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EICT350                                                                                                                                            1
Medium Term Plan

The children in our class will be working at the following levels. The learning objectives have been constructed from these levels.

ICT: Level 5

Pupils combine ICT tools within the overall structure of an ICT solution. They select the information they need for different purposes, check its accuracy and
organise it in a form suitable for processing. They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and
audiences. They exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using digital communications. They create sequences of
instructions and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. They are systematic in changing the variables in an ICT-
based model and explain the impact of the changes. They use ICT to organise, store and retrieve information using logical and appropriate structures. They
use ICT safely and responsibly. They discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT and their observations of its use outside school. They assess the
use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work. They use appropriate evaluation criteria to
critically evaluate the fitness for purpose of their work as it progresses.

Geography: Level 4

Pupils show knowledge and understanding of aspects of the geography of the UK and the wider world. They recognise and describe the physical and human
features of places and begin to do this within a wider locational framework. They describe how physical and human processes can change the features of
places and how these changes affect the lives and activities of people living there. They recognise and describe simple geographical patterns. They
understand that people can both improve and damage the environment. They offer reasons for their own views about environmental change and recognise
that other people may hold different views. Drawing on their knowledge and understanding, they begin to suggest suitable geographical questions, and use a
range of geographical skills to investigate places and environments. They use primary and secondary sources of evidence in their investigations and
communicate their findings using appropriate vocabulary.

History: Level 4

Pupils show their knowledge and understanding of local, national and international history by describing some of the main events, people and periods they
have studied, and by identifying where these fit within a chronological framework. They describe characteristic features of past societies and periods to
identify change and continuity within and across different periods and to identify some causes and consequences of the main events and changes. They
identify and describe different ways in which the past has been interpreted. When finding answers to historical questions, they begin to use information as
evidence to test hypotheses. They begin to produce structured work, making appropriate use of dates and terms.

Music: Level 4
EICT350                                                                                                                                           2
Medium Term Plan

Pupils identify and explore the relationship between sounds and how music reflects different intentions. While performing by ear and from notations, they
maintain their own part with awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect. They improvise melodic and rhythmic
phrases as part of a group performance and compose by developing ideas within musical structures. They describe, compare and evaluate different kinds of
music using an appropriate musical vocabulary. They suggest improvements to their own and others’ work, commenting on how intentions have been

PE: Level 4

Pupils link skills, techniques and ideas and apply them accurately and appropriately. When performing, they show precision, control and fluency. They show
that they understand tactics and composition. They compare and comment on skills, techniques and ideas used in their own and others’ work, and use this
understanding to improve their performance. They explain and apply basic safety principles when preparing for exercise. They describe how exercise affects
their bodies, and why regular, safe activity is good for their health and wellbeing. They work with others to plan and lead simple practices and activities for
themselves and others.

Art: Level 4

Pupils use a variety of approaches to explore and experiment with ideas, information and resources in order to develop their intentions. They investigate and
develop a range of practical skills and use the qualities of materials and processes purposefully to suit their intentions when designing and making. They
compare and comment on differing ideas, methods and approaches used by artists, craftspeople and designers, relating these to the contexts in which the
work was made. They discuss their own work and that of others and consider how they might adapt and refine their ideas, skills and processes.
EICT350                                                                                                                     3
Medium Term Plan


We have provided a MTP containing 10 sessions. Literacy and Numeracy will be taught discretely in the mornings with the
afternoons being dedicated to the ‘Olympics’ themed project.

The overall product of the sessions, it is hoped, will be a short presentation of a proposal to hold the Olympics in Brazil. Each group
will present their proposal to a group of children and teachers in Brazil (link school) via Skype. The groups must present their
desired location, plans of Olympic village and their Olympic logo, justifying each choice.

Through modelled input and scaffolded activities in the initial two thirds of the project, and from previous teaching it is hoped the
children will be empowered to work independently on their final presentations combining all aspects covered in the main teaching.

The school’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be used throughout the project to enable learners to continue learning at
home. Not all homework will be compulsory, but it is there if the children wish to continue their learning out of school.

We are assuming a monitored network where the filtering of websites is controlled by the school. Children are aware of the e-safety
agreement of the school, misuse is not acceptable.
EICT350                                                                                                                               4
 Medium Term Plan

Theme: The Olympic Games

Overall aims/Objectives covered: Objectives taken from the New National Curriculum (NC) Curriculum Progression in each area of learning.

ICT: Objectives developed throughout this project
to refine searches using advanced techniques and make choices about the appropriateness of the information found
to answer questions or test hypotheses by using ICT to collect, store, analyse and present data
to use ICT to create and refine sequences of instructions to explore problems and make controllable systems
to use a variety of ICT tools to create, develop and refine presentations and performances, integrating effects to enhance outcomes.
to select and use ICT to communicate and collaborate with others remotely and in locations beyond the school
to use ICT safely, managing risk and respecting other users.
to select and use appropriate ICT tools and techniques to develop and refine their ideas

History                        Geography                    Music                        Art                          Dance

L14. to understand the         L8. a range of               L12. To listen carefully,    L6. To design and create     L8. To develop and refine
broad chronology of major      geographical                 developing and               images and artefacts by      their movement repertoire
events in the UK, and          processes that cause         demonstrating musical        selecting, developing and    and show understanding
some key events in the         change in the physical and   understanding and            refining techniques and      of artistic meanings and
wider world, from ancient      human world in different     increasing aural memory      using a range of materials   intentions when they
civilisations to the present   places                                                    and media ideas              dance
day, and to locate within                                   L15. To describe and
this the periods, events       L11. ways in which           compare different kinds of                                L7. To draw upon different
and changes they have          environments can be          music using appropriate                                   dance styles to compose
studied                        managed sustainably and      musical vocabulary                                        dances and communicate
                               why this is important now                                                              meaning
L13. the effects of            and in the future
economic, technological
and scientific
developments on the UK
and the wider world over
EICT350                                                                                                                                         5
    Medium Term Plan

Session      Learning                Lesson Outline                  Key             Differentiation     Assessment        Resources     Homework           Risk
Number      Objectives                                             Questions                                                               (VLE)         Assessment

1         To understand       Introduction: Introduction to      Who has seen        Aim higher          Have ch.          Big Books     Read each       Make sure the
          major events in     the Olympics as an event –         the Olympics?       thinking            shown an          IWB           others          website is easy
          the wider world.    where it has come from             Does anyone         questions to        understanding     Storybird     stories –       for children to
          (Olympics)          (Ancient Greece), what it          know why it         stretch LA and to   of the            website       what did you    find and there
                              stands for, the sports that are    started? How do     challenge HA.       Olympics?                       like? What      is a security
          Pupils show         part of it, who takes part.        you know that?                                                          could they      block on
          their knowledge     Generate questions to ask an       What are your       Ch in mixed                                         improve?        unsuitable
          and                 athlete – pose questions on        favourite sports?   ability pairs for   Direct                                          websites.
          understanding of    twitter - (Olympic verified        What do you         main activity.      differentiated
          local, national     athletes list)                     want to find out                        questioning.
          and international                                      about the
          history by          Task: Using storybird ch. to       Olympics? What                          Peer
          describing some     create a storybook for younger     questions do you                        assessment.
          of the main         children about the Olympics        have for the
          events              (e.g. Teddy’s trip to the          athletes?
                              Olympics). They should draw
                              on info met in introduction –
                              events, people etc.

                              Plenary: Ch. to read out and
                              share the stories they have
2         Describing the      Introduction: Introduction to      What countries      Ch to be in any     Have ch.          Range of      Read            Controlled
          main events,        how Olympics have changed          have held the       pairings. TA and    mapped the        non-fiction   through         preferences on
          people and          over time (since Ancient           Olympics? What      T to support ch     Olympics          books on      Dipity work –   search
          periods they        Greece/Black repression) –         does that mean?     when assistance/    chronologically   the           is there        engines. Make
          have studied,       women, sports etc.                 Where was it        guidance is         ?                 Olympics,     anything you    sure the
          and identify        Task: In pairs – give each child   first held?         needed.                               The           can add?        children know
          where these fit     a country to research focusing                                             Have they         Olympics                      how to get to
          within a            on the Olympics – when were        Were any new        Give LA ch.         identified how    movement                      the sites easily.
          chronological       the Olympics held there?           sports              more resources.     the Olympics      website
EICT350                                                                                                                                          6
    Medium Term Plan

         framework.            Provide them with 3 resources       introduced?                            have changed,                 Make sure the
                               to use to research – Range of                         Those ch who         over time?         Microsoft                    resources are
         They select the       non-fiction books on the                              are inputting                           Bing.                        suitable for the
         information they      Olympics, the Olympics                                information more                        Netbooks                     children’s age
         need for              movement website                                      readily and                             and                          and ability.
         different             (, Microsoft Bing.                        quickly, set them                       chargers.
         purposes, check       Children to plot their                                a more
         its accuracy and      chronology on Dipity with                             challenging task-
         organise it in a      general information.                                  can they input a
         form suitable for     Plenary: View the Dipity                              picture into
         processing.           pages. Half of class Greeks                           Dipity?
                               other half modern day people.
                               Ch. to create a thought alley –
                               one side Greek, one modern
                               day – volunteer to walk through
                               middle (in role as a woman) –
                               how did it feel?
3        Pupils identify       Introduction: Ch. in hall. Ch.      How did the       Ask LA ch. how       Have ch.           Music (CD)     Performance   Make sure the
         and explore the       watch     video     of   Athens     music make you    the music makes      Identified         CD player      on VLE -      space is clear
         relationship          Olympics opening ceremony.          feel? Why? What   them feel.           characteristics    Hall           leave         with no unsafe
         between sounds        Discuss         its     musical     instruments                            of the music?      Camcorder.     comments      obstacles in
         and how music         characteristics     and     what    could you hear?   Ask for the                                            on the        the way.
         reflects different    impact that has.                    How did the       answers of           Have pupils                       uploaded
         intentions.           Activity: Ch. in groups and         drum make you     higher thinking      linked previous                   videos –
                               given an emotion. Ch. to come       feel?             questions from       skills in dance                   what do you
                               up with a dance routine to                            HA ch. Eg: ask       to their emotive                  like? Don’t
         Pupils link skills,   represent the emotion. Ch. to                         about                piece?                            like?
         techniques and        practise routine adjusting it                         tempo/pitch
         ideas and apply       necessarily. Perform to peers.
         them accurately       Can they guess the emotion?                           Ch. to be in
         and                   Plenary:      Performance      of                     mixed ability
         appropriately.        dance to peers. Performance                           groups,
                               filmed.                                               differentiation by
EICT350                                                                                                                                                7
    Medium Term Plan

4        They recognise      Introduction: Gather existing       What are            Ch to be in ability   Have ch.            IWB for      What               Ensure there
         and describe the    knowledge (geographical             geographical        groups so T and       recognised          mindmap/     geographical       are enough
         physical and        features) – mindmap. Introduce      features?           TA can carry out      features of their   satellite    features can       staff to
         human features      geographical features – show                            AfL through           local               images       you find           accompany the
         of places and       map/satellite image to point out                        observations.         environment?                     where you          ch safely
         begin               features (water, buildings, hills                                                                 iPhones      live? Add          around the
         to do this within   etc.)                                                   LA to be more         Have ch. begun                   them to the        local
         a wider                                                                     structured – T        to compare          Clipboards   map on             environment.
         locational          Task: Walk around local town                            modelling             geographical                     Flickr.            Take registers.
         framework.          in groups (with adults).                                throughout. Chn       features?                                           Check images
                             Geotagging photos of                                    to have word                                                              before they are
                             geographical features                                   bank and                                                                  uploaded
         They use ICT to     observed.                                               definitions of                                                            ensuring there
         organise, store                                                             geographical                                                              are no private
         and retrieve        Back in classroom – upload to       What’s different/   features.                                                                 details being
         information         Flickr and view the images on       similar?                                                                                      exposed.
         using logical and   the map – discuss the features.                         MA to have word
         appropriate                                                                 bank but without
         structures.         Plenary – compare                                       definitions.
                             geographical features found,
                             with other images on Flickr                             HA to have less
                             (e.g. in a city).                                       T input. Can they
                                                                                     do it by

5        To begin to         Introduction: Using Google          What differences    Ch to be given a      Have ch.            IWB          Look at an         Ensure that ch.
         understand the      Earth (GE) look at the history      did we see last     number. All the       understood          Google       area of            know how to
         importance of       function. Find Beijing on GE -      time?               1s are farmers,       how human           Earth        interest to        use Google
         sustainability.     the parts of the Olympic site as                        all the 2s are…       processes                        you on             Earth and what
                             it is now. Use the history          What do you feel    and so on             change                           Google             each function
         They describe       function to see how it has          about that?                               environments?                    Earth (our         does to
         how physical        changed.                            What’s              LA to have            Can ch.                          town, city).       prevent
         and human                                               changed? Why?       ‘easier’ roles        describe how                     How has it         confusion or
         processes can       Discuss: the fact that people       Ask ch.                                   different people                 changed            miss-use.
EICT350                                                                                                                                          8
    Medium Term Plan

         change the           lost jobs, were paid hardly        questions such                         may feel?                       over time?
         features of          anything, factories closed – to    as what do you
         places and how       stop pollution. (Sustainability)   think used to be
         these changes                                           there?
         affect the lives     Main Activity:         role-play
         and activities of    activity. Give ch a role
         people living        (politician,  sports    person,
         there.               shopkeeper, child, farmer etc)
                              Ch. to discuss in role groups
                              (eg all shopkeepers together)
                              how the Olympics would affect
                              them. Move on to whole class
                              (in role) discussion: if having
                              the Olympics in their town
                              would be a good or bad thing?

                              Plenary: Discussion        about

6        They describe,       Introduction: Give ch. an          What                Chn to be in       Have ch.           Youtube to                    Make sure the
         compare and          event to move to (e.g. javelin,    movements are       ability groups.    compared the       show                          ch. are working
         evaluate             hammer, running).                  involved in that                       music of Brazil,   opening                       in an open
         different kinds of                                      event?              LA: Chn are        to the             ceremony                      space with no
         music using an       Youtube clip showing Beijing       How does the        permitted to use   previously                                       obstacles that
         appropriate          opening ceremony. Listen to        music fit the       ribbons to help    studied music?                                   could get in the
         musical              the music.                         dance? Can you      them think about                                                    way.
         vocabulary.          Play ch. some Brazilian music      describe the        movements/emot     Have ch.                                         Make sure
                              and show them a video of           music? How is it    ions. Easier to    created a                                        children have
         They work with       carnival.                          different/similar   visualise.         dance with                                       PE kit on and
         others to plan       Ch. to create own opening          to the music in                        others?                                          are in bare
         and lead simple      ceremony dance for their           last lesson? How    MA: T assistance                                                    feet.
         practices and        Brazilain Olympics.                do they move?       to get chn to
         activities for                                          What sections       think about how
         themselves and       Plenary: Groups to watch and       will your dance     they should
         others.              give 2 stars and a wish.           have?               move and why.
EICT350                                                                                                                                    9
    Medium Term Plan

                                                                                  HA: Give these
                                                                                  chn a smaller
                                                                                  space to work in
7        They recognise     Introduce task (proposal).        Where is Brazil?    Ch to be in        Have ch.           Books       Memiary –       Make
         and describe       In groups, you need to create a   What are some       mixed ability      gained an          Internet    keep track of   unsuitable
         simple             proposal for holding the          of the              groups.            understanding      Computers   learning.       websites have
         geographical       Olympics in Brazil. You need to   geographical                           of Brazil?                                     been blocked
         patterns           consider – location, model of     features of the                                                                       as ch. will be
                            Olympic stadium/village,          country? What is                                                                      freely using the
         To refine search   impact on environment and         the culture like?                                                                     internet for
         techniques and     people. You will need a logo                                                                                            research.
         make choices       design that reflects Brazilian
         about the          life.
         information        Main task: In your groups
         found.             gather information about Brazil
                            – geographical, historical,
         They describe      cultural.
         features of past
         societies and
         periods to
         identify change
         and continuity
         within and
         across different

8        They investigate   Introduction: Show ch. some       What can you        Ch in their        Have ch.           Inkscape,   Logo on
         and develop a      of the logos of previous          see? What do        project teams on   analysed           Paints      Voicethread
         range of           Olympic games. Analyse them       they include?       the same table     different logos    Colouring   – invite
         practical skills   in terms of content, colour,      Why created like    but individually   appropriately to   pencils     Brazilian
         and use the        style.                            that (reflect       creating a logo.   develop their      A3 paper    class to
         qualities of                                         country)? What                         own personal       Templates   comment –
         materials and      Task: Create logo for your        could the                              logos?                         check for
EICT350                                                                                                                                               10
    Medium Term Plan

            processes          Olympics. Ch. to choose one of       Olympic logo        Templates will                                        comments.
            purposefully to    3 methods of creating their          stand               be readily
            suit their         logo. (inkscape, painting,           for/represent?      available if ch
            intentions when    drawing).                                                wish to use them
            designing and      Upload logos on Voicethread –                            to aid the design
            making.            peer assess, record and open                             of their logo.
                               up to the world (VLE)

                               Plenary: Share logos, justify
9           Drawing on their   Introduction: Recap                  Where will you      Mixed ability       Can ch. justify   Google
            knowledge and      discussion on sustainability.        put your Olympic    groups.             their choice of   Earth,
            understanding,     Remind ch. that when they            village? Why?                           location for      Sketchup
            they begin to      present their proposal, judges       How will you                            their Olympic
            suggest suitable   will be looking for sustainability   make it                                 site?
            geographical       and minimal impact on                sustainable?
            questions, and     environment.                         How will it                             Have they
            use a range of     Task: To explore Brazil on           impact the                              considered
            geographical       Google Earth and decide upon         environment/peo                         sustainability
            skills to          a location for your Olympic          ple? How can                            and impact on
            investigate        games. Make Olympic village          you ensure                              environment?
            places and         in Sketch-up and put in to           negative impact
            environments.      Google Earth.                        is minimal?
10 (All     To present a       Group presentations to a panel       Questions will      Mixed ability       Have ch. pulled   A                                General
day:        proposal for why   of teachers (in-role as Olympic      surround            groups              all their ideas   presentation                     classroom
preperati   the Olympics       committee). Skype to Brazil.         justifying choice   (throughout)        together and      medium                           risks.
on time)    should be held     Ch. to peer assess each others       of location and                         presented them    (powerpoint
            in Brazil.         presentations.                       logo,                                   effectively and   or other – if
                                                                    sustainability of                       as a team.        chosen by
                                                                    location and                                              the child).

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  • 1. EICT350 1 Medium Term Plan The children in our class will be working at the following levels. The learning objectives have been constructed from these levels. ICT: Level 5 Pupils combine ICT tools within the overall structure of an ICT solution. They select the information they need for different purposes, check its accuracy and organise it in a form suitable for processing. They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences. They exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using digital communications. They create sequences of instructions and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. They are systematic in changing the variables in an ICT- based model and explain the impact of the changes. They use ICT to organise, store and retrieve information using logical and appropriate structures. They use ICT safely and responsibly. They discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT and their observations of its use outside school. They assess the use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work. They use appropriate evaluation criteria to critically evaluate the fitness for purpose of their work as it progresses. Geography: Level 4 Pupils show knowledge and understanding of aspects of the geography of the UK and the wider world. They recognise and describe the physical and human features of places and begin to do this within a wider locational framework. They describe how physical and human processes can change the features of places and how these changes affect the lives and activities of people living there. They recognise and describe simple geographical patterns. They understand that people can both improve and damage the environment. They offer reasons for their own views about environmental change and recognise that other people may hold different views. Drawing on their knowledge and understanding, they begin to suggest suitable geographical questions, and use a range of geographical skills to investigate places and environments. They use primary and secondary sources of evidence in their investigations and communicate their findings using appropriate vocabulary. History: Level 4 Pupils show their knowledge and understanding of local, national and international history by describing some of the main events, people and periods they have studied, and by identifying where these fit within a chronological framework. They describe characteristic features of past societies and periods to identify change and continuity within and across different periods and to identify some causes and consequences of the main events and changes. They identify and describe different ways in which the past has been interpreted. When finding answers to historical questions, they begin to use information as evidence to test hypotheses. They begin to produce structured work, making appropriate use of dates and terms. Music: Level 4
  • 2. EICT350 2 Medium Term Plan Pupils identify and explore the relationship between sounds and how music reflects different intentions. While performing by ear and from notations, they maintain their own part with awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect. They improvise melodic and rhythmic phrases as part of a group performance and compose by developing ideas within musical structures. They describe, compare and evaluate different kinds of music using an appropriate musical vocabulary. They suggest improvements to their own and others’ work, commenting on how intentions have been achieved. PE: Level 4 Pupils link skills, techniques and ideas and apply them accurately and appropriately. When performing, they show precision, control and fluency. They show that they understand tactics and composition. They compare and comment on skills, techniques and ideas used in their own and others’ work, and use this understanding to improve their performance. They explain and apply basic safety principles when preparing for exercise. They describe how exercise affects their bodies, and why regular, safe activity is good for their health and wellbeing. They work with others to plan and lead simple practices and activities for themselves and others. Art: Level 4 Pupils use a variety of approaches to explore and experiment with ideas, information and resources in order to develop their intentions. They investigate and develop a range of practical skills and use the qualities of materials and processes purposefully to suit their intentions when designing and making. They compare and comment on differing ideas, methods and approaches used by artists, craftspeople and designers, relating these to the contexts in which the work was made. They discuss their own work and that of others and consider how they might adapt and refine their ideas, skills and processes.
  • 3. EICT350 3 Medium Term Plan Context: We have provided a MTP containing 10 sessions. Literacy and Numeracy will be taught discretely in the mornings with the afternoons being dedicated to the ‘Olympics’ themed project. The overall product of the sessions, it is hoped, will be a short presentation of a proposal to hold the Olympics in Brazil. Each group will present their proposal to a group of children and teachers in Brazil (link school) via Skype. The groups must present their desired location, plans of Olympic village and their Olympic logo, justifying each choice. Through modelled input and scaffolded activities in the initial two thirds of the project, and from previous teaching it is hoped the children will be empowered to work independently on their final presentations combining all aspects covered in the main teaching. The school’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be used throughout the project to enable learners to continue learning at home. Not all homework will be compulsory, but it is there if the children wish to continue their learning out of school. We are assuming a monitored network where the filtering of websites is controlled by the school. Children are aware of the e-safety agreement of the school, misuse is not acceptable.
  • 4. EICT350 4 Medium Term Plan Theme: The Olympic Games Overall aims/Objectives covered: Objectives taken from the New National Curriculum (NC) Curriculum Progression in each area of learning. ICT: Objectives developed throughout this project to refine searches using advanced techniques and make choices about the appropriateness of the information found to answer questions or test hypotheses by using ICT to collect, store, analyse and present data to use ICT to create and refine sequences of instructions to explore problems and make controllable systems to use a variety of ICT tools to create, develop and refine presentations and performances, integrating effects to enhance outcomes. to select and use ICT to communicate and collaborate with others remotely and in locations beyond the school to use ICT safely, managing risk and respecting other users. to select and use appropriate ICT tools and techniques to develop and refine their ideas History Geography Music Art Dance L14. to understand the L8. a range of L12. To listen carefully, L6. To design and create L8. To develop and refine broad chronology of major geographical developing and images and artefacts by their movement repertoire events in the UK, and processes that cause demonstrating musical selecting, developing and and show understanding some key events in the change in the physical and understanding and refining techniques and of artistic meanings and wider world, from ancient human world in different increasing aural memory using a range of materials intentions when they civilisations to the present places and media ideas dance day, and to locate within L15. To describe and this the periods, events L11. ways in which compare different kinds of L7. To draw upon different and changes they have environments can be music using appropriate dance styles to compose studied managed sustainably and musical vocabulary dances and communicate why this is important now meaning L13. the effects of and in the future economic, technological and scientific developments on the UK and the wider world over time
  • 5. EICT350 5 Medium Term Plan Session Learning Lesson Outline Key Differentiation Assessment Resources Homework Risk Number Objectives Questions (VLE) Assessment 1 To understand Introduction: Introduction to Who has seen Aim higher Have ch. Big Books Read each Make sure the major events in the Olympics as an event – the Olympics? thinking shown an IWB others website is easy the wider world. where it has come from Does anyone questions to understanding Storybird stories – for children to (Olympics) (Ancient Greece), what it know why it stretch LA and to of the website what did you find and there stands for, the sports that are started? How do challenge HA. Olympics? like? What is a security Pupils show part of it, who takes part. you know that? could they block on their knowledge Generate questions to ask an What are your Ch in mixed improve? unsuitable and athlete – pose questions on favourite sports? ability pairs for Direct websites. understanding of twitter - (Olympic verified What do you main activity. differentiated local, national athletes list) want to find out questioning. and international about the history by Task: Using storybird ch. to Olympics? What Peer describing some create a storybook for younger questions do you assessment. of the main children about the Olympics have for the events (e.g. Teddy’s trip to the athletes? Olympics). They should draw on info met in introduction – events, people etc. Plenary: Ch. to read out and share the stories they have created. 2 Describing the Introduction: Introduction to What countries Ch to be in any Have ch. Range of Read Controlled main events, how Olympics have changed have held the pairings. TA and mapped the non-fiction through preferences on people and over time (since Ancient Olympics? What T to support ch Olympics books on Dipity work – search periods they Greece/Black repression) – does that mean? when assistance/ chronologically the is there engines. Make have studied, women, sports etc. Where was it guidance is ? Olympics, anything you sure the and identify Task: In pairs – give each child first held? needed. The can add? children know where these fit a country to research focusing Have they Olympics how to get to within a on the Olympics – when were Were any new Give LA ch. identified how movement the sites easily. chronological the Olympics held there? sports more resources. the Olympics website
  • 6. EICT350 6 Medium Term Plan framework. Provide them with 3 resources introduced? have changed, Make sure the to use to research – Range of Those ch who over time? Microsoft resources are They select the non-fiction books on the are inputting Bing. suitable for the information they Olympics, the Olympics information more Netbooks children’s age need for movement website readily and and and ability. different (, Microsoft Bing. quickly, set them chargers. purposes, check Children to plot their a more its accuracy and chronology on Dipity with challenging task- organise it in a general information. can they input a form suitable for Plenary: View the Dipity picture into processing. pages. Half of class Greeks Dipity? other half modern day people. Ch. to create a thought alley – one side Greek, one modern day – volunteer to walk through middle (in role as a woman) – how did it feel? 3 Pupils identify Introduction: Ch. in hall. Ch. How did the Ask LA ch. how Have ch. Music (CD) Performance Make sure the and explore the watch video of Athens music make you the music makes Identified CD player on VLE - space is clear relationship Olympics opening ceremony. feel? Why? What them feel. characteristics Hall leave with no unsafe between sounds Discuss its musical instruments of the music? Camcorder. comments obstacles in and how music characteristics and what could you hear? Ask for the on the the way. reflects different impact that has. How did the answers of Have pupils uploaded intentions. Activity: Ch. in groups and drum make you higher thinking linked previous videos – given an emotion. Ch. to come feel? questions from skills in dance what do you up with a dance routine to HA ch. Eg: ask to their emotive like? Don’t Pupils link skills, represent the emotion. Ch. to about piece? like? techniques and practise routine adjusting it tempo/pitch ideas and apply necessarily. Perform to peers. them accurately Can they guess the emotion? Ch. to be in and Plenary: Performance of mixed ability appropriately. dance to peers. Performance groups, filmed. differentiation by support
  • 7. EICT350 7 Medium Term Plan 4 They recognise Introduction: Gather existing What are Ch to be in ability Have ch. IWB for What Ensure there and describe the knowledge (geographical geographical groups so T and recognised mindmap/ geographical are enough physical and features) – mindmap. Introduce features? TA can carry out features of their satellite features can staff to human features geographical features – show AfL through local images you find accompany the of places and map/satellite image to point out observations. environment? where you ch safely begin features (water, buildings, hills iPhones live? Add around the to do this within etc.) LA to be more Have ch. begun them to the local a wider structured – T to compare Clipboards map on environment. locational Task: Walk around local town modelling geographical Flickr. Take registers. framework. in groups (with adults). throughout. Chn features? Check images Geotagging photos of to have word before they are geographical features bank and uploaded They use ICT to observed. definitions of ensuring there organise, store geographical are no private and retrieve Back in classroom – upload to What’s different/ features. details being information Flickr and view the images on similar? exposed. using logical and the map – discuss the features. MA to have word appropriate bank but without structures. Plenary – compare definitions. geographical features found, with other images on Flickr HA to have less (e.g. in a city). T input. Can they do it by themselves? 5 To begin to Introduction: Using Google What differences Ch to be given a Have ch. IWB Look at an Ensure that ch. understand the Earth (GE) look at the history did we see last number. All the understood Google area of know how to importance of function. Find Beijing on GE - time? 1s are farmers, how human Earth interest to use Google sustainability. the parts of the Olympic site as all the 2s are… processes you on Earth and what it is now. Use the history What do you feel and so on change Google each function They describe function to see how it has about that? environments? Earth (our does to how physical changed. What’s LA to have Can ch. town, city). prevent and human changed? Why? ‘easier’ roles describe how How has it confusion or processes can Discuss: the fact that people Ask ch. different people changed miss-use.
  • 8. EICT350 8 Medium Term Plan change the lost jobs, were paid hardly questions such may feel? over time? features of anything, factories closed – to as what do you places and how stop pollution. (Sustainability) think used to be these changes there? affect the lives Main Activity: role-play and activities of activity. Give ch a role people living (politician, sports person, there. shopkeeper, child, farmer etc) Ch. to discuss in role groups (eg all shopkeepers together) how the Olympics would affect them. Move on to whole class (in role) discussion: if having the Olympics in their town would be a good or bad thing? Plenary: Discussion about sustainability. 6 They describe, Introduction: Give ch. an What Chn to be in Have ch. Youtube to Make sure the compare and event to move to (e.g. javelin, movements are ability groups. compared the show ch. are working evaluate hammer, running). involved in that music of Brazil, opening in an open different kinds of event? LA: Chn are to the ceremony space with no music using an Youtube clip showing Beijing How does the permitted to use previously obstacles that appropriate opening ceremony. Listen to music fit the ribbons to help studied music? could get in the musical the music. dance? Can you them think about way. vocabulary. Play ch. some Brazilian music describe the movements/emot Have ch. Make sure and show them a video of music? How is it ions. Easier to created a children have They work with carnival. different/similar visualise. dance with PE kit on and others to plan Ch. to create own opening to the music in others? are in bare and lead simple ceremony dance for their last lesson? How MA: T assistance feet. practices and Brazilain Olympics. do they move? to get chn to activities for What sections think about how themselves and Plenary: Groups to watch and will your dance they should others. give 2 stars and a wish. have? move and why.
  • 9. EICT350 9 Medium Term Plan HA: Give these chn a smaller space to work in 7 They recognise Introduce task (proposal). Where is Brazil? Ch to be in Have ch. Books Memiary – Make and describe In groups, you need to create a What are some mixed ability gained an Internet keep track of unsuitable simple proposal for holding the of the groups. understanding Computers learning. websites have geographical Olympics in Brazil. You need to geographical of Brazil? been blocked patterns consider – location, model of features of the as ch. will be Olympic stadium/village, country? What is freely using the To refine search impact on environment and the culture like? internet for techniques and people. You will need a logo research. make choices design that reflects Brazilian about the life. information Main task: In your groups found. gather information about Brazil – geographical, historical, They describe cultural. characteristic features of past societies and periods to identify change and continuity within and across different periods 8 They investigate Introduction: Show ch. some What can you Ch in their Have ch. Inkscape, Logo on and develop a of the logos of previous see? What do project teams on analysed Paints Voicethread range of Olympic games. Analyse them they include? the same table different logos Colouring – invite practical skills in terms of content, colour, Why created like but individually appropriately to pencils Brazilian and use the style. that (reflect creating a logo. develop their A3 paper class to qualities of country)? What own personal Templates comment – materials and Task: Create logo for your could the logos? check for
  • 10. EICT350 10 Medium Term Plan processes Olympics. Ch. to choose one of Olympic logo Templates will comments. purposefully to 3 methods of creating their stand be readily suit their logo. (inkscape, painting, for/represent? available if ch intentions when drawing). wish to use them designing and Upload logos on Voicethread – to aid the design making. peer assess, record and open of their logo. up to the world (VLE) Plenary: Share logos, justify ideas 9 Drawing on their Introduction: Recap Where will you Mixed ability Can ch. justify Google knowledge and discussion on sustainability. put your Olympic groups. their choice of Earth, understanding, Remind ch. that when they village? Why? location for Sketchup they begin to present their proposal, judges How will you their Olympic suggest suitable will be looking for sustainability make it site? geographical and minimal impact on sustainable? questions, and environment. How will it Have they use a range of Task: To explore Brazil on impact the considered geographical Google Earth and decide upon environment/peo sustainability skills to a location for your Olympic ple? How can and impact on investigate games. Make Olympic village you ensure environment? places and in Sketch-up and put in to negative impact environments. Google Earth. is minimal? 10 (All To present a Group presentations to a panel Questions will Mixed ability Have ch. pulled A General day: proposal for why of teachers (in-role as Olympic surround groups all their ideas presentation classroom preperati the Olympics committee). Skype to Brazil. justifying choice (throughout) together and medium risks. on time) should be held Ch. to peer assess each others of location and presented them (powerpoint in Brazil. presentations. logo, effectively and or other – if sustainability of as a team. chosen by location and the child). geographical features.