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  and the brain

Coffee and Health Information Bureau

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Stimio Communicatie & Presentatie, Tiel, The Netherlands

© April 2011, Coffee and Health Information Bureau, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

The brochure ‘Coffee and the brain‘ can be downloaded free of charge from From here, you can also download the brochure
‘Coffee, heart and blood vessels’ (2007) and ‘Coffee, stomach, intestines
and liver’ (2009) or you can register for the email newsletter. This free Dutch
newsletter keeps you updated on the most recent scientific information on
coffee and health and is published 4 times a year.

Coffee and Health Information Bureau
(Voorlichtingsbureau voor Koffie en Gezondheid)
P.O. Box 161, 2280 AD Rijswijk
Tel. : + 31 (0)70 - 3365163
Fax : + 31 (0)70 - 3365167
‘Coffee and the brain’- Contents
Introduction                                                     5-6

1 Coffee, caffeine and headache
  Headache                                                       7
  Caffeine and headache                                          8-9
  Caffeine withdrawal, fasting and weekend headache              9-13
  Headache and fluid balance                                      13
  References                                                     14

2 Coffee, caffeine en cognition
  Cognitive function                                             15-16
  Caffeine and the brain                                         16-17
  Coffee and alertness                                           17-19
  Coffee and attention, concentration and memory                 20-21
  Coffee and qualification caffeine effect                        21-22
  Coffee and mood                                                23-24
  Coffee and sleep                                               24
  References                                                     26-27

3 Coffee and cognitive aging
  Cognitive aging, MCI and dementia                              29
  Coffee and acute effects on cognitive aging                    29-30
  Coffee and long term effects on cognitive aging                30-31
  Coffee and Alzheimer’s disease                                 31-32
  Coffee and Parkinson’s disease                                 32-33
  References                                                     34

Study of coffee and health                                       35

                                                      Coffee and the brain | 3

Coffee is not only appreciated for its taste and aroma, but also for its effect on
the mental performance. It’s widely known that coffee can help to stay alert, but
how much coffee do you have to drink before you notice any effect and what is
known about the mechanism? What is the effect of coffee on headache, does it
alleviate the symptoms or not? Coffee adds to cognition, but could coffee coun-
teract age-related cognitive decline? This brochure deals with common ques-
tions about coffee in relation to the effect on the brain and provides a summary
of results of innumerable scientific studies.

The Coffee and Health Information Bureau (Voorlichtingsbureau voor Koffie
en Gezondheid) sought assistance from scientists who are well known for their
knowledge and experience in this research area. We would like to take this op-
portunity to thank them for their excellent contribution and cooperation in the
preparation of this brochure.

-   Dr. Astrid Nehlig (research director, Faculté de Médécine, French National
    Institute for Health and Medical Research, INSERM, Strasbourg, France)
-   Dr. Monicque Lorist (associate professor, Faculteit der Gedrags- en
    Maatschappijwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands)
-   Dr. Jan Snel (associate professor UHD psychofysiology, Universiteit van
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

                                                                     Coffee and the brain | 5
Research on the effects of coffee and/or caffeine on cognitive aging is highly
     relevant and very timely due to the aging of the population. Some topics do not
     have yet an unequivocal answer, because the amount of research is currently
     insufficient. The Information Bureau will continue to closely monitor scientific
     developments and inform you on new studies in our email newsletter and on
     our website

     If after reading of this brochure you still have questions or comments, we will be
     pleased to hear from you. You can also order Dutch copies of the brochure free
     of charge or download the Dutch or English version at www.koffieengezond-

     Coffee and Health Information Bureau
     (Voorlichtingsbureau voor Koffie en Gezondheid)

1 Coffee, caffeine and headache

1 What is headache?

Headaches occur as a response to daily life situations like stress, fatigue, lack
of sleep, hunger or weather changes. Despite the fact that headaches are
extremely common, almost 90% of men and 95% of women have at least one
headache a year, they are not fully understood. Neither the skull nor the brain is
sensitive to pain, however, both are surrounded by pain-sensitive membranes.
Abnormalities in these membranes or nearby muscles, blood vessels, or nerves,
either alone or in combination, are thought to be the source of most headache
pain. Also changes in estrogen level can make headaches worse (Harvard Health
Publications, 2010)

2 What are the common types of headache?

The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) separates primary
headache disorders from the secondary headache disorders. The former include,
most importantly, migraine, tension type headache and cluster headache. The
latter is attributed to causative disorders like a head or neck trauma, a vascular
disorder, a substance (e.g. medication overuse), substance withdrawal (e.g.
caffeine) or a disorder of homeostasis (e.g. fasting) (IHS, 2004; Olesen, 2004).
Tension type headache and migraine are the most common types of headache;
however, mixed headaches do occur.

                                                                      Coffee and the brain | 7
3 Can caffeine consumption relief headache symptoms?

     Caffeine may act as analgesic for headache and the use of caffeine as constitu-
     ent of analgesics dates back to 1875. Nowadays caffeine is an essential com-
     ponent of numerous widely consumed medications for the relief of headache
     symptoms (Shapiro, 2008; Nehlig, 2004). A meta-analysis of 30 clinical trials
     indicates that adding caffeine to an analgesic agent reduces the dosage needed
     of that analgesic agent by 40% to achieve equivalent analgesia (Laska, 1984).
     A further meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of simple analgesics
     taken with or without caffeine indicates that addition of caffeine promotes a
     significant headache relief (Zhang, 2001). Studies on the efficacy and safety
     of over the counter (OTC) headache combination analgesics were reviewed in
     2010 (Anneken, 2010). Treatment of migraine and tension-type headache,
     was shown more effective using a combination of acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA),
     acetaminophen and caffeine (100-150 mg) than monotherapy with either of
     these substances. Adding caffeine was associated with an increased analgesic
     effect, which is often unachievable via increased dosages of mono-analgesics
     because of their flat dose-effect relationships. Moreover, mixed analgesics co-
     formulated with caffeine provide the same efficacy using a lower analgesic dose,
     thus potentially reducing dose dependent adverse effects.

     4 Can you get a headache of too much caffeine?

     Conflicting results have been found in population studies evaluating the
     association between high caffeine consumption and the prevalence of headache
     and chronic frequent headache (CFH), in particular. CFH is the collective term
     for primary headaches occurring on more than 14 days per month for at least
     3 months. In a general population study in the Netherlands, CHF was associated
     with overuse of analgesics, psychiatric disorders, smoking, sleeping problems,
     a history of head and neck trauma and low educational level, but not with

caffeine use (Wiendels, 2006). In this study, the average intake of caffeine was
7 consumptions a day, including coffee, tea, ice tea and cola. However, in a
large cross sectional study in Norway, high caffeine consumption (> 540 mg/d)
was associated with increased prevalence of infrequent headache, whereas
chronic headache was less likely among individuals with high caffeine consump-
tion (Hagen, 2009). According to the authors these results may indicate that
high caffeine consumption changes chronic headache into infrequent headache
due to the analgesic properties of caffeine, or that chronic headache sufferers
tend to avoid the intake of caffeine. This is in line with the conclusion of the
review by Shapiro (2008), stating that caffeine can exert potent pharmacologic
effects that can generate or alleviate headache, depending on the site of action,
dosage and timing of exposure.

5 Can you get a headache if you stop drinking coffee?

Abrupt cessation of regular caffeine consumption may result in headache
among sensitive individuals. The headache generally resolves within a few days
or at most one week after consumption stopped. In addition, the headache
disappears when caffeine consumption is resumed (Nehlig, 2004; Scher, 2004).
Caffeine withdrawal headache are not experienced by all individuals; prevalence
figures vary between 0.4% and 50% (Shapiro, 2008). Caffeine withdrawal head-
ache can be easily prevented by reducing caffeine consumption gradually in the
days before cessation of consumption, for instance in case of (religious) fasting
or a surgical procedure.

                                                                     Coffee and the brain | 9
6 Are fasting headaches related to caffeine consumption?

       Fasting of food is an important precipitating factor of headache and the
       probability of onset increases directly with the duration of fasting. Fasting
       headache is one of the most common forms of secondary headache, but much
       remains to be explained about the underlying patho-physiological mechanisms.
       Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level) and caffeine withdrawal are suggested
       as potential triggers, although fasting headache may occur even when there
       is no hypoglycemia and in individuals who do not normally consume caffeine
       (Torelli, 2009).

       Headaches after fasting before and after surgical procedures are found to be
       related to habitual caffeine consumption (Nehlig, 2004). A study of prolonged
       fasting suggests that other factors like abstinence from water or foods, genetic
       background or cultural factors may contribute more strongly to fasting induced
       headache, but not fully exclude caffeine as a factor (Shapiro, 2008).

       7 What is meant by 'weekend headache'?

       Some people experience headaches in particularly on weekend mornings.
       Different explanations are proposed for this so called weekend headache
       (Couturier, 1992; Nehlig, 2004; Shapiro, 2004). It might be related to the
       change in stress level, or sudden disappearance of stress during the weekend.
       Change in the pattern of sleep, often longer than usual, has also been suggest-
       ed as an important cause. Other possible causes are increased consumption of
       alcohol at the beginning of the weekend, or missing breakfast because of sleep-
       ing late. Weekend headaches are also linked to a delay (sleep later) or avoidance
       of caffeine consumption during weekend mornings (see also question 5).

10 |
Coffee intake

Caffeine is naturally present in coffee, tea and cocoa, and added in small quanti-
ties to some soft drinks. Consumption of coffee varies largely between countries.
In Europe the consumption of coffee ranges from 1.5 to 11.9 kg coffee per
person per year. The highest consumption occurs in Scandinavia (Finland 11.9
kg coffee/person/year), and the lowest consumption in Poland (1.5 kg coffee/
person/year) (International Coffee Organization, 2010).

The amount of caffeine per cup of coffee varies with the type of coffee used
(Arabica or Robusta), the brewing method (e.g. drip filter, instant, espresso,
boiled) and the brewing strength (in the Netherlands on average 7 grams per
cup). The table on page 12 summarizes average values of caffeine per product.

8 Can weekend headache be prevented and if yes how?

If someone is prone to weekend headache, there are several steps to prevent
or diminish the headaches.

•   Identify triggers (see question 6 and 7) so these can be avoided.

•   In case of habitual caffeine consumption, include a cup of coffee for
    breakfast during the weekends.

•   Keep a regular schedule that includes a full night’s rest, balanced meals
    and exercise during the weekends (Harvard Health Publications, 2010).

                                                                    Coffee and the brain | 11

       • American Psychiatric Association (1994, 2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
         Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV-TR) APA Press, Washington DC.
       • Anneken K e.a. (2010). Efficacy of fixed combinations of acetylsalicyclic acid, acetaminophen and
         caffeine in the treatment of idiopathic headache: a review. Eur J Neurol, 17: 534-540.
       • Armstrong LE e.a. (2007). Fluid, Electrolyte, and Renal Indices of Hydration During 11 Days of
         Controlled Caffeine Consumption. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Met, 15: 252-265.
       • Couturier EGM (1992). Weekend attacks in migraine patients: caused by caffeine withdrawal?
         Cephalalgia, 12: 99-100.
       • Dutch Nutrition Center (2011),
       • Hagen K e.a. (2009). High dietary caffeine consumption is associated with a modest increase in
         headache prevalence: results from the Head-HUNT Study. J Headache Pain, 10: 153-159.
       • Harvard Health Publications (2010). A Harvard Medical School Special Health Report. Headaches
         Relieving and preventing migraine and other headaches.
       • IHS - Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society (2004). The
         International Classification of Headache Disorders. Cephalalgia, 24, S1: 1-160.
       • Institute of Medicine of National Academies; Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intake for
         Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride and Sulfate. The National Academic Press (2004).
       • International Coffee Organization (2010). Monthly Coffee Market Report, Oct. 2010.
       • Kolasa KM e.a. (2009). Hydration and Health Promotion. Nutrition Today, 44: 190-201.
       • Laska EM e.a. (1984). Caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant. JAMA 251: 1711-1718.
       • Nehlig A (2004). Caffeine and Headache: Relationship with the effects of caffeine on cerebral
         blood flow. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton,
         Florida: 175-186.
       • Nehlig A e.a. (2010). SPECT assessment of brain activation induced by caffeine: no effect on areas
         involved in dependence. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 12: 255-263.
       • Olesen J and Steiner TJ (2004). The international classification of headache disorders, 2nd edn
         (ICDH-II). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 75: 807-808.
       • Ruxton CHS (2008). The impact of caffeine on mood, cognitive function, performance and
         hydration: a review of benefits and risks. Nutr Bull, 33: 15-25.
       • Satel S (2006). Is caffeine addictive? A review of the literature. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse,
         32: 493-502.
       • Scher AI e.a. (2004). Caffeine as a risk factor for chronic daily headache. A population based study.
         Neurology, 63: 2022-2027.
       • Shapiro RE (2008). Caffeine and Headaches. Current Pain Headache Rep, 12: 311-315.
       • Torelli P e.a. (2009). Fasting Headache: A review of the literature and new hypotheses. Headache,
         49: 744-752.
       • Wiendels NJ e.a. (2006). Chronic frequent headache in the general population: prevalence and
         associated factors. Cephalalgia, 26: 1434-1442.
       • World Health Organization (WHO, 1994). The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioral
         disorders. WHO, Geneva.
       • Zhang WY e.a. (2001). A benefit-risk assessment of caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant. Drug Saf,
         24: 1127-1142.

14 |
2 Coffee, caffeine and cognition

1 What is cognitive function?

The word ‘cognition’ comes from the Latin word ‘cognoscere’ which means
‘to know’ or ‘to recognize’ (Nehlig, 2010). Cognitive function is a general term
that is used to describe a great variety of different brain mediated functions and
processes. These brain functions allow us to perceive, evaluate, store, manipulate
and use information from external sources, like our environment, and internal
sources, like experience, memory and thoughts, and respond to that informa-
tion (Schmitt, 2005). Cognitive functions can be clustered in six main domains:
executive functions, memory functions, attention functions, perceptual functions,
psychomotor functions and language skills (see schematic representation on
page 16). These distinct functions often act together to produce actual cogni-
tive performance output. For example, efficient storage of new information in
the long-term memory cannot occur without proper attention for the relevant
information, adequate perceptual processing, and the executive learning strate-
gies. Besides, cognitive functioning is mediated by a number of other factors
which are not considered to be cognitive functions themselves. A key mediator is
the level of central arousal, which can be roughly described as the level of mental
energy. Mood state (sad, happy) is also known to modulate cognitive function, as
well as motivation and physical well-being.

                                                                    Coffee and the brain | 15
In doses normally consumed, caffeine blocks inhibitory A1 and A2A receptors,
and hence increases central nervous system activity (Nehlig, 1992; Fredholm,
1999; Daly, 2004; Fisone, 2004; Tieges, 2007).

3 What is the effect of coffee or caffeine on alertness?

It is well-known that caffeine ingestion leads to dose dependent increased
energetic arousal, which reflects alertness and mental energy (Nehlig, 2010).
However, the relationship between the level of arousal and task performance is
not a linear one, but follows an inverted U-curve: performance decrements can
occur due to under- and over-arousal (Schmitt, 2005). Furthermore, the optimal
arousal level is thought to vary between different cognitive tasks (Van Boxtel,

Some of the most sensitive functions for increased arousal are reaction time and
vigilance. There is a large number of scientific studies showing that consump-
tion of caffeinated foods and beverages is associated with increased alertness,
improvements of reaction time and vigilance performance. Most of this research
includes computer tests which have the advantage of a standardized presenta-
tion and accurate and detailed response capture. The level of performance is
usually measured in terms of speed (e.g. simple reaction time) and accuracy
(the amount of correct information), free recall of information or selective visual
tasks. The stimulating effect of caffeine consumption on alertness and perform-
ance efficiency was demonstrated for a variety of tasks (Lorist, 1994, 1996;
Ruijter, 1999, 2000; Smit, 2000, 2005a; Smith, 2005b; Haskell, 2005; Hewlett,
2007; Olson, 2010). EEG data support the stimulating effect of caffeine on the
brain (Lorist, 2003).

                                                                    Coffee and the brain | 17
How is caffeine metabolized in the body?

       After drinking a cup of coffee, caffeine is rapidly and efficiently absorbed from
       the gastro intestinal tract and peak plasma concentrations are reached between
       15 and 120 minutes. Caffeine is distributed throughout the body and easily
       enters the brain. The half life of caffeine amounts 2.5 to 4.5 hours but can vary
       considerably depending on endogenous factors such as physiology and genet-
       ics, and exogenous factors such as lifestyle. For example, caffeine half-life can
       be reduced by about 50% in smokers compared to non-smokers. Caffeine is
       metabolized in the liver and its break down products are excreted through the
       kidney (Nehlig, 1992; Fredholm, 1999).

       4 When is the effect of caffeine most noticeable?

       The impact of caffeine on increased alertness is more marked for individuals
       with low arousal levels. However, improved performance has also been observed
       when reduced alertness is not involved (Smith, 2002; Snel, 2004). Sleepiness
       leads to deterioration in performance and is associated with an increased risk
       of error and injury. For instance shift work is a major cause of sleepiness as it
       requires being awake at times which are different from those dictated by our
       body-clock. A review of 13 trials shows that caffeine can reduce the number of
       errors and improve cognitive performance in shift workers and also in persons
       suffering from jet lag (Ker, 2010). In addition, caffeine or coffee consump-
       tion has been shown to counter-act fatigue induced by a night with sleep-
       deprivation (Lorist, 1994), and to reduce the post lunch dip (Robelin, 1998),
       to improve nocturnal driving performance whereas napping did not (Sagaspe,
       2007) and is associated with improved alertness and reduced risk for accidents
       at work (Smith, 2005a).

18 |
In the same way, for short stopovers (1-2 days) during trips with time zone
differences, judicious naps combined with caffeine and short-term hypnotics
appear to be the best way to maintain alertness and sleep (Arendt, 2009).

5 How much coffee do I have to drink to become more alert
  and achieve a better performance?

The benefit of caffeine in typical servings of coffee (60-100 mg of caffeine) on
alertness was demonstrated in several studies. Even lower doses have been
demonstrated to increase alertness, such as 40 mg caffeine per serving (Smit,
2000), 32 mg per serving (Lieberman, 2001) or doses as low as 12.5 mg
caffeine (Smit, 2000). However, the effect of low doses of caffeine was observed
predominantly in those people who are not accustomed to taking caffeine.
Higher caffeine intakes, as those found in more than one or two cups of
coffee do not necessarily result in additional increases in alertness (Smit, 2000;
Quinlan, 2000). It is thought that the relationship between the level of arousal
and task performance follows an inverted U-curve: performance decrements
can occur due to under- and over-arousal (Schmitt, 2005). In general, beneficial
behavioral effects of caffeine are found with doses comparable to those found in
habitual coffee consumption levels (Smith, 2002).

                                                                     Coffee and the brain | 19
6 How can drinking coffee contribute to attention
         and concentration?

       Concentration is usually related with improved selective attention, meaning
       that the mind is focusing narrowly on the task at hand. Focusing of attention
       can be improved by caffeine as shown in several selective attention task studies.
       Subjects had to focus on the task and neglect distracters. The results suggested
       an increased performance in selection of relevant information (Smith, 1999;
       Ruijter, 2000; Lorist, 2003; Snel, 2004). Recently caffeine was shown to improve
       participant’s ability to efficiently use stored information and inhibit the influence
       of action-irrelevant information (Brunyé, 2010).

       7 What is the effect of coffee or caffeine on memory?

       Memory is one aspect of cognition which includes encoding, consolidation and
       retrieval of information. Memory can be divided according to the duration of
       memory: short-term memory, which is transient and limited in capacity and
       long-term memory, which includes the vast store of knowledge and the record
       of prior events, for potentially unlimited duration. Working-memory refers to
       short-term memory and other processing mechanisms that are assumed to be
       necessary in order to keep things in mind while performing complex tasks such
       as reasoning, comprehension and learning. Memory is not located in a single
       part of the brain, but involves a widely distributed network located in different
       brain structures (Cowan, 2008; Baddeley, 2010).

       Low doses of caffeine enhance working memory performance, while higher
       doses are found to decrease it, possibly due to over-stimulation. Comparable
       results are shown in a study with low-load memory tasks versus high load
       memory tasks (Nehlig, 2010). Caffeine was shown to facilitate low-difficulty
       performance in low load memory tasks. High-load and complicated tasks

20 |
induced increased arousal by itself, and caffeine could lead to over-arousal.
Thus caffeine appears to rather improve working memory performance under
conditions that otherwise produce low arousal. There are not many studies
on the effects of caffeine on long-term memory. In elderly caffeine could help
attenuating age-related arousal decrements to reduce the decline in memory
performance during the day (Ryan, 2002; Nehlig, 2010). However, the effects of
caffeine on memory are inconsistent. Discrepancies between studies may be due
to the memory assessment method (recall or recognition), time frame (immedi-
ate versus delayed), sex and age of the subjects.

8 Does caffeine have a real impact on cognitive functioning,
  or does it just alleviate withdrawal symptoms, in other words,
  restore cognitive functioning to baseline levels?

It has been suggested that the positive effects of caffeine really reflect removal
or negative effects of caffeine withdrawal (James, 2005). However, this view
cannot account for effects observed in non-consumers or deprived individuals
(Smith, 2002). Several studies suggested a real impact of caffeine on mood and
performance, irrespective of an overnight caffeine withdrawal. No difference in
mood and performance has been shown between habitual caffeine consumers
after an overnight caffeine withdrawal and non-caffeine consumers. Moreover,
caffeine challenge enhanced mood and performance and the effects increased
with the caffeine dose (Haskell, 2005; Smith, 2005b, 2006). Further, a study
of the effects of caffeine following a day of normal consumption showed that
caffeine had similar effects in those who had abstained from caffeine for more
than 6 hours and those who had consumed caffeine up to the time of testing
(Hewlett, 2007).

                                                                    Coffee and the brain | 21
9 Can a cup of coffee affect my mood?

       Enjoying a cup of coffee for its taste and smell, talking with family, friends or
       colleagues during a coffee break might be part of the benefit coffee can have on
       our mood.

       Mood states are generally assessed using validated self-rating scales with a vari-
       ety of mood terms like happy, sad, depressed, pleasant, calm and contented.

22 |
Despite the variability in mood definitions, research has provided a fairly consist-
ent picture of effects of caffeine on mood state. In low to moderate dosages
(20-200 mg), caffeine has been quite constantly shown to improve mood state
(Smith, 2004; Casas, 2004; Smith, 2005b; Olson, 2010). People report that
they feel energetic, imaginative, efficient, self confident and alert after caffeine
consumption. They feel more able to concentrate and motivated to work but
also more willing to socialize (Fredholm, 1999). In a recent prospective follow
up study coffee consumption was associated with a decreased risk of depression
(Ruusunen, 2010).

10 Can caffeine consumption cause anxiety?

In general it appears that low doses of caffeine tend to improve the mood states
and that high caffeine doses are associated with negative affective change, like
restlessness and jitteriness. Individual differences in caffeine sensitivity very likely
play a substantial role in determining the mental and physical response to
caffeine (Smith, 2004). In addition, a genetic variation on the adenosine
receptor A2A is associated with sensitivity to caffeine effects on anxiety (Alsene,

Anxiety is rarely seen with the average range of caffeine consumption, but
the literature suggests that extremely high doses of caffeine may increase
anxiety (Smith, 2002). Moreover, caffeine is a substance that is normally
considered as ‘self-regulating’, meaning that most people know when they took
enough coffee and usually stop drinking before negative effects will emerge
(Tieges, 2007).

                                                                        Coffee and the brain | 23
11 Can caffeine/coffee consumption interfere with sleep?

       Caffeine can increase wakefulness and has been shown to counter-act fatigue
       induced by a night with sleep-deprivation (see also question 4). In a French
       study on sleep duration and caffeine consumption in a middle aged working
       population no effect on sleep duration was found up to a habitual use of 7 cups
       of coffee or 600 mg of caffeine equivalent (Sanchez-Ortuno, 2005). Regular
       consumption of caffeine can result in some degree of tolerance, reducing
       the effects on sleep (Bonnet, 2005). Other research indicated that drinking
       caffeinated beverages in the evening may interfere with the onset of sleep in
       caffeine sensitive subjects. Differences in caffeine pharmacokinetics have been
       reported for sleep sensitive and non-sensitive subjects (Bchir, 2006). Caffeine
       elimination was slower in subjects with sleep disturbances; they had half lives for
       caffeine between 6.5 and 8 hours. The average half life for caffeine amounts 2.5
       to 4.5 hours (see frame on page 18). Significant plasma caffeine concentrations
       may persist during the night when caffeine is consumed in the late afternoon.
       In addition, a genetic variation on the adenosine receptor A2A is associated with
       caffeine sleep sensitivity and a habitual caffeine consumption (Cornelis, 2007;
       Retey, 2007). In case of insomnia caffeine abstinence or avoiding caffeine
       consumption in the afternoon and evening might be one of the factors to
       consider, next to regular exercise, sleeping in a quiet and comfortable
       environment and avoiding TV watching in the bedroom and strenuous activities
       shortly before going to bed.

24 |
Is it safe to consume caffeine?

Caffeine is one of the most investigated components in our diet. Based on
extensive reviews of scientific literature there is general consensus that 400
mg caffeine per day (about 4-5 cups of coffee) are not associated with adverse
health effects in adults. Women who are pregnant, lactating or planning to
become pregnant are recommended to limit their caffeine consumption to
200-300 mg per day (about 2-3 cups of coffee). Caffeine intake in children
should be limited to 2.5 mg caffeine per kg bodyweight per day (Nawrot,
2003; Higdon, 2006; Fredholm, 1999).

                                                                    Coffee and the brain | 25

       • Alsene K e.a. (2003). Association between A2a receptor gene polymorphisms and caffeine-induced
         anxiety. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28(9): 1694-702.
       • Arendt (2009). Managing jet lag: Some of the problems and possible new solutions. Sleep Med Rev,
         13(4): 249-56.
       • Baddeley A (2010). Working memory. Curr Biol, 20(4): R136-140.
       • Bchir F e.a. (2006). Differences in pharmacokinetics and electroencephalographic responses to
         caffeine in sleep-sensitive and non-sensitive subjects. CR Biologies, 329: 512-519.
       • Bonnet MH e.a. (2005). The use of stimulants to modify performance during sleep loss: A review by
         the Sleep Deprivation and Stimulant Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Sleep,
         28(9): 1163-1187.
       • Brunyé TT e.a. (2010). Caffeine modulates attention network function. Brain and Cognition,
         72(2): 181-189.
       • Casas M (2004). Effects of Coffee and Caffeine on Mood and Mood Disorders. In Nehlig A (ed)
         Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 73-83.
       • Cornelis MC e.a. (2007). Genetic polymorphism of the adenosine A2A receptor is associated with
         habitual caffeine consumption. Am J Clin Nutr, 86: 240–244.
       • Cowan N (2008). What are the differences between long-term, short-term, and working memory?
         Prog Brain Res, 169: 323-338.
       • Daly JW e.a. (2004). Mechanism of Action of Caffeine on the Nervous System. In Nehlig A (ed)
         Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 1-11.
       • Fisone G e.a. (2004). Caffeine as a psychomotor stimulant: mechanism of action. Cell Mol Life Sci,
         61(7-8): 857-872.
       • Fredholm B e.a. (1999). Actions of caffeine in the brain with special reference to factors that
         contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacology Rev, 51(1): 83-133.
       • Haskell CF e.a. (2005). Cognitive and mood improvements of caffeine in habitual consumers and
         habitual non-consumers of caffeine. Psychopharmacology, 179: 813-825.
       • Hewlett P and Smith A (2007). Effects of repeated doses of caffeine on performance and alertness:
         new data and secondary analyses. Hum Psychopharmacology, 21: 167-180.
       • Higdon JV and Frei B (2006). Coffee and health: a review of recent human research. Critical Reviews
         in Foods Science and Nutrition, 56(2): 101-123.
       • James JE and Rogers PJ (2005). Effects of caffeine on performance and mood: withdrawal reversal is
         most plausible explanation. Psychopharmacology, 182: 1-8.
       • Ker K e.a. (2010). Caffeine for the prevention of injuries and errors in shift workers (Review).
         The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.thecochranelibrary.
       • Lieberman HR (2001). The effects of Ginseng, Ephedrine, and Caffeine on cognitive performance,
         mood and energy. Nutrition Reviews, 59: 91-102.
       • Lorist MM and Tops M (2003). Caffeine, fatigue and cognition. Brain and Cognition, 53: 82-84.
       • Lorist MM e.a. (1994). Influence of caffeine on information processing stages in well rested and
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       • Lorist MM e.a. (1996). Acute effects of caffeine on selective attention and visual search processes.
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       • Nawrot P e.a. (2003). Effects of caffeine on health. Food Additives and Contaminants, 20(1): 1-30.
       • Nehlig A e.a. (1992). Caffeine and the central nervous system: Mechanisms of action, biochemical,
         metabolic, and psycho stimulant effects. Brain Research Reviews, 17: 139-170.
       • Nehlig A (2010). Is Caffeine a Cognitive Enhancer? J Alzheimers Dis, 20, S1: 85-94.

26 |
• Olson CA e.a. (2010). Effects of Adenosine Antagonists, Quercetin and Caffeine, on Vigilance and
  Mood. J Clin Psychopharmacology, 30(5): 537-578.
• Quinlan PT e.a. (2000). The acute physiological and mood effects of tea and coffee: the role of caf-
  feine level. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 66(1): 19-28.
• Retey JV e.a. (2007). A genetic variation in the adenosine A2A receptor gene (ADORA2A) contributes
  to individual sensitivity to caffeine effects on sleep. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 81: 692–698.
• Robelin M and Rogers PJ (1998). Mood and psychomotor performance effects of the first, but not of
  subsequent, cup of coffee equivalent doses of caffeine consumed after overnight caffeine abstinence.
  Behav Pharmacol, 9(7): 611-618.
• Ruijter J (1999). The influence of different doses of caffeine on visual task performance. Journal of
  Psychophysiology, 13: 37-48.
• Ruijter J e.a. (2000). The effects of caffeine on visual selective attention to color: An ERP study.
  Psychophysiology, 37: 427-439.
• Ruusunen A e.a. (2010). Coffee, tea and caffeine intake and the risk of severe depression in
  middle-aged Finnish men: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. Public Health
  Nutrition, 1-6.
• Ryan L e.a. (2002). Caffeine reduces time-of-day effects on memory performance in older adults.
  Psychological Science, 13: 68-71.
• Sagaspe P (2007). Aging and nocturnal driving: better with coffee or a nap? A randomized study.
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  and Cognitive Performance. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC,
  Boca Raton, Florida: 85-96.

                                                                                   Coffee and the brain | 27
28 |
3 Coffee and cognitive aging

1 What is the difference between normal cognitive decline,
  mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia?

By late adulthood, people typically experience some deterioration in cogni-
tive abilities as part of the normal course of aging. Abilities, such as memory,
reasoning and processing speed, all seem to decline, on average, with age
(Corley, 2010). People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) suffer from more
severe memory impairments beyond that would be expected according to age
(Roberts, 2009). People with MCI are at higher risk of progressing to dementia
and Alzheimer’s disease, which in turn is the leading cause of dementia. With
dementia, people lose their cognitive abilities to an extent that they are unable
to carry out normal activities and relationships. In addition to memory losses
also behavior and personality changes can occur.

2 What are the acute effects of coffee in elderly people?

It’s well known that caffeine ingestion leads to dose dependent increased ener-
getic arousal, which reflects alertness and mental energy (Nehlig, 2010). Caffeine
is a mild stimulant and its cognitive enhancing effects are more pronounced in
individuals with low arousal levels, for instance due to sleep deprivation, fatigue or
prolonged mental activity (see chapter 2, questions 3 and 4). Since mental energy
and speed of information processing diminish with age, elderly in particular could
benefit from the cognitive effects of caffeine. The vast majority of knowledge on
the acute behavioral effects of caffeine is based on experiments with young or
middle-aged subjects. Although caffeine appears to be metabolized similarly in
young and old individuals, only few studies have investigated the acute cognitive
effects of caffeine in elderly. The results indicate that caffeine may restore arousal

                                                                        Coffee and the brain | 29
levels and hence facilitate cognitive functioning (Van Boxtel, 2004). This effect is
       even more pronounced in situations of prolonged mental activity, since elderly
       have less compensatory capacity (spare energy sources). Moreover, research
       suggests that caffeine intake can ameliorate the decline in memory performance
       during the day in older adults (Ryan, 2002). There is some, although very limited,
       evidence suggesting that older people may benefit more from relatively higher
       dosage (Van Boxtel, 2004). It is suggested to be an interesting topic for further
       research since caffeine intake typically increases in early adulthood and declines
       with older age.

       3 Could caffeine counteract age-related cognitive decline?

       There is a growing number of epidemiological studies suggesting that
       coffee consumption is associated with better cognitive performance later in life.
       In a large cross- sectional study of 9,003 British adults a dose-response trend
       between habitual coffee consumption and cognitive abilities was measured;
       the oldest men and women seemed to benefit most from a higher caffeine in-
       take (Jarvis, 1993). Higher caffeine intake was not associated to better cognition
       after 6 years in 1,376 individuals studied in the Netherlands (Van Boxtel, 2003).
       In a prospective population study in France, higher caffeine consumption was
       associated with less memory decline in women but not in men. The association
       was stronger with increasing age and higher caffeine doses (> 300 mg per day)
       (Ritchie, 2007). Similar results were found in a study by Johnson-Kozlow (2002).
       In a longitudinal prospective cohort study with 676 older men in Finland, Italy
       and the Netherlands, coffee intake was associated with lower levels of cognitive
       decline 10 years later in life, with 4.3 times less decline in men consuming 3
       cups a day in comparison with non-consumers (Van Gelder, 2007).

30 |
In a Scottish study, a general trend was shown for individuals who drink more
coffee and less tea to have better cognitive health at age 70 (Corley, 2010). So
far, results indicate that habitual coffee and or caffeine intake seems to be as-
sociated with less cognitive decline in elderly.

4 Does caffeine intake protect from dementia and
  Alzheimer’s disease?

There are currently no cures and only limited treatment options for Alzheimer’s
disease. Research focused on prevention of Alzheimer disease suggested that
coffee and caffeine might have a protective effect on the likelihood of develop-
ing Alzheimers’s disease (Rosso, 2008). In a meta-analysis of two case-control
studies and two cohort studies on coffee consumption and the risk of Alzhe-
imer’s disease a protective effect of coffee consumption was found (Barranco
Quintana, 2007). In the pooled estimate the risk was 0.73 (i.e. 27% lower) for
coffee-users versus non-coffee users. In a Finnish cohort study with an average
follow-up of 21 years, coffee drinking at midlife was associated with a decreased
risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and dementia later in life. There are
several indications that caffeine, and perhaps other components in coffee as
well, play a neuroprotective role in the aging brain through a combination of
actions, including anti-inflammatory effects by blockade of both A1 and A2A
receptors. Caffeine has been suggested to increase transcription factors which
enhance cell proliferation and prevent cell death. Moreover, caffeine has been
shown to reduce the negative effects of ␤-amyloid, whose accumulation is the
pathological signature of Alzheimer disease (Rosso, 2008). Caffeine consump-
tion was shown to be dose-dependently related with less white matter lesions in
elderly women, which is an indication of less ␤-amyloid accumulation (Ritchie,
2010). These biological findings indicate that the relationship between caffeine
and cognitive decline found in epidemiological research is highly likely to be a
true causal relationship and not a spurious association (Ritchie, 2010).

                                                                     Coffee and the brain | 31
Polyphenols in coffee have been hypothesized to neutralize free radicals that can
       cause damage to neurons and other cells and have also anti-inflammatory prop-
       erties. There are still a lot of questions to be answered before a conclusion on
       the potential protective effect of coffee and or caffeine can be drawn, however
       the results so far are encouraging.

       5 What causes Parkinson’s disease and what is the effect
         of coffee?

       Parkinson’s disease is suggested to be a multifactorial disease, although the precise
       cause for Parkinson’s disease remains still undetermined. Complex interactions
       between neurotoxins and neuroprotective agents with genetic factors are thought
       to be responsible for the development and progression of the disease (Morelli,
       2010). Genetic factors seem to be important in early-onset cases of Parkinson’s
       disease, while environmental and lifestyle factors are probably more relevant in
       the development of Parkinson’s disease at older ages (Costa, 2010). Among these
       lifestyle factors, coffee/caffeine is of particular interest in light of caffeine’s safety
       and widespread consumption. Caffeine has been demonstrated to be neuropro-
       tective in various experimental models of Parkinson’s disease (Xu, 2010; Morelli,
       2010; Kachroo, 2010), probably via blocking A2A receptors in the brain. The
       knowledge on the plausible biological mechanism based on the pharmacological
       actions of caffeine strengthens the inverse association between coffee drinking and
       Parkinson’s disease found in epidemiological research (Costa, 2010).

32 |
6 Is coffee consumption a protective factor for Parkinson’s

The first study to indicate the possible effects of drinking coffee and reducing
the risk of Parkinson disease was published as early as 1968 (Nefzger, 1968).
More than 30 years later, a meta-analysis including 8 case-control and 5 cohort
studies demonstrated that the relative risk of Parkinson’s disease was 30% lower
for coffee drinkers, in comparison to non-coffee drinkers (Hernan, 2002).
A recent systemic review and meta-analysis of 26 studies (7 cohorts, 2 nested
case-controls, 16 case-controls and 1 cross-sectional study) on caffeine and
the risk of Parkinson’s disease confirmed the strength of the inverse association
(Costa, 2010). A 25% reduction in risk of Parkinson’s disease among caffeine
consumers was demonstrated. The results also indicate a linear dose-response
relation, with higher intakes of caffeine being associated with lower risk of
Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, coffee consumption is significantly associated
with a reduced Parkinson’s disease mortality in men (Ascherio, 2004); the effect
in women was dependent on post menopausal estrogens use. In women
consuming 4 cups or more coffee per day compared to women not consum-
ing coffee the risk reduced by 53% among never users and increased by 30%
among users (Ascherio, 2004). These differences could partly reflect a varia-
tion in the genetic expression of one enzyme metabolizing caffeine, CYP1A2
rs762551 (Palacios, 2010).

                                                                    Coffee and the brain | 33

       • Ascherio A e.a. (2004). Coffee consumption, Gender, and Parkinsons’s disease mortality in the Can-
         cer prevention Study II Cohort: The Modifying Effects of Estrogen. Am J Epidemiol 160(10): 977-984.
       • Barranco Quintana JL e.a. (2007). Alzheimer’s disease and coffee: a quantitative review.
         Neurol Res, 29: 91-95.
       • Corley J e.a. (2010). Caffeine consumption and cognitive function at age 70: The Lothian Birth
         Cohort 1936 Study. Psychosom Med, 72: 206-214.
       • Costa J e.a. (2010). Caffeine Exposure and the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systemic Review and
         Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies, 20: S221-S238.
       • Hernan MA (2002). A meta-analysis of Coffee Drinking, Cigarette Smoking, and the Risk of
         Parkinson’s Disease. Ann Neurol, 52: 276-284.
       • Jarvis MJ (1993). Does caffeine intake enhance absolute levels of cognitive performance?
         Psychopharmacology, 110(1-2): 45-52.
       • Johnson-Kozlow M e.a. (2002). Coffee consumption and cognitive function among older adults.
         Am J Epidemiol, 156: 842-850.
       • Kachroo A e.a. (2010). Caffeine protects against combined paraquat and maneb-induced
         dopaminergic neuron degeneration. Exp Neurol, 223: 657-661.
       • Morelli M and Simola N (2010). Can dietary substances protect against Parkinson’s disease?
         The case of caffeine. Exp Neurol, 225(2): 246-249.
       • Nefzger MD e.a. (1968). A retrospective study of smoking in Parkinson’s disease. Am J Eidemiol,
         88: 149-158.
       • Nehlig A (2010). Is Caffeine a Cognitive Enhancer? J Alzheimer’s Disease 20, S1: 85-94.
       • Palacios N e.a. (2010). Polymorphisms of caffeine metabolism and estrogen receptor genes and risk
         of Parkinson's disease in men and women. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 16(6): 370-375.
       • Ritchie K e.a. (2007). The neuroprotective effects of caffeine. A prospective population study.
         Neurology, 69: 536-545.
       • Ritchie K e.a. (2010). Caffeine, cognitive functioning, and white matter lesions in the elderly:
         establishing causality from epidemiological evidence. J Alzheimers Dis, 20 S1: 161-166.
       • Roberts JL e.a. (2009). Subject memory Complaints and Awareness of Memory Functioning in Mild
         Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review. Demet Geriatr Cogn Disord, 28: 95-109.
       • Rosso A e.a. (2008). Caffeine: Neuroprotective Functions in Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease.
         Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Dem, 23(5): 417-422.
       • Ryan L e.a. (2002). Caffeine reduces time-of-day effects on memory performance in older adults.
         Psychological Science, 13(1): 68-71.
       • Van Boxtel MPJ e.a. (2003). The effects of habitual caffeine use on cognitive change:
         a longitudinal perspective. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 75: 921-927.
       • Van Boxtel MPJ and Schmitt JAJ (2004). Age-Related Changes in the Effects of Coffee on Memory
         and Cognitive Performance. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC,
         Boca Raton, Florida: 85-96.
       • Van Gelder B e.a. (2007). Coffee consumption is inversely associated with cognitive decline in elderly
         European men: the FINE Study. Eur J Clin Nutr, 61(2): 226-232.
       • Xu K e.a. (2010). Neuroprotection by caffeine: Time course and role of its metabolites in the MPTP
         model of Parkinson Disease. Neuroscience, 167(2): 475-481.

34 |
Study of coffee and health

Every type of research has its own evidential value and limitations.
Most of the studies reported in this brochure can be differentiated into:

1.   Meta-analysis: A literature study of various studies (intervention studies, cohort
     studies and/or patient control studies) of the relationship between coffee con-
     sumption behaviour and a biomarker or (medical) condition, with the aim of
     obtaining a more precise outcome.
2.   Cohort study (prospective): In this brochure in the case of this type of study large
     groups of people have been monitored (prospectively) over a longer period. In
     this context at the start of the study differences in coffee consumption between
     people who have and have not developed a (medical) condition during the
     study are examined. The pattern of coffee consumption of the participants has
     therefore not been influenced by the condition.
3.   Cross-sectional study: This is a study in which one monitors simultaneously
     (smaller) cohorts which follow each other in time. For example a group in the
     age range 31-45 and a group in the age range 45-60 are then examined simul-
     taneously. In this case at the start of the study differences in coffee consumption
     have been examined between people who did and people who did not acquire
     the (medical) condition during the study. In this manner a good picture can be
     obtained of the association between for example coffee consumption and the
     development of a condition between the ages of 30 and 60.
4.   Patient-control study: In the case of this type of study the differences in coffee
     consumption patterns are investigated in groups of people who have and have
     not developed the (medical) condition. In this case therefore questions are
     asked after the event about previous coffee consumption behaviour. A disad-
     vantage of this type of study may be that the coffee consumption pattern of
     the people who have that condition has been modified or is assessed differently
     than in the case of people who do not have the condition.
5.   Intervention study: In the case of this type the effect of the substance to be
     investigated on a group of people is measured and compared with a control
     group, which is not given the substance. Intervention studies in the area of
     coffee research are usually relatively short and the group size is limited.

                                                                         Coffee and the brain | 35
Coffee brain
  and the

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Coffee and brain

  • 1. Coffee and the brain
  • 2. Colophon Publishing Coffee and Health Information Bureau Design and printing Stimio Communicatie & Presentatie, Tiel, The Netherlands Copyright © April 2011, Coffee and Health Information Bureau, Rijswijk, The Netherlands Availability The brochure ‘Coffee and the brain‘ can be downloaded free of charge from From here, you can also download the brochure ‘Coffee, heart and blood vessels’ (2007) and ‘Coffee, stomach, intestines and liver’ (2009) or you can register for the email newsletter. This free Dutch newsletter keeps you updated on the most recent scientific information on coffee and health and is published 4 times a year. Coffee and Health Information Bureau (Voorlichtingsbureau voor Koffie en Gezondheid) P.O. Box 161, 2280 AD Rijswijk Tel. : + 31 (0)70 - 3365163 Fax : + 31 (0)70 - 3365167 E-mail: Website:
  • 3. ‘Coffee and the brain’- Contents Page Introduction 5-6 1 Coffee, caffeine and headache Headache 7 Caffeine and headache 8-9 Caffeine withdrawal, fasting and weekend headache 9-13 Headache and fluid balance 13 References 14 2 Coffee, caffeine en cognition Cognitive function 15-16 Caffeine and the brain 16-17 Coffee and alertness 17-19 Coffee and attention, concentration and memory 20-21 Coffee and qualification caffeine effect 21-22 Coffee and mood 23-24 Coffee and sleep 24 References 26-27 3 Coffee and cognitive aging Cognitive aging, MCI and dementia 29 Coffee and acute effects on cognitive aging 29-30 Coffee and long term effects on cognitive aging 30-31 Coffee and Alzheimer’s disease 31-32 Coffee and Parkinson’s disease 32-33 References 34 Study of coffee and health 35 Coffee and the brain | 3
  • 4. 4|
  • 5. Introduction Coffee is not only appreciated for its taste and aroma, but also for its effect on the mental performance. It’s widely known that coffee can help to stay alert, but how much coffee do you have to drink before you notice any effect and what is known about the mechanism? What is the effect of coffee on headache, does it alleviate the symptoms or not? Coffee adds to cognition, but could coffee coun- teract age-related cognitive decline? This brochure deals with common ques- tions about coffee in relation to the effect on the brain and provides a summary of results of innumerable scientific studies. The Coffee and Health Information Bureau (Voorlichtingsbureau voor Koffie en Gezondheid) sought assistance from scientists who are well known for their knowledge and experience in this research area. We would like to take this op- portunity to thank them for their excellent contribution and cooperation in the preparation of this brochure. - Dr. Astrid Nehlig (research director, Faculté de Médécine, French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, INSERM, Strasbourg, France) - Dr. Monicque Lorist (associate professor, Faculteit der Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands) - Dr. Jan Snel (associate professor UHD psychofysiology, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Coffee and the brain | 5
  • 6. Research on the effects of coffee and/or caffeine on cognitive aging is highly relevant and very timely due to the aging of the population. Some topics do not have yet an unequivocal answer, because the amount of research is currently insufficient. The Information Bureau will continue to closely monitor scientific developments and inform you on new studies in our email newsletter and on our website If after reading of this brochure you still have questions or comments, we will be pleased to hear from you. You can also order Dutch copies of the brochure free of charge or download the Dutch or English version at www.koffieengezond- Coffee and Health Information Bureau (Voorlichtingsbureau voor Koffie en Gezondheid) 6|
  • 7. 1 Coffee, caffeine and headache 1 What is headache? Headaches occur as a response to daily life situations like stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, hunger or weather changes. Despite the fact that headaches are extremely common, almost 90% of men and 95% of women have at least one headache a year, they are not fully understood. Neither the skull nor the brain is sensitive to pain, however, both are surrounded by pain-sensitive membranes. Abnormalities in these membranes or nearby muscles, blood vessels, or nerves, either alone or in combination, are thought to be the source of most headache pain. Also changes in estrogen level can make headaches worse (Harvard Health Publications, 2010) 2 What are the common types of headache? The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) separates primary headache disorders from the secondary headache disorders. The former include, most importantly, migraine, tension type headache and cluster headache. The latter is attributed to causative disorders like a head or neck trauma, a vascular disorder, a substance (e.g. medication overuse), substance withdrawal (e.g. caffeine) or a disorder of homeostasis (e.g. fasting) (IHS, 2004; Olesen, 2004). Tension type headache and migraine are the most common types of headache; however, mixed headaches do occur. Coffee and the brain | 7
  • 8. 3 Can caffeine consumption relief headache symptoms? Caffeine may act as analgesic for headache and the use of caffeine as constitu- ent of analgesics dates back to 1875. Nowadays caffeine is an essential com- ponent of numerous widely consumed medications for the relief of headache symptoms (Shapiro, 2008; Nehlig, 2004). A meta-analysis of 30 clinical trials indicates that adding caffeine to an analgesic agent reduces the dosage needed of that analgesic agent by 40% to achieve equivalent analgesia (Laska, 1984). A further meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of simple analgesics taken with or without caffeine indicates that addition of caffeine promotes a significant headache relief (Zhang, 2001). Studies on the efficacy and safety of over the counter (OTC) headache combination analgesics were reviewed in 2010 (Anneken, 2010). Treatment of migraine and tension-type headache, was shown more effective using a combination of acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA), acetaminophen and caffeine (100-150 mg) than monotherapy with either of these substances. Adding caffeine was associated with an increased analgesic effect, which is often unachievable via increased dosages of mono-analgesics because of their flat dose-effect relationships. Moreover, mixed analgesics co- formulated with caffeine provide the same efficacy using a lower analgesic dose, thus potentially reducing dose dependent adverse effects. 4 Can you get a headache of too much caffeine? Conflicting results have been found in population studies evaluating the association between high caffeine consumption and the prevalence of headache and chronic frequent headache (CFH), in particular. CFH is the collective term for primary headaches occurring on more than 14 days per month for at least 3 months. In a general population study in the Netherlands, CHF was associated with overuse of analgesics, psychiatric disorders, smoking, sleeping problems, a history of head and neck trauma and low educational level, but not with 8|
  • 9. caffeine use (Wiendels, 2006). In this study, the average intake of caffeine was 7 consumptions a day, including coffee, tea, ice tea and cola. However, in a large cross sectional study in Norway, high caffeine consumption (> 540 mg/d) was associated with increased prevalence of infrequent headache, whereas chronic headache was less likely among individuals with high caffeine consump- tion (Hagen, 2009). According to the authors these results may indicate that high caffeine consumption changes chronic headache into infrequent headache due to the analgesic properties of caffeine, or that chronic headache sufferers tend to avoid the intake of caffeine. This is in line with the conclusion of the review by Shapiro (2008), stating that caffeine can exert potent pharmacologic effects that can generate or alleviate headache, depending on the site of action, dosage and timing of exposure. 5 Can you get a headache if you stop drinking coffee? Abrupt cessation of regular caffeine consumption may result in headache among sensitive individuals. The headache generally resolves within a few days or at most one week after consumption stopped. In addition, the headache disappears when caffeine consumption is resumed (Nehlig, 2004; Scher, 2004). Caffeine withdrawal headache are not experienced by all individuals; prevalence figures vary between 0.4% and 50% (Shapiro, 2008). Caffeine withdrawal head- ache can be easily prevented by reducing caffeine consumption gradually in the days before cessation of consumption, for instance in case of (religious) fasting or a surgical procedure. Coffee and the brain | 9
  • 10. 6 Are fasting headaches related to caffeine consumption? Fasting of food is an important precipitating factor of headache and the probability of onset increases directly with the duration of fasting. Fasting headache is one of the most common forms of secondary headache, but much remains to be explained about the underlying patho-physiological mechanisms. Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level) and caffeine withdrawal are suggested as potential triggers, although fasting headache may occur even when there is no hypoglycemia and in individuals who do not normally consume caffeine (Torelli, 2009). Headaches after fasting before and after surgical procedures are found to be related to habitual caffeine consumption (Nehlig, 2004). A study of prolonged fasting suggests that other factors like abstinence from water or foods, genetic background or cultural factors may contribute more strongly to fasting induced headache, but not fully exclude caffeine as a factor (Shapiro, 2008). 7 What is meant by 'weekend headache'? Some people experience headaches in particularly on weekend mornings. Different explanations are proposed for this so called weekend headache (Couturier, 1992; Nehlig, 2004; Shapiro, 2004). It might be related to the change in stress level, or sudden disappearance of stress during the weekend. Change in the pattern of sleep, often longer than usual, has also been suggest- ed as an important cause. Other possible causes are increased consumption of alcohol at the beginning of the weekend, or missing breakfast because of sleep- ing late. Weekend headaches are also linked to a delay (sleep later) or avoidance of caffeine consumption during weekend mornings (see also question 5). 10 |
  • 11. Coffee intake Caffeine is naturally present in coffee, tea and cocoa, and added in small quanti- ties to some soft drinks. Consumption of coffee varies largely between countries. In Europe the consumption of coffee ranges from 1.5 to 11.9 kg coffee per person per year. The highest consumption occurs in Scandinavia (Finland 11.9 kg coffee/person/year), and the lowest consumption in Poland (1.5 kg coffee/ person/year) (International Coffee Organization, 2010). The amount of caffeine per cup of coffee varies with the type of coffee used (Arabica or Robusta), the brewing method (e.g. drip filter, instant, espresso, boiled) and the brewing strength (in the Netherlands on average 7 grams per cup). The table on page 12 summarizes average values of caffeine per product. 8 Can weekend headache be prevented and if yes how? If someone is prone to weekend headache, there are several steps to prevent or diminish the headaches. • Identify triggers (see question 6 and 7) so these can be avoided. • In case of habitual caffeine consumption, include a cup of coffee for breakfast during the weekends. • Keep a regular schedule that includes a full night’s rest, balanced meals and exercise during the weekends (Harvard Health Publications, 2010). Coffee and the brain | 11
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. References • American Psychiatric Association (1994, 2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV-TR) APA Press, Washington DC. • Anneken K e.a. (2010). Efficacy of fixed combinations of acetylsalicyclic acid, acetaminophen and caffeine in the treatment of idiopathic headache: a review. Eur J Neurol, 17: 534-540. • Armstrong LE e.a. (2007). Fluid, Electrolyte, and Renal Indices of Hydration During 11 Days of Controlled Caffeine Consumption. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Met, 15: 252-265. • Couturier EGM (1992). Weekend attacks in migraine patients: caused by caffeine withdrawal? Cephalalgia, 12: 99-100. • Dutch Nutrition Center (2011), • Hagen K e.a. (2009). High dietary caffeine consumption is associated with a modest increase in headache prevalence: results from the Head-HUNT Study. J Headache Pain, 10: 153-159. • Harvard Health Publications (2010). A Harvard Medical School Special Health Report. Headaches Relieving and preventing migraine and other headaches. • IHS - Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society (2004). The International Classification of Headache Disorders. Cephalalgia, 24, S1: 1-160. • Institute of Medicine of National Academies; Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intake for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride and Sulfate. The National Academic Press (2004). • International Coffee Organization (2010). Monthly Coffee Market Report, Oct. 2010. • Kolasa KM e.a. (2009). Hydration and Health Promotion. Nutrition Today, 44: 190-201. • Laska EM e.a. (1984). Caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant. JAMA 251: 1711-1718. • Nehlig A (2004). Caffeine and Headache: Relationship with the effects of caffeine on cerebral blood flow. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 175-186. • Nehlig A e.a. (2010). SPECT assessment of brain activation induced by caffeine: no effect on areas involved in dependence. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 12: 255-263. • Olesen J and Steiner TJ (2004). The international classification of headache disorders, 2nd edn (ICDH-II). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 75: 807-808. • Ruxton CHS (2008). The impact of caffeine on mood, cognitive function, performance and hydration: a review of benefits and risks. Nutr Bull, 33: 15-25. • Satel S (2006). Is caffeine addictive? A review of the literature. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 32: 493-502. • Scher AI e.a. (2004). Caffeine as a risk factor for chronic daily headache. A population based study. Neurology, 63: 2022-2027. • Shapiro RE (2008). Caffeine and Headaches. Current Pain Headache Rep, 12: 311-315. • Torelli P e.a. (2009). Fasting Headache: A review of the literature and new hypotheses. Headache, 49: 744-752. • Wiendels NJ e.a. (2006). Chronic frequent headache in the general population: prevalence and associated factors. Cephalalgia, 26: 1434-1442. • World Health Organization (WHO, 1994). The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioral disorders. WHO, Geneva. • Zhang WY e.a. (2001). A benefit-risk assessment of caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant. Drug Saf, 24: 1127-1142. 14 |
  • 15. 2 Coffee, caffeine and cognition 1 What is cognitive function? The word ‘cognition’ comes from the Latin word ‘cognoscere’ which means ‘to know’ or ‘to recognize’ (Nehlig, 2010). Cognitive function is a general term that is used to describe a great variety of different brain mediated functions and processes. These brain functions allow us to perceive, evaluate, store, manipulate and use information from external sources, like our environment, and internal sources, like experience, memory and thoughts, and respond to that informa- tion (Schmitt, 2005). Cognitive functions can be clustered in six main domains: executive functions, memory functions, attention functions, perceptual functions, psychomotor functions and language skills (see schematic representation on page 16). These distinct functions often act together to produce actual cogni- tive performance output. For example, efficient storage of new information in the long-term memory cannot occur without proper attention for the relevant information, adequate perceptual processing, and the executive learning strate- gies. Besides, cognitive functioning is mediated by a number of other factors which are not considered to be cognitive functions themselves. A key mediator is the level of central arousal, which can be roughly described as the level of mental energy. Mood state (sad, happy) is also known to modulate cognitive function, as well as motivation and physical well-being. Coffee and the brain | 15
  • 16.
  • 17. In doses normally consumed, caffeine blocks inhibitory A1 and A2A receptors, and hence increases central nervous system activity (Nehlig, 1992; Fredholm, 1999; Daly, 2004; Fisone, 2004; Tieges, 2007). 3 What is the effect of coffee or caffeine on alertness? It is well-known that caffeine ingestion leads to dose dependent increased energetic arousal, which reflects alertness and mental energy (Nehlig, 2010). However, the relationship between the level of arousal and task performance is not a linear one, but follows an inverted U-curve: performance decrements can occur due to under- and over-arousal (Schmitt, 2005). Furthermore, the optimal arousal level is thought to vary between different cognitive tasks (Van Boxtel, 2004). Some of the most sensitive functions for increased arousal are reaction time and vigilance. There is a large number of scientific studies showing that consump- tion of caffeinated foods and beverages is associated with increased alertness, improvements of reaction time and vigilance performance. Most of this research includes computer tests which have the advantage of a standardized presenta- tion and accurate and detailed response capture. The level of performance is usually measured in terms of speed (e.g. simple reaction time) and accuracy (the amount of correct information), free recall of information or selective visual tasks. The stimulating effect of caffeine consumption on alertness and perform- ance efficiency was demonstrated for a variety of tasks (Lorist, 1994, 1996; Ruijter, 1999, 2000; Smit, 2000, 2005a; Smith, 2005b; Haskell, 2005; Hewlett, 2007; Olson, 2010). EEG data support the stimulating effect of caffeine on the brain (Lorist, 2003). Coffee and the brain | 17
  • 18. How is caffeine metabolized in the body? After drinking a cup of coffee, caffeine is rapidly and efficiently absorbed from the gastro intestinal tract and peak plasma concentrations are reached between 15 and 120 minutes. Caffeine is distributed throughout the body and easily enters the brain. The half life of caffeine amounts 2.5 to 4.5 hours but can vary considerably depending on endogenous factors such as physiology and genet- ics, and exogenous factors such as lifestyle. For example, caffeine half-life can be reduced by about 50% in smokers compared to non-smokers. Caffeine is metabolized in the liver and its break down products are excreted through the kidney (Nehlig, 1992; Fredholm, 1999). 4 When is the effect of caffeine most noticeable? The impact of caffeine on increased alertness is more marked for individuals with low arousal levels. However, improved performance has also been observed when reduced alertness is not involved (Smith, 2002; Snel, 2004). Sleepiness leads to deterioration in performance and is associated with an increased risk of error and injury. For instance shift work is a major cause of sleepiness as it requires being awake at times which are different from those dictated by our body-clock. A review of 13 trials shows that caffeine can reduce the number of errors and improve cognitive performance in shift workers and also in persons suffering from jet lag (Ker, 2010). In addition, caffeine or coffee consump- tion has been shown to counter-act fatigue induced by a night with sleep- deprivation (Lorist, 1994), and to reduce the post lunch dip (Robelin, 1998), to improve nocturnal driving performance whereas napping did not (Sagaspe, 2007) and is associated with improved alertness and reduced risk for accidents at work (Smith, 2005a). 18 |
  • 19. In the same way, for short stopovers (1-2 days) during trips with time zone differences, judicious naps combined with caffeine and short-term hypnotics appear to be the best way to maintain alertness and sleep (Arendt, 2009). 5 How much coffee do I have to drink to become more alert and achieve a better performance? The benefit of caffeine in typical servings of coffee (60-100 mg of caffeine) on alertness was demonstrated in several studies. Even lower doses have been demonstrated to increase alertness, such as 40 mg caffeine per serving (Smit, 2000), 32 mg per serving (Lieberman, 2001) or doses as low as 12.5 mg caffeine (Smit, 2000). However, the effect of low doses of caffeine was observed predominantly in those people who are not accustomed to taking caffeine. Higher caffeine intakes, as those found in more than one or two cups of coffee do not necessarily result in additional increases in alertness (Smit, 2000; Quinlan, 2000). It is thought that the relationship between the level of arousal and task performance follows an inverted U-curve: performance decrements can occur due to under- and over-arousal (Schmitt, 2005). In general, beneficial behavioral effects of caffeine are found with doses comparable to those found in habitual coffee consumption levels (Smith, 2002). Coffee and the brain | 19
  • 20. 6 How can drinking coffee contribute to attention and concentration? Concentration is usually related with improved selective attention, meaning that the mind is focusing narrowly on the task at hand. Focusing of attention can be improved by caffeine as shown in several selective attention task studies. Subjects had to focus on the task and neglect distracters. The results suggested an increased performance in selection of relevant information (Smith, 1999; Ruijter, 2000; Lorist, 2003; Snel, 2004). Recently caffeine was shown to improve participant’s ability to efficiently use stored information and inhibit the influence of action-irrelevant information (Brunyé, 2010). 7 What is the effect of coffee or caffeine on memory? Memory is one aspect of cognition which includes encoding, consolidation and retrieval of information. Memory can be divided according to the duration of memory: short-term memory, which is transient and limited in capacity and long-term memory, which includes the vast store of knowledge and the record of prior events, for potentially unlimited duration. Working-memory refers to short-term memory and other processing mechanisms that are assumed to be necessary in order to keep things in mind while performing complex tasks such as reasoning, comprehension and learning. Memory is not located in a single part of the brain, but involves a widely distributed network located in different brain structures (Cowan, 2008; Baddeley, 2010). Low doses of caffeine enhance working memory performance, while higher doses are found to decrease it, possibly due to over-stimulation. Comparable results are shown in a study with low-load memory tasks versus high load memory tasks (Nehlig, 2010). Caffeine was shown to facilitate low-difficulty performance in low load memory tasks. High-load and complicated tasks 20 |
  • 21. induced increased arousal by itself, and caffeine could lead to over-arousal. Thus caffeine appears to rather improve working memory performance under conditions that otherwise produce low arousal. There are not many studies on the effects of caffeine on long-term memory. In elderly caffeine could help attenuating age-related arousal decrements to reduce the decline in memory performance during the day (Ryan, 2002; Nehlig, 2010). However, the effects of caffeine on memory are inconsistent. Discrepancies between studies may be due to the memory assessment method (recall or recognition), time frame (immedi- ate versus delayed), sex and age of the subjects. 8 Does caffeine have a real impact on cognitive functioning, or does it just alleviate withdrawal symptoms, in other words, restore cognitive functioning to baseline levels? It has been suggested that the positive effects of caffeine really reflect removal or negative effects of caffeine withdrawal (James, 2005). However, this view cannot account for effects observed in non-consumers or deprived individuals (Smith, 2002). Several studies suggested a real impact of caffeine on mood and performance, irrespective of an overnight caffeine withdrawal. No difference in mood and performance has been shown between habitual caffeine consumers after an overnight caffeine withdrawal and non-caffeine consumers. Moreover, caffeine challenge enhanced mood and performance and the effects increased with the caffeine dose (Haskell, 2005; Smith, 2005b, 2006). Further, a study of the effects of caffeine following a day of normal consumption showed that caffeine had similar effects in those who had abstained from caffeine for more than 6 hours and those who had consumed caffeine up to the time of testing (Hewlett, 2007). Coffee and the brain | 21
  • 22. 9 Can a cup of coffee affect my mood? Enjoying a cup of coffee for its taste and smell, talking with family, friends or colleagues during a coffee break might be part of the benefit coffee can have on our mood. Mood states are generally assessed using validated self-rating scales with a vari- ety of mood terms like happy, sad, depressed, pleasant, calm and contented. 22 |
  • 23. Despite the variability in mood definitions, research has provided a fairly consist- ent picture of effects of caffeine on mood state. In low to moderate dosages (20-200 mg), caffeine has been quite constantly shown to improve mood state (Smith, 2004; Casas, 2004; Smith, 2005b; Olson, 2010). People report that they feel energetic, imaginative, efficient, self confident and alert after caffeine consumption. They feel more able to concentrate and motivated to work but also more willing to socialize (Fredholm, 1999). In a recent prospective follow up study coffee consumption was associated with a decreased risk of depression (Ruusunen, 2010). 10 Can caffeine consumption cause anxiety? In general it appears that low doses of caffeine tend to improve the mood states and that high caffeine doses are associated with negative affective change, like restlessness and jitteriness. Individual differences in caffeine sensitivity very likely play a substantial role in determining the mental and physical response to caffeine (Smith, 2004). In addition, a genetic variation on the adenosine receptor A2A is associated with sensitivity to caffeine effects on anxiety (Alsene, 2003). Anxiety is rarely seen with the average range of caffeine consumption, but the literature suggests that extremely high doses of caffeine may increase anxiety (Smith, 2002). Moreover, caffeine is a substance that is normally considered as ‘self-regulating’, meaning that most people know when they took enough coffee and usually stop drinking before negative effects will emerge (Tieges, 2007). Coffee and the brain | 23
  • 24. 11 Can caffeine/coffee consumption interfere with sleep? Caffeine can increase wakefulness and has been shown to counter-act fatigue induced by a night with sleep-deprivation (see also question 4). In a French study on sleep duration and caffeine consumption in a middle aged working population no effect on sleep duration was found up to a habitual use of 7 cups of coffee or 600 mg of caffeine equivalent (Sanchez-Ortuno, 2005). Regular consumption of caffeine can result in some degree of tolerance, reducing the effects on sleep (Bonnet, 2005). Other research indicated that drinking caffeinated beverages in the evening may interfere with the onset of sleep in caffeine sensitive subjects. Differences in caffeine pharmacokinetics have been reported for sleep sensitive and non-sensitive subjects (Bchir, 2006). Caffeine elimination was slower in subjects with sleep disturbances; they had half lives for caffeine between 6.5 and 8 hours. The average half life for caffeine amounts 2.5 to 4.5 hours (see frame on page 18). Significant plasma caffeine concentrations may persist during the night when caffeine is consumed in the late afternoon. In addition, a genetic variation on the adenosine receptor A2A is associated with caffeine sleep sensitivity and a habitual caffeine consumption (Cornelis, 2007; Retey, 2007). In case of insomnia caffeine abstinence or avoiding caffeine consumption in the afternoon and evening might be one of the factors to consider, next to regular exercise, sleeping in a quiet and comfortable environment and avoiding TV watching in the bedroom and strenuous activities shortly before going to bed. 24 |
  • 25. Is it safe to consume caffeine? Caffeine is one of the most investigated components in our diet. Based on extensive reviews of scientific literature there is general consensus that 400 mg caffeine per day (about 4-5 cups of coffee) are not associated with adverse health effects in adults. Women who are pregnant, lactating or planning to become pregnant are recommended to limit their caffeine consumption to 200-300 mg per day (about 2-3 cups of coffee). Caffeine intake in children should be limited to 2.5 mg caffeine per kg bodyweight per day (Nawrot, 2003; Higdon, 2006; Fredholm, 1999). Coffee and the brain | 25
  • 26. References • Alsene K e.a. (2003). Association between A2a receptor gene polymorphisms and caffeine-induced anxiety. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28(9): 1694-702. • Arendt (2009). Managing jet lag: Some of the problems and possible new solutions. Sleep Med Rev, 13(4): 249-56. • Baddeley A (2010). Working memory. Curr Biol, 20(4): R136-140. • Bchir F e.a. (2006). Differences in pharmacokinetics and electroencephalographic responses to caffeine in sleep-sensitive and non-sensitive subjects. CR Biologies, 329: 512-519. • Bonnet MH e.a. (2005). The use of stimulants to modify performance during sleep loss: A review by the Sleep Deprivation and Stimulant Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Sleep, 28(9): 1163-1187. • Brunyé TT e.a. (2010). Caffeine modulates attention network function. Brain and Cognition, 72(2): 181-189. • Casas M (2004). Effects of Coffee and Caffeine on Mood and Mood Disorders. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 73-83. • Cornelis MC e.a. (2007). Genetic polymorphism of the adenosine A2A receptor is associated with habitual caffeine consumption. Am J Clin Nutr, 86: 240–244. • Cowan N (2008). What are the differences between long-term, short-term, and working memory? Prog Brain Res, 169: 323-338. • Daly JW e.a. (2004). Mechanism of Action of Caffeine on the Nervous System. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 1-11. • Fisone G e.a. (2004). Caffeine as a psychomotor stimulant: mechanism of action. Cell Mol Life Sci, 61(7-8): 857-872. • Fredholm B e.a. (1999). Actions of caffeine in the brain with special reference to factors that contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacology Rev, 51(1): 83-133. • Haskell CF e.a. (2005). Cognitive and mood improvements of caffeine in habitual consumers and habitual non-consumers of caffeine. Psychopharmacology, 179: 813-825. • Hewlett P and Smith A (2007). Effects of repeated doses of caffeine on performance and alertness: new data and secondary analyses. Hum Psychopharmacology, 21: 167-180. • Higdon JV and Frei B (2006). Coffee and health: a review of recent human research. Critical Reviews in Foods Science and Nutrition, 56(2): 101-123. • James JE and Rogers PJ (2005). Effects of caffeine on performance and mood: withdrawal reversal is most plausible explanation. Psychopharmacology, 182: 1-8. • Ker K e.a. (2010). Caffeine for the prevention of injuries and errors in shift workers (Review). The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.thecochranelibrary. • Lieberman HR (2001). The effects of Ginseng, Ephedrine, and Caffeine on cognitive performance, mood and energy. Nutrition Reviews, 59: 91-102. • Lorist MM and Tops M (2003). Caffeine, fatigue and cognition. Brain and Cognition, 53: 82-84. • Lorist MM e.a. (1994). Influence of caffeine on information processing stages in well rested and fatigued subjects. Psychopharmacology, 113: 411–421. • Lorist MM e.a. (1996). Acute effects of caffeine on selective attention and visual search processes. Psychophysiology, 33: 354-361. • Nawrot P e.a. (2003). Effects of caffeine on health. Food Additives and Contaminants, 20(1): 1-30. • Nehlig A e.a. (1992). Caffeine and the central nervous system: Mechanisms of action, biochemical, metabolic, and psycho stimulant effects. Brain Research Reviews, 17: 139-170. • Nehlig A (2010). Is Caffeine a Cognitive Enhancer? J Alzheimers Dis, 20, S1: 85-94. 26 |
  • 27. • Olson CA e.a. (2010). Effects of Adenosine Antagonists, Quercetin and Caffeine, on Vigilance and Mood. J Clin Psychopharmacology, 30(5): 537-578. • Quinlan PT e.a. (2000). The acute physiological and mood effects of tea and coffee: the role of caf- feine level. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 66(1): 19-28. • Retey JV e.a. (2007). A genetic variation in the adenosine A2A receptor gene (ADORA2A) contributes to individual sensitivity to caffeine effects on sleep. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 81: 692–698. • Robelin M and Rogers PJ (1998). Mood and psychomotor performance effects of the first, but not of subsequent, cup of coffee equivalent doses of caffeine consumed after overnight caffeine abstinence. Behav Pharmacol, 9(7): 611-618. • Ruijter J (1999). The influence of different doses of caffeine on visual task performance. Journal of Psychophysiology, 13: 37-48. • Ruijter J e.a. (2000). The effects of caffeine on visual selective attention to color: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 37: 427-439. • Ruusunen A e.a. (2010). Coffee, tea and caffeine intake and the risk of severe depression in middle-aged Finnish men: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. Public Health Nutrition, 1-6. • Ryan L e.a. (2002). Caffeine reduces time-of-day effects on memory performance in older adults. Psychological Science, 13: 68-71. • Sagaspe P (2007). Aging and nocturnal driving: better with coffee or a nap? A randomized study. Sleep, 30(12): 1808-1813. • Sanchez-Ortuno M e.a. (2005). Sleep duration and caffeine consumption in a French middle-aged working population. Sleep Medicine, 6: 247-251. • Schmitt JAJ e.a. (2005). General methodological considerations for the assessment of nutritional influences on human cognitive functions. Eur J Nutr, 44: 459-464. • Smit HR and Rogers PJ (2000). Effects of low doses of caffeine on cognitive performance, mood and thirst in low and higher caffeine consumers. Psychophymacology, 152: 167-173. • Smith A (2002). Effects of caffeine on human behaviour. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40:1243-1255. • Smith AP e.a. (1993). Investigation of the Effects of Coffee on Alertness and Performance during the day and night. Neuropsychobiology, 27: 217-223. • Smith AP e.a. (1999). Effects of low dose of caffeine given in different drinks on mood and performance. Human Psychopharm Clin Exp, 14: 473-482. • Smith AP (2005a). Caffeine at work. Hum Psychopharmacol. 20(6): 441-445. • Smith AP e.a. (2005b). Effects of repeated doses of caffeine and mood and performance of alert and fatigued volunteers. J Psychopharmacol, 19(6): 620-626. • Smith AP e.a. (2006). Effects of caffeine in overnight withdrawn consumers and non-consumers. Nutritional Neuroscience, 9: 63-71. • Smith BD e.a. (2004). Arousal and behaviour: Biopsychological Effects of Caffeine. In A. Nehlig (ed). Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 35-52. • Snel J e.a. (2004). Coffee, Caffeine, and Cognitive Performance. In A. Nehlig (Ed.). Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Brain. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press: 53-71. • Tieges Z (2007). Caffeine and cognitive control: Behavioural and electrophysiological studies. Thesis: ISBN 987-90-9022340-7. • Van Boxtel MPJ and Schmitt JAJ (2004). Age-Related Changes in the Effects of Coffee on Memory and Cognitive Performance. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 85-96. Coffee and the brain | 27
  • 28. 28 |
  • 29. 3 Coffee and cognitive aging 1 What is the difference between normal cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia? By late adulthood, people typically experience some deterioration in cogni- tive abilities as part of the normal course of aging. Abilities, such as memory, reasoning and processing speed, all seem to decline, on average, with age (Corley, 2010). People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) suffer from more severe memory impairments beyond that would be expected according to age (Roberts, 2009). People with MCI are at higher risk of progressing to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, which in turn is the leading cause of dementia. With dementia, people lose their cognitive abilities to an extent that they are unable to carry out normal activities and relationships. In addition to memory losses also behavior and personality changes can occur. 2 What are the acute effects of coffee in elderly people? It’s well known that caffeine ingestion leads to dose dependent increased ener- getic arousal, which reflects alertness and mental energy (Nehlig, 2010). Caffeine is a mild stimulant and its cognitive enhancing effects are more pronounced in individuals with low arousal levels, for instance due to sleep deprivation, fatigue or prolonged mental activity (see chapter 2, questions 3 and 4). Since mental energy and speed of information processing diminish with age, elderly in particular could benefit from the cognitive effects of caffeine. The vast majority of knowledge on the acute behavioral effects of caffeine is based on experiments with young or middle-aged subjects. Although caffeine appears to be metabolized similarly in young and old individuals, only few studies have investigated the acute cognitive effects of caffeine in elderly. The results indicate that caffeine may restore arousal Coffee and the brain | 29
  • 30. levels and hence facilitate cognitive functioning (Van Boxtel, 2004). This effect is even more pronounced in situations of prolonged mental activity, since elderly have less compensatory capacity (spare energy sources). Moreover, research suggests that caffeine intake can ameliorate the decline in memory performance during the day in older adults (Ryan, 2002). There is some, although very limited, evidence suggesting that older people may benefit more from relatively higher dosage (Van Boxtel, 2004). It is suggested to be an interesting topic for further research since caffeine intake typically increases in early adulthood and declines with older age. 3 Could caffeine counteract age-related cognitive decline? There is a growing number of epidemiological studies suggesting that coffee consumption is associated with better cognitive performance later in life. In a large cross- sectional study of 9,003 British adults a dose-response trend between habitual coffee consumption and cognitive abilities was measured; the oldest men and women seemed to benefit most from a higher caffeine in- take (Jarvis, 1993). Higher caffeine intake was not associated to better cognition after 6 years in 1,376 individuals studied in the Netherlands (Van Boxtel, 2003). In a prospective population study in France, higher caffeine consumption was associated with less memory decline in women but not in men. The association was stronger with increasing age and higher caffeine doses (> 300 mg per day) (Ritchie, 2007). Similar results were found in a study by Johnson-Kozlow (2002). In a longitudinal prospective cohort study with 676 older men in Finland, Italy and the Netherlands, coffee intake was associated with lower levels of cognitive decline 10 years later in life, with 4.3 times less decline in men consuming 3 cups a day in comparison with non-consumers (Van Gelder, 2007). 30 |
  • 31. In a Scottish study, a general trend was shown for individuals who drink more coffee and less tea to have better cognitive health at age 70 (Corley, 2010). So far, results indicate that habitual coffee and or caffeine intake seems to be as- sociated with less cognitive decline in elderly. 4 Does caffeine intake protect from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? There are currently no cures and only limited treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease. Research focused on prevention of Alzheimer disease suggested that coffee and caffeine might have a protective effect on the likelihood of develop- ing Alzheimers’s disease (Rosso, 2008). In a meta-analysis of two case-control studies and two cohort studies on coffee consumption and the risk of Alzhe- imer’s disease a protective effect of coffee consumption was found (Barranco Quintana, 2007). In the pooled estimate the risk was 0.73 (i.e. 27% lower) for coffee-users versus non-coffee users. In a Finnish cohort study with an average follow-up of 21 years, coffee drinking at midlife was associated with a decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and dementia later in life. There are several indications that caffeine, and perhaps other components in coffee as well, play a neuroprotective role in the aging brain through a combination of actions, including anti-inflammatory effects by blockade of both A1 and A2A receptors. Caffeine has been suggested to increase transcription factors which enhance cell proliferation and prevent cell death. Moreover, caffeine has been shown to reduce the negative effects of ␤-amyloid, whose accumulation is the pathological signature of Alzheimer disease (Rosso, 2008). Caffeine consump- tion was shown to be dose-dependently related with less white matter lesions in elderly women, which is an indication of less ␤-amyloid accumulation (Ritchie, 2010). These biological findings indicate that the relationship between caffeine and cognitive decline found in epidemiological research is highly likely to be a true causal relationship and not a spurious association (Ritchie, 2010). Coffee and the brain | 31
  • 32. Polyphenols in coffee have been hypothesized to neutralize free radicals that can cause damage to neurons and other cells and have also anti-inflammatory prop- erties. There are still a lot of questions to be answered before a conclusion on the potential protective effect of coffee and or caffeine can be drawn, however the results so far are encouraging. 5 What causes Parkinson’s disease and what is the effect of coffee? Parkinson’s disease is suggested to be a multifactorial disease, although the precise cause for Parkinson’s disease remains still undetermined. Complex interactions between neurotoxins and neuroprotective agents with genetic factors are thought to be responsible for the development and progression of the disease (Morelli, 2010). Genetic factors seem to be important in early-onset cases of Parkinson’s disease, while environmental and lifestyle factors are probably more relevant in the development of Parkinson’s disease at older ages (Costa, 2010). Among these lifestyle factors, coffee/caffeine is of particular interest in light of caffeine’s safety and widespread consumption. Caffeine has been demonstrated to be neuropro- tective in various experimental models of Parkinson’s disease (Xu, 2010; Morelli, 2010; Kachroo, 2010), probably via blocking A2A receptors in the brain. The knowledge on the plausible biological mechanism based on the pharmacological actions of caffeine strengthens the inverse association between coffee drinking and Parkinson’s disease found in epidemiological research (Costa, 2010). 32 |
  • 33. 6 Is coffee consumption a protective factor for Parkinson’s disease? The first study to indicate the possible effects of drinking coffee and reducing the risk of Parkinson disease was published as early as 1968 (Nefzger, 1968). More than 30 years later, a meta-analysis including 8 case-control and 5 cohort studies demonstrated that the relative risk of Parkinson’s disease was 30% lower for coffee drinkers, in comparison to non-coffee drinkers (Hernan, 2002). A recent systemic review and meta-analysis of 26 studies (7 cohorts, 2 nested case-controls, 16 case-controls and 1 cross-sectional study) on caffeine and the risk of Parkinson’s disease confirmed the strength of the inverse association (Costa, 2010). A 25% reduction in risk of Parkinson’s disease among caffeine consumers was demonstrated. The results also indicate a linear dose-response relation, with higher intakes of caffeine being associated with lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, coffee consumption is significantly associated with a reduced Parkinson’s disease mortality in men (Ascherio, 2004); the effect in women was dependent on post menopausal estrogens use. In women consuming 4 cups or more coffee per day compared to women not consum- ing coffee the risk reduced by 53% among never users and increased by 30% among users (Ascherio, 2004). These differences could partly reflect a varia- tion in the genetic expression of one enzyme metabolizing caffeine, CYP1A2 rs762551 (Palacios, 2010). Coffee and the brain | 33
  • 34. References • Ascherio A e.a. (2004). Coffee consumption, Gender, and Parkinsons’s disease mortality in the Can- cer prevention Study II Cohort: The Modifying Effects of Estrogen. Am J Epidemiol 160(10): 977-984. • Barranco Quintana JL e.a. (2007). Alzheimer’s disease and coffee: a quantitative review. Neurol Res, 29: 91-95. • Corley J e.a. (2010). Caffeine consumption and cognitive function at age 70: The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 Study. Psychosom Med, 72: 206-214. • Costa J e.a. (2010). Caffeine Exposure and the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies, 20: S221-S238. • Hernan MA (2002). A meta-analysis of Coffee Drinking, Cigarette Smoking, and the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease. Ann Neurol, 52: 276-284. • Jarvis MJ (1993). Does caffeine intake enhance absolute levels of cognitive performance? Psychopharmacology, 110(1-2): 45-52. • Johnson-Kozlow M e.a. (2002). Coffee consumption and cognitive function among older adults. Am J Epidemiol, 156: 842-850. • Kachroo A e.a. (2010). Caffeine protects against combined paraquat and maneb-induced dopaminergic neuron degeneration. Exp Neurol, 223: 657-661. • Morelli M and Simola N (2010). Can dietary substances protect against Parkinson’s disease? The case of caffeine. Exp Neurol, 225(2): 246-249. • Nefzger MD e.a. (1968). A retrospective study of smoking in Parkinson’s disease. Am J Eidemiol, 88: 149-158. • Nehlig A (2010). Is Caffeine a Cognitive Enhancer? J Alzheimer’s Disease 20, S1: 85-94. • Palacios N e.a. (2010). Polymorphisms of caffeine metabolism and estrogen receptor genes and risk of Parkinson's disease in men and women. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 16(6): 370-375. • Ritchie K e.a. (2007). The neuroprotective effects of caffeine. A prospective population study. Neurology, 69: 536-545. • Ritchie K e.a. (2010). Caffeine, cognitive functioning, and white matter lesions in the elderly: establishing causality from epidemiological evidence. J Alzheimers Dis, 20 S1: 161-166. • Roberts JL e.a. (2009). Subject memory Complaints and Awareness of Memory Functioning in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review. Demet Geriatr Cogn Disord, 28: 95-109. • Rosso A e.a. (2008). Caffeine: Neuroprotective Functions in Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Dem, 23(5): 417-422. • Ryan L e.a. (2002). Caffeine reduces time-of-day effects on memory performance in older adults. Psychological Science, 13(1): 68-71. • Van Boxtel MPJ e.a. (2003). The effects of habitual caffeine use on cognitive change: a longitudinal perspective. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 75: 921-927. • Van Boxtel MPJ and Schmitt JAJ (2004). Age-Related Changes in the Effects of Coffee on Memory and Cognitive Performance. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the Brain; CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida: 85-96. • Van Gelder B e.a. (2007). Coffee consumption is inversely associated with cognitive decline in elderly European men: the FINE Study. Eur J Clin Nutr, 61(2): 226-232. • Xu K e.a. (2010). Neuroprotection by caffeine: Time course and role of its metabolites in the MPTP model of Parkinson Disease. Neuroscience, 167(2): 475-481. 34 |
  • 35. Study of coffee and health Every type of research has its own evidential value and limitations. Most of the studies reported in this brochure can be differentiated into: 1. Meta-analysis: A literature study of various studies (intervention studies, cohort studies and/or patient control studies) of the relationship between coffee con- sumption behaviour and a biomarker or (medical) condition, with the aim of obtaining a more precise outcome. 2. Cohort study (prospective): In this brochure in the case of this type of study large groups of people have been monitored (prospectively) over a longer period. In this context at the start of the study differences in coffee consumption between people who have and have not developed a (medical) condition during the study are examined. The pattern of coffee consumption of the participants has therefore not been influenced by the condition. 3. Cross-sectional study: This is a study in which one monitors simultaneously (smaller) cohorts which follow each other in time. For example a group in the age range 31-45 and a group in the age range 45-60 are then examined simul- taneously. In this case at the start of the study differences in coffee consumption have been examined between people who did and people who did not acquire the (medical) condition during the study. In this manner a good picture can be obtained of the association between for example coffee consumption and the development of a condition between the ages of 30 and 60. 4. Patient-control study: In the case of this type of study the differences in coffee consumption patterns are investigated in groups of people who have and have not developed the (medical) condition. In this case therefore questions are asked after the event about previous coffee consumption behaviour. A disad- vantage of this type of study may be that the coffee consumption pattern of the people who have that condition has been modified or is assessed differently than in the case of people who do not have the condition. 5. Intervention study: In the case of this type the effect of the substance to be investigated on a group of people is measured and compared with a control group, which is not given the substance. Intervention studies in the area of coffee research are usually relatively short and the group size is limited. Coffee and the brain | 35
  • 36. Coffee brain and the KO F F I E E N G E Z O N D H E I D