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1. Title Page
2. Table de Contenidos
3. El Presente
4. Stem Changers
5. Irregular “yo”
6. Saber vs. Conocer
7. Reflexives
8. “Se” Impersonal
9. Verbs like “Gustar”
10. Diphthongs
11. Verbos con Ger/Gir, Uir/Guir, Cer/Cir
12. Hace + ___ + Que + ___
13. El Imperfecto
14. Preterite
15.Irregulars- Car/Gar/Zar
16.Irregulars- Cucaracha Verbs
17.Irregulars- Spock/Snake/Snakey
18.Comparatives/ Superlatives
19.Future Tense                             2
-AR                                 -ER/IR
      -o             -amos                 -o                -emos/
     -as                                   -es

      -a               -an                 -e                  -en

SUBJECT PRONOUNS                    Examples:
    Yo (I)         Nosotros/as      Bailar
                      (We)          Tú bailes bien.
      Tú                            (You dance well.)
(You- informal)                     Comer
                                    Yo como muchos tacos.
 El/Ella/Usted    Ellos/Ellas/
                                    (I eat many tacos.)
 (He/She/You-     Ustedes
    formal)       (They, You all)
                                    Nosotros salimos de la escuela.
                                    (We leave the school.)

(o-ue)                              (e-i)
         Puedo              Podemos             Pido           Pedimos

         Puedes                                Pides

         Puede              Pueden              Pide            Piden

                   (e-ie)                Jugar has a u-ue stem
         Pienso             Pensamos     change in all but the
                                         nosotros form; incluir and

                                         destruir have an i-y stem
         Piensa             Piensan      change in all but the
                                         nosotros form.                  4
Verbs with –go in the yo form
            Tener                                         Oir                                Hacer
     Tengo                  Tenemos               Oigo             Oimos             Hago              Hacemos
     Tienes                                       Oyes                               Haces
      Tiene                 Tienen                Oye              Oyen              Hace               Hacen

Other verbs with an irregular yo form
      Proteger (e-ie)                                             Conocer (c-zc)
           Protejo                   Protegemos                  Conozco             Conocemos
        Proteges                                                 Conoces
           Proteje                    Protegen                    Conoce              Conocen

              Ir                       Ser                      Estar                            Dar
     Voy             Vamos            Soy         Somos         Estoy      Estamos       Doy           Damos
      Vas                             Eres                      Estas                    Das
      Va              Van              Es          Son          Está        Están           Da         Dan

Saber                                   Conocer
          (To know a fact,                              (To know/ be
   to know how to do something.)                   familiar with someone.)
Saber is usually followed by an infinitive   Conocer can only be followed by a direct
        or a subordinate clause.                            object..
         Sé                Sabemos                Conozco            Conocemos

        Sabes                                     Conoces

        Sabe                Saben                  Conoce             Conocen

In the preterite, saber means to learn or     In the preterite, conocer means to meet
                  find out.                          someone for the first time.

       Ex. Supiste tu lección ayer.              Ex. Conocí mi novio en escuela.
                                                 (I met my boyfriend in school.)

In Spanish, reflexive pronouns are placed in
front of the conjugated verb.

                                Me              Nos


                                Se              Se

Lavar (to wash) --> Lavarse (to wash oneself)
Me lavo. (I wash myself.)
Te lavas. (You wash yourself.)
Se lava. (He/she washes him/herself.)
Nos lavamos. (We wash ourselves.)
Se lavan. (You all wash yourselves.)
Impersonal does not address anyone specific. In Spanish, the pronoun
 “se” is added in front of verbs to make general statements. A singular
   verb will typically be used because “se” can be replaced by “uno”.

¿Cómo se dice “dog” en español?
(How does one say “dog” in spanish?)
Se dice “perro”.
(One says “perro”.)

“Gustar” is unique because it’s only conjugated two ways: “Gusta”
 and “Gustan”. Which form of gustar used depends on whether the
                direct object is singular or plural.

         Gustar                    To like
       Molestar                To be a bother           Examples:
        Fascinar             To be fascinating to       Me gustan los flores.
        Aburrir                    To bore              (I like the flowers.)
       Importar              To be important to         Encantar
                                                        Te encanta comprar.
       Interesar             To be interesting to       (You love to shop.)
       Disgustar             To hate something          Doler
                                                        Nos duelen los pies.
      Doler (e-ue)              To be painful
                                                        (We hurt our feet.)
       Encantar             To “love” something         Me duele la mano.
        Quedar                    To remain             (I hurt my hand.)

       Verbs similar to gustar are conjugated the same way.
Diphthongs are when a strong vowel (a,e,o)
and a weak vowel (i/y, u) or two weak vowels
  come together to form a strong syllable.

               Esquiar                          Enviar
               (To ski)                        (To send)
     Esquio               Esquiamos   Envio            Enviamos

     Esquias                          Envias

     Esquia                Esquian    Envia                Envian

Verbs like Ger/Gir, Uir/Guir, and Cer/Cir are changed in the “yo”
                    form to keep the diphthong.

             Exigir                    (To catch) (In Mexico, also slang. Don’t use
          (To demand)                                      it.)
  Exijo              Exigimos                   Cojo              Cogemos
  Exiges                                       Coges
  Exige                 Exigen                 Coge                Cogen
             Distinguir                                   Convencer
           (To distinguish)                              (To convince)
 Distingo               Distinguimos           Convenzo            Convencemos
Distingues                                    Convences
 Distingue               Distinguen            Convence              Convencen

Indicates the length of time an action has been taking place.
     Hace + (time) + Que + (present tense form of verb)

              Hace un año que juego lacrosse.
        (I have been playing lacrosse for one year.)
                    In the preterite tense:
    Hace + (time) + Que + (preterite tense form of verb)
              Hace un año que jugué lacrosse.
              (I played lacrosse one year ago.)
-ar                                        -er/ir
         -aba              -abamos                     -ía                 -íamos

         -abas                                        -ías

         -aba                   -aban                  -ía                  -ían

    Imperfect is used for actions that were repeated         Trigger Words:
habitually or to “set the stage” for another action. Also,
                                                             A Veces
     it is used for telling time and stating one’s age.      A Menudo
                 Ir                            Ser           Todos los dias Ver
          Iba         Ibamos            Era       Eramos           Veía            Veíamos
          Ibas                          Eras                       Veías
          Iba            iban           Era          Eran          Veía             Veían

       -é              -amos

                                    Preterite is used for actions that were
       -ó              -aron    completed in the past. The endings for preterite
                                 are conjugated by being affixed to the end of
              -er/ir                             the infinitives.
       -í              -imos
                                   Tú bailaste bien.
                                   (You danced well.)
      -ío              -ieron      Comer
                                   Yo comé muchos tacos.
                                   (I ate many tacos.)
Trigger Words:                     Salir
Ayer                               Nosotros salimos de la escuela.
Anoche                             (We left the school.)
La semana pasado
Cucaracha verbs are irregular preterite verbs
     that have the infinitive changed.
                                            The infinitive is then
   Verb            Infinitive                 affixed with the
   Andar           Anduv-                  corresponding ending.
    Estar          Estuv-
    Poder          Pud-                         -é          -imos
    Poner          Pus-                        -iste
    Querrer        Quis-                       -ío          -ieron
    Saber          Sup-
    Tener          Tuv-                    Examples:
    Venir          Vin-                    Estar
                                           Estuvé muy triste.
    Conducir       Conduj-                 (I was very sad.)
    Producir       Produj-                 Estuviste muy triste.
    Traducir       Traduj-                 (You were very sad.)

    Traer          Traj-
    Decir          Dij-
Verbs ending in -Car, -Gar, and -Zar have their
endings replaced in the yo form in order to keep the
          Sacar                Pagar                Cruzar
         (To get)             (To pay)             (To cross)
 Saqué         Sacamos   pagué      Pagamos    crucé     Cruzamos
 Sacaste                 Pagaste              Cruzaste
  Sacó         Sacaron    Pagó      Pagaron    Cruzó      Cruzaron

 -car becomes -qué       -gar becomes -gué    -zar becomes -cé
Irregular Preterites        (To sleep)              Y Changers
                         Dormí       Dormimos
                        Dormiste                          Leer
 Hice        Hicimos
                        Durmío       Durmieron
                                                    (To read)
                                                  Leí            Leímos
 Hizo       Hicieron
                                 Pedir           Leiste
        Ir/Ser                  (To ask)         Leyó        Leyeron
  Fuí        Fuimos      Pedí        Pedimos
Fuiste                  Pediste
  Fue        Fueron      Pidío       Pidieron

 Di/Vi      Di/Vimos
Dio/Vio     Di/Vieron                                                17
                          Stem Changers
Comparatives compare two nouns to                 Superlatives show how one noun is the
             each other.                                     most ____ out of all.
  They are often represented with the formula:
 (noun)+es+(comparative)+(adjective)+que+(       Examples:
                     noun)                       Ellá es la estudiante más rica de toda la
                                                 (She is the most rich student in the school.)
Mejor… Que                Better… Than           Mateo es el jugador mejor de todo el equipo.
Peor… Que                 Worse… Than            (Matt is the best player on the team.)
Más… Que                  More… Than
Menos… Que                Less… Than             Tan… Como                As… As
Mayor… Que                Older… Than            Tanto… Como              As… As
Menor… Que                Younger… Than          Tantas… Como             As… As

Examples:                                        Examples:
Julia es más inteligiente que Bonita.            Julia es tan alta que Bonita.
(Julie is more intelligent than Brittany.)       (Julie is as tall as Brittany.)
 Future tense verbs are used to tell what the            Immediate future
subject is going to do. They are conjugated by         verbs are conjugated
  affixing the appropriate ending to the verb          by using the formula Trigger Words:
   WITHOUT dropping the –er, – ar, or –ir.                                  La semana
                                                          Ir + a + (verb)
      Endings                 Examples:                    Examples:              Año
                              Estar                        Volver                 Pasado Año
     -é          -emos        Estarás en el parque.        Yo voy a volver.
    -ás                       (You will be in the park.)   (I will return. (soon).)
                              Comer                        Comer
     -á           -án         Comeré una manzana.          Vamos a comer la manzana.
                              (I will eat an apple.)       (We will eat the apple. (soon).)

 Future Tense Irregulars:   Saber- Sabr-               Poner- Pondr-
 Tener- Tendr-              Poder- Podr                Venir- Vendr-
 Decir- Dir-                Querer- Querr-
 Hacer- Har-                Salir- Saldr-                                                     19

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Spanish Verb Conjugation Cheat Sheet

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 1. Title Page 2. Table de Contenidos 3. El Presente 4. Stem Changers 5. Irregular “yo” 6. Saber vs. Conocer 7. Reflexives 8. “Se” Impersonal 9. Verbs like “Gustar” 10. Diphthongs 11. Verbos con Ger/Gir, Uir/Guir, Cer/Cir 12. Hace + ___ + Que + ___ 13. El Imperfecto 14. Preterite 15.Irregulars- Car/Gar/Zar 16.Irregulars- Cucaracha Verbs 17.Irregulars- Spock/Snake/Snakey 18.Comparatives/ Superlatives 19.Future Tense 2
  • 3. -AR -ER/IR -o -amos -o -emos/ imos -as -es -a -an -e -en SUBJECT PRONOUNS Examples: Yo (I) Nosotros/as Bailar (We) Tú bailes bien. Tú (You dance well.) (You- informal) Comer Yo como muchos tacos. El/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/ (I eat many tacos.) (He/She/You- Ustedes Salir formal) (They, You all) Nosotros salimos de la escuela. (We leave the school.) 3
  • 4. (o-ue) (e-i) Puedo Podemos Pido Pedimos Puedes Pides Poder Pedir Puede Pueden Pide Piden (e-ie) Jugar has a u-ue stem Pienso Pensamos change in all but the nosotros form; incluir and Piensas Pensar destruir have an i-y stem Piensa Piensan change in all but the nosotros form. 4
  • 5. Verbs with –go in the yo form Tener Oir Hacer Tengo Tenemos Oigo Oimos Hago Hacemos Tienes Oyes Haces Tiene Tienen Oye Oyen Hace Hacen Other verbs with an irregular yo form Proteger (e-ie) Conocer (c-zc) Protejo Protegemos Conozco Conocemos Proteges Conoces Proteje Protegen Conoce Conocen Ir Ser Estar Dar Voy Vamos Soy Somos Estoy Estamos Doy Damos Vas Eres Estas Das Va Van Es Son Está Están Da Dan 5
  • 6. Saber Conocer (To know a fact, (To know/ be to know how to do something.) familiar with someone.) Saber is usually followed by an infinitive Conocer can only be followed by a direct or a subordinate clause. object.. Sé Sabemos Conozco Conocemos Sabes Conoces Sabe Saben Conoce Conocen In the preterite, saber means to learn or In the preterite, conocer means to meet find out. someone for the first time. Ex. Supiste tu lección ayer. Ex. Conocí mi novio en escuela. (I met my boyfriend in school.) 6
  • 7. In Spanish, reflexive pronouns are placed in front of the conjugated verb. Me Nos Te Se Se Examples Lavar (to wash) --> Lavarse (to wash oneself) Me lavo. (I wash myself.) Te lavas. (You wash yourself.) Se lava. (He/she washes him/herself.) Nos lavamos. (We wash ourselves.) 7 Se lavan. (You all wash yourselves.)
  • 8. Impersonal does not address anyone specific. In Spanish, the pronoun “se” is added in front of verbs to make general statements. A singular verb will typically be used because “se” can be replaced by “uno”. Examples: ¿Cómo se dice “dog” en español? (How does one say “dog” in spanish?) Se dice “perro”. (One says “perro”.) 8
  • 9. “Gustar” is unique because it’s only conjugated two ways: “Gusta” and “Gustan”. Which form of gustar used depends on whether the direct object is singular or plural. Gustar To like Molestar To be a bother Examples: Gustar Fascinar To be fascinating to Me gustan los flores. Aburrir To bore (I like the flowers.) Importar To be important to Encantar Te encanta comprar. Interesar To be interesting to (You love to shop.) Disgustar To hate something Doler Nos duelen los pies. Doler (e-ue) To be painful (We hurt our feet.) Encantar To “love” something Me duele la mano. Quedar To remain (I hurt my hand.) Verbs similar to gustar are conjugated the same way. 9
  • 10. Diphthongs are when a strong vowel (a,e,o) and a weak vowel (i/y, u) or two weak vowels come together to form a strong syllable. Esquiar Enviar (To ski) (To send) Esquio Esquiamos Envio Enviamos Esquias Envias Esquia Esquian Envia Envian 10
  • 11. Verbs like Ger/Gir, Uir/Guir, and Cer/Cir are changed in the “yo” form to keep the diphthong. Coger Exigir (To catch) (In Mexico, also slang. Don’t use (To demand) it.) Exijo Exigimos Cojo Cogemos Exiges Coges Exige Exigen Coge Cogen Distinguir Convencer (To distinguish) (To convince) Distingo Distinguimos Convenzo Convencemos Distingues Convences Distingue Distinguen Convence Convencen 11
  • 12. Indicates the length of time an action has been taking place. Hace + (time) + Que + (present tense form of verb) Example Hace un año que juego lacrosse. (I have been playing lacrosse for one year.) In the preterite tense: Hace + (time) + Que + (preterite tense form of verb) Example Hace un año que jugué lacrosse. (I played lacrosse one year ago.) 12
  • 13. -ar -er/ir -aba -abamos -ía -íamos -abas -ías -aba -aban -ía -ían Imperfect is used for actions that were repeated Trigger Words: Siempre habitually or to “set the stage” for another action. Also, A Veces it is used for telling time and stating one’s age. A Menudo Cadadia Ir Ser Todos los dias Ver Iba Ibamos Era Eramos Veía Veíamos Ibas Eras Veías Iba iban Era Eran Veía Veían 13
  • 14. -ar -é -amos -aste Preterite is used for actions that were -ó -aron completed in the past. The endings for preterite are conjugated by being affixed to the end of -er/ir the infinitives. -í -imos Examples: Bailar -iste Tú bailaste bien. (You danced well.) -ío -ieron Comer Yo comé muchos tacos. (I ate many tacos.) Trigger Words: Salir Ayer Nosotros salimos de la escuela. Anoche (We left the school.) Anteayer La semana pasado 14
  • 15. Cucaracha verbs are irregular preterite verbs that have the infinitive changed. The infinitive is then Verb Infinitive affixed with the Andar Anduv- corresponding ending. Estar Estuv- Poder Pud- -é -imos Poner Pus- -iste Querrer Quis- -ío -ieron Saber Sup- Tener Tuv- Examples: Venir Vin- Estar Estuvé muy triste. Conducir Conduj- (I was very sad.) Producir Produj- Estuviste muy triste. Traducir Traduj- (You were very sad.) Traer Traj- Decir Dij- 15
  • 16. Verbs ending in -Car, -Gar, and -Zar have their endings replaced in the yo form in order to keep the diphthong. Sacar Pagar Cruzar (To get) (To pay) (To cross) Saqué Sacamos pagué Pagamos crucé Cruzamos Sacaste Pagaste Cruzaste Sacó Sacaron Pagó Pagaron Cruzó Cruzaron -car becomes -qué -gar becomes -gué -zar becomes -cé 16
  • 17. Dormir Irregular Preterites (To sleep) Y Changers Dormí Dormimos Hacer Dormiste Leer Hice Hicimos Durmío Durmieron (To read) Hiciste Leí Leímos Hizo Hicieron Pedir Leiste Ir/Ser (To ask) Leyó Leyeron Fuí Fuimos Pedí Pedimos Fuiste Pediste Fue Fueron Pidío Pidieron Dar/Ver Di/Vi Di/Vimos Di/Viste Dio/Vio Di/Vieron 17 Stem Changers
  • 18. Comparatives compare two nouns to Superlatives show how one noun is the each other. most ____ out of all. They are often represented with the formula: (noun)+es+(comparative)+(adjective)+que+( Examples: noun) Ellá es la estudiante más rica de toda la escuela. (She is the most rich student in the school.) Mejor… Que Better… Than Mateo es el jugador mejor de todo el equipo. Peor… Que Worse… Than (Matt is the best player on the team.) Más… Que More… Than Menos… Que Less… Than Tan… Como As… As Mayor… Que Older… Than Tanto… Como As… As Menor… Que Younger… Than Tantas… Como As… As Examples: Examples: Julia es más inteligiente que Bonita. Julia es tan alta que Bonita. (Julie is more intelligent than Brittany.) (Julie is as tall as Brittany.) 18
  • 19. Immediate Future Future tense verbs are used to tell what the Immediate future subject is going to do. They are conjugated by verbs are conjugated affixing the appropriate ending to the verb by using the formula Trigger Words: WITHOUT dropping the –er, – ar, or –ir. La semana Ir + a + (verb) Proxima Mañana Pasado Semana Endings Examples: Examples: Año Estar Volver Pasado Año -é -emos Estarás en el parque. Yo voy a volver. -ás (You will be in the park.) (I will return. (soon).) Comer Comer -á -án Comeré una manzana. Vamos a comer la manzana. (I will eat an apple.) (We will eat the apple. (soon).) Future Tense Irregulars: Saber- Sabr- Poner- Pondr- Tener- Tendr- Poder- Podr Venir- Vendr- Decir- Dir- Querer- Querr- Hacer- Har- Salir- Saldr- 19