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El impacto del cine en el turismo: el caso de Nueva Zelanda

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budget tourism destination. Tourism, culture & communication, 3 (1), pp 15-25
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El impacto del cine en el turismo: el caso de Nueva Zelanda

rural images through film and tourism promotion”. International Journal of Tourism
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  • 1. El impacto del cine en el turismo: el caso de Nueva Zelanda 7. BIBLIOGRAFÍA AGEE, W. K., AULT, P.H., EMERY, E. (1998) Introduction to mass communication. New York: Longman. A Changing New Zealand 2002. Statistics New Zealand Accommodation Survey. February 2006. Statistics New Zealand ANDERTON, H. J. (2002) Film and television industry receives commitment [Disponible en: ] ARONSON, E. (1975) Comunicación de masas, propaganda y persuasión. En E. Aronson (Ed.), El animal social. Introducción a la Psicología Social. Madrid: Alianza Universidad Bilbao AUSTEN, J. (1945) Emma. Barcelona: Graficas C. N. Gisbert AYALA, F. (1995) El escritor y el cine. Madrid: Cátedra BABIN, L. A., CARDER, S. T. (1996) Advertising via the box office: Is product placement effective? Journal of Promotion Management, 3, 31–51 BAKER, M. J., CRAWFORD, H. A. (1995) Product placement. Working paper (no publicado) Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. BALASUBRAMANIAN, S.K. (1994) Beyond advertising and publicity: hybrid messages and public policy issues, Journal of Advertising, 23(4), pp. 29-47 BALOGLU, SEYHMUS, MCCLEARY, K. W. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research 26(4): 868-897 BAÑOS, M., RODRÍGUEZ, T. (2003) Product placement. Estrella invitada: la marca. Madrid: Inversiones Editoriales Dossat 2000. BEERLI PALACIO, A. (1999) Imagen exterior. En: Canarias siglo XXI. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria BEETON, S. (1998) How does film-induced tourism affect a country town? Lights, camera re-action. First national conference on the future of Australian’s country town. [ Disponible en: ] BEETON, S. (2001) Smiling for the camera: the influence of film audiences on a budget tourism destination. Tourism, culture & communication, 3 (1), pp 15-25 BEETON, S. (2004). “Rural tourism in Australia. Has the gaze altered? Tracking Bibliografía 219
  • 2. El impacto del cine en el turismo: el caso de Nueva Zelanda rural images through film and tourism promotion”. International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 6, pp. 125-135. BERLO, D. (1960) The process of communication. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston [ Disponible en: ] BLAIKIE, N. Publishers. (1993) Approaches to Social Enquiry. Oxford, UK: Blackwell BORDAS, E. (2003). Hacia el turismo de la sociedad de ensueño: nuevas necesidades de mercado. En Inauguración del primer semestre del curso 20022003 de los Estudios de Economía y Empresa de la UOC (2002: Bellaterra) [conferencia en línea]. UOC. [ Disponible en:] BORDENAVE, J. D., CARVALHO, H. M. (1978) Planificación y comunicación. Quito: Don Bosco. BRENNAN, I., DUBAS, K. M., BABIN, L. A. (1999). The Influence of Product Placement Type and Exposure Time on Product Placement Recognition. International Journal of Advertising, 18, 323-337 Briefing to incoming ministers (2002). Ministry of Tourism BUNGE, M. (1983). La investigación científica. Su estrategia y filosofía. México: Planeta. BUNTON, C. (2003) Survey of the screen production industry in New Zealand 2003. Prepared for the Screen Producers and Directors of New Zealand Inc. BUSY, G., KLUNG, J. (2001) Movie induced tourism: the challenge of measurement and other issues. Journal of vacation marketing, 7 (4), pp. 316-332 CASETTI, F. (1994) Teorías del cine. 1945-1990. Madrid: Cátedra CASTROGIOVANNI, A. C. (2004) A geografia do espaço turístico, como construção complexa da comunicação. Porto Alegre: PUCRS. CHADDERTON W. L., BROWN D. J., STEPHENS R. T. (2004). Identifying freshwater ecosystems of national importance for biodiversity: criteria, methods, and candidate list of nationally important rivers. Department of Conservation. Wellington CLARKE, H (2001) Some facts about Lord of the rings. Prime Minister Helen Clarke: Lord of the rings [ Disponible en: ] COOPER, C., FLETCHER, J., GILBERT, D., WANHILL, S. (1997). Turismo, principios y práctica. México: Diana COWLETT, M. (2000). Make it into the movies. Marketing, agosto, 29 Bibliografía 220
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