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Learn Spanish

Published by Discs Direct


  Language note                            3

  Alphabet                                 4

  Pronunciation Guide                      5

  Stress & Accent Marks                   10

  Basic Phrases                           11

  Greetings                               15

  Numbers                                 16

  Vocabulary                              18

  Grammar basics                           33

  False Friends                            58

  Spanish - English Dictionary             64

  English - Spanish Dictionary             80

  Food Glossary                            96

Check bookmarks on the left for more detailed contents info.

Learn Spanish E-book
Published and distributed by Discs Direct.
You can print the book for academic reasons.
All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 Discs Direct.

Español - Language note

Spanish is the third most popular language of the world.
It belongs to the Ibero-Romance family of languages and is most closely related to Catalan,
Galician and Portuguese.
There are around 40 million Spanish speakers within Spain and many more in other
countries (see below).
Spanish is the official language in Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands and the
Northern African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. There are Spanish-speaking communities
in the UK, France and Germany. It is one of the official languages of the European Union
and of the United Nations.

Spanish uses the Latin alphabet and the acute accent on vowels to indicate stressed
syllables. Ñ and ñ are exclusive to Spanish and represent a single letter and not a
modification of n. It's also the only language to use the opening question and exclamation
marks ¿ ¡

Country - Number of Spanish Speakers:

Mexico - 91 million

Colombia - 41.9 million

Argentina - 35.6 million

Spain - 39.9 million

Venezuela - 23.3 million

USA - 20.7 million

Peru - 20.4 million

Chile - 13.6 million

Ecuador - 11.8 million

Dominican Republic - 8.2 million

The Alphabet
The Spanish alphabet consists of 29 letters:
a, b, c, ch, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, ll, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

Below you can see the capital letters along with name of each letter and one word starting
with that letter.

A: a           azul (adj) - blue
B: be          bandera (nf) - flag
C: ce         cerdo (nm) - pig, hog
CH: che        chico (nm) - boy
D: de         dedo (nm) - finger
E: e          escarabajo (nm) - beetle
F: efe        fruta (nf) - fruit
G: ge         gatito (nm) - kitten
H: hache      hombre (nm) - man
I: i           insecto (nm) - insect
J: jota        joya (nf) - jewel
K: ka         kilómetro (nm) - kilometre
L: ele         lago (nm) -lake
LL: elle       llover (v) rain
M: eme         mar (nf, nm) sea
N: ene        noche (nf) - night
Ñ: eñe        ñame (nm) - yam
O: o           océano (nm) - ocean
P: pe         papá (nm) - dad
Q: cu         quizá - maybe
R: ere         reina (nf) - queen
S: ese         silla (nf) - chair
T: te         tiburón (nm) - shark
U: u          uva (nf) - grape
V: ve         vaca (nf) - cow
W: doble u    wok (nm) - wok
X: equis       xilófono (nm) - xylophone
Y: i griega    y (conj) - and
Z: zeta        zorro (nm) - fox

Pronounciation Guide


All vowels in Spanish make only one sound each:

a . . . sounds like . . . ah as in "father"

The Spanish "a" is a short sharp sound like "hat" in English

Examples: pato - apio - loca


The Spanish "e" is like the ehh in "bet" in English

Examples: elegir - éxito - sed

i . . . sounds like . . . ee as in "bee"

The Spanish "i" is like the "ee" in "seen", but a bit shorter

Examples: sin - miércoles - idiota

o . . sounds like . . . oh as in "go"

The Spanish "o" can have two sounds. When it is at the end of a word it is like the
"o" in note e.g. "pato"

When it is before a consonant it is shorter, like "pot" or "cot" e.g. "boda". This
difference is very subtle

Examples: pato - apio - loca

u . . . sounds like . . . oo as in "to"

The Spanish "u" is like the "oo" in "food"

Note: It is silent after "q" and in "gue" and "gui"

The exceptions are marked with a diaeresis eg: antigüedad. The "ü" is quite rare.

Examples: luna - puro - mudo


ai ay

The Spanish "ai" is like the "i" in "side"

Examples: aislar - paisaje - vaina - haya


The Spanish "au" is like the "ou" in "sound"

Examples: causa - pausa - audio - audiencia

ei ey

The Spanish "ei" and "ey" sound like the "ay" in say

Examples: rey - peine - seis


The Spanish "eu" has no English equivalent and is difficult to define.

It is just the sounds of "e" and "u" together. It is not very common.

Examples: deuda - neutral - reumatismo

oi oy

The Spanish "oi" and "oy" are like the "oy" in boy

Examples: soy - doy - boicot - sois - coyote

ie y

The Spanish "y" and "ie" have the "y" sound in "yes" .

Note that the word "y" meaning "and" sounds like the Spanish "i"

Examples: hielo - yerno - yeso - tierno - miedo


The Spanish "u + vowel" sounds like the "w" in "win"

Note that when "u" is followed by a vowel it normally has the "w" sound

Examples: fuente - huevo - agua - fui - fuimos - cuota


Most consonants are the same as in English,

except: c g h j ll r rr v z


The Spanish "b" is almost exactly the same as an English "b"

(Note: Both "b" and "v" have the "b" sound in Spanish)

Examples: bomba - enviar - voy - Córdoba

c (hard c)

The Spanish "c" has the English "k" sound except when it comes before "e" and "i"

Examples: academia - con - Ecuador - cola

c (soft c)

Before "e" and "i" it has a "th" sound as in "thin"

(Note: c is an "s" sound in Latin America, or a "th" sound in Spain)

Examples: sociedad - recibir - receta


The Spanish "ch" is the same as the "ch" in church

Examples: bochorno - champán - champiñón - champú


The Spanish "d" is very similar to the English

"d" when it comes at the end of a word it can have a "th" like sound eg. Madrid, verdad

Examples: del - definir - ciudad - domingo


The Spanish "f" is the same as the English "f"

Examples: freír - difícil - afeitar - foro

g (hard g)

The Spanish "g" is like the English "g" unless it comes before "i" and "e".

Examples: Galicia - golpe - guante - iglesia

g (soft g)

The Spanish "g" is like the Spanish "j" when it comes before "i" and "e".

It makes the soft "h" sound, like the "ch" in the Scottish "loch"

Some other words which have this sound are: gemelo - geranio - gimnasio - gitano


The Spanish "h" is always silent

Examples: honor - Alhambra - rehacer


The Spanish "j" is a strong guttural (throaty) sound similar to the "ch" in the Scottish "loch"

Examples: jota - jabón - lenguaje - eje


The Spanish "k" is the same as the English "k". It is very uncommon in Spanish

Examples: kilo - kilovatio - kiosco - kiwi


The Spanish "l" is the same as the English "l"

Examples: lobo - lámpara - ladrón


The Spanish "ll" makes a drawn-out sound like the "y" in yes

Examples: taller - valle - llamar - llover - lleno- Mallorca


The Spanish "m" is the same as the English "m"

Examples: mama - tomar - malo - mixta - mano


The Spanish "n" is the same as the English "n"

Examples: nadar - nadie - no - uno - nada


The Spanish "ñ" is like the "ni" in "onion" in English

Examples: baño - caña - riñón - teñir


The Spanish "p" is the same as the "p" in English

Examples: pato - apio - lápiz


The Spanish "q" is pronounced like the English "k" in "kick"

Examples: queso - qué - querer - quince

(Please note that the u after q is silent unlike in English, so qu makes a "k" sound not "kw")


The Spanish "r" is a similar to the English "r" but it is stronger (is rolled)

Examples: rabo - radio - mar


The Spanish "rr" does not exist in English. It is a very strong "r" with a trill (it's rolled

Many English speakers find this sound very difficult to pronounce.

Examples: puerro - berro - carro - guerra - parra - barrio


The Spanish "s" has two sounds.

It is pronounced the same as "s" sound in "sit" except when it comes before b, d, g, l, m, n

Examples: saber - sobre - cosas - asunto

It can have a "zzz" sound when it comes before b, d, g, l, m, n

Examples: mismo - desde - asno


The Spanish "t" is very similar to the "t" in English.

In Spanish the tongue is placed closer to the teeth and there is less aspiration.

Examples: trigo - tomar- todo - patata


makes the "b" sound


The Spanish "x" is similar to the English pronunciation and it has a "ks" sound.

Examples: extra - sexto- exacto - éxito


The Spanish "z" has the "th" sound in the English thin.

 Examples: zona - cazar - zorro - luz

 Please note: Z . . . is an "Z" sound in Latin America, or a "TH" sound in Spain

 Stress and Accent Marks

 Knowing how letters are pronounced is only one aspect of learning Spanish pronunciation.

 Another key aspect is knowing which syllable should be stressed.

 Fortunately, in Spanish the rules for stress (also known as accent) are simple.

 In fact, there are only three basic rules that cover nearly every word:

1. If a word ends in a vowel, n or s, the stress is on the next to last syllable. For example,
toro, computadora, joven and zapatos all have their accent on the next-to-last syllable. Most
words fit this category.

2. Words than end in other letters have the stress on the last syllable. For example, hotel,
hablar, madador and virtud all have the accent on the final syllable.

3. If a word isn't pronounced according to the above two rules, an accent is placed over the
vowel of the syllable that gets the stress. For example, común, lápiz, médico, inglés, and
ojalá all have the stress on the indicated syllable.

The only exceptions to the above words are some words of foreign origin, generally words
adopted from English, that retain their original spelling and pronunciation. Also personal
names and place names of foreign origin usually are written without accents.

Note that some publications and signs do not use accent marks over capital letters, although
it is normally best to use them when possible.

Capital letters

In Spanish, days, months, languages and nationalities do not use a capital letter. Only names
of people and places do.

Basic Phrases (Spanish – English)

Hola - Hi

Me llamo... - My name is...

Encantado, -a - Nice to meet you

Sí - Yes

No - No

Hablo un poco - I speak a little

en español - in Spanish

en inglés - in English

Adiós - Goodbye

Gracias - Thank you

por favor - please

el hotel - the hotel

¿Tiene...? - Have you got...?

una habitación - a room

doble - double

individual - single

el baño - the bathroom

¿Para cuántos días? - For how many days?

Tengo una reserva - I have a reservation

¿Su nombre? - Your name?

¿Su pasaporte? - Your passport?

¿Qué va a tomar? - What would you like?

un bocadillo - a filled roll

una tortilla española - a Spanish omelette

unas patatas fritas - chips

de primero - as first course

de segundo - as second course

el menú - the menu

¿Para beber? - And to drink?

una cerveza - a beer

un vino tinto - a glass of red wine

un vaso de agua - a glass of water

la cuenta - the bill

¿Hay... por aquí? - Is there... around here?

un supermercado - a supermarket

una farmacia - a chemist's

abierto - open

cerrado - closed

¿Tiene...? - Have you got...?

¿Qué talla? - What size?

grande - big

pequeño - small

¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much does it cost?

¿Algo más? - Anything else?

Perdón - Excuse me

¿Dónde está? - Where is?

todo recto - straight ahead

enfrente - opposite

a la izquierda - on the left

a la derecha - on the right

Está cerca - It's nearby

Está lejos - It's far away

un billete para... - a ticket to...

de ida - one way

de ida y vuelta - return

Soy principiante. - I’m a beginner.

Tengo un nivel...medio/avanzado. - I'm intermediate/advanced.

Common phrases (English –Spanish)

Can you help me? - ¿Me puede ayudar?; ¿Me ayuda por favor?
Do you speak English? - ¿Hablas inglés?
Do you understand English? - ¿Entiende el inglés?
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes
Good-bye. - Adiós.
Good evening - Buenas noches
Good morning - Buenos dias
Good night - Buenas noches
Happy birthday! - Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy New Year! - Feliz Año Nuevo!
Hello - ¡hola!
Help me please. - Ayúdeme por favor.
How? - ¿Cómo?
How are you? - ¿Cómo estás?
How do you say...? - ¿Cómo se dice...?
How much does it cost? - ¿Cuánto es?
How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes?
I am... - Estoy...
I am called...(My name is...) - Me llamo...
I am from... - Soy de...
I am fine. - Estoy bien.
I am happy. - Estoy alegre.
I am hungry. - Tengo hambre.
I am lost. - Estoy perdido.
I am sad. - Estoy triste.
I am sick. - Estoy enfermo.
I don't know. - No lo sé.
I don't like it. - No me gusta.
I don't speak Spanish. - No hablo español.
I don't understand.
No entiendo. - No comprendo.
I have... - Tengo...
I like it. - Me gusta.
I love you. - Te amo.
I need a doctor. - Necesito un médico.
I would like... - Me gustaria...
maybe - quizá
My name is... - Me llamo...
Nice to meet you. - Encantado de conocerle. Mucho gusto.
no - no
please - por favor
Pleased to meet you. - Encantado de conocerle.
Please help me. - Ayúdeme, por favor.
Please repeat that. - ¿Podria repetir, por favor?
See you later. - Hasta luego.
Thank you. - Gracias.
what - qué

What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas?
What time is it? - ¿Que hora es? ??
when - cuándo
where - dónde
which - cuál
Where are you from? - ¿De dónde eres?
Where is the bathroom? - ¿Donde esta el baño? ??
who - quién ??
why - por qué
yes - si
You're welcome. - De nada.

Conversation practice

Who's there? - ¿Quién es?

What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas?

What is your mother's name? - ¿Cómo se llama tu madre?

What is your father's name? - ¿Cómo se llama tu padre?

How do you spell your name? - ¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre?

How are you? - ¿Cómo está?

Where are you from? - ¿De dónde viene?

Where do you live? - ¿Dónde vives?

Where were you born? - ¿Dónde nació usted?

How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes?

Do you have brothers or sisters? - ¿Tienes tú hermanos o hermanas?

Do you have any pets (animals) at home? - ¿Tiene usted mascotas en casa?

How many people are in your family? - ¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?

What is your telephone number? - ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono?

What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es?

What day is it today? - ¿Qué día es hoy?

What day was yesterday? - ¿Qué día fue ayer?

What day is tomorrow? - ¿Qué día es mañana?

What is the date? - ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

When do you eat lunch? - ¿A qué hora comes tú el almuerzo?

What's the weather like? - ¿Qué tiempo hace?

How many are there? - ¿Cuánto hay?

How much is that? - ¿Cuánto cuesta eso? or ¿Cuánto es?

What color is this? - ¿Qué color es?

What is your favorite color? - ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?

What is this? - ¿Qué es esto?

Do you have any questions? - ¿Tiene algunas preguntas?

Do you understand? - ¿Entiende? or ¿Comprende?

Can you repeat that, please? - ¿Me lo repite, por favor?

Do you speak English? - ¿Hablas inglés?

Where is it? - ¿Dónde está?

Where are you going? - ¿Adónde va usted?

Why is that? - Y eso ¿por qué?

Why not? - ¿Por qué no?

Whose is that? - ¿De quién es eso?

What would you like? - ¿Qué desea?

Can you help me please? - ¿Puede usted ayudarme, por favor?
Where is the bathroom? - ¿Dónde esta el baño?


Hola - Hello, hi

Hola, aló, jaló, bueno, al, diga - Hello (on the telephone). - varies with location.

Adiós - Goodbye (An informal alternative in some areas is chau from Italian).

¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está? - How are you?

Muy bien, gracias - Very well, thank you

Buenos días - Good day, good morning (sometimes a shortened form, buen día, is used.)

Buenas tardes - Good afternoon (also used in the early evening)

Buenas noches - Good night (can be used as a greeting as well as a farewell).

¿Cómo te va? ¿Cómo le va? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hay? - How's it going? What's happening?

¿Qué pasa? - What's happening?

¿Qué hubo? ¿Qué onda? - How is it going? What's happening? (common in Mexico).

¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama usted? - What's your name?

Me llamo … - My name is ...

Mucho gusto. Encantado. - It's a pleasure to meet you.

Bienvenido, bienvenida, bienvenidos, bienvenidas – Welcome

(Note the difference in number and gender. Bienvenido would be used with a man,
bienvenida with a woman, bienvenidas with a group of all females, and bienvenidos with
males or a mixed group).


There are two kinds of numbers: cardinal and ordinal.

Cardinal numbers are the numbers used for counting:

0   cero
1   uno/a
2   dos
3   tres
4   cuatro
5   cinco
6   seis
7   siete
8   ocho
9   nueve

10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve

20 veinte
21 veintiuno/a
22 veintidós

30 treinta
31 treinta y uno/a

40 cuarenta
50 cincuenta
60 sesenta
70 setenta
80 ochenta
90 noventa

100 cien(to)
101 ciento uno

200 doscientos/as
300 trescientos/as
400 cuatrocientos/as
500 quinientos/as
600 seiscientos/as
700 setecientos/as
800 ochocientos/as
900 novecientos/as

1.000 mil
1.500 mil quinientos
2.000 dos mil
1.000.000 un millón

Uno in compound numbers loses the -o before masculine nouns, whether singular or plural:
treinta y un días (thirty-one days).

Dates (months and years) are cardinal numbers in Spanish, except for the first of the month:
El 9 (nueve) de marzo de 1995 (mil novecientos noventa y cinco) (the ninth of October,
1995); BUT Hoy es el primero de octubre (Today is October first).

Note that Spanish reverses the English usage of commas and periods in numbers: 1.250
kilómetros = 1,250 kilometers; 1,25 litros = 1.25 liters.

Ordinal Numbers

primer(o)/a - first
segundo/a - second
tercer(o)/a - third
cuarto/a - fourth
quinto/a - fifth
sexto/a - sixth
séptimo/a - seventh
octavo/a - eighth
noveno/a - ninth
décimo/a - tenth

After ten, cardinal numbers are generally used to indicate the ordinals: Alfonso Trece
(Alfonso the Thirteenth); el siglo veinte (the twentieth century).

Vocabulary (grouped by topics)

Days of the week
Sunday - domingo
Monday - lunes
Tuesday - martes
Wednesday – miercoles
Thursday - jueves
Friday - viernes
Saturday - sabado

Months of the year

January - enero
February – febrero
March - marzo
April - abril
May - mayo
June - junio
July - julio
August - agosto
September - septiembre
October - octubre
November - noviembre
December - diciembre

Shapes - Las Formas
arch - el arco
block - el cubo
circle - el círculo
cone - el cono
crescent - creciente
cube - el cubo
cylinder - el cilindro
diamond - rombo
ellipse - la elipse

hemisphere - el hemisferio
hexagon - el hexágono
octagon - el octágono
orb - el orbe
oval - el óvalo
pentagon - el pentágono
polygons - polígonos
pyramid - la pirámide .
point - el punto
rectangle - el rectángulo
semicircle - semicirculo
shapes - las formas
sphere - esfera
spiral - el espiral
square - el cuadrado
star - la estrella
trapezoid - trapezoide
triangle - el triángulo
wedge - la cuña
zigzag - el zigzag


afraid - asustado
alike - parecido/parecida
all - todo
angry - enojado
asleep - dormido
beautiful - bella (female), bello (male)
big - grande
black - negro
blue - azul
bright - luminoso
brown - marrón
clean - limpio
closed - cerrado
cute - linda (female), lindo (male)
dirty - sucio
early - temprano
empty - vacío/vacía
every - cada
fast - rápido
fat - gordo/gorda
frightened - asustado
full - lleno/llena
gray - gris
green - verde
happy - contenta/contento
healthy - saludable
hot - caliente
hungry - hambriento
large - grande
last - último/última
late - tarde

left - izquierda
loud - fuerte
little - pequeñita/pequeñito
lost - perdido
less - menos
mad - enojado
many - muchos more - más
narrow - estrecho, angosto
open - abierto
orange - anaranjado
outdoors - al aire libre
over - sobre
pink - rosa, rosado
purple - morado
quiet - callado/callada
red - rojo
sad - triste
scared - asustado, temeroso
slow - lenta/lento
small - pequeña/pequeño
sick - enferma/enfermo
short - baja/bajo
tall - alta/alto
thin - delgado
ugly - feo
unhappy - infeliz
upside down - a revés
violet - violeta
white - blanco
wide - ancho
yellow - amarillo
young - joven

to be afraid - tener miedo
break - romper
burn - quemarse
clap - aplaudir
cry - llorar
dance - bailar
draw - dibujar
drink - beber, tomar
eat - comer
erase - borrar
exercise - ejercicio
to fish - pescar
fly - volar
give - dar
hear - oír
jog - trotar
juggle - hacer juegos malabares
jump - saltar

kneel - arrodillarse
knit - tejer
laugh - reír
leak - tener goteras
learn - aprender
to love - amar
(to send by) mail - enviar par correo
paint - pintar
play - jugar
pull - tirar
push - empujar
rake - rastrillar
read - leer
receive - recibir
run - correr
scare - susto
scream - gritar
see - ver
sew - coser
sing - cantar
sit - sentarse
sleep - dormir
smile - la sonrisa
speak - hablar
staple - sujetar con grapa
stop - parar
talk - hablar
teach - enseñar
thank - agradecer, dar las gracias
think - pensar
throw - tirar, aventar, echar
tickle - hacer cosquillas
understand - comprender
walk - caminar, andar
wave - saludar a alguien con la mano
weep - llorar
wiggle - contonear, menear
(make a) wish - pedir un deseo
work - trabajar
write - escribir
yell - gritar

above - arriba de, sobre
around - alrededor de
behind - detrás de
between - entre
in - en
in front of - delante de
inside - dentro

on top of - encima de
over - sobre
under - debajo de

alligator - el caimán
animals - los animales
ant - la hormiga
antelope - el antílope
antler - el asta
ape - el mono
aquarium - el acuario
barn - el establo
bat - el murciélago
beak - el pico
bear - el oso
beaver - el castor
bee - la abeja
beetle - el escarabajo
bird - el pájaro
blackbird - el mirlo
bluebird - azulejo
buffalo - el búfalo
bug - bicho
bunny - el conejito
butterfly - la mariposa
bull - el toro
cage - la jaula
camel - el camello
canary - el canario
cat - el gato
caterpillar - la oruga
chick - el pollito
chicken - el pollo
chimpanzee - el chimpancé
chipmunk - la ardilla listada
cicada - la cigarra
claw - la zarpa, la garra
cobweb - la telaraña
cocoon - el capullo
coral - coralino
cow - la vaca
coyote - el coyote
crab - el cangrejo
crane - la grulla
crocodile - el cocodrilo
crow - el cuervo
deer - el venado
dinosaur - el dinosaurio
dog - el perro

doghouse - perrera
dolphin - el delfín
donkey - el burro
dove - la paloma
dragon - el dragón
dragonfly - la libélula
duck - el pato
duckling - el patito
eagle - el águila
earthworm - lombriz de tierra
eel - la anguila
egg - el huevo
elephant - el elefante
elk - alce
farm - la granja/la finca
feather - la pluma
fin - la aleta
fish - el pez, el pescado
fish bowl - la pecera
to fish - pescar
fishing rod - caña de pescar
flamingo - el flamenco
fly - la mosca
fox - el zorro
frog - la rana
gazelle - la gacela
giraffe - la jirafa
goat - la cabra
goose - el ganso
gorilla - el gorila
grasshopper - el saltamontes
hamster - la marmota, la rata del trigo
hedgehog - el erizo
hen - la gallina
hippopotamus - el hipopótamo
hive - la colmena
hog - el cerdo
honeycomb - el panal de miel
horn - el cuerno
hornet - avispón
horse - el caballo
horseshoe - la herradura
hummingbird - el colibrí
hyena - la hiena
hoof - el casco
insect - el insecto
jaguar - el jaguar
jay - el arrendajo
jellyfish - la medusa
kangaroo - el canguro
kitten - el gatito
koala - el koala
ladybug - la mariquita
lamb - el cordero
lion - el león
lizard - la lagartija

llama - la llama
lobster - la langosta
macaw - el guacamayo
mammal - el mamífero
mammoth - el mamut
marsupial - el marsupial
mermaid - la sirena
monkey - el mono
monster - el monstruo
moose - el alce
mosquito - el mosquito, el zancudo
moth - la polilla/la mariposa nocturna
mouse el ratón
muskrat el ratón almizclero
mutt - el bobo
nandu - ñandú
nest - el nido
net - la red
newt - el tritón
octopus - el pulpo
orangutan - el orangután
ostrich - el avestruz
otter - la nutria
owl - el búho, la lechuza
parrot - el loro, el papagayo
peacock - el pavo real
penguin - el pingüino
pet - el animal doméstico
pig - el cerdo
pigeon la paloma/pichón
pupa - la crisálida
puppy - el cachorro
quail - la codorniz
quetzal - el quetzal
rabbit - el conejo
raccoon - el mapache
rat - la rata
reindeer - el reno
rhinoceros - el rinoceronte
roach - la cucaracha
roadrunner - el correcamino
robin - el petirrojo
rooster - el gallo
scorpion - el alacrán
sea gull - la gaviota
seahorse - caballito de mar
seal - la foca
shark - el tiburón
sheep - la oveja, carnero
shell - concha
shrimp - el camaron
skeleton - el esqueleto
skull - el cráneo
snail - el caracol
snake - la culebra/la serpiente
spider - la araña

squid - el calamar
sponge - la esponja
squirrel - la ardilla
stable - el establo
stingray - raya
swan - el cisne
tadpole - el renacuajo
tail - la cola
tern - golondrina
tiger - el tigre
toad - el sapo
toucan - el toucan
trunk - la trompa
turtle - la tortuga
unicorn - el unicornio
vulture - el buitre
walrus - el walrus
wasp - la avispa
weasel - comadreja
web - telaraña, tela de araña
whale - la ballena
wolf - el lobo
woodpecker - el pájaro carpintero
worm - el gusano
yak - yac
zebra - la cebra
zoo - el parque zoológico
zoologist - zoólogo

Family - Familia
father - papá
mother - mamá
father - el padre
mother - la madre
fathers or parents - los padres
son - hijo
daughter - hija
sons, sons and daughters, or children - los hijos
brother - hermano
sister - hermana
brothers, or brothers and sisters - los hermanos
godfather - padrino
godmother - madrina
husband - esposo
wife - esposa


Estoy enamorado/estoy enamorada - I am in love
Tengo novio - I have a boyfriend, sweetheart
Tengo novia - I have a girlfriend, sweetheart
Te mando una carta - I send a card to you
Le mando una carta - I send a card to her/him
Querido Juan - Dear John
Querida María - Dear Mary
¿Por qué no me escribes? - Why don't you write to me?
Te echo de menos - I miss you
¿Me echas de menos? - Do you miss me?
¿Estás enfadada? - Are you angry?
Te quiero. Te amo - I love you
¿Me quieres? ¿Me amas? - Do you love me?
Estoy celoso - I am jealous
Te adoro apasionadamente - I adore you passionately
Te quiero con toda mi alma - I love you with all my soul
¡Quiéreme o me muero! - Love me or I shall die!
Eres mi héroe/heroína - You are my hero/heroine
Con cariño - With affection
Cariñosamente - Affectionately
Con amor - With love
Besos - Kisses
Abrazos - Hugs


ambitious - ambicioso
annoying - pesado
argumentative, quarrelsome - discutidor
bad-tempered - malhumorado
big-headed - creído, engreído
bitchy - de mala leche, venenoso;
brave - valiente
cantankerous - cascarrabias
carefree - despreocupado
careless - descuidado, poco cuidadoso
cautious - prudente, cauteloso, cauto;
charming - encantador
cheerful - alegre, jovial;
conceited, full of oneself - presumido
conservative - conservador
conventional - convencional
cowardly - cobarde
crazy, nuts - loco, chiflado

cruel - cruel
dull, boring - soso, aburrido
flirtatious - coqueta
friendly - amigable, simpático, agradable
generous - generoso
hard-working - trabajador
honest - honesto
kind - amable
laid-back - tranquilo, relajado
lazy - perezoso, vago
loyal - fiel
mean - tacaño
modest - modesto
moody - de humor cambiante
naive - ingenuo, inocentón
naughty - (children) malo, travieso (niños)
narrow-minded - de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante
open-minded - de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios
pious - piadoso
polite - cortés, educado
proud - orgulloso
reliable - fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar
self-confident: to be self-confident seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo
selfish - egoísta
sensible - sensato, prudente;
sensitive - sensible
shy, introverted - tímido, vergonzoso - introvertido
strict - estricto, severo, riguroso
stubborn - terco, testarudo, tozudo
sympathetic (understanding) - comprensivo
talkative - conversador, hablador
trustworthy - digno de confianza
two-faced, false - falso
weird - raro, extraño


amarillo - yellow

anaranjado - orange

azul - blue

blanco - white

dorado - golden

gris - gray

marrón - brown

negro - black

púrpura - purple

rojo - red

rosado - pink

verde - green

beige, beis - beige

cereza - cherry-colored

chocolate - chocolate-colored

esmerelda - emerald

grana - dark red

humo - smoky

lila - lilac

malva - mauve

mostaza - mustard-colored

naranja - orange

oro - gold

paja - straw-colored

rosa - pink

turquesa - turquoise

violeta – violet

What color is it? - ¿Que color es este?
What is your favorite colour? - ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?

Note that the form changes depending on the number and gender of what's being described:
Tengo un coche amarillo. (I have one yellow car.) Tiene dos coches amarillos. (He has two
yellow cars.) Tienes una flor amarilla. (You have a yellow flower.) Tenemos diez flores
amarillas. (We have ten yellow flowers.)

Body parts
arm - el brazo

back - la espalda

backbone - la columna vertebral

brain - el cerebro, el seso

breast, chest - el pecho

buttocks - las nalgas

calf - la pantorrilla

ear - el oído, la oreja

elbow - el codo

eye - el ojo

finger - el dedo

foot - el pie

hair - el pelo

hand - la mano

head - la cabeza

heart - el corazón

hip - la cadera

intestine - el intestino knee - la rodilla

leg - la pierna

liver - el hígado

mouth - la boca

muscle - el músculo

neck - el cuello

nose - la nariz

penis - el pene

shoulder - el hombro

skin - la piel

stomach (abdomen) - el vientre

stomach (internal organ) - el estómago

thigh - el muslo

throat - la garganta

toe - el dedo

tongue - la lengua

tooth - el diente, la muela

vagina - la vagina

Physical appearance

He has blue eyes = tiene los ojos azules
He is bald = Es calvo
face - la cara/el rostro
facial features - rasgos
she has a thin face - tiene la/una cara delgada
an oval face - una cara ovalada
round face - una cara redonda
clean-shaven - bien afeitado
bloated face - una cara hinchada/abotagada/abotargada
cherubic face - una cara angelical
chubby face - una cara regordete
chubby-cheeked - mofletudo
chubby/podgy face - una cara rechoncha, regordete, gordinflona
he had a weather-beaten face - tenía un rostro curtido
face lift - un lifting, un estiramiento facial
she has freckles - tiene pecas, es pecosa
spots/pimples - granos
blackheads - espinillas
moles - lunares
warts - verrugas
wrinkles - arugas
rosy cheeks - mejillas sonrosadas
acne - acne
birthmark - un antojo/una mancha de nacimiento
double chin - una papada
hollow cheeks - las mejillas hundidas
dimple - un hoyuelo
smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced - lampiño
deadpan face - una cara de póquer/de palo
doleful face - una cara compungida
sad face - una cara triste
serious face - una cara seria
smiling face - una cara sonriente
happy face - una cara alegre
smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced - lampiño
go red in the face (with anger/heat) - ponerse colorado/rojo
go red/to blush (with embarassment) - sonrojarse/ruborizarse
he looks worried parece preocupado
frightened asustado
surprised sorprendido
smile una sonrisa
smirk una sonrisita
frown el ceño fruncido
nose = la nariz

bulbous nose - una nariz protuberante
hooked nose - una nariz aguileña
big nose - una nariz grande
turned-up/snub nose - una nariz respingona
a pointed nose - una nariz puntiaguda
a flat nose/a pug nose - una nariz chata
a lopsided nose - una nariz ladeada/torcida
a hooter/conk (fam) - una napia
flare your nostrils/to snort - resoplar/bufar


When talking about the weather in Spanish use "hace" and "hay"instead of English "to be"

It is sunny - Hace sol
It is hot - Hace calor
It is very windy - Hace / Hay mucho viento

Talking about weather
what’s the weather like? - "¿qué tiempo hace?" or "¿cómo está el tiempo?"
tomorrow will be dry - mañana hará tiempo seco
there’s been a change in the weather - ha cambiado el tiempo
let’s hope the weather holds out - esperemos que no nos falle el tiempo
the weather spoiled our plans - el tiempo nos estropeó los planes
it looks like it's going to rain - parece que va a llover
the bad weather is still with us - seguimos con mal tiempo
the garden could do with a bit of rain - al jardín le vendría bien que lloviera un poco
you get better weather on the south coast - en la costa sur hace mejor tiempo;
weather permitting - si hace buen tiempo
we’re hoping for good weather while we’re on holiday - esperamos tener buen tiempo
durante las vacaciones
I don’t like the look of the weather - no me gusta cómo se está poniendo el tiempo

breeze - una brisa
clap of thunder, a thunderclap - un trueno
clear sky/day - un cielo/día despejado
clear up - despejar
climate - el clima
cloud - una nube
cloudburst - un chaparrón
cloudburst - un chaparrón, un aguacero
cold front - un frente frío
damp - húmedo

degree - grado
depression - una depresión atmosférica, una borrasca
dew - el rocío , el sereno
downpour - un chaparrón, un turbión
drizzle / to drizzle (nm) - llovizna / lloviznar
flash of lightning - un relámpago
flashes of lightning - un relampagueo
flood - una inundación
flood (v) - inundar
fog -la niebla
force nine gale - vientos de fuerza nueve
forked lightning - una culebrina
frost - escarcha
frost (v) - helar
frosty night - una noche de helada
gale - un viento fuerte, una vendaval
gale-force winds - los vientos de tormenta
gust of wind - una racha
hail (v) - granizar
hailstones - los granizos, las piedras de granizo
hailstorm - una granizada
haziness - la nebulosidad, lo neblinoso
he was struck by lightning - le cayó un rayo
heat wave - una ola de calor
hot - cálido
humid - húmedo
humidity - la humedad
hurricane - un huracán
instability/changeability - inestabilidad
it’s cloudy - hace nubes or está nublado
it’s drizzling - está lloviznando
it’s foggy - hay niebla
it’s frosty - está helado
it’s hot - hace calor
it’s misty - hay neblina
it’s muggy / clammy / close - está abochornado
it’s raining - está lloviendo
it’s sleeting - cae aguanieve
it’s snowing - está nevado
it’s sunny - hace sol
it’s windy - hace viento, está ventoso
It's chilly today - hace fresquito hoy
light covering of snow - una fina capa de nieve
low/high-pressure - de bajas/altas presiones
mist - la neblina
rain (v) - llover
rain -la lluvia
scattered showers - chubascos aislados
sea breeze - una brisa marina
sea mist - la bruma
shower - un chaparrón, un chubasco
sleet - aguanieve f.
sleet showers - chubascos de aguanieve
snow - la nieve
snow (v) - nevar
snowball - una bola de nieve

storm - una tormenta, un temporal
stormy day - un día tormentoso
streak of lightning - un rayo
sun - el sol
sunny day - un día soleado
sunny spell - un claro
sunstroke - insolación
temperature - la temperatura
thaw - un deshielo
thaw (v) - deshelar
thunder - los truenos
thundercloud - un nubarrón
to become muggy - abochornarse
to rain cats and dogs - llover a cántaros
to ride out the storm - capear el temporal
turbulence - la turbulencia
unsettled weather - un tiempo revuelto
weather - el tiempo
weather forecast - la previsión del tiempo para mañana
weather vane - una veleta
wind - el viento


Regular Verbs

In spanish there are three different kinds of regular verbs, these can be characterized by the
ending of the infinitive.

-ar     -er         -ir

An infinative is represented in the english language by the word to: to be, to have, to learn, to
speak, and to buy. These are all infinitive forms of english verbs. The following table lists the
conjugation for these Regular Verbs, with examples for each.

 llamar                   comer         abrir
yo llamo                  como          abro
tu llamas                 comes         abres
el/ella llama              come          abre
nosotros llamamos          comemos        abrimos
vosotros llamáis           coméis         abrís
ellos/ellas llaman         comen          abren

Irregular Verbs
Present Tense

               ir     hacer          estar
yo            voy     hago            estoy
tu            vas      haces          estás

el / ella       va      hace está
nosotros        vamos    hacemos estamos
vosotros        vais    hacéis estáis
ellos / ellas   van     hacen están

Note: For more info about verbs look under: Tenses

The definite article (artículo definido) agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies
and has four forms:

Masculine                   el (singular)   los (plural)
Feminine                    la (singular)   las (plural)

Examples: el río (the river); los refrescos (the refreshments); la guitarra (the guitar); las faltas
(the mistakes).

Definite articles are often used in Spanish where English would omit them, for example:

1) with abstract nouns: El amor es una fuerza irresistible (Love is an irresistible force)
2) with nouns used in a general sense: Prefiero los caballos (I prefer horses)
3) with parts of the body and articles of clothing: Tengo el brazo roto (I have a broken arm)
4) with titles, except in direct address: El señor García está aquí (Mr. Garcia is here) but
Buenos días, señor García (Hello, Mr. Garcia)

Neuter article (artículo neutro) lo can be used before an adjective (or a past participle used
adjectivally) to make it function as a noun: lo humano (that which is human); lo dicho (that
which has been said).

Note: Do not confuse the neuter article lo with the masculine singular direct object pronoun
lo: Lo vi en la calle (I saw it in the street).

The indefinite article (artículo indefinido): un for the masculine singular and una for the
feminine singular. It agrees with the noun it modifies: un médico bueno (a good doctor); una
lengua bella (a beautiful language). The plural forms unos and unas mean some or a few:
Tengo unos libros buenos (I have some good books); Dénos unas naranjas, por favor (Give
us some oranges, please).

Note:For feminine nouns beginning with a stressed a sound use the masculine definite article
in the singular e.g.: El alma es un fin, no un medio (The soul is an end, not a means); but
Las almas quieren hacerse inmortales (Souls long to become immortal).

The nouns in Spanish can have either of 2 genders (género): masculine (masculino) or
feminine (femenino).

The gender of many nouns can be determined by their meaning or their ending. The gender

of other nouns must be learned individually. The best way to memorize the gender of words
is to memorize the article when learning a new word.

la chica (the girl) feminine
el hombre (the man) masculine

In general masculine nouns end in -o and feminine nouns end in -a; but watch out for

el día (the day), la mano (the hand), and masculine nouns ending in -ma (of Greek
derivation): el idioma (the language); el poema (the poem); el clima (the climate).

El policía mató a tiros al ladrón (The policeman gunned down the thief); La actriz se veía
pobre y sin amigos (The actress found herself poor and friendless).

Nouns ending in -ista are masculine, unless referring to a woman: un comunista (a
communist); un pianista ( pianist).

Nouns ending in -ad, -ud, -ión are feminine: la ciudad (the city); la juventud (youth); la
dirección (the address).

In Spanish, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and articles are gender-related.

Ella compró una casa bonita (She bought a pretty house).

Plural nouns of mixed gender take the masculine: Los niños están enfermos (The children
are ill).

Knowing the gender of every noun is important not only for the noun itself, but for the
spelling and pronunciation of the words it influences in a sentence: adjectives, articles,
participles, and pronouns. They agree in the gender and in the number with the noun.

The plural of nouns and adjectives is regularly formed by adding -s to words ending in a
vowel and -es to words ending in a consonant: Tiene los ojos negros (He has dark eyes);
Prefiero las canciones de cuna (I prefer lullabies).

Words ending with z change to c in the plural: Encienda la luz (Turn on the light); Desde
aquí podemos ver las luces de la ciudad (From here we can see the lights of the city).


There are only two contractions (contracciones) in Spanish: al and del.
Al = a (to, for, at by) + el (masculine article)

Vamos al mercado (Let's go to the store); Al entrar en la clase, la profesora comenzó a
hablar (Upon entering the classroom, the professor began to speak).

Del = de (of, from, with) + el (masculine article): ¿Qué piensas del nuevo profesor? (What
do you think of the new teacher?).

Note: The preposition a and de does not contract with the personal pronoun él: Se lo doy a
él (I give it to him).


An adjective (adjetivo) agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes.
Like nouns, adjectives generally end in -o for the masculine (plural -os) and -a for the
feminine (plural -as): un libro bueno (a good book); muchos estudiantes (many students);
una costumbre francesa (a French custom); otras habitaciones (other rooms).

Some adjectives whose masculine singular ends in a consonant form the feminine by adding
-a: un muchacho francés (a French boy); una muchacha francesa (a French girl); un baile
encantador (a charming dance); una canción encantadora (a charming song).

Other adjectives ending in a consonant have the same form for both masculine and feminine:
un hombre joven (a young man), una mujer joven (a young woman); unos bailes populares
(some popular dances), unas canciones populares (some popular songs).

In Spanish adjectives are used usually after the nouns t(unlike English): un día lluvioso (a
rainy day).
When used before the noun, such adjectives change meaning, acquiring a less literal sense:
Hay que dar limosna a un hombre pobre (One must give alms to a poor man); but El pobre
hombre está con un pie en la fosa (The poor guy has one foot in the grave).

Adjectives precede the nouns they modify whenever they:

1) express an essential or characteristic quality: la dulce miel (the sweet honey;
las verdes hojas (the green leaves);
2) point out, limit or quantify: este hombre (this man); su marido (her husband);
menos caliente (less hot); dos lecciones (two lessons).

Adjectives can be used as nouns, in which case they take a definite article: Los
ricos también tienen sus problemas (Rich people have their problems, too). Adjectives are
occasionally used adverbially: Vive feliz en la ciudad (He lives happily in the city).


Many adverbs (adverbios) are formed from adjectives, by adding the suffix -mente to the
feminine singular form: Ella es muy rica (She is very rich); Está ricamente vestida (She is
richly dressed).

In a series of adverbs, only the last one takes the -mente suffix, while the other adverbs

have the form of feminine adjectives: Escribe clara, rápida y correctamente (She writes
clearly, quickly and correctly).


The comparative (comparativo) of an adjective or adverb is formed by preceding it with
más (more) or menos (less): Esta lección es más fácil (This lesson is easier); Lo puedo
hacer más fácilmente (I can do it more easily).

The superlative (superlativo) of an adjective is formed by adding the definite article to
the comparative form: Esta lección es la más fácil (This lesson is the easiest one).

The superlative of an adverb is expressed by adding the neuter article lo to the comparative

form: lo más fácilmente (the most easily).

The superlative of a noun is expressed by mejor (best) and peor (worst) preceded by the
appropriate definite article: la mejor respuesta (the best answer).

The absolute sperlative (superlativo absoluto) of an adjective indicates a high degree of
some quality, rather than a comparison.
It is formed by adding the suffix -ísimo/a to the adjective or adverb: Es una mujer riquísima
(She is an extremely wealthy woman); Esta riquísimamente vestida (She is very richly

Ser and Estar
Ser and estar both mean to be. Ser is used to express what something is, while estar
expresses where or how it is: Nosotros éramos buenos amigos (We were good friends);
Miguel está en la oficina (Michael is in the office); Pablo está enfermo (Paul is sick).

Estar is also used with the present participle to form the progressive tenses, present and
past. Examples: Juan está estudiando (John is studying); Ellos estaban bailando el tango
(They were dancing the Tango).

Tú and Usted
Tú (the plural vosotros/as is used exclusively in Spain) is the second person pronoun
(English "you"). It is used for the familiar form of address when speaking to family members,
close friends, children and pet animals: ¿Te sientes bien? (Do you feel okay?).

The polite form of the second person pronoun is usted (plural ustedes for both masculine
and feminine). It derives from the phrase Vuestra Merced (Your Grace), and is therefore
abbreviated either Vd. or Ud. (plural Vds. or Uds.). Although it indicates the second person
mode of address, usted is conjugated with third person verb forms (English "he/she/it"). This

lends a respectful sense of distance to the conversation: ¿Sigue Ud. estudiando el español?
(Do you continue studying Spanish?).


Prepositions (preposiciones) are the connecting words that show the relationships between
words in the sentence. Nouns, pronouns, noun phrases, gerunds or noun clauses can be the
complement of the prepositions:

Simple prepositions in Spanish include the following:

a         to, at
con       with
contra    against
de        of, from
desde     from, since
durante   during
en        in, on
entre     between
hacia     toward
hasta     until
para      for, in order to
por       for, by
sin       without
sobre     over
tras      after

Vamos a Madrid. We are going to Madrid.
Viene con su hermano. - She's coming with her brother.
Quiero gasolina sin plomo. - I want unleaded gasoline.


Conjunctions (conjunciones) join words, phrases and clauses together.

The most commonly used conjunction in Spanish is y (and).
        con su espada y con su pluma
        (with his sword and his pen)

Other commonly used conjunctions:

o         or
ni        nor
pero      but


An interjection (interjección) is a word or expression. Interjections are rarely used in formal or
business writing. In print interjection is usually followed by exclamation mark or a coma:
Note that in Spanish each interjection uses ¡ in front and ! at the end of the word:

¡ay! -oh!, ouch!                ¡por Dios! -for goodness sakes!


A sentence consists of the subject (the topic of the sentence) and the predicate (what is said
about the subject).

Yo compro suéteres en el Rastro.
(I buy sweaters in the Rastro.)

Yo (I) is the subject of the sentence and compro suéteres (buy sweaters) is the predicate.

The most common forms of subject are nouns and pronouns Noun phrase and noun clause
may be the subject of a sentence:

Los niños en la escuela reciclan las latas. (noun phrase)
(The children in the school recycle the cans.)
Los toros de Pamplona y los muchachos de Pamplona corren rapidamente. (noun clauses)
(The bulls of Pamplone and the boys of Pamplona run fast.)

The most common form of predicate is one consisting of the verb of action and direct or
indirect object:

La niña ve el elefante.
(The girl sees the elephant.)

Elefante is a direct object of the present tense verb ve.

Possessive Adjectives

The possessive adjectives (adjetivos posesivos) are:

mi or mío/a - my
tu or tuyo/a - your
su or suyo/a -his, her, its
nuestro/a - our
vuestro/a - your
su or suyo/a - their

Possessive adjectives have a short form when they precede the noun and a longer form
when they follow it: mis amigos (my friends); una amiga mía (a female friend of mine).

All these forms add -s to form the plural. They agree in gender and number with the noun:
mis libros (my books); nuestras cosas (our things).

Note: When referring to clothing, parts of the body, and so on, a definite article is regularly
used instead of a possessive adjective: Tiene algo en la mano (He has something in his
hand); Póngase Ud. los zapatos (Put on your shoes).

The possessive pronouns (pronombres posesivos) are formed by adding the appropriate
definite article to the long form of the possessive adjective:

el mío, la mía, los míos, las mías (mine)
el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas (yours)
el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (his, hers its)
el nuestro, la nuestra, etc. (ours)
el vuestro, la vuestra, etc. (yours)

el suyo, la suya, etc. (theirs)

Possessive pronouns, like possessive adjectives, agree with the thing possessed rather than
with the possessor: tus cartas y las mías (your letters and mine); su casa y la nuestra (their
house and ours).

Demonstrative Adjectives

The DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES (adjetivos demostrativos) are:

Masculine Feminine            Masculine     Feminine
Singular Singular             Plural        Plural
este     esta                 estos         estas           (this)
ese      esa                  esos          esas            (that)
aquel    aquella              aquellos      aquellas        (that)

Demonstrative adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify: estos libros
(these books); esa bicicleta (that bicycle); aquellos edificios (those buildings).

Este refers to something near the speaker; ese refers to something at a distance from the

speaker but in the vicinity of the person spoken to; aquel refers to something at a distance
from both the speaker and the listener.

The demonstrative pronouns (pronombres demostrativos) are formed by adding a written
accent to the demonstrative adjectives. They agree in gender and number with the nouns
the represent: No prefiero esta mesa; quiero aquélla (I don't like this table; I want that one
over there).

The neuter demonstrative pronouns esto, eso and aquello do not have written accents since
there are no neuter demonstrative adjectives with which they might be confused. They
always refer to a general idea, a situation, or an indefinite thing, and never have a specific
noun antecedent: ¿Qué es esto? (What's this?); La casa es muy pequeña, y él no quiere
eso (The house is very little, and he doesn't want that).


The personal pronouns (pronombres personales) have different forms depending on whether
they are the subject (sujeto), direct object (objeto directo) or indirect object (
objeto indirecto).


First person:

Yo - I
nosotros/as - we

Second person (familiar)

tú - you
vosotros/as – you (plural)

Second person (polite)

usted - you
Udstedes – you (plural)

Third Person

él - he, it
ellos - they
ella -she
ellas – they

Note: Subject pronouns (with the exception of Ud.) are regularly omitted, since they can be
deduced from the conjugated verb forms: Traigo los refrescos (I'm bringing the soft drinks);
Tienes razón (You're right). When the subject pronouns are used, it is in order to emphasize
or clarify: Yo quiero hacer eso (I want to do that myself); Ella cantaba mientras él tocaba la
guitarra (She sang while he played the guitar).


First person:

me (me) nos (us)

Second person (familiar)

te (you) os (you)

Second person (polite)

le, la (you)               los, las (you)

Third Person

lo (him, it)               los (them)
la (her, it)               las (them)

Note: in parts of Spain, le is often used instead of lo for the direct object pronoun meaning


First person:

me (me) nos (us)

Second person (familiar)

te (you) os (you)

Second person (polite)

le (you) les (you)

Third Person

le (him, her, it)          les (them)

Object pronouns (direct and indirect) usually precede the verb, but can be attached to
infinitives and present participles, and must be attached to affirmative commands: Lo escribo
en español (I'm writing it in Spanish); Quiero escribirlo en español or Lo quiero escribir en
español (I want to write it in Spanish); Estoy escribiéndolo en español or Lo estoy
escribiendo en español (I'm writing it in Spanish); Escríbalo Ud. en inglés (Write it in
English). When a verb has two object pronouns, the indirect object is given first. The indirect
object pronouns le and les change (for reasons of euphony) to se before lo, la, los and las:

Deseo dárselo a ellos (I want to give it to them); Se lo quiero enviar a ella (I want to send it
to her).

Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

The reflexive pronouns (pronombres reflexivos) are:

First person:

me (myself)                 nos (ourselves)

Second person (familiar)

te (yourself)               os (yourselves)

Second person (polite)

se (yourself)               se (yourselves)

Third Person

se (him, her, itself)       se (themselves)

Reflexive pronouns are always used with reflexive verbs (verbs expressing an action whose
subject is also its object, i.e. where the doer acts upon himself). Sometimes the literal
meaning of the reflexive pronouns (myself, etc.) can be translated into English, but usually
they cannot be translated in isolation from the verb: Me lavo (I wash myself); Me acuesto
muy tarde (I go to bed very late); Me quejo del trabajo (I complain about the work); Me
acuerdo de eso (I remember that); Ya me voy (I'm going away now).

Reflexive pronouns normally precede the conjugated verb, but are attached to the infinitive,
the present participle, and affirmative commands: Quiero lavarme (I want to wash up); Estoy
lavándome (I am washing myself); Lávense Uds. (Wash yourselves).

The reflexive pronouns can also be used in a reciprocal sense, meaning each other: Nos
amamos (we love each other); Se escriben todos los días (They write each other every day).

Prepositional Pronouns

The prepositional pronouns are:

First person:

mí (me)                 nosotros/as (us)

Second person (familiar)

tí (you)                   vosotros/as (you)

Second person (polite)

Ud. (you)                  Uds.(you)

Third Person

él (him, it)               ellos (them)


sí (him/her/it/yourself, themselves/yourselves)



Prepositional pronouns are the object of the preposition that they follow: Es demasiado difícil
para mí (It's too difficult for me); No podemos hacerlo sin ella (We can't do it without her).

The neuter pronoun ello is used instead of lo after a preposition, when reference is being
made to a general idea that has already been expressed: Tendrás buen éxito; no hay
ninguna duda de ello (You'll be successful; there's no doubt about it).

The prepositional pronouns mí, tí and sí combine with the preposition con (with) to become
conmigo, contigo and consigo: ¿Quieres ir conmigo? (Do you want to come with me?); Lo
trae consigo (He's bringing it with him).

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns (pronombres relativos) introduce a subordinate clause and replace
something mentioned earlier in the sentence. They can function as either subject or object
pronouns without any change in form.

The most common relative pronoun is que: El hombre que está hablando es un amigo mío
 (The man who is talking is a friend of mine); La lección que estudias es muy fácil (The
lesson that you're studying is quite simple).

After a preposition, que is used as the relative pronoun for things, quien or quienes for
persons: La habitación en que vivo es muy cómoda (The room in which I live is very cosy);
La mujer de quien hablabas es extranjera (The woman about whom you were speaking is a

The compound relative pronouns el/la que (plural los/las que) or el/la cual (pl. los/las cuales)

are used interchangeably after prepositions of more than one syllable, or to avoid confusion
and ambiguity: Estos son mis libros, entre los que hay un diccionario de bolsillo (These are
my books, among which there is a pocket dictionary); Ayer fuí al cine con la madre de Juan,
la cual es francesa (Yesterday I went to the cinema with John's mother, who is French).

The neuter forms lo que and lo cual are used when the antecedent is a general idea:
Siempre dice lo que piensa (He always says what he thinks); Me habló de sus problemas, lo
cual no me gustó (He spoke to me about his troubles, which didn't please me).

The relative pronoun cuyo/a (plural cuyos/as) usually functions as an adjective meaning
whose or of which. It can refer to both persons and things, and always agrees in gender and
number with the thing possessed rather than with the possessor: ¿Te acuerdas de la niña
cuyos padres la abandonaron? (Do you remember the little girl whose parents abandoned


Interrogatives (interrogativos) ask a question, and are distinguished by their written accents.
The most common interrogatives are:

¿Quién? (Who?)             ¿Cuántos?       (How many?)
¿Qué? (What)               ¿Dónde?         (Where?)
¿Cuál? (Which?)            ¿Por qué?       (Why?)
¿Cómo? (How?)              ¿Para qué?      (Why?)
¿Cuánto?(How much?)        ¿Cuándo?        (When?)

Qué asks for a definition or description (what?), while cuál (plural cuáles) asks for a choice or
distinction (which?): ¿Qué es el alma? (What is the soul?); ¿Cuáles son tus libros favoritos?
(Which are your favorite books?). Used in that way, qué and cuál are interrogative pronouns.
When an interrogative adjective is required, qué is used for both senses (what? and which?):
¿Qué días vas al hipódromo? (Which days do you go to the racetrack?).

Note: Interrogatives are also used in indirect questions, where a question is referred to
without being directly asked: No sé quién es (I don't know who she is). The direct question
was ¿Quién es esa mujer? (Who is that woman?).


Exclamatory words (exclamaciones) also have written accents. The most common one is
¡Qué...! used in front of an adjective, adverb or noun: ¡Qué casa! (What a house!); ¡Qué
delicioso! (How delicious!); ¡Qué fácilmente lo haces tú! (How easily you do it!). In literary

usage, ¡Cuán...! may replace ¡Qué...!: ¡Cuán fácilmente lo haces tú!

When an adjective follows a noun in this construction, it is preceded by más (most) or tan
(so): ¡Qué casa más bonita! (What a pretty house!); ¡Qué niños tan alegres! (What happy


The most common negatives (negativos) are:

no (no, not)              nunca (never)
nada (nothing)            jamás (never)
nadie (nobody)            tampoco (neither)
ninguno/a (not any) (neither...nor)

A verb is negated by placing no in front of it: No sé (I don't know). When there is an object
pronoun in front of the verb, no is placed before the object pronoun: No lo veo (I don't see it).

Double negatives are standard in Spanish: No veo a nadie en la calle (I don't see anybody in
the street); No tengo ni papel ni pluma (I don't have either paper or pen). Negatives are
also used in comparisons: Ella escribe mejor que nadie (She writes better than anybody);
Ahora lo necesito más que nunca (Now I need it more than ever).

Personal A

When the direct object of a verb is a person or a domestic animal, it is preceded by the
personal a (la preposición personal a) which has no English equivalent: Veo a mi amigo (I
see my friend); Hay que buscar al perro (We must look for the dog); No invito a nadie (I'm
not inviting anyone).

The personal a is not used, however, with the verb tener: Tengo un amigo (I have a friend).

Verb Conjugations: Tenses

Spanish verbs belong to one of three conjugations (conjugaciones) which can be
distinguished by the endings of the infinitive forms.

First Conjugation         -ar: hablar (to talk)
Second Conjugation        -er: comer (to eat)
Third Conjugation         -ir: vivir (to live)

The form of a verb depends on:

1) its conjugation group
2) its tense (time reference) and mood (intent)
3) the person and number of its subject

Spanish has four simple tenses (tiempos simples):

1. Present - presente:

hablo (I talk)

2. Future - futuro:

hablarás (you will talk)

3. Imperfect - pretérito imperfecto:

hablaba (she used to talk)

4. Preterite - pretérito indefinido:

hablaron (they talked)

There are also four compound tenses (tiempos compuestos):

1. Present perfect - préterito perfecto:

hemos comido (we have eaten)

2. Future perfect - futuro perfecto:

habréis comido (you all will have eaten)

3. Plusperfect or past perfect - pretérito pluscuamperfecto:

habían comido (they had eaten)

4.Preterite perfect or past anterior - pretérito anterior:

hube comido (I had eaten)

There are four moods (modos) in Spanish:

1. Indicative - indicativo:
To express a fact:

Está en el banco (It's in the bank)

2. Subjanctive - subjuntivo:
To express a wish, an emotional attitude, or a doubt:

Quiero que Ud. venga (I want you to come)
Siento que no venga Ud. (I'm sorry you're not coming)
Dudo que venga Ud. (I doubt that you'll come)

3. Conditional - potencial or condicional:
expressing the idea of would:

Juan no lo haría así (John wouldn't do it that way)

4. Imperative - imperativo:
expressing a direct command:

Venga Ud. (Come!)

Verb Conjugations: Person and Number

A finite verb agrees in person (persona) and number (número) with its subject (the doer of the
action), even when the subject is understood without being expressed by a noun or pronoun.

There are two numbers:

1. Singular:

(Yo) veo a Juan (I see John)
(Tú) debes hacerlo (You must do it)
Ud. tiene razón (You're right)
(Ella) quiere a su gato (She loves her cat)

2. Plural :

(Nosotros) vemos el cielo (We see the sky)
(Vosotros) debéis trabajar (You all should work)
¿Tienen Uds. dinero? (Do you all have money?)
(Ellos) quieren comer (They want to eat)

There are three persons: First person is the speaker, second person is the one spoken to,
and third person is the one spoken about.

1. First person

(Yo) soy maestro (I'm a teacher)

(Nosotros) somos alumnos (We are pupils)

2. Second person

(Tú) eres guapo (You are good-looking) - singular

(Vosotros) sois feos (You all are ugly) - plural

Ud. es muy amable (You are very kind) – singular, polite form

Uds. son muy amables (You all are very kind) – plural, polite form

NOTE: The usted/ustedes (polite you) form of address is second person but uses third
person verb forms, which lends an air of respectful distance on the part of the speaker.

3. Third person

(Ella) es trabajadora (She is hard-working)

(Ellos) son perezosos (They are lazy)

Present Tense

The present tense (presente) of regular verbs is formed by removing the infinitive ending (
-ar, -er or -ir) and adding personal endings to the verb stem. There is a different set of
personal endings for each of the three conjugations:

First conjugation (habl-ar)

habl-o (I talk)              habl-amos (we talk)
habl-as (you talk)           habl-áis (you talk)
habl-a (she talks)           habl-an (they talk)

Second conjugation (com-er)

com-o (I eat)                com-emos (we eat)
com-es (you eat)             com-éis (you all eat)
com-e (she eats)             com-en (they eat)

Third conjugation (viv-ir)

viv-o (I live)               viv-imos (we live)
viv-es (you live)            viv-ís (you live)
viv-e (she lives)            viv-en (they live)

The present tense is commonly used in conversation to refer to actions which will take place
in the immediate future: Vengo más tarde (I'll come later). It is sometimes used in literature
to replace the preterite, lending a sense of immediacy to historical narrative: Cortés admira la
bondad y liberalidad del gran Montezuma (Cortez admired the goodness and generosity of
the great Montezuma). This is called the vivid present.

Future Tense

The future tense (futuro) of regular verbs is formed by adding personal endings to the
infinitive. The endings are the same for all three conjugations.

hablar-é (I will talk)     comeré, viviré, etc.
hablar-ás(you will talk)
hablar-á (she will talk
hablar-emos                (we will talk)
hablar-éis                 (you all will talk)
hablar-án                  (they will talk)

In addition to expressing future time, the future tense can express uncertainty or probability in
the present: Serán las cinco
 (It must be about five o'clock).

Imperfect Tense

The imperfect tense (pretérito imperfecto) of regular verbs is formed by removing the infinitive
ending (-AR, -ER or -IR) and adding personal endings to the verb stem. There is one set of
endings for the first (-AR) conjugation and a second set of endings shared by the second (
-ER) and third (-IR) conjugations.

habl-aba (I was talking) habl-ábamos (we were talking)
habl-abas (you were talking)                 habl-abais (you all were talking)
habl-aba (she was talking)                   habl-aban (they were talking)
com-ía (I was eating)      com-íamos (we were eating)
com-ías (you were eating)                    com-íais (you all were eating)
com-ía (she was eating) com-ían (they were eating)
viv-ía (I used to live)    viv-íamos (we used to live)
viv-ías (you used to live) viv-íais (you all used to live)
viv-ía (she used to live) viv-ían (they used to live)
The imperfect tense is used to describe a situation in the past, or an action which was
ongoing or repeated: Eran las once (it was eleven o'clock); Queríamos comer bien (We
wanted to eat well); Todos los días llegá bamos tarde (We used to arrive late every day).

Preterite Tense

The Preterite tense (pretérito indefinido) of regular verbs is formed by removing the infinitive
ending (-AR, -ER or -IR) and adding personal endings to the verb stem. As with the
imperfect tense, there is one set of endings for the first (-AR) conjugation and a second set of
endings shared by the second (-ER) and third (-IR) conjugations.

habl-é (I talked)         habl-amos (we talked)
habl-aste (you talked)    habl-asteis (you all talked)
habl-ó (she talked)       habl-aron (they talked)
com-í (I ate)             com-imos (we ate)
com-iste (you ate)        com-isteis (you all ate)
com-ió (she ate)          com-ieron (they ate)
viv-í (I lived)           viv-imos (we lived)
viv-iste (you lived)      viv-isteis (you all lived)
viv-ió (she lived)        viv-ieron (they lived)
The preterite tense narrates an action with a definite beginnning or ending in the past:
Comenzó a llover (It began to rain); Juan cenó conmigo ayer (John ate supper with me

The preterite is also used to indicate an event which took place while another action (in the
imperfect tense) was ongoing: Dormía cuando llegué (He was sleeping when I arrived).

Perfect Tenses

The COMPOUND TENSES (tiempos compuestos) are formed with the AUXILIARY VERB (
verbo auxiliar) haber and the PAST PARTICIPLE (participio pasivo) of the main verb. The
past participle in compound tenses is invariable in form.

The PRESENT PERFECT (pretérito perfecto) uses the present tense of the auxiliary verb

he comido (I have eaten)
has comido (you have eaten)
ha comido (she has eaten)
hemos comido (we have eaten)
habéis comido (you all have eaten)
han comido (they have eaten)

The FUTURE PERFECT (futuro perfecto) uses the future tense of the auxiliary verb haber:

habré comido (I will have eaten )
habrás comido (you will have eaten)
habrá comido (she will have eaten)

habremos comido (we will have eaten)
habréis comido (you all will have eaten)
habrán comido (they will have eaten)

The PLUPERFECT or PAST PERFECT (pretérito pluscuamperfecto) uses the imperfect
tense of haber:

había comido (I had eaten)
habías comido (you had eaten)
había comido (she had eaten)
habíamos comido (we had eaten)
habíais comido (you all had eaten)
habían comido (they had eaten)

The PRETERITE PERFECT or PAST ANTERIOR (pretérito anterior) uses the preterite tense
of haber:

hube comido (I had eaten)
hubiste comido (you had eaten)
hubo comido (she had eaten)
hubimos comido (we had eaten)
hubisteis comido (you all had eaten)
hubieron comido (they had eaten)

NOTE: This is strictly a literary tense; in conversation, the preterite or pluperfect is used. The
preterite perfect is only found after conjunctions of time, such as cuando (when), después
que (after), apenas (scarcely) or luego que (as soon as): Después que hube comido, salí
(After I had eaten, I went out).

The PERFECT INFINITIVE (infinitivo compuesto) is composed of the infinitive of haber and
the past participle of the verb: haber comido (to have eaten).

The PERFECT PARTICIPLE (gerundio compuesto) is composed of the present participle of
haber and the past participle of the verb: habiendo comido (having eaten).

Conditional Mood

The CONDITIONAL MOOD (modo potencial) expresses the idea of would (contingent
possibility): Lo haría hoy, pero no tendré tiempo (I would do it today, but I won't have time);
Lo habría hecho ayer, pero no tenía tiempo (I would have done it yesterday, but I didn't have
time); Elena dijo que vendría (Elena said that she would come).

It can also be used to express wonderment or doubt in the past, just as the future tense can
be used in the present: ¿Qué hora sería cuando desayuné ayer? (I wonder what time was it
when I ate breakfast yesterday?).

The conditional is formed (like the future) by adding a single set of personal endings to the
infinitives of all three conjugations. (The endings are identical to those of the imperfect tense
of second and third conjugation verbs; the only difference is that those are added to the stem,
rather than to the entire infinitive form.)

hablar-ía (I would talk) comería, viviría, etc.
hablar-ías                  (you would talk)
hablar-ía                   (she would talk)
hablar-íamos                (we would talk)
hablar-íais                 (you all would talk)
hablar-ían                  (they would talk)
The CONDITIONAL PERFECT (potencial perfecto) is a compound tense using the
conditional of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of the main verb:

habría comido              (I would have eaten)
habrías comido             (you would have eaten)
habría comido              (she would have eaten)
habríamos comido           (we would have eaten)
habríais comido            (you would have eaten)
habrían comido             (they would have eaten)
NOTE: The conditional is often treated as though it were a tense rather than a mood; strictly
speaking, however, the conditional is a mood which has two tenses: a simple tense used
when referring to present possibilities, and a compound tense used when referring to
possibilities in the past.

Subjunctive Mood

The SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (modo subjuntivo) is used in independent clauses introduced by
que (that) when the main clause expresses a wish, a strong emotional attitude, or an
uncertainty: Te ruego que escribas en español (I beg you to write in Spanish); Tenían
miedo de que ella no volviera (They were afraid that she might not come back); Dudo que
sea la verdad (I doubt that it's the truth).

The subjunctive is also used for FORMAL COMMANDS, for the negative (only) of
INFORMAL COMMANDS, for HORTATORY COMMANDS (English Let's...!) and after
IMPERSONAL EXPRESSIONS like es necesario (it is necessary): Tenga Ud. (Here, have
this); No hables (Don't talk!); Comamos (Let's eat); Es una lástima que no quiera venir (It's
a pity that he doesn't want to come).

The PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE is regularly formed by adding one set of personal endings to
the stem of -AR verbs and a second set of endings to verbs of the -ER and -IR conjugations:

habl-e (I talk)    habl-emos (we talk)
habl-es (you talk) habl-éis (you talk)
habl-e (she talks) habl-en (they talk)
com-a (I eat)      com-amos (we eat)
com-as (you eat)   com-áis (you eat)
com-a (she eat)    com-an (they eat)
viv-a (I live)     viv-amos (we live)
viv-as (you live)  viv-áis (you live)
viv-a (she lives)  viv-an (they live)
The IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE is formed by adding a set of endings terminating in either -

RA or -SE (with no difference in usage or meaning) to the verb stem, with one set of endings
for first conjugation (-AR) verbs and another set of endings for second (-ER) and third (-IR)
conjugation verbs: Esperaba que él llegara/llegase tarde (I was expecting him to arrive late).


habl-ara OR      habl-ase                 (I talked)
habl-aras OR     habl-ases                (you talked)
habl-ara OR      habl-ase                 (she talked)
habl-áramos      OR                       habl-ásemos (we talked)
habl-arais       OR                       habl-aseis    (you all talked)
habl-aranOR      habl-asen                (they talked)

com-iera OR        com-iese               (I ate)
com-ieras          OR                     com-ieses   (you ate)
com-iera OR        com-iese               (she ate)
com-iéramos        OR                     com-iésemos (we ate)
com-ierais         OR                     com-ieseis  (you all ate)
com-ieran          OR                     com-iesen   (they ate)

viv-iera OR               viv-iese         (I lived)
viv-ieras OR              viv-ieses        (you lived)
viv-iera OR               viv-iese         (she lived)
viv-iéramos               OR               viviésemos      (we lived)
viv-ierais OR             viv-ieseis       (you all lived)
viv-ieran OR              viv-iesen        (they lived)
The PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE is a compound tense formed by the present subjunctive of
haber and the past participle of the main verb.

haya comido               (I have eaten)
hayas comido              (you have eaten)
haya comido               (she has eaten)
hayamos comido            (we have eaten)
hayáis comido             (you all have eaten)
hayan comido              (they have eaten)
The PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE is a compound tense formed by the imperfect
subjunctive of haber and the past participle of the main verb.

hubiera/hubiese comido (I had eaten)
hubieras/hubieses comido              (you had eaten)
hubiera/hubiese comido (she had have eaten)
hubiéramos/hubiésemos comido          (we had eaten)
hubierais/hubieseis comido            (you had eaten)
hubieran/hubiesen comido              (they had eaten)


Familiar COMMANDS (mandatos), when positive, are expressed by means of the imperative
mood. The second person singular (tú) forms are identical to the third person singular of the
present tense: El niño duerme (The child is sleeping); ¡Duerme tú! (Go to sleep!). The
second person plural (vosotros) forms are based on the infinitive, with a -d substituted for the
final -r: ¡Dormid vosotros! (Go to sleep, all of you!).

NEGATIVE familiar commands, both singular and plural, are expressed by the present
subjunctive: ¡No duermas tú! (Don't go to sleep!).

The present subjunctive is used for FORMAL COMMANDS, both positive and negative:
Duerma Ud. (Please go to sleep). It is also used for indirect commands (introduced by the
conjunction que): Está cansado; que se acueste (He's tired; let him go to bed).

For impersonal commands given in a general sense (directions on a bottle or an examination
paper, for instance) the impersonal pronoun se is attached to the subjunctive: Agítese antes
de usar (Shake before using); Escríbase en español (Write in Spanish). Hortatory commands
can be expressed either with the subjunctive or with the phrase vamos a and an infinitive:
Durmamos (Let's go to sleep); Vamos a dormir (Let's go to sleep).

Object pronouns are attached to affirmative commands, but they precede negative and
indirect commands: Tráigamelo Ud. (Bring it to me); No me lo traiga Ud. (Don't bring it to
me); Que lo traiga Juan (Let John bring it).

Passive and Impersonal Constructions

In the PASSIVE VOICE (voz pasiva), the subject is acted upon by an outside agent. When
the agent is specified, the passive voice is expressed by:

SUBJECT + ser + past participle + por + AGENT

for example: Esta carta fue escrita por un amigo mío (This letter was written by a friend of

Since the past participle acts as an adjective, it agrees in gender and number with the
subject. If the passive subject is a thing and the agent is not mentioned, then a PASSIVE
pasiva reflexiva) construction is used, with the reflexive pronoun se preceding the verb and
the passive subject following it: Aquí se venden cigarrillos (Cigarettes are sold here).

Se is also used to form IMPERSONAL CONSTRUCTIONS, with se used as an indefinite
subject pronoun similar to the English one or the impersonal you and they. This construction
is often difficult-- if not impossible-- to distinguish from the passive reflexive (textbooks differ
in their classification of common phrases like Se habla español (Spanish is spoken / One
speaks Spanish). There are two main criteria to be met: the verb must be in the singular,
since se is singular when used as a subject pronoun, and se should be easily translated as
one or you: ¿Cómo se va al teatro? (How does one get to the theater?); ¿Cómo se dice eso
en español? (How do you say that in Spanish?).

Participles and Progressive Tenses

The PRESENT PARTICIPLE (gerundio) is formed by adding the suffix -ando to the stem of
first conjugation (-AR) verbs and -iendo to the stem of second (-ER) and third (-IR)
conjugation verbs (or -yendo if the stem ends in a vowel).

habl-ar   (to talk)       hablando (talking)
com-er    (to eat)        comiendo (eating)
viv-ir    (to live)       viviendo (living)

   le-er (to read)         leyendo (reading)
The present participle is used with the verb estar to form the PROGRESSIVE TENSES (
tiempos progresivos), which express an ongoing action: Estoy estudiando español (I am
studying Spanish); Estabas leyendo el periódico (You were reading the newspaper). The
same construction is used with seguir and continuar: Sigue llorando (She keeps on crying);
Continuan estudiando (They continue studying). The present participle is also used with the
verb ir to express an action which is gradual or incremental: Va mejorando (It is getting

NOTE: The progressive construction is never used for estar, venir and ir.

The PAST PARTICIPLE (participio pasivo) is formed by adding the suffix -ado to the stem of -
AR verbs, -ido to the stem of -ER and -IR verbs (or -ído if the stem ends in a vowel).

cerr-ar (to close)          cerrado (closed)
perd-er (to lose)           perdido (lost)
recib-ir (to receive)       recibido (received)
ca-er     (to fall)         caído (fallen)
When used with the auxiliary verb haber to form compound tenses, the past participle has an
invariable ending: Hemos cerrado la tienda (We have closed the store); Habrá perdido las
llaves (He will have lost the keys); Habías recibido una carta (You had received a letter);
Entraron después de que hubo caído (They entered after she had fallen down).

When used adjectivally, however, past participles agree in gender and number with the
nouns they modify: La tienda está cerrada (The store is closed); Las llaves están perdidas
(The keys are lost).


The INFINITIVE (infinitivo) is a verb form that is not limited by person or number; to be is an
English infinitive. Spanish/English dictionaries always identify a verb by its infinitive.

A COMPLEMENTARY INFINITIVE completes the meaning of a preceding conjugated verb:
No puedo hablar de eso (I can't talk about that); Quiero comer en un restaurante (I want to
eat in a restaurant); Ella piensa vivir con ellos (She intends to live with them).

After a preposition, the infinitive form of a verb must always be used: Prefiero leer antes de
dormir (I prefer to read before going to sleep).

A common temporal expression consists of the contraction al (literally, "at the", but translate

"upon") together with an infinitive: Al despertar, me di cuenta de lo que había hecho (Upon
awakening, I realized what I had done).

Infinitives can be used as VERBAL NOUNS (nombres verbales). When used that way, they
are considered to be masculine singular, and may be preceded by the definite article el: El
escribir bien es un arte (Writing well is an art); Trabajar es lo que importa (Working is what

NOTE: Confusion arises for English-speaking students from the fact that verbal nouns in
English have the same form as present participles. In the sentence "Singing is fun", for
example, the word "singing" is a verbal noun; but it is a present participle in the sentence "I
am singing" (present progressive tense). In Spanish, the first example would use an infinitive
(El cantar es agradable), while the second one would use a present participle (Estoy

This confusion is compounded by the fact that English verbal nouns are called gerunds and
Spanish present participles are called gerundios. It is advisable, perhaps, to avoid using the
terms gerund and gerundio altogether; verbal noun and present participle are unmistakable in
their meaning.

Stem-Changing Verbs

Many verbs in Spanish change the spelling of their stems in certain conjugated forms. These
verbs can be divided into three major groups:

Verbs in -AR or -ER that change the stem vowel from E to IE or from O to UE in the indicative
and subjunctive moods of the present tense, except in the plurals of the first and second
persons ("we" and "you all").

Pensar (to think)

pienso piense (I think)
piensas pienses (you think)
piensa piense (she thinks)
pensamos                pensemos (we think)
pensáis penséis (you all think)
piensan piensen (they think)
Volver (to return)

vuelvo vuelva (I return)
vuelves vuelvas (you return)
vuelve vuelva (she returns)
volvemosvolvamos (we return)
volvéis volváis (you all return)
vuelven vuelvan (they return)
Verbs in -IR with the same changes as above, and an additional change of E to I or O to U in

the third person of the preterite tense, in the first and second person plural forms of the
present subjunctive, and in the entire imperfect subjunctive conjugation as well as the
present participle.

Sentir, (to feel)

Present Indicative:          siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sentís, sienten
Preterite: sentí, sentiste, sintió, sentimos, sentisteis, sintieron
Present Subjunctive:         sienta, sientas, sienta, sintamos, sintáis, sientan
Imperfect Subjunctive: sintiera, sintieras, sintiera, sintiéramos, sintierais, sintieran
Present Participle:          sintiendo
Dormir, (to sleep)

Present Indicative        duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen
Preterite: dormí, dormiste, durmió, dormimos, dormisteis, durmieron
Present Subjunctive:      duerma, duermas, duerma durmamos, durmáis, duerman
Imperfect Subjunctive: durmiera, durmieras, durmiera, durmiéramos
durmierais, durmieran
Present Participle:       durmiendo

Verbs in -IR which only change E to I.

Pedir (to request)

Present Indicative:         pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden
Preterite: pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pedisteis, pidieron
Present Subjunctive:        pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidáis, pidan
Imperfect Subjunctive: pidiera, pidieras, pidiera, pidiéramos, pidierais, pidieran
Present Participle:         pidiendo

Future tense Ir A
The future tense can be expressed by using the construction ir a followed by an infinitive.
This construction can also be used with reference to the past, by conjugating ir in the
imperfect tense: Voy a cantar (I am going to sing); Iban a bailar (They were about to dance).

False friends

Because some of the words are almost identical in the two languages, it’s easy to
confuse their meanings. It is one of the pitfalls for people learning Spanish.

Absoluto & Absolute(ly)

Absoluto - absolute, utter, complete. When preceded by en, it means not at all, by
no means, no way.
Absolute- absoluto. Absolutely - absolutamente, completamente, totalmente.

Actual & Actual

Actual - current or present: El presidente actual vive en Madrid - The current
president lives in Madrid. Actualmente - currently, at present, now.
Actual - verdadero or efectivo. Actually - realmente, en realidad, en efecto.

Aplicar & Apply

Aplicar - to apply something, like a theory, paint, or sanctions.
Apply - aplicar apply for a job - solicitar or presentar; to apply oneself to - dirigirse a
uno; to apply in the sense of be applicable - ser aplicable or interesar.

Asistir & Assist

Asistir - to attend.
Assist - ayudar.

Atender & Attend

Atender - to attend in Latin America, in Spain - to pay attention to, to heed, care for.
Attend - asistir.

Billón & Billion

Billón - a trillion in US, billion in UK.
Billion (amer) - mil millones. (Brit) billón.

Bizarro & Bizarre

Bizarro - valient, gallant, brave; generous.
Bizarre - extraño or raro

Blanco & Blank

Blanco – white, blank: una página blanca - a blank sheet of paper.
Blank (adj) en blanco, liso, sin adorno.

Campo & Camp

Campo means country(side), field, or farm.
Camp refers to un campamento.

Carpeta & Carpet

Carpeta - folder, file, portfolio, briefcase, or table cloth.
Carpet - una alfombra, una moqueta.

Complexión & Complexion

Complexión - constitution, make-up, temperament, physical build.
Complexion - la tez, el cutiz, la piel.

Compromiso & Compromise

Compromiso - obligation, commitment, promise, or agreement.
Compromise (n) - una transacción, una avenencia, unas concesiones recíprocas, el
término medio, la solución intermedia; (v) - comprometer or transigir.

Constipación & Constipation

Constipación, constipado - a cold or catarrh.
Constipation - el estreñimiento.

Contestar & Contest

Contestar means to answer or reply.
Contest as a verb means impugnar, atacar, disputar, or contender.

Corresponder & Correspond

Corresponder -to correspond, tally, fit in, match, or belong.
Correspond (by mail) - escribirse, estar en correspondencia con.

Chocar & Choke

Chocar - shock or startle, clink (glasses), shake (hands).
Choke - sofocarse or atragantarse.

Decepción/Decepcionar & Deception/Deceive

Decepción - disappointment. Decepcionar - to disappoint.
Deception - un engaño, un fraude. To deceive - engañar, defraudar.

Delito & Delight

Delito - a crime, offence, misdeed.
Delight - el placer, el deleite, el encanto, la delicia. To delight - encantar, deleitar.

Desgracia & Disgrace

Desgracia - misfortune, mishap, accident, setback, bad luck.
Disgrace - la deshonra, ignominia.

Despertar & Desperate

Despertar – to wake up
Desperate - desesperado.

Destituido & Destitute

Destituido - devoid of or lacking.
Destitute - indigente, desamparado, necesitado, en la miseria.

Disco & Disco

Disco - disco, disk, discus, traffic-light, or (audio) record.
Disco - disco, discoteca, or sala de baile.

Disgusto & Disgust

Disgusto - annoyance, displeasure, grief, trouble.
Disgust - repugnancia , aversión.

Educado & Educated

Educado - well-mannered, polite, cultivated, from the verb educar - to raise, bring
up, rear.
Educated form of the verb to educate: formar or instruir.

Embarazada & Embarrassed

Embarazada (adj) – pregnant, noun: una embarazada = a pregnant woman, an
expectant mother.
Embarrassed - avergonzado, molesto, or incómodo.

Emocionante & Emotional

Emocionante - exciting, thrilling, moving.
Emotional - afectivo, emocional, emotivo, sentimental.

Éxito & Exit

Éxito - success: a gran éxito - very successful.
Exit - una salida.

Fábrica & Fabric

Fábrica - factory, plant, or mill.
Fabric - el tejido or la tela.

Fútbol & Football

Fútbol - soccer (in American English).
Football - le fútbol americano.

Fútil & Futile

Fútil - trivial, while
Futile - inútil, vano, or infructuoso.

Insulto & Insult

Insulto (Mexico) - indigestion or a stomachache.
Insult - insulto.

Introducir & Introduce

Introducir - introduce a topic.
Introduce (a person) - presentar

Largo & Large

Largo - long, generous, or abundant.
Large - grande or importante.

Librería & Library

Librería - bookstore.
Library - una biblioteca.

Minorista & Minority

Minorista (Caribbean and South American) - retail or retail seller.
Minority - la minoría or, as an adjective, minoritario.

Molestar & Molest

Molestar - to annoy or bother.
Molest - acosar sexualmente.

Nombre & Number

Nombre - name or noun.
Number - un número.

Once & Once

Once - eleven
Once - una vez.

Preservativo vs Preservative

Preservativo - a condom.
Preservative - un conservador.

Pretender & Pretend

Pretender - claim: Ella pretende ser rica - She claims to be rich.
Pretend - fingir or simular.

Raro & Rare

Raro - rare, but more commonly means odd or strange.
Rare - poco común or excepcional.

Real & Real

Real - royal.
Real - verdadero, auténtico, legítimo.

Realizar & Realize

Realizar - to realize, make real, to attain, or to fulfill.
Realize – realizar, darse cuenta de, comprender, reconocer.

Recordar & Record

Recordar - remember, recall, or remind.
Record - registrar, inscribir, or grabar.

Relativo & Relative

Relativo has the same meaning as an adjective, but as a noun it is used only in
Relative as a noun - pariente or familiar.

Revolver & Revolver

Revolver is a verb: to move around, turn over, revolve, or disturb.
Revolver is a noun: un revólver

Ropa & Rope

Ropa - clothing.
Rope - una cuerda or una soga.

Salario & Salary

Salario - hourly wages, while
Salary - fixed earnings per month or year: el sueldo.

Sano & Sane

Sano - healthy, fit, or intact.
Sane - cuerdo, sensato, or de juicio sano.

Sensible & Sensible

Sensible - sensitive or regrettable.
Sensible - juicioso, sensato, or prudente.

Sobre - Sober

Sobre - envelope or a preposition: on, above, over.
Sober - sobrio or sereno.

Sopa & Soap

Sopa - soup or, informally, a hangover, while
Soap - jabón.

Soportar & Support

Soportar - to bear, carry, support, hold up, or withstand.
Support - apoyar, sostener, or mantener.

Suceso & Success

Suceso - an event, incident, happening, or outcome.
Success - un éxito or triunfo.

Tuna & Tuna

Tuna - prickly pear, a student music group, the life of a rogue, and, in Central
America, drunkenness.
Tuna - el atún.

Vaso & Vase

Vaso - a glass or tumbler.
Vase - un florero or jarrón.

How to write Spanish characters
How to write the Spanish characters and accents eg, á é í ó ú ü ñ ¿ ¡ º ª on a non Spanish
If you didn't buy your computer in a Spanish speaking country then your keyboard won't be
set up for Spanish. .

To write a character with alt keys you must have your "num lock" enabled.
If you want to write an ñ first we have to know the ASCII code which is alt 164.

To write an ñ press and hold the ALT key. While holding down the ALT key, enter the 3-digit
decimal code for the extended ASCII character you want to generate (in this case 164) then
release the ALT key. You should be able to do this in almost any programme.

Here is a list of Spanish characters with their alt numbers.

á 160    ¿ 168
é 130    ¡ 173
í 161   ª 166
ó 162    º 167
ú 163    Ñ 164
É 144    ñ 165

Note: It is never obligatory to use accents with capital letters.

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1 learn spanish  e book
1 learn spanish  e book
1 learn spanish  e book
1 learn spanish  e book
1 learn spanish  e book

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1 learn spanish e book

  • 1. Learn Spanish Published by Discs Direct 1
  • 2. Contents Language note 3 Alphabet 4 Pronunciation Guide 5 Stress & Accent Marks 10 Basic Phrases 11 Greetings 15 Numbers 16 Vocabulary 18 Grammar basics 33 False Friends 58 Spanish - English Dictionary 64 English - Spanish Dictionary 80 Food Glossary 96 Check bookmarks on the left for more detailed contents info. Learn Spanish E-book Published and distributed by Discs Direct. You can print the book for academic reasons. All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 Discs Direct. 2
  • 3. Español - Language note Spanish is the third most popular language of the world. It belongs to the Ibero-Romance family of languages and is most closely related to Catalan, Galician and Portuguese. There are around 40 million Spanish speakers within Spain and many more in other countries (see below). Spanish is the official language in Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands and the Northern African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. There are Spanish-speaking communities in the UK, France and Germany. It is one of the official languages of the European Union and of the United Nations. Spanish uses the Latin alphabet and the acute accent on vowels to indicate stressed syllables. Ñ and ñ are exclusive to Spanish and represent a single letter and not a modification of n. It's also the only language to use the opening question and exclamation marks ¿ ¡ Country - Number of Spanish Speakers: Mexico - 91 million Colombia - 41.9 million Argentina - 35.6 million Spain - 39.9 million Venezuela - 23.3 million USA - 20.7 million Peru - 20.4 million Chile - 13.6 million Ecuador - 11.8 million Dominican Republic - 8.2 million 3
  • 4. The Alphabet The Spanish alphabet consists of 29 letters: a, b, c, ch, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, ll, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z Below you can see the capital letters along with name of each letter and one word starting with that letter. A: a azul (adj) - blue B: be bandera (nf) - flag C: ce cerdo (nm) - pig, hog CH: che chico (nm) - boy D: de dedo (nm) - finger E: e escarabajo (nm) - beetle F: efe fruta (nf) - fruit G: ge gatito (nm) - kitten H: hache hombre (nm) - man I: i insecto (nm) - insect J: jota joya (nf) - jewel K: ka kilómetro (nm) - kilometre L: ele lago (nm) -lake LL: elle llover (v) rain M: eme mar (nf, nm) sea N: ene noche (nf) - night Ñ: eñe ñame (nm) - yam O: o océano (nm) - ocean P: pe papá (nm) - dad Q: cu quizá - maybe R: ere reina (nf) - queen S: ese silla (nf) - chair T: te tiburón (nm) - shark U: u uva (nf) - grape V: ve vaca (nf) - cow W: doble u wok (nm) - wok X: equis xilófono (nm) - xylophone Y: i griega y (conj) - and Z: zeta zorro (nm) - fox 4
  • 5. Pronounciation Guide Vowels All vowels in Spanish make only one sound each: a . . . sounds like . . . ah as in "father" The Spanish "a" is a short sharp sound like "hat" in English Examples: pato - apio - loca e The Spanish "e" is like the ehh in "bet" in English Examples: elegir - éxito - sed i . . . sounds like . . . ee as in "bee" The Spanish "i" is like the "ee" in "seen", but a bit shorter Examples: sin - miércoles - idiota o . . sounds like . . . oh as in "go" The Spanish "o" can have two sounds. When it is at the end of a word it is like the "o" in note e.g. "pato" When it is before a consonant it is shorter, like "pot" or "cot" e.g. "boda". This difference is very subtle Examples: pato - apio - loca u . . . sounds like . . . oo as in "to" The Spanish "u" is like the "oo" in "food" Note: It is silent after "q" and in "gue" and "gui" The exceptions are marked with a diaeresis eg: antigüedad. The "ü" is quite rare. 5
  • 6. Examples: luna - puro - mudo Diphtongs: ai ay The Spanish "ai" is like the "i" in "side" Examples: aislar - paisaje - vaina - haya au The Spanish "au" is like the "ou" in "sound" Examples: causa - pausa - audio - audiencia ei ey The Spanish "ei" and "ey" sound like the "ay" in say Examples: rey - peine - seis eu The Spanish "eu" has no English equivalent and is difficult to define. It is just the sounds of "e" and "u" together. It is not very common. Examples: deuda - neutral - reumatismo oi oy The Spanish "oi" and "oy" are like the "oy" in boy Examples: soy - doy - boicot - sois - coyote Semi-consonants: ie y The Spanish "y" and "ie" have the "y" sound in "yes" . Note that the word "y" meaning "and" sounds like the Spanish "i" Examples: hielo - yerno - yeso - tierno - miedo u The Spanish "u + vowel" sounds like the "w" in "win" Note that when "u" is followed by a vowel it normally has the "w" sound Examples: fuente - huevo - agua - fui - fuimos - cuota 6
  • 7. Consonants Most consonants are the same as in English, except: c g h j ll r rr v z b The Spanish "b" is almost exactly the same as an English "b" (Note: Both "b" and "v" have the "b" sound in Spanish) Examples: bomba - enviar - voy - Córdoba c (hard c) The Spanish "c" has the English "k" sound except when it comes before "e" and "i" Examples: academia - con - Ecuador - cola c (soft c) Before "e" and "i" it has a "th" sound as in "thin" (Note: c is an "s" sound in Latin America, or a "th" sound in Spain) Examples: sociedad - recibir - receta ch The Spanish "ch" is the same as the "ch" in church Examples: bochorno - champán - champiñón - champú d The Spanish "d" is very similar to the English "d" when it comes at the end of a word it can have a "th" like sound eg. Madrid, verdad Examples: del - definir - ciudad - domingo f The Spanish "f" is the same as the English "f" Examples: freír - difícil - afeitar - foro g (hard g) The Spanish "g" is like the English "g" unless it comes before "i" and "e". Examples: Galicia - golpe - guante - iglesia g (soft g) 7
  • 8. The Spanish "g" is like the Spanish "j" when it comes before "i" and "e". It makes the soft "h" sound, like the "ch" in the Scottish "loch" Some other words which have this sound are: gemelo - geranio - gimnasio - gitano h The Spanish "h" is always silent Examples: honor - Alhambra - rehacer j The Spanish "j" is a strong guttural (throaty) sound similar to the "ch" in the Scottish "loch" Examples: jota - jabón - lenguaje - eje k The Spanish "k" is the same as the English "k". It is very uncommon in Spanish Examples: kilo - kilovatio - kiosco - kiwi l The Spanish "l" is the same as the English "l" Examples: lobo - lámpara - ladrón ll The Spanish "ll" makes a drawn-out sound like the "y" in yes Examples: taller - valle - llamar - llover - lleno- Mallorca m The Spanish "m" is the same as the English "m" Examples: mama - tomar - malo - mixta - mano n The Spanish "n" is the same as the English "n" Examples: nadar - nadie - no - uno - nada ñ The Spanish "ñ" is like the "ni" in "onion" in English Examples: baño - caña - riñón - teñir p 8
  • 9. The Spanish "p" is the same as the "p" in English Examples: pato - apio - lápiz q The Spanish "q" is pronounced like the English "k" in "kick" Examples: queso - qué - querer - quince (Please note that the u after q is silent unlike in English, so qu makes a "k" sound not "kw") r The Spanish "r" is a similar to the English "r" but it is stronger (is rolled) Examples: rabo - radio - mar rr The Spanish "rr" does not exist in English. It is a very strong "r" with a trill (it's rolled emphatically). Many English speakers find this sound very difficult to pronounce. Examples: puerro - berro - carro - guerra - parra - barrio s The Spanish "s" has two sounds. It is pronounced the same as "s" sound in "sit" except when it comes before b, d, g, l, m, n Examples: saber - sobre - cosas - asunto It can have a "zzz" sound when it comes before b, d, g, l, m, n Examples: mismo - desde - asno t The Spanish "t" is very similar to the "t" in English. In Spanish the tongue is placed closer to the teeth and there is less aspiration. Examples: trigo - tomar- todo - patata v makes the "b" sound x The Spanish "x" is similar to the English pronunciation and it has a "ks" sound. Examples: extra - sexto- exacto - éxito z 9
  • 10. The Spanish "z" has the "th" sound in the English thin. Examples: zona - cazar - zorro - luz Please note: Z . . . is an "Z" sound in Latin America, or a "TH" sound in Spain Stress and Accent Marks Knowing how letters are pronounced is only one aspect of learning Spanish pronunciation. Another key aspect is knowing which syllable should be stressed. Fortunately, in Spanish the rules for stress (also known as accent) are simple. In fact, there are only three basic rules that cover nearly every word: 1. If a word ends in a vowel, n or s, the stress is on the next to last syllable. For example, toro, computadora, joven and zapatos all have their accent on the next-to-last syllable. Most words fit this category. 2. Words than end in other letters have the stress on the last syllable. For example, hotel, hablar, madador and virtud all have the accent on the final syllable. 3. If a word isn't pronounced according to the above two rules, an accent is placed over the vowel of the syllable that gets the stress. For example, común, lápiz, médico, inglés, and ojalá all have the stress on the indicated syllable. The only exceptions to the above words are some words of foreign origin, generally words adopted from English, that retain their original spelling and pronunciation. Also personal names and place names of foreign origin usually are written without accents. Note that some publications and signs do not use accent marks over capital letters, although it is normally best to use them when possible. Capital letters In Spanish, days, months, languages and nationalities do not use a capital letter. Only names of people and places do. 10
  • 11. Basic Phrases (Spanish – English) Hola - Hi Me llamo... - My name is... Encantado, -a - Nice to meet you Sí - Yes No - No Hablo un poco - I speak a little en español - in Spanish en inglés - in English Adiós - Goodbye Gracias - Thank you por favor - please el hotel - the hotel ¿Tiene...? - Have you got...? una habitación - a room doble - double individual - single el baño - the bathroom ¿Para cuántos días? - For how many days? Tengo una reserva - I have a reservation ¿Su nombre? - Your name? ¿Su pasaporte? - Your passport? ¿Qué va a tomar? - What would you like? un bocadillo - a filled roll una tortilla española - a Spanish omelette unas patatas fritas - chips de primero - as first course de segundo - as second course 11
  • 12. el menú - the menu ¿Para beber? - And to drink? una cerveza - a beer un vino tinto - a glass of red wine un vaso de agua - a glass of water la cuenta - the bill ¿Hay... por aquí? - Is there... around here? un supermercado - a supermarket una farmacia - a chemist's abierto - open cerrado - closed ¿Tiene...? - Have you got...? ¿Qué talla? - What size? grande - big pequeño - small ¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much does it cost? ¿Algo más? - Anything else? Perdón - Excuse me ¿Dónde está? - Where is? todo recto - straight ahead enfrente - opposite a la izquierda - on the left a la derecha - on the right Está cerca - It's nearby Está lejos - It's far away un billete para... - a ticket to... de ida - one way de ida y vuelta - return Soy principiante. - I’m a beginner. Tengo un nivel...medio/avanzado. - I'm intermediate/advanced. 12
  • 13. Common phrases (English –Spanish) Can you help me? - ¿Me puede ayudar?; ¿Me ayuda por favor? Do you speak English? - ¿Hablas inglés? Do you understand English? - ¿Entiende el inglés? Good afternoon - Buenas tardes Good-bye. - Adiós. Good evening - Buenas noches Good morning - Buenos dias Good night - Buenas noches Happy birthday! - Feliz cumpleaños! Happy New Year! - Feliz Año Nuevo! Hello - ¡hola! Help me please. - Ayúdeme por favor. How? - ¿Cómo? How are you? - ¿Cómo estás? How do you say...? - ¿Cómo se dice...? How much does it cost? - ¿Cuánto es? How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes? I am... - Estoy... I am called...(My name is...) - Me llamo... I am from... - Soy de... I am fine. - Estoy bien. I am happy. - Estoy alegre. I am hungry. - Tengo hambre. I am lost. - Estoy perdido. I am sad. - Estoy triste. I am sick. - Estoy enfermo. I don't know. - No lo sé. I don't like it. - No me gusta. I don't speak Spanish. - No hablo español. I don't understand. No entiendo. - No comprendo. I have... - Tengo... I like it. - Me gusta. I love you. - Te amo. I need a doctor. - Necesito un médico. I would like... - Me gustaria... maybe - quizá My name is... - Me llamo... Nice to meet you. - Encantado de conocerle. Mucho gusto. no - no please - por favor Pleased to meet you. - Encantado de conocerle. Please help me. - Ayúdeme, por favor. Please repeat that. - ¿Podria repetir, por favor? See you later. - Hasta luego. Thank you. - Gracias. what - qué 13
  • 14. What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas? What time is it? - ¿Que hora es? ?? when - cuándo where - dónde which - cuál Where are you from? - ¿De dónde eres? Where is the bathroom? - ¿Donde esta el baño? ?? who - quién ?? why - por qué yes - si You're welcome. - De nada. Conversation practice Who's there? - ¿Quién es? What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas? What is your mother's name? - ¿Cómo se llama tu madre? What is your father's name? - ¿Cómo se llama tu padre? How do you spell your name? - ¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre? How are you? - ¿Cómo está? Where are you from? - ¿De dónde viene? Where do you live? - ¿Dónde vives? Where were you born? - ¿Dónde nació usted? How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes? Do you have brothers or sisters? - ¿Tienes tú hermanos o hermanas? Do you have any pets (animals) at home? - ¿Tiene usted mascotas en casa? How many people are in your family? - ¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia? What is your telephone number? - ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es? What day is it today? - ¿Qué día es hoy? What day was yesterday? - ¿Qué día fue ayer? What day is tomorrow? - ¿Qué día es mañana? What is the date? - ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? 14
  • 15. When do you eat lunch? - ¿A qué hora comes tú el almuerzo? What's the weather like? - ¿Qué tiempo hace? How many are there? - ¿Cuánto hay? How much is that? - ¿Cuánto cuesta eso? or ¿Cuánto es? What color is this? - ¿Qué color es? What is your favorite color? - ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? What is this? - ¿Qué es esto? Do you have any questions? - ¿Tiene algunas preguntas? Do you understand? - ¿Entiende? or ¿Comprende? Can you repeat that, please? - ¿Me lo repite, por favor? Do you speak English? - ¿Hablas inglés? Where is it? - ¿Dónde está? Where are you going? - ¿Adónde va usted? Why is that? - Y eso ¿por qué? Why not? - ¿Por qué no? Whose is that? - ¿De quién es eso? What would you like? - ¿Qué desea? Can you help me please? - ¿Puede usted ayudarme, por favor? Where is the bathroom? - ¿Dónde esta el baño? Greetings Hola - Hello, hi Hola, aló, jaló, bueno, al, diga - Hello (on the telephone). - varies with location. Adiós - Goodbye (An informal alternative in some areas is chau from Italian). ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está? - How are you? Muy bien, gracias - Very well, thank you Buenos días - Good day, good morning (sometimes a shortened form, buen día, is used.) Buenas tardes - Good afternoon (also used in the early evening) Buenas noches - Good night (can be used as a greeting as well as a farewell). 15
  • 16. ¿Cómo te va? ¿Cómo le va? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hay? - How's it going? What's happening? ¿Qué pasa? - What's happening? ¿Qué hubo? ¿Qué onda? - How is it going? What's happening? (common in Mexico). ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama usted? - What's your name? Me llamo … - My name is ... Mucho gusto. Encantado. - It's a pleasure to meet you. Bienvenido, bienvenida, bienvenidos, bienvenidas – Welcome (Note the difference in number and gender. Bienvenido would be used with a man, bienvenida with a woman, bienvenidas with a group of all females, and bienvenidos with males or a mixed group). Numbers There are two kinds of numbers: cardinal and ordinal. Cardinal numbers are the numbers used for counting: 0 cero 1 uno/a 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 11 once 12 doce 13 trece 14 catorce 15 quince 16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 18 dieciocho 19 diecinueve 20 veinte 21 veintiuno/a 22 veintidós 30 treinta 31 treinta y uno/a 16
  • 17. 40 cuarenta 50 cincuenta 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 noventa 100 cien(to) 101 ciento uno 200 doscientos/as 300 trescientos/as 400 cuatrocientos/as 500 quinientos/as 600 seiscientos/as 700 setecientos/as 800 ochocientos/as 900 novecientos/as 1.000 mil 1.500 mil quinientos 2.000 dos mil 1.000.000 un millón Uno in compound numbers loses the -o before masculine nouns, whether singular or plural: treinta y un días (thirty-one days). Dates (months and years) are cardinal numbers in Spanish, except for the first of the month: El 9 (nueve) de marzo de 1995 (mil novecientos noventa y cinco) (the ninth of October, 1995); BUT Hoy es el primero de octubre (Today is October first). Note that Spanish reverses the English usage of commas and periods in numbers: 1.250 kilómetros = 1,250 kilometers; 1,25 litros = 1.25 liters. Ordinal Numbers primer(o)/a - first segundo/a - second tercer(o)/a - third cuarto/a - fourth quinto/a - fifth sexto/a - sixth séptimo/a - seventh octavo/a - eighth noveno/a - ninth décimo/a - tenth 17
  • 18. After ten, cardinal numbers are generally used to indicate the ordinals: Alfonso Trece (Alfonso the Thirteenth); el siglo veinte (the twentieth century). Vocabulary (grouped by topics) Days of the week Sunday - domingo Monday - lunes Tuesday - martes Wednesday – miercoles Thursday - jueves Friday - viernes Saturday - sabado Months of the year January - enero February – febrero March - marzo April - abril May - mayo June - junio July - julio August - agosto September - septiembre October - octubre November - noviembre December - diciembre Shapes - Las Formas arch - el arco block - el cubo circle - el círculo cone - el cono crescent - creciente cube - el cubo cylinder - el cilindro diamond - rombo ellipse - la elipse 18
  • 19. hemisphere - el hemisferio hexagon - el hexágono octagon - el octágono orb - el orbe oval - el óvalo pentagon - el pentágono polygons - polígonos pyramid - la pirámide . point - el punto rectangle - el rectángulo semicircle - semicirculo shapes - las formas sphere - esfera spiral - el espiral square - el cuadrado star - la estrella trapezoid - trapezoide triangle - el triángulo wedge - la cuña zigzag - el zigzag Adjectives afraid - asustado alike - parecido/parecida all - todo angry - enojado asleep - dormido beautiful - bella (female), bello (male) big - grande black - negro blue - azul bright - luminoso brown - marrón clean - limpio closed - cerrado cute - linda (female), lindo (male) dirty - sucio early - temprano empty - vacío/vacía every - cada fast - rápido fat - gordo/gorda frightened - asustado full - lleno/llena gray - gris green - verde happy - contenta/contento healthy - saludable hot - caliente hungry - hambriento large - grande last - último/última late - tarde 19
  • 20. left - izquierda loud - fuerte little - pequeñita/pequeñito lost - perdido less - menos mad - enojado many - muchos more - más narrow - estrecho, angosto open - abierto orange - anaranjado outdoors - al aire libre over - sobre pink - rosa, rosado purple - morado quiet - callado/callada red - rojo sad - triste scared - asustado, temeroso slow - lenta/lento small - pequeña/pequeño sick - enferma/enfermo short - baja/bajo tall - alta/alto thin - delgado ugly - feo unhappy - infeliz upside down - a revés violet - violeta white - blanco wide - ancho yellow - amarillo young - joven Verbs to be afraid - tener miedo break - romper burn - quemarse clap - aplaudir cry - llorar dance - bailar draw - dibujar drink - beber, tomar eat - comer erase - borrar exercise - ejercicio to fish - pescar fly - volar give - dar hear - oír jog - trotar juggle - hacer juegos malabares jump - saltar 20
  • 21. kneel - arrodillarse knit - tejer laugh - reír leak - tener goteras learn - aprender to love - amar (to send by) mail - enviar par correo paint - pintar play - jugar pull - tirar push - empujar rake - rastrillar read - leer receive - recibir run - correr scare - susto scream - gritar see - ver sew - coser sing - cantar sit - sentarse sleep - dormir smile - la sonrisa speak - hablar staple - sujetar con grapa stop - parar talk - hablar teach - enseñar thank - agradecer, dar las gracias think - pensar throw - tirar, aventar, echar tickle - hacer cosquillas understand - comprender walk - caminar, andar wave - saludar a alguien con la mano weep - llorar wiggle - contonear, menear (make a) wish - pedir un deseo work - trabajar write - escribir yell - gritar Prepositions above - arriba de, sobre around - alrededor de behind - detrás de between - entre in - en in front of - delante de inside - dentro 21
  • 22. on top of - encima de over - sobre under - debajo de Animals alligator - el caimán animals - los animales ant - la hormiga antelope - el antílope antler - el asta ape - el mono aquarium - el acuario barn - el establo bat - el murciélago beak - el pico bear - el oso beaver - el castor bee - la abeja beetle - el escarabajo bird - el pájaro blackbird - el mirlo bluebird - azulejo buffalo - el búfalo bug - bicho bunny - el conejito butterfly - la mariposa bull - el toro cage - la jaula camel - el camello canary - el canario cat - el gato caterpillar - la oruga chick - el pollito chicken - el pollo chimpanzee - el chimpancé chipmunk - la ardilla listada cicada - la cigarra claw - la zarpa, la garra cobweb - la telaraña cocoon - el capullo coral - coralino cow - la vaca coyote - el coyote crab - el cangrejo crane - la grulla crocodile - el cocodrilo crow - el cuervo deer - el venado dinosaur - el dinosaurio dog - el perro 22
  • 23. doghouse - perrera dolphin - el delfín donkey - el burro dove - la paloma dragon - el dragón dragonfly - la libélula duck - el pato duckling - el patito eagle - el águila earthworm - lombriz de tierra eel - la anguila egg - el huevo elephant - el elefante elk - alce farm - la granja/la finca feather - la pluma fin - la aleta fish - el pez, el pescado fish bowl - la pecera to fish - pescar fishing rod - caña de pescar flamingo - el flamenco fly - la mosca fox - el zorro frog - la rana gazelle - la gacela giraffe - la jirafa goat - la cabra goose - el ganso gorilla - el gorila grasshopper - el saltamontes hamster - la marmota, la rata del trigo hedgehog - el erizo hen - la gallina hippopotamus - el hipopótamo hive - la colmena hog - el cerdo honeycomb - el panal de miel horn - el cuerno hornet - avispón horse - el caballo horseshoe - la herradura hummingbird - el colibrí hyena - la hiena hoof - el casco insect - el insecto jaguar - el jaguar jay - el arrendajo jellyfish - la medusa kangaroo - el canguro kitten - el gatito koala - el koala ladybug - la mariquita lamb - el cordero lion - el león lizard - la lagartija 23
  • 24. llama - la llama lobster - la langosta macaw - el guacamayo mammal - el mamífero mammoth - el mamut marsupial - el marsupial mermaid - la sirena monkey - el mono monster - el monstruo moose - el alce mosquito - el mosquito, el zancudo moth - la polilla/la mariposa nocturna mouse el ratón muskrat el ratón almizclero mutt - el bobo nandu - ñandú nest - el nido net - la red newt - el tritón octopus - el pulpo orangutan - el orangután ostrich - el avestruz otter - la nutria owl - el búho, la lechuza parrot - el loro, el papagayo peacock - el pavo real penguin - el pingüino pet - el animal doméstico pig - el cerdo pigeon la paloma/pichón pupa - la crisálida puppy - el cachorro quail - la codorniz quetzal - el quetzal rabbit - el conejo raccoon - el mapache rat - la rata reindeer - el reno rhinoceros - el rinoceronte roach - la cucaracha roadrunner - el correcamino robin - el petirrojo rooster - el gallo scorpion - el alacrán sea gull - la gaviota seahorse - caballito de mar seal - la foca shark - el tiburón sheep - la oveja, carnero shell - concha shrimp - el camaron skeleton - el esqueleto skull - el cráneo snail - el caracol snake - la culebra/la serpiente spider - la araña 24
  • 25. squid - el calamar sponge - la esponja squirrel - la ardilla stable - el establo stingray - raya swan - el cisne tadpole - el renacuajo tail - la cola tern - golondrina tiger - el tigre toad - el sapo toucan - el toucan trunk - la trompa turtle - la tortuga unicorn - el unicornio vulture - el buitre walrus - el walrus wasp - la avispa weasel - comadreja web - telaraña, tela de araña whale - la ballena wolf - el lobo woodpecker - el pájaro carpintero worm - el gusano yak - yac zebra - la cebra zoo - el parque zoológico zoologist - zoólogo Family - Familia father - papá mother - mamá father - el padre mother - la madre fathers or parents - los padres son - hijo daughter - hija sons, sons and daughters, or children - los hijos brother - hermano sister - hermana brothers, or brothers and sisters - los hermanos godfather - padrino godmother - madrina husband - esposo wife - esposa 25
  • 26. Relationships Estoy enamorado/estoy enamorada - I am in love Tengo novio - I have a boyfriend, sweetheart Tengo novia - I have a girlfriend, sweetheart Te mando una carta - I send a card to you Le mando una carta - I send a card to her/him Querido Juan - Dear John Querida María - Dear Mary ¿Por qué no me escribes? - Why don't you write to me? Te echo de menos - I miss you ¿Me echas de menos? - Do you miss me? ¿Estás enfadada? - Are you angry? Te quiero. Te amo - I love you ¿Me quieres? ¿Me amas? - Do you love me? Estoy celoso - I am jealous Te adoro apasionadamente - I adore you passionately Te quiero con toda mi alma - I love you with all my soul ¡Quiéreme o me muero! - Love me or I shall die! Eres mi héroe/heroína - You are my hero/heroine Con cariño - With affection Cariñosamente - Affectionately Con amor - With love Besos - Kisses Abrazos - Hugs Personality ambitious - ambicioso annoying - pesado argumentative, quarrelsome - discutidor bad-tempered - malhumorado big-headed - creído, engreído bitchy - de mala leche, venenoso; brave - valiente cantankerous - cascarrabias carefree - despreocupado careless - descuidado, poco cuidadoso cautious - prudente, cauteloso, cauto; charming - encantador cheerful - alegre, jovial; conceited, full of oneself - presumido conservative - conservador conventional - convencional cowardly - cobarde crazy, nuts - loco, chiflado 26
  • 27. cruel - cruel dull, boring - soso, aburrido flirtatious - coqueta friendly - amigable, simpático, agradable generous - generoso hard-working - trabajador honest - honesto kind - amable laid-back - tranquilo, relajado lazy - perezoso, vago loyal - fiel mean - tacaño modest - modesto moody - de humor cambiante naive - ingenuo, inocentón naughty - (children) malo, travieso (niños) narrow-minded - de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante open-minded - de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios pious - piadoso polite - cortés, educado proud - orgulloso reliable - fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar self-confident: to be self-confident seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo selfish - egoísta sensible - sensato, prudente; sensitive - sensible shy, introverted - tímido, vergonzoso - introvertido strict - estricto, severo, riguroso stubborn - terco, testarudo, tozudo sympathetic (understanding) - comprensivo talkative - conversador, hablador trustworthy - digno de confianza two-faced, false - falso weird - raro, extraño Colours amarillo - yellow anaranjado - orange azul - blue blanco - white dorado - golden gris - gray marrón - brown 27
  • 28. negro - black púrpura - purple rojo - red rosado - pink verde - green beige, beis - beige cereza - cherry-colored chocolate - chocolate-colored esmerelda - emerald grana - dark red humo - smoky lila - lilac malva - mauve mostaza - mustard-colored naranja - orange oro - gold paja - straw-colored rosa - pink turquesa - turquoise violeta – violet What color is it? - ¿Que color es este? What is your favorite colour? - ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? Note that the form changes depending on the number and gender of what's being described: Tengo un coche amarillo. (I have one yellow car.) Tiene dos coches amarillos. (He has two yellow cars.) Tienes una flor amarilla. (You have a yellow flower.) Tenemos diez flores amarillas. (We have ten yellow flowers.) Body parts arm - el brazo 28
  • 29. back - la espalda backbone - la columna vertebral brain - el cerebro, el seso breast, chest - el pecho buttocks - las nalgas calf - la pantorrilla ear - el oído, la oreja elbow - el codo eye - el ojo finger - el dedo foot - el pie hair - el pelo hand - la mano head - la cabeza heart - el corazón hip - la cadera intestine - el intestino knee - la rodilla leg - la pierna liver - el hígado mouth - la boca muscle - el músculo neck - el cuello nose - la nariz penis - el pene shoulder - el hombro skin - la piel stomach (abdomen) - el vientre stomach (internal organ) - el estómago thigh - el muslo throat - la garganta 29
  • 30. toe - el dedo tongue - la lengua tooth - el diente, la muela vagina - la vagina Physical appearance He has blue eyes = tiene los ojos azules He is bald = Es calvo face - la cara/el rostro facial features - rasgos she has a thin face - tiene la/una cara delgada an oval face - una cara ovalada round face - una cara redonda clean-shaven - bien afeitado bloated face - una cara hinchada/abotagada/abotargada cherubic face - una cara angelical chubby face - una cara regordete chubby-cheeked - mofletudo chubby/podgy face - una cara rechoncha, regordete, gordinflona he had a weather-beaten face - tenía un rostro curtido face lift - un lifting, un estiramiento facial she has freckles - tiene pecas, es pecosa spots/pimples - granos blackheads - espinillas moles - lunares warts - verrugas wrinkles - arugas rosy cheeks - mejillas sonrosadas acne - acne birthmark - un antojo/una mancha de nacimiento double chin - una papada hollow cheeks - las mejillas hundidas dimple - un hoyuelo smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced - lampiño deadpan face - una cara de póquer/de palo doleful face - una cara compungida sad face - una cara triste serious face - una cara seria smiling face - una cara sonriente happy face - una cara alegre smooth-cheeked/smooth-faced - lampiño go red in the face (with anger/heat) - ponerse colorado/rojo go red/to blush (with embarassment) - sonrojarse/ruborizarse he looks worried parece preocupado frightened asustado surprised sorprendido smile una sonrisa smirk una sonrisita frown el ceño fruncido nose = la nariz 30
  • 31. bulbous nose - una nariz protuberante hooked nose - una nariz aguileña big nose - una nariz grande turned-up/snub nose - una nariz respingona a pointed nose - una nariz puntiaguda a flat nose/a pug nose - una nariz chata a lopsided nose - una nariz ladeada/torcida a hooter/conk (fam) - una napia flare your nostrils/to snort - resoplar/bufar Weather When talking about the weather in Spanish use "hace" and "hay"instead of English "to be" It is sunny - Hace sol It is hot - Hace calor It is very windy - Hace / Hay mucho viento Talking about weather what’s the weather like? - "¿qué tiempo hace?" or "¿cómo está el tiempo?" tomorrow will be dry - mañana hará tiempo seco there’s been a change in the weather - ha cambiado el tiempo let’s hope the weather holds out - esperemos que no nos falle el tiempo the weather spoiled our plans - el tiempo nos estropeó los planes it looks like it's going to rain - parece que va a llover the bad weather is still with us - seguimos con mal tiempo the garden could do with a bit of rain - al jardín le vendría bien que lloviera un poco you get better weather on the south coast - en la costa sur hace mejor tiempo; weather permitting - si hace buen tiempo we’re hoping for good weather while we’re on holiday - esperamos tener buen tiempo durante las vacaciones I don’t like the look of the weather - no me gusta cómo se está poniendo el tiempo breeze - una brisa clap of thunder, a thunderclap - un trueno clear sky/day - un cielo/día despejado clear up - despejar climate - el clima cloud - una nube cloudburst - un chaparrón cloudburst - un chaparrón, un aguacero cold front - un frente frío damp - húmedo 31
  • 32. degree - grado depression - una depresión atmosférica, una borrasca dew - el rocío , el sereno downpour - un chaparrón, un turbión drizzle / to drizzle (nm) - llovizna / lloviznar flash of lightning - un relámpago flashes of lightning - un relampagueo flood - una inundación flood (v) - inundar fog -la niebla force nine gale - vientos de fuerza nueve forked lightning - una culebrina frost - escarcha frost (v) - helar frosty night - una noche de helada gale - un viento fuerte, una vendaval gale-force winds - los vientos de tormenta gust of wind - una racha hail (v) - granizar hailstones - los granizos, las piedras de granizo hailstorm - una granizada haziness - la nebulosidad, lo neblinoso he was struck by lightning - le cayó un rayo heat wave - una ola de calor hot - cálido humid - húmedo humidity - la humedad hurricane - un huracán instability/changeability - inestabilidad it’s cloudy - hace nubes or está nublado it’s drizzling - está lloviznando it’s foggy - hay niebla it’s frosty - está helado it’s hot - hace calor it’s misty - hay neblina it’s muggy / clammy / close - está abochornado it’s raining - está lloviendo it’s sleeting - cae aguanieve it’s snowing - está nevado it’s sunny - hace sol it’s windy - hace viento, está ventoso It's chilly today - hace fresquito hoy light covering of snow - una fina capa de nieve low/high-pressure - de bajas/altas presiones mist - la neblina rain (v) - llover rain -la lluvia scattered showers - chubascos aislados sea breeze - una brisa marina sea mist - la bruma shower - un chaparrón, un chubasco sleet - aguanieve f. sleet showers - chubascos de aguanieve snow - la nieve snow (v) - nevar snowball - una bola de nieve 32
  • 33. storm - una tormenta, un temporal stormy day - un día tormentoso streak of lightning - un rayo sun - el sol sunny day - un día soleado sunny spell - un claro sunstroke - insolación temperature - la temperatura thaw - un deshielo thaw (v) - deshelar thunder - los truenos thundercloud - un nubarrón to become muggy - abochornarse to rain cats and dogs - llover a cántaros to ride out the storm - capear el temporal turbulence - la turbulencia unsettled weather - un tiempo revuelto weather - el tiempo weather forecast - la previsión del tiempo para mañana weather vane - una veleta wind - el viento Grammar Regular Verbs In spanish there are three different kinds of regular verbs, these can be characterized by the ending of the infinitive. -ar -er -ir An infinative is represented in the english language by the word to: to be, to have, to learn, to speak, and to buy. These are all infinitive forms of english verbs. The following table lists the conjugation for these Regular Verbs, with examples for each. llamar comer abrir yo llamo como abro tu llamas comes abres el/ella llama come abre nosotros llamamos comemos abrimos vosotros llamáis coméis abrís ellos/ellas llaman comen abren Irregular Verbs Present Tense ir hacer estar yo voy hago estoy tu vas haces estás 33
  • 34. el / ella va hace está nosotros vamos hacemos estamos vosotros vais hacéis estáis ellos / ellas van hacen están Note: For more info about verbs look under: Tenses Articles The definite article (artículo definido) agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies and has four forms: Masculine el (singular) los (plural) Feminine la (singular) las (plural) Examples: el río (the river); los refrescos (the refreshments); la guitarra (the guitar); las faltas (the mistakes). Definite articles are often used in Spanish where English would omit them, for example: 1) with abstract nouns: El amor es una fuerza irresistible (Love is an irresistible force) 2) with nouns used in a general sense: Prefiero los caballos (I prefer horses) 3) with parts of the body and articles of clothing: Tengo el brazo roto (I have a broken arm) 4) with titles, except in direct address: El señor García está aquí (Mr. Garcia is here) but Buenos días, señor García (Hello, Mr. Garcia) Neuter article (artículo neutro) lo can be used before an adjective (or a past participle used adjectivally) to make it function as a noun: lo humano (that which is human); lo dicho (that which has been said). Note: Do not confuse the neuter article lo with the masculine singular direct object pronoun lo: Lo vi en la calle (I saw it in the street). The indefinite article (artículo indefinido): un for the masculine singular and una for the feminine singular. It agrees with the noun it modifies: un médico bueno (a good doctor); una lengua bella (a beautiful language). The plural forms unos and unas mean some or a few: Tengo unos libros buenos (I have some good books); Dénos unas naranjas, por favor (Give us some oranges, please). Note:For feminine nouns beginning with a stressed a sound use the masculine definite article in the singular e.g.: El alma es un fin, no un medio (The soul is an end, not a means); but Las almas quieren hacerse inmortales (Souls long to become immortal). Gender The nouns in Spanish can have either of 2 genders (género): masculine (masculino) or feminine (femenino). The gender of many nouns can be determined by their meaning or their ending. The gender 34
  • 35. of other nouns must be learned individually. The best way to memorize the gender of words is to memorize the article when learning a new word. la chica (the girl) feminine el hombre (the man) masculine In general masculine nouns end in -o and feminine nouns end in -a; but watch out for exceptions: el día (the day), la mano (the hand), and masculine nouns ending in -ma (of Greek derivation): el idioma (the language); el poema (the poem); el clima (the climate). El policía mató a tiros al ladrón (The policeman gunned down the thief); La actriz se veía pobre y sin amigos (The actress found herself poor and friendless). Nouns ending in -ista are masculine, unless referring to a woman: un comunista (a communist); un pianista ( pianist). Nouns ending in -ad, -ud, -ión are feminine: la ciudad (the city); la juventud (youth); la dirección (the address). In Spanish, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and articles are gender-related. Ella compró una casa bonita (She bought a pretty house). Plural nouns of mixed gender take the masculine: Los niños están enfermos (The children are ill). Knowing the gender of every noun is important not only for the noun itself, but for the spelling and pronunciation of the words it influences in a sentence: adjectives, articles, participles, and pronouns. They agree in the gender and in the number with the noun. Plurals The plural of nouns and adjectives is regularly formed by adding -s to words ending in a vowel and -es to words ending in a consonant: Tiene los ojos negros (He has dark eyes); Prefiero las canciones de cuna (I prefer lullabies). Words ending with z change to c in the plural: Encienda la luz (Turn on the light); Desde aquí podemos ver las luces de la ciudad (From here we can see the lights of the city). Contractions There are only two contractions (contracciones) in Spanish: al and del. Al = a (to, for, at by) + el (masculine article) 35
  • 36. Vamos al mercado (Let's go to the store); Al entrar en la clase, la profesora comenzó a hablar (Upon entering the classroom, the professor began to speak). Del = de (of, from, with) + el (masculine article): ¿Qué piensas del nuevo profesor? (What do you think of the new teacher?). Note: The preposition a and de does not contract with the personal pronoun él: Se lo doy a él (I give it to him). Adjectives An adjective (adjetivo) agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes. Like nouns, adjectives generally end in -o for the masculine (plural -os) and -a for the feminine (plural -as): un libro bueno (a good book); muchos estudiantes (many students); una costumbre francesa (a French custom); otras habitaciones (other rooms). Some adjectives whose masculine singular ends in a consonant form the feminine by adding -a: un muchacho francés (a French boy); una muchacha francesa (a French girl); un baile encantador (a charming dance); una canción encantadora (a charming song). Other adjectives ending in a consonant have the same form for both masculine and feminine: un hombre joven (a young man), una mujer joven (a young woman); unos bailes populares (some popular dances), unas canciones populares (some popular songs). In Spanish adjectives are used usually after the nouns t(unlike English): un día lluvioso (a rainy day). When used before the noun, such adjectives change meaning, acquiring a less literal sense: Hay que dar limosna a un hombre pobre (One must give alms to a poor man); but El pobre hombre está con un pie en la fosa (The poor guy has one foot in the grave). Adjectives precede the nouns they modify whenever they: 1) express an essential or characteristic quality: la dulce miel (the sweet honey; las verdes hojas (the green leaves); 2) point out, limit or quantify: este hombre (this man); su marido (her husband); menos caliente (less hot); dos lecciones (two lessons). Adjectives can be used as nouns, in which case they take a definite article: Los ricos también tienen sus problemas (Rich people have their problems, too). Adjectives are occasionally used adverbially: Vive feliz en la ciudad (He lives happily in the city). Adverbs Many adverbs (adverbios) are formed from adjectives, by adding the suffix -mente to the feminine singular form: Ella es muy rica (She is very rich); Está ricamente vestida (She is richly dressed). In a series of adverbs, only the last one takes the -mente suffix, while the other adverbs 36
  • 37. have the form of feminine adjectives: Escribe clara, rápida y correctamente (She writes clearly, quickly and correctly). Comparison The comparative (comparativo) of an adjective or adverb is formed by preceding it with más (more) or menos (less): Esta lección es más fácil (This lesson is easier); Lo puedo hacer más fácilmente (I can do it more easily). The superlative (superlativo) of an adjective is formed by adding the definite article to the comparative form: Esta lección es la más fácil (This lesson is the easiest one). The superlative of an adverb is expressed by adding the neuter article lo to the comparative form: lo más fácilmente (the most easily). The superlative of a noun is expressed by mejor (best) and peor (worst) preceded by the appropriate definite article: la mejor respuesta (the best answer). The absolute sperlative (superlativo absoluto) of an adjective indicates a high degree of some quality, rather than a comparison. It is formed by adding the suffix -ísimo/a to the adjective or adverb: Es una mujer riquísima (She is an extremely wealthy woman); Esta riquísimamente vestida (She is very richly dressed). Ser and Estar Ser and estar both mean to be. Ser is used to express what something is, while estar expresses where or how it is: Nosotros éramos buenos amigos (We were good friends); Miguel está en la oficina (Michael is in the office); Pablo está enfermo (Paul is sick). Estar is also used with the present participle to form the progressive tenses, present and past. Examples: Juan está estudiando (John is studying); Ellos estaban bailando el tango (They were dancing the Tango). Tú and Usted Tú (the plural vosotros/as is used exclusively in Spain) is the second person pronoun (English "you"). It is used for the familiar form of address when speaking to family members, close friends, children and pet animals: ¿Te sientes bien? (Do you feel okay?). The polite form of the second person pronoun is usted (plural ustedes for both masculine and feminine). It derives from the phrase Vuestra Merced (Your Grace), and is therefore abbreviated either Vd. or Ud. (plural Vds. or Uds.). Although it indicates the second person mode of address, usted is conjugated with third person verb forms (English "he/she/it"). This 37
  • 38. lends a respectful sense of distance to the conversation: ¿Sigue Ud. estudiando el español? (Do you continue studying Spanish?). Prepositions Prepositions (preposiciones) are the connecting words that show the relationships between words in the sentence. Nouns, pronouns, noun phrases, gerunds or noun clauses can be the complement of the prepositions: Simple prepositions in Spanish include the following: a to, at con with contra against de of, from desde from, since durante during en in, on entre between hacia toward hasta until para for, in order to por for, by sin without sobre over tras after Vamos a Madrid. We are going to Madrid. Viene con su hermano. - She's coming with her brother. Quiero gasolina sin plomo. - I want unleaded gasoline. Conjunctions Conjunctions (conjunciones) join words, phrases and clauses together. The most commonly used conjunction in Spanish is y (and). con su espada y con su pluma (with his sword and his pen) Other commonly used conjunctions: o or ni nor pero but 38
  • 39. Interjections An interjection (interjección) is a word or expression. Interjections are rarely used in formal or business writing. In print interjection is usually followed by exclamation mark or a coma: Note that in Spanish each interjection uses ¡ in front and ! at the end of the word: ¡ay! -oh!, ouch! ¡por Dios! -for goodness sakes! Sentences A sentence consists of the subject (the topic of the sentence) and the predicate (what is said about the subject). Yo compro suéteres en el Rastro. (I buy sweaters in the Rastro.) Yo (I) is the subject of the sentence and compro suéteres (buy sweaters) is the predicate. The most common forms of subject are nouns and pronouns Noun phrase and noun clause may be the subject of a sentence: Los niños en la escuela reciclan las latas. (noun phrase) (The children in the school recycle the cans.) Los toros de Pamplona y los muchachos de Pamplona corren rapidamente. (noun clauses) (The bulls of Pamplone and the boys of Pamplona run fast.) The most common form of predicate is one consisting of the verb of action and direct or indirect object: La niña ve el elefante. (The girl sees the elephant.) Elefante is a direct object of the present tense verb ve. Possessive Adjectives The possessive adjectives (adjetivos posesivos) are: 39
  • 40. mi or mío/a - my tu or tuyo/a - your su or suyo/a -his, her, its nuestro/a - our vuestro/a - your su or suyo/a - their Possessive adjectives have a short form when they precede the noun and a longer form when they follow it: mis amigos (my friends); una amiga mía (a female friend of mine). All these forms add -s to form the plural. They agree in gender and number with the noun: mis libros (my books); nuestras cosas (our things). Note: When referring to clothing, parts of the body, and so on, a definite article is regularly used instead of a possessive adjective: Tiene algo en la mano (He has something in his hand); Póngase Ud. los zapatos (Put on your shoes). The possessive pronouns (pronombres posesivos) are formed by adding the appropriate definite article to the long form of the possessive adjective: el mío, la mía, los míos, las mías (mine) el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas (yours) el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (his, hers its) el nuestro, la nuestra, etc. (ours) el vuestro, la vuestra, etc. (yours) el suyo, la suya, etc. (theirs) Possessive pronouns, like possessive adjectives, agree with the thing possessed rather than with the possessor: tus cartas y las mías (your letters and mine); su casa y la nuestra (their house and ours). Demonstrative Adjectives The DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES (adjetivos demostrativos) are: Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Singular Singular Plural Plural este esta estos estas (this) ese esa esos esas (that) aquel aquella aquellos aquellas (that) Demonstrative adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify: estos libros (these books); esa bicicleta (that bicycle); aquellos edificios (those buildings). Este refers to something near the speaker; ese refers to something at a distance from the 40
  • 41. speaker but in the vicinity of the person spoken to; aquel refers to something at a distance from both the speaker and the listener. The demonstrative pronouns (pronombres demostrativos) are formed by adding a written accent to the demonstrative adjectives. They agree in gender and number with the nouns the represent: No prefiero esta mesa; quiero aquélla (I don't like this table; I want that one over there). The neuter demonstrative pronouns esto, eso and aquello do not have written accents since there are no neuter demonstrative adjectives with which they might be confused. They always refer to a general idea, a situation, or an indefinite thing, and never have a specific noun antecedent: ¿Qué es esto? (What's this?); La casa es muy pequeña, y él no quiere eso (The house is very little, and he doesn't want that). Pronouns The personal pronouns (pronombres personales) have different forms depending on whether they are the subject (sujeto), direct object (objeto directo) or indirect object ( objeto indirecto). SUBJECT: First person: Yo - I nosotros/as - we Second person (familiar) tú - you vosotros/as – you (plural) Second person (polite) usted - you Udstedes – you (plural) Third Person él - he, it ellos - they ella -she ellas – they Note: Subject pronouns (with the exception of Ud.) are regularly omitted, since they can be deduced from the conjugated verb forms: Traigo los refrescos (I'm bringing the soft drinks); Tienes razón (You're right). When the subject pronouns are used, it is in order to emphasize or clarify: Yo quiero hacer eso (I want to do that myself); Ella cantaba mientras él tocaba la guitarra (She sang while he played the guitar). 41
  • 42. DIRECT OBJECT: First person: me (me) nos (us) Second person (familiar) te (you) os (you) Second person (polite) le, la (you) los, las (you) Third Person lo (him, it) los (them) la (her, it) las (them) Note: in parts of Spain, le is often used instead of lo for the direct object pronoun meaning him. INDIRECT OBJECT: First person: me (me) nos (us) Second person (familiar) te (you) os (you) Second person (polite) le (you) les (you) Third Person le (him, her, it) les (them) Object pronouns (direct and indirect) usually precede the verb, but can be attached to infinitives and present participles, and must be attached to affirmative commands: Lo escribo en español (I'm writing it in Spanish); Quiero escribirlo en español or Lo quiero escribir en español (I want to write it in Spanish); Estoy escribiéndolo en español or Lo estoy escribiendo en español (I'm writing it in Spanish); Escríbalo Ud. en inglés (Write it in English). When a verb has two object pronouns, the indirect object is given first. The indirect object pronouns le and les change (for reasons of euphony) to se before lo, la, los and las: 42
  • 43. Deseo dárselo a ellos (I want to give it to them); Se lo quiero enviar a ella (I want to send it to her). Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs The reflexive pronouns (pronombres reflexivos) are: First person: me (myself) nos (ourselves) Second person (familiar) te (yourself) os (yourselves) Second person (polite) se (yourself) se (yourselves) Third Person se (him, her, itself) se (themselves) Reflexive pronouns are always used with reflexive verbs (verbs expressing an action whose subject is also its object, i.e. where the doer acts upon himself). Sometimes the literal meaning of the reflexive pronouns (myself, etc.) can be translated into English, but usually they cannot be translated in isolation from the verb: Me lavo (I wash myself); Me acuesto muy tarde (I go to bed very late); Me quejo del trabajo (I complain about the work); Me acuerdo de eso (I remember that); Ya me voy (I'm going away now). Reflexive pronouns normally precede the conjugated verb, but are attached to the infinitive, the present participle, and affirmative commands: Quiero lavarme (I want to wash up); Estoy lavándome (I am washing myself); Lávense Uds. (Wash yourselves). The reflexive pronouns can also be used in a reciprocal sense, meaning each other: Nos amamos (we love each other); Se escriben todos los días (They write each other every day). Prepositional Pronouns The prepositional pronouns are: First person: mí (me) nosotros/as (us) 43
  • 44. Second person (familiar) tí (you) vosotros/as (you) Second person (polite) Ud. (you) Uds.(you) Third Person él (him, it) ellos (them) Reflexive sí (him/her/it/yourself, themselves/yourselves) Neuter ello Prepositional pronouns are the object of the preposition that they follow: Es demasiado difícil para mí (It's too difficult for me); No podemos hacerlo sin ella (We can't do it without her). The neuter pronoun ello is used instead of lo after a preposition, when reference is being made to a general idea that has already been expressed: Tendrás buen éxito; no hay ninguna duda de ello (You'll be successful; there's no doubt about it). The prepositional pronouns mí, tí and sí combine with the preposition con (with) to become conmigo, contigo and consigo: ¿Quieres ir conmigo? (Do you want to come with me?); Lo trae consigo (He's bringing it with him). Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns (pronombres relativos) introduce a subordinate clause and replace something mentioned earlier in the sentence. They can function as either subject or object pronouns without any change in form. The most common relative pronoun is que: El hombre que está hablando es un amigo mío (The man who is talking is a friend of mine); La lección que estudias es muy fácil (The lesson that you're studying is quite simple). After a preposition, que is used as the relative pronoun for things, quien or quienes for persons: La habitación en que vivo es muy cómoda (The room in which I live is very cosy); La mujer de quien hablabas es extranjera (The woman about whom you were speaking is a foreigner). The compound relative pronouns el/la que (plural los/las que) or el/la cual (pl. los/las cuales) 44
  • 45. are used interchangeably after prepositions of more than one syllable, or to avoid confusion and ambiguity: Estos son mis libros, entre los que hay un diccionario de bolsillo (These are my books, among which there is a pocket dictionary); Ayer fuí al cine con la madre de Juan, la cual es francesa (Yesterday I went to the cinema with John's mother, who is French). The neuter forms lo que and lo cual are used when the antecedent is a general idea: Siempre dice lo que piensa (He always says what he thinks); Me habló de sus problemas, lo cual no me gustó (He spoke to me about his troubles, which didn't please me). The relative pronoun cuyo/a (plural cuyos/as) usually functions as an adjective meaning whose or of which. It can refer to both persons and things, and always agrees in gender and number with the thing possessed rather than with the possessor: ¿Te acuerdas de la niña cuyos padres la abandonaron? (Do you remember the little girl whose parents abandoned her?). Questions Interrogatives (interrogativos) ask a question, and are distinguished by their written accents. The most common interrogatives are: ¿Quién? (Who?) ¿Cuántos? (How many?) ¿Qué? (What) ¿Dónde? (Where?) ¿Cuál? (Which?) ¿Por qué? (Why?) ¿Cómo? (How?) ¿Para qué? (Why?) ¿Cuánto?(How much?) ¿Cuándo? (When?) Qué asks for a definition or description (what?), while cuál (plural cuáles) asks for a choice or distinction (which?): ¿Qué es el alma? (What is the soul?); ¿Cuáles son tus libros favoritos? (Which are your favorite books?). Used in that way, qué and cuál are interrogative pronouns. When an interrogative adjective is required, qué is used for both senses (what? and which?): ¿Qué días vas al hipódromo? (Which days do you go to the racetrack?). Note: Interrogatives are also used in indirect questions, where a question is referred to without being directly asked: No sé quién es (I don't know who she is). The direct question was ¿Quién es esa mujer? (Who is that woman?). Exclamations Exclamatory words (exclamaciones) also have written accents. The most common one is ¡Qué...! used in front of an adjective, adverb or noun: ¡Qué casa! (What a house!); ¡Qué delicioso! (How delicious!); ¡Qué fácilmente lo haces tú! (How easily you do it!). In literary 45
  • 46. usage, ¡Cuán...! may replace ¡Qué...!: ¡Cuán fácilmente lo haces tú! When an adjective follows a noun in this construction, it is preceded by más (most) or tan (so): ¡Qué casa más bonita! (What a pretty house!); ¡Qué niños tan alegres! (What happy children!). Negation The most common negatives (negativos) are: no (no, not) nunca (never) nada (nothing) jamás (never) nadie (nobody) tampoco (neither) ninguno/a (not any) (neither...nor) A verb is negated by placing no in front of it: No sé (I don't know). When there is an object pronoun in front of the verb, no is placed before the object pronoun: No lo veo (I don't see it). Double negatives are standard in Spanish: No veo a nadie en la calle (I don't see anybody in the street); No tengo ni papel ni pluma (I don't have either paper or pen). Negatives are also used in comparisons: Ella escribe mejor que nadie (She writes better than anybody); Ahora lo necesito más que nunca (Now I need it more than ever). Personal A When the direct object of a verb is a person or a domestic animal, it is preceded by the personal a (la preposición personal a) which has no English equivalent: Veo a mi amigo (I see my friend); Hay que buscar al perro (We must look for the dog); No invito a nadie (I'm not inviting anyone). The personal a is not used, however, with the verb tener: Tengo un amigo (I have a friend). Verb Conjugations: Tenses Spanish verbs belong to one of three conjugations (conjugaciones) which can be distinguished by the endings of the infinitive forms. First Conjugation -ar: hablar (to talk) Second Conjugation -er: comer (to eat) Third Conjugation -ir: vivir (to live) 46
  • 47. The form of a verb depends on: 1) its conjugation group 2) its tense (time reference) and mood (intent) 3) the person and number of its subject Spanish has four simple tenses (tiempos simples): 1. Present - presente: hablo (I talk) 2. Future - futuro: hablarás (you will talk) 3. Imperfect - pretérito imperfecto: hablaba (she used to talk) 4. Preterite - pretérito indefinido: hablaron (they talked) There are also four compound tenses (tiempos compuestos): 1. Present perfect - préterito perfecto: hemos comido (we have eaten) 2. Future perfect - futuro perfecto: habréis comido (you all will have eaten) 3. Plusperfect or past perfect - pretérito pluscuamperfecto: habían comido (they had eaten) 4.Preterite perfect or past anterior - pretérito anterior: hube comido (I had eaten) There are four moods (modos) in Spanish: 1. Indicative - indicativo: To express a fact: 47
  • 48. Está en el banco (It's in the bank) 2. Subjanctive - subjuntivo: To express a wish, an emotional attitude, or a doubt: Quiero que Ud. venga (I want you to come) Siento que no venga Ud. (I'm sorry you're not coming) Dudo que venga Ud. (I doubt that you'll come) 3. Conditional - potencial or condicional: expressing the idea of would: Juan no lo haría así (John wouldn't do it that way) 4. Imperative - imperativo: expressing a direct command: Venga Ud. (Come!) Verb Conjugations: Person and Number A finite verb agrees in person (persona) and number (número) with its subject (the doer of the action), even when the subject is understood without being expressed by a noun or pronoun. There are two numbers: 1. Singular: (Yo) veo a Juan (I see John) (Tú) debes hacerlo (You must do it) Ud. tiene razón (You're right) (Ella) quiere a su gato (She loves her cat) 2. Plural : (Nosotros) vemos el cielo (We see the sky) (Vosotros) debéis trabajar (You all should work) ¿Tienen Uds. dinero? (Do you all have money?) (Ellos) quieren comer (They want to eat) There are three persons: First person is the speaker, second person is the one spoken to, and third person is the one spoken about. 1. First person (Yo) soy maestro (I'm a teacher) (Nosotros) somos alumnos (We are pupils) 48
  • 49. 2. Second person (Tú) eres guapo (You are good-looking) - singular (Vosotros) sois feos (You all are ugly) - plural Ud. es muy amable (You are very kind) – singular, polite form Uds. son muy amables (You all are very kind) – plural, polite form NOTE: The usted/ustedes (polite you) form of address is second person but uses third person verb forms, which lends an air of respectful distance on the part of the speaker. 3. Third person (Ella) es trabajadora (She is hard-working) (Ellos) son perezosos (They are lazy) Present Tense The present tense (presente) of regular verbs is formed by removing the infinitive ending ( -ar, -er or -ir) and adding personal endings to the verb stem. There is a different set of personal endings for each of the three conjugations: First conjugation (habl-ar) habl-o (I talk) habl-amos (we talk) habl-as (you talk) habl-áis (you talk) habl-a (she talks) habl-an (they talk) Second conjugation (com-er) com-o (I eat) com-emos (we eat) com-es (you eat) com-éis (you all eat) com-e (she eats) com-en (they eat) Third conjugation (viv-ir) viv-o (I live) viv-imos (we live) viv-es (you live) viv-ís (you live) viv-e (she lives) viv-en (they live) 49
  • 50. The present tense is commonly used in conversation to refer to actions which will take place in the immediate future: Vengo más tarde (I'll come later). It is sometimes used in literature to replace the preterite, lending a sense of immediacy to historical narrative: Cortés admira la bondad y liberalidad del gran Montezuma (Cortez admired the goodness and generosity of the great Montezuma). This is called the vivid present. Future Tense The future tense (futuro) of regular verbs is formed by adding personal endings to the infinitive. The endings are the same for all three conjugations. hablar-é (I will talk) comeré, viviré, etc. hablar-ás(you will talk) hablar-á (she will talk hablar-emos (we will talk) hablar-éis (you all will talk) hablar-án (they will talk) In addition to expressing future time, the future tense can express uncertainty or probability in the present: Serán las cinco (It must be about five o'clock). Imperfect Tense The imperfect tense (pretérito imperfecto) of regular verbs is formed by removing the infinitive ending (-AR, -ER or -IR) and adding personal endings to the verb stem. There is one set of endings for the first (-AR) conjugation and a second set of endings shared by the second ( -ER) and third (-IR) conjugations. FIRST CONJUGATION (habl-ar) habl-aba (I was talking) habl-ábamos (we were talking) habl-abas (you were talking) habl-abais (you all were talking) habl-aba (she was talking) habl-aban (they were talking) SECOND CONJUGATION (com-er) com-ía (I was eating) com-íamos (we were eating) com-ías (you were eating) com-íais (you all were eating) com-ía (she was eating) com-ían (they were eating) THIRD CONJUGATION (viv-ir) viv-ía (I used to live) viv-íamos (we used to live) viv-ías (you used to live) viv-íais (you all used to live) viv-ía (she used to live) viv-ían (they used to live) The imperfect tense is used to describe a situation in the past, or an action which was ongoing or repeated: Eran las once (it was eleven o'clock); Queríamos comer bien (We wanted to eat well); Todos los días llegá bamos tarde (We used to arrive late every day). 50
  • 51. Preterite Tense The Preterite tense (pretérito indefinido) of regular verbs is formed by removing the infinitive ending (-AR, -ER or -IR) and adding personal endings to the verb stem. As with the imperfect tense, there is one set of endings for the first (-AR) conjugation and a second set of endings shared by the second (-ER) and third (-IR) conjugations. FIRST CONJUGATION (habl-ar) habl-é (I talked) habl-amos (we talked) habl-aste (you talked) habl-asteis (you all talked) habl-ó (she talked) habl-aron (they talked) SECOND CONJUGATION (com-er) com-í (I ate) com-imos (we ate) com-iste (you ate) com-isteis (you all ate) com-ió (she ate) com-ieron (they ate) THIRD CONJUGATION (viv-ir) viv-í (I lived) viv-imos (we lived) viv-iste (you lived) viv-isteis (you all lived) viv-ió (she lived) viv-ieron (they lived) The preterite tense narrates an action with a definite beginnning or ending in the past: Comenzó a llover (It began to rain); Juan cenó conmigo ayer (John ate supper with me yesterday). The preterite is also used to indicate an event which took place while another action (in the imperfect tense) was ongoing: Dormía cuando llegué (He was sleeping when I arrived). Perfect Tenses The COMPOUND TENSES (tiempos compuestos) are formed with the AUXILIARY VERB ( verbo auxiliar) haber and the PAST PARTICIPLE (participio pasivo) of the main verb. The past participle in compound tenses is invariable in form. The PRESENT PERFECT (pretérito perfecto) uses the present tense of the auxiliary verb haber: he comido (I have eaten) has comido (you have eaten) ha comido (she has eaten) hemos comido (we have eaten) habéis comido (you all have eaten) han comido (they have eaten) The FUTURE PERFECT (futuro perfecto) uses the future tense of the auxiliary verb haber: habré comido (I will have eaten ) habrás comido (you will have eaten) habrá comido (she will have eaten) 51
  • 52. habremos comido (we will have eaten) habréis comido (you all will have eaten) habrán comido (they will have eaten) The PLUPERFECT or PAST PERFECT (pretérito pluscuamperfecto) uses the imperfect tense of haber: había comido (I had eaten) habías comido (you had eaten) había comido (she had eaten) habíamos comido (we had eaten) habíais comido (you all had eaten) habían comido (they had eaten) The PRETERITE PERFECT or PAST ANTERIOR (pretérito anterior) uses the preterite tense of haber: hube comido (I had eaten) hubiste comido (you had eaten) hubo comido (she had eaten) hubimos comido (we had eaten) hubisteis comido (you all had eaten) hubieron comido (they had eaten) NOTE: This is strictly a literary tense; in conversation, the preterite or pluperfect is used. The preterite perfect is only found after conjunctions of time, such as cuando (when), después que (after), apenas (scarcely) or luego que (as soon as): Después que hube comido, salí (After I had eaten, I went out). The PERFECT INFINITIVE (infinitivo compuesto) is composed of the infinitive of haber and the past participle of the verb: haber comido (to have eaten). The PERFECT PARTICIPLE (gerundio compuesto) is composed of the present participle of haber and the past participle of the verb: habiendo comido (having eaten). Conditional Mood The CONDITIONAL MOOD (modo potencial) expresses the idea of would (contingent possibility): Lo haría hoy, pero no tendré tiempo (I would do it today, but I won't have time); Lo habría hecho ayer, pero no tenía tiempo (I would have done it yesterday, but I didn't have time); Elena dijo que vendría (Elena said that she would come). It can also be used to express wonderment or doubt in the past, just as the future tense can be used in the present: ¿Qué hora sería cuando desayuné ayer? (I wonder what time was it when I ate breakfast yesterday?). The conditional is formed (like the future) by adding a single set of personal endings to the infinitives of all three conjugations. (The endings are identical to those of the imperfect tense of second and third conjugation verbs; the only difference is that those are added to the stem, rather than to the entire infinitive form.) 52
  • 53. hablar-ía (I would talk) comería, viviría, etc. hablar-ías (you would talk) hablar-ía (she would talk) hablar-íamos (we would talk) hablar-íais (you all would talk) hablar-ían (they would talk) The CONDITIONAL PERFECT (potencial perfecto) is a compound tense using the conditional of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of the main verb: habría comido (I would have eaten) habrías comido (you would have eaten) habría comido (she would have eaten) habríamos comido (we would have eaten) habríais comido (you would have eaten) habrían comido (they would have eaten) NOTE: The conditional is often treated as though it were a tense rather than a mood; strictly speaking, however, the conditional is a mood which has two tenses: a simple tense used when referring to present possibilities, and a compound tense used when referring to possibilities in the past. Subjunctive Mood The SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD (modo subjuntivo) is used in independent clauses introduced by que (that) when the main clause expresses a wish, a strong emotional attitude, or an uncertainty: Te ruego que escribas en español (I beg you to write in Spanish); Tenían miedo de que ella no volviera (They were afraid that she might not come back); Dudo que sea la verdad (I doubt that it's the truth). The subjunctive is also used for FORMAL COMMANDS, for the negative (only) of INFORMAL COMMANDS, for HORTATORY COMMANDS (English Let's...!) and after IMPERSONAL EXPRESSIONS like es necesario (it is necessary): Tenga Ud. (Here, have this); No hables (Don't talk!); Comamos (Let's eat); Es una lástima que no quiera venir (It's a pity that he doesn't want to come). The PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE is regularly formed by adding one set of personal endings to the stem of -AR verbs and a second set of endings to verbs of the -ER and -IR conjugations: FIRST CONJUGATION (habl-ar) PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE habl-e (I talk) habl-emos (we talk) habl-es (you talk) habl-éis (you talk) habl-e (she talks) habl-en (they talk) SECOND CONJUGATION (com-er) PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE com-a (I eat) com-amos (we eat) com-as (you eat) com-áis (you eat) com-a (she eat) com-an (they eat) THIRD CONJUGATION (viv-ir) PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE viv-a (I live) viv-amos (we live) viv-as (you live) viv-áis (you live) viv-a (she lives) viv-an (they live) The IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE is formed by adding a set of endings terminating in either - 53
  • 54. RA or -SE (with no difference in usage or meaning) to the verb stem, with one set of endings for first conjugation (-AR) verbs and another set of endings for second (-ER) and third (-IR) conjugation verbs: Esperaba que él llegara/llegase tarde (I was expecting him to arrive late). FIRST CONJUGATION (habl-ar) IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE habl-ara OR habl-ase (I talked) habl-aras OR habl-ases (you talked) habl-ara OR habl-ase (she talked) habl-áramos OR habl-ásemos (we talked) habl-arais OR habl-aseis (you all talked) habl-aranOR habl-asen (they talked) SECOND CONJUGATION (com-er) IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE com-iera OR com-iese (I ate) com-ieras OR com-ieses (you ate) com-iera OR com-iese (she ate) com-iéramos OR com-iésemos (we ate) com-ierais OR com-ieseis (you all ate) com-ieran OR com-iesen (they ate) THIRD CONJUGATION (viv-ir) IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE viv-iera OR viv-iese (I lived) viv-ieras OR viv-ieses (you lived) viv-iera OR viv-iese (she lived) viv-iéramos OR viviésemos (we lived) viv-ierais OR viv-ieseis (you all lived) viv-ieran OR viv-iesen (they lived) The PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE is a compound tense formed by the present subjunctive of haber and the past participle of the main verb. haya comido (I have eaten) hayas comido (you have eaten) haya comido (she has eaten) hayamos comido (we have eaten) hayáis comido (you all have eaten) hayan comido (they have eaten) The PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE is a compound tense formed by the imperfect subjunctive of haber and the past participle of the main verb. hubiera/hubiese comido (I had eaten) hubieras/hubieses comido (you had eaten) hubiera/hubiese comido (she had have eaten) hubiéramos/hubiésemos comido (we had eaten) hubierais/hubieseis comido (you had eaten) hubieran/hubiesen comido (they had eaten) Commands 54
  • 55. Familiar COMMANDS (mandatos), when positive, are expressed by means of the imperative mood. The second person singular (tú) forms are identical to the third person singular of the present tense: El niño duerme (The child is sleeping); ¡Duerme tú! (Go to sleep!). The second person plural (vosotros) forms are based on the infinitive, with a -d substituted for the final -r: ¡Dormid vosotros! (Go to sleep, all of you!). NEGATIVE familiar commands, both singular and plural, are expressed by the present subjunctive: ¡No duermas tú! (Don't go to sleep!). The present subjunctive is used for FORMAL COMMANDS, both positive and negative: Duerma Ud. (Please go to sleep). It is also used for indirect commands (introduced by the conjunction que): Está cansado; que se acueste (He's tired; let him go to bed). For impersonal commands given in a general sense (directions on a bottle or an examination paper, for instance) the impersonal pronoun se is attached to the subjunctive: Agítese antes de usar (Shake before using); Escríbase en español (Write in Spanish). Hortatory commands can be expressed either with the subjunctive or with the phrase vamos a and an infinitive: Durmamos (Let's go to sleep); Vamos a dormir (Let's go to sleep). Object pronouns are attached to affirmative commands, but they precede negative and indirect commands: Tráigamelo Ud. (Bring it to me); No me lo traiga Ud. (Don't bring it to me); Que lo traiga Juan (Let John bring it). Passive and Impersonal Constructions In the PASSIVE VOICE (voz pasiva), the subject is acted upon by an outside agent. When the agent is specified, the passive voice is expressed by: SUBJECT + ser + past participle + por + AGENT for example: Esta carta fue escrita por un amigo mío (This letter was written by a friend of mine). Since the past participle acts as an adjective, it agrees in gender and number with the subject. If the passive subject is a thing and the agent is not mentioned, then a PASSIVE REFLEXIVE ( pasiva reflexiva) construction is used, with the reflexive pronoun se preceding the verb and the passive subject following it: Aquí se venden cigarrillos (Cigarettes are sold here). Se is also used to form IMPERSONAL CONSTRUCTIONS, with se used as an indefinite subject pronoun similar to the English one or the impersonal you and they. This construction is often difficult-- if not impossible-- to distinguish from the passive reflexive (textbooks differ in their classification of common phrases like Se habla español (Spanish is spoken / One speaks Spanish). There are two main criteria to be met: the verb must be in the singular, since se is singular when used as a subject pronoun, and se should be easily translated as one or you: ¿Cómo se va al teatro? (How does one get to the theater?); ¿Cómo se dice eso en español? (How do you say that in Spanish?). Participles and Progressive Tenses 55
  • 56. The PRESENT PARTICIPLE (gerundio) is formed by adding the suffix -ando to the stem of first conjugation (-AR) verbs and -iendo to the stem of second (-ER) and third (-IR) conjugation verbs (or -yendo if the stem ends in a vowel). habl-ar (to talk) hablando (talking) com-er (to eat) comiendo (eating) viv-ir (to live) viviendo (living) le-er (to read) leyendo (reading) The present participle is used with the verb estar to form the PROGRESSIVE TENSES ( tiempos progresivos), which express an ongoing action: Estoy estudiando español (I am studying Spanish); Estabas leyendo el periódico (You were reading the newspaper). The same construction is used with seguir and continuar: Sigue llorando (She keeps on crying); Continuan estudiando (They continue studying). The present participle is also used with the verb ir to express an action which is gradual or incremental: Va mejorando (It is getting better). NOTE: The progressive construction is never used for estar, venir and ir. The PAST PARTICIPLE (participio pasivo) is formed by adding the suffix -ado to the stem of - AR verbs, -ido to the stem of -ER and -IR verbs (or -ído if the stem ends in a vowel). cerr-ar (to close) cerrado (closed) perd-er (to lose) perdido (lost) recib-ir (to receive) recibido (received) ca-er (to fall) caído (fallen) When used with the auxiliary verb haber to form compound tenses, the past participle has an invariable ending: Hemos cerrado la tienda (We have closed the store); Habrá perdido las llaves (He will have lost the keys); Habías recibido una carta (You had received a letter); Entraron después de que hubo caído (They entered after she had fallen down). When used adjectivally, however, past participles agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify: La tienda está cerrada (The store is closed); Las llaves están perdidas (The keys are lost). Infinitives The INFINITIVE (infinitivo) is a verb form that is not limited by person or number; to be is an English infinitive. Spanish/English dictionaries always identify a verb by its infinitive. A COMPLEMENTARY INFINITIVE completes the meaning of a preceding conjugated verb: No puedo hablar de eso (I can't talk about that); Quiero comer en un restaurante (I want to eat in a restaurant); Ella piensa vivir con ellos (She intends to live with them). After a preposition, the infinitive form of a verb must always be used: Prefiero leer antes de dormir (I prefer to read before going to sleep). A common temporal expression consists of the contraction al (literally, "at the", but translate 56
  • 57. "upon") together with an infinitive: Al despertar, me di cuenta de lo que había hecho (Upon awakening, I realized what I had done). Infinitives can be used as VERBAL NOUNS (nombres verbales). When used that way, they are considered to be masculine singular, and may be preceded by the definite article el: El escribir bien es un arte (Writing well is an art); Trabajar es lo que importa (Working is what matters). NOTE: Confusion arises for English-speaking students from the fact that verbal nouns in English have the same form as present participles. In the sentence "Singing is fun", for example, the word "singing" is a verbal noun; but it is a present participle in the sentence "I am singing" (present progressive tense). In Spanish, the first example would use an infinitive (El cantar es agradable), while the second one would use a present participle (Estoy cantando). This confusion is compounded by the fact that English verbal nouns are called gerunds and Spanish present participles are called gerundios. It is advisable, perhaps, to avoid using the terms gerund and gerundio altogether; verbal noun and present participle are unmistakable in their meaning. Stem-Changing Verbs Many verbs in Spanish change the spelling of their stems in certain conjugated forms. These verbs can be divided into three major groups: GROUP 1 Verbs in -AR or -ER that change the stem vowel from E to IE or from O to UE in the indicative and subjunctive moods of the present tense, except in the plurals of the first and second persons ("we" and "you all"). Pensar (to think) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE pienso piense (I think) piensas pienses (you think) piensa piense (she thinks) pensamos pensemos (we think) pensáis penséis (you all think) piensan piensen (they think) Volver (to return) INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE vuelvo vuelva (I return) vuelves vuelvas (you return) vuelve vuelva (she returns) volvemosvolvamos (we return) volvéis volváis (you all return) vuelven vuelvan (they return) GROUP 2 Verbs in -IR with the same changes as above, and an additional change of E to I or O to U in 57
  • 58. the third person of the preterite tense, in the first and second person plural forms of the present subjunctive, and in the entire imperfect subjunctive conjugation as well as the present participle. Sentir, (to feel) Present Indicative: siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sentís, sienten Preterite: sentí, sentiste, sintió, sentimos, sentisteis, sintieron Present Subjunctive: sienta, sientas, sienta, sintamos, sintáis, sientan Imperfect Subjunctive: sintiera, sintieras, sintiera, sintiéramos, sintierais, sintieran Present Participle: sintiendo Dormir, (to sleep) Present Indicative duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen Preterite: dormí, dormiste, durmió, dormimos, dormisteis, durmieron Present Subjunctive: duerma, duermas, duerma durmamos, durmáis, duerman Imperfect Subjunctive: durmiera, durmieras, durmiera, durmiéramos durmierais, durmieran Present Participle: durmiendo GROUP 3 Verbs in -IR which only change E to I. Pedir (to request) Present Indicative: pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden Preterite: pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pedisteis, pidieron Present Subjunctive: pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidáis, pidan Imperfect Subjunctive: pidiera, pidieras, pidiera, pidiéramos, pidierais, pidieran Present Participle: pidiendo Future tense Ir A The future tense can be expressed by using the construction ir a followed by an infinitive. This construction can also be used with reference to the past, by conjugating ir in the imperfect tense: Voy a cantar (I am going to sing); Iban a bailar (They were about to dance). False friends Because some of the words are almost identical in the two languages, it’s easy to confuse their meanings. It is one of the pitfalls for people learning Spanish. Absoluto & Absolute(ly) Absoluto - absolute, utter, complete. When preceded by en, it means not at all, by no means, no way. Absolute- absoluto. Absolutely - absolutamente, completamente, totalmente. 58
  • 59. Actual & Actual Actual - current or present: El presidente actual vive en Madrid - The current president lives in Madrid. Actualmente - currently, at present, now. Actual - verdadero or efectivo. Actually - realmente, en realidad, en efecto. Aplicar & Apply Aplicar - to apply something, like a theory, paint, or sanctions. Apply - aplicar apply for a job - solicitar or presentar; to apply oneself to - dirigirse a uno; to apply in the sense of be applicable - ser aplicable or interesar. Asistir & Assist Asistir - to attend. Assist - ayudar. Atender & Attend Atender - to attend in Latin America, in Spain - to pay attention to, to heed, care for. Attend - asistir. Billón & Billion Billón - a trillion in US, billion in UK. Billion (amer) - mil millones. (Brit) billón. Bizarro & Bizarre Bizarro - valient, gallant, brave; generous. Bizarre - extraño or raro Blanco & Blank Blanco – white, blank: una página blanca - a blank sheet of paper. Blank (adj) en blanco, liso, sin adorno. Campo & Camp Campo means country(side), field, or farm. Camp refers to un campamento. Carpeta & Carpet Carpeta - folder, file, portfolio, briefcase, or table cloth. Carpet - una alfombra, una moqueta. Complexión & Complexion Complexión - constitution, make-up, temperament, physical build. Complexion - la tez, el cutiz, la piel. Compromiso & Compromise Compromiso - obligation, commitment, promise, or agreement. Compromise (n) - una transacción, una avenencia, unas concesiones recíprocas, el término medio, la solución intermedia; (v) - comprometer or transigir. 59
  • 60. Constipación & Constipation Constipación, constipado - a cold or catarrh. Constipation - el estreñimiento. Contestar & Contest Contestar means to answer or reply. Contest as a verb means impugnar, atacar, disputar, or contender. Corresponder & Correspond Corresponder -to correspond, tally, fit in, match, or belong. Correspond (by mail) - escribirse, estar en correspondencia con. Chocar & Choke Chocar - shock or startle, clink (glasses), shake (hands). Choke - sofocarse or atragantarse. Decepción/Decepcionar & Deception/Deceive Decepción - disappointment. Decepcionar - to disappoint. Deception - un engaño, un fraude. To deceive - engañar, defraudar. Delito & Delight Delito - a crime, offence, misdeed. Delight - el placer, el deleite, el encanto, la delicia. To delight - encantar, deleitar. Desgracia & Disgrace Desgracia - misfortune, mishap, accident, setback, bad luck. Disgrace - la deshonra, ignominia. Despertar & Desperate Despertar – to wake up Desperate - desesperado. Destituido & Destitute Destituido - devoid of or lacking. Destitute - indigente, desamparado, necesitado, en la miseria. Disco & Disco Disco - disco, disk, discus, traffic-light, or (audio) record. Disco - disco, discoteca, or sala de baile. Disgusto & Disgust Disgusto - annoyance, displeasure, grief, trouble. Disgust - repugnancia , aversión. Educado & Educated 60
  • 61. Educado - well-mannered, polite, cultivated, from the verb educar - to raise, bring up, rear. Educated form of the verb to educate: formar or instruir. Embarazada & Embarrassed Embarazada (adj) – pregnant, noun: una embarazada = a pregnant woman, an expectant mother. Embarrassed - avergonzado, molesto, or incómodo. Emocionante & Emotional Emocionante - exciting, thrilling, moving. Emotional - afectivo, emocional, emotivo, sentimental. Éxito & Exit Éxito - success: a gran éxito - very successful. Exit - una salida. Fábrica & Fabric Fábrica - factory, plant, or mill. Fabric - el tejido or la tela. Fútbol & Football Fútbol - soccer (in American English). Football - le fútbol americano. Fútil & Futile Fútil - trivial, while Futile - inútil, vano, or infructuoso. Insulto & Insult Insulto (Mexico) - indigestion or a stomachache. Insult - insulto. Introducir & Introduce Introducir - introduce a topic. Introduce (a person) - presentar Largo & Large Largo - long, generous, or abundant. Large - grande or importante. Librería & Library Librería - bookstore. Library - una biblioteca. Minorista & Minority 61
  • 62. Minorista (Caribbean and South American) - retail or retail seller. Minority - la minoría or, as an adjective, minoritario. Molestar & Molest Molestar - to annoy or bother. Molest - acosar sexualmente. Nombre & Number Nombre - name or noun. Number - un número. Once & Once Once - eleven Once - una vez. Preservativo vs Preservative Preservativo - a condom. Preservative - un conservador. Pretender & Pretend Pretender - claim: Ella pretende ser rica - She claims to be rich. Pretend - fingir or simular. Raro & Rare Raro - rare, but more commonly means odd or strange. Rare - poco común or excepcional. Real & Real Real - royal. Real - verdadero, auténtico, legítimo. Realizar & Realize Realizar - to realize, make real, to attain, or to fulfill. Realize – realizar, darse cuenta de, comprender, reconocer. Recordar & Record Recordar - remember, recall, or remind. Record - registrar, inscribir, or grabar. Relativo & Relative Relativo has the same meaning as an adjective, but as a noun it is used only in linguistics. Relative as a noun - pariente or familiar. Revolver & Revolver 62
  • 63. Revolver is a verb: to move around, turn over, revolve, or disturb. Revolver is a noun: un revólver Ropa & Rope Ropa - clothing. Rope - una cuerda or una soga. Salario & Salary Salario - hourly wages, while Salary - fixed earnings per month or year: el sueldo. Sano & Sane Sano - healthy, fit, or intact. Sane - cuerdo, sensato, or de juicio sano. Sensible & Sensible Sensible - sensitive or regrettable. Sensible - juicioso, sensato, or prudente. Sobre - Sober Sobre - envelope or a preposition: on, above, over. Sober - sobrio or sereno. Sopa & Soap Sopa - soup or, informally, a hangover, while Soap - jabón. Soportar & Support Soportar - to bear, carry, support, hold up, or withstand. Support - apoyar, sostener, or mantener. Suceso & Success Suceso - an event, incident, happening, or outcome. Success - un éxito or triunfo. Tuna & Tuna Tuna - prickly pear, a student music group, the life of a rogue, and, in Central America, drunkenness. Tuna - el atún. Vaso & Vase Vaso - a glass or tumbler. Vase - un florero or jarrón. 63
  • 64. How to write Spanish characters How to write the Spanish characters and accents eg, á é í ó ú ü ñ ¿ ¡ º ª on a non Spanish keyboard? If you didn't buy your computer in a Spanish speaking country then your keyboard won't be set up for Spanish. . To write a character with alt keys you must have your "num lock" enabled. If you want to write an ñ first we have to know the ASCII code which is alt 164. To write an ñ press and hold the ALT key. While holding down the ALT key, enter the 3-digit decimal code for the extended ASCII character you want to generate (in this case 164) then release the ALT key. You should be able to do this in almost any programme. Here is a list of Spanish characters with their alt numbers. á 160 ¿ 168 é 130 ¡ 173 í 161 ª 166 ó 162 º 167 ú 163 Ñ 164 É 144 ñ 165 Note: It is never obligatory to use accents with capital letters. 64