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Unusual But Potential Agents
of Terrorists
Christopher P. Holstege, MDa,b,*,
Laura K. Bechtel, PhDa,b
, Tracey H. Reilly, MDa
Bram P. Wispelweyc
Stephen G. Dobmeier, BSNb
Division of Medical Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800744, 1222 Jefferson Park Avenue,
4th Floor, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0774, USA
Blue Ridge Poison Center, University of Virginia Health System, P.O. Box 800744,
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0774, USA
Critical Incident Analysis Group, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia,
1510 Oxford Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
Emergency personnel are tasked with the daunting job of being the first to
evaluate and manage victims of a terrorist attack. Numerous potential chem-
ical agents could be used by terrorists. For example, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) lists over 80 chemical agents (Box 1) that pose
risk and can be found at The
challenge for first responders and local hospital emergency personnel is to
prepare for a terrorist event that might use one or more of these agents. As
part of that preparation, emergency physicians should have a basic under-
standing of potential chemical terrorist agents. It is beyond the scope of
this article to review all potential terrorist agents. Rather, four potential
agents have been chosen for review: sodium monofluoroacetate, trichothe-
cene mycotoxins, vomiting agents, and saxitoxin.
Sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080)
Sodium monofluoroacetate (SMFA) is both chemically and toxicologi-
cally identical to the fluoroacetate found in certain poisonous plants in
* Corresponding author. Division of Medical Toxicology, Department of Emergency
Medicine, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800744, 1222 Jefferson Park Avenue, 4th Floor,
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0774.
E-mail address: (C.P. Holstege).
0733-8627/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Emerg Med Clin N Am 25 (2007) 549–566
Box 1. A partial listing of potential chemical agents that pose
a terrorist-use risk
Carbon monoxide
Cyanogen chloride
Ethylene glycol
Hydrogen fluoride
Long-acting anticoagulants
Methyl bromide
Methyl isocyanate
Nerve agents
Organic solvents
Osmium tetroxide
550 HOLSTEGE et al
Australia, South Africa, and South America [1,2]. SMFA is also known as
‘‘1080,’’ referring to SMFA’s catalog number that became its brand name.
SMFA was discovered by German military chemists during World War II
[3]. President Nixon banned the poison in the United States in 1972, but
the Reagan administration reauthorized its use in the mid-1980s for live-
stock protection collars [2]. 1080 is manufactured by one United States
company: Tull Chemical Co. in Oxford, Alabama, which has been
manufacturing the poison since 1956 [4]. Much of Tull’s 1080 is exported
to other countries such as New Zealand, Mexico, Israel, and Australia for
pest control. Accidental cases of ingestion of SMFA are rare but have oc-
curred in China [5]. Also rare are cases of intentional (suicidal) ingestion
in the United States [6]. There are no official reports that document the
use of 1080 in a criminal manner.
In November 2004, Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) asked the De-
partment of Homeland Security to halt production and use of compound
1080 because of its potential as a terrorist agent [7]. In May 2005, a United
States report was released that included a photograph (taken May 2003) of
a Tull 1080 can recovered by coalition troops in Iraq [4]. The Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation, US Air Force, Canadian Security Intelligence Service,
and US Homeland Security publicly list 1080 as a poison that terrorists
could potentially use to contaminate public water supplies. In December
2005, Representative DeFazio introduced a bill ‘‘to prohibit the manufac-
ture, processing, possession, or distribution in commerce of the poison so-
dium fluoroacetate,’’ as well as to destroy existing stores of the poison [8].
The last action taken on this bill was in February 2006, when it was referred
to the subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
The synthetic form of the SMFA (CAS # 62-74-8) exists as a white pow-
der (similar in appearance to flour or powdered sugar) that remains stable
for long periods of time. It is odorless, tasteless, and readily dissolves into
Sodium azide
Sodium monofluoroacetate
Sulfuryl fluoride
Tear gas
water [1]. When present in natural water sources, it degrades within 7 days
because of its metabolism by microorganisms within those environments.
In water devoid of microorganisms, SMFA appears to remain stable [9]. It
is insoluble in organic solvents such as ethanol or vegetable oils [6]. The
only reported distinguishing characteristic is that it has a weak vinegar taste
when mixed with water [6]. It is heat stable; it does not decompose until tem-
peratures approach 200
C. SMFA is highly toxic to vertebrates, although the
sensitivity of different species varies dramatically. In humans, the estimated
lethal poisoning dose (LD50) ranges from 2 to 5 mg/kg body weight [6].
Routes of exposure
Compound 1080 is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the re-
spiratory tract, open wounds, mucus membranes, and ocular exposure [1].
Most human exposures reported in the medical literature have been through
ingestion. Toxicity has been reported to be the same whether it is adminis-
tered orally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously [1]. Dusts
containing SMFA are effectively toxic by inhalation [1].
The toxicologic mechanism of SMFA involves disruption of cellular
energy production resulting in multisystem organ failure (Fig. 1) [10]. The
parent compound, fluoroacetate, has low cellular toxicity. However, once
ingested and absorbed, enzymatic reactions within cells convert fluoroace-
tate to fluoroacetyl-CoA. Fluoroacetyl-CoA, in the presence of oxaloace-
tate, is converted by citrate synthase to fluorocitrate, a potent inhibitor of
the enzyme aconitase [10]. Aconitase catalyzes the reversible Krebs cycle
reaction converting citrate to isocitrate. The inhibition of aconitase results
in the interruption of the energy producing Krebs cycle and the buildup
of citrate. Fluorocitrate also inhibits transport of citrate in and out of mito-
chondria, contributing the buildup of citrate. Elevated citrate levels disrupt
energy production by way of glycolysis by inhibiting the enzyme phospho-
fructokinase. Elevated citrate levels may also cause life-threatening hypocal-
cemia. Because it takes time for the metabolic conversion of fluoroacetate to
fluorocitrate, there is a delay from the time that the poison is ingested to the
initial onset of signs and symptoms [11].
Clinical manifestations
Clinical signs and symptoms associated with SMFA poisoning are non-
specific. SMFA poisoning is characterized by a latent period of 30 minutes
to 3 hours following the administration of the compound by any route
[2,11,12]. However, delayed onset of symptoms has been reported up to 20
hours [6]. Even massive doses do not elicit immediate responses, although
552 HOLSTEGE et al
the latent period may be reduced. In animal studies, the early stages of
poisoning are typically reported as displaying a range of signs including: leth-
argy, vomiting, trembling, excessive salivation, incontinence, muscular weak-
ness, incoordination, hypersensitivity to nervous stimuli, and respiratory
distress. Early neurologic signs include muscular twitches often affecting
the face, such as nystagmus and blepharospasm. These then progress to gen-
eralized seizures, initially tonic and then becoming cyclically tonic–clonic
with periods of lucidity in between [12]. Partial paralysis may be seen that
lasts for prolonged time periods. Death typically results from depression of
the respiratory center, cardiovascular failure, and/or ventricular fibrillation
[2,12,13]. On autopsy, there are no characteristic lesions associated with
SMFA poisoning [1].
Numerous human reports exist in the literature. Trabes and colleagues [12],
for example, described a 15-year-old who attempted suicide by ingesting
SMFA. She developed nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain within 30 min-
utes of ingestion followed by a grand mal seizure 1 hour later with associated
tachycardia (150 beats per minute) and profuse diaphoresis. She was described
as disorientated, demonstrated signs of psychomotor agitation, and over the
ensuing 4 hours, developed three additional grand mal seizures and then be-
came comatose. Her cerebral spinal fluid was unremarkable with normal
Fig. 1. Krebs cycle demonstrating the region of inhibition by fluoroacetate [1].
opening pressures. She recovered, but developed a chronic cerebellar ataxia
and computerized topography findings of moderate diffuse brain atrophy.
Robinson and colleagues [6] reported the case of a 47-year-old male who
ingested SMFA in a suicide attempt. He developed nausea and vomiting
initially, and at 4 hours after ingestion, he experienced tonic–clonic seizures.
At 34 hours postingestion, he responded to only noxious stimuli with an
electroencephalaogram demonstrating mild diffuse slowing. At 48 hours
he became febrile, tachypneic, and unresponsive to painful stimuli and
placed on a ventilator. His chest radiograph revealed pulmonary edema.
Over the following 3 days, he was minimally responsive to external stimuli,
with decline in his renal function (serum creatinine peaked at 4.3 mg/dL).
Two days later, he was discharged with no sequelae. Reigart and colleagues
[13a] described an 8-month-old who developed two episodes of nausea and
vomiting after ingesting SMFA, but was otherwise asymptomatic until
seizures developed 20 hours postingestion.
Chi and colleagues [14] described two cases of SMFA intoxication. The
first, a 26-year-old female, attempted suicide by swallowing 32 mL of 1%
SMFA solution. She initially developed nausea and vomiting, and upon pre-
sentation was found to have a blood pressure of 80/40 mm Hg, respiratory
rate of 32 breaths per minute, and a pulse of 120 beats per minute. Her ini-
tial labs were significant for a plasma creatinine of 1.8 mg/dL, potassium of
3.3 mmol/L, alanine aminotransferase 124 U/L and blood sugar of 248 mg/
dL. Her initial arterial blood gas on 40% oxygen revealed: pH 7.342; pCO2
32.1; pO2 74.4, HCO3- 17.4; base excess -7.2. She developed progressive
metabolic acidosis and subsequent hypotension and respiratory failure.
She expired 48 hours after exposure. In the second case, a 62-year-old female
presented 1 hour after ingestion of 16 mL of 1% SMFA solution. She im-
mediately suffered nausea and vomiting. Her initial vitals signs were: blood
pressure 167/78 mm HG, respiratory rate 19 breaths per minute, pulse 120
beats per minute. Her initial labs were significant for a plasma creatinine of
1.0 mg/dL, potassium of 2.8 mmol/L, alanine aminotransferase 65 U/L, and
blood sugar of 478 mg/dL. Her initial arterial blood gas on 28% oxygen
revealed: pH 7.296; PCO2 39.5; PO2 123, HCO3- 19.4; base excess -6.0.
She developed progressive metabolic acidosis, hypotension, respiratory fail-
ure, and gastrointestinal bleeding, but survived and was discharged without
sequelae 21 days after ingestion.
In a retrospective study of 38 human cases of SMFA poisoning, Chi and
colleagues [5] noted the most frequent symptom to be nausea and/or vomit-
ing (74%). Electrocardiograph changes were variable ranging from mild
nonspecific ST and T wave abnormalities (72%) to ventricular tachycardias
and asystole. The most common electrolyte abnormalities included hypocal-
cemia (42%) and hypokalemia (65%). Seven of the 38 patients died in this
series. Discriminate analysis identified hypotension, increased serum creati-
nine, and decreased pH as the most important predictors of mortality, with
sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 96%.
554 HOLSTEGE et al
Laboratory testing
The CDC has created a multilevel laboratory response network to pro-
vide surge capacity testing for exposure to chemical or biological terrorist
agents. The laboratory response network links 126 clinical laboratories to
public health agencies in all states by providing state-of-the-art facilities
that can analyze potential biological and chemical terrorist agents. At the
onset of an event, state laboratories are capable of performing some initial
testing. More specialized analyses from one of the seven CDC-funded level 1
facilities may be required. Furthermore, the CDC directly may employ
a ‘‘rapid toxic screen’’ to analyze human blood and urine samples for a large
number of potential terrorist agents. If medical personnel suspect patient
exposure to a chemical or biological terrorist agent, the health care team
should immediately contact their respective state or local health department
( Most detection methods require col-
lection and shipping of human specimens as specified by the CDC Labora-
tory Information for Chemical Emergencies’ web page (http://www.
Chemical detection methods are currently used to detect SMFA in
human blood specimens. Derivatized extracts are analyzed using gas chro-
matography mass spectroscopy (GCMS) or gas chromatography with elec-
tron-capture detection. Because the exact mechanism for SMFA metabolism
has not been elucidated, rapid collection of blood specimens should be ob-
tained and immediately stored at 4
C in suspected cases.
There is no specific antidote for SMFA toxicity, and therapy is primarily
focused at supportive care. Even though activated charcoal does appear to
bind SMFA, it does not appear to affect either the area under the curve of
serum fluoroacetate levels versus time or decrease mortality rates [15]. Sev-
eral different treatments have been explored for SMFA toxicity. Because
SMFA induces hypocalcemia, calcium supplementation through adminis-
tration of either calcium gluconate or calcium chloride has been shown to
be of benefit [16,17]. In animal models, sodium succinate has been shown
to be of benefit as a potential antidote to revive the Krebs cycle [16]. Because
of the reported potential for delayed clinical effects, patients who have
known oral exposure to SMFA should be observed for a minimum of
24 hours following oral exposure.
Trichothecene mycotoxins
Select mycotoxins are potential weapons and include such potent agents as
aflatoxin, fumonisin, ochratoxin, and the trichothecenes (ie, T-2 toxin and
vomitoxin) [18,19]. The trichothecene mycotoxins constitute a family of
more than 60 compounds produced by several fungi, including Fusarium,
Myrothecium, Phomopsis, Stachybotrys, Trichoderma, and Trichothecium [19].
All trichothecenes contain a common 12,13-epoxytrichothene skeleton and
are subdivided into four chemical groups (type A, B, C, D). T-2 toxin is the
most extensively studied of the trichothecenes.
The trichothecene mycotoxins have a long and sorted history. In the
Ukraine in 1931, a unique disease to horses was recognized that was charac-
terized by lip edema, stomatitis, oral necrosis, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis [20].
The clinical effects often progressed through well-defined stages including
pancytopenia, coagulopathy, neurologic compromise, superinfections, and
death. When autopsies were performed on the afflicted animals, the entire
alimentary tract was found to have diffuse hemorrhage and necrosis, giving
rise to the name alimentary toxic aleukia [19,21]. During World War II, a large
population within Orenburg, Russia became ill following the ingestion of
overwintered grain colonized by mold, giving a similar disease pattern as
noted in previous animal outbreaks [22]. In 1940, Soviet scientists coined
the term stachybotryotoxicosis to describe the acute syndrome (sore throat,
bloody nasal discharge, dyspnea, cough, and fever) resulting from the inhala-
tion of Stachybotrys mycotoxins [22]. These outbreaks subsequently lead to
the discovery of the trichothecene mycotoxins, with T-2 toxin isolated in
The name ‘‘yellow rain’’ is derived from incidents beginning in 1975,
when two communist governments in Laos and Cambodia (allied with the
Soviet Union) retaliated against Hmong tribes that sided with the United
States during the Vietnam War [19]. The supposed chemical attacks were de-
livered by low-flying aircraft that dropped a yellow oily liquid that lead to
adverse effects by those exposed. In 1983, a United States report summa-
rized the history of T-2 development in the Soviet Union, 2 years after
United States chemical weapons experts matched samples from the attack
to trichothecene signatures. These charges have since been disputed by Har-
vard biologist and biological weapons opponent Matthew Meselson and
others, who believe that T-2 mycotoxins occur naturally in the Laos region
and suggested that the yellow rain was the harmless fecal matter of honey
bees [19]. In Meselson’s view, the poisoning from T-2 mycotoxins was the
result of eating moldy foods and was simply coincidental with the natural
bee droppings. As of 2007, this matter has not been resolved, and much
key information and data from the incidents remain classified [23].
The trichothecene mycotoxins are extremely stable proteins that are resis-
tant to heat, autoclaving, hypochlorite, and ultraviolet light. However, when
exposed to sodium hydroxide, the toxins are rendered inactive [24]. Of the
naturally occurring trichothecenes, T-2 is one of the most potent toxins in
animal studies and the most extensively studied. These toxins can be deliv-
ered as dusts, droplets, aerosols, or smoke from various dispersal systems
556 HOLSTEGE et al
and exploding munitions. They are highly soluble in several organic sol-
vents, such as ethanol, and only slightly soluble in water. T-2 toxin is distrib-
uted rapidly to tissues, with the hepatobiliary system being the major route
for the metabolism and elimination. The reported LD50 of T-2 toxin is
approximately 1 mg/kg [25].
Routes of exposure
The trichothecene mycotoxins are well absorbed by topical, oral, or inha-
lational routes.
The trichothecene mycotoxins are markedly cytotoxic [26]. These agents
have multiple cellular actions. For example, these toxins bind to the 60S ri-
bosomal subunit and inactivate its peptidyl transferase activity at the tran-
scription site, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis [19]. Actively proliferating
cells are particularly sensitive. As a result, these toxins have both cytotoxic
effects and immunosuppressive effects.
Clinical manifestations
The various trichothecenes cause a wide range of clinical effects on nearly
every organ system when studied in animals [27]. The trichothecene myco-
toxins can cause mucosal and skin irritation if exposed topically. Cutaneous
signs include erythema, edema, pain, pruritis, and blisters [21]. Ultimately,
necrosis and sloughing of large areas of skin may occur [22]. Severe ocular
irritation and corneal ulceration may also be seen. Acute trichothecene in-
toxication may result in vomiting, hemorrhagic diathesis, and cardiovascu-
lar dysfunction resembling endotoxic shock [20]. Airway and intestinal
necrosis may occur depending upon the route and dose of exposure. Soon
after exposure, leukocytosis may be seen [20]. However, with increasing tox-
icity, pancytopenia may develop, predisposing to bleeding and sepsis [20].
Symptoms develop within a few hours of exposure. There are no human
trichothecene exposure case reports published in the literature.
Laboratory testing
The parental compound T-2 is rapidly metabolized to HT-2, T2-triol, and
T-2 tetraol within hours after consumption. Therefore, detection methods
have been developed that measure T-2 metabolites that have intrinsically
longer half-lives [28,29]. Current methods rely on inexpensive and rapid en-
zyme-linked immunoassays for T-2 metabolite detection in urine samples
within 1 week after exposure [30,31]. Results from the enzyme-linked immu-
noassays assay can be available within hours.
T-2 metabolites can be detected in blood samples for as long as 1 month
using a highly sensitive modified liquid chromatography tandem mass spec-
troscopy analysis (LCMS/MS) [30,32]. Results may take hours to days using
the LCMS/MS method. Because of the high equipment cost, requirement of
highly trained personnel, and lack of quality standard controls, LCMS/MS
is not the preferred analytical method. Unfortunately, until other methods
are available for analyzing T-2 and T-2 metabolites outside the 1-week
collection window, LCMS/MS will continue to be used. With this in
mind, development of bioassays for cytotoxic screening of T-2 metabolites
is currently being investigated [33].
Adsorbents such as activate charcoal may be useful in treatment if
used early following oral exposure [24]. Washing the exposed skin with
water and detergent promptly after the exposure may remove some of the
agent and limit its absorption [21]. No specific antidote is currently avail-
able, and care is focused on symptomatic and supportive treatment.
Steroids, such as methyl prednisolone and dexamethasone, may be of benefit
following skin exposure.
Vomiting agents
The chemicals classified as vomiting agents include the chemical warfare
agents diphenylchlorarsine (DA), diphenylcyanoarsine (DC), and diphenyla-
minearsine (DM, adamsite) [34,35]. DM was the first of these to be synthesized
by German chemist Heinrich Wieland in 1915. American chemist Robert
Adams independently developed the same compound in 1918 and named it
adamsite. The first reported use of a vomiting agent in warfare came in 1917
when German troops used DA. It was not well filtered by standard issue masks
and forced opposing troops to remove their masks during combat. Once the
masks were removed because of nausea and vomiting, Germany’s enemies
were exposed to the toxic effects of other agents including chlorine gas and
phosgene. Although the Germans also produced DC and DM at this time,
documentation of their use in World War I is limited. Vomiting agents are re-
portedly produced for riot control purposes, but only questionable accounts
exist of foreign nations using them in this manner.
In June 2003, letters containing DM (adamsite) were sent to the United
States, British, and Saudi Embassies; Belgium’s Prime Minister Guy Verhof-
stadt; the Court of Brussels; a Belgian ministry; the Oostende airport; and the
Antwerp port authority [36]. At least two postal workers and five policemen
were hospitalized with symptoms of skin irritation, eye irritation, and difficult
breathing after exposure to the substance. Three people who were exposed in
Oostende were also hospitalized. Belgium police suspected a 45-year-old Iraqi
political refugee opposed to the United States–Iraq War. Upon searching his
558 HOLSTEGE et al
residence, antiterrorism investigators found a plastic bag containing powder.
The investigators suffered similar symptoms to those who were exposed to the
letters, and the Iraqi was charged with premeditated assault. No other instances
of vomiting agent use have been reported, although buried adamsite has been
found in one of many chemical weapons dumping sites in Shikhany, Russia [37].
DA appears as colorless crystals, DC as a white solid, and DM as light yel-
low-to-green crystals [34]. DA and DM are odorless; DC reportedly has an
odor similar to garlic or bitter almonds. All 3 agents are insoluble in water [38].
DM is the most toxic agent of this group, with an estimated LCt50 of 11,000
(ie, an estimated 50% lethality for a group of patients breathing
air with a concentration of 11,000 mg/m3
for 1 min) [34]. Other factors also
are important, such as the exposed patient’s preexisting health status and
the time from exposure to medical care.
Routes of exposure
Vomiting agents typically are disseminated as aerosols. The primary
route of absorption is through the respiratory system. Exposure also can
occur by ingestion, dermal absorption, or eye contact [38].
Clinical manifestations
The effects of the vomiting agents by any route of exposure are slower in
onset and longer in duration than typical riot control agents [34]. On initial ex-
posure, vomiting agents are irritants. This irritation is delayed for several min-
utes after contact. As a result of this delay, vomiting agents do not have early
warning properties. By the time symptoms of irritation occur and personnel
consider donning their protective equipment, significant contamination
already may haveoccurred. Systemic signs and symptoms subsequently follow
the initial irritation and consist of headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal cramps, and mental status changes. Symptoms typically persist
for several hours after exposure. Damage to the skin may ensue if prolonged
contact occurs [39]. Death has been reported with excessive exposure [34]. The
autopsy of this individual found severe airway and lung damage.
Laboratory testing
These agents are enzyme inhibitors that have high affinity for sulfhydryl
groups. Following absorption, DA and DC are rapidly hydrolyzed to dipheny-
larsinic (DPAA), then conjugated to glutathione (DPAA-GS), and excreted.
Therefore, blood and urine samples should be collected within 24 hours. Cur-
rent methods can quantitate DPAA and DPAA-GS levels within hours using
gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy analysis (GCMS/MS) [40]. Inad-
equate data are available regarding DM metabolic products, thereby limiting
GCMS/MS methods to the parental DM molecule and creating a shorter col-
lection window predominantly from blood samples [41]. The collection win-
dow can be opened significantly when measuring organic arsenic levels as
opposed to specific metabolites in blood or tissue samples using GCMS. Arse-
nic levels in combination with a patient’s cytogenetic profile and clinical pre-
sentation may help pinpoint exposure to specific organoarsenic agents [42].
The initial care of patients exposed to vomiting agents primarily is sup-
portive. No specific antidotes are available. Care is focused on relieving
irritant and systemic effects (ie, antiemetics).
Saxitoxin (STX) is associated with the syndrome known as paralytic shell-
fish poisoning and it poses a worldwide health problem [43]. STX is formed
by dinoflagellates, which cause a phenomenon known as a red tide. Marine
life (mollusks, crabs, and fish) may feed on these and bioaccumulate the di-
noflagellate toxins. Humans may inadvertently consume intoxicated seafood
[43,44]. Numerous outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning have been re-
ported worldwide. Paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by not only saxi-
toxin, but also other chemical variations of saxitoxin, for example
decarbamoyl STX (dc-STX) and N-sulfocarbamoyl (B1) toxin.
Governments reportedly began experimenting with saxitoxin in the
1950s. In 1969, President Richard Nixon banned biological weapons. Sub-
sequently, nearly all the United States STX produced was destroyed. How-
ever, in 1975, approximately 10 g of STX was discovered in a storage
facility, triggering a US Senate investigation and a redistribution of the
remaining STX to universities for research purposes.
In recent years, terrorist events have resulted in increased regulations of
STX [45]. STX has been listed in the ‘‘Select Agent Program’’ by the United
States (Box 2). The US Department of Health and Human Services and the
US Department of Agriculture published final rules, which implement the
provisions of the USA Patriot Act and Public Health Security and Bioter-
rorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. These rules set forth the re-
quirements for possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins. The
select chemical toxins identified in the final rules have the potential to pose
a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to
animal and plant products. The CDC regulates the possession, use, and
transfer of these select agents and toxins that have the potential to pose a se-
vere threat to public health and safety. The CDC Select Agent Program
oversees these activities and registers all laboratories and other entities in
the United States that possess, use, or transfer a select agent or toxin.
560 HOLSTEGE et al
Saxitoxin is also currently listed in schedule 1 of the Chemical Weapons
Convention as one of the most potent toxins known. Saxitoxin and ricin are
the only two naturally occurring toxins classified as schedule 1 of the
Chemical Weapons Convention.
STX is a naturally occurring toxin. STX has also been synthesized using
various different methods [46]. STX is water-soluble, heat stable, and unaf-
fected by cooking [44]. The LCt50 of STX is 5 mg/min/m3
and is reportedly
2000 times more toxic than sodium cyanide by weight [47].
Routes of exposure
STX toxicity can occur by either ingestion or inhalation. Contamination
of food or water with STX are viewed as viable concerns for mass human
exposure [48]. In animal experiments, inhalational routes of administration
are more potent than oral routes, causing death within minutes compared
with hours for oral [49].
STX is a specific high-affinity blocking ligand of voltage-dependent
sodium channels [50]. STX binds competitively to a site on the external sur-
face of the channel, named toxin site 1. This binding inhibits sodium flux
through these ion channels rendering excitable tissues such as nerves and
muscle nonfunctional.
Clinical manifestations
There are no published reports of saxitoxin being used by terrorists,
though concern remains high pertaining to its potential use, its marked
Box 2. Health and human services select agent toxins
T-2 toxin
Botulism toxins
Staphylococcal enterotoxins
toxicity, and its natural availability. There are numerous reports in the liter-
ature of saxitoxin being ingested in contaminated food, which sheds light on
the clinical manifestations of STX toxicity.
In two separate outbreaks reported in 1990, nine fisherman developed
symptoms within 2 hours following consumption of STX-contaminated
shellfish [44]. Reported symptoms included numbness of the mouth (six of
nine), vomiting (four of nine), paresthesias of the extremities (seven of
nine), numbness and tingling of the tongue (two of nine), numbness of the
face (five of nine), low-back pain (six of nine), and periorbital edema (one
of nine). Two hours following the onset of symptoms, one of the fishermen
suffered a ‘‘cardiopulmonary arrest’’ and died. Of the remaining eight, only
two required hospitalization. The duration of neurologic symptoms was less
than 24 hours, and those who had low back pain approximately 3 days. Of
those who survived, all recovered uneventfully.
In 1994, nine people, 38 to 80 years old, presented to the ED 6 to 18
hours after the first symptoms of STX toxicity occurred [51]. In all cases,
symptoms began 60 to 90 minutes after ingestion of contaminated shellfish
and consisted of dizziness, ataxia, paresthesias (oral–facial and extremity),
but no gastrointestinal complaints. Six people had progressive impairment
of gait, confining them to a wheelchair after 6 to 8 hours. All had normal
vital signs on arrival with axial ataxia and bilateral dysmetria. Four had bi-
lateral nystagmus, and three had dysarthria. All had distal stocking and
glove superficial impairment and bilateral moderate position and vibratory
sense impairment, with preservation of tendon jerks. Hematology and bio-
chemistry routine testing were normal in all patients. Cerebral spinal fluid
from two patients was normal. None developed respiratory involvement,
and all were discharged from the hospital within 3 days. Within 2 weeks,
all recovered but still complained of fatigue, paresthesias, and memory
loss, which persisted up to 3 months. There were no long-term sequelae.
In 2000, a 65-year-old female reportedly ingested STX-contaminated
blowfish and within minutes developed tingling of her lips and tongue,
which intensified over the ensuing 2 hours [52]. She developed increasing
chest pain and had mild tachycardia and hypertension (160/70 mm Hg) re-
quiring treatment with topical nitroglycerin [53]. Six to 8 hours after inges-
tion, she developed ascending paralysis and declining pulmonary function
requiring intubation. Over the following day she regained reflexes, and vol-
untary movement and was extubated 72 hours later.
In 2002, two fishermen died following STX-contaminated shellfish inges-
tion [54]. Symptoms before demise included lip paresthesias, nausea, extrem-
ity weakness, and ‘‘tongue immobilization.’’ The forensic examination of
both victims did not show pathologic abnormalities with the exception of
the lungs, which revealed pulmonary edema. STX was detected in gastric
contents, body fluids, and tissue samples.
In summary, following oral exposure, STX causes prominent paresthe-
sias, often beginning circumorally and spreading to the limbs. This can
562 HOLSTEGE et al
then progress to paralysis with retention of reflexes [49]. Cranial nerve dys-
function, hypersalivation, diaphoresis, respiratory failure, hypertension, and
hypotension have all been reported.
Laboratory testing
Measuring levels of saxitoxin in human samples requires early acquisi-
tion of samples. Saxitoxin undergoes minimal metabolism, but is rapidly
excreted into the urine. Saxitoxin can also concentrate in liver, spleen,
and central nervous system tissues [55]. Because of the extremely rapid ex-
cretion profile of saxitoxin compounds, urine samples are preferred rather
than serum samples. All saxitoxin testing should be performed by a state
health department laboratory where high performance LCMS/MS is
used. These LCMS/MS methods can provide saxitoxin fingerprint analyses
to determine if the saxitoxin agent was derived from an organic source
(shellfish ingestion) or a purified saxitoxin source (biological warfare
agent). Any cases suspected of saxitoxin exposure should collect urine spec-
imens within 24 hours of exposure. Higher levels of saxitoxin exposure can
extend detection times for several days [56]. Alternatively less sensitive
methods are available for detecting saxitoxin in human samples, such as
high-performance liquid chromatography and receptor binding assays
State facilities may request submission of shellfish samples, if the physi-
cian suspects saxitoxin exposure due to ingestion of contaminated shellfish.
Current United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) guidelines
require all shellfish sold in the United States be tested for paralytic shellfish
toxins. The mouse bioassay is the current gold standard method approved
by the USFDA for detection and quantitation of paralytic shellfish toxins
in shellfish marketed to human consumers [59]. This method identifies par-
alytic shellfish toxins by injecting mice with 1 ml of an acidic extract, then
measuring time of death as a measurement of toxicity (5–15 min). The tox-
icity of the sample is then calculated with reference to dose–response curves
established with saxitoxin standards and expressed in mouse units. Specific-
ity for saxitoxin is based on the extremely rapid toxicity profile compared
with other paralytic shellfish toxins. This method is not used to determine
levels in humans.
There is no known antidote for STX toxicity. Most patients will recover if
they receive adequate and timely supportive care.
It will be a challenge for emergency personnel to diagnose and direct appro-
priate therapy for victims who develop an unexpected illness resulting from
the intentional release of a chemical substance. There are numerous potential
chemical agents that could be used by terrorists. Emergency health care pro-
viders should have a general understanding of these agents and should be able
to recognize the signs and symptoms of a presenting sentinel case.
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566 HOLSTEGE et al

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Unusual but potential agents of terrorists

  • 1. Unusual But Potential Agents of Terrorists Christopher P. Holstege, MDa,b,*, Laura K. Bechtel, PhDa,b , Tracey H. Reilly, MDa , Bram P. Wispelweyc , Stephen G. Dobmeier, BSNb a Division of Medical Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800744, 1222 Jefferson Park Avenue, 4th Floor, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0774, USA b Blue Ridge Poison Center, University of Virginia Health System, P.O. Box 800744, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0774, USA c Critical Incident Analysis Group, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia, 1510 Oxford Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA Emergency personnel are tasked with the daunting job of being the first to evaluate and manage victims of a terrorist attack. Numerous potential chem- ical agents could be used by terrorists. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists over 80 chemical agents (Box 1) that pose risk and can be found at The challenge for first responders and local hospital emergency personnel is to prepare for a terrorist event that might use one or more of these agents. As part of that preparation, emergency physicians should have a basic under- standing of potential chemical terrorist agents. It is beyond the scope of this article to review all potential terrorist agents. Rather, four potential agents have been chosen for review: sodium monofluoroacetate, trichothe- cene mycotoxins, vomiting agents, and saxitoxin. Sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) Sodium monofluoroacetate (SMFA) is both chemically and toxicologi- cally identical to the fluoroacetate found in certain poisonous plants in * Corresponding author. Division of Medical Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800744, 1222 Jefferson Park Avenue, 4th Floor, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0774. E-mail address: (C.P. Holstege). 0733-8627/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.emc.2007.02.006 Emerg Med Clin N Am 25 (2007) 549–566
  • 2. Box 1. A partial listing of potential chemical agents that pose a terrorist-use risk Abrin Acids Adamsite Ammonia Arsenic Arsine Barium Benzene Brevetoxin Bromine Bromobenzylcyanide Bz Carbon monoxide Caustics Chlorine Chloroacetophenone Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile Chloropicrin Colchicine Cyanide Cyanogen chloride Dibenzoxazepine Digitalis Diphosgene Ethylene glycol Hydrogen fluoride Lewisite Long-acting anticoagulants Mercury Methyl bromide Methyl isocyanate Mustard Nerve agents Nicotine Opioids Organic solvents Osmium tetroxide Paraquat Phosgene Phosphine 550 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 3. Australia, South Africa, and South America [1,2]. SMFA is also known as ‘‘1080,’’ referring to SMFA’s catalog number that became its brand name. SMFA was discovered by German military chemists during World War II [3]. President Nixon banned the poison in the United States in 1972, but the Reagan administration reauthorized its use in the mid-1980s for live- stock protection collars [2]. 1080 is manufactured by one United States company: Tull Chemical Co. in Oxford, Alabama, which has been manufacturing the poison since 1956 [4]. Much of Tull’s 1080 is exported to other countries such as New Zealand, Mexico, Israel, and Australia for pest control. Accidental cases of ingestion of SMFA are rare but have oc- curred in China [5]. Also rare are cases of intentional (suicidal) ingestion in the United States [6]. There are no official reports that document the use of 1080 in a criminal manner. In November 2004, Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) asked the De- partment of Homeland Security to halt production and use of compound 1080 because of its potential as a terrorist agent [7]. In May 2005, a United States report was released that included a photograph (taken May 2003) of a Tull 1080 can recovered by coalition troops in Iraq [4]. The Federal Bu- reau of Investigation, US Air Force, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and US Homeland Security publicly list 1080 as a poison that terrorists could potentially use to contaminate public water supplies. In December 2005, Representative DeFazio introduced a bill ‘‘to prohibit the manufac- ture, processing, possession, or distribution in commerce of the poison so- dium fluoroacetate,’’ as well as to destroy existing stores of the poison [8]. The last action taken on this bill was in February 2006, when it was referred to the subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Properties The synthetic form of the SMFA (CAS # 62-74-8) exists as a white pow- der (similar in appearance to flour or powdered sugar) that remains stable for long periods of time. It is odorless, tasteless, and readily dissolves into Phosphorous Saxitoxin Sodium azide Sodium monofluoroacetate Stibine Strychnine Sulfuryl fluoride Tear gas Tetrodotoxin Thallium Trichothecene 551UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 4. water [1]. When present in natural water sources, it degrades within 7 days because of its metabolism by microorganisms within those environments. In water devoid of microorganisms, SMFA appears to remain stable [9]. It is insoluble in organic solvents such as ethanol or vegetable oils [6]. The only reported distinguishing characteristic is that it has a weak vinegar taste when mixed with water [6]. It is heat stable; it does not decompose until tem- peratures approach 200 C. SMFA is highly toxic to vertebrates, although the sensitivity of different species varies dramatically. In humans, the estimated lethal poisoning dose (LD50) ranges from 2 to 5 mg/kg body weight [6]. Routes of exposure Compound 1080 is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the re- spiratory tract, open wounds, mucus membranes, and ocular exposure [1]. Most human exposures reported in the medical literature have been through ingestion. Toxicity has been reported to be the same whether it is adminis- tered orally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously [1]. Dusts containing SMFA are effectively toxic by inhalation [1]. Pathophysiology The toxicologic mechanism of SMFA involves disruption of cellular energy production resulting in multisystem organ failure (Fig. 1) [10]. The parent compound, fluoroacetate, has low cellular toxicity. However, once ingested and absorbed, enzymatic reactions within cells convert fluoroace- tate to fluoroacetyl-CoA. Fluoroacetyl-CoA, in the presence of oxaloace- tate, is converted by citrate synthase to fluorocitrate, a potent inhibitor of the enzyme aconitase [10]. Aconitase catalyzes the reversible Krebs cycle reaction converting citrate to isocitrate. The inhibition of aconitase results in the interruption of the energy producing Krebs cycle and the buildup of citrate. Fluorocitrate also inhibits transport of citrate in and out of mito- chondria, contributing the buildup of citrate. Elevated citrate levels disrupt energy production by way of glycolysis by inhibiting the enzyme phospho- fructokinase. Elevated citrate levels may also cause life-threatening hypocal- cemia. Because it takes time for the metabolic conversion of fluoroacetate to fluorocitrate, there is a delay from the time that the poison is ingested to the initial onset of signs and symptoms [11]. Clinical manifestations Clinical signs and symptoms associated with SMFA poisoning are non- specific. SMFA poisoning is characterized by a latent period of 30 minutes to 3 hours following the administration of the compound by any route [2,11,12]. However, delayed onset of symptoms has been reported up to 20 hours [6]. Even massive doses do not elicit immediate responses, although 552 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 5. the latent period may be reduced. In animal studies, the early stages of poisoning are typically reported as displaying a range of signs including: leth- argy, vomiting, trembling, excessive salivation, incontinence, muscular weak- ness, incoordination, hypersensitivity to nervous stimuli, and respiratory distress. Early neurologic signs include muscular twitches often affecting the face, such as nystagmus and blepharospasm. These then progress to gen- eralized seizures, initially tonic and then becoming cyclically tonic–clonic with periods of lucidity in between [12]. Partial paralysis may be seen that lasts for prolonged time periods. Death typically results from depression of the respiratory center, cardiovascular failure, and/or ventricular fibrillation [2,12,13]. On autopsy, there are no characteristic lesions associated with SMFA poisoning [1]. Numerous human reports exist in the literature. Trabes and colleagues [12], for example, described a 15-year-old who attempted suicide by ingesting SMFA. She developed nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain within 30 min- utes of ingestion followed by a grand mal seizure 1 hour later with associated tachycardia (150 beats per minute) and profuse diaphoresis. She was described as disorientated, demonstrated signs of psychomotor agitation, and over the ensuing 4 hours, developed three additional grand mal seizures and then be- came comatose. Her cerebral spinal fluid was unremarkable with normal Fig. 1. Krebs cycle demonstrating the region of inhibition by fluoroacetate [1]. 553UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 6. opening pressures. She recovered, but developed a chronic cerebellar ataxia and computerized topography findings of moderate diffuse brain atrophy. Robinson and colleagues [6] reported the case of a 47-year-old male who ingested SMFA in a suicide attempt. He developed nausea and vomiting initially, and at 4 hours after ingestion, he experienced tonic–clonic seizures. At 34 hours postingestion, he responded to only noxious stimuli with an electroencephalaogram demonstrating mild diffuse slowing. At 48 hours he became febrile, tachypneic, and unresponsive to painful stimuli and placed on a ventilator. His chest radiograph revealed pulmonary edema. Over the following 3 days, he was minimally responsive to external stimuli, with decline in his renal function (serum creatinine peaked at 4.3 mg/dL). Two days later, he was discharged with no sequelae. Reigart and colleagues [13a] described an 8-month-old who developed two episodes of nausea and vomiting after ingesting SMFA, but was otherwise asymptomatic until seizures developed 20 hours postingestion. Chi and colleagues [14] described two cases of SMFA intoxication. The first, a 26-year-old female, attempted suicide by swallowing 32 mL of 1% SMFA solution. She initially developed nausea and vomiting, and upon pre- sentation was found to have a blood pressure of 80/40 mm Hg, respiratory rate of 32 breaths per minute, and a pulse of 120 beats per minute. Her ini- tial labs were significant for a plasma creatinine of 1.8 mg/dL, potassium of 3.3 mmol/L, alanine aminotransferase 124 U/L and blood sugar of 248 mg/ dL. Her initial arterial blood gas on 40% oxygen revealed: pH 7.342; pCO2 32.1; pO2 74.4, HCO3- 17.4; base excess -7.2. She developed progressive metabolic acidosis and subsequent hypotension and respiratory failure. She expired 48 hours after exposure. In the second case, a 62-year-old female presented 1 hour after ingestion of 16 mL of 1% SMFA solution. She im- mediately suffered nausea and vomiting. Her initial vitals signs were: blood pressure 167/78 mm HG, respiratory rate 19 breaths per minute, pulse 120 beats per minute. Her initial labs were significant for a plasma creatinine of 1.0 mg/dL, potassium of 2.8 mmol/L, alanine aminotransferase 65 U/L, and blood sugar of 478 mg/dL. Her initial arterial blood gas on 28% oxygen revealed: pH 7.296; PCO2 39.5; PO2 123, HCO3- 19.4; base excess -6.0. She developed progressive metabolic acidosis, hypotension, respiratory fail- ure, and gastrointestinal bleeding, but survived and was discharged without sequelae 21 days after ingestion. In a retrospective study of 38 human cases of SMFA poisoning, Chi and colleagues [5] noted the most frequent symptom to be nausea and/or vomit- ing (74%). Electrocardiograph changes were variable ranging from mild nonspecific ST and T wave abnormalities (72%) to ventricular tachycardias and asystole. The most common electrolyte abnormalities included hypocal- cemia (42%) and hypokalemia (65%). Seven of the 38 patients died in this series. Discriminate analysis identified hypotension, increased serum creati- nine, and decreased pH as the most important predictors of mortality, with sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 96%. 554 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 7. Laboratory testing The CDC has created a multilevel laboratory response network to pro- vide surge capacity testing for exposure to chemical or biological terrorist agents. The laboratory response network links 126 clinical laboratories to public health agencies in all states by providing state-of-the-art facilities that can analyze potential biological and chemical terrorist agents. At the onset of an event, state laboratories are capable of performing some initial testing. More specialized analyses from one of the seven CDC-funded level 1 facilities may be required. Furthermore, the CDC directly may employ a ‘‘rapid toxic screen’’ to analyze human blood and urine samples for a large number of potential terrorist agents. If medical personnel suspect patient exposure to a chemical or biological terrorist agent, the health care team should immediately contact their respective state or local health department ( Most detection methods require col- lection and shipping of human specimens as specified by the CDC Labora- tory Information for Chemical Emergencies’ web page (http://www. Chemical detection methods are currently used to detect SMFA in human blood specimens. Derivatized extracts are analyzed using gas chro- matography mass spectroscopy (GCMS) or gas chromatography with elec- tron-capture detection. Because the exact mechanism for SMFA metabolism has not been elucidated, rapid collection of blood specimens should be ob- tained and immediately stored at 4 C in suspected cases. Treatment There is no specific antidote for SMFA toxicity, and therapy is primarily focused at supportive care. Even though activated charcoal does appear to bind SMFA, it does not appear to affect either the area under the curve of serum fluoroacetate levels versus time or decrease mortality rates [15]. Sev- eral different treatments have been explored for SMFA toxicity. Because SMFA induces hypocalcemia, calcium supplementation through adminis- tration of either calcium gluconate or calcium chloride has been shown to be of benefit [16,17]. In animal models, sodium succinate has been shown to be of benefit as a potential antidote to revive the Krebs cycle [16]. Because of the reported potential for delayed clinical effects, patients who have known oral exposure to SMFA should be observed for a minimum of 24 hours following oral exposure. Trichothecene mycotoxins Select mycotoxins are potential weapons and include such potent agents as aflatoxin, fumonisin, ochratoxin, and the trichothecenes (ie, T-2 toxin and vomitoxin) [18,19]. The trichothecene mycotoxins constitute a family of more than 60 compounds produced by several fungi, including Fusarium, 555UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 8. Myrothecium, Phomopsis, Stachybotrys, Trichoderma, and Trichothecium [19]. All trichothecenes contain a common 12,13-epoxytrichothene skeleton and are subdivided into four chemical groups (type A, B, C, D). T-2 toxin is the most extensively studied of the trichothecenes. The trichothecene mycotoxins have a long and sorted history. In the Ukraine in 1931, a unique disease to horses was recognized that was charac- terized by lip edema, stomatitis, oral necrosis, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis [20]. The clinical effects often progressed through well-defined stages including pancytopenia, coagulopathy, neurologic compromise, superinfections, and death. When autopsies were performed on the afflicted animals, the entire alimentary tract was found to have diffuse hemorrhage and necrosis, giving rise to the name alimentary toxic aleukia [19,21]. During World War II, a large population within Orenburg, Russia became ill following the ingestion of overwintered grain colonized by mold, giving a similar disease pattern as noted in previous animal outbreaks [22]. In 1940, Soviet scientists coined the term stachybotryotoxicosis to describe the acute syndrome (sore throat, bloody nasal discharge, dyspnea, cough, and fever) resulting from the inhala- tion of Stachybotrys mycotoxins [22]. These outbreaks subsequently lead to the discovery of the trichothecene mycotoxins, with T-2 toxin isolated in 1968. The name ‘‘yellow rain’’ is derived from incidents beginning in 1975, when two communist governments in Laos and Cambodia (allied with the Soviet Union) retaliated against Hmong tribes that sided with the United States during the Vietnam War [19]. The supposed chemical attacks were de- livered by low-flying aircraft that dropped a yellow oily liquid that lead to adverse effects by those exposed. In 1983, a United States report summa- rized the history of T-2 development in the Soviet Union, 2 years after United States chemical weapons experts matched samples from the attack to trichothecene signatures. These charges have since been disputed by Har- vard biologist and biological weapons opponent Matthew Meselson and others, who believe that T-2 mycotoxins occur naturally in the Laos region and suggested that the yellow rain was the harmless fecal matter of honey bees [19]. In Meselson’s view, the poisoning from T-2 mycotoxins was the result of eating moldy foods and was simply coincidental with the natural bee droppings. As of 2007, this matter has not been resolved, and much key information and data from the incidents remain classified [23]. Properties The trichothecene mycotoxins are extremely stable proteins that are resis- tant to heat, autoclaving, hypochlorite, and ultraviolet light. However, when exposed to sodium hydroxide, the toxins are rendered inactive [24]. Of the naturally occurring trichothecenes, T-2 is one of the most potent toxins in animal studies and the most extensively studied. These toxins can be deliv- ered as dusts, droplets, aerosols, or smoke from various dispersal systems 556 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 9. and exploding munitions. They are highly soluble in several organic sol- vents, such as ethanol, and only slightly soluble in water. T-2 toxin is distrib- uted rapidly to tissues, with the hepatobiliary system being the major route for the metabolism and elimination. The reported LD50 of T-2 toxin is approximately 1 mg/kg [25]. Routes of exposure The trichothecene mycotoxins are well absorbed by topical, oral, or inha- lational routes. Pathophysiology The trichothecene mycotoxins are markedly cytotoxic [26]. These agents have multiple cellular actions. For example, these toxins bind to the 60S ri- bosomal subunit and inactivate its peptidyl transferase activity at the tran- scription site, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis [19]. Actively proliferating cells are particularly sensitive. As a result, these toxins have both cytotoxic effects and immunosuppressive effects. Clinical manifestations The various trichothecenes cause a wide range of clinical effects on nearly every organ system when studied in animals [27]. The trichothecene myco- toxins can cause mucosal and skin irritation if exposed topically. Cutaneous signs include erythema, edema, pain, pruritis, and blisters [21]. Ultimately, necrosis and sloughing of large areas of skin may occur [22]. Severe ocular irritation and corneal ulceration may also be seen. Acute trichothecene in- toxication may result in vomiting, hemorrhagic diathesis, and cardiovascu- lar dysfunction resembling endotoxic shock [20]. Airway and intestinal necrosis may occur depending upon the route and dose of exposure. Soon after exposure, leukocytosis may be seen [20]. However, with increasing tox- icity, pancytopenia may develop, predisposing to bleeding and sepsis [20]. Symptoms develop within a few hours of exposure. There are no human trichothecene exposure case reports published in the literature. Laboratory testing The parental compound T-2 is rapidly metabolized to HT-2, T2-triol, and T-2 tetraol within hours after consumption. Therefore, detection methods have been developed that measure T-2 metabolites that have intrinsically longer half-lives [28,29]. Current methods rely on inexpensive and rapid en- zyme-linked immunoassays for T-2 metabolite detection in urine samples within 1 week after exposure [30,31]. Results from the enzyme-linked immu- noassays assay can be available within hours. 557UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 10. T-2 metabolites can be detected in blood samples for as long as 1 month using a highly sensitive modified liquid chromatography tandem mass spec- troscopy analysis (LCMS/MS) [30,32]. Results may take hours to days using the LCMS/MS method. Because of the high equipment cost, requirement of highly trained personnel, and lack of quality standard controls, LCMS/MS is not the preferred analytical method. Unfortunately, until other methods are available for analyzing T-2 and T-2 metabolites outside the 1-week collection window, LCMS/MS will continue to be used. With this in mind, development of bioassays for cytotoxic screening of T-2 metabolites is currently being investigated [33]. Treatment/disposition Adsorbents such as activate charcoal may be useful in treatment if used early following oral exposure [24]. Washing the exposed skin with water and detergent promptly after the exposure may remove some of the agent and limit its absorption [21]. No specific antidote is currently avail- able, and care is focused on symptomatic and supportive treatment. Steroids, such as methyl prednisolone and dexamethasone, may be of benefit following skin exposure. Vomiting agents The chemicals classified as vomiting agents include the chemical warfare agents diphenylchlorarsine (DA), diphenylcyanoarsine (DC), and diphenyla- minearsine (DM, adamsite) [34,35]. DM was the first of these to be synthesized by German chemist Heinrich Wieland in 1915. American chemist Robert Adams independently developed the same compound in 1918 and named it adamsite. The first reported use of a vomiting agent in warfare came in 1917 when German troops used DA. It was not well filtered by standard issue masks and forced opposing troops to remove their masks during combat. Once the masks were removed because of nausea and vomiting, Germany’s enemies were exposed to the toxic effects of other agents including chlorine gas and phosgene. Although the Germans also produced DC and DM at this time, documentation of their use in World War I is limited. Vomiting agents are re- portedly produced for riot control purposes, but only questionable accounts exist of foreign nations using them in this manner. In June 2003, letters containing DM (adamsite) were sent to the United States, British, and Saudi Embassies; Belgium’s Prime Minister Guy Verhof- stadt; the Court of Brussels; a Belgian ministry; the Oostende airport; and the Antwerp port authority [36]. At least two postal workers and five policemen were hospitalized with symptoms of skin irritation, eye irritation, and difficult breathing after exposure to the substance. Three people who were exposed in Oostende were also hospitalized. Belgium police suspected a 45-year-old Iraqi political refugee opposed to the United States–Iraq War. Upon searching his 558 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 11. residence, antiterrorism investigators found a plastic bag containing powder. The investigators suffered similar symptoms to those who were exposed to the letters, and the Iraqi was charged with premeditated assault. No other instances of vomiting agent use have been reported, although buried adamsite has been found in one of many chemical weapons dumping sites in Shikhany, Russia [37]. Properties DA appears as colorless crystals, DC as a white solid, and DM as light yel- low-to-green crystals [34]. DA and DM are odorless; DC reportedly has an odor similar to garlic or bitter almonds. All 3 agents are insoluble in water [38]. DM is the most toxic agent of this group, with an estimated LCt50 of 11,000 mg/min/m3 (ie, an estimated 50% lethality for a group of patients breathing air with a concentration of 11,000 mg/m3 for 1 min) [34]. Other factors also are important, such as the exposed patient’s preexisting health status and the time from exposure to medical care. Routes of exposure Vomiting agents typically are disseminated as aerosols. The primary route of absorption is through the respiratory system. Exposure also can occur by ingestion, dermal absorption, or eye contact [38]. Clinical manifestations The effects of the vomiting agents by any route of exposure are slower in onset and longer in duration than typical riot control agents [34]. On initial ex- posure, vomiting agents are irritants. This irritation is delayed for several min- utes after contact. As a result of this delay, vomiting agents do not have early warning properties. By the time symptoms of irritation occur and personnel consider donning their protective equipment, significant contamination already may haveoccurred. Systemic signs and symptoms subsequently follow the initial irritation and consist of headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and mental status changes. Symptoms typically persist for several hours after exposure. Damage to the skin may ensue if prolonged contact occurs [39]. Death has been reported with excessive exposure [34]. The autopsy of this individual found severe airway and lung damage. Laboratory testing These agents are enzyme inhibitors that have high affinity for sulfhydryl groups. Following absorption, DA and DC are rapidly hydrolyzed to dipheny- larsinic (DPAA), then conjugated to glutathione (DPAA-GS), and excreted. Therefore, blood and urine samples should be collected within 24 hours. Cur- rent methods can quantitate DPAA and DPAA-GS levels within hours using 559UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 12. gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy analysis (GCMS/MS) [40]. Inad- equate data are available regarding DM metabolic products, thereby limiting GCMS/MS methods to the parental DM molecule and creating a shorter col- lection window predominantly from blood samples [41]. The collection win- dow can be opened significantly when measuring organic arsenic levels as opposed to specific metabolites in blood or tissue samples using GCMS. Arse- nic levels in combination with a patient’s cytogenetic profile and clinical pre- sentation may help pinpoint exposure to specific organoarsenic agents [42]. Treatment/disposition The initial care of patients exposed to vomiting agents primarily is sup- portive. No specific antidotes are available. Care is focused on relieving irritant and systemic effects (ie, antiemetics). Saxitoxin Saxitoxin (STX) is associated with the syndrome known as paralytic shell- fish poisoning and it poses a worldwide health problem [43]. STX is formed by dinoflagellates, which cause a phenomenon known as a red tide. Marine life (mollusks, crabs, and fish) may feed on these and bioaccumulate the di- noflagellate toxins. Humans may inadvertently consume intoxicated seafood [43,44]. Numerous outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning have been re- ported worldwide. Paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by not only saxi- toxin, but also other chemical variations of saxitoxin, for example decarbamoyl STX (dc-STX) and N-sulfocarbamoyl (B1) toxin. Governments reportedly began experimenting with saxitoxin in the 1950s. In 1969, President Richard Nixon banned biological weapons. Sub- sequently, nearly all the United States STX produced was destroyed. How- ever, in 1975, approximately 10 g of STX was discovered in a storage facility, triggering a US Senate investigation and a redistribution of the remaining STX to universities for research purposes. In recent years, terrorist events have resulted in increased regulations of STX [45]. STX has been listed in the ‘‘Select Agent Program’’ by the United States (Box 2). The US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Agriculture published final rules, which implement the provisions of the USA Patriot Act and Public Health Security and Bioter- rorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. These rules set forth the re- quirements for possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins. The select chemical toxins identified in the final rules have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal and plant products. The CDC regulates the possession, use, and transfer of these select agents and toxins that have the potential to pose a se- vere threat to public health and safety. The CDC Select Agent Program oversees these activities and registers all laboratories and other entities in the United States that possess, use, or transfer a select agent or toxin. 560 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 13. Saxitoxin is also currently listed in schedule 1 of the Chemical Weapons Convention as one of the most potent toxins known. Saxitoxin and ricin are the only two naturally occurring toxins classified as schedule 1 of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Properties STX is a naturally occurring toxin. STX has also been synthesized using various different methods [46]. STX is water-soluble, heat stable, and unaf- fected by cooking [44]. The LCt50 of STX is 5 mg/min/m3 and is reportedly 2000 times more toxic than sodium cyanide by weight [47]. Routes of exposure STX toxicity can occur by either ingestion or inhalation. Contamination of food or water with STX are viewed as viable concerns for mass human exposure [48]. In animal experiments, inhalational routes of administration are more potent than oral routes, causing death within minutes compared with hours for oral [49]. Pathophysiology STX is a specific high-affinity blocking ligand of voltage-dependent sodium channels [50]. STX binds competitively to a site on the external sur- face of the channel, named toxin site 1. This binding inhibits sodium flux through these ion channels rendering excitable tissues such as nerves and muscle nonfunctional. Clinical manifestations There are no published reports of saxitoxin being used by terrorists, though concern remains high pertaining to its potential use, its marked Box 2. Health and human services select agent toxins Abrin Conotoxins Ricin Shigatoxin T-2 toxin Botulism toxins Diacetoxyscirpenol Saxitoxin Staphylococcal enterotoxins Tetrodotoxin 561UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 14. toxicity, and its natural availability. There are numerous reports in the liter- ature of saxitoxin being ingested in contaminated food, which sheds light on the clinical manifestations of STX toxicity. In two separate outbreaks reported in 1990, nine fisherman developed symptoms within 2 hours following consumption of STX-contaminated shellfish [44]. Reported symptoms included numbness of the mouth (six of nine), vomiting (four of nine), paresthesias of the extremities (seven of nine), numbness and tingling of the tongue (two of nine), numbness of the face (five of nine), low-back pain (six of nine), and periorbital edema (one of nine). Two hours following the onset of symptoms, one of the fishermen suffered a ‘‘cardiopulmonary arrest’’ and died. Of the remaining eight, only two required hospitalization. The duration of neurologic symptoms was less than 24 hours, and those who had low back pain approximately 3 days. Of those who survived, all recovered uneventfully. In 1994, nine people, 38 to 80 years old, presented to the ED 6 to 18 hours after the first symptoms of STX toxicity occurred [51]. In all cases, symptoms began 60 to 90 minutes after ingestion of contaminated shellfish and consisted of dizziness, ataxia, paresthesias (oral–facial and extremity), but no gastrointestinal complaints. Six people had progressive impairment of gait, confining them to a wheelchair after 6 to 8 hours. All had normal vital signs on arrival with axial ataxia and bilateral dysmetria. Four had bi- lateral nystagmus, and three had dysarthria. All had distal stocking and glove superficial impairment and bilateral moderate position and vibratory sense impairment, with preservation of tendon jerks. Hematology and bio- chemistry routine testing were normal in all patients. Cerebral spinal fluid from two patients was normal. None developed respiratory involvement, and all were discharged from the hospital within 3 days. Within 2 weeks, all recovered but still complained of fatigue, paresthesias, and memory loss, which persisted up to 3 months. There were no long-term sequelae. In 2000, a 65-year-old female reportedly ingested STX-contaminated blowfish and within minutes developed tingling of her lips and tongue, which intensified over the ensuing 2 hours [52]. She developed increasing chest pain and had mild tachycardia and hypertension (160/70 mm Hg) re- quiring treatment with topical nitroglycerin [53]. Six to 8 hours after inges- tion, she developed ascending paralysis and declining pulmonary function requiring intubation. Over the following day she regained reflexes, and vol- untary movement and was extubated 72 hours later. In 2002, two fishermen died following STX-contaminated shellfish inges- tion [54]. Symptoms before demise included lip paresthesias, nausea, extrem- ity weakness, and ‘‘tongue immobilization.’’ The forensic examination of both victims did not show pathologic abnormalities with the exception of the lungs, which revealed pulmonary edema. STX was detected in gastric contents, body fluids, and tissue samples. In summary, following oral exposure, STX causes prominent paresthe- sias, often beginning circumorally and spreading to the limbs. This can 562 HOLSTEGE et al
  • 15. then progress to paralysis with retention of reflexes [49]. Cranial nerve dys- function, hypersalivation, diaphoresis, respiratory failure, hypertension, and hypotension have all been reported. Laboratory testing Measuring levels of saxitoxin in human samples requires early acquisi- tion of samples. Saxitoxin undergoes minimal metabolism, but is rapidly excreted into the urine. Saxitoxin can also concentrate in liver, spleen, and central nervous system tissues [55]. Because of the extremely rapid ex- cretion profile of saxitoxin compounds, urine samples are preferred rather than serum samples. All saxitoxin testing should be performed by a state health department laboratory where high performance LCMS/MS is used. These LCMS/MS methods can provide saxitoxin fingerprint analyses to determine if the saxitoxin agent was derived from an organic source (shellfish ingestion) or a purified saxitoxin source (biological warfare agent). Any cases suspected of saxitoxin exposure should collect urine spec- imens within 24 hours of exposure. Higher levels of saxitoxin exposure can extend detection times for several days [56]. Alternatively less sensitive methods are available for detecting saxitoxin in human samples, such as high-performance liquid chromatography and receptor binding assays [57,58]. State facilities may request submission of shellfish samples, if the physi- cian suspects saxitoxin exposure due to ingestion of contaminated shellfish. Current United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) guidelines require all shellfish sold in the United States be tested for paralytic shellfish toxins. The mouse bioassay is the current gold standard method approved by the USFDA for detection and quantitation of paralytic shellfish toxins in shellfish marketed to human consumers [59]. This method identifies par- alytic shellfish toxins by injecting mice with 1 ml of an acidic extract, then measuring time of death as a measurement of toxicity (5–15 min). The tox- icity of the sample is then calculated with reference to dose–response curves established with saxitoxin standards and expressed in mouse units. Specific- ity for saxitoxin is based on the extremely rapid toxicity profile compared with other paralytic shellfish toxins. This method is not used to determine levels in humans. Treatment/disposition There is no known antidote for STX toxicity. Most patients will recover if they receive adequate and timely supportive care. Summary It will be a challenge for emergency personnel to diagnose and direct appro- priate therapy for victims who develop an unexpected illness resulting from 563UNUSUAL BUT POTENTIAL AGENTS OF TERRORISTS
  • 16. the intentional release of a chemical substance. There are numerous potential chemical agents that could be used by terrorists. Emergency health care pro- viders should have a general understanding of these agents and should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of a presenting sentinel case. References [1] Egekeze JO, Oehme FW. Sodium monofluoroacetate (SMFA, compound 1080): a literature review. Vet Hum Toxicol 1979;21(6):411–6. [2] Eason C. Sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) risk assessment and risk communication. Toxicology 2002;181–182:523–30. [3] Abraham K. Defazio bill bans poison. The Eugene Weekly. January 12, 2006. Available at: [4] Milstein M. Iraq’s tests of coyote poison surface: Rep. Peter DeFazio says use of the poison he had tried to have banned underscores loose US controls of lethal agents. The Oregonian. May 28, 2005. Available at: poison.htm. [5] Chi CH, Chen KW, Chan SH, et al. Clinical presentation and prognostic factors in sodium monofluoroacetate intoxication. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1996;34(6):707–12. [6] Robinson RF, Griffith JR, Wolowich WR, et al. Intoxication with sodium monofluoroace- tate (compound 1080). Vet Hum Toxicol 2002;44(2):93–5. [7] Milstein M. Wolf poison raises alarms about its terrorism potential. The Oregonian. Novem- ber 3, 2004. [8] De Fazio P. Sodium fluoroacetate elimination act. In: Congress US, editors. vol. 109. 2005:H.R. 4567. [9] Booth LH, Ogilvie SC, Wright GR, et al. Degradation of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) and fluorocitrate in water. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1999;62(1):34–9. [10] Twigg LE, Mead RJ, King DR. Metabolism of fluoroacetate in the skink (Tiliqua rugosa) and the rat (Rattus norvegicus). Aust J Biol Sci 1986;39(1):1–15. [11] Sherley M. The traditional categories of fluoroacetate poisoning signs and symptoms belie substantial underlying similarities. Toxicol Lett 2004;151(3):399–406. [12] Trabes J, Rason N, Avrahami E. Computed tomography demonstration of brain damage due to acute sodium monofluoroacetate poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1983;20(1):85–92. [13] Ando J, Shiozu K, Kawasaki H. A selective blockade of the cardiac inotropic effect of adren- aline by sodium monofluoroacetate. Bull Osaka Med Sch 1966;12(1):1–4. [13a] Reigart JR, Brueggeman JL, Keil JE. Sodium Fluoroacetate poisioning. Am J Dis Child 1975;129(10):1224–6. [14] Chi CH, Lin TK, Chen KW. Hemodynamic abnormalities in sodium monofluoroacetate intoxication. Hum Exp Toxicol 1999;18(6):351–3. [15] Norris WR, Temple WA, Eason CT, et al. Sorption of fluoroacetate (compound 1080) by Colestipol, activated charcoal and anion-exchange in resins in vitro and gastrointestinal decontamination in rats. Vet Hum Toxicol 2000;42(5):269–75. [16] Omara F, Sisodia CS. Evaluation of potential antidotes for sodium fluoroacetate in mice. Vet Hum Toxicol 1990;32(5):427–31. [17] Taitelman U, Roy A, Raikhlin-Eisenkraft B, et al. The effect of monoacetin and calcium chloride on acid-base balance and survival in experimental sodium fluoroacetate poisoning. Arch Toxicol Suppl 1983;6:222–7. [18] Stark AA. Threat assessment of mycotoxins as weapons: molecular mechanisms of acute toxicity. J Food Prot 2005;68(6):1285–93. [19] Bennett JW, Klich M. Mycotoxins. Clin Microbiol Rev 2003;16(3):497–516. [20] Parent-Massin D. Haematotoxicity of trichothecenes. Toxicol Lett 2004;153(1):75–81. 564 HOLSTEGE et al
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