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QUE NOS HACE GRUPO DIARQCO Prólogo / Preface ..............
PRODUCCIÓN / Production Services.................................................
Perforación de pozos. Reparaciones Mayores. Reparaciones
Menores / Drilling Services ...............................................................................
Compresión de gas / Integrated Service for gas Motocompression..................
Bombeo electrocentrífugo / APC ESP Centrifugal pumps.............................
SERVICIO A POZOS / Well Services...............................................
Medición Multifásica / Multiphase Flow Measurement Services.....................
Well Testing / Ensayo o Prueba de Pozos...........................................................
Slickline / Servicios de Línea de Acero................................................................
Wireline / Wireline Services...............................................................................
¡Lo nuevo! / Thenew!.......................................................................................
Análisis de núcleos (Toma del núcleo o coring) / Sidewall Core..............
Swabbing & CoildTubing /ServiciodePistoneoyTuberíaFlexible......................
Capacidad Instalada para el desarrollo de Ingeniaría para Servicio a
Pozos / Capacity installed for engineering development for Well Services.............
Capacidad instalada para desarrollo de ingeniería / Capacity installed
for engineering development...............................................................................
Nuevas tecnologías de Ingeniería / New Technologies................................
METIS y MEBIS / Intelligent 3D Models...........................................................
Escáner Láser 3D / 3D Laser Scanner...............................................................
Escáner Aéreo UAV / Aerial mapping Scanner with UAV..................................
Drones / Dron...................................................................................................
Escáner Móvil Terrestre / Mobil mapping Laser Scanner................................
Escáner Submarino / Submarine Scanner.......................................................
Impresora 3D / 3D Printer................................................................................
Fusión de nuevas tecnologías de ingeniería / Fusion of New
Technologies applied to Engineering services........................................................
DESARROLLO DE CAMPOS / Fields Developme...........................
Mayacaste /Mayacaste ..................................................................................
Calicanto / Calicanto......................................................................................
CONSTRUCCIÓN Obra Civil, Caminos y puentes, Obra
electromecánica /Construction........................................................
ARQUITECTURA / Architecture..................................................
yards and workshops......................................................................
CERTIFICADOS / Certificates.....................................................
RECONOCIMIENTOS / Awards................................................
EXPOSICIONES / Exhibitions and conferences ...............................
PUBLICACIONES / Publications.................................................
NUESTRAS ALIANZAS / Our Alliances......................................
NUESTRA HISTORIA / Our History............................................
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Con el impulso que siempre nos ha caracterizado, estamos inmersos en diversas acciones que en 2016 se nos exige
cumplir, especialmente porque durante el mismo, GD cumple el 24 aniversario de su fundación.
Desde el pasado año y aun en fecha de este editorial, han transcurrido trascendentales fenómenos en nuestro país,
que han impactado en la opinión pública, especialmente en nuestro sector, provocando fuertes y polémicas opiniones,
que cambian la forma de pensar de la mayor parte de la ciudadanía. De los más importantes, citare uno de los que nos
afecta directamente y que considero de importancia fundamental, La Reforma Energética y el cumulo de situaciones
que está originando.
Para lograr una total información lo más acertada posible, es necesario aplicar un profundo análisis de la situación, pero
de momento queremos respuestas sencillas y, para ello, es necesario aplicar los siguientes cuestionamientos:
¿Cuánto, cómo y hasta cuándo se verán sus efectos, en el precio del barril? ¿Cuándo tendrá una recuperación con una
tendencia positiva? Y. si por casualidad hubiere una acción acertada para tales fines, ¿Será que regresará a los mismos
valores de hace 3 o 4 años?, ¿Qué pasará con el agresivo plan de recortes de personal que se implantó y se sigue
implantando, tanto en el ámbito de PEMEX como al interior de su sindicato? ¿Cómo afectará a las grandes empresas
transnacionales?, ¿Qué pasará con nuestra empresa icono del país, una de las 12 más poderosas del mundo, después
de esta serie de restructuraciones a las que está siendo sometida? y ¿Cómo transitará un nuevo formato de explorar,
extraer y comercializar el petróleo y gas en nuestro país?.
Creo en este momento nadie sabe esto a ciencia cierta. A nosotros solamente nos resta acotar que es una oportunidad
histórica para las empresas mexicanas de servicio que, durante muchos lustros, hemos estado involucrados en las
actividades de las diferentes ramas de PEMEX y que ahora podemos con nuestras fortalezas, como empresas locales,
en el ámbito de infraestructura, equipamiento, personal capacitado, tecnologías, vasto conocimiento del estado social
y ambiental que guarda nuestra región, incursionar directamente gracias a la apertura y transparencia que están
demostrando las dependencias y funcionarios comisionados para tal tarea, responsables de implementar esas reformas,
reestructuraciones y demás, dando condiciones y oportunidades a empresas del ramo, para que puedan levantar la
mano, ya sea de manera independiente o consolidando alianzas entre empresas tanto nacionales como con extranjeras.
Esta nueva actitud se perfila como una aceptación de lo local a lo global y viceversa, frase multiusada en diferentes
ámbitos, misma que quisiéramos adoptar y a la vez hacerla nuestra, para definir a lo que nos induce a hacer Grupo
Lo expresado anteriormente nos aclara con precisión el objetivo fundamental que nos mueve, como es el caso de GD,
que siempre ha tenido muy claro consolidar alianzas que nos permitan traer lo mejor de lo global e implementarlo en
nuestra región de manera eficiente, con un amplio conocimiento de lo local, tanto a nivel social y ambiental como en
la aplicación de nuestras funciones a nivel de subsuelo, yacimientos e infraestructura, apoyados por profesionales de
geo ciencias e ingeniería que, a través de sísmica, tecnología, software y experiencias de clase mundial, nos permiten
diseñar las mejores condiciones de exploración, perforación, explotación y producción en los diferentes campos de
nuestro país.
Es por ello que, basándonos en lo anterior, con esta misma convicción y apoyados por un gran equipo de recursos
humanos que conforman a Grupo Diarqco, con amplia y probada experiencia desde lustros anteriores y de cara a
los retos por venir, como empresa y como parte de nuestra nación, se ha propuesto colocarse como una de las más
importantes empresas mexicanas en servicios integrales, enfocados principalmente a la producción en el sector
energético, en todas sus líneas selectas, como son; perforación, reparación, registros, análisis, diseño, eficiencia,
crecimiento, sistemas artificiales de producción y estimulación, medición de flujo multifasico en alta y baja presión, well
testing, slickline&wireline, coiled tubing y terminación de pozos. Todo esto se traduce en rentabilidad, siempre de la
mano con la investigación y la innovación.
Siendo GD, hasta el día de hoy, la primera empresa 100% tabasqueña con la oportunidad de operar campos petroleros
en suelo tabasqueño, no me resta más que decir que estamos preparados para poder responder a las nuevas exigencias
y necesidades globales y locales que se requieran en el ámbito de Petróleo y Gas.
Arq. Jorge de Dios Morales
Enero 2016
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
With the impulse which has always been our feature, we are deeply involved in different actions during this year 2016
we are deemed to fulfill, especially since GD celebrates its 24th anniversary.
Last year, and in recent months of the current year, there have been many beyond-the-ordinary events in Mexico which
have surprised the public opinion, especially in our sector, causing diverse and strong opinions which have changes
most of the citizens’mindsets.
Among such important events, there are some which directly impact us, such as the following which I consider of critical
importance. This is the Energy Reform and the set of situations it is creating.
In order to achieve full information as accurate as possible, it is necessary to apply a deep analysis of the situation, but
as for the time being we want simple answers and for that, we need to apply the following questions:
¿How much, how and when will the effects be reflected in the price of oil barrel?When will it come with a positive trend?
And, if by any chance there is a positive action for said purposes, will it come back to the same prices as in 3 or 4 years
both for PEMEX and its Union? How will this impact large transnational companies? What will happen with our iconic
company of Mexico, one of the 12 most powerful companies in the world after this series of re-structuration it is being
subject to?, and, how will a new form of exploration, extraction and trade of oil and gas in Mexico will transition?.
I believe no one knows for sure at this moment. We just would add that this is a historic opportunity for Mexican
service companies which, for so many decades, have been involved in activities in different branches of PEMEX which
we can now directly venture into with our strengths as local companies regarding infrastructure, equipment, trained
personnel, technologies, large knowledge of the social and environmental setting of our region thanks to the opening
and transparency demonstrated by the public institutions and officers for said task, who are responsible to implement
these reforms, re-structuration and others, creating conditions and opportunities for companies of the industry, so
that they can raise their hands to participate, either independently or by entering into consolidated alliances between
national and foreign companies.
This new attitude is envisaged as acceptance from local to global and vice versa, a catchphrase used so many times
in so many settings which we would like to adopt and make our own, in order to define what makes Grupo DIARQCO.
The above statement accurately clarifies the fundamental purpose which drives us, as in the case of GD, which has always
been very clear on the consolidation of alliances to allow us to bring the best from the global setting and implement
that in our region in an efficient manner, which broad knowledge of the local setting, both al social and environmental
setting, such as the application of our functions at subsoil, reservoir and infrastructure levels, supported by the geo-
sciences and engineering professionals who, by means of seismic, technology, software and world-class experiences,
allow us to design the best conditions for exploration, drilling, exploitation and production of the different fields in our
Diarqco, with ample and proven experience from previous years and facing the challenges still to come, as a company
and as part of Mexico, we have determined to become one of the most important Mexican companies in integrated
services mainly focused on production of the energy sector in all its selected service lines as: drilling, workovers, logging,
design, efficiency, growth, artificial production and stimulation systems, multiphase flow measurement in low and high
pressure, well testing, slickline & wireline, coiled tubing and wells completion.This all translates into profitability, always
in hand with research and innovation.
As GD, up to this date, is the first company 100% from the State of Tabasco with the opportunity to operate oil fields in
Tabasco ground, I would only like to add that we are prepared to be able to respond to the new demands and global
needs required regarding the Oil and Gas industry.
Mr. Jorge de Dios Morales
January, 2016
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Producción / Production Services
Producción / Production Services
Ante los nuevos retos y metas
de aumento de producción en el
sector petrolero es necesario contar
con mas y mejores equipos para la
perforación y reparación de pozos
en tierra, es por esto que Grupo
Diarqco cuenta con su primer
equipo con la expectativa de
aumentar en equipos y capacidades
de acuerdo a la demanda venidera.
Equipos para la perforación y reparación
de pozos en tierra
Equipment for onshore well drilling and
ProducciónDrilling Services
Due to the new challengers and goals for production increase in
the oil industry, it is necessary to have more and better equipment
for onshore well drilling and workovers, this is why Grupo Diarqco
based in the upcoming demand.
Todos los servicios:
- Servicios de refurbish
- Mantenimiento a equipos de perforación
All available service:
Refurbishment services
Drilling maintenance services
Lo que nos hace diferentes:
- Equipo de alta tecnología
-Personal especializado
What make us different
-High technology equipments
-Specialized personnel
En Corporate Energy Master ,
el compromiso es proveer todo
tipo de Servicios Especializados y
y Control de Obras, Administración
de Contratos, Tecnología de la
Información, Medición Multifásica
para Pozos de Producción de
Hidrocarburos, o de cualquier otro relacionado con la
Industria del Petróleo y Gas; siempre preservando el Medio
Ambiente, la Seguridad y la Salud del Personal y partes
Todo esto a través de la mejora continua de nuestro Sistema
de Gestión Integral conforme a la legislación aplicable y otros
requisitos que suscriba la empresa en Materia Ambiental y de
Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.
Corporate Energy Master has the commitment to provide
Specialized Services Technical and Administrative Assistance
Services by personnel specialized in Information technology,
Administration, Engineering, Supervision and General Services,
Integral Service of Multiphase Metering for hydrocarbons
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Producción / Production Services
ProducciónDrilling Services
Plataforma y Torre de Perforación
Platform and drilling ring
production wells or any other related to the Oil & Gas industry;
while preserving the environment, Safety and Health Staff and
stakeholders. All this through the continuous improvement of
our integrated management system in accordance to applicable
legislation and other requirements subscribed by the company
related to Environmental and Health and Safety at work.
Nuestra misión es proveer todo tipo de Servicios Especializa-
dos y Técnicos de Ingeniería, Supervisión y Control de Obras,
Administración de Contratos, Tecnología de la Información,
Medición Multifásica para Pozos de Producción de Hidrocar-
buros, preservando la Salud, la Seguridad Industrial y la pro-
tección al Medio Ambiente. El bienestar de nuestros emplea-
dos, asociados y contratistas es de
primordial importancia en la con-
ducción y ejecución de todos nues-
tros contratos. En Corporate Energy
Master, creemos que la excelencia
en el desempeño en estos asuntos
se alcanza con el liderazgo, com-
promiso, soporte y participación
de todos los empleados, asociados
y contratistas. Es por eso que esta-
mos comprometidos con el lideraz-
go en materia medioambiental y
ocupacional en todos los aspectos
de nuestra empresa.
Our mission to provide Specialized
Services Technical and Administrative
Assistance Services by personnel
Administration, Engineering,
Supervision and General Services,
Integral Service of Multiphase
Metering for hydrocarbons
production wells, preserving the
environment. The welfare of our
employees, partners and contractors
is paramount in the conduct and
execution of all our contracts. As
Corporate Energy Masters, we believe
that excellence in performance
in these matters is reached with
leadership, commitment, support
and participation of all employees,
partners and contractors. That’s why
we are committed to leadership in
environmental and occupational field
in all aspects of our company.
Ser una empresa líder proveedora de Servicios Especializados yTéc-
nicos de Ingeniería, Supervisión y Control de Obras, Administración
de Contratos, Tecnología de la Información, Medición Multifásica
paraPozos deProduccióndeHidrocarburos;contandoconpersonal
calificado, así como con Infraestructura propia y equipo moderno,
para satisfacción de nuestros clientes.
To become the number 1 company providing Specialized Services
Technical and Administrative Assistance Services by personnel
specialized in Information technology, Administration, Engineering,
Supervision and General Services, Integral Service of Multiphase
Metering for hydrocarbons production Wells; having qualified and
compromised personnel, besides infrastructure of our own and high
technology equipments to satisfy all
Clasificación y disposición final de
los residuos generados durante las
actividades de la empresa, a fin de
mitigar impactos ambientales.
.Optimizar los recursos naturales y
energéticos de forma permanente,
a través de concientización continua
al personal y programas continuos.
.Mitigación de los riegos operacio-
nales durante la realización de las
actividades diarias, a fin de prevenir
accidentes laborales.
.Establecer programas preventivos
de salud en el trabajo.
.Establecer un programa de capaci-
tación permanente en materia de
seguridad, salud en el trabajo y pro-
tección ambiental.
Classification and disposal of waste
generated during activities of the
company, in order to mitigate
environmental impacts.
Optimizar Natural and energy
resources permanently through
continuous staff awareness and
ongoing programs.
Mitigation of operational risks in the
performance of daily activities, in
order to prevent accidents.
Establish preventive health programs
at work.
Establish a permanent training
program on safety, occupational
health and environmental protection.
Producción / Production Services
#, SHL Cantiliver. Bloque de corona
c/(4) 36” poleas” Fastline sheave.
Changuera para estibar tubería.
Mast: Lee C. Moore 134´ Cap.400,000
#, SHL Cantiliver. Crown Block w/(4)
36” sheaves” Fastline sheave, racking
boar, boom line, drill line w/spool &
stand, mast stand, 4” standpipe
Lee C. Moore 22´ H x 22´ W x 45´
OAL Caja sobre caja. Cap. de estibar
tubería 4000´.
Lee C. Moore 22´ H x 22´ W x 45´
OAL Box on Box type w/ rotary
beams, center steel, mast shoes. Cap.:
Bloque viajero:
EMSCO ND-36, Capacidad: 200 Ton
(400,000#)c/(4)poleas de 36“, 1-1/8
línea de perforación
Traveling block :
EMSCO ND-36, Capacity: 200 Ton w/
(4) 36” sheaves, 1-1/8 drilling line
National Ideal, Modelo: 50A S/D,
Lebus Dia. 1 1/8”, Cap. 400,000 lbs.
Freno hidromático PARKERSBURG
modelo 36SR.
Mastil Lee C. Moore 134´ Cap.400,000 #,
SHL Cantiliver.
Mast: Lee C. Moore 134´ Cap.400,000 #,
SHL Cantiliver.
PerforaciónDrilling Services
*Bloque viajero
*Traveling block
2 Motores CAT: Modelos C-18.
Seriales: WJH00508 y WJH00515,
630 HP, Convertidor NOV C-195-100
USM 280-3502
National Ideal, Model: 50A S/D,
Lebus Dia. 1 1/8”, Cap. 400,000
lbs. PARKERSBURG Modelo 36SR
Hydromatic Brake.
2 CAT Engines: Models C-18. Serials:
WJH00508 y WJH00515, 630 HP,
OILWELL C-195-100 torque converter
USM 280-3502
Top Drive:
Manufacturer: NOV- TDS-10SH.
Cap.: 250 ton. API 8C Valoración
giratoria 100 RPM 250 ton, Max. RPM
200. Peso 16,000 lbs Max. Presión
de sistema de lodos 5000 psi. Tipo
de conexión NC50. Torque max de
perforación 15,000 ft-lbs. Torque de
perforación@ 100 RPM 11,500 ft-lsb
Torque para conectar/desconectar
tubería 35,000 ft-lbs. Max tubería de
perforación RPM 200 rpm. Máxima
potencia de salida continua 460
Top Drive:
Manufacturer: NOV- TDS-10SH.
Cap.: 250 ton. Hoisting Capacity 250
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Producción / Production Services
PerforaciónDrilling Services
API 8C swivel bearing rating 100
RPM 250 ton. Weight 10,00 lbs Max.
Mud system Pressure 5000 psi. Stem
connection NC50. Max drilling torque
15,000 ft-lbs. Drilling Torque@ 100
RPM 11,500 ft-lsb. Makeup/Breakout
Torque 35,000 ft-lbs. Maximun
drill pipe RPM 200 rpm. Maximun
continuous input power 460 BHP
Llave hidráulica:
Forum WR-80 Wrangler Roughneck
con pedestal plaza de control
piloto y patín de transportación.
Dimensión LxWxH: 48” x 56” x 89“.
Viaje vertical: 36”
Viaje horizontal: 100” center to
Max. torque de conexión: 60,000
FT-lbs. Max. torque de desconexión:
80,000 FT-lbs. Rotación total de llave:
27°. Rango de uniones de la llave: 3
1/4” to 8 1/2“. Rango de ancho de
la llave: 2 7/8” to 8 1/2“. Torque de
Spinner (5 1/2” pipe): 2000 Ft-lbs.
Velocidad de pinner (5 1/2”pipe): 82
RPM. Presión Hidráulica de Trabajo:
2500 PSI
Iron Roughneck:
Forum WR-80 Wrangler Roughneck
with Pilot Control Square pedestal
and transport skid. Dimension,
retracted (LxWxH): 48” x 56” x 89“.
Vertical travel: 36“. Horizontal travel:
100” center to center. Maximun make-
up torque: 60,000 FT-lbs. Maximum
break-out torque: 80,000 FT-lbs. Total
torque wrench rotation: 27°. Total
Wrench tool Joint size range: 3 1/4” to
8 !/2”
Spinning wrench size range: 2 7/8” to
8 1/2“. Spinner torque (5 1/2” pipe):
2000 Ft-lbs. Spinner speed (5 1/2”
pipe): 82 RPM. Working Hydraulic
Pressure: 2500 PSI
Mesa rotaria:IDECO Modelo C27.5”x
63-1/4” c/split. Max RPM 180. Cap.:
Rotary table:IDECO Model C27.5” x
63-1/4” w/split. Max RPM 180. Cap.:
*Llave hidraúlica
*Iron Roughneck
* Mesa rotatoria
* Rotary table
Top Drive
Top Drive
Producción / Production Services
PerforaciónDrilling Services
Presas de lodos:
Presa de lodo de succión: 11´ 8” W
x 8´ H x 38 ´L. Cuatro (4) Agitado-
res de lodo 20 HP Gearbox; GKS=);
30:1 ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft;
250TC NEMA Input Flange; 20HP,
3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG. XP
MOTOR. Cap: 100.442 m3 / 631 bbl.
Dos bombas de mezclado: 2MCM 5”
x 6”w/(2) 60 HP motor eléctrico.
Presa de lodo de asentamiento: 11´
8”W x 8´ H x 40 ´L. Dos (2) Agitado-
res de lodo 20 HP Gearbox; GKS=);
30:1 ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft;
250TC NEMA Input Flange; 20HP,
3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG.
XP MOTOR. Cap.: 105.729 m3 / 665
bbl. Dos bombas de control de soli-
dos: 2MCM 5”x 6”w/(2) 50 HP motor
Mud Tanks: Suction Tank: 11´ 8” W x
8´ H x 38 ´L
(4) Mud agitator Low Profile 15 HP
Gearbox; GKS=); 30:1 ratio; 2 15/16
Output Shaft; 250TC NEMA Input
40 DEG. XP MOTOR. Cap.: 100.442 m3
/ 631 bbl
60 HP electrical motor.
Shaker Tank: Shaker Tank: 11´ 8” W
x 8´ H x 40 ´L. (2) Mud agitator Low
Profile 15 HP Gearbox; GKS=); 30:1
Casa de fuerza
Generator house.
ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft; 250TC NEMA Input Flange; 15HP,
3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG. XP MOTOR. Cap.: 105.729 m3 /
665 bbl
Two Control Solid Pump: 2MCM 5” x 6” w/(2) 50 HP electrical motor.
Bombas de lodo:
Bomba de lodo #1: Modelo HH-F1000
Motor CAT 3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie 70Z00721. Cap.:
5000 psi
Bomba de lodo #2: Modelo RS-F1000
Motor CAT 3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie CBB00400. Cap.:
5000 psi.
Mud pumps: Mud Pump #1: HH-F1000. Motor CAT 3508 680 HP
USM 280-3502 Serie 70Z00721. Cap.:
5000 psi.
Mud Pump #2: RS-F1000. Motor CAT
3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie
CBB00400. Cap.: 5000 psi
Casa de fuerza:
Generador #1: Detroit Diesel MLTU
350DSE 325KWGeneradorp/bSerie
60 12.7 L 550 HP serial 06R0893043
Generador #2: Caterpillar 3408 450
HP serial 67U09380 Generador Se-
rie SR-4 Modelo 5K00596 275 KW
2 Compresores de aire: Sullivan
Palatek 30DG Compresores de aire
rotativo p/b 30 HP Motor electrico,
Capacidad de volumen de aire del
tanque 150 gal c/u.
Generator House: Generator #1: (1)
Detroit Diesel MLTU 350DSE 325 KW
Gen p/b Series 60 12.7 L 550 HP serial
Generator #2: (1) Caterpillar 3408
450 HP serial 67U09380 Gen Serie
SR-4 Modelo 5K00596 275 KW
2 Air compressors: Sullivan Palatek
30DG Rotary air compressor p/b 30
HP Elec Motor, 150-gal air volume
Control de sólidos:
2 Temblorinas: MI SWACO Modelo
Mongoose PRO Ajustables de do-
ble movimiento con caja de distribución de acero al carbón
440-480V/60Hz/1800 RPM/ 3 fases. Dos (2) motores eléctricos
de 2.5 HP. Cap. 1000 gpm.
1 Limpiador de lodos: 3 en 1 MI SWACO Mongoose PT. 4 geme-
los desarcilladores cónicos de 4”, total 8 conos, 2 X 12”desarena-
dores montado sobre temblorina Moongose. Cap.: 1200 gpm.
Solid Control: 2 Shale shaker: M-I SWACO Mongoose PRO dual mo-
tion adjustable shale shaker with carbon steel header distribution
box 440-480V/60Hz/1800 RPM/ 3 phases. Two (2) electric 2.5 HP
motors. Cap.: 1000 gpm
1 Mud cleaner: M-I SWACO Mongoose PT Three in one Mud Cleaner. 8
replaceable 4” twin D-silter cones, 2 replaceable 12” D-Sander cones
capable of up to 1200 GPM. Mounted above Moongose shale shaker.
Contratos de construccion y consultoriaProducción / Production Services
PerforaciónDrilling Services
*Bombas de lodo
*Mud pumps.
*Separador gas/lodo M-I SWACO.
*Mud Gas Separator: M-I SWACO Mud/
Gas Separator
Degasificador:M-I SWACO modelo
Vacuum tipo compacto con tubería
6”. 230/460V. 60 Hz. Para H2S. Cap.:
1000 gpm.
Mud Degasser:M-I SWACO Compact
D-Gasser with pipping. 230/460V. 60
Hz. For H2S service. Cap.: 1000 gpm
Separador de gas/lodo:M-I SWACO
Modelo X-30 version. ASME sección
VIII división 1 y NACE MR0175 para
H2S. Presión de trabajo 125 psi. Cap.:
450 gpm
Mud Gas Separator:M-I SWACO Mud/
Gas Separator (X-30 version). ASME
section VIII division 1 for lethal servi-
ce and NACE MR0175 for H2S service.
Working pressure 125 psi. Cap.: 450
Preventores: Preventor esférico sha-
ffer: 11”5k psi.
Preventor RAM doble T3 Energy:
11”5k psi wp, Modelo 6012. Preven-
tor RAM sencillo T3 Energy: 11”5000
psi wp, modelo 6012.
Blow Out Preventer:Shaffer spherical
bop: 11”5k psi. T3 Energy Double RAM
BOP: 11”5k psi wp, Model 6012. T3
Energy Single RAM: 11”5000 psi wp,
Model 6012.
Múltiple de estrangulación:
NOV T3 Energy. 1 Estrangulador hi-
dráulico. 2 Estrangulador manual.
11 - 3 1/8”5K válvulas manuales
3 - 3 1/8”3K válvulas manuales
1 - 2 1/16”5K válvulas manuales
1 Panel de control de estrangulador
c/3 contadores de embolada. Cap.:
5000 psi
Choke Manifold:NOV T3 Energy. 1 Hy-
draulic Choke
2 Manual Chokes. 1 Choke Control
Pannel with three stroke counter.
11 - 3 1/8” 5K manual valves. 3 - 3 1/8”
3K manual valves. 1 - 2 1/16” 5K ma-
nual valves 1.Cap.: 5000 psi
Acumulador de presiones de BOP:
5-estaciones de 120-Gal Unidad de
cierre c/(18) 10-Gal Acumuladores.
1 Bomba de carga triplex p/b 30 HP
Motor Eléctrico, 2 Bombas de pre-
carga de aire. Cap.: 5,000 psi.
Acummulator: 5-station 120-Gal clo-
sing unit w/(18) 10-Gal Accumulator
bottles. Triplex charge pump p/b 30
pumps. Cap.: 5,000 psi.
Preventor esférico shaffer: 11”5k psi.
Preventer: Shaffer spherical bop: 11”5k psi.
Producción / Production Services
PerforaciónDrilling Services
*Preventor RAM doble T3 Energy
* T3 Energy Double RAM BOP
*Preventor RAM sencillo T3 Energy.
* T3 Energy Single RAM
Control de sólidos.
Solid control.
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Producción / Production Services
Servicio Integral de Motocompresión de gasIntegrated Service for gas Motocompression
Servicio Integral de Motocompresión de Gas a boca del
pozo en diferentes activos de Producción de la Región Sur
Integrated service for gas motocompression to well head at diffe-
rent production assets of south region
A.- Disminuir la contrapresion a la cual deben fluir los hidrocar-
buros de los pozos de gas y/o liquidos ( agua, aceite y/o conden-
de gas puedan ser reinyectados a la descarga del gas comprimi-
do, sin que aplique la instalación y/o construcción de infraestruc-
tura de producción adicional a la que existen en los pozos y/o
instalaciones, tales como estaciones de recoleccion, cabezales y
baterias de los diferentes campos de
produccion de la region sur.
A.- reduce backpressure the hydrocar-
bons must flow through from wells of
gas and / or liquids (water, oil and / or
condensates) such that the liquids coming with the gas production
can be reinjected to the compressed gas discharge without addi-
tion of facilities and / or construction of production infrastructure
additional to that existing in wells and / or facilities, such as ga-
thering systems, wellheads and separators, at different production
fields in south region.
B.- Retirar los candados de gas, en los pozos que operan con
otro sistema artificial de producción, ayudando a un mejor
aporte de aceite, incorporando posteriormente dicho gas a la
línea de descarga del aceite
B. Remove gas locks in wells using another artificial production sys-
tem, helping in a better oil inflow, and later incorporation of said
gas into the oil discharge line.
C.- Recuperar los vapores , produc-
to de la estabilización de crudo para
su incorporación al proceso, evitan-
do emisiones a la atmosfera.
C. Retrieve vapors, product of the cru-
de oil stabilization for incorporating
into the process thus avoiding emis-
sions to the atmosphere.
Producción / Production Services
Servicio Integral de Motocompresión de gasIntegrated Service for gas Motocompression
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Producción / Production Services
Bombeo ElectrocentrífugoAPC ESP Centrifugal pumps
Productos BEC
BEC products
Sistema artificial de producción, capaz de producir altos volúme-
nes de líquidos, manteniendo estables las condiciones operativas
de los pozos e incrementando significativamente la producción
de aceite.
Tiene como principio levantar el fluido del yacimiento hasta la su-
perficie, mediante la rotación centrífuga de una bomba eléctrica
sumergible, cuya potencia es suministrada por un motor eléctri-
co ubicado en el fondo del pozo. En la superficie se genera la
energía eléctrica a través de motogeneradores y se suministra por
medio de un conductor hasta el motor eléctrico de fondo.
Este servicio consiste en la implementación de un sistema de
bombeo artificial de producción, tiene como principio levantar
el fluido del yacimiento hasta la superficie mediante la rotación
centrífuga de una bomba eléctrica sumergible.
Artifical lift products & components (APC) electrical submersible
pumps (ESP) are multi-stage centri-
fugal pumps. Each stage consist of
a rotating impeller and a stationary
diffuser. Stage material area ni-resist
or of special metallurgy for dependable
APC multi-stage centrifugal pumps, whether of a radial or a mixed
flow configuration, are desingned to efficently lift a full range of volu-
This is an artificial production system capable of producing high li-
quids volumes, maintaining the well operation conditions stable and
The main purpose is liftoff of the reservoir fluid up to the surface by
means of the centrifugal rotation of an electric submersible pump
where the power is driven by an electric motor located at the well
bottomhole. The electric power is generated at surface by means
of moto-generators and supplied via a conductor line to the bot-
tomhole electric motor.
This service consists on implemen-
tation of an artificial production lift
system under the principle of lifting
the reservoir fluid up to the surface by
means of centrifugal rotation of an
electric submersible pump.
Producción / Production Services
Bombeo ElectrocentrífugoAPC ESP Centrifugal pumps
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Producción / Production Services
Bombeo ElectrocentrífugoAPC ESP Centrifugal pumps
Producción / Production Services
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Unidades moviles para medición
Medición MultifásicaMultiphase Flow Measurement Services
Mayor producción al más bajo
costo, determina la rentabilidad
de cualquier negocio. Obtener los
índices que caracterizan la salud de
un activo requiere de la constante y
más precisa posible Medición. Esta
es la premisa en la vida de un campo
Increasing production at the lowest
cost, determines any business
profitability. Getting the indices to
characterize any assets management
health requires constant and the most
accurate measurement. This is the
premise in the life of an oil field.
En Mexico, dos empresas, Grupo
Diarqco y Oil Team International, se
unen en consorcio, para constituir
la compañía de mayor liderazgo
y avances tecnológicos en lo que
a Medición de Producción se
refiere. Para eso, GDO, su nueva
denominación, introduce su flota
de Medidores Multifásicos, con la
que logra catalogarse como la más
acertada solución en el monitoreo
de un pozo, campo o área.
In Mexico, two companies, Grupo
Diarqco and Oil Team International,
joined in a consortium to provide the
highest leadership and technological
features company for hydrocarbon
production measurement. For that
matter, GDO, as its new name,
introduces the widest Multiphase
Meters fleet, becoming the best
a well, oilfield or any area productive
*Determinación de los volúmenes de aceite,
gas y agua producidos por un pozo
*Determination of the volumes for oil, gas
and water produced by a well
*Unidades moviles para medición multifásica
*Mobil MPFM
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Medición MultifásicaMultiphase Flow Measurement Services
Unidades moviles para medición
*Servicio de medición de producción
*Production measurement service
*Servicio de medición de producción
*Production measurement service
Medidores multifásicos
Son equipos diseñados para
medir las diferentes fases que
componen una mezcla de flujos
que involucran petróleo, agua y
gas. Esta medición se realiza en
tiempo real, sin la separación de
dichas fases. Su configuración
permite medir directamente en
la línea de producción sin ser
Designed to measure the different
phases that comprise a flux mixture
involving oil, water and gas, as in a
hydrocarbon well production. This
measurement relies on a real-time
basis routine, without separation.
Its configuration allows to measure
directly on the production line
without being intrusive.
Los medidores multifásicos
proveen un monitoreo eventual o
continuo del comportamiento de
la producción de un pozo, cabezal
con múltiples corrientes o incluso
baterías y de este modo, mantener
en optimización continua la
producción de los yacimientos.
The multiphase meters provide
a temporary or continuous
monitoring of production
performance of a single well,
wellhead with multiple streams
or even batteries and thus
maintain continuous production
optimization deposits.
GDO ofrece en sus equipos, la
más amplia gama de diámetros,
(0.8”, 1.3”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6”, 8”), cada
unidad provista de un laboratorio
técnica de especialistas altamente
certificados en equipos de medición
multifásica y disponibles 100% en
GDO offers the widest range of
diameters ( 0.8 “, 1.3”, 2”, 3 “, 4”, 5”,
6”, 8”), as well as a fully equipped
field laboratory and highly certified
specialist technical advising.
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Ventajas al usar Medidores
• Optimizar la producción debido al
monitoreo continuo de flujos.
• Mayor precisión en las curvas de
reservas más cercanos a la realidad,
optimizando así la estrategia de
explotación del yacimiento.
• Reduce los gastos de perforación
y completación de pozos al
proporcionar información inherente
a la interferencia entre estos,
mejorando la caracterización de la
zona de estimulación.
• Alta confiabilidad en información
que permite la identificación
temprana de anomalías en la
producción de un pozo.
• Optimización de las operaciones
de levantamiento artificial.
Multiphase Meters advantages
• Production Optimization due to
continuous flux monitoring.
• Increased accuracy in decline curves
Medidores multifásicos
Multiphase gages
Medición MultifásicaMultiphase Flow Measurement Services
helping improve the exploitation strategy.
of wells interference and better stimulation modeling.
• Increase the information’s confidence allowing early well
production problems detection.
• Optimization on artificial lifting.
Características del Medidor Multifásico
• Diseño compacto: Reducción del espacio y peso. No requiere
tuberías rectas aguas arriba y/o aguas abajo.
• Fácil Instalación/Operación:Vertical,
instalado sin ningún requisito
especial para la geometría de tubos
aguas arriba, calibración en sitio (no
obligatoria), baja pérdida de presión.
de presión y temperatura.
• Aprobado e instalado por las
principales operadoras alrededor del
•Versatilidad:Componentes diseñados
ser utilizados para operaciones en
tierra y/o costa afuera.
Multiphase Meters Features
• Compact design: space and weight
reduction. Requires straight pipes
upstream and/or downstream.
• Easy Installation/Operation: Vertical,
for upstream pipe geometry, calibration
• Low maintenance: Maintenance
standard for pressure transmitters, differential pressure and
• Approved and installed by major Oilfield Companies around the
• Versatility: Components designed for industrial hostile conditions.
• Modular: every equipment design applies for both onshore and
offshore operations.
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Well TestingEnsayo o Prueba de Pozos
Separadores Trifásicos
Triphase Separators
Well Testing
Entendemos que en la diversificación de nuestras especialidades,
manteniendo los estándares de calidad de la industria, presentamos
En este sentido, nuestro servicio de medición y evaluación de
flota de Equipos Separadores, disponibles enTrifásicos y Bifásicos.
Mediante la medición de caudales de producción en superficie,
así como la presión de fondo fluyente a través de sensores
introducidos a través de Wireline o Slickline, obtenemos un perfil
del comportamiento del yacimiento y la productividad del pozo
con información como: real espesor del intervalo de producción,
¿Por qué evaluar los pozos?
Para determinar lo siguiente:
• Presión inicial (p)
• Presiónpromediodeáreadrenada(p)
• Permeabilidad (K) y Espesor de esta
en la formación productora (Kh)
• Factor mecánico de capas (S)
• Área drenada (A)
• Factor de disposición Dietz (CA)
• Eficiencia de las intervenciones
a pozos al comparar PBU antes y
• Punto de Rocio en productores
de petróleo o condensado • La estimación de saturación de
presión extrapolada para determinar la influencia de una región
multifásica en la vecindad del pozo
• Detección de frentes de agua
We understand that thru diversification of our specialties,
maintaining the quality standards of the industry, we are able
to present a wider panorama and a more versatile solution
to our customers. In this sense, our hydrocarbon production
measurement and evaluation service expands and complements
with our Separators fleet. We have them available for three-phase
and two-phase configuration.
By measuring flow rates at surface and pressure with a downhole
gauge, both reservoir performance and well productivity throws
a determined profile that provides information such as net pay
zones, permeability, connected volume, reservoir pressure, etc).
Why Test a well? To determine the following:
• Initial pressure (p)
• Average pressure within the
drainage boundary (p)
• Permeability thickness product (kh)
and permeability (k)
• Mechanical skin factor (S) •
Drainage Area (A)
• Dietz shape factor (CA) • Assess a
well intervention with pre and post
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Well TestingEnsayo o Prueba de Pozos
Separadores Bifásicos
Biphasic Separators
PBU tests.
• Gas Breakout Detection in oil
producers or liquid drop out in gas
condensate producers.
determine spread away multiphase
region influence.
• Waterfront detection
Características de los equipos
GDO posee Separadores:
• Trifásicos de disposición horizontal para el desempeño en
pozos con RGL alta.
• Bifásicos de disposición vertical para el desempeño en pozos
con RGL relativamente baja.
Además, como equipos accesorios:
• Quemadores Ecológicos (pruebas en circuito abierto donde no
hay línea para disponer el gas asociado a la producción).
• Arreglos de estranguladores.
• Presas Metálicas.
• Válvulas de Seguridad (ESD) 2” x 2” para presión de operación
máxima de 15,000 psi., con actuador neumático y control
• Separador de Arena.
La seguridad de la operación se obtiene de la capacidad de
cerrar completamente el flujo en
caso de cualquier eventualidad que
pueda suceder en el momento de
fluir en superficie los fluidos que
aporta el pozo (gas, aceite y agua) a
través del separador.
Equipment Features
GDO Separators:
• Three Phase horizontal arrangement for wells with high LGR.
• Biphasic vertical arrangement for wells with relatively low LGR.
See specs chart on page.
Also, as accessory equipment:
• Ecological Flare stacks (open circuit tests where no produced
associated gas line is available).
• Choke Manifolds.
• Provisional Production Tanks.
• Safety Valves (ESD) 2” x 2” rated to a maximum operating
pressure of 15,000 psi with pneumatic actuator and remote
• Sand Trap.
To strengthen Operations safety, it is extremely necessary to be
able to completely shut-in the flow in case of any eventuality that
may happen at the time of well production flowing up surface
(gas, oil and water)
Contratos de construccion y consultoriaServicios a pozos / Well Services
Well TestingEnsayo o Prueba de Pozos
ASME VIII div 1,
Numero de
Serie: PFT- 21
Horizontal 12 Tons
9400 BPD
34.2 mmfcd
Brida de entrada/Salida con presion promedio
completamente con ASME/ANSI B16.5 120 grados-
1456.000 PSIG a 70 grados -1480.000 PSIG.
Capacidad de flujo 9400 BPD/ 391.66 BPH
Capacidad de Gas a 400 PSI-18.9 MMCFD, 600 PSI
23.5 MMCFD, 800 PSI 27.1 MMCFD, 1000 PSI 30.6
MMCFD, 1200 33.7 MMCFD, 1440 34.2 MMCFD.
Los separadores estan equipados con contralodores
de nivel de liquido mediante Valvulas Fisher y discos
de ruptura a presiones.
Inlet/Outlet flange with average pressure fully as per
ASME/ANSI B16.5 120 degress-1456.000 PSIG a 70
degress -1480.000 PSIG.
Flow capacity 9400 BPD/391.66 BPH
Gas capacity at 400 PSI-18.9 MMCFD, 600 PSI 23.5
MMCFD, 1200 33.7 MMCFD, 1440 34.2 MMCFD.
Separators are equipped with fluid level drivers by
means of Fisher valver and pressure rupture discs
Cap. de Líquidos
(Fluids capacity)
Cap. gas
(Gas capacity)
Especificación Técnica (Technical specification)
Características de los equipos Trifásicos de disposición horizontal
Equipment features Three Phase horizontal arrangement
SVM-01 Vertical 1958 LBS
300 BPD
1 mmfcd
Presión de siseño (392 PSI).
Maximo presion permitida de trabajo (310 PSI).
Temperatura de diseño (144°F).
Material de Revestimiento (SAE-516-70).
Espesor de Vasija (0.375”/0.375”).
Corrosión permitida (.125”).
Radiografia (100%).
Fecha de fabricacion y prueba (2011).
Tipo de fluido (Mezcla).
Design pressure (392 PSI)
Maximum allowable operating pressure (310 PSI)
Design temperature (144ºF)
Coating material (SAE-516-70).
Vessel thickness (0.375”/0.375”).
Allowable corrosion (.12”).
Fabrication and test date (2011).
Fluid type (blend)
Cap. de Líquidos
(Fluids capacity)
Cap. gas
(Gas capacity)
Especificación Técnica (Technical specification)
Características de los equipos Bifásicos de disposición vertical
Equipment features Biphasic vertical arrangement
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Servicios de Línea de Acero
SlicklineServicios de Línea de Acero
Slickline (Línea de Acero), es
como se le denomina al sistema
mecánico a través del cual se
realizan servicios de intervenciones
menores a los pozos, con diversas
aplicaciones que dependerán de la
condición en la que se encuentren
estos. Las más comunes son:
• Determinación de la profundidad de un pozo o su sarta de
producción (completación).
• Calibración de diámetros o integridad de la sarta de producción
(detección de restricciones).
• Operaciones de Pesca.
• Operación de camisas de producción.
• Colocación/Recuperación de accesorios en la sarta de
producción según la configuración diseñada por el cliente
(válvulas de pie, BN, mandriles de gas, tapones ciegos,
empacadores, etc.).
• Agujerar la sarta de producción para ecualizar presiones.
• Toma de muestras de fondo.
Slickline, is a mechanical system through which wells minor
interventions services are performed, using several applications
depending upon the well condition. The most common are:
• Production string internal diameter
calibration or integrity (restrictions
• Fishing Operations.
• Production Sleeves Operation.
• Setting/Recovering production string
accessories that any given designed
completion configuration may have (foot valves, BN, gas lift
mandrels, blind bridge plugs, tubing packers, etc.).
• Tubing Puncher for pressure equalization.
Pero también amplía la gama de servicios con la toma de
información a través de registros en memoria de:
• Presión, temperatura y producción de fondo (PTS).
• Saturación de Hidrocarburos (MPNN).
• Calibración de diámetro interno (MFC).
• Calidad de adherencia de cemento (CBL/VDL).
In addition, Memory Logging performs thru Slickline Service:
• Pressure, temperature and production flow rate (PTS).
• Hydrocarbons Saturation (MPNN).
• Internal diameter calibration (MFC).
• Cement Bond quality (CBL/VDL).
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
SlicklineServicios de Línea de Acero
Servicios de Línea de Acero
Descripción de las Unidades de Slickline
Nuestros sistemas de Línea de Acero se encuentran montados
en unidades pesadas móviles de eje sencillo, para la prestación
del servicio a pozos en tierra.
Poseen malacates gemelos alimentados con líneas de acero
inoxidable, uno de 0.108” y otro de 0.125” de diámetro,
accionados a través de sistema hidráulico acoplado a la toma de
fuerza (PTO) de la unidad pesada móvil (camión).
La cabina de trabajo es suficientemente espaciosa y climatizada
para permitir la cómoda operación del malacate, la lectura de
los parámetros de profundidad, tensión y velocidad, así como la
participación directa del cliente como testigo de la operación.
La cabina de manejo es extendida, permitiendo el descanso
oportuno de los operadores cuando
estos lo requieran, garantizando
así su seguridad en el manejo de la
unidad pesada móvil.
Frecuentemente se requiere la
asistencia de una Grúa Telescópica,
en las operaciones de Línea de
Acero en pozos que no tienen
equipo de reparación en sitio (Rigless). Constituye en sí, una
de las alternativas más eficientes y de más bajo costo en las
intervenciones menores a los pozos.
Slickline Units Features
Our slickline systems are single axle heavy truck mounted for
onshore services.
Designed with a twin Winche system fed with two different
diameters stainless steel line, one with a 0.108” and the other with
a 0.125”, driven by a hydraulic system coupled to the truck’s PTO.
A wide and a/c’d recording cab allows a comfortable working
environment for winch operation, depth, tension and speed
parameters recording, as well as customer witnessing.
An extended drivers cab, allows timely break for operators
when they feel tired, ensuring their
personal safety.
It is very common to use a crane
unit to assist rigless slickline
services being one of the most cost/
effective solution for wells minor
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
SlicklineServicios de Línea de Acero
Unidades Slickline
Slickline Unitss *Sensores presión y temperatura
*Pressure and temperature sensors
*Unidades Slickline
*Slickline Unitss
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Wireline Logging System
precisa sobrelas propiedadespetrofísicasdelarocareservorio.Son
la Porosidad, Permeabilidad, Saturación y Resistividad, las que nos
proporcionaran la certeza de la existencia o no de hidrocarburos.
Incluso, la Capilaridad, Humectabilidad y Mojabilidad, son
parámetros de un yacimiento, importantes de determinar, que nos
indicarían la movilidad del fluido contenido en la roca reservorio,
es decir, que tipo de producción podríamos esperar, para la
más precisos métodos para la determinación de esta información,
es la toma de registros eléctricos en agujero descubierto.
Reservoir management, requires the most accurate information
about its rock petrophysical properties. Estimation of
Porosity, Permeability, Saturation and Resistivity, provides
WirelineWireline Services
Unidad de Wireline
Wireline Unit
us with the highest certainty
level for hydrocarbons existence
determination. Even capillarity
and wettability, are very important
parameters to determine fluid’s
mobility in the reservoir, i.e., what
kind of production can be expected
for the oil, gas or even water recovery
to surface. One of the most accurate
methods to determine rock petrophysical properties, is the Open
Hole Wireline Logging.
GDO ha incorporado a su portafolio, un catálogo amplio de
servicios de registros eléctricos con cable conductor, al aliarse con
uno de los fabricantes de herramientas de registros para agujero
descubierto y entubado de mayor versatilidad y confiabilidad
en el mercado mundial como lo es GOWell. Por medio de esta
alianza, GDO y GOWell consolidan una alternativa más para
nuestros clientes, a la hora de investigar y estudiar sus yacimientos,
brindándoles tecnología de punta, adaptable a las necesidades
básicas de mercado, soporte técnico y asesoría en geociencias,
siendo siempre además, la propuesta más competitiva.
GDO grown its portfolio, with a wide range of wireline loggging
services, by joining forces with one of the most versatile and reliable
wireline logging tools manufacturers
as Gowell. Through this alliance, GDO
and Gowell consolidate as the most
suitable alternative for our customers,
when reservoir investigation and
studying is all about, providing state-
of-the-art technology, adaptable to
actual market and technical advisory
being the most competitive proposal
at all times.
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
WirelineRegistro en agujero descubierto / Wirelline Open Hole Logging
November 2015
Array Induction Logging Tool (AILT)
GOWell’s Array Induction Logging Tool (AILT) forms part of the Gallop suite. The AILT accurately
measures open borehole formation conductivity at different borehole conditions. The tool uses an
Array of induction coils operating at various frequencies, generating resistivity logs that have five (5)
different depths of investigation.
• Determines water saturation
• Delineates reservoirs
• Identifies hydrocarbon and moveable hydrocarbons
• Provides thin-bed analysis
• Qualitatively evaluates invasion profile
• Provides correlation
• Identification of fluid contacts
The measurement is particularly suitable for high resistivity formations.
Both deep and shallow readings allow for visual identification of permeable
The Tool is made up of three sections:
1. The Power Supply section (Electronic section 1)
2. The Data Acquisition section (Electronic section 2)
3. The Sonde section (Electronic section 3)
• Can be combined with other Gallop formation porosity tools.
• Rt determination accuracy is improved due to the tool’s enhanced
vertical resolution and radial profiling capabilities. This allows for
precise reserve estimates.
• Borehole corrections and deconvolution to achieve three (3) sets of
curves (1, 2 and 4 ft. vertical resolution).
Copyright GOWell
GOWell’s 6-arm caliper tools has independent arms measuring 6 radii of the borehole wall. The 6-arms are spaced at 60
degrees leading to a more accurate measurement of the borehole cross-section compared to 2 or 4-arm tools.
The tool has six independent arms measuring an
accurate set of radii via 6 electrical sensors. Borehole
diameter is measured by the three sets of opposite arms.
• Determine an accurate profile of the bore hole cross-section
• Calculate Borehole and Annulus hole volumes
• Analysis of borehole failure – breakout, key-seat and
• Evaluate in-situ stress field
• Fully combinable with Gallop range of Open Hole tools
• Cover a wide range of borehole sizes up to 22 inches
• Correction for tool eccentricity via elliptical or chord methods
• Borehole profile display
GR0 200
SIX0 60
MIN20 0
MAX0 20
sim130 0 sim20 30
CALX8 15
CALY8 15
6-Arm Caliper
September 2015
Copyright GOWell
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
GOWell’s High Definition Sonic Logging Tool (HDSL) is part of the Gallop Suite and it is comprised
of a single transmitter and five receivers. The instrument provides a borehole compensated acoustic
compressional travel time (Dt). Applications include porosity calculations,and calibration of seismic
data. It can also be used for cement bond evaluation.
• Formation Porosity
• Seismic Correlation
• Basic Cement Bond evaluation in cased hole
• Fracture Identification
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Acquires full digital Compressional waveforms in both OH (5 Rx)
and CH ( 2 Rx CBL) modes configurable from software
• Real-time semblance available
• Travel time DTC processing real time, including borehole
The sonic logging tool can also be used to improve the correlation
between time and depth, as well as be used for rock mechanics.
This tool combines transmitters and receivers, which allow the re-
cording of travel time, of an acoustic wave (sound energy) through
the formation, to be measured.
High Definition Sonic Logging Tool (HDSL)
Micro-Conductivity Imager Logging Tool (MC
The Formation Micro-Conductivity Imager Tool (MCI) provides detailed borehole resistivity ima
data. Six pads are pushed against the borehole wall by a hydraulic actuating device. The pads clos
ly and consistently make contact with the borehole wall, which is essential to obtaining high qual
image data.
• Acquires and produces a variety of 2D and 3D borehole resistivity i
ages, which are widely used in geological, petrophysical and boreh
property analysis. The image data processing technique, image d
base and intelligent image correlation techniques greatly widen the a
plication scope of MCI imaging logging data.
The logging data is mainly used for:
• Sedimentary feature and rock texture recognition
• Lithology identification, profile correlation and electro-facies analyse
• Fracture, vug and fault identification analysis
• Dip analysis and structural feature analysis in the vicinity of the boreh
• Borehole geometry and in-situ earth stress analysis
• Formation evaluation in carbonate reservoir and some igneous rock
Each pad contains twenty-four (24) buttons (electrodes) surrounded
a metal pad housing. To force the measurement current flowing into t
formation, a control circuitry maintains a zero voltage difference betwe
the focusing electrodes and the pad housing. The total 144 buttons c
provide 144 micro-resistivity measurements, with vertical and azimut
resolution of 0.2’’.
The individual current measurement recorded from each button is a fun
tion of formation resistivity. These measurements are properly scaled
resistivity values so that they can be correlated with conventional sh
low measurements. The current from the array buttons with conventio
shallow measurements. The current from the array buttons can be co
verted to high-resolution color or gray-scaled borehole images.
• Acquires high quality image data in rough borehole conditions
• Provides precise and consistent data due to the complete calibratio
facilities and systematic calibration procedures. The mature data
acquisition and field processing software satisfies our clients with
quick and flexible image presentation
• Has the ability to work in several modes: fast scanning mode, slow
scanning mode or dipmeter mode
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
GOWell’s Litho Density Tool is part of the Gallop Suite, and provides accurate bulk density and pho-
toelectric effect (pe) measurements for formation porosity evaluation, and lithology identification.
• Measures formation porosity
• Measures lithology of formation (pe)
• Generates synthetic seismic traces
• Gas detection and shale identification combined with Neutron log
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Single axis caliper measurement provided
• Measurements provided in a wide range of borehole sizes
• Utilizes a dual spectrum detector to eliminate mud cake in order
to obtain accurate formation density
Lithology tools are extremely important as they provide a clear
picture of the feasibility of a particular well, which allows the user to
adjust and maximize production accordingly. Dual detectors allow
mud cake corrections to be applied, and a caliper measurement is
also provided.
Litho Density Logging Tool (LDLT)
Dual Lateral Logging Tool (DLLT)
Using an array of electrodes to focus the measuring current into the formation, the Dual Laterolog
provides both Deep and Shallow formation resistivity measurements in conductive borehole envi-
ronments. An SP reading is also recorded by the instrument.
• Obtains invasion profile
• Estimates water saturation
The measurement is particularly suitable for high resistivity forma-
tions. Both deep and shallow readings allow for visual identification
of permeable formations.
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Can distinguish formations bearing conductive
fluids (including salt water and mud filtrate) from
formations with non-conductive fluids (oil and gas).
• Spontaneous Potential (SP) reading included
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
November 201
Telemetry / Inclinometer
Gamma Ray & TTM Tool
GOWell’s TIGR provides high-speed telemetry required to run all Gallop tools in combination. In addi-
tion to a high speed telemetry function, the tool includes a natural radioactivity measurement as well
as relative bearing directional information.
• Shale Volume Calculation
• Provides useful mud information
• Well to well geological correlation
The tool is composed of two sections – the TGR and the TTM
sonde sections. The main application of this tool is to facilitate
data communication between the downhole toolstring and the
surface system.
Auxiliary measurements include toolstring tension, mud tempera-
ture, mud resistivity and Gamma Ray measurement.
• Combinable with Gallop tools
• High Uplink transmission rate
• TTM section includes temperature and mud
resistivity sensors, tension and pressure balance
• Can be used in both Open Hole and cased Hole
Copyright GOWe
GOWell’s X-Dipole Logging Tool is an array acoustic tool with monopole, dipole and cross-dipole
acquisition capabilities. The tool is essential for collecting a full range of acoustic datasets, which
contribute to petrophysical evaluation and geophysical applications.
The X-Dipole Sonic Tool is composed of
four (4) main parts:
1) Electronics instrument
2) Receiver section
3) Acoustic isolator
4) Transmitter section
The tool has four (4) separate broadband
acoustic transmitters—one monopole,
two dipole and one stoneley transmitter.
The monopole output is optimized for
compressional and refracted shear mea-
surements; whereas, the stoneley trans-
miter is a unique design optimized for
low frequency stoneley excitation. The
two dipole transmitters are co-located
and optimized to maximize output ener-
gy for slow, soft rock formations.
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Records the waveform of the reflected value from formations
• By measuring sonic slowness, formation porosity can be obtained
• Rock anisothropy analysis can be achieved (full waveform mode and
Azimuth required)
• Transmitter section assembled with peek sleeves for increased
reliability and lower maintenance required
• Ten independently linked assemblies in the isolator section are in-
cluded to better attenuate the tool body signal, maintain alignment and
provide increased tension & compressive strength
• Three programmable operating modes available:
Mode 1: Fast Logging
Mode 2: Non-anisothropy
Mode 3: Full waveform
X-Dipole Logging Tool (XDLT)
• Gas zone detection (VP/vs)
• Fracture identification (Stoneley)
• Permeability estimation (Stoneley)
• Formation Anisothropy assessment
• Formation porosity
• Measurement of compressional
and shear waves in open or cased-hole
• Synthetic Seismograms
• Lithology and clay identification
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
Micro-Spherical Focused Log (MSFL)
GOWell’s MSFL tool provides a measurement of the flushed zone resistivity (Rxo) with single axis
caliper, and/or dual axis caliper borehole diameter measurements. The Rxo measurement is used to
calculate the flushed zone saturation, and correct other resistivity measurements to determine true
formation resistivity (Rt). The XY caliper and MSFL sondes may be run separately or combined.
• Measures flushed zone resistivity
• Calculates flushed zone water saturation (Sxo)
• Indicates fluid mobility
• Estimates invasion profile (combined with other resistivity tools)
• Corrects deeper-reading resistivity devices for invasion effects
• Identifies thin laminations
• Calculates permeability and porosity
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Measures voltages
• Reads Rxo resolution in thick mud cake conditions
• Provides qualitative measurement of permeability
• Combinable with 4 arm and 6 arm Caliper
GOWell’s MSFL tool provides a measurement of the flushed zone
resistivity (Rxo) with single axis caliper, and/or dual axis caliper borehole
diameter measurements. The Rxo measurement is used to calculate the
flushed zone saturation, and correct other resistivity measurements to de-
termine true formation resistivity (Rt.)
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
The Compensated Neutron Logging Tool (CNLT) provides one of the primary porosity measurements
used for hydrocarbon saturation calculations. When combined with other standard petrophysical
measurements it also provides lithology indication—shale volume and formation gas identification.
• Identification of formation porosity
• Gas detection and shale identification in combination with density
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Operates in both Open and Cased hole environments
• Compensated for borehole conditions, casing and cement
• Determines porosity and lithology in zones of interest in combina
tion with other porosity logs
The instrument includes an AmBe neutron source and dual ther-
mal neutron detectors, providing a neutron porosity measurement
which is compensated for borehole size and other environmental
Compensated Neutron Logging Tool (CNLT)
(Array Induction Logging Tool)
(High Definition Sonic Logging Tool)
(Micro Conductivity Imager Log)
(Lithodensity Logging Tool)
(Dual Laterolog Logging Tool)
(Telemetry Inclinometer GR)
(MicroSpherical Focused Log)
(Compensated Neutron Logging Tool)
GOWell’s 6-arm caliper tools has independent arms measuring 6 radii of the borehole wall. The 6-arms are spaced at 60
degrees leading to a more accurate measurement of the borehole cross-section compared to 2 or 4-arm tools.
The tool has six independent arms measuring an
accurate set of radii via 6 electrical sensors. Borehole
diameter is measured by the three sets of opposite arms.
• Determine an accurate profile of the bore hole cross-section
• Calculate Borehole and Annulus hole volumes
• Analysis of borehole failure – breakout, key-seat and
• Evaluate in-situ stress field
• Fully combinable with Gallop range of Open Hole tools
• Cover a wide range of borehole sizes up to 22 inches
• Correction for tool eccentricity via elliptical or chord methods
• Borehole profile display
GR0 200
SIX0 60
MIN20 0
MAX0 20
sim130 0 sim20 30
CALX8 15
CALY8 15
6-Arm Caliper
September 2015
Copyright GOWell
GOWell’s X-Dipole Logging Tool is an array acoustic tool with monopole, dipole and cross-dipole
acquisition capabilities. The tool is essential for collecting a full range of acoustic datasets, which
contribute to petrophysical evaluation and geophysical applications.
The X-Dipole Sonic Tool is composed of
four (4) main parts:
1) Electronics instrument
2) Receiver section
3) Acoustic isolator
4) Transmitter section
The tool has four (4) separate broadband
acoustic transmitters—one monopole,
two dipole and one stoneley transmitter.
The monopole output is optimized for
compressional and refracted shear mea-
surements; whereas, the stoneley trans-
miter is a unique design optimized for
low frequency stoneley excitation. The
two dipole transmitters are co-located
and optimized to maximize output ener-
gy for slow, soft rock formations.
• Combinable with other Gallop tools
• Records the waveform of the reflected value from formations
• By measuring sonic slowness, formation porosity can be obtained
• Rock anisothropy analysis can be achieved (full waveform mode and
Azimuth required)
• Transmitter section assembled with peek sleeves for increased
reliability and lower maintenance required
• Ten independently linked assemblies in the isolator section are in-
cluded to better attenuate the tool body signal, maintain alignment and
provide increased tension & compressive strength
• Three programmable operating modes available:
Mode 1: Fast Logging
Mode 2: Non-anisothropy
Mode 3: Full waveform
X-Dipole Logging Tool (XDLT)
• Gas zone detection (VP/vs)
• Fracture identification (Stoneley)
• Permeability estimation (Stoneley)
• Formation Anisothropy assessment
• Formation porosity
• Measurement of compressional
and shear waves in open or cased-hole
• Synthetic Seismograms
• Lithology and clay identification
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
WirelineRegistro en agujero entubado / Wirelline Cased Hole Logging
Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser (ALFA)
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
GOWell’s Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser Tool is used to carry out various well diagnostic
studies extending from well integrity evaluation to production performance monitoring. This device
measures acoustic data in the frequency range of 235 Hz to 30 kHz with very high frequency resolution.
The tool uses very sensitive acoustic sensors to
be able to measure sound produced downhole
by either gas or liquid flow. Measurements are
taken over a wide frequency range, enabling a very
various kinds of gas, water, or oil flow, including
flow behind the pipe.
• Leak Detection (tubing/casing/packer leaks)
• Diagnosis of Sustained Casing Pressure
• Location of open perforations
• Identification of flow zones behind pipe
• Identification of channeling behind pipe
• Ability to detect flows through multiple tubulars
• Ability to distinguish flow behind pipe from flow
inside pipe
• Combinability with other logging tools to provide
a complete well evaluation in a single run
• Slim tool design allowing safe and easy
deployment through the smallest completion
tubing and restrictions
ALFA - Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser
General Specs
Maximum Operating Pressure
Maximum Operating Temperature
Dynamic Range
Operating Frequency Range
Operation mode
Number of Spectral Channels
14,500 PSI (100 MPa)
302°F (150°C)
80 dB
From 235 to 30,000 Hz
Continuous - Memory
128 Channels
1.338 in. (34 mm)
2.32 ft. (0.71 m)
7.7 lbs (3.5 kg)
Memory Capacity
Data Recording Rate
Memory filling time at 1 sec sampling
128 MB
1 to 255 sec
48 Hours
*Specifications are subject to change as tools are constantly being improved
ALFA - Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser
General Specs
Maximum Operating Pressure
Maximum Operating Temperature
Dynamic Range
Operating Frequency Range
Operation mode
Number of Spectral Channels
14,500 PSI (100 MPa)
302°F (150°C)
80 dB
From 235 to 30,000 Hz
Continuous - Memory
128 Channels
1.338 in. (34 mm)
2.32 ft. (0.71 m)
7.7 lbs (3.5 kg)
Memory Capacity
Data Recording Rate
Memory filling time at 1 sec sampling
128 MB
1 to 255 sec
48 Hours
*Specifications are subject to change as tools are constantly being improved
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC)
Multi-Finger Caliper tools provide direct, accurate and reliable measurements of internal tubing and casing
diameters. Used in both drilling and production environments, applications include the evaluation of corrosion,
erosion, wear, bending, buckling, pits, holes and other defects with high accuracy.
Measuring fingers move radially along the inner casing or tubing wall,
detecting any diameter change. This produces a high resolution
record of the tubular geometry which can be viewed and presented as
a conventional log, a cross section, or a 3-D color enhanced image.
The Multi-Finger Caliper may also be used to measure the buildup
of scale, paraffin or other mineral deposits in the wellbore. Auxiliary
measurements include an integral wellbore temperature probe,
along with deviation and relative bearing information. A range of
instrument diameters with different finger arrays are available to
provide optimized measurements in tubulars ranging from 2-3/8 in.
to 13-3/8 in. diameter.
• Available in 24, 40, and 56 fingers
• Optional Extension Kit available for all sizes
• Combinable with all Pegasus Series Tools
• Compatible with PegasusStar Cased Hole Logging Platform
• Has Built-in Wellbore Temperature and 3-axis accelerometer
able to provide crucial information about the Well Conditions
including: Temperature, Deviation and Finger position
• MIPSPro ™ Compatible for analysis and reporting
• Warrior Compatible
November 2015
Magnetic Thickness Detector-E (MTD-E)
Copyright GOWell
The Magnetic Thickness Detector (MTD) is a 1-11/16 in O.D corrosion measuring instrument primarily run
through tubing with the unique ability to simultaneously inspect tubing and the casings behind it. The integrity of
the casing string can be evaluated with neither the requirement for costly workover rig, nor the time consuming
removal of the tubing completion.
GOWell’s latest generation MTD tool is
capable of evaluating quantitative thickness
measurements of three concentric pipes. The
state-of-the-art instrument combines a high
power transmitter, improved signal-to-noise (SNR)
electronics and fully configurable acquisition. This
flexible approach allows a wide range of evaluations
under different conditions and conveyance systems.
A simple engineer selection of the functional mode
allows features such as:
• Logging in large pipes (up to 18-5/8 inches)
• Fast logging of single pipes
• Chrome/alloy pipe evaluation
• Thick casings
• Memory-optimized logging
Internally the tool acquires up to 300 channels of
pulsed eddy current transient decay, that can be
transmitted real-time to surface or stored downhole.
Real-time logging is possible either in combination
below any of GOWell’s existing Multi-Finger caliper
(MFC) tools or when combined with PegasusStar–
GOWell’s state-of-the-art high-speed telemetry sys-
tem. Memory acquisition is supported via GOWell’s
memory logging system.
When run with our PegasusStar platform, the MTD
is fully combinable with Multi-Finger calipers (MFC),
Gamma-Ray/Temperature/CCL (GTC) and our
Digital Radial Bond Tool (RBL). The combination
provides a comprehensive evaluation of the well
integrity, providing accurate thickness information for
multiple pipe strings as well as the cement bond qual-
2-7/8” Tubing - 5-1/2” Casing1 - 13-3/8” Casing2
3rd Pipe Collar
Three Pipe Evaluation
(Acoustic Leak Flow Analizer)
(Radial Bond Log)
(Multifinger Caliper)
(Magnetic Thickness Detector – E)
November 2015
Magnetic Thickness Detector-E (MTD-E)
Copyright GOWell
The Magnetic Thickness Detector (MTD) is a 1-11/16 in O.D corrosion measuring instrument primarily run
through tubing with the unique ability to simultaneously inspect tubing and the casings behind it. The integrity of
the casing string can be evaluated with neither the requirement for costly workover rig, nor the time consuming
removal of the tubing completion.
GOWell’s latest generation MTD tool is
capable of evaluating quantitative thickness
measurements of three concentric pipes. The
state-of-the-art instrument combines a high
power transmitter, improved signal-to-noise (SNR)
electronics and fully configurable acquisition. This
flexible approach allows a wide range of evaluations
under different conditions and conveyance systems.
A simple engineer selection of the functional mode
allows features such as:
• Logging in large pipes (up to 18-5/8 inches)
• Fast logging of single pipes
• Chrome/alloy pipe evaluation
• Thick casings
• Memory-optimized logging
Internally the tool acquires up to 300 channels of
pulsed eddy current transient decay, that can be
transmitted real-time to surface or stored downhole.
Real-time logging is possible either in combination
below any of GOWell’s existing Multi-Finger caliper
(MFC) tools or when combined with PegasusStar–
GOWell’s state-of-the-art high-speed telemetry sys-
tem. Memory acquisition is supported via GOWell’s
memory logging system.
When run with our PegasusStar platform, the MTD
is fully combinable with Multi-Finger calipers (MFC),
Gamma-Ray/Temperature/CCL (GTC) and our
Digital Radial Bond Tool (RBL). The combination
provides a comprehensive evaluation of the well
integrity, providing accurate thickness information for
multiple pipe strings as well as the cement bond qual-
2-7/8” Tubing - 5-1/2” Casing1 - 13-3/8” Casing2
3rd Pipe Collar
Three Pipe Evaluation
November 2015
Radial Bond Log (RBL)
Copyright GOWell
The Radial Bond log Tool provides proven superior reliability and responsiveness even in thin cement
sheath conditions. With circumferential cement bond evaluation, the RBL identifies channels, in addition to
standard cement bond logging. The main application of the Radial Bond Log Tool is to evaluate hydraulic
isolation between producing and non-producing zones– a key factor needed to assess the integrity of the well.
In addition to standard cement bond amplitude (CBL)
through near receiver (3-ft), and variable density log
(VDL) through far receiver (5-ft), the RBL tool provides
a cement map through eight receivers (Radial @2Ft ),
each segment covering 45° section of the pipe which
gives a complete 360° evaluation of bond integrity.
A single piezoelectric transmitter with a transducer
central resonance frequency of 20KHz provides the
source of energy for all 8 piezoelectric sector receivers,
as well as the 3-ft and 5-ft cement bond log receivers.
Poor cement placement can typically result in
unwanted water or gas production, fluid migra-
tion in the annulus and inadequate support of the
casing. In some instances the safety and integrity of
the entire well can be threatened. In combination with
GOWell’s well integrity tools, the integrity of your
well can be guaranteed by ensuring that the cement
is effectively placed between the casing and the
• Full circumferential resolution for better channel
• Provides a 360 degree cement map
• Cement bond quality measurement in slim and
conventional wells
• Operates in casing from 3 1/2 in. (89 mm) to 10
3/4 in. (244 mm)
• Indicates channels and intervals using radial
• Measures the attenuation of the acoustic energy in
the casing to cement interface
• Compatible with PegasusStar
• Combinable with GOWell’s Pegasus Series Tools
for flexible acquisition and rig time saving
• All receivers are built in a slotted housing to provide
rigidity, strength, and noise isolation
• Robust design suitable for horizontal logging
• User friendly acquisition software
• Easily run on all standard wirelines
• Extensive Technical Support and Maintenance
readily available
• Warrior compatible
Fig. 1 • MTD-MFC-RBL – Log Example
With the support of RBL, you can get accurate in-
sight into the quality of the cement, which is crucial for
providing a correct diagnosis and assessment of the
problem as well as understanding the remedial work
required for your wells.
This tool forms part of GOWell’s Well Integrity suite
and is combinable with MFC and MTD tools for
comprehensive well integrity evaluation. This allows
for total evaluation of the quality of cement bonding
as well as the condition and integrity of the tubulars.
November 2015
Radial Bond Log (RBL)
Copyright GOWell
The Radial Bond log Tool provides proven superior reliability and responsiveness even in thin cement
sheath conditions. With circumferential cement bond evaluation, the RBL identifies channels, in addition to
standard cement bond logging. The main application of the Radial Bond Log Tool is to evaluate hydraulic
isolation between producing and non-producing zones– a key factor needed to assess the integrity of the well.
In addition to standard cement bond amplitude (CBL)
through near receiver (3-ft), and variable density log
(VDL) through far receiver (5-ft), the RBL tool provides
a cement map through eight receivers (Radial @2Ft ),
each segment covering 45° section of the pipe which
gives a complete 360° evaluation of bond integrity.
A single piezoelectric transmitter with a transducer
central resonance frequency of 20KHz provides the
source of energy for all 8 piezoelectric sector receivers,
as well as the 3-ft and 5-ft cement bond log receivers.
Poor cement placement can typically result in
unwanted water or gas production, fluid migra-
tion in the annulus and inadequate support of the
casing. In some instances the safety and integrity of
the entire well can be threatened. In combination with
GOWell’s well integrity tools, the integrity of your
well can be guaranteed by ensuring that the cement
is effectively placed between the casing and the
• Full circumferential resolution for better channel
• Provides a 360 degree cement map
• Cement bond quality measurement in slim and
conventional wells
• Operates in casing from 3 1/2 in. (89 mm) to 10
3/4 in. (244 mm)
• Indicates channels and intervals using radial
• Measures the attenuation of the acoustic energy in
the casing to cement interface
• Compatible with PegasusStar
• Combinable with GOWell’s Pegasus Series Tools
for flexible acquisition and rig time saving
• All receivers are built in a slotted housing to provide
rigidity, strength, and noise isolation
• Robust design suitable for horizontal logging
• User friendly acquisition software
• Easily run on all standard wirelines
• Extensive Technical Support and Maintenance
readily available
• Warrior compatible
Fig. 1 • MTD-MFC-RBL – Log Example
With the support of RBL, you can get accurate in-
sight into the quality of the cement, which is crucial for
providing a correct diagnosis and assessment of the
problem as well as understanding the remedial work
required for your wells.
This tool forms part of GOWell’s Well Integrity suite
and is combinable with MFC and MTD tools for
comprehensive well integrity evaluation. This allows
for total evaluation of the quality of cement bonding
as well as the condition and integrity of the tubulars.
November 2015
Copyright GOWell
Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC)
Multi-Finger Caliper tools provide direct, accurate and reliable measurements of internal tubing and casing
diameters. Used in both drilling and production environments, applications include the evaluation of corrosion,
erosion, wear, bending, buckling, pits, holes and other defects with high accuracy.
Measuring fingers move radially along the inner casing or tubing wall,
detecting any diameter change. This produces a high resolution
record of the tubular geometry which can be viewed and presented as
a conventional log, a cross section, or a 3-D color enhanced image.
The Multi-Finger Caliper may also be used to measure the buildup
of scale, paraffin or other mineral deposits in the wellbore. Auxiliary
measurements include an integral wellbore temperature probe,
along with deviation and relative bearing information. A range of
instrument diameters with different finger arrays are available to
provide optimized measurements in tubulars ranging from 2-3/8 in.
to 13-3/8 in. diameter.
• Available in 24, 40, and 56 fingers
• Optional Extension Kit available for all sizes
• Combinable with all Pegasus Series Tools
• Compatible with PegasusStar Cased Hole Logging Platform
• Has Built-in Wellbore Temperature and 3-axis accelerometer
able to provide crucial information about the Well Conditions
including: Temperature, Deviation and Finger position
• MIPSPro ™ Compatible for analysis and reporting
• Warrior Compatible
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Neutrones Pulsantes
Pulsed Neutron Neutron
Este registro se basa en el bombar-
deo de neutrones rápidos a muy alta
energía en la zona circunvecina del
pozo y monitorear su decaimiento
en el tiempo (cuenta detectada) de-
bido a la dispersión y captura. Esta
última depende de la litología del
reservorio en el que se encuentra di-
cho pozo, así como de su contenido
de hidrógeno y cloro.
Pulsed neutron-neutron (Sigma)
into the near-wellbore zone and
consequent monitoring of neutron
count decay due to scattering and
capturing. Capture neutron count
decay depends on reservoir lithology
and hydrogen and chloride contents.
Aplicando procesos matemáticos a
la medición del decaimiento, pue-
den emularse comportamientos
de parámetros del reservorio, tales
como el índice de hidrógeno y la
concentración de cloruro. Uno de
los parámetros de decaimiento más
importantes es la sección transver-
sal de captura, también conocido
como Sigma y que cubre el espectro
más amplio de las técnicas basadas
en la medición del decaimiento de
There are a number of mathematical
procedures over raw decay data
such as hydrogen index and chloride
concentration. One of the most
important decay parameters is the
Wireline | Saturación de hidrocarburosHydrocarbon Saturation
capture cross-section, also known
as Sigma which gives a name for a
wide range of neutron decay based
El principal problema de esta técni-
ca, es que el cálculo de la invasión de
agua en el reservorio, se basa en la
diferencia entre los valores Sigma del
incierto. Esto también ocurre cuando
la porosidad del reservorio es baja.
The main problem in the Sigma
technique is that the calculation of
reservoir water invasion is based on
the difference between water and oil
Sigma values. If they are close, Sigma
calculations may fail. The Sigma
technology also fails when reservoir
Obtener una acertada respuesta en
la medición del decaimiento de neu-
trones es muy complejo y depende
de muchos factores, incluyendo el
diseño de la herramienta y la calidad
de generador. Sin embargo, una vez
que se ha colectado toda la informa-
ción estadística, se puede comprobar
la calidad de los datos mediante aná-
lisis visuales y matemáticos, así como
evaluando la calidad del cálculo apli-
cando el método del error cuadrático.
design and generator quality. However,
once the survey is completed, one can
check the data quality by visual and
mathematical analyses and evaluate
calculation quality using the mean
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Wireline | Campos madurosMature Fields
La mejor alternativa para cuantificar tu hidrocarburo
The best way to measure your reservoir
Las herramientas convencionales para registro de Sigma (PNG),
miden la emisión secundaria de rayos gamma, producto de la
captura de neutrones. A diferencia de estas, la generación de
herramientas (PNN) mide directamente la cuenta de neutrones.
Las PNN registran más del 90% de los neutrones que pasan a
través de la cámara de sus novedosos detectores de muy alta
The conventional Sigma tools record the secondary gamma ray
emission produced by neutron capture. They are usually referred to
as pulsed neutron gamma (PNG) tools. Unlike PNG tools, the PNN
tool directly detects neutron response. Modern neutron detectors
are very efficient and capture more
than 90% of neutrons passing
through detector’s chamber.
En líneas generales, las PNN pueden
ser utilizadas para determinar la
invasión en reservorios con agua de
baja porosidad y salinidad, donde
las PNG fallan en su modelo de
cálculo de Sigma.
La gran ventaja de las PNN, es que el conteo o medición del
decaimiento de neutrones, siempre llega a cero, en cambio
en las PNG, el decaimiento baja hasta encontrar la emisión de
rayos gamma naturales de la formación, que generalmente es
influenciada por depósitos de escalas (sales), causados por la
acidificación o alto flujo de agua acumulada, incrementando
dicha emisión, enmascarando una apropiada respuesta del
Generally, the PNN tool can be used to determine invasion in
reservoirs with lower water salinities and porosities than for
conventional PNG tools.
Key advantage of the PNN technology is that its neutron decay
rate always goes down to zero, whereas PNG decay is always
floored at the natural GR background.
In many practical cases the GR
background may be disturbed by
scale deposits, caused by acidisation
or high cumulative water flux, which
increases the GR background and
declining in time.
Registro de Saturación con
el PNN de GDO
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
¡Lo nuevo!¡The New!
Registro de Saturación PNN
en Memoria
Acarreado en Slickline
Mayor muestreo en Memoria
Reducción de costos
...Y que es lo Nuevo...
What’s New?
Neutron Generator Neutron Detector
1.625” & 1.69”
Scientific Drilling’s MP
compact memory pulsed
choice for restricted spac
The MPNN, which is rated
statistical accuracy in low
less dependent on the fluid
deliver accurate results.
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
¡Lo nuevo!¡The New!
Gamma Ray / CCL Memory Battery
18 ft [ 5.486 m ]
MPNN delivers high accuracy and high resolution measurements
for determining the hydrocarbons in place.
• Gas/oil/water contact
• Non-Completed Hydrocarbon
zone identification
• Time-lapse water saturation
• Compact design allows for easier
wellbore passage
• Includes integral Gamma-Ray/
Casing Collar Locator
• Sigma measurement point
maximizes data acquisition
across interval of interest
’s MPNN 1.625 is the slimmest, most
ulsed neutron tool, making it the ultimate
space and tortuous well applications.
rated at 302°F (150°C), maintains
low salinity formations, and is
fluid type in the borehole to
GDO & SDI ...una Alianza de
... a Succesful Alliance...!
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Ofrecemos una alternativa en el ser-
vicio de toma de núcleo o corazona-
miento, que consiste en cortar un
núcleo de formación o corazón para
estabilizarlo, preservarlo, transpor-
tarlo a los laboratorios y realizar los
análisis de laboratorio correspon-
Esta división proporciona una herra-
mienta fundamental para la evalua-
ción de los yacimientos ya sea en la
fase exploratoria como en la de de-
sarrollo de los campos.
Con la inclusión de esta nueva divi-
sión GDO complementa su posicio-
namiento en la oferta de servicios a
los operadores para la evaluación
de sus reservorios. Nuestros aliados
son los líderes mundiales en esta
especialidad con más de veinticin-
co años de experiencia, presencia
en más de 79 países y más de 700
clientes entre los que cabe destacar
a las grandes empresas multinacio-
nales (Shell, Total, Exxon Mobil, Pe-
trobras..) que son las más exigentes
desde el punto de vista tecnológico.
La tecnología de nuestros aliados es
única y uno de sus diferenciadores
es la de poder obtener una mejor
Análisis de núcleosSidewall Core
Unidad de Wireline
Wireline Unit
calidad de los núcleos o corazones recuperados lo que permite
obtener una información mucho más confiable en el análisis de
los mismos.
Entre sus tecnologías también destaca la del corazonamiento
con wireline, la cual permite ahorros sustanciales en los costos
asociados en la toma de núcleos al reducir drásticamente los
tiempos requeridos para la operación de la toma del núcleo.
En virtud de la reforma energética Mexicana recientemente
aprobada, la apertura del mercado a las operadoras internacio-
nales va a conllevar un aumento considerable en la evaluación
de los campos y por consiguiente un incremento en la actividad
de toma de núcleos para la optimización en los niveles de pro-
ducción de los mismos.
We offer an alternative in the coring
service which consists on cutting the
core, analyze it, preserve it (as a who-
le in the drillbit), transportation to la-
boratory and eventual use at the lab.
This division is closely linked to the
operator’s exploration programs by
definitively establishing this service
by means of GDO as its representati-
ve and / or strategic ally.
Our allies are world leaders and their
clients are the largest multinational
companies (Exxon, Shell, Total, Petro-
bras, to name a few) as we provide a
unique and different technology; it is
important to mention that, for inte-
grated projects where coring is nee-
ded, we are their main suppliers.
We also have an important colla-
boration with medium and small
companies although in these cases
the service quality and the later core
handling are the difference since the
technical difficulty is less.
On offshore we have a leading position since we represent the
main supplier for Petrobras at Brazil and also have the techno-
logy to core using wireline, which is a great application for deep
As per the recently approved energy reform, the opening of the
Mexican market to international operators will entail a conside-
rable increase in fields appraisal and therefore and increase in
the coring activity which is fundamental to define the producing
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Análisis de núcleosSidewall Core
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Swabbing & Coil Tubing
Servicio de Pistone y Tubería Flexible
Con este servicio se descarga líqui-
dos desde la tubería de producción
para iniciar el flujo desde el reser-
vorio. Una sarta de herramientas de
Swabbing, incorpora un conjunto de
barras de peso y copas de hule que
se bajan el pozo con cable trenzado
pesado. Cuando se recupera el mon-
taje, las copas de hule se expanden
de forma especial para sellar contra
la pared del tubo y llevar los líquidos
del pozo.
• Evaluar formaciones de un pozo
nuevo o de reacondicionamiento.
• Formaciones ya perforadas.
• Tomar muestras de los fluidos para
determinar la gravedad API, visco-
sidades a diferentes temperaturas,
salinidad del agua.
• Formaciones fracturadas.
To unload liquids from the produc-
tion tubing to initiate flow from the
reservoir. A swabbing tool string in-
corporates a weighted bar and swab
cup assembly that are run in the we-
llbore on heavy wireline. When the
assembly is retrieved, the specially
shaped swab cups expand to seal
against the tubing wall and carry the
liquids from the wellbore.
• New or worked over well’s forma-
tion evaluation.
• Perforated Formations.
• Fluid Samples for API determining,
viscosity at different temperatures,
water salinity, etc.
• Fractured Formations.
Coild Tubing
Servicio a pozos petroleros que con-
siste en la implementación de una
tubería flexible para realizar repara-
ción, limpieza, inducción, pescas y
Oil well service which consists on
using a flexible piping to perform
workovers, cleanouts, well livening,
fishing and milling operations.
*Coild Tubing*Coild Tubing
Contratos de construccion y consultoria
Servicios a pozos / Well Services
Capacidad instalada para el desarrollo de
Ingenieria en Servicios a PozosCapacity installed for engineering development for Well Services
Ingeniería Grupo Diarqco S.A. de C.V / Nuestras tecnologías de Ingeniería | Engineering Grupo Diarqco S.A. de C.V. / New Technologies
En el desarrollo de un Modelo
Electrónico Inteligente se obtienen
los siguientes beneficios:
-Consulta de información
técnica del proyecto durante el
ciclo de vida de la instalación
(diseño, ingeniería, construcción,
operación, mantenimiento y
-Generación y consulta por
disciplinas de planos y diagramas.
-Búsqueda, localización e
identificación de cualquier
componente, equipo, materiales e
-Reportes en forma tabular de
materiales, equipos e instrumentos
tales como:
-Pesos, etc.
Plataforma de producción
AKAL-C3 (PB-AC-3).
Offshore Production Platform
AKAL-C3 (PB-AC-3).
Modelos ElectrónicosIntelligent 3D Models
*Plataforma de producción
* Offshore Production Platform
*Plataforma de producción NOHOCH-A1
* Offshore Production Platform NOHOCH-A1
by developing an Intelligent Electronic
-Consultation of technical information
of the project during the facility’s
life cycle (design, engineering,
construction, operation, maintenance
and decommissioning).
-Drawings and diagrams generation
and consultation sorted by discipline.
-Searching, locating and identifying
any component, equipment, materials
and instruments.
equipment and instruments such as:
-Weights, etc.
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años
Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años

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Grupo Diarqco - Ingenieria con Pasión - 24 años

  • 1. 1 QUE NOS HACE GRUPO DIARQCO Prólogo / Preface .............. PRODUCCIÓN / Production Services................................................. Perforación de pozos. Reparaciones Mayores. Reparaciones Menores / Drilling Services ............................................................................... Compresión de gas / Integrated Service for gas Motocompression.................. Bombeo electrocentrífugo / APC ESP Centrifugal pumps............................. SERVICIO A POZOS / Well Services............................................... Medición Multifásica / Multiphase Flow Measurement Services..................... Well Testing / Ensayo o Prueba de Pozos........................................................... Slickline / Servicios de Línea de Acero................................................................ Wireline / Wireline Services............................................................................... ¡Lo nuevo! / Thenew!....................................................................................... Análisis de núcleos (Toma del núcleo o coring) / Sidewall Core.............. Swabbing & CoildTubing /ServiciodePistoneoyTuberíaFlexible...................... Capacidad Instalada para el desarrollo de Ingeniaría para Servicio a Pozos / Capacity installed for engineering development for Well Services............. INGENIERÍA DE INFRAESTRUCTURA / Infraestructure Engineering....................................................................................... Capacidad instalada para desarrollo de ingeniería / Capacity installed for engineering development............................................................................... Nuevas tecnologías de Ingeniería / New Technologies................................ METIS y MEBIS / Intelligent 3D Models........................................................... Escáner Láser 3D / 3D Laser Scanner............................................................... Escáner Aéreo UAV / Aerial mapping Scanner with UAV.................................. Drones / Dron................................................................................................... Escáner Móvil Terrestre / Mobil mapping Laser Scanner................................ Escáner Submarino / Submarine Scanner....................................................... Impresora 3D / 3D Printer................................................................................ Fusión de nuevas tecnologías de ingeniería / Fusion of New Technologies applied to Engineering services........................................................ DESARROLLO DE CAMPOS / Fields Developme........................... Mayacaste /Mayacaste .................................................................................. Calicanto / Calicanto...................................................................................... CONSTRUCCIÓN Obra Civil, Caminos y puentes, Obra electromecánica /Construction........................................................ ARQUITECTURA / Architecture.................................................. NUESTRAS OFICINAS PATIOS Y TALLERES /Our offices, yards and workshops...................................................................... CERTIFICADOS / Certificates..................................................... RECONOCIMIENTOS / Awards................................................ EXPOSICIONES / Exhibitions and conferences ............................... PUBLICACIONES / Publications................................................. NUESTRAS ALIANZAS / Our Alliances...................................... NUESTRA HISTORIA / Our History............................................ ÍNDICE INDEX 4 6 186 188 176 164 158 152 136 118 42 104 98 22 25 36 28 38 66 92 89 82 80 10 15 17 20 31 57 64 73 94 90 100 102 40 41
  • 2. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 2
  • 3. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 3
  • 4. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 4 Con el impulso que siempre nos ha caracterizado, estamos inmersos en diversas acciones que en 2016 se nos exige cumplir, especialmente porque durante el mismo, GD cumple el 24 aniversario de su fundación. Desde el pasado año y aun en fecha de este editorial, han transcurrido trascendentales fenómenos en nuestro país, que han impactado en la opinión pública, especialmente en nuestro sector, provocando fuertes y polémicas opiniones, que cambian la forma de pensar de la mayor parte de la ciudadanía. De los más importantes, citare uno de los que nos afecta directamente y que considero de importancia fundamental, La Reforma Energética y el cumulo de situaciones que está originando. Para lograr una total información lo más acertada posible, es necesario aplicar un profundo análisis de la situación, pero de momento queremos respuestas sencillas y, para ello, es necesario aplicar los siguientes cuestionamientos: ¿Cuánto, cómo y hasta cuándo se verán sus efectos, en el precio del barril? ¿Cuándo tendrá una recuperación con una tendencia positiva? Y. si por casualidad hubiere una acción acertada para tales fines, ¿Será que regresará a los mismos valores de hace 3 o 4 años?, ¿Qué pasará con el agresivo plan de recortes de personal que se implantó y se sigue implantando, tanto en el ámbito de PEMEX como al interior de su sindicato? ¿Cómo afectará a las grandes empresas transnacionales?, ¿Qué pasará con nuestra empresa icono del país, una de las 12 más poderosas del mundo, después de esta serie de restructuraciones a las que está siendo sometida? y ¿Cómo transitará un nuevo formato de explorar, extraer y comercializar el petróleo y gas en nuestro país?. Creo en este momento nadie sabe esto a ciencia cierta. A nosotros solamente nos resta acotar que es una oportunidad histórica para las empresas mexicanas de servicio que, durante muchos lustros, hemos estado involucrados en las actividades de las diferentes ramas de PEMEX y que ahora podemos con nuestras fortalezas, como empresas locales, en el ámbito de infraestructura, equipamiento, personal capacitado, tecnologías, vasto conocimiento del estado social y ambiental que guarda nuestra región, incursionar directamente gracias a la apertura y transparencia que están demostrando las dependencias y funcionarios comisionados para tal tarea, responsables de implementar esas reformas, reestructuraciones y demás, dando condiciones y oportunidades a empresas del ramo, para que puedan levantar la mano, ya sea de manera independiente o consolidando alianzas entre empresas tanto nacionales como con extranjeras. Esta nueva actitud se perfila como una aceptación de lo local a lo global y viceversa, frase multiusada en diferentes ámbitos, misma que quisiéramos adoptar y a la vez hacerla nuestra, para definir a lo que nos induce a hacer Grupo DIARQCO. Lo expresado anteriormente nos aclara con precisión el objetivo fundamental que nos mueve, como es el caso de GD, que siempre ha tenido muy claro consolidar alianzas que nos permitan traer lo mejor de lo global e implementarlo en nuestra región de manera eficiente, con un amplio conocimiento de lo local, tanto a nivel social y ambiental como en la aplicación de nuestras funciones a nivel de subsuelo, yacimientos e infraestructura, apoyados por profesionales de geo ciencias e ingeniería que, a través de sísmica, tecnología, software y experiencias de clase mundial, nos permiten diseñar las mejores condiciones de exploración, perforación, explotación y producción en los diferentes campos de nuestro país. Es por ello que, basándonos en lo anterior, con esta misma convicción y apoyados por un gran equipo de recursos humanos que conforman a Grupo Diarqco, con amplia y probada experiencia desde lustros anteriores y de cara a los retos por venir, como empresa y como parte de nuestra nación, se ha propuesto colocarse como una de las más importantes empresas mexicanas en servicios integrales, enfocados principalmente a la producción en el sector energético, en todas sus líneas selectas, como son; perforación, reparación, registros, análisis, diseño, eficiencia, crecimiento, sistemas artificiales de producción y estimulación, medición de flujo multifasico en alta y baja presión, well testing, slickline&wireline, coiled tubing y terminación de pozos. Todo esto se traduce en rentabilidad, siempre de la mano con la investigación y la innovación. Siendo GD, hasta el día de hoy, la primera empresa 100% tabasqueña con la oportunidad de operar campos petroleros en suelo tabasqueño, no me resta más que decir que estamos preparados para poder responder a las nuevas exigencias y necesidades globales y locales que se requieran en el ámbito de Petróleo y Gas. Arq. Jorge de Dios Morales CEO Enero 2016 PRÓLOGO ¿QUÉ NOS HACE GRUPO DIARQCO?
  • 5. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 55 With the impulse which has always been our feature, we are deeply involved in different actions during this year 2016 we are deemed to fulfill, especially since GD celebrates its 24th anniversary. Last year, and in recent months of the current year, there have been many beyond-the-ordinary events in Mexico which have surprised the public opinion, especially in our sector, causing diverse and strong opinions which have changes most of the citizens’mindsets. Among such important events, there are some which directly impact us, such as the following which I consider of critical importance. This is the Energy Reform and the set of situations it is creating. In order to achieve full information as accurate as possible, it is necessary to apply a deep analysis of the situation, but as for the time being we want simple answers and for that, we need to apply the following questions: ¿How much, how and when will the effects be reflected in the price of oil barrel?When will it come with a positive trend? And, if by any chance there is a positive action for said purposes, will it come back to the same prices as in 3 or 4 years ago?Whatwillhappenwiththeaggressiveemployeescutdownprograminplacenowandcontinuetobeimplemented, both for PEMEX and its Union? How will this impact large transnational companies? What will happen with our iconic company of Mexico, one of the 12 most powerful companies in the world after this series of re-structuration it is being subject to?, and, how will a new form of exploration, extraction and trade of oil and gas in Mexico will transition?. I believe no one knows for sure at this moment. We just would add that this is a historic opportunity for Mexican service companies which, for so many decades, have been involved in activities in different branches of PEMEX which we can now directly venture into with our strengths as local companies regarding infrastructure, equipment, trained personnel, technologies, large knowledge of the social and environmental setting of our region thanks to the opening and transparency demonstrated by the public institutions and officers for said task, who are responsible to implement these reforms, re-structuration and others, creating conditions and opportunities for companies of the industry, so that they can raise their hands to participate, either independently or by entering into consolidated alliances between national and foreign companies. This new attitude is envisaged as acceptance from local to global and vice versa, a catchphrase used so many times in so many settings which we would like to adopt and make our own, in order to define what makes Grupo DIARQCO. The above statement accurately clarifies the fundamental purpose which drives us, as in the case of GD, which has always been very clear on the consolidation of alliances to allow us to bring the best from the global setting and implement that in our region in an efficient manner, which broad knowledge of the local setting, both al social and environmental setting, such as the application of our functions at subsoil, reservoir and infrastructure levels, supported by the geo- sciences and engineering professionals who, by means of seismic, technology, software and world-class experiences, allow us to design the best conditions for exploration, drilling, exploitation and production of the different fields in our country. Thisiswhy,basedontheabove,withthesameconvictionandsupportedbyabroadteamofhumanresourcesfromGrupo Diarqco, with ample and proven experience from previous years and facing the challenges still to come, as a company and as part of Mexico, we have determined to become one of the most important Mexican companies in integrated services mainly focused on production of the energy sector in all its selected service lines as: drilling, workovers, logging, design, efficiency, growth, artificial production and stimulation systems, multiphase flow measurement in low and high pressure, well testing, slickline & wireline, coiled tubing and wells completion.This all translates into profitability, always in hand with research and innovation. As GD, up to this date, is the first company 100% from the State of Tabasco with the opportunity to operate oil fields in Tabasco ground, I would only like to add that we are prepared to be able to respond to the new demands and global needs required regarding the Oil and Gas industry. Mr. Jorge de Dios Morales CEO January, 2016 PREFACE ¿WHAT MAKE US GRUPO DIARQCO?
  • 6. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 66 ProduccionProductionServices
  • 8. 8 Producción / Production Services Ante los nuevos retos y metas de aumento de producción en el sector petrolero es necesario contar con mas y mejores equipos para la perforación y reparación de pozos en tierra, es por esto que Grupo Diarqco cuenta con su primer equipo con la expectativa de aumentar en equipos y capacidades de acuerdo a la demanda venidera. Equipos para la perforación y reparación de pozos en tierra Equipment for onshore well drilling and workovers ProducciónDrilling Services Due to the new challengers and goals for production increase in the oil industry, it is necessary to have more and better equipment for onshore well drilling and workovers, this is why Grupo Diarqco hasitsfirstrigwiththeexpectationofincreasingrigsandcapacities based in the upcoming demand. Todos los servicios: - Servicios de refurbish - Mantenimiento a equipos de perforación All available service: Refurbishment services Drilling maintenance services Lo que nos hace diferentes: - Equipo de alta tecnología -Personal especializado What make us different -High technology equipments -Specialized personnel CORPORATE ENERGY MASTER POLITICA INTEGRAL En Corporate Energy Master , el compromiso es proveer todo tipo de Servicios Especializados y TécnicosdeIngeniería,Supervisión y Control de Obras, Administración de Contratos, Tecnología de la Información, Medición Multifásica para Pozos de Producción de Hidrocarburos, o de cualquier otro relacionado con la Industria del Petróleo y Gas; siempre preservando el Medio Ambiente, la Seguridad y la Salud del Personal y partes interesadas. Todo esto a través de la mejora continua de nuestro Sistema de Gestión Integral conforme a la legislación aplicable y otros requisitos que suscriba la empresa en Materia Ambiental y de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. CORPORATE ENERGY MASTER INTEGRAL POLICY Corporate Energy Master has the commitment to provide Specialized Services Technical and Administrative Assistance Services by personnel specialized in Information technology, Administration, Engineering, Supervision and General Services, Integral Service of Multiphase Metering for hydrocarbons
  • 9. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 9 Producción / Production Services ProducciónDrilling Services Plataforma y Torre de Perforación Platform and drilling ring production wells or any other related to the Oil & Gas industry; while preserving the environment, Safety and Health Staff and stakeholders. All this through the continuous improvement of our integrated management system in accordance to applicable legislation and other requirements subscribed by the company related to Environmental and Health and Safety at work. MISION Nuestra misión es proveer todo tipo de Servicios Especializa- dos y Técnicos de Ingeniería, Supervisión y Control de Obras, Administración de Contratos, Tecnología de la Información, Medición Multifásica para Pozos de Producción de Hidrocar- buros, preservando la Salud, la Seguridad Industrial y la pro- tección al Medio Ambiente. El bienestar de nuestros emplea- dos, asociados y contratistas es de primordial importancia en la con- ducción y ejecución de todos nues- tros contratos. En Corporate Energy Master, creemos que la excelencia en el desempeño en estos asuntos se alcanza con el liderazgo, com- promiso, soporte y participación de todos los empleados, asociados y contratistas. Es por eso que esta- mos comprometidos con el lideraz- go en materia medioambiental y ocupacional en todos los aspectos de nuestra empresa. MISSION Our mission to provide Specialized Services Technical and Administrative Assistance Services by personnel specializedinInformationtechnology, Administration, Engineering, Supervision and General Services, Integral Service of Multiphase Metering for hydrocarbons production wells, preserving the environment. The welfare of our employees, partners and contractors is paramount in the conduct and execution of all our contracts. As Corporate Energy Masters, we believe that excellence in performance in these matters is reached with leadership, commitment, support and participation of all employees, partners and contractors. That’s why we are committed to leadership in environmental and occupational field in all aspects of our company. VISION Ser una empresa líder proveedora de Servicios Especializados yTéc- nicos de Ingeniería, Supervisión y Control de Obras, Administración de Contratos, Tecnología de la Información, Medición Multifásica paraPozos deProduccióndeHidrocarburos;contandoconpersonal calificado, así como con Infraestructura propia y equipo moderno, para satisfacción de nuestros clientes. VISION To become the number 1 company providing Specialized Services Technical and Administrative Assistance Services by personnel specialized in Information technology, Administration, Engineering, Supervision and General Services, Integral Service of Multiphase Metering for hydrocarbons production Wells; having qualified and compromised personnel, besides infrastructure of our own and high technology equipments to satisfy all clientsdemands. METAS SSPA Clasificación y disposición final de los residuos generados durante las actividades de la empresa, a fin de mitigar impactos ambientales. .Optimizar los recursos naturales y energéticos de forma permanente, a través de concientización continua al personal y programas continuos. .Mitigación de los riegos operacio- nales durante la realización de las actividades diarias, a fin de prevenir accidentes laborales. .Establecer programas preventivos de salud en el trabajo. .Establecer un programa de capaci- tación permanente en materia de seguridad, salud en el trabajo y pro- tección ambiental. HSE & EMS Classification and disposal of waste generated during activities of the company, in order to mitigate environmental impacts. Optimizar Natural and energy resources permanently through continuous staff awareness and ongoing programs. Mitigation of operational risks in the performance of daily activities, in order to prevent accidents. Establish preventive health programs at work. Establish a permanent training program on safety, occupational health and environmental protection.
  • 10. 10 Producción / Production Services MastilLeeC.Moore134´Cap.400,000 #, SHL Cantiliver. Bloque de corona c/(4) 36” poleas” Fastline sheave. Changuera para estibar tubería. Mast: Lee C. Moore 134´ Cap.400,000 #, SHL Cantiliver. Crown Block w/(4) 36” sheaves” Fastline sheave, racking boar, boom line, drill line w/spool & stand, mast stand, 4” standpipe Subestructura: Lee C. Moore 22´ H x 22´ W x 45´ OAL Caja sobre caja. Cap. de estibar tubería 4000´. Subestructure: Lee C. Moore 22´ H x 22´ W x 45´ OAL Box on Box type w/ rotary beams, center steel, mast shoes. Cap.: 400,000# Bloque viajero: EMSCO ND-36, Capacidad: 200 Ton (400,000#)c/(4)poleas de 36“, 1-1/8 línea de perforación Traveling block : EMSCO ND-36, Capacity: 200 Ton w/ (4) 36” sheaves, 1-1/8 drilling line Malacate: National Ideal, Modelo: 50A S/D, Lebus Dia. 1 1/8”, Cap. 400,000 lbs. Freno hidromático PARKERSBURG modelo 36SR. Mastil Lee C. Moore 134´ Cap.400,000 #, SHL Cantiliver. Mast: Lee C. Moore 134´ Cap.400,000 #, SHL Cantiliver. PerforaciónDrilling Services *Malacate *Drawworks *Bloque viajero *Traveling block 2 Motores CAT: Modelos C-18. Seriales: WJH00508 y WJH00515, 630 HP, Convertidor NOV C-195-100 USM 280-3502 Drawworks: National Ideal, Model: 50A S/D, Lebus Dia. 1 1/8”, Cap. 400,000 lbs. PARKERSBURG Modelo 36SR Hydromatic Brake. 2 CAT Engines: Models C-18. Serials: WJH00508 y WJH00515, 630 HP, OILWELL C-195-100 torque converter USM 280-3502 Top Drive: Manufacturer: NOV- TDS-10SH. Cap.: 250 ton. API 8C Valoración giratoria 100 RPM 250 ton, Max. RPM 200. Peso 16,000 lbs Max. Presión de sistema de lodos 5000 psi. Tipo de conexión NC50. Torque max de perforación 15,000 ft-lbs. Torque de perforación@ 100 RPM 11,500 ft-lsb Torque para conectar/desconectar tubería 35,000 ft-lbs. Max tubería de perforación RPM 200 rpm. Máxima potencia de salida continua 460 BHP. Top Drive: Manufacturer: NOV- TDS-10SH. Cap.: 250 ton. Hoisting Capacity 250 ton
  • 11. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 11 Producción / Production Services PerforaciónDrilling Services API 8C swivel bearing rating 100 RPM 250 ton. Weight 10,00 lbs Max. Mud system Pressure 5000 psi. Stem connection NC50. Max drilling torque 15,000 ft-lbs. Drilling Torque@ 100 RPM 11,500 ft-lsb. Makeup/Breakout Torque 35,000 ft-lbs. Maximun drill pipe RPM 200 rpm. Maximun continuous input power 460 BHP approx Llave hidráulica: Forum WR-80 Wrangler Roughneck con pedestal plaza de control piloto y patín de transportación. Dimensión LxWxH: 48” x 56” x 89“. Viaje vertical: 36” Viaje horizontal: 100” center to center Max. torque de conexión: 60,000 FT-lbs. Max. torque de desconexión: 80,000 FT-lbs. Rotación total de llave: 27°. Rango de uniones de la llave: 3 1/4” to 8 1/2“. Rango de ancho de la llave: 2 7/8” to 8 1/2“. Torque de Spinner (5 1/2” pipe): 2000 Ft-lbs. Velocidad de pinner (5 1/2”pipe): 82 RPM. Presión Hidráulica de Trabajo: 2500 PSI Iron Roughneck: Forum WR-80 Wrangler Roughneck with Pilot Control Square pedestal and transport skid. Dimension, retracted (LxWxH): 48” x 56” x 89“. Vertical travel: 36“. Horizontal travel: 100” center to center. Maximun make- up torque: 60,000 FT-lbs. Maximum break-out torque: 80,000 FT-lbs. Total torque wrench rotation: 27°. Total Wrench tool Joint size range: 3 1/4” to 8 !/2” Spinning wrench size range: 2 7/8” to 8 1/2“. Spinner torque (5 1/2” pipe): 2000 Ft-lbs. Spinner speed (5 1/2” pipe): 82 RPM. Working Hydraulic Pressure: 2500 PSI Mesa rotaria:IDECO Modelo C27.5”x 63-1/4” c/split. Max RPM 180. Cap.: 400,000# Rotary table:IDECO Model C27.5” x 63-1/4” w/split. Max RPM 180. Cap.: 400,000# *Llave hidraúlica *Iron Roughneck * Mesa rotatoria * Rotary table Top Drive Top Drive
  • 12. Producción / Production Services 12 PerforaciónDrilling Services Presas de lodos: Presa de lodo de succión: 11´ 8” W x 8´ H x 38 ´L. Cuatro (4) Agitado- res de lodo 20 HP Gearbox; GKS=); 30:1 ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft; 250TC NEMA Input Flange; 20HP, 3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG. XP MOTOR. Cap: 100.442 m3 / 631 bbl. Dos bombas de mezclado: 2MCM 5” x 6”w/(2) 60 HP motor eléctrico. Presa de lodo de asentamiento: 11´ 8”W x 8´ H x 40 ´L. Dos (2) Agitado- res de lodo 20 HP Gearbox; GKS=); 30:1 ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft; 250TC NEMA Input Flange; 20HP, 3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG. XP MOTOR. Cap.: 105.729 m3 / 665 bbl. Dos bombas de control de soli- dos: 2MCM 5”x 6”w/(2) 50 HP motor eléctrico Mud Tanks: Suction Tank: 11´ 8” W x 8´ H x 38 ´L (4) Mud agitator Low Profile 15 HP Gearbox; GKS=); 30:1 ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft; 250TC NEMA Input Flange;15HP,3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG. XP MOTOR. Cap.: 100.442 m3 / 631 bbl TwoMixingPump:2MCM5”x6”w/(2) 60 HP electrical motor. Shaker Tank: Shaker Tank: 11´ 8” W x 8´ H x 40 ´L. (2) Mud agitator Low Profile 15 HP Gearbox; GKS=); 30:1 Casa de fuerza Generator house. ratio; 2 15/16 Output Shaft; 250TC NEMA Input Flange; 15HP, 3/460V/60HZ/1800RPM, 40 DEG. XP MOTOR. Cap.: 105.729 m3 / 665 bbl Two Control Solid Pump: 2MCM 5” x 6” w/(2) 50 HP electrical motor. Bombas de lodo: Bomba de lodo #1: Modelo HH-F1000 Motor CAT 3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie 70Z00721. Cap.: 5000 psi Bomba de lodo #2: Modelo RS-F1000 Motor CAT 3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie CBB00400. Cap.: 5000 psi. Mud pumps: Mud Pump #1: HH-F1000. Motor CAT 3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie 70Z00721. Cap.: 5000 psi. Mud Pump #2: RS-F1000. Motor CAT 3508 680 HP USM 280-3502 Serie CBB00400. Cap.: 5000 psi Casa de fuerza: Generador #1: Detroit Diesel MLTU 350DSE 325KWGeneradorp/bSerie 60 12.7 L 550 HP serial 06R0893043 Generador #2: Caterpillar 3408 450 HP serial 67U09380 Generador Se- rie SR-4 Modelo 5K00596 275 KW 2 Compresores de aire: Sullivan Palatek 30DG Compresores de aire rotativo p/b 30 HP Motor electrico, Capacidad de volumen de aire del tanque 150 gal c/u. Generator House: Generator #1: (1) Detroit Diesel MLTU 350DSE 325 KW Gen p/b Series 60 12.7 L 550 HP serial 06R0893043 Generator #2: (1) Caterpillar 3408 450 HP serial 67U09380 Gen Serie SR-4 Modelo 5K00596 275 KW 2 Air compressors: Sullivan Palatek 30DG Rotary air compressor p/b 30 HP Elec Motor, 150-gal air volume tank. Control de sólidos: 2 Temblorinas: MI SWACO Modelo Mongoose PRO Ajustables de do- ble movimiento con caja de distribución de acero al carbón 440-480V/60Hz/1800 RPM/ 3 fases. Dos (2) motores eléctricos de 2.5 HP. Cap. 1000 gpm. 1 Limpiador de lodos: 3 en 1 MI SWACO Mongoose PT. 4 geme- los desarcilladores cónicos de 4”, total 8 conos, 2 X 12”desarena- dores montado sobre temblorina Moongose. Cap.: 1200 gpm. Solid Control: 2 Shale shaker: M-I SWACO Mongoose PRO dual mo- tion adjustable shale shaker with carbon steel header distribution box 440-480V/60Hz/1800 RPM/ 3 phases. Two (2) electric 2.5 HP motors. Cap.: 1000 gpm 1 Mud cleaner: M-I SWACO Mongoose PT Three in one Mud Cleaner. 8 replaceable 4” twin D-silter cones, 2 replaceable 12” D-Sander cones capable of up to 1200 GPM. Mounted above Moongose shale shaker. Cap.:1000gpm
  • 13. Contratos de construccion y consultoriaProducción / Production Services 13 PerforaciónDrilling Services *Bombas de lodo *Mud pumps. *Separador gas/lodo M-I SWACO. *Mud Gas Separator: M-I SWACO Mud/ Gas Separator Degasificador:M-I SWACO modelo Vacuum tipo compacto con tubería 6”. 230/460V. 60 Hz. Para H2S. Cap.: 1000 gpm. Mud Degasser:M-I SWACO Compact D-Gasser with pipping. 230/460V. 60 Hz. For H2S service. Cap.: 1000 gpm Separador de gas/lodo:M-I SWACO Modelo X-30 version. ASME sección VIII división 1 y NACE MR0175 para H2S. Presión de trabajo 125 psi. Cap.: 450 gpm Mud Gas Separator:M-I SWACO Mud/ Gas Separator (X-30 version). ASME section VIII division 1 for lethal servi- ce and NACE MR0175 for H2S service. Working pressure 125 psi. Cap.: 450 gpm Preventores: Preventor esférico sha- ffer: 11”5k psi. Preventor RAM doble T3 Energy: 11”5k psi wp, Modelo 6012. Preven- tor RAM sencillo T3 Energy: 11”5000 psi wp, modelo 6012. Blow Out Preventer:Shaffer spherical bop: 11”5k psi. T3 Energy Double RAM BOP: 11”5k psi wp, Model 6012. T3 Energy Single RAM: 11”5000 psi wp, Model 6012. Múltiple de estrangulación: NOV T3 Energy. 1 Estrangulador hi- dráulico. 2 Estrangulador manual. 11 - 3 1/8”5K válvulas manuales 3 - 3 1/8”3K válvulas manuales 1 - 2 1/16”5K válvulas manuales 1 Panel de control de estrangulador c/3 contadores de embolada. Cap.: 5000 psi Choke Manifold:NOV T3 Energy. 1 Hy- draulic Choke 2 Manual Chokes. 1 Choke Control Pannel with three stroke counter. 11 - 3 1/8” 5K manual valves. 3 - 3 1/8” 3K manual valves. 1 - 2 1/16” 5K ma- nual valves 1.Cap.: 5000 psi Acumulador de presiones de BOP: 5-estaciones de 120-Gal Unidad de cierre c/(18) 10-Gal Acumuladores. 1 Bomba de carga triplex p/b 30 HP Motor Eléctrico, 2 Bombas de pre- carga de aire. Cap.: 5,000 psi. Acummulator: 5-station 120-Gal clo- sing unit w/(18) 10-Gal Accumulator bottles. Triplex charge pump p/b 30 HPElecMotor,(2)AirActuatedCharge pumps. Cap.: 5,000 psi. KID MOUNTED PICS Preventor esférico shaffer: 11”5k psi. Preventer: Shaffer spherical bop: 11”5k psi.
  • 14. 14 Producción / Production Services PerforaciónDrilling Services *Preventor RAM doble T3 Energy * T3 Energy Double RAM BOP *Preventor RAM sencillo T3 Energy. * T3 Energy Single RAM Control de sólidos. Solid control.
  • 15. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 15 Producción / Production Services Servicio Integral de Motocompresión de gasIntegrated Service for gas Motocompression Motocompresor Motocompressor Servicio Integral de Motocompresión de Gas a boca del pozo en diferentes activos de Producción de la Región Sur Integrated service for gas motocompression to well head at diffe- rent production assets of south region Objetivos A.- Disminuir la contrapresion a la cual deben fluir los hidrocar- buros de los pozos de gas y/o liquidos ( agua, aceite y/o conden- sado),detalmodoquelosliquidosqueacompañenlaproducción de gas puedan ser reinyectados a la descarga del gas comprimi- do, sin que aplique la instalación y/o construcción de infraestruc- tura de producción adicional a la que existen en los pozos y/o instalaciones, tales como estaciones de recoleccion, cabezales y baterias de los diferentes campos de produccion de la region sur. Objectives A.- reduce backpressure the hydrocar- bons must flow through from wells of gas and / or liquids (water, oil and / or condensates) such that the liquids coming with the gas production can be reinjected to the compressed gas discharge without addi- tion of facilities and / or construction of production infrastructure additional to that existing in wells and / or facilities, such as ga- thering systems, wellheads and separators, at different production fields in south region. B.- Retirar los candados de gas, en los pozos que operan con otro sistema artificial de producción, ayudando a un mejor aporte de aceite, incorporando posteriormente dicho gas a la línea de descarga del aceite B. Remove gas locks in wells using another artificial production sys- tem, helping in a better oil inflow, and later incorporation of said gas into the oil discharge line. C.- Recuperar los vapores , produc- to de la estabilización de crudo para su incorporación al proceso, evitan- do emisiones a la atmosfera. C. Retrieve vapors, product of the cru- de oil stabilization for incorporating into the process thus avoiding emis- sions to the atmosphere.
  • 16. 16 Producción / Production Services Motocompresor Motocompressor *Motocompresor *Motocompressor*Motocompresor *Motocompressor Servicio Integral de Motocompresión de gasIntegrated Service for gas Motocompression
  • 17. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 17 Producción / Production Services Bombeo ElectrocentrífugoAPC ESP Centrifugal pumps Productos BEC BEC products Sistema artificial de producción, capaz de producir altos volúme- nes de líquidos, manteniendo estables las condiciones operativas de los pozos e incrementando significativamente la producción de aceite. Tiene como principio levantar el fluido del yacimiento hasta la su- perficie, mediante la rotación centrífuga de una bomba eléctrica sumergible, cuya potencia es suministrada por un motor eléctri- co ubicado en el fondo del pozo. En la superficie se genera la energía eléctrica a través de motogeneradores y se suministra por medio de un conductor hasta el motor eléctrico de fondo. Este servicio consiste en la implementación de un sistema de bombeo artificial de producción, tiene como principio levantar el fluido del yacimiento hasta la superficie mediante la rotación centrífuga de una bomba eléctrica sumergible. Artifical lift products & components (APC) electrical submersible pumps (ESP) are multi-stage centri- fugal pumps. Each stage consist of a rotating impeller and a stationary diffuser. Stage material area ni-resist or of special metallurgy for dependable perfonmanceinproductionwellsofcorrosiveorabrasiveenviroments. APC multi-stage centrifugal pumps, whether of a radial or a mixed flow configuration, are desingned to efficently lift a full range of volu- menesofoil,wateroroverthelifeofawellwithminimalmaintenance ordowntime. This is an artificial production system capable of producing high li- quids volumes, maintaining the well operation conditions stable and asignificantincreaseofoilproduction. The main purpose is liftoff of the reservoir fluid up to the surface by means of the centrifugal rotation of an electric submersible pump where the power is driven by an electric motor located at the well bottomhole. The electric power is generated at surface by means of moto-generators and supplied via a conductor line to the bot- tomhole electric motor. This service consists on implemen- tation of an artificial production lift system under the principle of lifting the reservoir fluid up to the surface by means of centrifugal rotation of an electric submersible pump.
  • 18. 18 Producción / Production Services Motocompresor Motocompressor Bombeo ElectrocentrífugoAPC ESP Centrifugal pumps
  • 19. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 19 Producción / Production Services Motocompresor Motocompressor Bombeo ElectrocentrífugoAPC ESP Centrifugal pumps ARABIA SAUDITA KUWAIT COLOMBIA SUDAN EGYPT IRAQ QATAR TURKMENISTAN MALASIA INDONESIA OMAN YEMEN IRAN RUSIA CHINA LIBYA APC FACILIDADES EXPERIENCIA MUNDIAL
  • 20. Producción / Production Services 20 ServicioaPozosWellServices
  • 21. 21 Servicios a pozos / Well Services
  • 22. 22 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Unidades moviles para medición multifásica MOBIL MPFM Medición MultifásicaMultiphase Flow Measurement Services Mayor producción al más bajo costo, determina la rentabilidad de cualquier negocio. Obtener los índices que caracterizan la salud de un activo requiere de la constante y más precisa posible Medición. Esta es la premisa en la vida de un campo petrolero. Increasing production at the lowest cost, determines any business profitability. Getting the indices to characterize any assets management health requires constant and the most accurate measurement. This is the premise in the life of an oil field. En Mexico, dos empresas, Grupo Diarqco y Oil Team International, se unen en consorcio, para constituir la compañía de mayor liderazgo y avances tecnológicos en lo que a Medición de Producción se refiere. Para eso, GDO, su nueva denominación, introduce su flota de Medidores Multifásicos, con la que logra catalogarse como la más acertada solución en el monitoreo deldesempeñoenlavidaproductiva de un pozo, campo o área. In Mexico, two companies, Grupo Diarqco and Oil Team International, joined in a consortium to provide the highest leadership and technological features company for hydrocarbon production measurement. For that matter, GDO, as its new name, introduces the widest Multiphase Meters fleet, becoming the best solutioninmonitoringperformancein a well, oilfield or any area productive life. *Determinación de los volúmenes de aceite, gas y agua producidos por un pozo *Determination of the volumes for oil, gas and water produced by a well *Unidades moviles para medición multifásica *Mobil MPFM
  • 23. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 23 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Medición MultifásicaMultiphase Flow Measurement Services Unidades moviles para medición multifásica MOBIL MPFM *Servicio de medición de producción *Production measurement service *Servicio de medición de producción *Production measurement service Medidores multifásicos Son equipos diseñados para medir las diferentes fases que componen una mezcla de flujos que involucran petróleo, agua y gas. Esta medición se realiza en tiempo real, sin la separación de dichas fases. Su configuración permite medir directamente en la línea de producción sin ser intrusivos. Designed to measure the different phases that comprise a flux mixture involving oil, water and gas, as in a hydrocarbon well production. This measurement relies on a real-time basis routine, without separation. Its configuration allows to measure directly on the production line without being intrusive. Los medidores multifásicos proveen un monitoreo eventual o continuo del comportamiento de la producción de un pozo, cabezal con múltiples corrientes o incluso baterías y de este modo, mantener en optimización continua la producción de los yacimientos. The multiphase meters provide a temporary or continuous monitoring of production performance of a single well, wellhead with multiple streams or even batteries and thus maintain continuous production optimization deposits. GDO ofrece en sus equipos, la más amplia gama de diámetros, (0.8”, 1.3”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6”, 8”), cada unidad provista de un laboratorio completamenteequipadoyasesoría técnica de especialistas altamente certificados en equipos de medición multifásica y disponibles 100% en campo. GDO offers the widest range of diameters ( 0.8 “, 1.3”, 2”, 3 “, 4”, 5”, 6”, 8”), as well as a fully equipped field laboratory and highly certified specialist technical advising.
  • 24. 24 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Ventajas al usar Medidores Multifásicos • Optimizar la producción debido al monitoreo continuo de flujos. • Mayor precisión en las curvas de declinación,permitiendocálculosde reservas más cercanos a la realidad, optimizando así la estrategia de explotación del yacimiento. • Reduce los gastos de perforación y completación de pozos al proporcionar información inherente a la interferencia entre estos, mejorando la caracterización de la zona de estimulación. • Alta confiabilidad en información que permite la identificación temprana de anomalías en la producción de un pozo. • Optimización de las operaciones de levantamiento artificial. Multiphase Meters advantages • Production Optimization due to continuous flux monitoring. • Increased accuracy in decline curves allowingmoreprecisereserveestimation, Medidores multifásicos Multiphase gages Medición MultifásicaMultiphase Flow Measurement Services helping improve the exploitation strategy. •Reducesdrillingandcompletioncoststhroughbetterunderstanding of wells interference and better stimulation modeling. • Increase the information’s confidence allowing early well production problems detection. • Optimization on artificial lifting. Características del Medidor Multifásico • Diseño compacto: Reducción del espacio y peso. No requiere tuberías rectas aguas arriba y/o aguas abajo. • Fácil Instalación/Operación:Vertical, instalado sin ningún requisito especial para la geometría de tubos aguas arriba, calibración en sitio (no obligatoria), baja pérdida de presión. •Simplicidad:Mantenimientoestándar paratrasmisoresdepresión,diferencial de presión y temperatura. • Aprobado e instalado por las principales operadoras alrededor del mundo. •Versatilidad:Componentes diseñados paracondicioneshostilesindustriales. •Modular:Todoslosequipospueden ser utilizados para operaciones en tierra y/o costa afuera. Multiphase Meters Features • Compact design: space and weight reduction. Requires straight pipes upstream and/or downstream. • Easy Installation/Operation: Vertical, installedwithoutanyspecialrequirement for upstream pipe geometry, calibration site(notmandatory),lowpressureloss. • Low maintenance: Maintenance standard for pressure transmitters, differential pressure and temperature. • Approved and installed by major Oilfield Companies around the world. • Versatility: Components designed for industrial hostile conditions. • Modular: every equipment design applies for both onshore and offshore operations.
  • 25. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 25 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Well TestingEnsayo o Prueba de Pozos Separadores Trifásicos Triphase Separators Well Testing Entendemos que en la diversificación de nuestras especialidades, manteniendo los estándares de calidad de la industria, presentamos anuestrosclientesunpanoramadesolucionesmásamplioyversátil. En este sentido, nuestro servicio de medición y evaluación de produccióndehidrocarburos,seampliaycomplementaconnuestra flota de Equipos Separadores, disponibles enTrifásicos y Bifásicos. Mediante la medición de caudales de producción en superficie, así como la presión de fondo fluyente a través de sensores introducidos a través de Wireline o Slickline, obtenemos un perfil del comportamiento del yacimiento y la productividad del pozo con información como: real espesor del intervalo de producción, permeabilidad,volumenconectado,lapresióndelyacimiento,etc.). ¿Por qué evaluar los pozos? Para determinar lo siguiente: • Presión inicial (p) • Presiónpromediodeáreadrenada(p) • Permeabilidad (K) y Espesor de esta en la formación productora (Kh) • Factor mecánico de capas (S) • Área drenada (A) • Factor de disposición Dietz (CA) • Eficiencia de las intervenciones a pozos al comparar PBU antes y después • Punto de Rocio en productores de petróleo o condensado • La estimación de saturación de presión extrapolada para determinar la influencia de una región multifásica en la vecindad del pozo • Detección de frentes de agua We understand that thru diversification of our specialties, maintaining the quality standards of the industry, we are able to present a wider panorama and a more versatile solution to our customers. In this sense, our hydrocarbon production measurement and evaluation service expands and complements with our Separators fleet. We have them available for three-phase and two-phase configuration. By measuring flow rates at surface and pressure with a downhole gauge, both reservoir performance and well productivity throws a determined profile that provides information such as net pay zones, permeability, connected volume, reservoir pressure, etc). Why Test a well? To determine the following: • Initial pressure (p) • Average pressure within the drainage boundary (p) • Permeability thickness product (kh) and permeability (k) • Mechanical skin factor (S) • Drainage Area (A) • Dietz shape factor (CA) • Assess a well intervention with pre and post
  • 26. 26 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Well TestingEnsayo o Prueba de Pozos Separadores Bifásicos Biphasic Separators PBU tests. • Gas Breakout Detection in oil producers or liquid drop out in gas condensate producers. •EstimationforSaturationPressureto determine spread away multiphase region influence. • Waterfront detection Características de los equipos GDO posee Separadores: • Trifásicos de disposición horizontal para el desempeño en pozos con RGL alta. • Bifásicos de disposición vertical para el desempeño en pozos con RGL relativamente baja. Además, como equipos accesorios: • Quemadores Ecológicos (pruebas en circuito abierto donde no hay línea para disponer el gas asociado a la producción). • Arreglos de estranguladores. • Presas Metálicas. • Válvulas de Seguridad (ESD) 2” x 2” para presión de operación máxima de 15,000 psi., con actuador neumático y control remoto. • Separador de Arena. La seguridad de la operación se obtiene de la capacidad de cerrar completamente el flujo en caso de cualquier eventualidad que pueda suceder en el momento de fluir en superficie los fluidos que aporta el pozo (gas, aceite y agua) a través del separador. Equipment Features GDO Separators: • Three Phase horizontal arrangement for wells with high LGR. • Biphasic vertical arrangement for wells with relatively low LGR. See specs chart on page. Also, as accessory equipment: • Ecological Flare stacks (open circuit tests where no produced associated gas line is available). • Choke Manifolds. • Provisional Production Tanks. • Safety Valves (ESD) 2” x 2” rated to a maximum operating pressure of 15,000 psi with pneumatic actuator and remote control. • Sand Trap. To strengthen Operations safety, it is extremely necessary to be able to completely shut-in the flow in case of any eventuality that may happen at the time of well production flowing up surface (gas, oil and water)
  • 27. Contratos de construccion y consultoriaServicios a pozos / Well Services Well TestingEnsayo o Prueba de Pozos Separador (Separator) Trifasico-1440, ASME VIII div 1, ANSIB31.3 (1575.900 AMAP (NC) Numero de Serie: PFT- 21 Horizontal 12 Tons 9400 BPD 34.2 mmfcd Brida de entrada/Salida con presion promedio completamente con ASME/ANSI B16.5 120 grados- 1456.000 PSIG a 70 grados -1480.000 PSIG. Capacidad de flujo 9400 BPD/ 391.66 BPH Capacidad de Gas a 400 PSI-18.9 MMCFD, 600 PSI 23.5 MMCFD, 800 PSI 27.1 MMCFD, 1000 PSI 30.6 MMCFD, 1200 33.7 MMCFD, 1440 34.2 MMCFD. Los separadores estan equipados con contralodores de nivel de liquido mediante Valvulas Fisher y discos de ruptura a presiones. Inlet/Outlet flange with average pressure fully as per ASME/ANSI B16.5 120 degress-1456.000 PSIG a 70 degress -1480.000 PSIG. Flow capacity 9400 BPD/391.66 BPH Gas capacity at 400 PSI-18.9 MMCFD, 600 PSI 23.5 MMCFD, 1200 33.7 MMCFD, 1440 34.2 MMCFD. Separators are equipped with fluid level drivers by means of Fisher valver and pressure rupture discs Tipo(Type) Peso (Weight) Cap. de Líquidos (Fluids capacity) Cap. gas (Gas capacity) Especificación Técnica (Technical specification) Características de los equipos Trifásicos de disposición horizontal Equipment features Three Phase horizontal arrangement 27 Separador (Separator) SVM-01 Vertical 1958 LBS 300 BPD 1 mmfcd Presión de siseño (392 PSI). Maximo presion permitida de trabajo (310 PSI). Temperatura de diseño (144°F). Material de Revestimiento (SAE-516-70). Espesor de Vasija (0.375”/0.375”). Corrosión permitida (.125”). Radiografia (100%). Fecha de fabricacion y prueba (2011). Tipo de fluido (Mezcla). Design pressure (392 PSI) Maximum allowable operating pressure (310 PSI) Design temperature (144ºF) Coating material (SAE-516-70). Vessel thickness (0.375”/0.375”). Allowable corrosion (.12”). Fabrication and test date (2011). Fluid type (blend) Tipo(Type) Peso (Weight) Cap. de Líquidos (Fluids capacity) Cap. gas (Gas capacity) Especificación Técnica (Technical specification) Características de los equipos Bifásicos de disposición vertical Equipment features Biphasic vertical arrangement
  • 28. 28 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Servicios de Línea de Acero Slickline SlicklineServicios de Línea de Acero Slickline (Línea de Acero), es como se le denomina al sistema mecánico a través del cual se realizan servicios de intervenciones menores a los pozos, con diversas aplicaciones que dependerán de la condición en la que se encuentren estos. Las más comunes son: • Determinación de la profundidad de un pozo o su sarta de producción (completación). • Calibración de diámetros o integridad de la sarta de producción (detección de restricciones). • Operaciones de Pesca. • Operación de camisas de producción. • Colocación/Recuperación de accesorios en la sarta de producción según la configuración diseñada por el cliente (válvulas de pie, BN, mandriles de gas, tapones ciegos, empacadores, etc.). • Agujerar la sarta de producción para ecualizar presiones. • Toma de muestras de fondo. Slickline, is a mechanical system through which wells minor interventions services are performed, using several applications depending upon the well condition. The most common are: •Determiningthedepthofawellorproductionstring(completion). • Production string internal diameter calibration or integrity (restrictions detection). • Fishing Operations. • Production Sleeves Operation. • Setting/Recovering production string accessories that any given designed completion configuration may have (foot valves, BN, gas lift mandrels, blind bridge plugs, tubing packers, etc.). • Tubing Puncher for pressure equalization. Pero también amplía la gama de servicios con la toma de información a través de registros en memoria de: • Presión, temperatura y producción de fondo (PTS). • Saturación de Hidrocarburos (MPNN). • Calibración de diámetro interno (MFC). • Calidad de adherencia de cemento (CBL/VDL). In addition, Memory Logging performs thru Slickline Service: • Pressure, temperature and production flow rate (PTS). • Hydrocarbons Saturation (MPNN). • Internal diameter calibration (MFC). • Cement Bond quality (CBL/VDL).
  • 29. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 29 Servicios a pozos / Well Services SlicklineServicios de Línea de Acero Servicios de Línea de Acero Slickline Descripción de las Unidades de Slickline Nuestros sistemas de Línea de Acero se encuentran montados en unidades pesadas móviles de eje sencillo, para la prestación del servicio a pozos en tierra. Poseen malacates gemelos alimentados con líneas de acero inoxidable, uno de 0.108” y otro de 0.125” de diámetro, accionados a través de sistema hidráulico acoplado a la toma de fuerza (PTO) de la unidad pesada móvil (camión). La cabina de trabajo es suficientemente espaciosa y climatizada para permitir la cómoda operación del malacate, la lectura de los parámetros de profundidad, tensión y velocidad, así como la participación directa del cliente como testigo de la operación. La cabina de manejo es extendida, permitiendo el descanso oportuno de los operadores cuando estos lo requieran, garantizando así su seguridad en el manejo de la unidad pesada móvil. Frecuentemente se requiere la asistencia de una Grúa Telescópica, en las operaciones de Línea de Acero en pozos que no tienen equipo de reparación en sitio (Rigless). Constituye en sí, una de las alternativas más eficientes y de más bajo costo en las intervenciones menores a los pozos. Slickline Units Features Our slickline systems are single axle heavy truck mounted for onshore services. Designed with a twin Winche system fed with two different diameters stainless steel line, one with a 0.108” and the other with a 0.125”, driven by a hydraulic system coupled to the truck’s PTO. A wide and a/c’d recording cab allows a comfortable working environment for winch operation, depth, tension and speed parameters recording, as well as customer witnessing. An extended drivers cab, allows timely break for operators when they feel tired, ensuring their personal safety. It is very common to use a crane unit to assist rigless slickline services being one of the most cost/ effective solution for wells minor interventions.
  • 30. 30 Servicios a pozos / Well Services SlicklineServicios de Línea de Acero Unidades Slickline Slickline Unitss *Sensores presión y temperatura *Pressure and temperature sensors *Unidades Slickline *Slickline Unitss
  • 31. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 31 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Wireline Logging System Paraelmanejodeunyacimiento,esnecesarioconocerinformación precisa sobrelas propiedadespetrofísicasdelarocareservorio.Son la Porosidad, Permeabilidad, Saturación y Resistividad, las que nos proporcionaran la certeza de la existencia o no de hidrocarburos. Incluso, la Capilaridad, Humectabilidad y Mojabilidad, son parámetros de un yacimiento, importantes de determinar, que nos indicarían la movilidad del fluido contenido en la roca reservorio, es decir, que tipo de producción podríamos esperar, para la recuperacióndelpetróleo,gasoinclusoaguaasuperficie.Unodelos más precisos métodos para la determinación de esta información, es la toma de registros eléctricos en agujero descubierto. Reservoir management, requires the most accurate information about its rock petrophysical properties. Estimation of Porosity, Permeability, Saturation and Resistivity, provides WirelineWireline Services Unidad de Wireline Wireline Unit us with the highest certainty level for hydrocarbons existence determination. Even capillarity and wettability, are very important parameters to determine fluid’s mobility in the reservoir, i.e., what kind of production can be expected for the oil, gas or even water recovery to surface. One of the most accurate methods to determine rock petrophysical properties, is the Open Hole Wireline Logging. GDO ha incorporado a su portafolio, un catálogo amplio de servicios de registros eléctricos con cable conductor, al aliarse con uno de los fabricantes de herramientas de registros para agujero descubierto y entubado de mayor versatilidad y confiabilidad en el mercado mundial como lo es GOWell. Por medio de esta alianza, GDO y GOWell consolidan una alternativa más para nuestros clientes, a la hora de investigar y estudiar sus yacimientos, brindándoles tecnología de punta, adaptable a las necesidades básicas de mercado, soporte técnico y asesoría en geociencias, siendo siempre además, la propuesta más competitiva. GDO grown its portfolio, with a wide range of wireline loggging services, by joining forces with one of the most versatile and reliable wireline logging tools manufacturers as Gowell. Through this alliance, GDO and Gowell consolidate as the most suitable alternative for our customers, when reservoir investigation and studying is all about, providing state- of-the-art technology, adaptable to actual market and technical advisory being the most competitive proposal at all times.
  • 32. 32 Servicios a pozos / Well Services WirelineRegistro en agujero descubierto / Wirelline Open Hole Logging StandardFormationEvaluationGallopRESISTIVITY–AILT-ArrayInductionLoggingTool November 2015 Array Induction Logging Tool (AILT) GOWell’s Array Induction Logging Tool (AILT) forms part of the Gallop suite. The AILT accurately measures open borehole formation conductivity at different borehole conditions. The tool uses an Array of induction coils operating at various frequencies, generating resistivity logs that have five (5) different depths of investigation. • Determines water saturation • Delineates reservoirs • Identifies hydrocarbon and moveable hydrocarbons • Provides thin-bed analysis • Qualitatively evaluates invasion profile • Provides correlation • Identification of fluid contacts The measurement is particularly suitable for high resistivity formations. Both deep and shallow readings allow for visual identification of permeable formations. The Tool is made up of three sections: 1. The Power Supply section (Electronic section 1) 2. The Data Acquisition section (Electronic section 2) 3. The Sonde section (Electronic section 3) • Can be combined with other Gallop formation porosity tools. • Rt determination accuracy is improved due to the tool’s enhanced vertical resolution and radial profiling capabilities. This allows for precise reserve estimates. • Borehole corrections and deconvolution to achieve three (3) sets of curves (1, 2 and 4 ft. vertical resolution). DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES Copyright GOWell GOWell’s 6-arm caliper tools has independent arms measuring 6 radii of the borehole wall. The 6-arms are spaced at 60 degrees leading to a more accurate measurement of the borehole cross-section compared to 2 or 4-arm tools. Six-ArmCaliper The tool has six independent arms measuring an accurate set of radii via 6 electrical sensors. Borehole diameter is measured by the three sets of opposite arms. • Determine an accurate profile of the bore hole cross-section • Calculate Borehole and Annulus hole volumes • Analysis of borehole failure – breakout, key-seat and washouts • Evaluate in-situ stress field 041802 • Fully combinable with Gallop range of Open Hole tools • Cover a wide range of borehole sizes up to 22 inches • Correction for tool eccentricity via elliptical or chord methods • Borehole profile display StandardFormationEvaluation GR0 200 S DEPT(m) 1:200 SIX0 60 S MIN20 0 S MAX0 20 S sim130 0 sim20 30 CAST CAST CAST CAST CALX8 15 S CALY8 15 S 4930 4935 4940 4945 4950 4955 4960 4965 4970 23.68 20.94 23.40 19.80 24.21 19.51 24.37 22.81 Plot 6-Arm Caliper September 2015 Copyright GOWell FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION November 2015 Copyright GOWell GOWell’s High Definition Sonic Logging Tool (HDSL) is part of the Gallop Suite and it is comprised of a single transmitter and five receivers. The instrument provides a borehole compensated acoustic compressional travel time (Dt). Applications include porosity calculations,and calibration of seismic data. It can also be used for cement bond evaluation. • Formation Porosity • Seismic Correlation • Basic Cement Bond evaluation in cased hole • Fracture Identification • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Acquires full digital Compressional waveforms in both OH (5 Rx) and CH ( 2 Rx CBL) modes configurable from software • Real-time semblance available • Travel time DTC processing real time, including borehole compensation The sonic logging tool can also be used to improve the correlation between time and depth, as well as be used for rock mechanics. This tool combines transmitters and receivers, which allow the re- cording of travel time, of an acoustic wave (sound energy) through the formation, to be measured. DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES High Definition Sonic Logging Tool (HDSL) 041409 StandardFormationEvaluationGallopSONIC–HDSL-HighDefinitionSonicLoggingTool Micro-Conductivity Imager Logging Tool (MC The Formation Micro-Conductivity Imager Tool (MCI) provides detailed borehole resistivity ima data. Six pads are pushed against the borehole wall by a hydraulic actuating device. The pads clos ly and consistently make contact with the borehole wall, which is essential to obtaining high qual image data. • Acquires and produces a variety of 2D and 3D borehole resistivity i ages, which are widely used in geological, petrophysical and boreh property analysis. The image data processing technique, image d base and intelligent image correlation techniques greatly widen the a plication scope of MCI imaging logging data. The logging data is mainly used for: • Sedimentary feature and rock texture recognition • Lithology identification, profile correlation and electro-facies analyse • Fracture, vug and fault identification analysis • Dip analysis and structural feature analysis in the vicinity of the boreh • Borehole geometry and in-situ earth stress analysis • Formation evaluation in carbonate reservoir and some igneous rock reservoir Each pad contains twenty-four (24) buttons (electrodes) surrounded a metal pad housing. To force the measurement current flowing into t formation, a control circuitry maintains a zero voltage difference betwe the focusing electrodes and the pad housing. The total 144 buttons c provide 144 micro-resistivity measurements, with vertical and azimut resolution of 0.2’’. The individual current measurement recorded from each button is a fun tion of formation resistivity. These measurements are properly scaled resistivity values so that they can be correlated with conventional sh low measurements. The current from the array buttons with conventio shallow measurements. The current from the array buttons can be co verted to high-resolution color or gray-scaled borehole images. • Acquires high quality image data in rough borehole conditions • Provides precise and consistent data due to the complete calibratio facilities and systematic calibration procedures. The mature data acquisition and field processing software satisfies our clients with quick and flexible image presentation • Has the ability to work in several modes: fast scanning mode, slow scanning mode or dipmeter mode DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES November 2015 Copyright GOWell GOWell’s Litho Density Tool is part of the Gallop Suite, and provides accurate bulk density and pho- toelectric effect (pe) measurements for formation porosity evaluation, and lithology identification. • Measures formation porosity • Measures lithology of formation (pe) • Generates synthetic seismic traces • Gas detection and shale identification combined with Neutron log • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Single axis caliper measurement provided • Measurements provided in a wide range of borehole sizes • Utilizes a dual spectrum detector to eliminate mud cake in order to obtain accurate formation density Lithology tools are extremely important as they provide a clear picture of the feasibility of a particular well, which allows the user to adjust and maximize production accordingly. Dual detectors allow mud cake corrections to be applied, and a caliper measurement is also provided. DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES Litho Density Logging Tool (LDLT) 041407 StandardFormationEvaluationGallopNUCLEAR–LDLT-Litho-DensityLoggingTool Dual Lateral Logging Tool (DLLT) Using an array of electrodes to focus the measuring current into the formation, the Dual Laterolog provides both Deep and Shallow formation resistivity measurements in conductive borehole envi- ronments. An SP reading is also recorded by the instrument. • Obtains invasion profile • Estimates water saturation DLLT The measurement is particularly suitable for high resistivity forma- tions. Both deep and shallow readings allow for visual identification of permeable formations. DLLT Log • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Can distinguish formations bearing conductive fluids (including salt water and mud filtrate) from formations with non-conductive fluids (oil and gas). • Spontaneous Potential (SP) reading included November 2015 Copyright GOWell FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION StandardFormationEvaluationGallopRESISTIVITY–DLLT-DualLateralLoggingTool FEATURES November 201 Telemetry / Inclinometer Gamma Ray & TTM Tool GOWell’s TIGR provides high-speed telemetry required to run all Gallop tools in combination. In addi- tion to a high speed telemetry function, the tool includes a natural radioactivity measurement as well as relative bearing directional information. APPLICATIONS • Shale Volume Calculation • Provides useful mud information • Well to well geological correlation The tool is composed of two sections – the TGR and the TTM sonde sections. The main application of this tool is to facilitate data communication between the downhole toolstring and the surface system. Auxiliary measurements include toolstring tension, mud tempera- ture, mud resistivity and Gamma Ray measurement. • Combinable with Gallop tools • High Uplink transmission rate • TTM section includes temperature and mud resistivity sensors, tension and pressure balance piston • Can be used in both Open Hole and cased Hole conditions DESCRIPTION Copyright GOWe TTM TIGR StandardFormationEvaluationGallopNUCLEAR–TIGR&TTM GOWell’s X-Dipole Logging Tool is an array acoustic tool with monopole, dipole and cross-dipole acquisition capabilities. The tool is essential for collecting a full range of acoustic datasets, which contribute to petrophysical evaluation and geophysical applications. The X-Dipole Sonic Tool is composed of four (4) main parts: 1) Electronics instrument 2) Receiver section 3) Acoustic isolator 4) Transmitter section The tool has four (4) separate broadband acoustic transmitters—one monopole, two dipole and one stoneley transmitter. The monopole output is optimized for compressional and refracted shear mea- surements; whereas, the stoneley trans- miter is a unique design optimized for low frequency stoneley excitation. The two dipole transmitters are co-located and optimized to maximize output ener- gy for slow, soft rock formations. • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Records the waveform of the reflected value from formations • By measuring sonic slowness, formation porosity can be obtained • Rock anisothropy analysis can be achieved (full waveform mode and Azimuth required) • Transmitter section assembled with peek sleeves for increased reliability and lower maintenance required • Ten independently linked assemblies in the isolator section are in- cluded to better attenuate the tool body signal, maintain alignment and provide increased tension & compressive strength • Three programmable operating modes available: Mode 1: Fast Logging Mode 2: Non-anisothropy Mode 3: Full waveform 041408 X-Dipole Logging Tool (XDLT) • Gas zone detection (VP/vs) • Fracture identification (Stoneley) • Permeability estimation (Stoneley) • Formation Anisothropy assessment • Formation porosity • Measurement of compressional and shear waves in open or cased-hole • Synthetic Seismograms • Lithology and clay identification November 2015 Copyright GOWell FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION StandardFormationEvaluationGallopSONIC–XDLT-X-DipoleLoggingTool Micro-Spherical Focused Log (MSFL) GOWell’s MSFL tool provides a measurement of the flushed zone resistivity (Rxo) with single axis caliper, and/or dual axis caliper borehole diameter measurements. The Rxo measurement is used to calculate the flushed zone saturation, and correct other resistivity measurements to determine true formation resistivity (Rt). The XY caliper and MSFL sondes may be run separately or combined. • Measures flushed zone resistivity • Calculates flushed zone water saturation (Sxo) • Indicates fluid mobility • Estimates invasion profile (combined with other resistivity tools) • Corrects deeper-reading resistivity devices for invasion effects • Identifies thin laminations • Calculates permeability and porosity • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Measures voltages • Reads Rxo resolution in thick mud cake conditions • Provides qualitative measurement of permeability • Combinable with 4 arm and 6 arm Caliper GOWell’s MSFL tool provides a measurement of the flushed zone resistivity (Rxo) with single axis caliper, and/or dual axis caliper borehole diameter measurements. The Rxo measurement is used to calculate the flushed zone saturation, and correct other resistivity measurements to de- termine true formation resistivity (Rt.) MSFL PAD FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION November 2015 Copyright GOWell StandardFormationEvaluationGallopRESISTIVITY–MSFL-Micro-SphericalFocusedLog November 2015 Copyright GOWell The Compensated Neutron Logging Tool (CNLT) provides one of the primary porosity measurements used for hydrocarbon saturation calculations. When combined with other standard petrophysical measurements it also provides lithology indication—shale volume and formation gas identification. • Identification of formation porosity • Gas detection and shale identification in combination with density tools • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Operates in both Open and Cased hole environments • Compensated for borehole conditions, casing and cement corrections • Determines porosity and lithology in zones of interest in combina tion with other porosity logs The instrument includes an AmBe neutron source and dual ther- mal neutron detectors, providing a neutron porosity measurement which is compensated for borehole size and other environmental conditions. DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES Compensated Neutron Logging Tool (CNLT) 041405 StandardFormationEvaluationGallopNUCLEAR–CNLT-CompNeutronLoggingTool AIL (Array Induction Logging Tool) SIX ARM CALIPER HDSLT (High Definition Sonic Logging Tool) MCI (Micro Conductivity Imager Log) LDLT (Lithodensity Logging Tool) DLLT (Dual Laterolog Logging Tool) TTM (Telemetry Inclinometer GR) X-DIPOLE LOGGING TOOL MSFL (MicroSpherical Focused Log) CNLT (Compensated Neutron Logging Tool) GOWell’s 6-arm caliper tools has independent arms measuring 6 radii of the borehole wall. The 6-arms are spaced at 60 degrees leading to a more accurate measurement of the borehole cross-section compared to 2 or 4-arm tools. Six-ArmCaliper The tool has six independent arms measuring an accurate set of radii via 6 electrical sensors. Borehole diameter is measured by the three sets of opposite arms. • Determine an accurate profile of the bore hole cross-section • Calculate Borehole and Annulus hole volumes • Analysis of borehole failure – breakout, key-seat and washouts • Evaluate in-situ stress field 041802 • Fully combinable with Gallop range of Open Hole tools • Cover a wide range of borehole sizes up to 22 inches • Correction for tool eccentricity via elliptical or chord methods • Borehole profile display StandardFormationEvaluation GR0 200 S DEPT(m) 1:200 SIX0 60 S MIN20 0 S MAX0 20 S sim130 0 sim20 30 CAST CAST CAST CAST CALX8 15 S CALY8 15 S 4930 4935 4940 4945 4950 4955 4960 4965 4970 23.68 20.94 23.40 19.80 24.21 19.51 24.37 22.81 Plot 6-Arm Caliper September 2015 Copyright GOWell FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION GOWell’s X-Dipole Logging Tool is an array acoustic tool with monopole, dipole and cross-dipole acquisition capabilities. The tool is essential for collecting a full range of acoustic datasets, which contribute to petrophysical evaluation and geophysical applications. The X-Dipole Sonic Tool is composed of four (4) main parts: 1) Electronics instrument 2) Receiver section 3) Acoustic isolator 4) Transmitter section The tool has four (4) separate broadband acoustic transmitters—one monopole, two dipole and one stoneley transmitter. The monopole output is optimized for compressional and refracted shear mea- surements; whereas, the stoneley trans- miter is a unique design optimized for low frequency stoneley excitation. The two dipole transmitters are co-located and optimized to maximize output ener- gy for slow, soft rock formations. • Combinable with other Gallop tools • Records the waveform of the reflected value from formations • By measuring sonic slowness, formation porosity can be obtained • Rock anisothropy analysis can be achieved (full waveform mode and Azimuth required) • Transmitter section assembled with peek sleeves for increased reliability and lower maintenance required • Ten independently linked assemblies in the isolator section are in- cluded to better attenuate the tool body signal, maintain alignment and provide increased tension & compressive strength • Three programmable operating modes available: Mode 1: Fast Logging Mode 2: Non-anisothropy Mode 3: Full waveform 041408 X-Dipole Logging Tool (XDLT) • Gas zone detection (VP/vs) • Fracture identification (Stoneley) • Permeability estimation (Stoneley) • Formation Anisothropy assessment • Formation porosity • Measurement of compressional and shear waves in open or cased-hole • Synthetic Seismograms • Lithology and clay identification November 2015 Copyright GOWell FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION StandardFormationEvaluationGallopSONIC–XDLT-X-DipoleLoggingTool
  • 33. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 33 Servicios a pozos / Well Services WirelineRegistro en agujero entubado / Wirelline Cased Hole Logging 041510 Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser (ALFA) November 2015 Copyright GOWell DESCRIPTION GOWell’s Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser Tool is used to carry out various well diagnostic studies extending from well integrity evaluation to production performance monitoring. This device measures acoustic data in the frequency range of 235 Hz to 30 kHz with very high frequency resolution. APPLICATIONS ALFA Tool FEATURES The tool uses very sensitive acoustic sensors to be able to measure sound produced downhole by either gas or liquid flow. Measurements are taken over a wide frequency range, enabling a very effectivewayofleakdetectionaswellasdetectionof various kinds of gas, water, or oil flow, including flow behind the pipe. • Leak Detection (tubing/casing/packer leaks) • Diagnosis of Sustained Casing Pressure • Location of open perforations • Identification of flow zones behind pipe • Identification of channeling behind pipe • Ability to detect flows through multiple tubulars • Ability to distinguish flow behind pipe from flow inside pipe • Combinability with other logging tools to provide a complete well evaluation in a single run • Slim tool design allowing safe and easy deployment through the smallest completion tubing and restrictions SPECIFICATIONS ALFA - Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser General Specs Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating Temperature Dynamic Range Operating Frequency Range Operation mode Number of Spectral Channels Diameter Length Weight 14,500 PSI (100 MPa) 302°F (150°C) 80 dB From 235 to 30,000 Hz Continuous - Memory 128 Channels 1.338 in. (34 mm) 2.32 ft. (0.71 m) 7.7 lbs (3.5 kg) Memory Memory Capacity Data Recording Rate Memory filling time at 1 sec sampling 128 MB 1 to 255 sec 48 Hours *Specifications are subject to change as tools are constantly being improved ALFA - Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser General Specs Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating Temperature Dynamic Range Operating Frequency Range Operation mode Number of Spectral Channels Diameter Length Weight 14,500 PSI (100 MPa) 302°F (150°C) 80 dB From 235 to 30,000 Hz Continuous - Memory 128 Channels 1.338 in. (34 mm) 2.32 ft. (0.71 m) 7.7 lbs (3.5 kg) Memory Memory Capacity Data Recording Rate Memory filling time at 1 sec sampling 128 MB 1 to 255 sec 48 Hours *Specifications are subject to change as tools are constantly being improved WellIntegrityEvaluationConventionalALFA-AcousticLeakFlowAnalyser November 2015 Copyright GOWell Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC) WellIntegrityEvaluationPegasusMFC-Multi-FingerCaliper 041808 DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS & FEATURES Multi-Finger Caliper tools provide direct, accurate and reliable measurements of internal tubing and casing diameters. Used in both drilling and production environments, applications include the evaluation of corrosion, erosion, wear, bending, buckling, pits, holes and other defects with high accuracy. Measuring fingers move radially along the inner casing or tubing wall, detecting any diameter change. This produces a high resolution record of the tubular geometry which can be viewed and presented as a conventional log, a cross section, or a 3-D color enhanced image. The Multi-Finger Caliper may also be used to measure the buildup of scale, paraffin or other mineral deposits in the wellbore. Auxiliary measurements include an integral wellbore temperature probe, along with deviation and relative bearing information. A range of instrument diameters with different finger arrays are available to provide optimized measurements in tubulars ranging from 2-3/8 in. to 13-3/8 in. diameter. • Available in 24, 40, and 56 fingers • Optional Extension Kit available for all sizes • Combinable with all Pegasus Series Tools • Compatible with PegasusStar Cased Hole Logging Platform • Has Built-in Wellbore Temperature and 3-axis accelerometer able to provide crucial information about the Well Conditions including: Temperature, Deviation and Finger position • MIPSPro ™ Compatible for analysis and reporting • Warrior Compatible MFC24C-C MFC40C-B MFC56C-C November 2015 Magnetic Thickness Detector-E (MTD-E) Copyright GOWell 041804 WellIntegrityEvaluationPegasusMTD-E–MagneticThicknessDetector-E The Magnetic Thickness Detector (MTD) is a 1-11/16 in O.D corrosion measuring instrument primarily run through tubing with the unique ability to simultaneously inspect tubing and the casings behind it. The integrity of the casing string can be evaluated with neither the requirement for costly workover rig, nor the time consuming removal of the tubing completion. MTD-E GOWell’s latest generation MTD tool is capable of evaluating quantitative thickness measurements of three concentric pipes. The state-of-the-art instrument combines a high power transmitter, improved signal-to-noise (SNR) electronics and fully configurable acquisition. This flexible approach allows a wide range of evaluations under different conditions and conveyance systems. A simple engineer selection of the functional mode allows features such as: • Logging in large pipes (up to 18-5/8 inches) • Fast logging of single pipes • Chrome/alloy pipe evaluation • Thick casings • Memory-optimized logging INTRODUCTION Internally the tool acquires up to 300 channels of pulsed eddy current transient decay, that can be transmitted real-time to surface or stored downhole. Real-time logging is possible either in combination below any of GOWell’s existing Multi-Finger caliper (MFC) tools or when combined with PegasusStar– GOWell’s state-of-the-art high-speed telemetry sys- tem. Memory acquisition is supported via GOWell’s memory logging system. When run with our PegasusStar platform, the MTD is fully combinable with Multi-Finger calipers (MFC), Gamma-Ray/Temperature/CCL (GTC) and our Digital Radial Bond Tool (RBL). The combination provides a comprehensive evaluation of the well integrity, providing accurate thickness information for multiple pipe strings as well as the cement bond qual- ity. 2-7/8” Tubing - 5-1/2” Casing1 - 13-3/8” Casing2 3rd Pipe Collar Three Pipe Evaluation ALFA (Acoustic Leak Flow Analizer) RBL (Radial Bond Log) MFC (Multifinger Caliper) MTD-E (Magnetic Thickness Detector – E) November 2015 Magnetic Thickness Detector-E (MTD-E) Copyright GOWell 041804 WellIntegrityEvaluationPegasusMTD-E–MagneticThicknessDetector-E The Magnetic Thickness Detector (MTD) is a 1-11/16 in O.D corrosion measuring instrument primarily run through tubing with the unique ability to simultaneously inspect tubing and the casings behind it. The integrity of the casing string can be evaluated with neither the requirement for costly workover rig, nor the time consuming removal of the tubing completion. MTD-E GOWell’s latest generation MTD tool is capable of evaluating quantitative thickness measurements of three concentric pipes. The state-of-the-art instrument combines a high power transmitter, improved signal-to-noise (SNR) electronics and fully configurable acquisition. This flexible approach allows a wide range of evaluations under different conditions and conveyance systems. A simple engineer selection of the functional mode allows features such as: • Logging in large pipes (up to 18-5/8 inches) • Fast logging of single pipes • Chrome/alloy pipe evaluation • Thick casings • Memory-optimized logging INTRODUCTION Internally the tool acquires up to 300 channels of pulsed eddy current transient decay, that can be transmitted real-time to surface or stored downhole. Real-time logging is possible either in combination below any of GOWell’s existing Multi-Finger caliper (MFC) tools or when combined with PegasusStar– GOWell’s state-of-the-art high-speed telemetry sys- tem. Memory acquisition is supported via GOWell’s memory logging system. When run with our PegasusStar platform, the MTD is fully combinable with Multi-Finger calipers (MFC), Gamma-Ray/Temperature/CCL (GTC) and our Digital Radial Bond Tool (RBL). The combination provides a comprehensive evaluation of the well integrity, providing accurate thickness information for multiple pipe strings as well as the cement bond qual- ity. 2-7/8” Tubing - 5-1/2” Casing1 - 13-3/8” Casing2 3rd Pipe Collar Three Pipe Evaluation November 2015 Radial Bond Log (RBL) Copyright GOWell WellIntegrityEvaluationRBL–RadialBondLogPegasus The Radial Bond log Tool provides proven superior reliability and responsiveness even in thin cement sheath conditions. With circumferential cement bond evaluation, the RBL identifies channels, in addition to standard cement bond logging. The main application of the Radial Bond Log Tool is to evaluate hydraulic isolation between producing and non-producing zones– a key factor needed to assess the integrity of the well. DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES In addition to standard cement bond amplitude (CBL) through near receiver (3-ft), and variable density log (VDL) through far receiver (5-ft), the RBL tool provides a cement map through eight receivers (Radial @2Ft ), each segment covering 45° section of the pipe which gives a complete 360° evaluation of bond integrity. A single piezoelectric transmitter with a transducer central resonance frequency of 20KHz provides the source of energy for all 8 piezoelectric sector receivers, as well as the 3-ft and 5-ft cement bond log receivers. Poor cement placement can typically result in unwanted water or gas production, fluid migra- tion in the annulus and inadequate support of the casing. In some instances the safety and integrity of the entire well can be threatened. In combination with GOWell’s well integrity tools, the integrity of your well can be guaranteed by ensuring that the cement is effectively placed between the casing and the formation. • Full circumferential resolution for better channel identification • Provides a 360 degree cement map • Cement bond quality measurement in slim and conventional wells • Operates in casing from 3 1/2 in. (89 mm) to 10 3/4 in. (244 mm) • Indicates channels and intervals using radial receivers • Measures the attenuation of the acoustic energy in the casing to cement interface • Compatible with PegasusStar • Combinable with GOWell’s Pegasus Series Tools for flexible acquisition and rig time saving • All receivers are built in a slotted housing to provide rigidity, strength, and noise isolation • Robust design suitable for horizontal logging • User friendly acquisition software • Easily run on all standard wirelines • Extensive Technical Support and Maintenance readily available • Warrior compatible Fig. 1 • MTD-MFC-RBL – Log Example With the support of RBL, you can get accurate in- sight into the quality of the cement, which is crucial for providing a correct diagnosis and assessment of the problem as well as understanding the remedial work required for your wells. This tool forms part of GOWell’s Well Integrity suite and is combinable with MFC and MTD tools for comprehensive well integrity evaluation. This allows for total evaluation of the quality of cement bonding as well as the condition and integrity of the tubulars. RBL November 2015 Radial Bond Log (RBL) Copyright GOWell WellIntegrityEvaluationRBL–RadialBondLogPegasus The Radial Bond log Tool provides proven superior reliability and responsiveness even in thin cement sheath conditions. With circumferential cement bond evaluation, the RBL identifies channels, in addition to standard cement bond logging. The main application of the Radial Bond Log Tool is to evaluate hydraulic isolation between producing and non-producing zones– a key factor needed to assess the integrity of the well. DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS FEATURES In addition to standard cement bond amplitude (CBL) through near receiver (3-ft), and variable density log (VDL) through far receiver (5-ft), the RBL tool provides a cement map through eight receivers (Radial @2Ft ), each segment covering 45° section of the pipe which gives a complete 360° evaluation of bond integrity. A single piezoelectric transmitter with a transducer central resonance frequency of 20KHz provides the source of energy for all 8 piezoelectric sector receivers, as well as the 3-ft and 5-ft cement bond log receivers. Poor cement placement can typically result in unwanted water or gas production, fluid migra- tion in the annulus and inadequate support of the casing. In some instances the safety and integrity of the entire well can be threatened. In combination with GOWell’s well integrity tools, the integrity of your well can be guaranteed by ensuring that the cement is effectively placed between the casing and the formation. • Full circumferential resolution for better channel identification • Provides a 360 degree cement map • Cement bond quality measurement in slim and conventional wells • Operates in casing from 3 1/2 in. (89 mm) to 10 3/4 in. (244 mm) • Indicates channels and intervals using radial receivers • Measures the attenuation of the acoustic energy in the casing to cement interface • Compatible with PegasusStar • Combinable with GOWell’s Pegasus Series Tools for flexible acquisition and rig time saving • All receivers are built in a slotted housing to provide rigidity, strength, and noise isolation • Robust design suitable for horizontal logging • User friendly acquisition software • Easily run on all standard wirelines • Extensive Technical Support and Maintenance readily available • Warrior compatible Fig. 1 • MTD-MFC-RBL – Log Example With the support of RBL, you can get accurate in- sight into the quality of the cement, which is crucial for providing a correct diagnosis and assessment of the problem as well as understanding the remedial work required for your wells. This tool forms part of GOWell’s Well Integrity suite and is combinable with MFC and MTD tools for comprehensive well integrity evaluation. This allows for total evaluation of the quality of cement bonding as well as the condition and integrity of the tubulars. RBL November 2015 Copyright GOWell Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC) WellIntegrityEvaluationPegasusMFC-Multi-FingerCaliper 041808 DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS & FEATURES Multi-Finger Caliper tools provide direct, accurate and reliable measurements of internal tubing and casing diameters. Used in both drilling and production environments, applications include the evaluation of corrosion, erosion, wear, bending, buckling, pits, holes and other defects with high accuracy. Measuring fingers move radially along the inner casing or tubing wall, detecting any diameter change. This produces a high resolution record of the tubular geometry which can be viewed and presented as a conventional log, a cross section, or a 3-D color enhanced image. The Multi-Finger Caliper may also be used to measure the buildup of scale, paraffin or other mineral deposits in the wellbore. Auxiliary measurements include an integral wellbore temperature probe, along with deviation and relative bearing information. A range of instrument diameters with different finger arrays are available to provide optimized measurements in tubulars ranging from 2-3/8 in. to 13-3/8 in. diameter. • Available in 24, 40, and 56 fingers • Optional Extension Kit available for all sizes • Combinable with all Pegasus Series Tools • Compatible with PegasusStar Cased Hole Logging Platform • Has Built-in Wellbore Temperature and 3-axis accelerometer able to provide crucial information about the Well Conditions including: Temperature, Deviation and Finger position • MIPSPro ™ Compatible for analysis and reporting • Warrior Compatible MFC24C-C MFC40C-B MFC56C-C
  • 34. 34 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Neutrones Pulsantes Pulsed Neutron Neutron Este registro se basa en el bombar- deo de neutrones rápidos a muy alta energía en la zona circunvecina del pozo y monitorear su decaimiento en el tiempo (cuenta detectada) de- bido a la dispersión y captura. Esta última depende de la litología del reservorio en el que se encuentra di- cho pozo, así como de su contenido de hidrógeno y cloro. Pulsed neutron-neutron (Sigma) loggingisbasedonburstingneutrons into the near-wellbore zone and consequent monitoring of neutron count decay due to scattering and capturing. Capture neutron count decay depends on reservoir lithology and hydrogen and chloride contents. Aplicando procesos matemáticos a la medición del decaimiento, pue- den emularse comportamientos de parámetros del reservorio, tales como el índice de hidrógeno y la concentración de cloruro. Uno de los parámetros de decaimiento más importantes es la sección transver- sal de captura, también conocido como Sigma y que cubre el espectro más amplio de las técnicas basadas en la medición del decaimiento de neutrones. There are a number of mathematical procedures over raw decay data yieldingvariousreservoirparameters, such as hydrogen index and chloride concentration. One of the most important decay parameters is the Wireline | Saturación de hidrocarburosHydrocarbon Saturation capture cross-section, also known as Sigma which gives a name for a wide range of neutron decay based techniques. El principal problema de esta técni- ca, es que el cálculo de la invasión de agua en el reservorio, se basa en la diferencia entre los valores Sigma del aguaydelaceite.Siestossonmuycer- canos,elmodelodecálculopodríaser incierto. Esto también ocurre cuando la porosidad del reservorio es baja. The main problem in the Sigma technique is that the calculation of reservoir water invasion is based on the difference between water and oil Sigma values. If they are close, Sigma calculations may fail. The Sigma technology also fails when reservoir porosityislow. Obtener una acertada respuesta en la medición del decaimiento de neu- trones es muy complejo y depende de muchos factores, incluyendo el diseño de la herramienta y la calidad de generador. Sin embargo, una vez que se ha colectado toda la informa- ción estadística, se puede comprobar la calidad de los datos mediante aná- lisis visuales y matemáticos, así como evaluando la calidad del cálculo apli- cando el método del error cuadrático. Thedecayresponseisverycomplexand dependsonmanyfactorsincludingtool design and generator quality. However, once the survey is completed, one can check the data quality by visual and mathematical analyses and evaluate calculation quality using the mean squareerrorlog. Premium Services PNN
  • 35. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 35 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Wireline | Campos madurosMature Fields La mejor alternativa para cuantificar tu hidrocarburo The best way to measure your reservoir Las herramientas convencionales para registro de Sigma (PNG), miden la emisión secundaria de rayos gamma, producto de la captura de neutrones. A diferencia de estas, la generación de herramientas (PNN) mide directamente la cuenta de neutrones. Las PNN registran más del 90% de los neutrones que pasan a través de la cámara de sus novedosos detectores de muy alta eficiencia. The conventional Sigma tools record the secondary gamma ray emission produced by neutron capture. They are usually referred to as pulsed neutron gamma (PNG) tools. Unlike PNG tools, the PNN tool directly detects neutron response. Modern neutron detectors are very efficient and capture more than 90% of neutrons passing through detector’s chamber. En líneas generales, las PNN pueden ser utilizadas para determinar la invasión en reservorios con agua de baja porosidad y salinidad, donde las PNG fallan en su modelo de cálculo de Sigma. La gran ventaja de las PNN, es que el conteo o medición del decaimiento de neutrones, siempre llega a cero, en cambio en las PNG, el decaimiento baja hasta encontrar la emisión de rayos gamma naturales de la formación, que generalmente es influenciada por depósitos de escalas (sales), causados por la acidificación o alto flujo de agua acumulada, incrementando dicha emisión, enmascarando una apropiada respuesta del decaimiento. Generally, the PNN tool can be used to determine invasion in reservoirs with lower water salinities and porosities than for conventional PNG tools. Key advantage of the PNN technology is that its neutron decay rate always goes down to zero, whereas PNG decay is always floored at the natural GR background. In many practical cases the GR background may be disturbed by scale deposits, caused by acidisation or high cumulative water flux, which increases the GR background and makesPNGdatanoisyandimproperly declining in time. Registro de Saturación con el PNN de GDO GDO´s PNN Premium Services PNN
  • 36. 36 Servicios a pozos / Well Services ¡Lo nuevo!¡The New! MPNN Registro de Saturación PNN en Memoria Acarreado en Slickline Mayor muestreo en Memoria Reducción de costos ...Y que es lo Nuevo... What’s New? ? ? Neutron Generator Neutron Detector ULTRA SLIM MEMORY PU MEMORY PULSED NEUTRON-NEUTRON 1.625” & 1.69” Scientific Drilling’s MP compact memory pulsed choice for restricted spac The MPNN, which is rated statistical accuracy in low less dependent on the fluid deliver accurate results.
  • 37. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 37 Servicios a pozos / Well Services ¡Lo nuevo!¡The New! Gamma Ray / CCL Memory Battery 18 ft [ 5.486 m ] MPNN delivers high accuracy and high resolution measurements for determining the hydrocarbons in place. PULSED NEUTRON-NEUTRON TARGET APPLICATIONS DELIVERING THE ULTIMATE VALUE • Gas/oil/water contact • Non-Completed Hydrocarbon zone identification • Time-lapse water saturation • Compact design allows for easier wellbore passage • Includes integral Gamma-Ray/ Casing Collar Locator • Sigma measurement point maximizes data acquisition across interval of interest ’s MPNN 1.625 is the slimmest, most ulsed neutron tool, making it the ultimate space and tortuous well applications. rated at 302°F (150°C), maintains low salinity formations, and is fluid type in the borehole to GDO & SDI ...una Alianza de éxitos! ... a Succesful Alliance...!
  • 38. 38 Servicios a pozos / Well Services TOMA DE NÚCLEO O CORING Ofrecemos una alternativa en el ser- vicio de toma de núcleo o corazona- miento, que consiste en cortar un núcleo de formación o corazón para estabilizarlo, preservarlo, transpor- tarlo a los laboratorios y realizar los análisis de laboratorio correspon- dientes. Esta división proporciona una herra- mienta fundamental para la evalua- ción de los yacimientos ya sea en la fase exploratoria como en la de de- sarrollo de los campos. Con la inclusión de esta nueva divi- sión GDO complementa su posicio- namiento en la oferta de servicios a los operadores para la evaluación de sus reservorios. Nuestros aliados son los líderes mundiales en esta especialidad con más de veinticin- co años de experiencia, presencia en más de 79 países y más de 700 clientes entre los que cabe destacar a las grandes empresas multinacio- nales (Shell, Total, Exxon Mobil, Pe- trobras..) que son las más exigentes desde el punto de vista tecnológico. La tecnología de nuestros aliados es única y uno de sus diferenciadores es la de poder obtener una mejor Análisis de núcleosSidewall Core Unidad de Wireline Wireline Unit calidad de los núcleos o corazones recuperados lo que permite obtener una información mucho más confiable en el análisis de los mismos. Entre sus tecnologías también destaca la del corazonamiento con wireline, la cual permite ahorros sustanciales en los costos asociados en la toma de núcleos al reducir drásticamente los tiempos requeridos para la operación de la toma del núcleo. En virtud de la reforma energética Mexicana recientemente aprobada, la apertura del mercado a las operadoras internacio- nales va a conllevar un aumento considerable en la evaluación de los campos y por consiguiente un incremento en la actividad de toma de núcleos para la optimización en los niveles de pro- ducción de los mismos. CORES ANALYSIS CORING We offer an alternative in the coring service which consists on cutting the core, analyze it, preserve it (as a who- le in the drillbit), transportation to la- boratory and eventual use at the lab. This division is closely linked to the operator’s exploration programs by definitively establishing this service by means of GDO as its representati- ve and / or strategic ally. Our allies are world leaders and their clients are the largest multinational companies (Exxon, Shell, Total, Petro- bras, to name a few) as we provide a unique and different technology; it is important to mention that, for inte- grated projects where coring is nee- ded, we are their main suppliers. We also have an important colla- boration with medium and small companies although in these cases the service quality and the later core handling are the difference since the technical difficulty is less. On offshore we have a leading position since we represent the main supplier for Petrobras at Brazil and also have the techno- logy to core using wireline, which is a great application for deep wells. As per the recently approved energy reform, the opening of the Mexican market to international operators will entail a conside- rable increase in fields appraisal and therefore and increase in the coring activity which is fundamental to define the producing formations.
  • 39. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 39 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Análisis de núcleosSidewall Core RIGHT SOLUTIONS · RIGHT PARTNER 3 RIGHT SOLUTIONS · RIGHT PARTNER Coring  Services  
  • 40. 40 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Swabbing & Coil Tubing Servicio de Pistone y Tubería Flexible Swabbing Swabbing Con este servicio se descarga líqui- dos desde la tubería de producción para iniciar el flujo desde el reser- vorio. Una sarta de herramientas de Swabbing, incorpora un conjunto de barras de peso y copas de hule que se bajan el pozo con cable trenzado pesado. Cuando se recupera el mon- taje, las copas de hule se expanden de forma especial para sellar contra la pared del tubo y llevar los líquidos del pozo. Aplicaciones: • Evaluar formaciones de un pozo nuevo o de reacondicionamiento. • Formaciones ya perforadas. • Tomar muestras de los fluidos para determinar la gravedad API, visco- sidades a diferentes temperaturas, salinidad del agua. • Formaciones fracturadas. To unload liquids from the produc- tion tubing to initiate flow from the reservoir. A swabbing tool string in- corporates a weighted bar and swab cup assembly that are run in the we- llbore on heavy wireline. When the assembly is retrieved, the specially shaped swab cups expand to seal against the tubing wall and carry the liquids from the wellbore. Applications: • New or worked over well’s forma- tion evaluation. • Perforated Formations. • Fluid Samples for API determining, viscosity at different temperatures, water salinity, etc. • Fractured Formations. Coild Tubing Servicio a pozos petroleros que con- siste en la implementación de una tubería flexible para realizar repara- ción, limpieza, inducción, pescas y moliendas. Oil well service which consists on using a flexible piping to perform workovers, cleanouts, well livening, fishing and milling operations. *Coild Tubing*Coild Tubing
  • 41. Contratos de construccion y consultoria 41 Servicios a pozos / Well Services Capacidad instalada para el desarrollo de Ingenieria en Servicios a PozosCapacity installed for engineering development for Well Services
  • 43. 65
  • 44. 66 Ingeniería Grupo Diarqco S.A. de C.V / Nuestras tecnologías de Ingeniería | Engineering Grupo Diarqco S.A. de C.V. / New Technologies En el desarrollo de un Modelo Electrónico Inteligente se obtienen los siguientes beneficios: -Consulta de información técnica del proyecto durante el ciclo de vida de la instalación (diseño, ingeniería, construcción, operación, mantenimiento y desmantelamiento). -Generación y consulta por disciplinas de planos y diagramas. -Búsqueda, localización e identificación de cualquier componente, equipo, materiales e instrumentos. -Reportes en forma tabular de materiales, equipos e instrumentos tales como: -Descripciones. -Especificaciones. -Diámetros. -Dimensiones. -Volúmenes. -Superficies. -Pesos, etc. Plataforma de producción AKAL-C3 (PB-AC-3). Offshore Production Platform AKAL-C3 (PB-AC-3). Modelos ElectrónicosIntelligent 3D Models *Plataforma de producción ABKATUM POL-CHUC * Offshore Production Platform ABKATUM POL-CHUC *Plataforma de producción NOHOCH-A1 (PB-NA-1). * Offshore Production Platform NOHOCH-A1 (PB-NA-1). Thefollowingbenefitscanbeobtained by developing an Intelligent Electronic Model: -Consultation of technical information of the project during the facility’s life cycle (design, engineering, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning). -Drawings and diagrams generation and consultation sorted by discipline. -Searching, locating and identifying any component, equipment, materials and instruments. -Reportsintabulatedformofmaterials, equipment and instruments such as: -Descriptions. -Specifications. -Diameters. -Dimensions. -Volumes. -Surfaces. -Weights, etc.