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Resumen .....................................................................................................................................2
Obra de Arte ...............................................................................................................................2
Proyectos de ley/resoluciones.....................................................................................................2
Libro, Revisado ..........................................................................................................................3
Capítulo de Libro........................................................................................................................3
Libro, Entero...............................................................................................................................3
Decisiones de casos/judiciales....................................................................................................4
Programa de computadora ..........................................................................................................4
Acta de Conferencia ...................................................................................................................4
Tesis, no publicada .....................................................................................................................5
Subsidio ......................................................................................................................................6
Artículo de Revista Académica (Journal)...................................................................................6
Revista Electrónica .....................................................................................................................7
Leyes/estatutos ...........................................................................................................................7
Artículo de Revista (Magacín) ...................................................................................................7
Mapa ...........................................................................................................................................8
Monografía .................................................................................................................................8
Película .......................................................................................................................................8
Partitura Musical.........................................................................................................................9
Artículo de Periódico..................................................................................................................9
Foro de discusión en línea ..........................................................................................................9
Patente ......................................................................................................................................10
Comunicación Personal ............................................................................................................10
Reporte .....................................................................................................................................10
Grabación de Sonido ................................................................................................................11
Material no publicado...............................................................................................................11
Página Web...............................................................................................................................12

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm
[viewedRetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Obra de Arte

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Proyectos de ley/resoluciones

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Libro, Revisado

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON,
W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm,
[viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Capítulo de Libro

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. In: R.W. EMERSON,
W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., SecondaryTitleEdition ed. PlaceofPub:
Publisher,PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. PrimaryTitle, pp. StartPg-OtherPg.
Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Libro, Entero

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Decisiones de casos/judiciales

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Programa de computadora

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Acta de Conferencia

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Tesis, no publicada

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg

Artículo de Revista Académica (Journal)

CLEMENS, S.L., et al, PubYear. PrimaryTitle. Journal of Applied Theory
[IdentifyingPhrase]. Edition ed., DateofElectronicPub, PubDateFreeForm, vol. Volume, no.
Issue [viewed RetrievedDate], pp. StartPg-OtherPg. Available from: URL Database. ISSN

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Revista Electrónica

CLEMENS, S.L., et al, PubYear. PrimaryTitle. Journal of Applied Theory
[IdentifyingPhrase]. DateofElectronicPub, PubDateFreeForm, vol. Volume, no. Issue [viewed
RetrievedDate], pp. StartPg-OtherPg. Available from: Edition Database. ISSN ISSN/ISBN.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg

Artículo de Revista (Magacín)

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Partitura Musical

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Notes. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg

Artículo de Periódico

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Foro de discusión en línea

PrimaryTitle, PubYear. [IdentifyingPhrase]. PlaceofPub: Publisher. PubDateFreeForm
[viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher. PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Comunicación Personal

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Grabación de Sonido

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg

Material no publicado

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg


CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg

Página Web

CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B.
YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., PlaceofPub: Publisher. PubDateFreeForm, [viewed
RetrievedDate]. Available from: Edition Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI.

Cita dentro del texto

(Clemens et al. PubYear)

Nota al pie

CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg


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Bibliographic Format Guide

  • 2. INDICE Resumen .....................................................................................................................................2 Obra de Arte ...............................................................................................................................2 Proyectos de ley/resoluciones.....................................................................................................2 Libro, Revisado ..........................................................................................................................3 Capítulo de Libro........................................................................................................................3 Libro, Entero...............................................................................................................................3 Decisiones de casos/judiciales....................................................................................................4 Programa de computadora ..........................................................................................................4 Acta de Conferencia ...................................................................................................................4 Tesis............................................................................................................................................5 Tesis, no publicada .....................................................................................................................5 Genérica......................................................................................................................................5 Subsidio ......................................................................................................................................6 Audiencia....................................................................................................................................6 Artículo de Revista Académica (Journal)...................................................................................6 Revista Electrónica .....................................................................................................................7 Leyes/estatutos ...........................................................................................................................7 Artículo de Revista (Magacín) ...................................................................................................7 Mapa ...........................................................................................................................................8 Monografía .................................................................................................................................8 Película .......................................................................................................................................8 Partitura Musical.........................................................................................................................9 Artículo de Periódico..................................................................................................................9 Foro de discusión en línea ..........................................................................................................9 Patente ......................................................................................................................................10 Comunicación Personal ............................................................................................................10 Reporte .....................................................................................................................................10 Grabación de Sonido ................................................................................................................11 Material no publicado...............................................................................................................11 Video/DVD...............................................................................................................................11 Página Web...............................................................................................................................12
  • 3. Resumen Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewedRetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Obra de Arte Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Proyectos de ley/resoluciones Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 2
  • 4. Libro, Revisado Bibliografía CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Capítulo de Libro Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. In: R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., SecondaryTitleEdition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher,PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. PrimaryTitle, pp. StartPg-OtherPg. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Libro, Entero Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 3
  • 5. Decisiones de casos/judiciales Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Programa de computadora Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Acta de Conferencia Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg 4
  • 6. Tesis Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Tesis, no publicada Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Genérica Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg 5
  • 7. Subsidio Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Audiencia Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Artículo de Revista Académica (Journal) Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al, PubYear. PrimaryTitle. Journal of Applied Theory [IdentifyingPhrase]. Edition ed., DateofElectronicPub, PubDateFreeForm, vol. Volume, no. Issue [viewed RetrievedDate], pp. StartPg-OtherPg. Available from: URL Database. ISSN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 6
  • 8. Revista Electrónica Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al, PubYear. PrimaryTitle. Journal of Applied Theory [IdentifyingPhrase]. DateofElectronicPub, PubDateFreeForm, vol. Volume, no. Issue [viewed RetrievedDate], pp. StartPg-OtherPg. Available from: Edition Database. ISSN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Leyes/estatutos Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Artículo de Revista (Magacín) Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg 7
  • 9. Mapa Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Monografía Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Película Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 8
  • 10. Partitura Musical Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Notes. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Artículo de Periódico Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Foro de discusión en línea Bibliografía PrimaryTitle, PubYear. [IdentifyingPhrase]. PlaceofPub: Publisher. PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 9
  • 11. Patente Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher. PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Comunicación Personal Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Reporte Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 10
  • 12. Grabación de Sonido Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg Material no publicado Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg Video/DVD Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., Edition ed. PlaceofPub: Publisher, PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: URL Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle, p. StartPg-OtherPg 11
  • 13. Página Web Bibliografía CLEMENS, S.L., et al., PubYear. PrimaryTitle. [IdentifyingPhrase]. R.W. EMERSON, W.B. YEATS and R.L. FROST eds., PlaceofPub: Publisher. PubDateFreeForm, [viewed RetrievedDate]. Available from: Edition Database. ISBN ISSN/ISBN. DOI DOI. Cita dentro del texto (Clemens et al. PubYear) Nota al pie CLEMENS, Samuel L., et al. PrimaryTitle. p. StartPg-OtherPg 12