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Comprometidos con los valores del Cliente

Luis Alberto Pozo Orellana

Atlas Copco 2009
Atlas Copco en un Vistazo
 Se fundó en Suecia en el año 1873 con el
nombre de “AB Atlas” para fabricar y vender
maquinaria para la construcción de ferrocarriles
y afines...

 Locomotora Atlas No. 1, llamada
"Swallow". Esta línea de producción
se hizo hasta 1917.


Camioneta de Servicio Técnico.

 Después de unos años se llamó “Atlas Diesel” y es en el año 1956 que cambia
a “Atlas Copco” por el nombre de una subsidiaria en Bélgica (Compagnie
Pneumatique Commerciale).
Atlas Copco 2009
Atlas Copco en un Vistazo
 En estrecha colaboración con los clientes y los
asociados en nuestro negocio, Atlas Copco
siempre está innovando en sus productos y
servicios para ofrecer una productividad

 1946 se crea el método Sueco.

 Con sede central en Estocolmo, Suecia, el
Grupo desarrolla sus actividades en más de
160 mercados.
 Talleres en Estocolmo 1900.

 En el 2008 Atlas Copco tenía 34 000 empleados e ingresos
anuales de aproximadamente 7,700 millones de Euros.

Atlas Copco 2009
 Hoy en día Atlas Copco fabrica equipos para construcción y minería,
compresoras de aire, herramientas industriales, sistemas de montaje y
herramientas neumáticas con el correspondiente servicio técnico postventa hasta alquiler de maquinaria.
Atlas Copco 2009
First in Mind—First in Choice ®

La visión de Atlas Copco es convertirse y permanecer como La Primera Opción - La Primera Elección
entre sus clientes a nivel mundial.
Por cuarto año consecutivo, Atlas Copco ha sido elegida dentro de las 100 compañías más sostenibles del
mundo, según el listado Global 100 del Foro Económico Mundial que se reunió en Davos, Suiza en Enero de

Para mayor información ver en internet:
Atlas Copco 2009
Presencia de Atlas Copco en el mundo

Ventas y servicios
Atlas Copco 2009

La Organización de Atlas Copco
Mesa de Directorio
Presidente & CEO
Gerencia Ejecutiva y Funciones Corporativas
Técnicas de

Técnicas de Minería
y Construcción

Aire Exento de Aceite

Minería Subterránea

Aire Industrial

Minería Superficial

Aire Portátil

Soluciones de

Alquiler Especializado


Gas y Procesos

Herramientas de

Servicio Técnico

Equipos para
construcción de caminos


Exploración y
Perforación Geotécnica

Herramientas Atlas
Copco y Sistemas de
Ensamblaje de la
Industria automotriz
Herramientas Atlas
Copco y Sistemas de
Ensamblaje de la
Industria en General
Chicago Pneumatic


Centros de Venta y Proveedores de Servicio

Atlas Copco 2009
Marcas reconocidas que conforman el Grupo

Atlas Copco 2009
Atlas Copco Peruana en un Vistazo
 Atlas Copco llegó al Perú y se fundó el 28 de Junio de 1950 bajo el
nombre de Compañía Atlas del Perú S.A., la cual fue la primera sucursal
en América Latina y quedaba ubicada en la Av. Wilson 1098, Lima.
 En el año 1957 se cambió el nombre
a Atlas Copco Peruana S.A.

 Av. Wilson 1098, Lima.

 La presencia en el Perú de
Atlas Copco ha sido ininterrumpida.
 El 19 de Mayo de 1995 se inaugura
el nuevo local, ubicado en Francisco
Graña 150-152, Urb. Santa Catalina,
Lima 13, que es en el que estamos
 Al cierre del año 2008, Atlas Copco Peruana contaba con 400 empleados
y un volumen de ventas de alrededor de 125 millones de dólares.

Atlas Copco 2009

Lo que Atlas Copco Peruana brinda
 Atlas Copco Peruana S.A. cuenta con una organización
preparada para apoyar a sus clientes en todo el país y brinda
asesoría técnica para un mejor aprovechamiento de los
equipos y servicios que provee.
 Contamos con un Servicio Post-venta con especialistas para
apoyar directamente a los clientes en el campo y con una
amplia experiencia en la ejecución de contratos de servicio
permanente en el lugar mismo de utilización de los equipos.
 Ofrecemos una amplia gama de compresoras y equipos de
perforación de roca para aplicaciones subterráneas y de
superficie que garantizan una alta productividad y siempre
en armonía con el medio ambiente.

Atlas Copco 2009

Lo que Atlas Copco Peruana brinda
 Atlas Copco Peruana S.A. no sólo ofrece maquinaria, repuestos y
servicio técnico… también brinda sano esparcimiento y lazos de
 Desde el año 1992 venimos organizando las olimpiadas
“Interminas” para hacer un intercambio deportivo entre nuestros
clientes. En 1992 comenzamos con cuatro compañías y
actualmente somos 25…

Atlas Copco 2009

Perforación de roca, cargadores y camiones
Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Minería Subterránea
 Cargadores frontales y camiones de perfil bajo:
 Nuestra filosofía se concentra en que se obtenga la más alta
calidad y garantía con menores costos por cada tonelada de
mineral producido. Por eso, nuestra labor es desarrollar
nuevos productos, los que colocan a Atlas Copco a la
vanguardia dentro de estos equipos.
 Scooptram ®
 Minetruck M

 Productos de automatización (RRC).

Atlas Copco 2009

Minería Subterránea
 Equipos de Perforación y Sostenimiento de Roca:
 Ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos en perforación de
roca para aplicaciones subterráneas y de superficie:
 Equipos hidráulicos de perforación con aplicaciones
en minería y tunelería: Boomer.
 Equipos hidráulicos mecanizados para desatado y
empernado de roca: Boltec, Cabletec y Scaletec.
 Pernos de anclaje y autoperforantes.
 Equipos para producción de taladros largos: Simba.
 Perforadoras neumáticas livianas: BBC.
 Martillos Hidráulicos.
 Equipos de Raise Boring.

Atlas Copco 2009

Minería Subterránea
 Proceso de Raise Boring:

Atlas Copco 2009

Minería Subterránea
 Historia de Equipos de Perforación de Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco 2009

Minería Subterránea
 Equipos de Perforación y Sostenimiento de Roca: (continua)
 El más moderno sistema de refuerzo de roca: Swellex ®

 Aceros de Perforación:
 Ofrecemos una completa gama de productos de acuerdo
al método de perforación de roca garantizando un alto
rendimiento y bajo costo.

Atlas Copco 2009

 Afilador de Brocas: BQ2

Equipos de Exploración y Geomecánica
Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Técnicas de Minería y Construcción
 Equipos de Exploración y Geomecánica
 Somos uno de los líderes mundiales en la fabricación de equipos y
accesorios de perforación diamantina, tanto de superficie como de
interior mina, además ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos para
las exploraciones geológicas.
 Equipos de perforación interior mina: Diamec
 Equipos de perforación multipropósito: Mustang
 Equipos de perforación superficial: Christensen

El primer equipo “Craelius”, 1887. Era
operado a mano y se necesitaban tres
personas para hacerlo funcionar.

Atlas Copco 2009

Equipos de Perforación en Superficie
Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Técnicas de Minería y Constrcción
 Equipos de perforación en superficie:
 Ofrecemos nuestros equipos de perforación de superficie
orientados para la construcción, minería selectiva,
canteras y gran minería.
 Comercializamos accesorios para perforación rotativa,
brocas tricónicas y tuberías: Secoroc
Atlas Copco Secoroc ofrece a sus clientes el sistema de
perforación por rotación más completo del mercado. Además
de fijar nuevos estándares de producción, la calidad y el
desempeño de estos productos de perforación por rotación
son los más rentables de la industria.

Atlas Copco 2009

Perforación rotativa y pozos profundos

Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Herramientas de Perforación
Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Equipos de Construcción de Carreteras
Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Equipos de Construcción de Carreteras
 Equipos de construcción de carreteras:
 Desde el 2007, la famosa marca Dynapac,
(proveedor líder de equipos de pavimentación y
compactación para el mercado de construcción de
pistas) forma parte de nuestro grupo.
 En Atlas Copco Peruana comercializamos toda la gama,
brindando asistencia técnica, así como capacitación y

Atlas Copco 2009

Herramientas de Construcción
Técnicas de Minería y Construcción

Atlas Copco 2009

Equipos de Demolición
 Ofrecemos productos altamente confiables, diseñados para las
labores más extremas convirtiéndose en la inversión más
productiva y rentable.

 Martillos y perforadoras neumáticas, motoperforadoras,
motorompedoras, martillos hidráulicos y accesorios diversos.

Atlas Copco 2009

Compresores Industriales
Técnicas de Energía Comprimida

Atlas Copco 2009

 Compresores Estacionarios:
 Atlas Copco viene fabricando compresores desde 1904… y
siempre trabajamos pensando en la productividad, crecimiento y
éxito de cada cliente. Ofrecemos productos innovadores en el
mercado de aire comprimido.
 Compresores de tornillo lubricados: GA
 Compresores exentos de aceite con certificación Clase “0”: Z,
 Equipos con aplicaciones medicinales: Beacon Medaes
 Equipos para mejorar la calidad de aire como secadores, filtros
de línea, tuberías y demás accesorios de red.

Atlas Copco 2009

 Compresores Estacionarios:
Atlas Copco ha obtenido el primer puesto en la categoría de “Bombas y
compresores” en la competencia anual de mejores productos organizada
por la revista P&A de Alemania. Un total de 6000 lectores, principalmente
ingenieros alemanes de producción y procesos, eligieron a la nueva
gama de compresores de bajo consumo con inyección de aceite GA 90160 kW de Atlas Copco como su favorita. Con un requisito de energía
específica (SER) de sólo 350 julios/litro, la gama GA ofrece un consumo
de energía extremadamente reducido.

Atlas Copco 2009

Soluciones en “Calidad de Aire”
Técnicas de Energía Comprimida

Atlas Copco 2009

 Compresores Estacionarios:
 Atlas Copco sorprendió al mundo en el 2007 al ser el fabricante
de los primeros compresores del mundo certificados por TÜV
con ISO 8573-1 CLASE 0.
 Las pruebas de los compresores exentos de aceite Atlas Copco
fueron realizadas por el prestigioso instituto independiente
Technische Überwachungs-Verein (Asociación para la
Inspección Técnica, o TÜV), empleando los métodos de ensayo
más rigurosos y simulando entornos industriales reales.

Atlas Copco 2009

 Compresores Estacionarios:
 Atlas Copco vuelve a sorprender al mundo al ser el primero en
ofrecer compresores con la certificación "Consumo neto de
energía cero”: la Gama ‘Carbon Zero’
 Amberes, Bélgica, 30 de junio de 2009: la división Oil-free Air
de Atlas Copco ha anunciado que su serie ZR de compresores
de aire exentos de aceite y refrigerados por agua con sistemas
de recuperación de energía integrados es la primera del mundo
en obtener la certificación TÜV "Consumo energético neto cero"
en condiciones de diseño específicas.

Atlas Copco 2009

 Proceso “Carbon Zero”

Atlas Copco 2009

 Líder en Performance
 Aumento de capacidad de entrega de aire
 Reducción de consumo de energía

 Energía Minimizada para una excelencia en
calidad de aire
 Secadores integrados
 Filtros de línea integrados

 Elektronikon
 Consumo de Energía

Atlas Copco 2009

 Principales Beneficios del Elektronikon:

 Nuevo hardware fácil de usar y un
browser de Internet para


 Nuevos y mejorados algoritmos son
incomparables beneficios para el

 Control central de múltiples VSD
con licencia extra.
 Indicadores de servicio mejorados
basados en nuevos temporizadores.
 Un cerebro para el monitoreo y
control del compresor.

Atlas Copco 2009


Elektronikon Graphic

Compresores Portátiles
Técnicas de Energía Comprimida

Atlas Copco 2009

Compresores Portátiles
 Compresores Portátiles:
 Gracias a nuestros clientes, somos los líderes del mercado.
Brindamos compresores de última generación y preparados para
la geografía peruana, diseñados para trabajar en altura.
 Brindamos también el mejor servicio técnico post-venta por
personal que ha sido capacitado tanto en el país como en el

Atlas Copco 2009

Servicio Postventa Compresores
Técnicas de Energía Comprimida

Atlas Copco 2009

Generadores Portátiles
Técnicas de Energía Comprimida

Atlas Copco 2009

Herramientas Neumáticas Industriales
Técnicas Industriales

Atlas Copco 2009

Sistemas de Ensamblaje
Técnicas Industriales

Atlas Copco 2009

Soluciones Innovadoras Atlas Copco



Atlas Copco 2009

Desarrollo de Habilidades

40 horas de capacitación al año para cada empleado (es una regla
establecida por el Grupo Atlas Copco para todos sus empleados a nivel
Atlas Copco 2009

Servicio Técnico
Su socio a largo plazo

Atlas Copco 2009

Centros especializados por área

Diseño de productos

Atlas Copco 2009


Atlas Copco Customer Finance
Entidad legal financiera del Grupo Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco Customer Finance
ofrece la posibilidad de conseguir
equipos Atlas Copco de última
tecnología a un precio acordado y sin
ningún gasto escondido. (*)
Ventajas para el cliente
No compromete el capital de trabajo.
Se puede financiar la solución completa.
Plazos Flexibles desde 12 hasta 48
Pagos adecuados al flujo de caja.
(*) Monto mínimo a definir.
Atlas Copco 2009

Reduciendo el impacto ambiental

Martillo hidráulico

Herramientas de

(auditoría de aire)

Atlas Copco 2009



Compromiso Social y Comunitario

“Water for All”, creado
por empleados de Atlas
Copco, lleva ayuda a todo
el mundo.

Atlas Copco 2009

Ayuda en zonas de
desastre y a gente

Educación: ayuda a
escuelas infantiles en
diversos paises

Triple Certificación ISO

Atlas Copco Peruana ha sido la primera sucursal en sudamérica en obtener triple
ISO 9001:2008 por la gestión de Calidad;
ISO 14001:2004 por la gestión de medio ambiente; y
OHSAS 18001:1999 por la gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional.
Atlas Copco 2009

Contactos en Atlas Copco Peruana
Nos puede ubicar en:
 Atlas Copco Peruana S.A.
Francisco Graña 150-152
Urb. Santa Catalina, Lima 13, Perú
 Teléfono: +51 1 4116100
 Fax Ventas: +51 1 224 8675
 Fax Post Venta Minería y Construcción: +51 1 411 6183
 Fax Post Venta Compresores: +51 1 411 6109
 Email:
 Visite:

Atlas Copco 2009

Nuestro compromiso es mejorar
su productividad a través de la
interacción y la innovación.

Atlas Copco 2009

Atlas Copco 2009

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Atlas Copco Presentación

  • 1. Comprometidos con los valores del Cliente Luis Alberto Pozo Orellana Atlas Copco 2009
  • 2. Atlas Copco en un Vistazo  Se fundó en Suecia en el año 1873 con el nombre de “AB Atlas” para fabricar y vender maquinaria para la construcción de ferrocarriles y afines...  Locomotora Atlas No. 1, llamada "Swallow". Esta línea de producción se hizo hasta 1917.  Camioneta de Servicio Técnico.  Después de unos años se llamó “Atlas Diesel” y es en el año 1956 que cambia a “Atlas Copco” por el nombre de una subsidiaria en Bélgica (Compagnie Pneumatique Commerciale). Atlas Copco 2009
  • 3. Atlas Copco en un Vistazo  En estrecha colaboración con los clientes y los asociados en nuestro negocio, Atlas Copco siempre está innovando en sus productos y servicios para ofrecer una productividad superior.  1946 se crea el método Sueco.  Con sede central en Estocolmo, Suecia, el Grupo desarrolla sus actividades en más de 160 mercados.  Talleres en Estocolmo 1900.  En el 2008 Atlas Copco tenía 34 000 empleados e ingresos anuales de aproximadamente 7,700 millones de Euros. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 4.  Hoy en día Atlas Copco fabrica equipos para construcción y minería, compresoras de aire, herramientas industriales, sistemas de montaje y herramientas neumáticas con el correspondiente servicio técnico postventa hasta alquiler de maquinaria. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 5. First in Mind—First in Choice ® La visión de Atlas Copco es convertirse y permanecer como La Primera Opción - La Primera Elección entre sus clientes a nivel mundial. Por cuarto año consecutivo, Atlas Copco ha sido elegida dentro de las 100 compañías más sostenibles del mundo, según el listado Global 100 del Foro Económico Mundial que se reunió en Davos, Suiza en Enero de 2009. Para mayor información ver en internet: Atlas Copco 2009
  • 6. Presencia de Atlas Copco en el mundo Ventas y servicios Atlas Copco 2009 Producción
  • 7. La Organización de Atlas Copco Mesa de Directorio Presidente & CEO Gerencia Ejecutiva y Funciones Corporativas Técnicas de Energía Comprimida Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Aire Exento de Aceite Minería Subterránea Aire Industrial Minería Superficial Aire Portátil Soluciones de Perforación Alquiler Especializado Secoroc Gas y Procesos Herramientas de Construcción Servicio Técnico Equipos para construcción de caminos Airtec Exploración y Perforación Geotécnica Técnicas Industriales Herramientas Atlas Copco y Sistemas de Ensamblaje de la Industria automotriz Herramientas Atlas Copco y Sistemas de Ensamblaje de la Industria en General Chicago Pneumatic Tooltec Rocktec Centros de Venta y Proveedores de Servicio Atlas Copco 2009
  • 8. Marcas reconocidas que conforman el Grupo Atlas Copco 2009
  • 9. Atlas Copco Peruana en un Vistazo  Atlas Copco llegó al Perú y se fundó el 28 de Junio de 1950 bajo el nombre de Compañía Atlas del Perú S.A., la cual fue la primera sucursal en América Latina y quedaba ubicada en la Av. Wilson 1098, Lima.  En el año 1957 se cambió el nombre a Atlas Copco Peruana S.A.  Av. Wilson 1098, Lima.  La presencia en el Perú de Atlas Copco ha sido ininterrumpida.  El 19 de Mayo de 1995 se inaugura el nuevo local, ubicado en Francisco Graña 150-152, Urb. Santa Catalina, Lima 13, que es en el que estamos actualmente.  Al cierre del año 2008, Atlas Copco Peruana contaba con 400 empleados y un volumen de ventas de alrededor de 125 millones de dólares. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 10. 0 Lo que Atlas Copco Peruana brinda  Atlas Copco Peruana S.A. cuenta con una organización preparada para apoyar a sus clientes en todo el país y brinda asesoría técnica para un mejor aprovechamiento de los equipos y servicios que provee.  Contamos con un Servicio Post-venta con especialistas para apoyar directamente a los clientes en el campo y con una amplia experiencia en la ejecución de contratos de servicio permanente en el lugar mismo de utilización de los equipos.  Ofrecemos una amplia gama de compresoras y equipos de perforación de roca para aplicaciones subterráneas y de superficie que garantizan una alta productividad y siempre en armonía con el medio ambiente. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 11. 1 Lo que Atlas Copco Peruana brinda  Atlas Copco Peruana S.A. no sólo ofrece maquinaria, repuestos y servicio técnico… también brinda sano esparcimiento y lazos de amistad…  Desde el año 1992 venimos organizando las olimpiadas “Interminas” para hacer un intercambio deportivo entre nuestros clientes. En 1992 comenzamos con cuatro compañías y actualmente somos 25… Atlas Copco 2009
  • 12. 2 Perforación de roca, cargadores y camiones Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 13. 3 Minería Subterránea  Cargadores frontales y camiones de perfil bajo:  Nuestra filosofía se concentra en que se obtenga la más alta calidad y garantía con menores costos por cada tonelada de mineral producido. Por eso, nuestra labor es desarrollar nuevos productos, los que colocan a Atlas Copco a la vanguardia dentro de estos equipos.  Scooptram ® T  Minetruck M  Productos de automatización (RRC). Atlas Copco 2009
  • 14. 4 Minería Subterránea  Equipos de Perforación y Sostenimiento de Roca:  Ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos en perforación de roca para aplicaciones subterráneas y de superficie:  Equipos hidráulicos de perforación con aplicaciones en minería y tunelería: Boomer.  Equipos hidráulicos mecanizados para desatado y empernado de roca: Boltec, Cabletec y Scaletec.  Pernos de anclaje y autoperforantes.  Equipos para producción de taladros largos: Simba.  Perforadoras neumáticas livianas: BBC.  Martillos Hidráulicos.  Equipos de Raise Boring. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 15. 5 Minería Subterránea  Proceso de Raise Boring: Atlas Copco 2009
  • 16. 6 Minería Subterránea  Historia de Equipos de Perforación de Atlas Copco Atlas Copco 2009
  • 17. 7 Minería Subterránea  Equipos de Perforación y Sostenimiento de Roca: (continua)  El más moderno sistema de refuerzo de roca: Swellex ®  Aceros de Perforación:  Ofrecemos una completa gama de productos de acuerdo al método de perforación de roca garantizando un alto rendimiento y bajo costo. Atlas Copco 2009  Afilador de Brocas: BQ2
  • 18. 8 Equipos de Exploración y Geomecánica Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 19. 9 Técnicas de Minería y Construcción  Equipos de Exploración y Geomecánica  Somos uno de los líderes mundiales en la fabricación de equipos y accesorios de perforación diamantina, tanto de superficie como de interior mina, además ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos para las exploraciones geológicas.  Equipos de perforación interior mina: Diamec  Equipos de perforación multipropósito: Mustang  Equipos de perforación superficial: Christensen El primer equipo “Craelius”, 1887. Era operado a mano y se necesitaban tres personas para hacerlo funcionar. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 20. 0 Equipos de Perforación en Superficie Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 21. 1 Técnicas de Minería y Constrcción  Equipos de perforación en superficie:  Ofrecemos nuestros equipos de perforación de superficie orientados para la construcción, minería selectiva, canteras y gran minería.  Comercializamos accesorios para perforación rotativa, brocas tricónicas y tuberías: Secoroc Atlas Copco Secoroc ofrece a sus clientes el sistema de perforación por rotación más completo del mercado. Además de fijar nuevos estándares de producción, la calidad y el desempeño de estos productos de perforación por rotación son los más rentables de la industria. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 22. 2 Perforación rotativa y pozos profundos Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 23. 3 Herramientas de Perforación Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 24. 4 Equipos de Construcción de Carreteras Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 25. 5 Equipos de Construcción de Carreteras  Equipos de construcción de carreteras:  Desde el 2007, la famosa marca Dynapac, (proveedor líder de equipos de pavimentación y compactación para el mercado de construcción de pistas) forma parte de nuestro grupo.  En Atlas Copco Peruana comercializamos toda la gama, brindando asistencia técnica, así como capacitación y asesoría. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 26. 6 Herramientas de Construcción Técnicas de Minería y Construcción Atlas Copco 2009
  • 27. 7 Equipos de Demolición  Ofrecemos productos altamente confiables, diseñados para las labores más extremas convirtiéndose en la inversión más productiva y rentable.  Martillos y perforadoras neumáticas, motoperforadoras, motorompedoras, martillos hidráulicos y accesorios diversos. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 28. 8 Compresores Industriales Técnicas de Energía Comprimida Atlas Copco 2009
  • 29. 9 Compresores  Compresores Estacionarios:  Atlas Copco viene fabricando compresores desde 1904… y siempre trabajamos pensando en la productividad, crecimiento y éxito de cada cliente. Ofrecemos productos innovadores en el mercado de aire comprimido.  Compresores de tornillo lubricados: GA  Compresores exentos de aceite con certificación Clase “0”: Z, AQ, SF.  Equipos con aplicaciones medicinales: Beacon Medaes  Equipos para mejorar la calidad de aire como secadores, filtros de línea, tuberías y demás accesorios de red. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 30. 0 Compresores  Compresores Estacionarios: Atlas Copco ha obtenido el primer puesto en la categoría de “Bombas y compresores” en la competencia anual de mejores productos organizada por la revista P&A de Alemania. Un total de 6000 lectores, principalmente ingenieros alemanes de producción y procesos, eligieron a la nueva gama de compresores de bajo consumo con inyección de aceite GA 90160 kW de Atlas Copco como su favorita. Con un requisito de energía específica (SER) de sólo 350 julios/litro, la gama GA ofrece un consumo de energía extremadamente reducido. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 31. 1 Soluciones en “Calidad de Aire” Técnicas de Energía Comprimida Atlas Copco 2009
  • 32. 2 Compresores  Compresores Estacionarios:  Atlas Copco sorprendió al mundo en el 2007 al ser el fabricante de los primeros compresores del mundo certificados por TÜV con ISO 8573-1 CLASE 0.  Las pruebas de los compresores exentos de aceite Atlas Copco fueron realizadas por el prestigioso instituto independiente Technische Überwachungs-Verein (Asociación para la Inspección Técnica, o TÜV), empleando los métodos de ensayo más rigurosos y simulando entornos industriales reales. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 33. 3 Compresores  Compresores Estacionarios:  Atlas Copco vuelve a sorprender al mundo al ser el primero en ofrecer compresores con la certificación "Consumo neto de energía cero”: la Gama ‘Carbon Zero’  Amberes, Bélgica, 30 de junio de 2009: la división Oil-free Air de Atlas Copco ha anunciado que su serie ZR de compresores de aire exentos de aceite y refrigerados por agua con sistemas de recuperación de energía integrados es la primera del mundo en obtener la certificación TÜV "Consumo energético neto cero" en condiciones de diseño específicas. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 34. 4 Compresores  Proceso “Carbon Zero” Atlas Copco 2009
  • 35. 5 Compresores  Líder en Performance  Aumento de capacidad de entrega de aire  Reducción de consumo de energía  Energía Minimizada para una excelencia en calidad de aire  Secadores integrados  Filtros de línea integrados  Elektronikon  Consumo de Energía Minimizada. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 36. 6 Compresores  Principales Beneficios del Elektronikon:  Nuevo hardware fácil de usar y un browser de Internet para visualizarlo. 2008  Nuevos y mejorados algoritmos son incomparables beneficios para el cliente.  Control central de múltiples VSD con licencia extra.  Indicadores de servicio mejorados basados en nuevos temporizadores.  Un cerebro para el monitoreo y control del compresor. Atlas Copco 2009 Elektronikon Elektronikon Graphic
  • 37. 7 Compresores Portátiles Técnicas de Energía Comprimida Atlas Copco 2009
  • 38. 8 Compresores Portátiles  Compresores Portátiles:  Gracias a nuestros clientes, somos los líderes del mercado. Brindamos compresores de última generación y preparados para la geografía peruana, diseñados para trabajar en altura.  Brindamos también el mejor servicio técnico post-venta por personal que ha sido capacitado tanto en el país como en el extranjero. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 39. 9 Servicio Postventa Compresores Técnicas de Energía Comprimida Atlas Copco 2009
  • 40. 0 Generadores Portátiles Técnicas de Energía Comprimida Atlas Copco 2009
  • 41. 1 Herramientas Neumáticas Industriales Técnicas Industriales Atlas Copco 2009
  • 42. 2 Sistemas de Ensamblaje Técnicas Industriales Atlas Copco 2009
  • 43. 3 Soluciones Innovadoras Atlas Copco Productos Servicio Técnico Conocimiento Atlas Copco 2009
  • 44. 4 Desarrollo de Habilidades 40 horas de capacitación al año para cada empleado (es una regla establecida por el Grupo Atlas Copco para todos sus empleados a nivel mundial). Atlas Copco 2009
  • 45. 5 Servicio Técnico Su socio a largo plazo Atlas Copco 2009
  • 46. 6 Conocimiento Centros especializados por área Diseño de productos Atlas Copco 2009 Aplicaciones
  • 47. 7 Atlas Copco Customer Finance Entidad legal financiera del Grupo Atlas Copco Atlas Copco Customer Finance ofrece la posibilidad de conseguir equipos Atlas Copco de última tecnología a un precio acordado y sin ningún gasto escondido. (*) Ventajas para el cliente No compromete el capital de trabajo. Se puede financiar la solución completa. Plazos Flexibles desde 12 hasta 48 meses. Pagos adecuados al flujo de caja. (*) Monto mínimo a definir. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 48. 8 Reduciendo el impacto ambiental Martillo hidráulico Herramientas de (auditoría de aire) Atlas Copco 2009 AIRScan Ensamblaje
  • 49. 9 Compromiso Social y Comunitario “Water for All”, creado por empleados de Atlas Copco, lleva ayuda a todo el mundo. Atlas Copco 2009 Ayuda en zonas de desastre y a gente necesitada Educación: ayuda a escuelas infantiles en diversos paises
  • 50. 0 Triple Certificación ISO Atlas Copco Peruana ha sido la primera sucursal en sudamérica en obtener triple certificación: ISO 9001:2008 por la gestión de Calidad; ISO 14001:2004 por la gestión de medio ambiente; y OHSAS 18001:1999 por la gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional. Atlas Copco 2009
  • 51. 1 Contactos en Atlas Copco Peruana Nos puede ubicar en:  Atlas Copco Peruana S.A. Francisco Graña 150-152 Urb. Santa Catalina, Lima 13, Perú  Teléfono: +51 1 4116100  Fax Ventas: +51 1 224 8675  Fax Post Venta Minería y Construcción: +51 1 411 6183  Fax Post Venta Compresores: +51 1 411 6109  Email:  Visite: Atlas Copco 2009
  • 52. 2 Nuestro compromiso es mejorar su productividad a través de la interacción y la innovación. Atlas Copco 2009

Notas del editor

  1. Committed to Customer Value Welcome to this presentation about Atlas Copco and its strong commitment to customer value. My name is __________________ and I am _________________________. Let me start with a few facts.
  2. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  3. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  4. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  5. <number>. First in Mind—First in Choice ® Atlas Copco has a clear and very powerful vision: To become and remain: First in Mind—First in Choice ® for key stakeholders. Customers: We are committed to our customers’ superior productivity through interaction and innovation. We strive to be the preferred supplier to current and potential customers and end-users, which means that we should achieve the highest possible customer and market share. Employees: We strive to be the preferred employer of both current and potential employees. Our aim is to attract, develop, and keep qualified and motivated people in a professional environment. Business partners: We strive to be the best associate for our business partners, such as suppliers, subcontractors, joint-venture partners and agents, and to be the one that they prioritize. Shareholders: We strive to be the preferred company for shareholders to invest in, and we aim to create, and continually increase, shareholder value. Society and the environment: We strive to be a good and reliable corporate citizen, observing the spirit as well as the letter of the laws of the countries in which we operate.
  6. <number>. Atlas Copco Worldwide Atlas Copco manufactures and assembles products at 49 plants in 16 countries. Manufacturing is chiefly concentrated to Belgium, Sweden, the United States, Germany, France, and China. The Atlas Copco Group has a strong market presence and strives to maintain close and long-term relationships with its customers. The products are marketed and sold under different brands through a worldwide sales network reaching 150 countries. Almost half of those countries are served by wholly or partly owned sales companies.
  7. <number>. The Atlas Copco Organization Atlas Copco is organized in three, separate, focused but still integrated business areas, each operating through several divisions. Compressor Technique is headquartered in Belgium; Construction and Mining Technique, and Industrial Technique in Sweden. The role of the business area is to develop, implement, and follow up on the objectives and strategy within the total business scope, including environmental and social performance as appropriate. The divisions have their own operational and consolidated profit responsibility and develop their objectives, strategies, and structure within the scope of the business area. The divisions generally conduct business through the customer centers and product companies, which act on an equal-dignity basis. Common service providers – internal or external – have been established with the mission to provide internal services faster, to a higher quality, and at a lower cost, thus allowing the divisions to focus on their core businesses.
  8. <number>. Strong Brands In order to realize its vision of First in Mind—First in Choice ®, Atlas Copco owns over 30 brands. The products are differentiated and marketed through different distribution channels. Some of the brands are global, but the majority serve geographically limited regions. The multi-brand concept plays a significant role in Atlas Copco’s success. Each brand has a clear role to play and is justified when it adds to overall revenues and profits for each specific product. Each brand should signal membership in the Atlas Copco Group.
  9. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  10. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  11. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  12. <number>. Underground Rock Drilling, Loaders and Mine Trucks Underground drill rigs are commonly used for blast hole drilling in the construction and mining industries. With a wide range of tunnelling and mining drill rigs, Atlas Copco is the leading supplier of rock drilling equipment. Face drilling rigs are used for tunneling and drifting. Long hole production drilling rigs are used in underground mining. Bolting and scaling rigs are used for rock reinforcement. Raise drills are used for boring big diameter holes for shafts in mining and water power projects. The Boomer face drilling rigs, and the Simba production drilling rigs and the range of bolting and scaling rigs, are setting new standards in ergonomics, serviceability, productivity, and total economy. An interactive diagnostic system provides quicker fault location. Robust electronic components set a new industry standard with increased reliability and stability. To meet the productivity demands of underground mine operators around the world, Atlas Copco mine trucks and Load-Haul-Dumps (LHDs) are built to high standards of quality, performance, and reliability. An ever-increasing number of contractors and civil engineering companies are discovering the efficiency, manoeuvre ability, and advantages of Atlas Copco products in tunnelling, hydropower, and other types of underground construction and excavation operations.
  13. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  14. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  15. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  16. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  17. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  18. <number>. Exploration and Ground Engineering Exploration rigs and core drilling tools are used in exploration drilling. The DIAMEC core drilling rigs are used to recover core samples from different rock formations in underground applications while the Christensen rigs are used for surface exploration drilling. The most advanced rigs are equipped with a computerized control panel, that makes the drilling quicker and safer for the operator. By presetting the drilling parameters, the rig automatically monitors and adjusts the criteria to the prevailing rock conditions. A wide range of drilling accessories has been developed to match the rigs. We also provide a range of products within the field of geotechnical engineering. A complete range of rock and soil reinforcement products are combined with equipment for grouting operations. The Atlas Copco Unigrout platforms are mobile grout plants, including mixers, agitators, pumps, and recorders, which provide superior productivity in tunneling grouting. The geotechnical MUSTANG drilling rigs are used for all types of civil-engineering applications, such as micro-piling, underpinning, anchoring and geotechnical surveys.
  19. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  20. 26. Surface Drilling Equipment Surface crawler rigs are used for blast hole drilling in construction work, quarrying, and open-pit mining. The ROC generation of drill rigs is based on a modular design to simplify adaptation to customer requirements and efficient flow production. Atlas Copco has a wide range of surface crawlers that covers a hole range from 35-180 mm. The latest innovations are a new radio remote controlled rig and the SmartRig, providing a major step forward in hole quality, environmental issues, safety and and total drilling economy. Atlas Copco offers rigs for three different drilling methods: Tophammer, Down-The-Hole (DTH) hammer, and the unique, patented COPROD system. COPROD combines the best of two worlds - the high performance of the Tophammer with the precision of the DTH method.
  21. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  22. <number>. Blasthole, water well, oil and gas Rotary blast hole drills are used in open-pit mining. The rigs are used for rotary drilling or drilling with down-the-hole hammers, either for single pass or multipass drilling. Many offer angle drilling for additional versatility. Deep hole drilling rigs are used for water well, exploration, shallow oil and gas, and coal bed methane applications. These self-contained, truck-mounted drills are designed to drill quickly and efficiently in spite of the extremely rugged conditions under which they work. Deep hole drills must be mobile and meet all transport and environmental regulations.
  23. <number>. Rock Drilling Tools Atlas Copco develops, manufactures, and markets an extensive range of top quality rock drilling tools, including the new product line of rotary drill bits. An example of the innovative drive is the patented Magnum SR system. The new rods and bits offer straighter holes, longer service life, and higher productivity in drifting and tunneling applications. Increasingly, customers are evaluating suppliers according to the value they can add to the customer’s processes. Therefore, the sales and service organization is developing their service offer, e.g. product service, maintenance and training as well as logistics and warehousing services. By developing products, services, and expertise, and by working actively and closely with our customers, Atlas Copco is creating win-win relationships.
  24. <number>. Road Construction Equipment The main product areas within Road Construction Equipment include rollers, pavers, planers, light and concrete equipment. Atlas Copco’s range is marketed under the Dynapac brand. Dynapac, which was acquired in 2007, is a leading, full line supplier of high quality compaction and paving equipment for the road construction industry. The equipment combines high speed, power and capacity with outstanding maneuverability and excellent operator comfort. The products are used for all types of road development and road construction work.
  25. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  26. <number>. Construction Tools Construction tools include a wide range of high quality construction and demolition equipment, from rig-mounted hydraulic breakers, crushers, pulverizers and boom systems to pneumatic or gasoline driven breakers, picks, chipping hammers, and rock drills. The equipment is used by construction and demolition contractors, as well as by quarry operators to crush boulders during excavation work. Building contractors use it for demolishing buildings and for modernizing and repairing bridges, railways, and roads. Demolition equipment is also used in the mining industry. These products are marketed under the brands Atlas Copco, Chicago Pneumatic, and Shenyang.
  27. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  28. <number>. Industrial Compressors Industrial air compressors are used as energy air, or as active air in production processes. In many applications and processes, the requirement for high-quality, clean air is crucial, and 100% oil-free air is needed to safeguard the quality of the end product and to guarantee a reliable process. Atlas Copco is the first company in the industry that has received the ISO 8573-1 (2001) Class 0 certification as no oil could be determined in the compressed air. Both compressor product ranges combine full feature all-in-one models with total integration of all components in the compressor package. The range also features models that include the latest energy optimization technology with Variable Speed Drive (VSD), which can provide energy savings of up to 35%. These industrial compressors are marketed under a number of different brands besides the global Atlas Copco brand.
  29. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  30. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  31. <number>. Quality Air Solutions™ Whether fully integrated in the compressor package or installed separately, Atlas Copco has a full range of air treatment equipment for every application. From compressed air generation to air treatment and condensate management systems, Atlas Copco can provide for total quality air solutions.
  32. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  33. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  34. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  35. <number>. Portable Compressors Portable air compressors constitute an important power source for machines and tools used mainly in the building and construction sector but also in other industries. Portable compressors are also rented for shorter time periods to contractors and to the manufacturing industry to cope with unexpected events, to permit servicing of stationary compressors, or to handle short-term peaks in demand. Atlas Copco offers each customer a complete, portable compressed air system adapted to the customer’s specific requirements for quality air. Portable compressors are marketed under several different brands.
  36. <number>. Atlas Copco in a Snapshot Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. Products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and over 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group’s global reach spans more than 160 markets. Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of approximately BSEK 74 for 2008.
  37. <number>. Compressor Technique Service Compressor Technique Service division provides a complete range of aftermarket services with the aim to maximize customers' productivity. The division focuses on spare parts supply, professional service, air monitoring and connectivity solutions.
  38. <number>. Portable Generators Portable generators are offered in various formats to suit different applications. One example is for light-towers on worksites, when it is dark or for entertainment. The unique mobility, robust design, and environmental protection have made these products a favorite of rental and construction customers the world over.
  39. <number>. Industrial Power Tools By focusing on the motor vehicle industry and its aftermarket, Atlas Copco has built up extensive expertise in the area of tightening tools. A modern car contains up to 2 000 screws and nuts. Tools must meet exacting standards when they are used in critical assembly processes such as engine block installation and wheel mounting. One of the keys to success in the assembly industry is to control and monitor assembly operations. Using new technology from Atlas Copco, it is now possible to assemble a car in Germany and monitor the process online in the United States. The white goods industry, which produces washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens, is another important customer segment for industrial power tools. As in the automotive industry, an extensive amount of screw tightening is required. This places high demands on the tools in terms of durability and ergonomic design. Other important customer segments are aerospace and general industry. The tools are marketed under the brands Atlas Copco, Desoutter, Chicago Pneumatic and Fuji.
  40. <number>. Assembly Systems Assembly systems are supplied primarily to the motor vehicle industry and its tier suppliers for assembly operations that place tough demands on productivity, quality assurance, and data communications. A typical application is wheel assembly, in which four or five bolts are tightened simultaneously. The operation starts when the system reads the type of vehicle and type of wheel electronically in a bar code or escort memory or via a network using Internet technology. This information tells the system which type of tightening sequence to run and with which parameters to ensure correct assembly. The tightening system also has to understand the differences in wheel sizes as well as materials, for example, if the hub is made of steel or aluminum. Synchronization in tightening the different bolts is very important, since the load has to be distributed evenly. Finally, the system also checks to make sure that the four wheels are assembled correctly on each vehicle before it leaves the station. Data from all tightening cycles are communicated to a plant computer system and can be transferred between production sites using the Internet for overall quality assurance and registration.
  41. <number>. Innovative Solutions Atlas Copco’s core competence is to innovate for superior productivity. Products and product development: Products are developed from core technologies to improve customers’ productivity and reduce their energy consumption. Atlas Copco has a strong reputation for innovation and works at the cutting edge of technology, which is essential for a market leader. Concern for the environment and the operator is an integral part of the product development process. Services: To meet our customers’ demands, Atlas Copco is continuously developing the aftermarket offering; preventive maintenance, service and repair, consumables, and spare parts. Knowledge: Atlas Copco’s portfolio of world-class customers requires world-class suppliers with comprehensive and in-depth knowledge about customer applications as well a about future trends. Atlas Copco interacts with customers to understand their needs, and then looks for the best solutions. To satisfy the specific need of each customer, knowledge and service is as important as the product itself.
  42. <number>. Competence Development Atlas Copco’s growth is closely related to how the Group succeeds in being a good employer. Thus, attracting, developing, and keeping qualified and motivated people, is crucial to reach the vision. Each new employee is entitled to a solid introduction to his/her job, team, company, business area, and the Group. We are able to develop our skills through ongoing, on-the-job training in the form of real responsibilities from day one. To ensure that employees continue to have the knowledge they need to perform their duties, ongoing training and development activities take place both within the Group and with external providers. The target is a minimum of 40 hours per employee per year. We are all expected to contribute by committing ourselves to Group objectives and to our own aligned individual performance targets. With a global business conducted through numerous companies, Atlas Copco works hard to implement continuous competence development, knowledge sharing, and the corporate culture.
  43. 6. Services A long term partner At Atlas Copco we are committed to our customers superior productivity through interaction and innovation. For us, our service and support offering, together with our products, means that we listen and that we care. We are proven reliable as a long term partner for our customers. We offer solutions ranging from basic spare parts and support through fully managed service agreements. We have well trained service technicians to ensure that the service is done professionally and in time. We have a supply chain that provides spare parts and components in shortest possible time. We are a global organization acting locally where our competencies are needed the most. Our focus is to maximize the utilization of the Atlas Copco equipment for our customers as well as optimize the performance of the products. By doing this we can reduce the risk, reduce the cost, increase uptime and increase the profit for our customers. In 2008, aftermarket excluding specialty rental amounted to approximately 27% of sales for Compressor Technique. The aftermarket business, including consumables, and rental represents approximately 44% of total sales for Construction and Mining Technique. For Industrial Technique, aftermarket represents approximately 23% of total sales.
  44. <number>. Knowledge Applications: To learn more about current and new customer applications Atlas Copco engineers spend time at customer sites on a regular basis to better understand the working environment of various target industries. Product design: Continuous research and development to secure new and more innovative products is critical for maintaining the competitiveness of Atlas Copco’s divisions. Competence centers: To maintain and further develop the knowledge within the core competence areas, Atlas Copco has established competence centers. One example of such a competence center is Airtec in Antwerp, Belgium, another is the Rock Excavation Center in Örebro, Sweden.
  45. <number>. Minimizing Environmental Impact It is during the life and use of the products that the largest environmental impact takes place. Life cycle assessments show energy consumption, oil leakage, and noise and dust emissions to be the most significant environmental impacts during the useful life of the products manufactured by Atlas Copco. Our ambition is to minimize the negative environmental effects from the design of its products, and during their manufacture and use. A few of our achievements are shown here. Hydraulic breaker: The new SB 452 hydraulic breaker provides further proof that innovative product design and technology can achieve higher performance with a reduced environmental impact. This includes lower fuel consumption, lower vibrations and less noise. Better utilisation of the hydraulic output from the carrier has been achieved through the highest of manufacturing standards and innovative percussive technology, such as EnergyRecovery. Atlas Copco’s energy recovery technology means that the SB 452 is the best performing breaker in its class. AIRScan: A highly accurate, independent survey and reporting system, which discovers where any energy drains in compressed air systems take place and identifies which actions can be taken to remedy or optimize the situation. Assembly tools: The development of energy efficient tools drives the transformation from pneumatic to electric tools. An electric tool system offers a more advanced fastening process together with a lower energy consumption compared to a pneumatic tools system. Also the new generation of pneumatic tools show a considerably lower air consumption which translates into huge energy savings annually.
  46. <number>. Community Engagement Atlas Copco is involved in various charity and community engagement projects, both on a Group-wide, and a local basis. Community engagement is cooperation with local communities by adding value to these communities with finance, resources and follow-up. For 25 years Atlas Copco has supported the employee-run organization Water for All, which raises funds to finance water-well drilling activities and equipment in order to supply clean drinking water to needy communities. By the end of 2008, the organization had almost 4 300 members. Estimates indicate that during 2008 up to 80 000 people were provided with a sustainable source of clean drinking water as a result of the financial contributions made by Water for All. In all Water for All has provided clean drinking water to approximately 1 million people in need. HIV/Aids is a fact of life in a number of the countries where Atlas Copco operates. In the southern part of Africa, Atlas Copco has taken an initiative for improving the health and well-being of employees suffering with HIV/AIDS within the company. In recognition of the huge burden to individuals who are HIV+, the local companies support not only the employee with counseling and antiretroviral drugs, but also one family member. This program started early in 2002 and by the end of 2008, had expanded to include South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe with some very notable results. Plans are to expand into additional countries. In a number of countries, local Atlas Copco companies provide support to local schools to help increase the education level and to give more children a good start in life. In other areas, university scholarships are offered to talented students. Examples of such initiatives are found on all continents. Atlas Copco encourages the local companies around the world to react and respond immediately with relief aid when local communities are struck by natural disasters as earth quakes, inundations, fires, landslides etc. This kind of disaster relief may very well be an act of urgently shipping suitable equipment to the affected area. An example of this was the shipping of heavy equipment from Atlas Copco in Shanghai to the earthquake affected Sichuan province in 2008.
  47. <number>. Community Engagement Atlas Copco is involved in various charity and community engagement projects, both on a Group-wide, and a local basis. Community engagement is cooperation with local communities by adding value to these communities with finance, resources and follow-up. For 25 years Atlas Copco has supported the employee-run organization Water for All, which raises funds to finance water-well drilling activities and equipment in order to supply clean drinking water to needy communities. By the end of 2008, the organization had almost 4 300 members. Estimates indicate that during 2008 up to 80 000 people were provided with a sustainable source of clean drinking water as a result of the financial contributions made by Water for All. In all Water for All has provided clean drinking water to approximately 1 million people in need. HIV/Aids is a fact of life in a number of the countries where Atlas Copco operates. In the southern part of Africa, Atlas Copco has taken an initiative for improving the health and well-being of employees suffering with HIV/AIDS within the company. In recognition of the huge burden to individuals who are HIV+, the local companies support not only the employee with counseling and antiretroviral drugs, but also one family member. This program started early in 2002 and by the end of 2008, had expanded to include South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe with some very notable results. Plans are to expand into additional countries. In a number of countries, local Atlas Copco companies provide support to local schools to help increase the education level and to give more children a good start in life. In other areas, university scholarships are offered to talented students. Examples of such initiatives are found on all continents. Atlas Copco encourages the local companies around the world to react and respond immediately with relief aid when local communities are struck by natural disasters as earth quakes, inundations, fires, landslides etc. This kind of disaster relief may very well be an act of urgently shipping suitable equipment to the affected area. An example of this was the shipping of heavy equipment from Atlas Copco in Shanghai to the earthquake affected Sichuan province in 2008.
  48. <number>. The Atlas Copco Organization Atlas Copco is organized in three, separate, focused but still integrated business areas, each operating through several divisions. Compressor Technique is headquartered in Belgium; Construction and Mining Technique, and Industrial Technique in Sweden. The role of the business area is to develop, implement, and follow up on the objectives and strategy within the total business scope, including environmental and social performance as appropriate. The divisions have their own operational and consolidated profit responsibility and develop their objectives, strategies, and structure within the scope of the business area. The divisions generally conduct business through the customer centers and product companies, which act on an equal-dignity basis. Common service providers – internal or external – have been established with the mission to provide internal services faster, to a higher quality, and at a lower cost, thus allowing the divisions to focus on their core businesses.
  49. <number>. Our brand promise Atlas Copco’s brand promise is “We are committed to your superior productivity through interaction and innovation”. The brand promise is put last in most of Atlas Copco’s presentations, to remind ourselves about or vision and our business values.