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A chemical engineering ideal stage calculator
- Can read and save data to an ascii file
- Can add points with pointer or input location
- Can input an equation to plot as data
- Can clear data and start again
- Location of mouse pointer is displayed on screen
require 5.004;
use Tk 800.023;
use Tk qw/:eventtypes/;
use Tk::FileSelect;
use Tk::toplevel;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Cwd;
# ////////////////////////////////// Fundamentals
my(@menu_button_list, $quit_flag, $quit_code, $add_code);
my($scale,$screen_bump, $sb, $screen_sizex, $ssx, $beed_size, $bs);
$scale = 1;
$screen_bump = 20;
$sb = $screen_bump;
$screen_sizey = 400;
$ssy = $screen_sizey;
$screen_sizex = 400;
$ssx = $screen_sizex;
$beed_size = 1;
$bs = $beed_size;
@glines = [0,0,0,0];
@dlines = [0];
@pointsv = [0,0];
@pointsl = [0,0];
$dataldd = 0;
# ////////////////////////////////// Main Frame
$m->destroy if Exists($m);
$m = Tk::MainWindow->new;
$m->title('Distillation Simulator');
$quit_flag = 0;
$quit_code = sub {$quit_flag = 1};
$m->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => $quit_code);
$fsel = $m->FileSelect
(-directory => Cwd::cwd(), # Alias: -initialdir
-initialfile => "data.dat",
-filter => "*.pl",
-regexp => '*.*', #' does not work (?)
-filelabel => "Datei",
-filelistlabel => "Dateien",
-dirlabel => "Verzeichnis",
-dirlistlabel => "Verzeichnisse",
-verify => ['-T'], # accept only text files
# ////////////////////////////////// Menu
my $menubar = $m->Frame(qw/-relief raised -background DarkGreen -bd 2/);
$menubar->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
$statustext = $menubar->Text(
-relief => 'groove',
-height => 1,
-width => $screen_sizex/24,
-border => 2,
-background => 'DarkGreen',
$statustext->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
$statustext->insert('1.0', 'Left Mouse Button Adds Vapor point.');
mkmb($menubar, 'Data', 0, 'Loading Data etc.',
['Load', &load_data, 0],
['clear', &clear_data, 0],
['save', &NotDone, 0],
['Print', &NotDone, 0],
['Exit', sub{$m->bell}, 0],
mkmb($menubar, 'Distill', 0, 'Distillation control',
['Distill', &dis_code, 2],
['Delete', &del_dis, 2],
mkmb($menubar, 'Display', 0, 'Display settings',
['Redraw', &NotDone, 2],
['Clear', &NotDone, 2],
mkmb($menubar, 'Help', 0, 'There when you need it',
['About..', [&about_help, $m], 0],
['Intro', &NotDone, 0],
['Contents', &NotDone, 0],
$menu_button_list[$#menu_button_list]->pack(-side => 'right');
# ////////////////////////////////// About Help popup
sub about_help{
my $m = shift;
my $aboutm = $m->Dialog(-entry => 'stuff', -default_button => 'Yes', -buttons => [qw/Yes No
$aboutm->configure(-text => '
Distillation modelling program.
Enter VLE data via a formatted 
file or the two points methods.');
my $result = $aboutm->Show(-global);
print "Dialog result : ".$result;
# ////////////////////////////////// Add Point Entry Frame
$cf = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 );
$cex = $cf->Entry(
-relief => 'sunken',
-bd => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/20,
$cey = $cf->Entry(
-relief => 'sunken',
-bd => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/20,
$cba = $cf->Button(
-text => 'Add Point',
-command => &add_code,
$cbr = $cf->Button(
-text => 'Load',
-command => &load_data,
$cbdv = $cf->Button(
-text => 'Del Vapor',
-command => &del_vapor,
$cbdl = $cf->Button(
-text => 'Del Liquid',
-command => &del_liquid,
$cex->pack(-side => 'left');
$cex->insert('0.0','New X>');
$cey->pack(-side => 'left');
$cey->insert('0.0','New Y>');
$cba->pack(-side => 'left');
$cbr->pack(-side => 'left');
$cbdv->pack(-side => 'left');
$cbdl->pack(-side => 'left');
# ////////////////////////////////// Distill Frame
$df = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 );
$dexs = $df->Entry(
-relief => 'sunken',
-bd => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/16,
$dexl = $df->Entry(
-relief => 'sunken',
-bd => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/16,
$dexf = $df->Label(
-text => 'stuff',
-relief => 'groove',
-border => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/24,
$dbr = $df->Button(
-text => 'Distill',
-command => &dis_code,
$dbd = $df->Button(
-text => 'Delete',
-command => &del_dis,
$dexs->pack(-side => 'left');
$dexs->insert('0.0','Start X>');
$dexl->pack(-side => 'left');
$dexl->insert('0.0','Last X>');
$dexf->pack(-side => 'left');
$dbr->pack(-side => 'left');
$dbd->pack(-side => 'left');
# ////////////////////////////////// Equation Frame
$uf = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 );
$uexf = $uf->Label(
-text => 'Insert Equation',
-relief => 'groove',
-border => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/24,
$uexs = $uf->Entry(
-relief => 'sunken',
-bd => 2,
-width => $screen_sizex/12,
$ubd = $uf->Button(
-text => 'Add Equation To Vapor',
-command => &plot_data,
$uexf->pack(-side => 'left');
$uexs->pack(-side => 'left');
$ubd->pack(-side => 'left');
# ////////////////////////////////// Canvas Frame
$f = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 );
$c = $f->Canvas(
-relief => 'sunken',
-bd => 2,
-height => $sb + $ssy + $sb,
-width => $sb + $ssx + $sb,
$c->pack(-side => 'top');
$m->bind($c, '<Motion>' => &ShowCoord);
$m->bind($c, '<Button-1>' => &AddVCoord);
$m->bind($c, '<Button-3>' => &AddLCoord);
$m->bind($c, '<Leave>' => &DeleteCoord);
my $otm, $ott;
sub ShowCoord{
my $e = $c->XEvent;
# Note: Cap X returns global x coord, Low Case x returns Canvas local coord.
my $xm = $e->x;
my $ym = $e->y;
my $xmt = ($xm-$sb)*$scale/$ssx;
my $ymt = ($sb+$ssy-$ym)*$scale/$ssy;
$otm = $c->createOval($xm-$beed_size,$ym-$beed_size,$xm+$beed_size,$ym+$beed_size);
$ott = $c->createText($xm,$ym-9,-text => $xmt.",".$ymt);
# print "x ".$xm." y ".$ym."n";
sub DeleteCoord{
sub AddVCoord{
my $e = $c->XEvent;
my $xm = ($e->x-$sb)*$scale/$ssx;
my $ym = ($sb+$ssy-$e->y)*$scale/$ssy;
print "Adding point : X ".$xm." Y ".$ym."n";
sub AddLCoord{
my $e = $c->XEvent;
my $xm = ($e->x-$sb)*$scale/$ssx;
my $ym = ($sb+$ssy-$e->y)*$scale/$ssy;
print "Adding point : X ".$xm." Y ".$ym."n";
# ////////////////////////////////// Get Data and Plot
sub clear_data{
sub load_data{
print "Deleting previous datan";
$datafile = $fsel->Show;
open(DATA, "$datafile") || die "Can't open $datafile: $!n";
$vapor = 1;
if(/Vapor/) {print $_."n"; $vapor = 1; pop @pointsv;}
elsif(/Liquid/) {print $_."n"; $vapor = 0; pop @pointsl;}
$point = [split(/,/),0];
# print "X :".${$point}[0]." Y :".${$point}[1]."n";
($xc,$yc) = (${$point}[0],${$point}[1]);
$xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
${$point}[2] = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-
if($vapor){ push @pointsv, $point; }
else { push @pointsl, $point; }
} # end while
$dataldd = 1;
sub plot_data{
my $function = ($uexs->get);
for(my $xi = 0;$xi <= 100; $xi = $xi + 1){
my $x = $xi/100;
my $y = (eval $function);
# $xc = $x*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
# $yc = $y*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
# $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc);
sub add_grid{
pop @glines;
$gx0 = 0;$gy0 = 0;$gx1 = 0;$gy1 = 0;
my $glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb,$sb+0,$sb,$sb+$ssy)];
push @glines, $glineadd;
for(my $gx = 0;$gx <= 100;$gx += 10) {
$gx0 = $gx; $gy0 = 0; $gx1 = $gx; $gy1 = 0;
$glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb+$ssx/100*$gx,$sb+$ssy,$sb+
push @glines, $glineadd;
$gx0 = 0;$gy0 = 0;$gx1 = 0;$gy1 = 0;
$glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb,$sb+$ssy,$sb+$sb+$ssx,$sb+$ssy)];
push @glines, $glineadd;
for(my $gy = 0;$gy <= 100;$gy += 10) {
$gx0 = 0; $gy0 = $gy; $gx1 = 0; $gy1 = $gy;
$glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb/2,$sb+$ssy/100*$gy0,$sb,$sb+
push @glines, $glineadd;
foreach (@glines){ print ${$_}[0]." ".${$_}[1]." ".${$_}[2]." ".${$_}[3]." ".${$_}[4]."n"; };
sub nuke_grid{
foreach (@glines){
# ////////////////////////////////// Distillation Code
sub dis_code
my $lowx, $highx, $liquidx, $xl, $vaporx, $xv, $startx, $lastx;
my $lowy, $highy, $liquidy, $yl, $vapory, $yv, $starty, $lasty;
$startx = $dexs->get;
$lastx = $dexl->get;
$liquidx = $startx;
$dexs->insert('0.0','Start X>');
$dexl->insert('0.0','Last X>');
$startx =~ s/Start X>//;
$lastx =~ s/Last X>//;
if(($startx<$scale)){} else {$startx = $scale/99}
if(($lastx<$scale)){} else {$lastx = $scale/1.09}
$got_yet = 1;
foreach (@pointsl)
if($got_yet) {
if(($startx < ${$_}[0]))
$highx = ${$_}[0];
$highy = ${$_}[1];
$got_yet = 0;
$lowx = ${$_}[0];
$lowy = ${$_}[1];
}; # foreach loop
$starty = $lowy + ($startx - $lowx)/($highx - $lowx)*($highy - $lowy);
$xl = $startx*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yl = $starty*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
push @dlines, $c->createOval($xl-$bs,$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl,$xl+$bs,$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yl);
$liquidx = $startx;
$liquidy = $starty;
$vaporx = $liquidx;
# Iterate up the latter of Distillation Steps
while(($liquidx < $lastx)) {
# Get the next vapor point
$got_yet = 1;
foreach (@pointsv)
if($got_yet) {
if(($vaporx < ${$_}[0]))
$highx = ${$_}[0];
$highy = ${$_}[1];
$got_yet = 0;
$lowx = ${$_}[0];
$lowy = ${$_}[1];
}; # foreach loop
$vapory = $lowy + ($vaporx - $lowx)/($highx - $lowx)*($highy - $lowy);
$xl = $liquidx*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yl = $liquidy*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
$xv = $vaporx*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yv = $vapory*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
push @dlines, $c->createLine($xl,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl, $xv,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yv);
push @dlines, $c->createOval($xv-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yv,$xv+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-
$liquidy = $vapory;
# Get the next Liquid point
$got_yet = 1;
foreach (@pointsl)
if($got_yet) {
if(($liquidy < ${$_}[1]))
$highx = ${$_}[0];
$highy = ${$_}[1];
$got_yet = 0;
$lowx = ${$_}[0];
$lowy = ${$_}[1];
}; # foreach loop
$liquidx = $lowx + ($liquidy - $lowy)/($highy - $lowy)*($highx - $lowx);
$xl = $liquidx*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yl = $liquidy*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
$xv = $vaporx*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yv = $vapory*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
push @dlines, $c->createLine($xv,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yv, $xl,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl);
push @dlines, $c->createOval($xl-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl,$xl+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yl);
$vaporx = $liquidx;
} # end while loop
$lastx = $liquidx;
$lasty = $liquidy;
-text => $lastx,
sub del_dis{
foreach (@dlines){
@dlines = [];
# ////////////////////////////////// Vapor Phase Adjustments
sub del_vapor{
my($newx) = $cex->get;
my($newy) = $cey->get;
$cex->insert('0.0','New X>');
$cey->insert('0.0','New Y>');
my($newp) = 0;
$newx =~ s/New X>//;
$newy =~ s/New Y>//;
foreach (@pointsv) { $c->delete(${$_}[2]); }
if(($newx>0) || ($newy>0)) {
($xc,$yc) = ($newx,$newy);
$xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
$newp = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc);
@pointsv = [$newx,$newy,$newp];
else { @pointsv = []; pop @pointsv};
sub add_code{
my($newx) = $cex->get;
my($newy) = $cey->get;
$cex->insert('0.0','New X>');
$cey->insert('0.0','New Y>');
$newx =~ s/New X>//;
$newy =~ s/New Y>//;
if(($newx>0)&&($newy>0)) {
# print "New vapor point X :".$newx." Y :".$newy."n";
sub add_vapor
my($tempp) = [@_[0],@_[1],0];
# print "add vapor point ".${$tempp}[0]." ".@_[1]." ".@_[0]."n";
my(@tempv) = [];
pop @tempv;
my($added) = 1;
foreach (@pointsv)
# print "Old vapor points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]." cv : ".@{$_}[2]."n";
if((${$tempp}[0] < ${$_}[0]))
# print "adding point";
$added = 0;
push @tempv, $tempp;
push @tempv, $_;
push @tempv, $_;
push @tempv, $_;
print "adding pointn";
$added = 0;
push @tempv, $tempp;
@pointsv = [];
pop @pointsv;
foreach (@tempv) { print "Temp points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; };
foreach (@tempv) {
$point = [@{$_},0];
($xc,$yc) = (${$point}[0],${$point}[1]);
$xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
${$point}[2] = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc);
push @pointsv, $point;
# foreach (@pointsv) { print "New vapor points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; };
# ////////////////////////////////// Liquid Phase Adjustments
sub del_liquid{
my($newx) = $cex->get;
my($newy) = $cey->get;
$cex->insert('0.0','New X>');
$cey->insert('0.0','New Y>');
my($newp) = 0;
$newx =~ s/New X>//;
$newy =~ s/New Y>//;
foreach (@pointsl) { $c->delete(${$_}[2]); }
if(($newx>0) || ($newy>0)) {
($xc,$yc) = ($newx,$newy);
$xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
$newp = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc);
@pointsl = [$newx,$newy,$newp];
else { @pointsl = []; pop @pointsl};
sub add_lcode{
my($newx) = $cex->get;
my($newy) = $cey->get;
$cex->insert('0.0','New X>');
$cey->insert('0.0','New Y>');
$newx =~ s/New X>//;
$newy =~ s/New Y>//;
if(($newx>0)&&($newy>0)) {
# print "New liquid point X :".$newx." Y :".$newy."n";
sub add_liquid
my($tempp) = [@_[0],@_[1],0];
# print "add liquid point ".${$tempp}[0]." ".@_[1]." ".@_[0]."n";
my(@templ) = [];
pop @templ;
my($added) = 1;
foreach (@pointsl)
# print "Old liquid points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]." cv : ".@{$_}[2]."n";
if((${$tempp}[0] < ${$_}[0]))
# print "adding point";
$added = 0;
push @templ, $tempp;
push @templ, $_;
push @templ, $_;
push @templ, $_;
# print "adding pointn";
$added = 0;
push @templ, $tempp;
@pointsl = [];
pop @pointsl;
# foreach (@templ) { print "Temp points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; };
foreach (@templ) {
$point = [@{$_},0];
($xc,$yc) = (${$point}[0],${$point}[1]);
$xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
$yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
${$point}[2] = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc);
push @pointsl, $point;
foreach (@pointsl) { print "New liquid points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; };
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# // Menu Bar Code
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub mkmb {
# (Ripped from nTk examples)
# Make a Menubutton widget; note that the menu is automatically created.
# We maintain a list of the Menubutton references since some callers
# need to refer to the Menubutton, as well as to suppress stray name
# warnings with Perl -w.
my($mb0, $mb_label, $mb_label_underline, $mb_msg, $mb_list_ref) = @_;
my $mb = $mb0->Menubutton(
-text => $mb_label,
-underline => $mb_label_underline,
-background => 'DarkGreen',
-foreground => 'Black',
my($menu) = $mb->Menu(-tearoff => 0);
$mb->configure(-menu => $menu);
my $mb_list;
foreach $mb_list (@{$mb_list_ref}) {
-label => $mb_list->[0],
-command => $mb_list->[1] ,
-underline => $mb_list->[2],
-background => 'DarkGreen',
-foreground => 'White',
print " ".@{$mb_list}[0]." ".${$mb_list}[0]." ".$mb_list->[0]."n";
$mb->pack(-side => 'left');
$m->bind($mb, '<Enter>' => sub {ClearMsg; ShowMsg("Entering Menu : ")});
$m->bind($mb, '<Leave>' => &ClearMsg);
push @menu_button_list, $mb;
return $mb;
} # end mkmb
sub SimStart {
if (not $sim_running) {
$sim_running = 1;
-state => 'disabled',
-state => 'normal',
} # end SimStart
sub SimStop {
if ($sim_running) {
$sim_running = 0;
-state => 'normal',
-state => 'disabled',
} # end SimStop
sub NotDone {
print "Not yet implemented.n";
} # end NotDone
sub ShowMsg {
my($msg) = shift;
$statustext->delete('1.0', 'end');
$statustext->insert('1.0', $msg."show message");
} # end ShowMsg
sub ClearMsg {
$statustext->delete('1.0', 'end');
$statustext->insert('1.0', "Left Mouse Button Adds Vapor point.");
} # end ClearMsg
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
print "finsished with Start up Start Main.n";
# ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
while (1) {
if ($quit_flag) {

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  • 1. A chemical engineering ideal stage calculator - Can read and save data to an ascii file - Can add points with pointer or input location - Can input an equation to plot as data - Can clear data and start again - Location of mouse pointer is displayed on screen require 5.004; use Tk 800.023; use Tk qw/:eventtypes/; use Tk::FileSelect; use Tk::toplevel; use Tk::Dialog; use Cwd; # ////////////////////////////////// Fundamentals my(@menu_button_list, $quit_flag, $quit_code, $add_code); my($scale,$screen_bump, $sb, $screen_sizex, $ssx, $beed_size, $bs); $scale = 1; $screen_bump = 20; $sb = $screen_bump; $screen_sizey = 400; $ssy = $screen_sizey; $screen_sizex = 400; $ssx = $screen_sizex; $beed_size = 1; $bs = $beed_size;
  • 2. @glines = [0,0,0,0]; @dlines = [0]; @pointsv = [0,0]; @pointsl = [0,0]; $dataldd = 0; # ////////////////////////////////// Main Frame $m->destroy if Exists($m); $m = Tk::MainWindow->new; $m->title('Distillation Simulator'); $m->iconname('sim'); $quit_flag = 0; $quit_code = sub {$quit_flag = 1}; $m->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => $quit_code); $fsel = $m->FileSelect (-directory => Cwd::cwd(), # Alias: -initialdir -initialfile => "data.dat", -filter => "*.pl", -regexp => '*.*', #' does not work (?) -filelabel => "Datei", -filelistlabel => "Dateien", -dirlabel => "Verzeichnis", -dirlistlabel => "Verzeichnisse", -verify => ['-T'], # accept only text files ); # ////////////////////////////////// Menu
  • 3. my $menubar = $m->Frame(qw/-relief raised -background DarkGreen -bd 2/); $menubar->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x'); $statustext = $menubar->Text( -relief => 'groove', -height => 1, -width => $screen_sizex/24, -border => 2, -background => 'DarkGreen', ); $statustext->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x'); $statustext->insert('1.0', 'Left Mouse Button Adds Vapor point.'); mkmb($menubar, 'Data', 0, 'Loading Data etc.', [ ['Load', &load_data, 0], ['clear', &clear_data, 0], ['save', &NotDone, 0], ['Print', &NotDone, 0], ['Exit', sub{$m->bell}, 0], ]); mkmb($menubar, 'Distill', 0, 'Distillation control', [ ['Distill', &dis_code, 2], ['Delete', &del_dis, 2], ]); mkmb($menubar, 'Display', 0, 'Display settings',
  • 4. [ ['Redraw', &NotDone, 2], ['Clear', &NotDone, 2], ]); mkmb($menubar, 'Help', 0, 'There when you need it', [ ['About..', [&about_help, $m], 0], ['Intro', &NotDone, 0], ['Contents', &NotDone, 0], ]); $menu_button_list[$#menu_button_list]->pack(-side => 'right'); # ////////////////////////////////// About Help popup sub about_help{ my $m = shift; my $aboutm = $m->Dialog(-entry => 'stuff', -default_button => 'Yes', -buttons => [qw/Yes No Cancel/]); $aboutm->configure(-text => ' Distillation modelling program. Enter VLE data via a formatted file or the two points methods.'); my $result = $aboutm->Show(-global); print "Dialog result : ".$result; }# # ////////////////////////////////// Add Point Entry Frame $cf = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 ); $cex = $cf->Entry(
  • 5. -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 2, -width => $screen_sizex/20, ); $cey = $cf->Entry( -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 2, -width => $screen_sizex/20, ); $cba = $cf->Button( -text => 'Add Point', -command => &add_code, ); $cbr = $cf->Button( -text => 'Load', -command => &load_data, ); $cbdv = $cf->Button( -text => 'Del Vapor', -command => &del_vapor, ); $cbdl = $cf->Button( -text => 'Del Liquid', -command => &del_liquid, );
  • 6. $cex->pack(-side => 'left'); $cex->insert('0.0','New X>'); $cey->pack(-side => 'left'); $cey->insert('0.0','New Y>'); $cba->pack(-side => 'left'); $cbr->pack(-side => 'left'); $cbdv->pack(-side => 'left'); $cbdl->pack(-side => 'left'); $cf->pack; # ////////////////////////////////// Distill Frame $df = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 ); $dexs = $df->Entry( -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 2, -width => $screen_sizex/16, ); $dexl = $df->Entry( -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 2, -width => $screen_sizex/16, ); $dexf = $df->Label( -text => 'stuff', -relief => 'groove', -border => 2,
  • 7. -width => $screen_sizex/24, ); $dbr = $df->Button( -text => 'Distill', -command => &dis_code, ); $dbd = $df->Button( -text => 'Delete', -command => &del_dis, ); $dexs->pack(-side => 'left'); $dexs->insert('0.0','Start X>'); $dexl->pack(-side => 'left'); $dexl->insert('0.0','Last X>'); $dexf->pack(-side => 'left'); $dbr->pack(-side => 'left'); $dbd->pack(-side => 'left'); $df->pack; # ////////////////////////////////// Equation Frame $uf = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 ); $uexf = $uf->Label( -text => 'Insert Equation', -relief => 'groove', -border => 2, -width => $screen_sizex/24,
  • 8. ); $uexs = $uf->Entry( -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 2, -width => $screen_sizex/12, ); $ubd = $uf->Button( -text => 'Add Equation To Vapor', -command => &plot_data, ); $uexf->pack(-side => 'left'); $uexs->pack(-side => 'left'); $ubd->pack(-side => 'left'); $uf->pack; # ////////////////////////////////// Canvas Frame $f = $m->Frame(-bd => 2 ); $c = $f->Canvas( -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 2, -height => $sb + $ssy + $sb, -width => $sb + $ssx + $sb, ); $c->pack(-side => 'top'); $f->pack; $m->bind($c, '<Motion>' => &ShowCoord);
  • 9. $m->bind($c, '<Button-1>' => &AddVCoord); $m->bind($c, '<Button-3>' => &AddLCoord); $m->bind($c, '<Leave>' => &DeleteCoord); my $otm, $ott; sub ShowCoord{ $c->delete($otm); $c->delete($ott); my $e = $c->XEvent; # Note: Cap X returns global x coord, Low Case x returns Canvas local coord. my $xm = $e->x; my $ym = $e->y; my $xmt = ($xm-$sb)*$scale/$ssx; my $ymt = ($sb+$ssy-$ym)*$scale/$ssy; $otm = $c->createOval($xm-$beed_size,$ym-$beed_size,$xm+$beed_size,$ym+$beed_size); $ott = $c->createText($xm,$ym-9,-text => $xmt.",".$ymt); # print "x ".$xm." y ".$ym."n"; }; sub DeleteCoord{ $c->delete($otm); $c->delete($ott); } sub AddVCoord{ my $e = $c->XEvent; my $xm = ($e->x-$sb)*$scale/$ssx; my $ym = ($sb+$ssy-$e->y)*$scale/$ssy;
  • 10. add_vapor($xm,$ym); print "Adding point : X ".$xm." Y ".$ym."n"; }; sub AddLCoord{ my $e = $c->XEvent; my $xm = ($e->x-$sb)*$scale/$ssx; my $ym = ($sb+$ssy-$e->y)*$scale/$ssy; add_liquid($xm,$ym); print "Adding point : X ".$xm." Y ".$ym."n"; }; # ////////////////////////////////// Get Data and Plot sub clear_data{ del_vapor(0,0); del_liquid(0,0); } sub load_data{ if($dataldd>0){ print "Deleting previous datan"; del_vapor(0,0); del_liquid(0,0); } $datafile = $fsel->Show; open(DATA, "$datafile") || die "Can't open $datafile: $!n"; $vapor = 1; while(<DATA>)
  • 11. { my($gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1); chomp; if(/Vapor/) {print $_."n"; $vapor = 1; pop @pointsv;} elsif(/Liquid/) {print $_."n"; $vapor = 0; pop @pointsl;} else { $point = [split(/,/),0]; # print "X :".${$point}[0]." Y :".${$point}[1]."n"; ($xc,$yc) = (${$point}[0],${$point}[1]); $xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb; ${$point}[2] = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs- $yc); # if($vapor){ push @pointsv, $point; } else { push @pointsl, $point; } # # } } # end while $dataldd = 1; } sub plot_data{ my $function = ($uexs->get); for(my $xi = 0;$xi <= 100; $xi = $xi + 1){
  • 12. my $x = $xi/100; my $y = (eval $function); add_vapor($x,$y); # $xc = $x*$ssx/$scale+$sb; # $yc = $y*$ssy/$scale+$sb; # $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc); } } sub add_grid{ pop @glines; $gx0 = 0;$gy0 = 0;$gx1 = 0;$gy1 = 0; my $glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb,$sb+0,$sb,$sb+$ssy)]; push @glines, $glineadd; for(my $gx = 0;$gx <= 100;$gx += 10) { $gx0 = $gx; $gy0 = 0; $gx1 = $gx; $gy1 = 0; $glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb+$ssx/100*$gx,$sb+$ssy,$sb+ $ssx/100*$gx,$sb+$ssy+$sb/2)]; push @glines, $glineadd; } # $gx0 = 0;$gy0 = 0;$gx1 = 0;$gy1 = 0; $glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb,$sb+$ssy,$sb+$sb+$ssx,$sb+$ssy)]; push @glines, $glineadd; for(my $gy = 0;$gy <= 100;$gy += 10) { $gx0 = 0; $gy0 = $gy; $gx1 = 0; $gy1 = $gy; $glineadd = [$gx0,$gy0,$gx1,$gy1,$c->createLine($sb/2,$sb+$ssy/100*$gy0,$sb,$sb+
  • 13. $ssy/100*$gy0)]; push @glines, $glineadd; } foreach (@glines){ print ${$_}[0]." ".${$_}[1]." ".${$_}[2]." ".${$_}[3]." ".${$_}[4]."n"; }; }; add_grid; sub nuke_grid{ foreach (@glines){ $c->delete(${$_}[4]); }; }; # ////////////////////////////////// Distillation Code sub dis_code { my $lowx, $highx, $liquidx, $xl, $vaporx, $xv, $startx, $lastx; my $lowy, $highy, $liquidy, $yl, $vapory, $yv, $starty, $lasty; $startx = $dexs->get; $lastx = $dexl->get; $liquidx = $startx; $dexs->delete(0,15); $dexs->insert('0.0','Start X>'); $dexl->delete(0,15); $dexl->insert('0.0','Last X>'); $startx =~ s/Start X>//; $lastx =~ s/Last X>//;
  • 14. if(($startx<$scale)){} else {$startx = $scale/99} if(($lastx<$scale)){} else {$lastx = $scale/1.09} $got_yet = 1; foreach (@pointsl) { if($got_yet) { if(($startx < ${$_}[0])) { $highx = ${$_}[0]; $highy = ${$_}[1]; $got_yet = 0; } else { $lowx = ${$_}[0]; $lowy = ${$_}[1]; }; }; }; # foreach loop $starty = $lowy + ($startx - $lowx)/($highx - $lowx)*($highy - $lowy); $xl = $startx*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yl = $starty*$ssy/$scale+$sb; push @dlines, $c->createOval($xl-$bs,$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl,$xl+$bs,$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yl); $liquidx = $startx; $liquidy = $starty;
  • 15. $vaporx = $liquidx; # Iterate up the latter of Distillation Steps while(($liquidx < $lastx)) { # Get the next vapor point $got_yet = 1; foreach (@pointsv) { if($got_yet) { if(($vaporx < ${$_}[0])) { $highx = ${$_}[0]; $highy = ${$_}[1]; $got_yet = 0; } else { $lowx = ${$_}[0]; $lowy = ${$_}[1]; }; }; }; # foreach loop $vapory = $lowy + ($vaporx - $lowx)/($highx - $lowx)*($highy - $lowy); $xl = $liquidx*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yl = $liquidy*$ssy/$scale+$sb; $xv = $vaporx*$ssx/$scale+$sb;
  • 16. $yv = $vapory*$ssy/$scale+$sb; push @dlines, $c->createLine($xl,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl, $xv,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yv); push @dlines, $c->createOval($xv-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yv,$xv+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs- $yv); $liquidy = $vapory; # Get the next Liquid point $got_yet = 1; foreach (@pointsl) { if($got_yet) { if(($liquidy < ${$_}[1])) { $highx = ${$_}[0]; $highy = ${$_}[1]; $got_yet = 0; } else { $lowx = ${$_}[0]; $lowy = ${$_}[1]; }; }; }; # foreach loop $liquidx = $lowx + ($liquidy - $lowy)/($highy - $lowy)*($highx - $lowx); $xl = $liquidx*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yl = $liquidy*$ssy/$scale+$sb;
  • 17. $xv = $vaporx*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yv = $vapory*$ssy/$scale+$sb; push @dlines, $c->createLine($xv,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yv, $xl,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl); push @dlines, $c->createOval($xl-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yl,$xl+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yl); $vaporx = $liquidx; } # end while loop $lastx = $liquidx; $lasty = $liquidy; $dexf->configure( -text => $lastx, ); }; sub del_dis{ foreach (@dlines){ $c->delete($_); } @dlines = []; } # ////////////////////////////////// Vapor Phase Adjustments sub del_vapor{ my($newx) = $cex->get; my($newy) = $cey->get; $cex->delete(0,15); $cex->insert('0.0','New X>'); $cey->delete(0,15);
  • 18. $cey->insert('0.0','New Y>'); my($newp) = 0; $newx =~ s/New X>//; $newy =~ s/New Y>//; foreach (@pointsv) { $c->delete(${$_}[2]); } if(($newx>0) || ($newy>0)) { ($xc,$yc) = ($newx,$newy); $xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb; $newp = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc); @pointsv = [$newx,$newy,$newp]; } else { @pointsv = []; pop @pointsv}; }; sub add_code{ my($newx) = $cex->get; my($newy) = $cey->get; $cex->delete(0,15); $cex->insert('0.0','New X>'); $cey->delete(0,15); $cey->insert('0.0','New Y>'); $newx =~ s/New X>//; $newy =~ s/New Y>//; if(($newx>0)&&($newy>0)) { # print "New vapor point X :".$newx." Y :".$newy."n";
  • 19. add_vapor($newx,$newy); }; }; sub add_vapor { my($tempp) = [@_[0],@_[1],0]; # print "add vapor point ".${$tempp}[0]." ".@_[1]." ".@_[0]."n"; my(@tempv) = []; pop @tempv; my($added) = 1; foreach (@pointsv) { # print "Old vapor points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]." cv : ".@{$_}[2]."n"; $c->delete(${$_}[2]); if((${$tempp}[0] < ${$_}[0])) { if($added) { # print "adding point"; $added = 0; push @tempv, $tempp; push @tempv, $_; } else {
  • 20. push @tempv, $_; } } else { push @tempv, $_; }; }; if($added) { print "adding pointn"; $added = 0; push @tempv, $tempp; } @pointsv = []; pop @pointsv; foreach (@tempv) { print "Temp points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; }; foreach (@tempv) { $point = [@{$_},0]; ($xc,$yc) = (${$point}[0],${$point}[1]); $xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb; ${$point}[2] = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc); push @pointsv, $point; };
  • 21. # foreach (@pointsv) { print "New vapor points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; }; }; # ////////////////////////////////// Liquid Phase Adjustments sub del_liquid{ my($newx) = $cex->get; my($newy) = $cey->get; $cex->delete(0,15); $cex->insert('0.0','New X>'); $cey->delete(0,15); $cey->insert('0.0','New Y>'); my($newp) = 0; $newx =~ s/New X>//; $newy =~ s/New Y>//; foreach (@pointsl) { $c->delete(${$_}[2]); } if(($newx>0) || ($newy>0)) { ($xc,$yc) = ($newx,$newy); $xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb; $newp = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc); @pointsl = [$newx,$newy,$newp]; } else { @pointsl = []; pop @pointsl}; }; sub add_lcode{ my($newx) = $cex->get;
  • 22. my($newy) = $cey->get; $cex->delete(0,15); $cex->insert('0.0','New X>'); $cey->delete(0,15); $cey->insert('0.0','New Y>'); $newx =~ s/New X>//; $newy =~ s/New Y>//; if(($newx>0)&&($newy>0)) { # print "New liquid point X :".$newx." Y :".$newy."n"; add_liquid($newx,$newy); }; }; sub add_liquid { my($tempp) = [@_[0],@_[1],0]; # print "add liquid point ".${$tempp}[0]." ".@_[1]." ".@_[0]."n"; my(@templ) = []; pop @templ; my($added) = 1; foreach (@pointsl) { # print "Old liquid points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]." cv : ".@{$_}[2]."n"; $c->delete(${$_}[2]); if((${$tempp}[0] < ${$_}[0])) {
  • 23. if($added) { # print "adding point"; $added = 0; push @templ, $tempp; push @templ, $_; } else { push @templ, $_; } } else { push @templ, $_; }; }; if($added) { # print "adding pointn"; $added = 0; push @templ, $tempp; } @pointsl = []; pop @pointsl;
  • 24. # foreach (@templ) { print "Temp points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; }; foreach (@templ) { $point = [@{$_},0]; ($xc,$yc) = (${$point}[0],${$point}[1]); $xc = $xc*$ssx/$scale+$sb; $yc = $yc*$ssy/$scale+$sb; ${$point}[2] = $c->createOval($xc-$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy+$bs-$yc,$xc+$bs,$sb+$sb+$ssy-$bs-$yc); push @pointsl, $point; }; foreach (@pointsl) { print "New liquid points 0 : ".@{$_}[0]." 1 : ".@{$_}[1]."n"; }; }; # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # // Menu Bar Code # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sub mkmb { # (Ripped from nTk examples) # Make a Menubutton widget; note that the menu is automatically created. # We maintain a list of the Menubutton references since some callers # need to refer to the Menubutton, as well as to suppress stray name # warnings with Perl -w. my($mb0, $mb_label, $mb_label_underline, $mb_msg, $mb_list_ref) = @_; my $mb = $mb0->Menubutton( -text => $mb_label, -underline => $mb_label_underline, -background => 'DarkGreen',
  • 25. -foreground => 'Black', ); my($menu) = $mb->Menu(-tearoff => 0); $mb->configure(-menu => $menu); my $mb_list; foreach $mb_list (@{$mb_list_ref}) { $mb->command( -label => $mb_list->[0], -command => $mb_list->[1] , -underline => $mb_list->[2], -background => 'DarkGreen', -foreground => 'White', ); print " ".@{$mb_list}[0]." ".${$mb_list}[0]." ".$mb_list->[0]."n"; } $mb->pack(-side => 'left'); $m->bind($mb, '<Enter>' => sub {ClearMsg; ShowMsg("Entering Menu : ")}); $m->bind($mb, '<Leave>' => &ClearMsg); push @menu_button_list, $mb; return $mb; } # end mkmb sub SimStart { if (not $sim_running) {
  • 26. $sim_running = 1; $menu_button_list[1]->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure(0, -state => 'disabled', ); $menu_button_list[1]->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure(1, -state => 'normal', ); } } # end SimStart sub SimStop { if ($sim_running) { $sim_running = 0; $menu_button_list[1]->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure(0, -state => 'normal', ); $menu_button_list[1]->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure(1, -state => 'disabled', ); } } # end SimStop sub NotDone { print "Not yet implemented.n"; } # end NotDone sub ShowMsg {
  • 27. my($msg) = shift; $statustext->delete('1.0', 'end'); $statustext->insert('1.0', $msg."show message"); } # end ShowMsg sub ClearMsg { $statustext->delete('1.0', 'end'); $statustext->insert('1.0', "Left Mouse Button Adds Vapor point."); } # end ClearMsg # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// print "finsished with Start up Start Main.n"; # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while (1) { if ($quit_flag) { $m->destroy; } $m->DoOneEvent(ALL_EVENTS); }