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Perioperative management
of morbidly obese patient for
non bariatric surgery
Dr vivek pushp
Deptt. of anesthesiology & ccm
BRD medical college gorakhpur
metabolic disorder
that is primarily
induced and
sustained by an
over consumption or
under utilization of
caloric substrate.
 Obesity is a
“Across the globe Obesity
become the most common
Nutritional disorder and it is
second only to smoking as a
preventable cause of death.
In anesthetic practice it
present special challenges
for both regional and
general anaesthesia”.
INCIDENCE Worldwide adult
population 7%
 In Affluent cultures, the poor have
the highest prevalence (27% US and
17% UK population)
 In Developing world, affluent are at
the highest risk.
 Obese school children 60-85%




Sex/ Race/
Lean Body Mass Formula
Lean Body Mass = Body Weight –
(Body Weight x Body Fat %) :
 Lean body mass is comprised of
everything in your body besides body
 Your lean body mass includes:


Quantifying Obesity
Height/ Weight
 nomograms
 The Broca Index
 Body mass Index
The Broca`s Index

Ideal body weight(IBW) (kg)
◦ For Female = Height (cm) – 105
◦ For Male = Height (cm) – 100
BMI=Body Weight (kg)/
Height2 (meters)

BMI is defined as the patient's
weight, measured in kilograms, divided
by the square of the patient's height,
measured in meters, which yields a
measurement bearing the unit kg/m2.
 Overweight is defined as a BMI of >25
 Obesity as a BMI >30
 Extreme obesity (old term "morbid
obesity") as a BMI of >40.
BMI (kgm-2)



Ideal Weight
Morbidly Obese


Super Obese
Super Super Obese
Hyper Obese

 Other

method for quantifying obesity includeSkin fold thickness,Densiometry(under water
weighing),DEXA,CT,MRI,Electrical Impedence.


Increased blood volume and cardiac output
leading to cardiomegaly, left ventricular
hypertrophy and a potential for left
ventricular failure.
Hypertension and ischaemic heart disease
Venous access can sometimes be difficult.
Thromboembolism risk is increased.
The risk of pulmonary embolus and DVT is
Venous return is reduced.
 Cardiac failure
 Arrhythmias
 Sudden cardiac death
 Dyslipidaemias
 Venous insufficiency
 Cerebrovascular disease
 Peripheral vascular disease
 Atherosclerotic changes
Respiratory Changes



Reduced compliance (both chest wall and lung),
in the airway resistance and reduced FRC will
pre-dispose to atelectasis, increased shunt and
70% in work of breathing and a four fold in
the Oxygen cost of breathing occur in case of
morbid obese.
Pulmonary vasoconstriction, pulmonary
hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy.
These patients must be pre-oxygenated as they
desaturate much quicker than non-obese (3–5
times).decrease in FRC impairs the ability of
obese pts to tolerate periods of apnea ,such as
during direct laryngoscopy for tracheal
Pulmonary mechanics:


Inspiratory reserve volume(IRV),
expiratory reserve volume(ERV),
functional residual capacity(FRC),
vital capacity(VC),
total lung capacity(TLC) and
minute ventilation(MV)( )
tidal volume(TV) and residual volume(RV) (→).
FRC may be below the closing capacity resulting
in the small airway closure→ V/P mismatch→
right to left shunting and hypoxemia

General anesthesia will accentuate these changes such that a

50% decrease in FRC occurs in obese anaesthetised pts
compared with a 20% decrease in non obese individuals..
Worsened in:

Improved by:

◦ Supine Position


◦ Trendelenberg position

Reverse Trendelenberg


Lung volume


Obese, awake
Closing volume

Obese anaesthetized
Residual volume
Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production
are increased.
 There is a higher incidence of difficult laryngoscopy
and intubation.
 The incidence of difficult intubation in morbid
obesity is around 13% Altered anatomy:


Increase in soft tissue
Reduced head and neck mobility
Large tongue
Short neck
Large breasts
Anterior larynx
Restricted mouth opening
Obstructive sleep apnoea- 5%
Airflow cessation of >10 secs. and characterised by
frequent episodes of apnea or hypopnea during sleep.

◦ Large collar size (over 16.5 inches)
◦ Evening alcohol consumption
◦ Pharyngeal abnormalities

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY:Passive collapse of the
pharyngeal airway during deeper planes of sleep.


Snoring and intermittent airway obstruction
Resultant hypoxaemia and hypercapnia
Arousal and disruption of sleep
Daytime somnolence.
Pathophysiology of Sleep Apnea
Awake: Small airway + neuromuscular compensation
Sleep Onset
Hyperventilate: correct
hypoxia & hypercapnia

Loss of neuromuscular


Airway opens

Decreased pharyngeal
muscle activity

Pharyngeal muscle
activity restored

Airway collapses

Arousal from sleep

Hypoxia &

Increased ventilatory
Clinical Consequences
Sleep Apnea

Sleep Fragmentation
Hypoxia/ Hypercapnia


Excessive Daytime

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea

5 or more apneic(complete cessation of air flow) events or 15 or
more hypopneic(50% reduction of air flow) events per hour of
sleep despite of maintaining adequate ventilatory capacity
associated with a decrease in SpO2 ≥ 4%.






events →



hypercarbia → rptd stimulation of resp centre → gradual




hypoventilation,Hypercapnia ( OHS)


Pickwickian Syndrome is OHS with cor pulmonale.

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
(pickwickian syndrome)
Loss of the sensitivity to hypercarbia
resulting in a combination of hypoxia, Cor
Pulmonale and Polycythaemia,respiratory
acidosis,pulmonary hypertension,and right
ventricular failure.
 Diagnosis –Polysomnography (Apnea-Hypopnea
index (AHI)), A score of 5-15 is „mild OSA‟,
15-30 „moderate‟, and „severe OSA‟ is over 30
 Treatment

◦ Removal of precipitants
◦ Surgical(uvulopalato
◦ Weight loss
◦ Nocturnal CPAP


Increased blood volume
Increased cardiac output


LV enlargement

Pulmonary arterial

RV enlargement

LV Hypertrophy


RV failure
Pulmonary venous

LV failure


Adams jp murthy PG;obesity in anesthesia and intensive j anaesth

This presents the
anaesthetist with
a patient who may
be difficult to
difficult to
intubate and will
Anatomic changes affecting the

Deposit of adipose tissue in the lateral
pharyngeal walls


Deposit of adipose tissue external to the upper


Presence of hypopharyngeal adipose tissue


Presence of pretracheal adipose tissue


Alteration in the shape of the pharynx(long axis
of ellipse transverse to ellipse ant- post)


↓efficiency of the anterior pharyngeal dilator
muscles .
Gastrointestinal Changes



Increased acidity and volume of gastric
Hiatus hernia and gallstones(due to
hypercholestrolemia) are common
Increased intra-abdominal pressure.
There is a higher risk of regurgitation and
aspiration requiring rapid sequence
induction if a difficult airway is not
Fatty infiltration of liver (denoting the
duration of obesity)
Tracheal extubation should be undertaken
with the patient awake
Endocrine Changes
There is an association with glucose
 Hypercholesterolaemia
 Hypothyroidism
 Cushing syndrome
 Insulinoma
 tumor involving Hypothalamus
 Metabolic Syndrome and

“ Morbidly obese
individuals have
limited mobility
and may therefore
appear to be
asymptomatic even
in the presence of
respiratory and
Morphological Changes
 Transferring
 Monitoring (arterial line may be
needed if NIBP is problematic)
Surgical and Mechanical

Reduced surgical access
 Difficult visualisation of underlying
 Excess bleeding
 Longer operating times
 Higher risk of infection
 Wound infection and wound
 Osteoarthritis of weight bearing
 Back pain
 Hepatic impairment/gallstones
 Abdominal herniae
 Breast and endometrial malignancies
Preoperative evaluation



Detailed history
Physical examination
Suspect OSA ( h/o- Snoring).
Examination of calf muscles for tenderness
Examining signs of cardiac failure and
diabetes.(Waist-to-hip ratio >1 in women & >0.8 in
men increases the risk for IHD, Stroke, Diabetes &
Prior anesthetic records should be obtained.

◦ History of previous surgeries
◦ Anesthetic challenges (i.e. ease or difficulty in securing
the airway, intravenous access)
◦ Need for ICU admission, Surgical outcomes
◦ Weight of the patient at that time.
The Upper Airway Assessment

Atlanto-occipital joint extension
Mallampati classification
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
assessment with interincisor distance
Mentohyoid distance
Pretracheal adipose thickness
Neck circumference
Hypertrophic tonsils and adenoids.

attention should
be paid to Circulatory,
Pulmonary, and Hepatic
Circulatory evaluation



Signs and symptoms of left or right
ventricular failure
Classic physical signs of cardiac failure (e.g.
sacral edema) may be difficult to identify.
History of Hypertension and Diabetes
Blood pressures must be taken with the
appropriate size cuff.
Intravenous and intraarterial access sites
should be checked in anticipation of technical
Electrocardiographic abnormalities
Respiratory evaluation



Smoking history
History of hypoventilation and somnolence
Pulmonary function tests with spirometry
arterial blood gases
Chest x-ray
Patients with a history of heavy snoring
should have a formal sleep study or
Polysomnogram (PSG).
Severity of obstructive sleep apnea and
hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), apneahypopnea index (AHI)
Home Oxygen therapy with continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) ,response
and compliance should be noted.
Hepatic function tests
Serum albumin and globulin
 Serum aspartate aminotransferase
 Serum alanine aminotransferase
 Direct and total bilirubin
 Alkaline phosphatase
 Prothrombin time, and
 Cholesterol levels.


Routine investigations


ECG is mandatory






X-ray neck


Baseline ABG(will help evaluate carbon dioxide retention
and provide guidelines for perioperative oxygen
administration and possible institution of and weaning from
postoperative ventilation)


Screening for diabetes




Lipid Profile


PFT (if needed)


Polysomnogram (if history of heavy snoring)
Preparation Challenges

for the



Airway management: Awake fibreoptic intubation
Positioning, Monitoring
Choice of anesthetic technique and anesthetic
Pain control
Fluid management
Consider asking for Assistance.
A typical operating table will support 150 kg, but the
tilting/tipping may not function.
The sphygmomanometer cuff width should be 20%
greater than the diameter of the arm
Invasive blood pressure monitoring may be required
Heparin, 5000 IU subcutaneously,
administered before surgery and
repeated every 12 h until the
patient will be fully mobile, or low
molecular weight heparins (LMWH)
injected subcutaneously 40 mg
every 12 h resulted in a decreased
incidence of postoperative DVT
 Stockings, Early mobilization.
NPO status, and a large bore
intravenous access inserted.
 An experienced Assistant
 The full complement of alternate
airway, noninvasive and invasive (e.g.
cricothyriodotomy set and surgical
tracheotomy set) airway devices
should be available.



◦ Cuffs with bladders that encircle ideally of 75% or
minimum of 50% of the upper arm circumference should
be used


Invasive BP


Pulse oxymetry






Neuromuscular monitoring


Central Venous pressure monitoring


Hourly urine output is evaluated to assess fluid
Preoperative medications

Avoid CNS and respiratory depressants.(sedatives or


Antibiotic prophylaxis; increased risk of postoperative
wound infection


Anticholinergics(Glyco) if awake intubation is planned.






proton pump inhibitors).

Continue antihypertensive medications.


If required O2 supplementation and monitoring.


Premedication should not be given IM as it may be
inadvertently administered into adipose tissue leading
to unpredictable absorption.

Strapping to the operating table in combination with a
malleable bean bag


Padding of pressure areas


Special tables for extra load (two tables)


The head up reverse trendelenburg position provides
the longest safe apnea period during induction


Lateral tilt to avoid compression of vena cava

“Stacking” using towels or folded blankets under
the shoulders and the head to compensate for the
exaggerated flexed position of posterior cervical
fat .


The object is to position the patient so that the tip
of the chin is at the higher level than the chest to

facilitate laryngoscopy and intubation.
Troop Head Elevation Pillow
Anaesthetic management
Intubation technique

Anticipate for difficult airway and prepare in
same line


Awake intubation in morbid obese patient
LA  DL  Glottis visualized  GA  intubate

Not visualized Awake intubation
Awake fiberoptic
We should be ready for emergency tracheostomy
Drug handling in obesity
Unpredictable Volumes of
 Binding
 Elimination of drugs
 Reduction in total body water
 Higher fat mass
 Higher lean mass
 Higher GFR
 Increased renal clearance

Drugs are dosed in the morbidly obese on the basis of
their lipophilicity.









distribution so drug doses are calculated on the basis of
the patients Total Body Weight (TBW). Examples are:


Weakly lipophilic or lipophobic drugs have unchanged volume of
distribution so drug doses are calculated on the basis of the
patients lean body weight (LBW). Examples are:
 Alfentanil
 Ketamine
 Vecuronium
 Rocuronium

 Morphine sulphate

Certain Lipophilic drugs are adminstered according to LBW are
Digoxin,Procainamide,Remifentanyl((Vd) remain same).


Calculating initial doses based on LBW with subsequent doses
determined by pharmacologic response to the initial dose is a
reasonable approach.
Anaesthetic drugs



Insoluble anesthetic gases resistant to
metabolic degradation and without lipid
depot compartmentalization, combined
with rapid return of reflexes are
For intubation muscle relaxants with
rapid sequence induction should be
used. Succinylcholine and Rocuronium
are the available choices.
For maintenance of anesthesiaDesflurane/sevoflurane+ Cisatracurium
+intravenous infusion of Remifentanyl is
prefered.N2O should be avoided
particularly in Pt with Pulm HTN.

Desflurane and Remifentanil
infusion are used for maintenance
anesthetic because of rapid onset,
consistent profile, and rapid offset
Extubation Criteria



Intact neurologic status, fully awake and
alert, with head lift greater than 5
Hemodynamic stability
Normothermia. The core temperature
Train-of-four (TOF) reversal documented
by peripheral nerve stimulator (T4/T1
Full reversal of neuromuscular blocking
Respiratory rate (>10 and < 30




Baseline Peripheral Oxygenation, as judged by pulse
Oximeter (SPO2 >95% on FIO2 of 0.4).
If an arterial line is present, an arterial blood gas
may be checked.
Acceptable blood-gas results (FIO2 of 0.4: pH, 7.35
to 7.45; PaO2, >80 mm Hg; PaCO2, < 50 mm Hg).
Acceptable Respiratory Mechanics: negative
inspiratory force (NIF) (>25 to 30 cm H2O; vital
capacity (VC) >10 mL/kg IBW; tidal volume (VT) >5
mL/kg ideal body weight [IBW]).
Acceptable Pain Control
No demonstrated or suspected Laboratory
Post-operative Considerations
Extubate awake, sitting up.
 ICU care, may need CPAP.
 Oxygen and oximetry.
 Obstructive sleep apnoea is most
common some days after surgery.
 Adequate analgesia to allow deep
 Physiotherapy
 DVT prophylaxis
Postoperative analgesia

There is no clear data proving the superiorty of
one technique over other for post op
analgesia.It depends on type ,site , duration,
severity of surgery.

Multi Modal Perioperative Analgesia(MMPA) I,e
preemptive infiltration local anesthetic at the
incision site +NSAIDS+ PCEA(patient controlled
epidural analgesia)/PCIA(patient controlled
intrathecal analgesia) is a new and advanced
method to deal with post op pain.
 In certain situation where sedation is to be
m sulphate are better alternative of Opoids.
Postoperative complications
Postanesthetic hypoxemia
Respiratory depression
Early ventilatory failure with need for
 Positional ventilatory collapse
 Hemodynamic instability
 Postoperative nausea and vomiting
 Venous thromboembolism
 Anastomotic leak
 Wound infection.
Regional anesthesia

May be impossible
with standard
equipment and
techniques due to;
◦ Obscured landmarks
◦ Difficult positioning
◦ Extensive layers of
adipose tissue
Regional Anaesthesia
Engorged extradural
veins and extra fat
constricting the
potential space, less
local anaesthetic 7580% of the normal
dose is needed for
 Leave extra catheter
in the space as it may
be subject to drag as
the flexed patient


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Perioperative management of morbidly obese patient for non geriatric surgery

  • 1. Perioperative management of morbidly obese patient for non bariatric surgery Dr vivek pushp Deptt. of anesthesiology & ccm BRD medical college gorakhpur
  • 3. OBESITY OBESITY A metabolic disorder that is primarily induced and sustained by an over consumption or under utilization of caloric substrate.  Obesity is a complex multifactorial (genetic,enviorment al,psychological)dise ase 
  • 4. “Across the globe Obesity become the most common Nutritional disorder and it is second only to smoking as a preventable cause of death. In anesthetic practice it present special challenges for both regional and general anaesthesia”.
  • 5. INCIDENCE INCIDENCE Worldwide adult population 7%  In Affluent cultures, the poor have the highest prevalence (27% US and 17% UK population)  In Developing world, affluent are at the highest risk.  Obese school children 60-85% 
  • 7.
  • 8. Lean Body Mass Formula Lean Body Mass = Body Weight – (Body Weight x Body Fat %) :  Lean body mass is comprised of everything in your body besides body fat.  Your lean body mass includes:  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ organs blood bones muscle skin
  • 9. Quantifying Obesity Height/ Weight  nomograms  The Broca Index  Body mass Index 
  • 10. The Broca`s Index  Ideal body weight(IBW) (kg) ◦ For Female = Height (cm) – 105 ◦ For Male = Height (cm) – 100
  • 11. BMI=Body Weight (kg)/ Height2 (meters) BMI is defined as the patient's weight, measured in kilograms, divided by the square of the patient's height, measured in meters, which yields a measurement bearing the unit kg/m2.  Overweight is defined as a BMI of >25 kg/m2  Obesity as a BMI >30  Extreme obesity (old term "morbid obesity") as a BMI of >40. 
  • 12. BMI (kgm-2) Definition <18.5 18.5-24.9 25-29.9 30-39.9 40-49.9 Underweight Ideal Weight Overweight Obese Morbidly Obese 50-59.9 60-69.9 >70 Super Obese Super Super Obese Hyper Obese  Other method for quantifying obesity includeSkin fold thickness,Densiometry(under water weighing),DEXA,CT,MRI,Electrical Impedence.
  • 14. Cardiovascular Changes       Increased blood volume and cardiac output leading to cardiomegaly, left ventricular hypertrophy and a potential for left ventricular failure. Hypertension and ischaemic heart disease Venous access can sometimes be difficult. Thromboembolism risk is increased. The risk of pulmonary embolus and DVT is doubled Venous return is reduced.
  • 15. Cardiomyopathies  Cardiac failure  Arrhythmias  Sudden cardiac death  Dyslipidaemias  Venous insufficiency  Cerebrovascular disease  Peripheral vascular disease  Atherosclerotic changes 
  • 16. Respiratory Changes     Reduced compliance (both chest wall and lung), in the airway resistance and reduced FRC will pre-dispose to atelectasis, increased shunt and hypoxia. 70% in work of breathing and a four fold in the Oxygen cost of breathing occur in case of morbid obese. Pulmonary vasoconstriction, pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy. These patients must be pre-oxygenated as they desaturate much quicker than non-obese (3–5 times).decrease in FRC impairs the ability of obese pts to tolerate periods of apnea ,such as during direct laryngoscopy for tracheal intubation.
  • 17. Pulmonary mechanics:   Inspiratory reserve volume(IRV), expiratory reserve volume(ERV), functional residual capacity(FRC), vital capacity(VC), total lung capacity(TLC) and minute ventilation(MV)( ) but tidal volume(TV) and residual volume(RV) (→). FRC may be below the closing capacity resulting in the small airway closure→ V/P mismatch→ right to left shunting and hypoxemia
  • 18.  General anesthesia will accentuate these changes such that a 50% decrease in FRC occurs in obese anaesthetised pts compared with a 20% decrease in non obese individuals.. Worsened in: Improved by: ◦ Supine Position PEEP ◦ Trendelenberg position Reverse Trendelenberg Normal Lung volume  Obese, awake Closing volume Functional residual capacity Obese anaesthetized Residual volume
  • 19. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are increased.  There is a higher incidence of difficult laryngoscopy and intubation.  The incidence of difficult intubation in morbid obesity is around 13% Altered anatomy:  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Increase in soft tissue Reduced head and neck mobility Large tongue Short neck Large breasts Anterior larynx Restricted mouth opening
  • 20. Obstructive sleep apnoea- 5% Airflow cessation of >10 secs. and characterised by frequent episodes of apnea or hypopnea during sleep.  RISK FACTORS:  ◦ Large collar size (over 16.5 inches) ◦ Evening alcohol consumption ◦ Pharyngeal abnormalities PATHOPHYSIOLOGY:Passive collapse of the pharyngeal airway during deeper planes of sleep.  CLINICAL FEATURES:  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Snoring and intermittent airway obstruction Resultant hypoxaemia and hypercapnia Arousal and disruption of sleep Daytime somnolence.
  • 21. Pathophysiology of Sleep Apnea Awake: Small airway + neuromuscular compensation Sleep Onset Hyperventilate: correct hypoxia & hypercapnia Loss of neuromuscular compensation + Airway opens Decreased pharyngeal muscle activity Pharyngeal muscle activity restored Airway collapses Arousal from sleep Apnea Hypoxia & Hypercapnia Increased ventilatory effort
  • 22. Clinical Consequences Sleep Apnea Sleep Fragmentation Hypoxia/ Hypercapnia Cardiovascular Complications Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Morbidity Mortality
  • 23. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome(OSAHS)  5 or more apneic(complete cessation of air flow) events or 15 or more hypopneic(50% reduction of air flow) events per hour of sleep despite of maintaining adequate ventilatory capacity associated with a decrease in SpO2 ≥ 4%.  Regular hypopneic and apneic events → hypoxemia and hypercarbia → rptd stimulation of resp centre → gradual desensitisation of resp centre→ hypoventilation,Hypercapnia ( OHS)  Pickwickian Syndrome is OHS with cor pulmonale. Alveolar
  • 24.
  • 25. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (pickwickian syndrome) Loss of the sensitivity to hypercarbia resulting in a combination of hypoxia, Cor Pulmonale and Polycythaemia,respiratory acidosis,pulmonary hypertension,and right ventricular failure.  Diagnosis –Polysomnography (Apnea-Hypopnea index (AHI)), A score of 5-15 is „mild OSA‟, 15-30 „moderate‟, and „severe OSA‟ is over 30  Treatment  ◦ Removal of precipitants ◦ Surgical(uvulopalato pharyngoplasty) ◦ Weight loss ◦ Nocturnal CPAP
  • 26. Obesity OSA or OHS Increased blood volume Increased cardiac output Hypoxia/hypercarbia LV enlargement Pulmonary arterial hypertension RV enlargement and hypertrophy LV Hypertrophy Hypertension RV failure Pulmonary venous hypertension LV failure Ischaemic heart disease Adams jp murthy PG;obesity in anesthesia and intensive j anaesth 2000;85;91-108
  • 27.  This presents the anaesthetist with a patient who may be difficult to bag-mask ventilate, difficult to intubate and will desaturate quickly
  • 28. Anatomic changes affecting the Airway  Deposit of adipose tissue in the lateral pharyngeal walls  Deposit of adipose tissue external to the upper airway  Presence of hypopharyngeal adipose tissue  Presence of pretracheal adipose tissue  Alteration in the shape of the pharynx(long axis of ellipse transverse to ellipse ant- post)  ↓efficiency of the anterior pharyngeal dilator muscles .
  • 29. Gastrointestinal Changes       Increased acidity and volume of gastric contents. Hiatus hernia and gallstones(due to hypercholestrolemia) are common Increased intra-abdominal pressure. There is a higher risk of regurgitation and aspiration requiring rapid sequence induction if a difficult airway is not anticipated. Fatty infiltration of liver (denoting the duration of obesity) Tracheal extubation should be undertaken with the patient awake
  • 30. Endocrine Changes There is an association with glucose intolerance.  Hypercholesterolaemia  Hypothyroidism  Cushing syndrome  Insulinoma  tumor involving Hypothalamus  Metabolic Syndrome and  PCOD. 
  • 31.  “ Morbidly obese individuals have limited mobility and may therefore appear to be asymptomatic even in the presence of significant respiratory and cardiovascular impairment.”
  • 32. Morphological Changes Positioning  Transferring  Monitoring (arterial line may be needed if NIBP is problematic) 
  • 33. Surgical and Mechanical Issues Reduced surgical access  Difficult visualisation of underlying structures  Excess bleeding  Longer operating times  Higher risk of infection  Wound infection and wound dehiscence 
  • 34. OTHERS Gout  Osteoarthritis of weight bearing joints  Back pain  Hepatic impairment/gallstones  Abdominal herniae  Breast and endometrial malignancies 
  • 36.       Detailed history Physical examination Suspect OSA ( h/o- Snoring). Examination of calf muscles for tenderness Examining signs of cardiac failure and diabetes.(Waist-to-hip ratio >1 in women & >0.8 in men increases the risk for IHD, Stroke, Diabetes & Death) Prior anesthetic records should be obtained. ◦ History of previous surgeries ◦ Anesthetic challenges (i.e. ease or difficulty in securing the airway, intravenous access) ◦ Need for ICU admission, Surgical outcomes ◦ Weight of the patient at that time.
  • 37. The Upper Airway Assessment         Atlanto-occipital joint extension Mallampati classification Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) assessment with interincisor distance Mentohyoid distance Dentition Pretracheal adipose thickness Neck circumference Hypertrophic tonsils and adenoids.
  • 38. Special attention should be paid to Circulatory, Pulmonary, and Hepatic function
  • 39. Circulatory evaluation        Signs and symptoms of left or right ventricular failure Classic physical signs of cardiac failure (e.g. sacral edema) may be difficult to identify. History of Hypertension and Diabetes Blood pressures must be taken with the appropriate size cuff. Intravenous and intraarterial access sites should be checked in anticipation of technical difficulties Electrocardiographic abnormalities Echocardiogram
  • 40. Respiratory evaluation         Smoking history History of hypoventilation and somnolence Pulmonary function tests with spirometry baseline arterial blood gases Chest x-ray Patients with a history of heavy snoring should have a formal sleep study or Polysomnogram (PSG). Severity of obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), apneahypopnea index (AHI) Home Oxygen therapy with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) ,response and compliance should be noted.
  • 41. Hepatic function tests Serum albumin and globulin  Serum aspartate aminotransferase  Serum alanine aminotransferase  Direct and total bilirubin  Alkaline phosphatase  Prothrombin time, and  Cholesterol levels. 
  • 43.  Routine investigations  ECG is mandatory  2D-Echo  CXR  X-ray neck  Baseline ABG(will help evaluate carbon dioxide retention and provide guidelines for perioperative oxygen administration and possible institution of and weaning from postoperative ventilation)  Screening for diabetes  LFT  Lipid Profile  PFT (if needed)  Polysomnogram (if history of heavy snoring)
  • 45.          Airway management: Awake fibreoptic intubation Positioning, Monitoring Choice of anesthetic technique and anesthetic agents Pain control Fluid management Consider asking for Assistance. A typical operating table will support 150 kg, but the tilting/tipping may not function. The sphygmomanometer cuff width should be 20% greater than the diameter of the arm Invasive blood pressure monitoring may be required
  • 46. Dvt Heparin, 5000 IU subcutaneously, administered before surgery and repeated every 12 h until the patient will be fully mobile, or low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) injected subcutaneously 40 mg every 12 h resulted in a decreased incidence of postoperative DVT complications  Stockings, Early mobilization. 
  • 47. NPO status, and a large bore intravenous access inserted.  An experienced Assistant  The full complement of alternate airway, noninvasive and invasive (e.g. cricothyriodotomy set and surgical tracheotomy set) airway devices should be available. 
  • 48. Monitors  ECG  NIBP ◦ Cuffs with bladders that encircle ideally of 75% or minimum of 50% of the upper arm circumference should be used  Invasive BP  Pulse oxymetry  EtCO2  Temperature  Neuromuscular monitoring  Central Venous pressure monitoring  Hourly urine output is evaluated to assess fluid balance
  • 50. Preoperative medications  Avoid CNS and respiratory depressants.(sedatives or narcotics).  Antibiotic prophylaxis; increased risk of postoperative wound infection  Anticholinergics(Glyco) if awake intubation is planned.  Aspiration prophylaxis(H2-receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors).  Continue antihypertensive medications.  If required O2 supplementation and monitoring.  Premedication should not be given IM as it may be inadvertently administered into adipose tissue leading to unpredictable absorption.
  • 51. Positioning  Strapping to the operating table in combination with a malleable bean bag  Padding of pressure areas  Special tables for extra load (two tables)  The head up reverse trendelenburg position provides the longest safe apnea period during induction  Lateral tilt to avoid compression of vena cava
  • 52.  “Stacking” using towels or folded blankets under the shoulders and the head to compensate for the exaggerated flexed position of posterior cervical fat .  The object is to position the patient so that the tip of the chin is at the higher level than the chest to facilitate laryngoscopy and intubation.
  • 54.
  • 56. Intubation technique  Anticipate for difficult airway and prepare in same line  Awake intubation in morbid obese patient LA  DL  Glottis visualized  GA  intubate Not visualized Awake intubation or Awake fiberoptic We should be ready for emergency tracheostomy
  • 57. Drug handling in obesity Unpredictable Volumes of distribution  Binding  Elimination of drugs  Reduction in total body water  Higher fat mass  Higher lean mass  Higher GFR  Increased renal clearance 
  • 58. PHARMACOKINETICS OF DRUGS  Drugs are dosed in the morbidly obese on the basis of their lipophilicity.  Highly Lipophilic drugs have increased volume of distribution so drug doses are calculated on the basis of the patients Total Body Weight (TBW). Examples are:         Thiopentone Propofol Benzodiazepines Fentanyl Sufentanyl Succinylcholine Atracurium Cisatracurium
  • 59.  Weakly lipophilic or lipophobic drugs have unchanged volume of distribution so drug doses are calculated on the basis of the patients lean body weight (LBW). Examples are:  Alfentanil  Ketamine  Vecuronium  Rocuronium  Morphine sulphate  Certain Lipophilic drugs are adminstered according to LBW are Digoxin,Procainamide,Remifentanyl((Vd) remain same).  Calculating initial doses based on LBW with subsequent doses determined by pharmacologic response to the initial dose is a reasonable approach.
  • 60. Anaesthetic drugs    Insoluble anesthetic gases resistant to metabolic degradation and without lipid depot compartmentalization, combined with rapid return of reflexes are preferred. For intubation muscle relaxants with rapid sequence induction should be used. Succinylcholine and Rocuronium are the available choices. For maintenance of anesthesiaDesflurane/sevoflurane+ Cisatracurium +intravenous infusion of Remifentanyl is prefered.N2O should be avoided particularly in Pt with Pulm HTN.
  • 61.  Desflurane and Remifentanil infusion are used for maintenance anesthetic because of rapid onset, consistent profile, and rapid offset
  • 62. Extubation Criteria       Intact neurologic status, fully awake and alert, with head lift greater than 5 seconds Hemodynamic stability Normothermia. The core temperature >36°C. Train-of-four (TOF) reversal documented by peripheral nerve stimulator (T4/T1 >0.9). Full reversal of neuromuscular blocking agents. Respiratory rate (>10 and < 30 breaths/minute)
  • 63.       Baseline Peripheral Oxygenation, as judged by pulse Oximeter (SPO2 >95% on FIO2 of 0.4). If an arterial line is present, an arterial blood gas may be checked. Acceptable blood-gas results (FIO2 of 0.4: pH, 7.35 to 7.45; PaO2, >80 mm Hg; PaCO2, < 50 mm Hg). Acceptable Respiratory Mechanics: negative inspiratory force (NIF) (>25 to 30 cm H2O; vital capacity (VC) >10 mL/kg IBW; tidal volume (VT) >5 mL/kg ideal body weight [IBW]). Acceptable Pain Control No demonstrated or suspected Laboratory abnormalities
  • 64. Post-operative Considerations Extubate awake, sitting up.  ICU care, may need CPAP.  Oxygen and oximetry.  Obstructive sleep apnoea is most common some days after surgery.  Adequate analgesia to allow deep breathing/coughing.  Physiotherapy  DVT prophylaxis 
  • 65. Postoperative analgesia  There is no clear data proving the superiorty of one technique over other for post op analgesia.It depends on type ,site , duration, severity of surgery. Multi Modal Perioperative Analgesia(MMPA) I,e preemptive infiltration local anesthetic at the incision site +NSAIDS+ PCEA(patient controlled epidural analgesia)/PCIA(patient controlled intrathecal analgesia) is a new and advanced method to deal with post op pain.  In certain situation where sedation is to be avoided Dexmedetomidine,Ketorolac,Clonidine,Magnesiu m sulphate are better alternative of Opoids. 
  • 66. Postoperative complications Postanesthetic hypoxemia Respiratory depression Early ventilatory failure with need for reintubation  Positional ventilatory collapse  Hemodynamic instability  Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)  Venous thromboembolism  Anastomotic leak  Wound infection.   
  • 67. Regional anesthesia  May be impossible with standard equipment and techniques due to; ◦ Obscured landmarks ◦ Difficult positioning ◦ Extensive layers of adipose tissue ◦
  • 68. Regional Anaesthesia Engorged extradural veins and extra fat constricting the potential space, less local anaesthetic 7580% of the normal dose is needed for epidurals  Leave extra catheter in the space as it may be subject to drag as the flexed patient relaxes. 