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 Since, clearly, politics is the administration of symbols and practices
related to the form and composition of society’s value patterns, society
cannot assume a static certainty in directing them. Instead, it looks for
   dynamic techniques to navigate the currents emanating from the
           insecurity present in human nature and its culture.
                                                    HAROLD D. LASSWELL
                                     World Politics and Personal Insecurity
Political Science

•  Political science is the study of the administration of privilege
   in society, and human inequality is, therefore, one of its
   primordial objects of investigation.

•  Human inequality originated in the sequential development of
   man’s intelligence, his self-consciousness, his insecurity and

•  The study of inequality is reduced specifically to the historic
   evolution of man’s conduct, which can be distinguished by the
   asymmetrical relationship held among men since the concept
   of authority and its resulting subordination emerged.

•  Authority and subordination are at the root of human
   inequality at all levels of man’s activities and his culture.
Primal Causes of Inequality

•  In the recorded intellectual history of humanity we
   recurrently come across an endless debate on the primal
   causes of inequality inherent in the human condition. Two
   dominant and opposing thesis have emerged:
   –  The conservative vision has repeatedly stated that, in order for
      society to maintain stability, some form of stratification is
      necessary. Stratification has signified the peaceful acquiescence
      of a functional pact regarding authority and subordination.
•  This constitutes the origin of the “unequal distribution” in
   the administration of society’s resources.
   –  The radical stance has viewed social inequality in the light of the
      philosophy of the Homo homini lupus : “man is a wolf to [his
      fellow] man” : reflects man’s permanent fight against man for the
      scarce material and spiritual resources necessary for his survival.
Social Stratification

•  These two opposing views on
   human inequality have been the
   source of the different positions
   taken by the classic authors in
   political science (Hobbes,
   Locke, Rousseau, Hegel, Kant,
   Mill, Marx and Weber).
•  They were classified in two
   great tendencies explaining
   social stratification,
   −  the functionalist (realist)
   −  the conflictive (idealist)
Inequality: Explanatory Currents

•  The functionalist current establishes that human inequality
   stems from the stratification derived from natural
   differences such as genre, race or health and the general
   division of labor and benefits society in terms of the notion
   of the compartmentalized responsibility of each of the
   individuals that comprise it.
•  The idealist and the conflictive theory have established as
   the primary cause for stratification and human inequality in
   man’s history is the “interest” of groups in power in
   dominating and exploiting society, together with the
   appropriation of privilege, prestige and organized human
Theories on Human Inequality
•  In the XXth Century the idealist current is represented by Kingsley
   Davis in 1945; and the materialist, by the Hegelian and Marxist-Leninist
   thought of dialectic materialism, represented by many thinkers, among
   them Rosa de Luxemburg, Luckacs, Althusser, Polianyi, Trostsky,
•  The idealists establishes human inequality as a strictly functional tool,
   indispensable to achieve social stability while scientific materialism
   conceives it as a result of the struggle among the different classes.
•  Scientific materialism set the utopian goal of eventually achieving a
   classless society. It attempted to establish a kind of “social engineering”
   which proposed, the expropriation of acquired privileges through the
   dictatorship of the proletarian, ignoring that all forms of power imply a
   form of human subordination and subsequent social inequality.
•  These two theories constitute a living lesson on their respective
Power, State and Insecurity
•  Based on the notion of the raison d’Etat, Machiavelo
   proposed a realistic political exercise which explains and
   justifies the centralization of power in order to guarantee
   the supreme goals of the state.
•  Hobbes, overwhelmed by the insecurity of his time and by
   his own, formulated the political philosophy of absolutism,
   which was also practiced by the State as a means to
   eradicate the anarchism natural to society.
•  Rousseau, enthused by the idea of liberty, suggested that
   anarchy should be obligatory, thus nullifying the very spirit
   of liberty.
•  Hegel, with his grandiloquent dialectic, took his view of the
   State to the limits of the sacred and, consequently, to
Pacific co-habitation
•  John Stuart Mill , in the late nineteenth century, showed an
   inclination to proposing centralism as a way of administrating
   human interests.
•  With an uncompromising outlook, Marx set out the eradication
   of human inequality using the State as a supposedly infallible
•  In the general context of the thought underlying our political
   tradition, there has clearly been a recurrent tendency to
   suggest formulas based on the suppression of subordination
   and the concentration of power in the State, as a mean of
   achieving pacific co-habitation among men.
Social Darwinism
•  Herbert Spencer, suggested that the
   world moved on a continuous path
   toward progressive perfection and
   established the need to avoid the
   authoritative interference of the State
   in the processes that society
   undergoes in order to ensure its
•  Spencer’s thesis was named “Social
   Darwinism”. Unfortunately, in its time,
   it was simply interpret as a general
   “apology” for capitalism’s laissez-faire
Political Action
•  Harold Lasswell influenced by the
   discoveries made by Freud and Jung
   regarding the mind’s symbolism and
   psychology, believed that the “political
   action” which emanates from the
   insecurity of human beings is none other
   than the action of administrating the
   distribution of society’s privileges and
   values. This is exercised by the elite,
   who, through its ability to manipulate the
   “symbols of identification”, political control
   and economic power, ultimately
   legitimizes them through the
   indiscriminate use of violence.
Biological Heterogeneity and Diversity

Biological heterogeneity and diversity vs social inequality:

• While inequality is scientifically understandable in the
biological light of heterogeneity and diversity, in its social
extension, it is ridiculously disproportionate to the nature of
the biological inequality present in the original human scale.

• Man’s insecurity is also directly responsible for the
appearance of the irrational phenomenon of man’s
disproportionate power and, the appearance of the immense
injustice and corruption practiced by its administrators.
Civilization and Codes of Social Conduct
•  As expressions of man’s power and how it is manifested –
   injustice, war, irrational exploitation of natural resources,
   genocide, armament, indiscriminate financial growth,
   overpopulation and man’s discrimination toward man - today
   are indispensable to be understood to initiate a study on new
   alternatives to rearrange society’s traditional political
   organization as part of the evolutionist context of a new way of
   interpreting the human phenomenon.
•  In the context of the human possibilities of this era, civilization
   must adopt a different code of social conduct –also a political
   one-, in terms of a “conscious selection” of the Homo sapiens
   sapiens, and discard the Darwinian code of the Homo homini
   lupus of natural selection from social co-habitation
The Creation of Language

•  From the perspective of the
   evolution of man’s intelligence and
   his self-conscious discovery of his
   death, man has always tried to
   shelter his insecurity within
•  This insecurity has been a great
   influence in the creation of
   language in terms of man’s
   identification with sacred symbols,
   which have been fundamental in
   the constitution of his political
The Need for Human Affiliation

•  In the creation of the structural
   inequality in man’s life, not only the
   original feeling of metaphysical
   insecurity intervened, but also the
   need for human affiliation.

•  The elite has always used this
   human need by manipulating
   identification symbols in the
   attribution of privileges concerning
   “security”, “integration” and
   “deference” in order to guarantee
   the continuation of a pyramidal
   class structured society.
Political Culture
•  Given the natural human tendency to confrontation by affiliation
   and its subsequent relation to authority and subordination,
   paradoxically, this political culture has been a conflictive one.
•  This political culture became rooted in man’s daily life, irrationally
   adopting the rules, forms and ideologies that society imposes in
   the procedures established for affiliation to take place.
•  It has been interpreted by social anthropologist and social
   psychologists as the “social instinct of belonging”

   “In man’s life, identification symbols play a determining role in the
   construction of society in terms of the recognition and reference
   of its members”. (Lasswell).
The Need for Human Affiliation

•  In the creation of the structural
   inequality in man’s life, not only the
   original feeling of metaphysical
   insecurity intervened, but also the
   need for human affiliation.

•  The elite has always used this
   human need by manipulating
   identification symbols in the
   attribution of privileges concerning
   “security”, “integration” and
   “deference” in order to guarantee
   the continuation of a pyramidal
   class structured society.
•  Affiliation is conflictive by nature not only because of
   the implications of taking up a membership, also due
   to the consequences this membership has within a
   community when there is a confrontation between
   patterns of behavior and ideologies.
•  The internal perception that one group has of
   belonging and approved is juxtaposed to the external
   perception of group that is alien and disapproved (in
   group-out group) and is always subject to affiliation.
•  In its daily exercise, this behavior is manifested in each
   category of human affiliation, in the spheres of religion,
   ethnicity, nationalism, economy, society and
Communal Pact
•  Man’s social configuration, from time to time, established the
   need to make a communal pact comprised of rules, usually
   written ones, regarding the language used in the “instructions”,
   “direction” and “commitment” of each affiliates status.
•  Following Lasswell’s line of thought, Nicholas Onuf determined
   that there are three parallel types of “language rules” used in
   the political process of human affiliation.
•  These language rules correspond with the assignation of
   privileges in society, which, in the political order followed in
   administrating scarce resources, eventually determines the
   different forms of power exerted throughout the life of human
   society. Among the most outstanding are the attribution of
   influence, restrictive forces, economic property and social
Institutions Through Association

•  Every organization that maintains its identity and retains its continuity
   begets a progeny of institutions. Though variously named, the latter
   are fundamentally alike in the role they perform.
•  Education is institutionalized through school, colleges, and
•  Religion is organized by temples, mosques, synagogues, or
•  Business is carried on by the firm or corporation.
•  The family clusters round the home.
•  Likewise, the State acts through government and its specialized
   agencies –legislature, law court, administrative department, and civil
•  Every institutions constructed through association (affiliation)
   produces rules that define the relations of its members, allot their
   rights and responsibilities, and prescribe its operating procedures.
Administrating Society s Privileges
               and Violence
•  Culture has frequently assigned the elite
   the task of administrating society’s
   privileges, not only in the material and
   economic sense regarding its resources
   but also in terms of spiritual values.

•  In this context, the bureaucratic elite and
   the military and police forces that
   worked for the “security” of the State’s
   political and economic establishment
   have guaranteed the preservation of this
   system through a type of persuasion
   that is based on the possibility of
   applying violence.
Universal Affiliation
•  The theoretical explanation regarding the diversity and the conflict
   underlying the political conduct of the Homo sapiens can only be
   explained in the light of interpreting his psychological configuration
•  If man eventually were to become aware of his insecurity, this would
   truly signify an initial gigantic step forward for humanity to transcend it.
•  This would permit the gradual substitution of an affiliative culture, by
   nature a conflictive one, for a certainly possible and pacific universal
•  We can conclude that although man’s “primitive animal” condition is
   partly responsible for his present history; it is actually the emerging
   condition of his self-consciousness what actually brought forth the
   disproportionate phenomenon of the Homo homini lupus in our
•  It must be emphasized that as we stand before the threshold of this new
   era in evolution, only the subsequent development of human
   consciousness and intelligence can guarantee its survival.
Democratic State

• Raul Manglapus, who was exiled in the United States during Ferdinand
Marcos’ dictatorship in the Philippines begins the introduction to his
extraordinary book Will of the People with the question: What is jazz?
• He then continues to say that whoever asks such a question will never
know what jazz is, and proceeds to establish an analog between jazz and
democracy, which he also considers to be indefinable.
• In the context of human life, its definition could, nevertheless, be narrated –
due to the dynamic nature of narration- and still corresponding with
Manglapus’ observation
• Manglapus’ thesis presented the democratic state in man as an attribute
characteristic to human organization, as opposed to an innovative ideology
that must be learned.
Neuropolitical Phenomenon

•  Manglapus seeks to invalidate the
   arguments set forth by totalitarian
   regimes which consistently claim
   that a people’s political maturity is a
   pre-requisite to attain democracy.

•  Democracy has to be conceived as
   a neuropolitical phenomenon, that
   allowed the human possibility, from
   the standpoint of our being self-
   conscious, of the feasibility of a new
   non-subordinate relationship
   between men

The Concentration of Power
•  In the universal tradition of
   political thought there is
   the idea, that the greater
   the power a centralized
   authority concentrates -
   representative or not-, the
   more stability and social
   justice there will be.
•  However, history has
   taught us that the
   concentration of power in
   all its manifestations is
   precisely what par
   excellence promotes
   inequality, injustice and
   man’s conflicts.
•    When the concentration of power stems from a “social pact” which grants
     subordinates and transfer man’s individual power to the abstract entity of the
     State (Leviathan), expropriation is the only alternative that can make
     historical revision possible.
•    As more democratic systems slowly appear, and expropriation becomes more
     evident, the concentration of human privileges could come to an end, and,
     therefore, it could gradually stop inequality and the consequent stratification of
     our class-structured society.

•  To stop inequality, it would be
   indispensable to complete the
   millenary process regarding the
   self-conscious action in man that
   leads to the decentralization of
   authority and human affiliation
•  Subordination and the
   authoritative centralization of
   power could be forever eliminated
   as the accepted principle
   indispensable in bringing about
   social peace and common welfare.
Conscious Selection

•  The admirable neurological quality, developed in
   the Homo sapiens during the last twenty-five
   thousand years, will provide him with the
   intellectual tools necessary to intelligently
   elucidate the possibilities he has of living
   harmoniously in his milieu in order to ensure his
•  In this new stage for man, his survival could come
   to substitute the evolutionist Darwinian code of
   “natural selection” found in our political conduct
   for a “conscious selection” in our civilization.
Technological Advancement and Possibility
  of a Non-representational Democracy

•  In its development and evolution, this intelligent
   civilization could eventually eliminate the sacred
   concepts and practices surrounding political
   culture, authority, power, affiliation, subordination,
   leadership, representatively and even in
   governments, making the technological
   advancement parallel to the mechanical possibility
   of a non-representational democracy with
   individual participation within the framework of a
   pluralistic co-habitation in society, which is always
   related to its heterogeneous condition.
•  The modern concept of representative
   democracy is slightly different from its
   original conception, especially in terms
   of the inseparable relationship it holds
   with a legal framework that is closely
   related to the figure of a constitutional

•  Democracy has evolved through a
   great diversity of interpretations, and
   has served as a parapet to disguise
   dictatorial regimes: from the aristocratic
   democracy of absolutist monarchies to
   the despotism and oligarchy of
   authoritative regimes
Democracy and Socialization

•  “Democracy is the highest expression of the
   “socialization” in modern man and, therefore, of his
   individual assessment. Democracy is part of that vast
   process of secularization, whereby man has slowly
   liberated himself of his former “corporate” entity
   (sometimes, of his “mystic body”), and of the dogmas
   and visions which explain his belonging to that original
   and undifferentiated entity. Modern democracy releases
   man from his “natural integration” to a hereditary body,
   transforming him into a proper individual, a member of a
   society of individuals”. Flores Olea, 1994.
Different Forms of Government
•  Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Machiavelo and Kant agreed in various
   aspects as to how the regarded democracy defines different forms of
   government in relation to the diverse state of political representation
   that can be found within a community.
                                            FORMS of GOVERNMENT
                                            • They identified the
                                            monarchy as a social-
                                            economic unity
                                            administered by one sole
                                            person; an aristocracy as a
                                            representative assembly that
                                            is exclusive to an elite, and,
                                            a democracy as a
                                            government where an
                                            assembly is representing the
                                            whole of society.
Democracy: The Ideal Form of
•  John Stuart Mill considered their version of democracy as the ideal
   form of government, whereby the State’s supreme power is voiced by
   the totality of the citizens in a community for it to exercise it freely,
   thus establishing the state of liberty and equality “for all citizens” as
   the community’s ideal.
•  Antagonistic to this idea, Nietzsche arrogantly proclaimed the concept
   of the “minority’s aristocracy”. He established that the masses are not
   worthy of compassion, a noble man is solidary only to his “equals”.
•  In a compassionate tone, Bertrand Russell simply interpreted
   Nietzsche’s ideology as the exacerbated product of “the weak man’s
•  It is noteworthy, however, that until the 18th century, Mill’s definition of
   “all citizens” did not include slaves or women, nor did it foresee the
   need to abolish constitutional discrimination, which established and
   legitimized differences in race, wealth, social condition and within the
Neurodemocracy: Alternative for a
          Different Democracy
•  According to Mill, an alternative emerges: the
   representation responsible for the constituent’s initiative
   and a periodic need for referendums.
•  The problem that follows with Mill´s proposal is that the
   questioning of the validity of the benefits of leadership
   always arises. By the nature of its function, leadership
   always finds itself caught between the fair administration of
   the majority’s interests and the minority’s, usually unjust,
•  The advancement of democracy –neurodemocracy- will,
   therefore, always be subject to the average state of the
   evolution of society’s “conscience and self-consciousness”.

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World I; Module 4

  • 1. World  I   Module  IV   NEUROPOLITICS   Prof.  Francisco  De  Paula  
  • 2. IV. NEUROPOLITICS Since, clearly, politics is the administration of symbols and practices related to the form and composition of society’s value patterns, society cannot assume a static certainty in directing them. Instead, it looks for dynamic techniques to navigate the currents emanating from the insecurity present in human nature and its culture. HAROLD D. LASSWELL World Politics and Personal Insecurity
  • 3. Political Science •  Political science is the study of the administration of privilege in society, and human inequality is, therefore, one of its primordial objects of investigation. •  Human inequality originated in the sequential development of man’s intelligence, his self-consciousness, his insecurity and theology. •  The study of inequality is reduced specifically to the historic evolution of man’s conduct, which can be distinguished by the asymmetrical relationship held among men since the concept of authority and its resulting subordination emerged. •  Authority and subordination are at the root of human inequality at all levels of man’s activities and his culture.
  • 4. Primal Causes of Inequality •  In the recorded intellectual history of humanity we recurrently come across an endless debate on the primal causes of inequality inherent in the human condition. Two dominant and opposing thesis have emerged: –  The conservative vision has repeatedly stated that, in order for society to maintain stability, some form of stratification is necessary. Stratification has signified the peaceful acquiescence of a functional pact regarding authority and subordination. •  This constitutes the origin of the “unequal distribution” in the administration of society’s resources. –  The radical stance has viewed social inequality in the light of the philosophy of the Homo homini lupus : “man is a wolf to [his fellow] man” : reflects man’s permanent fight against man for the scarce material and spiritual resources necessary for his survival.
  • 5. Social Stratification •  These two opposing views on human inequality have been the source of the different positions taken by the classic authors in political science (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel, Kant, Mill, Marx and Weber). •  They were classified in two great tendencies explaining social stratification, −  the functionalist (realist) and −  the conflictive (idealist) trends.
  • 6. Inequality: Explanatory Currents •  The functionalist current establishes that human inequality stems from the stratification derived from natural differences such as genre, race or health and the general division of labor and benefits society in terms of the notion of the compartmentalized responsibility of each of the individuals that comprise it. •  The idealist and the conflictive theory have established as the primary cause for stratification and human inequality in man’s history is the “interest” of groups in power in dominating and exploiting society, together with the appropriation of privilege, prestige and organized human coercion.
  • 7. Theories on Human Inequality •  In the XXth Century the idealist current is represented by Kingsley Davis in 1945; and the materialist, by the Hegelian and Marxist-Leninist thought of dialectic materialism, represented by many thinkers, among them Rosa de Luxemburg, Luckacs, Althusser, Polianyi, Trostsky, Mandel. •  The idealists establishes human inequality as a strictly functional tool, indispensable to achieve social stability while scientific materialism conceives it as a result of the struggle among the different classes. •  Scientific materialism set the utopian goal of eventually achieving a classless society. It attempted to establish a kind of “social engineering” which proposed, the expropriation of acquired privileges through the dictatorship of the proletarian, ignoring that all forms of power imply a form of human subordination and subsequent social inequality. •  These two theories constitute a living lesson on their respective failures.
  • 8. Power, State and Insecurity •  Based on the notion of the raison d’Etat, Machiavelo proposed a realistic political exercise which explains and justifies the centralization of power in order to guarantee the supreme goals of the state. •  Hobbes, overwhelmed by the insecurity of his time and by his own, formulated the political philosophy of absolutism, which was also practiced by the State as a means to eradicate the anarchism natural to society. •  Rousseau, enthused by the idea of liberty, suggested that anarchy should be obligatory, thus nullifying the very spirit of liberty. •  Hegel, with his grandiloquent dialectic, took his view of the State to the limits of the sacred and, consequently, to totalitarianism.
  • 9. Pacific co-habitation •  John Stuart Mill , in the late nineteenth century, showed an inclination to proposing centralism as a way of administrating human interests. •  With an uncompromising outlook, Marx set out the eradication of human inequality using the State as a supposedly infallible tool. •  In the general context of the thought underlying our political tradition, there has clearly been a recurrent tendency to suggest formulas based on the suppression of subordination and the concentration of power in the State, as a mean of achieving pacific co-habitation among men.
  • 10. Social Darwinism •  Herbert Spencer, suggested that the world moved on a continuous path toward progressive perfection and established the need to avoid the authoritative interference of the State in the processes that society undergoes in order to ensure its survival. •  Spencer’s thesis was named “Social Darwinism”. Unfortunately, in its time, it was simply interpret as a general “apology” for capitalism’s laissez-faire philosophy.
  • 11. Political Action •  Harold Lasswell influenced by the discoveries made by Freud and Jung regarding the mind’s symbolism and psychology, believed that the “political action” which emanates from the insecurity of human beings is none other than the action of administrating the distribution of society’s privileges and values. This is exercised by the elite, who, through its ability to manipulate the “symbols of identification”, political control and economic power, ultimately legitimizes them through the indiscriminate use of violence.
  • 12. Biological Heterogeneity and Diversity Biological heterogeneity and diversity vs social inequality: • While inequality is scientifically understandable in the biological light of heterogeneity and diversity, in its social extension, it is ridiculously disproportionate to the nature of the biological inequality present in the original human scale. • Man’s insecurity is also directly responsible for the appearance of the irrational phenomenon of man’s disproportionate power and, the appearance of the immense injustice and corruption practiced by its administrators.
  • 13. Civilization and Codes of Social Conduct •  As expressions of man’s power and how it is manifested – injustice, war, irrational exploitation of natural resources, genocide, armament, indiscriminate financial growth, overpopulation and man’s discrimination toward man - today are indispensable to be understood to initiate a study on new alternatives to rearrange society’s traditional political organization as part of the evolutionist context of a new way of interpreting the human phenomenon. •  In the context of the human possibilities of this era, civilization must adopt a different code of social conduct –also a political one-, in terms of a “conscious selection” of the Homo sapiens sapiens, and discard the Darwinian code of the Homo homini lupus of natural selection from social co-habitation
  • 14. The Creation of Language •  From the perspective of the evolution of man’s intelligence and his self-conscious discovery of his death, man has always tried to shelter his insecurity within theology. •  This insecurity has been a great influence in the creation of language in terms of man’s identification with sacred symbols, which have been fundamental in the constitution of his political culture.
  • 15. The Need for Human Affiliation •  In the creation of the structural inequality in man’s life, not only the original feeling of metaphysical insecurity intervened, but also the need for human affiliation. •  The elite has always used this human need by manipulating identification symbols in the attribution of privileges concerning “security”, “integration” and “deference” in order to guarantee the continuation of a pyramidal class structured society.
  • 16. Political Culture •  Given the natural human tendency to confrontation by affiliation and its subsequent relation to authority and subordination, paradoxically, this political culture has been a conflictive one. •  This political culture became rooted in man’s daily life, irrationally adopting the rules, forms and ideologies that society imposes in the procedures established for affiliation to take place. •  It has been interpreted by social anthropologist and social psychologists as the “social instinct of belonging” “In man’s life, identification symbols play a determining role in the construction of society in terms of the recognition and reference of its members”. (Lasswell).
  • 17. The Need for Human Affiliation •  In the creation of the structural inequality in man’s life, not only the original feeling of metaphysical insecurity intervened, but also the need for human affiliation. •  The elite has always used this human need by manipulating identification symbols in the attribution of privileges concerning “security”, “integration” and “deference” in order to guarantee the continuation of a pyramidal class structured society.
  • 18. Affiliation •  Affiliation is conflictive by nature not only because of the implications of taking up a membership, also due to the consequences this membership has within a community when there is a confrontation between patterns of behavior and ideologies. •  The internal perception that one group has of belonging and approved is juxtaposed to the external perception of group that is alien and disapproved (in group-out group) and is always subject to affiliation. •  In its daily exercise, this behavior is manifested in each category of human affiliation, in the spheres of religion, ethnicity, nationalism, economy, society and intellectualism.
  • 19. Communal Pact •  Man’s social configuration, from time to time, established the need to make a communal pact comprised of rules, usually written ones, regarding the language used in the “instructions”, “direction” and “commitment” of each affiliates status. •  Following Lasswell’s line of thought, Nicholas Onuf determined that there are three parallel types of “language rules” used in the political process of human affiliation. •  These language rules correspond with the assignation of privileges in society, which, in the political order followed in administrating scarce resources, eventually determines the different forms of power exerted throughout the life of human society. Among the most outstanding are the attribution of influence, restrictive forces, economic property and social stratification.
  • 20. Institutions Through Association •  Every organization that maintains its identity and retains its continuity begets a progeny of institutions. Though variously named, the latter are fundamentally alike in the role they perform. •  Education is institutionalized through school, colleges, and universities. •  Religion is organized by temples, mosques, synagogues, or churches. •  Business is carried on by the firm or corporation. •  The family clusters round the home. •  Likewise, the State acts through government and its specialized agencies –legislature, law court, administrative department, and civil service. •  Every institutions constructed through association (affiliation) produces rules that define the relations of its members, allot their rights and responsibilities, and prescribe its operating procedures. Prof.  Francisco  De  Paula  
  • 21. Administrating Society s Privileges and Violence •  Culture has frequently assigned the elite the task of administrating society’s privileges, not only in the material and economic sense regarding its resources but also in terms of spiritual values. •  In this context, the bureaucratic elite and the military and police forces that worked for the “security” of the State’s political and economic establishment have guaranteed the preservation of this system through a type of persuasion that is based on the possibility of applying violence. Prof.  Francisco  De  Paula  
  • 22. Universal Affiliation •  The theoretical explanation regarding the diversity and the conflict underlying the political conduct of the Homo sapiens can only be explained in the light of interpreting his psychological configuration •  If man eventually were to become aware of his insecurity, this would truly signify an initial gigantic step forward for humanity to transcend it. •  This would permit the gradual substitution of an affiliative culture, by nature a conflictive one, for a certainly possible and pacific universal affiliation. •  We can conclude that although man’s “primitive animal” condition is partly responsible for his present history; it is actually the emerging condition of his self-consciousness what actually brought forth the disproportionate phenomenon of the Homo homini lupus in our civilization. •  It must be emphasized that as we stand before the threshold of this new era in evolution, only the subsequent development of human consciousness and intelligence can guarantee its survival.
  • 23. Democratic State NEURODEMOCRACY   • Raul Manglapus, who was exiled in the United States during Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship in the Philippines begins the introduction to his extraordinary book Will of the People with the question: What is jazz? • He then continues to say that whoever asks such a question will never know what jazz is, and proceeds to establish an analog between jazz and democracy, which he also considers to be indefinable. • In the context of human life, its definition could, nevertheless, be narrated – due to the dynamic nature of narration- and still corresponding with Manglapus’ observation • Manglapus’ thesis presented the democratic state in man as an attribute characteristic to human organization, as opposed to an innovative ideology that must be learned.
  • 24. Neuropolitical Phenomenon •  Manglapus seeks to invalidate the arguments set forth by totalitarian regimes which consistently claim that a people’s political maturity is a pre-requisite to attain democracy. •  Democracy has to be conceived as a neuropolitical phenomenon, that allowed the human possibility, from the standpoint of our being self- conscious, of the feasibility of a new non-subordinate relationship between men
  • 25. LEVIATHAN,  COMMON   WELFARE  AND  OTHER  STORIES    “…..a  human  and  individualis,c  society  free  of   arrogance  and  set  within  the  framework  of  a  state  of   legality  with  no  subordina,on”.     Alexis  de  Tocqueville,  Democracy  in  America      
  • 26. The Concentration of Power •  In the universal tradition of political thought there is the idea, that the greater the power a centralized authority concentrates - representative or not-, the more stability and social justice there will be. •  However, history has taught us that the concentration of power in all its manifestations is precisely what par excellence promotes inequality, injustice and man’s conflicts.
  • 27. Expropriation •  When the concentration of power stems from a “social pact” which grants subordinates and transfer man’s individual power to the abstract entity of the State (Leviathan), expropriation is the only alternative that can make historical revision possible. •  As more democratic systems slowly appear, and expropriation becomes more evident, the concentration of human privileges could come to an end, and, therefore, it could gradually stop inequality and the consequent stratification of our class-structured society.
  • 28. Neurodemocracy •  To stop inequality, it would be indispensable to complete the millenary process regarding the self-conscious action in man that leads to the decentralization of authority and human affiliation (Neurodemocracy). •  Subordination and the authoritative centralization of power could be forever eliminated as the accepted principle indispensable in bringing about social peace and common welfare.
  • 29. Conscious Selection •  The admirable neurological quality, developed in the Homo sapiens during the last twenty-five thousand years, will provide him with the intellectual tools necessary to intelligently elucidate the possibilities he has of living harmoniously in his milieu in order to ensure his survival. •  In this new stage for man, his survival could come to substitute the evolutionist Darwinian code of “natural selection” found in our political conduct for a “conscious selection” in our civilization.
  • 30. Technological Advancement and Possibility of a Non-representational Democracy •  In its development and evolution, this intelligent civilization could eventually eliminate the sacred concepts and practices surrounding political culture, authority, power, affiliation, subordination, leadership, representatively and even in governments, making the technological advancement parallel to the mechanical possibility of a non-representational democracy with individual participation within the framework of a pluralistic co-habitation in society, which is always related to its heterogeneous condition.
  • 31. Democracy •  The modern concept of representative democracy is slightly different from its original conception, especially in terms of the inseparable relationship it holds with a legal framework that is closely related to the figure of a constitutional government. •  Democracy has evolved through a great diversity of interpretations, and has served as a parapet to disguise dictatorial regimes: from the aristocratic democracy of absolutist monarchies to the despotism and oligarchy of authoritative regimes
  • 32. Democracy and Socialization •  “Democracy is the highest expression of the “socialization” in modern man and, therefore, of his individual assessment. Democracy is part of that vast process of secularization, whereby man has slowly liberated himself of his former “corporate” entity (sometimes, of his “mystic body”), and of the dogmas and visions which explain his belonging to that original and undifferentiated entity. Modern democracy releases man from his “natural integration” to a hereditary body, transforming him into a proper individual, a member of a society of individuals”. Flores Olea, 1994.
  • 33. Different Forms of Government •  Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Machiavelo and Kant agreed in various aspects as to how the regarded democracy defines different forms of government in relation to the diverse state of political representation that can be found within a community. FORMS of GOVERNMENT • They identified the monarchy as a social- economic unity (Commonwealth) administered by one sole person; an aristocracy as a representative assembly that is exclusive to an elite, and, a democracy as a government where an assembly is representing the whole of society.
  • 34. Democracy: The Ideal Form of Government •  John Stuart Mill considered their version of democracy as the ideal form of government, whereby the State’s supreme power is voiced by the totality of the citizens in a community for it to exercise it freely, thus establishing the state of liberty and equality “for all citizens” as the community’s ideal. •  Antagonistic to this idea, Nietzsche arrogantly proclaimed the concept of the “minority’s aristocracy”. He established that the masses are not worthy of compassion, a noble man is solidary only to his “equals”. •  In a compassionate tone, Bertrand Russell simply interpreted Nietzsche’s ideology as the exacerbated product of “the weak man’s milieu”. •  It is noteworthy, however, that until the 18th century, Mill’s definition of “all citizens” did not include slaves or women, nor did it foresee the need to abolish constitutional discrimination, which established and legitimized differences in race, wealth, social condition and within the nobility.
  • 35. Neurodemocracy: Alternative for a Different Democracy •  According to Mill, an alternative emerges: the representation responsible for the constituent’s initiative and a periodic need for referendums. •  The problem that follows with Mill´s proposal is that the questioning of the validity of the benefits of leadership always arises. By the nature of its function, leadership always finds itself caught between the fair administration of the majority’s interests and the minority’s, usually unjust, privileges. •  The advancement of democracy –neurodemocracy- will, therefore, always be subject to the average state of the evolution of society’s “conscience and self-consciousness”.