be	evalu-
ated	based	on	the	most	economic	soluAon	and	the	preferred	scenario.	
Solu-on	Design	and	Service	Configura-on	
Build	and	Compare	Solu3ons	
Create	„If	then	else“	scenarios	
Compare	Scope	and	market	target	pricing	for	the	scenarios	
Define	Services	

✓ Budget	and	Pro-
curement	forecasAng	
✓ Upfront	cost	driver	
Analysis	of	any	new	
✓ Scenario	Manage-
ment	to	evaluate	best	
SoluAon	with	out	ini-
AaAng	any	RFP	
✓ Cost	Impact	Study	
✓ Describe	Service	
Model	in	a	early	stage	
of	the	project	
✓ Use	Service	Model	
for	planning	phase	
✓ Management	Sup-
port	for	fact	based	
decision	making	
✓ Evaluate	best	solu-
Value	for	our		
Prepare	Budget	and	Budget	Forecast	
Budget	forecast	and	budget	informaAons	are	generated	from	the	“Service	Model“	
and	allow	the	most	advanced	tracking	of	any	cost	element	over	the	Service	Life	
Cycle.	The	budget	view	shown	in	the	4USource	PlaGorm	can	vary	in	granularity	
depending	on	the	degree	of	“drill	down”	performed.	The	“Service	Model“	binds	
all	cost	elements	and	anributes	to	your	services,	which	completes	the	customiza-
Aon	process	for	your	services.		
Cost	Reports	of	the	4USource	PlaGorm	are	dynamically	generated	and	show	op-
Amized	 views	 the	 CFO,	 CIO,	 Business	 Unit	 managers	 and	 other	 stakeholders	 in	
your	 organizaAon.	 ReporAng	 differenAates	 basic	 cost	 types,	 e.g.	 OPEX,	 CAPEX,	
Hardware	 and	 Sooware	 expenses,	 as	 well	 as	 manpower	 costs	 for	 internal	 and	
external	resources	allocated	to	a	specific	service.	
Budge-ng	and	Forecas-ng	Informa-on	
Cost	Driver	Analysis	
Cost	type,	Cost	Center	alloca3on	
Business	Case	Informa3on,	Pay	Back	Period,	Net	Present	Value	of	a	Service	
Shows	PARB	“Project	Approval	Review	Board“	Informa3on	to	tracking	cost	
Shows	Contract	overview	informa3on	releases	and	Life	Cycle	
Shows	Pricing	and	resource	informa3on	releases	and	Life	Cycle	
Service	Planing	informa3on	on	monthly	base	

PAGE !10
✓ All	Service	Building	
Blocks	have	price	
informaAon	at-
✓ Budget	is	generat-
ed	out	of	the	ser-
vice	demand	in-
✓ CalculaAon	of	dif-
ferent	best	case-,	
worst	case		budget	
✓ Adopt	changes	and	
reflect	impact	on	
✓ Instant	Best	Prac-
Ace	InformaAon		
✓ Target	Scoping	and	
Target	Pricing	
✓ Service	demand	
✓ Budget	tracking	to	
Value	for	our		
Perform	your	own	Benchmarking	
The	 Benchmarking	 and	 best	 PracAce	 informaAon	 stored	 winthin	 the	 4USource	
PlaGorm	enables	the	cost/value	comparison	of	IT	Services.	
The	4USource	PlaGorm	holds	current	Market	Pricing	and	Best	PracAce	informa-
Aon	on	any	type	of	IT	services.	Beside	gathering	informaAon	directly	from	the	
internet,	 the	 database	 is	 periodically	 updated	 with	 market-specific	 informaAon	
from	large	sourcing	service	contracts	worth	$	3.2	billion	of	mapped	services.	Ad-
diAonal	 informaAon	 comes	 from	 benchmarks	 executed	 by	 Gartner	 Group	 and	
ISG-one.	Data	sources	are	from	Service	Providers	are	used	as	well.	
4USource	and	ISG-one	have	a	strategic	partnership	to	use	the	plaGorm	for	client	
benchmarking.	All	informaAon	is	neutralized	and	normalized	to	make	it	compara-
ble	with	4USource’s	reference	database	and	keep	source	data	protected	and	se-
The	benchmarking	approach	is	based	on	a	service-by-service	in-depth	compari-
son	rather	than	on	peer	groups	since	only	a	real	“Service	Model“	can	be	com-
pared	at	sufficient	granularity.	
Service	Benchmarking	
World	largest	DB	for	Informa3on	Technology	Services	
Structured	and	normalized	services	to	allow	service	by	service	comparison	
4USource	 has	 a	 strategic	 collabora3on	 with	 ISG-one,	 world	 wide	 leader	 in	
Service	by	Service	benchmark	rather	then	peer	group	benchmarking	
Holding	more	then	3.2	billion	in	mapped	service	in	the	Benchmark	Database	
Semi-automated	feeding	of	database	through	data	feeders,	API’s	e.g.

PAGE !11
Value	for	our		
✓ Access	of	Market	
Pricing	InformaAon	
✓ StarAng	with	Ser-
vice	Pricing	Infor-
maAon	for	the	so-
luAon	design	phase	
✓ Building	Scenarios	
to	idenAfy	the	
maximized	poten-
✓ Get	instant	access	
to	idenAfy	Cost	
Saving	PotenAal	
prior	any	RFI	or	
RFP	phase	has	
✓ Instant	Best	Prac-
Ace	InformaAon	
access	for	Target	
Scoping	and	Target	
Generate	Statements	of	Work,	SLAs	and	Factsheets	
Every	“Service	Model“	can	generate	SOWs,	SLAs	and	OLAs	automaAcally.	Service	
descripAons	include	informaAon	about	the	quality	of	the	service,	the	scope	of	the	
service	and	unit	pricing.	
The	“Service	Model”	provides	the	most	important	informaAon	to	build	fully	digi-
talized	services	in	the	form	of	a	“Service	Detail“	report,	which	shows	the	enAre	
service	composiAon	(the	“Bill	Of	Materials”)	and	all	Service	Building	Blocks	in	a	
logical	 structure.	 Drilling	 down	 from	 level	 0	 to	 10	 will	 show	 the	 most	 detailed	
granularity	 as	 well	 as	 the	 top	 down	 “Bill	 of	 Materials“.	 Besides	 generaAng	 pdf	
documents,	the	“Service	Model“	allows	for	integraAon	into	Service	Management	
PlaGorms,	SAP	or	other	enterprise	applicaAon	sooware.	
Service	Model	and	other	generated	Documents	
Service,	KPI	and	Pricing	informa3on,	quan33es	are	generated	dynamically	
Monthly-,	quarterly-	and	yearly	service	planing	informa3on		
For	each	Service	a	Service	Fact	Sheet	is	generated	dynamically	
Fro	each	service	a	Statement	of	Work	is	generated	
For	each	Service	a	Statement	of	Work	is	generated	
A	Master	Service	Agreement	is	generated	
A	Legal	Framework	Agreement	is	generated

PAGE !12
✓ Dynamically	and	
automaAcally	gen-
erated	services	
✓ Dynamically	gener-
ated	Pricing	over-
✓ Dynamically	gener-
ated	Billing	view	
✓ Dynamically	gener-
ated	Fact	Sheets	
✓ Dynamically	gener-
ated	Statement	of	
Work,	SLA’s,	OLA’s	
✓ Customizable	
SoW’s,	SLA’s,	OLA’s	
Value	for	our		
Create	Service	Offers	&	RFPs		
The	 “Service	 Model”	 allows	 to	 automaAcally	 customize	 proposals	 for	 complex	
services	at	the	click	of	a	bunon.	Relevant	content	and	client	data	are	dynamically	
merged	into	your	proposal	from	the	4USource	PlaGorm.	The	process	is	started	by	
defining	different	cost	and	scope	scenarios	or	soluAons	that	have	been	created	
within	the	4USource	PlaGorm.	
According	to	the	“Business	Case“	principle,	the	best	and	most	economic	soluAon	
is	bound	to	win	RFP	Process.	Uniquely,	the	client	already	knows	what	“Market	
Pricing	and	Scoping“	can	be	expected	from	best-in-class	Service	Providers	even	
before	an	RFP	has	been	sent	out!		
Therefore	no	RFI	process	nor	any	extensive	RFP	preparaAon	is	required	to	find	
the	best	suited	Service	Provider.	The	elapsed	Ame	for	the	RFP	process	can	be	re-
duced	from	9-12	months	down	to	3	months	by	driving	the	RFP	process	proacAve-
ly	in	such	a	way.	Due	to	the	high	automaAon	degree	of	the	RFP	preparaAon,	few-
er	or	no	external	resources	are	required	and	the	resulAng	lean	process	can	be	
managed	internally.	
The	most	criAcal	milestone	in	the	RFP	is	the	tracking	of	changes	from	the	start	of	
the	process	unAl	contract	negoAaAon.	
RFP	Process	Management	
Business	Case	Prepara3on	to	find	the	best	and	most	economic	solu3on	
Sourcing	Solu3on	based	on	Benchmarking	and	Saving	Poten3al	Analysis	
Generated	Informa3on	about	Target	Scoping	Target	Pricing	
Comparison	of	provider	RFP’s	is	controlled	by	the	„Service	Model“	
Changes	in	scope	during	the	RFP	process	can	be	tracked	automa3cally

PAGE !13
✓ automaAcally	gen-
erated	set	of	doc-
✓ tracking	baseline	
vs.	changes	during	
✓ Instant	access	on	
„service	Model“	
✓ Target	Scoping	and	
Pricing	informaAon	
✓ Simplified	selecAon	
✓ Service	item	line	
✓ Shorter	elapsed	
Ame	from	status	
offer	to	contract	
✓ Scenario	Manage-
Value	for	our		
Proac-ve	Contract	Management	
The	difficulty	to	manage	a	large	service	contract	using	documents	and	spread-
sheets	becomes	daunAng	as	a	result	of	the	ever	increasing	complexity	of	IT	ser-
vices	and	the	rise	of	sophisAcated	sourcing	approaches	to	different	providers	and	
The	 4USource	 PlaGorm	 not	 only	 holds	 all	 contract	 descripAons	 in	 PDF	 format	
(SLA,	SOW,	Pricing,	General	Terms	and	CondiAons	etc)	but	also	builds	the	enAre	
digitalized	“Service	Model“	including	“Bills	of	Material“,	Service	ComposiAon	and	
Service	 Structure,	 which	 consAtute	 the	 most	 criAcal	 informaAon	 for	 Contract	
Management.	The	contract	is	manifested	in	Services,	Components	and	Volumes,	
as	well	as	Service	Building	Blocks.	Once	this	important	informaAon	is	mapped,	it	
becomes	a	resolving	instrument	for	the	effecAve	and	flexible	management	of	any	
internal	or	external	contract.		
The	 key	 differenAator	 of	 the	 4USource	 PlaGorm	 is	 the	 underpinning	 “Service	
Model“,	which	allows	a	‘line	by	line	comparison’	of	service	providers’	invoices	and	
the	 service	 recipient’s	 view.	 Most	 Contract	 Management	 plaGorms	 are	 merely	
“Electronic	Document	Repositories”	without	relevant	content	logic	nor	resolving	
“Service	Model“.	
Pro	Ac-ve	Contract	Management		
Digitalized	Contract	Service	Model	for	proac3ve	Contract	Management	
Seeng	a	baseline	at	contract	start	and	allow	contract	releases	for	changes	
Manage	Contract	Life	Cycle	content-tracking	against	nego3ated	baseline	
Target	pricing	informa3on	for	op3onal	services	or	scope	extensions	is	prede-
fined	in	the	model	
Workflow	integra3on	into	ERP	System	like	Salesforce	and	SAP….

PAGE !14
Value	for	our		
✓ Pro	acAve	contract	
✓ Instant	informa-
Aon	about	service	
✓ Start-	and	end	of	
life	cycle	informa-
Aon	for	any	con-
✓ Increased	aware-
ness	of	criAcal	con-
✓ Manage	Service	
✓ Tracking	baseline	
vs.	changes	in	ser-
vice	quality,	ser-
vice	quanAty,	ser-
vice	scope,	service	
unit	/pricing

Proac-ve	Billing	Management	
The	 4USource	 PlaGorm	 enables	 Service	 Billing	 to	 perform	 the	 heavy	 lioing	 in-
volved	for	managing	complex	contracts	and	service	agreements.	The	underlying	
“Service	Model”	allows	to	set	up	billing	correctly	from	the	start	while	supporAng	
frequent	modificaAons	to	original	agreements	in	a	simple	way.	In	addiAon,	cus-
tomized	invoice	formats	tailored	to	each	client’s	needs	are	easy	to	create.	The	
plaGorm	supports	Aght	and	real-Ame	integraAon	with	other	ERP	Systems	like	SAP,	
Salesforce	etc.	
All	costs	associated	with	a	project	or	service	contract	are	automaAcally	idenAfied	
with	respect	to	the	contract	as	they	all	relate	to	the	“Service	Model”.	This	enables	
to	compare	billing	informaAon	from	the	provider	against	the	baseline	of	the	con-
tract.	This	capability	of	tracking	and	managing	changes	over	the	Contract	Life	Cy-
cle	is	the	most	important	benefit	of	proacAve	Billing	Management.	
Mapping	Billing	Informa-on:	
Mapped	Billing	Informa3on	for	proac3ve	Billing	Management	
Seeng	base	line	for	contract	start	and	allow	contract	releases	for	changes	
Manage	Billing	along	the	Contract	Life	Cycle	
Tracking	Billing	informa3on	against	nego3ated	contract	
Service	Catalogue	Pricing	informa3on	can	be	used	to	check	Market	Pricing	for	
newly	charged	Services	
Workflow	integra3on	into	ERP	System	like	Salesforce	and	SAP…

PAGE !15
Value	for	our		
✓ Pro	acAve	service	
billing	manage-
✓ Tracking	baseline	
vs.	any	changes,		
✓ Tracking	contract	
vs.	billing		
✓ Alerts	for	devia-
Aons	in	budget	vs.	
Proac-ve	Supply	Management	
The	4USource	PlaGorm	shows	all	suppliers	under	contract	with	a	few	clicks.	Such	
a	supplier	analysis	allows	to	quanAfy	and	qualify	the	providers	in	terms	of	the	
most	significant	contracts,	those	driving	most	of	the	cost.	
A	drill-down	of	each	supplier	a	will	show	all	its	underpinning	contracts.	These	can	
be	further	analyzed	by	drill	further	down	to	every	“Service	Building	Block“.	
Preparing	the	right	Sourcing	strategy	and	making	the	right	decisions	about	sourc-
ing	requires	a	lot	informaAon.	Today,	most	companies	have	some	“Contract	Ad-
ministraAon“	in	place	to	show	provider	informaAon	and	generic	terms.		
The	next	step	is	to	understand	and	track	which	services	are	provided	by	which	
contract,	through	which	supplier,	based	on	which	bundled	or	unbundled	services,	
etc,	so	that	sourcing	and	re-sourcing	decisions	can	be	taken.	
The	bundling	of	technology	and	services	is	an	essenAal	instrument	in	strategic	
sourcing	for	selecAng	the	appropriate	service	providers.	The	4USource	PlaGorm	
allows	to	generate	“Spend	Analysis“	reports	based	on	digitalized	service	contracts	
and	the	underlying	“Service	Model“.	
Execute	Supply	Management	
Demand	Management	based	on	“Service	Model“	
Service	Inventory	management	based	on	“Service	Model“	
Pro	ac3vely	managed	contracts	based	on	“Service	Model“	
Service-	&	Sourcing	Life	Cycle	Management	based	on	“Service	Model“	
Spend	Analysis

PAGE !16
Value	for	our		
✓ Pro	acAve	supply	
✓ Generated	de-
mand-	and	spend	
✓ Assurance	of	sup-
✓ Cost	reducAon		
✓ Supply	support		
✓ Environmental	
✓ CompeAAve	edge		
✓ AlerAng	criAcal	
✓ Manage	Service	
✓ Tracking	baseline	
vs.	changes
Pla4orm	Integra-on	
Data	transfer	is	handled	by	dedicated	unidirecAonal	or	bidirecAonal	interfaces,	as	
well	as	by	APIs.	The	4USource	PlaGorm	communicates	with	technical	and	com-
mercial	applicaAons	to	share	informaAon	and	transfer	data.		
A	common	interface	consists	of	imporAng	and	exporAng	CMDB	informaAon	with	
a	ITSM	soluAon.	Another	another	inferface	may	target	commercial	applicaAons	to	
share	 Contract,	 Billing,	 Product	 &	 Service	 InformaAon.	 For	 example,	 key	 billing	
and	controlling	processes	in	most	Fortune	500	companies	are	managed	through	
SAP.	The	client	decides	which	type	of	informaAon	has	to	be	transferred	to	the	ERP	
system	as	well	as	its	level	of	granularity.	
You	can	create	APIs	in	minutes	and	proxy	exisAng	services	or	share	new	APIs	with	
a	few	clicks,	connecAng	to	any	backend	service	or	data	source.	
Service	Life	Cycle	Management	
Uni-	or	bidirec3onal	Interfaces	for	SAP,	CMDB	
Standard	API’s	
exchange	of	Service	informa3on	with	suppliers	for	cloud	integra3on	
Export	EXCEL	or	PDF	format	for	standardized	documents	
Import	EXCEL	format	for	standardized	documents	
PAGE !17
Value	for	our		
✓ Bets	pracAce	Ser-
vice	Catalogues	
✓ Pricing	and	Scope	
✓ Normalized	Services	
to	build	any	Service	
✓ Reusable	Cata-
✓ Customizable	Cata-
✓ No	Investment	in	
expensive	Consult-
ing	Service	Cata-
logue	Projects	
✓ Ready	to	use	form	
day	one	of	subscrip-
Service	Analy-cs	&	Dashboard	
The	Bloomberg	Service	PlaGorm	is	well	known	in	the	financial	industry.	In	a	simi-
lar	way,	the	4USource	PlaGorm	is	a	content	enriched	database	providing	Service	
and	Market	Data.	To	prepare	the	right	informaAon	in	the	right	way,	the	4USource	
PlaGorm	allows	you	to	create	dynamic,	graphical	reports	and	show	them	in	the	
The	 Dashboard	 is	 designed	 to	 show	 informaAon	 aggregated	 for	 each	 manage-
ment	layer	and	focused	on	key	funcAon:	CEO,	CFO,	COO,	CIO,	Chief	Procurement	
Officer,	IT	OperaAon,	Business	Users,	Service	Manager,	Contract	Manager,	Service	
Engineers	and	so	on.	
The	use	of	easily	customizable	dashboards	allows	to	meet	the	needs	of	the	dif-
ferent	users	and	user	groups	in	your	organizaAon.	By	quickly	extending	our	cus-
tom	dashboards	using	shareable	panels	that	integrate	mulAple	charts	and	views	
of	your	real-Ame	data,	your	users	can	access	them	from	their	desktop	or	mobile	
device.	A	personalized	“My-dashboard”	for	each	of	your	users	allow	for	quick	ac-
cess	to	specific	needs	in	your	organizaAon	-	managers,	business	and	security	ana-
lysts,	auditors,	developers	and	operaAons	teams.	Users	can	re-use	exisAng	panels	
and	edit	dashboards	using	a	simple	drag-and-drop	interface	and	can	use	integrat-
ed	charAng	controls	to	change	chart	types	or	views	dynamically.	
Service	Analy-cs,	Dashboard	
Service	Analy3cs	is	supported	by	dynamic	repor3ng	and	dynamic	dash	board	
Dynamic	Dashboard	Configura3on	
Simplify	or	extend	current	Dashboards	by	view	clicks	
Define	personalized	dashboards
PAGE !18
Value	for	our		
✓ Increase	Customer	
Focus	and	Maturity	
✓ Make	use	of	exisAng	
Service	Models	and	
content,	avoid	to	
reinvent	the	wheel	
✓ Customizable	Ser-
vice	PorGolio	from	
Reference	Catalogue	
✓ ReducAon	in	project	
elapse	Ame	for	im-
plementaAon	of	new	
or	changed	services

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 Customize, Digitalize, Industrialize your IT & BPO Services to prepare your business for the acceleraAng ”On Demand Economy”. The 4USource SaaS PlaGorm is the first product that enables any enterprise to configure, engineer and digitalize highly standardized IT Services, whether they are sourced from internal IT-operaAons or from any cloud or full service provider. 4USource’s delivery of real Ame Benchmark and Market InformaAon for IT Services results in greater transparency of service cost, quality and scope. This allows benchmark- ing of services across any industry in our client base. To support Service Benchmarking, 4USource’s Database holds more than 10’000 Service Building Blocks and worth more than $ 3.2B of normalized Service Contracts.. PAGE !1 4USource’s PlaGorm holds more than 10’000 Service Building Blocks $3.2 billion in normal- ized mapped Service Contracts Value Proposi-on 4USource’s SaaS Pla4orm enables the enterprise to customize, digitalize and industrialize ser- vices in order to enable and accelerate the “make or buy process“ of Services Online Benchmark of cur- rent Services Decrease sourcing cycles 
 by up to 90% Reduce Service pricing by 40% to 70% (cloud services) Define and build enterprise Service & Sourcing Model Service BudgeAng & Planning CreaAon & deployment of new Services Plug & Play Service Providers Single Point of Billing (SPOB) IT Demand & Supply Services Highly automated Service chain FIRST STEP CUSTOMIZE
  • 2. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL 1. Customiza-on of Services Whether you are a Service Provider or an internal IT organizaAon, Product and Service ConfiguraAon are crucial to the delivery of any Customer-Centric Service to the enterprise. Pre-ConfiguraAon of Products is well known from the car manu- facturing industry where it is very common to configure one’s own new car with ‘opAonal extras’ and ge^ng its price before any buying decision is made and manufacturing begins. This “on demand“ thinking has transferred to other areas like the apparel indus- try. Nike Sport allows its customers to design and customize their own shoes, sport clothing and accessories before purchase and manufacture. 2. Digitaliza-on of Services The driver for the DigitalizaAon of Services is the need to increase the agility and efficiency of Service Management processes (Fulfillment, Assurance etc) in order to reduce costs and increase margins. DigitalizaAon of Services involves the pre-designing of services and components. This enables their bundling into Service SpecificaAons that include service classifi- caAon and engineering instrucAons. For example, a new car is manufactured from assembly plans with a Bill of Materials that documents the specific customiza- Aons chosen by the customer, which then seamlessly feeds the Assembly Line for fulfillment. 4USource’s PlaGorm has a Service ClassificaAon Model that includes 10,000 ser- vice components. Enterprises use it to enable and build a digital model of all their IT and BPO services. Like in car manufacturing, the Service Model is the major prerequisite for automaAng service fulfillment and service assurance. Once modelled, any Digitalized Service can be compared 1:1 to Market Service Pricing for benchmarking. When used by service providers, the 4USource Plat- form allows to benchmark their own digitalized service offering and to accelerate both fulfillment and go to market processes across their service offerings. 3. Industrializa-on of Services IndustrializaAon of Services is the end goal of Service DigitalizaAon. Industrializa- Aon means using highly automated processes to plan, source and manage ser- vices in complex mulA-supplier, hybrid IT / BPO service factories, whether classic or cloud-based services. Having a database of normalized, classified, configured and engineered Services is paramount to achieve this goal. The 4USource “Service Model“ reflects the need for: Faster Service delivery Compe33ve Service Pricing Flexible Service Scope and Service Op3ons Transparent Service Quality, Evolving Service Volumes PAGE !2 Industrializa,on of Services who are the Stakeholders in the Organiza-on CIO-Organiza-on: ✓ IT Controlling ✓ IT Service Governance ✓ IT Service Management ✓ IT Procurement ✓ IT vendor & Contract Mgmt ✓ IT Delivery ✓ IT Infrastructure Mgmt ✓ IT ApplicaAons Mgmt ✓ IT Security ✓ IT TransiAon Mgmt ✓ IT Project Mgmt Business Organiza-on: ✓ CFO ✓ COO ✓ Chief Procurement ✓ Service Owner ✓ Service User
  • 3. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Service- & Sourcing Life Cycle Management The Service & Sourcing Life Cycle is essenAal to the most efficient management of Services and the increased agility of the enterprise. To sustain high levels of business performance, organizaAons need to offer com- peAAve products and services that customers will value, buy and use. To this end, products and services need to support organizaAons to quickly adapt to changes in today’s economic climate and market place, as well as to enable business transformaAon and growth. Any Service that doesn’t meet business requirements should be adapted, re-de- signed, re-sourced or phased-out. Service & Sourcing Life Cycle Management Operate Service as-is with minor changes from business, keep the business running (control, manage, and bill services) Discover new services & providers or change existent services & providers Define, re-design, or specify new or exis3ng services Service Opera3on Con3nual Service Improvement Each stage of the Service Lifecycle relies on service principles, processes, roles and performance measures. Conversely, each stage is dependent on the other lifecycle stages for inputs and feedback. A constant set of checks and balances throughout the Service & Sourcing Lifecycle ensures that as business demand changes, Services will be in a posiAon to adapt and respond effecAvely to them. PAGE !3 Value for our customers ✓ AutomaAcally gen- erated resource planing InformaAon ✓ IdenAfy A, B, C clients and their service demand ✓ Be aware of criAcal resources ✓ ReporAng is man- aged by the 4U- Source PlaGorm with dynamic Re- porAng
  • 4. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL “Manage IT as a Business“ Transforming an “IT Delivery” to “Managing IT as a Business” involves eventually changing the maturity level of an internal IT organizaAon. This means focussing on three basic pillars: 1) Most importantly, become a more “Customer Centric Organiza3on“. 2) “Fulfillment“ - building the Service Data Model and its content, which means designing and defining the “service model“. This model will be the master source for any next step to manage the enAre “Service & Sourcing Life Cycle“ 3) “Automa3on“ - Digitalize the services and create informaAon-driven workflows to achieve higher levels of automaAon and thereby increase the level of industri- alizaAon for the enterprise. We measure the level of maturity increase using the three pillars. Manage IT as Business: Become a customer-focused service organiza3on in the „on demand econo- my“ Start to build “the service model“ for the company, introduce Business Service Configura3on Automate Service Demand & Service Supply Process, Digitalize your Services Industrialize the “Demand & Service Supply Process“ PAGE !4 ✓ The 4USource Plat- form delivers the framework to in- crease the „Maturi- ty Level“ ✓ IdenAfy A, B, C clients and their service demand ✓ Be aware of criAcal resources ✓ ReporAng is man- aged by the 4U- Source PlaGorm with dynamic Re- porAng Value for our customers
  • 5. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Create the“Service Model“ for your enterprise Changing the IT organizaAon from an “IT Delivery“ towards a “Customer- and Business focused Service Organiza3on“ involves a Service Model that captures the value and business aspect of those services. All services provided are to be cross- charged to the Business Units (BU) or Lines of Business (LOB), which requires them to be tracked and reported in a transparent way (volumes, cost s etc). Enterprise Business Units need to be able to change the services they consume in scope, quality and volume during the 12 month budget cycle. This makes it even more difficult to track both what has been agreed at the beginning of the finan- cial year and what has been provided and billed throughout the end of the year. These changes make a significant impact on the invoicing and cross-charging process between the IT Department and the Business Units or Line of Business. The “Service Model“ plays a fundamental role in making the complex service ful- fillment process manageable. Build the “Service Model“ and map to: Technical Services Business Services Contracts of internal- or external Service Providers
 PAGE !5 Value for our customers „SERVICE MODEL“„EXCEL“ ✓ Changing the level of automaAon by building the „Ser- vice Model“ ✓ Prepare the organi- zaAon to imple- ment the“Service - & Sourcing Life Cy- cle Mgmt. ✓ Prepare the organi- zaAon to manage industrialized Ser- vices ✓ Move from EXCEl based Management to Service AnalyAcs
  • 6. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Manage IT Demand The 4USource PlaGorm shows all the Services provided to each Business Unit (BU) or Line of Business (LOB) in real-Ame. This informaAon is used to manage the demand for the enAre enterprise and shows the consumpAon of each service for each Business Unit or Line of Business. The Total Contracted Volume (TCV() of all services shows the ranking of the most demanding Business Units. The demand for Services and its evoluAon is needed for budgeAng purposes and can have significant impact on the planing of IT resources and capabiliAes. This resource planning informaAon influences and supports the make-or-buy decision of any service. Service Demand Management Resource Planing for headcount Resource Planing for assets Resource Planing for Procurement Budget Informa3on, Budget Forecast Input
 PAGE !6 ✓ AutomaAcally gener- ated resource plan- ing InformaAon ✓ IdenAfy A, B, C clients and their ser- vice demand ✓ Be aware of criAcal resources ✓ ReporAng is man- aged by the 4U- Source PlaGorm with dynamic ReporAng Value for our customers
  • 7. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Make us of the “Service Catalogue“ Customer- and Business-Focused Service organizaAons need to offer compeAAve products and services that customers will value, buy and use. AdapAng quickly to changes in the economy and in the market place is of real importance. All ser- vices offered should enable business adaptaAon, transformaAon and growth. Services that don’t meet business requirements should be evolved accordingly, replaced, phased out or swapped out. This may involve using an alternaAve inter- nal or external service factory or perhaps changing the service provider. Service Catalogue Engineering Catalogue with 4’092 Services KPI “Key Performance Indicators“ Catalogue with 4’092 pre defined KPI’s Service Catalogue with 101’144 pre defined Service Building Blocks Service Component Catalogue with 44’634 pre defined components PAGE !7 Value for our customers ✓ Bets pracAce Ser- vice Catalogues ✓ Pricing and Scope InformaAon ✓ Normalized Services to build any Service Model ✓ Reusable Cata- logues ✓ Customizable Cata- logues ✓ No Investment in expensive Consult- ing Service Cata- logue Projects ✓ Ready to use form day one of subscrip- Aon
  • 8. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Create your Customized Service Por4olio The 4USource PlaGorm allows each Client to maintain its own Service PorGolio which the Service Configurator. An example of such a specific service configura- Aon is shown in the screen shot above. 4USource’s PlaGorm supports each Client’s unique Service PorGolio assembled from IT Service Building Blocks. Clients create their unique Service PorGolio by adding anributes to reference services chosen from the “Reference Catalogue“. This means the Client has the opAon to adopt pre-defined Services from the 4U- Source Reference Database and specify each of them according to the specific demands that are being faced. The number of Services the client organizaAon is going to offer its Lines of business (LOB) or Business Units (BU) can vary depend- ing on business requirements. The number of Services maintained as a digitalized Service PorGolio depends on the degree of DigiAalzaAon or “Maturity Level“ of the client organizaAon. Service Por4olio and Classifica-on Service Porolio for Business Services Service Porolio for Technical Services Service Porolio for Applica3on Services Service Porolio for Infrastructure Services
 PAGE !8 ✓ Increase Customer Focus and Maturity Level ✓ Make use of exisAng Service Models and content, avoid to reinvent the wheel ✓ Customizable Ser- vice PorGolio from Reference Catalogue ✓ ReducAon in project elapse Ame for im- plementaAon of new or changed services Value for our customers
  • 9. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Create and define your Services Ooen, the SoluAon Design process starts with a request from the Line of Business (LOB) or a Business Unit (BU) for a new or changed Services. At this stage it is important to know how much the new or changed service is going to cost and what the elapsed Ame of the project would be. Accordingly, the budget will be adjusted and a purchase order will eventually be issued. The Service SoluAon Design process provides the basic indicaAons for any new or changed Service at a very early stage in the project and before any cost occurs. Important informaAon to support the decision making process of the manage- ment are “what if“ informaAon about the scope and the cost impact of a changed soluAon like: what if the plaGorm architecture is changed? what if or a service level is changed? what if the scope of service scope is changed and more? At the end of the soluAon design process, the appropriate decision can be evalu- ated based on the most economic soluAon and the preferred scenario. Solu-on Design and Service Configura-on Build and Compare Solu3ons Create „If then else“ scenarios Compare Scope and market target pricing for the scenarios Define Services 
 PAGE !9 ✓ Budget and Pro- curement forecasAng ✓ Upfront cost driver Analysis of any new service ✓ Scenario Manage- ment to evaluate best SoluAon with out ini- AaAng any RFP Process ✓ Cost Impact Study ✓ Describe Service Model in a early stage of the project ✓ Use Service Model for planning phase ✓ Management Sup- port for fact based decision making ✓ Evaluate best solu- Aon Value for our customers
  • 10. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Prepare Budget and Budget Forecast Budget forecast and budget informaAons are generated from the “Service Model“ and allow the most advanced tracking of any cost element over the Service Life Cycle. The budget view shown in the 4USource PlaGorm can vary in granularity depending on the degree of “drill down” performed. The “Service Model“ binds all cost elements and anributes to your services, which completes the customiza- Aon process for your services. Cost Reports of the 4USource PlaGorm are dynamically generated and show op- Amized views the CFO, CIO, Business Unit managers and other stakeholders in your organizaAon. ReporAng differenAates basic cost types, e.g. OPEX, CAPEX, Hardware and Sooware expenses, as well as manpower costs for internal and external resources allocated to a specific service. Budge-ng and Forecas-ng Informa-on Cost Driver Analysis Cost type, Cost Center alloca3on Business Case Informa3on, Pay Back Period, Net Present Value of a Service Shows PARB “Project Approval Review Board“ Informa3on to tracking cost Shows Contract overview informa3on releases and Life Cycle Shows Pricing and resource informa3on releases and Life Cycle Service Planing informa3on on monthly base 
 PAGE !10 Client ✓ All Service Building Blocks have price informaAon at- tached ✓ Budget is generat- ed out of the ser- vice demand in- formaAon ✓ CalculaAon of dif- ferent best case-, worst case budget scenario ✓ Adopt changes and reflect impact on budget ✓ Instant Best Prac- Ace InformaAon ✓ Target Scoping and Target Pricing ✓ Service demand forecast ✓ Budget tracking to baseline Value for our customers
  • 11. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Perform your own Benchmarking The Benchmarking and best PracAce informaAon stored winthin the 4USource PlaGorm enables the cost/value comparison of IT Services. The 4USource PlaGorm holds current Market Pricing and Best PracAce informa- Aon on any type of IT services. Beside gathering informaAon directly from the internet, the database is periodically updated with market-specific informaAon from large sourcing service contracts worth $ 3.2 billion of mapped services. Ad- diAonal informaAon comes from benchmarks executed by Gartner Group and ISG-one. Data sources are from Service Providers are used as well. 4USource and ISG-one have a strategic partnership to use the plaGorm for client benchmarking. All informaAon is neutralized and normalized to make it compara- ble with 4USource’s reference database and keep source data protected and se- cret. The benchmarking approach is based on a service-by-service in-depth compari- son rather than on peer groups since only a real “Service Model“ can be com- pared at sufficient granularity. Service Benchmarking World largest DB for Informa3on Technology Services Structured and normalized services to allow service by service comparison 4USource has a strategic collabora3on with ISG-one, world wide leader in Benchmarking Service by Service benchmark rather then peer group benchmarking Holding more then 3.2 billion in mapped service in the Benchmark Database Semi-automated feeding of database through data feeders, API’s e.g.
 PAGE !11 Value for our customers ✓ Access of Market Pricing InformaAon ✓ StarAng with Ser- vice Pricing Infor- maAon for the so- luAon design phase ✓ Building Scenarios to idenAfy the maximized poten- Aal ✓ Get instant access to idenAfy Cost Saving PotenAal prior any RFI or RFP phase has started ✓ Instant Best Prac- Ace InformaAon access for Target Scoping and Target Pricing
  • 12. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Generate Statements of Work, SLAs and Factsheets Every “Service Model“ can generate SOWs, SLAs and OLAs automaAcally. Service descripAons include informaAon about the quality of the service, the scope of the service and unit pricing. The “Service Model” provides the most important informaAon to build fully digi- talized services in the form of a “Service Detail“ report, which shows the enAre service composiAon (the “Bill Of Materials”) and all Service Building Blocks in a logical structure. Drilling down from level 0 to 10 will show the most detailed granularity as well as the top down “Bill of Materials“. Besides generaAng pdf documents, the “Service Model“ allows for integraAon into Service Management PlaGorms, SAP or other enterprise applicaAon sooware. Service Model and other generated Documents Service, KPI and Pricing informa3on, quan33es are generated dynamically Monthly-, quarterly- and yearly service planing informa3on For each Service a Service Fact Sheet is generated dynamically Fro each service a Statement of Work is generated For each Service a Statement of Work is generated A Master Service Agreement is generated A Legal Framework Agreement is generated
 PAGE !12 ✓ Dynamically and automaAcally gen- erated services documentaAon ✓ Dynamically gener- ated Pricing over- view ✓ Dynamically gener- ated Billing view ✓ Dynamically gener- ated Fact Sheets ✓ Dynamically gener- ated Statement of Work, SLA’s, OLA’s ✓ Customizable SoW’s, SLA’s, OLA’s Value for our customers
  • 13. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Create Service Offers & RFPs The “Service Model” allows to automaAcally customize proposals for complex services at the click of a bunon. Relevant content and client data are dynamically merged into your proposal from the 4USource PlaGorm. The process is started by defining different cost and scope scenarios or soluAons that have been created within the 4USource PlaGorm. According to the “Business Case“ principle, the best and most economic soluAon is bound to win RFP Process. Uniquely, the client already knows what “Market Pricing and Scoping“ can be expected from best-in-class Service Providers even before an RFP has been sent out! Therefore no RFI process nor any extensive RFP preparaAon is required to find the best suited Service Provider. The elapsed Ame for the RFP process can be re- duced from 9-12 months down to 3 months by driving the RFP process proacAve- ly in such a way. Due to the high automaAon degree of the RFP preparaAon, few- er or no external resources are required and the resulAng lean process can be managed internally. The most criAcal milestone in the RFP is the tracking of changes from the start of the process unAl contract negoAaAon. RFP Process Management Business Case Prepara3on to find the best and most economic solu3on Sourcing Solu3on based on Benchmarking and Saving Poten3al Analysis Generated Informa3on about Target Scoping Target Pricing Comparison of provider RFP’s is controlled by the „Service Model“ Changes in scope during the RFP process can be tracked automa3cally
 PAGE !13 ✓ automaAcally gen- erated set of doc- uments ✓ tracking baseline vs. changes during negoAaAon ✓ Instant access on „service Model“ InformaAon ✓ Target Scoping and Pricing informaAon ✓ Simplified selecAon process ✓ Service item line comparison ✓ Shorter elapsed Ame from status offer to contract ✓ Scenario Manage- ment Value for our customers
  • 14. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Proac-ve Contract Management The difficulty to manage a large service contract using documents and spread- sheets becomes daunAng as a result of the ever increasing complexity of IT ser- vices and the rise of sophisAcated sourcing approaches to different providers and locaAons. The 4USource PlaGorm not only holds all contract descripAons in PDF format (SLA, SOW, Pricing, General Terms and CondiAons etc) but also builds the enAre digitalized “Service Model“ including “Bills of Material“, Service ComposiAon and Service Structure, which consAtute the most criAcal informaAon for Contract Management. The contract is manifested in Services, Components and Volumes, as well as Service Building Blocks. Once this important informaAon is mapped, it becomes a resolving instrument for the effecAve and flexible management of any internal or external contract. The key differenAator of the 4USource PlaGorm is the underpinning “Service Model“, which allows a ‘line by line comparison’ of service providers’ invoices and the service recipient’s view. Most Contract Management plaGorms are merely “Electronic Document Repositories” without relevant content logic nor resolving “Service Model“. Pro Ac-ve Contract Management Digitalized Contract Service Model for proac3ve Contract Management Seeng a baseline at contract start and allow contract releases for changes Manage Contract Life Cycle content-tracking against nego3ated baseline Target pricing informa3on for op3onal services or scope extensions is prede- fined in the model Workflow integra3on into ERP System like Salesforce and SAP….
 PAGE !14 Value for our customers ✓ Pro acAve contract management ✓ Instant informa- Aon about service consumpAon ✓ Start- and end of life cycle informa- Aon for any con- tract ✓ Increased aware- ness of criAcal con- tracts ✓ Manage Service changes ✓ Tracking baseline vs. changes in ser- vice quality, ser- vice quanAty, ser- vice scope, service unit /pricing

  • 15. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Proac-ve Billing Management The 4USource PlaGorm enables Service Billing to perform the heavy lioing in- volved for managing complex contracts and service agreements. The underlying “Service Model” allows to set up billing correctly from the start while supporAng frequent modificaAons to original agreements in a simple way. In addiAon, cus- tomized invoice formats tailored to each client’s needs are easy to create. The plaGorm supports Aght and real-Ame integraAon with other ERP Systems like SAP, Salesforce etc. All costs associated with a project or service contract are automaAcally idenAfied with respect to the contract as they all relate to the “Service Model”. This enables to compare billing informaAon from the provider against the baseline of the con- tract. This capability of tracking and managing changes over the Contract Life Cy- cle is the most important benefit of proacAve Billing Management. Mapping Billing Informa-on: Mapped Billing Informa3on for proac3ve Billing Management Seeng base line for contract start and allow contract releases for changes Manage Billing along the Contract Life Cycle Tracking Billing informa3on against nego3ated contract Service Catalogue Pricing informa3on can be used to check Market Pricing for newly charged Services Workflow integra3on into ERP System like Salesforce and SAP…
 PAGE !15 Value for our customers ✓ Pro acAve service billing manage- ment ✓ Tracking baseline vs. any changes, ✓ Tracking contract vs. billing ✓ Alerts for devia- Aons in budget vs. billing
  • 16. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Proac-ve Supply Management The 4USource PlaGorm shows all suppliers under contract with a few clicks. Such a supplier analysis allows to quanAfy and qualify the providers in terms of the most significant contracts, those driving most of the cost. A drill-down of each supplier a will show all its underpinning contracts. These can be further analyzed by drill further down to every “Service Building Block“. Preparing the right Sourcing strategy and making the right decisions about sourc- ing requires a lot informaAon. Today, most companies have some “Contract Ad- ministraAon“ in place to show provider informaAon and generic terms. The next step is to understand and track which services are provided by which contract, through which supplier, based on which bundled or unbundled services, etc, so that sourcing and re-sourcing decisions can be taken. The bundling of technology and services is an essenAal instrument in strategic sourcing for selecAng the appropriate service providers. The 4USource PlaGorm allows to generate “Spend Analysis“ reports based on digitalized service contracts and the underlying “Service Model“. Execute Supply Management Demand Management based on “Service Model“ Service Inventory management based on “Service Model“ Pro ac3vely managed contracts based on “Service Model“ Service- & Sourcing Life Cycle Management based on “Service Model“ Spend Analysis
 PAGE !16 Value for our customers ✓ Pro acAve supply management ✓ Generated de- mand- and spend analysis ✓ Assurance of sup- ply ✓ Cost reducAon ✓ Supply support ✓ Environmental change ✓ CompeAAve edge ✓ AlerAng criAcal supplier ✓ Manage Service changes ✓ Tracking baseline vs. changes
  • 17. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Pla4orm Integra-on Data transfer is handled by dedicated unidirecAonal or bidirecAonal interfaces, as well as by APIs. The 4USource PlaGorm communicates with technical and com- mercial applicaAons to share informaAon and transfer data. A common interface consists of imporAng and exporAng CMDB informaAon with a ITSM soluAon. Another another inferface may target commercial applicaAons to share Contract, Billing, Product & Service InformaAon. For example, key billing and controlling processes in most Fortune 500 companies are managed through SAP. The client decides which type of informaAon has to be transferred to the ERP system as well as its level of granularity. You can create APIs in minutes and proxy exisAng services or share new APIs with a few clicks, connecAng to any backend service or data source. Service Life Cycle Management Uni- or bidirec3onal Interfaces for SAP, CMDB Standard API’s exchange of Service informa3on with suppliers for cloud integra3on Export EXCEL or PDF format for standardized documents Import EXCEL format for standardized documents PAGE !17 Value for our ✓ Bets pracAce Ser- vice Catalogues ✓ Pricing and Scope InformaAon ✓ Normalized Services to build any Service Model ✓ Reusable Cata- logues ✓ Customizable Cata- logues ✓ No Investment in expensive Consult- ing Service Cata- logue Projects ✓ Ready to use form day one of subscrip- Aon
  • 18. NOVEMBER 2015 4USOURCE SERVICE LIFE CYCLE TOOL Service Analy-cs & Dashboard The Bloomberg Service PlaGorm is well known in the financial industry. In a simi- lar way, the 4USource PlaGorm is a content enriched database providing Service and Market Data. To prepare the right informaAon in the right way, the 4USource PlaGorm allows you to create dynamic, graphical reports and show them in the Dashboard. The Dashboard is designed to show informaAon aggregated for each manage- ment layer and focused on key funcAon: CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, Chief Procurement Officer, IT OperaAon, Business Users, Service Manager, Contract Manager, Service Engineers and so on. The use of easily customizable dashboards allows to meet the needs of the dif- ferent users and user groups in your organizaAon. By quickly extending our cus- tom dashboards using shareable panels that integrate mulAple charts and views of your real-Ame data, your users can access them from their desktop or mobile device. A personalized “My-dashboard” for each of your users allow for quick ac- cess to specific needs in your organizaAon - managers, business and security ana- lysts, auditors, developers and operaAons teams. Users can re-use exisAng panels and edit dashboards using a simple drag-and-drop interface and can use integrat- ed charAng controls to change chart types or views dynamically. Service Analy-cs, Dashboard Service Analy3cs is supported by dynamic repor3ng and dynamic dash board informa3on Dynamic Dashboard Configura3on Simplify or extend current Dashboards by view clicks Define personalized dashboards PAGE !18 Value for our customers ✓ Increase Customer Focus and Maturity Level ✓ Make use of exisAng Service Models and content, avoid to reinvent the wheel ✓ Customizable Ser- vice PorGolio from Reference Catalogue ✓ ReducAon in project elapse Ame for im- plementaAon of new or changed services