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Final Project Skeleton/CipherClient.javaFinal Project
import javax.crypto.*;
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException
String message ="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
String host ="";
int port =7999;
Socket s =newSocket(host, port);
// -Generate a DES key.
// -Store it in a file.
// -
Use the key to encrypt the message above and send it over socke
t s to the server.
Final Project Skeleton/CipherServer.javaFinal Project
import javax.crypto.*;
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException
int port =7999;
ServerSocket server =newServerSocket(port);
Socket s = server.accept();
// -Read the key from the file generated by the client.
// -
Use the key to decrypt the incoming message from socket s.
// -
Print out the decrypt String to see if it matches the orignal mess
Final Project Skeleton/ElGamalAlice.javaFinal Project
import java.math.BigInteger;
privatestaticBigInteger computeY(BigInteger p,BigInteger g,Big
Integer d)
privatestaticBigInteger computeK(BigInteger p)
privatestaticBigInteger computeA(BigInteger p,BigInteger g,Big
Integer k)
privatestaticBigInteger computeB(String message,BigInteger d,
BigInteger a,BigInteger k,BigInteger p)
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException
String message ="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
String host ="";
int port =7999;
Socket s =newSocket(host, port);
ObjectOutputStream os =newObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputSt
// You should consult BigInteger class in Java API documentati
on to find out what it is.
BigInteger y, g, p;// public key
BigInteger d;// private key
int mStrength =1024;// key bit length
SecureRandom mSecureRandom =newSecureRandom();// a crypt
ographically strong pseudo-random number
// Create a BigInterger with mStrength bit length that is highly l
ikely to be prime.
// (The '16' determines the probability that p is prime. Refer to
BigInteger documentation.)
p =newBigInteger(mStrength,16, mSecureRandom);
// Create a randomly generated BigInteger of length mStrength-
g =newBigInteger(mStrength-1, mSecureRandom);
d =newBigInteger(mStrength-1, mSecureRandom);
y = computeY(p, g, d);
// At this point, you have both the public key and the private ke
y. Now compute the signature.
BigInteger k = computeK(p);
BigInteger a = computeA(p, g, k);
BigInteger b = computeB(message, d, a, k, p);
// send public key
// send message
// send signature
Final Project Skeleton/ElGamalBob.javaFinal Project
import java.math.BigInteger;
privatestaticboolean verifySignature(BigInteger y,BigInteger g,
BigInteger p,BigInteger a,BigInteger b,String message)
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException
int port =7999;
ServerSocket s =newServerSocket(port);
Socket client = s.accept();
ObjectInputStream is =newObjectInputStream(client.getInputStr
// read public key
BigInteger y =(BigInteger)is.readObject();
BigInteger g =(BigInteger)is.readObject();
BigInteger p =(BigInteger)is.readObject();
// read message
String message =(String)is.readObject();
// read signature
BigInteger a =(BigInteger)is.readObject();
BigInteger b =(BigInteger)is.readObject();
boolean result = verifySignature(y, g, p, a, b, message);
if(result ==true)
System.out.println("Signature verified.");
System.out.println("Signature verification failed.");
Final Project Skeleton/ProtectedClient.javaFinal Project
import java.util.Date;
publicvoid sendAuthentication(String user,String password,Out
putStream outStream)throwsIOException,NoSuchAlgorithmExce
DataOutputStream out =newDataOutputStream(outStream);
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException
String host ="";
int port =7999;
String user ="George";
String password ="abc123";
Socket s =newSocket(host, port);
ProtectedClient client =newProtectedClient();
client.sendAuthentication(user, password, s.getOutputStre
Final Project Skeleton/ProtectedServer.javaFinal Project
publicboolean authenticate(InputStream inStream)throwsIOExce
DataInputStream in =newDataInputStream(inStream);
protectedString lookupPassword(String user){return"abc123";}
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException
int port =7999;
ServerSocket s =newServerSocket(port);
Socket client = s.accept();
ProtectedServer server =newProtectedServer();
System.out.println("Client logged in.");
System.out.println("Client failed to log in.");
Final Project Skeleton/Protection.javaFinal Project
publicstaticbyte[] makeBytes(long t,double q)
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut =newByteArrayOutputStream()
DataOutputStream dataOut =newDataOutputStream(byteOut);
return byteOut.toByteArray();
catch(IOException e)
publicstaticbyte[] makeDigest(byte[] mush,long t2,double q2)thr
MessageDigest md =MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
md.update(makeBytes(t2, q2));
return md.digest();
publicstaticbyte[] makeDigest(String user,String password,
long t1,double q1)
Project Hints
Double Password Authentication
Few things to keep in mind in this exercise (mainly with regards
DataInputStream/DataOutputStream class:
[e.g., out.writeUTF(x)]
Doubles (readInt,
use write. Here you will
need to worry about passing the length information for each
value you pass - it may be
use write. When you use
write to pass a byte array, reading the same array at the server
requires you to also know
the size of the byte array. So before you pass the digest value,
you could pass the length
of the byte array that stores the digest value (using writeInt)
and then the digest itself. At
the other end you can read the length value (using readInt) and
then use that to create the
byte array that can be used to store the appropriate size of bytes
read from the input
stream. Here is a sample you could do for the digest value
Client Server
//digestValue is of type byte[]
int length = in.readInt();
byte[] protected = new
//reads the number of
bytes equal to length of
time value, etc.) and the digest.
At the server you have to re-compute the digest the same way
you computed the at the
client side using the original values. Then, you need to compare
the digest value received
from the client with the newly computed digest. Here is one way
you can check if the two
digests are equal:
MessageDigest.isEqual(recomputedDigest, receivedDigest);
ElGamal Signature
- both less than p
ate key is d, public key is (y, g, p)
Signing message m
-da)*k-1) mod (p-1)
Where k-1 is computed as follows: k-1 =k.modInverse(p-1).
Verifying the signature
(y^a).(a^b) mod p = g^m mod p
Note "(y^a).(a^b) mod p" is equivalent to "[(y^a) mod p] [(a^b)
mod p] mod p"
Some issues
- be careful. For
instance, to calculate (p-1)
(call it pMinusOne), you could do the following
BigInteger pOne = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
BigInteger pMinusOne = p.substract(pOne) // where p is the
random number
loop {
BigInteger k = new BigInterger (???); // check existing code of
this type
} until k is relatively prime to (p-1)
To check "BigInteger k is relatively prime to BigInteger p" you
can do the following:
k.gcd(pMinusOne).equals(pOne) == true;
Three things to do here.
1. Generating DES Key
examples regarding how to
create one. Some Classes that you need to understand are
Key and KeyGenerator
ck out getInstance(??), init(new SecureRandom()) and
functions of class KeyGenerator.
2. Storing keys in a file
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new
That is, you create an object output stream to an output file
name KeyFile.xx.
Since it is an object output stream you can now write the Key
object that has your key. Assuming
you have
Key k = .... // creates the key using the KeyGenerator object
that is using some instance of
encryption algorithm, DES here.
out.writeObject(k); // will store your key object in the file.
At the server, you can now do:
Key k = (Key) in.readObject(); // to read from object in which is
an ObjectInputStream
communicate to the server. However,
instead of a file (through FileOutputStream), you now need to
associate the socket ( it is
given) with the ObjectOutputStream object. If s is the Socket
object you have created
then you can do the following:
ObjectOutputStream outSocket = new
channel to another machine
by associating with it a port and the host address.
2. Cipher - Encrypting and Decrypting and then outputting the
algorithm you can do the
Cipher cipher =
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);
This sets the cipher object to Encrypt mode with the specified
key k (a Key object). You can do
the same two statements in the server to initialize a cipher
object to Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE
(CipherInputStream in server)
Note that in the documentation at the URL provided to you sey
the following about the
CipherOutputStream class:
A CipherOutputStream is composed of an OutputStream and a
Cipher so that write() methods
first process the data before writing them out to the underlying
OutputStream. The cipher must
be fully initialized before being used by a CipherOutputStream.
For example, if the cipher is initialized for encryption, the
CipherOutputStream will attempt to
encrypt data before writing out the encrypted data.
Hence, you can create a CipherOutputStream object to pass the
encrypted value to the server.
You can now easily create an CipherOutputStream object:
CipherOutputStream cipherOut = new
CipherOutputStream(sSocket, cipher);
Now you can use cipherOut.write(byte []) to send the message
encrypted using DES to the server
- as cipherOut is now associated with sSocket object. Note that
the input to the write function is a
byte stream so if you have a String message you need to get the
= .." (similar to
CipherInputStream) and then use to read the
message bytes.
CSCE 4550/ 5550 Introduction to Computer Security
Final Project
Total Points: 150
Due Date: Dec 6, 2013
1. Message Digest [25 Points]
Write a program to demonstrate the use of hashing using MD5
and SHA scheme and the
MessageDigest class.
Your program should allow a user to enter a string; the program
then hashes it and output
the result.
You will need to consult Java API documentation to learn how
to use java classes. You
can download and install the documentation yourself, or you can
access them from this
2. Various Crypto Techniques [125 Points]
The objective of this exercise is to use Java features to write
some security mechanisms
that can be used in applications. You will be using the classes
from Java Cryptographic
Extension to implement them.
You will need to consult Java API documentation. You can
download and install the
documentation yourself, or you can access them from this URL:
Java books that you can reference
Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2nd Edition, L. Gong, G.
Ellision, M. Dageforde
Java Security, Scott Oaks, O’Reilly
For each part of the assignment, skeleton Java code has been
provided. These skeletons
will NOT compile. You will need to make modifications on
them before they can be
successfully compiled and run.
A) Authentication
For the first part of the assignment, you should use the skeleton
Java code to implement
double-strength password login using message digest. The
following diagram illustrates
the double strength password.
Note that you need to generate 2 random numbers and 2
There are three classes defined:
makeDigest (version 1),
and makeDigest (version 2).
o makeBytes takes in a long integer and a double, then converts
them into a
single byte array. makeBytes has already been implemented for
o makeDigest (version 1) takes in a byte array, a timestamp, and
a random
number, then generates a digest using SHA. This function has
been implemented for you.
o makeDigest (version 2) takes in a user name, a password, a
timestamp, and
a random number, then generates a digest using SHA. You need
implement this function. You may have to consult
MessageDigest API in
the documentation.
functions: main and
o main is the starting point of the client program and has
already been
implemented for you. Make sure the host variable is set to the
server address (it is currently set to
o sendAuthentication is the function that you need to
implement. It takes in
user name, password, and an output stream as the function
inputs. In this
function, you should implement double-strength password
and send to the server by writing to the variable ‘out’. Consult
DataOutputStream API on how to write different data types to
ts the server. There are
three functions: main,
lookupPassword, and authenticate.
o main is the starting point of the server program and has
already been
implemented for you. It creates a server process that waits for
incoming connection. Once a connection is established,
authenticate is
called to authenticate the user. If the user successfully
authenticate, your
program should print out “Client logged in.”
o lookupPassword, which simply returns the password of the
user stored on
the server.
o authenticate is the function which you need to implement to
the user trying to log in. Consult DataInputStream API on how
to read
data from the ‘in’ stream. The function should return either true
or false
depending on whether the user is authenticated.
B) Signature
In this part of the assignment, you are to implement the
ElGamal Signature scheme
described below.
The ElGamal Signature scheme is similar to the Diffie-Hellman
scheme. It relies on the
difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem. Choose a
prime p and two random
numbers g and d both less than p. Compute y = gd mod p. The
public key is the triplet (y,
g, p); the private key is d.
Suppose Alice wants to send Bob a signed contract m. She
chooses a number k that is
relatively prime to p – 1 and has not been used before. She
computes a = mk mod p and
then uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find b such that
m = (da + kb) mod p – 1
The pair (a, b) is the signature.
To verify the signature, check that yaab mod p = gm mod p
EXAMPLE: Alice and Bob decide to use the El Gamal digital
signature scheme. Alice
chooses p = 29, g = 3, and dAlice = 6, yielding y = 4. She wants
to send Bob the signed
contract X (23). She chooses k = 5, which is relatively prime to
28. She computes
a = 35 mod 29 = 11
and then uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to solve for b:
23 = (6 x 11 + 5 x b) mod 28
This yields b = 25. She sends Bob the message m = 23 and the
signature (11, 25).
Bob obtains the message and wants to verify the signature. He
yaab mod p = 4111125 mod 29 = 8
gm mod p = 323 mod 29 = 8
Because the two match, Alice signed the message.
If someone learns k, the corresponding message m, and the
signature (a, b), then she can
use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to recover x, Alice's
public key.
EXAMPLE: Bob happens to learn that Alice signed the last
message using k = 5. He
immediately solves the following equation for d:
m = (da + kb) mod p – 1 →23 = (11d + 5 x 25) mod 28
which yields d = 6. This is Alice's private key.
There are two classes in this assignment, ElGamalAlice and
ElGamalBob, corresponding
to the sender (Alice) and the receiver (Bob). The main functions
for both the classes have
been written for you. Your assignment is to write various
functions that implement
ElGamal key generation and signature creation algorithms (for
Alice), and signature
verification algorithm (for Bob). The functions you have to
implement are indicated in
the source files.
C) Encryption
In this part of the assignment, the client program CipherClient
should (1) generate a DES
key and stores the key in a file, (2) encrypts the given String
object using that key and
sends the encrypted object over the socket to the server. The
server program
CipherServer then uses the key that was previously generated by
the client to decrypt the
incoming object. The server obtains the key simply by reading it
from the same file that
the client previously generated. The server should then print out
the decrypted message.
For this part of the assignment, you will need to consult
external sources and
documentations on how to generate a DES key, write to or read
from a file, and perform
encryption/decryption of an object.
Most of the needed information should be available at:
D) Public-Key System
In this part of the assignment, you will need to demonstrate the
use of RSA Public-key
system to exchange messages that achieve confidentiality and
integrity/authentication as
well as the combination of both. You can assume a simple way
of sharing public keys
between the two communicating parties. You can reuse the basic
code provided for above
for this assignment.
E) X.509 certificates
In this part of the assignment, you will need to demonstrate the
use of X.509 certificate to
exchange messages that achieve confidentiality. The client
loads the server’s certificate
and proceeds to verify its authenticity and validity. This
includes checking the expiration
date and verifying if the certificate was signed using the private
key that corresponds to
the specified public key. Also, you need to print the content of
the certificate you
received. If the certificate received is valid, proceed to
exchange confidential messages
between the two parties. You can reuse the code previously
provided for part C.
You will need to create an X.509 certificate for the Server,
using RSA as the key
generation algorithm. This certificate can be self-signed and it
should have your name.
You can use keytool for this purpose. keytool is installed as part
of the standard Java
SDK/Runtime library, and is located in its bin subfolder. Refer
to the keytool’s
documentation for further instructions.
Finally, answer these questions in the report.
What are the limitations of using self-signed certificates? What
are they useful for?
Project Submission: Submit a single ZIP file with your UNT
email ID as its filename
via the Blackboard system. The package should contain all your
source files and a
readme file including the answers to the above questions. You
also need to demonstrate
your programs to the TA in person, where you may be asked to
explain about different
parts of your code. The date for demo will be announced later.

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  • 1. Final Project Skeleton/CipherClient.javaFinal Project Skeleton/CipherClient.javaimport*; import*; import*; import javax.crypto.*; publicclassCipherClient { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException { String message ="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. "; String host =""; int port =7999; Socket s =newSocket(host, port); // YOU NEED TO DO THESE STEPS: // -Generate a DES key. // -Store it in a file. // - Use the key to encrypt the message above and send it over socke t s to the server. } } Final Project Skeleton/CipherServer.javaFinal Project Skeleton/CipherServer.javaimport*; import*; import*; import javax.crypto.*; publicclassCipherServer
  • 2. { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException { int port =7999; ServerSocket server =newServerSocket(port); Socket s = server.accept(); // YOU NEED TO DO THESE STEPS: // -Read the key from the file generated by the client. // - Use the key to decrypt the incoming message from socket s. // - Print out the decrypt String to see if it matches the orignal mess age. } } Final Project Skeleton/ElGamalAlice.javaFinal Project Skeleton/ElGamalAlice.javaimport*; import*; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; publicclassElGamalAlice { privatestaticBigInteger computeY(BigInteger p,BigInteger g,Big Integer d) { // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION; } privatestaticBigInteger computeK(BigInteger p) { // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION; }
  • 3. privatestaticBigInteger computeA(BigInteger p,BigInteger g,Big Integer k) { // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION; } privatestaticBigInteger computeB(String message,BigInteger d, BigInteger a,BigInteger k,BigInteger p) { // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION; } publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException { String message ="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. "; String host =""; int port =7999; Socket s =newSocket(host, port); ObjectOutputStream os =newObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputSt ream()); // You should consult BigInteger class in Java API documentati on to find out what it is. BigInteger y, g, p;// public key BigInteger d;// private key int mStrength =1024;// key bit length SecureRandom mSecureRandom =newSecureRandom();// a crypt ographically strong pseudo-random number // Create a BigInterger with mStrength bit length that is highly l ikely to be prime. // (The '16' determines the probability that p is prime. Refer to
  • 4. BigInteger documentation.) p =newBigInteger(mStrength,16, mSecureRandom); // Create a randomly generated BigInteger of length mStrength- 1 g =newBigInteger(mStrength-1, mSecureRandom); d =newBigInteger(mStrength-1, mSecureRandom); y = computeY(p, g, d); // At this point, you have both the public key and the private ke y. Now compute the signature. BigInteger k = computeK(p); BigInteger a = computeA(p, g, k); BigInteger b = computeB(message, d, a, k, p); // send public key os.writeObject(y); os.writeObject(g); os.writeObject(p); // send message os.writeObject(message); // send signature os.writeObject(a); os.writeObject(b); s.close(); } } Final Project Skeleton/ElGamalBob.javaFinal Project Skeleton/ElGamalBob.javaimport*;
  • 5. import*; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; publicclassElGamalBob { privatestaticboolean verifySignature(BigInteger y,BigInteger g, BigInteger p,BigInteger a,BigInteger b,String message) { // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION; } publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException { int port =7999; ServerSocket s =newServerSocket(port); Socket client = s.accept(); ObjectInputStream is =newObjectInputStream(client.getInputStr eam()); // read public key BigInteger y =(BigInteger)is.readObject(); BigInteger g =(BigInteger)is.readObject(); BigInteger p =(BigInteger)is.readObject(); // read message String message =(String)is.readObject(); // read signature BigInteger a =(BigInteger)is.readObject(); BigInteger b =(BigInteger)is.readObject(); boolean result = verifySignature(y, g, p, a, b, message); System.out.println(message);
  • 6. if(result ==true) System.out.println("Signature verified."); else System.out.println("Signature verification failed."); s.close(); } } Final Project Skeleton/ProtectedClient.javaFinal Project Skeleton/ProtectedClient.javaimport*; import*; import*; import java.util.Date; publicclassProtectedClient { publicvoid sendAuthentication(String user,String password,Out putStream outStream)throwsIOException,NoSuchAlgorithmExce ption { DataOutputStream out =newDataOutputStream(outStream); // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION. out.flush(); } publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException { String host =""; int port =7999; String user ="George"; String password ="abc123"; Socket s =newSocket(host, port);
  • 7. ProtectedClient client =newProtectedClient(); client.sendAuthentication(user, password, s.getOutputStre am()); s.close(); } } Final Project Skeleton/ProtectedServer.javaFinal Project Skeleton/ProtectedServer.javaimport*; import*; import*; publicclassProtectedServer { publicboolean authenticate(InputStream inStream)throwsIOExce ption,NoSuchAlgorithmException { DataInputStream in =newDataInputStream(inStream); // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION. } protectedString lookupPassword(String user){return"abc123";} publicstaticvoid main(String[] args)throwsException { int port =7999; ServerSocket s =newServerSocket(port); Socket client = s.accept(); ProtectedServer server =newProtectedServer(); if(server.authenticate(client.getInputStream()))
  • 8. System.out.println("Client logged in."); else System.out.println("Client failed to log in."); s.close(); } } Final Project Skeleton/Protection.javaFinal Project Skeleton/Protection.javaimport*; import*; publicclassProtection { publicstaticbyte[] makeBytes(long t,double q) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut =newByteArrayOutputStream() ; DataOutputStream dataOut =newDataOutputStream(byteOut); dataOut.writeLong(t); dataOut.writeDouble(q); return byteOut.toByteArray(); } catch(IOException e) { returnnewbyte[0]; } } publicstaticbyte[] makeDigest(byte[] mush,long t2,double q2)thr owsNoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md =MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
  • 9. md.update(mush); md.update(makeBytes(t2, q2)); return md.digest(); } publicstaticbyte[] makeDigest(String user,String password, long t1,double q1) throwsNoSuchAlgorithmException { // IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION. } } Project Hints Double Password Authentication Few things to keep in mind in this exercise (mainly with regards to DataInputStream/DataOutputStream class: [e.g., out.writeUTF(x)] Doubles (readInt, readDouble) use write. Here you will need to worry about passing the length information for each value you pass - it may be tedious
  • 10. use write. When you use write to pass a byte array, reading the same array at the server requires you to also know the size of the byte array. So before you pass the digest value, you could pass the length of the byte array that stores the digest value (using writeInt) and then the digest itself. At the other end you can read the length value (using readInt) and then use that to create the byte array that can be used to store the appropriate size of bytes read from the input stream. Here is a sample you could do for the digest value passed. Client Server out.writeInt(digestValue.length); out.write(digestValue); out.flush(); //digestValue is of type byte[] int length = in.readInt(); byte[] protected = new byte[length]; in.readFully(protected); //reads the number of bytes equal to length of protected time value, etc.) and the digest. At the server you have to re-compute the digest the same way
  • 11. you computed the at the client side using the original values. Then, you need to compare the digest value received from the client with the newly computed digest. Here is one way you can check if the two digests are equal: MessageDigest.isEqual(recomputedDigest, receivedDigest); ElGamal Signature Keys - both less than p ate key is d, public key is (y, g, p) Signing message m -1) -da)*k-1) mod (p-1) Where k-1 is computed as follows: k-1 =k.modInverse(p-1). Verifying the signature (y^a).(a^b) mod p = g^m mod p Note "(y^a).(a^b) mod p" is equivalent to "[(y^a) mod p] [(a^b)
  • 12. mod p] mod p" Some issues - be careful. For instance, to calculate (p-1) (call it pMinusOne), you could do the following BigInteger pOne = BigInteger.valueOf(1); BigInteger pMinusOne = p.substract(pOne) // where p is the random number -1) loop { BigInteger k = new BigInterger (???); // check existing code of this type } until k is relatively prime to (p-1) To check "BigInteger k is relatively prime to BigInteger p" you can do the following: k.gcd(pMinusOne).equals(pOne) == true; Cipher Three things to do here. 1. Generating DES Key
  • 13. examples regarding how to create one. Some Classes that you need to understand are Key and KeyGenerator ck out getInstance(??), init(new SecureRandom()) and generateKey() functions of class KeyGenerator. 2. Storing keys in a file ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("KeyFile.xx")); That is, you create an object output stream to an output file name KeyFile.xx. Since it is an object output stream you can now write the Key object that has your key. Assuming you have Key k = .... // creates the key using the KeyGenerator object that is using some instance of encryption algorithm, DES here. out.writeObject(k); // will store your key object in the file. At the server, you can now do: Key k = (Key) in.readObject(); // to read from object in which is an ObjectInputStream communicate to the server. However,
  • 14. instead of a file (through FileOutputStream), you now need to associate the socket ( it is given) with the ObjectOutputStream object. If s is the Socket object you have created then you can do the following: ObjectOutputStream outSocket = new ObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); channel to another machine by associating with it a port and the host address. 2. Cipher - Encrypting and Decrypting and then outputting the digest algorithm you can do the following. Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k); This sets the cipher object to Encrypt mode with the specified key k (a Key object). You can do the same two statements in the server to initialize a cipher object to Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE m (CipherInputStream in server) Note that in the documentation at the URL provided to you sey
  • 15. the following about the CipherOutputStream class: A CipherOutputStream is composed of an OutputStream and a Cipher so that write() methods first process the data before writing them out to the underlying OutputStream. The cipher must be fully initialized before being used by a CipherOutputStream. For example, if the cipher is initialized for encryption, the CipherOutputStream will attempt to encrypt data before writing out the encrypted data. Hence, you can create a CipherOutputStream object to pass the encrypted value to the server. You can now easily create an CipherOutputStream object: CipherOutputStream cipherOut = new CipherOutputStream(sSocket, cipher); Now you can use cipherOut.write(byte []) to send the message encrypted using DES to the server - as cipherOut is now associated with sSocket object. Note that the input to the write function is a byte stream so if you have a String message you need to get the bytes. = .." (similar to CipherInputStream) and then use to read the message bytes.
  • 16. CSCE 4550/ 5550 Introduction to Computer Security Final Project Total Points: 150 Due Date: Dec 6, 2013 1. Message Digest [25 Points] Write a program to demonstrate the use of hashing using MD5 and SHA scheme and the MessageDigest class. Your program should allow a user to enter a string; the program then hashes it and output the result. You will need to consult Java API documentation to learn how to use java classes. You can download and install the documentation yourself, or you can access them from this URL: 2. Various Crypto Techniques [125 Points] The objective of this exercise is to use Java features to write some security mechanisms that can be used in applications. You will be using the classes from Java Cryptographic Extension to implement them. You will need to consult Java API documentation. You can download and install the
  • 17. documentation yourself, or you can access them from this URL: Java books that you can reference Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2nd Edition, L. Gong, G. Ellision, M. Dageforde Java Security, Scott Oaks, O’Reilly For each part of the assignment, skeleton Java code has been provided. These skeletons will NOT compile. You will need to make modifications on them before they can be successfully compiled and run. A) Authentication For the first part of the assignment, you should use the skeleton Java code to implement double-strength password login using message digest. The following diagram illustrates the double strength password. Note that you need to generate 2 random numbers and 2 timestamps. There are three classes defined:
  • 18. makeDigest (version 1), and makeDigest (version 2). o makeBytes takes in a long integer and a double, then converts them into a single byte array. makeBytes has already been implemented for you. o makeDigest (version 1) takes in a byte array, a timestamp, and a random number, then generates a digest using SHA. This function has already been implemented for you. o makeDigest (version 2) takes in a user name, a password, a timestamp, and a random number, then generates a digest using SHA. You need to implement this function. You may have to consult MessageDigest API in the documentation. functions: main and sendAuthentication. o main is the starting point of the client program and has already been implemented for you. Make sure the host variable is set to the correct server address (it is currently set to o sendAuthentication is the function that you need to
  • 19. implement. It takes in user name, password, and an output stream as the function inputs. In this function, you should implement double-strength password authentication and send to the server by writing to the variable ‘out’. Consult DataOutputStream API on how to write different data types to ‘out’. ts the server. There are three functions: main, lookupPassword, and authenticate. o main is the starting point of the server program and has already been implemented for you. It creates a server process that waits for an incoming connection. Once a connection is established, authenticate is called to authenticate the user. If the user successfully authenticate, your program should print out “Client logged in.” o lookupPassword, which simply returns the password of the user stored on the server. o authenticate is the function which you need to implement to authenticate the user trying to log in. Consult DataInputStream API on how to read data from the ‘in’ stream. The function should return either true
  • 20. or false depending on whether the user is authenticated. B) Signature In this part of the assignment, you are to implement the ElGamal Signature scheme described below. The ElGamal Signature scheme is similar to the Diffie-Hellman scheme. It relies on the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem. Choose a prime p and two random numbers g and d both less than p. Compute y = gd mod p. The public key is the triplet (y, g, p); the private key is d. Suppose Alice wants to send Bob a signed contract m. She chooses a number k that is relatively prime to p – 1 and has not been used before. She computes a = mk mod p and then uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find b such that m = (da + kb) mod p – 1 The pair (a, b) is the signature. To verify the signature, check that yaab mod p = gm mod p EXAMPLE: Alice and Bob decide to use the El Gamal digital signature scheme. Alice chooses p = 29, g = 3, and dAlice = 6, yielding y = 4. She wants to send Bob the signed contract X (23). She chooses k = 5, which is relatively prime to 28. She computes
  • 21. a = 35 mod 29 = 11 and then uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to solve for b: 23 = (6 x 11 + 5 x b) mod 28 This yields b = 25. She sends Bob the message m = 23 and the signature (11, 25). Bob obtains the message and wants to verify the signature. He computes yaab mod p = 4111125 mod 29 = 8 and gm mod p = 323 mod 29 = 8 Because the two match, Alice signed the message. If someone learns k, the corresponding message m, and the signature (a, b), then she can use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to recover x, Alice's public key. EXAMPLE: Bob happens to learn that Alice signed the last message using k = 5. He immediately solves the following equation for d: m = (da + kb) mod p – 1 →23 = (11d + 5 x 25) mod 28 which yields d = 6. This is Alice's private key.
  • 22. There are two classes in this assignment, ElGamalAlice and ElGamalBob, corresponding to the sender (Alice) and the receiver (Bob). The main functions for both the classes have been written for you. Your assignment is to write various functions that implement ElGamal key generation and signature creation algorithms (for Alice), and signature verification algorithm (for Bob). The functions you have to implement are indicated in the source files. C) Encryption In this part of the assignment, the client program CipherClient should (1) generate a DES key and stores the key in a file, (2) encrypts the given String object using that key and sends the encrypted object over the socket to the server. The server program CipherServer then uses the key that was previously generated by the client to decrypt the incoming object. The server obtains the key simply by reading it from the same file that the client previously generated. The server should then print out the decrypted message. For this part of the assignment, you will need to consult external sources and documentations on how to generate a DES key, write to or read from a file, and perform encryption/decryption of an object. Most of the needed information should be available at: ml
  • 23. D) Public-Key System In this part of the assignment, you will need to demonstrate the use of RSA Public-key system to exchange messages that achieve confidentiality and integrity/authentication as well as the combination of both. You can assume a simple way of sharing public keys between the two communicating parties. You can reuse the basic code provided for above for this assignment. E) X.509 certificates In this part of the assignment, you will need to demonstrate the use of X.509 certificate to exchange messages that achieve confidentiality. The client loads the server’s certificate and proceeds to verify its authenticity and validity. This includes checking the expiration date and verifying if the certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to the specified public key. Also, you need to print the content of the certificate you received. If the certificate received is valid, proceed to exchange confidential messages between the two parties. You can reuse the code previously provided for part C. You will need to create an X.509 certificate for the Server, using RSA as the key
  • 24. generation algorithm. This certificate can be self-signed and it should have your name. You can use keytool for this purpose. keytool is installed as part of the standard Java SDK/Runtime library, and is located in its bin subfolder. Refer to the keytool’s documentation for further instructions. /keytool.html Finally, answer these questions in the report. What are the limitations of using self-signed certificates? What are they useful for? Project Submission: Submit a single ZIP file with your UNT email ID as its filename via the Blackboard system. The package should contain all your source files and a readme file including the answers to the above questions. You also need to demonstrate your programs to the TA in person, where you may be asked to explain about different parts of your code. The date for demo will be announced later.