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Future skill needs in Europe

Future skill needs in Europe
                         Presented by

                     Peter Szovics
8-9 September 2008   1                       UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

• Introduction:
      –   Cedefop and Skillsnet
      –   Policy background
      –   Skill needs
      –   Rationale and objectives of forecasts
• Methodology: the framework and modules
• Results: Europe’s changing skill needs
      –   Sectoral prospects
      –   Occupations
      –   Replacement needs
      –   Implications for qualifications
• Summary and conclusions

8-9 September 2008             2                       UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

    Cedefop’s role and objective
    (a)     carrying out thorough applied research and comparative
          analyses of VET issues, trends and challenges;

    (b)     providing an expert and independent European
          perspective, developing and encouraging European
          approaches, principles and tools to improve VET and
          achieve common aims;

    (c)      being a unique forum bringing together diverse VET
          interests of policy-makers, social partners, researchers and
          practitioners to encourage mutual learning and debate
          proposals for policy and research;

    (d)      raising awareness and understanding of how VET is
          evolving, its role in lifelong learning and its contribution to
          other policies.
8-9 September 2008              3                        UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

  Cedefop’s medium term priorities
  ‘European VET policies, trends in skills and
       learning, VET’s impact and visibility’
(a) informing European VET policies;
(b) interpreting European trends in and
  challenges for skills, competences and learning;
(c) assessing VET’s benefits;
(d) raising the profile of VET.

 8-9 September 2008   4                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                 Cedefop’s activities
                                                       Cedefop web site,
                                                          ETV, virtual
                Study visits
     Publications                                            Conferences-
    European Journal                                           “Agora”,
          of VET                                               Seminars,
     Research and                                            Expert panels,
      policy reports
                                       expertise              Supporting
      Cedefop info
     Sector flashes                                             clusters

          Statistics and                                     Refernet, TTNet ,
           indicators          Evidence based policy            Skillsnet,
                                      making                  CEDRA ,ERO

8-9 September 2008                5                          UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

 E                            Refernet

 D                                             EknowVET

 F               Research

 O                                  Statistics and

                        reporting              Analysis
 T                                                     EQF/ECVET

 I           Guidenance                                                   Familiarization

 T                             TT net                              CQAN

 E                                                                                    Enhanced

            Research and                                                            cooperation in
            Policy Analysis                                                         VET and LLL

8-9 September 2008                       6                        UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

      Some facts and figures, 2008
     Human resources
    128 staff
    6 national experts;
    38% male 62% female.
    around 17.6 m. Euros
                                                Source: WP 2008

    8-9 September 2008   7                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                  Cedefop’s Skillsnet
• International network on early
  identification of skill needs
• Platform for dialogue and information
• On-going projects

 8-9 September 2008     8                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                  Sectoral workshops
• Trends and skill needs in the tourism sector
• Identification of skill needs in nanotechnologies
• Trends and skill needs in innovative agri-food
  and forestry-wood chains 2006
• Future skill needs in the health care sector 2008
• Future skill needs for the green economy 2008

 8-9 September 2008    9                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                     Employer’s surveys
•        explore possibilities of employers surveys as
         an analytical tool which may help to reveal
         qualitative changes in the demand for skills,
         competences and qualifications;
•        identify existing employers surveys in the EU
         Member States and at EU level;
•        look for feasible ways to achieve a
         comprehensive and comparable analysis of
         skill requirements at company level

    8-9 September 2008    10                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

               Skill needs forecasts
Future skill needs in Europe. Focus on 2020
Future skill needs in Europe. Medium-term
 forecast: key findings (2008)
Medium-term forecast of skills supply in
 Europe: (2008)
Towards European skill needs forecasting

8-9 September 2008   11                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                 Policy background
• Council resolution New Skills for New Jobs
  2007/C 290/01
• Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs
  2008-2010 Council resolution COM (2007) 803
• June 2008 The council (EPSCO) invited the
  Commission to report with its first assessment of
  the future skills requirements in Europe up to
• Anticipating and matching labour market needs:
  New Skills for New Jobs
 8-9 September 2008   12                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

What does the term ‘skill’ stand for?
Market failures for skills
Skill shortages      - two dimension
                     - quantitative and qualitative
Skill gap            - qualitative mismatch, transitory nature
Skill shortages (UK NSTF)
    – Hard to Fill Vacancies (HtFVs)
    – Skill Shortage Vacancies (SSVs)
    – Skill Gaps

 8-9 September 2008     13                     UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

         Main challenges of labour

•   Demographic change
•   Technological progress
•   Globalisation
•   Educational upgrading

8-9 September 2008   14                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

What forecasts…
can provide?
   – systematic analysis of the implications of continuation
     of past trends and patterns of behaviour
   – alternative scenarios based on alternative assumptions
   – basis for intelligent and informed debate and further
cannot provide?
   – precise predictions that can be used for detailed
     manpower planning (not a crystal ball)
   – qualitative information on skills and competences

 8-9 September 2008    15                     UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Key forecasting approaches
•    Quantitative, model based projections
•    Ad hoc sectoral or occupational studies
•    Surveys of employers or other groups
•    Focus groups/round tables and other
     Delphi style methods, including setting up

    8-9 September 2008   16                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

European skills forecasting
Cedefop's Skillsnet pro-active approach
    – comparable information Europe-wide
    – feasible & cost-effective
First stage: demand side (skill needs - jobs)
Second stage: supply side (available skills –
  people) and identification of possible imbalances
Next stages: further improvement of methods and
  data bases; additional research; joint European
 8-9 September 2008   17                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Medium-term forecast
of occupational skill needs
• consistent pan-European skills projections
  using comparable data
• new methodological framework
• systematic dialogue and discussion
BUT data issues and concerns
8-9 September 2008   18                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Team effort


8-9 September 2008   19                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Modular approach to skill needs forecasting
                             Overview of the Framework

 Module 1: Macroeconomic and sectoral scenarios
 Module 2: Expansion demand by occupation
 Module 3: Expansion demand by qualification
 Module 4: Replacement demand

  8-9 September 2008   20                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Modular approach  the Framework

                Stock and expansion                  Stock and expansion
                    demand by                             demand by
                    occupation                           qualification

                                 Replacement demand

                  Job openings by                      Job openings by
                    occupation                           qualification

 8-9 September 2008                 21                         UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

  Modelling sectoral employment
• Sectoral employment a function of:
    – gross output; labour costs; average hours worked;
      energy prices and technical progress (mostly defined
      by country and sector)
• Specification:
    – short-term dynamics and move towards long-term
• Modelled independently for each country:
• Key employment elasticities (27 country
 8-9 September 2008    22                     UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

    Projected Sectoral change by country,
     2006-2015: continued transition to a
     knowledge based, service economy
                                         Change in Employment by Country, 2006-2015

                                                                                                             EUR EU
                 BE CZ DK DE EE GR ES FR IE          IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL NO AT PL PT CH SI SK   FI SE GB (27) (25)
Primary &


Distribution &
Business &
other services
                 % increases 2006-2015
                 > 20
                 10 to 20
                 0 to 10
                 -10 to 0
                 < -10

   8-9 September 2008                                23                               UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

             Alternative possible futures:
             exploring different scenarios
Scenario      Economic growth   Social         Technological   Globalization     Demography
              and               welfare and    change          and mobility
              competitiveness   government

A: Baseline   Base              No change      Medium          Base              Base (ageing

B:            Higher            Lower taxes    Higher          Higher            Higher
Optimistic                      and benefits                                     working age

C:            Lower             Higher taxes   Lower           Lower             Higher life
Pessimistic                     and benefits                                     expectancy,
                                                                                 even higher
       8-9 September 2008            24                        UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

    Future trends at a pan-European
              level (EU-25+)
•    by sector (up to 41 industries)
•    by occupation (up to 27 occupations)
•    by qualification (3 broad levels)
•    plus replacement demands

EU-25+ = EU-25 + Norway and Switzerland

    8-9 September 2008   25                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

8-9 September 2008   26                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe


Past              60                                                              Distribution and transport

and               50

                                                                                         Business & other

future            30

by                20

sector            10
                                                                                                               Primary sector & utilities

(EU-25+)          0
                   1996       97   98   99   2000   01   02   03   04   05   06     07     08    09    10      11    12      13   14        15

  8-9 September 2008                           27                                        UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                      100%                            4.2         Primary sector
                              7.8          5.6
Past and                                              22.4
                                                                  and utilities

likely                80%     26.7
                                                                  Manufacturing +
future                                                            Services +
sectoral                                                          distribution and
structure             40%

(EU-25+)                                   70.6       73.4


                              1996         2006       2015
 8-9 September 2008      28                          UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                        All industries

Past and              Primary sector          -3.1

                       and utilities

                                              -2.9                                              1996-2006



change                  Distribution
                       and transport                                      3.5

(EU-25+)              Business and                                                                     11.6

                      other services                                                             8.9

                      Non-marketed                                                  5.1

                        services                                          3.2

                                         -5                   0                 5                10             15          20
                                                                                million jobs
 8-9 September 2008                29                                                     UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Past and               80%
                               34.9     37.8       40.6

likely                                                          High-skilled non-
                                                                manual occupations
future                 60%

occupational                   26.0
                                                   24.1         Low-skilled non-
                                                                manual occupations
structure              40%

(EU-25+)                       29.9     25.6       22.9
                                                                Skilled manual

                               8.6      10.9       11.8         Elementary
                        0%                                      occupations
                              1996      2006       2015
  8-9 September 2008          30                      UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe
                            Legislators, senior                                      3
                           officials and managers                                   2.7


                            Technicians and                                                          6

Past and                 associate professionals


likely                                                      -1.3                                              1996-2006
                       Service workers and shop                                           4

                       and market sales workers                                     2.5

                             Skilled agricultural           -2
                             and fishery workers           -1.7

occupational                   Craft and related
                                trades workers

change                    Plant and machine
                       operators and assemblers

(EU-25+)                 Elementary occupations

                                  All occupations

                                                    -5                0                  5               10          15        20
                                                                                     million jobs
  8-9 September 2008                 31                                                    UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe
                                                                       -2   0   2     4     6     8      10       12

                          Legislators, senior officials and managers


                           Technicians and associate professionals

Replacement                                                  Clerks

                       Service workers, shop/market sales workers

demand                      Skilled agricultural and fishery workers


                                   Craft and related trades workers                                   Replacement

                       Plant and machine operators and assemblers                                     Total

                                           Elementary occupations

  8-9 September 2008                         32                                 UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                        Million jobs

Past and
likely                                                                         High qualification
future       150

trends       100                                                               Medium qualification

(EU-25+)      50

                                                                               Low qualification
   8-9 September 2008                        33                                                            UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

                   High qualification

Past                                                                                                 12.4

and             Medium qualification

likely                                                                                     9.5

future              Low qualification
                                               -8                                                1996-2006
qualification                                       -8.6

change              All qualifications

(EU-25+)                                                                                              13.3

                                         -10               -5          0       5           10             15        20
                                                                million jobs
   8-9 September 2008                          34                                  UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe


                                              25.3        29.3
Past and               80%                                             High qualification

future                 60%
                                              48.6                     Medium qualification

qualification          40%

(EU-25+)               20%
                                                                       Low qualification

                                   1996       2006        2015

  8-9 September 2008          35                          UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

 Qualification requirements increase in
all occupations – also in elementary jobs
                                                                Net change 2006 - 2015

High-skilled non-manual                                                                          3.3
      occupations                                        -0.4

Low-skilled non-manual
     occupations                      -2.3
                                                                                                                 High qualification

                                                                      0.8                                        Medium qualification
         Skilled manual
                               -4.8                                         1.5
          occupations                                                                                            Low qualification

Elementary occupations                                                                             3.6

                          -5                                    0                 million jobs
                                                                                                            5                           10
  8-9 September 2008                         36                                                          UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Key similarities and differences
across countries
• Many common trends:
   – sectors, occupations, replacement needs,
• Some differences:
   – stage of economic development, different
     industrial & occupational structures
   ► process of convergence
8-9 September 2008   37                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Key results: summary
• Further sectoral shifts towards services
• Growing demand for highly and medium
  skilled workers, losses for low skilled
• Losses offset by replacement needs
• Increasing qualification requirements
  across all jobs but at the same time
  growing demand for elementary
 8-9 September 2008   38                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Implications for policies
Adaptation of workforce and their skills to
 new requirements and structural change
   retraining, active LM measures, up-skilling,…
Prevention of skill mismatch  reducing drop-
  outs, guidance and counselling, social policies,
  migration, recognition of non&in-formal learning
                 AND SOCIAL PARTNERS

8-9 September 2008   39                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Achievements to date
• consistent and comprehensive projections
  for EU-25+
• valuable insights for policy makers and
• sound foundation for further development
► ongoing process: need to improve data
 and methods

8-9 September 2008   40                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Future priorities
Continuing dialogue: with country experts
 and stakeholders
Overcome data problems: policy support
 needed to refine data
Further refinement: the models/framework
Complementary research: forecast of skills
 supply and more detailed analysis of skill
 needs at enterprise and sectoral level
 8-9 September 2008   41                   UIMP, Santander
Future skill needs in Europe

Contact details for further

             Manfred Tessaring, Alena Zukersteinova,
                  Dunkel Torsten, Peter Szovics

8-9 September 2008        42                    UIMP, Santander

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Uimp Peter Szovics

  • 1. Future skill needs in Europe Future skill needs in Europe Presented by Peter Szovics Cedefop 8-9 September 2008 1 UIMP, Santander
  • 2. Future skill needs in Europe Overview • Introduction: – Cedefop and Skillsnet – Policy background – Skill needs – Rationale and objectives of forecasts • Methodology: the framework and modules • Results: Europe’s changing skill needs – Sectoral prospects – Occupations – Replacement needs – Implications for qualifications • Summary and conclusions 8-9 September 2008 2 UIMP, Santander
  • 3. Future skill needs in Europe Cedefop’s role and objective (a) carrying out thorough applied research and comparative analyses of VET issues, trends and challenges; (b) providing an expert and independent European perspective, developing and encouraging European approaches, principles and tools to improve VET and achieve common aims; (c) being a unique forum bringing together diverse VET interests of policy-makers, social partners, researchers and practitioners to encourage mutual learning and debate proposals for policy and research; (d) raising awareness and understanding of how VET is evolving, its role in lifelong learning and its contribution to other policies. 8-9 September 2008 3 UIMP, Santander
  • 4. Future skill needs in Europe Cedefop’s medium term priorities 2009-2011 ‘European VET policies, trends in skills and learning, VET’s impact and visibility’ (a) informing European VET policies; (b) interpreting European trends in and challenges for skills, competences and learning; (c) assessing VET’s benefits; (d) raising the profile of VET. 8-9 September 2008 4 UIMP, Santander
  • 5. Future skill needs in Europe Cedefop’s activities Observation WWW Cedefop web site, ETV, virtual Study visits communities, Infodoc Analysis Publications Conferences- European Journal “Agora”, of VET Seminars, Research and Expert panels, policy reports Sharing expertise Supporting Cedefop info Sector flashes clusters Networks Statistics and Refernet, TTNet , indicators Evidence based policy Skillsnet, making CEDRA ,ERO 8-9 September 2008 5 UIMP, Santander
  • 6. Future skill needs in Europe C VET E Refernet Financing D EknowVET E F Research reporting Social partners O Statistics and Indicators CEDRA ERO P’s Policy Skillsnet reporting Analysis A C T EQF/ECVET I Guidenance Familiarization V I T TT net CQAN I E Enhanced S Research and cooperation in Policy Analysis VET and LLL 8-9 September 2008 6 UIMP, Santander
  • 7. Future skill needs in Europe Some facts and figures, 2008 Human resources  128 staff  6 national experts;  38% male 62% female. Budget  around 17.6 m. Euros Source: WP 2008 8-9 September 2008 7 UIMP, Santander
  • 8. Future skill needs in Europe Cedefop’s Skillsnet • International network on early identification of skill needs • Platform for dialogue and information exchange • On-going projects Skillsnet: 8-9 September 2008 8 UIMP, Santander
  • 9. Future skill needs in Europe Sectoral workshops • Trends and skill needs in the tourism sector 2004 • Identification of skill needs in nanotechnologies 2005 • Trends and skill needs in innovative agri-food and forestry-wood chains 2006 • Future skill needs in the health care sector 2008 • Future skill needs for the green economy 2008 8-9 September 2008 9 UIMP, Santander
  • 10. Future skill needs in Europe Employer’s surveys • explore possibilities of employers surveys as an analytical tool which may help to reveal qualitative changes in the demand for skills, competences and qualifications; • identify existing employers surveys in the EU Member States and at EU level; • look for feasible ways to achieve a comprehensive and comparable analysis of skill requirements at company level 8-9 September 2008 10 UIMP, Santander
  • 11. Future skill needs in Europe Skill needs forecasts Future skill needs in Europe. Focus on 2020 (2008) Future skill needs in Europe. Medium-term forecast: key findings (2008) Medium-term forecast of skills supply in Europe: (2008) Towards European skill needs forecasting (2007) 8-9 September 2008 11 UIMP, Santander
  • 12. Future skill needs in Europe Policy background • Council resolution New Skills for New Jobs 2007/C 290/01 • Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs 2008-2010 Council resolution COM (2007) 803 • June 2008 The council (EPSCO) invited the Commission to report with its first assessment of the future skills requirements in Europe up to 2020 • Anticipating and matching labour market needs: New Skills for New Jobs 8-9 September 2008 12 UIMP, Santander
  • 13. Future skill needs in Europe Terminology What does the term ‘skill’ stand for? Market failures for skills Skill shortages - two dimension - quantitative and qualitative Skill gap - qualitative mismatch, transitory nature Skill shortages (UK NSTF) EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT PROBLEMS – Hard to Fill Vacancies (HtFVs) – Skill Shortage Vacancies (SSVs) INTERNAL PROBLEMS – Skill Gaps 8-9 September 2008 13 UIMP, Santander
  • 14. Future skill needs in Europe Main challenges of labour markets • Demographic change • Technological progress • Globalisation • Educational upgrading 8-9 September 2008 14 UIMP, Santander
  • 15. Future skill needs in Europe What forecasts… can provide? – systematic analysis of the implications of continuation of past trends and patterns of behaviour – alternative scenarios based on alternative assumptions – basis for intelligent and informed debate and further research cannot provide? – precise predictions that can be used for detailed manpower planning (not a crystal ball) – qualitative information on skills and competences 8-9 September 2008 15 UIMP, Santander
  • 16. Future skill needs in Europe Key forecasting approaches • Quantitative, model based projections • Ad hoc sectoral or occupational studies • Surveys of employers or other groups • Focus groups/round tables and other Delphi style methods, including setting up observatories 8-9 September 2008 16 UIMP, Santander
  • 17. Future skill needs in Europe European skills forecasting Cedefop's Skillsnet pro-active approach – comparable information Europe-wide – feasible & cost-effective First stage: demand side (skill needs - jobs) Second stage: supply side (available skills – people) and identification of possible imbalances Next stages: further improvement of methods and data bases; additional research; joint European approach 8-9 September 2008 17 UIMP, Santander
  • 18. Future skill needs in Europe Medium-term forecast of occupational skill needs Objectives: • consistent pan-European skills projections using comparable data • new methodological framework • systematic dialogue and discussion BUT data issues and concerns 8-9 September 2008 18 UIMP, Santander
  • 19. Future skill needs in Europe Team effort + INDIVIDUAL COUNTRY EXPERTS (Skillsnet) 8-9 September 2008 19 UIMP, Santander
  • 20. Future skill needs in Europe Modular approach to skill needs forecasting Overview of the Framework Module 1: Macroeconomic and sectoral scenarios Module 2: Expansion demand by occupation Module 3: Expansion demand by qualification Module 4: Replacement demand 8-9 September 2008 20 UIMP, Santander
  • 21. Future skill needs in Europe Modular approach  the Framework Multi-sectoral macroeconomic model Stock and expansion Stock and expansion demand by demand by occupation qualification Replacement demand by occupation/qualification Job openings by Job openings by occupation qualification 8-9 September 2008 21 UIMP, Santander
  • 22. Future skill needs in Europe Modelling sectoral employment • Sectoral employment a function of: – gross output; labour costs; average hours worked; energy prices and technical progress (mostly defined by country and sector) • Specification: – short-term dynamics and move towards long-term equilibrium • Modelled independently for each country: • Key employment elasticities (27 country average) 8-9 September 2008 22 UIMP, Santander
  • 23. Future skill needs in Europe Projected Sectoral change by country, 2006-2015: continued transition to a knowledge based, service economy Change in Employment by Country, 2006-2015 EUR EU BE CZ DK DE EE GR ES FR IE IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL NO AT PL PT CH SI SK FI SE GB (27) (25) Primary & utilities Manufacturing Construction Distribution & transport Business & other services Non-marketed services % increases 2006-2015 > 20 10 to 20 0 to 10 -10 to 0 < -10 8-9 September 2008 23 UIMP, Santander
  • 24. Future skill needs in Europe Alternative possible futures: exploring different scenarios Scenario Economic growth Social Technological Globalization Demography and welfare and change and mobility competitiveness government A: Baseline Base No change Medium Base Base (ageing population) B: Higher Lower taxes Higher Higher Higher Optimistic and benefits working age population C: Lower Higher taxes Lower Lower Higher life Pessimistic and benefits expectancy, even higher 8-9 September 2008 24 UIMP, Santander dependency
  • 25. Future skill needs in Europe Future trends at a pan-European level (EU-25+) • by sector (up to 41 industries) • by occupation (up to 27 occupations) • by qualification (3 broad levels) • plus replacement demands EU-25+ = EU-25 + Norway and Switzerland 8-9 September 2008 25 UIMP, Santander
  • 26. Future skill needs in Europe 8-9 September 2008 26 UIMP, Santander
  • 27. Future skill needs in Europe Millions Past 60 Distribution and transport and 50 Non-marketed likely services Business & other services 40 future 30 Manufacturing trends by 20 Construction sector 10 Primary sector & utilities (EU-25+) 0 1996 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Forecast 8-9 September 2008 27 UIMP, Santander
  • 28. Future skill needs in Europe 100% 4.2 Primary sector 7.8 5.6 Past and 22.4 and utilities likely 80% 26.7 23.8 Manufacturing + construction future Services + 60% sectoral distribution and transport structure 40% (EU-25+) 70.6 73.4 65.5 20% 0% 1996 2006 2015 8-9 September 2008 28 UIMP, Santander
  • 29. Future skill needs in Europe 17.9 All industries 13.3 Past and Primary sector -3.1 and utilities likely -2.3 -2.9 1996-2006 future Manufacturing -0.5 2006-2015 sectoral 1.4 Construction 0.4 change Distribution and transport 3.5 5.9 (EU-25+) Business and 11.6 other services 8.9 Non-marketed 5.1 services 3.2 -5 0 5 10 15 20 million jobs 8-9 September 2008 29 UIMP, Santander
  • 30. Future skill needs in Europe 100% Past and 80% 34.9 37.8 40.6 likely High-skilled non- manual occupations future 60% occupational 26.0 25.1 24.1 Low-skilled non- manual occupations structure 40% (EU-25+) 29.9 25.6 22.9 Skilled manual occupations 20% 8.6 10.9 11.8 Elementary 0% occupations 1996 2006 2015 8-9 September 2008 30 UIMP, Santander
  • 31. Future skill needs in Europe Legislators, senior 3 officials and managers 2.7 3 Professionals 3.8 Technicians and 6 Past and associate professionals Clerks -1 4.7 likely -1.3 1996-2006 2006-2015 Service workers and shop 4 future and market sales workers 2.5 Skilled agricultural -2 and fishery workers -1.7 occupational Craft and related trades workers -2 -1.4 change Plant and machine operators and assemblers 0 0.5 (EU-25+) Elementary occupations 3.5 6 18 All occupations 13.3 -5 0 5 10 15 20 million jobs 8-9 September 2008 31 UIMP, Santander
  • 32. Future skill needs in Europe -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Replacement Clerks Service workers, shop/market sales workers demand Skilled agricultural and fishery workers (EU-25+) Expansion demand Craft and related trades workers Replacement demand Plant and machine operators and assemblers Total requirements Elementary occupations 8-9 September 2008 32 UIMP, Santander
  • 33. Future skill needs in Europe Million jobs 250 Past and 200 likely High qualification future 150 qualification trends 100 Medium qualification (EU-25+) 50 Low qualification 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 8-9 September 2008 33 UIMP, Santander
  • 34. Future skill needs in Europe 13 High qualification Past 12.4 and Medium qualification 13 likely 9.5 future Low qualification -8 1996-2006 2006-2015 qualification -8.6 change All qualifications 18 (EU-25+) 13.3 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 million jobs 8-9 September 2008 34 UIMP, Santander
  • 35. Future skill needs in Europe 100% 20.9 25.3 29.3 Past and 80% High qualification likely future 60% 46.2 48.6 Medium qualification qualification 40% 49.9 structure (EU-25+) 20% 32.9 Low qualification 26.2 20.8 0% 1996 2006 2015 8-9 September 2008 35 UIMP, Santander
  • 36. Future skill needs in Europe Qualification requirements increase in all occupations – also in elementary jobs Net change 2006 - 2015 8.3 High-skilled non-manual 3.3 occupations -0.4 2.4 Low-skilled non-manual 1.1 occupations -2.3 High qualification 0.8 Medium qualification Skilled manual -4.8 1.5 occupations Low qualification 0.9 Elementary occupations 3.6 -1.0 -5 0 million jobs 5 10 8-9 September 2008 36 UIMP, Santander
  • 37. Future skill needs in Europe Key similarities and differences across countries • Many common trends: – sectors, occupations, replacement needs, qualifications • Some differences: – stage of economic development, different industrial & occupational structures ► process of convergence 8-9 September 2008 37 UIMP, Santander
  • 38. Future skill needs in Europe Key results: summary • Further sectoral shifts towards services • Growing demand for highly and medium skilled workers, losses for low skilled • Losses offset by replacement needs • Increasing qualification requirements across all jobs but at the same time growing demand for elementary occupations 8-9 September 2008 38 UIMP, Santander
  • 39. Future skill needs in Europe Implications for policies Adaptation of workforce and their skills to new requirements and structural change  retraining, active LM measures, up-skilling,… Prevention of skill mismatch  reducing drop- outs, guidance and counselling, social policies, migration, recognition of non&in-formal learning ►INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS AND SOCIAL PARTNERS 8-9 September 2008 39 UIMP, Santander
  • 40. Future skill needs in Europe Achievements to date • consistent and comprehensive projections for EU-25+ • valuable insights for policy makers and others • sound foundation for further development ► ongoing process: need to improve data and methods 8-9 September 2008 40 UIMP, Santander
  • 41. Future skill needs in Europe Future priorities Continuing dialogue: with country experts and stakeholders Overcome data problems: policy support needed to refine data Further refinement: the models/framework Complementary research: forecast of skills supply and more detailed analysis of skill needs at enterprise and sectoral level 8-9 September 2008 41 UIMP, Santander
  • 42. Future skill needs in Europe Contact details for further information: Skillsnet: Manfred Tessaring, Alena Zukersteinova, Dunkel Torsten, Peter Szovics 8-9 September 2008 42 UIMP, Santander