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Resume Style Guide
Use Spell Check
Print your resume and read it. Ask someone else to read it too! Spell check will not catch all the errors, especially capitalization.

Lowercase job titles except when used as a subtitle.
        Worked closely with the controller
        Controller, 2005-2007
Lowercase departments except when the department is part of the official and formal name.
        Planned and organized the functions of the accounting department
        Performed data entry for the University of Illinois Department of Medicine
Capitalize all proper nouns: a specific person, place or thing.
         Ordered money shipments from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
         Proficient in Microsoft Office and QuickBooks

Academic Degrees
Do not include any high school information.
Use an apostrophe in associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, but there is no possessive in Associate of Arts, Bachelor
of Arts or Master of Science.
Capitalize academic degrees unless they use a possessive.
         Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
         He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology
A person has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, not a Bachelor of Arts of Psychology.
Lowercase the type of degree unless used in title of degree.
        Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
        A bachelor’s degree in sociology

Spell out whole numbers below 10, use figures for 10 and above.
          Supervised the performance and review of three staff auditors
          Handled billing for more than 30 employees
Bullet points should not begin with a number.
         Managed 15 staff accountants; not 15 staff accountants underneath me

Correct Spelling of Commonly Misspelled Words
PowerPoint                  Internet                    experience                   Sarbanes-Oxley              online
WordPerfect                 voice mail                  inbound                      pro forma                   board of directors
PeopleSoft                  e-mail                      outbound                     QuickBooks                  Web site

Bullet points should not have periods as they are not complete sentences.
Always place a comma after words in series, but not before “and” or “or.”
        Handled the planning, forecasting and budgeting
Always place a comma before nonessential items (“which” is always nonessential, “that” is always essential).
        Developed activity-based costing systems that provided better cost control
        Created budgets and forecasts, which included determining ways to reach these goals
Resume Style Guide
Verb Usage
All past positions must use verbs in the past tense.
          Faxed and mailed invoices
Present tense may only be used to describe positions presently being held.
         Order supplies, answer phones and complete general office tasks
All bullet points should begin with an action verb.
          Managed all employee timesheets; NOT Responsible for managing timesheets
Action Words
Arranged                            Customized                         Computed                           Incorporated
Collaborated                        Designed                           Prepared                           Planned
Developed                           Established                        Contributed                        Supervised
Interacted                          Initiated                          Demonstrated                       Obtained
Marketed                            Integrated                         Facilitated                        Conducted
Reconciled                          Originated                         Provided
Resolved                            Solved                             Coordinated
Adapted                             Administered                       Generated
Created                             Analyzed                           Improved

Most resumes consist of three sections: education, experience, skills/awards/certifications.
Do not include an objective, career summary, career profile or personal hobbies section.
For recent graduates (bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, etc.) and CPA recipients within one year, list education at the top, before experience.
Also acceptable to list major(s), minor(s), GPA and honors for recent graduates and CPA recipients.
List month and date of graduation, but do not list the years attended.
        Use an apostrophe in associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree.
        Also acceptable is Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts.
        Do not list remove high school.
NEVER use personal pronouns on a resume (i.e.: you, me or I).
Only use one job title for each time period.
Do not use abbreviations; spell out “accounts payable,” “human resources” and “data entry.”
Do not include generalizations.
         For example, proficiency in Internet, e-mail, word processing or 10-key.
NEVER use any personal pronoun on a resume.
         For example, no “I” or “me.”
Do not list “and/or;” choose one.
Do not say “50+” but “over 50” or “more than 50.”

All job responsibilities need to be presented in bullet form; do not use paragraph form.
Company name and job title should be bold and aligned to the far left. Dates should be aligned to the far right of the page.
Dates should include months, and spacing and format should be consistent. Do not abbreviate months.
        January 1998 - December 1999 or 01/1998 - 12/1999
Spicing up Your Resume: Action Words!
                      Communication/People Skills
              Addressed       Advertised       Arbitrated       Arranged
              Articulated     Authored         Clarified       Collaborated
              Communicated    Composed         Condensed       Conferred
              Consulted       Contacted        Conveyed        Convinced
              Corresponded    Debated          Defined         Developed
              Directed        Discussed        Drafted         Edited
              Elicited        Enlisted         Explained       Expressed
              Formulated      Furnished        Incorporated    Influenced
              Interacted      Interpreted      Interviewed     Involved
              Joined          Judged           Lectured        Listened
              Marketed        Mediated         Moderated       Negotiated
              Observed        Outlined         Participated    Persuaded
              Presented       Promoted         Proposed        Publicized
              Reconciled      Recruited        Referred        Reinforced
              Reported        Resolved         Responded       Solicited
              Specified       Spoke            Suggested       Summarized
              Synthesized     Translated       Wrote

                                Creative Skills
              Acted           Adapted          Began           Combined
              Composed        Conceptualized   Condensed       Created
              Customized      Designed         Developed       Directed
              Displayed       Drew             Entertained     Established
              Fashioned       Formulated       Founded         Illustrated
              Initiated       Instituted       Integrated      Introduced
              Invented        Modeled          Modified        Originated
              Performed       Photographed     Planned         Revised
              Revitalized     Shaped           Solved

                             Data/Financial Skills
              Administered    Adjusted         Allocated       Analyzed
              Appraised       Assessed         Audited         Balanced
              Budgeted        Calculated       Computed        Conserved
              Corrected       Determined       Developed       Estimated
              Forecasted      Managed          Marketed        Measured
              Netted          Planned          Prepared        Programmed
              Projected       Qualified        Reconciled      Reduced
              Researched      Retrieved

                                Helping Skills
              Adapted         Advocated        Aided           Answered
              Arranged        Assessed         Assisted        Clarified
              Coached         Collaborated     Contributed     Cooperated
              Counseled       Demonstrated     Diagnosed       Educated
              Encouraged      Ensured          Expedited       Facilitated
              Familiarized    Furthered        Guided          Helped
              Insured         Intervened       Motivated       Prevented
              Provided        Referred         Rehabilitated   Represented
              Resolved                         Supplied        Supported
              Volunteered                      Coordinated     Converted
              Delegated                        Supported       Decided
Developed        Directed       Eliminated     Emphasized
Enforced         Enhanced       Established    Executed
Generated        Handled        Headed         Hired
Hosted           Improved       Incorporated   Increased
Initiated        Inspected      Instituted     Led
Managed          Merged         Motivated      Navigated
Organized        Originated     Overhauled     Oversaw
Planned          Presided       Prioritized    Produced
Recommended      Reorganized    Replaced       Restored
Reviewed         Scheduled      Secured        Selected
Streamlined      Strengthened   Supervised     Terminated

              Organizational Skills
Approved         Arranged       Catalogued     Categorized
Charted          Classified     Coded          Collected
Compiled         Corrected      Corresponded   Distributed
Executed         Filed          Generated      Incorporated
Inspected        Logged         Maintained     Monitored
Obtained         Operated       Ordered        Organized
Prepared         Processed      Provided       Purchased
Recorded         Registered     Reserved       Responded
Reviewed         Routed         Scheduled      Screened
Submitted        Supplied       Standardized   Systematized
Updated          Validated      Verified

                  Research Skills
Analyzed         Clarified      Collected      Compared
Conducted        Critiqued      Detected       Determined
Diagnosed        Evaluated      Examined       Experimented
Explored         Extracted      Formulated     Gathered
Inspected        Interviewed    Invented       Investigated
Located          Measured       Organized      Researched
Reviewed         Searched       Solved         Summarized
Surveyed         Systematized   Tested

                  Teaching Skills
Adapted          Advised        Clarified      Coached
Communicated     Conducted      Coordinated    Coordinated
Developed        Enabled        Encouraged     Evaluated
Explained        Facilitated    Focused        Guided
Individualized   Informed       Instilled      Instructed
Motivated        Persuaded      Simulated      Stimulated
Taught           Tested         Trained        Transmitted

                  Technical Skills
Adapted          Applied        Assembled      Built
Calculated       Computed       Conserved      Constructed
Converted        Debugged       Designed       Determined
Developed        Engineered     Fabricated     Fortified
Installed        Maintained     Operated       Overhauled
Printed          Simplified     Rectified      Programmed
Regulated        Replaced       Repaired       Remodeled
Specialized      Utilized       Upgraded       Restored
Sample Resume

                                                             Name                                              Helpful Tips:
                                                    Current Street Address                           Font: Times New Roman or Arial
                                                                                                     Size: 10-12. No larger, no smaller.
                                                     City, State, Zip Code                                Margins: Do not change.
                                                  Professional Email Address

Education            Include all higher level degrees, starting with the highest. No high school. Note: If
                     degree is several years old, Education should follow Professional Experience.
Graduation Date

Professional Experience Start with most current experience and work backward.

Company Name Illustrate promotions or intra-company movement: Bold total time of        Total Dates of Employment
Position Title     employment at a company and non-bold sub-dates within each position.   Sub-Dates of Employment
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________

Position Title                                                         Sub-Dates of Employment
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________

Company Name                                                              Dates of Employment
Position Title
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________
• Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________

Additional Skills and Certifications             Do not list soft skills (communication, task-oriented, etc.) here.
List any software skills or certifications here.

Activities                                               The Activities section is optional and should only be used to list
List business or leadership group/club involvement here. related activities in which you’re actively involved.
                                                                     For example: Accounting Club, Vice President; National
                                                                     Society for Collegiate Scholars, Chapter Secretary; Jobs For
                                                                     Youth, Volunteer.
Elevator Pitch Samples
Hi, my name is ______________, and I am a (Year in school) at (College/University). I am a __________ major with a focus in
________ and I am looking to get into __________ after graduation. During my ________ year, I interned at (Company Name) in
their _________ department. In addition to my studies and internship, I am an active participant in (Club/Association/Group). From
my coursework at (College/University) and time spent at (Company Name), I am excited to get my foot in the door at a company like
(Company name(s)) and learn more about how I can contribute from day one.

Recent Graduate
Hi, my name is ______________, and I am a (Year in school) graduate of (College/University). I was a __________ major with a
focus in ________ and I am looking to get into __________ with a growing Chicago company. During my ________ year, I interned
at (Company Name) in their _________ department. In addition to my studies and internship, I was an active participant in (Club/
Association/Group). From my coursework at (College/University) and time spent at (Company Name), I am excited to get my foot in
the door at a company like (Company name(s)) and learn more about how I can contribute from day one.

1-5 Years of Experience
Hi, my name is __________, and I was most recently employed as a (Position Title) at (Company Name) where I (verb: managed,
handled, directed, created, etc. + brief description of primary responsibilities.) Prior to that I was (Position Title) at (Company Name).
In this role I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities.)

Ideally, I am looking for a (Position Title) opportunity with a company in the (Industry Name), specifically (Company Name).
However, I am open to other opportunities that relate to my background, and look forward to getting my foot in the door at a company
like (Company Name) to learn more about how I can add value from day one.

5-10 Years of Experience
Hi, my name is __________, and I was most recently employed as a (Position Title) at (Company Name). I started my career at
(Company Names) as a (Position Title) where I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary
responsibilities.) From there I transitioned to (Company Name) as a (Position Title). In this role I (verb: managed, handled, directed,
created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities.). That brings us to my most recent position at (Company Name).

Ideally, I am looking for a (Position Title) opportunity with a company in the (Industry Name), specifically (Company Name).
However, I am open to other opportunities that relate to my background, and look forward to getting my foot in the door at a company
like (Company Name) to learn more about how I can add value from day one.

10+ Years of Experience
Hi, my name is __________, and I was most recently employed as a (Position Title) at (Company Name). I started my career at
(Company Names) as a (Position Title) where I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary
responsibilities.) From there I transitioned to (Company Name) as a (Position Title). In this role I (verb: managed, handled, directed,
created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities). That brings us to my most recent position at (Company Name).

I am looking for a (Position Title) opportunity with a company in the (Industry Name), specifically (Company Name(s)). With my
extensive experience in ___________, __________, and __________, I believe I would be a valuable addition to any __________
LaSalle Academy is an interactive career search training program provided by Chicago’s
leading staffing and recruiting firm, LaSalle Network. Through our experience providing
staffing solutions to over 1,000 businesses in Chicagoland, LaSalle Network knows what
employers are looking for in their next hire.

Utilizing this knowledge and expertise, the mission of LaSalle Academy is to provide
experienced professionals with the tools to achieve career advancement. Through
targeted workshops, exploring different aspects of the career search, candidates will
learn the skills necessary to stand out from the competition in today’s flooded

How is LaSalle Academy different?

LaSalle Academy’s advice is based on over 11 years of experience on the front-lines of
today’s marketplace. The program is free, practical and realistic, and job seekers will
leave with tangible advice they can implement immediately into their career search.

Workshops and Services

    Formatting Your Resume to Land the Interview
        Explores questions like: What should I include on my resume? Should I use a
        resume template? What format is best? What do employers look for when
        reading a resume?

    Interview Preparation and Execution
        Explores questions like how do I best prepare for an interview? How do I stand
        out from my competition during the interview? What questions should I ask?
        What questions will they ask me?

    One-on-One Resume Consultation
        Receive a personal consultation with a job search expert regarding ways to
        improve your resume and help you land the interview.

    Mock Interview
        Practice makes perfect! Engage in a mock interview to practice your presentation
        skills and build your confidence for your next real interview.

                                                                  Contact Information:
                                          Megan Gentille, Public Relations and Marketing
                                                                 312.419.1700 ext. 1798

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Resume Workshop Handout Packet

  • 1. Resume Style Guide Use Spell Check Print your resume and read it. Ask someone else to read it too! Spell check will not catch all the errors, especially capitalization. Capitalization Lowercase job titles except when used as a subtitle. Worked closely with the controller Controller, 2005-2007 Lowercase departments except when the department is part of the official and formal name. Planned and organized the functions of the accounting department Performed data entry for the University of Illinois Department of Medicine Capitalize all proper nouns: a specific person, place or thing. Ordered money shipments from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Proficient in Microsoft Office and QuickBooks Academic Degrees Do not include any high school information. Use an apostrophe in associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, but there is no possessive in Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science. Capitalize academic degrees unless they use a possessive. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology A person has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, not a Bachelor of Arts of Psychology. Lowercase the type of degree unless used in title of degree. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology A bachelor’s degree in sociology Numbers Spell out whole numbers below 10, use figures for 10 and above. Supervised the performance and review of three staff auditors Handled billing for more than 30 employees Bullet points should not begin with a number. Managed 15 staff accountants; not 15 staff accountants underneath me Correct Spelling of Commonly Misspelled Words PowerPoint Internet experience Sarbanes-Oxley online WordPerfect voice mail inbound pro forma board of directors PeopleSoft e-mail outbound QuickBooks Web site Punctuation Bullet points should not have periods as they are not complete sentences. Always place a comma after words in series, but not before “and” or “or.” Handled the planning, forecasting and budgeting Always place a comma before nonessential items (“which” is always nonessential, “that” is always essential). Developed activity-based costing systems that provided better cost control Created budgets and forecasts, which included determining ways to reach these goals
  • 2. Resume Style Guide Verb Usage All past positions must use verbs in the past tense. Faxed and mailed invoices Present tense may only be used to describe positions presently being held. Order supplies, answer phones and complete general office tasks All bullet points should begin with an action verb. Managed all employee timesheets; NOT Responsible for managing timesheets Action Words Arranged Customized Computed Incorporated Collaborated Designed Prepared Planned Developed Established Contributed Supervised Interacted Initiated Demonstrated Obtained Marketed Integrated Facilitated Conducted Reconciled Originated Provided Resolved Solved Coordinated Adapted Administered Generated Created Analyzed Improved Format Most resumes consist of three sections: education, experience, skills/awards/certifications. Do not include an objective, career summary, career profile or personal hobbies section. For recent graduates (bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, etc.) and CPA recipients within one year, list education at the top, before experience. Also acceptable to list major(s), minor(s), GPA and honors for recent graduates and CPA recipients. List month and date of graduation, but do not list the years attended. Use an apostrophe in associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree. Also acceptable is Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts. Do not list remove high school. NEVER use personal pronouns on a resume (i.e.: you, me or I). Only use one job title for each time period. Do not use abbreviations; spell out “accounts payable,” “human resources” and “data entry.” Do not include generalizations. For example, proficiency in Internet, e-mail, word processing or 10-key. NEVER use any personal pronoun on a resume. For example, no “I” or “me.” Do not list “and/or;” choose one. Do not say “50+” but “over 50” or “more than 50.” Layout All job responsibilities need to be presented in bullet form; do not use paragraph form. Company name and job title should be bold and aligned to the far left. Dates should be aligned to the far right of the page. Dates should include months, and spacing and format should be consistent. Do not abbreviate months. January 1998 - December 1999 or 01/1998 - 12/1999
  • 3. Spicing up Your Resume: Action Words! Communication/People Skills Addressed Advertised Arbitrated Arranged Articulated Authored Clarified Collaborated Communicated Composed Condensed Conferred Consulted Contacted Conveyed Convinced Corresponded Debated Defined Developed Directed Discussed Drafted Edited Elicited Enlisted Explained Expressed Formulated Furnished Incorporated Influenced Interacted Interpreted Interviewed Involved Joined Judged Lectured Listened Marketed Mediated Moderated Negotiated Observed Outlined Participated Persuaded Presented Promoted Proposed Publicized Reconciled Recruited Referred Reinforced Reported Resolved Responded Solicited Specified Spoke Suggested Summarized Synthesized Translated Wrote Creative Skills Acted Adapted Began Combined Composed Conceptualized Condensed Created Customized Designed Developed Directed Displayed Drew Entertained Established Fashioned Formulated Founded Illustrated Initiated Instituted Integrated Introduced Invented Modeled Modified Originated Performed Photographed Planned Revised Revitalized Shaped Solved Data/Financial Skills Administered Adjusted Allocated Analyzed Appraised Assessed Audited Balanced Budgeted Calculated Computed Conserved Corrected Determined Developed Estimated Forecasted Managed Marketed Measured Netted Planned Prepared Programmed Projected Qualified Reconciled Reduced Researched Retrieved Helping Skills Adapted Advocated Aided Answered Arranged Assessed Assisted Clarified Coached Collaborated Contributed Cooperated Counseled Demonstrated Diagnosed Educated Encouraged Ensured Expedited Facilitated Familiarized Furthered Guided Helped Insured Intervened Motivated Prevented Provided Referred Rehabilitated Represented Resolved Supplied Supported Volunteered Coordinated Converted Delegated Supported Decided
  • 4. Developed Directed Eliminated Emphasized Enforced Enhanced Established Executed Generated Handled Headed Hired Hosted Improved Incorporated Increased Initiated Inspected Instituted Led Managed Merged Motivated Navigated Organized Originated Overhauled Oversaw Planned Presided Prioritized Produced Recommended Reorganized Replaced Restored Reviewed Scheduled Secured Selected Streamlined Strengthened Supervised Terminated Organizational Skills Approved Arranged Catalogued Categorized Charted Classified Coded Collected Compiled Corrected Corresponded Distributed Executed Filed Generated Incorporated Inspected Logged Maintained Monitored Obtained Operated Ordered Organized Prepared Processed Provided Purchased Recorded Registered Reserved Responded Reviewed Routed Scheduled Screened Submitted Supplied Standardized Systematized Updated Validated Verified Research Skills Analyzed Clarified Collected Compared Conducted Critiqued Detected Determined Diagnosed Evaluated Examined Experimented Explored Extracted Formulated Gathered Inspected Interviewed Invented Investigated Located Measured Organized Researched Reviewed Searched Solved Summarized Surveyed Systematized Tested Teaching Skills Adapted Advised Clarified Coached Communicated Conducted Coordinated Coordinated Developed Enabled Encouraged Evaluated Explained Facilitated Focused Guided Individualized Informed Instilled Instructed Motivated Persuaded Simulated Stimulated Taught Tested Trained Transmitted Tutored Technical Skills Adapted Applied Assembled Built Calculated Computed Conserved Constructed Converted Debugged Designed Determined Developed Engineered Fabricated Fortified Installed Maintained Operated Overhauled Printed Simplified Rectified Programmed Regulated Replaced Repaired Remodeled Specialized Utilized Upgraded Restored
  • 5. Sample Resume Name Helpful Tips: Current Street Address Font: Times New Roman or Arial Size: 10-12. No larger, no smaller. City, State, Zip Code Margins: Do not change. Telephone Professional Email Address Education Include all higher level degrees, starting with the highest. No high school. Note: If degree is several years old, Education should follow Professional Experience. Degree School Graduation Date Professional Experience Start with most current experience and work backward. Company Name Illustrate promotions or intra-company movement: Bold total time of Total Dates of Employment Position Title employment at a company and non-bold sub-dates within each position. Sub-Dates of Employment • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Position Title Sub-Dates of Employment • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name Dates of Employment Position Title • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ • Action verb ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Skills and Certifications Do not list soft skills (communication, task-oriented, etc.) here. List any software skills or certifications here. Activities The Activities section is optional and should only be used to list List business or leadership group/club involvement here. related activities in which you’re actively involved. For example: Accounting Club, Vice President; National Society for Collegiate Scholars, Chapter Secretary; Jobs For Youth, Volunteer.
  • 6. Elevator Pitch Samples Student Hi, my name is ______________, and I am a (Year in school) at (College/University). I am a __________ major with a focus in ________ and I am looking to get into __________ after graduation. During my ________ year, I interned at (Company Name) in their _________ department. In addition to my studies and internship, I am an active participant in (Club/Association/Group). From my coursework at (College/University) and time spent at (Company Name), I am excited to get my foot in the door at a company like (Company name(s)) and learn more about how I can contribute from day one. Recent Graduate Hi, my name is ______________, and I am a (Year in school) graduate of (College/University). I was a __________ major with a focus in ________ and I am looking to get into __________ with a growing Chicago company. During my ________ year, I interned at (Company Name) in their _________ department. In addition to my studies and internship, I was an active participant in (Club/ Association/Group). From my coursework at (College/University) and time spent at (Company Name), I am excited to get my foot in the door at a company like (Company name(s)) and learn more about how I can contribute from day one. 1-5 Years of Experience Hi, my name is __________, and I was most recently employed as a (Position Title) at (Company Name) where I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. + brief description of primary responsibilities.) Prior to that I was (Position Title) at (Company Name). In this role I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities.) Ideally, I am looking for a (Position Title) opportunity with a company in the (Industry Name), specifically (Company Name). However, I am open to other opportunities that relate to my background, and look forward to getting my foot in the door at a company like (Company Name) to learn more about how I can add value from day one. 5-10 Years of Experience Hi, my name is __________, and I was most recently employed as a (Position Title) at (Company Name). I started my career at (Company Names) as a (Position Title) where I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities.) From there I transitioned to (Company Name) as a (Position Title). In this role I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities.). That brings us to my most recent position at (Company Name). Ideally, I am looking for a (Position Title) opportunity with a company in the (Industry Name), specifically (Company Name). However, I am open to other opportunities that relate to my background, and look forward to getting my foot in the door at a company like (Company Name) to learn more about how I can add value from day one. 10+ Years of Experience Hi, my name is __________, and I was most recently employed as a (Position Title) at (Company Name). I started my career at (Company Names) as a (Position Title) where I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities.) From there I transitioned to (Company Name) as a (Position Title). In this role I (verb: managed, handled, directed, created, etc. & brief description of primary responsibilities). That brings us to my most recent position at (Company Name). I am looking for a (Position Title) opportunity with a company in the (Industry Name), specifically (Company Name(s)). With my extensive experience in ___________, __________, and __________, I believe I would be a valuable addition to any __________ department.
  • 7. LaSalle Academy is an interactive career search training program provided by Chicago’s leading staffing and recruiting firm, LaSalle Network. Through our experience providing staffing solutions to over 1,000 businesses in Chicagoland, LaSalle Network knows what employers are looking for in their next hire. Utilizing this knowledge and expertise, the mission of LaSalle Academy is to provide experienced professionals with the tools to achieve career advancement. Through targeted workshops, exploring different aspects of the career search, candidates will learn the skills necessary to stand out from the competition in today’s flooded marketplace. How is LaSalle Academy different? LaSalle Academy’s advice is based on over 11 years of experience on the front-lines of today’s marketplace. The program is free, practical and realistic, and job seekers will leave with tangible advice they can implement immediately into their career search. Workshops and Services Formatting Your Resume to Land the Interview Explores questions like: What should I include on my resume? Should I use a resume template? What format is best? What do employers look for when reading a resume? Interview Preparation and Execution Explores questions like how do I best prepare for an interview? How do I stand out from my competition during the interview? What questions should I ask? What questions will they ask me? One-on-One Resume Consultation Receive a personal consultation with a job search expert regarding ways to improve your resume and help you land the interview. Mock Interview Practice makes perfect! Engage in a mock interview to practice your presentation skills and build your confidence for your next real interview. Contact Information: Megan Gentille, Public Relations and Marketing 312.419.1700 ext. 1798