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                              María Alejandra Reséndiz Bernal
                                      CCH Naucalpan


(WENDEN, 1991)

 NOMBRE DE               OBJETIVO                       MATERIAL                  DESCRIPCIÓN /
LA ACTIVIDAD                                                                           TIEMPO
Actividad previa   El alumno buscará          Libros, periódicos, revistas ,   En clase previa se
                   información sobre la       folletos, internet, etc.         asignará la tarea de
                   UNAM                                                        buscar información
                                                                               sobre la UNAM en las
                                                                               diferentes fuentes de
                                                                               información. Los
                                                                               alumnos asisten a la
                                                                               biblioteca del plantel.
                                                                               Los alumnos traen la
                                                                               información por
                                                                               escrito (en una
                                                                               cuartilla) o copias.
Lluvia de ideas    El alumno comentará la     Cuadernos y /o copias.           El profesor escribe en
                   información de su                                           el pizarrón puntos
                   investigación                                               relevantes de los
                                                                               comentarios de los
                                                                               alumnos acerca del
                                                                               tema. 15´
Lectura            El alumno leerá el         Texto: “National Autonomous      Los alumnos
                   texto en inglés sobre la   University of Mexico”            reconocen
                   UNAM y verificará          Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz,   información e
                   información que ya         Alejandra. Comprensión de        incorporan nuevos
                   conocía                    Lectura. Inglés IV. P. 93-94     elementos. 15´
Elaboración de     El alumno elaborará un     Cuaderno y texto                 Los alumnos elaboran
un mapa            mapa conceptual.                                            un mapa conceptual
conceptual                                                                     de la información del
                                                                               texto. 20´
Discusión y        El alumno discutirá cuál   Papel bond, marcadores           En equipos cada
toma de            es el mapa con la                                           alumno debe discutir
decisiones         información más                                             el porqué su mapa
                   completa y decide cuál                                      conceptual es el más
                   y cómo lo presentarán                                       completo y deben
                   frente al grupo.                                            decidir si hay
                   Equipos de 5 ó 6                                            modificaciones o no y
                                                                               quién debe
presentarlo ante el
                                                                              grupo. 40´

Lectura          El alumno lee la           Texto “National Autonomous        Los alumnos leen la
                 segunda parte del texto    University of Mexico” part II.    segunda parte del
                 y decide qué lugar de      Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz,    texto y deciden el
                 los mencionados            Alejandra . Comprensión de        lugar que visitarán
                 visitará para elaborar     Lectura. Inglés IV. P. 102-103.   para realizar su
                 su proyecto para                                             trabajo de
                 entregar.                                                    investigación. La
                                                                              decisión se la harán
                                                                              saber a la profesora.

Post lectura     El alumno toma nota de     Lineamientos del proyecto.        Con todo el grupo se
                 los lineamientos del       Frases                            comentan los
                 trabajo y completa las                                       lineamientos del
                 siguientes frases:                                           proyecto y los
                     1. De la UNAM, he                                        alumnos completan
                         visitado…                                            las frases.
                     2. Me gustaría ser
                     3. La carrera que
                         voy a estudiar
                     4. La voy a
                         estudiar en…
                     5. Pertenecer a la
                         UNAM para mí


Observaciones: la siguiente clase se comentan las frases que completaron y entregan el


Texto 1 “National Autonomous University of Mexico”. Part I

Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz, Alejandra . Comprensión de Lectura. Inglés IV. P. 93-94


En esta clase de lectura además de involucrar a los alumnos en el tema de la UNAM y
trabajar con el tema de organizadores gráficos, incluido en nuestro programa de la
asignatura; se les permite tomar decisiones y responsabilizarse de las tareas y
actividades. Estas actividades las deben realizar tanto en el salón de clase, así como
fuera de él. Al inicio, se pretende que los alumnos realicen un trabajo de
documentación previa de forma libre, es decir, más general y sin limitaciones. Pueden
buscar en cualquier fuente de información. En la actividad de documentación posterior
a la clase se delimita de qué forma pueden realizarlo pero el alumno debe tomar
decisiones sobre lo que quiere trabajar. Para este momento ya cuenta con información
que puede ayudarle y motivarlo a tomar sus propias decisiones. Durante la clase
deberá aplicar sus estrategias de lectura y conocimientos sobre elaboración de mapas
conceptuales. Tendrá que responsabilizarse sobre su propia actividad y deberá
participar en la toma de decisiones junto con sus compañeros. Fuera del salón, las
responsabilidades iniciarán desde qué lugar visitar, cómo, cuándo, con quién, etc.
Además deberá prever tanto los recursos que necesitará al visitar un recinto cultural de
la UNAM, como tener vigente su credencial de alumno para los descuentos, conocer la
ubicación exacta del lugar, planear la ruta a seguir y hasta la entrega final del proyecto.
Debemos recordar que la población que atendemos en su mayoría vive en el Estado de
México y no conoce mucho de lo que existe en el sur de la ciudad. Los resultados
esperados son incentivar su interés por la Universidad, la aplicación de sus
conocimientos y estrategias y el fomento de su responsabilidad al realizar diversas
actividades académicas.
National Autonomous University of Mexico
                                     Part I

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Spanish: Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, commonly abbreviated as UNAM) was founded in 1551, making it the oldest in
America. It is the largest university in Latin America and was ranked no.1 in the region in a
study conducted by Beijing University and The Times. It is a Napoleonic university, i.e. it
consists of faculties, rather than departments. Both undergraduate and graduate studies are
available. UNAM is also responsible for the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (ENP) (National High
School), and Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH), which are high schools, scattered
around Mexico City. Counting ENP, CCH, undergraduate and graduate students, UNAM has
over 250,000 students. It has several campuses in Mexico City, as well as some other around
the rest of Mexico (mainly aimed at graduates), and one campus in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
In addition, it is the only University in Mexico with three Nobel Laureates among its former
students: Alfonso García Robles (peace), Octavio Paz (literature), and Mario Molina (chemistry).

Undergraduate studies
Rectorate Tower

UNAM is organized into faculties, (Spanish: facultades). Each faculty offers several bachelor
degrees, as well as courses for graduate studies. Each faculty is further divided into
departments, each of which group together professors from a single knowledge area.
Departments are internal to each faculty. This results in having multiple different departments in
the same subject but in different faculties.
        Several faculties are physically located at the main campus, University City (CU) in
Coyoacán, while others are scattered around other parts of Mexico City. Some of UNAM's
research institutes outside Mexico City (like the Nitrogen Fixation Center, in Cuernavaca) also
offer undergraduate courses.
There are also five campuses (Aragón, Acatlán, Cuautitlán, Iztacala, Zaragoza) which offer
several degrees in different areas.
Currently a total of 23 bachelor degrees are offered at UNAM. Many of these are not offered
elsewhere in Mexico, thus attracting a number of students from outside Mexico City, for whom
no accommodation is provided by UNAM.

Foreign students are able to enroll themselves in any bachelor program, provided that they pass
a Spanish-language proficiency test. A special school, called the Center of Teaching for
Foreigners (CEPE), is available, where foreign students are taught Spanish and introduced to
the Mexican academic system.

University City
"Ciudad Universitaria" (literally: University City), UNAM's main campus, is located in Coyoacán
borough in the south part of Mexico City. It encloses the Olympic Stadium, about 40 faculties
and institutes, the Cultural Center, an ecological reserve, the Central Library, and a few
museums. Built during the 1950s on an ancient solidified lava bed to replace the scattered
buildings where classes were given, it was finished in 1954. Although the University has other
buildings in Mexico City (mostly for undergraduate studies and cultural purposes) and in other
states, Ciudad Universitaria, known simply as "C.U.", is the prime symbol of the University.
Following are some highlights of Ciudad Universitaria.
Central Library (Biblioteca Central)
Ciudad Universitaria was meant to be an open place. Previously a volcanic rock bed in some
places, with heavy vegetations in others, there are very few straight roads or paths. Roads tend
to be concentric circuits, with buildings located inside them. Some can only be reached by a
short, 5-10 minute walk. Volcanic rock was removed to make room for the buildings, and it was
used to make pathways and outer walls. Buildings themselves are made with common
materials, concrete and brick being most common, and usually have big windows and gardens,
both inside and outside. Most buildings have two to three floors.
        Although different in style, gardens and volcanic rock are a common theme across all
buildings with some notable exceptions: the Rectorate Tower and the Central Library. These
tall, square-shaped buildings, standing a bit isolated from the rest, are adorned by mural
paintings made by famous Mexican muralists David Alfaro Siqueiros (Rectorate Tower) and
Juan O'Gorman (Central Library).
        This last mural, covering all sides of the Library, based on Aztec and Spanish motifs and
UNAM's coat of arms, makes the Central Library Ciudad Universitaria's most iconic building.

Sculptural Space
Inside the ecological reserve stands the Sculptural Space. It is a big round natural solidified lava
bed surrounded by many white triangular prisms that seem to radiate from its center, a bit like a
sunflower. There are many big and colorful metallic sculptures made by contemporary artists
surrounding this area, hence its name.


   •   UNIVERSUM, the Science Museum. It houses interactive exhibits about science, geared
       to the general public.
   •   University Museum for the Sciences and Arts (MUCA, Museo Universitario de Ciencias y
       Artes), holds contemporary art exhibits.
   •   Museo Universitario del Chopo. An art deco building near downtown Mexico City, with a
       couple of towers designed by Gustave Eiffel. Mostly temporary visual arts exhibits.
   •   Museo de San Ildefonso. In the heart of downtown Mexico City, holds temporary and
       permanent exhibits of art and culture.
   •   Palacio de Minería. A classical building in downtown Mexico City near the Palacio de
       Bellas Artes, holds permanent and temporary exhibits as well as "Feria Universitaria del
       Libro" (University Book Fair) two weeks every year.

   • Sala Netzahualcoyotl. Orchestral performances can be found here. Eventually dance.
   • Teatro Juan Ruiz de Alarcon. Major Theater. Both classical and contemporary works.
   • Centro Universitario de Teatro (CUT). A smaller theater (about 100 seats) attached to
       the Theather School.
   • Several movie theatres are also in the Cultural Zone, screening mostly International
       (European, Asian...) films, as well as classics, all at affordable prices (about $10 or $15).
       Also film clubs exist in almost all schools, providing screenings of independent and art
       films to all public.
   • Colegio de San Ildefonso. A beautiful baroque building (founded 1588) in the heart of
       downtown Mexico City, now devoted to culture and arts.
   • Radio UNAM. XEUN 96.1 MHz & 860 KHz in Mexico City, XEYU, short wave 9600 KHz
       in the 31-meter international band. Musical, cultural, informative and recreational

Texto 2 “National Autonomous University of Mexico”. Part II

Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz, Alejandra . Comprensión de Lectura. Inglés IV. P. P. 102-103.

            National Autonomous University of Mexico
                                                  Part II

                Sport facilities

               Mexico 68 Olympic Stadium. As its name says, it was made for the 1968
               Olympic Games, held in Mexico City. It was also used for the 1986 Soccer
               World Cup. It also holds football matches for Mexico's City university league. It
               also has a race track, used for international invitation-only athletic competition in
recent times due to the success of Ana Guevara.

There are university owned cafeterias around the campus, but they are "franchised" to
cooperatives. These cafeterias are permanent, one floor buildings and very similar to each
other. There are also small, permanent shops on the side of some non-schooling buildings,
where a full-size cafeteria would be impractical. Some of these shops don't sell food but
photocopies and office supplies. Lastly, some semi-permanent shops, selling mostly candies
and packaged food, are around the campus. These are built and dismantled every day but are
very stable, lasting years in the same place. A few sell University memorabilia, mostly related to
the soccer team.

Given its size, the lack of entry controls and compared to the rest of the Mexico City, University
City is quite a safe place. There is an internal surveillance group, "Auxilio UNAM" (UNAM Help).
They patrol the city on car all day, especially on vacation days and weekends, but have no
firearms. For historical and legal reasons (i.e., university autonomy), law enforcement officers
do not enter University City unless specifically requested by the University authorities. Crimes
happen, but are sporadic and usually late at night, when most people (both students and
employees) have already left. There is also a hospital and a fire station inside campus.

External buildings of interest

Palacio de Minería
Under the care of UNAM's Engineering Faculty, this beautiful colonial Palace of Mining is
located in the historical center of Mexico City. It has three floors, and houses the International
Book Expo ("Feria Internacional del Libro" or "FIL") and the International Day of Computing
Security Congress ("DISC"), among regular events. It also has a permanent exhibition of
historical books, mostly topological and naturalist works of 19th century Mexican scientists, the
original library of the School of Engineers, and exhibits related to mining, the prime engineering
occupation during the Spanish colonization. It is considered one of the jewels of Mexican
architecture of its period.
Casa del Lago
House of the Lake, in Chapultepec Park – a place devoted to cultural activities like dancing,
plays and ballet. It also serves as meeting place for University related organizations and

Museo de San Ildefonso
A baroque building in downtown Mexico City, held the first schools that later became UNAM.

Museo Universitario del Chopo
With an art deco architecture, large crystal panels and a couple of iron towers designed by
Gustave Eiffel, it held the National Museum of Natural History for almost 50 years, now devoted
to temporary exhibits of visual arts.

Observatorio Astronómico Nacional
The National Astronical Observatory is located in the San Pedro Mártir Sierra in Baja California,
about 130 km south of the border with the United States. It has been in operation since 1970
and it currently boasts three large reflecting telescopes, with plans for installing a large
instrument sensitive to milimetric wavelengths already under way.

Political Climate
UNAM students and professors are regarded around Mexico as very politically aware, and
sometimes politically active. The general tendency is left-wing, with several socialist movements
emerging form university students and staff.

However, UNAM is perhaps the place with more active political discussion in Mexico, including
serious debate, mostly on the part of the faculty members. Among professors one can find
persons influential in Mexican politics, as well as respected analysts. Discussion of political
subjects is often encouraged by professors. International politics are also discussed, and
several groups of interest have been formed, again mostly by professors, which have several
degrees of influence in national opinion.

Despite the general leftist orientation, some right wing organizations have also benefited from
university members. Some versions indicate that some of the current high-ranking government
officials (Secretaries and advisors) emerged from a particular right-wing movement of Christian-
nationalist orientation, born in UNAM in the 1960s.

In general, being a former student or professor at UNAM, almost guarantees a degree of
political awareness not present in the average Mexican population. It is for this reason that
political unrest is not uncommon among the UNAM community.

Football team
UNAM's football (soccer) team "Club Universidad Nacional" participates in the First Division of
the Mexican Professional Football League. The "Pumas", as the team is known, are current
back to back champions (Apertura '04 - Clausura '04). They play at the Mexico 68 Olympic
Stadium and are coached by Mexican football legend Hugo Sánchez.
Famous alumni

   • Carlos Salinas de Gortari (President of Mexico 1988–1994)
   • Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado (President of Mexico 1982–1988)
   • José López Portillo y Pachecho (President of Mexico 1976–1982)
   • Luis Echeverría Álvarez (President of Mexico 1970–1976)
   • Miguel Alemán Valdés (President of Mexico 1946–1952)
   • Abel Pacheco de la Espriella (President of Costa Rica since 2002)

   • Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Head of Government 2000-2005)
   • Jesús Reyes Heroles (cabinet minister in several previous administrations)

   • Rodolfo Neri Vela (First Mexican in space)
   • Dr. Mario J. Molina (Nobel Prize winner, 1995)
   • Dr. Jose L. Cordova (Seagate)
   • Dr. Guillermo Haro (Astronomer (Herbig-Haro objects))
   • Miguel Alcubierre (Outstanding Theoretical and Computational Physicist)

   • Carlos Fuentes
   • Salvador Elizondo
   • José Emilio Pacheco
   • Fernando del Paso
Lineamientos del proyecto:



                                         PLANTEL NAUCALPAN

                                      DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS

                                                                     Teacher: Alejandra Reséndiz Bernal


    1. Acudir a uno de los recintos culturales de la UNAM

Para ello es necesario que leas los textos de la UNAM parte I y parte II de tu libro de trabajo. Elige uno
de los lugares que se mencionan en los textos. Estos se encuentran ubicados en Ciudad Universitaria o
en diferentes partes de la Ciudad de México.

    2. Elige una actividad.

Puedes elegir actividades como exposiciones, películas, obras de teatro, actividades al aire libre, etc.
Dependiendo de qué actividad elijas tendrás que justificar tu asistencia a dicho evento con el boleto
de entrada, fotografías (en las que tú aparezcas) o sello (en caso de ser una evento de entrada libre).

   3. Realiza el trabajo para entregar.
Debes entregar un reporte que contenga lo siguiente:

    a) Realizar una investigación del lugar que visitarás y dos lugares más que te hayan interesado
       (media cuartilla mínimo por cada uno).
    b) Proporcionar la dirección del lugar que visitaste.
    c) Comentar por qué decidiste asistir a ese lugar.
    d) Describir la película, la exposición, la obra de teatro, o la actividad al aire libre.
    e) Escribir tu opinión tanto del lugar así como del evento al que asististe.
    f) Mencionar qué significa para ti pertenecer a la Máxima Casa de Estudios.
    g) Pegar las fotografías, boletos correspondientes y folletos que hayas obtenido en tu visita.

Para elaborar tu trabajo:

    a) Puedes consultar la página electrónica del CCH, la Gaceta o la página
       electrónica de la gaceta
    b) Deberás elaborar tu trabajo en máquina de escribir o en computadora en con letra del 12 e
       interlineado sencillo.
    c) Con carátula, engrapado y sin fólder.
    d) Sin faltas ortográficas
    e) Fecha de entrega
               ¡Recuerda que la calidad de tu trabajo se verá reflejada en tu calificación!

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Rebmin Cchn

  • 1. Clave: REBMIN-CCHN María Alejandra Reséndiz Bernal Inglés CCH Naucalpan AUTONOMÍA: THE ACQUISITION OF THE STRATEGIES AND KNOWLEDGE THAT THE LEARNER GETS IN ORDER TO TAKE MORE RESPONSABILITY OF HIS LEARNING. (WENDEN, 1991) NOMBRE DE OBJETIVO MATERIAL DESCRIPCIÓN / LA ACTIVIDAD TIEMPO Actividad previa El alumno buscará Libros, periódicos, revistas , En clase previa se información sobre la folletos, internet, etc. asignará la tarea de UNAM buscar información sobre la UNAM en las diferentes fuentes de información. Los alumnos asisten a la biblioteca del plantel. Los alumnos traen la información por escrito (en una cuartilla) o copias. Lluvia de ideas El alumno comentará la Cuadernos y /o copias. El profesor escribe en información de su el pizarrón puntos investigación relevantes de los comentarios de los alumnos acerca del tema. 15´ Lectura El alumno leerá el Texto: “National Autonomous Los alumnos texto en inglés sobre la University of Mexico” reconocen UNAM y verificará Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz, información e información que ya Alejandra. Comprensión de incorporan nuevos conocía Lectura. Inglés IV. P. 93-94 elementos. 15´ Elaboración de El alumno elaborará un Cuaderno y texto Los alumnos elaboran un mapa mapa conceptual. un mapa conceptual conceptual de la información del texto. 20´ Discusión y El alumno discutirá cuál Papel bond, marcadores En equipos cada toma de es el mapa con la alumno debe discutir decisiones información más el porqué su mapa completa y decide cuál conceptual es el más y cómo lo presentarán completo y deben frente al grupo. decidir si hay Equipos de 5 ó 6 modificaciones o no y quién debe
  • 2. presentarlo ante el grupo. 40´ Lectura El alumno lee la Texto “National Autonomous Los alumnos leen la segunda parte del texto University of Mexico” part II. segunda parte del y decide qué lugar de Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz, texto y deciden el los mencionados Alejandra . Comprensión de lugar que visitarán visitará para elaborar Lectura. Inglés IV. P. 102-103. para realizar su su proyecto para trabajo de entregar. investigación. La decisión se la harán saber a la profesora. 15´ Post lectura El alumno toma nota de Lineamientos del proyecto. Con todo el grupo se los lineamientos del Frases comentan los trabajo y completa las lineamientos del siguientes frases: proyecto y los 1. De la UNAM, he alumnos completan visitado… las frases. 2. Me gustaría ser como… 3. La carrera que voy a estudiar es... 4. La voy a estudiar en… 5. Pertenecer a la UNAM para mí significa… 1. PLAN DE CLASE PARA FOMENTAR LA AUTONOMÍA Observaciones: la siguiente clase se comentan las frases que completaron y entregan el proyecto. MATERIALES Texto 1 “National Autonomous University of Mexico”. Part I Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz, Alejandra . Comprensión de Lectura. Inglés IV. P. 93-94 REFLEXIÓN En esta clase de lectura además de involucrar a los alumnos en el tema de la UNAM y trabajar con el tema de organizadores gráficos, incluido en nuestro programa de la asignatura; se les permite tomar decisiones y responsabilizarse de las tareas y
  • 3. actividades. Estas actividades las deben realizar tanto en el salón de clase, así como fuera de él. Al inicio, se pretende que los alumnos realicen un trabajo de documentación previa de forma libre, es decir, más general y sin limitaciones. Pueden buscar en cualquier fuente de información. En la actividad de documentación posterior a la clase se delimita de qué forma pueden realizarlo pero el alumno debe tomar decisiones sobre lo que quiere trabajar. Para este momento ya cuenta con información que puede ayudarle y motivarlo a tomar sus propias decisiones. Durante la clase deberá aplicar sus estrategias de lectura y conocimientos sobre elaboración de mapas conceptuales. Tendrá que responsabilizarse sobre su propia actividad y deberá participar en la toma de decisiones junto con sus compañeros. Fuera del salón, las responsabilidades iniciarán desde qué lugar visitar, cómo, cuándo, con quién, etc. Además deberá prever tanto los recursos que necesitará al visitar un recinto cultural de la UNAM, como tener vigente su credencial de alumno para los descuentos, conocer la ubicación exacta del lugar, planear la ruta a seguir y hasta la entrega final del proyecto. Debemos recordar que la población que atendemos en su mayoría vive en el Estado de México y no conoce mucho de lo que existe en el sur de la ciudad. Los resultados esperados son incentivar su interés por la Universidad, la aplicación de sus conocimientos y estrategias y el fomento de su responsabilidad al realizar diversas actividades académicas.
  • 4. National Autonomous University of Mexico Part I The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Spanish: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, commonly abbreviated as UNAM) was founded in 1551, making it the oldest in America. It is the largest university in Latin America and was ranked no.1 in the region in a study conducted by Beijing University and The Times. It is a Napoleonic university, i.e. it consists of faculties, rather than departments. Both undergraduate and graduate studies are available. UNAM is also responsible for the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (ENP) (National High School), and Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH), which are high schools, scattered around Mexico City. Counting ENP, CCH, undergraduate and graduate students, UNAM has over 250,000 students. It has several campuses in Mexico City, as well as some other around the rest of Mexico (mainly aimed at graduates), and one campus in San Antonio, Texas, USA. In addition, it is the only University in Mexico with three Nobel Laureates among its former students: Alfonso García Robles (peace), Octavio Paz (literature), and Mario Molina (chemistry). Undergraduate studies Rectorate Tower UNAM is organized into faculties, (Spanish: facultades). Each faculty offers several bachelor degrees, as well as courses for graduate studies. Each faculty is further divided into departments, each of which group together professors from a single knowledge area. Departments are internal to each faculty. This results in having multiple different departments in the same subject but in different faculties. Several faculties are physically located at the main campus, University City (CU) in Coyoacán, while others are scattered around other parts of Mexico City. Some of UNAM's research institutes outside Mexico City (like the Nitrogen Fixation Center, in Cuernavaca) also offer undergraduate courses. There are also five campuses (Aragón, Acatlán, Cuautitlán, Iztacala, Zaragoza) which offer several degrees in different areas. Currently a total of 23 bachelor degrees are offered at UNAM. Many of these are not offered elsewhere in Mexico, thus attracting a number of students from outside Mexico City, for whom no accommodation is provided by UNAM. Foreign students are able to enroll themselves in any bachelor program, provided that they pass a Spanish-language proficiency test. A special school, called the Center of Teaching for Foreigners (CEPE), is available, where foreign students are taught Spanish and introduced to the Mexican academic system. University City "Ciudad Universitaria" (literally: University City), UNAM's main campus, is located in Coyoacán borough in the south part of Mexico City. It encloses the Olympic Stadium, about 40 faculties and institutes, the Cultural Center, an ecological reserve, the Central Library, and a few museums. Built during the 1950s on an ancient solidified lava bed to replace the scattered buildings where classes were given, it was finished in 1954. Although the University has other buildings in Mexico City (mostly for undergraduate studies and cultural purposes) and in other states, Ciudad Universitaria, known simply as "C.U.", is the prime symbol of the University. Following are some highlights of Ciudad Universitaria.
  • 5. Central Library (Biblioteca Central) Ciudad Universitaria was meant to be an open place. Previously a volcanic rock bed in some places, with heavy vegetations in others, there are very few straight roads or paths. Roads tend to be concentric circuits, with buildings located inside them. Some can only be reached by a short, 5-10 minute walk. Volcanic rock was removed to make room for the buildings, and it was used to make pathways and outer walls. Buildings themselves are made with common materials, concrete and brick being most common, and usually have big windows and gardens, both inside and outside. Most buildings have two to three floors. Although different in style, gardens and volcanic rock are a common theme across all buildings with some notable exceptions: the Rectorate Tower and the Central Library. These tall, square-shaped buildings, standing a bit isolated from the rest, are adorned by mural paintings made by famous Mexican muralists David Alfaro Siqueiros (Rectorate Tower) and Juan O'Gorman (Central Library). This last mural, covering all sides of the Library, based on Aztec and Spanish motifs and UNAM's coat of arms, makes the Central Library Ciudad Universitaria's most iconic building. Sculptural Space Inside the ecological reserve stands the Sculptural Space. It is a big round natural solidified lava bed surrounded by many white triangular prisms that seem to radiate from its center, a bit like a sunflower. There are many big and colorful metallic sculptures made by contemporary artists surrounding this area, hence its name. Museums • UNIVERSUM, the Science Museum. It houses interactive exhibits about science, geared to the general public. • University Museum for the Sciences and Arts (MUCA, Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes), holds contemporary art exhibits. • Museo Universitario del Chopo. An art deco building near downtown Mexico City, with a couple of towers designed by Gustave Eiffel. Mostly temporary visual arts exhibits. • Museo de San Ildefonso. In the heart of downtown Mexico City, holds temporary and permanent exhibits of art and culture. • Palacio de Minería. A classical building in downtown Mexico City near the Palacio de Bellas Artes, holds permanent and temporary exhibits as well as "Feria Universitaria del Libro" (University Book Fair) two weeks every year. Culture • Sala Netzahualcoyotl. Orchestral performances can be found here. Eventually dance. • Teatro Juan Ruiz de Alarcon. Major Theater. Both classical and contemporary works. • Centro Universitario de Teatro (CUT). A smaller theater (about 100 seats) attached to the Theather School. • Several movie theatres are also in the Cultural Zone, screening mostly International (European, Asian...) films, as well as classics, all at affordable prices (about $10 or $15). Also film clubs exist in almost all schools, providing screenings of independent and art films to all public. • Colegio de San Ildefonso. A beautiful baroque building (founded 1588) in the heart of downtown Mexico City, now devoted to culture and arts. • Radio UNAM. XEUN 96.1 MHz & 860 KHz in Mexico City, XEYU, short wave 9600 KHz in the 31-meter international band. Musical, cultural, informative and recreational programming.
  • 6. Texto 2 “National Autonomous University of Mexico”. Part II Zuchovicki , Silvia. Reséndiz, Alejandra . Comprensión de Lectura. Inglés IV. P. P. 102-103. National Autonomous University of Mexico Part II Sport facilities Mexico 68 Olympic Stadium. As its name says, it was made for the 1968 Olympic Games, held in Mexico City. It was also used for the 1986 Soccer World Cup. It also holds football matches for Mexico's City university league. It also has a race track, used for international invitation-only athletic competition in recent times due to the success of Ana Guevara. Shops There are university owned cafeterias around the campus, but they are "franchised" to cooperatives. These cafeterias are permanent, one floor buildings and very similar to each other. There are also small, permanent shops on the side of some non-schooling buildings, where a full-size cafeteria would be impractical. Some of these shops don't sell food but photocopies and office supplies. Lastly, some semi-permanent shops, selling mostly candies and packaged food, are around the campus. These are built and dismantled every day but are very stable, lasting years in the same place. A few sell University memorabilia, mostly related to the soccer team. Security Given its size, the lack of entry controls and compared to the rest of the Mexico City, University City is quite a safe place. There is an internal surveillance group, "Auxilio UNAM" (UNAM Help). They patrol the city on car all day, especially on vacation days and weekends, but have no firearms. For historical and legal reasons (i.e., university autonomy), law enforcement officers do not enter University City unless specifically requested by the University authorities. Crimes happen, but are sporadic and usually late at night, when most people (both students and employees) have already left. There is also a hospital and a fire station inside campus. External buildings of interest Palacio de Minería Under the care of UNAM's Engineering Faculty, this beautiful colonial Palace of Mining is located in the historical center of Mexico City. It has three floors, and houses the International Book Expo ("Feria Internacional del Libro" or "FIL") and the International Day of Computing Security Congress ("DISC"), among regular events. It also has a permanent exhibition of historical books, mostly topological and naturalist works of 19th century Mexican scientists, the original library of the School of Engineers, and exhibits related to mining, the prime engineering occupation during the Spanish colonization. It is considered one of the jewels of Mexican architecture of its period.
  • 7. Casa del Lago House of the Lake, in Chapultepec Park – a place devoted to cultural activities like dancing, plays and ballet. It also serves as meeting place for University related organizations and committees. Museo de San Ildefonso A baroque building in downtown Mexico City, held the first schools that later became UNAM. Museo Universitario del Chopo With an art deco architecture, large crystal panels and a couple of iron towers designed by Gustave Eiffel, it held the National Museum of Natural History for almost 50 years, now devoted to temporary exhibits of visual arts. Observatorio Astronómico Nacional The National Astronical Observatory is located in the San Pedro Mártir Sierra in Baja California, about 130 km south of the border with the United States. It has been in operation since 1970 and it currently boasts three large reflecting telescopes, with plans for installing a large instrument sensitive to milimetric wavelengths already under way. Political Climate UNAM students and professors are regarded around Mexico as very politically aware, and sometimes politically active. The general tendency is left-wing, with several socialist movements emerging form university students and staff. However, UNAM is perhaps the place with more active political discussion in Mexico, including serious debate, mostly on the part of the faculty members. Among professors one can find persons influential in Mexican politics, as well as respected analysts. Discussion of political subjects is often encouraged by professors. International politics are also discussed, and several groups of interest have been formed, again mostly by professors, which have several degrees of influence in national opinion. Despite the general leftist orientation, some right wing organizations have also benefited from university members. Some versions indicate that some of the current high-ranking government officials (Secretaries and advisors) emerged from a particular right-wing movement of Christian- nationalist orientation, born in UNAM in the 1960s. In general, being a former student or professor at UNAM, almost guarantees a degree of political awareness not present in the average Mexican population. It is for this reason that political unrest is not uncommon among the UNAM community. Football team UNAM's football (soccer) team "Club Universidad Nacional" participates in the First Division of the Mexican Professional Football League. The "Pumas", as the team is known, are current back to back champions (Apertura '04 - Clausura '04). They play at the Mexico 68 Olympic Stadium and are coached by Mexican football legend Hugo Sánchez.
  • 8. Famous alumni Presidents • Carlos Salinas de Gortari (President of Mexico 1988–1994) • Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado (President of Mexico 1982–1988) • José López Portillo y Pachecho (President of Mexico 1976–1982) • Luis Echeverría Álvarez (President of Mexico 1970–1976) • Miguel Alemán Valdés (President of Mexico 1946–1952) • Abel Pacheco de la Espriella (President of Costa Rica since 2002) Politicians • Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Head of Government 2000-2005) • Jesús Reyes Heroles (cabinet minister in several previous administrations) Scientists • Rodolfo Neri Vela (First Mexican in space) • Dr. Mario J. Molina (Nobel Prize winner, 1995) • Dr. Jose L. Cordova (Seagate) • Dr. Guillermo Haro (Astronomer (Herbig-Haro objects)) • Miguel Alcubierre (Outstanding Theoretical and Computational Physicist) Writers • Carlos Fuentes • Salvador Elizondo • José Emilio Pacheco • Fernando del Paso
  • 9. Lineamientos del proyecto: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO ESCUELA NACIONAL COLEGIO DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADES PLANTEL NAUCALPAN DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS Teacher: Alejandra Reséndiz Bernal Opcional Project: VISITA A ALGUNO DE LOS RECINTOS CULTURALES DE LA UNAM 1. Acudir a uno de los recintos culturales de la UNAM Para ello es necesario que leas los textos de la UNAM parte I y parte II de tu libro de trabajo. Elige uno de los lugares que se mencionan en los textos. Estos se encuentran ubicados en Ciudad Universitaria o en diferentes partes de la Ciudad de México. 2. Elige una actividad. Puedes elegir actividades como exposiciones, películas, obras de teatro, actividades al aire libre, etc. Dependiendo de qué actividad elijas tendrás que justificar tu asistencia a dicho evento con el boleto de entrada, fotografías (en las que tú aparezcas) o sello (en caso de ser una evento de entrada libre). 3. Realiza el trabajo para entregar. Debes entregar un reporte que contenga lo siguiente: a) Realizar una investigación del lugar que visitarás y dos lugares más que te hayan interesado (media cuartilla mínimo por cada uno). b) Proporcionar la dirección del lugar que visitaste. c) Comentar por qué decidiste asistir a ese lugar. d) Describir la película, la exposición, la obra de teatro, o la actividad al aire libre. e) Escribir tu opinión tanto del lugar así como del evento al que asististe. f) Mencionar qué significa para ti pertenecer a la Máxima Casa de Estudios. g) Pegar las fotografías, boletos correspondientes y folletos que hayas obtenido en tu visita. Para elaborar tu trabajo: a) Puedes consultar la página electrónica del CCH, la Gaceta o la página electrónica de la gaceta b) Deberás elaborar tu trabajo en máquina de escribir o en computadora en con letra del 12 e interlineado sencillo. c) Con carátula, engrapado y sin fólder. d) Sin faltas ortográficas e) Fecha de entrega ¡Recuerda que la calidad de tu trabajo se verá reflejada en tu calificación!