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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

BGÚ∂∫ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ ÎÀ√‡∆ÚÒ Á∆¡ª
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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15
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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15
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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15
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Heroes whos statues are installed in Jarkhar Stadium

S. Amarjit Singh Grewal
of Village Gujjarwal was a
great Rural sports promoter
and in his guidance and he
popularized the sports activities of Punjab on India and
International level through
the documentaries and media
Padam Shri Pirthipal
Singh was legendary Hockey played in 1960, 64 and 68
Olympics and was top scorer. He was declaried second
best player of the century by FIH.
A r j u n
Randhawa is
known as the wall
in the playing
ground. He was
top scores in 1973
World Cup and
was architect of
the winning 1975
World Cup India
team. He is known

circles as one of
the top defenders ever.
Udham Singh
was the first
Sikh Punjabi to
participate in
four Olympics
1952, 56, 60
and 64. He got
three Olympics
gold and one silver. He played Hockey up to the
age of 52 years and hails from famous Sansarpur
Village. Which has produced 14 Olympians.
Padam Shri Major Dhanyan Chand was declared as the best Hockey player of the century
by FIH, he played in 3 Olympics 1928, 32 and 36
winning three Olympics Gold Medal. His statues
are installed in Vienna, Austria and Dhyan Chand
Hockey Stadium in New Delhi is named after him.
Padam Shri Milkha Singh is the living legend whose
record of 400 meters in 45.6 is still unbroken after 1960
Rome Olympics. He also won Gold Models in Commonwealth,
Games and World
Athletics Championships. Recently a
Hindi Film ‘Bhag
Milkha Bhag” was
made on his life
story. This year his
Statue his being installed in the stadium along with
Padam Shri Dhyan

Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

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Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

Journey of Jarkhar Sports
This year, Jarkhar Sports are being held from 16
to 19th January 2014. About three years back, this
Rural Sports Festival has completed its Silver Jubilee.
The sports started on 22 December 1985, when some
sports lovers started
playing Hockey in the
village. Sarpanch Major Singh was the first
President of the club
and club was named
as Jarkhar Sports
club. In 1986, the village pond, where
there is parking now
was prepared by filling the village pond
and this was the venue of sports in early years.
The first tournament started on 7th to 9th April 1986
with Hockey & Kabaddi tournament with a total budget of Rs. 1200/.
In 1987 the club name was changed to Mata Sahib
Kaur Sports Club, Jarkhar. The Chief patron Bibi Surjit
Kaur ji sponsored the Festival and Langer is offered
by Gurdwara
Sahib during
the festival till
During the
long journey of
Jarkhar sports
festival, many
people joined
some ditched
also by their
selfish motives
and some dedicated people
joined the caravan. The sports continued till 1988 but in 1989, due to
death of the then sarpanch, the sports festival could
not be held. In 1990, Jagroop Singh Jarkhar & some
friends again started the festival and Bibi Surjit Kaur ji,
Head of Gurdwara Manji Sahib, Mata Sahib Kaur ji,
was made the patron of Jarkhar Sports
The Sports were shifted to the present grounds in
1992. The name of stadium is after the name of Mata
Sahib Kaur and stadium’s main stand was started with
the help of Sangat of Gurudwara Sahib.

In 1993, Jargoop Singh Jarkhar, Daljit Singh &
Shingara Singh (Nikka) were interrogated by Police
due to a tussle between the sports committee and the
villagers who were forcefully occupying the shamlaat
where the present
stadium is situated.
The committee was
disheartened but Bibi
Surjit Kaur Persuaded not to close
the sports activity or
sports Festival because it is a noble
cause and one day
this sports festival will
be included in top
sports festivals of Punjab. Now these sacred words of
that great soul are being proven right.
In 1994 also the case of grounds were taken into
courts by some miscreants but with the blessings of
Mata Surjit Kaur ji and Gurdwara Sahib, truth prevailed.
The tournament reached its high and in 1999, the
sports were dedicated to the three hundred years of
the Khalsa, but
on 18 October
1999, Bibi Surjit
Kaur ji left for
heavenly abode
and again there
was a setback,
but with blessings and support of sports
lovers, the festival is being held
each year.
Fed up with
the false promises of leaders for issuring grants for the stadium. The
sports committee started building the stadium at their
own. Bai Ranjit Singh Secy of Manji Sahib Gurdwara
layed the foundation stone, one lakh bricks were taken
on loan and labour charges were provided by the
Gurdwara Sahib.
In 2004, Pakistan Kabaddi team participated, and
from year 2005, March past and lighting of Olympic
torch was started.
The concluding day of this sports festival each year

Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15

sees the performance of personalities from music
world. Till now, Gurdaas Maan, Harbhajan Maan,
Jazzy B, Manmohan Waris, and many other singers
of repute have performed in this stadium. The Main
Block of sports stadium is having photo gallery of
sports events with the main contribution by the author.
Every year the
sports persons and personalities from literature and other areas
are honored. Every
year Sports included in
the Olympics are
played and big amount
of money is spent on
prizes. Hockey (Men
and Women), Basketball (Men and Women),
Volleyball (Men and
(Men and Women), Handball (Men and Women) are
played in the Festival and more than two lakh people
come to enjoy the festival. Coca Cola and other companies are sponsoring and prize money.
Now Jarkhar Sports stadium has many stands

Singh Grewal have been established in the stadium.
This year two more fibre glass statues of Padam Shree
Milkha Singh Fying Sikh Padam Shree Dhyan Chand,
great Hockey player one being installed in the stadium.
This is first Rural Sports stadium where six-a-side
Astroturf is laid. Many state level tournament are held
in the stadium each year.
Jarkhar Hockey
Academy is also unique
where the young children from poor families
are trained for Hockey
Game and very positive
results have been
achieved. The players
of this academy have
participated in National
Games and brought
laurels to the academy.
The Players are given
free hostel accommodation, food and Hockey kits. About 80 players of the
academy practice Hockey every day.
In the last six years, the academy is 3 times state
champion and performing very well in All India Nehru
Hockey. The team is runner up in All India Schools

which are dedicated to the personalities associated
with sports.
It is the only stadium in whole of India where life
size statues of great sports personalities has been established and these are role models for young and
budding players who come for participation in the
sports Festival or are part of the Jarkhar Hockey Academy. Life size statues of Padam shree Pirthipal Singh,
Olympian Surjit Singh, S. Udham Singh and S. Amarjit

Hockey. 14 Players of the academy have got good
govt. departments jobs.
This all is possible due to great efforts of Hockey
lover and sports promoter S. Jagroop Singh Jarkhar
who is the main force behind all this show and leading
the team who manages the academy and sports in
this tiny village which is now known for sports.No doubt,
this sports festival is one of the greatest Rural Sports
Festivals of India.
Prof. Kanwaljit Singh Dhudike
Jarkhar Sports

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Jarkhar Sports

  • 1.
  • 2. Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 BGÚ∂∫ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ ÎÀ√‡∆ÚÒ Á∆¡ª B@AC Ú∑∂ Á∆¡ª fiÒ’∆¡ª AE ÂØ∫ AG ‹ÈÚ∆ Âæ’
  • 3. ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ ÎÀ√‡∆ÚÒ Á∆¡ª ‘Ø Úæ÷ Úæ÷ fiÒ’∆¡ª Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 Óπæ÷ √Íz√ Ï∆Ï∆ √π‹∆ ’Ω, Ï∆Ï∆ ‹◊∆ ’Ω, ‹Ê∂Á≈ ‘∆≈ «√ßÿ ◊≈ÏÛ∆¡≈ AIII ÷∂‚ª ÁΩ≈È ÷∂‚ª Á≈ ¡≈ÈßÁ Ó≈‰Á∂ ‘ج∂Õ
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  • 6. Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 ‘ج∆Õ Í«‘Ò∂ √≈Ò ‘∆ ¡æË∂ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Á∆¡ª ÍΩÛ∆¡ª ¿π√≈∆¡ª ◊¬∆¡ªÕ B@@D «Ú⁄ ÎÚ∆ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ ‘¯Â∂ ÷∂‚ª ‘ج∆¡ª «‹√ «Ú⁄ Í≈«’√Â≈È Á∆ ’Ïæ‚∆ ‡∆Ó È∂ «‘æ√≈ «Ò¡≈Õ ‡»È≈ÓÀ∫‡ Á∆ ⁄Û∑ ͻ∂ Íø‹≈Ï ”⁄ ‘ج∆Õ B@@E Á∂ «Ú⁄ ‡∆Óª Á≈ Ó≈⁄ Í≈√‡ ¡Â∂ Í«‘Ò∆ Ú≈ ÷∂ ‚ «Ó√≈Ò ‹ ◊ ≈ ¬ ∆ ◊¬∆Õ B@@F ”⁄ ‘Ø ¬ ∆¡ª ÷∂ ‚ ª ÁΩ  ≈È ◊πÁ≈√ Ó≈È Á≈ ¡÷≈Û≈ Òæ«◊¡≈ ¡Â∂ ÚË∆¡≈ ÷∂‚ª Á∂ Óπ ’ ≈ÏÒ∂ ’Ú≈¬∂ ◊¬∂ ¡Â∂ ÍzÏßË’∆ ‡∆Ó «ÁÈØ∫ «ÁÈ Ïπ¶Á∆¡ª ¤»ß‘Á∆ ‘ج∆ ¡æ◊∂ ÚËÁ∆ ◊¬∆Õ ¡◊Ò∂ Ú«∑¡ª «Ú⁄ ÒØ’ ◊≈«¬’ ‹∂˜∆ Ï∆ ¡Â∂ ÒØ’ ◊≈«¬’ Â∂ «ÎÒÓ ¡Á≈’≈ ‘Ì‹È Ó≈È È≈Ò ÁØ√Â∆ Á≈ ‘æÊ Ú«Ë¡≈Õ ‘Ì‹È Ó≈È ‹÷Û √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ¡Â∂ ÷∂‚ª Á∂ Ó≈‘ΩÒ ˘ Ú∂÷ ’∂ «¬ßÈ≈ Ï≈◊ØÏ≈◊ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ «’ ¿π√È∂ ‘∂’ √≈Ò ¡≈͉∂ ÚæÒØ∫ ÷πæÒ∑≈ ¡÷≈Û≈ ¡Â∂ ÍzÏßË’ª ˘ ‘ Â∑ª Á≈ √«‘ÔØ◊ Á∂‰ Á≈ ÌØ√≈ «ÁæÂ≈Õ B@@I ¡Â∂ B@A@ Á∆¡ª ÷∂‚ª «ÁÈØ∫ «ÁÈ Ïπ¶Á∆¡ª ÚæÒ ˘ ÚË∆¡≈Õ B@A@ Á√ßÏ «Ú⁄ «√ÒÚ ‹πÏÒ∆ ÷∂‚ª Á≈ √¯ Ï‘π ‘∆ ’≈ÓÔ≈Ï ‘Ø«¬¡≈Õ Úæ‚∆¡ª Úæ‚∆¡ª Ù÷√∆¡Âª Á≈ √ÈÓ≈È, Úæ‚∆¡ª ‡∆Óª Á∆ ¡≈ÓÁ, Í≈«’√Â≈È Á∆ ’πÙÂ∆ ‡∆Ó Á≈ ÷∂‚ª «Ú⁄ ÁØ Ú≈ ÷∂‚‰≈, ‹÷Û ‘≈’∆ ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∂ Ïæ«⁄¡ª Á∆¡ª ’ΩÓ∆ ÍæË ”Â∂ Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª ‘Ø ’¬∆ Ïπ¶Á∆¡ª ÚæÒ Úˉ≈ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ª Á∆ ’≈ÓÔ≈Ï∆ «‘≈Õ B@AA-AB Ú∂ Á∆¡ª BFÚ∆¡ª ¡Â∂ B@AC Ú∑∂ Á∆¡ª BGÚ∆¡ª ÷∂‚ª Ú∆ ’≈¯∆ √ÎÒ ‘Ø «ÈÏÛ∆¡ªÕ «Í¤Ò∂ Ú∑ ∂ ¡¯∆’≈ ÓπÒ’ ’∆È∆¡≈ Á∆ ’Ïæ‚∆ ‡∆Ó Á∂ «÷‚≈∆¡ª È∂ Ú∆ ¡≈͉∆ ¡«Óæ‡ Ô≈Á ¤æ‚∆Õ «¬√ ÂØ ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ ‹÷Û ÷∂ ‚ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Á∂ „ª⁄∂ «Ú⁄ Ï∂‘æÁ «ÈÓ≈‰ ‘Ø « ¬¡≈Õ ‹÷Û √‡∂‚∆¡Ó «Ú⁄ «¬’ ’ØÛ Á∆ Ò≈◊ È≈Ò ¡≈Ëπ«È’ √‘±Òª È≈Ò ÒÀ√ ‘Ø√‡Ò («√ÒÚ ‹πÏÒ∆ ÏÒ≈’) Ô≈ª ÁØ√ª «ÓæÂª Á∂ Á√ª ÈΩ‘ª Á∆ «’ È≈Ò Ï«‰¡≈Õ ‘ÈÕ ÁπÈ∆¡≈ «Ú⁄ Ïz≈‹∆Ò Á∂ Ó‘≈È Îπæ‡Ï≈Ò Í∂Ò∂, ¡‹È‡≈¬∆È≈ Á∂ √πÍ√‡≈ «‚¡ª◊Ø Ó≈‚ØÈ≈, Ì≈ Á∂ Ó‘≈È «¥’‡ √«⁄È Â∂∫ÁπÒ’ ¡≈«Á «÷‚≈∆¡ª ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á ¿π¶Í∆¡È ÍæË Á∆¡ª ÷∂‚ª Ú≈Ò∂ ¿π‚‰≈ «√æ÷ √. «ÓÒ÷≈ «√ßÿ Í«‘Ò∂ ¡«‹‘∂ «÷‚≈∆ ‘È «‹È∑ª Á≈ «‹¿π∫Á∂ ‹∆¡ Ïπ æ  Ò◊≈«¬¡≈ «◊¡≈ ˛, «‹√ Á≈ Ó≈‰ ‹÷Û ÷ ∂ ‚ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ˘ «Ó«Ò¡≈ ˛Õ «Í¤Ò∂ E √≈Òª ÁΩ≈È «Íz߇ Ó∆‚∆¡≈ ¡Â∂ «¬ÒÀ’‡z≈«È’ Ó∆‚∆¡≈ È∂ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ˘ ¡Â∂ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ª ˘ ‘ Íæ÷Ø∫ ÚË∆¡≈ ’Ú∂‹ «ÁæÂ∆ ˛Õ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ Úæ‚∆¡ª ’ßÍÈ∆¡ª ’Ø’≈ ’ØÒ≈, ÍzÏÒ ‡∆.¡ÀÓ.‡∆.√∆¡≈, ¬∂ÚÈ √≈¬∆’Ò, ‘∆Ø Ó؇ ’ΩÍ, Ó±Â∆ √‹±’∆, ÚÀ√‡È Ô±È∆¡È , ÏÀ∫’ ¡≈¯ «¬ß‚∆¡≈ ¡Â∂ ‘Ø ÍzÚ≈√∆ ÷∂‚ Íz∂Ó∆¡ª È∂ ¡≈͉≈ ÂÈ ÓÈ ËÈ È≈Ò √«‘ÔØ◊ «ÁæÂ≈Õ Úæ‚∂ ≈‹È∆«Â’ ¡≈◊±¡ª È∂ Ú∆ √Ó∂∫ √Ó∂∫ ”Â∂ ‡±È≈ÓÀ∫‡ Á∆ Ù≈È È≈Ò ⁄≈ ⁄ßÈ Ò≈¬∂Õ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ ◊πÁπ¡≈≈ Óß‹∆ √≈«‘Ï Ó≈Â≈ √≈«‘Ï ’Ω ‹∆ Á∆ ÍzÏßË’∆ ’Ó∂‡∆ Óπæ÷ √∂Ú≈Á≈ Ï∆Ï∆ √π‹∆ ’Ω Á∂ √Ó±‘ ÍzÏßË’ ‘Ó∂Ù≈ «‰∆ «‘‰◊∂ ¡Â∂ ‘π‰ Ú∆ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ª Á∆ √≈∆ ‡∆Ó «¬’ Í«Ú≈ Á∆ Â∑ª Óπæ÷ √∂Ú≈Á≈ Ï≈¬∆ √π‹∆ «√ßÿ √≈‘È∂Ú≈Ò, ⁄∂¡ÓÀÈ È«ßÁ Í≈Ò «√æ˱ ¡Â∂ ‘Ø √≈∂ √◊Ó ÓÀ∫Ï, ¡‘πÁ∂Á≈, «¬Ò≈’∂ Á∂ Á≈È∆ √拉, ÷∂‚ Í∂zÓ∆ «¬’ √Ó«Í Ì≈ÚÈ≈ È≈Ò ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ª Á∆ Âæ’∆ «Ú⁄ ¡≈͉≈ ⁄Ω÷≈ ÔØ◊Á≈È Í≈ ‘∂ ‘ÈÕ ’πÁ È∂ ÏÛ∆ «Ó‘ ’∆Â∆ ‹Ø ¡√∆∫ ’Á∂ √Ø«⁄¡≈ Ú∆ È‘∆∫ √∆ «’ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ª ˘ «¬√ Â∑ª Á≈ Óπ’≈Ó «ÓÒ∂◊≈Õ ¿π√ ÂØ∫ ’¬∆ ’Ø‘ª Á± ¿π⁄∂ Óπ’≈Ó ”Â∂ Í‘πß⁄ ◊¬∂ ‘ªÕ ¡≈√ ’Á∂ ‘ª «’ ‹÷Û ÷∂‚ª «¬√∂ Â∑ª Ïπ ¶ Á∆¡ª Úæ Ò ÚËÁ∆¡ª ‘Ø ¬ ∆¡ª ¡◊Ò≈ ÚË∆¡≈ ÍÀ ∫ ‚≈ «‘ ’È◊∆¡ªÕ √≈‚∆ ¡◊Ò∆ Í∆Û∑ ∆ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ G-¬∂ √≈¬∆‚ ¡À√‡؇Î ‘≈’∆ ◊ª¿±∫‚ ÎÒæ‚ √≈‚∆ Â∑ª ‘∆ ÂÈ ÓÈ ËÈ È≈Ò Ò≈¬∆‡ª ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ ¿π¶Í∆¡È ÍæË Á∂ Ì≈ Á∂ ‘≈’∆ ‹◊ Á∂ ‹÷Û √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ˘ √Ó«Í ‘πßÁ∆ ‘∆∂ ¿π¶Í∆¡È «ÍzÊ∆Í≈Ò «√ßÿ, ¿π¶Í∆¡È √π‹∆ «√ßÿ ßË≈Ú≈, D ‘Ø ¬ ∆ «¬√ ’≈¯Ò∂ ˘ «ÁÈØ «ÁÈ Ú≈ ÷∂‚∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «√æ÷ ¿π¶Í∆¡È ¿±ËÓ «√ßÿ ’πÒ≈, ÷∂‚ ÍzÓ؇ ¿π⁄≈¬∆¡ª ÚæÒ ÒÀ ’∂ ‹≈Ú∂◊∆ ¡Â∂ ¡Ó‹∆ «√ßÿ ◊∂Ú≈Ò Á∂ ¡≈ÁÓ’æÁ Ïπæ ‹Ø √≈‚∆ ¡≈¿π‰ Ú≈Ò∆ ¡Á≈√ ’ª◊∂ «’ Íz Ó ≈ÂÓ≈ Á∆ ÷∂‚ ÍÈ∆∆ Ò¬∆ Íz∂È≈ √Ø ‘Ø ‘∂ ‘È Ï‰≈¬∂ ◊¬∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬√ Ú∂∑ «’Í≈ «¬√∂ Â∑ª Ï’≈ ‘∂ ¡Â∂ B@AD ÷∂‚ ÎÀ√‡∆ÚÒ ÁΩ≈È ¿π‚‰≈ «√æ÷ √. «ÓÒ÷≈ «√ßÿ ¡Â∂ ‘≈’∆ Á∂ ‹≈Á±◊ Ùz∆ «Ë¡≈È ⁄ßÁ Á∂ ¡≈ÁÓ’æÁ Ïπæ √Ê≈«Í ’∆Â∂ ‹≈ ‘∂ ‘ ÷∂‚ ÍzÏßË’ ”Â∂ ◊π± Á∆ «Ó‘ ω∆ ‹◊»Í «√ßÿ ‹÷Û ‘∂, Ï≈’∆ æÏ ≈÷≈Õ
  • 7. Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 ‹ÁØ∫ B@AA ”⁄ ‹÷Û √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ”Â∂ «‚æ«◊¡≈ ’πÁ Á≈ ’«‘ ’πÁ ‹∂ ’«‘ „≈¬∂, ÏßÁ∂ Á∆ Úæ√ È≈ ‹≈¬∂ ´«Ë¡≈‰≈- Íø‹≈Ï Á∂ Í∂∫‚» ÷∂‚ª Á∂ √‡∂‚∆¡Óª «Ú⁄Ø∫ √Ì ÂØ∫ ÷»Ï√» Ҭ∆ fiæ÷Û, Í «Íø‚ ‹÷Û Á∂ Ó≈Â≈ √π‹∆ ’Ω ÏÒ≈’ Á∆ Úæ‚«Áæ÷ Ú≈Ò∂ Òπ«Ë¡≈‰≈ «˜Ò∑∂ Á∂ «Íø‚ ‹÷Û Á∂ «Ú⁄ ‘Ø ‘∆ ‘≈’∆ ¡’≈∆ Óπæ÷ √‡∂‹ Ò¬∆ «¬‘ ’«‘ Á∆ ≈ √∆Õ «‹Ú∂∫ ‘π√∆È √πÍÈ≈ Ò∆◊ B@AA Á∆ AH ‹±È ˘ ¡≈÷∆ ÂØ∫ Í«‘Òª «ÁÈ √∆Õ ◊«‘◊æ⁄ ¡≈¿π∫Á∂ ’ج∆ ¡⁄È⁄∂ ‚≈ Á∂Ú∂ Â∂ ÏßÁ≈ ÂzæÌ’ ’∂ ¿π· ‹≈Ú∂, «‹Ú∂∫ Óπ’≈ÏÒ∂ ⁄æÒ ‘∂ √È, «Íø‚ ‹÷Û Á∆ √∆È∆¡ ‘≈’∆ ‡∆Ó ¡≈͉∆ Úæ‚∂ √≈∂ πæı Á≈ ’ج∆ ‡≈‘‰ «Ú⁄≈«Ò˙∫ ‡πæ‡ ‹≈Ú∂, ¿πÚ∂∫ ‘∆ B ’π Ú‹∂ ◊≈¿»∫‚ Â∂ ‘∆ Î√Úª ÓÀ⁄ ÷∂‚ ‘∆ √∆Õ ‘≈Ò∂ C-D «ÁÈ Í«‘Òª Ì≈∆ fiæ÷Û È∂ √≈∂ ÏÒ≈’ ˘ ËÛßÓ ’’∂ ‘∂·ª «Ò¡≈ √π櫇¡≈Õ ÍÂ≈ Òæ◊∆¡ª ÈÚ∆¡ª ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª Á∆ ⁄Ó’ ‘∂·ª «÷‚≈∆¡ª Á∂ ÓπÛ∑’∂ È‘∆∫ «’√∂ Á∆ Ș Òæ◊ ◊¬∆ «’ «ÂßÈ ⁄≈ «ÁÈ ÂØ∫ ¡ıÏ≈ª «Ú⁄ È≈Ò ◊Ûπ⁄∂ √∆ ⁄Ó’ ‘∂ √ÈÕ ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª Ò◊≈¿π‰ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘Ø ‘∆ ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª Á∆ ⁄⁄≈ ‘≈Ò∂ ‘Ø ‘∆ ‘∆ √∆ ¡Â∂ ÚË≈¬∆¡ª ‹÷Û Á≈ Ó≈Â≈ √≈«‘Ï ’Ω √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Íø‹≈Ï «Ú⁄ Í«‘Ò≈ Í∂∫‚» ÷∂‚ Ú≈Ò∂ ÎØÈ ¡≈ ‘∆ ‘∂ √È «’ «ÂßÈ ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª «Ú⁄ ÓÒÏ≈ ω √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ˛ ¡Â∂ «¬‘ ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª Ï◊À «’√∂ √’≈∆ ÓÁÁ Á∂ ◊¬∆¡ªÕ ¬∂È≈ Ùπ’ ˛ «’ ¡’À‚Ó∆ Ú≈Ò∂ «È¡≈‰∂ ‹Ø ¡’√ √‡∂‹ ÷∂‚ Íz∂Ó∆¡ª ¡Â∂ √«‘ÔØ◊∆¡ª ÚæÒØ∫ ¡≈Í ‘∆ Á√ÚßË ’æ„-’æ„ ’∂ ¿πÍ ‘∆ Íæ«÷¡ª ‘∂·ª ’Á∂-’Á∂ √Ω∫ ‹ªÁ∂ √∆, ¿π‘ ¿π√ «ÁÈ Ó≈Â≈ Ò◊Ú≈¬∆¡ª ◊¬∆¡ª ‘ÈÕ «¬√ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó «Ú⁄ Ó≈Â≈ √≈«‘Ï ’Ω √≈«‘Ï ’Ω ÏÒ≈’ Á∂ ‘∂·ª ω∆ ÎØ‡Ø ◊ÀÒ∆ ¡Â∂ Óπæ÷ Á¯Â «Ú⁄ ÏÒ≈’, Ó≈Â≈ √π‹∆ ’Ω ÏÒ≈’ ¡Â∂ √Íø⁄ Ó∂‹ «√ßÿ ÏÒ≈’ Ú∆ √πæÂ∂ ‘ج∂ √ÈÕ “Ú≈«‘◊π»” Á∆ «¥Í≈ È≈Ò ’ج∆ ‹≈È∆ Èπ’√≈È Âª È‘∆∫ ‘Ø«¬¡≈, ÷∂‚ Íz∂Ó∆¡ª È∂ «¬æ‡-«¬æ‡, Í ÍÒ∆ÏØ∆-ÏØ∆, ÍÒ∆ ‹ØÛ ’∂ ω≈«¬¡≈ √∆ÓÀ ∫ ‡-∂  ≈, √∆¡≈ «¬’æ·≈ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ’-’ ’∂ ÍÒª «Ú⁄ ‘∆ π Û ∑ Íπ Û ∑ ω≈¬∂ ‘Ø ¬ ∂ ‘ÈÕ Ï’≈«¬Á≈ ‘≈’∆ Á∂ Ïæ«⁄¡ª Á∆ ¡’À‚Ó∆ ⁄æÒÁ∆ ˛Õ Ó≈Â≈ √π‹∆ «◊¡≈ ¡Â∂ AE-B@ Òæ÷ πͬ∂ Á≈ Èπ’√≈È ‘Ø «◊¡≈Õ ≈ Ú∂Ò∂ ’Ω ÏÒ≈’ Á∂ È≈Ò Òæ◊∆¡ª ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª Á∂ √≈‘Ó‰∂ «√’√-¬∂- «÷æ⁄∆¡ª ‹◊-Ó◊≈¿π∫Á∂ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Á∆¡ª ¿π‘ Â√Ú∆ª ¡≈÷∆ «√æË √≈¬∆‚ ¡À√‡؇¯ ¿πÍ Ïæ⁄∂ √≈≈ «ÁÈ ‘≈’∆ Á∂ ‘πÈ «√æ÷Á∂ ‘ÈÕ ‘ج∆¡ªÕ ÓÀ∫ ‹ÁØ∫ ‹∆. ‡∆. Ø‚ ÂØ∫ ‹ÁØ∫ ÂÛ’∂ «¬‘ ıÏ Â≈˜ «˜Ø‡√ ’ØÒØ «Íø‚ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó «Ú⁄ ‘∆ Ïæ«⁄¡ª Á∆ Á∂÷Ì≈Ò Ò¬∆ «‘ßÁ∂ ÚæÒ Óπ«Û¡≈ ª ¿πÊØ∫ ‘∆ ¡√Ó≈È «Ú⁄ ÎÀ Ò ∆ Ï≈Ï≈ πÒÁ≈ «√ßÿ È∂ √Ú∂∂ Á»Ë∆¡ª ΩÙÈ∆ Á≈ ‹ÒΩ¡ ÂÛ’∂ ‹≈ ’∂ ‹◊»Í «√ßÿ ‹÷Û ¡Â∂ Á«ÍøÁ «‚ßÍ∆ «Á√‰ Òæ◊ «Í¡≈Õ ¿π⁄∂⁄∂ ÂΩ ”Â∂ ¡≈͉∆ ÈÚ∂∫ Ò¬∂ ‘π  ª ˘ √π ‰ ≈¬∆ ª ’ÀÈ∂È Á∂ ’ÀÓ∂ Ó≈’-‡» √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Í‘ßπ⁄ ’∂ ‹◊»Í È≈Ò ≈ Ú∂Ò∂ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Á∆¡ª Â√Ú∆ª ˘ «¬«Â‘≈√’ ω≈¿π‰ ª «‹Ú∂∫ Ê≈¬∂∫ ‘∆ ‹ßÓ «◊¡≈, ‘Ø ÍzÏßË’ Ú∆ ··ßÏ∂ ÷Û∑∂ √ÈÕ ¡æ÷ª Ò¬∆ Í‘ßπ«⁄¡≈ √ªÕ ¿πÊ∂ ⁄æÒ «‘≈ ÓÀ⁄ «’√∂ Ú∆ Úæ‚∂ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó «Ú⁄ ÈÓ √È, ’¬∆¡ª Á∆¡ª ¡æ÷ª Á∆ Á«‘Ò∆˜ ÂØ∫ ‘ßfi» Ú«‘ Âπ∂Õ “’πÁ ≈ Á∆ ΩÙÈ∆ «Ú⁄ ‘Ø ‘∂ ’ج∆ ¡ßÂ≈Ù‡∆ ÓÀ⁄ Á≈ ÌπÒ∂÷≈ Í≈ ‹∂ ’«‘ „≈¬∂, ÏßÁ∂ Á≈ Úæ√ È≈ ‹≈¬∂Õ” ÷∂‚ ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∂ «È¡≈‰∂ ¡≈Í∂ ‘∆ ‹∂≈ ’’∂ „‘∂ ͬ∂ ÓÒÏ∂ ”⁄Ø∫ «‘≈ √∆Õ ⁄≈ ’π «ÁÈ Í«‘Òª ¡≈¬∂ ˜ÏÁ√ fiæ÷Û È∂ √Íø⁄ Ó∂‹ «√ßÿ ’π√∆¡ª, √Í∆’ ’愉 Òæ◊ ͬ∂Õ ¡≈«ı ‘≈’∆ Ò∆◊ Á≈ «¬‘ «ÁÈ ÏÒ≈’ Á∆¡ª Ï‘π √≈∆¡ª ¡À√ÏÀ√«‡√ Á∆¡ª Ù∆‡ª ¿π‚≈ «ÁæÂ∆¡ª ¡≈ı∆ «ÁÈ √∆, ’πfi Ú∆ ‘Ø ‹≈Ú∂, ÙØ¡ ª ⁄æÒÁ≈ ‘∆ «‘‰≈ ⁄≈‘∆Á≈ √È ¡Â∂ ÷≈√≈ Èπ’√≈È ’ «ÁæÂ≈ √∆Õ ¿π√ ˘ ·∆’ ’Ú≈¿π‰ Á∆¡ª ˛Õ «√Á∂ «ÁÒ Á∂ ˜÷Óª ”Â∂ ¡≈Í∂ ‘∆ Ó‘Ó Ò◊≈ ’∂ «È¡≈«‰¡ª √’∆Óª ω≈¬∆¡ª ‹≈ ‘∆¡ª √ÈÕ Ó≈Â≈ √π‹∆ ’Ω √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ˘ ¡Â∂ ÍzÏßË’ª È∂ Ó»‘Ò∆¡ª «ÂßÈ ’π ÍΩÛ∆¡ª √≈¯ ’ «ÁæÂ∆¡ªÕ √≈‘Ó«‰˙∫ Á∂«÷¡≈ ÷æÏ∂ ‘æÊ Úæ‚-¡’≈∆ ¿πÒßÍ∆¡È «ÍzÊ∆Í≈Ò «√ßÿ ≈Â∆∫ Ò∆◊ Á∂ ¡≈ı∆ ÓÀ⁄ √È, ’Ú≈ Ò¬∂ ◊¬∂, Ì«¡≈ Ó∂Ò≈ «Úæ¤Û ¡Â∂ √æ‹∂ Í≈√∂ ‘≈’∆ Á∂ ÊßÓ∑ ¿π¶Í∆¡È √Ú: √π‹∆ «√ßÿ Á≈ Ïπæ «◊¡≈Õ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó Ú∂÷ ’∂ ‘ «¬’ Á∂ «ÁÒ ”⁄Ø∫ ‘≈¡ Á≈ «¬‘∆ È≈¡≈ «‹Ú∂∫ ‡∆Óª ˘ ÷∂‚ ¡≈Ù∆Ú≈Á Á∂ ‘∂ √ÈÕ ÎÒæ‚ Ò≈¬∆‡ª «Ú⁄ Úæ‹ «‘≈ √∆ “¡≈‘ È∆∫ √∆ ‘؉≈ ⁄≈‘∆Á≈Õ” √È∂‘∆¡ª «ÓæÂª Á∂ √Ú∂ ‘Ì‹È Ó≈È Íø √≈≈ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ‘∆ Á»Ë∆¡ª Ω «¬’ ¡À√≈ √πÌ≈◊≈ ⁄Ó’Á≈ Â≈≈ ‘À, «‹√ Á∆ ◊≈«¬’∆ È∂ ∫ ÍÂ≈ Òæ◊ Íø‹¿π√ ˘ ¡À√‡؇¯ ª ’∆‹≈Ï∆ ◊≈«¬’∆ Á∂ ¡ßÏ ”Â∂ ÙÈ∆ «Ú⁄ È‘≈Â≈ ÂØ∫ ‘∆ ÎØÈ Ú拉∂ Ùπ» √ÈÕ «‹√˘ «‹Ú∂∫-«‹Ú∂Ò◊≈Â≈ Á≈, ≈Ï∆ Óª ÒæÒ∆«‘≈fiØÒ∆ÓÀ∫ ’πfi Ô≈Á◊≈∆ Â√Ú∆ª ¿πÂ≈∆¡ª, È≈ÒAG √∆È ‘∆ «’√∂ ˛ Ì» ‹ÁØ∫  ‹≈‰ ‹≈Ï∆ ÏØÒ∆Á≈ ¡«‘√≈√ ‘Ø «‘≈ √∆Õ ˛, ÏØ ◊ Á∆ √∆Õ Íø‹≈Ï∆¡ª È≈Ò ‹πÛ∂ »‘ Á∂ ◊∆ª «¬‘ ¡À ‹» √ªfi Í≈¬∆ ◊æ«’ Á∂ Âπ Âæ’ Íø Ú◊∂ Áπæ÷ Â∂ √«Ì¡≈⁄≈ ’≈«¬Ó Á∆ ≈ √∆Õ ÓÀ⁄ √≈„∂ ’π «◊¡≈ª Ú‹∂ Âæ’ ⁄æ«Ò¡≈Õ ‹Ø ‘Ø «◊¡≈, ¿π‘ ª ‘Ø «◊¡≈Õ ‘∆ØÙ∆Ó≈ «Î ÂØ∫ Úæ√ «◊¡≈ ˛, ¿π‘ ⁄Ó’Á≈ ‘∂◊≈Õ √≈‚∆ Áπ¡≈ ˛ «’ √≈‚∆ ˜πÏ≈È ¿πÁØ∫ Âæ’ «‹¿πÚ∂∫ ‹ÁØ∫ Âæ’ «¬√ ËÂ∆ ”Â∂ ÓÈπæ÷∆ «˜ßÁ◊∆ ËÛ’Á∆ ˛Õ «¬‘ ≈ «’√∂ Ò¬∆ √π‘≈Ú‰≈ ÓΩ√Ó √∆, «’√∂ Ò¬∆ ‘È∂∆ √∆, «’√∂ √πÈ≈Ó∆¡ª ”⁄ ÂÏ≈‘ ‘Ø ’∂ Ú∆ ÏßÁ≈ «Î ‹∂≈ ’’∂ «˜ßÁ◊∆ «‹¿»‰
  • 8. Á≈ ÍæÒ≈ ÎÛ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ˛, «‘ßÓÂ, ‘Ω∫√Ò∂ Â∂ √≈Ê∆¡ª, Ï∂Ò∆¡ª , √È∂‘∆¡ª Á≈ √≈Ê ¡Â∂ ÓÁÁ Á∂ »Í «Ú⁄ ’ج∆ Ϫ‘ ÎÛ∑È Ú≈Ò≈ «ÓÒ ‹≈Ú∂ ª ÏßÁ≈ «Î ÂØ∫ ¡≈͉∂ ÍÀª «√ ÷ÛØ ‹ªÁ≈ ˛Õ Ì∂ ÓÈ È≈Ò, Í Ïπ¶Á ‘Ω∫√Ò∂ È≈Ò √≈˘ √≈«¡ª ˘ «Î ÂØ∫ ¿πÚ∂∫ ‘∆ «¬æ‡-«¬æ‡, ÏØ∆-ÏØ∆, √∆ÓÀ∫‡, ∂Â≈, Ï‹∆, ÒØ‘≈ ‹ØÛ-‹ØÛ ’∂ «Î ÂØ∫ ¿π√∂ Ù≈È È≈Ò «¬√ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó ˘ «Î ÂØ∫ ÷Û∑≈ ’È ¡Â∂ ¿π√∂ Ù≈È ˘ Ï‘≈Ò ’È Ò¬∆ ¡æ◊∂ ¡≈¬∂ Í «¬√ ÷⁄∂ È∂ «¬’ Ú≈ ª ÷∂‚ ’Ó∂‡∆ Á∂ Ï‹‡ ˘ Ò∆‘Ø∫ Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 Ò≈‘ «ÁæÂ≈ «‹‘Û≈ «’ ¡‹∂ Âæ’ Ú∆ ≈‘ «√ È‘∆∫ ¡≈«¬¡≈Õ Á∂Ù-«ÚÁ∂Ù ÏÀ·∂ «ÓæÂª, √È∂‘∆¡ª ˘ «¬‘∆ √æÁ≈ ˛ ¿π¶«Í’ ÍæË Á∆¡ª ÷∂‚ª ˘ √Ó«Í «¬√ √‡∂‚∆¡Ó «Ú⁄ ⁄æÒ ‘∂ ÷∂‚ ’ßπÌ ˘ ‹≈∆ æ÷‰ Ò¬∆ ¿π‘ «‹√ Â∑ª ¡æ◊∂ ¡≈¬∂ Â∂ ‹◊»Í ‹÷Û ¡Â∂ √≈∆ ÷∂‚ ÍzÏßË’ ’Ó∂‡∆ Á∂ È≈Ò ÓØ„∂ È≈Ò ÓØ„≈ ‹Ø«Û¡≈, ¿π√∂ ‘∆ Ì≈ÚÈ≈ È≈Ò ¡◊ª‘ ÂØ∫ Ú∆ ¿πÈ∑ª ˘ ÓÁÁ ‹≈∆ æ÷‰ Á∆ ¡Í∆Ò ˛Õ ÍzØ: ’ßÚÒ‹∆ «√ßÿ „πæ‚∆’∂, ÎØÈ: @IHADA-CEAEA Heroes whos statues are installed in Jarkhar Stadium S. Amarjit Singh Grewal of Village Gujjarwal was a great Rural sports promoter and in his guidance and he popularized the sports activities of Punjab on India and International level through the documentaries and media also. Padam Shri Pirthipal Singh was legendary Hockey played in 1960, 64 and 68 Olympics and was top scorer. He was declaried second best player of the century by FIH. A r j u n Awardee S. Surjit Singh Randhawa is known as the wall in the playing ground. He was top scores in 1973 World Cup and was architect of the winning 1975 World Cup India team. He is known in Hockey circles as one of the top defenders ever. Olympian Udham Singh was the first Sikh Punjabi to participate in four Olympics 1952, 56, 60 and 64. He got three Olympics gold and one silver. He played Hockey up to the age of 52 years and hails from famous Sansarpur Village. Which has produced 14 Olympians. Padam Shri Major Dhanyan Chand was declared as the best Hockey player of the century by FIH, he played in 3 Olympics 1928, 32 and 36 winning three Olympics Gold Medal. His statues are installed in Vienna, Austria and Dhyan Chand Hockey Stadium in New Delhi is named after him. Padam Shri Milkha Singh is the living legend whose record of 400 meters in 45.6 is still unbroken after 1960 Rome Olympics. He also won Gold Models in Commonwealth, Asian Games and World Athletics Championships. Recently a Hindi Film ‘Bhag Milkha Bhag” was made on his life story. This year his Statue his being installed in the stadium along with Padam Shri Dhyan Chand.
  • 9. Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 ‹÷Û ‘≈’∆ ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∆¡ª Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª Á≈ Ò∂÷≈ ‹Ø÷≈ ‹÷Û ‘≈’∆ ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∆ Ùπ»¡≈ D ¡ÍzÀÒ B@@F ÂØ∫ ‘ج∆Õ √≈Ò B@@F-@G : ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò : ‘≈’∆ «Ú⁄ «˜Ò∑∂ «Ú⁄Ø∫ Á»√∂, ⁄≈ «÷‚≈∆ √‡∂‡ ÷∂‚∂, √ß◊≈Ó «√ßÿ, «ÚßÁ «√ßÿ, Ó≈Ò«ÚßÁ «√ßÿ, ‘«ßÁ‹∆ «√ßÿ, ‘«ßÁ‹∆ «√ßÿ ¡ß‚ AI «Ú⁄ Íø‹≈Ï √’»Ò ‡∆Ó ÚÒØ∫ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò : Íø‹≈Ï Ò∆◊ Á∂ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∂, ¡ß‚ AG √≈Ò : ˜ØÈÒ ‡»È≈ÓÀ∫‡ Á∂ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∂Õ √≈Ò B@@G-@H : ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò : Íø‹≈Ï «Ú⁄Ø∫ Â∆√∆ Íπ˜∆ÙÈ, ◊ØÒ’∆Í «¬’Ï≈Ò «√ßÿ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂«‚¡≈Õ ¡ß‚ AG √≈Ò : «˜Ò∑∂ «Ú⁄Ø∫ Á»√∆ Íπ‹∆ÙÈ, ÁØ «÷‚≈∆ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡ß‚ AF √≈Ò : Íø⁄≈«¬Â∆ ≈‹ ‡»È≈ÓÀ∫‡ Ï«·ß‚≈ «Ú÷∂ Íø‹≈Ï ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∂Õ ¡ß‚ AF √≈Ò : ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ È«‘» ‘≈’∆ «Ú⁄ √πÍ Ò∆◊ Âæ’ Í‘πß⁄∂Õ √≈Ò B@@H-@I : ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò : ‘≈’∆ «Ú⁄ Íß‹≈Ï ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∂Õ H «÷‚≈∆ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂, «‹È∑ª «Ú⁄ √π÷Ú∆ «√ßÿ, √πÓ∆ Í≈Ò, ÒÚÍz∆ «√ßÿ, √ßÁ∆Í «√ßÿ, ÍzÌ‹∆ «√ßÿ, «‹ßÁÍ≈Ò «√ßÿ, «¬’Ï≈Ò «√ßÿ, ◊πÁ∆Í «√ßÿÕ ¡ß‚ AG √≈Ò : √‡∂‡ «Ú⁄ Â∆√∆ Íπ‹∆ÙÈ ¡Â∂ ÈÀÙÈÒ «Ú⁄ Íø‹≈Ï Á∆ Â∆√∆ Íπ‹∆ÙÈÕ ‹÷Û ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∂ ⁄≈ «÷‚≈∆ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂, ◊◊ÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ È∂ Íø‹≈Ï ‡∆Ó Á∆ ’ÍÂ≈È∆ ’∆Â∆Õ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ ÈÚ‹Ø «√ßÿ, ÈÚÂ∂‹ «√ßÿ, ◊πÍz∆ «√ßÿ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò : ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ ÁØ≈‘≈ ◊ØÒ‚ ’æÍ ‘≈’∆ ‡»È≈ÓÀ∫‡ Á∂ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∂Õ ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò : ¡ÀÈ. ¡À√. ÚØ‘≈ ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò ⁄ß‚∆◊Û∑ «Ú÷∂ √πÍ Ò∆◊ Âæ’ Í‘ßπ⁄∂Õ ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ È«‘» ‘≈’∆ «Ú⁄ √ÀÓ∆Î≈¬∆ÈÒ ÂØ∫ ◊ØÒ ¡Ω√ Á∂ ¡≈Ë≈ ”Â∂ Ï≈‘ ‘ج∂Õ ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ ◊π» Â∂◊ Ï‘≈Á ÓπßϬ∆ ◊ØÒ‚ ’æÍ ÷∂«‚¡≈Õ √≈Ò B@@I-A@ : ¡ß‚ AG √≈Ò : Íø‹≈Ï √’»Ò ‘≈’∆ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È«ÙÍ «Ú⁄Ø∫ Á»√≈ √Ê≈È ‘≈√Ò ’∆Â≈Õ ◊π‹ß‡ «√ßÿ Â∂ «’ÈÍz∆ ÁØ «÷‚≈∆ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò : Íø‹≈Ï √’»Ò ⁄ÀÍ∆¡È«ÙÍ «Ú⁄ √πÍ Ò∆◊ Âæ’ Í‘ßπ⁄∂Õ C «÷‚≈∆ ‘Í≈Ò «√ßÿ, ÂÈÚ∆ «√ßÿ, ◊πÁ∂Ú «√ßÿ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò : √πÍ Ò∆◊ Âæ’ Í‘πß⁄∂Õ ÁØ «÷‚≈∆ ¡ÓÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ ¡Â∂ ◊π«ÚßÁ «√ßÿ ÈÀÙÈÒ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ È«‘» ‘≈’∆ Ó‘≈≈‹≈ ‰‹∆ «√ßÿ ‘≈’∆ ‡»È≈ÓÀ∫‡, √≈Ë» «√ßÿ ‘ÓÁÁ ’æÍ Î∆Á’؇ «Ú÷∂ ÚË∆¡≈ ’≈◊π˜≈∆ «Á÷≈¬∆Õ √≈Ò B@AA : ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò Ú◊ ”⁄ : Íø‹≈Ï √’±Ò ‘≈’∆ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È«ÙÍ ”⁄ ‹÷Û ¡’À‚Ó∆ Íø‹≈Ï ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∆, ‹Á«’ Íø‹ «÷‚≈∆ ÁÓÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ, ◊πÚ∆ «√ßÿ ÁπÒ∂∫¡, «’ÈÍz∆ «√ßÿ, ‰‹∆ «√ßÿ «ß’±, ÁÒ‹∆ «√ßÿ ’ΩÓ∆ ÍæË ”Â∂ ÷∂‚∂Õ ‹÷Û ‘≈’∆ ¡’À‚Ó∆ È∂ ¡ß‚ AG √≈Ò Ú◊ «Ú⁄ ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ È«‘± ‘≈’∆ Á≈ √ÀÓ∆Î≈¬∆ÈÒ ÷∂«‚¡≈Õ √≈Ò B@AB : ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò Ú◊ «Ú⁄ : Íø‹≈Ï √’±Ò ‘≈’∆ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È«ÙÍ «Ú⁄ Á±√≈ √Ê≈È «ÂßÈ «÷‚≈∆ ÁÓÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ, ◊π«ÚßÁ «√ßÿ, ÁÒ‹∆ «√ßÿ ’ΩÓ∆ ÍæË ”Â∂ ÷∂‚∂Õ ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò Ú◊ «Ú⁄ : ‹π¡≈¬∂Á∆Í «√ßÿ ¡Â∂ ‹√Ó∆ «√ßÿ ’ΩÓ∆ ÍæË ”Â∂ ÷∂‚∂Õ √≈Ò B@AC : ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò Ú◊ «Ú⁄ : ‹÷Û ¡’À‚Ó∆ Íø‹≈Ï √’±Ò ‘≈’∆ Á∆ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È ω∆ ¡Â∂ ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò Ú◊ «Ú⁄ Íø‹≈Ï ÷∂‚ «ÚÌ≈◊ ÚæÒØ∫ ’Ú≈¬∆ ◊¬∆ Íø‹≈Ï ‘≈’∆ Ò∆◊ Á∆ ¿πÍ ‹∂± ω∆, ’ÀÍ‡È ÓÈ‹∆ «√ßÿ ◊ØÒ‚ ’æÍ ‘≈’∆ ‡±È≈ÓÀ∫‡ ËÓ؇ Á∆ ⁄À∫Í∆¡È, ¡≈Ò «¬ß‚∆¡≈ «ÒÏÒ ‘≈’∆ ‡±È≈ÓÀ∫‡ È≈Ì≈ ”⁄ ¿πÍ ‹∂± ωÈ≈ ‹÷Û ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∆¡ª ¡«‘Ó Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª ‘∆¡ªÕ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ AF «÷‚≈∆ ’ΩÓ∆ ÍæË ”Â∂ ÷∂‚∂ «‹È∑ª «Ú⁄ ¡ß‚ AI √≈Ò «Ú⁄ ¡ÓÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ, √ØÈ∆ ≈Ó, ◊π‹∆ «√ßÿ ÷∂‚∂, ¡ß‚ AG √≈Ò Ú◊ «Ú⁄ ¡‹∂ ’πÓ≈, Ù∂ «√ßÿ, ¡ß‚ AD √≈Ò «Ú⁄ ‹π¡≈¬∂Á∆Í «√ßÿ, ÚÈ∆Â, √«⁄È, ÓÈØ‹ ’πÓ≈, √πÈ∆Ò ’πÓ≈, ’∂Ù ’πÓ≈, Á√«ÓßÁ «√ßÿ, ÍÚÈ ’πÓ≈ Á∂ È≈Ó Ú‰ÈÔØ◊ ‘ÈÕ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ A@ Á∂ ’∆Ï «÷‚≈∆ Úæ÷ Úæ÷ ’≈Ò‹ª ÚæÒØ∫ ¡ßÂ Ô±È∆Ú«√‡∆ ÍæË ”Â∂ ÷∂‚∂Õ ÁÓÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ È∂ ‹÷Û ¡’À‚Ó∆ ÚæÒØ∫ «ÁæÂ≈ «◊¡≈ “ÓÀÈ ¡≈¯ Á≈ ¬∆¡ B@AC” ¡ÀÚ≈‚ ¡≈͉∆¡ª Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª √Á’≈ «‹æ«Â¡≈Õ «¬’ ‘Ø Úæ‚∆ ÓæÒ : «Í¤Ò∂ Íø‹ √≈Òª «Ú⁄ ‹÷Û ‘≈’∆ ¡’‚ÀÓ∆ Á∂ ‘؉‘≈ «÷‚≈∆ √’≈∆ ÈΩ’∆¡ª ”Â∂ ◊¬∂ «‹È∑ª «Ú⁄ ◊πÁ∂Ú «√ßÿ (¡≈Ó∆) , ◊πÁ∆Í «√ßÿ, ÍzÌ‹∆ «√ßÿ, √ßÁ∆Í «√ßÿ √Ø˘ ‹÷Û, √ßÁ∆Í ’Ω ‹÷Û, ◊π’∆ «√ßÿ (√≈∂ Íø‹≈Ï ÍπÒ∆√), ‘Íz∆ «√ßÿ √∆.¡≈¬∆.¡À√.¡ÀÎ., Á«ÚßÁ «√ßÿ Ï߇∆ ¡Â∂ ◊◊ÈÁ∆Í «√ßÿ (¡≈¬∆.‡∆.Ï∆.Í∆.), ‘«ßÁ‹∆ «√ßÿ ¡Â∂ Ó≈Ò«ÚßÁ «√ßÿ (√∆.¡≈.Í∆.¡ÀÎ.), ‘«ÓßÁ «√ßÿ È∆‡≈ ( ¬∆.¡ÀÓ.¬∆)., Á√Íz∆ «√ßÿ Ï∆.¡À√.¡ÀÎ. ¡≈«Á «ÚÌ≈◊∆ ‡∆Óª ÚæÒØ∫ ÷∂‚ ‘∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬√ ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ ÎÒÀÙ ‘≈’∆ ¡Â∂ È≈«¬‰ «√ßÿ ¡≈√‡z∂Ò∆¡≈, ϱ‡≈ «√ßÿ ‹Ω‘Ò ¡Ó∆’≈ ÚæÒØ∫ ¡’À‚Ó∆ Á∆ «Ï‘Â∆ Ò¬∆ ÂÈ ÓÈ ËÈ È≈Ò √‘≈«¬Â≈ «ÁæÂ∆ ◊¬∆ ˛Õ
  • 10. Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 Journey of Jarkhar Sports This year, Jarkhar Sports are being held from 16 to 19th January 2014. About three years back, this Rural Sports Festival has completed its Silver Jubilee. The sports started on 22 December 1985, when some sports lovers started playing Hockey in the village. Sarpanch Major Singh was the first President of the club and club was named as Jarkhar Sports club. In 1986, the village pond, where there is parking now was prepared by filling the village pond and this was the venue of sports in early years. The first tournament started on 7th to 9th April 1986 with Hockey & Kabaddi tournament with a total budget of Rs. 1200/. In 1987 the club name was changed to Mata Sahib Kaur Sports Club, Jarkhar. The Chief patron Bibi Surjit Kaur ji sponsored the Festival and Langer is offered by Gurdwara Sahib during the festival till now. During the long journey of Jarkhar sports festival, many people joined some ditched also by their selfish motives and some dedicated people joined the caravan. The sports continued till 1988 but in 1989, due to death of the then sarpanch, the sports festival could not be held. In 1990, Jagroop Singh Jarkhar & some friends again started the festival and Bibi Surjit Kaur ji, Head of Gurdwara Manji Sahib, Mata Sahib Kaur ji, was made the patron of Jarkhar Sports The Sports were shifted to the present grounds in 1992. The name of stadium is after the name of Mata Sahib Kaur and stadium’s main stand was started with the help of Sangat of Gurudwara Sahib. In 1993, Jargoop Singh Jarkhar, Daljit Singh & Shingara Singh (Nikka) were interrogated by Police due to a tussle between the sports committee and the villagers who were forcefully occupying the shamlaat where the present stadium is situated. The committee was disheartened but Bibi Surjit Kaur Persuaded not to close the sports activity or sports Festival because it is a noble cause and one day this sports festival will be included in top sports festivals of Punjab. Now these sacred words of that great soul are being proven right. In 1994 also the case of grounds were taken into courts by some miscreants but with the blessings of Mata Surjit Kaur ji and Gurdwara Sahib, truth prevailed. The tournament reached its high and in 1999, the sports were dedicated to the three hundred years of the Khalsa, but on 18 October 1999, Bibi Surjit Kaur ji left for heavenly abode and again there was a setback, but with blessings and support of sports lovers, the festival is being held each year. Fed up with the false promises of leaders for issuring grants for the stadium. The sports committee started building the stadium at their own. Bai Ranjit Singh Secy of Manji Sahib Gurdwara layed the foundation stone, one lakh bricks were taken on loan and labour charges were provided by the Gurdwara Sahib. In 2004, Pakistan Kabaddi team participated, and from year 2005, March past and lighting of Olympic torch was started. The concluding day of this sports festival each year
  • 11. Jarkhar Sports Festival 2014-15 sees the performance of personalities from music world. Till now, Gurdaas Maan, Harbhajan Maan, Jazzy B, Manmohan Waris, and many other singers of repute have performed in this stadium. The Main Block of sports stadium is having photo gallery of sports events with the main contribution by the author. Every year the sports persons and personalities from literature and other areas are honored. Every year Sports included in the Olympics are played and big amount of money is spent on prizes. Hockey (Men and Women), Basketball (Men and Women), Volleyball (Men and Women), Kabaddi (Men and Women), Handball (Men and Women) are played in the Festival and more than two lakh people come to enjoy the festival. Coca Cola and other companies are sponsoring and prize money. Now Jarkhar Sports stadium has many stands Singh Grewal have been established in the stadium. This year two more fibre glass statues of Padam Shree Milkha Singh Fying Sikh Padam Shree Dhyan Chand, great Hockey player one being installed in the stadium. This is first Rural Sports stadium where six-a-side Astroturf is laid. Many state level tournament are held in the stadium each year. Jarkhar Hockey Academy is also unique where the young children from poor families are trained for Hockey Game and very positive results have been achieved. The players of this academy have participated in National Games and brought laurels to the academy. The Players are given free hostel accommodation, food and Hockey kits. About 80 players of the academy practice Hockey every day. In the last six years, the academy is 3 times state champion and performing very well in All India Nehru Hockey. The team is runner up in All India Schools which are dedicated to the personalities associated with sports. It is the only stadium in whole of India where life size statues of great sports personalities has been established and these are role models for young and budding players who come for participation in the sports Festival or are part of the Jarkhar Hockey Academy. Life size statues of Padam shree Pirthipal Singh, Olympian Surjit Singh, S. Udham Singh and S. Amarjit Hockey. 14 Players of the academy have got good govt. departments jobs. This all is possible due to great efforts of Hockey lover and sports promoter S. Jagroop Singh Jarkhar who is the main force behind all this show and leading the team who manages the academy and sports in this tiny village which is now known for sports.No doubt, this sports festival is one of the greatest Rural Sports Festivals of India. Prof. Kanwaljit Singh Dhudike