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La materia puede estar en tres estados: sólido, líquido y gaseoso.
Recordemos las propiedades generales de la materia:
   •             La materia está formada por partículas.
   •             Estas partículas tienen masa y volumen (ocupan un lugar en el espacio).
   •             Tiene temperatura porque las partículas están en continuo movimiento.
   •             La materia es impenetrable, es decir dos materias no puede ocupar el mismo

    • La materia está formada por partículas muy pequeñas. Están en continuo movimiento y están
    unidas entre sí por fuerzas de tipo eléctrico.
La ordenación de las partículas, el movimiento y las fuerzas de atracción varían de un estado a otro.
Estudia la siguiente tabla:

Además de las estudiadas en la tabla anterior, añadiremos las siguientes:
   • Fluidez: Al tener sus partículas muy ordenadas, los sólidos no fluyen por orificios o tuberías.
   Además si cambiamos de recipiente, la forma es la misma.
   • Dilatación: Si calentamos un sólido, su volumen aumenta porque sus partículas vibran más y se
   separan más entre sí.
   • Incompresibilidad: Los sólidos no se comprimen aunque ejerzamos fuerza sobre ellos, porque
   sus partículas están muy próximas.
   • Dureza: Algunos sólidos son difíciles de rayar, son duros. Otros son fáciles de rayar, son
   • Elasticidad: Si un sólido se deforma con una fuerza, pero al cesar la fuerza recupera su forma
   original es un sólido elástico.

Además de las estudiadas en la tabla anterior, añadiremos las siguientes:
   • Fluidez: Al tener sus partículas desordenadas, los líquidos fluyen por orificios o tuberías.
   Además cambian de forma al cambiar de recipiente.
   • Dilatación: Si calentamos un líquido, su volumen aumenta porque sus partículas vibran más y
   se separan más entre sí.
   • Incompresibilidad: Los líquidos no se comprimen si ejercemos fuerza sobre ellos, aunque sus
   partículas no están muy próximas.
   • Viscosidad: Es la mayor o menor fluidez que tiene un líquido. Unos líquidos fluyen
   rápidamente por una abertura y otros lentamente. Depende de que sus partículas estén más o menos
   juntas y la fuerza de atracción sea mayor o menor.
Además de las estudiadas en la tabla, añadiremos las siguientes:
   • Fluidez: Al tener sus partículas muy desordenadas y separadas, los gases se escapan por
   cualquier orificio o tubería. Además cambian de forma al cambiar de recipiente.
   • Dilatación: Los gases se dilatan fácilmente.
   • Compresibilidad: Los gases se comprimen fácilmente, porque sus partículas están muy
   separadas. Cambian de volumen fácilmente.
   • Expansión: Si introducimos un gas en un recipiente ocupa todo el volumen disponible, aunque
   este espacio sea muy grande.
   • Los gases ejercen presión sobre las paredes del recipiente que los contiene.

  • La temperatura: es una magnitud que mide el estado de agitación o de movimiento de las
  partículas que forman los cuerpos. Se mide en grados centígrados (ºC), en algunos países se mide
  en grados Fahrenheit (°F)
  • Los cambios de estado: Estudia la siguiente tabla:

                Sublimación                             Condensación
                  Inversa Sublimación           Vaporización

                SÓLIDO                 Fusión                  LÍQUIDO


Propiedad: Mientras una sustancia está cambiando de estado, su temperatura no varía.

  • Átomo: Es la partícula más simple que forma la materia. Hay muchas clases de átomos, unos
  son más grande que otros.
     Ejemplo:      Nitrógeno      Hidrógeno        Helio        Bromo

                                           H              He             Br

    • Molécula: Es la unión de varios átomos que se atraen entre sí con mucha fuerza, y de forma
    permanente. Distintas combinaciones de átomos forman moléculas con propiedades nuevas.
       Ejemplo: Agua                 Dióxido de Carbono          Amoníaco
                                         O         O             H        H
                    O                         C                      N
               H         H
                  H2O                        CO2                         NH3
  • Elementos: Son las sustancias que están formadas por átomos de la misma clase.
   o Tipos de elementos:
  - Elementos atómicos: son sustancias formadas por átomos aislados y separados.
         Ejemplos: Helio (He)                     Neón (Ne)
          He           He                       Ne          Ne

           He              He                   Ne
                   He                                Ne           Ne

   -   Elementos moleculares: son sustancias formadas por moléculas de átomos iguales.
           Ejemplos: Oxígeno (O2)                   Ozono (O3)
                           O                               O
                  O       O                        O         O
                      O                          O       O      O
                     O                                   O      O

   -   Elementos cristalinos: son sustancias que forman grandes estructuras cristalinas. Todos sus
       átomos son iguales.
           Ejemplos: Hierro (Fe)                 Aluminio (Al)

   • Compuestos: Son sustancias formadas por átomos diferentes.
    o Tipos de compuestos:
   - Compuestos moleculares: son sustancias formadas por moléculas con átomos diferentes.
          Ejemplos: Agua (H2O)                Dióxido de carbono (CO2)

   -   Compuestos cristalinos: son sustancias que forman                                      cristales.
           Ejemplos: Cloruro Sódico (sal común)                      (NaCl)                   Bromuro de
Calcio (Ca Br2)

  • Símbolos: Los elementos químicos se representan por un símbolo, generalmente es la letra inicial. Con
    frecuencia se utiliza una segunda letra del nombre.
        Ejemplo: Oxígeno (O), Nitrógeno (N), Carbono (C), Cloro (Cl), Magnesio (Mg), Cobalto (Co).
    A veces, para su símbolo se utiliza su antiguo nombre latino.
        Ejemplo: Hierro (Ferrum) (Fe), Oro (aurum) (Au), Plata (Argentium) (Ag)
    • Fórmulas: Los compuestos se representan con formulas. Las formulas están formadas por los símbolos
    de los elementos que la constituye y unos números que indican el número de ese elemento que interviene en
    cada molécula.
Ejemplo: La formula del agua es H2O, quiere decir que cada molécula de agua está formada por dos
átomos de hidrógeno y un átomo de oxígeno.
La fórmula del metano es CH4, quiere decir que cada molécula de metano está formada por un átomo de carbono
y cuatro átomos de hidrógeno.

   • Sustancia: Está formada por partículas iguales. Ejemplo: el azúcar.
   • Mezcla: Está formada por partículas diferentes. Ejemplo: grava, arena y cemento.
      Las mezclas pueden ser:
           - Heterogéneas: Se distinguen fácilmente sus componentes. Ejemplo: una mezcla de
           garbanzos y arroz
           - Homogéneas o disoluciones: A simple vista no se distinguen sus componentes.
           Ejemplo: Café con leche.
   • Separación de los componentes de una mezcla: En una mezcla podemos separar unas
   sustancias de otra, según las propiedades que tengan. Hay distintos métodos: magnéticos,
   decantación, cristalización, evaporación, centrifugación, sedimentación, filtración, etc.

NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

     Matter can be in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
Remember the general properties of matter:
   • Matter is formed by particles.
   • These particles have mass and volume (they occupy a place in the space).
   • It has a temperature because the particles are in continuous movement.
   • Matter is impenetrable, meaning that two matters cannot occupy the same space.

1. - Copy this information in the box:

2. – Translate these words:
States of matter:                                      solid:               particle:
Continuous movement:                                   liquid:              space:
Matter is impenetrable:                                gas:                 mass:

3.- Write the states of matter:

4. – Fill-in the blank:

a) Matter is formed by __________
b) Particles have __________ and ___________
c) Matter has a __________ because the particles are in _____________ movement.
d) Matter is _____________, that is to say two _________ cannot occupy the same __________

5. - Matter is impenetrable because two matters cannot ______________________________.

6. - Match the two columns with arrows

       Matter is formed by                      temperature

                   Matter is                    particles

         The particles have                     mass and volume
7. - Write a “T” if the statement is true and “F” if it is false
a) Matter is formed by particles
b) Matter has a temperature
c) Particles have mass and volume
d) Matter is impenetrable.

8.- Complete with missing vowels:

a) M__tt__r     h__s     m__ss      __nd    v__l__m__.

b) M__tt__r     __s     f__rm__d      by    p__rt__cl__s.

c) M__tt__r     __s     __mp__n__tr__bl__.

d) M__tt__r     h__s     __    t__mp__r__t__r__.

e) Tw__     m__tt__rs     c__nn__t      __cc__py     th__   s__m__     sp__c__.

f) Th__    p__rt__cl__s       __r__   __n     c__nt__n__ __ __s     m__v__m__nt.

9.- Correct the mistakes:
a) The particles have mass and weight.
b) Matter is formed by big particles.
c) Matter can be in four states: solid, liquid and gas.
e) Matter is impenetrable, that is to say two matters can occupy the same space.

10.- Put these sentences in the correct order:
a) the space. occupy Matter a in place

b) is particles. by formed Matter

c) particles The in are movement. continuous

d) matters Two cannot the space. same occupy
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

   • Matter is formed by very small particles. They are in continuous movement and they are
   united to each other by forces of electric type.
   • The ordination of the particles, the movement and the forces of attraction vary from one state to
      Study the following chart:
                                SOLIDS                     LIQUIDS                    GASES
                             The particles are
  ORDINATION OF                                        The particles are       The particles are very
  THE PARTICLES                                          disordered                 disordered
                            They are very close      They are further apart.   They are very separate
    FORCE OF                  The particles are
                                                     The force of attraction      They are hardly
   ATTRACTION              attracted with a lot of
                                                           is smaller                attracted
                                                                                They move a lot and
   VIBRATION OF            The particles vibrate     They vibrate, collide
                                                                               they occupy the whole
  THE PARTICLES            with little movement           and move
                                                                                   available space
     STRUCTURE                  Crystalline             They are fluid             They are fluid
       FORM                      Constant                 Variable                    Variable
      VOLUME                     Constant                 constant                    variable

1.- Copy only the chart:

2.- Translate:
Particles:                          Structure:
Crystalline:                        Form:
Fluid:                              Volume:

3.- Complete:
a) Matter is formed by very _______ _________ , they are in ____________ ____________ and they
are united to each other by forces of ___________ ________.

b) The ordination of the ___________, the ____________ and the _________ of attraction vary from a
_________ to another.
4.- Complete:
a) The particles are ordered in: _____________
b) The particles are disordered in: ______________
c) The particles are very disordered in: _____________
d) Separation of the particles. In solids they are: _____________
e) Separation of the particles. In liquids they are: ______________
f) Separation of the particles. In gases they are: ______________
5.- Complete this chart:
                                 SOLIDS                     LIQUIDS                    GASES

6.- Complete:
                     ORDINATION          SEPARATION OF  FORCE OF                  VIBRATION
                        OF THE           THE PARTICLES ATTRACTION                   OF THE
                      PARTICLES                                                   PARTICLES

7.- Order these substances from the most ordered particles to least ordered particles

8.- Order these substances from more separated its particles to more close its particles

9.- Order these substances from more force of attraction to less force of attraction

10.- For what the matter is formed?
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

Besides those studied in the previous chart, we will add the following:
    • Fluency: When their particles are very orderly, solids don't flow through holes or pipes.
    Moreover, if we change the recipient, the form stays the same.
    • Dilation: If we heat a solid, its volume increases because its particles vibrate more and they
    • Incompressibility: Solids are not compressed although we exercise force on them, because
    their particles are already very close to each other
    • Hardness: Some solids are difficult to line, they are hard. Others are easy to line, they are soft.
    • Elasticity: If a solid is deformed by a force, but it recovers its original form when de force ends
    it is an elastic solid.

1.- Copy this information:

2.- Translate these words:
Fluency:                                      Dilation:                          Soft:
Incompressibility:                            Hardness:                          Hard:
Elasticity:                                   Pipes:                             Elastic:
3.- Complete with the words: 1never, 2often or 3always.
a) Solids flow through holes or pipes: ____________
b) If we heat a solid, its volume increases: __________
c) Solids are elastic: ___________
d) Solids are hard: ___________

4.- Complete this chart with the words: Yes, no, a little.
                 Flow          Dilation      Compressible             hard          soft        Elastic

  Never = nunca
  Often = a veces
  Always = siempre
  Iron = hierro
  Wood = madera
  Chalk = tiza
5.- What is dilation?

6.- Write “T” if the statement is true or “F” if it is false.
a) The solids flow through holes or pipes:
b) Some solids are difficult to line, they are Soft:
c) If a solid is deformed by a force, it is an elastic solid:
d) When their particles are very ordered, solids don't flow.

7.- What is elasticity?

8.- Write the name (in Spanish) of three elastic solids:

9.- Order these liquids from the most fluency to least fluency:

10.- What are the differences between a hard solid and a soft solid
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

Besides those studied in the previous chart, we will add the following:
    • Fluency: Because their particles are disordered liquids flow through holes or pipes. They also
    change form when we change the recipient.
    • Dilation: If we heat a liquid, its volume increases because its particles vibrate more and they
    separate from each other.
    • Incompressibility: Liquids are not compressed if we exercise force on them, although their
    particles are not very close to each other..
    • Viscosity: It is the biggest or smallest fluency that a liquid has. Some liquids flow quickly
    through an opening and others slowly. It depends on how close their particles are and on whether
    the force of attraction is bigger or smaller.

1.- Copy this information:

2.- Translate:
Viscosity:                                 Fluency:
Incompressibility:                         Particles:
Dilation                                   Liquids flow:

3.- Complete:
a) Because their particles are _____________ the liquids ______ through _______ or pipes.
b) If we ________ a ________, its _________ increases because its particles _______ more.
c) __________are not ____________ if we exercise force on them.

3.- Complete with the words: never, often or always.
a) Liquids flow through holes or pipes: ____________
b) If we heat a liquid, its volume increases: __________
c) Liquids are 7viscous: ___________
d) Liquids are hard: ___________
4.- Complete this chart with the words: Yes, no, a little.
                   Flow          Dilation       Compressible       hard        viscosity
  Viscous = viscoso
  Oil = aceite
  honey = miel
   Milk = leche
5.- Write “T” if the statement is true or “F” if it is false.

a) Liquids flow for holes or pipes:
b) Some liquids flow quickly through an opening:
c) Liquids are compressed if we exercise force on them:
d) If their particles are disordered, the liquids don't flow.

6.- Write the name of three liquids that you can drink:

7.- Why dilation is produced?

8.- What is the incompressibility?

9.- What is the viscosity?

10.- Order these substance from the least viscous to the most viscous:
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

Besides those studied in the chart, we will add the following:
    • Fluency: If their particles are very disordered and separate, gases escape through any hole or
    pipe. They also change form if we change the recipient.
    • Dilation: Gases expand easily.
    • Compressibility: Gases are compressed easily, because their particles are very separate. Then
    volume changes easily.
    • Expansion: If we put a gas in a recipient, it occupies all the available volume, even though this
    space is very big.
    • Gases exercise pressure on the walls of the recipient that contains them.

1.- copy this information:

2.- Translate these words:
Fluency:                   Compressibility:                              Gas:
Dilation:                  Expansion:                                    Particles:

3.- Complete:

a) _______ escape through any _____ or ________.

b) ________ expand easily.

c) If we put a ____ in a recipient it __________ all the available __________.

4.- Complete with the words: never, often or always.
a) Gases flow through holes or pipes: ____________
b) Gases expand: __________
c) Gases are compressed: ___________
d) Gases exercise pressure: ___________
5.- Complete this chart with the words: Yes, no, a little.
                Flow          Dilation      Compressible            Expansion

6.- Write “T” if the phrase is true or “F” if the statement is false.
a) Gases flow through holes or pipes:
b) If we introduce a gas in a recipient it occupies all the available volume:
c) Gases are compressed:
d) If their particles are very disordered, the gases don't flow.

7.- a) Write some characteristics of gases:

b) Write the name of three gases:

8.- Why are gases compressed easily?

9.- If you put a gas in a recipient, what happens?

10.- Why are all the bubbles spherical?

     Butane = butano
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

  • The temperature: it is a magnitude that measures the state of agitation or of movement of the
  particles that form the bodies. It is measured in centigrade degrees (ºC), in some countries it is
  measured in Fahrenheit degrees (°F).
  • The state changes: study the following chart:

                     Inverse                              Condensation
               Sublimation Sublimation            Vaporization

                  SOLID                  Fusion                  LIQUID


Property: While a substance is changing its state, its temperature doesn't vary.

1.- copy this information:

2.- Translate these words:
Temperature:                                        Sublimation:
Centigrade degrees:                                 Condensation:
Change of state:                                    Fusion:

3.- What is the temperature of a body?:

4.- How is the temperature measured?
5.- What does ºF mean?

6.- Write the name of these Changes of States:
a) Solid to liquid:
b) Liquid to gas:
c) Solid to gas:
d) Liquid to solid:
e) Gas to solid:
f) Gas to liquid:

7.- What is the property of Changes of States?

8.- Fill in the gaps:






9.- Label this picture:

10.- What is the difference between vaporization and condensation?
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

  • Atom: It is the simplest particle that forms the matter. There are many classes of atoms; some
  are bigger than others.
     Example:        Nitrogen          Hydrogen       Helium        Bromine

                                            H               He            Br

   • Molecule: It is the union of several atoms that are attracted to each other with a lot of force, and
   in a permanent way. Different combinations of atoms form molecules with new properties.
       Example: Water                 Carbon Dioxide                 Ammonia

                                           O          O               H         H
                    O                            C                        N
               H         H
                   H2O                          CO2                            NH3

1.- Copy this information:

2. – Translate these words:
Atom:                       Hydrogen:                             Water
Molecule:                   Nitrogen:                             Carbon Dioxide
Ammonia:                    Bromine:                              Helium:

3.- Order these atoms from small to large:
        Nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, bromine

4. - What is an atom?:

5. - What is a molecule?:

6. - Draw the following molecules and colour the same atoms in the same colour:
a) Dioxide of Carbon:              b) Ammonia                        c) Water
  • Elements: They are the substances that are formed by atoms of the same class.
   o Types of elements:
  - Atomic elements: they are substances formed by isolated and separate atoms.
         Examples: Helium (He)                    Neon (Ne)
          He            He                       Ne         Ne

          He             He                 Ne
                  He                             Ne           Ne

   -   Molecular elements: they are substances formed by molecules of the same atoms.
           Examples: Oxygen (O2)                     Ozone (O3)
                             O                             O
                   O        O                       O        O
                      O                           O      O       O
                     O                                   O      O

   -   Crystalline elements: they are substances that form big crystalline structures. All their atoms
       are the same.
             Example: Iron (Fe)                Aluminum (Al)

   • Compounds: They are substances formed by different atoms.
    o Types of compounds:
   - Compound molecular: they are substances formed by molecules with different atoms.
          Examples: Water (H2O)               Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

   -  Crystalline compounds: they are substances that form                              crystals.
          Example: Sodium chloride (common salt) (NaCl)                                 Calcium
Bromide (Ca Br2)

7.- What are elements:

8.- What are compounds:

9 a) Write down the types of elements: ______________ elements , _____________elements and
______________ elements.

b) Write down the types of compounds: ______________ compound and _____________ compound.

10.- What is the difference between atomic elements and molecular elements:
NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

    • Symbols: The chemical elements are represented by a symbol; it is generally the initial letter.
    Frequently a second letter of the name is used.
       Example: Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Carbon (C), Chlorine (Cl), Magnesium (Mg), Cobalt (Co).
     Sometimes, their old Latin name is used for their symbol.
       Example: Iron (Ferrum) (Fe), Gold (Aurum) (Au), Silver (Argentium) (Ag)
    • Formulas: The compounds are represented by a formula. You formulate them by using the
    symbols of their elements and the numbers that indicate how many of each element there are in
    each molecule.
       Example: the formula of the water it is H2O, it means that each molecule of water is formed by
    two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
    The formula of methane is CH4, it means that each methane molecule is formed by an atom of
    carbon and four atoms of hydrogen.
1.- Copy this information:

2.- Translate:
Symbol:                     Molecule:                    Chlorine:                   Gold:
Formula:                    Atom:                        Silver:                     Iron:
Magnesium:                  Cobalt:                      Carbon:                     Oxygen:

3.- a) What is a symbol?:

b) What is a formula?:

4.- Write the symbols of these elements:
a) Oxygen:          b) Hydrogen:                  c) Carbon:                  d) Silver:
e) Iron:            f) Gold:                      g) Nitrogen:                h) Chlorine:
i) Magnesium:       j) Cobalt:                    k) Aluminium:               l) Helium:

5.- Why is the symbol of Iron “Fe”, and not “Ir”?:
Answer: because sometimes, their old Latin name __________________________________________
6.- Explain these formulas:

a) H2O (water):
   Answer: Each molecule of water is formed by __________ atoms of _______________ and
   _______ atom of _________________.

b) CH4 (methane):

c) CO2 (Dioxide of carbon):

d) NaCl (Sodium chloride):

7.- Draw the molecules of activity 6:

8.- How many atoms are there in these molecules?
a) NaCl (Sodium chloride):
b) CH4 (methane):
c) H2O (water)
d) CO2 (Dioxide of carbon):

9.- Write the formula of these molecules:

10.- Match with arrows:


NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual)

   • Substance: It is formed by same particles. For example: the sugar.
   • Mixtures: They are formed by different particles. Example: gravel, sand and cement.
      Mixtures can be:
           - Heterogeneous: Their components can be distinguished easily. For example: a mixture
           of chickpeas and rice.
           - Homogeneous or dissolutions: At first sight they their components cannot be
           distinguished. For example: Coffee with milk.
   • Separation of the components of a mixture: In a mixture we can separate some substances
   from others, according to the properties they have. There are different methods: magnetic,
   decantation, crystallization, evaporation, centrifugation, sedimentation, filtration, etc

1.- Copy this information:

2.- Translate these words:
Substance:                              Gravel:
Sugar:                                  Homogeneous:
Mixture:                                Dissolutions:
Heterogeneous:                          Crystallization:
Decantation:                            Centrifugation:
Filtration:                             Sedimentation:

3.- What is the difference between a substance and mixtures?

4.- How can the mixtures be?

5.- What are heterogeneous mixtures?:
6.- What are homogeneous mixtures or dissolutions?:

7.- Complete:
Separation of the components of a _________: In a mixture we can ___________ some __________

of others, according to the ____________ they have. There are different ___________: magnetic,

_______________, crystallization, ________________, centrifugation, ______________, filtration, etc

8.- Write “T” if the phrase is true or “F” if the phrase is false.

a) Substance is formed by the same particles:

b) Mixture is formed by different particles:

c) Sugar is a mixture:

d) Substances can be homogeneous or heterogeneous:

9.- Label with: ‘homogeneous’, ‘heterogeneous’, or ‘dissolution’

10.- What is the difference between homogeneous mixtures and dissolutions

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Classification of Matter
Classification of MatterClassification of Matter
Classification of Matter
Chem Hapg1 Matter Properties And Changes
Chem Hapg1 Matter  Properties And ChangesChem Hapg1 Matter  Properties And Changes
Chem Hapg1 Matter Properties And Changes
Classifying matter
Classifying matterClassifying matter
Classifying matter
Classification of Matter
Classification of MatterClassification of Matter
Classification of Matter
Matter and its properties
Matter and its properties Matter and its properties
Matter and its properties
classification of matter
classification of matterclassification of matter
classification of matter
Ch 3 matter properties and changes
Ch 3 matter properties and changesCh 3 matter properties and changes
Ch 3 matter properties and changes
Unit 2 - Classifying Matter
Unit 2 - Classifying MatterUnit 2 - Classifying Matter
Unit 2 - Classifying Matter
02 matter, change and energy
02 matter, change and energy02 matter, change and energy
02 matter, change and energy
Characteristic properties of_matter
Characteristic properties of_matterCharacteristic properties of_matter
Characteristic properties of_matter
Classificationofmatter notes
Classificationofmatter notesClassificationofmatter notes
Classificationofmatter notes


States of matter (worksheet)
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States of matter (worksheet)
Moira Whitehouse
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Moira Whitehouse
States of matter exercise -with solutions
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States of matter exercise -with solutions
suresh gdvm
State of matter (Worksheet 5)
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State of matter (Worksheet 5)
Moira Whitehouse
Stats of matter (worksheet 2)
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Stats of matter (worksheet 2)
Moira Whitehouse
Water cycle (worksheet(s))
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Moira Whitehouse
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Mrs. Henley
Raynor, jacqueline water cycle
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Moira Whitehouse
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Moira Whitehouse
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Moira Whitehouse
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State of matter (worksheet 3)
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Reem Bakr
Material de apoyo de tercero de primaria
Material de apoyo de tercero de primariaMaterial de apoyo de tercero de primaria
Material de apoyo de tercero de primaria
Editorial MD
Crucigrama propiedades de la materia
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Crucigrama propiedades de la materia

Destacado (18)

States of matter (worksheet)
States of matter (worksheet)States of matter (worksheet)
States of matter (worksheet)
States of matter (Worksheet 8)
States of matter   (Worksheet 8)States of matter   (Worksheet 8)
States of matter (Worksheet 8)
States of matter exercise -with solutions
States of matter exercise -with solutionsStates of matter exercise -with solutions
States of matter exercise -with solutions
State of matter (Worksheet 5)
State of matter  (Worksheet 5)State of matter  (Worksheet 5)
State of matter (Worksheet 5)
Stats of matter (worksheet 2)
Stats of matter  (worksheet 2)Stats of matter  (worksheet 2)
Stats of matter (worksheet 2)
Water cycle (worksheet(s))
Water cycle  (worksheet(s))Water cycle  (worksheet(s))
Water cycle (worksheet(s))
Density worksheet 2
Density worksheet 2Density worksheet 2
Density worksheet 2
Raynor, jacqueline water cycle
Raynor, jacqueline water cycleRaynor, jacqueline water cycle
Raynor, jacqueline water cycle
Solar system (worksheet 2)
Solar system  (worksheet 2)Solar system  (worksheet 2)
Solar system (worksheet 2)
Seasons (worksheet)
Seasons  (worksheet)Seasons  (worksheet)
Seasons (worksheet)
Solar: test over unit
Solar:  test over unitSolar:  test over unit
Solar: test over unit
State of matter (Worksheet 6)
State of matter (Worksheet 6)State of matter (Worksheet 6)
State of matter (Worksheet 6)
Water cycle (worksheet(s) ...answers)
Water cycle (worksheet(s) ...answers)Water cycle (worksheet(s) ...answers)
Water cycle (worksheet(s) ...answers)
State of matter (worksheet 3)
State of matter  (worksheet 3)State of matter  (worksheet 3)
State of matter (worksheet 3) does matter change when energy is added or removed (br.) does matter change when energy is added or removed (br.) does matter change when energy is added or removed (br.) does matter change when energy is added or removed (br.)
Material de apoyo de tercero de primaria
Material de apoyo de tercero de primariaMaterial de apoyo de tercero de primaria
Material de apoyo de tercero de primaria
Crucigrama propiedades de la materia
Crucigrama propiedades de la materiaCrucigrama propiedades de la materia
Crucigrama propiedades de la materia

Similar a UNIT 04.- STATES OF MATTER (Worksheet)

Unit 1: Matter
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Elements, compound and mixture
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Similar a UNIT 04.- STATES OF MATTER (Worksheet) (20)

Unit 1: Matter
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Elements, compound and mixture
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UNIT 04.- STATES OF MATTER (Worksheet)

  • 1. UNIDAD: 4.- LOS ESTADOS DE LA MATERIA LOS ESTADOS DE LA MATERIA. La materia puede estar en tres estados: sólido, líquido y gaseoso. Recordemos las propiedades generales de la materia: • La materia está formada por partículas. • Estas partículas tienen masa y volumen (ocupan un lugar en el espacio). • Tiene temperatura porque las partículas están en continuo movimiento. • La materia es impenetrable, es decir dos materias no puede ocupar el mismo espacio. ESTRUCTURA DE LA MATERIA. • La materia está formada por partículas muy pequeñas. Están en continuo movimiento y están unidas entre sí por fuerzas de tipo eléctrico. La ordenación de las partículas, el movimiento y las fuerzas de atracción varían de un estado a otro. Estudia la siguiente tabla: ALGUNAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LOS SÓLIDOS. Además de las estudiadas en la tabla anterior, añadiremos las siguientes: • Fluidez: Al tener sus partículas muy ordenadas, los sólidos no fluyen por orificios o tuberías. Además si cambiamos de recipiente, la forma es la misma. • Dilatación: Si calentamos un sólido, su volumen aumenta porque sus partículas vibran más y se separan más entre sí. • Incompresibilidad: Los sólidos no se comprimen aunque ejerzamos fuerza sobre ellos, porque sus partículas están muy próximas. • Dureza: Algunos sólidos son difíciles de rayar, son duros. Otros son fáciles de rayar, son blandos. • Elasticidad: Si un sólido se deforma con una fuerza, pero al cesar la fuerza recupera su forma original es un sólido elástico. ALGUNAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LOS LÍQUIDOS. Además de las estudiadas en la tabla anterior, añadiremos las siguientes: • Fluidez: Al tener sus partículas desordenadas, los líquidos fluyen por orificios o tuberías. Además cambian de forma al cambiar de recipiente. • Dilatación: Si calentamos un líquido, su volumen aumenta porque sus partículas vibran más y se separan más entre sí. • Incompresibilidad: Los líquidos no se comprimen si ejercemos fuerza sobre ellos, aunque sus partículas no están muy próximas. • Viscosidad: Es la mayor o menor fluidez que tiene un líquido. Unos líquidos fluyen rápidamente por una abertura y otros lentamente. Depende de que sus partículas estén más o menos juntas y la fuerza de atracción sea mayor o menor.
  • 2. ALGUNAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LOS GASES. Además de las estudiadas en la tabla, añadiremos las siguientes: • Fluidez: Al tener sus partículas muy desordenadas y separadas, los gases se escapan por cualquier orificio o tubería. Además cambian de forma al cambiar de recipiente. • Dilatación: Los gases se dilatan fácilmente. • Compresibilidad: Los gases se comprimen fácilmente, porque sus partículas están muy separadas. Cambian de volumen fácilmente. • Expansión: Si introducimos un gas en un recipiente ocupa todo el volumen disponible, aunque este espacio sea muy grande. • Los gases ejercen presión sobre las paredes del recipiente que los contiene. LOS CAMBIOS DE ESTADO. • La temperatura: es una magnitud que mide el estado de agitación o de movimiento de las partículas que forman los cuerpos. Se mide en grados centígrados (ºC), en algunos países se mide en grados Fahrenheit (°F) • Los cambios de estado: Estudia la siguiente tabla: GAS Sublimación Condensación Inversa Sublimación Vaporización SÓLIDO Fusión LÍQUIDO Solidificación Propiedad: Mientras una sustancia está cambiando de estado, su temperatura no varía. ÁTOMOS Y MOLÉCULAS. • Átomo: Es la partícula más simple que forma la materia. Hay muchas clases de átomos, unos son más grande que otros. Ejemplo: Nitrógeno Hidrógeno Helio Bromo H He Br N • Molécula: Es la unión de varios átomos que se atraen entre sí con mucha fuerza, y de forma permanente. Distintas combinaciones de átomos forman moléculas con propiedades nuevas. Ejemplo: Agua Dióxido de Carbono Amoníaco O O H H O C N H H H2O CO2 NH3
  • 3. ELEMENTOS Y COMPUESTOS. • Elementos: Son las sustancias que están formadas por átomos de la misma clase. o Tipos de elementos: - Elementos atómicos: son sustancias formadas por átomos aislados y separados. Ejemplos: Helio (He) Neón (Ne) He He Ne Ne He He Ne He Ne Ne - Elementos moleculares: son sustancias formadas por moléculas de átomos iguales. Ejemplos: Oxígeno (O2) Ozono (O3) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - Elementos cristalinos: son sustancias que forman grandes estructuras cristalinas. Todos sus átomos son iguales. Ejemplos: Hierro (Fe) Aluminio (Al) • Compuestos: Son sustancias formadas por átomos diferentes. o Tipos de compuestos: - Compuestos moleculares: son sustancias formadas por moléculas con átomos diferentes. Ejemplos: Agua (H2O) Dióxido de carbono (CO2) - Compuestos cristalinos: son sustancias que forman cristales. Ejemplos: Cloruro Sódico (sal común) (NaCl) Bromuro de Calcio (Ca Br2) LOS SÍMBOLOS Y LAS FÓRMULAS. • Símbolos: Los elementos químicos se representan por un símbolo, generalmente es la letra inicial. Con frecuencia se utiliza una segunda letra del nombre. Ejemplo: Oxígeno (O), Nitrógeno (N), Carbono (C), Cloro (Cl), Magnesio (Mg), Cobalto (Co). A veces, para su símbolo se utiliza su antiguo nombre latino. Ejemplo: Hierro (Ferrum) (Fe), Oro (aurum) (Au), Plata (Argentium) (Ag) • Fórmulas: Los compuestos se representan con formulas. Las formulas están formadas por los símbolos de los elementos que la constituye y unos números que indican el número de ese elemento que interviene en cada molécula.
  • 4. Ejemplo: La formula del agua es H2O, quiere decir que cada molécula de agua está formada por dos átomos de hidrógeno y un átomo de oxígeno. La fórmula del metano es CH4, quiere decir que cada molécula de metano está formada por un átomo de carbono y cuatro átomos de hidrógeno. SUSTANCIAS Y MEZCLAS. • Sustancia: Está formada por partículas iguales. Ejemplo: el azúcar. • Mezcla: Está formada por partículas diferentes. Ejemplo: grava, arena y cemento. Las mezclas pueden ser: - Heterogéneas: Se distinguen fácilmente sus componentes. Ejemplo: una mezcla de garbanzos y arroz - Homogéneas o disoluciones: A simple vista no se distinguen sus componentes. Ejemplo: Café con leche. • Separación de los componentes de una mezcla: En una mezcla podemos separar unas sustancias de otra, según las propiedades que tengan. Hay distintos métodos: magnéticos, decantación, cristalización, evaporación, centrifugación, sedimentación, filtración, etc.
  • 5. UNIT: 4.- STATES OF MATTER NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) STATES OF MATTER. Matter can be in three states: solid, liquid and gas. Remember the general properties of matter: • Matter is formed by particles. • These particles have mass and volume (they occupy a place in the space). • It has a temperature because the particles are in continuous movement. • Matter is impenetrable, meaning that two matters cannot occupy the same space. 1. - Copy this information in the box: 2. – Translate these words: States of matter: solid: particle: Continuous movement: liquid: space: Matter is impenetrable: gas: mass: 3.- Write the states of matter: 4. – Fill-in the blank: a) Matter is formed by __________ b) Particles have __________ and ___________ c) Matter has a __________ because the particles are in _____________ movement. d) Matter is _____________, that is to say two _________ cannot occupy the same __________ 5. - Matter is impenetrable because two matters cannot ______________________________. 6. - Match the two columns with arrows Matter is formed by temperature Matter is particles The particles have mass and volume
  • 6. 7. - Write a “T” if the statement is true and “F” if it is false a) Matter is formed by particles b) Matter has a temperature c) Particles have mass and volume d) Matter is impenetrable. 8.- Complete with missing vowels: a) M__tt__r h__s m__ss __nd v__l__m__. b) M__tt__r __s f__rm__d by p__rt__cl__s. c) M__tt__r __s __mp__n__tr__bl__. d) M__tt__r h__s __ t__mp__r__t__r__. e) Tw__ m__tt__rs c__nn__t __cc__py th__ s__m__ sp__c__. f) Th__ p__rt__cl__s __r__ __n c__nt__n__ __ __s m__v__m__nt. 9.- Correct the mistakes: a) The particles have mass and weight. b) Matter is formed by big particles. c) Matter can be in four states: solid, liquid and gas. e) Matter is impenetrable, that is to say two matters can occupy the same space. 10.- Put these sentences in the correct order: a) the space. occupy Matter a in place b) is particles. by formed Matter c) particles The in are movement. continuous d) matters Two cannot the space. same occupy
  • 7. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) STRUCTURES OF MATTER. • Matter is formed by very small particles. They are in continuous movement and they are united to each other by forces of electric type. • The ordination of the particles, the movement and the forces of attraction vary from one state to another. Study the following chart: SOLIDS LIQUIDS GASES The particles are ORDINATION OF The particles are The particles are very ordered THE PARTICLES disordered disordered SEPARATION OF They are very close They are further apart. They are very separate THE PARTICLES FORCE OF The particles are The force of attraction They are hardly ATTRACTION attracted with a lot of is smaller attracted force They move a lot and VIBRATION OF The particles vibrate They vibrate, collide they occupy the whole THE PARTICLES with little movement and move available space STRUCTURE Crystalline They are fluid They are fluid FORM Constant Variable Variable VOLUME Constant constant variable 1.- Copy only the chart: 2.- Translate: Particles: Structure: Crystalline: Form: Fluid: Volume: 3.- Complete: a) Matter is formed by very _______ _________ , they are in ____________ ____________ and they are united to each other by forces of ___________ ________. b) The ordination of the ___________, the ____________ and the _________ of attraction vary from a _________ to another.
  • 8. 4.- Complete: a) The particles are ordered in: _____________ b) The particles are disordered in: ______________ c) The particles are very disordered in: _____________ d) Separation of the particles. In solids they are: _____________ e) Separation of the particles. In liquids they are: ______________ f) Separation of the particles. In gases they are: ______________ 5.- Complete this chart: SOLIDS LIQUIDS GASES FORM VOLUME 6.- Complete: ORDINATION SEPARATION OF FORCE OF VIBRATION OF THE THE PARTICLES ATTRACTION OF THE PARTICLES PARTICLES SOLIDS LIQUIDS GASES 7.- Order these substances from the most ordered particles to least ordered particles 8.- Order these substances from more separated its particles to more close its particles 9.- Order these substances from more force of attraction to less force of attraction 10.- For what the matter is formed?
  • 9. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLIDS. Besides those studied in the previous chart, we will add the following: • Fluency: When their particles are very orderly, solids don't flow through holes or pipes. Moreover, if we change the recipient, the form stays the same. • Dilation: If we heat a solid, its volume increases because its particles vibrate more and they separate. • Incompressibility: Solids are not compressed although we exercise force on them, because their particles are already very close to each other • Hardness: Some solids are difficult to line, they are hard. Others are easy to line, they are soft. • Elasticity: If a solid is deformed by a force, but it recovers its original form when de force ends it is an elastic solid. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate these words: Fluency: Dilation: Soft: Incompressibility: Hardness: Hard: Elasticity: Pipes: Elastic: 3.- Complete with the words: 1never, 2often or 3always. a) Solids flow through holes or pipes: ____________ b) If we heat a solid, its volume increases: __________ c) Solids are elastic: ___________ d) Solids are hard: ___________ 4.- Complete this chart with the words: Yes, no, a little. Flow Dilation Compressible hard soft Elastic 4 Iron Aluminium 5 wood 6 Chalk 1 Never = nunca 2 Often = a veces 3 Always = siempre 4 Iron = hierro 5 Wood = madera 6 Chalk = tiza
  • 10. 5.- What is dilation? 6.- Write “T” if the statement is true or “F” if it is false. a) The solids flow through holes or pipes: b) Some solids are difficult to line, they are Soft: c) If a solid is deformed by a force, it is an elastic solid: d) When their particles are very ordered, solids don't flow. 7.- What is elasticity? 8.- Write the name (in Spanish) of three elastic solids: 9.- Order these liquids from the most fluency to least fluency: 10.- What are the differences between a hard solid and a soft solid
  • 11. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUIDS. Besides those studied in the previous chart, we will add the following: • Fluency: Because their particles are disordered liquids flow through holes or pipes. They also change form when we change the recipient. • Dilation: If we heat a liquid, its volume increases because its particles vibrate more and they separate from each other. • Incompressibility: Liquids are not compressed if we exercise force on them, although their particles are not very close to each other.. • Viscosity: It is the biggest or smallest fluency that a liquid has. Some liquids flow quickly through an opening and others slowly. It depends on how close their particles are and on whether the force of attraction is bigger or smaller. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate: Viscosity: Fluency: Incompressibility: Particles: Dilation Liquids flow: 3.- Complete: a) Because their particles are _____________ the liquids ______ through _______ or pipes. b) If we ________ a ________, its _________ increases because its particles _______ more. c) __________are not ____________ if we exercise force on them. 3.- Complete with the words: never, often or always. a) Liquids flow through holes or pipes: ____________ b) If we heat a liquid, its volume increases: __________ c) Liquids are 7viscous: ___________ d) Liquids are hard: ___________ 4.- Complete this chart with the words: Yes, no, a little. Flow Dilation Compressible hard viscosity water 8 Oil 9 honey 10 milk 7 Viscous = viscoso 8 Oil = aceite 9 honey = miel 10 Milk = leche
  • 12. 5.- Write “T” if the statement is true or “F” if it is false. a) Liquids flow for holes or pipes: b) Some liquids flow quickly through an opening: c) Liquids are compressed if we exercise force on them: d) If their particles are disordered, the liquids don't flow. 6.- Write the name of three liquids that you can drink: 7.- Why dilation is produced? 8.- What is the incompressibility? 9.- What is the viscosity? 10.- Order these substance from the least viscous to the most viscous:
  • 13. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF GASES. Besides those studied in the chart, we will add the following: • Fluency: If their particles are very disordered and separate, gases escape through any hole or pipe. They also change form if we change the recipient. • Dilation: Gases expand easily. • Compressibility: Gases are compressed easily, because their particles are very separate. Then volume changes easily. • Expansion: If we put a gas in a recipient, it occupies all the available volume, even though this space is very big. • Gases exercise pressure on the walls of the recipient that contains them. 1.- copy this information: 2.- Translate these words: Fluency: Compressibility: Gas: Dilation: Expansion: Particles: 3.- Complete: a) _______ escape through any _____ or ________. b) ________ expand easily. c) If we put a ____ in a recipient it __________ all the available __________. 4.- Complete with the words: never, often or always. a) Gases flow through holes or pipes: ____________ b) Gases expand: __________ c) Gases are compressed: ___________ d) Gases exercise pressure: ___________
  • 14. 5.- Complete this chart with the words: Yes, no, a little. Flow Dilation Compressible Expansion air 11 butane Oxygen 6.- Write “T” if the phrase is true or “F” if the statement is false. a) Gases flow through holes or pipes: b) If we introduce a gas in a recipient it occupies all the available volume: c) Gases are compressed: d) If their particles are very disordered, the gases don't flow. 7.- a) Write some characteristics of gases: b) Write the name of three gases: 8.- Why are gases compressed easily? 9.- If you put a gas in a recipient, what happens? 10.- Why are all the bubbles spherical? 11 Butane = butano
  • 15. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) CHANGES OF STATE. • The temperature: it is a magnitude that measures the state of agitation or of movement of the particles that form the bodies. It is measured in centigrade degrees (ºC), in some countries it is measured in Fahrenheit degrees (°F). • The state changes: study the following chart: GAS Inverse Condensation Sublimation Sublimation Vaporization SOLID Fusion LIQUID Solidification Property: While a substance is changing its state, its temperature doesn't vary. 1.- copy this information: 2.- Translate these words: Temperature: Sublimation: Centigrade degrees: Condensation: Change of state: Fusion: 3.- What is the temperature of a body?: 4.- How is the temperature measured?
  • 16. 5.- What does ºF mean? 6.- Write the name of these Changes of States: a) Solid to liquid: b) Liquid to gas: c) Solid to gas: d) Liquid to solid: e) Gas to solid: f) Gas to liquid: 7.- What is the property of Changes of States? 8.- Fill in the gaps: Fusion Vaporization Sublimation Condensation Solidification 9.- Label this picture: 10.- What is the difference between vaporization and condensation?
  • 17. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) ATOMS AND MOLECULES. • Atom: It is the simplest particle that forms the matter. There are many classes of atoms; some are bigger than others. Example: Nitrogen Hydrogen Helium Bromine H He Br N • Molecule: It is the union of several atoms that are attracted to each other with a lot of force, and in a permanent way. Different combinations of atoms form molecules with new properties. Example: Water Carbon Dioxide Ammonia O O H H O C N H H H2O CO2 NH3 1.- Copy this information: 2. – Translate these words: Atom: Hydrogen: Water Molecule: Nitrogen: Carbon Dioxide Ammonia: Bromine: Helium: 3.- Order these atoms from small to large: Nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, bromine 4. - What is an atom?: 5. - What is a molecule?: 6. - Draw the following molecules and colour the same atoms in the same colour: a) Dioxide of Carbon: b) Ammonia c) Water
  • 18. ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS. • Elements: They are the substances that are formed by atoms of the same class. o Types of elements: - Atomic elements: they are substances formed by isolated and separate atoms. Examples: Helium (He) Neon (Ne) He He Ne Ne He He Ne He Ne Ne - Molecular elements: they are substances formed by molecules of the same atoms. Examples: Oxygen (O2) Ozone (O3) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - Crystalline elements: they are substances that form big crystalline structures. All their atoms are the same. Example: Iron (Fe) Aluminum (Al) • Compounds: They are substances formed by different atoms. o Types of compounds: - Compound molecular: they are substances formed by molecules with different atoms. Examples: Water (H2O) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Crystalline compounds: they are substances that form crystals. Example: Sodium chloride (common salt) (NaCl) Calcium Bromide (Ca Br2) 7.- What are elements: 8.- What are compounds: 9 a) Write down the types of elements: ______________ elements , _____________elements and ______________ elements. b) Write down the types of compounds: ______________ compound and _____________ compound. 10.- What is the difference between atomic elements and molecular elements:
  • 19. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) SYMBOLS AND FORMULAS. • Symbols: The chemical elements are represented by a symbol; it is generally the initial letter. Frequently a second letter of the name is used. Example: Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Carbon (C), Chlorine (Cl), Magnesium (Mg), Cobalt (Co). Sometimes, their old Latin name is used for their symbol. Example: Iron (Ferrum) (Fe), Gold (Aurum) (Au), Silver (Argentium) (Ag) • Formulas: The compounds are represented by a formula. You formulate them by using the symbols of their elements and the numbers that indicate how many of each element there are in each molecule. Example: the formula of the water it is H2O, it means that each molecule of water is formed by two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. The formula of methane is CH4, it means that each methane molecule is formed by an atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate: Symbol: Molecule: Chlorine: Gold: Formula: Atom: Silver: Iron: Magnesium: Cobalt: Carbon: Oxygen: 3.- a) What is a symbol?: b) What is a formula?: 4.- Write the symbols of these elements: a) Oxygen: b) Hydrogen: c) Carbon: d) Silver: e) Iron: f) Gold: g) Nitrogen: h) Chlorine: i) Magnesium: j) Cobalt: k) Aluminium: l) Helium: 5.- Why is the symbol of Iron “Fe”, and not “Ir”?: Answer: because sometimes, their old Latin name __________________________________________
  • 20. 6.- Explain these formulas: a) H2O (water): Answer: Each molecule of water is formed by __________ atoms of _______________ and _______ atom of _________________. b) CH4 (methane): c) CO2 (Dioxide of carbon): d) NaCl (Sodium chloride): 7.- Draw the molecules of activity 6: 8.- How many atoms are there in these molecules? a) NaCl (Sodium chloride): b) CH4 (methane): c) H2O (water) d) CO2 (Dioxide of carbon): 9.- Write the formula of these molecules: 10.- Match with arrows: NaHCO3 NaCl CH4
  • 21. NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________ 1º___ (Bilingual) SUBSTANCES AND MIXTURES. • Substance: It is formed by same particles. For example: the sugar. • Mixtures: They are formed by different particles. Example: gravel, sand and cement. Mixtures can be: - Heterogeneous: Their components can be distinguished easily. For example: a mixture of chickpeas and rice. - Homogeneous or dissolutions: At first sight they their components cannot be distinguished. For example: Coffee with milk. • Separation of the components of a mixture: In a mixture we can separate some substances from others, according to the properties they have. There are different methods: magnetic, decantation, crystallization, evaporation, centrifugation, sedimentation, filtration, etc 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate these words: Substance: Gravel: Sugar: Homogeneous: Mixture: Dissolutions: Heterogeneous: Crystallization: Decantation: Centrifugation: Filtration: Sedimentation: 3.- What is the difference between a substance and mixtures? 4.- How can the mixtures be? 5.- What are heterogeneous mixtures?:
  • 22. 6.- What are homogeneous mixtures or dissolutions?: 7.- Complete: Separation of the components of a _________: In a mixture we can ___________ some __________ of others, according to the ____________ they have. There are different ___________: magnetic, _______________, crystallization, ________________, centrifugation, ______________, filtration, etc 8.- Write “T” if the phrase is true or “F” if the phrase is false. a) Substance is formed by the same particles: b) Mixture is formed by different particles: c) Sugar is a mixture: d) Substances can be homogeneous or heterogeneous: 9.- Label with: ‘homogeneous’, ‘heterogeneous’, or ‘dissolution’ 10.- What is the difference between homogeneous mixtures and dissolutions