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Java Klassentreffen 2013
Manuel Bernhardt
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• History
• Why Scala?
• Scala in the wild
• The Code / Scala in practice
• Tools & more
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Independent software
• Web, web, web
• Java & Scala & Javascript
• Open-Source
• Delving
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• History
• Why Scala?
• Scala in the wild
• The Code / Scala in practice
• Tools & more
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Martin Odersky, EPFL
• Espresso, Pizza, GJ, Javac
• Funnel, Scala
• First Scala release in
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• History
• Why Scala?
• Scala in the wild
• The Code / Scala in practice
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Full interoperability with Java
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Full interoperability with Java
• Cut down boilerplate
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Full interoperability with Java
• Cut down boilerplate
• Pure object orientation & functional programming
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Full interoperability with Java
• Cut down boilerplate
• Pure object orientation & functional programming
• Move away from null
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Full interoperability with Java
• Cut down boilerplate
• Pure object orientation & functional programming
• Move away from null
• Multi-core programming
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• History
• Why Scala?
• Scala in the wild
• The Code / Scala in practice
• Tools & more
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
If I were to pick a language today
other than Java, it would be Scala.
James Gosling
Father of Java
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
I can honestly say if someone had
shown me the Programming Scala
book by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon
& Bill Venners back in 2003 I’d
probably have never created Groovy.
James Strachan
Creator of Groovy
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
ThoughtWorksTechRadar May 2013
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• openForce -
• x-tradesoft -
• Delving -
• dimocom -
• emarsys -
• Miavia -
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• ScalaVienna User Group
Next meeting: 26th
September 6 PM - Sektor 5
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• History
• Why Scala?
• Scala in the wild
• The Code / Scala in
• Tools & more
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
But I couldn't resist the
temptation to put in a null
reference, simply because it
was so easy to implement
Tony Hoare
Creator of ALGOL
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
val maybeUser: Option[User] = User.findOneByName("bob")
// returns Some[User]
maybeUser == None // false
maybeUser.foreach { user =>
// prints "Bob Marley" if there is a user!
val name ="Unknown user")
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
public class User {
! private String name;
! private String surname;
! private String email;
! public User(String name, String surname, String email) {
! ! = name;
! ! this.surname = surname;
! ! = email;
! }
! public void setName(String name) {
! ! = name;
! }
! public void setSurname(String surname) {
! ! this.surname = surname;
! }
! public void setEmail(String email) {
! ! = email
! }
! public String getName() {
! ! return;
! }
! public String getSurname() {
! ! return this.surname;
! }
! public String getEmail() {
! ! return this.surname;
! }
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
class User(
var name: String,
var surname: String,
var email: String)
val bob = new User("Bob", "Marley", "")
// bob: User = User@5c3f1224 // res0: String = Bob = "Bobby" // String = Bobby
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
public class ImmutableUser {
! private final String name;
! private final String surname;
! private final String email;
! public ImmutableUser(String name, String surname, String email) {
! ! = name;
! ! this.surname = surname;
! ! = email;
! }
! public String getName() {
! ! return;
! }
! public String getSurname() {
! ! return this.surname;
! }
! public String getEmail() {
! ! return this.surname;
! }
! @Override public int hashCode() {
! ! // yada yada yada
! }
! @Override public boolean equals(Object that) {
! ! // yada yada yada
! }
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
case class ImmutableUser(
name: String,
surname: String,
email: String)
val bob = ImmutableUser("Bob", "Marley", "")
// hashcode and equals for free!
val namedBob = ImmutableUser(name = "Bob", surname = "Marley",
email = "email")
val bobby = bob.copy(name = "Bobby")
// returns a User with name Bobby
bob.toString // res0: String = ImmutableUser(Bob,Marley,email)
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
val foo = "Bar" // foo: String = Bar
val answer = 42 // answer: Int = 42
val price = 9.99 // price: Double = 9.99
val nums = List(1, 2, 3) // nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
val map = Map("abc" -> List(1, 2, 3))
// map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[Int]] =
Map(abc -> List(1, 2, 3))
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
val foo: String = "Bar" // foo: String = Bar
val answer: Int = 42 // answer: Int = 42
val price: Double = 9.99 // price: Double = 9.99
val nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) // nums: List[Int] =
List(1, 2, 3)
val map: Map[String, List[Int]] = Map("abc" -> List(1, 2, 3))
// map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[Int]] =
Map(abc -> List(1, 2, 3))
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
users.sort(new Comparator {
public int compare(Object user1, Object user2) {
! int userAge1 = ((User) user1).getAge();
! int userAge2 = ((User) user2).getAge();
! if (userAge1 > userAge2) {
! ! return 1;
! } else if userAge1 < userAge2) {
! ! ! return -1;
! ! } else {
! ! ! return 0;
! ! }
! }
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
def sortByAge(user1: User, user2: User) = user1.age > user2.age
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
users.sortWith((user1, user2) => user1.age > user2.age)
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
users.sortWith(_.age > _.age)
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
List<User> minors = new ArrayList<User>();
List<User> majors = new ArrayList<User>();
for (User u : users) {
! if (u.getAge() < 18) {
! ! minors.add(u);
! } else {
! ! majors.add(u);
! }
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
val (minors, majors) = users.partition(_.age < 18)
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
val minors = users.filter(_.age < 18)
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Minimal language, powerful library
• Language features for extensibility
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
import collection.mutable.Stack
import org.scalatest._
class ExampleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"A Stack" should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in {
val stack = new Stack[Int]
stack.pop() should be (2)
stack.pop() should be (1)
it should "throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped" in {
val emptyStack = new Stack[Int]
a [NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy {
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
case class Creature(name: String, isDead: Boolean, weight: Float)
implicit val creatureReads: Reads[Creature] = (
(__  "name").read[String] and
(__  "isDead").read[Boolean] and
(__  "weight").read[Float]
implicit val creatureWrites: Writes[Creature] = (
(__  "name").write[String] and
(__  "isDead").write[Boolean] and
(__  "weight").write[Float]
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
import play.api.json._
implicit val creatureFormat = Json.format[Creature] // format is a macro
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• History
• Why Scala?
• Scala in the wild
• The Code / Scala in practice
• Tools & more
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• IntelliJ IDEA
• Eclipse
• SublimeText
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
name := "My Project"
version := "1.0"
organization := "org.myproject"
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-tools.testing" %% "scalacheck" %
"1.8" % "test"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"net.databinder" %% "dispatch-meetup" % "0.7.8",
"net.databinder" %% "dispatch-twitter" % "0.7.8"
javaOptions += "-Xmx256m"
logLevel in compile := Level.Warn
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Actor concurrency model based on Erlang
• “Human” design: actors talk to eachother and form hierarchies
• Much, much, much simpler to work and reason with than
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
class Master extends Actor {
! val workers = context.actorOf(Props[Worker].withRouter(
! RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5))
! )
! def receive = {
! ! case Start =>
! ! ! getDocumentsFromDb.foreach { document =>
! ! ! ! workers ! Process(document)
! ! ! }
! ! case Result(processed) => writeResult(processed)
! ! case Stop => children.foreach(stop)
! }
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
class Worker extends Actor {
! def receive = {
! ! case Process(doc: Document) =>
! ! ! val processed = doSomeHardWork(doc)
! ! ! sender ! Result(processed)
! }
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• MVC framework à la Rails
• Real-time web, streams (WebSocket, ...)
• Everything is compiled
• I mean everything: CSS, JavaScripts,Templates, URLs, JSON, ...
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
GET /users controllers.Users.list
POST /users controllers.Users.create
PUT /users/:id/update controllers.Users.update(id: Long)
DELETE /users/:id controllers.Users.delete(id: Long)
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
class Users extends Controller {
def list = Action { request =>
val users = User.findAll
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
class Users extends Controller {
def list = Action { request =>
val users = User.findAll
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
@elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 -
• Questions, comments ?
• @elmanu

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Introduction to Scala

  • 2. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AGENDA • History • Why Scala? • Scala in the wild • The Code / Scala in practice • Tools & more
  • 3. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - YOUR SPEAKER • Independent software consultant • Web, web, web • Java & Scala & Javascript • Open-Source • Delving
  • 4. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AGENDA • History • Why Scala? • Scala in the wild • The Code / Scala in practice • Tools & more
  • 5. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - HISTORY • Martin Odersky, EPFL • Espresso, Pizza, GJ, Javac • Funnel, Scala • First Scala release in 2003
  • 6. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AGENDA • History • Why Scala? • Scala in the wild • The Code / Scala in practice
  • 7. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA DESIGN GOALS
  • 8. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA DESIGN GOALS • Full interoperability with Java
  • 9. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA DESIGN GOALS • Full interoperability with Java • Cut down boilerplate
  • 10. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA DESIGN GOALS • Full interoperability with Java • Cut down boilerplate • Pure object orientation & functional programming
  • 11. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA DESIGN GOALS • Full interoperability with Java • Cut down boilerplate • Pure object orientation & functional programming • Move away from null
  • 12. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA DESIGN GOALS • Full interoperability with Java • Cut down boilerplate • Pure object orientation & functional programming • Move away from null • Multi-core programming
  • 13. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AGENDA • History • Why Scala? • Scala in the wild • The Code / Scala in practice • Tools & more
  • 14. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - WHAT PEOPLE SAY If I were to pick a language today other than Java, it would be Scala. James Gosling Father of Java
  • 15. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - WHAT PEOPLE SAY I can honestly say if someone had shown me the Programming Scala book by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon & Bill Venners back in 2003 I’d probably have never created Groovy. James Strachan Creator of Groovy
  • 16. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - ThoughtWorksTechRadar May 2013
  • 17. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA INTHE WILD
  • 18. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA INTHE WILD etc.
  • 19. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA INVIENNA • openForce - • x-tradesoft - • Delving - • dimocom - • emarsys - • Miavia -
  • 20. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SCALA INVIENNA • ScalaVienna User Group • Next meeting: 26th September 6 PM - Sektor 5
  • 21. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AGENDA • History • Why Scala? • Scala in the wild • The Code / Scala in practice • Tools & more
  • 22. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AVOIDINGTHE BILLION- DOLLAR MISTAKE But I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement Tony Hoare Creator of ALGOL
  • 23. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AVOIDINGTHE BILLION- DOLLAR MISTAKE val maybeUser: Option[User] = User.findOneByName("bob") // returns Some[User] maybeUser == None // false maybeUser.foreach { user => println(user.fullName) // prints "Bob Marley" if there is a user! } val name ="Unknown user")
  • 24. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - CONCISENESS public class User { ! private String name; ! private String surname; ! private String email; ! public User(String name, String surname, String email) { ! ! = name; ! ! this.surname = surname; ! ! = email; ! } ! public void setName(String name) { ! ! = name; ! } ! public void setSurname(String surname) { ! ! this.surname = surname; ! } ! public void setEmail(String email) { ! ! = email ! } ! public String getName() { ! ! return; ! } ! public String getSurname() { ! ! return this.surname; ! } ! public String getEmail() { ! ! return this.surname; ! } }
  • 25. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - CONCISENESS class User( var name: String, var surname: String, var email: String) val bob = new User("Bob", "Marley", "") // bob: User = User@5c3f1224 // res0: String = Bob = "Bobby" // String = Bobby
  • 26. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - CONCISENESS public class ImmutableUser { ! private final String name; ! private final String surname; ! private final String email; ! public ImmutableUser(String name, String surname, String email) { ! ! = name; ! ! this.surname = surname; ! ! = email; ! } ! public String getName() { ! ! return; ! } ! public String getSurname() { ! ! return this.surname; ! } ! public String getEmail() { ! ! return this.surname; ! } ! @Override public int hashCode() { ! ! // yada yada yada ! } ! @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { ! ! // yada yada yada ! } }
  • 27. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - CONCISENESS case class ImmutableUser( name: String, surname: String, email: String) val bob = ImmutableUser("Bob", "Marley", "") // hashcode and equals for free! val namedBob = ImmutableUser(name = "Bob", surname = "Marley", email = "email") val bobby = bob.copy(name = "Bobby") // returns a User with name Bobby bob.toString // res0: String = ImmutableUser(Bob,Marley,email)
  • 28. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - USEFULTYPE INFERENCE val foo = "Bar" // foo: String = Bar val answer = 42 // answer: Int = 42 val price = 9.99 // price: Double = 9.99 val nums = List(1, 2, 3) // nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) val map = Map("abc" -> List(1, 2, 3)) // map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[Int]] = Map(abc -> List(1, 2, 3))
  • 29. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - EXPLICITTYPING val foo: String = "Bar" // foo: String = Bar val answer: Int = 42 // answer: Int = 42 val price: Double = 9.99 // price: Double = 9.99 val nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) // nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) val map: Map[String, List[Int]] = Map("abc" -> List(1, 2, 3)) // map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[Int]] = Map(abc -> List(1, 2, 3))
  • 30. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE users.sort(new Comparator { public int compare(Object user1, Object user2) { ! int userAge1 = ((User) user1).getAge(); ! int userAge2 = ((User) user2).getAge(); ! if (userAge1 > userAge2) { ! ! return 1; ! } else if userAge1 < userAge2) { ! ! ! return -1; ! ! } else { ! ! ! return 0; ! ! } ! } });
  • 31. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE def sortByAge(user1: User, user2: User) = user1.age > user2.age users.sortWith(sortByAge)
  • 32. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE users.sortWith((user1, user2) => user1.age > user2.age)
  • 33. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE users.sortWith(_.age > _.age)
  • 34. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE List<User> minors = new ArrayList<User>(); List<User> majors = new ArrayList<User>(); for (User u : users) { ! if (u.getAge() < 18) { ! ! minors.add(u); ! } else { ! ! majors.add(u); ! } }
  • 35. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE val (minors, majors) = users.partition(_.age < 18)
  • 36. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - COLLECTION LIBRARY & FUNCTIONAL STYLE val minors = users.filter(_.age < 18)
  • 37. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - • Minimal language, powerful library • Language features for extensibility EXTENSIBLE LANGUAGE
  • 38. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - DOMAIN SPECIFIC LANGUAGES import collection.mutable.Stack import org.scalatest._ class ExampleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "A Stack" should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { val stack = new Stack[Int] stack.push(1) stack.push(2) stack.pop() should be (2) stack.pop() should be (1) } it should "throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped" in { val emptyStack = new Stack[Int] a [NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy { emptyStack.pop() } } }
  • 39. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - MACROS PLAY JSON DE/SERIALIZATION
  • 40. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - MACROS PLAY JSON DE/SERIALIZATION case class Creature(name: String, isDead: Boolean, weight: Float) implicit val creatureReads: Reads[Creature] = ( (__ "name").read[String] and (__ "isDead").read[Boolean] and (__ "weight").read[Float] )(Creature) implicit val creatureWrites: Writes[Creature] = ( (__ "name").write[String] and (__ "isDead").write[Boolean] and (__ "weight").write[Float] )(unlift(Creature.unapply))
  • 41. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - MACROS PLAY JSON DE/SERIALIZATION import play.api.json._ implicit val creatureFormat = Json.format[Creature] // format is a macro
  • 42. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - AGENDA • History • Why Scala? • Scala in the wild • The Code / Scala in practice • Tools & more
  • 43. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - IDE • IntelliJ IDEA • Eclipse • SublimeText
  • 44. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - SIMPLE BUILDTOOL name := "My Project" version := "1.0" organization := "org.myproject" libraryDependencies += "org.scala-tools.testing" %% "scalacheck" % "1.8" % "test" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "net.databinder" %% "dispatch-meetup" % "0.7.8", "net.databinder" %% "dispatch-twitter" % "0.7.8" ) javaOptions += "-Xmx256m" logLevel in compile := Level.Warn
  • 45. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS:AKKA • Actor concurrency model based on Erlang • “Human” design: actors talk to eachother and form hierarchies • Much, much, much simpler to work and reason with than threads
  • 46. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS:AKKA Source:
  • 47. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS:AKKA class Master extends Actor { ! val workers = context.actorOf(Props[Worker].withRouter( ! RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5)) ! ) ! def receive = { ! ! case Start => ! ! ! getDocumentsFromDb.foreach { document => ! ! ! ! workers ! Process(document) ! ! ! } ! ! case Result(processed) => writeResult(processed) ! ! case Stop => children.foreach(stop) ! } }
  • 48. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS:AKKA class Worker extends Actor { ! def receive = { ! ! case Process(doc: Document) => ! ! ! val processed = doSomeHardWork(doc) ! ! ! sender ! Result(processed) ! } }
  • 49. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS: PLAY • MVC framework à la Rails • Real-time web, streams (WebSocket, ...) • Everything is compiled • I mean everything: CSS, JavaScripts,Templates, URLs, JSON, ...
  • 50. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS: PLAY GET /users controllers.Users.list POST /users controllers.Users.create PUT /users/:id/update controllers.Users.update(id: Long) DELETE /users/:id controllers.Users.delete(id: Long)
  • 51. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS: PLAY class Users extends Controller { def list = Action { request => val users = User.findAll Ok(Json.toJson(users)) } }
  • 52. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - FRAMEWORKS: PLAY class Users extends Controller { def list = Action { request => val users = User.findAll Ok(Json.toJson(users)) } } 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
  • 53. @elmanu Java Klassentreffen 2013 - THANKYOU! • Questions, comments ? • • • @elmanu