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                                                                               of design
                                                                               community of

Johnghee Choi * Rob Murray * Patricia Kelton * Seth Kutnick * Susan Stirling

project goal:
                            This is a story about us and our future.

                            The reality is that ID can be a very
                            overwhelming experience.

create a platform for the
                            This is because in the short period of time
                            we are here we have to process significant
                            amounts of information from multiple
                            sources. We choose classes, learn methods

ID Community to             and apply them, and then in addition to all of
                            this we need to find a job. One of the most
                            important reasons we are at ID is to build a

advance our communal
                            network of lifelong relationships.

                            Imagine something which could make all of

and individual design
                            this a little bit easier. What might that look

                            This presentation is the result of a

disciplines.                collaboration with another class– Social
                            Networking Workshop Spring 2008 taught
                            by Rachel Powers. The topic of that other
                            class was Communities of Practice. The
                            charge of the class was to create a working
                            prototype. Synthesis was meant to help
                            generate more concepts. Patricia Kelton and
                            Robert Murray were in that class and
                            brought the assignment/topic to this
                            Synthesis class.
problem framing                                                                                                                                              3

opportunity map
landscape of stakeholders                                                                                 support

                                                                                jobs                                        network


                                                                                                  Found                            trends
                                                                 methods                MDM
                                                                                MDes                                      MDes


                                                                                                                    board                info    IIT       funding
                                                      employee                                                                          orient         staff
                                                                                        future                iit student
 We looked at the landscape using an
 opportunity mind map to visually represent                                                       faculty                               access

 the various stakeholders and some core
 needs. It was also clear the alumni group was
 and is more separate then the other
 stakeholders. Our goal was to generate
                                                                         info                                                visiting
 concepts that would bring alumni closer to
 and become the focus of an ID Community of
 Practice.                                                             conf     comm                                adj          full

sensing intent                              5

research with a range of subjects:
prospects, students, alumni,
faculty, staff
•survey monkey
•secondary research
 - previous design work
 - competitors networks

 Research was done by both classes and
 included primary and secondary research, as
 well as an audit of past efforts and an audit of
 competitor networks. (See apprendix)
sensing intent                                                                                                               6

                                                                                         We created personas to better characterize
                                                                                         the needs of the core stakeholders. But it

                                                                                         became clear that we needed to add a fourth
                                                                                         stakeholder – staff/faculty,

Prospective                                   Current Student                               Alumni
Dan has been working as an electrical         Tracy is a second year MDes student           Jaime graduated from ID three years ago.
engineer since college. He enjoys his         focusing on Design Research. She has          She has been working as an innovation
work but really wants to focus more on        enjoyed learning the various design           strategist for a design consultancy firm.
the actual needs of people. He hears          methods but is unsure when to apply           Jaime loves the work she is doing but
about an ID open house from a friend.         certain methods to certain projects. She      would like to incorporate more of the
After attending, he is completely blown       has tried the methods wiki on seeID but       methods he learned at ID into her
away by their human centered approach.        finds it to be a huge abyss of methods         practice. She has been advocating the ID
If he could, he would start tomorrow.         without any information as to how she         way but is convinced that his argument
After that initial excitement has worn off,   should apply them. Questions Tracy            would be more effective if she had access
Dan is left with a few questions…             commonly has are…                             to more past and current ID projects. She
                                                                                            would also like to maintain some ID
•   What type of jobs                         •   What methods should I use                 connections while making some new
    will I be qualified for                        for my research workshop project?         ones. Jaime wants to know…
    once I finish ID?
                                              •   How have these                            •   What types of projects
•   What exactly is                               methods been utilized in                      is ID currently working on?
    Design Planning and why                       other ID projects and
    is it that no one has heard of it?            real life scenarios?                      •   What are other ID Alumni doing?
                                                                                                Where are they?
•   Should I get a Mac or a PC?               •   Who would be the best
                                                  professor to talk to about                •   How can I best utilize ID methods
                                                  these methods?                                into my current practice?
observations                                                                                                                                                                                       7

           prospect                                                       students                                                               alumni                                     staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school.       what will this be like?                                                  who are these new students?                                      want students / alums to
Wish to be able to picture themselves in the     feel insecure about ability to succeed,                                  as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with           succeed and invest personal
facility and functioning with the student        very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted                          physical school (even in chicago)                                time and energy to facilitate
body and faculty in order to assist with         some anger over disorganization/lack communication                       alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto
decision making.
Anxious about value of education.                Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why   recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends       know that students are
                                                 did school accept me? Why will i succeed here?                           attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends        dissatisfied but don’t have
                                                 feel no real advisor / too busy                                                                                                           an answer

Want to compare program with others but          Curious / overwhelmed by student body.                                   have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni   aware of growing
find it difficult to understand the jargon and     Language / cultural barriers inhibit                                     - some success                                                   competition from business &
cut through the corporate message to get at      Feel intimidated by some.                                                technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school    design schools, concern
truth.                                           Find hard to connect to others                                           alumni contact info not up to date                               about higher tuition & no
                                                                                                                                                                                           undergrad to feed school
programs all seem same - value student /         there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes                 feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni                 feel business press is
alumni comments as more authentic                misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down               know can contact anyone with positive response                   powerful marketing tool
                                                 tight connection to “class”                                              shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                                                                                          knowledge                                                        faculty visibility is critical

if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to     confusion over method & class material access after              feel business / foundation
extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to        understand info - particularly to register                                graduation                                                       relationship is critical for
feel comfortable. Felt the information was      ID jargon gets in way at first                                             not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other        class content, internships,
candid & meaningful.                                                                                                      networked groups                                                 hiring, and funding

Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing                    not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED         rely on word of mouth for
in different places.                        no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database      TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE                      marketing of ID - therefor
                                            loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded                       like to attend ID conferences                                    concerned about lack of
                                            have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc              find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to        connection to alumni
Thought income survey very useful. But           can’t connect case histories / methods                                   have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin,     have supported many
didn’t have a clear understanding of what        no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects        alumni chapters, uses email                                      activities: id wiki, id website,
the positions entailed: day to day activities,   anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion                          would like an automatic feed                                     recruit id, design workshops,
requirements for, career trajectories.           confusion over method & class material access after graduation           want to share                                                    interviews with stakeholder
                                                 not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates            want job / contact info
time starved                                     time starved                                                             time starved                                                     pressed for budget
stressed out over decision                       MDM - competing family obligations                                       must be effortless                                               pressed for time
concerned about cost                             stressed out                                                             struggling for personal life balance                             pressed for staff
confused about criteria                          concerned about money                                                    competing family obligations           From the research data and clustering,
                                                 hopeful about future                                                     dealing with too much info             we captured a host of observations for
using ID prospective student yahoo group         students HOPE alumni network is strong                                   concerned about future direction of school FOUR key stakeholders. about future
                                                                                                                                                                 the                 concerned
for information - finds some of content           network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about   concerned about maintaining quality of graduates                 direction of school
alarming and confusing                           alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation                      doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                 wish alumni job network was more complete                                                                                                 raising quality of graduates
observations & insights                                                                                                                                                                            8

           prospect                                                       students                                                               alumni                                     staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school.       what will this be like?                                                  who are these new students?                                      want students / alums to
Wish to be able to picture themselves in the     feel insecure about ability to succeed,                                  as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with           succeed and invest personal
facility and functioning with the student        very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted                          physical school (even in chicago)                                time and energy to facilitate
body and faculty in order to assist with         some anger over disorganization/lack communication                       alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto
decision making.
Anxious about value of education.                Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why   recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends       know that students are
                                                 did school accept me? Why will i succeed here?                           attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends        dissatisfied but don’t have

                                                   Students, prospects & alumni
                                                 feel no real advisor / too busy                                                                                                           an answer

Want to compare program with others but
find it difficult to understand the jargon and       all value community.
                                                 Curious / overwhelmed by student body.
                                                 Language / cultural barriers inhibit
                                                                                                                          have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni
                                                                                                                          - some success
                                                                                                                                                                                           aware of growing
                                                                                                                                                                                           competition from business &
cut through the corporate message to get at      Feel intimidated by some.                                                technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school    design schools, concern
                                                   Individuals associated
                                                 Find hard to connect to others                                           alumni contact info not up to date                               about higher tuition & no
                                                                                                                                                                                           undergrad to feed school
programs all seem same - value student /
alumni comments as more authentic                  with ID are supportive of
                                                 there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes
                                                 misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down
                                                 tight connection to “class”
                                                                                                                          feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni
                                                                                                                          know can contact anyone with positive response
                                                                                                                          shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                                                                                                                                                           feel business press is
                                                                                                                                                                                           powerful marketing tool

                                                   their colleagues & make                                                knowledge                                                        faculty visibility is critical

if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to
                                                   a serious effort to help.
                                                                                                                          confusion over method & class material access after              feel business / foundation
extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to        understand info - particularly to register                                graduation                                                       relationship is critical for
feel comfortable. Felt the information was      ID jargon gets in way at first                                             not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other        class content, internships,
candid & meaningful.                                                                                                      networked groups                                                 hiring, and funding

Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing                    not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED         rely on word of mouth for
in different places.                        no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database      TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE                      marketing of ID - therefor
                                            loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded                       like to attend ID conferences                                    concerned about lack of
                                            have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc              find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to        connection to alumni
Thought income survey very useful. But           can’t connect case histories / methods                                   have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin,     have supported many
didn’t have a clear understanding of what        no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects        alumni chapters, uses email                                      activities: id wiki, id website,
the positions entailed: day to day activities,   anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion                          would like an automatic feed                                     recruit id, design workshops,
requirements for, career trajectories.           confusion over method & class material access after graduation           want to share                                                    interviews with stakeholder
                                                 not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates            want job / contact info
time starved                                     time starved                                                             time starved                                                     pressed for budget
stressed out over decision                       MDM - competing family obligations                                       must be effortless                                               pressed for time
concerned about cost                             stressed out                                                             struggling for personal life balance                             pressed for staff
confused about criteria                          concerned about money                                                    competing family obligations
                                                 hopeful about future                                                     dealing with too much info
using ID prospective student yahoo group         students HOPE alumni network is strong                                   concerned about future direction of school                       concerned about future
for information - finds some of content           network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about   concerned about maintaining quality of graduates                 direction of school
alarming and confusing                           alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation                      doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                 wish alumni job network was more complete                                                                                                 raising quality of graduates
observations & insights                                                                                                                                                                            9

           prospect                                                       students                                                               alumni                                     staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school.       what will this be like?                                                  who are these new students?                                      want students / alums to
Wish to be able to picture themselves in the     feel insecure about ability to succeed,                                  as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with           succeed and invest personal
facility and functioning with the student        very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted                          physical school (even in chicago)                                time and energy to facilitate
body and faculty in order to assist with         some anger over disorganization/lack communication                       alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto
decision making.
Anxious about value of education.                Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why   recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends       know that students are
                                                 did school accept me? Why will i succeed here?                           attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends        dissatisfied but don’t have
                                                 feel no real advisor / too busy                                                                                                           an answer

Want to compare program with others but          Curious / overwhelmed by student body.                                   have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni   aware of growing
find it difficult to understand the jargon and     Language / cultural barriers inhibit                                     - some success                                                   competition from business &
cut through the corporate message to get at
                                                 Feel intimidated by some.
                                                 Find hard to connect to others                                            Social / Professional
                                                                                                                          technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school
                                                                                                                          alumni contact info not up to date
                                                                                                                                                                                           design schools, concern
                                                                                                                                                                                           about higher tuition & no
                                                                                                                                                                                           undergrad to feed school
programs all seem same - value student /
alumni comments as more authentic
                                                 there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes
                                                 misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down
                                                                                                                           networking is becoming
                                                                                                                          feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni
                                                                                                                          know can contact anyone with positive response
                                                                                                                                                                                           feel business press is
                                                                                                                                                                                           powerful marketing tool
                                                 tight connection to “class”                                              shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                                                                                           an increasingly powerful
                                                                                                                          knowledge                                                        faculty visibility is critical

if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to
extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to        understand info - particularly to register                                 mode of communication:
                                                                                                                          confusion over method & class material access after
                                                                                                                                                                                           feel business / foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                           relationship is critical for
feel comfortable. Felt the information was      ID jargon gets in way at first                                             not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other        class content, internships,
candid & meaningful.
                                                                                                                           perceived as authentic &
                                                                                                                          networked groups                                                 hiring, and funding

Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing                    not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED         rely on word of mouth for
in different places.                        no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database      TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE                      marketing of ID - therefor
                                            loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded                       like to attend ID conferences                                    concerned about lack of
                                            have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc              find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to        connection to alumni
Thought income survey very useful. But           can’t connect case histories / methods                                   have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin,     have supported many
didn’t have a clear understanding of what        no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects        alumni chapters, uses email                                      activities: id wiki, id website,
the positions entailed: day to day activities,   anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion                          would like an automatic feed                                     recruit id, design workshops,
requirements for, career trajectories.           confusion over method & class material access after graduation           want to share                                                    interviews with stakeholder
                                                 not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates            want job / contact info
time starved                                     time starved                                                             time starved                                                     pressed for budget
stressed out over decision                       MDM - competing family obligations                                       must be effortless                                               pressed for time
concerned about cost                             stressed out                                                             struggling for personal life balance                             pressed for staff
confused about criteria                          concerned about money                                                    competing family obligations
                                                 hopeful about future                                                     dealing with too much info
using ID prospective student yahoo group         students HOPE alumni network is strong                                   concerned about future direction of school                       concerned about future
for information - finds some of content           network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about   concerned about maintaining quality of graduates                 direction of school
alarming and confusing                           alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation                      doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                 wish alumni job network was more complete                                                                                                 raising quality of graduates
observations & insights                                                                                                                                                                        10

           prospect                                                       students                                                               alumni                                     staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school.       what will this be like?                                                  who are these new students?                                      want students / alums to
Wish to be able to picture themselves in the     feel insecure about ability to succeed,                                  as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with           succeed and invest personal
facility and functioning with the student        very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted                          physical school (even in chicago)                                time and energy to facilitate
body and faculty in order to assist with         some anger over disorganization/lack communication                       alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto
decision making.
Anxious about value of education.                Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why   recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends       know that students are
                                                 did school accept me? Why will i succeed here?                           attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends        dissatisfied but don’t have
                                                 feel no real advisor / too busy                                                                                                           an answer

Want to compare program with others but          Curious / overwhelmed by student body.                                   have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni   aware of growing
find it difficult to understand the jargon and     Language / cultural barriers inhibit                                     - some success                                                   competition from business &
cut through the corporate message to get at      Feel intimidated by some.                                                technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school    design schools, concern
truth.                                           Find hard to connect to others                                           alumni contact info not up to date                               about higher tuition & no
                                                                                                                                                                                           undergrad to feed school
programs all seem same - value student /         there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes                 feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni                 feel business press is
alumni comments as more authentic                misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down               know can contact anyone with positive response                   powerful marketing tool
                                                 tight connection to “class”                                              shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                                                                                          knowledge                                                        faculty visibility is critical

if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to     confusion over method & class material access after              feel business / foundation
extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to        understand info - particularly to register                                graduation                                                       relationship is critical for
feel comfortable. Felt the information was      ID jargon gets in way at first                                             not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other        class content, internships,
candid & meaningful.                                                                                                      networked groups                                                 hiring, and funding

Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing                    not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED         rely on word of mouth for
in different places.                        no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database      TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE                      marketing of ID - therefor
                                                   Greater levels of satisfaction
                                            loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded
                                            have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc
                                                                                                                          like to attend ID conferences
                                                                                                                          find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to
                                                                                                                                                                                           concerned about lack of
                                                                                                                                                                                           connection to alumni
Thought income survey very useful. But
didn’t have a clear understanding of what
                                                   with an ID education relates
                                                 can’t connect case histories / methods
                                                 no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects
                                                                                                                          have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin,
                                                                                                                          alumni chapters, uses email
                                                                                                                                                                                           have supported many
                                                                                                                                                                                           activities: id wiki, id website,

                                                   to greater involvement
the positions entailed: day to day activities,   anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion                          would like an automatic feed                                     recruit id, design workshops,
requirements for, career trajectories.           confusion over method & class material access after graduation           want to share                                                    interviews with stakeholder
                                                 not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates            want job / contact info
time starved
stressed out over decision
                                                   with & loyalty to the ID
                                                 time starved
                                                 MDM - competing family obligations
                                                                                                                          time starved
                                                                                                                          must be effortless
                                                                                                                                                                                           pressed for budget
                                                                                                                                                                                           pressed for time
concerned about cost                             stressed out                                                             struggling for personal life balance                             pressed for staff
confused about criteria
                                                   community, both while in the
                                                 concerned about money
                                                 hopeful about future
                                                                                                                          competing family obligations
                                                                                                                          dealing with too much info
using ID prospective student yahoo group
for information - finds some of content
alarming and confusing
                                                   program & after graduation.
                                                 students HOPE alumni network is strong
                                                 network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about
                                                                                                                          concerned about future direction of school
                                                                                                                          concerned about maintaining quality of graduates
                                                                                                                                                                                           concerned about future
                                                                                                                                                                                           direction of school
                                                 alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation                      doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                 wish alumni job network was more complete                                                                                                 raising quality of graduates
observations & insights                                                                                                                                                                        11

           prospect                                                       students                                                               alumni                                     staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school.       what will this be like?                                                  who are these new students?                                      want students / alums to
Wish to be able to picture themselves in the     feel insecure about ability to succeed,                                  as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with           succeed and invest personal
facility and functioning with the student        very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted                          physical school (even in chicago)                                time and energy to facilitate
body and faculty in order to assist with         some anger over disorganization/lack communication                       alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto
decision making.
Anxious about value of education.                Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why   recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends       know that students are

                                                   Seek resources which
                                                 did school accept me? Why will i succeed here?
                                                 feel no real advisor / too busy
                                                                                                                          attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends        dissatisfied but don’t have
                                                                                                                                                                                           an answer

Want to compare program with others but
                                                   quickly allow them to
                                                 Curious / overwhelmed by student body.                                   have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni   aware of growing
find it difficult to understand the jargon and
                                                   stay current with design /
                                                 Language / cultural barriers inhibit                                     - some success                                                   competition from business &
cut through the corporate message to get at      Feel intimidated by some.                                                technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school    design schools, concern
truth.                                           Find hard to connect to others                                           alumni contact info not up to date                               about higher tuition & no

                                                   cultural / tech. / business
                                                                                                                                                                                           undergrad to feed school
programs all seem same - value student /         there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes                 feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni                 feel business press is
alumni comments as more authentic                misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down               know can contact anyone with positive response                   powerful marketing tool

                                                   trends - particularly the
                                                 tight connection to “class”                                              shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                                                                                          knowledge                                                        faculty visibility is critical

extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to
                                                   integration of these.
if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to
                                                understand info - particularly to register
                                                                                                                          confusion over method & class material access after
                                                                                                                                                                                           feel business / foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                           relationship is critical for

                                                   This is a priority.
feel comfortable. Felt the information was      ID jargon gets in way at first                                             not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other        class content, internships,
candid & meaningful.                                                                                                      networked groups                                                 hiring, and funding

Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing                    not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED         rely on word of mouth for
in different places.                        no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database      TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE                      marketing of ID - therefor
                                            loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded                       like to attend ID conferences                                    concerned about lack of
                                            have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc              find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to        connection to alumni
Thought income survey very useful. But           can’t connect case histories / methods                                   have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin,     have supported many
didn’t have a clear understanding of what        no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects        alumni chapters, uses email                                      activities: id wiki, id website,
the positions entailed: day to day activities,   anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion                          would like an automatic feed                                     recruit id, design workshops,
requirements for, career trajectories.           confusion over method & class material access after graduation           want to share                                                    interviews with stakeholder
                                                 not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates            want job / contact info
time starved                                     time starved                                                             time starved                                                     pressed for budget
stressed out over decision                       MDM - competing family obligations                                       must be effortless                                               pressed for time
concerned about cost                             stressed out                                                             struggling for personal life balance                             pressed for staff
confused about criteria                          concerned about money                                                    competing family obligations
                                                 hopeful about future                                                     dealing with too much info
using ID prospective student yahoo group         students HOPE alumni network is strong                                   concerned about future direction of school                       concerned about future
for information - finds some of content           network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about   concerned about maintaining quality of graduates                 direction of school
alarming and confusing                           alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation                      doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                 wish alumni job network was more complete                                                                                                 raising quality of graduates
observations & insights                                                                                                                                                                         12

               prospect                                               students                                                  alumni                                              staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school. Wish to     what will this be like?                                who are these new students?                              want students / alums to succeed
be able to picture themselves in the facility and      feel insecure about ability to succeed,                as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact
functioning with the student body and faculty in       very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted        with physical school (even in chicago)
order to assist with decision making.                  some anger over disorganization/lack                   alumni reach out in order to maintain contact -
                                                       communication                                          no auto

                         the great
Anxious about value of education.                      Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was
                                                       correct decision. Why did school accept me? Why
                                                       will i succeed here?                                                      satisfied
                                                                                                              recent grads feel anxious about continued access to know that students are dissatisfied but don’t have an
                                                                                                              attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry

                         majority value                                                                                          students stay
                                                       feel no real advisor / too busy                        trends

Want to compare program with others but find it         Curious / overwhelmed by student body.                 have attempted to create virtual connections with        aware of growing competition from business &

                         community                                                                                               involved
difficult to understand the jargon and cut through      Language / cultural barriers inhibit                   other alumni - some success                              design schools
the corporate message to get at truth.                 Feel intimidated by some.                              technical difficulties staying virtually connected with
                                                       Find hard to connect to others                         school
                                                                                                              alumni contact info not up to date
programs all seem same - value student / alumni        there are cliques & divisions amongst students:        feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni      NA
comments as more authentic                             MDM/Mdes                                               know can contact anyone with positive response
                                                       misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking       shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                       them down                                              knowledge
                                                       tight connection to “class”
if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is        hard to understand official class descriptions - want confusion over method & class material access after NA
extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to feel          multiple ways to understandWe summarized the core observations
                                                                                      info - particularly to graduation
comfortable. Felt the information was candid &         register                      into these core insights using alumni net - get contacts through seeid &
meaningful.                                            ID jargon gets in way at first                         other networked groups

Found website confusing - different answers in        don’t know what other students are doing - no           not convinced ID can add value after graduation -        NA
different places.                                     auto sharing                                            NO NEED TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS

                       quickly allow                                                                                               social and
                                                      no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts   NOTHING I CAN USE
                                                      in shared database                                      like to attend ID conferences
                                                      loss of info because not shared with all & not          find principles relevant - but a frameworks
Thought income survey very useful. But didn’t have recorded
                                                      can’t connect case histories / methods
                                                                                                              impractical to implement
                                                                                                              have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook,      have supported many activities: id wiki, id website,

                       them to stay                                                                                                professional
a clear understanding of what the positions entailed: have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook,
                                                      no time to browse through many databases to get         linkdin, alumni chapters, uses email                     recruit id, design workshops, interviews with
day to day activities, requirements for, career       linkdin, etc
                                                      info for projects                                       would like an automatic feed                             stakeholder
trajectories.                                         anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion         want to share

                       current                                                                                                     networking
                                                      confusion over method & class material access           want job / contact info
time starved                                          after graduation
                                                      time starved                                            time starved                                             pressed for budget
stressed out over decision                            not clear on alumni net & official organizations for
                                                      MDM - competing family obligations                      must be effortless                                       pressed for time
concerned about cost                                  graduates
                                                      stressed out                                            struggling for personal life balance                     pressed for staff
confused about criteria                               concerned about money                                   competing family obligations
                                                      hopeful about future                                    dealing with too much info
NA                                                     students HOPE alumni network is strong                 concerned about future direction of school               concerned about future direction of school
                                                       network vs community - connected by content not        concerned about maintaining quality of graduates         concerned about maintaining quality of graduates
                                                       social - curious about alumni- this grows stronger     doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                       as closer to graduation
                                                       wish alumni job network was more complete
principles                                                                                                                                   13

             observation                                             insight                                               principle
Seeid, website, IDwiki, ID blogs,                 methods & processes are valued but not easy to provide multiple searchable views of the
                                                  access & located in multiple locations         methods information

connectivity “burn out” too much effort to        people are overwhelmed with info                       allow filtering of content - so that individual
maintain & review                                                                                        can customize both the quantity and the
                                                                                                         viewpoint and only what is pertinent them

many are “link-crazed” and compares book          staying abreast of trends is a goal shared by the make it easy to share & organize link
lists, link lists, bookmarking sites, etc.        ID community

many informal networks have been created          everyone seeks information and keeps multiple          utilize the power of collective contributions to
                                                  data bases for personal use                            add value - this will drive loyalty and provide
                                                                                                         for content

alumni net is underutilized and has no new        communities only survive if the individuals          this platform will be organic- it will be self
content                                           involved gain value from participationWe then furtherdefining in observations and relevant and
                                                                                                        refined our order to remain
                                                                                                       continue to exist
                                                                                        generated insights and principles for design
                                                                                          ideas. The principles clustered into larger
increasing participation on linkdin, facebook,    social & professional networks are increasinglyContent – Network “node” rather than simply a link
                                                                                        themes of        become the and Offline

flickr, blogs, etc                                 valued                                related activities. other nodes

frustration over lack of change - students just   would be more involved if felt opinions /              provide opportunity for feedback on classes,
give up                                           viewpoint were valued                                  faculty, direction of school

were unlikely to attend ID activities if hadn’t   a mix of physical and virtual interaction creates      encourage multiple types of connection:
personally met the current student body           a stronger community                                   physical & virtual

drop off of involvement with Id increases as     automatically join in ID community throughout           integrate entire population - involve in same
time from graduation increases, partially fueled academic career will encourage continued                community from beginning of school
by lack of physical connection                   participation after graduation                          throughout career

concept matrix
and grouping

positioning map
positioning map
trend list
exploring concepts                                       15

 We conducted a brainstorming session to
 generate point ideas in terms of the three
 themes. We were able to further align the
 concepts into activity themes you see along
 the top of this matrix.

                                               network offline
exploring concepts                                      16

                                              network offline
                          Really ???
                     prospects need to research
                      independently & through
exploring concepts                            17

                                    network offline
         Just linkedIN?
      students want to understand
          larger context of their
exploring concepts                                   18

                                           network offline
            How fast?
      alumni will only participate if it
        is fast / easy / and creates
               value for them
exploring concepts                             19

                                     network offline
     create positive word-of-mouth
       about ID through satisfied
exploring concepts                                                                                                                                                                               20

               prospect                                                students                                                  alumni                                              staff/faculty
want to “experience” the potential school. Wish to be    what will this be like?                               who are these new students?                              want students / alums to succeed
able to picture themselves in the facility and           feel insecure about ability to succeed,               as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact
functioning with the student body and faculty in order   very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted       with physical school (even in chicago)
to assist with decision making.                          some anger over disorganization/lack                  alumni reach out in order to maintain contact -
                                                         communication                                         no auto
Anxious about value of education.                        Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was      recent grads feel anxious about continued access to know that students are dissatisfied but don’t have an
                                                         correct decision. Why did school accept me? Why       trends                                              answer
                                                         will i succeed here?                                  attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry

                                        Really?                                                                                                       Karma!
                                                         feel no real advisor / too busy                       trends

Want to compare program with others but find it           Curious / overwhelmed by student body.                have attempted to create virtual connections with        aware of growing competition from business &
difficult to understand the jargon and cut through the    Language / cultural barriers inhibit                  other alumni - some success                              design schools
                     “I need to know everything”
corporate message to get at truth.                       Feel intimidated by some.
                                                         Find hard to connect to others
                                                                                                                            “ID needs positive word of mouth”
                                                                                                               technical difficulties staying virtually connected with
                                                                                                               alumni contact info not up to date
programs all seem same - value student / alumni          there are cliques & divisions amongst students:       feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni      NA
comments as more authentic                               MDM/Mdes                                              know can contact anyone with positive response
                                                         misunderstanding & increases cliches vs               shared understanding / process / interests - pride of
                                                         breaking them down                                    knowledge
                                                         tight connection to “class”
                                                                               We then grouped some ideas along the lines
if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is          hard to understand official class descriptions -   confusion over method & class material access after NA
extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to feel
                                                                                  of the stakeholders: students, prospects,
                                                         want multiple ways to understand info -           graduation
comfortable. Felt the information was candid &           particularly to register staff, and alumni. We also gave names net the contacts through seeid &
                                                                                                           not using alumni to - get
meaningful.                                              ID jargon gets in way at first
                                                                                  grouped ideas.           other networked groups

Found website confusing - different answers in           don’t know what other students are doing - no         not convinced ID can add value after graduation -        NA
different places.                                        auto sharing                                          NO NEED TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS
                                                         no way to easily record / share links, info,          NOTHING I CAN USE
                                                         thoughts in shared database                           like to attend ID conferences
                                                         loss of info because not shared with all & not        find principles relevant - but a frameworks
Thought income survey very useful. But didn’t have a     recorded                                              impractical to implement
                                                         can’t connect case histories / methods                have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook,      have supported many activities: id wiki, id website,

                                How fast?
                                                         have tried many things to connect: flickr,

                                                                                                                                              Just linkedIN?
clear understanding of what the positions entailed:      no time to browse through many databases to get       linkdin, alumni chapters, uses email                     recruit id, design workshops, interviews with
day to day activities, requirements for, career          facebook, linkdin, etc
                                                         info for projects                                     would like an automatic feed                             stakeholder
trajectories.                                            anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion       want to share
                                                         confusion over method & class material access         want job / contact info
                                                         after graduation
time starved
               “I need fast and easy information”
stressed out over decision
                                                         time starved
                                                         not clear on alumni net & official organizations for
                                                         MDM - competing family obligations
                                                                                                                      “What methods should I use and when?”
                                                                                                               time starved
                                                                                                               must be effortless
                                                                                                                                        pressed for budget
                                                                                                                                        pressed for time
concerned about cost                                     stressed out                                          struggling for personal life balance                     pressed for staff
confused about criteria                                  concerned about money                                 competing family obligations
                                                         hopeful about future                                  dealing with too much info
NA                                                       students HOPE alumni network is strong                concerned about future direction of school               concerned about future direction of school
                                                         network vs community - connected by content           concerned about maintaining quality of graduates         concerned about maintaining quality of graduates
                                                         not social - curious about alumni- this grows         doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions
                                                         stronger as closer to graduation
                                                         wish alumni job network was more complete
exploring concepts                                                                                                           21

                                                                                             Using other tools, we aligned the point
                                                                                             concepts on a two by two chart of ID
                                                                                             Business Values vs ID Student Needs.

           1st concept position-map
                                                         ID interns (summer)
                                                                     Huch’s workshop
                                                                     (summer)                         Filterable
                                                                              Mid-semester            information
                                             ID summer camp for               evaluation                      Alum contact
                                             Business                                                         information
                           Video events                  Big event
                                                                       Class       Site visit
                                                                                                        You tube
                                                 Suggestion box
                                                                                      “Design in Action” -
                                                                 Stronger IIT
                                                                 transparency                 Transparency
                                                                       Events                 w/application process
                                                         Design school
ID value

                                                         Forum                                      Job bank
                                                                                                        ID portfolios
                                                                                                                     Hot Link to
                                                                                                 ID reunion

                                                                    Book list
                                                                                    ID alumni
                                                                 Alumni                                       Online
                                                                 Chapters                                     resources
                                          connections to                                             Case histories
             ID dirctory
                                          other schools

      Low                                                                                                                              High
                                                   Student needs
concept refinement                             22

concept criteria

student criteria:        staff criteria:
financial aid             fundraising
engaging experience      faculty
networking / community   partnerships
jobs                     high quality students
knowledge / learn        visibility
nuts & bolts             alum relationships
industry trends          prospective students
school brand             retention
concept refinement                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        23

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The two by two was initially a guess
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           until we scored the ideas and weighted

refined concept scoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the results by user value

                                                                                                                                                                                                             business value criteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2.1 1.6 0.8 1.6 2.4 1.6 1.6 1.6

                                     user value criteria
                                                           2.1 1.4 1.3 0.7 0.7 2.1 1.4 1.4

                                                                                                 networking / community

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prospective students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              high quality students
                                                                           engaging experience

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   alum relationships
                                                                                                                                 knowledge / learn

                                                                                                                                                                    industry trends
                                                                                                                                                                                      school brand

                                                                                                                                                     nuts & bolts
                                                            financial aid




summer camps - biz                                         3                4                      4                      3         4                   1                4                 5 37                                        2              1           5                  4                   5                 2                      4                 1 40

summer camp - students                                     5                4                      4                      1         2                   5                1                 1 37                                        1              1           1                  3                   1                 1                      5                 5 22
alumni maps - jobs/info/salary                             2                1                      5                      5         2                   1                2                 3 27                                        2              3           3                  4                   4                 5                      4                 2 39
See ID 2.0 / AlumniNet 2.0                                 3                4                      5                      5         5                   5                3                 5 48                                        1              3           1                  1                   1                 5                      5                 5 28
ID alumni reunion                                          1                1                      5                      5         3                   1                3                 4 28                                        5              4           4                  4                   4                 5                      5                 3 50 for ID                                           5                5                      5                      5         5                   5                3                 3 50                                        1              1           3                  2                   2                 5                      5                 5 30
id widget: push /pull                                      1                5                      5                      3         5                   1                5                 1 32                                        1              1           1                  1                   1                 4                      5                 4 22
ID lecture series                                          1                5                      5                      4         5                   2                5                 5 41                                        5              3           4                  4                   5                 5                      5                 3 51
meetID - videos, interviews, tours                         5                4                      2                      5         3                   4                3                 5 44                                        5              4           5                  5                   5                 3                      5                 2 50
alumni relations & recruits                                1                4                      5                      5         1                   1                1                 5 29                                        5              3           5                  4                   5                 5                      5                 2 50
concept refinement                                                                                      24
                                                                              That gave us a refined position map
                                                                              with more accurate measurements of
                                                                              where ideas were positioning.

           refined concept position-map
                                      alum                    Id lecture video
                              ID   relations&                   series interviews &
                           reunion recruiting                              tours

                       alum maps:                      ID - bIz.
ID value

                                                                                SeeID 2.0/
                                                                               AlumNet 2.0

                                        Id widget   summer camp ID
                                        push/pull      students

low                                                                                                          high
                                         student needs
concept refinement                  25

The team did an in class exercise with
scenario planning which revealed further
interesting directions.
concept refinement                                                                      26
                     By looking at trends in graduate school communities from our
                     research, we rated them on significance and uncertainty. We
                     saw that the ability of the students to customize their outgoing
                     message and the way business connects to students were our
                     potential BLIND SPOTS in terms of concept ideas.
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice
ID Community of Practice

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ID Community of Practice

  • 1. 1 institute of design community of practice Johnghee Choi * Rob Murray * Patricia Kelton * Seth Kutnick * Susan Stirling
  • 2. 2 project goal: This is a story about us and our future. The reality is that ID can be a very overwhelming experience. create a platform for the This is because in the short period of time we are here we have to process significant amounts of information from multiple sources. We choose classes, learn methods ID Community to and apply them, and then in addition to all of this we need to find a job. One of the most important reasons we are at ID is to build a advance our communal network of lifelong relationships. Imagine something which could make all of and individual design this a little bit easier. What might that look like? This presentation is the result of a disciplines. collaboration with another class– Social Networking Workshop Spring 2008 taught by Rachel Powers. The topic of that other class was Communities of Practice. The charge of the class was to create a working prototype. Synthesis was meant to help generate more concepts. Patricia Kelton and Robert Murray were in that class and brought the assignment/topic to this Synthesis class.
  • 3. problem framing 3 opportunity map landscape of stakeholders support connect jobs network connect support Found trends methods MDM Phd methods alum trends MBA/ MDes MDes network jobs current board info IIT funding sponsors interns ID students employee orient staff future iit student ideas We looked at the landscape using an opportunity mind map to visually represent faculty access the various stakeholders and some core needs. It was also clear the alumni group was and is more separate then the other stakeholders. Our goal was to generate info visiting concepts that would bring alumni closer to and become the focus of an ID Community of Practice. conf comm adj full
  • 5. sensing intent 5 research with a range of subjects: prospects, students, alumni, faculty, staff •survey monkey •interviews •secondary research - previous design work - competitors networks Research was done by both classes and included primary and secondary research, as well as an audit of past efforts and an audit of competitor networks. (See apprendix)
  • 6. sensing intent 6 We created personas to better characterize the needs of the core stakeholders. But it personas became clear that we needed to add a fourth stakeholder – staff/faculty, Prospective Current Student Alumni Dan has been working as an electrical Tracy is a second year MDes student Jaime graduated from ID three years ago. engineer since college. He enjoys his focusing on Design Research. She has She has been working as an innovation work but really wants to focus more on enjoyed learning the various design strategist for a design consultancy firm. the actual needs of people. He hears methods but is unsure when to apply Jaime loves the work she is doing but about an ID open house from a friend. certain methods to certain projects. She would like to incorporate more of the After attending, he is completely blown has tried the methods wiki on seeID but methods he learned at ID into her away by their human centered approach. finds it to be a huge abyss of methods practice. She has been advocating the ID If he could, he would start tomorrow. without any information as to how she way but is convinced that his argument After that initial excitement has worn off, should apply them. Questions Tracy would be more effective if she had access Dan is left with a few questions… commonly has are… to more past and current ID projects. She would also like to maintain some ID • What type of jobs • What methods should I use connections while making some new will I be qualified for for my research workshop project? ones. Jaime wants to know… once I finish ID? • How have these • What types of projects • What exactly is methods been utilized in is ID currently working on? Design Planning and why other ID projects and is it that no one has heard of it? real life scenarios? • What are other ID Alumni doing? Where are they? • Should I get a Mac or a PC? • Who would be the best professor to talk to about • How can I best utilize ID methods these methods? into my current practice?
  • 7. observations 7 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to Wish to be able to picture themselves in the feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with succeed and invest personal facility and functioning with the student very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted physical school (even in chicago) time and energy to facilitate body and faculty in order to assist with some anger over disorganization/lack communication alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto decision making. Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends know that students are did school accept me? Why will i succeed here? attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends dissatisfied but don’t have feel no real advisor / too busy an answer Want to compare program with others but Curious / overwhelmed by student body. have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni aware of growing find it difficult to understand the jargon and Language / cultural barriers inhibit - some success competition from business & cut through the corporate message to get at Feel intimidated by some. technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school design schools, concern truth. Find hard to connect to others alumni contact info not up to date about higher tuition & no undergrad to feed school programs all seem same - value student / there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni feel business press is alumni comments as more authentic misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down know can contact anyone with positive response powerful marketing tool tight connection to “class” shared understanding / process / interests - pride of knowledge faculty visibility is critical if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to confusion over method & class material access after feel business / foundation extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to understand info - particularly to register graduation relationship is critical for feel comfortable. Felt the information was ID jargon gets in way at first not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other class content, internships, candid & meaningful. networked groups hiring, and funding Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED rely on word of mouth for in different places. no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE marketing of ID - therefor loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded like to attend ID conferences concerned about lack of have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to connection to alumni implement Thought income survey very useful. But can’t connect case histories / methods have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, have supported many didn’t have a clear understanding of what no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects alumni chapters, uses email activities: id wiki, id website, the positions entailed: day to day activities, anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion would like an automatic feed recruit id, design workshops, requirements for, career trajectories. confusion over method & class material access after graduation want to share interviews with stakeholder not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates want job / contact info time starved time starved time starved pressed for budget stressed out over decision MDM - competing family obligations must be effortless pressed for time concerned about cost stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria concerned about money competing family obligations From the research data and clustering, hopeful about future dealing with too much info we captured a host of observations for using ID prospective student yahoo group students HOPE alumni network is strong concerned about future direction of school FOUR key stakeholders. about future the concerned for information - finds some of content network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about concerned about maintaining quality of graduates direction of school alarming and confusing alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions wish alumni job network was more complete raising quality of graduates
  • 8. observations & insights 8 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to Wish to be able to picture themselves in the feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with succeed and invest personal facility and functioning with the student very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted physical school (even in chicago) time and energy to facilitate body and faculty in order to assist with some anger over disorganization/lack communication alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto decision making. Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends know that students are did school accept me? Why will i succeed here? attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends dissatisfied but don’t have Students, prospects & alumni feel no real advisor / too busy an answer Want to compare program with others but find it difficult to understand the jargon and all value community. Curious / overwhelmed by student body. Language / cultural barriers inhibit have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni - some success aware of growing competition from business & cut through the corporate message to get at Feel intimidated by some. technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school design schools, concern truth. Individuals associated Find hard to connect to others alumni contact info not up to date about higher tuition & no undergrad to feed school programs all seem same - value student / alumni comments as more authentic with ID are supportive of there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down tight connection to “class” feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni know can contact anyone with positive response shared understanding / process / interests - pride of feel business press is powerful marketing tool their colleagues & make knowledge faculty visibility is critical if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to a serious effort to help. confusion over method & class material access after feel business / foundation extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to understand info - particularly to register graduation relationship is critical for feel comfortable. Felt the information was ID jargon gets in way at first not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other class content, internships, candid & meaningful. networked groups hiring, and funding Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED rely on word of mouth for in different places. no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE marketing of ID - therefor loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded like to attend ID conferences concerned about lack of have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to connection to alumni implement Thought income survey very useful. But can’t connect case histories / methods have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, have supported many didn’t have a clear understanding of what no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects alumni chapters, uses email activities: id wiki, id website, the positions entailed: day to day activities, anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion would like an automatic feed recruit id, design workshops, requirements for, career trajectories. confusion over method & class material access after graduation want to share interviews with stakeholder not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates want job / contact info time starved time starved time starved pressed for budget stressed out over decision MDM - competing family obligations must be effortless pressed for time concerned about cost stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria concerned about money competing family obligations hopeful about future dealing with too much info using ID prospective student yahoo group students HOPE alumni network is strong concerned about future direction of school concerned about future for information - finds some of content network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about concerned about maintaining quality of graduates direction of school alarming and confusing alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions wish alumni job network was more complete raising quality of graduates
  • 9. observations & insights 9 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to Wish to be able to picture themselves in the feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with succeed and invest personal facility and functioning with the student very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted physical school (even in chicago) time and energy to facilitate body and faculty in order to assist with some anger over disorganization/lack communication alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto decision making. Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends know that students are did school accept me? Why will i succeed here? attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends dissatisfied but don’t have feel no real advisor / too busy an answer Want to compare program with others but Curious / overwhelmed by student body. have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni aware of growing find it difficult to understand the jargon and Language / cultural barriers inhibit - some success competition from business & cut through the corporate message to get at truth. Feel intimidated by some. Find hard to connect to others Social / Professional technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school alumni contact info not up to date design schools, concern about higher tuition & no undergrad to feed school programs all seem same - value student / alumni comments as more authentic there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down networking is becoming feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni know can contact anyone with positive response feel business press is powerful marketing tool tight connection to “class” shared understanding / process / interests - pride of an increasingly powerful knowledge faculty visibility is critical if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to understand info - particularly to register mode of communication: confusion over method & class material access after graduation feel business / foundation relationship is critical for feel comfortable. Felt the information was ID jargon gets in way at first not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other class content, internships, candid & meaningful. perceived as authentic & networked groups hiring, and funding trustworthy Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED rely on word of mouth for in different places. no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE marketing of ID - therefor loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded like to attend ID conferences concerned about lack of have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to connection to alumni implement Thought income survey very useful. But can’t connect case histories / methods have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, have supported many didn’t have a clear understanding of what no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects alumni chapters, uses email activities: id wiki, id website, the positions entailed: day to day activities, anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion would like an automatic feed recruit id, design workshops, requirements for, career trajectories. confusion over method & class material access after graduation want to share interviews with stakeholder not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates want job / contact info time starved time starved time starved pressed for budget stressed out over decision MDM - competing family obligations must be effortless pressed for time concerned about cost stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria concerned about money competing family obligations hopeful about future dealing with too much info using ID prospective student yahoo group students HOPE alumni network is strong concerned about future direction of school concerned about future for information - finds some of content network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about concerned about maintaining quality of graduates direction of school alarming and confusing alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions wish alumni job network was more complete raising quality of graduates
  • 10. observations & insights 10 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to Wish to be able to picture themselves in the feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with succeed and invest personal facility and functioning with the student very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted physical school (even in chicago) time and energy to facilitate body and faculty in order to assist with some anger over disorganization/lack communication alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto decision making. Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends know that students are did school accept me? Why will i succeed here? attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends dissatisfied but don’t have feel no real advisor / too busy an answer Want to compare program with others but Curious / overwhelmed by student body. have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni aware of growing find it difficult to understand the jargon and Language / cultural barriers inhibit - some success competition from business & cut through the corporate message to get at Feel intimidated by some. technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school design schools, concern truth. Find hard to connect to others alumni contact info not up to date about higher tuition & no undergrad to feed school programs all seem same - value student / there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni feel business press is alumni comments as more authentic misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down know can contact anyone with positive response powerful marketing tool tight connection to “class” shared understanding / process / interests - pride of knowledge faculty visibility is critical if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to confusion over method & class material access after feel business / foundation extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to understand info - particularly to register graduation relationship is critical for feel comfortable. Felt the information was ID jargon gets in way at first not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other class content, internships, candid & meaningful. networked groups hiring, and funding Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED rely on word of mouth for in different places. no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE marketing of ID - therefor Greater levels of satisfaction loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc like to attend ID conferences find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to concerned about lack of connection to alumni implement Thought income survey very useful. But didn’t have a clear understanding of what with an ID education relates can’t connect case histories / methods no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, alumni chapters, uses email have supported many activities: id wiki, id website, to greater involvement the positions entailed: day to day activities, anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion would like an automatic feed recruit id, design workshops, requirements for, career trajectories. confusion over method & class material access after graduation want to share interviews with stakeholder not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates want job / contact info time starved stressed out over decision with & loyalty to the ID time starved MDM - competing family obligations time starved must be effortless pressed for budget pressed for time concerned about cost stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria community, both while in the concerned about money hopeful about future competing family obligations dealing with too much info using ID prospective student yahoo group for information - finds some of content alarming and confusing program & after graduation. students HOPE alumni network is strong network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about concerned about future direction of school concerned about maintaining quality of graduates concerned about future direction of school alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions wish alumni job network was more complete raising quality of graduates
  • 11. observations & insights 11 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to Wish to be able to picture themselves in the feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact with succeed and invest personal facility and functioning with the student very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted physical school (even in chicago) time and energy to facilitate body and faculty in order to assist with some anger over disorganization/lack communication alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - no auto decision making. Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why recent grads feel anxious about continued access to trends know that students are Seek resources which did school accept me? Why will i succeed here? feel no real advisor / too busy attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry trends dissatisfied but don’t have an answer Want to compare program with others but quickly allow them to Curious / overwhelmed by student body. have attempted to create virtual connections with other alumni aware of growing find it difficult to understand the jargon and stay current with design / Language / cultural barriers inhibit - some success competition from business & cut through the corporate message to get at Feel intimidated by some. technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school design schools, concern truth. Find hard to connect to others alumni contact info not up to date about higher tuition & no cultural / tech. / business undergrad to feed school programs all seem same - value student / there are cliques & divisions amongst students: MDM/Mdes feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni feel business press is alumni comments as more authentic misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking them down know can contact anyone with positive response powerful marketing tool trends - particularly the tight connection to “class” shared understanding / process / interests - pride of knowledge faculty visibility is critical extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to integration of these. if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want multiple ways to understand info - particularly to register confusion over method & class material access after graduation feel business / foundation relationship is critical for This is a priority. feel comfortable. Felt the information was ID jargon gets in way at first not using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & other class content, internships, candid & meaningful. networked groups hiring, and funding Found website confusing - different answers don’t know what other students are doing - no auto sharing not convinced ID can add value after graduation -NO NEED rely on word of mouth for in different places. no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts in shared database TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING I CAN USE marketing of ID - therefor loss of info because not shared with all & not recorded like to attend ID conferences concerned about lack of have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, etc find principles relevant - but a frameworks impractical to connection to alumni implement Thought income survey very useful. But can’t connect case histories / methods have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, linkdin, have supported many didn’t have a clear understanding of what no time to browse through many databases to get info for projects alumni chapters, uses email activities: id wiki, id website, the positions entailed: day to day activities, anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion would like an automatic feed recruit id, design workshops, requirements for, career trajectories. confusion over method & class material access after graduation want to share interviews with stakeholder not clear on alumni net & official organizations for graduates want job / contact info time starved time starved time starved pressed for budget stressed out over decision MDM - competing family obligations must be effortless pressed for time concerned about cost stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria concerned about money competing family obligations hopeful about future dealing with too much info using ID prospective student yahoo group students HOPE alumni network is strong concerned about future direction of school concerned about future for information - finds some of content network vs community - connected by content not social - curious about concerned about maintaining quality of graduates direction of school alarming and confusing alumni- this grows stronger as closer to graduation doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions wish alumni job network was more complete raising quality of graduates
  • 12. observations & insights 12 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. Wish to what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to succeed be able to picture themselves in the facility and feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact functioning with the student body and faculty in very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted with physical school (even in chicago) order to assist with decision making. some anger over disorganization/lack alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - communication no auto the great Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was correct decision. Why did school accept me? Why will i succeed here? satisfied recent grads feel anxious about continued access to know that students are dissatisfied but don’t have an trends attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry answer majority value students stay feel no real advisor / too busy trends Want to compare program with others but find it Curious / overwhelmed by student body. have attempted to create virtual connections with aware of growing competition from business & community involved difficult to understand the jargon and cut through Language / cultural barriers inhibit other alumni - some success design schools the corporate message to get at truth. Feel intimidated by some. technical difficulties staying virtually connected with Find hard to connect to others school alumni contact info not up to date programs all seem same - value student / alumni there are cliques & divisions amongst students: feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni NA comments as more authentic MDM/Mdes know can contact anyone with positive response misunderstanding & increases cliches vs breaking shared understanding / process / interests - pride of them down knowledge tight connection to “class” if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - want confusion over method & class material access after NA extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to feel multiple ways to understandWe summarized the core observations info - particularly to graduation comfortable. Felt the information was candid & register into these core insights using alumni net - get contacts through seeid & not meaningful. ID jargon gets in way at first other networked groups Found website confusing - different answers in don’t know what other students are doing - no not convinced ID can add value after graduation - NA different places. auto sharing NO NEED TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS quickly allow social and no way to easily record / share links, info, thoughts NOTHING I CAN USE in shared database like to attend ID conferences loss of info because not shared with all & not find principles relevant - but a frameworks Thought income survey very useful. But didn’t have recorded can’t connect case histories / methods impractical to implement have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, have supported many activities: id wiki, id website, them to stay professional a clear understanding of what the positions entailed: have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, no time to browse through many databases to get linkdin, alumni chapters, uses email recruit id, design workshops, interviews with day to day activities, requirements for, career linkdin, etc info for projects would like an automatic feed stakeholder trajectories. anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion want to share current networking confusion over method & class material access want job / contact info time starved after graduation time starved time starved pressed for budget stressed out over decision not clear on alumni net & official organizations for MDM - competing family obligations must be effortless pressed for time concerned about cost graduates stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria concerned about money competing family obligations hopeful about future dealing with too much info NA students HOPE alumni network is strong concerned about future direction of school concerned about future direction of school network vs community - connected by content not concerned about maintaining quality of graduates concerned about maintaining quality of graduates social - curious about alumni- this grows stronger doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions as closer to graduation wish alumni job network was more complete
  • 13. principles 13 observation insight principle Seeid, website, IDwiki, ID blogs, methods & processes are valued but not easy to provide multiple searchable views of the access & located in multiple locations methods information connectivity “burn out” too much effort to people are overwhelmed with info allow filtering of content - so that individual maintain & review can customize both the quantity and the viewpoint and only what is pertinent them content many are “link-crazed” and compares book staying abreast of trends is a goal shared by the make it easy to share & organize link lists, link lists, bookmarking sites, etc. ID community many informal networks have been created everyone seeks information and keeps multiple utilize the power of collective contributions to data bases for personal use add value - this will drive loyalty and provide for content alumni net is underutilized and has no new communities only survive if the individuals this platform will be organic- it will be self content involved gain value from participationWe then furtherdefining in observations and relevant and refined our order to remain continue to exist generated insights and principles for design ideas. The principles clustered into larger increasing participation on linkdin, facebook, social & professional networks are increasinglyContent – Network “node” rather than simply a link themes of become the and Offline network flickr, blogs, etc valued related activities. other nodes to frustration over lack of change - students just would be more involved if felt opinions / provide opportunity for feedback on classes, give up viewpoint were valued faculty, direction of school were unlikely to attend ID activities if hadn’t a mix of physical and virtual interaction creates encourage multiple types of connection: personally met the current student body a stronger community physical & virtual offline drop off of involvement with Id increases as automatically join in ID community throughout integrate entire population - involve in same time from graduation increases, partially fueled academic career will encourage continued community from beginning of school by lack of physical connection participation after graduation throughout career
  • 14. 14 early synthesis: concept matrix and grouping positioning map refined positioning map trend list scenarios
  • 15. exploring concepts 15 content We conducted a brainstorming session to generate point ideas in terms of the three themes. We were able to further align the concepts into activity themes you see along the top of this matrix. network offline
  • 16. exploring concepts 16 content network offline Really ??? prospects need to research independently & through conversation
  • 17. exploring concepts 17 content network offline Just linkedIN? students want to understand larger context of their education
  • 18. exploring concepts 18 content network offline How fast? alumni will only participate if it is fast / easy / and creates value for them
  • 19. exploring concepts 19 content network offline Karma! create positive word-of-mouth about ID through satisfied community
  • 20. exploring concepts 20 prospect students alumni staff/faculty want to “experience” the potential school. Wish to be what will this be like? who are these new students? want students / alums to succeed able to picture themselves in the facility and feel insecure about ability to succeed, as personal contacts move on alumni loose contact functioning with the student body and faculty in order very disoriented at first. 1st quarter is wasted with physical school (even in chicago) to assist with decision making. some anger over disorganization/lack alumni reach out in order to maintain contact - communication no auto Anxious about value of education. Buyers remorse? - want reassurance that this was recent grads feel anxious about continued access to know that students are dissatisfied but don’t have an correct decision. Why did school accept me? Why trends answer will i succeed here? attend 1 - 4 conferences per year to stay industry Really? Karma! feel no real advisor / too busy trends Want to compare program with others but find it Curious / overwhelmed by student body. have attempted to create virtual connections with aware of growing competition from business & difficult to understand the jargon and cut through the Language / cultural barriers inhibit other alumni - some success design schools “I need to know everything” corporate message to get at truth. Feel intimidated by some. Find hard to connect to others “ID needs positive word of mouth” technical difficulties staying virtually connected with school alumni contact info not up to date programs all seem same - value student / alumni there are cliques & divisions amongst students: feel instant rapport & respect from other alumni NA comments as more authentic MDM/Mdes know can contact anyone with positive response misunderstanding & increases cliches vs shared understanding / process / interests - pride of breaking them down knowledge tight connection to “class” We then grouped some ideas along the lines if come to ID to visit believe that everyone is hard to understand official class descriptions - confusion over method & class material access after NA extremely helpful. Was uniformly made to feel of the stakeholders: students, prospects, want multiple ways to understand info - graduation comfortable. Felt the information was candid & particularly to register staff, and alumni. We also gave names net the contacts through seeid & not using alumni to - get meaningful. ID jargon gets in way at first grouped ideas. other networked groups Found website confusing - different answers in don’t know what other students are doing - no not convinced ID can add value after graduation - NA different places. auto sharing NO NEED TO VISIT BECAUSE THERE IS no way to easily record / share links, info, NOTHING I CAN USE thoughts in shared database like to attend ID conferences loss of info because not shared with all & not find principles relevant - but a frameworks Thought income survey very useful. But didn’t have a recorded impractical to implement can’t connect case histories / methods have tried many things to connect: flickr, facebook, have supported many activities: id wiki, id website, How fast? have tried many things to connect: flickr, Just linkedIN? clear understanding of what the positions entailed: no time to browse through many databases to get linkdin, alumni chapters, uses email recruit id, design workshops, interviews with day to day activities, requirements for, career facebook, linkdin, etc info for projects would like an automatic feed stakeholder trajectories. anger over inefficiency - can’t feedback/opinion want to share confusion over method & class material access want job / contact info after graduation time starved “I need fast and easy information” stressed out over decision time starved not clear on alumni net & official organizations for MDM - competing family obligations graduates “What methods should I use and when?” time starved must be effortless pressed for budget pressed for time concerned about cost stressed out struggling for personal life balance pressed for staff confused about criteria concerned about money competing family obligations hopeful about future dealing with too much info NA students HOPE alumni network is strong concerned about future direction of school concerned about future direction of school network vs community - connected by content concerned about maintaining quality of graduates concerned about maintaining quality of graduates not social - curious about alumni- this grows doesn’t feel ID values feedback/opinions stronger as closer to graduation wish alumni job network was more complete
  • 21. exploring concepts 21 Using other tools, we aligned the point concepts on a two by two chart of ID Business Values vs ID Student Needs. High 1st concept position-map ID interns (summer) Huch’s workshop (summer) Filterable Mid-semester information ID summer camp for evaluation Alum contact Business information Video events Big event (alum/students) Class Site visit You tube rating videos Suggestion box “Design in Action” - Stronger IIT links connection transparency Transparency Events w/application process Design school ID value Forum Job bank ID portfolios Methods Hot Link to desktop Mentor program ID reunion Book list ID alumni magazine Alumni Online Chapters resources Information connections to Case histories ID dirctory other schools Merchandise Low High Student needs
  • 22. concept refinement 22 concept criteria student criteria: staff criteria: financial aid fundraising engaging experience faculty networking / community partnerships jobs high quality students knowledge / learn visibility nuts & bolts alum relationships industry trends prospective students school brand retention
  • 23. concept refinement 23 The two by two was initially a guess until we scored the ideas and weighted refined concept scoring the results by user value business value criteria 2.1 1.6 0.8 1.6 2.4 1.6 1.6 1.6 user value criteria 2.1 1.4 1.3 0.7 0.7 2.1 1.4 1.4 networking / community prospective students high quality students engaging experience alum relationships knowledge / learn industry trends school brand partnerships nuts & bolts financial aid fundraising retention visibility faculty total total jobs concepts summer camps - biz 3 4 4 3 4 1 4 5 37 2 1 5 4 5 2 4 1 40 summer camp - students 5 4 4 1 2 5 1 1 37 1 1 1 3 1 1 5 5 22 alumni maps - jobs/info/salary 2 1 5 5 2 1 2 3 27 2 3 3 4 4 5 4 2 39 See ID 2.0 / AlumniNet 2.0 3 4 5 5 5 5 3 5 48 1 3 1 1 1 5 5 5 28 ID alumni reunion 1 1 5 5 3 1 3 4 28 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 50 for ID 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 50 1 1 3 2 2 5 5 5 30 id widget: push /pull 1 5 5 3 5 1 5 1 32 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 4 22 ID lecture series 1 5 5 4 5 2 5 5 41 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 3 51 meetID - videos, interviews, tours 5 4 2 5 3 4 3 5 44 5 4 5 5 5 3 5 2 50 alumni relations & recruits 1 4 5 5 1 1 1 5 29 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 2 50
  • 24. concept refinement 24 That gave us a refined position map with more accurate measurements of where ideas were positioning. high refined concept position-map alum Id lecture video ID relations& series interviews & reunion recruiting tours summer-camp alum maps: ID - bIz. jobs/info/salary ID value ID SeeID 2.0/ AlumNet 2.0 Id widget summer camp ID push/pull students low high student needs
  • 25. concept refinement 25 trends The team did an in class exercise with scenario planning which revealed further interesting directions.
  • 26. concept refinement 26 By looking at trends in graduate school communities from our research, we rated them on significance and uncertainty. We saw that the ability of the students to customize their outgoing message and the way business connects to students were our potential BLIND SPOTS in terms of concept ideas.