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INFORMATION RETRIEVAL A Look into the Science of Web Search Engines 1 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email Muhammad AtifQureshi
Contents Story Mode Learning Learning by Imagination Appendix 2 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Story Mode Learning (Borrowed from Prof. Jimmy Lin, University of Maryland, Scientist in Twitter) 3 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Information Retrieval Systems Information What is “information”? Retrieval What do we mean by “retrieval”? What are different types information needs? Systems How do computer systems fit into the human information seeking process? 4 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What is Information? What do you think? There is no “correct” definition Cookie Monster’s definition:  “news or facts about something” Different approaches: Philosophy Psychology Linguistics Electrical engineering Physics Computer science Information science 5 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Dictionary says… Oxford English Dictionary information: informing, telling; thing told, knowledge, items of knowledge, news knowledge: knowing familiarity gained by experience; person’s range of information; a theoretical or practical understanding of; the sum of what is known Random House Dictionary information: knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news 6 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Intuitive Notions Information must Be something, although the exact nature (substance, energy, or abstract concept) is not clear; Be “new”: repetition of previously received messages is not informative Be “true”: false or counterfactual information is “mis-information” Be “about” something Robert M. Losee. (1997) A Discipline Independent Definition of Information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(3), 254-269. 7 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Three Views of Information Information as process Information as communication Information as message transmission and reception 8 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
One View Information = characteristics of the output of a process Tells us something about the process and the input Information-generating process do not occur in isolation Input Output Process Input Output Input Output Process1 Process2 Input Output … 9 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Where’s the human? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, is information transmitted? In the “information as process”: Yes, but that’s not very interesting to us We’re concerned about information for human consumption Transmission of information from one person to another Recording of information Reconstruction of stored information 10 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Another View Information science is characterized by “the deliberate (purposeful) structure of the message by the sender in order to affect the image structure of the recipient” This implies that the sender has knowledge of the recipient's structure Text = “a collection of signs purposefully structured by a sender with the intention of changing image-structure of a recipient” Information = “the structure of any text which is capable of changing the image-structure of a recipient” 11 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Transfer of Information Communication = transmission of information Thoughts Thoughts Telepathy? Words Words Writing Sounds Sounds Speech Encoding Decoding 12 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Information Theory Better called “communication theory” Developed by Claude Shannon in 1940’s Concerned with the transmission of electrical signals over wires How do we send information quickly and reliably? Underlies modern electronic communication: Voice and data traffic… Over copper, fiber optic, wireless, etc. Famous result: Channel Capacity Theorem Formal measure of information in terms of entropy Information = “reduction in surprise” 13 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
The Noisy Channel Model Communication = producing the same message at the destination that was sent at the source The message must be encoded for transmission across a medium (called channel) But the channel is noisy and can distort the message Semantics (meaning) is irrelevant channel Receiver message Transmitter noise Source Destination message 14 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
A Synthesis Information retrieval as communication over time and space, across a noisy channel Sender Recipient Encoding Decoding Transmitter Receiver channel storage message message indexing/writing retrieval/reading noise Source Destination message message noise 15 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
“Retrieval?” “Fetch something” that’s been stored Recover a stored state of knowledge Search through stored messages to find some messages relevant to the task at hand Encoding Decoding storage Sender Recipient message message indexing/writing Retrieval/reading noise 16 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What is IR? Information retrieval is a problem-oriented discipline, concerned with the problem of the effective and efficient transfer of desired information between human generator and human user Anomalous States of Knowledge as a Basis for Information Retrieval. (1980) Nicholas J. Belkin. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 5, 133-143. 17 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Types of Information Needs Retrospective “Searching the past” Different queries posed against a static collection Time invariant Prospective “Searching the future” Static query posed against a dynamic collection Time dependent 18 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Retrospective Searches (I) Ad hoc retrieval: find documents “about this” Known item search Directed exploration Identify positive accomplishments of the Hubble telescope since it was launched in 1991. Compile a list of mammals that are considered to be endangered, identify their habitat and, if possible, specify what threatens them. Find Jimmy Lin’s homepage. What’s the ISBN number of “Modern Information Retrieval”? Who makes the best chocolates? What video conferencing systems exist for digital reference desk services? 19 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Retrospective Searches (II) Question answering Who discovered Oxygen? When did Hawaii become a state? Where is Ayer’s Rock located? What team won the World Series in 1992? “Factoid” What countries export oil? Name U.S. cities that have a “Shubert” theater. “List” Who is Aaron Copland? What is a quasar? “Definition” 20 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Prospective “Searches” Filtering Make a binary decision about each incoming document Routing Sort incoming documents into different bins? Spam or not spam? Categorize news headlines: World? Nation? Metro? Sports? 21 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What types of information? Text (Documents and portions thereof) XML and structured documents Images Audio (sound effects, songs, etc.)  Video Source code Applications/Web services 22 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Content-Based Search This is a relative new concept! What else would you search on? What’s more effective? Why is this hard in many applications? 23 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Interesting Examples Google image search Google video search Query by humming 24 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What about databases? What are examples of databases? Banks storing account information Retailers storing inventories Universities storing student grades What exactly is a (relational) database? Think of them as a collection of tables They model some aspect of “the world” 25 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
A (Simple) Database Example Student Table Department Table Course Table Enrollment Table 26 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Database Queries What would you want to know from a database? What classes is John Arrow enrolled in? Who has the highest grade in LBSC 690? Who’s in the history department? Of all the non-CLIS students taking LBSC 690 with a last name shorter than six characters and were born on a Monday, who has the longest email address? 27 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Databases vs. IR 28 IR Databases What we’re retrieving Mostly unstructured.  Free text with some metadata. Structured data. Clear semantics based on a formal model. Queries we’re posing Vague, imprecise information needs (often expressed in natural language). Formally (mathematically) defined queries.  Unambiguous. Results we get Sometimes relevant, often not. Exact.  Always correct in a formal sense. Interaction with system Interaction is important. One-shot queries. Other issues Issues downplayed. Concurrency, recovery, atomicity are all critical. Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
The Big Picture The four components of the information retrieval environment: User Process System Collection What computer geeks care about! What we care about! 29 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
The Information Retrieval Cycle Resource Query Ranked List Documents query reformulation, vocabulary learning, relevance feedback Documents source reselection Source Selection Query Formulation Search Selection Examination Delivery 30 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Supporting the Search Process Source Selection Resource Query Formulation Query Search Ranked List Selection Indexing Documents Index Examination Acquisition Documents Collection Delivery 31 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Simplification? Resource Query Ranked List Documents query reformulation, vocabulary learning, relevance feedback Documents source reselection Source Selection Is this itself a vast simplification? Query Formulation Search Selection Examination Delivery 32 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Tackling the IR Challenge Divide and conquer! Strategy: use encapsulation to limit complexity Approach: Define interfaces (input and output) for each component Define the functions performed by each component Study each component in isolation Repeat the process within components as needed Make sure that this decomposition makes sense Result: a hierarchical decomposition 33 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Where do we make the cut? Study the IR black box in isolation Simple behavior: in goes query, out comes documents Optimize the quality of documents that come out Study everything else around the black box Put the human back in the loop! Search Query Ranked List 34 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
The IR Black Box Documents Query Hits 35 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Inside The IR Black Box Documents Query Representation Function Representation Function Query Representation Document Representation Index Comparison Function Hits 36 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
The Central Problem in IR Information Seeker Authors Concepts Concepts Query Terms Document Terms Do these represent the same concepts? 37 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Learning by Imagination 38 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Imagine a System We have 1000s of web pages, what make these web pages different? May be different key terms or key words occurring in different web pages (e.g., sports, education, video sharing) 39 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Realize Query Needs What do we expect when query? Query can be single word (no order), collection of words i.e., free sentence (order does not matter) or strict phrase (order matters e.g., "I love Pakistan") How to manage data of web pages Bag of words data structure with/without position of words/terms (simply, posting list of words/terms) What’s the best match? We have many matching results, but what’s the order? 40 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Order of Matching Results How could we rank web pages?  Via query content matching score against web pages i.e., content based methods  Via importance of web pages i.e., link based methods 41 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What does Content Tell? Content Information: Rare terms give more information than frequent terms as common terms do not differentiate well between the content of documents (Information entropy) So what does common words make?  Stop words (extreme case, e.g., it, a, the) or words with lesser importance (e.g., word science inside scientific documents) 42 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Ranking Methods Content based methods: Examples: Tf-idf with cosine similarity, bm25, etc. Link based methods: Examples: PageRank, HITS, etc. 43 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What is More in Ranking? What other measures we can take for ranking better? Combining content based methods with link based methods How about learning to rank by user click through data (apply machine learning) How about learning from social web (apply social science theories) 44 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Lots of Web Pages How about scalability?  We have too many words, can we limit them?  Example: Is Studying conceptually different from study or studies? may be not (concept called stemming could simply everything to simple concept study) Stemming may not be sufficient then how about clustering web pages into topics i.e., (terms study, science, arts, university, school, college would single concept or a topic may be called as topic education) 45 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Is it sufficient? Can we feel confident about how Web Search Engine works? No, it was just a summary for the day 46 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Guess! what next you would see? ? 47 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Our search engine Yes we are making it 48 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Appendix 49 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Outline What is Research? How to prepare yourself for IR research? 50 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What is Research? 51 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What is Research? Research Discover new knowledge  Seek answers to questions Basic research Goal: Expand man’s knowledge (e.g., which genes control social behavior of honey bees? ) Often driven by curiosity (but not always) High impact examples: relativity theory, DNA, …  Applied research Goal: Improve human condition (i.e., improve the world) (e.g., how to cure cancers?) Driven by practical needs High impact examples: computers, transistors, vaccinations, … The boundary is vague; distinction isn’t important 52 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Why Research? Funding Curiosity Utility of  Applications Advancement of  Technology Amount of  knowledge Application Development Applied Research Basic Research 53 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Where’s IR Research? Information Science Funding Quality of  Life Utility of  Applications Advancement of  Technology Amount of  knowledge Computer Science Application Development Applied Research Basic Research 54 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Research Process Identification of the topic (e.g., Web search) Hypothesis formulation (e.g., algorithm X is better than Y=state-of-the-art) Experiment design (measures, data, etc) (e.g., retrieval accuracy on a sample of web data) Test hypothesis (e.g., compare X and Y on the data) Draw conclusions and repeat the cycle of hypothesis formulation and testing if necessary (e.g., Y is better only for some queries, now what?) 55 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Typical IR Research Process Look for a high-impact topic (basic or applied) New problem: define/frame the problem  Identify weakness of existing solutions if any Propose new methods  Choose data sets (often a main challenge) Design evaluation measures (can be very difficult) Run many experiments (need to have clear research hypotheses) Analyze results and repeat the steps above if necessary Publish research results 56 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Research Methods Exploratory research: Identify and frame a new problem (e.g., “a survey/outlook of personalized search”) Constructive research: Construct a (new) solution to a problem (e.g., “a new method for expert finding”) Empirical research: evaluate and compare existing solutions  (e.g., “a comparative evaluation of link analysis methods for web search”)  The “E-C-E cycle”: exploratoryconstructiveempiricalexploratory… 57 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Types of Research Questions and Results Exploratory (Framework): What’s out there?  Descriptive (Principles): What does it look like? How does it work? Evaluative (Empirical results): How well does a method solve a problem?  Explanatory (Causes): Why does something happen the way it happens?  Predictive (Models): What would happen if xxx ? 58 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Solid and High Impact Research Solid work:  A clear hypothesis (research question) with conclusive result (either positive or negative) Clearly adds to our knowledge base (what can we learn from this work?) Implications: a solid, focused contribution is often better than a non-conclusive broad exploration High impact = high-importance-of-problem * high-quality-of-solution high impact = open up an important problem high impact = close a problem with the best solution high impact = major milestones in between Implications: question the importance of the problem and don’t just be satisfied with a good solution, make it the best  59 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
How to Prepare Yourself for IR Research? 60 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
What it Takes to do Research? Curiosity: allow you to ask questions Critical thinking: allow you to challenge assumptions Learning: take you to the frontier of knowledge Persistence: so that you don’t give up Respect data and truth: ensure your research is solid Communication: allow you to publish your work … 61 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Learning about IR (1/2) Start with an IR text book (e.g., Manning et al., Grossman & Frieder, a forth-coming book from UMass,…) Then read “Readings in IR” by Karen Sparck Jones,  Peter Willett  And read papers recommended in the following article: Read other papers published in recent IR/IR-related conferences 62 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Learning about IR (2/2) Getting more focused  Choose your favorite sub-area (e.g., retrieval models) Extend your knowledge about related topics (e.g., machine learning, statistical modeling, optimization) Stay in frontier: Keep monitoring literature in both IR and related areas Broaden your view: Keep an eye on  Industry activities  Read about industry trends Try out novel prototype systems Funding trends Read request for proposals 63 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Critical Thinking Develop a habit of asking questions, especially why questions Always try to make sense of what you have read/heard; don’t let any question pass by Get used to challenging everything Practical advice Question every claim made in a paper or a talk (can you argue the other way?)  Try to write two opposite reviews of a paper (one mainly to argue for accepting the paper and the other for rejecting it) Force yourself to challenge one point in every talk that you attend and raise a question 64 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Respect Data and Truth Be honest with the experiment results  Don’t throw away negative results!  Try to learn from negative results Don’t twist data to fit your hypothesis; instead, let the hypothesis choose data Be objective in data analysis and interpretation; don’t mislead readers  Aim at understanding/explanation instead of just good results Be careful not to over-generalize (for both good and bad results); you may be far from the truth 65 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Communications General communication skills:  Oral and written Formal and informal Talk to people with different level of backgrounds Be clear, concise, accurate, and adaptive (elaborate with examples, summarize by abstraction)  English proficiency Get used to talking to people from different fields 66 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Persistence Work only on topics that you are passionate about Work only on hypotheses that you believe in Don’t draw negative conclusions prematurely and give up easily positive results may be hidden in negative results In many cases, negative results don’t completely reject a hypothesis  Be comfortable with criticisms about your work (learn from negative reviews of a rejected paper) Think of possibilities of repositioning a work 67 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Optimize Your Training Know your strengths and weaknesses strong in math vs. strong in system development creative vs. thorough … Train yourself to fix weaknesses Find strategic partners Position yourself to take advantage of your strengths 68 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email
Thank You Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email me: 69 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq     Email

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Information Retrieval

  • 1. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL A Look into the Science of Web Search Engines 1 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email Muhammad AtifQureshi
  • 2. Contents Story Mode Learning Learning by Imagination Appendix 2 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 3. Story Mode Learning (Borrowed from Prof. Jimmy Lin, University of Maryland, Scientist in Twitter) 3 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 4. Information Retrieval Systems Information What is “information”? Retrieval What do we mean by “retrieval”? What are different types information needs? Systems How do computer systems fit into the human information seeking process? 4 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 5. What is Information? What do you think? There is no “correct” definition Cookie Monster’s definition: “news or facts about something” Different approaches: Philosophy Psychology Linguistics Electrical engineering Physics Computer science Information science 5 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 6. Dictionary says… Oxford English Dictionary information: informing, telling; thing told, knowledge, items of knowledge, news knowledge: knowing familiarity gained by experience; person’s range of information; a theoretical or practical understanding of; the sum of what is known Random House Dictionary information: knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news 6 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 7. Intuitive Notions Information must Be something, although the exact nature (substance, energy, or abstract concept) is not clear; Be “new”: repetition of previously received messages is not informative Be “true”: false or counterfactual information is “mis-information” Be “about” something Robert M. Losee. (1997) A Discipline Independent Definition of Information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(3), 254-269. 7 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 8. Three Views of Information Information as process Information as communication Information as message transmission and reception 8 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 9. One View Information = characteristics of the output of a process Tells us something about the process and the input Information-generating process do not occur in isolation Input Output Process Input Output Input Output Process1 Process2 Input Output … 9 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 10. Where’s the human? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, is information transmitted? In the “information as process”: Yes, but that’s not very interesting to us We’re concerned about information for human consumption Transmission of information from one person to another Recording of information Reconstruction of stored information 10 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 11. Another View Information science is characterized by “the deliberate (purposeful) structure of the message by the sender in order to affect the image structure of the recipient” This implies that the sender has knowledge of the recipient's structure Text = “a collection of signs purposefully structured by a sender with the intention of changing image-structure of a recipient” Information = “the structure of any text which is capable of changing the image-structure of a recipient” 11 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 12. Transfer of Information Communication = transmission of information Thoughts Thoughts Telepathy? Words Words Writing Sounds Sounds Speech Encoding Decoding 12 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 13. Information Theory Better called “communication theory” Developed by Claude Shannon in 1940’s Concerned with the transmission of electrical signals over wires How do we send information quickly and reliably? Underlies modern electronic communication: Voice and data traffic… Over copper, fiber optic, wireless, etc. Famous result: Channel Capacity Theorem Formal measure of information in terms of entropy Information = “reduction in surprise” 13 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 14. The Noisy Channel Model Communication = producing the same message at the destination that was sent at the source The message must be encoded for transmission across a medium (called channel) But the channel is noisy and can distort the message Semantics (meaning) is irrelevant channel Receiver message Transmitter noise Source Destination message 14 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 15. A Synthesis Information retrieval as communication over time and space, across a noisy channel Sender Recipient Encoding Decoding Transmitter Receiver channel storage message message indexing/writing retrieval/reading noise Source Destination message message noise 15 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 16. “Retrieval?” “Fetch something” that’s been stored Recover a stored state of knowledge Search through stored messages to find some messages relevant to the task at hand Encoding Decoding storage Sender Recipient message message indexing/writing Retrieval/reading noise 16 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 17. What is IR? Information retrieval is a problem-oriented discipline, concerned with the problem of the effective and efficient transfer of desired information between human generator and human user Anomalous States of Knowledge as a Basis for Information Retrieval. (1980) Nicholas J. Belkin. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 5, 133-143. 17 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 18. Types of Information Needs Retrospective “Searching the past” Different queries posed against a static collection Time invariant Prospective “Searching the future” Static query posed against a dynamic collection Time dependent 18 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 19. Retrospective Searches (I) Ad hoc retrieval: find documents “about this” Known item search Directed exploration Identify positive accomplishments of the Hubble telescope since it was launched in 1991. Compile a list of mammals that are considered to be endangered, identify their habitat and, if possible, specify what threatens them. Find Jimmy Lin’s homepage. What’s the ISBN number of “Modern Information Retrieval”? Who makes the best chocolates? What video conferencing systems exist for digital reference desk services? 19 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 20. Retrospective Searches (II) Question answering Who discovered Oxygen? When did Hawaii become a state? Where is Ayer’s Rock located? What team won the World Series in 1992? “Factoid” What countries export oil? Name U.S. cities that have a “Shubert” theater. “List” Who is Aaron Copland? What is a quasar? “Definition” 20 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 21. Prospective “Searches” Filtering Make a binary decision about each incoming document Routing Sort incoming documents into different bins? Spam or not spam? Categorize news headlines: World? Nation? Metro? Sports? 21 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 22. What types of information? Text (Documents and portions thereof) XML and structured documents Images Audio (sound effects, songs, etc.) Video Source code Applications/Web services 22 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 23. Content-Based Search This is a relative new concept! What else would you search on? What’s more effective? Why is this hard in many applications? 23 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 24. Interesting Examples Google image search Google video search Query by humming 24 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 25. What about databases? What are examples of databases? Banks storing account information Retailers storing inventories Universities storing student grades What exactly is a (relational) database? Think of them as a collection of tables They model some aspect of “the world” 25 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 26. A (Simple) Database Example Student Table Department Table Course Table Enrollment Table 26 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 27. Database Queries What would you want to know from a database? What classes is John Arrow enrolled in? Who has the highest grade in LBSC 690? Who’s in the history department? Of all the non-CLIS students taking LBSC 690 with a last name shorter than six characters and were born on a Monday, who has the longest email address? 27 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 28. Databases vs. IR 28 IR Databases What we’re retrieving Mostly unstructured. Free text with some metadata. Structured data. Clear semantics based on a formal model. Queries we’re posing Vague, imprecise information needs (often expressed in natural language). Formally (mathematically) defined queries. Unambiguous. Results we get Sometimes relevant, often not. Exact. Always correct in a formal sense. Interaction with system Interaction is important. One-shot queries. Other issues Issues downplayed. Concurrency, recovery, atomicity are all critical. Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 29. The Big Picture The four components of the information retrieval environment: User Process System Collection What computer geeks care about! What we care about! 29 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 30. The Information Retrieval Cycle Resource Query Ranked List Documents query reformulation, vocabulary learning, relevance feedback Documents source reselection Source Selection Query Formulation Search Selection Examination Delivery 30 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 31. Supporting the Search Process Source Selection Resource Query Formulation Query Search Ranked List Selection Indexing Documents Index Examination Acquisition Documents Collection Delivery 31 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 32. Simplification? Resource Query Ranked List Documents query reformulation, vocabulary learning, relevance feedback Documents source reselection Source Selection Is this itself a vast simplification? Query Formulation Search Selection Examination Delivery 32 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 33. Tackling the IR Challenge Divide and conquer! Strategy: use encapsulation to limit complexity Approach: Define interfaces (input and output) for each component Define the functions performed by each component Study each component in isolation Repeat the process within components as needed Make sure that this decomposition makes sense Result: a hierarchical decomposition 33 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 34. Where do we make the cut? Study the IR black box in isolation Simple behavior: in goes query, out comes documents Optimize the quality of documents that come out Study everything else around the black box Put the human back in the loop! Search Query Ranked List 34 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 35. The IR Black Box Documents Query Hits 35 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 36. Inside The IR Black Box Documents Query Representation Function Representation Function Query Representation Document Representation Index Comparison Function Hits 36 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 37. The Central Problem in IR Information Seeker Authors Concepts Concepts Query Terms Document Terms Do these represent the same concepts? 37 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 38. Learning by Imagination 38 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 39. Imagine a System We have 1000s of web pages, what make these web pages different? May be different key terms or key words occurring in different web pages (e.g., sports, education, video sharing) 39 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 40. Realize Query Needs What do we expect when query? Query can be single word (no order), collection of words i.e., free sentence (order does not matter) or strict phrase (order matters e.g., "I love Pakistan") How to manage data of web pages Bag of words data structure with/without position of words/terms (simply, posting list of words/terms) What’s the best match? We have many matching results, but what’s the order? 40 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 41. Order of Matching Results How could we rank web pages? Via query content matching score against web pages i.e., content based methods Via importance of web pages i.e., link based methods 41 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 42. What does Content Tell? Content Information: Rare terms give more information than frequent terms as common terms do not differentiate well between the content of documents (Information entropy) So what does common words make? Stop words (extreme case, e.g., it, a, the) or words with lesser importance (e.g., word science inside scientific documents) 42 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 43. Ranking Methods Content based methods: Examples: Tf-idf with cosine similarity, bm25, etc. Link based methods: Examples: PageRank, HITS, etc. 43 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 44. What is More in Ranking? What other measures we can take for ranking better? Combining content based methods with link based methods How about learning to rank by user click through data (apply machine learning) How about learning from social web (apply social science theories) 44 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 45. Lots of Web Pages How about scalability? We have too many words, can we limit them? Example: Is Studying conceptually different from study or studies? may be not (concept called stemming could simply everything to simple concept study) Stemming may not be sufficient then how about clustering web pages into topics i.e., (terms study, science, arts, university, school, college would single concept or a topic may be called as topic education) 45 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 46. Is it sufficient? Can we feel confident about how Web Search Engine works? No, it was just a summary for the day 46 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 47. Guess! what next you would see? ? 47 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 48. Our search engine Yes we are making it 48 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 49. Appendix 49 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 50. Outline What is Research? How to prepare yourself for IR research? 50 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 51. What is Research? 51 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 52. What is Research? Research Discover new knowledge Seek answers to questions Basic research Goal: Expand man’s knowledge (e.g., which genes control social behavior of honey bees? ) Often driven by curiosity (but not always) High impact examples: relativity theory, DNA, … Applied research Goal: Improve human condition (i.e., improve the world) (e.g., how to cure cancers?) Driven by practical needs High impact examples: computers, transistors, vaccinations, … The boundary is vague; distinction isn’t important 52 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 53. Why Research? Funding Curiosity Utility of Applications Advancement of Technology Amount of knowledge Application Development Applied Research Basic Research 53 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 54. Where’s IR Research? Information Science Funding Quality of Life Utility of Applications Advancement of Technology Amount of knowledge Computer Science Application Development Applied Research Basic Research 54 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 55. Research Process Identification of the topic (e.g., Web search) Hypothesis formulation (e.g., algorithm X is better than Y=state-of-the-art) Experiment design (measures, data, etc) (e.g., retrieval accuracy on a sample of web data) Test hypothesis (e.g., compare X and Y on the data) Draw conclusions and repeat the cycle of hypothesis formulation and testing if necessary (e.g., Y is better only for some queries, now what?) 55 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 56. Typical IR Research Process Look for a high-impact topic (basic or applied) New problem: define/frame the problem Identify weakness of existing solutions if any Propose new methods Choose data sets (often a main challenge) Design evaluation measures (can be very difficult) Run many experiments (need to have clear research hypotheses) Analyze results and repeat the steps above if necessary Publish research results 56 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 57. Research Methods Exploratory research: Identify and frame a new problem (e.g., “a survey/outlook of personalized search”) Constructive research: Construct a (new) solution to a problem (e.g., “a new method for expert finding”) Empirical research: evaluate and compare existing solutions (e.g., “a comparative evaluation of link analysis methods for web search”) The “E-C-E cycle”: exploratoryconstructiveempiricalexploratory… 57 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 58. Types of Research Questions and Results Exploratory (Framework): What’s out there? Descriptive (Principles): What does it look like? How does it work? Evaluative (Empirical results): How well does a method solve a problem? Explanatory (Causes): Why does something happen the way it happens? Predictive (Models): What would happen if xxx ? 58 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 59. Solid and High Impact Research Solid work: A clear hypothesis (research question) with conclusive result (either positive or negative) Clearly adds to our knowledge base (what can we learn from this work?) Implications: a solid, focused contribution is often better than a non-conclusive broad exploration High impact = high-importance-of-problem * high-quality-of-solution high impact = open up an important problem high impact = close a problem with the best solution high impact = major milestones in between Implications: question the importance of the problem and don’t just be satisfied with a good solution, make it the best 59 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 60. How to Prepare Yourself for IR Research? 60 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 61. What it Takes to do Research? Curiosity: allow you to ask questions Critical thinking: allow you to challenge assumptions Learning: take you to the frontier of knowledge Persistence: so that you don’t give up Respect data and truth: ensure your research is solid Communication: allow you to publish your work … 61 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 62. Learning about IR (1/2) Start with an IR text book (e.g., Manning et al., Grossman & Frieder, a forth-coming book from UMass,…) Then read “Readings in IR” by Karen Sparck Jones, Peter Willett And read papers recommended in the following article: Read other papers published in recent IR/IR-related conferences 62 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 63. Learning about IR (2/2) Getting more focused Choose your favorite sub-area (e.g., retrieval models) Extend your knowledge about related topics (e.g., machine learning, statistical modeling, optimization) Stay in frontier: Keep monitoring literature in both IR and related areas Broaden your view: Keep an eye on Industry activities Read about industry trends Try out novel prototype systems Funding trends Read request for proposals 63 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 64. Critical Thinking Develop a habit of asking questions, especially why questions Always try to make sense of what you have read/heard; don’t let any question pass by Get used to challenging everything Practical advice Question every claim made in a paper or a talk (can you argue the other way?) Try to write two opposite reviews of a paper (one mainly to argue for accepting the paper and the other for rejecting it) Force yourself to challenge one point in every talk that you attend and raise a question 64 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 65. Respect Data and Truth Be honest with the experiment results Don’t throw away negative results! Try to learn from negative results Don’t twist data to fit your hypothesis; instead, let the hypothesis choose data Be objective in data analysis and interpretation; don’t mislead readers Aim at understanding/explanation instead of just good results Be careful not to over-generalize (for both good and bad results); you may be far from the truth 65 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 66. Communications General communication skills: Oral and written Formal and informal Talk to people with different level of backgrounds Be clear, concise, accurate, and adaptive (elaborate with examples, summarize by abstraction) English proficiency Get used to talking to people from different fields 66 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 67. Persistence Work only on topics that you are passionate about Work only on hypotheses that you believe in Don’t draw negative conclusions prematurely and give up easily positive results may be hidden in negative results In many cases, negative results don’t completely reject a hypothesis Be comfortable with criticisms about your work (learn from negative reviews of a rejected paper) Think of possibilities of repositioning a work 67 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 68. Optimize Your Training Know your strengths and weaknesses strong in math vs. strong in system development creative vs. thorough … Train yourself to fix weaknesses Find strategic partners Position yourself to take advantage of your strengths 68 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email
  • 69. Thank You Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email me: 69 Reach me on Twitter: @matifq Email