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Th e
 C r is is
A u t h o r it
    Alberto Lopez
    Demi Caceres

   Brandon Alvarado
    Alyssa Secreto
T h e Yo u t h
Ò Patterns of Social t u r e
            C u l and
 cultural protest
 emerged from younger
 Americans who were
 ÉThe political left

 ÉThe vision of
Th e N e w L e ft
Ò Young Americans who consisted
  of the post war baby-boom
  generation created a new and
  diverse group called the New
Ò The New Left- a group that
  consisted of college students
  who drew from the writings of
  social critics from the 1950s.
Ò Inspiration for New Left drew
  from the Civil Rights Movement.
Th e N e w L e ft
           ( c o nt.)
Ò In 1962 students from prestigious universities gathered
  in Michigan to form the Students for a Democratic
  Society (SDS) to give voice to their demands.
Ò Port Huron Statement expressed the disillusionment
  with the society they had inherited and their
  determination to build new politics.
Ò SDS moved into inner city neighborhoods without
  success to mobilize poor, working class politically.
Fre e
S peec h
M o ve me

  In 1969, Turmoil at Berkeley was caused by students
  who challenged authorities due to them wanting to
  pass out literature and recruit volunteers for political
  causes on campus.
P e o p le ’ s P a r k

Ò In 1969, Berkeley became a
  scene of conflict due to a
  battle over the efforts of a few
  students to build “People’s
  Park” on a vacant lot.
Ò By the end of People’s Park
  battle the Berkeley Campus
  was completely polarized.
Th e C o u n te r
               C u lt u r e
Ò “Hippies”
   É A youth culture that were very
     liberal on drugs, alcohol, and sex.
Ò Birth Control ,Abortions, and
  Sexual Revolution
Ò H a ig h t A s h b u r y

   É Consisted of “hippies” who were
     social dropouts and rejected
     modern society.
Roc k N’                     R o ll
Ò Reflected the new iconoclastic values of the times.
Ò Artists who influenced during this time was

  É Beatles

  É Rolling Stones

  É Elvis Presley

  É Buddy Holly
T h e M o b iliz a t io n
  o f M in o r it ie s
S e e d s o f In d ia n
         M ilit a n c y
Ò The American Indians or Native Americans were the
  least prosperous, least healthy, and least stable group
  in the nation.
Ò After the resignation of John Collier, commission of
  Indian Affairs in 1946, the federal policy toward Indians
  had been to incorporate them within mainstream
  American society.
Ò The struggles against termination led to the
  development of the National Congress of American
  Indians (NCIA).
T h e In d ia n C iv il
R ig h t s M o v e m e n t
              Ò   In 1961, the Declaration of
                  Indian Purpose stressed the
                  Indians’ “right to choose
                  their own way of life.”
              Ò   A you group of Indians
                  created the American Indian
                  Movement (AIM) which drew
                  support from urban areas.
              Ò   A political result of Indian
                  activism was the Indian Civil
                  Rights Act
                   É Recognized legitimacy of
                     tribal laws within
Wo u n d e d K n e e

              Sioux Massacre 1890
O c c u p a t io n o f
    Wo u n d e d K n e e

Ò On February 1973, members of AIM seized and
  occupied the town of Wounded Knee, SD for two
  months, the site of Sioux massacre in 1890.
Ò AIM demanded more changes in the administration of
  the reservations and long forgotten treaties.
   É United States v. Wheeler
   É County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation
L a t in o A c t iv is m
Ò Latinos or Hispanic Americans
  were the fastest growing minority
  group in the U.S.
Ò Large number of Puerto Ricans
  migrated to eastern cities –
  Castro’s regime 1960s.
Ò During WWII, large numbers of
  Mexican Americans migrated
  due to labor shortage.
Ò Operation Wetback

  É deport the illegals but failed
    due to new arrivals
C e s a r C ha ve z

 An activist who created the effective United Farm
Workers (UFW) to demand recognition of their union
         and increase wages and benefits.
L a t in o A c t iv is m
Ò   Latinos: the issue
                      (ofc o n t . )
Ò The issue revolved
  around bilingualism in
  education and how it
  was a barrier to non
  English speakers.
Ò Opponents feared the
  difficulty and dangers
  bilingualism posed to
  American culture.
C h a lle n g in g t h e
      “ M e lt in g p o t ”

Ò The challenges of African Americans, Latinos, Indians,
  Asians, and others allowed for a considerable degree
  of cultural pluralism.
Ò Recognized and allowed for the integration of of ethnic
  studies in universities.
Ò “Multiculturalism”
G a y L ib e r a t io n
Ò Most recent liberation which allowed for major gains of
  gays and lesbians for political and social acceptance.
Ò Allowed for the Gays and Lesbians to express their
  preferences openly and unapologetic.
Ò G&L’s achieved the same stepping stones as some
Ò “Don’t ask don’t tell Policy” (1993)
“ S t o n e W a ll
On June 27, 1969 R i o t ” raided the Stone Wall
                 police officers
 Inn when the police raided and began to arrest patrons
for attending the nightclub. Marked the beginning of the
Th e N e w
F e m in is m
T h e R e b ir t h
Ò The publication of Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique
  in 1963
   É Claimed that the suburbs provided no opportunities
     for women to use their intelligence, talent, and
Ò National Organization for Women (NOW)
   É Responded to women’s complaints by demanding
     greater educational opportunities for women.
   É Called for “a fully equal partnership of the sexes, as
     part of the worldwide revolution of human rights.”
Wo m e n ’ s
Ò   By the early 1970s, young r a t i o n
                  L ib e
    feminists expressed harsher
    critiques of American society
    than that of Freidan’s
     É Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics
       (1969) argued that “every
       avenue of power within the
       society is entirely within
       male hands” so that women
       could unite to assault male
       power structure.
E x p a n d in g
         A c h i e v half m e n t s
    By the mid-1970s, nearly
  of all married women and 90
  percent of women with college
  degree worked.
Ò Women were beginning to
  compete effectively with men
  for elected and appointed
   É First Supreme Court justice
     (1981) – Sandra Day
   É Democratic vice presidential
     candidate (1984) –
     Geraldine Ferraro of New
   É Democratic presidential
     candidate (2008) – Hillary
E x p a n d in g
    A c h ie v e m e n t s . . .
Ò   In 1972, Congress approved the Equal Rights Act (ERA)
    Amendment to the Constitution.
Ò   The ERA failed in 1982 because people feared it would
    disrupt traditional social patterns.
T h e A b o r t io n
         C o ntro ve rs y
Ò By the beginning of the
  twentieth century,
  abortion was banned by
  statute in most of the
  country until the 1960s.
Ò Women created strong
  new pressures to
  legalize abortion:
   É Roe v. Wade
     invalidated all laws
     prohibiting abortion
     during the “first
E n v ir o n m e n t a lis m
   in a t u r b u le n t
         s o c ie t y
T h e N e w S c ie n c e
     o f E c o lo g y
By the twentieth Century, Scientists began to create a new belief
for rationale for environmentalism: ecology

Ecology was the scientific belief that there was interrelatedness
within the natural world.

Zoologist Stephen A. Forbes

Aldo Leopold, 1949 The Sand County Almanac

“Land Ethic”

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring-influential book that influenced the
DDT in the U.S in 1972

Between 1945 and 1960, ecological science was funded by
government agencies, universities, foundations, etc. it gradually
became a field of its own.
E n v ir o n m e n t a l
             Ad vo c a c y
Important environmental
organizations predated the rise
of modern ecological science.
(The Sierrra Club, The
Wilderness Society, etc.)

Out of organizations emerged
new generation of professional
environmental activists able to
contribute to the legal and
political battles of the

Scientists, lawyers, lobbyists.
E n v ir o n m e n t a l
      D ecaused by the postwar era was
The damage
           g r a d a t io n
impossible to ignore by 1960s.

Water pollution was seen in major cities, unpleasant
sight and odor in rivers and lakes.

Air was becoming unhealthy due to toxic fumes from
factories and power plants. Automobiles were
poisoning the atmosphere.

Weather forecasts began using the word “smog.”

Environmentalists put public attention to depletion of
oil and other fossil fuels, “acid rain,”destruction of vast
rain forests.
E a rth D a y a nd
               B people gatheredd over the US for
On April 22, 1970
                  e y o n all
the first “Earth Day.”

originally proposed by Wisconsin senator Gaylord

“Earth Day” appealing to many who avoided the
radical left and did not want to involve themselves with
threatening rallies.

20 million Americans participated making it the largest
single demonstration in nation’s history.

1970 National Environmental Protection Act

The Clean Air Act 1970 and Clean Water Act 1972
N ix o n , K is s in g e r ,
   a n d Th e Wa r
V ie t n a m iz a t io n
President Nixon appointed Henry Kissinger, a Harvard
professor, as his national security adviser.

Despite the fact that both William Rogers, secretary of
state, and Melvin Laird, secretary of defense, were
much more experienced in public life than Kissinger
was, he immediately established dominance over both
of them.

Nixon and Kissinger set out to find an acceptable
solution to the stalemate in Vietnam.

The new Vietnam policy was an effort to limit domestic
opposition to the war.
V ie t n a m iz a t io n
The administration devised a n t . )
                   ( c o new “lottery” system, through
which only a limited group would be subject to conscription;
the limited group usually consisted of 19 year olds with low
lottery numbers.

By 1973, the Selective Service System was on its way to at
least temporary extinction.

The new policy of “Vietnamization” of the war:

  The training and equipping of the South Vietnamese
  military to take over burden of combat from American

  It helped quiet domestic opposition to the war.
E s c a la t io n :
 Nixon and Kissinger developed an effective way to tip the
 military balance in America’s favor by destroying the bases
 in Cambodia.

 • The Americans believed that the North Vietnamese were
   launching their attacks from Cambodia.

 • In the spring of 1970, possibly with U.S. encouragement
   and support, conservative military leaders overthrew the
   neutral government of Cambodia and established a new,
   pro-American regime under General Lon Nol.

• On April 30, Nixon televised his announcement in which he
 spoke about ordering troops American troops across the
 border into Cambodia to “clean out” the bases that the
 enemy had been using for its “increased military
C o n t in u e d
Unfortunately for President Nixon, millions of Americans were upset with his
actions that the most widespread and vocal antiwar demonstrations were
seen in the first days of May.

The mood of the crisis intensified greatly on May 4, when four college
students were killed and nine other injured when members of the National
Guard opened fire on antiwar demonstrators at Kent State University in Ohio.

By 1971, nearly two-thirds of those interviewed in public opinion polls were
urging American withdrawal from Vietnam.

In March 1972, the North Vietnamese mounted their biggest offensive sine
1968 (the so-called Eastern offensive).

Despite the lack of support from the Americans, American and South
Vietnamese forces managed to halt the communist advance.
“ P e a c e w it h
          H onor”
In April 1972, the president dropped his longtime
insistence on a removal of North Vietnamese troops from
the south before any American withdrawal.

On October 26, only days before the presidential election,
Kissinger announced that “peace was at hand” in which
Americans and North Vietnamese were ready to accept
the Kissinger-Tho plan for a cease-fire.

On December 17, American B-52s began the heaviest
and most destructive air raids of the entire war on Hanoi,
Haiphong and other North Vietnamese targets as a result
of the failed negotiations between the two nations.

On December 30, Nixon ended the “Christmas Bombing.”
“ P e a c e w it h
      H 27, 1973, both the United States ando nVietnamese
On January
           o n o r ” ( c North t . )
signed an “agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in

The terms of Paris accord were little different from those Kissinger
and Tho had accepted in principle a few months before:

  There would be an immediate cease-fire.

  The North Vietnamese would release several hundred American
  prisoners of war.
D e f e a t in
                In d o c h in a
American forces were hardly out of Indochina before the Paris accords collapsed.

In March 1975, the North Vietnamese launched a full-scale offensive against the
now greatly weakened forces of the south.

Thieu appealed to Washington for assistance; the president (now Gerald Ford;
Nixon had resigned in 1974) appealed to Congress for additional funding;
Congress refused.

Late in April 1975, communist forces marched into Saigon, shortly after officials of
the Thieu regime and the staff of the American embassy had fled the country in
humiliating disarray.

A beautiful land had been ravaged, its agrarian economy left in ruins; for many
years after, Vietnam remained one of the poorest and most politically oppressive
nations in the world.
N ix o n , K is s in g e r ,
    a n d t h e W o r ld
The Vietnam War provided a dismal backdrop to : the
construction of a new international order.

America wanted to adopt a new “multipolar” International
Structure in which China, Japan, and Western Europe
would become major independent forces.

The U.S. , China, Soviet Union, and Japan would help
balance each other , not playing one against the other.
C h in a a n d t h e
     S o v ie t U n io n
Nixon and Kissinger wanted to forge a new
relationship between the Chinese communists- in part
to strengthen them as a counterbalance to the Soviet

The United Nations admitted the Communist China
and expelled the Taiwan Regime.

In 1972 the United States began to have low-level
diplomatic relations with China.

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)- US and
Soviet Union met and talked about the limitation of
nuclear weapons.
N ix o n , K is s in g e r ,
  a n d t h e W o r ld
      The Problems with Solarity
T h e P r o b le m s o f
    M u lt ip o la r it y
     Nixon and Kissinger believed
    that great-power relationships
    could not alone ensure
    international stability, for the
    “Third World” remained the most
    volatile and dangerous source of
    international tension.
     Nixon Doctrine: 1969-1970
     The United States would
     “participate in the defense and
     development of allies and friends”
     but would leave the “basic
     responsibility” for the future of
     those “friends” to the nations
     In practice, it meant a declining
The “Six Day War”
    • In 1967, Israel gained control of the city of Jerusalem
      and was able to gain some new territory along the way.
     In October 1973, on the Jewish High Holy Day of Yon
    Kippur, Egyptian and Syrian forces attacked Israel.
    • It was a strong and effective counteroffensive which
      lasted for ten days.
    • Meanwhile, the U.S. was applying a great amount of
      pressure on the Israelites.
     The Arab Oil Embargo was an event where Arabs had
    placed an embargo on oil causing a great amount of
    suffering on the Israeli supporters.
       It provided an ominous warning of the costs of losing
      access to the region’s resources.

P r o b le m s o f M u lt ip o la r it y
e P r o b le m s o f M u lt ip o la r it y

     • Richard Nixon responded to
       the Arab Oil Embargo by
       signing the Emergency
       Highway Conservation Act.
     • The law offered the states a
       choice: impose a 55 mph
       maximum speed limit or forego
       federal highway funds
     • It was impossible for the U.S.
       to ignore the interest of the
       Arab nations.
     • The U.S. could no longer
       depend on cheap, easy access
       to raw materials as it had in the
P o lit ic s a n d
E c o n o m ic s
U n d e r N ix o n
D o m e s t ic In it ia t e
 Nixon’s  domestic policies were a response to the
  demands of conservative middle class people who he
  liked to call “silent majority.”
 Nixon began to reduce or dismantle many of the social

  programs of the great society.
F r o m th e Wa r r e n
        C ourt
  T O T H E N IX O N
      C OURT
Wa r r e n C o u r t
Ò   In 1950s and 1960s, none had evoked more anger
    and bitterness than the Supreme Court due to its
    rulings on racial matters and its staunch defense of
    civil liberties.
     É Engel v. Vitale (1962)
     É Roth v. United States (1957)
     É Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
     É Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)
     É Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Wa r r e n C o u r t
Ò   One of the most
    important decisions of
    the Warren Court in
    the 1960s was Baker
    v. Carr (1962) which
    required state
    legislatures to
    apportion electoral
    districts so that all
    citizens’ votes would
    have equal weight.
N ix o n C o u r t
Ò Nixon was determined to use his judicial appointments
  to give the court a more conservative cast.
Ò He appointed Warren Burger, Clement F. Haynsworth
  (rejected because Nixon believed he was from the
   É Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
   É Furman v. Georgia (1972)
   É Roe v. Wade (1973)
   É Milliken v. Bradley (1974)
Ò Bakke v. Board of Regents of California (1978) was a
  celebrated action by the Nixon court because it
  established restrictive new guidelines for programs in
  the future
E l e c t i o n o f 19 7 2
Ò Nixon entered the presidential race refraining from
  campaigning and concentrating on publicized
  international decisions and state visits.
Ò Nixon’s Democratic opponent George Wallace was
  assassinated at a rally in Maryland.
Ò The Democrats nominated George McGovern in
Ò On election day, Nixon won reelection by one of the
  largest margin in history: 60.7% of the popular vote
  compared with 37.5% for McGovern, and an electoral
  margin of 520 to 17.
T h e Tr o u b le d
           E c onomy
Ò Inflation became the most disturbing economic
  problem of the 1970s caused by a significant increase
  in federal deficit spending that began in the 1960s.
Ò Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  (OPEC) began to use its oil as economic tool and
  political weapon.
Ò US manufacturing faced major competition from
  abroad as they established major footholds in the US
Ò The 1970s marked painful process of
  deindustrialization in which thousands of factories
  across the country closed their gates and millions of
  workers lost their jobs.
T h e N ix o n
           R e s pons e
Ò The Nixon administration responded to the mounting
  economic problems by focusing on the one thing it
  thought it could control: Inflation.
Ò In 1971, Nixon imposed a 90 day freeze on all wages
  and prices at their existing levels.
Ò Nixon launched an economic plan called Phase II,
  mandatory guidelines for wage and prices increases to
  be administered by a federal agency.

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Chapter 30 Period 3

  • 1. Th e C r is is of A u t h o r it y Alberto Lopez Demi Caceres Brandon Alvarado Alyssa Secreto
  • 2. T h e Yo u t h Ò Patterns of Social t u r e C u l and cultural protest emerged from younger Americans who were protesting: ÉThe political left ÉThe vision of “liberation”
  • 3. Th e N e w L e ft Ò Young Americans who consisted of the post war baby-boom generation created a new and diverse group called the New Left. Ò The New Left- a group that consisted of college students who drew from the writings of social critics from the 1950s. Ò Inspiration for New Left drew from the Civil Rights Movement.
  • 4. Th e N e w L e ft ( c o nt.) Ò In 1962 students from prestigious universities gathered in Michigan to form the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to give voice to their demands. Ò Port Huron Statement expressed the disillusionment with the society they had inherited and their determination to build new politics. Ò SDS moved into inner city neighborhoods without success to mobilize poor, working class politically.
  • 5. Fre e S peec h M o ve me nt In 1969, Turmoil at Berkeley was caused by students who challenged authorities due to them wanting to pass out literature and recruit volunteers for political causes on campus.
  • 6. P e o p le ’ s P a r k Ò In 1969, Berkeley became a scene of conflict due to a battle over the efforts of a few students to build “People’s Park” on a vacant lot. Ò By the end of People’s Park battle the Berkeley Campus was completely polarized.
  • 7. Th e C o u n te r C u lt u r e Ò “Hippies” É A youth culture that were very liberal on drugs, alcohol, and sex. Ò Birth Control ,Abortions, and Sexual Revolution Ò H a ig h t A s h b u r y É Consisted of “hippies” who were social dropouts and rejected modern society.
  • 8. Roc k N’ R o ll Ò Reflected the new iconoclastic values of the times. Ò Artists who influenced during this time was É Beatles É Rolling Stones É Elvis Presley É Buddy Holly
  • 9. T h e M o b iliz a t io n o f M in o r it ie s
  • 10. S e e d s o f In d ia n M ilit a n c y Ò The American Indians or Native Americans were the least prosperous, least healthy, and least stable group in the nation. Ò After the resignation of John Collier, commission of Indian Affairs in 1946, the federal policy toward Indians had been to incorporate them within mainstream American society. Ò The struggles against termination led to the development of the National Congress of American Indians (NCIA).
  • 11. T h e In d ia n C iv il R ig h t s M o v e m e n t Ò In 1961, the Declaration of Indian Purpose stressed the Indians’ “right to choose their own way of life.” Ò A you group of Indians created the American Indian Movement (AIM) which drew support from urban areas. Ò A political result of Indian activism was the Indian Civil Rights Act É Recognized legitimacy of tribal laws within reservations
  • 12. Wo u n d e d K n e e Sioux Massacre 1890
  • 13. O c c u p a t io n o f Wo u n d e d K n e e Ò On February 1973, members of AIM seized and occupied the town of Wounded Knee, SD for two months, the site of Sioux massacre in 1890. Ò AIM demanded more changes in the administration of the reservations and long forgotten treaties. É United States v. Wheeler É County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation
  • 14. L a t in o A c t iv is m Ò Latinos or Hispanic Americans were the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. Ò Large number of Puerto Ricans migrated to eastern cities – Castro’s regime 1960s. Ò During WWII, large numbers of Mexican Americans migrated due to labor shortage. Ò Operation Wetback É deport the illegals but failed due to new arrivals
  • 15. C e s a r C ha ve z An activist who created the effective United Farm Workers (UFW) to demand recognition of their union and increase wages and benefits.
  • 16. L a t in o A c t iv is m Ò Latinos: the issue (ofc o n t . ) bilingualism Ò The issue revolved around bilingualism in education and how it was a barrier to non English speakers. Ò Opponents feared the difficulty and dangers bilingualism posed to American culture.
  • 17. C h a lle n g in g t h e “ M e lt in g p o t ” Ò The challenges of African Americans, Latinos, Indians, Asians, and others allowed for a considerable degree of cultural pluralism. Ò Recognized and allowed for the integration of of ethnic studies in universities. Ò “Multiculturalism”
  • 18. G a y L ib e r a t io n Ò Most recent liberation which allowed for major gains of gays and lesbians for political and social acceptance. Ò Allowed for the Gays and Lesbians to express their preferences openly and unapologetic. Ò G&L’s achieved the same stepping stones as some minorities. Ò “Don’t ask don’t tell Policy” (1993)
  • 19. “ S t o n e W a ll On June 27, 1969 R i o t ” raided the Stone Wall police officers Inn when the police raided and began to arrest patrons for attending the nightclub. Marked the beginning of the movement.
  • 20. Th e N e w F e m in is m
  • 21. T h e R e b ir t h Ò The publication of Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique in 1963 É Claimed that the suburbs provided no opportunities for women to use their intelligence, talent, and education. Ò National Organization for Women (NOW) É Responded to women’s complaints by demanding greater educational opportunities for women. É Called for “a fully equal partnership of the sexes, as part of the worldwide revolution of human rights.”
  • 22. Wo m e n ’ s Ò By the early 1970s, young r a t i o n L ib e feminists expressed harsher critiques of American society than that of Freidan’s É Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics (1969) argued that “every avenue of power within the society is entirely within male hands” so that women could unite to assault male power structure. É
  • 23. E x p a n d in g Ò A c h i e v half m e n t s By the mid-1970s, nearly e of all married women and 90 percent of women with college degree worked. Ò Women were beginning to compete effectively with men for elected and appointed positions. É First Supreme Court justice (1981) – Sandra Day O’Connor É Democratic vice presidential candidate (1984) – Geraldine Ferraro of New York É Democratic presidential candidate (2008) – Hillary
  • 24. E x p a n d in g A c h ie v e m e n t s . . . Ò In 1972, Congress approved the Equal Rights Act (ERA) Amendment to the Constitution. Ò The ERA failed in 1982 because people feared it would disrupt traditional social patterns.
  • 25. T h e A b o r t io n C o ntro ve rs y Ò By the beginning of the twentieth century, abortion was banned by statute in most of the country until the 1960s. Ò Women created strong new pressures to legalize abortion: É Roe v. Wade invalidated all laws prohibiting abortion during the “first trimester”
  • 26. E n v ir o n m e n t a lis m in a t u r b u le n t s o c ie t y
  • 27. T h e N e w S c ie n c e o f E c o lo g y By the twentieth Century, Scientists began to create a new belief for rationale for environmentalism: ecology Ecology was the scientific belief that there was interrelatedness within the natural world. Zoologist Stephen A. Forbes Aldo Leopold, 1949 The Sand County Almanac “Land Ethic” Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring-influential book that influenced the DDT in the U.S in 1972 Between 1945 and 1960, ecological science was funded by government agencies, universities, foundations, etc. it gradually became a field of its own.
  • 28. E n v ir o n m e n t a l Ad vo c a c y Important environmental organizations predated the rise of modern ecological science. (The Sierrra Club, The Wilderness Society, etc.) Out of organizations emerged new generation of professional environmental activists able to contribute to the legal and political battles of the movement. Scientists, lawyers, lobbyists.
  • 29. E n v ir o n m e n t a l D ecaused by the postwar era was The damage g r a d a t io n impossible to ignore by 1960s. Water pollution was seen in major cities, unpleasant sight and odor in rivers and lakes. Air was becoming unhealthy due to toxic fumes from factories and power plants. Automobiles were poisoning the atmosphere. Weather forecasts began using the word “smog.” Environmentalists put public attention to depletion of oil and other fossil fuels, “acid rain,”destruction of vast rain forests.
  • 30. E a rth D a y a nd B people gatheredd over the US for On April 22, 1970 e y o n all the first “Earth Day.” originally proposed by Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson. “Earth Day” appealing to many who avoided the radical left and did not want to involve themselves with threatening rallies. 20 million Americans participated making it the largest single demonstration in nation’s history. 1970 National Environmental Protection Act The Clean Air Act 1970 and Clean Water Act 1972
  • 31. N ix o n , K is s in g e r , a n d Th e Wa r
  • 32. V ie t n a m iz a t io n President Nixon appointed Henry Kissinger, a Harvard professor, as his national security adviser. Despite the fact that both William Rogers, secretary of state, and Melvin Laird, secretary of defense, were much more experienced in public life than Kissinger was, he immediately established dominance over both of them. Nixon and Kissinger set out to find an acceptable solution to the stalemate in Vietnam. The new Vietnam policy was an effort to limit domestic opposition to the war.
  • 33. V ie t n a m iz a t io n The administration devised a n t . ) ( c o new “lottery” system, through which only a limited group would be subject to conscription; the limited group usually consisted of 19 year olds with low lottery numbers. By 1973, the Selective Service System was on its way to at least temporary extinction. The new policy of “Vietnamization” of the war: The training and equipping of the South Vietnamese military to take over burden of combat from American forces. It helped quiet domestic opposition to the war.
  • 34. E s c a la t io n : Nixon and Kissinger developed an effective way to tip the military balance in America’s favor by destroying the bases in Cambodia. • The Americans believed that the North Vietnamese were launching their attacks from Cambodia. • In the spring of 1970, possibly with U.S. encouragement and support, conservative military leaders overthrew the neutral government of Cambodia and established a new, pro-American regime under General Lon Nol. • On April 30, Nixon televised his announcement in which he spoke about ordering troops American troops across the border into Cambodia to “clean out” the bases that the enemy had been using for its “increased military
  • 35. C o n t in u e d Unfortunately for President Nixon, millions of Americans were upset with his actions that the most widespread and vocal antiwar demonstrations were seen in the first days of May. The mood of the crisis intensified greatly on May 4, when four college students were killed and nine other injured when members of the National Guard opened fire on antiwar demonstrators at Kent State University in Ohio. By 1971, nearly two-thirds of those interviewed in public opinion polls were urging American withdrawal from Vietnam. In March 1972, the North Vietnamese mounted their biggest offensive sine 1968 (the so-called Eastern offensive). Despite the lack of support from the Americans, American and South Vietnamese forces managed to halt the communist advance.
  • 36. “ P e a c e w it h H onor” In April 1972, the president dropped his longtime insistence on a removal of North Vietnamese troops from the south before any American withdrawal. On October 26, only days before the presidential election, Kissinger announced that “peace was at hand” in which Americans and North Vietnamese were ready to accept the Kissinger-Tho plan for a cease-fire. On December 17, American B-52s began the heaviest and most destructive air raids of the entire war on Hanoi, Haiphong and other North Vietnamese targets as a result of the failed negotiations between the two nations. On December 30, Nixon ended the “Christmas Bombing.”
  • 37. “ P e a c e w it h H 27, 1973, both the United States ando nVietnamese On January o n o r ” ( c North t . ) signed an “agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam.” The terms of Paris accord were little different from those Kissinger and Tho had accepted in principle a few months before: There would be an immediate cease-fire. The North Vietnamese would release several hundred American prisoners of war.
  • 38. D e f e a t in In d o c h in a American forces were hardly out of Indochina before the Paris accords collapsed. In March 1975, the North Vietnamese launched a full-scale offensive against the now greatly weakened forces of the south. Thieu appealed to Washington for assistance; the president (now Gerald Ford; Nixon had resigned in 1974) appealed to Congress for additional funding; Congress refused. Late in April 1975, communist forces marched into Saigon, shortly after officials of the Thieu regime and the staff of the American embassy had fled the country in humiliating disarray. A beautiful land had been ravaged, its agrarian economy left in ruins; for many years after, Vietnam remained one of the poorest and most politically oppressive nations in the world.
  • 39.
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  • 41. N ix o n , K is s in g e r , a n d t h e W o r ld The Vietnam War provided a dismal backdrop to : the construction of a new international order. America wanted to adopt a new “multipolar” International Structure in which China, Japan, and Western Europe would become major independent forces. The U.S. , China, Soviet Union, and Japan would help balance each other , not playing one against the other.
  • 42. C h in a a n d t h e S o v ie t U n io n Nixon and Kissinger wanted to forge a new relationship between the Chinese communists- in part to strengthen them as a counterbalance to the Soviet Union. The United Nations admitted the Communist China and expelled the Taiwan Regime. In 1972 the United States began to have low-level diplomatic relations with China. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)- US and Soviet Union met and talked about the limitation of nuclear weapons.
  • 43. N ix o n , K is s in g e r , a n d t h e W o r ld The Problems with Solarity
  • 44. T h e P r o b le m s o f M u lt ip o la r it y Nixon and Kissinger believed that great-power relationships could not alone ensure international stability, for the “Third World” remained the most volatile and dangerous source of international tension. Nixon Doctrine: 1969-1970 The United States would “participate in the defense and development of allies and friends” but would leave the “basic responsibility” for the future of those “friends” to the nations themselves. In practice, it meant a declining
  • 45. The “Six Day War” • In 1967, Israel gained control of the city of Jerusalem and was able to gain some new territory along the way. In October 1973, on the Jewish High Holy Day of Yon Kippur, Egyptian and Syrian forces attacked Israel. • It was a strong and effective counteroffensive which lasted for ten days. • Meanwhile, the U.S. was applying a great amount of pressure on the Israelites. The Arab Oil Embargo was an event where Arabs had placed an embargo on oil causing a great amount of suffering on the Israeli supporters. It provided an ominous warning of the costs of losing access to the region’s resources. P r o b le m s o f M u lt ip o la r it y
  • 46. e P r o b le m s o f M u lt ip o la r it y • Richard Nixon responded to the Arab Oil Embargo by signing the Emergency Highway Conservation Act. • The law offered the states a choice: impose a 55 mph maximum speed limit or forego federal highway funds • It was impossible for the U.S. to ignore the interest of the Arab nations. • The U.S. could no longer depend on cheap, easy access to raw materials as it had in the past.
  • 47. P o lit ic s a n d E c o n o m ic s U n d e r N ix o n
  • 48. D o m e s t ic In it ia t e  Nixon’s domestic policies were a response to the demands of conservative middle class people who he liked to call “silent majority.”  Nixon began to reduce or dismantle many of the social programs of the great society.
  • 49. F r o m th e Wa r r e n C ourt T O T H E N IX O N C OURT
  • 50. Wa r r e n C o u r t Ò In 1950s and 1960s, none had evoked more anger and bitterness than the Supreme Court due to its rulings on racial matters and its staunch defense of civil liberties. É Engel v. Vitale (1962) É Roth v. United States (1957) É Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) É Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) É Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
  • 51. Wa r r e n C o u r t Ò One of the most important decisions of the Warren Court in the 1960s was Baker v. Carr (1962) which required state legislatures to apportion electoral districts so that all citizens’ votes would have equal weight.
  • 52. N ix o n C o u r t Ò Nixon was determined to use his judicial appointments to give the court a more conservative cast. Ò He appointed Warren Burger, Clement F. Haynsworth (rejected because Nixon believed he was from the South). É Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971) É Furman v. Georgia (1972) É Roe v. Wade (1973) É Milliken v. Bradley (1974) Ò Bakke v. Board of Regents of California (1978) was a celebrated action by the Nixon court because it established restrictive new guidelines for programs in the future
  • 53. E l e c t i o n o f 19 7 2 Ò Nixon entered the presidential race refraining from campaigning and concentrating on publicized international decisions and state visits. Ò Nixon’s Democratic opponent George Wallace was assassinated at a rally in Maryland. Ò The Democrats nominated George McGovern in replacement. Ò On election day, Nixon won reelection by one of the largest margin in history: 60.7% of the popular vote compared with 37.5% for McGovern, and an electoral margin of 520 to 17.
  • 54. T h e Tr o u b le d E c onomy Ò Inflation became the most disturbing economic problem of the 1970s caused by a significant increase in federal deficit spending that began in the 1960s. Ò Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) began to use its oil as economic tool and political weapon. Ò US manufacturing faced major competition from abroad as they established major footholds in the US markets. Ò The 1970s marked painful process of deindustrialization in which thousands of factories across the country closed their gates and millions of workers lost their jobs.
  • 55. T h e N ix o n R e s pons e Ò The Nixon administration responded to the mounting economic problems by focusing on the one thing it thought it could control: Inflation. Ò In 1971, Nixon imposed a 90 day freeze on all wages and prices at their existing levels. Ò Nixon launched an economic plan called Phase II, mandatory guidelines for wage and prices increases to be administered by a federal agency.