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Introduction To MS SQL
• MS SQL Server is a database server
• Product of Microsoft
• Enables user to write queries and other SQL statements and execute them
• Consists of several features. A few are:
– Query Analyzer
– Profiler
– Service Manager
– Bulk Copy Program (BCP)
• Monitoring tool
• Used for performance tuning
• Uses traces – an event monitoring protocol
• Event may be a query or a transaction like logins etc
Service Manager
• Helps us to manage services
• More than one instance of SQL server can be installed in a machine
• First Instance is called as default instance
• Rest of the instances (16 max) are called as named instances
• Service manager helps in starting or stopping the instances individually
• Each instance is hidden from another instance
• Enhances security
• Every instance has its own set of Users, Admins, Databases, Collations
• Advantage of having multiple instance is
– Multi company support (Each company can have its own instance and
create databases on the same server, independent on each other)
– Server consolidation (Can host up to 10 server applications on a single
• Bulk Copy Program
• A powerful command line utility that enables us to transfer large number
of records from a file to database
• Time taken for copying to and from database is very less
• Helps in back up and restoration
Query Analyzer
• Allows us to write queries and SQL statements
• Checks syntax of the SQL statement written
• Executes the statements
• Store and reload statements
• Save the results in file
• View reports (either as grid or as a text)
SQL Database Objects
• A SQL Server database has lot of objects like
– Tables
– Views
– Stored Procedures
– Functions
– Rules
– Defaults
– Cursors
– Triggers
System Databases
• By default SQL server has 4 databases
– Master : System defined stored procedures, login details,
configuration settings etc
– Model : Template for creating a database
– Tempdb : Stores temporary tables. This db is created when the server
starts and dropped when the server shuts down
– Msdb : Has tables that have details with respect to alerts, jobs. Deals
with SQL Server Agent Service
Creating a database
• We need to use Master database for creating a database
• By default the size of a database is 1 MB
• A database consists of
– Master Data File (.mdf)
– Primary Log File (.ldf)
Database operations
• Changing a database
Use <dbname>
• Creating a database
Create database <dbname>
• Dropping a database
Drop database <dbname>
SQL Server Data types
• Integer : Stores whole number
• Float : Stores real numbers
• Text : Stores characters
• Decimal: Stores real numbers
• Money : Stores monetary data. Supports 4 places after decimal
• Date : Stores date and time
• Binary : Stores images and other large objects
• Miscellaneous : Different types special to SQL Server.
(Refer to notes for more info)
• Arithmetic
• Assignment
• Comparison
• Logical
• String
• Unary
• Bitwise
Select Statements
• To execute a statement in MS SQL, Select the statement and Click on the Execute
button in the query analyser or press F5
• This is used to retrive records from a table
• Eg. Select * from table1;
– This will fetch all rows and all columns from table1
• Eg. Select col1,col2 from table1
– This will fetch col1 and col2 from table1 for all rows
• Eg. Select * from table1 where <<condn>>
– This will fetch all rows from table1 that satisfies a condition
• Eg. Select col1,col2 from table1 where <<condn>>
– This will fetch col1 and col2 of rows from table1 that satisfies a condition
Select Options
• Aggregate functions
– Sum(col1): sum of data in the column col1
– Max(col1): data with maximum value in col1
– Min(col1): data with minimum value in col1
– Avg(col1): Average of data in col1
– Count(col1): Number of not null records in table
• Grouping – Group by col1 : Groups data by col1
• Ordering – Order by col1 : Orders the result in ascending order (default
order) of col1
• Filtering – Where <<condn>> and Having <<condn>>
Table management
Create table tablename
col1 data type,
col2 data type
- Creates a table with two columns
Drop table tablename;
- Drops the table structure
Insert statements
• Inserting data to all columns
– Insert into tablename(col1,col2) values(v1,v2)
– Insert into tablename values(v1,v2)
• Inserting data to selected columns
– Insert into tablename(col1) values (v1)
– Insert into tablename(col2) values (v2)
Update statement
Update table tablename
Set colname=value
- This updates all rows with colname set to value
Update table tablename
Set colname=value
Where <<condition>>
- This updates selected rows with colname as value only if the row
satisfies the condition
Delete statements
Delete from table1;
Deletes all rows in table1
Delete from table1 where <<condition>>
Deletes few rows from table1 if they satisfy the condition
Truncate statement
• Truncate table tablename
• Removes all rows in a table
• Resets the table.
• Truncate does the following, where as delete statement does not
– Releases the memory used
– Resets the identity value
– Does not invoke delete trigger
Alter statements
• Used to modify table structure
– Add new column
– Change data type of existing column
– Delete a column
– Add or remove constraints like foreign key, primary key
More table commands
• Viewing tables in a data base:
– Exec sp_tables “a%”
– This gives all tables in the current database that starts with “a”
• Viewing table strucure:
– Exec sp_columns <<tablename>>
– Exec sp_columns student;
• Cross Join
– Cartesian product. Simply merges two tables.
• Inner Join
– Cross join with a condition. Used to find matching records in the two
• Outer Join
– Used to find un matched rows in the two tables
• Self Join
– Joining a table with itself
Cross Join
There are two tables A and B
A has a column Id and data (1,2,3)
B has a column Id and data (A,B)
If I put
Select A.Id, B.Id from A,B
This generates output as
A 1
B 1
C 1
A 2
B 2
C 2
Self Join
There is a table called Emp with the following structure:
empid ename mgrid
1 A null
2 B 1
3 C 1
4 D 2
If I want to print all managers using self join, I should write quey as:
select e1.ename from
emp e1,emp e2
where e1.mgrid = e2.empid
Inner Join
I have 2 tables Student(sid,Name) and Marks(Sid,Subject,Score)
If I want to print the marks of all students in the following format,
Name Subject Score
Select Name,Subject,Score from
Student s join Marks m
On s.sid = m.sid
Outer Join
• Right outer Join
– Print all the records in the second table with null values for missing
records in the first table
• Left outer Join
– Print all the records in the first table with null values for missing
records in the second table
• Full outer Join
– Prints all records in both the table with null values for missing records
in both the table
Left Outer Join
I have a table Employee (Eid, Ename, Mid) and
a table Machine (Mid,ManufacturerName)
Eid EName Mid
1 ABC 1
2 DEF 3
Mid ManufacturerName
1 Zenith
2 HP
Left Outer Join
I want to print the employee name and machine name.
If I write a query using inner join, then the second employee will
not be displayed as the mid in his record is not avilable with the second
So I go for left outer join. The query is as shown below:
Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e left outer join
Machine m on e.Mid = m.Mid
Right outer Join
Assume data in the tables like this:
Eid EName Mid
1 ABC 1
Mid ManufacturerName
1 Zenith
2 HP
Right Outer Join
If I want to find which machine is unallocated, I can use right outer join.
The query is as follows:
Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e right outer join
Machine m on e.Mid = m.Mid
This yields a result
ABC Zenith
Full Outer Join
Assume data in the tables like this:
Eid EName Mid
1 ABC 1
3 GHI 2
Mid ManufacturerName
1 Zenith
2 HP
3 Compaq
Full Outer Join
If I want to find people who have been un allocated with a system and
machines that are been un allocated, I can go for full outer join.
Query is like this:
Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e full outer join
Machine m on e.Mid = m.Mid
This yields a result
ABC Zenith
• Views are logical tables
• They are pre compiled objects
• We can select few columns or rows from a table and put the data set in a
view and can use view in the same way as we use tables
• Create views:
Create view viewname as select stmt
Create view view_emp as select empid,
empname from employee;
• Select from views:
Select * from viewname
Select empid,empname view_emp;
• Drop views:
Drop view viewname
Drop view view_emp;
String Functions
• Substring(string,start,length) – Will fetch characters starting at a specific
index extending to length specified.
• Left(string,length) – Fetches number of characters specified by length
from left of the string
• Right(string,length) – Fetches number of characters specified by length
from right of the string
• Len(string) – Returns the length of a string
String Functions
• Ltrim(string) – Removes leading spaces in a string
• Rtrim(string) – Removes trailing spaces in a string
• Lower(string) – Converts the characters in a string to lower case
• Upper(string) – Converts the characters in a string to upper case
Numeric Functions
• ABS(Number) – Fetches the modulo value (Positive value) of a number
• CEILING(Number) – Fetches the closest integer greater than the number
• FLOOR(Number) – Fetches the closest integer smaller than the number
• EXP(Number) – Fetches the exponent of a number
Numeric Functions
• POWER(x,y) – Fetches x raised to the power of y
• LOG(Number) – Fetches the natural logarithmic value of the number
• LOG10(Number) – Fetches log to the base 10 of a number
• SQRT(Number) – Fetches the square root of a number
• Indexes make search and retrieve fast in a database
• This is for optimizing the select statement
• Types of index
– Unique
– Non unique
– Clustered
– Non clustered
Create index indexname on
This creates a non clustered index on a table
Create unique clustered index index_name on
This creates a unique and clustered index on the
Column Sname.
• This creates an auto increment for a column
• If a table has a column with sequence or auto increment, the user need
not insert data explicitly for the column
• Sequence is implemented using the concept of Identity
• Identity has
– A seed
– An increment
• Seed is the initial value
• Increment is the value by which we need to skip to fetch the nextvalue
• Identity(1,2) will generate sequence numbers 1,3,5,7…
Create table table1
Id integer identity(1,1),
Name varchar(10)
It is enough if we insert like this:
Insert into table1(name) values(‘Ram’);
Ram will automatically assigned value 1 for id
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Sql server introduction to sql server

  • 1.
  • 2. Introduction To MS SQL Server
  • 3. Introduction • MS SQL Server is a database server • Product of Microsoft • Enables user to write queries and other SQL statements and execute them • Consists of several features. A few are: – Query Analyzer – Profiler – Service Manager – Bulk Copy Program (BCP)
  • 4. Profiler • Monitoring tool • Used for performance tuning • Uses traces – an event monitoring protocol • Event may be a query or a transaction like logins etc
  • 5. Service Manager • Helps us to manage services • More than one instance of SQL server can be installed in a machine • First Instance is called as default instance • Rest of the instances (16 max) are called as named instances • Service manager helps in starting or stopping the instances individually
  • 6. Instances • Each instance is hidden from another instance • Enhances security • Every instance has its own set of Users, Admins, Databases, Collations • Advantage of having multiple instance is – Multi company support (Each company can have its own instance and create databases on the same server, independent on each other) – Server consolidation (Can host up to 10 server applications on a single machine)
  • 7. BCP • Bulk Copy Program • A powerful command line utility that enables us to transfer large number of records from a file to database • Time taken for copying to and from database is very less • Helps in back up and restoration
  • 8. Query Analyzer • Allows us to write queries and SQL statements • Checks syntax of the SQL statement written • Executes the statements • Store and reload statements • Save the results in file • View reports (either as grid or as a text)
  • 9. SQL Database Objects • A SQL Server database has lot of objects like – Tables – Views – Stored Procedures – Functions – Rules – Defaults – Cursors – Triggers
  • 10. System Databases • By default SQL server has 4 databases – Master : System defined stored procedures, login details, configuration settings etc – Model : Template for creating a database – Tempdb : Stores temporary tables. This db is created when the server starts and dropped when the server shuts down – Msdb : Has tables that have details with respect to alerts, jobs. Deals with SQL Server Agent Service
  • 11. Creating a database • We need to use Master database for creating a database • By default the size of a database is 1 MB • A database consists of – Master Data File (.mdf) – Primary Log File (.ldf)
  • 12. Database operations • Changing a database Use <dbname> • Creating a database Create database <dbname> • Dropping a database Drop database <dbname>
  • 13. SQL Server Data types • Integer : Stores whole number • Float : Stores real numbers • Text : Stores characters • Decimal: Stores real numbers • Money : Stores monetary data. Supports 4 places after decimal • Date : Stores date and time • Binary : Stores images and other large objects • Miscellaneous : Different types special to SQL Server. (Refer to notes for more info)
  • 14. Operators • Arithmetic • Assignment • Comparison • Logical • String • Unary • Bitwise
  • 15. Select Statements • To execute a statement in MS SQL, Select the statement and Click on the Execute button in the query analyser or press F5 • This is used to retrive records from a table • Eg. Select * from table1; – This will fetch all rows and all columns from table1 • Eg. Select col1,col2 from table1 – This will fetch col1 and col2 from table1 for all rows • Eg. Select * from table1 where <<condn>> – This will fetch all rows from table1 that satisfies a condition • Eg. Select col1,col2 from table1 where <<condn>> – This will fetch col1 and col2 of rows from table1 that satisfies a condition
  • 16. Select Options • Aggregate functions – Sum(col1): sum of data in the column col1 – Max(col1): data with maximum value in col1 – Min(col1): data with minimum value in col1 – Avg(col1): Average of data in col1 – Count(col1): Number of not null records in table • Grouping – Group by col1 : Groups data by col1 • Ordering – Order by col1 : Orders the result in ascending order (default order) of col1 • Filtering – Where <<condn>> and Having <<condn>>
  • 17. Table management Create table tablename ( col1 data type, col2 data type ); - Creates a table with two columns Drop table tablename; - Drops the table structure
  • 18. Insert statements • Inserting data to all columns – Insert into tablename(col1,col2) values(v1,v2) – Insert into tablename values(v1,v2) • Inserting data to selected columns – Insert into tablename(col1) values (v1) – Insert into tablename(col2) values (v2)
  • 19. Update statement Update table tablename Set colname=value - This updates all rows with colname set to value Update table tablename Set colname=value Where <<condition>> - This updates selected rows with colname as value only if the row satisfies the condition
  • 20. Delete statements Delete from table1; Deletes all rows in table1 Delete from table1 where <<condition>> Deletes few rows from table1 if they satisfy the condition
  • 21. Truncate statement • Truncate table tablename • Removes all rows in a table • Resets the table. • Truncate does the following, where as delete statement does not – Releases the memory used – Resets the identity value – Does not invoke delete trigger
  • 22. Alter statements • Used to modify table structure – Add new column – Change data type of existing column – Delete a column – Add or remove constraints like foreign key, primary key
  • 23. More table commands • Viewing tables in a data base: – Exec sp_tables “a%” – This gives all tables in the current database that starts with “a” • Viewing table strucure: – Exec sp_columns <<tablename>> – Exec sp_columns student;
  • 24. Joins • Cross Join – Cartesian product. Simply merges two tables. • Inner Join – Cross join with a condition. Used to find matching records in the two tables • Outer Join – Used to find un matched rows in the two tables • Self Join – Joining a table with itself
  • 25. Cross Join There are two tables A and B A has a column Id and data (1,2,3) B has a column Id and data (A,B) If I put Select A.Id, B.Id from A,B This generates output as A 1 B 1 C 1 A 2 B 2 C 2
  • 26. Self Join There is a table called Emp with the following structure: empid ename mgrid 1 A null 2 B 1 3 C 1 4 D 2 If I want to print all managers using self join, I should write quey as: select e1.ename from emp e1,emp e2 where e1.mgrid = e2.empid
  • 27. Inner Join I have 2 tables Student(sid,Name) and Marks(Sid,Subject,Score) If I want to print the marks of all students in the following format, Name Subject Score Select Name,Subject,Score from Student s join Marks m On s.sid = m.sid
  • 28. Outer Join • Right outer Join – Print all the records in the second table with null values for missing records in the first table • Left outer Join – Print all the records in the first table with null values for missing records in the second table • Full outer Join – Prints all records in both the table with null values for missing records in both the table
  • 29. Left Outer Join I have a table Employee (Eid, Ename, Mid) and a table Machine (Mid,ManufacturerName) Employee Eid EName Mid 1 ABC 1 2 DEF 3 Machine Mid ManufacturerName 1 Zenith 2 HP
  • 30. Left Outer Join I want to print the employee name and machine name. If I write a query using inner join, then the second employee will not be displayed as the mid in his record is not avilable with the second table. So I go for left outer join. The query is as shown below: Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e left outer join Machine m on e.Mid = m.Mid
  • 31. Right outer Join Assume data in the tables like this: Employee Eid EName Mid 1 ABC 1 2 DEF Machine Mid ManufacturerName 1 Zenith 2 HP
  • 32. Right Outer Join If I want to find which machine is unallocated, I can use right outer join. The query is as follows: Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e right outer join Machine m on e.Mid = m.Mid This yields a result ABC Zenith HP
  • 33. Full Outer Join Assume data in the tables like this: Employee Eid EName Mid 1 ABC 1 2 DEF 3 GHI 2 Machine Mid ManufacturerName 1 Zenith 2 HP 3 Compaq
  • 34. Full Outer Join If I want to find people who have been un allocated with a system and machines that are been un allocated, I can go for full outer join. Query is like this: Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e full outer join Machine m on e.Mid = m.Mid This yields a result ABC Zenith DEF GHI HP Compaq
  • 35. Views • Views are logical tables • They are pre compiled objects • We can select few columns or rows from a table and put the data set in a view and can use view in the same way as we use tables
  • 36. Views • Create views: Create view viewname as select stmt Create view view_emp as select empid, empname from employee; • Select from views: Select * from viewname Select empid,empname view_emp; • Drop views: Drop view viewname Drop view view_emp;
  • 37. String Functions • Substring(string,start,length) – Will fetch characters starting at a specific index extending to length specified. • Left(string,length) – Fetches number of characters specified by length from left of the string • Right(string,length) – Fetches number of characters specified by length from right of the string • Len(string) – Returns the length of a string
  • 38. String Functions • Ltrim(string) – Removes leading spaces in a string • Rtrim(string) – Removes trailing spaces in a string • Lower(string) – Converts the characters in a string to lower case • Upper(string) – Converts the characters in a string to upper case
  • 39. Numeric Functions • ABS(Number) – Fetches the modulo value (Positive value) of a number • CEILING(Number) – Fetches the closest integer greater than the number • FLOOR(Number) – Fetches the closest integer smaller than the number • EXP(Number) – Fetches the exponent of a number
  • 40. Numeric Functions • POWER(x,y) – Fetches x raised to the power of y • LOG(Number) – Fetches the natural logarithmic value of the number • LOG10(Number) – Fetches log to the base 10 of a number • SQRT(Number) – Fetches the square root of a number
  • 41. Indexes • Indexes make search and retrieve fast in a database • This is for optimizing the select statement • Types of index – Unique – Non unique – Clustered – Non clustered
  • 42. Index Create index indexname on tablename(columnname) This creates a non clustered index on a table Create unique clustered index index_name on Student(sname); This creates a unique and clustered index on the Column Sname.
  • 43. Sequences • This creates an auto increment for a column • If a table has a column with sequence or auto increment, the user need not insert data explicitly for the column • Sequence is implemented using the concept of Identity
  • 44. Identity • Identity has – A seed – An increment • Seed is the initial value • Increment is the value by which we need to skip to fetch the nextvalue • Identity(1,2) will generate sequence numbers 1,3,5,7…
  • 45. Sample Create table table1 ( Id integer identity(1,1), Name varchar(10) ) It is enough if we insert like this: Insert into table1(name) values(‘Ram’); Ram will automatically assigned value 1 for id
  • 46. Thank You !!! For More Information click below link: Follow Us on:

Notas del editor

  1. Use master; Create database dbtest On primary ( name = softsmith, filename = ‘c:\test\softsmith.mdf’, size = 10 MB, maxsize = 20, filegrowth = 2 ) Log on ( name = softsmithlog, filename = ‘c:\test\softsmith.ldf’, size = 10 MB, maxsize = 20, filegrowth = 2 ) This creates a database with the name softsmith. The datafile softsmith.mdf and log file softsmith.ldf will be created in the path c:\test. The size of database is 10 MB.
  2. Integer: Bit- 1 bit Tinyint- 1 byte Smallint- 2 bytes Int- 4 bytes Bigint- 8 bytes Float: Float Real Text: Non unicode string: A character occupies 1 byte Char Varchar Text Unicode string: A character occupies 2 bytes Nchar Nvarchar Ntext Decimal:has precision and scale Decimal(p,s) Numeric(p,s) P = total digits in a number S = number of digits after decimal point Eg. Numeric(4,2) can store 22.56 and so on Money: Data like 23.2234 Money Smallmoney Date: Smalldatetime – Range – 1-1-1900 to 6-6-2079 Datetime - Range – 1-1-1753 to 31-12-9999 Binary: Binary Varbinary Image Misc: Uniqueidentifier – Unique id – can be accessed and modified through function getUid() and setUid() Cursor – Special data type meant for row by row operation Sql_variant – Generic data types Table – table data type – stores table data Timestamp – Uniqe value in a database
  3. Arithmetic : +, -, *, /, % Assignment : = Comparison : &amp;lt;, &amp;gt;, &amp;lt;=, &amp;gt;= &amp;lt;&amp;gt;, =, !=, !&amp;lt;, !&amp;gt; Logical : AND, OR, NOT, IN, LIKE, BETWEEN, ANY, ALL, EXISTS, SOME String : Concatenation (+) Unary : -, +, ~ Bitwise: &amp;, |, ^
  4. To execute a statement in MS SQL, Select the statement and Click on the Execute button in the query analyser or press F5
  5. To select distinct rows, we need to use the distinct key word Select distinct name from orders; Orders -------- IdName --------- 1Ram 2Krish 3Ram 4Raj Will fetch Ram Krish Raj Select count(name) from orders;will yield the result as 4 Sum, max, min, avg can be applied only on numbers. Select sum(id) from orders will yield the result as 10 Select max(id) from orders will yield the result as 4 Select min(id) from orders will yield the result as 1 Select avg(id) from orders will yield the result as 2.5 Order by Select * from Orders order by name; 2Krish 4Raj 1Ram 3Ram Select * from Orders order by name desc; 3Ram 1Ram 4Raj 2Krish Where: Select * from orders where name = ‘Raj’; will result in IdName --------- 4 Raj Having: Select Name, count(id) from Orders Group by name Having count(id) &amp;gt; 1 This will display names and number of occurances of name from orders table if the number of occurances Is &amp;gt; 1 Namecount(id) Ram 2 If we miss the having, it simply displays Name and occurance of name in the table. Select Name, count(id) from Orders Group by name Namecount(id) Krish1 Raj1 Ram2
  6. create table Student ( sid int, sname varchar(20) ) Drop table student;
  7. insert into Student values(1,&amp;apos;Ramu&amp;apos;) insert into Student(sid,sname) values(6,&amp;apos;Raj&amp;apos;) insert into Student(sid) values(2) insert into Student(sname) values(&amp;apos;Seetha&amp;apos;)
  8. update student set sid=3 This will set sid =3 for all students update student set sid=1 where sname=&amp;apos;Ramu‘ This will set sid as 1 only for Ramu
  9. delete from student where sid between 1 and 3 This will delete students with sid 1,2,3
  10. Add new column: Alter table test add grade char(1); Modify a column data type: Alter table test alter column grade varchar(10); Delete a column: Alter table test drop column grade;
  11. A table can have only one clustered index and any number of non clustered index (upto 249) Unique index – When a unique index exists, the Database Engine checks for duplicate values each time data is added by a insert operations. Insert operations that would generate duplicate key values are rolled back, and the Database Engine displays an error message. Clustered index - clustered index can be rebuilt or reorganized on demand to control table fragmentation. A clustered index can also be created on a view. This improves the performance. Non clustered index - Creates an index that specifies the logical ordering of a table. With a nonclustered index, the physical order of the data rows is independent of their indexed order.