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“INCITE is an extensive trend forecasting consultancy focusing on global
issues to construct accurate trend information based on our three pillars;
                      design, technology and data.”

We are INCITE, a UK based Trend Consultancy. We are constructed of
three pillars; Design, Technology and Data, using these elements we build
accurate trend information based on global issues. This trend book consists
of our four trends for 2015.


 1   1984
     PAGE 5
                  IMAGE 2: Banksy’s artwork
                                                      2        IMAGE 3: Puer Aeternus Syndrome

                                                   RETURN TO NEVERLAND
                                                         PAGE 11

     PAGE 17
               IMAGE 4: View of Aerographite

                                                      4            IMAGE 5: Orbital Debris Graphics

                                                      ORBITAL DEBRIS
                                                         PAGE 23
Our trend 1984 was based around articles found discussing the growing
                                                          presence of CCTV in schools and how there are over 1.85 million CCTV
                                                          cameras in the UK. From this we looked further into the effect that
                                                          surveillance and control would have on peoples lives.

                                                          This gave us our trend title of George Orwell‘s novel 1984, where
                                                          surveillance, control and thought crime were part of this Big Brother
                                                          society. Currently Britons are caught on CCTV 70 times a day on average
                                                          with the belief that the rise in CCTV on streets will stop violence and act
                                                          as a deterrent.

                                                          CCTV have been placed in toilets and changing rooms in more than 200
                                                          schools to combat bullying. The privacy campaign groups ‘Big Brother
                                                          Watch’ have obtained figures that show some schools have a ratio of
                                                          one camera for every five pupils. The level of surveillance being directed
                                                          at children and who is allowed to view it is unchecked with no academic
                                                          research that suggests it is having a positive impact. To add to this the
                                                          potential of misuse is very high and could end disastrously.

                                                          Through first hand research we asked a number of people their opinions,
                                                          some responses were positive, expressing they would feel protected but
                                                          there was lots of negative views as well. A quote from a parent states:
                                                          ‘’I don’t like it because it doesn’t achieve what it says it will achieve, it
                                                          doesn’t prevent crime it just names the victim and identify the criminal but
                                                          doesn’t stop the crime.’’

                                                          As technology develops the ways of surveillance will become clearer and
                                                          more compact. The new high definition CCTV is now so strong it can pick
                                                          up the writing in text messages, focus on suspicious behaviour and can
                                                          track a person’s face from half a mile away. It will soon be able to pick up
                                                          on raised voices and detect smells too.
               IMAGE 6: Surveillance Youtube screenshot
                                                          A quote taken from Emma Barnett at the Telegraph regarding the pictures
TREND 1 1984                                              leaked of Prince Harry states “Now everyone has become the Paparazzi
                                                          with their very own publishing platforms” This shows that finding privacy
                                                          from the government or ourselves is becoming increasingly difficult.

                                                          As the amount of CCTV cameras, surveillance and also mobile phones
                                                          with cameras increase its either going to be the government watching us
                                                          or each other.

PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C

                                                                                                                                           PANETONE 175 C

IMAGE 7: Jon Gray’s 1984 book cover       IMAGE 8: Covert Surveillance   IMAGE 9: Hidden Cameras Sticker    IMAGE 10: London Security

                                                                                                                                          PANETONE 1805 M

                                                                                                                                          PANETONE 425 C

  IMAGE 11: Surveillance footage Stills    IMAGE 12: CCTV Cameras              IMAGE 13: Artists response    IMAGE 14: CCTV Footage

                                                                                                                                           PANETONE 411 C


                                                 “It doesn’t prevent crime it just names the victim and
                                                 identify the criminal but doesn’t stop the crime.”

“CCTV cameras shouldn’t replace human beings.”

                    Quotes taken from questionnaire.
Return to Neverland is a trend, which we have built up from researching
                                                     about the young generation of today.
                                                     With education being increasingly more expensive there is a debate on
                                                     whether on not to go onto higher education. The options for growing up in
                                                     this generation are narrow especially as the government are now planning
                                                     on cutting more benefits. Going to University is an even larger decision than
                                                     it was less than10 years ago. However with more gender equality in jobs,
                                                     people seem more career driven in comparison to previous generations
                                                     before when marriage, family and children were primary.

                                                     With such a deep recession taking place its restricting people’s life choices
                                                     and the young generation are conscious not to make the same mistakes
                                                     as those before us. This is evident in the fact that 1 out 3 men and 1 out
                                                     6 women between 20-34 still live at home with their parents. Furthermore ,
                                                     this has crucially changed the parent and child relationship; it’s a lot different
                                                     than the relationship of their parents and grandparents.

                                                     On the other hand, young adults staying at home could be to do with Puer
                                                     Aeternus, which is more famously known as the ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’
                                                     this affects people who do not want or feel unable to grow up. Thus
                                                     people with the body of an adult yet the mind set of a dependant child.
                                                     Humbelina Robles Ortega, the Professor of the Department of Personality
                                                     and Evaluation and Psychological Treatment at the University of Granda
                                                     said, “It usually affects dependent people who have been overprotected
                                                     by their families and haven’t developed the necessary skills to confront life”.

                         IMAGE 16: Creative career   The young generation of today want to achieve and have a successful
                                                     career however due to the recession the rise in costs from University costs
TREND 2 RETURN TO NEVERLAND                          and living costs, they are being stifled and scared of making the same
                                                     mistakes of the past generations.


                                                                                                                             PANETONE 367 C

IMAGE 17: Old Wedding Photograph   IMAGE 18: Job Adverts   IMAGE 19: Traditional family   IMAGE 20: Young boy in office

                                                                                                                          PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C

                                                                                                                             PANETONE 274 C

             IMAGE 21: Peter Pan    IMAGE 22: Escapism     IMAGE 23: Children playing            IMAGE 24: Graduation

                                                                                                                            PANETONE 1805 C

          Quotes taken from questionnaire.
exploring the possibility of using a CT scanner to create a 3D image of an
                                                                                           organ. Using a small tissue sample from the patient to seed the printer, a
                                                                                           new organ can be built layer by layer.

                                                                                           We spoke to a twenty-year-old woman who only has one kidney that only
                                                                                           partially functions. She has kidney dialysis and her response to the possibility
                                                                                           of having a new kidney printed “to get off dialysis would be amazing and to
                                                                                           use my own cells to create a new organ that would prevent the rejection
                                                                                           happening, I would love this to happen to me!!”

                                                                                           RESPONSIVE SURFACES
                                                                                           The Tangible Textural Interface created by Eunhee Jo is a speaker that
                                                                                           moves to the sound of music controlled by a fabric control panel.
                                                                                           When discussing with Eunhee Jo how she thinks that Tangible Textural
                                                                                           Interface can be developed she said “Lighting could be another significant
                                                                                           criteria that shapes our indoor/outdoor urban landscape… Lighting could
                                                                                           become more intelligent and discrete in our future lives.”

                                                                                           Manel Torres was aware of the slow process of constructing garments and
                                                                                           began investigating ways to speed up the process. He created Fabrican
                                                                                           also incorporating a second skin texture. To add to this, garments could
                                                              IMAGE 26: 3D Printing Shoe   incorporate fragrances using Fabrican as well. Thus a completely new way
                                                                                           of designing clothes in the future.
               TREND 3 MADE TO MEASURE
Through our on-going research we as INCITE realised how many new materials                 Graphene is a material made of ultra-thin graphite just one atom thick. It
are in the stages of development or are being evolved by scientists and innovative         conducts electrons and is just about transparent, these Graphene sheets
graduates which will progressively benefit societies around the world. We have             can be used for touch screens. It’s less brittle, less expensive, and performs
chosen five new materials; 3D Printing, Responsive Surfaces, Fabrican, 3D                  better than other materials.
Printing, Graphene and Aerographite, we are confident will be crucial to our way           Its is 100 times stronger than steel and it could be incorporated into clothing
of life in 2015.                                                                           and other textiles that resist bacterial growth, it would also have other
                                                                                           functions for food and live human organ/tissue packaging.
3D PRINTING                                                                                It has been named the “plastic of the future”.
3D Printing was invented around the early 1980’s however, only in the past
decade has it truly been seen as an invention that could change and save lives.            AEROGRAPHITE
3D printing is achieved by layering successive layers of material and is capable           Aerograhite is made of a network of hollow carbon tubes, it is nearly all air
of printing fully working mechanisms in one single print with no post production           but it conducts electricity and can support more than 40,000 times its own
assembly required.                                                                         weight.
The cost and the length of time it takes to print a 3D object is reducing making           As it is ultra light it can be wrapped around to make non-conductive
it more accessible to more people. For example, Surgeon Anthony Atala is                   objectives, conductive without gaining any weight.


                                                                                                                                          PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C

IMAGE 27: 3D Printing Bra & Guitar                                IMAGE 29: Graphene molecules    IMAGE 30: Tangible Textural Interface
                                     IMAGE 28: Fabrican process

                                                                                                                                           PANETONE P 105-6 C

                                                                                                                                            PANETONE P1- 2 C

      IMAGE 31: Home 3D printing      IMAGE 32: Fabrican outfit      IMAGE 33: 3D Printing Shoe            IMAGE 34: Graphene Sheets

                                                                                                                                          PANETONE P179-13 9 C


                 “To get off dialysis would be amazing and to use my cells to create an organ would prevent the rejection happening I would love this
                                                                                                                                  to happen to me!”

                    Quotes taken from questionnaire.
Orbital debris or Space Junk isn’t widely reported but could have devastating
                                                                  affect on how the entire world lives. NASA defines it as “man made objects
                                                                  in orbit which no longer serve a useful purpose”

                                                                  Since 1957 we have been littering our orbit with space junk and it deem too
                                                                  expensive and up until now pointless to bring the spaceships or satellites
                                                                  back down to earth. There is currently 21,00 pieces of orbital debris over
                                                                  10 cm in size and 500,000 under.

                                                                  So why is this a problem? The orbital debris is flying around the earth at
                                                                  7-8 km per second. To put this into perspective it would be like being
                                                                  hit by a sugar cube size of orbital debris would be the same as standing
                                                                  next to a hand grenade. The debris over 10 cm in size is tracked by the
                                                                  US Surveillance Network to try and move satellites out of the debris path.
                                                                  However, this system failed in February 2009 when a Russian military
                                                                  satellite and a USA communication satellite collided causing serious
                                                                  damage to both.

                                                                  There are 4 types of satellites; communication, navigation, scientific and
                                                                  remote sensing, if any of these were hit it would have a dramatic impact to
                                                                  us on earth. The communication satellite would affect the internet, radio and
                                                                  phone reception, damaging the way we presently communicate with each
                                                                  other. The navigation would affect GPS not just for cars but planes, boats
                                                                  and crucially the emergency services. The loss of a remote sensing satellite
                                                                  would shorten the weather prediction vastly. All these have become basic
                                                                  necessities for human kind that we take for granted.

                                                                  There have been many different attempts at inventions to try and clear
                                                                  up the litter, however, the speed and the volatility of the debris makes it
                                                                  extremely difficult. This coupled with the possible political implications if you
                                                                  can bring down a dead satellite or debris you can take out a live one too.
                                                                  To add to this already large problem there is the ‘Donald Kessler Syndrome’
                                                                  theory which states that the rise in satellites will spark a chain reaction that
                                                                  will cover the earth is a vast cloud of debris meaning our access to space
                   IMAGE 36: Satellites flying around the earth   travel would be lost. The result would be the end to space education,
                                                                  learning what else is out there.
                                                                  Space Junk effects has the potential to effect every single person on the
                                                                  planet, imagine not being able to use your phone or the internet, even for a
                                                                  day. The impact on our generation who has grown up with such technology
                                                                  the repercussions could be devastating for all mankind. As Professor
                                                                  Richard Croether from the UK space agency said, “Space is infinite but the
                                                                  Space around Earth is finite”.


                                                                                                                                                                    PANETONE 2718 C

IMAGE 37: Illustration of orbital debris                     IMAGE 38: LAPTOP                 IMAGE 39: A piece of orbital debris           IMAGE 40: Satellite

                                                                                                                                                                  PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C

                                                                                                                                                                    PANETONE 2756 C

                                           IMAGE 42 : Hole made by orbital debris

                     IMAGE 41: GPS                                                  IMAGE 42 : GPS used by emergency services       IMAGE 43 :Orbital debris

                                                                                                                                                                    PANETONE 4635 C

                                                                                      ly   we
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                                                                                                                                                   Quotes taken from questionnaire.

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                           “Th urse
                                                                                                                             TREND 4: SPACE JUNK
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 1: INCITE logo – Created by INCITE
                                                      BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                    IMAGE 2: Banksy’s artwork -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 3: Puer Aeternus syndrome illustration –
Big Brother Watch (2012) Research and Reports. Available at: [Accessed October 15th 2012]          have-it/
Website                                                                                                                               IMAGE 4: View of Aerographite -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 5: Orbital Debris Graphics-
The Telegraph (2012) Prince Harry: smartphones have turned us all into paparazzi. Available at:   IMAGE 6: Surveillance Youtube screenshot -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 7: Jon Gray’s 1984 book cover -
ogy/news/9491959/Prince-Harry-smartphones-have-turned-us-all-into-paparazzi.html [Accessed October 1st 2012] Website                  IMAGE 8: Covert Surveillance -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 9: Hidden Cameras Sticker -
The Daily Mail (2012) Watch what you type! Surveillance cameras so strong they can zoom in to read text messages. Available at:       IMAGE 10: London Security - [Accessed              to-bury-negative-news-story-disturbing
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 11: Surveillance footage Stills -
October 1st 2012] Website                                                                                                             IMAGE 12: CCTV Cameras -
The Guardian (2012) 3m young adults still live with their parent’s. Available at:               IMAGE 13: Artists response -
may/29/3m-young-adults-live-parents [Accessed October 20th 2012] Website                                                              IMAGE 14: CCTV Footage-
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 15: 1984 Trend Moodboard – Created by INCITE
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 16: Creative career -
Science Daily (2007) Overprotecting Parents Can Lead Children To Develop ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’. Available at: http://www.sci-          IMAGE 17: Old Wedding Photo -                                                                                       IMAGE 18: Job Adverts -
 [Accessed October 10th 2012] Website                                                                                                 IMAGE 19: Traditional family -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 20: Young boy in office -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 21: Peter Pan -
TED Talk (2011) Anthony Atala: Printing a human kidney. Available at:        IMAGE 22: Escapism -
kidney.html [Accessed October 2nd 2012] Website                                                                                       IMAGE 23: Children playing -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 24: Graduation -
BBC News (2012) 3D printing - a new industrial revolution?. Available at: [Ac-          college-rankings-for-2012/attachment/to-match-feature-financialgraduates/
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 25: Return to Neverland Moodboard – Created by INCITE
cessed 30th October 2012] Website                                                                                                     IMAGE 26: 3D Printing Shoe -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 27: 3D Printing Bra & Guitar -
Dezeen (2012) Tangible, Textural, Interface by Eunhee Jo. Available at:           IMAGE 28: Fabrican process -
interface-by-eunhee-jo-at-show-rca-2012/ [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website                                                          IMAGE 29: Graphene molecules -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 30: Tangible Textural Interface -
Fabrican Ltd. (2011)Technology .Available at: [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website                         IMAGE 31: Home 3D printing -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 32: Fabrican outfit -
The University of Manchester (2011) Graphene: World-leading Research and Development. Available at: http://www.graphene.              IMAGE 33: 3D Printing Shoe - [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website                                                                                 IMAGE 34: Graphene Sheets -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 35: Made to Measure moodboard- Created by INCITE.
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 36: Satellites flying around the earth -
New Scientist (2012) Ethereal aerographite is lightest stuff ever made. Available at:   IMAGE 37: Illustration of orbital debris -
science/2012/07/ethereal-aerographite-is-light.html [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website                                               IMAGE 38: LAPTOP -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 39: A piece of orbital debris -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 40: Satellite -
NASA (2012) Orbital Debris Program Office. Available at:                                                                              apps-6163 [Accessed October 16th 2012] Website                                                               IMAGE 41: GPS -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 42 : Hole made by orbital debris -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 42 : GPS used by emergency services -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 43 :Orbital debris -
                                                                                                                                      IMAGE 44: Space Junk moodboard – Created by INCITE
     50 Dean Street
        W1D 5BQ

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  • 1. TRENDBOOK 2015
  • 2. “INCITE is an extensive trend forecasting consultancy focusing on global issues to construct accurate trend information based on our three pillars; design, technology and data.” We are INCITE, a UK based Trend Consultancy. We are constructed of three pillars; Design, Technology and Data, using these elements we build accurate trend information based on global issues. This trend book consists of our four trends for 2015. 1
  • 3. TREND CONTENTS 1 1984 PAGE 5 IMAGE 2: Banksy’s artwork 2 IMAGE 3: Puer Aeternus Syndrome RETURN TO NEVERLAND PAGE 11 3 MADE TO MEASURE PAGE 17 IMAGE 4: View of Aerographite 3 4 IMAGE 5: Orbital Debris Graphics ORBITAL DEBRIS PAGE 23
  • 4. Our trend 1984 was based around articles found discussing the growing presence of CCTV in schools and how there are over 1.85 million CCTV cameras in the UK. From this we looked further into the effect that surveillance and control would have on peoples lives. This gave us our trend title of George Orwell‘s novel 1984, where surveillance, control and thought crime were part of this Big Brother society. Currently Britons are caught on CCTV 70 times a day on average with the belief that the rise in CCTV on streets will stop violence and act as a deterrent. CCTV have been placed in toilets and changing rooms in more than 200 schools to combat bullying. The privacy campaign groups ‘Big Brother Watch’ have obtained figures that show some schools have a ratio of one camera for every five pupils. The level of surveillance being directed at children and who is allowed to view it is unchecked with no academic research that suggests it is having a positive impact. To add to this the potential of misuse is very high and could end disastrously. Through first hand research we asked a number of people their opinions, some responses were positive, expressing they would feel protected but there was lots of negative views as well. A quote from a parent states: ‘’I don’t like it because it doesn’t achieve what it says it will achieve, it doesn’t prevent crime it just names the victim and identify the criminal but doesn’t stop the crime.’’ As technology develops the ways of surveillance will become clearer and more compact. The new high definition CCTV is now so strong it can pick up the writing in text messages, focus on suspicious behaviour and can track a person’s face from half a mile away. It will soon be able to pick up on raised voices and detect smells too. IMAGE 6: Surveillance Youtube screenshot A quote taken from Emma Barnett at the Telegraph regarding the pictures TREND 1 1984 leaked of Prince Harry states “Now everyone has become the Paparazzi with their very own publishing platforms” This shows that finding privacy from the government or ourselves is becoming increasingly difficult. As the amount of CCTV cameras, surveillance and also mobile phones with cameras increase its either going to be the government watching us or each other. 5
  • 5. PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C PANETONE 175 C IMAGE 7: Jon Gray’s 1984 book cover IMAGE 8: Covert Surveillance IMAGE 9: Hidden Cameras Sticker IMAGE 10: London Security PANETONE 1805 M PANETONE 425 C IMAGE 11: Surveillance footage Stills IMAGE 12: CCTV Cameras IMAGE 13: Artists response IMAGE 14: CCTV Footage PANETONE 411 C
  • 6. 1984 MOODBOARD TREND1:1984 “It doesn’t prevent crime it just names the victim and identify the criminal but doesn’t stop the crime.” “CCTV cameras shouldn’t replace human beings.” Quotes taken from questionnaire.
  • 7. Return to Neverland is a trend, which we have built up from researching about the young generation of today. With education being increasingly more expensive there is a debate on whether on not to go onto higher education. The options for growing up in this generation are narrow especially as the government are now planning on cutting more benefits. Going to University is an even larger decision than it was less than10 years ago. However with more gender equality in jobs, people seem more career driven in comparison to previous generations before when marriage, family and children were primary. With such a deep recession taking place its restricting people’s life choices and the young generation are conscious not to make the same mistakes as those before us. This is evident in the fact that 1 out 3 men and 1 out 6 women between 20-34 still live at home with their parents. Furthermore , this has crucially changed the parent and child relationship; it’s a lot different than the relationship of their parents and grandparents. On the other hand, young adults staying at home could be to do with Puer Aeternus, which is more famously known as the ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’ this affects people who do not want or feel unable to grow up. Thus people with the body of an adult yet the mind set of a dependant child. Humbelina Robles Ortega, the Professor of the Department of Personality and Evaluation and Psychological Treatment at the University of Granda said, “It usually affects dependent people who have been overprotected by their families and haven’t developed the necessary skills to confront life”. IMAGE 16: Creative career The young generation of today want to achieve and have a successful career however due to the recession the rise in costs from University costs TREND 2 RETURN TO NEVERLAND and living costs, they are being stifled and scared of making the same mistakes of the past generations. 11
  • 8. PANETONE 194C PANETONE 367 C IMAGE 17: Old Wedding Photograph IMAGE 18: Job Adverts IMAGE 19: Traditional family IMAGE 20: Young boy in office PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C PANETONE 274 C IMAGE 21: Peter Pan IMAGE 22: Escapism IMAGE 23: Children playing IMAGE 24: Graduation PANETONE 1805 C
  • 9. RETURN TO NEVERLAND MOODBOARD D AN RL VE NE O NT UR ET :R D2 EN TR Quotes taken from questionnaire.
  • 10. exploring the possibility of using a CT scanner to create a 3D image of an organ. Using a small tissue sample from the patient to seed the printer, a new organ can be built layer by layer. We spoke to a twenty-year-old woman who only has one kidney that only partially functions. She has kidney dialysis and her response to the possibility of having a new kidney printed “to get off dialysis would be amazing and to use my own cells to create a new organ that would prevent the rejection happening, I would love this to happen to me!!” RESPONSIVE SURFACES The Tangible Textural Interface created by Eunhee Jo is a speaker that moves to the sound of music controlled by a fabric control panel. When discussing with Eunhee Jo how she thinks that Tangible Textural Interface can be developed she said “Lighting could be another significant criteria that shapes our indoor/outdoor urban landscape… Lighting could become more intelligent and discrete in our future lives.” FABRICAN Manel Torres was aware of the slow process of constructing garments and began investigating ways to speed up the process. He created Fabrican also incorporating a second skin texture. To add to this, garments could IMAGE 26: 3D Printing Shoe incorporate fragrances using Fabrican as well. Thus a completely new way of designing clothes in the future. TREND 3 MADE TO MEASURE GRAPHENE Through our on-going research we as INCITE realised how many new materials Graphene is a material made of ultra-thin graphite just one atom thick. It are in the stages of development or are being evolved by scientists and innovative conducts electrons and is just about transparent, these Graphene sheets graduates which will progressively benefit societies around the world. We have can be used for touch screens. It’s less brittle, less expensive, and performs chosen five new materials; 3D Printing, Responsive Surfaces, Fabrican, 3D better than other materials. Printing, Graphene and Aerographite, we are confident will be crucial to our way Its is 100 times stronger than steel and it could be incorporated into clothing of life in 2015. and other textiles that resist bacterial growth, it would also have other functions for food and live human organ/tissue packaging. 3D PRINTING It has been named the “plastic of the future”. 3D Printing was invented around the early 1980’s however, only in the past decade has it truly been seen as an invention that could change and save lives. AEROGRAPHITE 3D printing is achieved by layering successive layers of material and is capable Aerograhite is made of a network of hollow carbon tubes, it is nearly all air of printing fully working mechanisms in one single print with no post production but it conducts electricity and can support more than 40,000 times its own assembly required. weight. The cost and the length of time it takes to print a 3D object is reducing making As it is ultra light it can be wrapped around to make non-conductive it more accessible to more people. For example, Surgeon Anthony Atala is objectives, conductive without gaining any weight. 17
  • 11. PANETONE Black 6 C PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C IMAGE 27: 3D Printing Bra & Guitar IMAGE 29: Graphene molecules IMAGE 30: Tangible Textural Interface IMAGE 28: Fabrican process PANETONE P 105-6 C PANETONE P1- 2 C IMAGE 31: Home 3D printing IMAGE 32: Fabrican outfit IMAGE 33: 3D Printing Shoe IMAGE 34: Graphene Sheets PANETONE P179-13 9 C
  • 12. MADE TO MEASURE MOODBOARD TREND 3: MADE TO MEASURE “To get off dialysis would be amazing and to use my cells to create an organ would prevent the rejection happening I would love this to happen to me!” Quotes taken from questionnaire.
  • 13. Orbital debris or Space Junk isn’t widely reported but could have devastating affect on how the entire world lives. NASA defines it as “man made objects in orbit which no longer serve a useful purpose” Since 1957 we have been littering our orbit with space junk and it deem too expensive and up until now pointless to bring the spaceships or satellites back down to earth. There is currently 21,00 pieces of orbital debris over 10 cm in size and 500,000 under. So why is this a problem? The orbital debris is flying around the earth at 7-8 km per second. To put this into perspective it would be like being hit by a sugar cube size of orbital debris would be the same as standing next to a hand grenade. The debris over 10 cm in size is tracked by the US Surveillance Network to try and move satellites out of the debris path. However, this system failed in February 2009 when a Russian military satellite and a USA communication satellite collided causing serious damage to both. There are 4 types of satellites; communication, navigation, scientific and remote sensing, if any of these were hit it would have a dramatic impact to us on earth. The communication satellite would affect the internet, radio and phone reception, damaging the way we presently communicate with each other. The navigation would affect GPS not just for cars but planes, boats and crucially the emergency services. The loss of a remote sensing satellite would shorten the weather prediction vastly. All these have become basic necessities for human kind that we take for granted. There have been many different attempts at inventions to try and clear up the litter, however, the speed and the volatility of the debris makes it extremely difficult. This coupled with the possible political implications if you can bring down a dead satellite or debris you can take out a live one too. To add to this already large problem there is the ‘Donald Kessler Syndrome’ theory which states that the rise in satellites will spark a chain reaction that will cover the earth is a vast cloud of debris meaning our access to space IMAGE 36: Satellites flying around the earth travel would be lost. The result would be the end to space education, learning what else is out there. TREND 4 ORBITAL DEBRIS Space Junk effects has the potential to effect every single person on the planet, imagine not being able to use your phone or the internet, even for a day. The impact on our generation who has grown up with such technology the repercussions could be devastating for all mankind. As Professor Richard Croether from the UK space agency said, “Space is infinite but the Space around Earth is finite”. 23
  • 14. PANETONE 367 C PANETONE 2718 C IMAGE 37: Illustration of orbital debris IMAGE 38: LAPTOP IMAGE 39: A piece of orbital debris IMAGE 40: Satellite PANETONE Cool Gray 9 C PANETONE 2756 C IMAGE 42 : Hole made by orbital debris IMAGE 41: GPS IMAGE 42 : GPS used by emergency services IMAGE 43 :Orbital debris PANETONE 4635 C
  • 15. re” he ew ORBITAL DEBRIS MOODBOARD om gs failin are ly we tter ure be en s and y th lve log Quotes taken from questionnaire. evo no to tech n is ing ma av hu ot h ga n ein dle f b an t o ’t h oin can le p e ho if w e w lf so “Th urse yo TREND 4: SPACE JUNK
  • 16. IMAGE BIBLIOGRAPHY IMAGE 1: INCITE logo – Created by INCITE BIBLIOGRAPHY IMAGE 2: Banksy’s artwork - IMAGE 3: Puer Aeternus syndrome illustration – Big Brother Watch (2012) Research and Reports. Available at: [Accessed October 15th 2012] have-it/ Website IMAGE 4: View of Aerographite - IMAGE 5: Orbital Debris Graphics- The Telegraph (2012) Prince Harry: smartphones have turned us all into paparazzi. Available at: IMAGE 6: Surveillance Youtube screenshot - IMAGE 7: Jon Gray’s 1984 book cover - ogy/news/9491959/Prince-Harry-smartphones-have-turned-us-all-into-paparazzi.html [Accessed October 1st 2012] Website IMAGE 8: Covert Surveillance - IMAGE 9: Hidden Cameras Sticker - The Daily Mail (2012) Watch what you type! Surveillance cameras so strong they can zoom in to read text messages. Available at: IMAGE 10: London Security - [Accessed to-bury-negative-news-story-disturbing IMAGE 11: Surveillance footage Stills - October 1st 2012] Website IMAGE 12: CCTV Cameras - most-menacing-cctv-spy-cameras.html The Guardian (2012) 3m young adults still live with their parent’s. Available at: IMAGE 13: Artists response - may/29/3m-young-adults-live-parents [Accessed October 20th 2012] Website IMAGE 14: CCTV Footage- IMAGE 15: 1984 Trend Moodboard – Created by INCITE IMAGE 16: Creative career - Science Daily (2007) Overprotecting Parents Can Lead Children To Develop ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’. Available at: http://www.sci- IMAGE 17: Old Wedding Photo - IMAGE 18: Job Adverts - [Accessed October 10th 2012] Website IMAGE 19: Traditional family - IMAGE 20: Young boy in office - IMAGE 21: Peter Pan - TED Talk (2011) Anthony Atala: Printing a human kidney. Available at: IMAGE 22: Escapism - kidney.html [Accessed October 2nd 2012] Website IMAGE 23: Children playing - IMAGE 24: Graduation - BBC News (2012) 3D printing - a new industrial revolution?. Available at: [Ac- college-rankings-for-2012/attachment/to-match-feature-financialgraduates/ IMAGE 25: Return to Neverland Moodboard – Created by INCITE cessed 30th October 2012] Website IMAGE 26: 3D Printing Shoe - IMAGE 27: 3D Printing Bra & Guitar - Dezeen (2012) Tangible, Textural, Interface by Eunhee Jo. Available at: IMAGE 28: Fabrican process - interface-by-eunhee-jo-at-show-rca-2012/ [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website IMAGE 29: Graphene molecules - IMAGE 30: Tangible Textural Interface - reo#3 Fabrican Ltd. (2011)Technology .Available at: [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website IMAGE 31: Home 3D printing - IMAGE 32: Fabrican outfit - The University of Manchester (2011) Graphene: World-leading Research and Development. Available at: http://www.graphene. IMAGE 33: 3D Printing Shoe - [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website IMAGE 34: Graphene Sheets - IMAGE 35: Made to Measure moodboard- Created by INCITE. IMAGE 36: Satellites flying around the earth - New Scientist (2012) Ethereal aerographite is lightest stuff ever made. Available at: IMAGE 37: Illustration of orbital debris - science/2012/07/ethereal-aerographite-is-light.html [Accessed October 3rd 2012] Website IMAGE 38: LAPTOP - IMAGE 39: A piece of orbital debris - IMAGE 40: Satellite - NASA (2012) Orbital Debris Program Office. Available at: apps-6163 [Accessed October 16th 2012] Website IMAGE 41: GPS - IMAGE 42 : Hole made by orbital debris - IMAGE 42 : GPS used by emergency services - IMAGE 43 :Orbital debris - IMAGE 44: Space Junk moodboard – Created by INCITE
  • 17. INCITE HEADQUARTERS 50 Dean Street London W1D 5BQ