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Vol. I No. 10 Tel: 780-975-8735                  , 29 December 2010

ˆÒØÏÒ Í≥‹≈Ï Î≈¿±∫‚ÙÈ ÚºÒ∫Ø ÍzÚ≈√∆ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª Winter in Edmonton
Á∆¡ª Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª ¡Â∂ √Óº«√¡≈Úª” «ÚÙ∂ Â∂ √ÀÓ∆È≈ is in full swing
 Í«‡¡≈Ò≈ -◊ÒØ Ï Ò Í≥ ‹ ≈Ï                                                                                                                         ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ È∂
Î≈¿± ∫ ‚∂ Ù È Úº Ò Ø ∫ “Íz Ú ≈√∆                                                                                                       ¡≈͉∂ ÍzË≈È◊∆ Ì≈Ù‰ «Ú⁄
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¡Â∂ «ÓÒÚ∞º‚˜ ¡À‚«Ó≥‡È Á∂                                                                                                               ‘˜ È‘∆∫Õ
¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. √z∆ ’≈Ò «ÚÈ∆‡»                                                                                                                       ¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. ‹◊»Í
«ÚÙ∂Ù Ó«‘Ó≈Ȫ Ú‹Ø∫ Ù≈«ÓÒ ‘Ø¬Õ  ∂                                                                                                       Ï≈Û È∂ «¬’ ¡ÀÈ.¡≈.¡≈¬∆.
                                                                                                                                                                        EDMONTON — Winter in          Hill.                             the rinks are open from 10
Î≈¿± ∫ ‚∂ Ù È ⁄∂ ¡ ÓÀ È ‚≈.                                                                                                           ’«ÓÙÈ Ï‰≈¿∞‰ Á∆ Ó≥◊ ’∆Â∆         Edmonton is now in full       Public ice skating rinks          a.m. to 10 p.m., with the
‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ Á∆ Á∂÷-∂÷                                                                                                              ‹Ø √’≈∆ Á÷Ò ÂØ ∫ «ÏÈ∑ ª        swing — or slide — with       are also open around the          exception of Hawrelak
«Ú⁄ ‘ج∂ «¬√ √ÀÓ∆È≈ «Ú⁄                                                                                                               ¡≈˜≈Á≈È≈ ÂΩ Â∂ ’≥Ó ’∂Õ         the opening of all of the     city. All of the facilities are   Park lake facility, which
¡≈‡ ¡≈Î «Ò«Ú≥◊ ‡ª‡Ø Á∂ Óπ÷∆                                                                                                          ¿∞‘Ȫ Í≥‹≈Ï √’≈ ÚºÒØ∫ «¬’      city’s toboggan hills and     free, and are open seven          opens at 11 a.m.
√z ∆ Í∆‡ ⁄Ω ‘ ≈È, ¡À ‚ «Ó≥ ‡ È                                                                                                        ¡«‹‘≈ ’∂ ∫ Á ÷Ø Ò ∑ ‰ Á∆ Ú∆     most ice skating rinks.       days a week and lit at                      The City of
(’ÀÈ∂‚≈) ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ √Ó≈‹ √∂Ú∆ √.      ¬∂Ù∆¡È «‡z«Ï¿±È Á∂ ¡À‚∆‡ √z∆ ÔÙ ÙÓ≈ Á≈ √ÈÓ≈È ’Á∂ ‘ج∂ Íø‹≈Ï∆ Ô±È∆Ú«√‡∆ Í«‡¡≈Ò≈ Á∂              Ú’≈Ò ’∆Â∆ «‹‘Û≈ Ï≈‘                     As of Christmas      night.                            Edmonton says the rinks
Í«Ó≥Á «√≥ÿ, «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ÂØ∫ √.        Ú≈¬∆√ ⁄ª√Ò ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ ¡Â∂ ◊ÒØÏÒ Î≈¿±∫‚∂ÙÈ Á∂ ⁄∂¡ÓÀÈ ‚≈. ‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈,                     ‹≈‰ Â∂ ¡≈¿∞‰ Ú≈Ò∆¡ª Ò¬∆          Eve, the toboggan hills are              Outdoor rinks are      are currently in “early
√≥ Á ∆Í «√≥ ÿ ‡∆Ú≈‰≈ ¡Â∂           «Ú⁄≈ º÷∂Õ ¡≈͉∂ √Ú≈◊Â∆         ËÂ∆¡ª Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈Í ˘             ω≈«¬¡≈Õ ¿∞‘Ȫ «’‘≈ «’ «¬√       ‘ Â∑ª Á∆ ‹≈‰’≈∆ Óπ‘º«¬¡≈      open at Rundle Park,          open at Castle Downs,             season” condition, but are
¡√‡z∂Ò∆¡≈ ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ «ÁÒ‹≈È          Ì≈Ù‰ «Ú⁄ ‚≈. ‘«‹≥ Á            √Ê≈«Í ’∆Â≈ √◊Ø ∫ ¿∞ Ê Ø ∫ Á∂     Á∂ Ï≈Ú‹»Á Í≥‹≈Ï «Ú⁄ ÍzÚ≈√∆       ’∂Õ √z∆ Ï≈Û È∂ Í≥‹≈Ï Á∆¡ª      Gallagher           Park,     City Hall, the Victoria Park      expected to improve. The
«√≥ ÿ ◊∂ Ú ≈Ò È∂ Íz Ú ≈√∆         Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ È∂ «’‘≈ «’ AC@ Ú∑∂       «√¡≈√∆, √Ó≈«‹’ ¡Â∂                Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª ˘ ¡≈ ‘∆¡ª ÓπÙ’Òª       Ô»È∆Ú«√‡∆ ÂØ∫ «¬‘ Ó≥◊ ’∆Â∆      Whitemud            Park,     oval, Hawrelak Park lake,         Mill Woods Campus Park
Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª Á∆¡ª √Óº«√¡≈Úª ¡Â∂        Í«‘Òª «ÚÁ∂Ù Á∆ ËÂ∆ Â∂ Í‘∞⁄∂≥    √º«Ì¡≈⁄≈ ÷∂Â «Ú⁄ ¡≈͉∆          Á≈ ’ج∆ ‘ºÒ È‘∆∫ Òº«Ì¡≈ ‹≈       «’ «¬Ê∂ «¬Ó∆◊z∂ÙÈ Á∂ ’Ø√ Ù∞»   Government Hill Park and      Rundle Park ponds, and            rink is not yet open for the
Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª Ï≈∂ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈͉∂          Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª È∂ ‘∞‰ È≈ «√Î «ÚÁ∂Ù∆   Úº÷∆ ‘Ø∫Á ˘ «‹Â≈¿∞‰ Á∂ ’≈«ÏÒ     √«’¡≈Õ                           ’∆Â∂         (Ï≈’∆ √¯≈ B ”Â∂)    the Emily Murphy Bunny        Jackie Parker pond. All of        season.

                                                                                                                                                                         Asian Tribune Punjabi 2,4-12,20                English 3,13-15           Hindi : 16-18
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      Issue 1010 (2)
         Issue (2)                                                                                                   Asian Tribune                                                                                          29 December, 2010

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                                                                               Also, follow us on twitter @asiantribuneCa
     Issue 10 (3)                                                                                  Asian Tribune                                                                                29 December, 2010

Indian-origin neurosurgeon left                                                                                             Asian
                                                                                                                                                          SARJAN LUTHRA
prostitute dead in his bed for 2 days                                                                               Educational background and present
                                 Suresh Surendranath     how he would account             It was all too late.      B.Sc., LL.B
                              Nair and another           for the presence of a        Zaupa died in his bed         Status in Canada
                               prostitute sat watching   startling amount of          and was not found until       Citizen
                                 while        Suellen    cocaine in his Elizabeth     November 21, while Nair       When & Why you came to Canada?
                                   Domingues Zaupa       Bay home.                    tracked down three more       I first visited in 1987. Wrapped up Business in Kuwait
                                   lay convulsing on         It was only when         escorts and continued         and came to Canada as landed immigrant in 1993
                                   his bed, gripped by   Zaupa stopped shaking        partying in a hotel in        and made Canada as a new home. Equality among
                                   cocaine toxicity      and appeared to lose         Circular Quay.                all, Life time opportunity to provide future for my
                                 and bleeding from the   consciousness that the           It was not until after    children and my personal desire to succeed in life
                                mouth, a court heard,    trained caregiver in Nair    his arrest over Zaupa's       attracted me to Canada
                                reports the Sydney       was roused.                  death that the NSW            What you did for initial survival?
                               Morning Herald.               He performed chest       Medical           Board       I did odd jobs- anywhere from Security to Renovations
                                  Every now and then     compressions while           suspended the University      and also worked as a Quality Control Technician
                              the Australian-trained     Cardona tried giving her     of Sydney graduate's          with an Engineering Company and travelled across
                               surgeon, 42, would        mouth-to-mouth.              registration.                 Canada for unemployment.
                                 snort another line of                                                              Were you ever discriminated?
                                   cocaine, appearing                                                               Due to language barrier and being a new immigrant
                                     "relaxed" while                                                                into a new culture, some individuals misjudge you
                                       C a r m e n                                                                  as an uneducated and unable to work. Many years
                                        Hernandez                                                                   ago- few youths called me some racial slurs but I
                                        C a r d o n a                                                               ignored the meaningless behaviour and kept my
                                         s l a p p e d                                                              focus on moving onward & forward.
                                         Zaupa      in                                                              What you miss in Canada?
                                                                                                                    I miss past family ties and particularly my mother              {L to R} Karan Luthra, Advocate Sarjan
                                         panic, trying
    An     Indian-origin                                                                                            Are you happy in Canada?                                                 Luthra and Vishal Luthra
                             to wake her up.
neurosurgeon left a young        At one point Nair                                                                  Definitely                                                  and true example of multicultural prosperity.
prostitute dead in his bed   snatched a mobile phone                                                                Why?                                                        What brought you success in Canada?
for almost two days while    from Cardona's hand as                                                                 Canada provided growth opportunities for me and             The burning desire to succeed and willingness to
he continued a drug and      she tried to call an                                                                   my family. My Business grew abundantly, it offer a          take calculated risks yielded stability and growth
sex binge in a Sydney        ambulance, explaining                                                                  fair, impartial justice system. Canada is the best in       for my family and businesses.
hotel room last year.        he was worried about                                                                   healthcare, education, investments and offers strong        Your advice to new immigrants
                                                                                                                    banking control for all to prospers. Canada offers          Don’t be discouraged by challenges as these often

First women-only call centre
                                                                                                                    equal opportunity for willing and hard working              offer an opportunities and room for improvement.
                                                                                                                    immigrants. If one has the will and desire “he/she          Be firm with your goals, be fair with your thinking
                                                                                                                    can do anything”.                                           and be friendly to all. Don’t just think on what Canada
                                                                                                                    Any comments on Canada’s weather                            is doing for you but also ask yourself that what you

OPENS IN SAUDI ARABIA                                                                                               Summers are enjoyable. Winters are harsh though
                                                                                                                    provide great outdoor activities for the whole family.
                                                                                                                    I enjoy unpredictability as it keeps us all on our toes
                                                                                                                    and keeps us ready for anything.
                                                                                                                                                                                are willing to do for your Canada (your new home)
                                                                                                                                                                                so that we all can live in a better future.
                                                                                                                                                                                Your message to Asians
                                                                                         driving, travelling or                                                                 Community should never forget that we are one. Be
    JEDDAH: Saudi                                                                        living independently       Any comments on Canada’s culture                            cautious about whom you support. Constantly seek
women, who are                                                                           without         written    Canada’s culture is friendly, polite and accepting of       improvement yet never forget your past. Learn, live,
prohibited by society                                                                    permission from a          all. It is a clearly the most peaceful place on earth       and be respectful towards all Canadians.
from living or working                                                                   male guardian who
independently without                                                                    could be either her           OVER THE past               outside our office where
written permission from                                                                  husband, father or        fortnight, bonnie twins         they are left by parents,"
a male guardian, will                                                                    brother.                  Rohini and Ruchika have         Sewa Bharti Matri Chaya
now be part of a first-                                                                      Over the years,       become the cynosure of          chairperson Rishi Pal
of-its-kind "women-                                                                      working as a teacher in   all eyes at the Kalawati        Dadwal said.
only" call centre in the                                                                 girls-only schools was    Saran Maternity and Child           "It is very unfortunate
country.                                                                                 the only job sanctioned   Hospital.                       that girl children are being
    Kanoo Travel, one of                                                                 for Saudi women, but          Their baby sounds and       dumped in the national
the leading travel                                                                       recently there has been   bawls invite cuddles            Capital.       Girls    are
m a n a g e m e n t                                                                      a growing number of       throughout the day. In          worshiped in our country
companies in the                                                                         Saudi professional        fact, the hospital staff        and yet people are
Middle East, said 20                                                                     women and female          wonders at the coldness         abandoning them. Clearly,
female employees have
undergone telephone
operation training as the
                             one of the first travel
                             companies in the country
                                                         earned praise from the
                                                         company's clients.
                                                                                      doctors. " Saudi Arabia is
                                                                                      a very important market.
                                                                                                                   of the unidentified parents
                                                                                                                   who dumped the cute
                                                                                                                   infants on the chilly night
                                                                                                                                                   there is an urgent need to
                                                                                                                                                   change mindsets about            Our heartless
                                                                                                                                                                                   Delhi dumps its
                                                            Saudi females - who       Over the past few years,                                     girls," Dadwal added. The
company started a            to introduce exclusive      make up to nine million of   our business has grown       of November 28 - just           CWC urged the police to
"ladies-only" call centre,   ladies centres," said Ali   the kingdom's 18.5 million   tremendously in the          because they are girls.         register FIRs in all such
Xinhua quoted Arab News
                                                                                                                                                                                     baby girls
                             Abdullah Kanoo, the         people - are subject to a    country," said another           The shocking case of        cases.
as saying.                   company's director.         guardian system which        company official, Othman     the abandoned oneand- a-            "There has been a
    "Kanoo Travel is also       The call centre has      prohibits any woman from     Al-Ghamdi.                   half-month-old           twin   spurt in the cases of infant
                                                                                                                   sisters is not an isolated      girls being abandoned. TWINS FOUND WRAPPED IN ABLANKET AT
                                                                                                                   one. In December, the
                                                                                                                   Delhi Police found at least
                                                                                                                                                   We have appealed to the             JHANDEWALAN METRO STATION
                                                                                                                                                   police that they must file
                                                                                                                   six girl children left on the   an FIR in each case so them earlier this month.            " The blanket in which
                                                                                                                   streets in the national         that there are no legal         Though             they they were in found was
                                                                                                                   Capital.                        hassles if the child is miraculously survived the costly. It seems they are
                                                                                                                       FIRs relating to            offered for adoption," biting cold, the infants from an affluent family,"
                                                                                                                                                                                     were diagnosed with the police official said. "
                                                                                                                   children were
                                                                                                                                                                                     meningitis.           Had it not been for the
                                                                                                                   registered in
                                                                                                                                                                                         They are now protection offered by the
                                                                                                                   14 cases in
                                                                                                                                                                                     being treated at the blanket, the children
                                                                                                                   2010. The four
                                                                                                                                                                                     Kalawati Saran would have died owing to
                                                                                                                   branches of
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hospital, part of the the biting cold," LHMC's
                                                                                                                   the       Delhi
                                                                                                                                                                                     Lady       Hardinge additional         medical
                                                                                                                                                                                     Medical College ( superintendent, Dr M. C.
                                                                                                                   Child Welfare
                                                                                                                                                                                     LHMC). The nursing Sarmah, said. The
                                                                                                                                                                                     staff of the hospital hospital and the police
                                                                                                                   (CWC) as well
                                                                                                                                                                                     and employees of an roped in an NGO and sent
                                                                                                                   as NGOs in
                                                                                                                                                                                     NGO are taking care the infants to the
                                                                                                                   the Capital
                                                                                                                                                                                     of the siblings.      orphanage run by it as
                                                                                                                   received over
                                                                                                                                                                                         The hospital's they appeared to be
                                                                                                                   60-odd such
                                                                                                                                                                                     employees have healthy in the preliminary
                                                                                                                   cases this
                                                                                                                                                                                     grown so fond of the check- up. But soon after
                                                                                                                   year,      with
                                                                                                                                                                                     babies that they the           babies     were
                                                                                                                   more than 90
                                                                                                                                                                                     have even given discharged, they fell ill. "
                                                                                                                   per        cent
                                                                                                                                                                                     them         names. We rushed them to
                                                                                                                   children being
                                                                                                                                                                                     Thankfully, Rohini Kalawati Saran Hospital
                                                                                                                   newborn girls.
                                                                                                                                                                                     and Ruchika are on again where they were
                                                                                                                       G i r l
                                                                                                                                                                                     the path to recovery. both found to have
                                                                                                                   children are                    CWC chairperson Mamta           " Our personnel contracted meningitis," an
                                                                                                                   regularly              found    Sahay said.                  noticed them around 8 official of the NGO said."
                                                                                                                   abandoned in the crib               The twin sisters found am. They rushed the The most common
                                                                                                                   kept at the Sewa Bharti         in November were babies to the nearby symptoms of meningitis
                                                                                                                   Matri Chaya, a Pashchim         wrapped in a blanket and Kalawati Saran Hospital," are headache and neck
                                                                                                                   Vihar-based NGO. "We            dumped near the Meera a senior police official stiffness associated with
                                                                                                                   have received at least six      Sadan building on the said. An FIR has been fever, confusion or altered
                                                                                                                   baby girls in a week.           stairs of the Jhandewalan lodged under section 318 consciousness, vomiting
                                                                                                                       We get them either          Metro station. A team of of the IPC against the and an inability to tolerate
                                                                                                                   through the police or find      Delhi Police personnel on unknown persons who light ( photophobia) or loud
                                                                                                                   them in the palna (crib)        patrol duty stumbled upon abandoned the twins.          noises ( phonophobia).

                                                                                                                   ‘Donkey flights’ popular with migrants to UK
                                                                                                                           L O N D O N :           labourers pay travel         they are met by             passport.
                                                                                                                   Thousands of illegal            agents huge amount to        “consultants” who help               This allows easy
                                                                                                                   immigrants from India are       provide them with visa to    them to reach Britain.      entry into the UK. UK has
                                                                                                                   using “donkey flights” to       facilitate them to first     For the migrants willing    moved to curb immigration
                                                                                                                   enter the UK through the        move into one of the         to pay as much as           and proposed tougher
                                                                                                                   back door via other             Schengen           zone,     16,800, pounds, the         entrance criteria and limits
                                                                                                                   European            Union       according to “The Sunday     consultants provide fake    on work as part of a shake-
                                                                                                                   countries, a media report       Times” daily.                documents such as a         up of the student visa
                                                                                                                   said on Sunday. Using                    On arrival in the   residency permit or         system that is likely to
                                                                                                                   the system known as             EU — often in Germany,       driving licence that can    adversely impact Indians
                                                                                                                   “donkey flights”, unskilled     Belgium or France —          be used to obtain a EU      seeking to move to Britain.
                                                              Also, follow us on twitter @asiantribuneCa
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec
Asian Tribune 29-Dec

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Asian Tribune 29-Dec

  • 1. Vol. I No. 10 Tel: 780-975-8735, 29 December 2010 ˆÒØÏÒ Í≥‹≈Ï Î≈¿±∫‚ÙÈ ÚºÒ∫Ø ÍzÚ≈√∆ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª Winter in Edmonton ∂ Á∆¡ª Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª ¡Â∂ √Óº«√¡≈Úª” «ÚÙ∂ Â∂ √ÀÓ∆È≈ is in full swing Í«‡¡≈Ò≈ -◊ÒØ Ï Ò Í≥ ‹ ≈Ï ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ È∂ Î≈¿± ∫ ‚∂ Ù È Úº Ò Ø ∫ “Íz Ú ≈√∆ ¡≈͉∂ ÍzË≈È◊∆ Ì≈Ù‰ «Ú⁄ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª Á∆¡ª Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª ¡Â∂ ¡≈√‡z∂Ò∆¡≈ ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ «ÁÒ‹≈È √Óº«√¡≈Úª” «ÚÙ∂ Â∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «√≥ÿ ◊∂Ú≈Ò Á∂ ‘Ú≈Ò∂ È≈Ò Ô» È ∆Ú«√‡∆ Í«‡¡≈Ò≈ Á∂ «’‘≈ «’ ‹∂ ‘Ø √’∂ ª Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª ͺ’≈∆ Â∂ ‹È√≥⁄≈ «ÚÌ≈◊ ˘ Í≥‹≈Ï «Ú⁄ «‘ ’∂ ‘∆ «‹≥Á◊∆ «Ú⁄ ¡≈ÔØ « ‹Â ’∆Â∂ ◊¬∂ ◊∞˜≈È∆ ⁄≈‘∆Á∆ ‘ÀÕ ¿∞‘Ȫ «’‘≈ √ÀÓ∆È≈ Á∆ ÍzË≈È◊∆ Ú≈«¬√ ◊À ’≈˘È∆ Â∆’∂ È≈Ò «ÏÒ’∞Ò ⁄ª√Ò Í≥‹≈Ï∆ Ô»È∆Ú«√‡∆ ‘∆ Ï≈‘ È‘∆∫ ‹≈‰≈ ⁄≈‘∆Á≈Õ ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ È∂ ’∆Â∆ ¡Â∂ ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò «√≥ ÿ È∂ √Ò≈‘ «¬√ «Ú⁄ √∆ (’À È ∂ ‚ ≈) Á∂ «ÁÂ∆ «’ ‹∂ ’ج∆ ÚË∆¡≈ ÓΩ’≈ ¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. √z∆ ‹◊»Í Ï≈Û ‘ºÊ Òº◊∂ ª Ï≈‘ ‹≈‰ «Ú⁄ ’ج∆ ¡Â∂ «ÓÒÚ∞º‚˜ ¡À‚«Ó≥‡È Á∂ ‘˜ È‘∆∫Õ ¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. √z∆ ’≈Ò «ÚÈ∆‡» ¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. ‹◊»Í «ÚÙ∂Ù Ó«‘Ó≈Ȫ Ú‹Ø∫ Ù≈«ÓÒ ‘Ø¬Õ ∂ Ï≈Û È∂ «¬’ ¡ÀÈ.¡≈.¡≈¬∆. EDMONTON — Winter in Hill. the rinks are open from 10 Î≈¿± ∫ ‚∂ Ù È ⁄∂ ¡ ÓÀ È ‚≈. ’«ÓÙÈ Ï‰≈¿∞‰ Á∆ Ó≥◊ ’∆Â∆ Edmonton is now in full Public ice skating rinks a.m. to 10 p.m., with the ‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ Á∆ Á∂÷-∂÷ ‹Ø √’≈∆ Á÷Ò ÂØ ∫ «ÏÈ∑ ª swing — or slide — with are also open around the exception of Hawrelak «Ú⁄ ‘ج∂ «¬√ √ÀÓ∆È≈ «Ú⁄ ¡≈˜≈Á≈È≈ ÂΩ Â∂ ’≥Ó ’∂Õ the opening of all of the city. All of the facilities are Park lake facility, which ¡≈‡ ¡≈Î «Ò«Ú≥◊ ‡ª‡Ø Á∂ Óπ÷∆ ¿∞‘Ȫ Í≥‹≈Ï √’≈ ÚºÒØ∫ «¬’ city’s toboggan hills and free, and are open seven opens at 11 a.m. √z ∆ Í∆‡ ⁄Ω ‘ ≈È, ¡À ‚ «Ó≥ ‡ È ¡«‹‘≈ ’∂ ∫ Á ÷Ø Ò ∑ ‰ Á∆ Ú∆ most ice skating rinks. days a week and lit at The City of (’ÀÈ∂‚≈) ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ √Ó≈‹ √∂Ú∆ √. ¬∂Ù∆¡È «‡z«Ï¿±È Á∂ ¡À‚∆‡ √z∆ ÔÙ ÙÓ≈ Á≈ √ÈÓ≈È ’Á∂ ‘ج∂ Íø‹≈Ï∆ Ô±È∆Ú«√‡∆ Í«‡¡≈Ò≈ Á∂ Ú’≈Ò ’∆Â∆ «‹‘Û≈ Ï≈‘ As of Christmas night. Edmonton says the rinks Í«Ó≥Á «√≥ÿ, «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ÂØ∫ √. Ú≈¬∆√ ⁄ª√Ò ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ ¡Â∂ ◊ÒØÏÒ Î≈¿±∫‚∂ÙÈ Á∂ ⁄∂¡ÓÀÈ ‚≈. ‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈, ‹≈‰ Â∂ ¡≈¿∞‰ Ú≈Ò∆¡ª Ò¬∆ Eve, the toboggan hills are Outdoor rinks are are currently in “early √≥ Á ∆Í «√≥ ÿ ‡∆Ú≈‰≈ ¡Â∂ «Ú⁄≈ º÷∂Õ ¡≈͉∂ √Ú≈◊Â∆ ËÂ∆¡ª Â∂ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈Í ˘ ω≈«¬¡≈Õ ¿∞‘Ȫ «’‘≈ «’ «¬√ ‘ Â∑ª Á∆ ‹≈‰’≈∆ Óπ‘º«¬¡≈ open at Rundle Park, open at Castle Downs, season” condition, but are ¡√‡z∂Ò∆¡≈ ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ «ÁÒ‹≈È Ì≈Ù‰ «Ú⁄ ‚≈. ‘«‹≥ Á  √Ê≈«Í ’∆Â≈ √◊Ø ∫ ¿∞ Ê Ø ∫ Á∂ Á∂ Ï≈Ú‹»Á Í≥‹≈Ï «Ú⁄ ÍzÚ≈√∆ ’∂Õ √z∆ Ï≈Û È∂ Í≥‹≈Ï Á∆¡ª Gallagher Park, City Hall, the Victoria Park expected to improve. The «√≥ ÿ ◊∂ Ú ≈Ò È∂ Íz Ú ≈√∆ Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ È∂ «’‘≈ «’ AC@ Ú∑∂ «√¡≈√∆, √Ó≈«‹’ ¡Â∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª ˘ ¡≈ ‘∆¡ª ÓπÙ’Òª Ô»È∆Ú«√‡∆ ÂØ∫ «¬‘ Ó≥◊ ’∆Â∆ Whitemud Park, oval, Hawrelak Park lake, Mill Woods Campus Park Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª Á∆¡ª √Óº«√¡≈Úª ¡Â∂ Í«‘Òª «ÚÁ∂Ù Á∆ ËÂ∆ Â∂ Í‘∞⁄∂≥ √º«Ì¡≈⁄≈ ÷∂Â «Ú⁄ ¡≈͉∆ Á≈ ’ج∆ ‘ºÒ È‘∆∫ Òº«Ì¡≈ ‹≈ «’ «¬Ê∂ «¬Ó∆◊z∂ÙÈ Á∂ ’Ø√ Ù∞» Government Hill Park and Rundle Park ponds, and rink is not yet open for the Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª Ï≈∂ ¡≈͉∂ ¡≈͉∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª È∂ ‘∞‰ È≈ «√Î «ÚÁ∂Ù∆ Úº÷∆ ‘Ø∫Á ˘ «‹Â≈¿∞‰ Á∂ ’≈«ÏÒ √«’¡≈Õ ’∆Â∂ (Ï≈’∆ √¯≈ B ”Â∂) the Emily Murphy Bunny Jackie Parker pond. All of season. Asian Tribune Punjabi 2,4-12,20 English 3,13-15 Hindi : 16-18 «ÚË≈«¬’ È∂Ù Ì≈ÁÚ≈‹ ÚæÒØ∫ «¥√«Ó√ ˙ÍÈ ‘≈¿±√ Í≈‡∆ ¡À‚«Ó߇È-¡À‚«Óß‡È È∂ Ù Ì≈ÁÚ≈‹ È∂ √Ó± ‘ ’∆Â∂ ‘Ò’∂ Á∂ «Ú’≈√ ¡Â∂ √Ó±‘ Á∂ ‘Ò’≈ ¡ÀÒ√∆ ÂØ∫ «ÚË≈«¬’ Ì≈¬∆⁄≈∂ ¡Â∂ ‘Ò’≈ «ÈÚ≈√∆¡ª Ì≈¬∆⁄≈∂ Ò¬∆ ’∆Â∂ ’≈‹ª Á∆ ¡Â∂ ¡ÒÏ‡≈ √’≈ Á∆¡ª ’¬∆ ÚæÒØ∫ √Ó∂∫-√Ó∂∫ ”Â∂ «ÁæÂ∂ ◊¬∂ ÙÒ≈ÿ≈ ’∆Â∆Õ «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ ‘Ò’≈ ’Ó∂ ‡ ∆¡ª Á∂ ⁄∂ ¡ ÓÀ È È∂ Ù √«‘ÔØ◊ Á≈ ËßÈÚ≈Á ’«Á¡ª «ÈÚ≈√∆¡ª ÂØ∫ «¬Ò≈Ú≈ Ù«‘ Ì≈ÁÚ≈‹ ÚæÒØ∫ «¥√«Ó√ ˙ÍÈ «’‘≈ «’ ÓÀ∫ ‘Ó∂Ù≈ ‘∆ «¬È∑ª Á≈ Á∆¡ª ÍzÓπæ÷ Ù÷√∆¡Âª ÚÍ≈∆, ‘≈¿±√ Í≈‡∆ Á≈ ¡≈ÔØ‹È ’∆Â≈ «‰∆ ‘ª◊≈ ¡Â∂ Ì«Úæ÷ «Ú⁄ Ú∆ Ë≈«Ó’-√Ó≈«‹’ Â∂ ÷∂ ‚ «◊¡≈, «‹√ «Ú⁄ ‘Ò’≈ ¡«‹‘∂ ÌÚ∂∫ ‘πß◊≈∂ Á∆ ¿πÓ∆Á √ß√Ê≈Úª Á∂ ¡‘πÁÁ≈ ¡Â∂ Ó∆‚∆¬∂ ∂ «ÈÚ≈√∆¡ª Á∆¡ª ÓπÙ«’Òª ¡Â∂ ’ª◊≈Õ Í≈‡∆ «Ú⁄ «ÚÙ∂Ù ÂΩ È≈Ò ‹πÛ∆¡ª Ù÷√∆¡Âª ‘≈˜ Í≈‡∆ ÁΩ≈È «ÚË≈«¬’ È∂Ù Ì≈ÁÚ≈‹, Ù«‘ Á∂ ¿πµÿ∂ ÚÍ≈∆ √πfi≈Úª ˘ ÏÛ∆ ◊ßÌ∆Â≈ È≈Ò ‹Ø¡ √±È, ¡ÀÈ. ¡≈. ¡≈¬∆. Á∂ ÍzË≈È ◊πÌ«¶Á √ß˱, ∂«‚˙ ”Â∂ Ù≈«ÓÒ ‘ج∂ ÓÀ∫Ï Í≈Ò∆ÓÀ∫‡ √ÈÕ È∂Ù Ì≈ÂÚ≈‹ È∂ √Ó±‘ √π«‰¡≈ «◊¡≈Õ Íø‹≈Ï Á∂ Ìͱ «„æÒ∫Ø , ∂‚∆˙ √π √ß◊Ó ÂØ∫ ◊πÙÈ Ïπ‡, ‹√«ÚßÁ æ Ó≈¬∆’ Ò∂ ’ ¡Â∂ ’Ω ∫ √Ò «¬Ò≈’≈ «ÈÚ≈√∆¡ª 鱧 ÈÚ∂∫ √≈Ò «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ «ÚË≈«¬’ «„æÒØ∫ ¡Â∂ ‘ØȪ È≈ÒÕ ¡Ó‹∆ √Ø‘∆ È∂ Ì≈ÁÚ≈‹ ÚæÒ∫Ø Á∆ ÚË≈¬∆ «ÁæÂ∆ ˛Õ
  • 2. Community Issue 1010 (2) Issue (2) Asian Tribune 29 December, 2010 ‚∂≈Ú≈Á 鱧 ıÂÓ ’È Ò¬∆ ÙÏÁ ◊π± Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «Ò÷≈∆ √Ì≈ ’ÀÒ◊∆ Á∆ Óπ«‘ßÓ≈ Áæ√‰∆ ˜±∆ : ‚≈. Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ ÚæÒØ∫ Á∆Í«Ù÷≈ Ï≈Û Á≈ √ÈÓ≈È Í«‡¡≈Ò≈-¡√∆∫ ÒØ’ª ˘ ÷≈√ ωÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ ¡≈͉∂ ÍzË≈È◊∆ Ì≈Ù‰ ’ÀÒ◊∆-Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «Ò÷≈∆ √Ì≈ ÂΩ Â∂ «√÷ ÈÚ∆∫ Í∆Û∑∆ ˘ È≈ «Ú⁄ Í≥ ‹ ≈Ï∆ Ô» È ∆Ú«√‡∆, ’ÀÒ◊∆ Á∆ Ó≈«√’ Ó∆«‡≥◊ ’Ø√Ø Âª ◊∞» ◊z≥Ê √≈«‘Ï «Ú⁄Ò∆ Í«‡¡≈Ò≈ Á∂ Ú≈«¬√ ⁄ª√Ò Á∂ Á¯Â «Úº⁄ ‘ج∆Õ √Ì≈ Á∂ Ï≈‰∆ Á∆ Ó‘≈ÈÂ≈ Á√≈ √’∂ ‘ª ‚≈. ˜√Í≈Ò «√≥ ÿ È∂ ‚≈. ‹ÈÒ √’ºÂ ÂÒØ⁄È √À∫‘Ï∆ ¡Â∂ È≈ ‘∆ √‘∆ ¡ʪ «Ú⁄ ÙÏÁ ¡ÚÂ≈ «√≥ÿ Á∆ «¬√ Íπ√Â’ ˘ È∂ ◊∞Ï⁄È Ï≈Û, ‘Íz’≈Ù ◊∞» Á∆ Ó«‘Ó≈Õ «¬‘∆ ’≈È ‘À «¬’ ‘Ú≈Ò≈ Íπ√Â’ Á≈ Á‹≈ ‹È≈◊Ò, ÏÒ«‹≥Á √≥ÿ≈ ˘ «’ ◊∞» ◊z≥Ê √≈«‘Ï Á∆ ¡≈ÍØ- «Á≥Á∂ ‘ج∂ ÍzÚ≈√∆ Ò∂«÷’ Á∆ «¬√ ÍÃË≈È◊∆ Ó≥‚ˇ «Úº⁄ ÏÀ·‰ Ò¬∆ ¡≈͉∂ Â∆’∂ È≈Ò «Ú¡≈«÷¡≈ ’’∂ Ú∆ Íz√≥√≈ ’∆Â∆ «’ ¿∞‘ √æÁ≈ «ÁæÂ≈Õ ÍzØ◊z≈Ó Á∆ Ùπ»¡≈ ’’∂ Ï‘∞ √≈∂ ÒØ’ ¡Â∂ ¡÷ΩÂ∆ ’È∂‚≈ «Ú⁄ ÏÀ· ’∂ Ú∆ «√º÷∆ ¡Â∂ ’«Á¡ª Ó«‘≥Á Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ Í≈Ò √≥ ‚∂∂ ÷ØÒ∑ ’∂ ÌØÒ∆ Ì≈Ò∆ ‹ÈÂ≈ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡Â È≈Ò ‹∞Û∂ ‘ج∂ ‘ÈÕ È∂ ¡≈͉∆ ˆ˜Ò √π‰≈¬∆ ¡Â∂ ˘ Ó◊ Ò≈¬∆ ÏÀ·∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬‘ ◊ºÒ ‚≈. ˜√Í≈Ò «√≥ ÿ Á≈ «¬‘ «¬√ ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á ‘«Ó≥Á ’Ω «„ºÒ∫Ø ‚≈. ‘«‹≥ÁÍ≈Ò «√≥ÿ Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ ’«‘‰≈ √∆ «’ «¬√ Íπ√Â’ ≈‘∆∫ È∂ ◊∆ Í∂Ù ’∆Â≈Õ ‹√Ú∆ È∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ Ô»È∆Ú«√‡∆ «Ú÷∂ ‚≈. ‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ √ßÏØËÈ ’Á∂ ‘ج∂, ÷ºÏ∂ ÂØ∫ √º‹∂ ÏÀ·∂ ‘È ÈÚ∆∫ Í∆Û∑∆ «ÈÙ«⁄ ÂΩ ”Â∂ «Ó≥‡ª- √‘ØÂ≈, ‘∆Í≈Ò, ‘Ï≥√ Ïπº‡, ÚÒ‚ Í≥ ‹ ≈Ï∆ √À ∫ ‡ Úº Ò Ø ∫ ‚≈. ÁÙÈ «√≥ÿ ¡≈√‡, ‚≈. ¡ÚÂ≈ «√≥ÿ, ‚≈. ˜√Í≈Ò «√≥ÿ, √«’≥‡ª «Ú⁄ √z∆ ◊∞» ◊zÊ √≈«‘Ï Ï≈∂ ≥ ÏÒ«‹≥ Á  √≥ ÿ ≈ È∂ ÓΩ « Ò’ ¡≈ÔØ«‹Â ‡ª‡Ø Ú≈√∆ Ò∂«÷’ √π‹∆ Í≈Â ¡Â∂ ÈÚÂ∂˜ Ì≈Â∆ Ú‚ÓπÒ∆ ‹≈‰’≈∆ ‘≈«√Ò ’ º ⁄È≈Úª Í∂Ù ’∆Â∆¡ªÕ ÍÀ∆ Ó≈‘Ò ‚≈. ¡ÚÂ≈ «√≥ÿ Á∆ Íπ√Â’ ÙÏÁ ◊∞» Á∆ Ó«‘Ó≈ ’È Ò¬∆ Íπ√Â’ ÷ؘ Ó≈ÍÁ≥‚ª Â∂ Í»∆ √’Á∆ ‘ÀÕ ‚≈. Á∆Í’ ÓÈÓØ‘È Á∆ È∂ Î≈¬∆Ȫ√ ÍÃÏ≥Ë √Ï≥Ë∆ ’∞ºfi Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «Ò÷≈∆ √Ì≈ ’ÀÒ◊∆ Á∆ ‘ج∆ Ó∆«‡ø◊ √Ó∂∫ ‘Íz’≈Ù ‹È≈◊Ò ‘πª ÚæÒØ∫ ω≈«¬¡≈ Á∆Í«Ù÷≈ ÙÏÁ ◊∞» ◊zÊ √≈«‘Ï Á∂ «ÚÓØ⁄È ≥ «¬’ ÓΩ’≈ ÍzÁ≈È ’Á∆ ‘ÀÕ ÍzØ. ¿∞ÂÁ∆ ‘À, Í≈Â √≈«‘Ï Á≈ Á∂÷-∂÷ «Ú⁄ ‘ج∂ «¬√ √Ó≈◊Ó «Ú⁄ È∞’Â∂ «ÁºÂÕ «⁄ºÂ’≈ ‘Íz’≈Ù ∂ Ï≈Û Á≈«⁄æÂ ¿πÈ∑ª ˘ «ÁøÁ∂ ‘ج∂ √Ì≈ Á∂ ÍÃË≈È ◊∞Ï⁄È Ï≈Û, ÂÒØ⁄È √À∫‘Ï∆ ¡Â∂ ‘ØÕ √Ó≈Ø‘ ÁΩ≈È Óπº÷ ÏπÒ≈∂ Á∂ ÂΩ ÏÒ’≈ «√≥ÿ È∂ «’‘≈ «’ «¬‘ ’«‘‰≈ √∆ «’ «ÚÁ∂ Ù ª «Ú⁄ Íz. «‘≥Ó «√≥ÿ, ‚≈. ÁÙÈ «√≥ÿ Ø ‹È≈◊Ò È∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ Ó∆‚∆¬∂ «Úæ⁄ √Ó∂∫ Á∆Í«Ù÷≈ Ï≈Û ¿πȪ Á∂ ÍÂ∆ ∑ «√º Ë » , ÍÓ‹∆ √≥ Á Ò, ÌØÒ≈ ⁄Ω‘≈È ¡≈«Á È∂ Ú∆ ‘≈˜∆ Â∂ ÏØÒÁ∂ ‘ج∂ ’‘∆Õ ‚≈. Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ Íπ√Â’ ÈÚ∆∫ Í∆Û∑∆ Á∂ Ϻ«⁄¡ª Ú√Á∆ Í∆Û∑∆ Ò¬∆ «¬‘ Íπ√Â’ ¡≈√‡ ¡Â∂ ‚≈. ¡≥«ÓzÂÍ≈Ò ’Ω È∂ È≈ÓÚ ∂«‚¿∞ ¡Â∂ ‡∆. Ú∆ ‘Ø√‡ ¡ÓÈ Ï≈Û ¡Â∂ Ï∂‡∂ Ó«‘Â≈Ï È∂ ’‘≈‰∆’≈ ◊∞⁄È ’Ω «Ê≥Á, Ò◊≈¬∆Õ √Ì≈ Á∂ ÍzË≈È ◊∞Ï⁄È Á≈ ’«‘‰≈ √∆ «’ ‚≈. ¡ÚÂ≈ Ò¬∆ ‹≈‰’≈∆ Á≈ ¡ÓπºÒ √ØÓ≈ ’≈Î∆ Ò≈ÌÚ≥ Á «√º Ë ‘Ø Ú ∂ ◊ ∆Õ Ú∆ Ù’ ’∆Â∆Õ Íπ√Â’ Ò∂«÷’ Á∆Í«Ù÷≈ Ï≈Û ˘ ¡≈͉≈ ÚæÒØ∫ ‘Íz’≈Ù ‹È≈◊Ò Á≈ «‘ «ÁÒØ∫ ⁄≥Á «√≥ÿ √≥«Á¿∞Û≈, ÷πÙ ÷∆Ú≈, Ï≈Û È∂ ‘≈˜∆È Á≈ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á «√≥ÿ Á∆ Íπ√Â’ «Ú⁄ «‹Ê∂ ◊∞» ‘ÀÕ ¿∞ÿ∂ ’Ú∆ √π‹∆ Í≈Â È∂ ’È∂‚≈ ÂØ∫ ¡≈¬∂ ¿∞ÿ∂ ’Ú∆ ÈÚÂ∂˜ ‚≈. ¡ÚÂ≈ «√≥ÿ È∂ √Ì Á≈ ω≈«¬¡≈ «⁄ºÂ Ì∂‡ ’∆Â≈Õ «¬√ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á ’∆Â≈Õ Íz. ÓÈ‹∆ «√≥ÿ Ø ◊Ø∂ ’Ï∂ Ú≈Ò∂, ÂÒØ⁄È √À∫‘Ï∆, ’∆Â≈Õ ◊z≥Ê √≈«‘Ï Ï≈∂ ¡Â∂ Úº÷-Úº÷ Óπº÷ Ó«‘Ó≈È Ú‹Ø∫ ‚≈. ¡ÚÂ≈ Ì≈Â∆ È∂ «’‘≈ «’ ‘ Íπ√Â’ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á ’∆Â≈Õ Â÷ª Ï≈∂ Ó‘º  ÚÍ»  È «√≥ÿ Á∆ ¡Â∂ ¿∞‘Ȫ Á∆ Íπ√Â’ «¬’ ¡º÷ ‘∞≥Á∆ ‘À ¡Â∂ «¬√ ’’∂ ‹≈‰’≈∆ Á˜ ‘À, ¿∞Ê∂ «¬‘ Á∆ Íz√√≈ ’Á∂ ‘ج∂ «’‘≈ «’ «¬‘ ≥ ‘ Íπ√Â’ Á≈ √Ú≈◊ ’È≈ ÍzÚ≈√∆ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª Á∆¡ª Íz≈ÍÂ∆¡ª ¡Â∂ √Óº«√¡≈Úª” (√¯≈ A Á∆ Ï≈’∆) «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò ‹≈‰ ¡Â∂ ‡À Ú Ò «√≥ÿ È∂ Î≈¿±∫‚∂ÙÈ ÚºÒØ∫ ¬∂Ù∆¡È ¬∂‹≥‡ª Ò¬∆ Ò√≥√ Íz‰≈Ò∆ Ò≈◊» «‡z«Ï¿±È Á∂ ¡À‚∆‡ √z∆ ÔÙ ÙÓ≈ ’∆Â∆ ‹≈Ú∂Õ ¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. √z∆ ˘ «ÚÙ∂Ù ÂΩ Â∂ √ÈÓ≈È ’∆Â≈Õ ’≈Ò «ÚÈ∆‡» È∂ «’‘≈ «’ ¿∞√Á∂ ¿∞È∑ª ÁØÚ∂∫ ’ÀÈ∂‚∆¡È «ÚË≈«¬’ª √»Ï∂ ¡ÀÒÏ‡≈ «Ú⁄ ¡◊Ò∂ Ú∑∂ ˘ Ú∆ √ÈÓ≈È «⁄≥È∑ Ì∂‡ ’∆Â∂Õ H@ ‘˜≈ ÂØ ∫ Úº Ë ÈΩ ’ ∆¡ª ‚≈. ‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ ÚºÒØ∫ ¿∞ÍÒºÏË ‘ÈÕ ÔØ◊ Í≥‹≈Ï∆¡ª ˘ ËÈÚ≈Á Á≈ ÓÂ≈ Í∂ Ù ’∆Â≈ ¿∞‘Ȫ √ºÁ≈ «ÁÂ≈ «’ ¿∞‘ ’È∂‚≈ «◊¡≈Õ «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ ÚÒ‚ ¡≈¿∞‰ Â∂ «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ Á≈ Î≈«¬Á≈ √À∫‡ Á∂ ‚≈«¬À’‡ ‚≈. Á∆Í’ ¿∞·≈¿∞‰Õ √z∆ ’≈Ò È∂ ¡ÀÒÏ‡≈ ÓÈÓØ‘È, Í≥‹≈Ï∆ ’Ú∆ ’ÒÚ≥ «Ú⁄ Ú√Á∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ Á∆ ÌÍ» ◊∂ Ú ≈Ò, √Ú≈‹ ÿ∞ ≥ Ó ‰, Íz√≥√≈ ’∆Â∆Õ ¬∂Ù∆¡È «‡z«Ï¿±È ◊∞  ⁄È Íº Ï ≈≈Ò∆, «‘≥ Á ∆ Á∂ √≥Í≈Á’ √z∆ ÔÙ ÙÓ≈ È∂ «’‘≈ √≈«‘Â’≈ ÍzØ. ≈‹Í≈Ò, Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «’ ¡√∆∫ ¿∞ Ê ∂ ‹≈ ’∂ ‚≈Ò ◊∆Â’≈ «◊ºÒ √π‹∆Â, ‡ª‡Ø∫ ’Ó≈¿∞‰ Á∆ ÁΩÛ «Ú⁄ ¡≈͉∆ ÷ºÏ∂ ÂØ∫ √º‹∂ ¡ÀÓ.¡ÀÒ.¬∂. √z∆ ’≈Ò «ÚÈ∆‡», ‚≈. ‘«‹≥Á Ú≈Ò∆¡≈, ‚≈. ‹√Í≈Ò ∂‚∆˙ √«Â’≈ Á∂ ‘Ø√‡ Á∆Á≈ ¡ΩÒ≈Á ˘ «Ú√≈ «Á≥Á∂ ‘ª ‹Ø «’ «√≥ÿ, ¡Â∂ √z∆ ‹◊»Í Ï≈ÛÕ √Ó≈‘Ø «Ú⁄ √ÈÓ≈È ’∆Â∂ ‹≈‰ Á≈ «ÁzÙÕ «√≥ ÿ ≥ ◊ Ó≥ ⁄ ’Ò≈’≈ ¿∞ÊØ∫ Á∂ √«Ì¡≈⁄≈’ ÷πºÒ∑∂ Ó‘ΩÒ Í«Ó≥ÁÍ≈Ò ’Ω, ÁÙÈ «√≥ÿ «Ú⁄ ⁄ «Ó⁄ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘ÀÕ «Î ¡√∆∫ «’√Ó Á∂ ◊À ’≈˘È∆ ’≥Ó ’ Â∂ ‹≈ ’∂ Ú∆ ¿∞È∑ª Á∂ √«Ì¡≈⁄≈ «ÁÒ‹≈È «√≥ÿ ◊∂Ú≈Ò È∂ «’‘≈ ¡≈√‡, «’Í≈Ò «’‹≈’ ¡Â∂ ¡≈͉∆¡ª ÒÛ’∆¡ª ˘ «’√∂ ‘Ø ÏÀ·Á∂ ‘ªÕ «¬‘ Úº‚∆ Â≈ÙÁ∆ ‘À «Ú⁄ È‘∆∫ ⁄Á∂ «Ó⁄Á∂ Â∂ «¬‘Ø «’ √≈‚∆¡ª Әϻ∆¡ª ‘∆ √≈˘ ‚≈. √π‹∆ ̺‡∆ Ú∆ ‘≈˜ √ÈÕ Óπ ≥ ‚ ∂ ÁØ √  È≈Ò ‹ªÁ∂ ‘Ø ¬ ∂ ‹Ø ¡√∆∫ ÌØ◊ ‘∂ ‘ªÕ Í∆‡ ⁄Ω‘≈È ’≈È ‘À «’ ◊Ø∂ Ú∆ √≈‚∂ ÂØ∫ Á» ¿∞Ë ÒÀ ◊¬∆¡ª È‘∆∫ ª ’Ω‰ √‡∂˜ √’ºÂ Á∆ ̱«Ó’≈ ÓÈ ÏÁ≈Ù ȑ∆∫ ’Á∂ ¡Â∂ ’¬∆ Á≈ ’«‘‰≈ √∆ «’ ¡√∆∫ ¿∞√ ËÂ∆ «‘≥Á∂ ‘ÈÕ ¡≈√‡z∂Ò∆¡≈ Ú≈Ò∂ Í≥‹≈Ï ˘ ¤º‚‰≈ ⁄≈‘∞≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ⁄«‘Ò ÚºÒØ∫ «ÈÌ≈¬∆ ◊¬∆Õ Also, follow us on twitter @asiantribuneCa
  • 3. Community Issue 10 (3) Asian Tribune 29 December, 2010 Indian-origin neurosurgeon left Asian SARJAN LUTHRA Star prostitute dead in his bed for 2 days Educational background and present occupation Suresh Surendranath how he would account It was all too late. B.Sc., LL.B Nair and another for the presence of a Zaupa died in his bed Status in Canada prostitute sat watching startling amount of and was not found until Citizen while Suellen cocaine in his Elizabeth November 21, while Nair When & Why you came to Canada? Domingues Zaupa Bay home. tracked down three more I first visited in 1987. Wrapped up Business in Kuwait lay convulsing on It was only when escorts and continued and came to Canada as landed immigrant in 1993 his bed, gripped by Zaupa stopped shaking partying in a hotel in and made Canada as a new home. Equality among cocaine toxicity and appeared to lose Circular Quay. all, Life time opportunity to provide future for my and bleeding from the consciousness that the It was not until after children and my personal desire to succeed in life mouth, a court heard, trained caregiver in Nair his arrest over Zaupa's attracted me to Canada reports the Sydney was roused. death that the NSW What you did for initial survival? Morning Herald. He performed chest Medical Board I did odd jobs- anywhere from Security to Renovations Every now and then compressions while suspended the University and also worked as a Quality Control Technician the Australian-trained Cardona tried giving her of Sydney graduate's with an Engineering Company and travelled across surgeon, 42, would mouth-to-mouth. registration. Canada for unemployment. snort another line of Were you ever discriminated? cocaine, appearing Due to language barrier and being a new immigrant "relaxed" while into a new culture, some individuals misjudge you C a r m e n as an uneducated and unable to work. Many years Hernandez ago- few youths called me some racial slurs but I C a r d o n a ignored the meaningless behaviour and kept my s l a p p e d focus on moving onward & forward. Zaupa in What you miss in Canada? I miss past family ties and particularly my mother {L to R} Karan Luthra, Advocate Sarjan panic, trying An Indian-origin Are you happy in Canada? Luthra and Vishal Luthra to wake her up. neurosurgeon left a young At one point Nair Definitely and true example of multicultural prosperity. prostitute dead in his bed snatched a mobile phone Why? What brought you success in Canada? for almost two days while from Cardona's hand as Canada provided growth opportunities for me and The burning desire to succeed and willingness to he continued a drug and she tried to call an my family. My Business grew abundantly, it offer a take calculated risks yielded stability and growth sex binge in a Sydney ambulance, explaining fair, impartial justice system. Canada is the best in for my family and businesses. hotel room last year. he was worried about healthcare, education, investments and offers strong Your advice to new immigrants banking control for all to prospers. Canada offers Don’t be discouraged by challenges as these often First women-only call centre equal opportunity for willing and hard working offer an opportunities and room for improvement. immigrants. If one has the will and desire “he/she Be firm with your goals, be fair with your thinking can do anything”. and be friendly to all. Don’t just think on what Canada Any comments on Canada’s weather is doing for you but also ask yourself that what you OPENS IN SAUDI ARABIA Summers are enjoyable. Winters are harsh though provide great outdoor activities for the whole family. I enjoy unpredictability as it keeps us all on our toes and keeps us ready for anything. are willing to do for your Canada (your new home) so that we all can live in a better future. Your message to Asians driving, travelling or Community should never forget that we are one. Be JEDDAH: Saudi living independently Any comments on Canada’s culture cautious about whom you support. Constantly seek women, who are without written Canada’s culture is friendly, polite and accepting of improvement yet never forget your past. Learn, live, prohibited by society permission from a all. It is a clearly the most peaceful place on earth and be respectful towards all Canadians. from living or working male guardian who independently without could be either her OVER THE past outside our office where written permission from husband, father or fortnight, bonnie twins they are left by parents," a male guardian, will brother. Rohini and Ruchika have Sewa Bharti Matri Chaya now be part of a first- Over the years, become the cynosure of chairperson Rishi Pal of-its-kind "women- working as a teacher in all eyes at the Kalawati Dadwal said. only" call centre in the girls-only schools was Saran Maternity and Child "It is very unfortunate country. the only job sanctioned Hospital. that girl children are being Kanoo Travel, one of for Saudi women, but Their baby sounds and dumped in the national the leading travel recently there has been bawls invite cuddles Capital. Girls are m a n a g e m e n t a growing number of throughout the day. In worshiped in our country companies in the Saudi professional fact, the hospital staff and yet people are Middle East, said 20 women and female wonders at the coldness abandoning them. Clearly, female employees have undergone telephone operation training as the one of the first travel companies in the country earned praise from the company's clients. doctors. " Saudi Arabia is a very important market. of the unidentified parents who dumped the cute infants on the chilly night there is an urgent need to change mindsets about Our heartless Delhi dumps its Saudi females - who Over the past few years, girls," Dadwal added. The company started a to introduce exclusive make up to nine million of our business has grown of November 28 - just CWC urged the police to "ladies-only" call centre, ladies centres," said Ali the kingdom's 18.5 million tremendously in the because they are girls. register FIRs in all such Xinhua quoted Arab News baby girls Abdullah Kanoo, the people - are subject to a country," said another The shocking case of cases. as saying. company's director. guardian system which company official, Othman the abandoned oneand- a- "There has been a "Kanoo Travel is also The call centre has prohibits any woman from Al-Ghamdi. half-month-old twin spurt in the cases of infant sisters is not an isolated girls being abandoned. TWINS FOUND WRAPPED IN ABLANKET AT one. In December, the Delhi Police found at least We have appealed to the JHANDEWALAN METRO STATION police that they must file six girl children left on the an FIR in each case so them earlier this month. " The blanket in which streets in the national that there are no legal Though they they were in found was Capital. hassles if the child is miraculously survived the costly. It seems they are FIRs relating to offered for adoption," biting cold, the infants from an affluent family," abandoned were diagnosed with the police official said. " children were meningitis. Had it not been for the registered in They are now protection offered by the 14 cases in being treated at the blanket, the children 2010. The four Kalawati Saran would have died owing to branches of Hospital, part of the the biting cold," LHMC's the Delhi Lady Hardinge additional medical government's Medical College ( superintendent, Dr M. C. Child Welfare LHMC). The nursing Sarmah, said. The Committee staff of the hospital hospital and the police (CWC) as well and employees of an roped in an NGO and sent as NGOs in NGO are taking care the infants to the the Capital of the siblings. orphanage run by it as received over The hospital's they appeared to be 60-odd such employees have healthy in the preliminary cases this grown so fond of the check- up. But soon after year, with babies that they the babies were more than 90 have even given discharged, they fell ill. " per cent them names. We rushed them to children being Thankfully, Rohini Kalawati Saran Hospital newborn girls. and Ruchika are on again where they were G i r l the path to recovery. both found to have children are CWC chairperson Mamta " Our personnel contracted meningitis," an regularly found Sahay said. noticed them around 8 official of the NGO said." abandoned in the crib The twin sisters found am. They rushed the The most common kept at the Sewa Bharti in November were babies to the nearby symptoms of meningitis Matri Chaya, a Pashchim wrapped in a blanket and Kalawati Saran Hospital," are headache and neck Vihar-based NGO. "We dumped near the Meera a senior police official stiffness associated with have received at least six Sadan building on the said. An FIR has been fever, confusion or altered baby girls in a week. stairs of the Jhandewalan lodged under section 318 consciousness, vomiting We get them either Metro station. A team of of the IPC against the and an inability to tolerate through the police or find Delhi Police personnel on unknown persons who light ( photophobia) or loud them in the palna (crib) patrol duty stumbled upon abandoned the twins. noises ( phonophobia). ‘Donkey flights’ popular with migrants to UK L O N D O N : labourers pay travel they are met by passport. Thousands of illegal agents huge amount to “consultants” who help This allows easy immigrants from India are provide them with visa to them to reach Britain. entry into the UK. UK has using “donkey flights” to facilitate them to first For the migrants willing moved to curb immigration enter the UK through the move into one of the to pay as much as and proposed tougher back door via other Schengen zone, 16,800, pounds, the entrance criteria and limits European Union according to “The Sunday consultants provide fake on work as part of a shake- countries, a media report Times” daily. documents such as a up of the student visa said on Sunday. Using On arrival in the residency permit or system that is likely to the system known as EU — often in Germany, driving licence that can adversely impact Indians “donkey flights”, unskilled Belgium or France — be used to obtain a EU seeking to move to Britain. Also, follow us on twitter @asiantribuneCa