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Segunda Guerra
El camino de la
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
•Conocer a grandes rasgos las causas, desarrollo y consecuencias
de la segunda guerra mundial.
•Ubicar geográficamente los países involucrados en esta guerra.
•Identificar factores políticos, sociales y económicos de esa época.
•Dar a conocer de manera general las características ideológicas
que generaron el Holocausto.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Ubicación Espacial
1ra. Guerra
Mundial 1919
De Versalles
Crisis Económica
2ra. Guerra
Fin de la
De la OTAN
Era del
imperialismo Guerras Mundiales
Guerra Fría
Caída Muro de Berlín
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Bomba atómica en Hiroshima
La Segunda Guerra Mundial fue el conflicto
armado más grande y sangriento de la historia
mundial, en el que se enfrentaron las
Potencias Aliadas y las Potencias del Eje,
entre 1939 y 1945, en 4 frentes de guerra
(Oriental, Occidental, Pacifico y Mediterráneo).
Fuerzas armadas de más de setenta países de
todos los continentes participaron en combates
aéreos, navales y terrestres. Por efecto de la
guerra murió alrededor del 2% de la población
mundial de la época (unos 60 millones de
personas), en su mayor parte civiles.
Como conflicto mundial comenzó el 1 de
septiembre de 1939, para acabar oficialmente el
2 de septiembre de 1945.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Países que participaron
Principales: Principales:
-Unión Soviética (1939-1945) Anteriormente
aliado de Alemania, aliado tras la invasión de
Alemania a la Unión Soviética
-Gran Bretaña (1939-1945)
-Estados Unidos (1941-1945) Anteriormente
país neutral, aliado tras el ataque a la base
de Pearl Harbor
-Francia Libre (1940-1945)
-Alemania Nazi (1939-1945) Rendición
incondicional ante los aliados
-Italia (1940-1943) Posteriormente Aliado
-Japón (1941-1945) Rendición incondicional
ante los aliados
-España, aunque tenia muchos
soldados ayudando a Alemania,
pero a la ves muchos participaban
de la resistencia francesa, inglesa y
-Portugal, posición firmemente
-Suiza, posición firmemente
-Suecia, posición neutral .
Otros: Otros:
China (1941-1945)
Polonia (1939-1945)
Canadá (1939-1945)
Australia (1939-1945)
Nueva Zelanda (1939-1945)
Dinamarca (1940-1945)
Países Bajos (1940-1945)
Grecia (1940-1945)
India (1939-1945)
Egipto (1940-1945)
Israel (1940-1945)
Sudáfrica (1939-1945)
Yugoslavia (1940-1945)
entre otros...
Austria (1939-1945) Posteriormente Aliado
Rumania (1941-1944) Posteriormente Aliado
Bulgaria (1941-1944) Posteriormente Aliado
Hungría (1940-1944) Posteriormente Aliado
Libia (1941-1943) Posteriormente Aliado
Finlandia (1940-1943) Posteriormente Aliado
Francia de Vichy (1940-1944) Rendición
incondicional ante los aliados y unificación de
Croacia (1941-1945) Posteriormente Aliado
Eslovaquia (1941-1943) Posteriormente Aliado
Tailandia (1941-1945) Rendición incondicional
ante los aliados
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Países involucrados
El Eje y sus satélites
Países inicialmente neutrales
ocupados por los alemanes
Países aliados
Países inicialmente neutrales
ocupados por los aliados
Países que declararon la guerra al
Eje sin intervenir militarmente
Países neutrales
Territorios ocupados por Japón (1942)
Zonas de guerra submarina alemana LA GUERRA EN EL MUNDO
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Causas principales
2ra. Guerra
Victorias del Eje
Victorias de los Aliados
Punto de quiebre
Entre potencias
2ra. Guerra
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
1914 | 1918 Primera guerra mundial
1919 Tratado de Versalles
Limitación de la Armada y el ejército Alemán.
Indemnización a los países aliados.
1933 Hitler toma el poder.
noviembre: Japón y Alemania suscriben el Pacto
julio: Guerra chino-japonesa y en agosto Japón
invade China.
marzo: Anexión alemana de Austria
septiembre: Se firma el Pacto de Munich
(Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Francia e Italia)
Aliados y Eje.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
Septiembre: Ataque a Polonia | Reacción de Gran Bretaña y Francia, EE.UU mantiene
su postura neutral por ley propia.
URSS invade el este de Polonia | Acuerdo: Aleman-Sovietico
Octubre: Judíos son transportados a Polonia. (principal causa el: Antisemitismo) la
política antisemita, persecución y segregación de los judíos se desarrolló en
un detallado plan para concentrar y eventualmente aniquilar a los judíos
europeos. Los nazis primero crearon Guetos (un territorio en Polonia central
y oriental en la cual los alemanes crearon un gobierno alemán).
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
1939: El Conflicto
1940: Invasiones
Marzo: Henrich Himmler ordena la construcción de Auschiwitz. (Campos de
concentración para la solución final)
Mayo: Guerra Relámpago: La RAF ataca Alemania.
Junio: Francia es invadida | Comienza la construcción de
Italia le declara la guerra a los Aliados.
URSS, continua invadiendo: Letonia, Estonia y Lituania
Noviembre: 57 días de ataques a Londres.
Se levantan las murallas del Gueto de Varsovia.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Campos de exterminio fueron creados en Polonia como parte de la Aktion
Reinhard “Solución Final” Los nazis sistemáticamente asesinaron a más de tres
millones de judíos en los campos de exterminio.
Campos de concentración
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Campos de concentración
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Campos de concentración
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1941: Desarrollo
Enero: Frankin Rossevelt proclama las 4 libertades | Yamamoto aconseja un ataque
a Pearl Harbor.
En México hay una persecución a los nazis
Junio: Croacia se suma al eje | URSS en alerta: Alemania ataca a los soviéticos
sin declaración de guerra.
Julio: Pacto de Asistencia militar: Gran Bretaña-URSS.
Diciembre: La URSS repele a Alemania | Japón ataca Pearl Harbor.
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Enero: Acuerdo en Washington de los Aliados.
Junio: Australia es atacada
México declara la Guerra al eje.
Septiembre Batalla de Stalingrado.
Diciembre: Desarrollo de la Bomba Atómica.
La batalla de Stalingrado se convierte en la primera derrota del ejército hitleriano,
alrededor de 300,000 nazis son aniquilados, 1942.
Un soldado soviético ayudando a un compañero, ONU.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1943: La Segunda Mitad de la Guerra
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
+ Las últimas agrupaciones de las fuerzas
militares alemanas se retiran oficialmente
de Stalingrado.
+ Se levanta en Varsovia la rebelión del
Ghetto, donde luego de duros
enfrentamientos mueren 56.000 judíos.
+ La conferencia de Teherán reúne a Stalin,
Churchill y Roosvelt. En ella se planifican:
* Partición y desmembramiento de
Alemania tras el fin de la guerra.
* Desplazamiento de Polonia hacia el
* Organización de la futura ONU.
Destrucción del Monasterio post batalla de Monte Casino
Conferencia de Teherán noviembre de 1943:
Stalin, Roosevelt y Churchill.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1945: El ocaso de la guerra
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
+ Desembarco en Normandía, el Día D.
+ Son liberados los prisioneros del campo de
concentración de Auschwitz por el Ejército Rojo.
+ Las tropas soviéticas invaden Berlín e inician la gran
toma. (fotos)
+ Hitler se había suicidado el 30 de abril en su búnker,
a solo 500 metros de los soviéticos. A partir de
entonces, los ejércitos alemanes cesaron el combate
en todos los frentes sin condiciones.
El 8 de mayo Alemania se rindió incondicionalmente.
+ Estados Unidos lanza las dos bombas atómicas. La
primera cae sobre Hiroshima, mientras que la
segunda es lanzada sobre Nagasaki. Mueren
alrededor de 136.000 personas y Japón firma la
rendición el 2 de septiembre de 1945.
+ Comienzan los juicios en Nüremberg contra los
criminales de Guerra. Bomba atómica en Hiroshima
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1945: El ocaso de la guerra
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
Bomba atómica en Hiroshima
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1945: Final y consecuencias
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
El combate dejó un rastro de masacre y destrucción sin precedentes en la historia.
Murieron aprox. 56 millones de soldados y civiles (el 2% de la población de la época)
Se perturbó la economía mundial.
EEUU producía más de la mitad de los bienes y servicios del mundo.
Producción agrícola y carbonífera debilitada en Europa.
Emergieron dos potencias mundiales: Rusia y EEUU.
En 1947 estos países se encontraban enfrentados en lo que se llamó “La guerra fría”.
Plan Marshall (1947)
- Objetivos: reconstruir los países europeos.
- Países más beneficiados: Reino Unido, Francia, Italia
y Alemania Occidental.
Juicios de Nuremberg (1945 a 1949)
- Juicios a militares y dirigentes nazis.
- Delitos adjudicados: crímenes contra la paz y contra
la humanidad, genocidio y complot de guerra.
- El tribunal dictó: 11 condenas a muerte, 3 condenas
a prisión perpetua, 2 condenas a 20 años de prisión.
Acusados en los Juicios de Nuremberg.
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
Task ForceWestern
Task Force
Task Force
Abn Div
Army Grp
1 8
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
Clark 15th
Army Grp
1 2
Army Grp
Army Grp
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
1 2
Army Grp
Army Grp
Army Grp
Bradley 6th
Army Grp
Army Grp
Army Grp
Army Grp
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
Army Grp
Army Grp
Army Grp
1 2
Army Grp
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Anexo VI: Europa después
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG
ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990)
- Nuevas alianzas.
- Tratado de
Versalles. - Caída de la
producción Europea.
- Derrota de los
sistemas políticos
- Inicio de la guerra fría.
- División de Alemania 4
- Formación de la
ONU, el 26 de junio
de 1945
- Predominio
económico de los
- Crisis alimenticia,
miseria, desolación.
- Caída de la
producción industrial
- Pérdidas humanas y de
orden material.
60 millones de muertos.
- Ciudades enteras
- Escasez de producción
agrícola y ganadera
- La exaltación
- Predominio
- Lucha por los
- Crisis pre guerra.
- Supremacía de
razas por parte de
los alemanes.
- -60 millones de

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  • 1. Cecilia Morales| Norma Morales| Ximena Moncada | Misael Martínez PABLO LIPNIZKY – LA EDUCACIÓN PROHIBIDA
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Segunda Guerra El camino de la SGMUNDIAL
  • 5. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Objetivo: •Conocer a grandes rasgos las causas, desarrollo y consecuencias de la segunda guerra mundial. •Ubicar geográficamente los países involucrados en esta guerra. •Identificar factores políticos, sociales y económicos de esa época. •Dar a conocer de manera general las características ideológicas que generaron el Holocausto.
  • 6. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Ubicación Espacial 1914 1ra. Guerra Mundial 1919 Tratado De Versalles 1929 Crisis Económica 1939 2ra. Guerra Mundial 1945 Fin de la Guerra 1949 Creación De la OTAN Era del imperialismo Guerras Mundiales CONFLICTOCAUSAS Guerra Fría 1989 Caída Muro de Berlín
  • 7. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Presentación Bomba atómica en Hiroshima La Segunda Guerra Mundial fue el conflicto armado más grande y sangriento de la historia mundial, en el que se enfrentaron las Potencias Aliadas y las Potencias del Eje, entre 1939 y 1945, en 4 frentes de guerra (Oriental, Occidental, Pacifico y Mediterráneo). Fuerzas armadas de más de setenta países de todos los continentes participaron en combates aéreos, navales y terrestres. Por efecto de la guerra murió alrededor del 2% de la población mundial de la época (unos 60 millones de personas), en su mayor parte civiles. Como conflicto mundial comenzó el 1 de septiembre de 1939, para acabar oficialmente el 2 de septiembre de 1945.
  • 8. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Países que participaron ALIADOS EJE Neutrales Principales: Principales: -Unión Soviética (1939-1945) Anteriormente aliado de Alemania, aliado tras la invasión de Alemania a la Unión Soviética -Gran Bretaña (1939-1945) -Estados Unidos (1941-1945) Anteriormente país neutral, aliado tras el ataque a la base de Pearl Harbor -Francia Libre (1940-1945) -Alemania Nazi (1939-1945) Rendición incondicional ante los aliados -Italia (1940-1943) Posteriormente Aliado -Japón (1941-1945) Rendición incondicional ante los aliados -España, aunque tenia muchos soldados ayudando a Alemania, pero a la ves muchos participaban de la resistencia francesa, inglesa y soviética -Portugal, posición firmemente neutral -Suiza, posición firmemente neutral -Suecia, posición neutral . Otros: Otros: China (1941-1945) Polonia (1939-1945) Canadá (1939-1945) Australia (1939-1945) Nueva Zelanda (1939-1945) Dinamarca (1940-1945) Países Bajos (1940-1945) Grecia (1940-1945) India (1939-1945) Egipto (1940-1945) Israel (1940-1945) Sudáfrica (1939-1945) Yugoslavia (1940-1945) entre otros... Austria (1939-1945) Posteriormente Aliado Rumania (1941-1944) Posteriormente Aliado Bulgaria (1941-1944) Posteriormente Aliado Hungría (1940-1944) Posteriormente Aliado Libia (1941-1943) Posteriormente Aliado Finlandia (1940-1943) Posteriormente Aliado Francia de Vichy (1940-1944) Rendición incondicional ante los aliados y unificación de Francia Croacia (1941-1945) Posteriormente Aliado Eslovaquia (1941-1943) Posteriormente Aliado Tailandia (1941-1945) Rendición incondicional ante los aliados
  • 9. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Países involucrados El Eje y sus satélites Japón Países inicialmente neutrales ocupados por los alemanes Países aliados Países inicialmente neutrales ocupados por los aliados Países que declararon la guerra al Eje sin intervenir militarmente Países neutrales Territorios ocupados por Japón (1942) Zonas de guerra submarina alemana LA GUERRA EN EL MUNDO (1939-1945)
  • 11. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Causas principales
  • 12. 1939 inicia 2ra. Guerra Mundial FASE 1 1939-1942 Victorias del Eje FASE 2 1942-1945 Victorias de los Aliados 1942 Punto de quiebre Entre potencias 1939 Fin 2ra. Guerra Mundial
  • 13. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Presentación 1914 | 1918 Primera guerra mundial 1919 Tratado de Versalles Limitación de la Armada y el ejército Alemán. Indemnización a los países aliados. 1933 Hitler toma el poder. 1936 noviembre: Japón y Alemania suscriben el Pacto Anti-Komintern. 1937 julio: Guerra chino-japonesa y en agosto Japón invade China. 1938 marzo: Anexión alemana de Austria septiembre: Se firma el Pacto de Munich (Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Francia e Italia) Aliados y Eje.
  • 14. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Septiembre: Ataque a Polonia | Reacción de Gran Bretaña y Francia, EE.UU mantiene su postura neutral por ley propia. URSS invade el este de Polonia | Acuerdo: Aleman-Sovietico Octubre: Judíos son transportados a Polonia. (principal causa el: Antisemitismo) la política antisemita, persecución y segregación de los judíos se desarrolló en un detallado plan para concentrar y eventualmente aniquilar a los judíos europeos. Los nazis primero crearon Guetos (un territorio en Polonia central y oriental en la cual los alemanes crearon un gobierno alemán). ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) 1939: El Conflicto 1940: Invasiones Marzo: Henrich Himmler ordena la construcción de Auschiwitz. (Campos de concentración para la solución final) Mayo: Guerra Relámpago: La RAF ataca Alemania. Junio: Francia es invadida | Comienza la construcción de Auschiwitz,| Italia le declara la guerra a los Aliados. URSS, continua invadiendo: Letonia, Estonia y Lituania Noviembre: 57 días de ataques a Londres. Se levantan las murallas del Gueto de Varsovia.
  • 15. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Campos de exterminio fueron creados en Polonia como parte de la Aktion Reinhard “Solución Final” Los nazis sistemáticamente asesinaron a más de tres millones de judíos en los campos de exterminio. Campos de concentración
  • 16. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Campos de concentración
  • 17. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Campos de concentración
  • 18. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1941: Desarrollo Enero: Frankin Rossevelt proclama las 4 libertades | Yamamoto aconseja un ataque a Pearl Harbor. En México hay una persecución a los nazis Junio: Croacia se suma al eje | URSS en alerta: Alemania ataca a los soviéticos sin declaración de guerra. Julio: Pacto de Asistencia militar: Gran Bretaña-URSS. Diciembre: La URSS repele a Alemania | Japón ataca Pearl Harbor. ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Enero: Acuerdo en Washington de los Aliados. Junio: Australia es atacada México declara la Guerra al eje. Septiembre Batalla de Stalingrado. Diciembre: Desarrollo de la Bomba Atómica. La batalla de Stalingrado se convierte en la primera derrota del ejército hitleriano, alrededor de 300,000 nazis son aniquilados, 1942. Un soldado soviético ayudando a un compañero, ONU.
  • 19. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1943: La Segunda Mitad de la Guerra ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) + Las últimas agrupaciones de las fuerzas militares alemanas se retiran oficialmente de Stalingrado. + Se levanta en Varsovia la rebelión del Ghetto, donde luego de duros enfrentamientos mueren 56.000 judíos. + La conferencia de Teherán reúne a Stalin, Churchill y Roosvelt. En ella se planifican: * Partición y desmembramiento de Alemania tras el fin de la guerra. * Desplazamiento de Polonia hacia el oeste. * Organización de la futura ONU. Destrucción del Monasterio post batalla de Monte Casino Conferencia de Teherán noviembre de 1943: Stalin, Roosevelt y Churchill.
  • 20. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1945: El ocaso de la guerra ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) + Desembarco en Normandía, el Día D. + Son liberados los prisioneros del campo de concentración de Auschwitz por el Ejército Rojo. + Las tropas soviéticas invaden Berlín e inician la gran toma. (fotos) + Hitler se había suicidado el 30 de abril en su búnker, a solo 500 metros de los soviéticos. A partir de entonces, los ejércitos alemanes cesaron el combate en todos los frentes sin condiciones. El 8 de mayo Alemania se rindió incondicionalmente. + Estados Unidos lanza las dos bombas atómicas. La primera cae sobre Hiroshima, mientras que la segunda es lanzada sobre Nagasaki. Mueren alrededor de 136.000 personas y Japón firma la rendición el 2 de septiembre de 1945. + Comienzan los juicios en Nüremberg contra los criminales de Guerra. Bomba atómica en Hiroshima
  • 21. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1945: El ocaso de la guerra ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Bomba atómica en Hiroshima
  • 22. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG 1945: Final y consecuencias ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) El combate dejó un rastro de masacre y destrucción sin precedentes en la historia. Murieron aprox. 56 millones de soldados y civiles (el 2% de la población de la época) Se perturbó la economía mundial. EEUU producía más de la mitad de los bienes y servicios del mundo. Producción agrícola y carbonífera debilitada en Europa. Emergieron dos potencias mundiales: Rusia y EEUU. En 1947 estos países se encontraban enfrentados en lo que se llamó “La guerra fría”. Plan Marshall (1947) - Objetivos: reconstruir los países europeos. - Países más beneficiados: Reino Unido, Francia, Italia y Alemania Occidental. Juicios de Nuremberg (1945 a 1949) - Juicios a militares y dirigentes nazis. - Delitos adjudicados: crímenes contra la paz y contra la humanidad, genocidio y complot de guerra. - El tribunal dictó: 11 condenas a muerte, 3 condenas a prisión perpetua, 2 condenas a 20 años de prisión. Acusados en los Juicios de Nuremberg.
  • 23. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
  • 24. Eastern Task ForceWestern Task Force Center Task Force Montgomery Clark 1th Abn Div 15th Army Grp Alexander 1 8 Patton 7 5 Montgomery El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
  • 25. 8 5 Clark 15th Army Grp Alexander 1 2 21th Army Grp Montgomery 15th Army Grp Alexander Montgomery 8 15 El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
  • 26. 1 2 21th Army Grp Montgomery 7 1 15th Army Grp Alexander 8 12th Army Grp Bradley 6th Army Grp Devers 5 21th Army Grp Montgomery 9 12th Army Grp Bradley 12 1 3 9 15th Army Grp Clark 15 8 El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
  • 27. 1 15th Army Grp Clark 8 6th Army Grp Devers 21th Army Grp Montgomery 9 1 2 1 12th Army Grp Bradley 91 3 1 7 5 15 8 El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
  • 28. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG Simulación
  • 30. El camino de la Segunda GuerraSG ENTREGUERRA (1916-1939) II GUERRA MUNDIAL (1939-1945) CONSECUENCIAS (1945-1990) Síntesis SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL CAUSAS CONSECUENCIAS POLÍTICAS ECONÓMICAS SOCIALES POLÍTICAS ECONÓMICAS SOCIALES - Nuevas alianzas. - Tratado de Versalles. - Caída de la producción Europea. - Derrota de los sistemas políticos totalitarios. - Inicio de la guerra fría. - División de Alemania 4 zonas - Formación de la ONU, el 26 de junio de 1945 - Predominio económico de los EE.UU - Crisis alimenticia, miseria, desolación. - Caída de la producción industrial Europea. - Pérdidas humanas y de orden material. 60 millones de muertos. - Ciudades enteras desaparecidas. - Escasez de producción agrícola y ganadera - La exaltación nacionalista. - Predominio ideológico. - Lucha por los mercados. - Crisis pre guerra. - Supremacía de razas por parte de los alemanes. - -60 millones de muertos.

Notas del editor

  1. GERMAN EXPANSION 1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing). March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies. March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich. Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October. March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany. April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May. 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. 27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41. October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands. 9 April – German forces occupied Denmark 9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic. 10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack. German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk. 22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany. July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation. NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt). October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece. April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county. 20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault. 22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.
  2. GERMAN EXPANSION 1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing). March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies. March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich. Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October. March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany. April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May. 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. 27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41. October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands. 9 April – German forces occupied Denmark 9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic. 10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack. German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk. 22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany. July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation. NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt). October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece. April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county. 20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault. 22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.
  3. GERMAN EXPANSION 1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing). March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies. March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich. Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October. March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany. April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May. 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. 27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41. October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands. 9 April – German forces occupied Denmark 9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic. 10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack. German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk. 22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany. July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation. NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt). October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece. April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county. 20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault. 22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.
  4. GERMAN EXPANSION 1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing). March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies. March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich. Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October. March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany. April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May. 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. 27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41. October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands. 9 April – German forces occupied Denmark 9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic. 10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack. German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk. 22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany. July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation. NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt). October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece. April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county. 20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault. 22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.
  5. GERMAN EXPANSION 1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing). March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies. March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich. Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October. March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany. April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May. 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. 27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41. October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands. 9 April – German forces occupied Denmark 9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic. 10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack. German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk. 22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany. July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation. NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt). October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece. April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county. 20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault. 22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.
  6. GERMAN EXPANSION 1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing). March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies. March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich. Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October. March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany. April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May. 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. 27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41. October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands. 9 April – German forces occupied Denmark 9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic. 10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack. German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk. 22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany. July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation. NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt). October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece. April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county. 20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault. 22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.