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Dr. Iten Mario Camacho
Brief and free personal
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nonprofit, all rights reserved, ISBN No. 978-607-00-7974-0. National Reserves
Agency Copyright, Mexico. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Contacts on page facebook eat your shit, please download and read this book, I hope
to be to your liking and share it with friends or family to make an international forum
by page for the exchange of experiences. A hug. The Author. Tuxtla Gutierrez,
Chiapas; to July 15, 2014. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CACA” TANKS TO YOU.------------------------------------------------------------------------
We live in a complicated world, which every day becomes more difficult by how easy
it all appears to be where we are creditors greater rights and comforts when in fact
we are in "emotional deficit" by wear daily routine that requires the exceed our
capacities or limits, living with a war mentality that leads us to be on constant alert in
a selfish consumer society, always compelled to give one hundred and ten percent so
as to achieve the desired success leading to social acceptance , welfare and
satisfaction of vanity rather than need; so we come to fully exhausted, burned and
deflated home, not wanting nothing, without saving energy and good mood to invest in
the family, loved ones, ourselves; we need more than a higher income, emotional gains
to balance the emotional everyday spending, betting on an "emotional surplus' where
we can find the strength, wisdom and temperance to know how to choose first and then
tackle the problems, the challenges we physically, emotionally and spiritually worn.
For the current competency model matters little wear our health, nervous system and
emotions in order to satisfy our desires rather than actual needs, we force ourselves
on working hours or degrading environments, overwhelming and stressful work "until
you drop" taking liters coffee, energy drinks and even drugs to be "vigilant," the
problem is that our health and wellbeing as well as family balancing are limited,
require time and space, so we started manifesting emotional somatizar said sadly
common ailments as, such as gastritis, insomnia, colitis, migraine and other nervous
disorders which are nothing more than "red flags" warning notices that we are doing
the wrong thing, breaking down our body affecting with such ailments healthy balance
and core performance social primary, to the point of dysfunctional families well
covered in their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, even with added luxuries
such as screens, video game equipment, smart phones, computers, good clothes, gyms,
sports clubs or private schools, but completely lacking in cohesion, trust, affective and
effective communication, unable to live together, to spend quality time together
because all its members have different interests and the belief that they are the law and
reason, intolerant of any dialogue or negotiation the truth or away from your selfish
comfort, do not share goals or values.
Useless that you try the best college or university for your children's education without
values or emotional strength is not just another consumer product that will only ensure
a jerk or a selfish illustrated probably know say the same nonsense in a different
language but unable to understand life and our creator; the ultimate aim of being
human, to love and to live according to our conscience must always be committed to
the common good neighbor or not germinate in the best school that your money can
buy if not the best examples with your actions and will your children you can give as
between individuals and between their peoples is not really education or knowledge
that has to make them free if solidarity and identity as such an ambitious man without
goodness is like a super nuclear power no sense of respect for their brotherly peoples
are selfish entities who have forgotten the nature of ambition is divine gift when
accompanied by good will, effort, temperance and values.
Certainly humans are ambitious by nature, but was also a passionate explorer willing
to lay down his life for an ideal, for your dreams, for their discoveries, not as now
happens that we give back the lives of people for a vanity or interest, we learned to be
executioners, predators and scavengers who prefer to sacrifice their peers before they
offer themselves themselves, thereby guarantee the survival not of the fittest but of the
most corrupt, not the best but the most perverse and degenerate, thus we are
condemning the very survival of the human race; in other words, knew bet heavily on
our hopes and dreams were betting but ours! Now bet with someone else or "to
pretend" in this carnival where the prize is and any vain desire.
In this modern ambitions are voraciously unconscionable and our human capacities
are raquíticamente starving, feel sorry and ashamed; we lost the lawful and decent
means to meet with the sweat of our brow, our efforts such dreams and passions that
have also degenerated into avarice, we now expect another sweat to exploit or steal
your effort, entrepreneurs, explorers, conquerors they are almost extinct in vitro
production company that distorted men and women explorers, worthy of being called
human compared by value, dignity and willpower with eagles and lions hyenas
cowardly and treacherous, cunning in social vultures.
Same with married life, where we just constantly be providers discuss what is the most
important function other office or household chores, always tired, always stressed,
always with mutual reproaches, forgetting the reason giving rise to the birth of the
family unit: Love! Therefore nuclei are dysfunctional, unable to reconcile, to
supplement, to solve problems or facing difficulties that need more than money to solve
them; requires willingness, desire to reconcile our negative emotions and treat your
partner, to dialogue, to understand who we are as emotionally charged clouds and
shock of both storms occur; is easy to say but in times where everything is "Text" talk,
communicate affective and effective way is an endangered art, for using smart
communication devices, of which not avert our eyes and not let go or bathroom - closer
to people far away-you may not know and those chances away and we import, while
those close to us, those who need us, who love us, weakening our herd; understand
that the internet is a network and as such its purpose is not connected to or help but
catch the shoal, isolate and immobilize the subject be doing; can not escape from a
network rather than breaking it, which is why it requires an awakening of consciences
and wills rescue our humanity and defend our values of the voracious interest of global
As we become demanding and nosy selfish thanks to social networks, all we care about
everything we think or criticize but do little about it, we are all but it behooves us,
judging the lives of others and neglecting their own Let's take care of our issues and
leave others alone! Because demand that everything must be correctand in compliance
to respect the rights and dignity of not only people but animals and plants, but are
unable to meet our family or social obligations, to respect our neighbors or to the
environment, becoming a society of "fictitious protectorate" few big statements and
actions, in which daily laws for the equality of women and the protection of children
are enacted while soar alarmingly odds of family violence and child abuse; just about
the flora and fauna, published "photos of conscience" in our Facebook wall as great
defenders of such causes, but little care about the big factories and other sources of
pollution because we know that we are all providing the features which enjoy; we
condemn all forms of abuse and injustice, but it does not matter, we are complicit by
omission hoping not to be us who punish for littering, for not properly caring for a pet,
not to respect or assaulting our partner, including requiring where school-taught-
"educate" our children when the family is where the first classroom takes place and
our examples as parents are the best lessons for them.
In general, we want a good life, a good job, a good body, good looks, a good
partner;We want so many things! Why not strive or work, is the real problem, we've
done our desires needs and our emotional laziness a way of life, and we despise and
shun all liability, we terrified of commitment to anyone working or project, not
realizing that the source from which emanates all right is the fulfilling of the
obligations of that commitment to action, healthy effort to appropriate goals,
congruence between saying and doing; we strive with all our energy to go after
mirages that satisfy our insecurities, our need for acceptance, of achievement, of
triumph, in this era of "pal photo face" cyber life and want nothing boring or requires
effort, we all easy and nice and smart appliances are all systems are slimming as
ridiculous as useless, all advertised on TV is revolutionary, innovative and wonderful
solution to all your existential problems! we live in a culture of denial and deception
is what is good consumerism to believe in lies so that we buy, without saying that
nothing works if you do not commit if you do not try; to take away the right to such
effort and prevent a culture of commitment and social solidarity, take away freedom
of choice and rights as well, as we think, but we decided to live and actually being
designed and obeying subliminally instead of having free will living on farms or virtual
colonies of consumption, a near-perfect virtual slavery according to the interests of
such a global system of power.
How can a psychologist or therapy help with our affectations emotional disorders or
if we find ourselves in such a pigsty that promotes wound infecting the slightest? We
must be able to balance and clean up our environment, to recalibrate our vision and
values of life, although it would be difficult to become hermits without requiring
anything of modernity, not about ends but about balance, balance; then how and where
do we start?We know! We must start with ourselves and with our family, moderating
our desires and consumption activities, stop spending hours in hobby or compulsion
constantly checking our Facebook-for example-sniffing we do not care what hundreds
of photos and taking us in exactly the same pose to see which came out better-that is,
as we really do not see our wall-retacando thousand things that in the end no one sees;
ensure that our most enduring and successful relationship is not with the TV, computer
or refrigerator.
Spend more time with our being, invest effort in our arrangement and grooming, our
health, get active with a short exercise routine and balanced diet; the same with our
loved ones, implement at least one hour of daily family life without cell phones, no
tablets, no video games not only family units! Just go for a walk a pet, wash the car or
fix yard among all converse and interact while restoring healthy family bonding; With
the couple also take time to stop viewing screens and eye contact, to motivate each
other, make do, look better for Him or Her, be concerned with their concerns, hear
feel free to criticize, because sometimes keep quiet and attentive with love in her eyes
and the warmth of a hand on the back is the best answer I can give, because love as
desire as a couple should be nurtured as a tree, otherwise more robust than it has
grown without import the beautiful fruit that has given, will eventually wither and die.
This would allow us physically, mentally and emotionally get active in all areas, the
concern is that also we know, but just as addicts consumer technology that are of little
importance to us, and we lost the will to do so, we prefer that our children are "calm"
at the computer or video game, which our family this "you chatting" with family and
friends, because we are already unable to strive in such emotional restoration,
children are "unbearable" and the couple "always starts with the same "The men I
went out with the story that" sorry no longer attracted to me "and women with" no
longer includes me "when that woman gave you beautiful children and this man started
happy with you that home, so hold emotionally and work to maintain healthy
relationship is mutual work, no place for sexist or feminist shit, misunderstood or
exacerbated proud dignities, it is humility and mutual service in this task; the sad thing
is that today we are interested only be served, live appearances, taking care over "what
people say" that worry about what it says, need or feel our spouse, children and family
are the ones that matter! So before you do something ask yourself if it really is the best
for them or just what you want, what's best for you, learn to reach a consensus with
your partner that democracy begins at home and agree on something that affects all
members not is weak or"be mandilón" norobeythose agreements is a source of shame,
but rather shows binding commitment, true family discipline by common goals and
group welfare; We moving away from the current inertia in which we say, "Who cares,
Total Long live freedom! and that everyone does what he wants "but it turns out that
model our children will not learn values and standing firm commitment couples and
everyone in the family will be weak emotionally unable to bear the least responsibility
or commit to any task that requires a little effort, both men and women of external
temptations that mitigate their frustration and growing children what type of paths,
relationships or outcomes do you think are those who seek in life being easy prey? For
the most comfortable and easy, those who encourage them misunderstood his rebellion
or resentment towards parents; determinations or roads that are precisely where the
failure, frustration, and self-destructive vice await lazy mediocrity emotional, weak
character, lacking the willpower to deal with their frustrations, resentments and other
emotional conditions .
That is why we insist on a renewed culture of effort, free-thinking emotional infections
and will not fattened by eating but exercised to produce, to create, to work with joy to
feel satisfaction with our work; although appear to be trivial things, little effort or
attention to detail in a daily routine eventually define the entire course of our lives, in
the little momentum that will lead us down the right path or the wrong lies, are small
efforts as leak filled the pitcher and tilt the balance in an emotional inertia that will
give us good result sustained emotional habits or vices that we projected to the ground,
that is the harsh reality of the conditions that we suffer today because nobody woke
one day being depressive, neurotic or anxious were the small details that put or no
care, care by making that resulted in its present configuration.
Of those small details are a thousand examples, which are good habits such as
courtesy, empathy, kindness translated in simple actions such as yield to another
vehicle or do not touch "horn" as possessed can not only give us another view more
serena of things but prevent that emotional inertia will lead to some desired as a fight
or property damage from an accident or mishap that could have been avoided just by
having kindness or courtesy yield scenario, because as my dear Mecca grandmother:
"In someone should fit prudence" as simple as that, if you see any possessed infected
by some kind of emotional anger, confrontation and not let go, its purpose is to spit or
salpicarte with their infection, is your determination if let it go or just leave it and walk
away to avoid contagion, to face a rabid beast without defense or legitimate or
necessary courage is far from stupid folly.
Still, although not required in appearance walking instead of using a vehicle for
errands nearby, up the stairs instead of using the elevator, take paper and pencil to
make your bills or ignoring math calculator cell, wearing a journal or diary where
you write every day at least a screed, pack your own lemonade squeezing lemons,
sweetening the water, not just open an envelope with artificial powder and mix it, try
to get away a little of everything that is "ready or instant "effort is made to get your
own stuff; those little details not only strengthen the body but also allowing the will
appreciate and enjoy life with a new attitude.
The new generations already know for example, what it was for us to write a letter, put
it in an envelope punch stamps, mail it and wait a month the answer, that made us to
be careful, selective content without emotion and emotional communication, because
the meaning and importance of a love letter for example was so beautiful, so full that
it is virtually impossible to understand in these times of instant communication and
Express deliveries; Now you can say a thousand things in a second posting on social
networks, so maybe the exhaustion we have to say and feel the need to keep
"communicating and be updated" started talking pure nonsense without the slightest
sense, significance or transcendence and as we know that it does not matter, is
banality, but we want to continue in this vicious circle because they invented it! Thus
distorting our priorities, parameters and scale of values, and then complain that life
is pure appearance, people pure hypocrisy, but it is life as we live and we are part of
those people.
We do believe that effort is a heavy burden bitter obligation, the result: obese men and
women emotionally lazy in every way, with the attitude of a beggar demanding alms,
who curses him who does not give a coin to buy a bottle of alcohol from sugarcane;
that's the mentality that causes us emotional fecal matter that makes us believe that we
all deserve "just for our cute face" so much we want it or suffer for not having it and I
do not get is the fault of others, of life, fate or God; justifying our fears and
resentments, believing that we have every right to claim, fighting, assaulting our
frustration of such unfulfilled desires or requirements are not met, when who we hurt
is ourselves and that such "emotional hell" infects in the first instance who generates
then contaminate your family and social environment; therefore, who can turn away
from a harmful, pessimistic, abusive or negative person who lives because of emotional
alms, blackmail, lies, deception, sooner or later will be alone with his monsters and
these having no longer a couple , children, family or friends who feed those who hurt
and bleed will go over your creator.
It is therefore vitally important to understand that only in the effort must be harvested
true positive results, because even what you get for free or improper means to be
enjoyed without the right has to generate an expectation that we can not continue to
perform in subsequent, is why the first dose of everything harmful is free; if we follow
through life waiting "windfalls" to the destination is sorry for all that we suffer by not
having what we want, we will be sad men and bitter women, frustrated, infected with
a type of emotional anger at being beaten to the ears that fecal material desires are
decaying, and because there is joy in the effort, there is also an insane satisfaction in
the self-destruction that leads to emotional laziness, and there are men and women
who do not already know to exist if no is through the emotional suffering, for them to
transmit it is a vital necessity as breathing, feel that they die if they do their best to
infect others, endorse their misery to be which unfortunately are those who love you,
partner or children usually, it reflected the above in an increase in domestic violence,
battered women in an age of supposed equality, abused and exploited children in
modern rule of law, which is why it considered emotional anger as the pandemic of
the century along with Virtual Transmission diseases.
In our modern societies we see disease as a necessity, consumption fosters competition
in a model that favors strategy and war mentality that generates pollution and
ecological exploitation, inequality and social injustice, as well as a personal and
family physical and emotional imbalance ; need to break the paradigm of money,
consumption to evolve a new model of non-domestic industrial production, but cultural
and social, a new culture of effort and commitment, consistency, economy and
austerity, joy and happiness, forgetting Win or success, thought that all deserve
minding us of what we must, because we believe so special, so unique, when we are all
equal and selfish and lazy actually, if ever man was one that has been lost, because we
have to be obsessed with having forgetting, forgetting to eat produce, we have
forgotten our quality of being made in the image and likeness of being the creators!
curious, innovators, explorers and eternal dreamers, now not only satisfied us if we
cling to our miserable comfort zones in our small space allocated to this virtual hive
in which we are connected we live not in dreams, but mirages or illusions scheduled
by someone else Because a true dream is one that takes it away! you open your eyes
and allow you to close them, which activates in the heart the will to materialize, it puts
you up and drives to progress, unlike this synthetic static society where everything
invites you to stay within your poultry and to defend, pay with life while you plug the
system connects you to receive infusion of artificial virtual satisfaction of a machine
like automatic farm food provider in question.
Our proposal The Alternative Method of Treatment Residual Emotions-The-
Mierdoterapia that is based on the wishes of birth control in the first instance, then
working in the healthy formation of the remaining, treating more than repressing or
think because everything is overcome so be a desire to forget a traumatic event,
overcoming a phobia or forgive an offense; men and women naturally have the urge
to improve, to advance, to be better and this has not achieved talking to try to overcome
a feeling or event that will always be there, it is past and can not be deleted, we must
accept that there should be change the nature of things or events as well as taking
responsibility for our decisions that could generate them without allowing predispose
us in the present, because such acts or things past we would then be removing the
ability to adapt and conform to the "here and now "where you always find new
opportunities to weave our future.
That is why we must not allow our past existence that if you are infected or at least
need to have the capacity to treat emotional adequate disinfection; no matter if you
will be there for life as long as it is harmless to our being, understanding that our
thoughts and actions are what define us and not the experiences or preferences, which
is not as sexual or childhood that conforms to the humans if not its determinations, its
will to excel, because we are able to regenerate the damaged heart, to always seek
goodness and a bird with a broken wing always try to fly to the last breath, humans
have the beautiful capacity regardless of our past bad experiences or training to be
kind, to seek happiness because we have always instinctively fly search and return to
where we were created; so the statement that: "Childhood is destiny" is wrong, to us
a child is raped can become the most effective police or more impartial judge, an
abused child or exploited in an excellent doctor or social worker and a troubled youth
family or exposed to bad examples in an excellent teacher, that integration does not
believe in that, "I did this or that because you did for me as a child or so I learned
from my parents" because we are creators can learn good the bad examples or
experiences, we can create the future we desire, destiny is no matter our past, we just
need the courage and willpower to take it in our hands.
A bird does not fly because it has wings but because exercising their natural right to
do with effort and sacrifice to the weather, if not done and determined to stay
comfortable in a good tree would end without migrating all species in captivity or as
an interior incapable of flying penguins even having them; that's what robs us of
modernity or rather cleverly makes us despise ourselves Our wings! Therefore we
fatten our domestic vanities and desires, so that in a few generations I are no longer
human, but as incapable of flying penguins, lacking bodies will beings; we must uphold
and exercise our right to strive to be better through work and commitment to our
dreams or true goals, that makes me more nauseous this emotional shit that our sweat
That's being sensitive and proud! He did not accept alms or collect crumbs, have the
courage to fight for our vocation and passion for life despising the idea of "success"
that makes us selfish evil to accept "the agreement of the victors" which basically boils
down to not all can be and is just the fancy way of saying that you should go over your
peers to get taking advantage of others' effort, mocking feelings, manipulating and
using people, thus becoming a kind of vultures and hyenas prefer to steal prey or
carrion eating strive neglecting his own effort, solidarity, empathy, kindness, nobility;
in a word discarding our humanity.
Sure traumatic experiences affect our conformation deny or repress is wrong as is
continue giving life in the memory or in the continuous recreation of the past enabling
them to continue ensuciándonos without giving us the opportunity to try, to strive, to
fly and deliver us; the results do not matter and depend only on us, in the end the law
of cause and effect is not as accurate as known as both have planets like different types
of movements, some obvious, they were naturally symbiotic, other independent random
or not limited only to the translation and rotation but also precession, nutation and
even wobbles and orbital variations What do you mean by all this talk of the movement
of the planets? Not every effect is conditioned to a cause, at least not as we calculate
it, that is not always the results are expected even when you have done everything
correctly, so we get frustrated when we think of failure because we follow the
instructions or did possible and things just were not, people let us down, betrayed or
This happens for a simple reason: We do things by interest not by dedication, passion
and love, not work to have to be; when personal or work goals are not achieved and if
not reach reditúan satisfactions, expected rewards is because we understand that the
results are interpretive rather than binding on future efforts; reason also move away
from the so famous "behaviorism" for exercising the powers were conferred to humans
it is able to break the paradigm of stimulus-response, that works with laboratory mice
not who they were created to image and likeness of the Creator, capable of reversing
such behavioral paradigm to answer without encouragement and even provoke no
response or positive reinforcement; understand and apply the above is big key to a
healthy emotional processing residues such as frustration, anger or intolerance to
failure, because happiness is not to eradicate suffering or sadness if not positively
know they try and form as fertilizer for the purposes and goals that give reason to our
Therefore behaviorism is proposed as the cornerstone of our method dismissing
psychoanalysis and behaviorism it has nothing to do with rational behavior if not the
human capacity to conduct vital energy, to understand that men and women are beyond
the reason, here is the failure of modern psychology to try to "transcribe" to
conceptualize, rationalize or classify emotions to work them "in the field of science"
when desires do not accept translation should be treated in the flat where they live, if
you want to find or understand something you look and observe in their natural habitat
and not once convivas ubiques what is thereby recognize the right to continue to exist,
apply the "emotional dewormer" others talk about your problems, your fears is as talk
to your rapist or abuser, will end up justifying live with it in a sick relationship; what
is not harmful consecuenta is treated to eradicate it.
That is, communication is good tool but should not be abused much less use to delay
what to do, talk about problems is fine in principle but if and ubicaste must take action
and not stay in the comfort of words, if you do have to keep talking to your happiness,
your progress, your achievements regarding that negative emotional treatment that
originated; hurt you if something is good or affected immediately recognize it but it
must work to treat it and digest it without getting sick follow that action and movement
will is like walking to lose water and the waste you produce such "emotional colitis"
is our main criticism of psychoanalysis that keeps sick the subject-neither kills nor
cure what domestica in a comfort zone in the "therapies" to the point that many people
expect appointments to take over the couch and start talking again how you felt about
this or that situation or conflict, just want to be he heard in his dramatic novel
recreating ex sadomasochism what affected and worse are still adding new chapters
with recharged tragedy in which the psychologist or therapist is a spectator which
does not really care about their work or opinion, rather than to account for what they
did or are doing about it.
So just as stupid as stupid does, no matter if it had not Limitations or your attitude,
thought and action, as no one is at risk for himself or his past, there cassock as saviors
violators with criminal records, which you decide to think and act in the present will
define your future, are your actions not your history or past mistakes that matter, even
if we had a contagious disease is our present intention is the danger of future contagion
not the illness, as when asked yes a snake is poisonous, because only if it bites! So we,
even if we had emotional poison and all in life have hurt us or damaged is our decision
if we dedicate ourselves to bite and infect our neighbors that poison or try to obtain
serum, the antidote that makes us immune thus fulfilling our creative nature, using
emotional shit as fertilizer for good deeds in this that should make our future, so that
the greater the amount of manure are more your chances of giving excellent results.
For our method does not matter involvement and we focus on "give fight," we focus on
building better, enforce and advance, then this will be as small or too distant to affect;
do not work on why you are neurotic, depressed or anxious, or how you feel about it,
but to do so you follow no beating and splashing others that emotional stools so we all
traumatic or conflict situation is a pigsty, the first thing is that you get up and progress,
otherwise you will be living in it every day, recreating allowing control all your
actions, like the woman who fails a cheating or abusive husband and fearing no trust
again in some ways is still the man, a prisoner of her fear and resentment because he
has not been able to move forward and break free; our method does not allow fear or
laziness instead be limiting appreciate them as fertilizer to birth them hope, strength
and will; there are always options for alternative method what happens is that some
are very expensive in terms of payment and emotional willpower concerned.
Desires are not satisfied, deformed and infected fattened generators that emotional
fecal residue that contaminates our everyday thinking and acting; are therefore desires
that must govern the emotions-not because they are his offspring, having a "birth
control" over them, like family planning-learn talked to engender healthy and positive
emotions of our desires, so we must learn using an "emotional condom" to potential
situations these as they began "dreaming" with a car or any other luxury item and say
"kill for him" but as we know the sub conscious knows no jokes obeys finished at least
prostituting our values or something else, if not literally stealing or killing to get what
we want.
That is why we should not "daydream" as equivalent to a "mental masturbation" may
constitute a serious obsession, compulsion or personality disorder that keeps us from
reality to give life in the imagination to such wishes and at least it enjoy and then chain
them in the darkness of shame, with good manners by wardens is sure guarantee that
we are creating deformed monsters which then grow rabid dogs that eventually we will
be unable to control our own ending eaten by insane creations; the problem is that our
modern society is a prostitute who breeds more vain desires true newspapers
achievements or emotional satisfaction and hence the central point of our proposal:
Understand that we wish overpopulation and scarcity of real effort, we must control
the first as if were a pest and encourage the reproduction of seconds if a species
endangered it were, become aware of the need to divorce this corrupt system and
infected us has always frustrated, unfulfilled and repressed, opting for distancing
emotional austerity want to work in being.
For Smart Emotionality even sexually, which is one of the main motivations of thought
and action in the human being passes second term, is included within more coarse:
The longing that behaviorism is the divine impulse evident in every heartbeat reminds
man of his present task of striving to consolidate their will and humanity, which are
their wings to soar and return migration of this life is his divine abode, that life in
society is such that has distorted "radar or GPS" in men and women, making them lose
direction and run aground; and gives us sad to see birds die frozen loose track or dead
whales in costs, the same should feel pity and concern for ourselves, because we suffer
from disorientation and loss of degenerating similar route that pure desire, that flame
and momentum nests chest and guides us to what we know as desires, which in no way
living in the heart, are a creation of reason to contain the panic and despair we would
feel to be aware of this reality; is why modern globalization keeps us blindfolded,
looking at their screens and will drugged with incentives, amenities and distractions,
otherwise we azotaríamos against the windows like trapped birds, to free us or die the
Here not so much themselves do not breastfeed or who raped you as a kid, since
according to behaviorism humans are able to adapt, to overcome all circumstances
and create appropriate, to use adversity to please reverse the famous Maslow pyramid
to generate a positive result of negative experiences because we are Creators! and
creators make what they need, the quality of the raw material matter but love matters,
dedication and passion that the artisan printing your work, dedication to detail, love
for what you do; The Smart Emotionality through our Wastewater Treatment Method
Emotions invites you to become the craftsman of your own destiny, to whom this stool
is even beneficial for emotional as manure fertilizer is needed to create, shape and
give birth to robust trees our willingness to give nutritious fruits and beautiful flowers;
what other psychological trends in our view do nothing but run aground in the subject
areas of comfort to those claiming an emotional state holds certain derivative past
For our Alternative Method of Treatment Residual Emotions are not a priority but the
whys and how to deal positively conform, as it deems necessary raw material such
waste even appreciated, what really interests him is to strengthen the capacities of the
craftsman that human being to conform to the positive expected; if you're neurotic,
phobic, compulsive, anxious, depressed or any other emotional configuration For just
are! Neither you nor let you self-conscious and discriminating limit, focus your
thinking and acting this not transport you to the past to fight the causes of such a
configuration will be using this drive with willpower and humanity in your heart that
will achieve such clean past and clear your future; also causes certain conflict belief
or sexual preference does not matter what you are or whether you like it but as you
accept that, you handle and use for your normal routine without getting acompleje or
harm others, as a better person does not mean being free of conflicts if not properly
treat the benefit of ourselves and our neighbors.
We consider a waste of time and spending countless morbid complicity sessions talking
about how you felt when you were five or feelings you could not externalize, if you
have a fixation with your mother or father that was already! Trying to "get over it" is
for us the equivalent of "The original denial" that teaches us to eat that shit and
continuing emotional infected; you better invite you to develop the capacity of
wastewater treatment emotions ie do not wear trying to overcome it better be strong,
become immune to the emotional intestinal infection "desparasítate emotionally" in
the present and it will die or even if always in you "your antibodies emotional "always
kept at bay, then you can not concentrate on your suffering and its effects, but in your
ability to adapt, to strengthen you, to fast on your desires for you to be in a position to
become all that positive emotions you are troubled by , whatever it happened to you
it's over! had no solution and will not ever, in the present is where you will learn to
handle such waste into positive emotions that allow you get a feel and act healthy,
balanced in the near future.
Learning to live in the here and now is the great challenge that modernity imposes on
us, be able to handle emotions like anxiety, depression, neurosis, including, but mostly
deploy that birth control hungry desires satisfaction not build worlds imaginary where
princes and queens are not fantasize much less an object to a person, if a girl you like
for example Then talk to him! As the "No" say you already have it and one of those
applying yourself, with effort and dedication says yes, but be respectful with your
decision and do not clutch if you do not leave favored, go your way avoiding at all
costs fantasize his body, with an intimacy that brings you into the obsession that would
lead to an improper act like a stalker or become flat in a crime such as being a rapist,
so she provoked Prétextes then you or you were drunk , drugged and did not know
what you were doing when you feed this very deliberately unhealthy desire for not
being able to live in reality and move forward in your life without attachment to an
outcome even at the cost of affecting your neighbor.
Knowing which desires to promote and which to avoid flat or apply "dewormer or
emotional herbicide" is our challenge, as there is so much to invest! learn to say "yes"
to the positive, "NO" to the negative, to know when to speak and when shut, when to
act and when to pass is the key, because today we do all that as they say in my village,
"Al flipped upside down "just tell us: Infant! and jumped, and then say we caused or
that we were deceived, when in fact we know that "Excuses want the devil" in the words
of a friend of adolescence: "Yeah you know how I get when I drink for inviting me!
"This has not achieved self feeling sorry or blaming others for our mistakes or
suffering, much less talking about the past, of memories living with the hope of a better
tomorrow without doing anything about it in our here and now, because emotionally
equivalent to be wallowing in our mud is achieved standing and moving, striving,
forging a better future for each step as you move away from the pigpen you will
advance your own cleaning, because much of what today is considered mental illness
or emotional condition is only weakness of will or an emotional breakdown colitis
desires that generate contaminated emotions which in turn infect the thought and
consequently the act of the subject.
Therefore should be treated as what they are, to a method of emotional volitional
exercise to prevent us from accepting the invitation fears drive ourselves comfortable
fetal position confined to a dark corner shakes shit, saying that something hurt us or
hurt for no move forward, not to try to settle the illusion of a degenerate imagination
that insists on recreating the past and lick our wounds; basically it is our proposal or
invitation that equates infected or born deformed emotions of emotionally unsatisfied
stool prevents us take responsibility and take the helm of our destiny adrift getting
pulled by people or circumstances desires.
Hence the title of this book, not disrespect or be funny but loving memory of my
grandmother Adela Espinosa Madrigal woman before and delicate always correct in
their thinking and acting until the last day of his nine decades, rose always at five in
the morning to bathe with tap water, always working, neat in his dress and act, never
stop being people of simple, honest, hardworking, caring and sincere ranch; if
someone was my example that childhood is not destiny She was the daughter of
landowners parents own a all-state region far the village is called Ocozocoautla
Espinosa-only knew of pampering and luxuries to nine years old when the revolution
swept the world, looking in the blink of an eye without any property living in caves in
the woods, suffering hunger, cold and fear, without violations of aunts and cousins,
the death of men in his family and the humiliations to which he was subjected in his
teens, married by necessity their fourteen and widowed before twenty, was devoted to
sewing and patchwork clothes for others to survive and raise her children.
Yet he never lost his smile like that more haughty never offensive, we always said was
true elegance in cleaning, the best outfit were the good manners and cleanliness in our
person the best recommendation; when people said that he had no fear of God no
longer feared nothing and was capable of anything, he insisted "Being sensitive"-That
perhaps was his high-phrase his words never known lies and promises does the failure,
perhaps it was not much to say or promises lightly, but definitely the matriarch led by
example what it was willpower, love, commitment and uprightness of life, none of us
was able to steal any even a sweet, not fearing his varejón but not to see the shame
and disappointment in his eyes.
To date those who were privileged to know when we do something lacking in character,
leave us out for some impulse to say a bad word or have some decent behavior,
dishonest perhaps, we feel his gaze on her neck, how are you doing their little ones to
be upset beautiful eyes and listen to the heart his words: "be a little finesse!" She was
always smiling who told us that gluttony asked for more than a second plate of food:
"I'll serve a bit your poop to see if I just "I also remember when by capricious or
tantrum attitude was first content with a sweet, then a toy but seeing that only increased
the intensity ofour negative attitude, our stubbornness bawling azotándonos and throw
us back into the ground-so that hurt us the tantrum to beat us in the head told us: "You
do not want anything to eat your shit" varejonazos accompanied by two legs with a
sprig of the tree guava which was called "governor" or "mirinda" in reference to a
soda bottling the time, wondering, as my grandparents had when guys put one of them
is unbearable with their tantrums in public for something that they could not buy or
give "if they wanted some mirinda" because they knew that question was woman
enough to meet, no matter who or what audience would say, because in his words "two
varejonazos time avoided a lot of headaches."
She warned once, no more threatening or say "you'll fall! or you are going to not fall
"if you were throwing for tantrum varejonazos you get up because I remember another
of his phrases:" I'm not here consecuentar your whims "but nobody like her to comfort
and provide encouragement when something hurt you without having led , to defend
against a real threat, to love all his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
who gave them to the extent of their capabilities and live an honest smile to remember
now that it is gone; the guys say when someone of the brothers or nephews mentions
Remember Makkah grandmother? -In loving allusion to his fair complexion and
freckles "If then, did we need varejonazos" reply all, like the women of the family to
"frightened grooms" them having no qualms about telling versus no suitor knew "or
wash her panties and I wanted to walk brides" or when they wanted more than two
pairs of shoes that asked them how many pairs of feet had, because no one should have
more than enough to live decently, to stop being idle and they were to bathe with cold
water to lower fever and cleanse the evil thoughts that sprucing up your clothes, if you
were bored had many outstanding do at home in which they could help "instead of
walking down the street looking for what has not lost them, "said they.
Even ten years when he died-I remember wondering at night if I wanted a glass of
warm milk to sleep-No Grandma Mecca would answer-then I wondered if I wanted to
go to the bathroom or had cold and wanted another blanket, I only sought an excuse
to stay awake again answer, "Neither Grandma" Then eat your shit and dozed now! -
I said smiling while I stroked her temple Mecca That was my great-grandmother,
which apart from these very own phrases you never hear a bad word or you witnessed
one, or even disrespectful improper, fraudulent or dishonest action with others. My
grandmother Martha, his daughter, always remember his phrase when something
saddened us, gave courage or simply fought between cousins and we fell for a push to
want all the same toy, feeling rightfully still-crying-in to demand or seek revenge
revenge, she intervened saying "do not put anything in your heart son, come you will
embrace" What wise words before situations that generate negative emotions such as
anger or resentment do not put anything in your heart! always told the story of two
brothers, his great-uncle who was shot by a bullet and cheese to the surname was
changed, saying that when men allow entry of hatred in his heart the noble flame of
love that forgives all goes by what all can happen unless you put in your heart hatred,
fear, or anger; of those great women and to honor his memory his maxims are taken
to naming and identity proudly Mexican Chiapas and our proposal.
Then once given the credit of the title to those who deserve it, it is clear that "eat your
shit" is the campaign slogan of our behaviorist method of residual treatment of
emotions that includes therapy early shock which alerts us when we started
constiparnos emotionally, allowing us to maintain balance and not suffer the blow by
the inertia of our negative emotions, giving us an alternative treatment and
decongestion; therefore the fecal matter can not be called otherwise than by his frank
and honest name: Shit! Trying to perfume it or conceal it-literally or metaphorically
is tolerate and when something is tolerated becomes part of us because if shame,
insecurity, weak or degenerate comfort not clean or treat time end up "eating our own
emotional shit" - as these pigs to fight that they care little for waste or spoiled food
that are thrown to the floor of his pigsty-infecting us of that emotional anger that has
many types or strains as flu, taking the form of disorders, syndromes, neuroses ,
anxiety, depression and all its variants, polluting our family, loved ones and social
Once we speak in general of our behaviorist proposal to enter the particular study of
the characteristics that define and are to serve as guidelines for operating procedure;
ie get to the point! focusing on the specific set of actions applicable in the "How To"
you find on the following principles or guiding principles:
This current of thought or philosophical school is based on the method proposed by
the Author Heart in the Book The Riddle of Happiness; basically be understood as a
metaconductismo that fails the stimulus-response formula for serving the interests of
globalized power conditioning system responses, behavior and lifestyle as humans
through simple but effective scheme cyclic stimulus response-reinforcement that
enables massive feedback control constantly and eventually the destruction or burning
of the overall population segment that is no longer useful to him, a goal that is not
achieved with invading armies or biological epidemics, but with the social indifference
fueled by consumer selfishness; ie we are the executioners, their laboratory mice
infected artificial mazes competing for stimulus called success, we are who foster and
encourage deforestation, hunger, wars and all injustice necessary for the sustenance
of modernity, order and progress where such illuminated power group is founded.
Behaviorism commitment to human qualities and virtues, especially willpower,
arguing that it is in the heart and not the brain lies the pure intelligence or higher
mind, and others unable senses of being perceived or administered by brain such as
intuition; more importantly, is in the heart where dwells the divine spark that connects
us as a genre: Our humanity; behaviorism in the emotional context is proposed as an
alternative route to and tried to get by dead ends or wrong solution to their existential
problems, being stuck and frustrated, no gain or output; estimated as central
problematic punishment or suffering humanity itself violates seeking stimuli or social
rewards, the satisfaction of their desires; all issuffering, pain or punishment, condition
us not to expect any results except by such payment misunderstood "No pain no gain"
tell us.
Intentionally confusing a negative or inverse behaviorism pain with genuine joy the
efforts that is an end in itself, not a painful and necessary means as currently
understood; for our proposal if pain is something that is being done correctly or it
should not make up and if there is joy in the effort the result is complementary and
interpretive; pain is linked to the infected wishes, joy to the yearnings healthy, so try
is necessary but suffering is optional, do for the joy and sense of responsibility we
guarantee no expectation of reward or feel frustrated by the material result, betting on
be so famous and forgetting as having pursued.
This principle is transverse axis of our method, preaches that the fear, pain and
suffering are the result of desires decomposing pus of our emotional wounds, so they
are not able to exist by themselves, require infection in our be to manifest, so to
exercise our ability to treat and heal through effort of will, joy in our daily work and
love of life, they will disappear, perish from starvation by not having the daily intake
of our negative emotions which feed, eventually eat themselves or eating all that shall
offer them love and positive emotions, then dying by poison; so we should not focus on
them, thinking about what we fear or what made us suffer are Creators! and as such,
are beyond the need for stimulus to generate responses, we are able to use the wrong
they did us or passed-shit emotionally as fertilizer to give life to good deeds and
actions, to respond correctly even if no has reward, so it is, by nature have the ability
to seek justice even if we go in this life that no behaviorism you stop it! Even when we
are bombarded every day to be selfish, cowardly resentful; men and women have the
heart of gold-not for being a precious metal, but to be the best conductor of electricity
there-even in the most contaminated injured chest or just a spark of nobility, a small
electromagnetic pulse or "touch grace "to be ofrende complete sacrifice for a good
cause, truly believe that the nobility and humanity are irrevocable and inalienable
divine attributes, only requires strengthening the will to exercise; that is why unable
to take away the divine, betting strip away the human: Our will, we lose the ability to
bind or affective and effective conductivity with God, the universe and nature, with our
neighbors and loved ones, with our own being for home accounts.
To take away our humanity, our will and effort capacity strip us of all resistance, going
from a wild herd or healthy, free and flock compact, to which it would be very difficult
to hunt for food from him-a simple animal fearful fattening and lazy crammed into
virtual farms behavioral consumption, applying the strategy used by wolves aside such
flock or herd prey, making them weak in the individuality of his selfishness and the
resulting fears are achieving even that we ourselves who ofrendemos in sacrifice our
fellow that success, to justify the fact of harm or exploit others to achieve the desired
goal-or precisely-even at the expense of others' suffering is; behaviorism proposes
restoring communication and cohesion of the human herd to find a healthy balance,
welfare, and happiness of the success; this is only a crude evolutionary, or we
strengthen to be able toconfront such aglobalized consumerist predator being immune
to their strategies or did not extinguish as gender, but as human race.
By reinvesting the polarity of thought and human behavior make everyone aware of
what corresponds to his desires without influencing the result, focusing on the effort
to the task itself as a source of positive emotions; the first thing to "unlearn" is our
concept of forgiveness, not wait for us to ask that we "overcome" an infected emotion,
we must be able to generate without having to "ignite" our hurt, because we think that
the more damage demonstrate we did have the right to require a costly repair or wait
a broader satisfaction problem bring us down to the slightest nudge and encourage
infection inflaming emotional littering our wounds and to make them more noticeable,
which is more than can aggravate that originally caused, causing "emotional
gangrene" without it being this guarantee to give us the expected satisfaction, because
forgiveness is a remedial action so that we ourselves must we start it without waiting
for the originator of the damage required or charge is made; but instead tend to
aggravate the damage they caused us to charge more then wait for them, exposing the
wounds or emotional affectations to be contaminated and infect a sadomasochistic
attitude frankly.
Forgiveness has always been an excuse to go begging emotional infected, either
because we can not forgive or because we fail to ask for forgiveness, the result is the
same: Continued involvement in time and space. In our method does not care to learn
to forgive, but strengthen your ability to not fall into the weakness of feeling offended
or any event that may affect you and hurt any person, for who is able in the first
instance not to be offended, to have the strength to not be damaged, will be free of
emotional lag to not feel the need for forgiveness.
While for those infected emotional weak, forgiveness is a refuge and comfort zone from
which they justify by saying "I'm Working on it" "I took twenty years, but I think I've
forgiven my Father" if you ever feel the need to give or ask for forgiveness Then
pídetelo yourself by such weakness! Step up forgiveness and forgive yourself for
allowing an offense affecting you or a person you hurt because others actions that
constitute a violation of our rights are beyond our control, but as we try and attitude
we take to them if our direct responsibility; ask forgiveness for feeling offended,
wronged or injured on our emotions is necessary on the precept that suffering is a
bastard child of weakness.
The offenses embodied in the weak emotional resentments and frustrations that justify
the desire for revenge or impulse to commiserate all his misfortunes, so never allow
yourself to fall into the trap of feeling offended, because at that time you will see your
name and infected justified your destructive desires; all speak of forgiveness, but few
understand that there is actually the effect but the cause, that is, forgiveness is not the
result of an offense, if the offense is a result of our inability to forgive; forgiveness is
a spontaneous action that runs at the same moment of the consummation of the facts
that generate it neutralizes fear, insult and offense before birth, forgiveness is a
preservative to prevent the procreation of negative emotions, if I do not put or you
used when indicated, has no case and do it later; if you damaged something and then
not require forgiveness, and he was allowed take effect, so a preventive method is no
longer applicable, but a residual corrective treatment.
Let's see forgiveness as an excuse to go in settling the consequences of our facilities
emotional conditions, to strengthen us determine to be able to not be affected and if
so, have enough antibodies to forgive at the time, before being infected because beam
that all grievance is a bloody phlegm infected you spit in the face and forgiveness is a
high emotional technique that allows you not to swallow, even if you fall on your face,
while revenge do not just swallow it, but pull your tongue to lick the remaining residues
from your lips.
Our high this principle: "No offense no forgiveness is required" So our method does
not care that you learn to forgive, but strengthen your will and character not to fall
into the weakness of feeling offended any person, thing or event giving them the ability
to affect you, hurt you or hurt you because in the first place who is able to not be
offended is not required to forgive; In short, we seek to have the ability to prevent the
existence of offenses rather than forgive, to understand that they have returned effect
or "boomerang" that if you pass up the impact who originated recayéndole emotional
weight as guilt for their misconduct or frustration at not being able affect you, as an
offense comes to life only to fulfill its purpose, if it makes you feel offended with the
need to satisfy a desire for revenge, before that is a negative action others which
sooner or later and one way or another, always returns who uttered it and he did not
care or apologize you had the ability to grant it, just wanted to satisfy their desire to
affect you and unable to get such deformed creation emotional has to turn against him
and who for me was the greatest exponent of this principle was the angry and proud
Nazareno, because Jesus did not spare learned forgiveness on the cross he learned not
to feel offended! Got answer to your question to why our Heavenly Father had forsaken
him, learned not to be offended and that carried the maximum power that is to love
your neighbor, especially when it hurts you or offends-and not only forgive but could
intercede for them, understood that they were infected and asked our heavenly Father
for forgiveness for those who knew not what they did, but not because the offense went
unto his person or the son of god, but because he understood the emotional infected is
actually a disabled an unimpeachable, deserving of compassion and not punishment
mentally ill; This is how a man went to the cross and dropped a perfect child of God.
Once understood it is better known not to offend to learn to forgive, freeing thus lag
or resulting emotional pollution to avoid the weakness to be offended, use forgiveness
if such offense became effective as birth control negative emotions for proper
effectiveness should be applied at the same time or immediately followed the
completion of the offense, not to be as bad lawyers when they are granted the use of
the voice in defense of his client is limited by ignorance or fear say, "I reserve the right
to correct procedural moment" you never forgive reserves the right, your timing is the
same in that you have been offended! Since forgiveness is not only an emotional
condom but an act of self-preservation, as more beneficial to the giver what her
attacker, who may not even have the capacity to understand or receive, forgive is left
alone with his offense, forget and overcome; this is nothing more than reach pardon
reverse repentance, ie by a withdrawal of bringing proceedings to which we are
entitled for the injury or offense received-either revenge or reparation-for both
forgiveness and repentance are the same thing seen from different perspectives, they
have the same effect, so it is equally effective you regret having offended sense for
forgiveness will be reflected automatically.
That versa our residual treating emotions not our word magnanimous learning to
forgive to feel enlightened and touched by the grace of the lord, because we would be
committing an act of arrogance, pride and vanity that also requires treatment, with
repentance or forgiveness does not it is God who enters our hearts, we who have the
privilege and joy of feeling, of touching his; need to understand the nature of people,
things and situations in which we are subject to an action that causes offense or
offense, requires a high empathy to step into the shoes of who you are insulted, who is
pushing you or violating one law; once you've put in your shoes you have to feel you're
him, because he is incapable of being fair because he is unable to ask for an apology
and say: You know, I'm sorry Because he is infected and can not see his miserable
reality! Then you're going to do the work for them, you're going to put in its place,
you're going to insult and offend, realizing that the insult was mean, he was a coward,
that the grievance was undeserved and then you will ask for an apology but not the
name of this poor unfortunate infected unable to size the consequences of their actions
feeling a divine figure of generosity you'll humbly ask forgiveness for your own name!
-Because at that point you're going to like him unfold for him and ask forgiveness for
such an abandon their humanity and then return to your being, which immediately
accept forgiveness and apologies to get away from that situation or person probably
never know without the high emotional action strategy that you made at that time.
Because it does not say, I forgive you because you're a poor drug addict, homeless
or ignorant, there would be talking your pride-Once you generated forgiveness and
you accepted, you transformed the offense into something clean, in an area free of
infection that enables you healthy pace, but prerequisite is that you walk away
immediately and not let seduce by vanity to boast your work or try to win over the
situation because the abuser will hopeless mess, this technique is elusive / deterrent
and requires agility in execution and prompt removal of the area or compromising
Regarding the couple or family, if at first had two parts with an offense or mutual
claim, a spear some emotional shit and yes the other rather than evade throws alike,
the situation will be a pigsty; but when you accomplish coming your evade and deter,
trying and becoming clean the infected projectile, you now have the opportunity to
throw the antidote, by return sludge and clean water that can clean enough perhaps
to start their own process of sewage treatment; I assure you that the vast majority of
cases if I really apply this method without false messianism, without you feeling the
great redeeming or forgiving of life, at a certain point the person will be vigilant and
will say, you know that:excuse me! Because deep inside he will realize that is screwing!
and you're not just getting all his shit but that these are trying and regenerating the
shaping these into something better; if the person does not realize that is the gain of
this system, this method of treating residual emotions, the more crap you toss someone,
you are giving more raw material so that you can generate positive feelings and
emotions antidote to respect, the more you hate someone more kindness you'll be able
to generate, the more injustice justice propine someone else you are going to be able
to procure; sooner or later, due to fatigue, karma or whatever you want, that person
will fall, your good works and proper treatment of the emotional crap is what will
So here is my weathering the shit everywhere without disgust or delicacy of those who
walk sick of that anger in this globalized world, in this fucked skills, selfishness,
consumer world, that we are apt all to weather that fecal matter before we whisk,
before we stink and before we call anger that infected neurosis, anxiety or depression;
all that thick river of emotional fecal matter in our daily routine has us immersed fed
up with may be able to treat the proposed method to be powerful with the necessary
filters to transform it into pure, transparent and water properties that prevent the virus
back like rabid zombie more human beings, our children, to new generations that is
the purpose of this alternative method of waste treatment of emotions, we are not going
to get stuck in pendejas therapies yes sex is all it is lie who said that, Sigmund Freud
was just a repressed homosexual unable to manage their own emotional stool, if it was
for him good sex in her head, to paraphrase my brother Niet: The pig crap just think;
sex is actually not only the motives but genetic and divine commands instruct any level
that humans have, but also the human being comes with other attributes and qualities
that will not limit its existence to sex, rather limited to their desires, especially the
repressed and often embodies the sex, not for himself, but by moral restraints and
social conventions by which we have plastered.
Human beings have other needs, motivations and impulses beyond sex, because
although rational animal, is also divine, in human relations is not all vagina and not
all penis is also an embrace, it is also a word of encouragement it is also a touch, then
you will often be talking about the most twisted homosexual or person who has
committed a crime of a sexual nature and are you saying that because he was raped
as a child No skunks! that's one theory or mediocre conclusion indeed may have been
damaged, could be a precipitating factor or trigger, but the human being is much more
than that Man is by nature and regenerator creator! and you can not damage
irreversibly something that has the ability to create, because it regenerates itself, then
that is the nature of this proposed method away from therapy mediocre complicity as
psychoanalysis-indeed such therapies is to promote the emotional crap, because if you
you're going to sit for hours talking about that as a child you were raped or beaten
you, all you're doing is you're eating your emotional shit rotten and smelly, and
volviéndotela defecándola swallow instead of you to get up and activate the emotional
regeneration you're capable.
Only then can we break the negative emotional cyclical processes, and making
vacunándonos immune to such emotional anger in its critical stage terminal cancer
mutates in spirit, and whose only cure is to remove the infected body, ie the death of
the holder; is why we insist: The purest and high forgiveness is knowing not to take
offense, our alternative method has as a central focus this principle, not learn to
forgive but learn not to offend, because in that heightened emotional state you're going
to consummate in one act the just and perfect forgiveness: the no offense to an action
or self; for first going to allow it hurts, that hurts you, to hurt you, that offends you,
then after a 10-year process of psychotherapy say: Okay and let it go and forgive;
propose an emotional economy that save you a lifetime of fear or resentment in many
cases, by the pastor checkmate ready to offenses and grievances.
Generation strategy of forgiveness with that of turning the other cheek Do not be
confused, even though I admire the Great Master Jesus, I do not agree with that of
turning the other cheek not even leave the first-I'd rather have the ability to dodge the
first blow to time to carry out the maneuver or evasive / deterrent technical proposal;
but avoid the injury or offense is not possible or not these were predictable, totally
validatesour method considers self-defense, butnever revenge; that is,we talked about
emotional situations mostly family or relationship, but if you were in a real and
imminent which you could not escape danger and who has in risk the integrity of those
you love, we suggest a surprise attack and direct that gives you even at the cost of your
life at least a possibility of escape to yours, because you have to know when not worth
the risk and when it is vital to risk everything in life; so as you can see there are neither
peaceful nor pious in our proposal, but rather strategic, it can not be engaging in battle
with as infected are you cross the road, would be a defeat sure, but could not avoid
sure to win or least defend what is worth preserving, your tolerance is the reason that
the perpetrator of your family still alive if you have already submitted or you have
better weapons, but no excuse for cowardice not to defend the life of be necessary if
you are not out in force inferiority, in which case the surprise, audacity or the
unpredictability of your actions be your only chance to find at least one escape route.
When you have reached the assailant or hurt and say: "Now if you're dead" and you
answer him: Who told you to expect out alive? You'll see the surprise in their eyes to
what your daring and unpredictable action; in defense mode, our system provides
surgical, strategic and focused attack on one point as the best strategy, taking the
example of this now imaginary emotional ground assault, when your partner tells you
to blackmail and ultimatum: "now, everything is over between us "and you answer
him: and who told you I wanted to continue it? Just trying to fix the problem not beg
your forgiveness, then you will see a curious phenomenon that occurs in the hunt when
the servant suddenly turns and faces the lion, this time to surprise the prey escape
disoriented; so when emotionally not possible to dodge the injury, no longer have to
try to get away, instead get as close as possible to the coup lose its effectiveness for
having left the range programmed damage but this is just a strategy to reacomodarte
not to plant yourself in front of an ongoing battle.
We have some questions from a legal approach to honesty and truth of things, or
grievances arising offenses and forgiveness and repentance necessary, first of all you
have to ask: Did I offend corresponds? Are you able then to offend? Does this subject
or situation actually have the ability to offend? Because these questions will allow you
to remember and reflect that the size of the offense is the size you emotional, spiritual,
personal and professional, ie capacity, if a drunkard offends you mean you're on the
level of a drunkard, if a prostitute offends you mean that you are in the level of a
prostitute, if the one you have a flat tire or a minor setback you out of your mind, makes
you neurotic or hysterical means your will and temperance, your character is so tiny
as a flat tire, then the first question you have to do is-and if you were a lawyer - will
you have this event, situation, comment or person's ability, personality, status and level
to offend? Yup?? or does it? there you go you weigh and measure as well; That you're
going to say it does not affect me or concern me! so if it does not affect me "or sack
me coming" and not win anything enganchándome in this offense, the best I can do is
close your mouth, do not go my way the game who intended to offend; the second filter
question Do I have the right to offend? for me the offense and has the ability to be? It
is like saying: I threatened to kill! and is within an armored tank, without the slightest
risk of aggression by threatening you with infected throwa stone then there is no actual
or imminent threat! for an offense constituted as such, should have the ability to offend,
thereby revealing your true emotional and spiritual size.
You are going to decide: Do I have the ability or authority to emotional not pursue the
matter to the offense? Can I then exercise no action offense? At that point you're going
to determine that there was no place to offense and as were resultandos of a sentence,
you will determine that. FIRST - non offensive action to the situation or transgressive
person is executed for not having personality, competition or hierarchy needed to be
taken into account as such, seeing the result of his actions as those of an imbecile,
mentally ill or incapable delayed. SECOND -. Consequently refunded offense to
treatment-ie, do not give offended and then you send a residual treatment that offense-
because they do not qualify for the size of your being as a tort, for your safety as a
threat, the size of your being as an offense and once it returns to treatment, also give
it back to the person publicly to review their actions and that review will vanish like a
piece of ice the offense, courage or resentment is hot like molten lava; however
forgiveness, as a unilateral declaration of a contractual act, requires certain
formalities without which would be a mere intent can even generate more emotional
spending which would save us, being the following constituent elements necessary for
an effective forgiveness that took effect in a timely manner:
I. That the offense is real, substantiated and proven.
II. That the parties are empowered and interested to grant it or receive it.
III. Free services that are or conditional beyond its irrevocable nature outright
IV. Other than vinculativo damage with remedial actions, as required by the requestor
or imposed by the grantor by satisfying some condition.
Of the above items must then establish that there anything that makes us feel offended
is an offense for the simple fact that so perceive it, because often offends us to breathe
who envy, it does not agree with our positions or simply we dislike, if something
bothers you outside first be sincere and determines if the phenomenon is not a
reflection of some prejudice or emotional residue yours; ie why you offend if your
neighbor goes with any guy or your coworker is a lambiscón, constituyéndote part of
the Holy modern Inquisition in which have become social media to lynch anyone who
does not think like the majority, we demand democracy, but are the first to attack those
who do not share our principles or value judgments.
Until someone violates the law or violates the rights of others, what you do with your
life only incumbent upon him, as we must deal with what we do not what other people
think about it; need to move away from the nosy mentality, ready to criticize, to judge
or comment, because when in truth our intervention is required in some cause or social
action on behalf of our own community then yes, we are very busy and say, "Let
everyone be charge of their own affairs "to criticize us the fastest gunmen west, to
assist in solidarity leaving review and act as good politicians slow; learn that people,
especially our loved ones do not require our criticism, judgment or opinion, if not the
support and action, even to correct, we should try to do it by example, avoiding the "I
told you so" In seeking the do you support? Becoming part of the solution.
Then once we have established a real offense, not the result of our mental or emotional
distortion, avoid the first mistake of wanting to forgive something that requires
forgiveness, because there was an actual offense; very common among couples
because machismo for example, the man is legitimately offended by someone greeted
his partner or even that an "ex" got in the way, making dramas and tantrums that result
in aggressive or self-destructive behaviors, before which the couple, even without
giving any reasons or situation led, for love is resigned to say to take the party in
peace: "okay, I forgive you" for something that was never constituted an offense or
misconduct; so we must take care in short, before demanding a pardon ensure that the
fault or offense really exists, otherwise who must order a we condone that insecurity,
jealousy or emotional residues allow a situation affects us, accepting conflict caused
us something without being founded or motivated our sense of grievance but we do!
We will not drop a piece men saying: "Excuse me love, I felt insecure because such
person with better physical or economic level approached you or someone in your job
made you a compliment and told the truth, you look beautiful "because it is precisely
such situations incubators resentments, insecurities, emotional residues that affect us
so much.
The same thing happens at work, in the street, in shopping centers and other public
places, go through life watching and judging, thinking that everything must be
according to our criteria, disqualifying beliefs, ways of life and opinions of others by
simply not consistent with ours, in which case we must learn to purge our intolerance
or accept our ignorance and at least acknowledge that we are not in favor of gay
marriage for example, always reserving our opinion on any subject if negative, or
descalificativa denostativa about understanding that if it is not our preferred anything
that we did not do enough, also avoiding falling into the role of "saving the world" or
"condescendingly" as people different from us do not require our forgiveness or
permission to live their life the way that best suits them, as long as they do not affect
or harm others; that is, it is no merit or achievement presumption that suddenly you
feel "compassionate" and say to the lesbian couple "Okay, poor things have a right to
exist" because they do not require your sympathy and you are asking for your blessing,
only demand your respect; learn as to not get into what we do not care because we
care those whom if we can help improve, learn to be constructive grabbing emotional
hood type Ku Klux Klan in which we hide burning or lynching staff, media and socially
The second constituent That the parties are the empowered and interested to grant it
or receive it reminds us of a sad social truth, walk in all but what we should and we
compose the world outside while ours crumbles; often judge the partner of a relative
or friend, when we are not empowered to do so, if the person legitimately concerned
is aware of the circumstance, only has to correspond to her and her partner to evaluate
alternative courses of action in this regard, many women no answer indignant "Neither
my husband give explanations, unless you" or when using tight clothing, look at the
morbid malicious or criticizes rightly answers, "Yes my husband does not mind, what
is most loved! What doyou care "and when we put in our place and react only atinamos
answer:" No, I said nothing "is how we must understand that we must first be judges
of our own lives, preventing invading alien , in which we have no "emotional
jurisdiction" nor moral authority to intervene less to judge.
Likewise, forgiveness must be granted not only accepted but also because then we cling
to unforgiveness and the other party is not interested in being forgiven or has not
matured emotionally yet the consequence of their actions to be aware of its fault or
offense , so you must avoid falling into the figure of "compulsive forgiving" for the
emotional pleasure to forgive generated vanity and sense of goodness that gives us
that pleasant feeling of superiority or holiness with which we go through life with an
attitude of forgiving lives because we liked that forgiving and started looking for the
slightest offense to feel the satisfaction of doing it and others say, "See that mature,
that good person is that good feelings is" watch this, forgiveness is an act of love and
humility, not vanity or interest.
It is precisely what leads to the third element: that free services will find or conditioned
outside their irrevocable outright nature interests, because forgiveness enclosing traps
as the ratio in which these defects nest offering rewards, ie a man waits rapper
forgiveness through the gift of an expensive gem and a woman begins to manipulate
its execution pending a financial reward or satisfaction of any kind other than the
healthy feelings of overcoming conflicts or grievances that forgiveness presents us , so
it has no price or is complicit in repetitive behaviors or attitudes, can not ask for
forgiveness every day for the wrongs caused, or the other party can be forgiving
always the same fault; forgiveness conditional on both parties to be free, free from
economic interests or property, but above all things, that once granted can not be
removed by the forgiver and the grievance can not be repeated by the person who
accepts .
You must ask for forgiveness and forgiving heart, couples especially need to avoid
using forgiveness as a hostage of our shortcomings, falling into a perverse game that
one forgives the wrongs, offenses or offenses in exchange for the other forgive ours,
because and vices and self-destructive behavior leading us to infected conflicting
relationships mutual reproaches and aged claims are promoted, that's just a perverse
complicity two compliant humans in their emotional mediocrity, forgive once is
greatness of heart, follow it by doing is complicity as my grandmother would say, "only
once the mi hijita capan cochi! because eating chicken egg, or to burn the peak, so
there you see if you continue with this man, but then do not come back to mourn, a time
grace, more than two unfortunately. "
This leads us to understand that many people do not really want forgiveness because
they do not want to change! just need an excuse to continue their way to be waiting
"out of this anger" as tort or offense and then forget and will reoffend if the crawl
again apologize, and swear to be humble now-yes-last time, but has the smallest
repentance that is the true goal of forgiveness: Provide the opportunity for a human
being to change and be better after committing a foul and this requires that such a man
or woman is worth using repentance and forgiveness that future efforts, if those
requirements are not met ten dignity not seek or give forgiveness that is flawed or be
used as toilet paper; learn that forgiveness is not vinculativo in human relations, ie,
can forgive but not to continue, if someone hurt you and ask your forgiveness, which
would bestow not mean you're forced to stick with that person or be near her in such
a situation forgiveness can be a phase of reconstruction if you caused serious injury
to your partner or a loved one, do not expect to have been forgiven everything is
automatic as before must work hard to make it better! reconstruct what you damaged
proving yourself worthy of trust, the opportunity provided without thereby be subject
to humiliation or punishment, as well as heart forgiven strives to be better, who
forgives must clear all negative emotional residue saying that this offense generated;
so do not expect a romantic dinner after "having showered or done your grace" that's
loving reconciliation is only sexual but not confuse body warmth or material interest
with the real motive and purpose of forgiveness.
True forgiveness is serious and responsible, not easy or happy results, but also is
stronger than concrete if it works properly in the reconstruction of a loving
relationship, whether family or couple; let's pretend that the grievance was the storm,
the earthquake devastation and forgiveness the immediate phase of goodwill and
human strength to clear debris standing up in solidarity, so at that stage have
outgrown regrets or recriminations, ie not forgive parts or episodes as there are those
who say, "I forgive everything except this or that" to forgive or not is your choice, but
once done and you can not go by staying in the emotional stage of lament, reproach
or resentment, is forgiven once you no longer have the right to claim, let alone
constantly reproaching the fault that caused your forgiveness, because forgiveness
erases the offense and therefore can not invoke any circumstances; once granted and
accepted can not be removed, even when it has been given in ignorance of supervening
evidence as it is a pure act of love and kindness; example, I forgive you for raping me
but I knew I was pregnant and now I take it out my frustration with that creature
blaming him for all the happiness and missed opportunities; partner, I forgive you for
hitting me because I knew I left a permanent scar on the eyebrow that affects my image
and remember forever your aggression; or in daily life, I just regret forgiving material
damage to my car because I knew you did not have insurance and I pay the coup.
If you forgive, and forgive, no turning back It's beautiful! vaccine last and gives you a
present free of emotional infection immune to forge a future; Forgiveness does not
erase the injury or damage to its natural consequences, gives you the ability and
strength to overcome thereby creating a better future even you would have had if the
offense or assault has not taken place, then you will use suffering as impetus and find
joy in your effort and satisfaction in the outcome.
So forgiveness is not an obligation resulting from social or family pressure because
very often not only invite you but there are people who pressures you to forgive them
when they are not empowered, when being in the same situation may you would be
asking for a gun to go looking for her attacker, so we as the final element of forgiveness
Other than vinculativo with remedial actions harm, as required by the requestor or
imposed by the grantor as by satisfying a condition, do not let someone who can benefit
your forgiveness redituarle coerce you grant it, it's your mother who tells you that your
child does not want to hurt you or your partner who does not suit you you retire the
project and and you say, "so cute your wife or your husband commits an error or is
any step tantito hand, but it was because of alcohol "for if you like both, you keep it! -
It is tempting to answer 'So once those are located personality to give and receive, we
must understand that we can not forgive those who do not want to be forgiven or
require pressing or condition future assistance with such who is entitled to grant it, we
must differentiate between reparation and forgiveness, both are rights of the victim
and one constraint is not another; which page someone heals the wounds caused you
does not mean you bestow forgiveness; same, but not if the page does not have the
economic ability to do so does not preclude the possibility of receiving it, and that
forgiveness is not subject to the fulfillment of any condition to be given, or the breach
thereof if any conditions prevent is granted, it generates the above only infected by any
outside interest for the purposes of such kindness and love forgiveness.
Ah! Not that count that: "God forgive you because I can not" Do you know
why?Forgiveness is a divine gift that can not be returned! A drug that does not expire,
you can choose to save, not grant it or deny it all your life, it will still be there at the
bottom of your heart waiting for you to have the ability to gifting because it is never
too late to order or to grant it; forgiveness is the ultimate expression of our divine
humanity exalted by their practice, so forgiveness is not God but human-since He does
not get sick of emotional or anger may actually agraviarlo-us is to it flatters powerful
healing, forgiveness is the Kyrie Eleison true, true mercy of the Lord purifies the heart
and comforts the soul, for no sin offends as much as the damage caused to our
neighbors and ourselves; He is pure love that needs to apologize not only enables us
to enjoy his love and grace through this exercise of will called forgiveness frees us
from the bondage of our passions, resentments and fears making his sovereign; so ask
for an apology Granny, yes you said, "Do not offend God," He is not offended! Nothing
has the ability to do, we are the men and women who offend us and indignant on their
behalf, dangerous thing because as we have said in the name of God have we made
the most inhumane atrocities.
Loses all because their right to be just and perfect when it begins to take violent,
invasive or offenders to the existence of what initially sought effects, so we cherish the
legitimacy of our thoughts and consequent actions, avoiding not only "take" offenses
of others as their own, but take care of the emotional proportionality of our reactions
to the grievance, ie, neglecting forgiveness if you decide to exercise your legitimate
right to claim satisfaction careful not to cause further detriment to your claim to have
originated as everyday example, to someone who silva your wife or even touched
inappropriately, if you pull a gun and kill him, we'll have a dead abusive and a fugitive
murderer, plain and simple is to care or notice this principle of legitimacy and
proportionality emotional reaction, then keep in mind that the idiocy of others does
not justify the violence itself or the lack of values or needs of an individual that we take
advantage of the circumstances, then we have to keep the balance to safeguard our
own emotional and physical integrity; few minor traffic mishaps have heard end in
clashes, injuries and homicides in the end because someone infected with rabies or
neuroses emotional one light and the other was passed instead of being aware that he
met with an infected person, shielded by his reason and quality offended, decides to
hook up to shock or strike up a fight, so we could put hundreds of examples in our
altered daily routine, but I think it is clear the purpose of this fundamental principle:
he who assist you reason not justify aggression and much less excess reaction in
defense of the right affected, take care not to fall into the temptation of emotional abuse
recovery when we know why we attend or the right, let us be cautious and aware of
our reactions to situations.
Always think other minor damage to your vehicle or your partner unseemly comment
deserves to flee as a murderer or did you win lifelong enmity because infected people
desperately seeking guests walk give his reason for existence and hatred Let them
spend resentment you! One day I told my father to repair harm and insult to which he
was entitled to demand but probably would have a high emotional cost or health,
"Caro dad will come cheap, let it go do not alter" pass is the key to infected people, do
not chase the addict you snatched a string or a cell phone, because the swing will be
to bury a dagger or if you reach reflects that have no choice but to face him in a fight
in which you carry all of lose, as the unhappy perhaps has lost everything in life; is
natural to feel helpless and courage before an assault, abuse or assault, but let me tell
you something very personal that I understood the day I beat my five year old son in
the head by a cheap cellleaving a trauma for days, watching my small bleed and mourn
with fear and pain in his eyes felt as anger took over my whole being, took in hand the
gun to go after the two assailants as he advanced down dark alleys a question that
began as a volume increased faint whisper in my head What are you doing? I threw
my helplessness and cried to them from afar: "It is the gift dogs" and returned
immediately to where I should not have come at home and I did that from the beginning
I should have: Embracing my son, mourn with him, comfort him and thank God with
one idea in mind: "good thing I braked, good thing not reached" we must be careful
not to swell our spirit of revenge or "honor defense" because our loved ones require
our love and protection of our emotion not infected with hatred and resentment, which
will leave them with the grievance and a father or husband avenger absent loved ones
who have suffered a grievance, an assault or just a disappointment not need revenge,
much less that execute on their behalf, they need our solidarity, our love, our support,
you first take care of you who really matter, let the divine justice authority or be in
charge of who injured him.
In our hypocritical society, few parents see in a Greek tragedy because her teenage
daughter became pregnant or male homosexual are actually wounded his pride!
Looking to repair the honor family wedding even her rapist to lower or repressing,
hiding and even sending therapies that son or daughter with different sexual
preferences, that is caused by a sick egoism emotional role, as the elections are
personal , especially as far as the sexual and personality development is concerned,
your partner or children do not have to live like you think you should do, you live your
way and your respétales them, avoiding the harmful "I told you so "your slightest
stumbling anyway because life consists not of the pitfalls, but often that man stands;
give his life for the children, does not mean manipulate them, nor loving your partner
means mark your "emotional iron" no human being is owned by another in any way,
so the more love, understanding and support brindes before a more legitimate
grievance or offense to those loved ones will be as pater familias, your manhood not
be determined by the knife that you give the rapist or abuser of your wife or daughter,
but by the love and support you provide to it in his recovery and strengthening, without
reproach, without grandstanding, without a vengeance.
Exerting course the necessary legal action to ensure justice without them re victimices
that woman or let someone else do it, because the lower your immaturity or even
addiction daughter's boyfriend sent nude photos then displayed as "easy school "does
not justify the authority to look" required to act only because it is less "but in the minds
of officials and policemen who stand before a" fichita "so do not let Rooting or
mockery, morbid and reproach of others, although talk of provocative victims, rape is
rape and no justification above to recreate a fictitious case, but in general you should
never allow yourself to say or say, "Yes it happened was stupid (a) "or" I'm glad you
happened to learn and was walking quite provocative "because then you would be
contributing to the work of the aggressor with your attitude outraged husband or father
or wronged in his honor, generating more punishment and moral violence to your
being loved that for the offender, who may never caught, as everyone-including you
spend the whole life reproaching the victim "his mistake, stupidity or folly" is at that
point where we become like family and society complicit in any aggression because
we continue to emotional harm to the victim for life, reminding every moment as if it
happened she had to apologize to the world for having been attacked or been the victim
of a crime.
That is why true love forgives all, requires no avenging hands but warm hearts open
and willing to shelter the wounded, without reproach, without judging or belittling;
Believe me, when people notice your own exercise emotional legitimacy, either before
an injury to your person, your property damage or offense to your family, you have no
need to demand justice, solidarity because we'll have unanimous support, just willing
hands defend and promote your legitimate claim.
This principle allows us to avoid the daily circumstances or changes in routine make
us change our emotional goals and configuration; Understandably you have good and
bad days, good luck or strokes bouts of bad, but we must be firm in our direction, not
vanes that move with the wind, although this seems obvious for others sometimes we
get carried away by the emotional inertia that this rollercoaster called modern life
produces with its fast pace and sudden changes that result in unpredictable parents or
couples, who fear for their children not knowing "how he was at work today" because
one day are all love or understanding and walk the other "bad" things that were not
as expected, had an argument with the boss or lost a job opportunity; above generates
bipolar, children and loved ones are uncertain of your emotional responses overnight
against the same circumstance and that uncertainty produces fear and anxiety.
Always keep a posture, emotional balance against whom you love above all, share
your joys and achievements as well as your tiredness or tripping, but conditions were
never to external circumstances your emotional response, you'll see that your spouse
and children will be the first to encourage adversity or recognize you in your
accomplishments; respect of your peers, always remember that they have because of
your haste, your fights and your good or bad luck, think that when you have an
excellent day satisfaction or outcome achievement makes you even presumptuous or
arrogant and others may not have the same result or not have such a good day, bad
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  • 1. ¡EAT YOUR SHIT! SHITTHERAPY: ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF TREATMENT RESIDUAL OF EMOTIONS. Dr. Iten Mario Camacho Mendoza Brief and free personal reading digital version nonprofit, all rights reserved, ISBN No. 978-607-00-7974-0. National Reserves Agency Copyright, Mexico. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts on page facebook eat your shit, please download and read this book, I hope to be to your liking and share it with friends or family to make an international forum by page for the exchange of experiences. A hug. The Author. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas; to July 15, 2014. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: THIS TRANSLATION WAS MADE IN GOOGLE, AN APOLOGY FOR THE TERRIBLE SHAPE OF THIS, BUT IT WAS THE ONLY WAY I HAVE. IF YOU WANT THE ORIGINAL SPANISH VERSION TRY IN SLIDE SHARE “COMÉ TU CACA” TANKS TO YOU.------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 2. CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE TREATMENT ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF EMOTIONS. We live in a complicated world, which every day becomes more difficult by how easy it all appears to be where we are creditors greater rights and comforts when in fact we are in "emotional deficit" by wear daily routine that requires the exceed our capacities or limits, living with a war mentality that leads us to be on constant alert in a selfish consumer society, always compelled to give one hundred and ten percent so as to achieve the desired success leading to social acceptance , welfare and satisfaction of vanity rather than need; so we come to fully exhausted, burned and deflated home, not wanting nothing, without saving energy and good mood to invest in the family, loved ones, ourselves; we need more than a higher income, emotional gains to balance the emotional everyday spending, betting on an "emotional surplus' where we can find the strength, wisdom and temperance to know how to choose first and then tackle the problems, the challenges we physically, emotionally and spiritually worn. For the current competency model matters little wear our health, nervous system and emotions in order to satisfy our desires rather than actual needs, we force ourselves on working hours or degrading environments, overwhelming and stressful work "until you drop" taking liters coffee, energy drinks and even drugs to be "vigilant," the problem is that our health and wellbeing as well as family balancing are limited, require time and space, so we started manifesting emotional somatizar said sadly common ailments as, such as gastritis, insomnia, colitis, migraine and other nervous disorders which are nothing more than "red flags" warning notices that we are doing the wrong thing, breaking down our body affecting with such ailments healthy balance and core performance social primary, to the point of dysfunctional families well covered in their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, even with added luxuries such as screens, video game equipment, smart phones, computers, good clothes, gyms, sports clubs or private schools, but completely lacking in cohesion, trust, affective and effective communication, unable to live together, to spend quality time together because all its members have different interests and the belief that they are the law and reason, intolerant of any dialogue or negotiation the truth or away from your selfish comfort, do not share goals or values. Useless that you try the best college or university for your children's education without values or emotional strength is not just another consumer product that will only ensure a jerk or a selfish illustrated probably know say the same nonsense in a different
  • 3. language but unable to understand life and our creator; the ultimate aim of being human, to love and to live according to our conscience must always be committed to the common good neighbor or not germinate in the best school that your money can buy if not the best examples with your actions and will your children you can give as between individuals and between their peoples is not really education or knowledge that has to make them free if solidarity and identity as such an ambitious man without goodness is like a super nuclear power no sense of respect for their brotherly peoples are selfish entities who have forgotten the nature of ambition is divine gift when accompanied by good will, effort, temperance and values. Certainly humans are ambitious by nature, but was also a passionate explorer willing to lay down his life for an ideal, for your dreams, for their discoveries, not as now happens that we give back the lives of people for a vanity or interest, we learned to be executioners, predators and scavengers who prefer to sacrifice their peers before they offer themselves themselves, thereby guarantee the survival not of the fittest but of the most corrupt, not the best but the most perverse and degenerate, thus we are condemning the very survival of the human race; in other words, knew bet heavily on our hopes and dreams were betting but ours! Now bet with someone else or "to pretend" in this carnival where the prize is and any vain desire. In this modern ambitions are voraciously unconscionable and our human capacities are raquíticamente starving, feel sorry and ashamed; we lost the lawful and decent means to meet with the sweat of our brow, our efforts such dreams and passions that have also degenerated into avarice, we now expect another sweat to exploit or steal your effort, entrepreneurs, explorers, conquerors they are almost extinct in vitro production company that distorted men and women explorers, worthy of being called human compared by value, dignity and willpower with eagles and lions hyenas cowardly and treacherous, cunning in social vultures. Same with married life, where we just constantly be providers discuss what is the most important function other office or household chores, always tired, always stressed, always with mutual reproaches, forgetting the reason giving rise to the birth of the family unit: Love! Therefore nuclei are dysfunctional, unable to reconcile, to supplement, to solve problems or facing difficulties that need more than money to solve them; requires willingness, desire to reconcile our negative emotions and treat your partner, to dialogue, to understand who we are as emotionally charged clouds and shock of both storms occur; is easy to say but in times where everything is "Text" talk,
  • 4. communicate affective and effective way is an endangered art, for using smart communication devices, of which not avert our eyes and not let go or bathroom - closer to people far away-you may not know and those chances away and we import, while those close to us, those who need us, who love us, weakening our herd; understand that the internet is a network and as such its purpose is not connected to or help but catch the shoal, isolate and immobilize the subject be doing; can not escape from a network rather than breaking it, which is why it requires an awakening of consciences and wills rescue our humanity and defend our values of the voracious interest of global consumerism. As we become demanding and nosy selfish thanks to social networks, all we care about everything we think or criticize but do little about it, we are all but it behooves us, judging the lives of others and neglecting their own Let's take care of our issues and leave others alone! Because demand that everything must be correctand in compliance to respect the rights and dignity of not only people but animals and plants, but are unable to meet our family or social obligations, to respect our neighbors or to the environment, becoming a society of "fictitious protectorate" few big statements and actions, in which daily laws for the equality of women and the protection of children are enacted while soar alarmingly odds of family violence and child abuse; just about the flora and fauna, published "photos of conscience" in our Facebook wall as great defenders of such causes, but little care about the big factories and other sources of pollution because we know that we are all providing the features which enjoy; we condemn all forms of abuse and injustice, but it does not matter, we are complicit by omission hoping not to be us who punish for littering, for not properly caring for a pet, not to respect or assaulting our partner, including requiring where school-taught- "educate" our children when the family is where the first classroom takes place and our examples as parents are the best lessons for them. In general, we want a good life, a good job, a good body, good looks, a good partner;We want so many things! Why not strive or work, is the real problem, we've done our desires needs and our emotional laziness a way of life, and we despise and shun all liability, we terrified of commitment to anyone working or project, not realizing that the source from which emanates all right is the fulfilling of the obligations of that commitment to action, healthy effort to appropriate goals, congruence between saying and doing; we strive with all our energy to go after mirages that satisfy our insecurities, our need for acceptance, of achievement, of triumph, in this era of "pal photo face" cyber life and want nothing boring or requires effort, we all easy and nice and smart appliances are all systems are slimming as
  • 5. ridiculous as useless, all advertised on TV is revolutionary, innovative and wonderful solution to all your existential problems! we live in a culture of denial and deception is what is good consumerism to believe in lies so that we buy, without saying that nothing works if you do not commit if you do not try; to take away the right to such effort and prevent a culture of commitment and social solidarity, take away freedom of choice and rights as well, as we think, but we decided to live and actually being designed and obeying subliminally instead of having free will living on farms or virtual colonies of consumption, a near-perfect virtual slavery according to the interests of such a global system of power. How can a psychologist or therapy help with our affectations emotional disorders or if we find ourselves in such a pigsty that promotes wound infecting the slightest? We must be able to balance and clean up our environment, to recalibrate our vision and values of life, although it would be difficult to become hermits without requiring anything of modernity, not about ends but about balance, balance; then how and where do we start?We know! We must start with ourselves and with our family, moderating our desires and consumption activities, stop spending hours in hobby or compulsion constantly checking our Facebook-for example-sniffing we do not care what hundreds of photos and taking us in exactly the same pose to see which came out better-that is, as we really do not see our wall-retacando thousand things that in the end no one sees; ensure that our most enduring and successful relationship is not with the TV, computer or refrigerator. Spend more time with our being, invest effort in our arrangement and grooming, our health, get active with a short exercise routine and balanced diet; the same with our loved ones, implement at least one hour of daily family life without cell phones, no tablets, no video games not only family units! Just go for a walk a pet, wash the car or fix yard among all converse and interact while restoring healthy family bonding; With the couple also take time to stop viewing screens and eye contact, to motivate each other, make do, look better for Him or Her, be concerned with their concerns, hear feel free to criticize, because sometimes keep quiet and attentive with love in her eyes and the warmth of a hand on the back is the best answer I can give, because love as desire as a couple should be nurtured as a tree, otherwise more robust than it has grown without import the beautiful fruit that has given, will eventually wither and die. This would allow us physically, mentally and emotionally get active in all areas, the concern is that also we know, but just as addicts consumer technology that are of little
  • 6. importance to us, and we lost the will to do so, we prefer that our children are "calm" at the computer or video game, which our family this "you chatting" with family and friends, because we are already unable to strive in such emotional restoration, children are "unbearable" and the couple "always starts with the same "The men I went out with the story that" sorry no longer attracted to me "and women with" no longer includes me "when that woman gave you beautiful children and this man started happy with you that home, so hold emotionally and work to maintain healthy relationship is mutual work, no place for sexist or feminist shit, misunderstood or exacerbated proud dignities, it is humility and mutual service in this task; the sad thing is that today we are interested only be served, live appearances, taking care over "what people say" that worry about what it says, need or feel our spouse, children and family are the ones that matter! So before you do something ask yourself if it really is the best for them or just what you want, what's best for you, learn to reach a consensus with your partner that democracy begins at home and agree on something that affects all members not is weak or"be mandilón" norobeythose agreements is a source of shame, but rather shows binding commitment, true family discipline by common goals and group welfare; We moving away from the current inertia in which we say, "Who cares, Total Long live freedom! and that everyone does what he wants "but it turns out that model our children will not learn values and standing firm commitment couples and everyone in the family will be weak emotionally unable to bear the least responsibility or commit to any task that requires a little effort, both men and women of external temptations that mitigate their frustration and growing children what type of paths, relationships or outcomes do you think are those who seek in life being easy prey? For the most comfortable and easy, those who encourage them misunderstood his rebellion or resentment towards parents; determinations or roads that are precisely where the failure, frustration, and self-destructive vice await lazy mediocrity emotional, weak character, lacking the willpower to deal with their frustrations, resentments and other emotional conditions . That is why we insist on a renewed culture of effort, free-thinking emotional infections and will not fattened by eating but exercised to produce, to create, to work with joy to feel satisfaction with our work; although appear to be trivial things, little effort or attention to detail in a daily routine eventually define the entire course of our lives, in the little momentum that will lead us down the right path or the wrong lies, are small efforts as leak filled the pitcher and tilt the balance in an emotional inertia that will give us good result sustained emotional habits or vices that we projected to the ground, that is the harsh reality of the conditions that we suffer today because nobody woke one day being depressive, neurotic or anxious were the small details that put or no care, care by making that resulted in its present configuration.
  • 7. Of those small details are a thousand examples, which are good habits such as courtesy, empathy, kindness translated in simple actions such as yield to another vehicle or do not touch "horn" as possessed can not only give us another view more serena of things but prevent that emotional inertia will lead to some desired as a fight or property damage from an accident or mishap that could have been avoided just by having kindness or courtesy yield scenario, because as my dear Mecca grandmother: "In someone should fit prudence" as simple as that, if you see any possessed infected by some kind of emotional anger, confrontation and not let go, its purpose is to spit or salpicarte with their infection, is your determination if let it go or just leave it and walk away to avoid contagion, to face a rabid beast without defense or legitimate or necessary courage is far from stupid folly. Still, although not required in appearance walking instead of using a vehicle for errands nearby, up the stairs instead of using the elevator, take paper and pencil to make your bills or ignoring math calculator cell, wearing a journal or diary where you write every day at least a screed, pack your own lemonade squeezing lemons, sweetening the water, not just open an envelope with artificial powder and mix it, try to get away a little of everything that is "ready or instant "effort is made to get your own stuff; those little details not only strengthen the body but also allowing the will appreciate and enjoy life with a new attitude. The new generations already know for example, what it was for us to write a letter, put it in an envelope punch stamps, mail it and wait a month the answer, that made us to be careful, selective content without emotion and emotional communication, because the meaning and importance of a love letter for example was so beautiful, so full that it is virtually impossible to understand in these times of instant communication and Express deliveries; Now you can say a thousand things in a second posting on social networks, so maybe the exhaustion we have to say and feel the need to keep "communicating and be updated" started talking pure nonsense without the slightest sense, significance or transcendence and as we know that it does not matter, is banality, but we want to continue in this vicious circle because they invented it! Thus distorting our priorities, parameters and scale of values, and then complain that life is pure appearance, people pure hypocrisy, but it is life as we live and we are part of those people. We do believe that effort is a heavy burden bitter obligation, the result: obese men and women emotionally lazy in every way, with the attitude of a beggar demanding alms,
  • 8. who curses him who does not give a coin to buy a bottle of alcohol from sugarcane; that's the mentality that causes us emotional fecal matter that makes us believe that we all deserve "just for our cute face" so much we want it or suffer for not having it and I do not get is the fault of others, of life, fate or God; justifying our fears and resentments, believing that we have every right to claim, fighting, assaulting our frustration of such unfulfilled desires or requirements are not met, when who we hurt is ourselves and that such "emotional hell" infects in the first instance who generates then contaminate your family and social environment; therefore, who can turn away from a harmful, pessimistic, abusive or negative person who lives because of emotional alms, blackmail, lies, deception, sooner or later will be alone with his monsters and these having no longer a couple , children, family or friends who feed those who hurt and bleed will go over your creator. It is therefore vitally important to understand that only in the effort must be harvested true positive results, because even what you get for free or improper means to be enjoyed without the right has to generate an expectation that we can not continue to perform in subsequent, is why the first dose of everything harmful is free; if we follow through life waiting "windfalls" to the destination is sorry for all that we suffer by not having what we want, we will be sad men and bitter women, frustrated, infected with a type of emotional anger at being beaten to the ears that fecal material desires are decaying, and because there is joy in the effort, there is also an insane satisfaction in the self-destruction that leads to emotional laziness, and there are men and women who do not already know to exist if no is through the emotional suffering, for them to transmit it is a vital necessity as breathing, feel that they die if they do their best to infect others, endorse their misery to be which unfortunately are those who love you, partner or children usually, it reflected the above in an increase in domestic violence, battered women in an age of supposed equality, abused and exploited children in modern rule of law, which is why it considered emotional anger as the pandemic of the century along with Virtual Transmission diseases. In our modern societies we see disease as a necessity, consumption fosters competition in a model that favors strategy and war mentality that generates pollution and ecological exploitation, inequality and social injustice, as well as a personal and family physical and emotional imbalance ; need to break the paradigm of money, consumption to evolve a new model of non-domestic industrial production, but cultural and social, a new culture of effort and commitment, consistency, economy and austerity, joy and happiness, forgetting Win or success, thought that all deserve minding us of what we must, because we believe so special, so unique, when we are all
  • 9. equal and selfish and lazy actually, if ever man was one that has been lost, because we have to be obsessed with having forgetting, forgetting to eat produce, we have forgotten our quality of being made in the image and likeness of being the creators! curious, innovators, explorers and eternal dreamers, now not only satisfied us if we cling to our miserable comfort zones in our small space allocated to this virtual hive in which we are connected we live not in dreams, but mirages or illusions scheduled by someone else Because a true dream is one that takes it away! you open your eyes and allow you to close them, which activates in the heart the will to materialize, it puts you up and drives to progress, unlike this synthetic static society where everything invites you to stay within your poultry and to defend, pay with life while you plug the system connects you to receive infusion of artificial virtual satisfaction of a machine like automatic farm food provider in question. Our proposal The Alternative Method of Treatment Residual Emotions-The- Mierdoterapia that is based on the wishes of birth control in the first instance, then working in the healthy formation of the remaining, treating more than repressing or think because everything is overcome so be a desire to forget a traumatic event, overcoming a phobia or forgive an offense; men and women naturally have the urge to improve, to advance, to be better and this has not achieved talking to try to overcome a feeling or event that will always be there, it is past and can not be deleted, we must accept that there should be change the nature of things or events as well as taking responsibility for our decisions that could generate them without allowing predispose us in the present, because such acts or things past we would then be removing the ability to adapt and conform to the "here and now "where you always find new opportunities to weave our future. That is why we must not allow our past existence that if you are infected or at least need to have the capacity to treat emotional adequate disinfection; no matter if you will be there for life as long as it is harmless to our being, understanding that our thoughts and actions are what define us and not the experiences or preferences, which is not as sexual or childhood that conforms to the humans if not its determinations, its will to excel, because we are able to regenerate the damaged heart, to always seek goodness and a bird with a broken wing always try to fly to the last breath, humans have the beautiful capacity regardless of our past bad experiences or training to be kind, to seek happiness because we have always instinctively fly search and return to where we were created; so the statement that: "Childhood is destiny" is wrong, to us a child is raped can become the most effective police or more impartial judge, an abused child or exploited in an excellent doctor or social worker and a troubled youth
  • 10. family or exposed to bad examples in an excellent teacher, that integration does not believe in that, "I did this or that because you did for me as a child or so I learned from my parents" because we are creators can learn good the bad examples or experiences, we can create the future we desire, destiny is no matter our past, we just need the courage and willpower to take it in our hands. A bird does not fly because it has wings but because exercising their natural right to do with effort and sacrifice to the weather, if not done and determined to stay comfortable in a good tree would end without migrating all species in captivity or as an interior incapable of flying penguins even having them; that's what robs us of modernity or rather cleverly makes us despise ourselves Our wings! Therefore we fatten our domestic vanities and desires, so that in a few generations I are no longer human, but as incapable of flying penguins, lacking bodies will beings; we must uphold and exercise our right to strive to be better through work and commitment to our dreams or true goals, that makes me more nauseous this emotional shit that our sweat That's being sensitive and proud! He did not accept alms or collect crumbs, have the courage to fight for our vocation and passion for life despising the idea of "success" that makes us selfish evil to accept "the agreement of the victors" which basically boils down to not all can be and is just the fancy way of saying that you should go over your peers to get taking advantage of others' effort, mocking feelings, manipulating and using people, thus becoming a kind of vultures and hyenas prefer to steal prey or carrion eating strive neglecting his own effort, solidarity, empathy, kindness, nobility; in a word discarding our humanity. Sure traumatic experiences affect our conformation deny or repress is wrong as is continue giving life in the memory or in the continuous recreation of the past enabling them to continue ensuciándonos without giving us the opportunity to try, to strive, to fly and deliver us; the results do not matter and depend only on us, in the end the law of cause and effect is not as accurate as known as both have planets like different types of movements, some obvious, they were naturally symbiotic, other independent random or not limited only to the translation and rotation but also precession, nutation and even wobbles and orbital variations What do you mean by all this talk of the movement of the planets? Not every effect is conditioned to a cause, at least not as we calculate it, that is not always the results are expected even when you have done everything correctly, so we get frustrated when we think of failure because we follow the instructions or did possible and things just were not, people let us down, betrayed or hurt.
  • 11. This happens for a simple reason: We do things by interest not by dedication, passion and love, not work to have to be; when personal or work goals are not achieved and if not reach reditúan satisfactions, expected rewards is because we understand that the results are interpretive rather than binding on future efforts; reason also move away from the so famous "behaviorism" for exercising the powers were conferred to humans it is able to break the paradigm of stimulus-response, that works with laboratory mice not who they were created to image and likeness of the Creator, capable of reversing such behavioral paradigm to answer without encouragement and even provoke no response or positive reinforcement; understand and apply the above is big key to a healthy emotional processing residues such as frustration, anger or intolerance to failure, because happiness is not to eradicate suffering or sadness if not positively know they try and form as fertilizer for the purposes and goals that give reason to our existence. Therefore behaviorism is proposed as the cornerstone of our method dismissing psychoanalysis and behaviorism it has nothing to do with rational behavior if not the human capacity to conduct vital energy, to understand that men and women are beyond the reason, here is the failure of modern psychology to try to "transcribe" to conceptualize, rationalize or classify emotions to work them "in the field of science" when desires do not accept translation should be treated in the flat where they live, if you want to find or understand something you look and observe in their natural habitat and not once convivas ubiques what is thereby recognize the right to continue to exist, apply the "emotional dewormer" others talk about your problems, your fears is as talk to your rapist or abuser, will end up justifying live with it in a sick relationship; what is not harmful consecuenta is treated to eradicate it. That is, communication is good tool but should not be abused much less use to delay what to do, talk about problems is fine in principle but if and ubicaste must take action and not stay in the comfort of words, if you do have to keep talking to your happiness, your progress, your achievements regarding that negative emotional treatment that originated; hurt you if something is good or affected immediately recognize it but it must work to treat it and digest it without getting sick follow that action and movement will is like walking to lose water and the waste you produce such "emotional colitis" is our main criticism of psychoanalysis that keeps sick the subject-neither kills nor cure what domestica in a comfort zone in the "therapies" to the point that many people expect appointments to take over the couch and start talking again how you felt about this or that situation or conflict, just want to be he heard in his dramatic novel recreating ex sadomasochism what affected and worse are still adding new chapters with recharged tragedy in which the psychologist or therapist is a spectator which
  • 12. does not really care about their work or opinion, rather than to account for what they did or are doing about it. So just as stupid as stupid does, no matter if it had not Limitations or your attitude, thought and action, as no one is at risk for himself or his past, there cassock as saviors violators with criminal records, which you decide to think and act in the present will define your future, are your actions not your history or past mistakes that matter, even if we had a contagious disease is our present intention is the danger of future contagion not the illness, as when asked yes a snake is poisonous, because only if it bites! So we, even if we had emotional poison and all in life have hurt us or damaged is our decision if we dedicate ourselves to bite and infect our neighbors that poison or try to obtain serum, the antidote that makes us immune thus fulfilling our creative nature, using emotional shit as fertilizer for good deeds in this that should make our future, so that the greater the amount of manure are more your chances of giving excellent results. For our method does not matter involvement and we focus on "give fight," we focus on building better, enforce and advance, then this will be as small or too distant to affect; do not work on why you are neurotic, depressed or anxious, or how you feel about it, but to do so you follow no beating and splashing others that emotional stools so we all traumatic or conflict situation is a pigsty, the first thing is that you get up and progress, otherwise you will be living in it every day, recreating allowing control all your actions, like the woman who fails a cheating or abusive husband and fearing no trust again in some ways is still the man, a prisoner of her fear and resentment because he has not been able to move forward and break free; our method does not allow fear or laziness instead be limiting appreciate them as fertilizer to birth them hope, strength and will; there are always options for alternative method what happens is that some are very expensive in terms of payment and emotional willpower concerned. Desires are not satisfied, deformed and infected fattened generators that emotional fecal residue that contaminates our everyday thinking and acting; are therefore desires that must govern the emotions-not because they are his offspring, having a "birth control" over them, like family planning-learn talked to engender healthy and positive emotions of our desires, so we must learn using an "emotional condom" to potential situations these as they began "dreaming" with a car or any other luxury item and say "kill for him" but as we know the sub conscious knows no jokes obeys finished at least prostituting our values or something else, if not literally stealing or killing to get what we want.
  • 13. That is why we should not "daydream" as equivalent to a "mental masturbation" may constitute a serious obsession, compulsion or personality disorder that keeps us from reality to give life in the imagination to such wishes and at least it enjoy and then chain them in the darkness of shame, with good manners by wardens is sure guarantee that we are creating deformed monsters which then grow rabid dogs that eventually we will be unable to control our own ending eaten by insane creations; the problem is that our modern society is a prostitute who breeds more vain desires true newspapers achievements or emotional satisfaction and hence the central point of our proposal: Understand that we wish overpopulation and scarcity of real effort, we must control the first as if were a pest and encourage the reproduction of seconds if a species endangered it were, become aware of the need to divorce this corrupt system and infected us has always frustrated, unfulfilled and repressed, opting for distancing emotional austerity want to work in being. For Smart Emotionality even sexually, which is one of the main motivations of thought and action in the human being passes second term, is included within more coarse: The longing that behaviorism is the divine impulse evident in every heartbeat reminds man of his present task of striving to consolidate their will and humanity, which are their wings to soar and return migration of this life is his divine abode, that life in society is such that has distorted "radar or GPS" in men and women, making them lose direction and run aground; and gives us sad to see birds die frozen loose track or dead whales in costs, the same should feel pity and concern for ourselves, because we suffer from disorientation and loss of degenerating similar route that pure desire, that flame and momentum nests chest and guides us to what we know as desires, which in no way living in the heart, are a creation of reason to contain the panic and despair we would feel to be aware of this reality; is why modern globalization keeps us blindfolded, looking at their screens and will drugged with incentives, amenities and distractions, otherwise we azotaríamos against the windows like trapped birds, to free us or die the attempt. Here not so much themselves do not breastfeed or who raped you as a kid, since according to behaviorism humans are able to adapt, to overcome all circumstances and create appropriate, to use adversity to please reverse the famous Maslow pyramid to generate a positive result of negative experiences because we are Creators! and creators make what they need, the quality of the raw material matter but love matters, dedication and passion that the artisan printing your work, dedication to detail, love
  • 14. for what you do; The Smart Emotionality through our Wastewater Treatment Method Emotions invites you to become the craftsman of your own destiny, to whom this stool is even beneficial for emotional as manure fertilizer is needed to create, shape and give birth to robust trees our willingness to give nutritious fruits and beautiful flowers; what other psychological trends in our view do nothing but run aground in the subject areas of comfort to those claiming an emotional state holds certain derivative past event. For our Alternative Method of Treatment Residual Emotions are not a priority but the whys and how to deal positively conform, as it deems necessary raw material such waste even appreciated, what really interests him is to strengthen the capacities of the craftsman that human being to conform to the positive expected; if you're neurotic, phobic, compulsive, anxious, depressed or any other emotional configuration For just are! Neither you nor let you self-conscious and discriminating limit, focus your thinking and acting this not transport you to the past to fight the causes of such a configuration will be using this drive with willpower and humanity in your heart that will achieve such clean past and clear your future; also causes certain conflict belief or sexual preference does not matter what you are or whether you like it but as you accept that, you handle and use for your normal routine without getting acompleje or harm others, as a better person does not mean being free of conflicts if not properly treat the benefit of ourselves and our neighbors. We consider a waste of time and spending countless morbid complicity sessions talking about how you felt when you were five or feelings you could not externalize, if you have a fixation with your mother or father that was already! Trying to "get over it" is for us the equivalent of "The original denial" that teaches us to eat that shit and continuing emotional infected; you better invite you to develop the capacity of wastewater treatment emotions ie do not wear trying to overcome it better be strong, become immune to the emotional intestinal infection "desparasítate emotionally" in the present and it will die or even if always in you "your antibodies emotional "always kept at bay, then you can not concentrate on your suffering and its effects, but in your ability to adapt, to strengthen you, to fast on your desires for you to be in a position to become all that positive emotions you are troubled by , whatever it happened to you it's over! had no solution and will not ever, in the present is where you will learn to handle such waste into positive emotions that allow you get a feel and act healthy, balanced in the near future.
  • 15. Learning to live in the here and now is the great challenge that modernity imposes on us, be able to handle emotions like anxiety, depression, neurosis, including, but mostly deploy that birth control hungry desires satisfaction not build worlds imaginary where princes and queens are not fantasize much less an object to a person, if a girl you like for example Then talk to him! As the "No" say you already have it and one of those applying yourself, with effort and dedication says yes, but be respectful with your decision and do not clutch if you do not leave favored, go your way avoiding at all costs fantasize his body, with an intimacy that brings you into the obsession that would lead to an improper act like a stalker or become flat in a crime such as being a rapist, so she provoked Prétextes then you or you were drunk , drugged and did not know what you were doing when you feed this very deliberately unhealthy desire for not being able to live in reality and move forward in your life without attachment to an outcome even at the cost of affecting your neighbor. Knowing which desires to promote and which to avoid flat or apply "dewormer or emotional herbicide" is our challenge, as there is so much to invest! learn to say "yes" to the positive, "NO" to the negative, to know when to speak and when shut, when to act and when to pass is the key, because today we do all that as they say in my village, "Al flipped upside down "just tell us: Infant! and jumped, and then say we caused or that we were deceived, when in fact we know that "Excuses want the devil" in the words of a friend of adolescence: "Yeah you know how I get when I drink for inviting me! "This has not achieved self feeling sorry or blaming others for our mistakes or suffering, much less talking about the past, of memories living with the hope of a better tomorrow without doing anything about it in our here and now, because emotionally equivalent to be wallowing in our mud is achieved standing and moving, striving, forging a better future for each step as you move away from the pigpen you will advance your own cleaning, because much of what today is considered mental illness or emotional condition is only weakness of will or an emotional breakdown colitis desires that generate contaminated emotions which in turn infect the thought and consequently the act of the subject. Therefore should be treated as what they are, to a method of emotional volitional exercise to prevent us from accepting the invitation fears drive ourselves comfortable fetal position confined to a dark corner shakes shit, saying that something hurt us or hurt for no move forward, not to try to settle the illusion of a degenerate imagination that insists on recreating the past and lick our wounds; basically it is our proposal or invitation that equates infected or born deformed emotions of emotionally unsatisfied stool prevents us take responsibility and take the helm of our destiny adrift getting pulled by people or circumstances desires.
  • 16. Hence the title of this book, not disrespect or be funny but loving memory of my grandmother Adela Espinosa Madrigal woman before and delicate always correct in their thinking and acting until the last day of his nine decades, rose always at five in the morning to bathe with tap water, always working, neat in his dress and act, never stop being people of simple, honest, hardworking, caring and sincere ranch; if someone was my example that childhood is not destiny She was the daughter of landowners parents own a all-state region far the village is called Ocozocoautla Espinosa-only knew of pampering and luxuries to nine years old when the revolution swept the world, looking in the blink of an eye without any property living in caves in the woods, suffering hunger, cold and fear, without violations of aunts and cousins, the death of men in his family and the humiliations to which he was subjected in his teens, married by necessity their fourteen and widowed before twenty, was devoted to sewing and patchwork clothes for others to survive and raise her children. Yet he never lost his smile like that more haughty never offensive, we always said was true elegance in cleaning, the best outfit were the good manners and cleanliness in our person the best recommendation; when people said that he had no fear of God no longer feared nothing and was capable of anything, he insisted "Being sensitive"-That perhaps was his high-phrase his words never known lies and promises does the failure, perhaps it was not much to say or promises lightly, but definitely the matriarch led by example what it was willpower, love, commitment and uprightness of life, none of us was able to steal any even a sweet, not fearing his varejón but not to see the shame and disappointment in his eyes. To date those who were privileged to know when we do something lacking in character, leave us out for some impulse to say a bad word or have some decent behavior, dishonest perhaps, we feel his gaze on her neck, how are you doing their little ones to be upset beautiful eyes and listen to the heart his words: "be a little finesse!" She was always smiling who told us that gluttony asked for more than a second plate of food: "I'll serve a bit your poop to see if I just "I also remember when by capricious or tantrum attitude was first content with a sweet, then a toy but seeing that only increased the intensity ofour negative attitude, our stubbornness bawling azotándonos and throw us back into the ground-so that hurt us the tantrum to beat us in the head told us: "You do not want anything to eat your shit" varejonazos accompanied by two legs with a sprig of the tree guava which was called "governor" or "mirinda" in reference to a soda bottling the time, wondering, as my grandparents had when guys put one of them is unbearable with their tantrums in public for something that they could not buy or give "if they wanted some mirinda" because they knew that question was woman
  • 17. enough to meet, no matter who or what audience would say, because in his words "two varejonazos time avoided a lot of headaches." She warned once, no more threatening or say "you'll fall! or you are going to not fall "if you were throwing for tantrum varejonazos you get up because I remember another of his phrases:" I'm not here consecuentar your whims "but nobody like her to comfort and provide encouragement when something hurt you without having led , to defend against a real threat, to love all his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who gave them to the extent of their capabilities and live an honest smile to remember now that it is gone; the guys say when someone of the brothers or nephews mentions Remember Makkah grandmother? -In loving allusion to his fair complexion and freckles "If then, did we need varejonazos" reply all, like the women of the family to "frightened grooms" them having no qualms about telling versus no suitor knew "or wash her panties and I wanted to walk brides" or when they wanted more than two pairs of shoes that asked them how many pairs of feet had, because no one should have more than enough to live decently, to stop being idle and they were to bathe with cold water to lower fever and cleanse the evil thoughts that sprucing up your clothes, if you were bored had many outstanding do at home in which they could help "instead of walking down the street looking for what has not lost them, "said they. Even ten years when he died-I remember wondering at night if I wanted a glass of warm milk to sleep-No Grandma Mecca would answer-then I wondered if I wanted to go to the bathroom or had cold and wanted another blanket, I only sought an excuse to stay awake again answer, "Neither Grandma" Then eat your shit and dozed now! - I said smiling while I stroked her temple Mecca That was my great-grandmother, which apart from these very own phrases you never hear a bad word or you witnessed one, or even disrespectful improper, fraudulent or dishonest action with others. My grandmother Martha, his daughter, always remember his phrase when something saddened us, gave courage or simply fought between cousins and we fell for a push to want all the same toy, feeling rightfully still-crying-in to demand or seek revenge revenge, she intervened saying "do not put anything in your heart son, come you will embrace" What wise words before situations that generate negative emotions such as anger or resentment do not put anything in your heart! always told the story of two brothers, his great-uncle who was shot by a bullet and cheese to the surname was changed, saying that when men allow entry of hatred in his heart the noble flame of love that forgives all goes by what all can happen unless you put in your heart hatred, fear, or anger; of those great women and to honor his memory his maxims are taken to naming and identity proudly Mexican Chiapas and our proposal.
  • 18. Then once given the credit of the title to those who deserve it, it is clear that "eat your shit" is the campaign slogan of our behaviorist method of residual treatment of emotions that includes therapy early shock which alerts us when we started constiparnos emotionally, allowing us to maintain balance and not suffer the blow by the inertia of our negative emotions, giving us an alternative treatment and decongestion; therefore the fecal matter can not be called otherwise than by his frank and honest name: Shit! Trying to perfume it or conceal it-literally or metaphorically is tolerate and when something is tolerated becomes part of us because if shame, insecurity, weak or degenerate comfort not clean or treat time end up "eating our own emotional shit" - as these pigs to fight that they care little for waste or spoiled food that are thrown to the floor of his pigsty-infecting us of that emotional anger that has many types or strains as flu, taking the form of disorders, syndromes, neuroses , anxiety, depression and all its variants, polluting our family, loved ones and social environment. CHAPTER TWO: AXIS GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF EMOTIONS. Once we speak in general of our behaviorist proposal to enter the particular study of the characteristics that define and are to serve as guidelines for operating procedure; ie get to the point! focusing on the specific set of actions applicable in the "How To" you find on the following principles or guiding principles: This current of thought or philosophical school is based on the method proposed by the Author Heart in the Book The Riddle of Happiness; basically be understood as a metaconductismo that fails the stimulus-response formula for serving the interests of globalized power conditioning system responses, behavior and lifestyle as humans through simple but effective scheme cyclic stimulus response-reinforcement that enables massive feedback control constantly and eventually the destruction or burning of the overall population segment that is no longer useful to him, a goal that is not achieved with invading armies or biological epidemics, but with the social indifference fueled by consumer selfishness; ie we are the executioners, their laboratory mice
  • 19. infected artificial mazes competing for stimulus called success, we are who foster and encourage deforestation, hunger, wars and all injustice necessary for the sustenance of modernity, order and progress where such illuminated power group is founded. Behaviorism commitment to human qualities and virtues, especially willpower, arguing that it is in the heart and not the brain lies the pure intelligence or higher mind, and others unable senses of being perceived or administered by brain such as intuition; more importantly, is in the heart where dwells the divine spark that connects us as a genre: Our humanity; behaviorism in the emotional context is proposed as an alternative route to and tried to get by dead ends or wrong solution to their existential problems, being stuck and frustrated, no gain or output; estimated as central problematic punishment or suffering humanity itself violates seeking stimuli or social rewards, the satisfaction of their desires; all issuffering, pain or punishment, condition us not to expect any results except by such payment misunderstood "No pain no gain" tell us. Intentionally confusing a negative or inverse behaviorism pain with genuine joy the efforts that is an end in itself, not a painful and necessary means as currently understood; for our proposal if pain is something that is being done correctly or it should not make up and if there is joy in the effort the result is complementary and interpretive; pain is linked to the infected wishes, joy to the yearnings healthy, so try is necessary but suffering is optional, do for the joy and sense of responsibility we guarantee no expectation of reward or feel frustrated by the material result, betting on be so famous and forgetting as having pursued. This principle is transverse axis of our method, preaches that the fear, pain and suffering are the result of desires decomposing pus of our emotional wounds, so they are not able to exist by themselves, require infection in our be to manifest, so to exercise our ability to treat and heal through effort of will, joy in our daily work and love of life, they will disappear, perish from starvation by not having the daily intake of our negative emotions which feed, eventually eat themselves or eating all that shall offer them love and positive emotions, then dying by poison; so we should not focus on them, thinking about what we fear or what made us suffer are Creators! and as such, are beyond the need for stimulus to generate responses, we are able to use the wrong they did us or passed-shit emotionally as fertilizer to give life to good deeds and actions, to respond correctly even if no has reward, so it is, by nature have the ability to seek justice even if we go in this life that no behaviorism you stop it! Even when we
  • 20. are bombarded every day to be selfish, cowardly resentful; men and women have the heart of gold-not for being a precious metal, but to be the best conductor of electricity there-even in the most contaminated injured chest or just a spark of nobility, a small electromagnetic pulse or "touch grace "to be ofrende complete sacrifice for a good cause, truly believe that the nobility and humanity are irrevocable and inalienable divine attributes, only requires strengthening the will to exercise; that is why unable to take away the divine, betting strip away the human: Our will, we lose the ability to bind or affective and effective conductivity with God, the universe and nature, with our neighbors and loved ones, with our own being for home accounts. To take away our humanity, our will and effort capacity strip us of all resistance, going from a wild herd or healthy, free and flock compact, to which it would be very difficult to hunt for food from him-a simple animal fearful fattening and lazy crammed into virtual farms behavioral consumption, applying the strategy used by wolves aside such flock or herd prey, making them weak in the individuality of his selfishness and the resulting fears are achieving even that we ourselves who ofrendemos in sacrifice our fellow that success, to justify the fact of harm or exploit others to achieve the desired goal-or precisely-even at the expense of others' suffering is; behaviorism proposes restoring communication and cohesion of the human herd to find a healthy balance, welfare, and happiness of the success; this is only a crude evolutionary, or we strengthen to be able toconfront such aglobalized consumerist predator being immune to their strategies or did not extinguish as gender, but as human race. By reinvesting the polarity of thought and human behavior make everyone aware of what corresponds to his desires without influencing the result, focusing on the effort to the task itself as a source of positive emotions; the first thing to "unlearn" is our concept of forgiveness, not wait for us to ask that we "overcome" an infected emotion, we must be able to generate without having to "ignite" our hurt, because we think that the more damage demonstrate we did have the right to require a costly repair or wait a broader satisfaction problem bring us down to the slightest nudge and encourage infection inflaming emotional littering our wounds and to make them more noticeable, which is more than can aggravate that originally caused, causing "emotional gangrene" without it being this guarantee to give us the expected satisfaction, because forgiveness is a remedial action so that we ourselves must we start it without waiting for the originator of the damage required or charge is made; but instead tend to aggravate the damage they caused us to charge more then wait for them, exposing the
  • 21. wounds or emotional affectations to be contaminated and infect a sadomasochistic attitude frankly. Forgiveness has always been an excuse to go begging emotional infected, either because we can not forgive or because we fail to ask for forgiveness, the result is the same: Continued involvement in time and space. In our method does not care to learn to forgive, but strengthen your ability to not fall into the weakness of feeling offended or any event that may affect you and hurt any person, for who is able in the first instance not to be offended, to have the strength to not be damaged, will be free of emotional lag to not feel the need for forgiveness. While for those infected emotional weak, forgiveness is a refuge and comfort zone from which they justify by saying "I'm Working on it" "I took twenty years, but I think I've forgiven my Father" if you ever feel the need to give or ask for forgiveness Then pídetelo yourself by such weakness! Step up forgiveness and forgive yourself for allowing an offense affecting you or a person you hurt because others actions that constitute a violation of our rights are beyond our control, but as we try and attitude we take to them if our direct responsibility; ask forgiveness for feeling offended, wronged or injured on our emotions is necessary on the precept that suffering is a bastard child of weakness. The offenses embodied in the weak emotional resentments and frustrations that justify the desire for revenge or impulse to commiserate all his misfortunes, so never allow yourself to fall into the trap of feeling offended, because at that time you will see your name and infected justified your destructive desires; all speak of forgiveness, but few understand that there is actually the effect but the cause, that is, forgiveness is not the result of an offense, if the offense is a result of our inability to forgive; forgiveness is a spontaneous action that runs at the same moment of the consummation of the facts that generate it neutralizes fear, insult and offense before birth, forgiveness is a preservative to prevent the procreation of negative emotions, if I do not put or you used when indicated, has no case and do it later; if you damaged something and then not require forgiveness, and he was allowed take effect, so a preventive method is no longer applicable, but a residual corrective treatment. Let's see forgiveness as an excuse to go in settling the consequences of our facilities emotional conditions, to strengthen us determine to be able to not be affected and if
  • 22. so, have enough antibodies to forgive at the time, before being infected because beam that all grievance is a bloody phlegm infected you spit in the face and forgiveness is a high emotional technique that allows you not to swallow, even if you fall on your face, while revenge do not just swallow it, but pull your tongue to lick the remaining residues from your lips. Our high this principle: "No offense no forgiveness is required" So our method does not care that you learn to forgive, but strengthen your will and character not to fall into the weakness of feeling offended any person, thing or event giving them the ability to affect you, hurt you or hurt you because in the first place who is able to not be offended is not required to forgive; In short, we seek to have the ability to prevent the existence of offenses rather than forgive, to understand that they have returned effect or "boomerang" that if you pass up the impact who originated recayéndole emotional weight as guilt for their misconduct or frustration at not being able affect you, as an offense comes to life only to fulfill its purpose, if it makes you feel offended with the need to satisfy a desire for revenge, before that is a negative action others which sooner or later and one way or another, always returns who uttered it and he did not care or apologize you had the ability to grant it, just wanted to satisfy their desire to affect you and unable to get such deformed creation emotional has to turn against him and who for me was the greatest exponent of this principle was the angry and proud Nazareno, because Jesus did not spare learned forgiveness on the cross he learned not to feel offended! Got answer to your question to why our Heavenly Father had forsaken him, learned not to be offended and that carried the maximum power that is to love your neighbor, especially when it hurts you or offends-and not only forgive but could intercede for them, understood that they were infected and asked our heavenly Father for forgiveness for those who knew not what they did, but not because the offense went unto his person or the son of god, but because he understood the emotional infected is actually a disabled an unimpeachable, deserving of compassion and not punishment mentally ill; This is how a man went to the cross and dropped a perfect child of God. ORGIVENESS Once understood it is better known not to offend to learn to forgive, freeing thus lag or resulting emotional pollution to avoid the weakness to be offended, use forgiveness if such offense became effective as birth control negative emotions for proper effectiveness should be applied at the same time or immediately followed the completion of the offense, not to be as bad lawyers when they are granted the use of the voice in defense of his client is limited by ignorance or fear say, "I reserve the right
  • 23. to correct procedural moment" you never forgive reserves the right, your timing is the same in that you have been offended! Since forgiveness is not only an emotional condom but an act of self-preservation, as more beneficial to the giver what her attacker, who may not even have the capacity to understand or receive, forgive is left alone with his offense, forget and overcome; this is nothing more than reach pardon reverse repentance, ie by a withdrawal of bringing proceedings to which we are entitled for the injury or offense received-either revenge or reparation-for both forgiveness and repentance are the same thing seen from different perspectives, they have the same effect, so it is equally effective you regret having offended sense for forgiveness will be reflected automatically. That versa our residual treating emotions not our word magnanimous learning to forgive to feel enlightened and touched by the grace of the lord, because we would be committing an act of arrogance, pride and vanity that also requires treatment, with repentance or forgiveness does not it is God who enters our hearts, we who have the privilege and joy of feeling, of touching his; need to understand the nature of people, things and situations in which we are subject to an action that causes offense or offense, requires a high empathy to step into the shoes of who you are insulted, who is pushing you or violating one law; once you've put in your shoes you have to feel you're him, because he is incapable of being fair because he is unable to ask for an apology and say: You know, I'm sorry Because he is infected and can not see his miserable reality! Then you're going to do the work for them, you're going to put in its place, you're going to insult and offend, realizing that the insult was mean, he was a coward, that the grievance was undeserved and then you will ask for an apology but not the name of this poor unfortunate infected unable to size the consequences of their actions feeling a divine figure of generosity you'll humbly ask forgiveness for your own name! -Because at that point you're going to like him unfold for him and ask forgiveness for such an abandon their humanity and then return to your being, which immediately accept forgiveness and apologies to get away from that situation or person probably never know without the high emotional action strategy that you made at that time. Because it does not say, I forgive you because you're a poor drug addict, homeless or ignorant, there would be talking your pride-Once you generated forgiveness and you accepted, you transformed the offense into something clean, in an area free of infection that enables you healthy pace, but prerequisite is that you walk away immediately and not let seduce by vanity to boast your work or try to win over the situation because the abuser will hopeless mess, this technique is elusive / deterrent
  • 24. and requires agility in execution and prompt removal of the area or compromising situation. Regarding the couple or family, if at first had two parts with an offense or mutual claim, a spear some emotional shit and yes the other rather than evade throws alike, the situation will be a pigsty; but when you accomplish coming your evade and deter, trying and becoming clean the infected projectile, you now have the opportunity to throw the antidote, by return sludge and clean water that can clean enough perhaps to start their own process of sewage treatment; I assure you that the vast majority of cases if I really apply this method without false messianism, without you feeling the great redeeming or forgiving of life, at a certain point the person will be vigilant and will say, you know that:excuse me! Because deep inside he will realize that is screwing! and you're not just getting all his shit but that these are trying and regenerating the shaping these into something better; if the person does not realize that is the gain of this system, this method of treating residual emotions, the more crap you toss someone, you are giving more raw material so that you can generate positive feelings and emotions antidote to respect, the more you hate someone more kindness you'll be able to generate, the more injustice justice propine someone else you are going to be able to procure; sooner or later, due to fatigue, karma or whatever you want, that person will fall, your good works and proper treatment of the emotional crap is what will prevail. So here is my weathering the shit everywhere without disgust or delicacy of those who walk sick of that anger in this globalized world, in this fucked skills, selfishness, consumer world, that we are apt all to weather that fecal matter before we whisk, before we stink and before we call anger that infected neurosis, anxiety or depression; all that thick river of emotional fecal matter in our daily routine has us immersed fed up with may be able to treat the proposed method to be powerful with the necessary filters to transform it into pure, transparent and water properties that prevent the virus back like rabid zombie more human beings, our children, to new generations that is the purpose of this alternative method of waste treatment of emotions, we are not going to get stuck in pendejas therapies yes sex is all it is lie who said that, Sigmund Freud was just a repressed homosexual unable to manage their own emotional stool, if it was for him good sex in her head, to paraphrase my brother Niet: The pig crap just think; sex is actually not only the motives but genetic and divine commands instruct any level that humans have, but also the human being comes with other attributes and qualities that will not limit its existence to sex, rather limited to their desires, especially the repressed and often embodies the sex, not for himself, but by moral restraints and social conventions by which we have plastered.
  • 25. Human beings have other needs, motivations and impulses beyond sex, because although rational animal, is also divine, in human relations is not all vagina and not all penis is also an embrace, it is also a word of encouragement it is also a touch, then you will often be talking about the most twisted homosexual or person who has committed a crime of a sexual nature and are you saying that because he was raped as a child No skunks! that's one theory or mediocre conclusion indeed may have been damaged, could be a precipitating factor or trigger, but the human being is much more than that Man is by nature and regenerator creator! and you can not damage irreversibly something that has the ability to create, because it regenerates itself, then that is the nature of this proposed method away from therapy mediocre complicity as psychoanalysis-indeed such therapies is to promote the emotional crap, because if you you're going to sit for hours talking about that as a child you were raped or beaten you, all you're doing is you're eating your emotional shit rotten and smelly, and volviéndotela defecándola swallow instead of you to get up and activate the emotional regeneration you're capable. Only then can we break the negative emotional cyclical processes, and making vacunándonos immune to such emotional anger in its critical stage terminal cancer mutates in spirit, and whose only cure is to remove the infected body, ie the death of the holder; is why we insist: The purest and high forgiveness is knowing not to take offense, our alternative method has as a central focus this principle, not learn to forgive but learn not to offend, because in that heightened emotional state you're going to consummate in one act the just and perfect forgiveness: the no offense to an action or self; for first going to allow it hurts, that hurts you, to hurt you, that offends you, then after a 10-year process of psychotherapy say: Okay and let it go and forgive; propose an emotional economy that save you a lifetime of fear or resentment in many cases, by the pastor checkmate ready to offenses and grievances. Generation strategy of forgiveness with that of turning the other cheek Do not be confused, even though I admire the Great Master Jesus, I do not agree with that of turning the other cheek not even leave the first-I'd rather have the ability to dodge the first blow to time to carry out the maneuver or evasive / deterrent technical proposal; but avoid the injury or offense is not possible or not these were predictable, totally validatesour method considers self-defense, butnever revenge; that is,we talked about emotional situations mostly family or relationship, but if you were in a real and imminent which you could not escape danger and who has in risk the integrity of those
  • 26. you love, we suggest a surprise attack and direct that gives you even at the cost of your life at least a possibility of escape to yours, because you have to know when not worth the risk and when it is vital to risk everything in life; so as you can see there are neither peaceful nor pious in our proposal, but rather strategic, it can not be engaging in battle with as infected are you cross the road, would be a defeat sure, but could not avoid sure to win or least defend what is worth preserving, your tolerance is the reason that the perpetrator of your family still alive if you have already submitted or you have better weapons, but no excuse for cowardice not to defend the life of be necessary if you are not out in force inferiority, in which case the surprise, audacity or the unpredictability of your actions be your only chance to find at least one escape route. When you have reached the assailant or hurt and say: "Now if you're dead" and you answer him: Who told you to expect out alive? You'll see the surprise in their eyes to what your daring and unpredictable action; in defense mode, our system provides surgical, strategic and focused attack on one point as the best strategy, taking the example of this now imaginary emotional ground assault, when your partner tells you to blackmail and ultimatum: "now, everything is over between us "and you answer him: and who told you I wanted to continue it? Just trying to fix the problem not beg your forgiveness, then you will see a curious phenomenon that occurs in the hunt when the servant suddenly turns and faces the lion, this time to surprise the prey escape disoriented; so when emotionally not possible to dodge the injury, no longer have to try to get away, instead get as close as possible to the coup lose its effectiveness for having left the range programmed damage but this is just a strategy to reacomodarte not to plant yourself in front of an ongoing battle. We have some questions from a legal approach to honesty and truth of things, or grievances arising offenses and forgiveness and repentance necessary, first of all you have to ask: Did I offend corresponds? Are you able then to offend? Does this subject or situation actually have the ability to offend? Because these questions will allow you to remember and reflect that the size of the offense is the size you emotional, spiritual, personal and professional, ie capacity, if a drunkard offends you mean you're on the level of a drunkard, if a prostitute offends you mean that you are in the level of a prostitute, if the one you have a flat tire or a minor setback you out of your mind, makes you neurotic or hysterical means your will and temperance, your character is so tiny as a flat tire, then the first question you have to do is-and if you were a lawyer - will you have this event, situation, comment or person's ability, personality, status and level to offend? Yup?? or does it? there you go you weigh and measure as well; That you're going to say it does not affect me or concern me! so if it does not affect me "or sack
  • 27. me coming" and not win anything enganchándome in this offense, the best I can do is close your mouth, do not go my way the game who intended to offend; the second filter question Do I have the right to offend? for me the offense and has the ability to be? It is like saying: I threatened to kill! and is within an armored tank, without the slightest risk of aggression by threatening you with infected throwa stone then there is no actual or imminent threat! for an offense constituted as such, should have the ability to offend, thereby revealing your true emotional and spiritual size. You are going to decide: Do I have the ability or authority to emotional not pursue the matter to the offense? Can I then exercise no action offense? At that point you're going to determine that there was no place to offense and as were resultandos of a sentence, you will determine that. FIRST - non offensive action to the situation or transgressive person is executed for not having personality, competition or hierarchy needed to be taken into account as such, seeing the result of his actions as those of an imbecile, mentally ill or incapable delayed. SECOND -. Consequently refunded offense to treatment-ie, do not give offended and then you send a residual treatment that offense- because they do not qualify for the size of your being as a tort, for your safety as a threat, the size of your being as an offense and once it returns to treatment, also give it back to the person publicly to review their actions and that review will vanish like a piece of ice the offense, courage or resentment is hot like molten lava; however forgiveness, as a unilateral declaration of a contractual act, requires certain formalities without which would be a mere intent can even generate more emotional spending which would save us, being the following constituent elements necessary for an effective forgiveness that took effect in a timely manner: I. That the offense is real, substantiated and proven. II. That the parties are empowered and interested to grant it or receive it. III. Free services that are or conditional beyond its irrevocable nature outright interests. IV. Other than vinculativo damage with remedial actions, as required by the requestor or imposed by the grantor by satisfying some condition. Of the above items must then establish that there anything that makes us feel offended is an offense for the simple fact that so perceive it, because often offends us to breathe who envy, it does not agree with our positions or simply we dislike, if something bothers you outside first be sincere and determines if the phenomenon is not a reflection of some prejudice or emotional residue yours; ie why you offend if your neighbor goes with any guy or your coworker is a lambiscón, constituyéndote part of
  • 28. the Holy modern Inquisition in which have become social media to lynch anyone who does not think like the majority, we demand democracy, but are the first to attack those who do not share our principles or value judgments. Until someone violates the law or violates the rights of others, what you do with your life only incumbent upon him, as we must deal with what we do not what other people think about it; need to move away from the nosy mentality, ready to criticize, to judge or comment, because when in truth our intervention is required in some cause or social action on behalf of our own community then yes, we are very busy and say, "Let everyone be charge of their own affairs "to criticize us the fastest gunmen west, to assist in solidarity leaving review and act as good politicians slow; learn that people, especially our loved ones do not require our criticism, judgment or opinion, if not the support and action, even to correct, we should try to do it by example, avoiding the "I told you so" In seeking the do you support? Becoming part of the solution. Then once we have established a real offense, not the result of our mental or emotional distortion, avoid the first mistake of wanting to forgive something that requires forgiveness, because there was an actual offense; very common among couples because machismo for example, the man is legitimately offended by someone greeted his partner or even that an "ex" got in the way, making dramas and tantrums that result in aggressive or self-destructive behaviors, before which the couple, even without giving any reasons or situation led, for love is resigned to say to take the party in peace: "okay, I forgive you" for something that was never constituted an offense or misconduct; so we must take care in short, before demanding a pardon ensure that the fault or offense really exists, otherwise who must order a we condone that insecurity, jealousy or emotional residues allow a situation affects us, accepting conflict caused us something without being founded or motivated our sense of grievance but we do! We will not drop a piece men saying: "Excuse me love, I felt insecure because such person with better physical or economic level approached you or someone in your job made you a compliment and told the truth, you look beautiful "because it is precisely such situations incubators resentments, insecurities, emotional residues that affect us so much. The same thing happens at work, in the street, in shopping centers and other public places, go through life watching and judging, thinking that everything must be according to our criteria, disqualifying beliefs, ways of life and opinions of others by simply not consistent with ours, in which case we must learn to purge our intolerance
  • 29. or accept our ignorance and at least acknowledge that we are not in favor of gay marriage for example, always reserving our opinion on any subject if negative, or descalificativa denostativa about understanding that if it is not our preferred anything that we did not do enough, also avoiding falling into the role of "saving the world" or "condescendingly" as people different from us do not require our forgiveness or permission to live their life the way that best suits them, as long as they do not affect or harm others; that is, it is no merit or achievement presumption that suddenly you feel "compassionate" and say to the lesbian couple "Okay, poor things have a right to exist" because they do not require your sympathy and you are asking for your blessing, only demand your respect; learn as to not get into what we do not care because we care those whom if we can help improve, learn to be constructive grabbing emotional hood type Ku Klux Klan in which we hide burning or lynching staff, media and socially others. The second constituent That the parties are the empowered and interested to grant it or receive it reminds us of a sad social truth, walk in all but what we should and we compose the world outside while ours crumbles; often judge the partner of a relative or friend, when we are not empowered to do so, if the person legitimately concerned is aware of the circumstance, only has to correspond to her and her partner to evaluate alternative courses of action in this regard, many women no answer indignant "Neither my husband give explanations, unless you" or when using tight clothing, look at the morbid malicious or criticizes rightly answers, "Yes my husband does not mind, what is most loved! What doyou care "and when we put in our place and react only atinamos answer:" No, I said nothing "is how we must understand that we must first be judges of our own lives, preventing invading alien , in which we have no "emotional jurisdiction" nor moral authority to intervene less to judge. Likewise, forgiveness must be granted not only accepted but also because then we cling to unforgiveness and the other party is not interested in being forgiven or has not matured emotionally yet the consequence of their actions to be aware of its fault or offense , so you must avoid falling into the figure of "compulsive forgiving" for the emotional pleasure to forgive generated vanity and sense of goodness that gives us that pleasant feeling of superiority or holiness with which we go through life with an attitude of forgiving lives because we liked that forgiving and started looking for the slightest offense to feel the satisfaction of doing it and others say, "See that mature, that good person is that good feelings is" watch this, forgiveness is an act of love and humility, not vanity or interest.
  • 30. It is precisely what leads to the third element: that free services will find or conditioned outside their irrevocable outright nature interests, because forgiveness enclosing traps as the ratio in which these defects nest offering rewards, ie a man waits rapper forgiveness through the gift of an expensive gem and a woman begins to manipulate its execution pending a financial reward or satisfaction of any kind other than the healthy feelings of overcoming conflicts or grievances that forgiveness presents us , so it has no price or is complicit in repetitive behaviors or attitudes, can not ask for forgiveness every day for the wrongs caused, or the other party can be forgiving always the same fault; forgiveness conditional on both parties to be free, free from economic interests or property, but above all things, that once granted can not be removed by the forgiver and the grievance can not be repeated by the person who accepts . You must ask for forgiveness and forgiving heart, couples especially need to avoid using forgiveness as a hostage of our shortcomings, falling into a perverse game that one forgives the wrongs, offenses or offenses in exchange for the other forgive ours, because and vices and self-destructive behavior leading us to infected conflicting relationships mutual reproaches and aged claims are promoted, that's just a perverse complicity two compliant humans in their emotional mediocrity, forgive once is greatness of heart, follow it by doing is complicity as my grandmother would say, "only once the mi hijita capan cochi! because eating chicken egg, or to burn the peak, so there you see if you continue with this man, but then do not come back to mourn, a time grace, more than two unfortunately. " This leads us to understand that many people do not really want forgiveness because they do not want to change! just need an excuse to continue their way to be waiting "out of this anger" as tort or offense and then forget and will reoffend if the crawl again apologize, and swear to be humble now-yes-last time, but has the smallest repentance that is the true goal of forgiveness: Provide the opportunity for a human being to change and be better after committing a foul and this requires that such a man or woman is worth using repentance and forgiveness that future efforts, if those requirements are not met ten dignity not seek or give forgiveness that is flawed or be used as toilet paper; learn that forgiveness is not vinculativo in human relations, ie, can forgive but not to continue, if someone hurt you and ask your forgiveness, which would bestow not mean you're forced to stick with that person or be near her in such a situation forgiveness can be a phase of reconstruction if you caused serious injury
  • 31. to your partner or a loved one, do not expect to have been forgiven everything is automatic as before must work hard to make it better! reconstruct what you damaged proving yourself worthy of trust, the opportunity provided without thereby be subject to humiliation or punishment, as well as heart forgiven strives to be better, who forgives must clear all negative emotional residue saying that this offense generated; so do not expect a romantic dinner after "having showered or done your grace" that's loving reconciliation is only sexual but not confuse body warmth or material interest with the real motive and purpose of forgiveness. True forgiveness is serious and responsible, not easy or happy results, but also is stronger than concrete if it works properly in the reconstruction of a loving relationship, whether family or couple; let's pretend that the grievance was the storm, the earthquake devastation and forgiveness the immediate phase of goodwill and human strength to clear debris standing up in solidarity, so at that stage have outgrown regrets or recriminations, ie not forgive parts or episodes as there are those who say, "I forgive everything except this or that" to forgive or not is your choice, but once done and you can not go by staying in the emotional stage of lament, reproach or resentment, is forgiven once you no longer have the right to claim, let alone constantly reproaching the fault that caused your forgiveness, because forgiveness erases the offense and therefore can not invoke any circumstances; once granted and accepted can not be removed, even when it has been given in ignorance of supervening evidence as it is a pure act of love and kindness; example, I forgive you for raping me but I knew I was pregnant and now I take it out my frustration with that creature blaming him for all the happiness and missed opportunities; partner, I forgive you for hitting me because I knew I left a permanent scar on the eyebrow that affects my image and remember forever your aggression; or in daily life, I just regret forgiving material damage to my car because I knew you did not have insurance and I pay the coup. If you forgive, and forgive, no turning back It's beautiful! vaccine last and gives you a present free of emotional infection immune to forge a future; Forgiveness does not erase the injury or damage to its natural consequences, gives you the ability and strength to overcome thereby creating a better future even you would have had if the offense or assault has not taken place, then you will use suffering as impetus and find joy in your effort and satisfaction in the outcome. So forgiveness is not an obligation resulting from social or family pressure because very often not only invite you but there are people who pressures you to forgive them when they are not empowered, when being in the same situation may you would be
  • 32. asking for a gun to go looking for her attacker, so we as the final element of forgiveness Other than vinculativo with remedial actions harm, as required by the requestor or imposed by the grantor as by satisfying a condition, do not let someone who can benefit your forgiveness redituarle coerce you grant it, it's your mother who tells you that your child does not want to hurt you or your partner who does not suit you you retire the project and and you say, "so cute your wife or your husband commits an error or is any step tantito hand, but it was because of alcohol "for if you like both, you keep it! - It is tempting to answer 'So once those are located personality to give and receive, we must understand that we can not forgive those who do not want to be forgiven or require pressing or condition future assistance with such who is entitled to grant it, we must differentiate between reparation and forgiveness, both are rights of the victim and one constraint is not another; which page someone heals the wounds caused you does not mean you bestow forgiveness; same, but not if the page does not have the economic ability to do so does not preclude the possibility of receiving it, and that forgiveness is not subject to the fulfillment of any condition to be given, or the breach thereof if any conditions prevent is granted, it generates the above only infected by any outside interest for the purposes of such kindness and love forgiveness. Ah! Not that count that: "God forgive you because I can not" Do you know why?Forgiveness is a divine gift that can not be returned! A drug that does not expire, you can choose to save, not grant it or deny it all your life, it will still be there at the bottom of your heart waiting for you to have the ability to gifting because it is never too late to order or to grant it; forgiveness is the ultimate expression of our divine humanity exalted by their practice, so forgiveness is not God but human-since He does not get sick of emotional or anger may actually agraviarlo-us is to it flatters powerful healing, forgiveness is the Kyrie Eleison true, true mercy of the Lord purifies the heart and comforts the soul, for no sin offends as much as the damage caused to our neighbors and ourselves; He is pure love that needs to apologize not only enables us to enjoy his love and grace through this exercise of will called forgiveness frees us from the bondage of our passions, resentments and fears making his sovereign; so ask for an apology Granny, yes you said, "Do not offend God," He is not offended! Nothing has the ability to do, we are the men and women who offend us and indignant on their behalf, dangerous thing because as we have said in the name of God have we made the most inhumane atrocities. ONAL START OF LEGITIMATE
  • 33. Loses all because their right to be just and perfect when it begins to take violent, invasive or offenders to the existence of what initially sought effects, so we cherish the legitimacy of our thoughts and consequent actions, avoiding not only "take" offenses of others as their own, but take care of the emotional proportionality of our reactions to the grievance, ie, neglecting forgiveness if you decide to exercise your legitimate right to claim satisfaction careful not to cause further detriment to your claim to have originated as everyday example, to someone who silva your wife or even touched inappropriately, if you pull a gun and kill him, we'll have a dead abusive and a fugitive murderer, plain and simple is to care or notice this principle of legitimacy and proportionality emotional reaction, then keep in mind that the idiocy of others does not justify the violence itself or the lack of values or needs of an individual that we take advantage of the circumstances, then we have to keep the balance to safeguard our own emotional and physical integrity; few minor traffic mishaps have heard end in clashes, injuries and homicides in the end because someone infected with rabies or neuroses emotional one light and the other was passed instead of being aware that he met with an infected person, shielded by his reason and quality offended, decides to hook up to shock or strike up a fight, so we could put hundreds of examples in our altered daily routine, but I think it is clear the purpose of this fundamental principle: he who assist you reason not justify aggression and much less excess reaction in defense of the right affected, take care not to fall into the temptation of emotional abuse recovery when we know why we attend or the right, let us be cautious and aware of our reactions to situations. Always think other minor damage to your vehicle or your partner unseemly comment deserves to flee as a murderer or did you win lifelong enmity because infected people desperately seeking guests walk give his reason for existence and hatred Let them spend resentment you! One day I told my father to repair harm and insult to which he was entitled to demand but probably would have a high emotional cost or health, "Caro dad will come cheap, let it go do not alter" pass is the key to infected people, do not chase the addict you snatched a string or a cell phone, because the swing will be to bury a dagger or if you reach reflects that have no choice but to face him in a fight in which you carry all of lose, as the unhappy perhaps has lost everything in life; is natural to feel helpless and courage before an assault, abuse or assault, but let me tell you something very personal that I understood the day I beat my five year old son in the head by a cheap cellleaving a trauma for days, watching my small bleed and mourn with fear and pain in his eyes felt as anger took over my whole being, took in hand the gun to go after the two assailants as he advanced down dark alleys a question that began as a volume increased faint whisper in my head What are you doing? I threw my helplessness and cried to them from afar: "It is the gift dogs" and returned
  • 34. immediately to where I should not have come at home and I did that from the beginning I should have: Embracing my son, mourn with him, comfort him and thank God with one idea in mind: "good thing I braked, good thing not reached" we must be careful not to swell our spirit of revenge or "honor defense" because our loved ones require our love and protection of our emotion not infected with hatred and resentment, which will leave them with the grievance and a father or husband avenger absent loved ones who have suffered a grievance, an assault or just a disappointment not need revenge, much less that execute on their behalf, they need our solidarity, our love, our support, you first take care of you who really matter, let the divine justice authority or be in charge of who injured him. In our hypocritical society, few parents see in a Greek tragedy because her teenage daughter became pregnant or male homosexual are actually wounded his pride! Looking to repair the honor family wedding even her rapist to lower or repressing, hiding and even sending therapies that son or daughter with different sexual preferences, that is caused by a sick egoism emotional role, as the elections are personal , especially as far as the sexual and personality development is concerned, your partner or children do not have to live like you think you should do, you live your way and your respétales them, avoiding the harmful "I told you so "your slightest stumbling anyway because life consists not of the pitfalls, but often that man stands; give his life for the children, does not mean manipulate them, nor loving your partner means mark your "emotional iron" no human being is owned by another in any way, so the more love, understanding and support brindes before a more legitimate grievance or offense to those loved ones will be as pater familias, your manhood not be determined by the knife that you give the rapist or abuser of your wife or daughter, but by the love and support you provide to it in his recovery and strengthening, without reproach, without grandstanding, without a vengeance. Exerting course the necessary legal action to ensure justice without them re victimices that woman or let someone else do it, because the lower your immaturity or even addiction daughter's boyfriend sent nude photos then displayed as "easy school "does not justify the authority to look" required to act only because it is less "but in the minds of officials and policemen who stand before a" fichita "so do not let Rooting or mockery, morbid and reproach of others, although talk of provocative victims, rape is rape and no justification above to recreate a fictitious case, but in general you should never allow yourself to say or say, "Yes it happened was stupid (a) "or" I'm glad you happened to learn and was walking quite provocative "because then you would be contributing to the work of the aggressor with your attitude outraged husband or father
  • 35. or wronged in his honor, generating more punishment and moral violence to your being loved that for the offender, who may never caught, as everyone-including you spend the whole life reproaching the victim "his mistake, stupidity or folly" is at that point where we become like family and society complicit in any aggression because we continue to emotional harm to the victim for life, reminding every moment as if it happened she had to apologize to the world for having been attacked or been the victim of a crime. That is why true love forgives all, requires no avenging hands but warm hearts open and willing to shelter the wounded, without reproach, without judging or belittling; Believe me, when people notice your own exercise emotional legitimacy, either before an injury to your person, your property damage or offense to your family, you have no need to demand justice, solidarity because we'll have unanimous support, just willing hands defend and promote your legitimate claim. This principle allows us to avoid the daily circumstances or changes in routine make us change our emotional goals and configuration; Understandably you have good and bad days, good luck or strokes bouts of bad, but we must be firm in our direction, not vanes that move with the wind, although this seems obvious for others sometimes we get carried away by the emotional inertia that this rollercoaster called modern life produces with its fast pace and sudden changes that result in unpredictable parents or couples, who fear for their children not knowing "how he was at work today" because one day are all love or understanding and walk the other "bad" things that were not as expected, had an argument with the boss or lost a job opportunity; above generates bipolar, children and loved ones are uncertain of your emotional responses overnight against the same circumstance and that uncertainty produces fear and anxiety. Always keep a posture, emotional balance against whom you love above all, share your joys and achievements as well as your tiredness or tripping, but conditions were never to external circumstances your emotional response, you'll see that your spouse and children will be the first to encourage adversity or recognize you in your accomplishments; respect of your peers, always remember that they have because of your haste, your fights and your good or bad luck, think that when you have an excellent day satisfaction or outcome achievement makes you even presumptuous or arrogant and others may not have the same result or not have such a good day, bad