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1   Private & Confidential
Tabla de Contenidos

1    Indicadores Macroeconómicos

2    Descripción del Negocio

3    Proyectos

4    Indicadores Financieros

5    Directorio

6    Visión y Estrategia de la Compañía

                                          2   Private & Confidential
Indicadores Macroeconómicos- Perú se destaca como una de las
      principales economías de Latinoamérica…

 Inversiones de países de Grado                                               Crecimiento del PBI Real %: Mejor Interpretación
                                                                                                  Peru       Chile     Colombia          Mexico         Brazil
Agencia                    Clasificación                Punto de Vista

                           BBB                          Stable                                                                                    6.0

                                                                                                                            4.6         4.4                      4.5
                                                                                 4.2 4.3                                                                                     4.0
                                                                                           3.6                                                                         3.7
                           BBB                          Stable                                         2.8


                           Baa3                         Positive
                                                                                      2001-2005                       2006-2010                          2011-2015e
Fuente: S&P, Fitch, Moodys Diciembre 2011
                                                                              Fuente: IMF, Banco Central del Perú, J.P. Morgan

 Percepción del Riesgo                                                        Índice de protección de inversores
                             Peru EMBIG          LA EMBIG
                                                                              Colombia                                                                                  8.3

                                                                                   Peru                                                                   7.0

                                                                                  Chile                                                           6.3

                                                                                Mexico                                                          6.0

                                                                                  Brazil                                                  5.3

Fuente: Banco Central del Perú, Diciembre 2011                               Fuente: Doing Business Junio 2011

                                                                         3                                                                        Private & Confidential
Indicadores Macroeconómicos- Perú destaca como una de las principales
     economías de Latinoamérica…

PBI per cápita del Perú (US$ miles)         Inflación (%)

                              3.3 x

Fuente: INEI
                                           Fuente: Latin Focus Consensus Forecast

 Reservas Internacionales (% PBI)           Crecimiento del PBI Real & Inflación (2011-2015e promedio)

 Fuente: Latin Focus Consensus Forecast         Fuente: IMF

                                            4                                               Private & Confidential
Tabla de Contenidos

1    Indicadores Macroeconómicos

2    Descripción del Negocio

3    Proyectos

4    Indicadores Financieros

5    Directorio

6    Visión y Estrategia de la Compañía

                                          5   Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- El Grupo Hochschild

 Fundado en 1911, El Grupo Hochschild (GH) con sede                 Cementos Pacasmayo stock index evolution since IPO
  en Lima, Perú tiene dos principales giros de negocio.
 Negocio Minero
   Constituida por una PLC, totalmente compatible con el
    código de anuncio del Reino Unido.
   Actividades: Productora de Oro y Plata.                          500%

   Operaciones: Perú, Argentina y México
   Listada en la Bolsa de Londres (LSE:HOC)                         400%
   Market Cap: US$2.8bn                                                                                                                     +365%

   FTSE 250
 Negocio Industrial
   Actividades: cemento, cal y concreto.
   Operaciones: Perú                                                200%

   Listada en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL:
    CPACASC1-PE)                                                     100%
 Además, el GH patrocina a TECSUP, la organización
  líder sin fines de lucro, Instituto Técnico del Perú, que ya
  opera en 3 Campus y una nueva universidad, que está                    0%
                                                                           1999          2002         2004         2007     2009    2012
  actualmente en desarrollo.

                                                                     Source: Factset. Market data as of December 30, 2011

                                                                 6                                                            Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio – Líder en un mercado atractivo en                                                       expansión
     El rendimiento de Pacasmayo se debió princiaplmente al crecimiento en el sector construcción, que en los
     ultimos cinco años ha crecido el doble que el PBI peruano.
PBI Peruano
                        –2011: 7.0%
              CAGR 2006

                                                                                     Impactado por
                                                                                      crisis global

                                                                                                      Impactado por
Fuente: Banco Central del Perú

                                        PBI Construcción
                                                                                                          En el Perú, el cemento se vende
                                                                       1: 11.9%                        principalmente a una base de clientes
                                                          CAGR 2006–201
                                                                                                           muy fragmentada, que consiste
                                                                                                        principalmente en compra de sacos
                                 2.0x                                                                       para la construcción o mejora
                                                                                                            personal de sus hogares, un
     Base de Clientes                                                                                      segmento conocido en nuestra
     Pacasmayo 2011                                                                                      industria como Auto-Construcción.
                                        Fuente: Banco Central del Perú

                                                                                  Despachos de Cemento Pacasmayo (‘000 MT)

                                                                                                        011: 11.7%
                                                                                             CAGR 2006–2

Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa                                                Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa

                                                               7                                                      Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- Mercado de cemento segmentado

 Líder en la atractiva región Norte del
                                             Mercado de Cemento Peruano
                                             Despacho de Cemento y Cuota de Mercado (en '000 de toneladas
   23.3% de la población peruana
   15.5% del PBI nacional
                                             Northern region
   Las actividades económicas principales
                                             Plant         2008 2009        2010   2011 mkt. share
     son la agricultura, manufactura y el    C. Pacas      1,322 1,397 1,616 1,748            20%
     comercio.                               C. Selva       157      160    195     196         2%
 Dividida en tres regiones Principales:     Imports           47     39      39     44       0.5%
   Norte: Pacasmayo y Selva                 Total         1,526 1,596 1,850 1,988            22%
   Centro: Lima y Andino
                                             Central region
   Sur: Yura y Sur                                                                                                Selva
                                             Plant         2008 2009 2010 2011 mkt. share
 El costo de transporte explica la
                                             C. Lima       2,937 2,935 3,278 3,225            37%
  segmentación natural en el mercado de      C. Andino     1,251 1,275 1,434 1,483            17%      Pacasmayo
  cemento.                                   Caliza Inca       60     63     97     110         1%
                                             Imports        172      101    275     388         4%
    Crecimiento en despachos de cemento en   Total         4,420 4,374 5,083 5,206            59%
    el Perú
    Año tras Año variacion (%)
                                             Southern region
                                             Plant          2008     2009   2010   2011   mkt. share
                                             C. Yura           927 1,008 1,159 1,265           14%
                                             C. Sur            123    246    433    450         4%
                                             Total         1,050 1,255 1,593 1,626             19%

                                             Fuente: ASOCEM, INEI, ADUANET (SUNAT)

Fuente: INEI

                                                           9                                                           Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- Extensa red de distribución
      Pacasmayo ha desarrollado una de las mayores redes independientes de distribución al por mayor de
      materiales de construcción en el Perú, Distribuidora Norte Pacasmayo S.R.L. (“DINO”)

 Aspectos destacados de DINO                                        Presencia Geográfica (# Tiendas)
  Exclusivamente distribuyen y venden cemento                                  (24)
   Pacasmayo y materiales relacionados con la                                 Piura
   construcción provenientes de terceros.                                     (41)
                                                                     (30)                Cajamarca
  La red consiste en 145 minoristas con 222 tiendas bajo la       Pacasmayo                (21)
                                                                      (30)             Trujillo
   marca de DINO.                                                                       (40)

 3ra Ingresos de materiales de Construcción (US$mm)                 Materiales de Construcción

                                011: 27
                     CAGR 2009–2

                                                                          Tubes                 Steel rebars   Wires      Other small

Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa
                                                               9                                                  Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- Extensa red de distribución

                                                              Aspectos destacados de DINO

                                                               Pacasmayo compra o provee la mayoría de los productos que
                                                                se ofrecen en la red de DINO.
                                                               Desarrolla varios programas de fidelización e incentivos
                                                                         Asociación con los principales bancos locales para
                                                                          financiar la compra de productos
                                                                         Programa de Fidelización: Los empleados pueden
                                                                          canjear puntos por premios

                                                                                                    1                                       2
                                                               Departmento           Población (‘000)      # Tiendas           Hab/tienda
                                                               Piura                             1,770          41                  44
                                                               La Libertad                       1,747         70                   25
                                                               Cajamarca                         1,501         21                   72
                                                               Lambayeque                        1,208         30                   41
                                                               Ancash                            1,116         36                   31
                                                               Tumbes                              221         24                   10

                                                              Fuente: INEI, Archivos de la Empresa
                                                               Poblacion proyectada para el 2010, INEI 2'000 de habitantes por tienda 3
                                                               Incluyendo la ciudad de Trujillo y Pacasmayo 4 Incluyendo la ciudad de Chiclayo 5
                                                               Incluyendo la ciudad de Chimbote.

       Nuestra red de distribución nos ha permitido construir un fuerte reconocimiento de nuestra marca entre los
                                  minoristas y consumidores finales en este mercado.
Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa
                                                         10                                                             Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- Flexibilidad operativa y eficiente
     La compañía opera varios hornos horizontales y verticales que varían en capacidad, esto le permite
     adaptarse rápidamente a las demandas del mercado de manera eficiente.

 Planta Cementos Pacasmayo

  Ubicación: Pacasmayo 667km al norte de Lima

  Capacidad de producción de cemento: 2.9mm TM/año

  Capacidad de producción de Clinker: 1.45mm TM/año

  Hornos: (3) horizontales, (6) verticales y (1) Otro.

 Planta Cementos Selva

  Ubicación : Rioja está a 468 km este de la carretera

    Panamericana Norte
  Capacidad de producción de Cemento: 200k TM/año

  Capacidad de producción de Clinker: 200k TM/año

  Capacidad de cemento proyectada para el 3Q 2012: 440k

  Hornos: (3) verticales

Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa

                                                           11                                      Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- Costo-eficiencia de la energía y la proximidad
a las materias primas
Las canteras de la empresa se encuentran próximas a sus plantas de producción lo que permite
minimizar los costos de transporte.
Aspectos Destacados
 Principal fuente de energía: Carbón y electricidad
        Cambiando el consumo de carbón bituminoso por el de carbón antracita que se produce localmente y es mucho más barato.
        Recientemente adquirió las concesiones mineras de antracita para reducir la exposición a los precios del carbón
        Suministro de electricidad por Electroperú mediante un acuerdo de largo plazo
 Las canteras de Caliza estan a 60 km (38 millas) de la planta de Pacasmayo minimizando los costos de transporte.

Mix de Carbón %                                                                                                Mina de carbón de

                                                           Piura                Rioja

                                                                         Cajamarca            Yurimaguas
                                                         Chiclayo                          Moyobamba

                                                                            Cement plant       Limestone quarries   Ready-mix      Commercial office

El compañía estima que sus canteras existentes tienen para abastecer sus operaciones con piedra caliza por lo menos 70
                                años ( en base a los niveles de producción del 2010)

                                                                    12                                                                 Private & Confidential
2. Descripción del Negocio- Innovación y reconocimiento de marca
    Pacasmayo se caracteriza por su énfasis en la investigación y desarrollo para asegurar que sus productos
    cumplan con las necesidades de los consumidores y mejorar la eficiencia de sus operaciones.

 Evolución del factor Clinker/Cemento

Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa

 Amplia gama de productos

               Tipo I                                                        Tipo V
                Cemento con propósito                                        Se utiliza en el hormigón expuesto a
                 general                                                       la acción sulfúrica, principalmente en
                                                                               lugares donde el suelo o el agua
                                             EXTRADURABLE                      subterránea tiene un contenido alto de
              EXTRAFORTE                      Usado en el                     sulfato.
               Se utiliza para propósitos     hormigón que está             Tipo MS
                generales, y es similar a      expuesto a la                  Se utiliza para proteger contra la acción
                Portland Tipo I. Es            acción sulfúrica.
                                                                               moderada del sulfato, tales como las
                ampliamente utilizado en      Recomendado para
                                                                               estructuras de drenaje, con más acción de
                nuestro mercado debido         construcciones de puertos,      lo normal, pero no inusualmente severas,
                a su eficacia y bajo calor     plantas industriales            concentraciones de sulfato en el agua
                de hidratación                 y construcción de las aguas     subterránea.
                                                             13                                       Private & Confidential
Tabla de Contenidos

1    Indicadores Macroeconómicos

2    Descripción del Negocio

3    Proyectos

4    Indicadores Financieros

5    Directorio

6    Visión y Estrategia de la empresa

                                         14   Private & Confidential
3. Proyectos – Visión general del Proyecto Fosfatos
             Pacasmayo cuenta con una alianza estratégica con Mitsubishi Corporation, líder en la
             comercialización mundial de roca fosfórica.

  Acontecimientos más destacados del proyecto                                         Hitos del Proyecto
   Estimación de materiales mineralizados de aproximadamente 540mm TM,
          con un contenido promedio de P205 de 18,5%
   Producto final de alta calidad por su fuerte reactividad                                                                 Adjudico la concesión
                                                                                                                  2007        de Bayovar, deposito
   Ubicación estrategica cerca de las canteras, servicios públicos y aeropuerto                                              Nº9
   Producción esperada de roca fosfórica de 2,5mm TM/año                              Estudio de Pre-

   Los ingresos y generación del EBITDA se esperan que empiezen en el
          2015-16                                                                       Producción de 2.5mm       2009
                                                                                        TM/año de roca                        Adjudicó la
   Asociación con Mitsubishi Corporation:
                                                                                        fosfórica                              concesión del área
            Participación del 30% se vende a Mitsubishi por $ 46.1mm en diciembre                                             acuática para
               de 2011(Pacasmayo tiene el 70% restante de participación)                                          2010         comenzar estudio de
                                                                                       Informe definitivo de
            Acuerdo off-take por 20 años de 2,0 mm TM / año                                                                   viabilidad (otros
                                                                                                                               3.000 metros de
                                                                                       Pre-pruebas piloto        2011
 Ubicación                                                                             Asociación
                                                                                        estratégica con                       Se llegó a la
                                                                                        Mitsubishi Corporation
                                                                                                                  2013         conclusión de los
                                       To Piura
                                       To Piura                                                                                estudios de
Bayóvar         Puerto
Bayóvar          Rico
               Puerto Rico

                               Bayóvar No. 9                                                     2015-16
                                                                                                     (CDO – Comienzo de Operaciones)

                                                                                 15                                            Private & Confidential
3. Proyectos – Visión general del Proyecto Salmueras
    Pacasmayo se asoció con Quimpac, la compañía química más grande en el Perú, para aprovechar
    todo el potencial de sus depósitos de Salmueras

Acontecimientos más destacados del Proyecto                                        Ubicación

 En conjunto con Quimpac, una empresa química líder en el Perú, donde
 Pacasmayo posee el 74,9% y Quimpac el restante 25,1%                                            Piura

 Pacasmayo y Quimpac contribuyeron con sus concesiones y se
 comprometieron en invertir $114,2 millones en el proyecto                                                   Lambayeque

 Las conseciones de Salmueras (Ñamuc, El Tablazo y Cañacmac) cubren
 136,230 hectareas
 Se han obtenido los permisos de las comunidades locales                           Pacific Ocean

                                                                                    El Tablazo

Proyecto Salmueras – Proceso Químico
                                                     Cloruro de Sodio                                    Cloruro de Potasio
                                                         De-icing                                                         Fertilizer

                                                     Bromuro de Sodio          +                    Cloro Gas                          Bromo líquido
                                                                                                                                           Flama retardante
                                                    Cloruro de Magnesio

                                                       Proceso Aman

                       Óxido de MAgnesio                                                     Ácido Clohrídico
                        Ladrillos aislantes                                                                                                              Roca de Fosfato

                                                                                                                                                         Óxido de Calcio

                                                                                             Fosfato Dicálsico
  Secondary Products           Principal Products   Inputs                                          Animal feed

                                                                          16                                                                       Private & Confidential
Tabla de Contenidos

1    Indicadores Macroeconómicos

2    Descripción del Negocio

3    Proyectos

4    Indicadores Financieros

5    DIrectorio

6    Visión y Estrategia de la Empresa

                                         17   Private & Confidential
4. Indicadores Financieros- Desempeño financiero sobresaliente

        Históricamente hemos logrado un crecimiento en los ingresos, flujo de caja consistente y altos

 Despachos de Cemento (‘000 MT)                                    Ingresos (US$mm)

 Utilidad Bruta (US$mm)                                            EBITDA Ajustado (US$mm)
                                                                                                                 1                           2


Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa                                 1
                                                                   Excluye no recurrente ~ 28 mm de dólares en activos relacionados con la venta de derechos
                                                                   de concesión y seleccionado (Mina Raúl) 2 Con exclusión de los cargos por
                                                                   deterioro de activos mineros de zinc de ~ 35 mm de dólares.

                                                          18                                                                       Private & Confidential
4. Indicadores Financieros- Incremento esperado del EBITDA 2012

Rendimiento ilustrativo del EBITDA 2011-2012

                                                                                                      +   Aumento en la         Capacidad instalda futura:
                                                                             +   Aumento en la            capacidad de           Cemento: 3.2mm TM
                                                                                 capacidad de             producción de 240k     Clinker: 1.7mm TM
                                                 +   Cambio favorable del        producción de 200k       TM de cemento
                                                     la mix de carbón            TM de clinker
                             +   Mayor demanda
                                 después de          Bituminoso/Antracita
Capacidad instalda actual:
 Cemento: 2.9mm TM
 Clinker: 1.5mm TM

 Se espera que la demanda regrese a los niveles normalizados de crecimiento después de un año electoral

 Cambio continuo de carbón bituminoso importado por carbón antracita local

 Aumento de la capacidad de clinker en Pacasmayo en 200k toneladas métricas que se espera operar en el 2Q12

 Aumento de la capacidad de cemento en Rioja en 240k de toneladas de cemento prevista para operar en el 3Q12

                                                                        19                                                     Private & Confidential
4. Idicadores Financieros – Estructura de Capital saludable
     Pacasmayo ha operado históricamente en niveles bajos de apalancamiento, esto le proporciona la
     flexibilidad financiera necesaria para continuar la ejecución de su estrategia
Deuda Neta/EBITDA                                                           EBITDA/gastos por intereses



  EBITDA excluye no recurrentes~US$28mm relacionados con la venta de        1
                                                                              EBITDA excluye no recurrentes ~US$28mm relacionados con la venta de
  derechos de conceción y activos seleccionados (Mina Raúl)                   derechos de conceción y activos seleccionados (Mina Raúl)
  EBITDA no incluye cargos por deterioro de activos mineros de ZINC         2
                                                                              EBITDA no incluye cargos por deterioro de activos mineros de ZINC por
  por~US$35mm                                                                 ~US$35mm


Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa

                                                                       20                                                           Private & Confidential
Tabla de Contenidos

1    Indicadores Macroeconómicos

2    Descripción del Negocio

3    Proyectos

4    Indicadores Financieros

5    Directorio

6    Visión y Estrategia de la Compañía

                                          21   Private & Confidential
5. Directorio experimentado


                                                                                Eduardo Hochschild**

   Gianfranco            Hilda Ochoa-                                       Dionisio                 Lino          Roberto               Raimundo              Humberto
                                             Rolando Arellano*
   Castagnola*           Brillembourg*                                      Romero*                 Abram**        Dañino**              Morales**              Nadal**

Ex Director del       Ex jefe de            Presidente del           Presidente del          Ex CEO de        Ex primer Ministro     Ex director           Ex presidente del
Banco Central de      Inversiones del       Directorio de            directorio del Banco    Pacasmayo        del Perú y             ejecutivo del Banco   Fondo mi Vivienda y
Reservas              Banco Mundial         Arellano                 de Credito del Peru                      Embajador del Perú     de Crédito del Perú   actual CEO de
                                            Investigación de                                                  en los United States                         Pacasmayo

    * Miembros Independientes            ** Miembros del Comite Ejecutivo

                                                                                        22                                                           Private & Confidential
Tabla de Contenidos

1    Indicadores Macroeconómicos

2    Descripción del Negocio

3    Proyectos

4    Indicadores Financieros

5    Directorio

6    Visión y Estrategia de la compañía

                                          23   Private & Confidential
6. Visión y Estrategia de la Empresa
  El objetivo de Pacasmayo es continuar abasteciendo la creciente demanda de cemento en la zona norte del
  Perú, mientras maximiza la rentabilidad y el valor para sus accionistas

        Continuar enfocados en nuestro principal negocio de suministrar el cemento en el norte del Perú

        Mejorar la eficiencia operativa para reducir los costos de producción

        Profundizar nuestra relación comercial con los minoristas y consumidores finales

        Continuar enfocados en ser el principal proveedor para las soluciones de construcción en nuestra zona de

        Desarrollar nuestros recursos minerales

        Realizar adquisiciones de manera selectiva

La visión de Pacasmayo es ser uno de los principales productores de cemento en términos de rentabilidad
                              y conciencia ambiental en América Latina

                                                     24                                       Private & Confidential
25   Private & Confidential
Shareholders Structure

                      NAME                  INTEREST
                       IPSA                 51.65%
           Peruvian Pension Funds (AFP´s)   28.28%
                      Others                20.07%

                                   26                  Private & Confidential

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Cementos pacasmayo

  • 1. 1 Private & Confidential
  • 2. Tabla de Contenidos 1 Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2 Descripción del Negocio 3 Proyectos 4 Indicadores Financieros 5 Directorio 6 Visión y Estrategia de la Compañía 2 Private & Confidential
  • 3. Indicadores Macroeconómicos- Perú se destaca como una de las principales economías de Latinoamérica… Inversiones de países de Grado Crecimiento del PBI Real %: Mejor Interpretación Peru Chile Colombia Mexico Brazil Agencia Clasificación Punto de Vista 7.2 BBB Stable 6.0 4.9 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.3 4.0 3.6 3.7 BBB Stable 2.8 3.3 1.8 1.5 Baa3 Positive 2001-2005 2006-2010 2011-2015e Fuente: S&P, Fitch, Moodys Diciembre 2011 Fuente: IMF, Banco Central del Perú, J.P. Morgan Percepción del Riesgo Índice de protección de inversores Peru EMBIG LA EMBIG Colombia 8.3 Peru 7.0 Chile 6.3 Mexico 6.0 Brazil 5.3 Fuente: Banco Central del Perú, Diciembre 2011 Fuente: Doing Business Junio 2011 3 Private & Confidential
  • 4. Indicadores Macroeconómicos- Perú destaca como una de las principales economías de Latinoamérica… PBI per cápita del Perú (US$ miles) Inflación (%) 3.3 x Fuente: INEI Fuente: Latin Focus Consensus Forecast Reservas Internacionales (% PBI) Crecimiento del PBI Real & Inflación (2011-2015e promedio) Fuente: Latin Focus Consensus Forecast Fuente: IMF 4 Private & Confidential
  • 5. Tabla de Contenidos 1 Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2 Descripción del Negocio 3 Proyectos 4 Indicadores Financieros 5 Directorio 6 Visión y Estrategia de la Compañía 5 Private & Confidential
  • 6. 2. Descripción del Negocio- El Grupo Hochschild  Fundado en 1911, El Grupo Hochschild (GH) con sede Cementos Pacasmayo stock index evolution since IPO en Lima, Perú tiene dos principales giros de negocio. Pacasmayo  Negocio Minero 600%  Constituida por una PLC, totalmente compatible con el código de anuncio del Reino Unido.  Actividades: Productora de Oro y Plata. 500%  Operaciones: Perú, Argentina y México  Listada en la Bolsa de Londres (LSE:HOC) 400%  Market Cap: US$2.8bn +365%  FTSE 250 300%  Negocio Industrial  Actividades: cemento, cal y concreto.  Operaciones: Perú 200%  Listada en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL: CPACASC1-PE) 100%  Además, el GH patrocina a TECSUP, la organización líder sin fines de lucro, Instituto Técnico del Perú, que ya opera en 3 Campus y una nueva universidad, que está 0% 1999 2002 2004 2007 2009 2012 actualmente en desarrollo. Source: Factset. Market data as of December 30, 2011 6 Private & Confidential
  • 7. 2. Descripción del Negocio – Líder en un mercado atractivo en expansión El rendimiento de Pacasmayo se debió princiaplmente al crecimiento en el sector construcción, que en los ultimos cinco años ha crecido el doble que el PBI peruano. PBI Peruano –2011: 7.0% CAGR 2006 Impactado por crisis global Impactado por elecciones Fuente: Banco Central del Perú PBI Construcción En el Perú, el cemento se vende 1: 11.9% principalmente a una base de clientes CAGR 2006–201 muy fragmentada, que consiste principalmente en compra de sacos 2.0x para la construcción o mejora personal de sus hogares, un Base de Clientes segmento conocido en nuestra Pacasmayo 2011 industria como Auto-Construcción. Fuente: Banco Central del Perú Despachos de Cemento Pacasmayo (‘000 MT) 011: 11.7% CAGR 2006–2 Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa 7 Private & Confidential
  • 8. 2. Descripción del Negocio- Mercado de cemento segmentado geográficamente  Líder en la atractiva región Norte del Mercado de Cemento Peruano Perú: Despacho de Cemento y Cuota de Mercado (en '000 de toneladas  23.3% de la población peruana métricas)  15.5% del PBI nacional Northern region  Las actividades económicas principales Plant 2008 2009 2010 2011 mkt. share son la agricultura, manufactura y el C. Pacas 1,322 1,397 1,616 1,748 20% comercio. C. Selva 157 160 195 196 2%  Dividida en tres regiones Principales: Imports 47 39 39 44 0.5%  Norte: Pacasmayo y Selva Total 1,526 1,596 1,850 1,988 22%  Centro: Lima y Andino Central region  Sur: Yura y Sur Selva Plant 2008 2009 2010 2011 mkt. share  El costo de transporte explica la C. Lima 2,937 2,935 3,278 3,225 37% segmentación natural en el mercado de C. Andino 1,251 1,275 1,434 1,483 17% Pacasmayo cemento. Caliza Inca 60 63 97 110 1% Imports 172 101 275 388 4% Crecimiento en despachos de cemento en Total 4,420 4,374 5,083 5,206 59% el Perú Año tras Año variacion (%) Southern region Plant 2008 2009 2010 2011 mkt. share C. Yura 927 1,008 1,159 1,265 14% C. Sur 123 246 433 450 4% Total 1,050 1,255 1,593 1,626 19% Fuente: ASOCEM, INEI, ADUANET (SUNAT) Fuente: INEI 9 Private & Confidential
  • 9. 2. Descripción del Negocio- Extensa red de distribución Pacasmayo ha desarrollado una de las mayores redes independientes de distribución al por mayor de materiales de construcción en el Perú, Distribuidora Norte Pacasmayo S.R.L. (“DINO”) Aspectos destacados de DINO Presencia Geográfica (# Tiendas) Tumbes  Exclusivamente distribuyen y venden cemento (24) Pacasmayo y materiales relacionados con la Piura construcción provenientes de terceros. (41) Chiclayo (30) Cajamarca  La red consiste en 145 minoristas con 222 tiendas bajo la Pacasmayo (21) (30) Trujillo marca de DINO. (40) Chimbote (36) 3ra Ingresos de materiales de Construcción (US$mm) Materiales de Construcción .2% 011: 27 CAGR 2009–2 Tubes Steel rebars Wires Other small tools Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa 9 Private & Confidential
  • 10. 2. Descripción del Negocio- Extensa red de distribución Aspectos destacados de DINO  Pacasmayo compra o provee la mayoría de los productos que se ofrecen en la red de DINO.  Desarrolla varios programas de fidelización e incentivos  Asociación con los principales bancos locales para financiar la compra de productos  Programa de Fidelización: Los empleados pueden canjear puntos por premios 1 2 Departmento Población (‘000) # Tiendas Hab/tienda Piura 1,770 41 44 3 La Libertad 1,747 70 25 Cajamarca 1,501 21 72 4 Lambayeque 1,208 30 41 5 Ancash 1,116 36 31 Tumbes 221 24 10 Fuente: INEI, Archivos de la Empresa Poblacion proyectada para el 2010, INEI 2'000 de habitantes por tienda 3 Incluyendo la ciudad de Trujillo y Pacasmayo 4 Incluyendo la ciudad de Chiclayo 5 Incluyendo la ciudad de Chimbote. Nuestra red de distribución nos ha permitido construir un fuerte reconocimiento de nuestra marca entre los minoristas y consumidores finales en este mercado. Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa 10 Private & Confidential
  • 11. 2. Descripción del Negocio- Flexibilidad operativa y eficiente La compañía opera varios hornos horizontales y verticales que varían en capacidad, esto le permite adaptarse rápidamente a las demandas del mercado de manera eficiente. Planta Cementos Pacasmayo  Ubicación: Pacasmayo 667km al norte de Lima  Capacidad de producción de cemento: 2.9mm TM/año  Capacidad de producción de Clinker: 1.45mm TM/año  Hornos: (3) horizontales, (6) verticales y (1) Otro. Planta Cementos Selva  Ubicación : Rioja está a 468 km este de la carretera Panamericana Norte  Capacidad de producción de Cemento: 200k TM/año  Capacidad de producción de Clinker: 200k TM/año  Capacidad de cemento proyectada para el 3Q 2012: 440k TM/año  Hornos: (3) verticales Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa 11 Private & Confidential
  • 12. 2. Descripción del Negocio- Costo-eficiencia de la energía y la proximidad a las materias primas Las canteras de la empresa se encuentran próximas a sus plantas de producción lo que permite minimizar los costos de transporte. Aspectos Destacados  Principal fuente de energía: Carbón y electricidad  Cambiando el consumo de carbón bituminoso por el de carbón antracita que se produce localmente y es mucho más barato.  Recientemente adquirió las concesiones mineras de antracita para reducir la exposición a los precios del carbón  Suministro de electricidad por Electroperú mediante un acuerdo de largo plazo  Las canteras de Caliza estan a 60 km (38 millas) de la planta de Pacasmayo minimizando los costos de transporte. Mix de Carbón % Mina de carbón de antracita2011 Piura Rioja Bagua Cajamarca Yurimaguas Chiclayo Moyobamba Tarapoto Pacasmayo Trujillo Chimbote Cement plant Limestone quarries Ready-mix Commercial office El compañía estima que sus canteras existentes tienen para abastecer sus operaciones con piedra caliza por lo menos 70 años ( en base a los niveles de producción del 2010) 12 Private & Confidential
  • 13. 2. Descripción del Negocio- Innovación y reconocimiento de marca Pacasmayo se caracteriza por su énfasis en la investigación y desarrollo para asegurar que sus productos cumplan con las necesidades de los consumidores y mejorar la eficiencia de sus operaciones. Evolución del factor Clinker/Cemento Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa Amplia gama de productos Tipo I Tipo V  Cemento con propósito  Se utiliza en el hormigón expuesto a general la acción sulfúrica, principalmente en lugares donde el suelo o el agua EXTRADURABLE subterránea tiene un contenido alto de EXTRAFORTE  Usado en el sulfato.  Se utiliza para propósitos hormigón que está Tipo MS generales, y es similar a expuesto a la  Se utiliza para proteger contra la acción Portland Tipo I. Es acción sulfúrica. moderada del sulfato, tales como las ampliamente utilizado en  Recomendado para estructuras de drenaje, con más acción de nuestro mercado debido construcciones de puertos, lo normal, pero no inusualmente severas, a su eficacia y bajo calor plantas industriales concentraciones de sulfato en el agua de hidratación y construcción de las aguas subterránea. residuales. 13 Private & Confidential
  • 14. Tabla de Contenidos 1 Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2 Descripción del Negocio 3 Proyectos 4 Indicadores Financieros 5 Directorio 6 Visión y Estrategia de la empresa 14 Private & Confidential
  • 15. 3. Proyectos – Visión general del Proyecto Fosfatos Pacasmayo cuenta con una alianza estratégica con Mitsubishi Corporation, líder en la comercialización mundial de roca fosfórica. Acontecimientos más destacados del proyecto Hitos del Proyecto  Estimación de materiales mineralizados de aproximadamente 540mm TM, con un contenido promedio de P205 de 18,5%  Producto final de alta calidad por su fuerte reactividad  Adjudico la concesión 2007 de Bayovar, deposito  Ubicación estrategica cerca de las canteras, servicios públicos y aeropuerto Nº9  Producción esperada de roca fosfórica de 2,5mm TM/año  Estudio de Pre-  Los ingresos y generación del EBITDA se esperan que empiezen en el Factibilidad: 2015-16 Producción de 2.5mm 2009 TM/año de roca  Adjudicó la  Asociación con Mitsubishi Corporation: fosfórica concesión del área  Participación del 30% se vende a Mitsubishi por $ 46.1mm en diciembre acuática para de 2011(Pacasmayo tiene el 70% restante de participación) 2010 comenzar estudio de  Informe definitivo de  Acuerdo off-take por 20 años de 2,0 mm TM / año viabilidad (otros materiales 3.000 metros de mineralizados perforación)  Pre-pruebas piloto 2011 Ubicación  Asociación estratégica con  Se llegó a la Mitsubishi Corporation 2013 conclusión de los Parachique To Piura To Piura estudios de factibilidad Parachique Bayóvar Puerto Bayóvar Rico Puerto Rico Bayóvar No. 9 2015-16 (CDO – Comienzo de Operaciones) Highways 15 Private & Confidential
  • 16. 3. Proyectos – Visión general del Proyecto Salmueras Pacasmayo se asoció con Quimpac, la compañía química más grande en el Perú, para aprovechar todo el potencial de sus depósitos de Salmueras Acontecimientos más destacados del Proyecto Ubicación  En conjunto con Quimpac, una empresa química líder en el Perú, donde Pacasmayo posee el 74,9% y Quimpac el restante 25,1% Piura  Pacasmayo y Quimpac contribuyeron con sus concesiones y se comprometieron en invertir $114,2 millones en el proyecto Lambayeque  Las conseciones de Salmueras (Ñamuc, El Tablazo y Cañacmac) cubren 136,230 hectareas  Se han obtenido los permisos de las comunidades locales Pacific Ocean Ñamuc Cañamac El Tablazo Proyecto Salmueras – Proceso Químico Cloruro de Sodio Cloruro de Potasio De-icing Fertilizer Salmueras Bromuro de Sodio + Cloro Gas Bromo líquido Flama retardante Cloruro de Magnesio Proceso Aman Óxido de MAgnesio Ácido Clohrídico Ladrillos aislantes Roca de Fosfato Óxido de Calcio Fosfato Dicálsico Secondary Products Principal Products Inputs Animal feed 16 Private & Confidential
  • 17. Tabla de Contenidos 1 Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2 Descripción del Negocio 3 Proyectos 4 Indicadores Financieros 5 DIrectorio 6 Visión y Estrategia de la Empresa 17 Private & Confidential
  • 18. 4. Indicadores Financieros- Desempeño financiero sobresaliente Históricamente hemos logrado un crecimiento en los ingresos, flujo de caja consistente y altos márgenes Despachos de Cemento (‘000 MT) Ingresos (US$mm) Utilidad Bruta (US$mm) EBITDA Ajustado (US$mm) 1 2 1 2 Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa 1 Excluye no recurrente ~ 28 mm de dólares en activos relacionados con la venta de derechos de concesión y seleccionado (Mina Raúl) 2 Con exclusión de los cargos por deterioro de activos mineros de zinc de ~ 35 mm de dólares. 18 Private & Confidential
  • 19. 4. Indicadores Financieros- Incremento esperado del EBITDA 2012 Rendimiento ilustrativo del EBITDA 2011-2012 + Aumento en la Capacidad instalda futura: + Aumento en la capacidad de  Cemento: 3.2mm TM capacidad de producción de 240k  Clinker: 1.7mm TM + Cambio favorable del producción de 200k TM de cemento la mix de carbón TM de clinker + Mayor demanda después de Bituminoso/Antracita Capacidad instalda actual: elecciones  Cemento: 2.9mm TM  Clinker: 1.5mm TM  Se espera que la demanda regrese a los niveles normalizados de crecimiento después de un año electoral  Cambio continuo de carbón bituminoso importado por carbón antracita local  Aumento de la capacidad de clinker en Pacasmayo en 200k toneladas métricas que se espera operar en el 2Q12  Aumento de la capacidad de cemento en Rioja en 240k de toneladas de cemento prevista para operar en el 3Q12 19 Private & Confidential
  • 20. 4. Idicadores Financieros – Estructura de Capital saludable Pacasmayo ha operado históricamente en niveles bajos de apalancamiento, esto le proporciona la flexibilidad financiera necesaria para continuar la ejecución de su estrategia Deuda Neta/EBITDA EBITDA/gastos por intereses 2 1 2 1 1 EBITDA excluye no recurrentes~US$28mm relacionados con la venta de 1 EBITDA excluye no recurrentes ~US$28mm relacionados con la venta de derechos de conceción y activos seleccionados (Mina Raúl) derechos de conceción y activos seleccionados (Mina Raúl) 2 EBITDA no incluye cargos por deterioro de activos mineros de ZINC 2 EBITDA no incluye cargos por deterioro de activos mineros de ZINC por por~US$35mm ~US$35mm Deuda/Patrimonio Fuente: Archivos de la Empresa 20 Private & Confidential
  • 21. Tabla de Contenidos 1 Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2 Descripción del Negocio 3 Proyectos 4 Indicadores Financieros 5 Directorio 6 Visión y Estrategia de la Compañía 21 Private & Confidential
  • 22. 5. Directorio experimentado Directores Presidente Eduardo Hochschild** Gianfranco Hilda Ochoa- Dionisio Lino Roberto Raimundo Humberto Rolando Arellano* Castagnola* Brillembourg* Romero* Abram** Dañino** Morales** Nadal** Ex Director del Ex jefe de Presidente del Presidente del Ex CEO de Ex primer Ministro Ex director Ex presidente del Banco Central de Inversiones del Directorio de directorio del Banco Pacasmayo del Perú y ejecutivo del Banco Fondo mi Vivienda y Reservas Banco Mundial Arellano de Credito del Peru Embajador del Perú de Crédito del Perú actual CEO de Investigación de en los United States Pacasmayo Marketing * Miembros Independientes ** Miembros del Comite Ejecutivo 22 Private & Confidential
  • 23. Tabla de Contenidos 1 Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2 Descripción del Negocio 3 Proyectos 4 Indicadores Financieros 5 Directorio 6 Visión y Estrategia de la compañía 23 Private & Confidential
  • 24. 6. Visión y Estrategia de la Empresa El objetivo de Pacasmayo es continuar abasteciendo la creciente demanda de cemento en la zona norte del Perú, mientras maximiza la rentabilidad y el valor para sus accionistas Continuar enfocados en nuestro principal negocio de suministrar el cemento en el norte del Perú Mejorar la eficiencia operativa para reducir los costos de producción Profundizar nuestra relación comercial con los minoristas y consumidores finales Continuar enfocados en ser el principal proveedor para las soluciones de construcción en nuestra zona de influencia Desarrollar nuestros recursos minerales Realizar adquisiciones de manera selectiva La visión de Pacasmayo es ser uno de los principales productores de cemento en términos de rentabilidad y conciencia ambiental en América Latina 24 Private & Confidential
  • 25. 25 Private & Confidential
  • 26. Shareholders Structure NAME INTEREST IPSA 51.65% Peruvian Pension Funds (AFP´s) 28.28% Others 20.07% 26 Private & Confidential

Notas del editor

  1. Pacasmayo is a unique investment opportunity… As said, we are the leading cement player in the northern region of Peru, a market well under developed in terms of housing and infrastructure which offers us multiple growth opportunities. As the only manufacturer in that region, we are best positioned to capture the macro and market trends We have developed one of the largest independent retail distribution networks for construction materials in Peru. Through the 54 years of operations we have also gained substantial flexibility to adapt quickly to market demands and continue to strive to enhance our operational efficiency We enjoy strong recognition for our Pacasmayo brand among retailers and end-consumers in our market, which we believe is important to our business, particularly because our cement is principally sold in bags to retail consumers. We also place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers We have managed to attract the “best in class” partners (Mitsubishi and Quimpac) to develop our phosphate and brine projects. Although both projects are still in an early stage of development, the outlook of these new businesses looks very promising We have historically and consistently generated strong cash flows and high profit margins. As a matter of fact, Pacasmayo ranks among the most profitable publicly-listed cement manufacturers in the world, based on operating margins over the past three years We count with a seasoned management team that has proven its ability to operate our core cement business delivering double digit growth rates at the top line while maintaining a stable profitability at the bottom line. We also count with the support of a very powerful board of directors Last but not least, contrary to some companies in Peru, we have managed to build a strong relationship with the local communities in which we operate We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the next pages
  2. [HN] Peru has experienced sustained economic growth over the past decade. From 2006 to 2010, GDP grew at a CAGR of 7.0%. Despite the global economic recession, which slowed GDP growth in Peru to 0.9% during 2009, the economy rebounded in 2010 and recorded GDP growth of 8.8%. Growth during the 2006 to 2010 period was accompanied by low inflation, which averaged 2.8% per year. According to the Central Bank of Peru, the Peruvian economy is estimated to have grown at a rate of 7.4% through September 2011 and is projected to grow at a rate of 6.3% in 2011 and 5.7% in 2012. In addition, at December 31, 2010, the government had accumulated foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$44.1 billion, and the sovereign debt achieved an investment grade rating from each of the three major international credit rating agencies. This economic growth has resulted, among other key trends, in significant poverty reduction, with a decrease in the percentage of the country's population living below the poverty line from approximately 48.6% in 2004 to approximately 31.3% in 2010. Finally, risk perception of Peru is among the lowest in the region in terms of sovereign spread over US treasuries; and it has been rated as the second safest country to conduct business in Latin America, after Colombia.
  3. Pacasmayo is a unique investment opportunity… As said, we are the leading cement player in the northern region of Peru, a market well under developed in terms of housing and infrastructure which offers us multiple growth opportunities. As the only manufacturer in that region, we are best positioned to capture the macro and market trends We have developed one of the largest independent retail distribution networks for construction materials in Peru. Through the 54 years of operations we have also gained substantial flexibility to adapt quickly to market demands and continue to strive to enhance our operational efficiency We enjoy strong recognition for our Pacasmayo brand among retailers and end-consumers in our market, which we believe is important to our business, particularly because our cement is principally sold in bags to retail consumers. We also place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers We have managed to attract the “best in class” partners (Mitsubishi and Quimpac) to develop our phosphate and brine projects. Although both projects are still in an early stage of development, the outlook of these new businesses looks very promising We have historically and consistently generated strong cash flows and high profit margins. As a matter of fact, Pacasmayo ranks among the most profitable publicly-listed cement manufacturers in the world, based on operating margins over the past three years We count with a seasoned management team that has proven its ability to operate our core cement business delivering double digit growth rates at the top line while maintaining a stable profitability at the bottom line. We also count with the support of a very powerful board of directors Last but not least, contrary to some companies in Peru, we have managed to build a strong relationship with the local communities in which we operate We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the next pages
  4. [EH or TBD] Cementos Pacasmayo and Hochschild Mining plc are each majority owned and controlled, directly and indirectly, by Mr. Eduardo Hochschild and together constitute the businesses of the Hochschild group, which has operated in Latin America for the past 100 years. Hochschild Mining, a leading LSE listed precious metals producer operates in the Americas with a primary focus on silver and gold, and a market cap. of approximately US$2.2 billion, and Cementos Pacasmayo, a leading Peruvian cement company, and the only cement manufacturer in the northern region of Peru, with a track-record of more than 54 years and a market cap. of around US$1 billion The Hochschild Group also sponsors TECSUP, Peru’s leading non-profit technical institute which operates 3 campuses and soon a new university, UTEC On the right hand side of the slide, we can observe the shareholder value creation of Pacasmayo. Although liquidity has been very low, the stock has had an outstanding performance since it’s IPO. Even more recently, taking January 2010 as a base, Pacasmayo has comfortably outperformed the Peruvian index as well as the largest cement producer in Peru, Cementos Lima
  5. [HN] Pacasmayo’s performance is driven primarily by growth in the construction sector which over the past five years has expanded at approximately two times the growth in Peru’s GDP In Peru, cement is mainly sold to a highly fragmented customer base, consisting primarily of households that buy cement in bags to gradually build or improve their own homes without professional technical assistance, a segment known in our industry as auto-construcción. As of September 2011, the auto-construccion segment represented 57% of our total sales of cement, while private and public construction projects represented 25% and 18% respectively.
  6. [HN] The Peruvian cement production market is organized in three geographic regions: the northern region, the central region, including Lima's metropolitan area, and the southern region. As you can see in the map on the right, each region has two cement companies, which consolidated, belong to 3 Peruvian economic groups. In the northern region, the Pacasmayo and Selva cement plant belong both to Cementos Pacasmayo In the center region, Lima and Andino are both controlled by the Rizo Patron family, and In the southern region, Yura and Cementos Sur are both controlled by Grupo Gloria , which is headed by the Rodriguez family Efficiency in the cement business is measured by the cost of energy and transportation. This explains why the cement shipments of each plant are circumscribed within the location of its corresponding cement production facility. In other words, the market is naturally organized by geography as Pacasmayo would never be able to compete with the same level of efficiency in the southern and central region of Peru and vice-versa. Finally, the graph on the lower left compares cement deliveries of the Pacasmayo and Selva together vs. the Peruvian market. As you can note, Pacasmayo and Selva have experienced equal or even higher growth rates than the rest of Peru.
  7. [HN] Ten years ago, we realized that it was on our best interest to get involved in the commercialization of cement in order to keep the pricing power. We designed a unique commercial business model in Peru (similar to a franchise agreement), that allowed us to developed an extensive and established distribution network. Today, we are the largest independent retail distribution network for construction materials in Peru, known as "DINO", consisting of over 130 independent retailers, primarily small, local hardware stores in the northern region, through which we distribute our cement products as well as construction materials manufactured by third parties In addition, we use our distribution network, together with our strategically located commercial offices, to promote our products and keep informed of market developments. We have developed this network through years of fostering relationships with retailers in the region, which we believe would be difficult for a competitor to replicate
  8. [HN] Ten years ago, we realized that it was on our best interest to get involved in the commercialization of cement in order to keep the pricing power. We designed a unique commercial business model in Peru (similar to a franchise agreement), that allowed us to developed an extensive and established distribution network. Today, we are the largest independent retail distribution network for construction materials in Peru, known as "DINO", consisting of over 130 independent retailers, primarily small, local hardware stores in the northern region, through which we distribute our cement products as well as construction materials manufactured by third parties In addition, we use our distribution network, together with our strategically located commercial offices, to promote our products and keep informed of market developments. We have developed this network through years of fostering relationships with retailers in the region, which we believe would be difficult for a competitor to replicate
  9. [HN] The Company operates several horizontal and vertical kilns that vary in capacity, which enable it to adapt quickly to market demands in a cost-efficient manner In addition, our operational set-up may not be the standard for Latin America (as a matter of fact we operate the only vertical kiln in the region); however, we are focused on the bottom line. This means, we only refurbish a piece of machinery or acquire a new kiln if it creates value for the shareholder. Our Pacasmayo plant has a cement production capacity of 2.9mm MT/year and a clinker capacity of 1.3mm MT/year. Although the cement utilization capacity may seem low, the relevant metric should be the utilization of the clinker capacity which today is around 90%.
  10. [HN] As previously mentioned, the efficiency in cement is measure by a combination of energy and distribution costs: In terms of energy, our two main sources of energy are Coal and electricity: As you can see in the chart below, we used to import a lot of bituminous coal from Colombia which is relatively more expensive that the anthracite coal that is produce locally and is relatively more cheaper During the last few years we have been able to double the use of anthracite coal in relative terms reducing the coal cost as a % of the total cost of production Moreover, we have recently acquired anthracite mining concessions to reduce exposure to coal prices. This mines will probably be operating 18 months from now In terms of electricity, we have locked the cost of electricity until 2012 through a long-term supply agreement with Electroperú. By the way, it is important to say that Perú is one of the most efficient power generators in the region With regards to the distribution, there are three relevant components that determine the distribution cost: 1. The location of the raw materials, 2. the location of the plant, and 3. the location of the market. Cementos Lima has all three together. In our case, our plan is located very close to the quarries (approximately 60km away) which mininmizes transportation costs, but then we have a more atomized market as we discussed before. Finally, we estimate that our existing quarries have sufficient reserves to supply us with limestone for approximately 70 years, based on our 2010 cement production levels.
  11. [HN] We place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers in our market and to improve the efficiency of our operations For example, we have developed cement products suitable to coastal construction that tend to be more exposed to erosion from sulfate (Tipo MS). We believe that, by educating retailers and end consumers of these attributes of our products, we have been successful in building demand and realizing higher margins for our differentiated product offering. Today, cement MS is priced at a 7% premium to cement Type I and represents approximately 75% of our total sales Another example would be the cement EXTRADURABLE which was specifically developed for Vale for the construction of the Bayóvar port. This cement has a price which is 50% higher than the cement type due to its extended durability In addition, through our dedicated team of geologists and scientists, we have significantly reduced the amount of clinker required for our cement production by substituting clinker with other natural minerals or additives, while maintaining the quality of our cement products. Our reduced use of clinker minimizes capital expenditures that would otherwise be required to increase our cement production capacity, and reduces our carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), consistent with our commitment to the environment. Through these efforts, our clinker/cement factor was approximately 0.72 as of December 2009 and 2010, which was below the global weighted average of 0.76 among large global cement producers as of 2009, as reported by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Cement Sustainability Initiative). As of September 2011, our clinker/cement factor was approximately 0.67 and as of December it reached 0.63. This reduction translate into huge savings of energy and lower capex going forward.
  12. Pacasmayo is a unique investment opportunity… As said, we are the leading cement player in the northern region of Peru, a market well under developed in terms of housing and infrastructure which offers us multiple growth opportunities. As the only manufacturer in that region, we are best positioned to capture the macro and market trends We have developed one of the largest independent retail distribution networks for construction materials in Peru. Through the 54 years of operations we have also gained substantial flexibility to adapt quickly to market demands and continue to strive to enhance our operational efficiency We enjoy strong recognition for our Pacasmayo brand among retailers and end-consumers in our market, which we believe is important to our business, particularly because our cement is principally sold in bags to retail consumers. We also place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers We have managed to attract the “best in class” partners (Mitsubishi and Quimpac) to develop our phosphate and brine projects. Although both projects are still in an early stage of development, the outlook of these new businesses looks very promising We have historically and consistently generated strong cash flows and high profit margins. As a matter of fact, Pacasmayo ranks among the most profitable publicly-listed cement manufacturers in the world, based on operating margins over the past three years We count with a seasoned management team that has proven its ability to operate our core cement business delivering double digit growth rates at the top line while maintaining a stable profitability at the bottom line. We also count with the support of a very powerful board of directors Last but not least, contrary to some companies in Peru, we have managed to build a strong relationship with the local communities in which we operate We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the next pages
  13. [HN] In addition to our core cement business, we are undertaking two non-metallic mining projects, which we believe present significant growth opportunities for our company. Fosfatos del Pacifico is our project which focuses on phosphate operations. We acquired the concession of Bayóvar for approximately US$ 200,000 in order to extract diatomite, but instead we have discovered phosphate deposits and we believe that these projects could provide us substantial new revenue streams, diversify our portfolio of products and improve our profitability According to an independent study prepared by Golder Associates Peru in August 2011, this field contains an estimated 541.4 million metric tons of mineralized material based on wet density, with an average grade of 18.5% of P2O5 (phosphorus pentoxide) Phosphate concentrates are primarily sold as a fertilizer nutrient in agriculture, which we believe will continue to benefit from rising global food consumption driven by the growing per capita income in emerging countries As our core business is cement, and not phosphate, we had 3 alternatives: 1. To sell the project, 2. To develop it ourselves, and 3. To partner with someone that could help us develop it. In order to make that decision we analyzed the 3 strategic processes of the phosphate value chain: 1. Mining (we can easily do it, as mining phosphate rock from an open pit is simpler that doing it in our cement business), 2. Grinding the rock (we also have the know-how and is much easier than cement), 3. The commercial leg; phosphate is sold through long-term contracts, and we don’t have that expertise. This is why decided that we should partner with someone that would help us on that front. In December 2011, we sold a 30.0% equity interest in Fosfatos del Pacífico to an affiliate of Mitsubishi Corporation for an aggregate purchase price of approximately US$46.1 million. Mitsubishi is a world leading marketer of phosphate-derived products As part of the agreement, Mitsubishi entered into an off-take agreement to purchase 2.0 million metric tons of phosphate ore annually once we begin production, and has the option to purchase an additional 0.5 million metric tons annually (to the extent we choose not to sell it to the Peruvian market) The off-take agreement has a term of 20 years, with an option for Mitsubishi to extend the term for an additional 5 years. We believe this is one of the most significant foreign investments by a major international company in Peru's phosphate sector Fosfatos del Pacifico total capex ranges between US$350mm-400mm and revenue/EBITDA generation is expected to start in 2015-16
  14. [HN] We recently entered into an agreement with Quimpac S.A., a leading chemical company in Peru, in which we formed Salmueras Sudamericanas, a project company in which we own a 74.9% equity interest and Quimpac owns the remaining 25.1%. Under the agreement, we contributed our brine concessions located in the fields of Ñamuc and El Tablazo and committed to invest US$100 million to the project, while Quimpac contributed its brine concessions located in the Cañacmac field and may contribute approximately US$14.2 million to the project to maintain its current equity interest. Our combined brine concessions cover 136,230 hectares of land Brine is used to produce potassium chloride, magnesium oxide, dicalcium phosphate, bromine and salt, which have a wide variety of agricultural and industrial uses, such as in fertilizers, animal feed and construction. Salmueras Sudamericanas total capex ranges between US$250mm-300mm and revenue/EBITDA generation is expected to start in 2015-16 I will now hand the presentation over to Manuel Ferreyros, our CFO, who will discuss our financial performance
  15. Pacasmayo is a unique investment opportunity… As said, we are the leading cement player in the northern region of Peru, a market well under developed in terms of housing and infrastructure which offers us multiple growth opportunities. As the only manufacturer in that region, we are best positioned to capture the macro and market trends We have developed one of the largest independent retail distribution networks for construction materials in Peru. Through the 54 years of operations we have also gained substantial flexibility to adapt quickly to market demands and continue to strive to enhance our operational efficiency We enjoy strong recognition for our Pacasmayo brand among retailers and end-consumers in our market, which we believe is important to our business, particularly because our cement is principally sold in bags to retail consumers. We also place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers We have managed to attract the “best in class” partners (Mitsubishi and Quimpac) to develop our phosphate and brine projects. Although both projects are still in an early stage of development, the outlook of these new businesses looks very promising We have historically and consistently generated strong cash flows and high profit margins. As a matter of fact, Pacasmayo ranks among the most profitable publicly-listed cement manufacturers in the world, based on operating margins over the past three years We count with a seasoned management team that has proven its ability to operate our core cement business delivering double digit growth rates at the top line while maintaining a stable profitability at the bottom line. We also count with the support of a very powerful board of directors Last but not least, contrary to some companies in Peru, we have managed to build a strong relationship with the local communities in which we operate We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the next pages
  16. [MF] Thank you, Humberto. I hope that we have communicated well our impressive track record and operational excellence. Now, I will show you how all of that translates into consistent revenue growth, high profit margins and strong cash flows Starting with the topline, our cement shipments have increased consistently throughout the years: We went from shipping 1.5 million tons of cement in 2008 to 1.8 million tons in 2010, a growth which represents a CAGR of 10.7% over the period. Shipments for the last twelve months as of September 2011 equaled 1.9 million tons. Our revenues went from US$273 million in 2009 to US$324 million in 2010, a growth of nearly 19% year-on-year. Our revenues totaled US$349 million over the last twelve months as of September 2011. These figures are particularly impressive considering the fact that neither the global financial crisis nor the Peruvian electoral year impacted our top line in a considerable way. Gross profit and Adjusted EBITDA margins have recently presented a slight decrease as a result of: Electoral year Higher SG&A costs as a result of; 1. Higher advertising and promotion expenses due to greater promotional sales efforts 2. One-time payment retirement compensation ~ US$6mm None of these items are expect to be present in 2012, where we expect EBITDA to catch-up significantly
  17. [MF] As mentioned in the previous slide, we expect significant improvement in 2012 EBITDA compared to our adjusted 2011 EBITDA First, 2011 EBITDA was impacted by the electoral year, therefore, we expect a natural demand pick-up and catch-up to occur Second, we expect an improvement in costs as we continue to shift from bituminous coal to anthracite coal which is less expensive Furthermore, the additions of clinker production capacity at the Pacasmayo plant, and of cement production capacity at the Rioja plant, which is currently operating at near full capacity, will also positively impact our EBITDA performance. We’ve discussed our projections with the JPMorgan equity research analyst and he is projecting the 2012 EBITDA at a slight discount to our internal projection
  18. [MF] Pacasmayo has historically operated at low leverage levels which provide the needed financial flexibility to continue executing its strategy and retain strategic flexibility In terms of leverage, we have maintained a disciplined and healthy level slightly above 1.0x times EBITDA. We have managed to lever our company at very low interest rates that kept our coverage ratio at very comfortable levels In December 2011, we closed a local currency loan agreement with BBVA Banco Continental for US$ 75million. We obtained an average interest rate of 6.81% for a 7 years term (2 years of grace period). This financing evidences the risk perception that Pacasmayo has in the Peruvian market We are extremely conservative in the way we structure our capital. Although our shareholders demand a higher return for the equity, we have always preferred that route as we have seen what has happened to other companies which have taken a more aggressive approach. I will now hand the presentation back to Humberto. Thank you.
  19. Pacasmayo is a unique investment opportunity… As said, we are the leading cement player in the northern region of Peru, a market well under developed in terms of housing and infrastructure which offers us multiple growth opportunities. As the only manufacturer in that region, we are best positioned to capture the macro and market trends We have developed one of the largest independent retail distribution networks for construction materials in Peru. Through the 54 years of operations we have also gained substantial flexibility to adapt quickly to market demands and continue to strive to enhance our operational efficiency We enjoy strong recognition for our Pacasmayo brand among retailers and end-consumers in our market, which we believe is important to our business, particularly because our cement is principally sold in bags to retail consumers. We also place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers We have managed to attract the “best in class” partners (Mitsubishi and Quimpac) to develop our phosphate and brine projects. Although both projects are still in an early stage of development, the outlook of these new businesses looks very promising We have historically and consistently generated strong cash flows and high profit margins. As a matter of fact, Pacasmayo ranks among the most profitable publicly-listed cement manufacturers in the world, based on operating margins over the past three years We count with a seasoned management team that has proven its ability to operate our core cement business delivering double digit growth rates at the top line while maintaining a stable profitability at the bottom line. We also count with the support of a very powerful board of directors Last but not least, contrary to some companies in Peru, we have managed to build a strong relationship with the local communities in which we operate We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the next pages
  20. [HN] Thanks Manuel. I will know like to highlights the human aspect of our company. Firstly, let me highlight that we have probably the best board of directors of Peru composed of well-regarded and experienced group of people that includes some of Peru's business leaders and former senior government officials. In terms of management, we also have a highly experienced and professional management. Our management team, with an average of 14 years of experience in the cement industry in Peru, has extensive technical and local market expertise and has led our company through our recent growth. We have developed a strong professional business culture and a team of highly qualified executives. Finally, in terms of corporate governance, we have been selected to form part of the Best Corporate Governance Practices Index of the Lima Stock Exchange, which is currently comprised of only nine listed companies.
  21. Pacasmayo is a unique investment opportunity… As said, we are the leading cement player in the northern region of Peru, a market well under developed in terms of housing and infrastructure which offers us multiple growth opportunities. As the only manufacturer in that region, we are best positioned to capture the macro and market trends We have developed one of the largest independent retail distribution networks for construction materials in Peru. Through the 54 years of operations we have also gained substantial flexibility to adapt quickly to market demands and continue to strive to enhance our operational efficiency We enjoy strong recognition for our Pacasmayo brand among retailers and end-consumers in our market, which we believe is important to our business, particularly because our cement is principally sold in bags to retail consumers. We also place significant emphasis on research and development to ensure our products meet the needs of consumers We have managed to attract the “best in class” partners (Mitsubishi and Quimpac) to develop our phosphate and brine projects. Although both projects are still in an early stage of development, the outlook of these new businesses looks very promising We have historically and consistently generated strong cash flows and high profit margins. As a matter of fact, Pacasmayo ranks among the most profitable publicly-listed cement manufacturers in the world, based on operating margins over the past three years We count with a seasoned management team that has proven its ability to operate our core cement business delivering double digit growth rates at the top line while maintaining a stable profitability at the bottom line. We also count with the support of a very powerful board of directors Last but not least, contrary to some companies in Peru, we have managed to build a strong relationship with the local communities in which we operate We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the next pages
  22. [HN] Pacasmayo’s goal is to continue to serve the growing cement demand in the northern area of Peru, while maximizing profitability and shareholder value. We intend to achieve our objective through the following principal strategies: Continue to focus on our core business of supplying the rising demand for cement . We plan to continue to meet the increasing demand for cement in our market, while controlling production costs. We intend to increase our production capacity through the expansion of our installed cement and clinker capacity. Our principal goal is to maintain our market share in the northern region of Peru without reducing the profitability of our business. Enhance operational efficiencies to reduce production costs. We intend to continue developing operational efficiencies in an effort to reduce costs and increase our operating margins. Our principal efficiency initiative is to reduce energy costs by securing our own source of coal. We recently exercised certain of our options to purchase coal mining concessions in the north of Peru, and we intend to replace a high proportion of our use of imported bituminous coal with anthracite coal produced locally. Additionally, we are focused on further reducing our clinker/cement factor, which would allow us to produce cement with less capital expenditure and achieve a higher product yield in a more environmentally friendly manner. Deepen our commercial relationship with retailers and end-consumers. We plan to enhance our commercial relationships with retailers and end-consumers in our market, both to maintain brand loyalty and to foster demand for our cement products. We will continue to support retailers in our DINO distribution network by providing product education, training sessions, rewards programs, and assistance in financing purchases of our products. We believe that these initiatives have been successful in strengthening our relationship with retailers and end-consumers. See addition to slide 25
  23. CLOSING With this, we conclude the presentation and are happy to answer any questions you may have and have a follow up contact if necessary [I will now hand it over to EH for final words]
  24. [HN] Pacasmayo’s goal is to continue to serve the growing cement demand in the northern area of Peru, while maximizing profitability and shareholder value. We intend to achieve our objective through the following principal strategies: Continue to focus on our core business of supplying the rising demand for cement . We plan to continue to meet the increasing demand for cement in our market, while controlling production costs. We intend to increase our production capacity through the expansion of our installed cement and clinker capacity. Our principal goal is to maintain our market share in the northern region of Peru without reducing the profitability of our business. Enhance operational efficiencies to reduce production costs. We intend to continue developing operational efficiencies in an effort to reduce costs and increase our operating margins. Our principal efficiency initiative is to reduce energy costs by securing our own source of coal. We recently exercised certain of our options to purchase coal mining concessions in the north of Peru, and we intend to replace a high proportion of our use of imported bituminous coal with anthracite coal produced locally. Additionally, we are focused on further reducing our clinker/cement factor, which would allow us to produce cement with less capital expenditure and achieve a higher product yield in a more environmentally friendly manner. Deepen our commercial relationship with retailers and end-consumers. We plan to enhance our commercial relationships with retailers and end-consumers in our market, both to maintain brand loyalty and to foster demand for our cement products. We will continue to support retailers in our DINO distribution network by providing product education, training sessions, rewards programs, and assistance in financing purchases of our products. We believe that these initiatives have been successful in strengthening our relationship with retailers and end-consumers. See addition to slide 25