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¿Todas las colecciones entregadas son iguales?

• No. La Colección Semilla entregada en 2011 a 900
  establecimientos educativos tiene 101 libros para
  Transición y Primaria
• Las Colecciones Semilla que se entregarán en 2012
  tienen 256 libros para los grados Pre jardín a 11º
• Ellas no son idénticas, pero su contenido es equivalente

¿El Ministerio de Educación vende estos libros?

• No. Los libros han sido adquiridos por el Plan a las
  editoriales, o se han comprado ediciones especiales para
  el Plan. El MEN no vende libros

• Casi todos los libros de la Colecciones Semilla están
  disponibles en el comercio normal de librerías, pero hay
  que buscarlos. Ninguna librería vende la Colección
  Semilla completa

¿Cómo hago para comprar estos libros?

• Si un particular desea algunos títulos para la biblioteca de su
  hogar, debe comprarlos en el comercio
• Si un establecimiento educativo oficial quiere comprar más
  libros de la colección o más colecciones debe entrar en
  contacto con la Secretaría de Educación a la que pertenece
• Si se trata de un EE privado, le sugerimos contactar a las
  editoriales o a las empresas distribuidoras

Soy el rector del Colegio X de Puerto Lejísimos.
¿Cómo hago para sumarme al Plan si tengo los
     recursos para comprar la colección?

• Un rector solito no se puede vincular al Plan
• Debe acercarse a la respectiva Secretaría de Educación y
  plantear su intención

¿Por qué no incluyeron más libros de autores

• Los libros se escogen porque son del tema, nivel y
  calidad requeridos para una biblioteca escolar, no
  porque sean de autores o editoriales colombianas,
  latinoamericanas o extranjeras
• El factor MAS importante en la selección es la calidad
  literaria e informativa, la relevancia curricular y la
  pertinencia pedagógica de los materiales
• Sin embargo, un porcentaje alto de los título son de
  autores colombianos

¿Por qué no hay más libros sobre etnias?

• La Colección Semilla es una colección genérica, no es
  específica para una región del país, o para un énfasis
  especial en el PEI de un establecimiento educativo
• La Colección Semilla es un punto de referencia y se
  puede desarrollar de acuerdo con las particularidades de
   cada región
• En la colección hay inclusión de la perspectiva de género,
  así como de comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes

¿Por qué no hay más libros sobre

• El mercado actual no presenta una oferta amplia de
  materiales de autores, temas y perspectivas de
  afrodescendientes para niños. Sin embargo, se han
  elegido con particular énfasis los títulos con mayor pluri-
• La colección de 2011 tiene 9 libros sobre
  afrodescendientes, 18 que hacen referencia a etnias y 7
  a tradición oral

¿Por qué es una colección pequeña?

• Porque es una colección semilla que pretende servir de
  modelo, según las pautas de desarrollo para la biblioteca
• Es la metáfora de “entregar una Semilla”, para sembrarla
  y cultivarla. Si lo hacemos, cosecharemos bibliotecas

¿Van a entregar video juegos?

• Hasta ahora NO se entregan materiales en soporte
  electrónico, salvo algunos CD que acompañan los libros
  de poesía, canciones, juegos o danzas, o los CD ROM que
  vienen con algunos libros de referencia
• La prioridad al comienzo del PLAN es una colección de
  libros impresos

¿Por qué no entregan más bien computadores?

• Las colecciones que se entregan a veces llegan a
  lugares sin luz eléctrica, donde no existen ni los
  equipos, ni la posibilidad de tener un parque
  tecnológico suficiente para todos

• La dotación de computadores la realizan otros planes
  o programas municipales, departamentales o

¿Cómo sabrán las escuelas que van a recibir

• Los EE beneficiados serán informados de su inclusión en
  el PNLE oportunamente, lo mismo que las
  correspondientes Secretarías de Educación

¿Los libros de la colección se pueden regalar?

• Los libros de la Colección Semilla son un bien público, es
  decir son propiedad del Estado
• Nadie puede regalar ni disponer de un bien público por
  fuera de su destinación oficial
• Es un delito que se llama peculado por apropiación

¿Qué debo hacer si veo a una persona
              sustrayendo un libro?

• Llame a la (s) persona(s) encargada(s) del manejo de la
  Colección, para que se acerque (n) a la persona
  involucrada, o

• Acérquese usted mismo a la persona y con firmeza
  dígale: “Por favor, devuelva el libro que acaba de tomar”
  insista y NO lo deje ir hasta que lo devuelva

¿Qué hacer si un libro se daña cuando lo están
            mirando, hojeando?

• Si le sucede a una lector de forma accidental, no haga
  dramas; pasa todo el tiempo
• Si es producto del maltrato del libro, acérquese a la
  persona, pídale el libro, diciendo: “este libro se ha
  dañado, permítame lo retiro para repararlo”
• No deje el libro dañado al alcance de otros lectores.
  Retírelo del estante, para ver si tiene arreglo

¿Qué hacer si un grupo de padres permite que
           sus hijos maltraten los libros?

•     Diríjase al niño/joven de forma firme (no grite ni
      amenace) y dígale: “así no se tratan los libros”. Tome
      usted el material, y muéstrele qué es lo que no se debe
      hacer (doblar los libros hacia atrás, usarlos como
      pelota, rasgarlos, etc.)
•     No discuta con el padre o madre. Si ellos no corrigen al
      niño, usted debe hacerlo

¿Cómo consigo más información sobre todo

• Leer es mi cuento tiene un micrositio en
• Si se digita en cualquier motor de búsqueda, se
  encuentra como: Plan Nacional de Lectura y Escritura y
• Recuerde que el PLAN se realiza en los Ministerios de
  Educación y de Cultura y que las Colecciones que se
  entregan uno y otro son distintas y van a instituciones

¿Por qué estos libros y no otros?

• Los libros que están en la Colección son libros para
  niños y jóvenes en edad escolar, que probablemente
  no sean lectores asiduos
• No pueden ser libros complicados, ni aburridos.
  Deben ser libros atractivos, interesantes y sencillos
• Los libros son para que los lean tanto en la escuela
  como fuera de ella
• Hay experiencias que muestran que los estudiantes
  NO leen libros complejos, clásicos y canónicos
Yo escribí un libro buenísimo sobre indígenas.
  ¿Por qué no me lo publican para este Plan?

• El PLAN no publica libros, ni evalúa manuscritos, ni
  reemplaza el rol que tienen en el mercado del libro
  los agentes editoriales
• Los manuscritos de libros deben allegarse a un
  editor, que evaluará la posibilidad de editarlo y
  publicarlo, según la línea editorial que maneje

¿Por qué no hay libros de religión ni biblias?

• La educación en Colombia es laica, gratuita y
  obligatoria. Si se incluían en la colección libros de un
  credo religioso, se debían tener también libros de
  TODOS los credos. Se decidió incluir libros de
  competencias ciudadanas y de ética civil

¿Qué estrategias tiene el PLAN para vencer la
desinterés de los estudiantes hacia la lectura?

 Desde el Nivel 1° de formación de docentes,
 estudiantes y padres, el Plan contempla
 herramientas para hacer de la lectura y la escritura
 algo interesante, divertido y necesario

¿Qué les decimos a las sedes que no van a recibir

•La Colección Semilla pretende sembrar servicios
para que su uso sea posible en todas las sedes

•Además es importante realizar alianzas con otras
bibliotecas existentes en la localidad

¿Qué se debe hacer cuando los libros no
lleguen, o estén incompletos, repetidos o

El Manual que va dentro de las cajas de libros explica
qué hacer: reportar los daños, faltantes o saqueos
en el Acta de recibo. Remítase a la presentación en
Power Point (en el CD) “Qué hacer cuando llegan los

¿El Plan Institucional de lectura y
 escritura es lo mismo que el Plan Lector?

• Lo que regularmente se conoce en el comercio como
  el PLAN LECTOR es una estrategia de ventas de las
  editoriales, que convencen a los grados de adoptar
  un libro de lectura obligatoria por bimestre escolar, y
  todos los niños leen simultáneamente la misma
• El Plan Institucional de Lectura es una acción
  pedagógica sistemática, que hace parte del PEI
¿Cuándo llegarán las colección de 2012?

• Se calcula que las entregas en todo el
  país estarán llegando entre octubre y
  noviembre de 2012
¿Cómo hacemos para saber cuáles han sido los
   títulos seleccionados en 2011 y 2012?

• Los listados de los títulos preseleccionados y
  adquiridos en 2011 y en 2012 deben estar colgados
  en la página de Colombia aprende , micrositio de
  Competencias Comunicativas, en el mes de julio de
¿Cuánto tiempo debe pasar entre la
  llegada de los libros y el comenzarlos a
• El menor tiempo posible. Una vez se reciban los
  libros, se ingresen al inventario y se den a conocer en
  la “fiesta de visibilización”, se deben comenzar a
  usar, a prestar y circular
¿Cómo podemos saber cuáles son los
   datos de catalogación de cada libro?

• Los listados en Excel de las colecciones incluirán, las
  signaturas topográficas completa y las reseñas de los
¿Necesitamos una reseña de cada libro en
 el cuadro de Excel para saber de qué se
• Lo ideal es que cada formador y tutor conozca muy
  bien la colección semilla. Sin embargo, y mientras se
  hojean los libros a conciencia, las reseñas se incluirán
  en los listados. Eso, desde luego, no reemplaza su
Yo encontré los 500 libros recomendados
del Plan en la WEB y no son los mismos.

  El listado de los 500 opcionados que
  publicaron Fundalectura y el Ministerio
  de Cultura es el de las Colecciones para
  Primera Infancia que adquirió ese
  ministerio para los jardines de ICBF y
  para las bibliotecas públicas. Esos libros
  NO llegan a las escuelas
¿Cómo saben los directivos qué libros
     comprar si cuentan con recursos
• Para las colecciones escolares se publicarán los
  renglones de las compras, los criterios de selección,
  los listados de títulos opcionados y sus datos (ISBN,
  editorial, distribuidor, precio de venta al público,
  precio de compra para el MEN)
• También se enviarán a las autoridades locales
  recomendaciones para la construcción de Planes de
  Mejoramiento que incluya dotación a las bibliotecas
  escolares, comprando libros adecuados
¿   Cómo se elige un libro para leer
                   a los niños?

• Piense si ese libro les interesa por su tema, imágenes
  o lenguaje
• Elija lo que pueda conectar con lo que ellos están
  leyendo, trabajando o conversando.
• No escoja libros complicados, moralizantes o
  solemnes: los aburre
• No pretenda leer todo de una sola vez: veinte
  minutos es lo máximo recomendable para lectura en
  voz alta
¿Se debe leer un libro muchas veces a
              los niños?
  • Todas las veces que ELLOS lo pidan
  • A veces el mismo libro puede llamarles la atención
    varias veces EN EL MISMO día. Entonces, muestre
    distintas cosas en cada lectura; haga la lectura
    pidiendo que anuncien lo que sigue, destaque las
    imágenes, etc.

¿Hasta qué edad o grado se debe leer
 en voz alta? ¿En qué área se lee en
              voz alta?
  • La LVA se recomienda en TODAS las edades (a los
    adultos mayores, por ejemplo, les encanta que les
  • Se debe leer en todos los grados textos variados y
    apropiados y de distintos tipos; no solo de ficción.
  • La LVA es en todas las áreas con: noticias
    deportivas, biografías de matemáticos, anécdotas
    de científicos, información sobre tecnología, etc.

¿Por qué no se compraron libros
   troquelados o animados?
• Los libros con troqueles se han comprado para
  Primera Infancia
• Los libros de flaps se compran solamente en
  cartoné para preescolar
• Los libros animados, de partes móviles y chips de
  sonido NO se han comprado, porque son juguetes
  de papel, no libros de verdad

¿Desde qué edad se fomenta la
        lectura crítica?
• En todas las edades
• Por lectura crítica se entiende una postura
  argumentada del lector
• La argumentación depende del nivel de madurez y
  desarrollo lingüístico de los sujetos, es diferente
  en las distintas edades, y debe irse ampliando con
  sentido universal

¿Los libros deben ser asignados a determinados

• De ninguna manera se debe dividir la colección, separarla
  por grados o rotularla por edades o asignaturas
• Uno de los derechos universales del lector es leer lo que
  quiera, y tener acceso a todos los libros, sin cortapisas
• La totalidad del conocimiento humano debe ser accesible
  a los escolares. Es su derecho

¿Podemos escanear los libros para
          mostrarlos y compartirlos?

• Los libros son propiedad de los editores, de los autores e
• Colombia es signataria de la Convención de Berna y
  suscribió la Ley Lleras para salvaguardar los derechos de
• Algunos materiales pueden usarse como herramientas
  pedagógicas (las ilustraciones, escaneadas, para mostrarlas,
  por ejemplo), sin que en ello medie exhibición pública,
  venta de servicios o reproducción de las mismas. Mucho
  cuidado con eso. Nada de fotocopiar libros

¿Qué pasa si el rector decide conservar los libros en
    la sede principal porque allí hay biblioteca y

• No debe hacerse, pero si en la sede destinataria no hay
  dónde ni cómo ubicar los libros, es preferible ponerlos
  donde haya alguien encargado de rotar las colecciones y
  de los préstamos
• Lo importante es que los libros circulen y los puedan usar

¿Los libros deben usarse para enseñar
  • Por favor, NO lo hagan. Es una de las prácticas
    escolares respecto de la lectura y escritura que
    hay que cambiar. No le saquen moraleja, mensaje
    religioso ni enseñanza a la literatura, que es un
    ARTE (el arte de la palabra) y que, como todo arte,
    solo pretende despertar el goce estético, las
    emociones y recuerdos, el disfrute de la palabra y
    de lo que esta evoca
  • Las colecciones son para enriquecer, no para

Otras preguntas

• ¿Cuándo llega la Colección Semilla a los
  establecimientos educativos?
• ¿Cómo se sabe a qué sedes va a llegar?
• ¿Cómo va a ser la distribución?
• ¿Sabe cómo es la colección?

  Todas esas preguntas se responden en las
  presentaciones que contiene el CD



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Trabajo de tesis
Lva y comportamiento lector 2013
Lva y comportamiento lector 2013Lva y comportamiento lector 2013
Lva y comportamiento lector 2013
Proyecto de biblioteca áulica "Un libro en mi salita"
Proyecto de biblioteca áulica "Un libro en mi salita"Proyecto de biblioteca áulica "Un libro en mi salita"
Proyecto de biblioteca áulica "Un libro en mi salita"


Yadira ospina actividad1_2_mapac
Yadira ospina actividad1_2_mapacYadira ospina actividad1_2_mapac
Yadira ospina actividad1_2_mapacYADIRA OSPINA
Mapa conceptual: Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.
Mapa conceptual:  Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.Mapa conceptual:  Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.
Mapa conceptual: Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.YADIRA OSPINA
Anexo 2 evaluacioìn formativa
Anexo 2 evaluacioìn formativaAnexo 2 evaluacioìn formativa
Anexo 2 evaluacioìn formativaYADIRA OSPINA
Lectura en voz alta y comportamiento lector
Lectura en voz alta y comportamiento lectorLectura en voz alta y comportamiento lector
Lectura en voz alta y comportamiento lectorYADIRA OSPINA
Ins 10 taller diversidad discursiva
Ins 10  taller diversidad discursivaIns 10  taller diversidad discursiva
Ins 10 taller diversidad discursivaYADIRA OSPINA
Ins 9 lectura de imagen pnle
Ins 9 lectura de imagen pnleIns 9 lectura de imagen pnle
Ins 9 lectura de imagen pnleYADIRA OSPINA
Ins 4 marco conceptual pnle
Ins 4  marco conceptual pnleIns 4  marco conceptual pnle
Ins 4 marco conceptual pnleYADIRA OSPINA
Pensamientos numérico y variacional
Pensamientos  numérico y variacionalPensamientos  numérico y variacional
Pensamientos numérico y variacionalYADIRA OSPINA
Pruebas saber IE Federico Carrasquilla
Pruebas saber IE Federico CarrasquillaPruebas saber IE Federico Carrasquilla
Pruebas saber IE Federico CarrasquillaYADIRA OSPINA
Pruebas saber IE Las Nieves
Pruebas saber IE Las NievesPruebas saber IE Las Nieves
Pruebas saber IE Las NievesYADIRA OSPINA
Pensamiento aleatorio
Pensamiento aleatorioPensamiento aleatorio
Pensamiento aleatorioYADIRA OSPINA
Pensamientos espacial y métrico
Pensamientos  espacial y métricoPensamientos  espacial y métrico
Pensamientos espacial y métricoYADIRA OSPINA
Proyecto pedagogico de aula
Proyecto pedagogico de aulaProyecto pedagogico de aula
Proyecto pedagogico de aulaYADIRA OSPINA
Secuencia didáctica
Secuencia didácticaSecuencia didáctica
Secuencia didácticaYADIRA OSPINA
Fundamentación desde los referentes nacionales
Fundamentación desde los referentes nacionalesFundamentación desde los referentes nacionales
Fundamentación desde los referentes nacionalesYADIRA OSPINA


Yadira ospina actividad1_2_mapac
Yadira ospina actividad1_2_mapacYadira ospina actividad1_2_mapac
Yadira ospina actividad1_2_mapac
Mapa conceptual: Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.
Mapa conceptual:  Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.Mapa conceptual:  Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.
Mapa conceptual: Gerencia de Proyectos y Ciclo de Vida de un Proyecto.
Anexo 2 evaluacioìn formativa
Anexo 2 evaluacioìn formativaAnexo 2 evaluacioìn formativa
Anexo 2 evaluacioìn formativa
Es un libro
Es un libroEs un libro
Es un libro
Lectura en voz alta y comportamiento lector
Lectura en voz alta y comportamiento lectorLectura en voz alta y comportamiento lector
Lectura en voz alta y comportamiento lector
Ins 10 taller diversidad discursiva
Ins 10  taller diversidad discursivaIns 10  taller diversidad discursiva
Ins 10 taller diversidad discursiva
Ins 9 lectura de imagen pnle
Ins 9 lectura de imagen pnleIns 9 lectura de imagen pnle
Ins 9 lectura de imagen pnle
Ins 4 marco conceptual pnle
Ins 4  marco conceptual pnleIns 4  marco conceptual pnle
Ins 4 marco conceptual pnle
Pensamientos numérico y variacional
Pensamientos  numérico y variacionalPensamientos  numérico y variacional
Pensamientos numérico y variacional
Pruebas saber IE Federico Carrasquilla
Pruebas saber IE Federico CarrasquillaPruebas saber IE Federico Carrasquilla
Pruebas saber IE Federico Carrasquilla
Pruebas saber IE Las Nieves
Pruebas saber IE Las NievesPruebas saber IE Las Nieves
Pruebas saber IE Las Nieves
Pensamiento aleatorio
Pensamiento aleatorioPensamiento aleatorio
Pensamiento aleatorio
Pensamientos espacial y métrico
Pensamientos  espacial y métricoPensamientos  espacial y métrico
Pensamientos espacial y métrico
Proyecto pedagogico de aula
Proyecto pedagogico de aulaProyecto pedagogico de aula
Proyecto pedagogico de aula
Voces en el parque
Voces en el parqueVoces en el parque
Voces en el parque
Secuencia didáctica
Secuencia didácticaSecuencia didáctica
Secuencia didáctica
El niño y el angel
El niño y el angelEl niño y el angel
El niño y el angel
Fundamentación desde los referentes nacionales
Fundamentación desde los referentes nacionalesFundamentación desde los referentes nacionales
Fundamentación desde los referentes nacionales

Preguntas Frecuentes Plan Nacional de Lectura

  • 2. ¿Todas las colecciones entregadas son iguales? • No. La Colección Semilla entregada en 2011 a 900 establecimientos educativos tiene 101 libros para Transición y Primaria • Las Colecciones Semilla que se entregarán en 2012 tienen 256 libros para los grados Pre jardín a 11º • Ellas no son idénticas, pero su contenido es equivalente 2
  • 3. ¿El Ministerio de Educación vende estos libros? • No. Los libros han sido adquiridos por el Plan a las editoriales, o se han comprado ediciones especiales para el Plan. El MEN no vende libros • Casi todos los libros de la Colecciones Semilla están disponibles en el comercio normal de librerías, pero hay que buscarlos. Ninguna librería vende la Colección Semilla completa 3
  • 4. ¿Cómo hago para comprar estos libros? • Si un particular desea algunos títulos para la biblioteca de su hogar, debe comprarlos en el comercio • Si un establecimiento educativo oficial quiere comprar más libros de la colección o más colecciones debe entrar en contacto con la Secretaría de Educación a la que pertenece • Si se trata de un EE privado, le sugerimos contactar a las editoriales o a las empresas distribuidoras 4
  • 5. Soy el rector del Colegio X de Puerto Lejísimos. ¿Cómo hago para sumarme al Plan si tengo los recursos para comprar la colección? • Un rector solito no se puede vincular al Plan • Debe acercarse a la respectiva Secretaría de Educación y plantear su intención 5
  • 6. ¿Por qué no incluyeron más libros de autores colombianos? • Los libros se escogen porque son del tema, nivel y calidad requeridos para una biblioteca escolar, no porque sean de autores o editoriales colombianas, latinoamericanas o extranjeras • El factor MAS importante en la selección es la calidad literaria e informativa, la relevancia curricular y la pertinencia pedagógica de los materiales • Sin embargo, un porcentaje alto de los título son de autores colombianos 6
  • 7. ¿Por qué no hay más libros sobre etnias? • La Colección Semilla es una colección genérica, no es específica para una región del país, o para un énfasis especial en el PEI de un establecimiento educativo • La Colección Semilla es un punto de referencia y se puede desarrollar de acuerdo con las particularidades de cada región • En la colección hay inclusión de la perspectiva de género, así como de comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes 7
  • 8. ¿Por qué no hay más libros sobre afrodescendientes? • El mercado actual no presenta una oferta amplia de materiales de autores, temas y perspectivas de afrodescendientes para niños. Sin embargo, se han elegido con particular énfasis los títulos con mayor pluri- etnicidad • La colección de 2011 tiene 9 libros sobre afrodescendientes, 18 que hacen referencia a etnias y 7 a tradición oral 8
  • 9. ¿Por qué es una colección pequeña? • Porque es una colección semilla que pretende servir de modelo, según las pautas de desarrollo para la biblioteca escolar • Es la metáfora de “entregar una Semilla”, para sembrarla y cultivarla. Si lo hacemos, cosecharemos bibliotecas 9
  • 10. ¿Van a entregar video juegos? • Hasta ahora NO se entregan materiales en soporte electrónico, salvo algunos CD que acompañan los libros de poesía, canciones, juegos o danzas, o los CD ROM que vienen con algunos libros de referencia • La prioridad al comienzo del PLAN es una colección de libros impresos 10
  • 11. ¿Por qué no entregan más bien computadores? • Las colecciones que se entregan a veces llegan a lugares sin luz eléctrica, donde no existen ni los equipos, ni la posibilidad de tener un parque tecnológico suficiente para todos • La dotación de computadores la realizan otros planes o programas municipales, departamentales o nacionales 11
  • 12. ¿Cómo sabrán las escuelas que van a recibir Colecciones? • Los EE beneficiados serán informados de su inclusión en el PNLE oportunamente, lo mismo que las correspondientes Secretarías de Educación 12
  • 13. ¿Los libros de la colección se pueden regalar? • Los libros de la Colección Semilla son un bien público, es decir son propiedad del Estado • Nadie puede regalar ni disponer de un bien público por fuera de su destinación oficial • Es un delito que se llama peculado por apropiación 13
  • 14. ¿Qué debo hacer si veo a una persona sustrayendo un libro? • Llame a la (s) persona(s) encargada(s) del manejo de la Colección, para que se acerque (n) a la persona involucrada, o • Acérquese usted mismo a la persona y con firmeza dígale: “Por favor, devuelva el libro que acaba de tomar” insista y NO lo deje ir hasta que lo devuelva 14
  • 15. ¿Qué hacer si un libro se daña cuando lo están mirando, hojeando? • Si le sucede a una lector de forma accidental, no haga dramas; pasa todo el tiempo • Si es producto del maltrato del libro, acérquese a la persona, pídale el libro, diciendo: “este libro se ha dañado, permítame lo retiro para repararlo” • No deje el libro dañado al alcance de otros lectores. Retírelo del estante, para ver si tiene arreglo 15
  • 16. ¿Qué hacer si un grupo de padres permite que sus hijos maltraten los libros? • Diríjase al niño/joven de forma firme (no grite ni amenace) y dígale: “así no se tratan los libros”. Tome usted el material, y muéstrele qué es lo que no se debe hacer (doblar los libros hacia atrás, usarlos como pelota, rasgarlos, etc.) • No discuta con el padre o madre. Si ellos no corrigen al niño, usted debe hacerlo 16
  • 17. ¿Cómo consigo más información sobre todo esto? • Leer es mi cuento tiene un micrositio en Colombiaaprende: • Si se digita en cualquier motor de búsqueda, se encuentra como: Plan Nacional de Lectura y Escritura y LEER ES MI CUENTO • Recuerde que el PLAN se realiza en los Ministerios de Educación y de Cultura y que las Colecciones que se entregan uno y otro son distintas y van a instituciones diferentes 17
  • 18. ¿Por qué estos libros y no otros? • Los libros que están en la Colección son libros para niños y jóvenes en edad escolar, que probablemente no sean lectores asiduos • No pueden ser libros complicados, ni aburridos. Deben ser libros atractivos, interesantes y sencillos • Los libros son para que los lean tanto en la escuela como fuera de ella • Hay experiencias que muestran que los estudiantes NO leen libros complejos, clásicos y canónicos 18
  • 19. Yo escribí un libro buenísimo sobre indígenas. ¿Por qué no me lo publican para este Plan? • El PLAN no publica libros, ni evalúa manuscritos, ni reemplaza el rol que tienen en el mercado del libro los agentes editoriales • Los manuscritos de libros deben allegarse a un editor, que evaluará la posibilidad de editarlo y publicarlo, según la línea editorial que maneje 19
  • 20. ¿Por qué no hay libros de religión ni biblias? • La educación en Colombia es laica, gratuita y obligatoria. Si se incluían en la colección libros de un credo religioso, se debían tener también libros de TODOS los credos. Se decidió incluir libros de competencias ciudadanas y de ética civil 20
  • 21. ¿Qué estrategias tiene el PLAN para vencer la desinterés de los estudiantes hacia la lectura? Desde el Nivel 1° de formación de docentes, estudiantes y padres, el Plan contempla herramientas para hacer de la lectura y la escritura algo interesante, divertido y necesario 21
  • 22. ¿Qué les decimos a las sedes que no van a recibir dotación? •La Colección Semilla pretende sembrar servicios para que su uso sea posible en todas las sedes •Además es importante realizar alianzas con otras bibliotecas existentes en la localidad 22
  • 23. ¿Qué se debe hacer cuando los libros no lleguen, o estén incompletos, repetidos o dañados? El Manual que va dentro de las cajas de libros explica qué hacer: reportar los daños, faltantes o saqueos en el Acta de recibo. Remítase a la presentación en Power Point (en el CD) “Qué hacer cuando llegan los libros” 23
  • 24. ¿El Plan Institucional de lectura y escritura es lo mismo que el Plan Lector? • Lo que regularmente se conoce en el comercio como el PLAN LECTOR es una estrategia de ventas de las editoriales, que convencen a los grados de adoptar un libro de lectura obligatoria por bimestre escolar, y todos los niños leen simultáneamente la misma novela • El Plan Institucional de Lectura es una acción pedagógica sistemática, que hace parte del PEI
  • 25. ¿Cuándo llegarán las colección de 2012? • Se calcula que las entregas en todo el país estarán llegando entre octubre y noviembre de 2012
  • 26. ¿Cómo hacemos para saber cuáles han sido los títulos seleccionados en 2011 y 2012? • Los listados de los títulos preseleccionados y adquiridos en 2011 y en 2012 deben estar colgados en la página de Colombia aprende , micrositio de Competencias Comunicativas, en el mes de julio de 2012
  • 27. ¿Cuánto tiempo debe pasar entre la llegada de los libros y el comenzarlos a usar? • El menor tiempo posible. Una vez se reciban los libros, se ingresen al inventario y se den a conocer en la “fiesta de visibilización”, se deben comenzar a usar, a prestar y circular
  • 28. ¿Cómo podemos saber cuáles son los datos de catalogación de cada libro? • Los listados en Excel de las colecciones incluirán, las signaturas topográficas completa y las reseñas de los libros
  • 29. ¿Necesitamos una reseña de cada libro en el cuadro de Excel para saber de qué se trata? • Lo ideal es que cada formador y tutor conozca muy bien la colección semilla. Sin embargo, y mientras se hojean los libros a conciencia, las reseñas se incluirán en los listados. Eso, desde luego, no reemplaza su lectura
  • 30. Yo encontré los 500 libros recomendados del Plan en la WEB y no son los mismos. Explíquenme El listado de los 500 opcionados que publicaron Fundalectura y el Ministerio de Cultura es el de las Colecciones para Primera Infancia que adquirió ese ministerio para los jardines de ICBF y para las bibliotecas públicas. Esos libros NO llegan a las escuelas
  • 31. ¿Cómo saben los directivos qué libros comprar si cuentan con recursos disponibles? • Para las colecciones escolares se publicarán los renglones de las compras, los criterios de selección, los listados de títulos opcionados y sus datos (ISBN, editorial, distribuidor, precio de venta al público, precio de compra para el MEN) • También se enviarán a las autoridades locales recomendaciones para la construcción de Planes de Mejoramiento que incluya dotación a las bibliotecas escolares, comprando libros adecuados
  • 32. ¿ Cómo se elige un libro para leer a los niños? • Piense si ese libro les interesa por su tema, imágenes o lenguaje • Elija lo que pueda conectar con lo que ellos están leyendo, trabajando o conversando. • No escoja libros complicados, moralizantes o solemnes: los aburre • No pretenda leer todo de una sola vez: veinte minutos es lo máximo recomendable para lectura en voz alta
  • 33. ¿Se debe leer un libro muchas veces a los niños? • Todas las veces que ELLOS lo pidan • A veces el mismo libro puede llamarles la atención varias veces EN EL MISMO día. Entonces, muestre distintas cosas en cada lectura; haga la lectura pidiendo que anuncien lo que sigue, destaque las imágenes, etc. 33
  • 34. ¿Hasta qué edad o grado se debe leer en voz alta? ¿En qué área se lee en voz alta? • La LVA se recomienda en TODAS las edades (a los adultos mayores, por ejemplo, les encanta que les lean) • Se debe leer en todos los grados textos variados y apropiados y de distintos tipos; no solo de ficción. • La LVA es en todas las áreas con: noticias deportivas, biografías de matemáticos, anécdotas de científicos, información sobre tecnología, etc. 34
  • 35. ¿Por qué no se compraron libros troquelados o animados? • Los libros con troqueles se han comprado para Primera Infancia • Los libros de flaps se compran solamente en cartoné para preescolar • Los libros animados, de partes móviles y chips de sonido NO se han comprado, porque son juguetes de papel, no libros de verdad 35
  • 36. ¿Desde qué edad se fomenta la lectura crítica? • En todas las edades • Por lectura crítica se entiende una postura argumentada del lector • La argumentación depende del nivel de madurez y desarrollo lingüístico de los sujetos, es diferente en las distintas edades, y debe irse ampliando con sentido universal 36
  • 37. ¿Los libros deben ser asignados a determinados grados? • De ninguna manera se debe dividir la colección, separarla por grados o rotularla por edades o asignaturas • Uno de los derechos universales del lector es leer lo que quiera, y tener acceso a todos los libros, sin cortapisas • La totalidad del conocimiento humano debe ser accesible a los escolares. Es su derecho 37
  • 38. ¿Podemos escanear los libros para mostrarlos y compartirlos? • Los libros son propiedad de los editores, de los autores e ilustradores • Colombia es signataria de la Convención de Berna y suscribió la Ley Lleras para salvaguardar los derechos de autoría • Algunos materiales pueden usarse como herramientas pedagógicas (las ilustraciones, escaneadas, para mostrarlas, por ejemplo), sin que en ello medie exhibición pública, venta de servicios o reproducción de las mismas. Mucho cuidado con eso. Nada de fotocopiar libros 38
  • 39. ¿Qué pasa si el rector decide conservar los libros en la sede principal porque allí hay biblioteca y bibliotecario? • No debe hacerse, pero si en la sede destinataria no hay dónde ni cómo ubicar los libros, es preferible ponerlos donde haya alguien encargado de rotar las colecciones y de los préstamos • Lo importante es que los libros circulen y los puedan usar todos 39
  • 40. ¿Los libros deben usarse para enseñar valores? • Por favor, NO lo hagan. Es una de las prácticas escolares respecto de la lectura y escritura que hay que cambiar. No le saquen moraleja, mensaje religioso ni enseñanza a la literatura, que es un ARTE (el arte de la palabra) y que, como todo arte, solo pretende despertar el goce estético, las emociones y recuerdos, el disfrute de la palabra y de lo que esta evoca • Las colecciones son para enriquecer, no para adoctrinar 40
  • 41. Otras preguntas • ¿Cuándo llega la Colección Semilla a los establecimientos educativos? • ¿Cómo se sabe a qué sedes va a llegar? • ¿Cómo va a ser la distribución? • ¿Sabe cómo es la colección? Todas esas preguntas se responden en las presentaciones que contiene el CD 41
  • 42. GRACIAS 42

Notas del editor

  1. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  2. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  3. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  4. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  5. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  6. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  7. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  8. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  9. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  10. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  11. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  12. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  13. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  14. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  15. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  16. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  17. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  18. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  19. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  20. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  21. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  22. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  23. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  24. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  25. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  26. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  27. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  28. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  29. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  30. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  31. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  32. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  33. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  34. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…
  35. Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. But remember; Today is a New Day!! Due to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day! And it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. And the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them… But Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. By listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…