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POC SQL Server 2014 
División Gestión del Riesgo en 
Rubro Bancario. 
Sebastián Rodríguez Robotham 
11 de Junio 2014.
Resultados POC y 
Contexto División 
Riesgos y 
Arquitectura DW 
POC – Objetivos y 
Plan de Trabajo
• Gestión de Riesgo Crediticio: 
Posible Pérdida que asume un banco como 
consecuencia del inclumplimiento de 
obligaciones contraidas por un cliente. 
• El que cobra primero cobra mejor. 
• Clientes Buenos NO ESPERAN.
Areas y Procesos Involucrados 
- Riesgo Personas. 
- Riesgo Empresas. 
- Riesgo Pyme. 
- Modelos & Herramientas. 
- Banca Comercial. 
Ciclo de Vida del Cliente (Visión Riesgo Crediticio) 
Tipos de Usuarios 
de Negocio 
Fuentes de Datos 
- Excel 
- TXT 
- CSV 
- SQL 2000 - 2005 
- Oracle 
- Access 
Algunos Datos Adicionales… 
- Cerca de 55 Proceso de Carga Diarios. 
- Tiempo de Proceso: 2 ½ horas. 
- Todo se hace con T-SQL: 
- Conectar con FTP y descargar archivos. 
- Cargar fuentes de datos automáticas. 
- Procesamiento diario automático 
- Envío de correos y notificaciones. 
- 1.600 millones de filas. 
- 10 Cubos. 
- 27 Dimensiones. 
- 150 usuarios. 
- 1TB información comprimida (2008-R2) 
- Modificaciones de datos y estructuras es muy 
- Implementado en ROLAP. 
8 núcleos de 2.3GHz (Intel Xeon E5-2630), 38GB Ram, 2TB Disco Duro, 
Windows Server X64 Enterprise 2008R2, SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 
Tipo de Modelo Tablas sin índices Tablas 3FN Modelo Estrella 
Cargas / Limpieza 
Trazabilidad, Reglas 
de Negocio 
Reporting, Versión 
única de la verdad. 
A. Bajo impacto de error al 
modificar una Fuente de Datos. 
B. Alto grado de trazabilidad de la 
información: Auditorías. 
C. Permite modificar fácilmente 
lógicas de negocio en las cargas 
de dimensiones. 
D. Fácil administración de 
Filegroup / Particiones / Backup 
E. Adaptabilidad a cambios en el 
Resultados POC y 
Contexto División 
Riesgos y 
Arquitectura DW 
POC – Objetivos y 
Plan de Trabajo
Objetivos POC 
Objetivo General 
Probar las nuevas funcionalidades de SQL Server 2014 para 
- Mejorar el rendimiento de almacenamiento 
- Mejorar el rendimiento de tiempo de respuestas de consultas 
- Mejorar el rendimiento de tiempo en procesos de carga. 
Agilidad / Eficiencia Analistas 
Oportunidad de la información 
- Tiempos de Respuesta: disminuir consultas más pesadas (sobre 30 segundos) 
- Disponibilidad: Antes de las 9:00 hrs; lo antes posible cuando hay retrasos. 
- Compresión: Aumentar información histórica disponible en Datamart. 
- Administración: Simplicidad por enfoque NO OPERADOR
Arquitectura: Cambios en el modelo. 
SQL Server 2014 In-Memory 
ColumnStore, Row 
SQL Server 2008 
Tablas sin índices ClusterIndex, FK ClusterIndex, Indices 
A. Mínimo 3 ejecuciones en cada 
B. Comparaciones son en base a 
Plan de Pruebas 
Planificación de Actividades. 
A. Creación de script de bases de 
B. Poblar información real. 
C. Pruebas de ejecución de 
D. Pruebas con usuarios finales en 
ambiente real. 
Pruebas a Realizar en cada Ambiente 
Optimización Carga de 
Optimización Procesamiento 
de datos 
Optimización de Consultas. 
Optimización Procesamiento 
de Datos 
Optimización de Consultas 
Mejoramiento en 
Administración del ambiente 
Mejoramiento en Backup 
Mejoramiento Accesibilidad 
Usuarios Finales.
Resultados POC y 
Contexto División 
Riesgos y 
Arquitectura DW 
POC – Objetivos y 
Plan de Trabajo
dbcc DropCleanBuffers 
Elimina todo el contenido de páginas de datos que existen 
en memoria. 
dbcc FreeProcCache 
Elimina todos los planes de ejecución de la caché de 
dbcc FreeSystemCache('ALL') 
Libera todas las entradas de caché no utilizadas de todas las 
memorias caché. 
dbcc FreeSessionCache 
Vacía la memoria caché de conexión de las consultas 
distribuidas utilizada por las consultas distribuidas con una 
instancia de Microsoft SQL Server.
Resultados: Carga de Información. 
# Prueba 
Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) 
Información de la prueba. 
- Tablas con 1 millón de registros. 
- 207 campos. 
- Números en formato texto con separadores 
- Fechas en formato texto. 
% Mejora 
In-Memory (mm:ss) 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Ejecución procedimiento 
almacenado de carga de archivo 
fuente de información 
12:49 12:49 12:49 12:49 17:57 17:57 17:57 17:57 -0:05:08 -40,05% 10:08 10:08 10:08 10:08 02:41 20,94% 
- Carga de información diaria es 21% más rápida 
con tablas en memoria 
- Beneficio impacta directamente disponibilidad 
de información diaria.
Resultados: Procesamiento de Información 
# Prueba 
Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) 
% Mejora 
In-Memory (mm:ss) 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Nueva columna en dimensión: 
crear, actualizar y alterar (no nulos) 
17:32 17:32 17:32 17:32 34:15 34:15 34:15 34:15 -0:16:43 -95,34% 
Actualización de campo en tabla de 
01:05 01:58 01:11 01:25 04:26 05:06 04:52 04:48 -0:03:23 -240,16% 00:17 00:23 00:18 00:19 01:05 77,17% 
Actualización de campos en tabla 
de dimensión 
01:34 01:30 01:24 01:29 05:02 04:53 05:04 05:00 -0:03:30 -235,45% 00:18 00:16 00:17 00:17 01:12 80,97% 
Actualización de campos en tabla 
de dimensión con filtro 
01:24 00:49 01:10 01:08 03:28 03:25 03:46 03:33 -0:02:25 -214,78% 00:12 00:14 00:12 00:13 00:55 81,28% 
5 Eliminación simple de filas con filtro 00:47 00:51 01:26 01:01 00:45 00:14 00:14 00:24 00:37 60,33% 00:02 00:15 00:01 00:06 00:55 90,22% 
Información de la prueba. 
- Tablas con 1 millón de registros. 
- 42 y 109 campos. 
- Procesamiento de información es 6 veces más 
rápido con tablas en memoria 
- Beneficio impacta directamente disponibilidad 
de información diaria y reprocesos.
Resultados: Ejecución de Consultas (Querys) 
# Prueba 
Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) 
% Mejora 
In-Memory (mm:ss) 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Estadísticas básicas de tabla 
TabFAC_DeudaAnaMes_2 con filtro 
01:19 01:05 01:10 01:11 00:04 00:04 00:03 00:04 01:08 94,86% 
Consulta típica sobre tabla de 
hechos cruzada con tablas de 
dimensiones con filtro, agrupación 
y orden 
00:32 00:31 00:31 00:31 00:09 00:09 00:09 00:09 00:22 71,28% 
Cruce de tabla in-memory con tabla 
de diferente tipo (normal, column 
store e in-memory) 
03:15 03:02 03:18 03:12 01:39 01:34 01:04 01:26 01:46 55,30% 01:19 01:20 01:20 01:20 01:52 58,43% 
Información de la prueba. 
- Tablas con 90 millones de registros. 
- 159 campos. 
- Querys adhoc son 3 veces más rápidas 
utilizando tablas columnares. 
- Mejora en procesos de usuarios avanzados.
Resultados: Ejecución de Consultas (SRD) 
# Prueba 
Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) 
% Mejora 
In-Memory (mm:ss) 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 
Informe SRD: Análisis CV Cliente 
01:35 01:10 01:16 01:20 00:21 00:21 00:20 00:21 01:00 74,27% 
Informe SRD: Primas de Riesgo por 
02:33 01:14 01:12 01:40 00:41 00:12 00:11 00:21 01:18 78,60% 
3 Informe SRD: CM IMC Convenios 03:12 01:39 01:45 02:12 00:53 00:23 00:23 00:33 01:39 75,00% 
Información de la prueba. 
- Tablas con 90 millones de registros. 
- 159 campos. 
- Sistema de Reportes es 5 veces más rápido 
utilizando tablas columnares. 
- Mejora en Reporting diarios y mensuales, 
ejecutado por analistas de negocio.
Resultados: Pruebas de Almacenamiento. 
Tipos de Tablas Tablas 
Normales (MB) 
Ahorro en 
N° Filas 
Dimensiones 3.684 935 2.749 (75%) 35.515.177 
Hechos 54.823 40.141 14.642 (27%) 459.148.171 
Total 58.507 41.116 17.391 (30%) 494.663.348 
Información de la prueba. 
- Servidor 200GB espacio disponible 
- Tablas fueron cargadas parcialmente para 
realizer pruebas. 
- 80% de columnas en tablas de hechos son datos 
numéricos (deudas, dias de mora, flujos…) 
- Con esta configuración se puede mejorar en 
30% el rendimiento de compresión de datos, 
sin perjudicar rendimiento. 
- Ratio puede mejorar incorporando Archival 
Resultados: Resumen 
Pruebas Realizadas 
Optimización Carga de 
Información: 20% 
Optimización Procesamiento de 
datos: 6X 
Optimización de Consultas: 3X 
Optimización Procesamiento de 
Datos: 6X 
Optimización de Consultas: 5X 
Mejoramiento en 
Administración del ambiente: 
30% almacenamiento 
Mejoramiento en Backup: 
30% almacenamiento 
Mejoramiento Accesibilidad 
Usuarios Finales. 
Impactos de la Implementación 
A. Implementación Manual de 
Integridad Referencial 
• Actualmente implementadas con FK – constraint. 
• Se implementarán triggers tipo “instead of” para 
evitar inconsistencia. 
• Impacto en programación: Bajo. 
B. Consultas entre bases de datos con 
Tablas en Memoria. 
• Ambientes “CARGA” Y “ODS” comparten tablas 
para tareas ETL y traspaso de información entre 
• Se deberán crear tablas de memoria 
especializadas en cada modelo 
• Impacto en programación: Medio.
¿ Preguntas ? 
POC SQL 2014

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POC SQL 2014

  • 1. POC SQL Server 2014 División Gestión del Riesgo en Rubro Bancario. Sebastián Rodríguez Robotham 11 de Junio 2014.
  • 2. Resultados POC y Conclusiones. Contexto División Riesgos y Arquitectura DW Actual. POC – Objetivos y Plan de Trabajo
  • 3. Contexto. • Gestión de Riesgo Crediticio: Posible Pérdida que asume un banco como consecuencia del inclumplimiento de obligaciones contraidas por un cliente. • El que cobra primero cobra mejor. • Clientes Buenos NO ESPERAN.
  • 4. Areas y Procesos Involucrados Gerencias - Riesgo Personas. - Riesgo Empresas. - Riesgo Pyme. - Modelos & Herramientas. - Banca Comercial. Ciclo de Vida del Cliente (Visión Riesgo Crediticio) Tipos de Usuarios Usuarios de Negocio Usuarios Avanzados Administradores
  • 5. Arquitectura Fuentes de Datos - Excel - TXT - CSV - SQL 2000 - 2005 - Oracle - Access Algunos Datos Adicionales… - Cerca de 55 Proceso de Carga Diarios. - Tiempo de Proceso: 2 ½ horas. - ENFOQUE “SIN OPERADOR” - Todo se hace con T-SQL: - Conectar con FTP y descargar archivos. - Cargar fuentes de datos automáticas. - Procesamiento diario automático - Envío de correos y notificaciones. - 1.600 millones de filas. - 10 Cubos. - 27 Dimensiones. - 150 usuarios. - 1TB información comprimida (2008-R2) - Modificaciones de datos y estructuras es muy frecuente - Implementado en ROLAP. 8 núcleos de 2.3GHz (Intel Xeon E5-2630), 38GB Ram, 2TB Disco Duro, Windows Server X64 Enterprise 2008R2, SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise X64.
  • 6. Arquitectura Tipo de Modelo Tablas sin índices Tablas 3FN Modelo Estrella Objetivo Cargas / Limpieza Básica Integridad, Trazabilidad, Reglas de Negocio Reporting, Versión única de la verdad. Características A. Bajo impacto de error al modificar una Fuente de Datos. B. Alto grado de trazabilidad de la información: Auditorías. C. Permite modificar fácilmente lógicas de negocio en las cargas de dimensiones. D. Fácil administración de Filegroup / Particiones / Backup E. Adaptabilidad a cambios en el negocio.
  • 7. Resultados POC y Conclusiones. Contexto División Riesgos y Arquitectura DW Actual. POC – Objetivos y Plan de Trabajo
  • 8. Objetivos POC Objetivo General Probar las nuevas funcionalidades de SQL Server 2014 para - Mejorar el rendimiento de almacenamiento - Mejorar el rendimiento de tiempo de respuestas de consultas - Mejorar el rendimiento de tiempo en procesos de carga. Administración Agilidad / Eficiencia Analistas Oportunidad de la información Específicos - Tiempos de Respuesta: disminuir consultas más pesadas (sobre 30 segundos) - Disponibilidad: Antes de las 9:00 hrs; lo antes posible cuando hay retrasos. - Compresión: Aumentar información histórica disponible en Datamart. - Administración: Simplicidad por enfoque NO OPERADOR
  • 9. Arquitectura: Cambios en el modelo. SQL Server 2014 In-Memory In-Memory, ColumnStore, Row ColumnStore SQL Server 2008 R2 Tablas sin índices ClusterIndex, FK ClusterIndex, Indices Pruebas A. Mínimo 3 ejecuciones en cada prueba B. Comparaciones son en base a RowTables.
  • 10. Plan de Pruebas Planificación de Actividades. A. Creación de script de bases de datos B. Poblar información real. C. Pruebas de ejecución de consultas D. Pruebas con usuarios finales en ambiente real. Pruebas a Realizar en cada Ambiente Ambiente Carga Ambiente ODS Ambiente OLAP Optimización Carga de Información Optimización Procesamiento de datos Optimización de Consultas. Optimización Procesamiento de Datos Optimización de Consultas Mejoramiento en Administración del ambiente Mejoramiento en Backup Mejoramiento Accesibilidad Usuarios Finales.
  • 11. Resultados POC y Conclusiones. Contexto División Riesgos y Arquitectura DW Actual. POC – Objetivos y Plan de Trabajo
  • 12. dbcc DropCleanBuffers Elimina todo el contenido de páginas de datos que existen en memoria. dbcc FreeProcCache Elimina todos los planes de ejecución de la caché de procedimiento dbcc FreeSystemCache('ALL') Libera todas las entradas de caché no utilizadas de todas las memorias caché. dbcc FreeSessionCache Vacía la memoria caché de conexión de las consultas distribuidas utilizada por las consultas distribuidas con una instancia de Microsoft SQL Server.
  • 13. Resultados: Carga de Información. # Prueba Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) Ej Prom Información de la prueba. - Tablas con 1 millón de registros. - 207 campos. - Números en formato texto con separadores - Fechas en formato texto. Diferencia (mm:ss) % Mejora In-Memory (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Mejora Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej Prom 1 Ejecución procedimiento almacenado de carga de archivo fuente de información 12:49 12:49 12:49 12:49 17:57 17:57 17:57 17:57 -0:05:08 -40,05% 10:08 10:08 10:08 10:08 02:41 20,94% Resultados. - Carga de información diaria es 21% más rápida con tablas en memoria - Beneficio impacta directamente disponibilidad de información diaria.
  • 14. Resultados: Procesamiento de Información # Prueba Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Mejora In-Memory (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Mejora Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej Prom 1 Nueva columna en dimensión: crear, actualizar y alterar (no nulos) 17:32 17:32 17:32 17:32 34:15 34:15 34:15 34:15 -0:16:43 -95,34% 2 Actualización de campo en tabla de dimensión 01:05 01:58 01:11 01:25 04:26 05:06 04:52 04:48 -0:03:23 -240,16% 00:17 00:23 00:18 00:19 01:05 77,17% 3 Actualización de campos en tabla de dimensión 01:34 01:30 01:24 01:29 05:02 04:53 05:04 05:00 -0:03:30 -235,45% 00:18 00:16 00:17 00:17 01:12 80,97% 4 Actualización de campos en tabla de dimensión con filtro 01:24 00:49 01:10 01:08 03:28 03:25 03:46 03:33 -0:02:25 -214,78% 00:12 00:14 00:12 00:13 00:55 81,28% 5 Eliminación simple de filas con filtro 00:47 00:51 01:26 01:01 00:45 00:14 00:14 00:24 00:37 60,33% 00:02 00:15 00:01 00:06 00:55 90,22% Información de la prueba. - Tablas con 1 millón de registros. - 42 y 109 campos. Resultados. - Procesamiento de información es 6 veces más rápido con tablas en memoria - Beneficio impacta directamente disponibilidad de información diaria y reprocesos.
  • 15. Resultados: Ejecución de Consultas (Querys) # Prueba Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Mejora In-Memory (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Mejora Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej Prom 1 Estadísticas básicas de tabla TabFAC_DeudaAnaMes_2 con filtro periodo 01:19 01:05 01:10 01:11 00:04 00:04 00:03 00:04 01:08 94,86% 2 Consulta típica sobre tabla de hechos cruzada con tablas de dimensiones con filtro, agrupación y orden 00:32 00:31 00:31 00:31 00:09 00:09 00:09 00:09 00:22 71,28% 3 Cruce de tabla in-memory con tabla de diferente tipo (normal, column store e in-memory) 03:15 03:02 03:18 03:12 01:39 01:34 01:04 01:26 01:46 55,30% 01:19 01:20 01:20 01:20 01:52 58,43% Información de la prueba. - Tablas con 90 millones de registros. - 159 campos. Resultados. - Querys adhoc son 3 veces más rápidas utilizando tablas columnares. - Mejora en procesos de usuarios avanzados.
  • 16. Resultados: Ejecución de Consultas (SRD) # Prueba Normal (mm:ss) Column Store (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Mejora In-Memory (mm:ss) Diferencia (mm:ss) % Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Mejora Ej Prom Ej 1 Ej 2 Ej 3 Ej Prom 1 Informe SRD: Análisis CV Cliente (Judicial) 01:35 01:10 01:16 01:20 00:21 00:21 00:20 00:21 01:00 74,27% 2 Informe SRD: Primas de Riesgo por Producto 02:33 01:14 01:12 01:40 00:41 00:12 00:11 00:21 01:18 78,60% 3 Informe SRD: CM IMC Convenios 03:12 01:39 01:45 02:12 00:53 00:23 00:23 00:33 01:39 75,00% Información de la prueba. - Tablas con 90 millones de registros. - 159 campos. Resultados. - Sistema de Reportes es 5 veces más rápido utilizando tablas columnares. - Mejora en Reporting diarios y mensuales, ejecutado por analistas de negocio.
  • 17. Resultados: Pruebas de Almacenamiento. Tipos de Tablas Tablas Normales (MB) Tablas Columnares (MB) Ahorro en MB N° Filas Dimensiones 3.684 935 2.749 (75%) 35.515.177 Hechos 54.823 40.141 14.642 (27%) 459.148.171 Total 58.507 41.116 17.391 (30%) 494.663.348 Información de la prueba. - Servidor 200GB espacio disponible - Tablas fueron cargadas parcialmente para realizer pruebas. - 80% de columnas en tablas de hechos son datos numéricos (deudas, dias de mora, flujos…) Resultados. - Con esta configuración se puede mejorar en 30% el rendimiento de compresión de datos, sin perjudicar rendimiento. - Ratio puede mejorar incorporando Archival Compression.
  • 18. Resultados: Resumen Pruebas Realizadas Ambiente Carga Ambiente ODS Ambiente OLAP Optimización Carga de Información: 20% Optimización Procesamiento de datos: 6X Optimización de Consultas: 3X Optimización Procesamiento de Datos: 6X Optimización de Consultas: 5X Mejoramiento en Administración del ambiente: 30% almacenamiento Mejoramiento en Backup: 30% almacenamiento Mejoramiento Accesibilidad Usuarios Finales. Impactos de la Implementación A. Implementación Manual de Integridad Referencial • Actualmente implementadas con FK – constraint. • Se implementarán triggers tipo “instead of” para evitar inconsistencia. • Impacto en programación: Bajo. B. Consultas entre bases de datos con Tablas en Memoria. • Ambientes “CARGA” Y “ODS” comparten tablas para tareas ETL y traspaso de información entre modelos. • Se deberán crear tablas de memoria especializadas en cada modelo • Impacto en programación: Medio.

Notas del editor

  1. In this session we will take a closer look at the unique design points of Microsoft SQL Server’s in-memory solution and the significant impact it can have on your business.
  2. This is the track agenda slide, meant to orient your audience on where they are in the day. This session is the first session in the Data Platform track, and should be delivered before “Drive Business Faster with SQL Server 2014 In-Memory Technologies” and “New Hybrid Cloud Scenarios with SQL Server 2014.” Please edit this slide to align with your event’s agenda.
  3. Before we get into the details of in-memory, lets talk about why so many people in today’s business world are interested in this technology. One of the key goals businesses are trying to achieve today is getting to a state—or getting closer to a state—where the business can be driven in real-time, powered by real-time insights. The barriers here are speed and throughput. With data volumes getting larger and larger how do you gain insights quickly across your transactional business, your historical data, third party data (relational or non-relational), so you can make better and faster business decisions. This is the heart of the problem that in-memory technology helps to solve. With Microsoft SQL Server 2014 in-memory technologies built-in across all database workloads, we’ll show how we can drive significantly faster transactions, faster queries and faster insights. It also increases throughput in terms of number of users. The key thing to remember in this presentation is that all of the in-memory capabilities we will share are built into SQL Server 2014, meaning a single sku, not options and add-ons.
  4. Now lets take a closer look at how we can impact your business with our in-memory technology. We are the only provider to date that can speed transactions as well as queries and insights with in-memory technology optimized for each workload: OLTP, data warehousing, and analytics. With our new in-memory OLTP engine in SQL Server 2014, we have customers that have seen up to 30x faster transaction processing. I am not talking about query speed, but actual transaction write speed, up to 30x faster. I know many of you might be thinking, well Oracle and other database vendors are talking 100x. What they are talking about is query speed, not transactional speed. We are the only vendor that delivers an in-memory engine designed for OLTP transaction performance increase. There’s also built-in In-Memory columnstore for data warehousing workloads to speed queries. We were already benchmarking over 100x performance gains with many customers in the SQL Server 2012 release of the in-memory columnstore. With SQL Server 2014, the in-memory columnstore gets even better, we will talk about that in just a few minutes. Again, we can also increase query speed by over 100x. Finally we offer business users the ability to analyze data and data models much faster with built-in in-memory capabilities for Excel through PowerPivot, and Analysis Services. The benefit is that you can analyze billions of rows of data per second in Excel. Meaning a business user can analyze data of nearly any size with the tools they are most familiar with. This is what we mean when we say “driving real-time business with real-time insights.” We can significantly speed your transaction business tied to your revenue stream. We can massively speed the process to analyze both real-time transaction data, along with historical and third party data from IT or business users. This is why we are already seeing in-memory technologies transforming the way businesses run.
  5. Lets start off by taking a look at how in-memory technologies have evolved in SQL Server. This may be a surprise to many of you, but our in-memory journey actually started way back in SQL Server 2008 R2, when our engineering team made a key design decision to build in-memory technology into the core data platform, rather than acquire and stitch in an in-memory solution to run in parallel to the core database. Around this timeframe, both Oracle and IBM went down the acquire-and-stitch route: Oracle acquired TimesTen in-memory database and IBM acquired Natiza. The challenge with the acquire-and-stitch solution is that in-memory impacts to the overall database, which in the past were designed to run on disk. So the challenge we often hear from customers using TimesTen or Natiza is that using in-memory breaks other core DB2 and Oracle database functionality. For example, we have heard from many customers that RAC break when you use TimesTen. Not only is there a functional compatibility issue, the customer is also forced to learn a new set of APIs because it is a completely different database. This is not the design approach we took. We believe our customers want to utilize other key capabilities that SQL Server and the broader Microsoft Data Platform have to offer in conjunction with in-memory. They don’t want to use a different tool set for in-memory database than they do for disk database, they still wan to use T-SQL and SQL Server management when enabling in-memory. This is the unique design approach we took back when we first started improving analytics by building in-memory into PowerPivot for billions for rows of data analysis in Excel. Then in SQL Server 2012, we expanded our in-memory footprint with the same built-in approach by adding in-memory to Analysis Services so IT could build data models much faster, and introduced an in-memory column store that could improve query speeds by 100x. With SQL Server 2014, we are covering the final workload by introducing an in-memory OLTP solution—or in-memory rowstore—to significantly speed transactional performance. We also enhanced the in-memory columnstore with faster performance and significantly higher data compression so memory utilization can be optimized. Now, here’s one point to note if you listened to the keynote at Oracle openworld. Larry announced a new in-memory columnstore that would be built-in to the core database. So as you can see Oracle is following our footsteps and realizing the stitch strategy doesn’t work when it comes to something as critical to the overall database as in-memory. And he also mentioned that it will be an optio—we all know what that means. And their new solution is in an early beta. SQL Server 2014 is our third release of in-memory solutions across the data platform, and in a single sku, no options or add ons.
  6. Lets start off by taking a look at how in-memory technologies have evolved in SQL Server. This may be a surprise to many of you, but our in-memory journey actually started way back in SQL Server 2008 R2, when our engineering team made a key design decision to build in-memory technology into the core data platform, rather than acquire and stitch in an in-memory solution to run in parallel to the core database. Around this timeframe, both Oracle and IBM went down the acquire-and-stitch route: Oracle acquired TimesTen in-memory database and IBM acquired Natiza. The challenge with the acquire-and-stitch solution is that in-memory impacts to the overall database, which in the past were designed to run on disk. So the challenge we often hear from customers using TimesTen or Natiza is that using in-memory breaks other core DB2 and Oracle database functionality. For example, we have heard from many customers that RAC break when you use TimesTen. Not only is there a functional compatibility issue, the customer is also forced to learn a new set of APIs because it is a completely different database. This is not the design approach we took. We believe our customers want to utilize other key capabilities that SQL Server and the broader Microsoft Data Platform have to offer in conjunction with in-memory. They don’t want to use a different tool set for in-memory database than they do for disk database, they still wan to use T-SQL and SQL Server management when enabling in-memory. This is the unique design approach we took back when we first started improving analytics by building in-memory into PowerPivot for billions for rows of data analysis in Excel. Then in SQL Server 2012, we expanded our in-memory footprint with the same built-in approach by adding in-memory to Analysis Services so IT could build data models much faster, and introduced an in-memory column store that could improve query speeds by 100x. With SQL Server 2014, we are covering the final workload by introducing an in-memory OLTP solution—or in-memory rowstore—to significantly speed transactional performance. We also enhanced the in-memory columnstore with faster performance and significantly higher data compression so memory utilization can be optimized. Now, here’s one point to note if you listened to the keynote at Oracle openworld. Larry announced a new in-memory columnstore that would be built-in to the core database. So as you can see Oracle is following our footsteps and realizing the stitch strategy doesn’t work when it comes to something as critical to the overall database as in-memory. And he also mentioned that it will be an optio—we all know what that means. And their new solution is in an early beta. SQL Server 2014 is our third release of in-memory solutions across the data platform, and in a single sku, no options or add ons.
  7. This is the track agenda slide, meant to orient your audience on where they are in the day. This session is the first session in the Data Platform track, and should be delivered before “Drive Business Faster with SQL Server 2014 In-Memory Technologies” and “New Hybrid Cloud Scenarios with SQL Server 2014.” Please edit this slide to align with your event’s agenda.
  8. Before we jump into Microsoft’s in-memory engineering design points, lets take a look at a couple of key trends that have impacted our design. One, of course, is the significant drop in-memory pricing that makes in-memory databases feasible for customers. The second is around CPU performance flattening out, meaning that just throwing more compute at a problem may not resolve performance bottlenecks. Our design approach took into account how to better utilize existing CPU capacity, as we often hear from customers that typical CPU utilization is below the 50% mark—often due to contention.
  9. Lets start off by taking a look at how in-memory technologies have evolved in SQL Server. This may be a surprise to many of you, but our in-memory journey actually started way back in SQL Server 2008 R2, when our engineering team made a key design decision to build in-memory technology into the core data platform, rather than acquire and stitch in an in-memory solution to run in parallel to the core database. Around this timeframe, both Oracle and IBM went down the acquire-and-stitch route: Oracle acquired TimesTen in-memory database and IBM acquired Natiza. The challenge with the acquire-and-stitch solution is that in-memory impacts to the overall database, which in the past were designed to run on disk. So the challenge we often hear from customers using TimesTen or Natiza is that using in-memory breaks other core DB2 and Oracle database functionality. For example, we have heard from many customers that RAC break when you use TimesTen. Not only is there a functional compatibility issue, the customer is also forced to learn a new set of APIs because it is a completely different database. This is not the design approach we took. We believe our customers want to utilize other key capabilities that SQL Server and the broader Microsoft Data Platform have to offer in conjunction with in-memory. They don’t want to use a different tool set for in-memory database than they do for disk database, they still wan to use T-SQL and SQL Server management when enabling in-memory. This is the unique design approach we took back when we first started improving analytics by building in-memory into PowerPivot for billions for rows of data analysis in Excel. Then in SQL Server 2012, we expanded our in-memory footprint with the same built-in approach by adding in-memory to Analysis Services so IT could build data models much faster, and introduced an in-memory column store that could improve query speeds by 100x. With SQL Server 2014, we are covering the final workload by introducing an in-memory OLTP solution—or in-memory rowstore—to significantly speed transactional performance. We also enhanced the in-memory columnstore with faster performance and significantly higher data compression so memory utilization can be optimized. Now, here’s one point to note if you listened to the keynote at Oracle openworld. Larry announced a new in-memory columnstore that would be built-in to the core database. So as you can see Oracle is following our footsteps and realizing the stitch strategy doesn’t work when it comes to something as critical to the overall database as in-memory. And he also mentioned that it will be an optio—we all know what that means. And their new solution is in an early beta. SQL Server 2014 is our third release of in-memory solutions across the data platform, and in a single sku, no options or add ons.
  10. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  11. This is the track agenda slide, meant to orient your audience on where they are in the day. This session is the first session in the Data Platform track, and should be delivered before “Drive Business Faster with SQL Server 2014 In-Memory Technologies” and “New Hybrid Cloud Scenarios with SQL Server 2014.” Please edit this slide to align with your event’s agenda.
  12. Now lets take a closer look at our unique in-memory design points—from our engineers deciding to make in-memory pervasive by building it in to the data platform to how we have made it easy to implement in-memory into your applications.
  13. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  14. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  15. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  16. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  17. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  18. Lets take a look at the first design point our engineering team took back during the release of SQL Server 2008 R2, which was to build-in in-memory technology and make it pervasive throughout the platform—from analytics, to data warehousing to OLTP. One of the main benefits of building in-memory into the platform is that you as the customer don’t have to learn new development tools or new APIs and you can take advantage of all of the other rich features and capabilities in SQL Server along with in-memory. You can even take advantage of other data platform services on-premises or in the cloud with Microsoft Azure along with in-memory performance. This is not the case when you look at competitive technologies that have chosen to acquire-and-stitch together a solution like TimesTen from Oracle or Natiza from IBM. The stitched solutions often break core database functionality for both DB2 and Oracle as the core databases were designed to run on disk. For example, RAC does not work with TimesTen and you have to learn a whole new set of APIs and tools to use TimesTen. Ferranti computer systems—we’ll take a closer look them later in the session—designs software for utility companies. They are helping to transform the utility industry and revolutionize the way electricity is consumed and sold by improving the way utilities leverage data. They not only need the help of in-memory technology to quickly process large amounts of relational data, but they also need a solution for tackling non-relational data. Because SQL Server 2014 offered the built-in approach for in-memory, they were able to utilize in-memory OLTP as well as our Microsoft Azure HDInsight service to tackle big data. They are now able to write more than 200 million rows in 15 minutes. The last point I will make on “built-in” is that because we have designed in-memory into the platform, it’s not only pervasive throughout the platform across all workloads, it is also built-in to a single enterprise sku, so you don’t have to pay more or purchase additional sku’s to gain all of the in-memory capabilities.
  19. So Ferranti is just on example. But imagine what you could do with you business if you could determine customer purchasing trends in real-time—not at the end of the day, week or month—but as they happened. And if you could tie that to social sentiment data in real-time and combine it with historical data or current events or even mobile data. How could you transform your business? Speed and throughput of data are at the heart of this puzzle and in-memory technology will revolutionize databases, much like virtualization revolutionized physical compute. Imagine a new level of customer personalization by acting on a world of data in real-time