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Capítulo 6 Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria,  del sueño y psicofisiológicos ¡Me encanta comer! ¡Detesto comer!
Estrés y la enfermedad  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],P. 188
Estrés, emociones y apoyo social ¡Es tan difícil enfrentar la enfermedad grave de mi esposo! A veces me siento tan agotada que quiero tirar la toalla. Pero Dios es mi fortaleza y me ha prometido nunca dejarme. Además, mis hermanas de la iglesia me apoyan bastante y oran conmigo.   P. 189
Estrés, emociones y apoyo social P. 189 Estrés Emociones  negativas Función del sistema  inmunológico Mal estado  de salud Estrés Apoyo  social Función del sistema  inmunológico Mejor estado  de salud
Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Es esto  belleza?
Anorexia nerviosa
¿Ser delgada es mejor?
¿Para qué hacer esto a tu propio cuerpo?
Ana Carolina Reston – murió a los 22
Luisel Ramos,  modelo de Uruguay,    murió a los 22 años   Eliana Ramos, su hermana, murió  6 meses después a los 18
¿Es problema en el Perú? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Es problema en el Perú? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Anorexia es algo nuevo?  ,[object Object],[object Object]
¿Anorexia es algo nuevo?  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Qué es la anorexia nerviosa? ,[object Object],[object Object]
Prácticas características ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Los principales síntomas de anorexia: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Los síntomas que dan  la voz de alarma a la familia: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Otros rasgos típicos ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Consecuencias clínicas (médicas) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Qué es la bulimia nerviosa? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Signos físicos de bulimia: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Consecuencias clínicas (médicas):  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Motivaciones ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Motivaciones ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Hay   respuestas bíblicas? ¡Hay esperanza! La consejería bíblica
Una filosofía bíblica en cuanto  a ti mismo y los alimentos ,[object Object],[object Object]
Lo más importante ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],P. 161
La  tiranía  de la comida y de alimentarse ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
El propósito de Dios  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Los atributos de Dios ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
El cambio es interno ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
5 razones internas  del problema de la conducta alimentaria ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Todo lo contrario, cada uno es tentado cuando sus propios malos deseos lo arrastran y seducen. Luego, cuando el deseo ha concebido, engendra el pecado; y el pecado, una vez que ha sido consumado, da a luz la muerte. . Santiago 1.14-15
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],5 razones internas…
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],5 razones internas…
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],5 razones internas…
El problema de la conducta alimentaria es causado por factores externos: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],El problema de la conducta alimentaria es causado por factores externos:
Teorías de motivación ,[object Object],[object Object]
Teorías de motivación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Teorías de motivación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Asumiendo la responsabilidad ,[object Object],[object Object]
¿La psicología o la medicina  tienen la respuesta? ,[object Object],[object Object]
¿Por qué algunos caen en la anorexia o la bulimia? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
La motivación de los deseos ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
1.  Pedir que Dios examine la condición de tu corazón ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
2. P asar tiempo en la Palabra. ,[object Object],[object Object]
3. Orar para no caer en la tentación. ,[object Object]
4. Resistir las tentaciones ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
A veces los hábitos alimenticios reflejan los malos deseos ,[object Object],[object Object]
Reconoce tus malos deseos y cámbialos por deseos piadosos. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Desea y anhela a Dios ,[object Object],[object Object]
Corrige los pensamientos ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Motivaciones para cuidar tu cuerpo
Motivaciones para cuidar tu cuerpo ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Comprado por precio ¿Acaso no sabes que tu cuerpo  es templo del Espíritu Santo?
Tienes que servir a Dios.  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
El método bíblico de cambiar los hábitos de comer: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Perspectiva bíblica Esperanza bíblica Cambio bíblico Práctica bíblica
Aprecia la obra del Espíritu Santo ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
La meta: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¡Hay esperanza! Que el Dios de la esperanza los llene de toda alegría y paz a ustedes que creen en él, para que rebosen de esperanza por el poder del Espíritu Santo. . Ro 15.13
Aplicar los principios de Autoconfrontación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Aplicar los principios de Autoconfrontación ,[object Object],[object Object]
Aplicar los principios de Autoconfrontación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Aplicar los principios de Autoconfrontación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Aplicar los principios de Autoconfrontación ,[object Object],[object Object]
Cómo Ayudar ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cómo Ayudar ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cómo Ayudar ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Principios bíblicos acerca de enfermedad
3 razones bíblicos porque las personas se enferman ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],3 razones bíblicos porque las personas se enferman
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],3 razones bíblicos porque las personas se enferman
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Principios bíblicos de salud
Trastornos psicofisicológicos ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Trastornos cardiovasculares ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Personalidad Tipo A - ¿alto riesgo? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Consejería bíblica para reducir la susceptibilidad a la EC  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Consejería bíblica para cáncer ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Consejos personales y espirituales para enfrentar el cáncer ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object]
Cómo ocurre  el dolor: El dolor emocional o físico corre por las neuronas hacia el cerebro en forma de impulsos eléctricos.
Cómo ocurre el dolor: dolor neurona -- I -- S neurotransmisor receptor
Cómo ocurre el dolor: Si una droga es soltada cerca al sinapsis que encaja perfectamente en el sitio de los receptores opiáceos, bloquea el mensaje de dolor que el neurotransimisor había traído al sinapsis y no se siente el dolor.
Molécula neurotransmisor Membrana de la neurona receptora Receptor en la neurona que recibe Agonista : imita la acción del neurotransmisor Antagonista : impide el impacto del neurotransmisor
[object Object],[object Object],opiáceo Receptor de opiáceos  Membrana de la célula postsináptica
Comprendiendo el dolor y sufrimiento ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Comprendiendo el dolor y sufrimiento ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Unos propósitos del dolor y sufrimiento ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Consejería bíblica para dolor ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Conclusión ,[object Object]

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Más de Maria Nela Rivera Aranda

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Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
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Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
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Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
Clase 3
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Separata clase 3
Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
Historia clínica
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Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
Clase 2
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Separata clase 2
Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
Separata clase 1
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Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
Clase 1
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Unidad De Aprendizaje Censos en el Perú
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Maria Nela Rivera Aranda
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Clase 5
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Separata clase 5
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Clase 3
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Separata clase 3
Historia clínica
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Historia clínica
Clase 2
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Clase 2
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Separata clase 2
Separata clase 1
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Último (8)

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Clase 4

  • 1. Capítulo 6 Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, del sueño y psicofisiológicos ¡Me encanta comer! ¡Detesto comer!
  • 2.
  • 3. Estrés, emociones y apoyo social ¡Es tan difícil enfrentar la enfermedad grave de mi esposo! A veces me siento tan agotada que quiero tirar la toalla. Pero Dios es mi fortaleza y me ha prometido nunca dejarme. Además, mis hermanas de la iglesia me apoyan bastante y oran conmigo. P. 189
  • 4. Estrés, emociones y apoyo social P. 189 Estrés Emociones negativas Función del sistema inmunológico Mal estado de salud Estrés Apoyo social Función del sistema inmunológico Mejor estado de salud
  • 5.
  • 6. ¿Es esto belleza?
  • 9. ¿Para qué hacer esto a tu propio cuerpo?
  • 10. Ana Carolina Reston – murió a los 22
  • 11. Luisel Ramos, modelo de Uruguay, murió a los 22 años Eliana Ramos, su hermana, murió 6 meses después a los 18
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.  
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.  
  • 30.  
  • 31. ¿Hay respuestas bíblicas? ¡Hay esperanza! La consejería bíblica
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. Comprado por precio ¿Acaso no sabes que tu cuerpo es templo del Espíritu Santo?
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. ¡Hay esperanza! Que el Dios de la esperanza los llene de toda alegría y paz a ustedes que creen en él, para que rebosen de esperanza por el poder del Espíritu Santo. . Ro 15.13
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101.
  • 102. Dolor
  • 103. Cómo ocurre el dolor: El dolor emocional o físico corre por las neuronas hacia el cerebro en forma de impulsos eléctricos.
  • 104. Cómo ocurre el dolor: dolor neurona -- I -- S neurotransmisor receptor
  • 105. Cómo ocurre el dolor: Si una droga es soltada cerca al sinapsis que encaja perfectamente en el sitio de los receptores opiáceos, bloquea el mensaje de dolor que el neurotransimisor había traído al sinapsis y no se siente el dolor.
  • 106. Molécula neurotransmisor Membrana de la neurona receptora Receptor en la neurona que recibe Agonista : imita la acción del neurotransmisor Antagonista : impide el impacto del neurotransmisor
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112.

Notas del editor

  1. Vi lo siguiente en El Comercio el año 2007: No Anorexia: la nueva campaña de NOLITA La impactante campaña que ha lanzado la firma de ropa Nolita no deja dudas. La imagen de una chica anoréxica substituye a la típica modelo como denuncia ¿Paradójico? Nueva campaña de Nolita martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007 - Judit Pérez El tema elegido para comunicar este mensaje, en particular dirigido a mujeres jóvenes que siguen la moda, es el de una chica joven que ha caído en la anorexia y bulimia . Nolita vuelve a comprometerse y a mostrar su rechazo a esta enfermedad social ya que solamente en Italia afecta a casi dos millones de personas. Es curioso como una firma de ropa opta por una campaña tan arriesgada como es la de denuncia de la anorexia cuando es la propia moda a la que se culpa de fomentar esta enfermedad entre las jóvenes. Oliviero Toscani, el encargado de realizar esta campaña ha comentado 'He estado observando el tema de la anorexia y bulimia durante años, ¿quién es el responsable? ¿la comunicación en general?, ¿la televisión?, ¿la moda? Así que es muy interesante que una firma de moda haya entendido la importancia del problema y que haya tenido la valentía de asumir el riesgo que conlleva esta campaña.' La campaña se verá en muchas ciudades italianas y en los principales periódicos del país. También está respaldada por el ministerio de salud italiano ya que cree que una iniciativa de este tipo puede abrir un original y privilegiado canal de comunicación con la gente joven creando un gran impacto que puede promover la responsabilidad hacia el problema de la anorexia.
  2. Muchas veces la anorexia empieza con la idea que debe perder un poco de peso para verse mejor. Le gusta la atención y los elogios que recibe cuando otras personas empiezan a admirarle por ser tan delgada. Invierte más y más atención y esfuerzos en su imagen y su dieta. Sigue bajando de peso. Llega a ser una obsesión, y no se da cuenta cuando se pasa de los límites de ser delgada y ser un esqueleto. La anorexia nerviosa, una obsesión mortal con la pérdida de peso, es vista como un problema de mujeres entre los 12 y los 25 años de edad. La bulimia nerviosa es básicamente una tendencia de ingerir muchos alimentos en atracones y después ayunar, usar purgativos y provocarse vómitos para prevenir el aumento de peso. La fuerte culpa que sienten es supuestamente el resultado de una cultura de comida rápida y chatarra chocando con una cultura que presiona para ser delgado.
  3. Una joven anoréxica es la protagonista de la nueva campaña de publicidad de la marca italiana Nolita realizada por Oliviero Toscani. Aquí tenéis una traducción de la opinión de Nolita al respecto, encontrada en su página web: La protagonista elegida para comunicar el mensaje, dirigido a las chicas que siguen la moda, es una mujer joven victima de la enfermedad que junto con la bulimia afecta a 2 millones de personas solo en Italia. Toscani ha desnudado a la protagonista, para enseñar a todos la realidad de esta enfermedad, causada en muchos casos por los estereotipos impuestos a las mujeres por el mundo de la moda. “ Debo de reconocer que cuando vi la foto por primera vez-dice Luisa Bertoncello, la directora de FlashandPartners- me chocó la verdad tan explicita y aplastante. Sin embargo hoy en día, la intención de muchas empresas es usar la publicidad como instrumento para sensibilizar la gente sobre los malos sociales. Hacer comunicación con un lenguaje simple, combinando el arte y el consumo, el marketing y la información, a través de los medios de comunicación más eficaces a nuestro alcance hoy en día: la publicidad. ” Toscani dice: “ He estado investigando la anorexia durante muchos años. ¿Quien es responsable? ¿La comunicación en general? ¿La televisión? ¿La moda? Por lo tanto es muy interesante que una empresa del sector de la moda haya comprendido la importancia del problema, y con consciencia haya tenido el coraje de arriesgarse con esta campaña. Como la moda está implicada en este mal de los tiempos modernos, la campaña tendrá mucha repercusión con carteles y anuncios en muchas ciudades y en los periódicos diarios más importantes de Italia durante la semana de la moda de Milán. La campaña “ NO ANOREXIA-NOLITA ” está respaldada por el ministerio de la Salud, la ministra Livia Turco dice en una carta: “ El tema de la anorexia es verdaderamente un gran problema para la salud de los jóvenes, el ministerio de la salud le dedicará una atención especial… Este tipo de iniciativa puede efectivamente abrir un canal de comunicación especial y privilegiado con los jóvenes, con un mensaje impactante que puede sensibilizar acerca del problema de la anorexia. ”
  4. Anorexia alarm for italian mums By Web Editor. Filed under General , News from Italy , Lifestyle on April 7th, 2007 In the same week that fashion heiress Allegra Versace was revealed to be anorexic, Italian dieticians painted a grim picture of a nation where mothers and daughters are both increasingly prey to eating disorders. Experts at a National Dieticians Association conference in Rome said that a growing incidence of anorexia and bulimia is linked to mothers ’ desire to resist aging and to young girls’ fear of getting bigger. Anorexia, the potentially deadly obsession with losing weight, is usually seen as a problem which mainly affects females aged between 12 and 25. Official figures say it strikes only 3-5 adolescent girls per 1,000. But Giovanna Cecchetto, president of the Dieticians Association, said her category is also noticing a wholly new phenomenon - a tendency for women aged 40 or over to become anorexic. “ There is no definitive data yet for the over-40s, because it’s a recent phenomenon. But we’re noticing an increase in the number of requests for help precisely in this age group and sometimes even after 55 or 60,” she said. “ It’s often women who can’t bear the idea of the menopause arriving because they see it as the beginning of old age,” Cecchetto added. Psychologists say that if a woman in her 40s has a bad relationship with food it is often something that goes back many years and is connected to excessively strict diets that lead women to demonise food. Anorexia continues to affect adolescents and most experts believe the official figures are much too low because only one in three sufferers seek professional help. Data released at the Rome conference showed that anorexia is now striking girls as young as eight. But, according to the dieticians association, bulimia is now the fastest growing food disorder among the young, especially in cities, where it is estimated to affect at least 1% of youths. Bulimia - a tendency to go on eating binges and then induce vomiting out of a sense of guilt - is seen as the result of ‘fast food’ culture colliding with the cultural pressure to be thin. ‘ DIFFICULT TO SPOT’. “ Anorexia and bulimia are linked to a deep interior suffering, but it’s difficult for other people to notice until they start to show visible symptoms of the disease,” said Massimo Cuzzolaro, professor of psychiatry at Rome’s La Sapienza University. “ It’s possible that sufferers will get better by themselves but unfortunately that doesn’t normally happen,” he added. Anorexia is the mental disease with the highest risk of death. A girl with anorexia is 12 times more likely to die than a healthy one. It appears that both anorexia and bulimia strike all social classes indifferently. The 20-year-old heiress of the Versace fashion house has been suffering from anorexia for a number of years, her parents said on Wednesday. Designer Donatella Versace and her ex-husband, Paul Beck, said Allegra had “been battling anorexia, a very serious disease, for many years”. “ She is receiving the best medical care possible to help overcome this illness and is responding well,” said the statement. Prof. Cuzzolaro proposed the introduction in Italy of compulsory hospital treatment for life-threatening anorexia cases, as now happens in Britain. But he admitted that even this was no real solution to the problem. “Faced with a girl who has decided to let herself die there’s nothing you can really do”. Italy Stages Anorexia Summit Godfrey Deeny December 06th, 2006 @ 10:49 AM - Paris Italian state and luxury industry authorities have announced plans to create a new set of rules in a campaign to fight anorexia in the fashion industry. Entitled the National Manifesto of Self-Regulation, the plan is a response to recent global concern about anorexia among young models.
  5. The move comes in the wake of the death of two models in Latin America from severe undereating. Last month, 21-year-old Brazilian Ana Carolina Reston died of kidney malfunction due to anorexia nervosa and bulimia, weighing just 88 pounds. Her diet consisted of only eating apples and tomatoes. La modelo de 21 años, de 1.74 metros de altura y apenas 40 kilos de peso,
  6. In August, Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos died of a heart attack during a fashion show, reportedly after eating just lettuce leaves and Diet Coke for the three months before her death. Ramos' death led Madrid city council to ban obviously underweight models from the city's fashion week in the fall. The Council ordered that models must have a body mass index or BMI - a scale measuring the ratio of weight to height - of at least 18. Models who are 5 feet 9 inches tall must weigh a minimum of about 123 pounds or 56 kilos. Milan Mayor Letizia Moratti subsequently threatened to bring in the Madrid body mass test against so-called zero-sized models, when the Italian season started this coming weekend. Though Moratti's threat was never put into effect, the Italian Minister for Youth Policies and Sport Giovanna Melandri has decided to be more pro-active. Melandri met Mario Boselli, President of Camera della Moda, Italian fashion's governing body, in Rome Tuesday to hammer out a national campaign against anorexia. Their goal is to create a manifesto governing models' size that will be signed by designers, big brands, model agencies, photographers and make up artists ahead of the next seasons in Milan and Rome. The next major season will be the Italian men's collections in Milan, which debut Sunday, Jan. 14. "We are working on it and we have a common goal," Melandri and Boselli said in a joint statement. After the Madrid council, a key sponsor of that city's fashion week, instituted its BMI scale, some 30 percent of girls who auditioned were turned away as their BMI was below 18.5. However, many fashion insiders found that standard unrealistic, noting that Kate Moss weighs 105 pounds making her BMI around 15, while Brazilian uber model Gisele Bundchen has a BMI of around 16.
  7. Porcentaje de muerte: el 5% de las personas con anorexia o bulimia (Zusman).
  8. Cuantos conoces tú? Yo . Un varón, una niña de 10 años, una mujer de 50 años, todas las demás chicas entre 14-30 – S, A, E, M, E, N, A, G
  9. Santa Rosa de Lima
  10. Santa Rosa de Lima
  11. En su reportaje titulado "Anorexia: La dieta Mortal", publicado por la revista limeña "Caretas" (4) , Gastón Agurto refleja esta situación cuando escribe... "Pasarelas de modelaje, escuelas de danza y gimnasios son los lugares más frecuentados por las anoréxicas. Los entrenadores de los gimnasios ya las conocen. Ellas se embarcan en máquinas de ejercicios, rutinas de aeróbicos o spinning de tres a cinco horas seguidas e incluso repiten el plato durante la noche. ‘ Actúan como autómatas – dice un entrenador —, concentradas en el ejercicio y en el número de calorías que aparecen en la pantalla de las máquinas. Se detectan entre ellas y hacen competencias de resistencia. Pero si les recomiendas que descansen, se irritan y te mandan al diablo. ’ Y en el baño de mujeres – cuentan testigos — son frecuentes las conversaciones sobre las más audaces maneras de adelgazar. Entre ellas mismas se recomiendan "neutralizantes de sabor" para perderle el gusto a las comidas, laxantes, diuréticos y enemas para purgarse, así como poderosos fármacos supresores del apetito y antidepresivos que se venden en las farmacias sin prescripción médica." Muchos especialistas han alertado sobre el abuso que se hace de los gimnasios por parte de mujeres que quieren bajar de peso.
  12. Pero esto de "estar a la moda" , como se les ha inculcado a las jovencitas, no parece ser tan simple. Algunos expertos han coincidido en señalar que muchos de los problemas de las adolescentes empiezan en los probadores de las tiendas. La moda estrecha, la ropa con tallas pequeñas – y cada vez más pequeñas — las obliga, por presión propia o ajena, o para sentirse "en onda" , a emprender rigurosas dietas con el fin de bajar de peso para poder encajar con la ropa de moda. Este es uno de los principales detonantes de la anorexia. "Si a una predisposición biológica se suma a aspectos sicológicos y familiares, la persona estará más expuesta a la enfermedad – señala Alfredo Nudman, profesional del Centro Siquiátrico de Santiago de Chile —. Pero hacer dieta, en este caso para usar una ropa determinada, es lo que detona la bomba de tiempo." (22) Y es que el peligro de esto cuenta con el agravante de que, según las estadísticas, el 90 por ciento de las mujeres mayores de 14 años ha hecho dieta alguna vez.
  13. Influencias culturales – Afán estético: asocian a la delgadez extrema con belleza, éxito social, estereotípicos difundidos por algunos medios de comunicación. Emocional – “ Me sentía vacía y el estómago vacío era simplemente de acorde con mi estado emocional. ” - Presentan otros problemas emocionales como ansiedad y depresión. Narcisismo - “ Anorexia es un trastorno caracterizado por la egolatría, el egocentrismo y el egoísmo, que provoca en quien lo padece ‘ una imagen idealizada de sí mismo ’ que lleva a sentirse ‘ especial y superior a los demás ’ . Psíquico - Distorsión de la imagen corporal – Se ven gordas a pesar de que están muy delgadas. Es una percepción distorsionada y delirante Traumas – La reacción de no comer o comer demasiado es común después de un trauma. Si no está resuelta, puede desarrollar anorexia. En particular el abuso sexual del niño lo hace propenso a desarrollar anorexia. Éxito personal/profesional = ¿anorexia? El consumismo a ultranza, la competitividad por sobre todas las cosas – esto es, el tan criticado "capitalismo salvaje" que, por más que se diga que no, manda en nuestras vidas —, la deshumanización de las relaciones interpersonales y el egoísmo han creado una sociedad frívola y vacía, sin valores altruistas, donde las personas son simples objetos del "compre" o "venda" . En el mundo occidental – y parte del oriental —, el dios “ establishment" y la industria del marketing marcan ahora la senda a seguir en aras del éxito, el culto al ego y la vanidad. Las enfermedades surgidas a consecuencia de ello, como la anorexia y la bulimia, son simplemente "males necesarios" . Y mientras muchas voces ya están reclamando el cambio a un mercado con rostro humano y, por sobre todas las cosas, una mayor valoración del ser humano, los especialistas no dejan de insistir que se debe hacer algo antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Imágenes 33 -- 34 . Las secuelas del "éxito" por dentro y por fuera... En la península ibérica el matutino barcelonés "La Vanguardia" publicó hace dos años un artículo revelador sobre la situación mental de la sociedad española, donde señala que "el peso de valores como el éxito profesional y social en la educación actual, unido a un exceso de protección y a la ausencia de responsabilidades está propiciando en los menores un tipo de trastornos de la personalidad que según indican los psiquiatras, van a ir en aumento en los próximos años. La anorexia, la bulimia o el narcisismo son algunas de las enfermedades mentales que se encuentran en progresión entre los adolescentes y los jóvenes españoles, a las que solamente una educación que ‘ saque lo mejor de uno mismo ’ puede hacer frente." Esto fue lo que plantearon los psiquiatras Enrique Rojas y Javier de las Heras durante un curso dirigido por ellos en la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), (11) denominado "Trastornos de la personalidad: de la anorexia-bulimia a la personalidad inmadura" , donde explicaron que los "padres y educadores están cayendo en el error de acostumbrar a los niños de ‘ obtener todo a cambio de nada ’ , lo que, unido a la presión social que potencia la delgadez y la juventud como valores supremos está aumentando frustraciones y patologías entre los menores". Los expertos advirtieron que en las consultas médicas era cada vez más frecuente ver casos de narcisismo, "un trastorno caracterizado por la egolatría, el egocentrismo y el egoísmo, que provoca en quien lo padece ‘ una imagen idealizada de sí mismo ’ que lleva a sentirse ‘ especial y superior a los demás ’ . La cultura del éxito y una educación demasiado permisiva están en la base de la proliferación de este tipo de problemas", indicaron los psiquiatras.
  14. Médico – Empieza por una enfermedad que causa una pérdida de peso fuerte y crea un miedo de volver a alimentarse normalmente. Físico – El proceso de hacerse una dieta recala sobre una mujer con vulnerabilidad emocional, y después desarrolla la anorexia. Igual el uso y beneficio de escuelas de danza y gimnasios vuelvan a ser abuso por las que desean bajar de peso. - Predisposición genética . - Temor al desarrollo – la pubertad precoz en una niña de 8 o 9 años cuando sólo quiere ser como sus amiguitas. La aparición natural de caderas y senos causa una negación de la sexualidad. En el caso de la francesa, Isabelle Caro, dijo que había dejado de comer por el deseo de su madre de no verla crecer, y luego, simplemente, no se pudo detener. Algunas tienen temor a crecer, a ser independientes, a abandonar costumbres infantiles. Hay temor de ser adultos y responsables. Crianza familiar – Frecuentemente de hogares disfuncionales dónde hay carencias afectivas psicológicas, padres ausentes, madres intrusivas, problemas de comunicación, etc. Muchos padres no toman en serio los comportamientos y actitudes de sus hijos. Creen que solo es un gesto manipulador o un malcriadez. Otras familias enfocan continuamente en apariencia física y la aceptación por la sociedad. La joven puede desarrollar la anorexia porque desea ser aceptada por un grupo social, padres o enamorado. Espirituales – rebelión, Salmo 107
  15. En medio de este panorama, “ Ana ” y “ Mía ” se presentan como la salvación para las adolescentes que padecen estas enfermedades. Parecen ser nombres de dos mujeres, pero no lo son: se trata de las denominaciones que en códigos utilizan las afectadas para hablar de anorexia y bulimia respectivamente. En el anonimato de Internet, Ana y Mía encuentran el mejor espacio de difusión y en la innumerable la cantidad de sitios web “ pro- Ana ” y “ pro- Mía ” existentes, jóvenes de todas las edades y todos los lugares del mundo se estimulan mutuamente para adelgazar con diversos métodos. El blog “ Amigas Ana y Mía ” es una de los más visitados y allí pueden observarse comentarios alentadores a seguir una rigurosa dieta. “ No gracias a la comida; si por favor a la delgadez. ” , se proclama desde el blog. A través de estas páginas, las jóvenes practican competencias de tres semanas consecutivas para ver quién baja más de peso. Además, se llaman entre ellas “ princesas ” y se dan a conocer bajo el lema “ nadie dijo nunca que fuera fácil ser una princesa ” .
  16. Glorifica a Dios y gozarte de El. ¿Disfrutas adorando a Dios? Pasando tiempo con Él? ¿Pensando en Él? ¿Deseas que tu vida entera sea para su honra y gloria? ¿Él es tu fuente de gozo? Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 21 En esta clase, intentaré a compartir cómo Dios desea que consideras, piensas sobre la alimentación y tus hábitos de comer. Te ayudaré a desarrollar una nueva manera de pensar con discernimiento sobre la comida, para que sepas cómo comer en cada situación. Ten paciencia. No es un barra mágica y rápida. Estoy buscando un cambio de corazón. Creo que Dios puede cambiar tu corazón porque te ama y desea cambiarte más que puedes imaginar. Lea (o escucha) con expectativa, esperando un cambio de corazón. Sí puede pasarte a ti. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 9
  17. It wasn ’t until I began to understand that God had something more important in mind than merely my looking good that I started to change and be thankful. God has taken this struggle of mine and turned it into blessing. He’s used it to get at strongholds of self-indulgence, worry, fear, and pride in my own heart and He’s produced fruit from it that comforts and encourages others. Because I now have this perspective, I’m able to rejoice over God’s goodness. I ’m writing this book because I know the despair of hopelessness. I know what it’s like to start a diet and to get derailed from it, sometimes only making it a day or two. I know the shame of jealously looking at other women who wear a size 8. But I also know the joy of conquering this problem and of helping hundreds of other women do the same thing. I know that you may be thinking, Yeah, but I’m different. I always felt that way. My confidence in telling you that you can change is not because I think that I have all the answers. It’s just that I know Someone who does. As you read through this book, you’ll meet other women who have struggles just like you and you’ll see that there is a God who really is faithful to free us and change us. You can have hope! Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 14 Marsha ’s motivation was to stay as thin as her siblings. So even after marriage and childbirth, she continued her practices. At first she thought these behaviors were “no big deal,” but eventually her body started to show the effects of her habits. Her salivary glands were swollen from the constant irritation of vomiting and her teeth were eroding from exposure to her stomach acids. As a Christian she thought that what she was doing was wrong, but she just didn’t know how to stop. She had tried to quit scores of times, only to find herself once more standing over the kitchen sink in shame and helplessness, hoping that no one would discover what she had done. She, too, felt the despair of hopelessness. It seemed that her life was spinning out of control. Why couldn’t she stop? She was disgusted with her behavior. Every time she threw up she was filled with shame and anger. Why couldn’t she just get over this? Where was God? Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 15
  18. all of us were totally consumed by the tyranny of food and eating. If you struggle with any of these same problems I just mentioned, then you know what I mean when I refer to “the tyranny of food and eating.” Tyranny is just the right word to use when it comes to the way many of us think about food, dieting, and our weight. Tyranny is oppression. It is enslavement. It means that we’re dominated by thoughts and habits that torment and overpower. “ What will I eat next?” “How much do I weigh today?” “What do others think of me?” “Why can’t I get free of this?” “Why can’t I be like others?” The same questions fill our thoughts over and over as we agonize day after day, looking for answers. Sometimes we try again; other times we just give up in frustration and discouragement. What’s more, we feel constant confusion Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 17
  19. The Reflection of Jesus in You To begin with, I do believe that the Bible teaches that God is in the business of changing His children. But just what does this change look like? Is it primarily an outward transformation, or is it deeper and more comprehensive than just shrinking (or gaining) a few dress sizes? The change that God wants to accomplish in you is something much more meaningful, penetrating, and permanent than that. He wants to change your heart so that you will become more and more like His Son, Jesus . This is what Paul wrote to the church at Rome: We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son , that He might be the first-born among many brethren (Romans 8:28–29, emphasis added). Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 25
  20. Why not ask the Lord to open your understanding to His awesome character now so that you will grow to trust Him more? Remember the picture of the lush green tree by the river. That ’s you under His care. He will help you grow and change you into a beautiful, flourishing tree, reflecting His glory. Put your whole trust in Him today. We’ll talk more later about what trusting Him means, but let’s just suffice it to say that it involves resting in Him, believing what He says, and following His directions in every part of your life. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 34
  21. (Psalm 16:11). There is such joy and pleasure in God ’s presence! The more like Him you become, the more you will love to celebrate His fellowship with you. So, back to the question at hand: Is God interested in changing you? Yes, of course He is. But that change is initially an inward one. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 35
  22. Why We Do What We Do In the New Testament the apostle James gives us one clue as to why we do what we do. He writes, “Each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust” (James 1:14 ). The first thing we notice in that verse is that we are tempted to sin because each of us have certain “lusts” that reside in our heart. These lusts act as strong stimulants, causing us to view certain temptations as alluring, inviting. At this point, please don ’t misunderstand what the word “lust” meant in the New Testament. In our society, “lust” usually has a sexual connotation. That’s not the case in James 1:14, however. This word “lust” as used by James actually means any strong longing or desire. In its common usage, it can mean either a too-strong desire for something good—for instance, a desire for food (which is God-given) that gets out of control and becomes a lust to overeat; or it can mean a desire that in itself is always wicked, such as lusting after another woman’s husband. These “lusts” or strong desires are very powerful motivators of our behavior. The question that needs to be considered when you find yourself overeating, for example, is, “What desire is motivating this behavior?” or, “Just what desire is it that I’m trying to satisfy by eating my third bowl of ice cream?” When you begin to ask yourself questions such as these, you might find yourself frustrated and confused. How can we know what desires are lurking in our own heart? How do we learn what our desires are, what temptations are most dangerous for us? Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 70
  23. as long as my heart is focused on “looking good,” there will never be a time when I am completely satisfied with my appearance. I will never find the peace and joy that I am seeking in the mirror because my heart will always want more and more. God didn’t create me to find joy in my reflection in the mirror. Because I’d be living contrary to God’s truth, I’d never find satisfaction in that pursuit. S. 41 The “Beautiful People” Our culture today has influenced many women to see themselves solely in the context of how they look. We are continuously bombarded by image after image of seemingly perfect women with perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect figures. And because we live in a time when we are connected technologically with the entire world, we are not merely competing with one or two women from our own village. We feel that we are compelled to compete with the most beautiful women in the entire world! Why are so many women driven to compete with one another in this way? Why would Lisa starve herself and then exercise to the point of collapse? Why do thousands of men and women spend billions of dollars every year just to look good? Believing the Lie It seems to me that we act this way because we ’re willing to believe a lie. Here is what I believe the lie is: It is that somehow, if we could just look like the latest supermodel, we would find true happiness and contentment. We would have peace and joy. We would have the adoration of others. We would no longer have to worry about paying bills or staying up with sick children. Life would be perfect. We are deceived into thinking that being beautiful is the answer to all of our problems. Although many models in magazines do look “perfect,” we shouldn’t forget that these photographs are usually touched up. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 38 All you need to do is watch a few moments of television to know that this is the lie that has duped our generation. “Buy these jeans and you’ll be popular!” “Drink this beer and women will love you!” “Attend these diet classes and you’ll be able to rejoice in your new size and dance in front of the mirror! Don’t wait any longer … because, after all, you’re worth it!” We must strive to put aside the thinking that’s so common in our culture. Biblical counselor David Powlison writes powerfully about this kind of thinking: What happens when someone embraces such values? They live out the logic of their faith in countless ways. Perhaps, most commonly, many women feel an abiding, low-grade anxiety about their appearance. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 40 (James 1:13). Temptations come to us from outside ourselves, from the world (including media pressures, peer pressures, materialism, secularism), and from the devil. Inwardly temptations spring out of our own flesh (our own personal desires—emotional, physical, intellectual). It is when the allurements of the world or Satan find a connection with the desires of our own hearts that we are enticed to sin. Ungodly influences would not be effective if our hearts were pure from sinful desires. That is why Satan was unsuccessful in his temptation of Christ. Satan could find nothing, no ungodly desire to latch on to (John 14:30). The reason those television commercials for “sinfully rich” desserts or sizzling hot burgers can cause us to stumble is because of certain desires within our own hearts. We could watch a movie about robbing banks and never be tempted one bit to do the same because there are no corresponding desires in our hearts. But are there other allurements that work in combination with the discontent or greed in our hearts that might motivate us to sin? Of course. That’s why it’s so important for us to know what our personal desires are, and then to avoid situations where we might be strongly tempted to give in to them. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 73
  24. My Mama Made Me Do It Many people believe that we are destined to act in certain ways because of the experiences we encountered in childhood. What that means is that everything we do today somehow has subconscious roots in something that happened to us in our childhood. This is the most common explanation of motivation in our time—I ’m sure you’ve heard newscasters make statements such as, “So-and-so claims that he is not responsible for the murder of his wife because he was raised in a dysfunctional home.” Although many in our society have tired of this type of explanation for a person’s behavior, it still has a great influence on our thinking. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 64 Others believe that man is simply a machine and that the input received will always result in certain corresponding ways of behaving. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 64
  25. Help Me, Doctor, I Think I ’m Sick Many times habitual behaviors such as bulimia and anorexia are referred to as “diseases.” Without going into a long discussion on the “medical model” way of looking at things, it is important to understand that bulimia, anorexia, and obesity do have certain physiological results. The question that we are considering here, however, is one of motivation. Do women who practice these behaviors have an illness that causes them to eat in these harmful ways? Should they look for a pill or injection to cure them, or do they simply need to learn to make different choices? Those who believe eating disorders are diseases say that we do the things we do because of our genes, food allergies, or certain chemicals in the brain (see note #1 for chapter 11 on page 261). Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 65
  26. Feel the Force Within You We live in a spiritual age. Notice I didn ’t say that we live in a Christian age, but a spiritual age. All around us today are people who believe that eastern philosophies and mysticism hold the answers to motivation and healthy behavior. Even some Christians believe that they need to discover their “resident inner power” and then clear the obstructions to this power through visualization, positive declarations, and energy direction. They teach that if you are struggling with some unwanted behavior, it is because you’re not listening to your inner guidance, and you must change your energy through positive declarations.  2  The Devil Made Me Do It Among Christians there is a segment of people who believe that all besetting sins—those behaviors that we seem to struggle with continually—are directly caused by spirits or demons. These Christians say that those who are struggling with difficulties may need to attend a meeting where demons are cast out, where spirits of anorexia, gluttony, or bulimia are being exorcised. But does the devil really hold this kind of power over believers? I don ’t believe that this is the picture that is painted in the New Testament, where we never see a link made between certain types of sin in a person’s life and a corresponding demonic activity and demons that are responsible for causing those same types of sin. In other words, the Bible does not support the idea of a demon of lust, a demon of gluttony, and so on. “Sin is not identified as the cause of demonization; neither is demonization linked to perpetuating sin. 2 Powlison, David, Power Encounters: Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1995), p. 68. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 65 I Don ’t Love Myself Enough Another strongly influential explanation for undesirable behavior is low self-esteem. Adherents to this theory teach that the reason you don ’t act appropriately is lack of self-love. If you could just learn to love and accept yourself as you should, then you wouldn’t try to punish yourself or reward yourself inappropriately. Inside of you is the power to love and accept yourself, and this power is strong enough to change you.
  27. It ’s Not My Fault! What do you notice about each of these explanations? Although they are all very different in their underlying principles, every single one places the responsibility for undesirable behavior on some outside force—your parents, your environment, an illness, your blocked energy flow, the devil, or even inability to love yourself (usually caused by your parents)! “You aren’t responsible for your behavior,” seems to be the manifesto of our society. But is that what the Bible teaches? Each of the explanations we just reviewed ignores the truth that one day we will stand before God to give an account of our actions: “So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12). No matter who we are, or what our background is, we will all have to stand before God. While we can all rest in the wonderful reality that we serve a merciful King who loves us with an everlasting love, we cannot disregard His holiness and justice by ignoring our sin and justify ungodly behavior by saying that it’s not our fault. No, the same God who has forgiven us through His Son’s work on the cross has called us to trust and obey Him … by His grace. Taking Responsibility … with God ’s Grace God knows our shortcomings and yet He calls us to commitment and holiness. He can do this because He is the One who will supply both the desire and the strength to obey Him. I know it ’s true that some of us have had to grow up in a more challenging environment than others. I’m not ignoring that fact. It’s just that I believe the Bible teaches that God’s grace is stronger than our past. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 66
  28. “ Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life” (John 6:68). You can thank God that He can be just as powerful in your life as He is in mine. You needn’t look outside the Bible for methods to help you understand or change your behavior. The psalmist knew this truth when he wrote, “From Thy precepts I get understanding …” (Psalm 119:104). You can have understanding, too. Now, just what does the Bible say about our behaviors, our motives? Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 70
  29. Why We Do What We Do In the New Testament the apostle James gives us one clue as to why we do what we do. He writes, “Each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust” (James 1:14 ). The first thing we notice in that verse is that we are tempted to sin because each of us have certain “lusts” that reside in our heart. These lusts act as strong stimulants, causing us to view certain temptations as alluring, inviting. At this point, please don ’t misunderstand what the word “lust” meant in the New Testament. In our society, “lust” usually has a sexual connotation. That’s not the case in James 1:14, however. This word “lust” as used by James actually means any strong longing or desire. In its common usage, it can mean either a too-strong desire for something good—for instance, a desire for food (which is God-given) that gets out of control and becomes a lust to overeat; Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 70 These “lusts” or strong desires are very powerful motivators of our behavior.
  30. The question that needs to be considered when you find yourself overeating, for example, is, “What desire is motivating this behavior?” or, “Just what desire is it that I’m trying to satisfy by eating my third bowl of ice cream?” When you begin to ask yourself questions such as these, you might find yourself frustrated and confused. How can we know what desires are lurking in our own heart? How do we learn what our desires are, what temptations are most dangerous for us? Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 71
  31. The Condition of Our Heart Here on the heels of telling you that you need to closely examine your own heart and its desires, I have to tell you that no one can ever fully know his or her own heart. This inability to rightly discern our own motives, our own heart, is due to our basic nature. The nature of our heart is described in Jeremiah 17:9, which says that the heart is deceitful and wicked and that only God truly knows it. This thought is repeated in other Scripture passages, including 2 Chronicles 6:30: “… for Thou alone dost know the hearts of the sons of men.”  3  Only God is wise and discerning enough to look past all of our deception and see us as we are. This is because of our natural self-love. We tend to overlook the wickedness resident in our heart—we are fooled into thinking that we really aren’t that bad after all … we certainly aren’t as bad as so-and-so down the street. This is exactly what the writer of Hebrews means when he states that our hearts can be “hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13). 3 See 1 Kings 8:39; 1 Chronicles 28:9; 1 Chronicles 29:17; Jeremiah 12:3. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 71 Although we can never fully know our own hearts, our desires, our weaknesses, our areas of temptations, we must strive to grow in this area.
  32. 2. La única forma de reconocer los deseos y tentaciones en el corazón es pasar tiempo en la Palabra. It is because of this propensity to gloss over our own sinfulness that we come to our second principle: The only way for us to understand the desires that play into our temptations is to spend time in the Word. Consider again this verse from Hebrews 4:12: The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. It is only as we interact with the Word of God that we find ourselves growing in our ability to judge our own thoughts and intentions. Only the Bible can help us to gain the wisdom that we so desperately need. It is only as we find ourselves in the pages of Scripture that we know what our personal desires and temptations are. This is one of the primary functions of the Bible—Paul himself said that he would not know that he coveted nor that coveting was sinful (Romans 7:7) unless he had discovered this truth in the law. God ’s Word brings light to us and gives us understanding even of the dark corners of our heart.  5  4 Consider the following injunctions to self-examination: “let us examine and probe our ways, and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40); “let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup” (1 Corinthians 11:28); “test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?” (2 Corinthians 13:5). 5 It is only in the Lord that we have true understanding not only of Him, but also of ourselves: “for Thou dost light my lamp; the Lord my God illumines my darkness” (Psalm 18:28); “for with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light we see light” (Psalm 36:9); “Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105); “the unfolding of Thy words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130). Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 72
  33. The third principle in understanding our own heart is prayer. Jesus counseled His followers to “keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). “Watching” involves being aware or spiritually alert to those areas of temptation that are most dangerous for you personally. You must learn to pray that God would teach you what the areas of your strongest desires are. For instance, if you have a strong desire to have people tell you that you look good, you may be tempted to force yourself to vomit when you have eaten more than you should. We’ll talk more about pinpointing specific desires in a moment. In His greatest hour of trial, Jesus lovingly counseled His disciples to pray that they might not enter into temptation. Along with praying that God would enable you to understand what your particular areas of temptation are, you ’ll want to pray that you would be kept alert when they are present so you don’t succumb to them. Only the Holy Spirit can enable you to resist temptation, and you’ll find your ability to resist strengthened through prayer. I have found that very few people actually pray that they be kept from particular temptations before they come upon them. Yes, we might pray when we are being tempted, but how often do we pray beforehand? How many heartaches might be avoided if we would learn to pray before we are tempted! Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 73
  34. Temptations come to us from outside ourselves, from the world (including media pressures, peer pressures, materialism, secularism), and from the devil. Inwardly temptations spring out of our own flesh (our own personal desires—emotional, physical, intellectual). It is when the allurements of the world or Satan find a connection with the desires of our own hearts that we are enticed to sin. Ungodly influences would not be effective if our hearts were pure from sinful desires. That is why Satan was unsuccessful in his temptation of Christ. Satan could find nothing, no ungodly desire to latch on to (John 14:30). The reason those television commercials for “sinfully rich” desserts or sizzling hot burgers can cause us to stumble is because of certain desires within our own hearts. We could watch a movie about robbing banks and never be tempted one bit to do the same because there are no corresponding desires in our hearts. But are there other allurements that work in combination with the discontent or greed in our hearts that might motivate us to sin? Of course. That’s why it’s so important for us to know what our personal desires are, and then to avoid situations where we might be strongly tempted to give in to them. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 73
  35. Recognizing Ungodly Desires Love of Independence Sometimes our eating habits reflect a desire in our hearts to be free from any restraint. It is the desire to have what we want when we want it. Advertisers for fast-food restaurants exploit this desire when they tell you that you have the right to “have it your way.” You shouldn’t have to wait; you shouldn’t have to compromise; you deserve to have exactly what you want! Why do advertisers appeal in this way to us? Because we respond. We often demonstrate this heart of self-sufficient independence with statements like, “No one is going to tell me what I can and cannot eat,” or “You can’t make me eat that food,” or “Everything in my life is so out of control—this is the only area that I get to do what I want!” Scripture reminds us, however, that only the Lord has this right and the power to control. We humans have been trying to “have it our way” since the Garden of Eden. This desire to be god or be in control is nothing new; it’s the same desire that arose in Eve when she succumbed to the serpent’s enticement. Love of Pleasure Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 74 Lewis captures the heart of sinful pleasure-seeking—the desire to experience some form of pleasure just for the sake of trying to greedily recreate the episode, rather than for its given purpose. Is it wrong to eat food and enjoy it? No, certainly not. If that were the case, the Lord would not have blessed us with the capacity to taste. It is wrong to eat only when the purpose of that eating is simply to experience the pleasure of the crunch or the sweetness or the temperature in spite of God ’s good provision. It is the heart that says, “I know this is more than I need, and that I’m harming myself by having it, but I love the pleasure of this experience more than I love the pleasure of doing what pleases the Lord, so I’m just going to go ahead and satiate myself.” Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 76
  36. Cultivating Godly Desires The Biblical Instructions The place to start in changing your lifestyle is to look at your desires and seek to change them. What are the kinds of desires that God wants you to have? Let ’s look at a few verses from the Old Testament that speak about where our desires are to be centered (emphasis added): •      “ Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth ” (Psalm 73:25). •      “ I stretch out my hands to Thee; m y soul longs for Thee , as a parched land” (Psalm 143:6). •      “ At night my soul longs for Thee, indeed, my spirit within me seeks Thee diligently” (Isaiah 26:9). •      “ My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God?” (Psalm 42:2). •      “ O God, Thou art my God; I shall seek Thee earnestly; m y soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee, in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1). Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 76
  37. Isn ’t it interesting that these writers who were inspired by the Holy Spirit used words such as “thirsts,” “longs,” and “desire” to talk about their relationship with God? Does that describe your pursuit of Him? I know that many times I have longed for a drink of water or yearned to eat a certain kind of food—I have desired to go to a certain restaurant and insisted on “having it my way.” But do I long, yearn, and thirst in the same way for God? You know, if we would seek our satisfaction wholly in Him, we would find true pleasure and joy. Pleasures beyond measure … endless rivers of joy. That’s what the Bible teaches in Psalm 16:11: “Thou wilt make known to me the path of life; in Thy presence is fulness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever” (emphasis added). This is also what Jesus meant when He taught, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6 Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 77 But still, practicing godly principles is not easy, and you may grow weary in it. We ’ll talk more about perseverance later; for now, let me encourage you by saying that while there may be times when you feel like giving up, God will never give up on you. Philippians 1:6 promises that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion” (niv). Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 82
  38. Is there anything wrong with wanting to look good? What does the Bible say about outward appearance? Immediately I remembered Proverbs 31:30: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” What is God teaching women here? First, He says that charm or grace of manner is a “mere semblance, an outward varnish.”  4  Like the varnish that you might paint over a piece of wood, worldly charm doesn’t involve the heart—its only concern is appearances. How do I look? I wonder. Am I sufficiently covering myself up so that you think that I am beautiful, chic, sophisticated, unconcerned about your opinion? Second, Proverbs 31:30 teaches that beauty is vain, futile; it is so fleeting. How many years can a woman look good—30, maybe 40? Even a woman as beautiful as Elizabeth Taylor must, in the end, acquiesce to time. The debutante of National Velvet has aged, and all of the cosmetics and surgeries in the world can ’t stop the march of time. Our beauty, such as it is, will always be marred by age or illness. It will perish. First Peter 3:3–4 says, “Let not your adornment be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit , which is precious in the sight of God” (emphasis added). Our outer beauty will perish, but the inner qualities that God cherishes won’t. “You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God” (Isaiah 62:3). The excellent woman in Proverbs 31 is known for her industry, wisdom, strength, confidence, generosity, courage, knowledge, optimism, and kindness. Since we ’ve already looked at the beginning of verse 30, let’s see the way the verse ends: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” The fear of the Lord is a defining characteristic of a godly woman. A woman who fears the Lord will be growing in all of the qualities listed above. But what does it mean to “fear” God? One Bible dictionary defines the function of godly fear in this way: It has the meaning of “standing in awe. This is not simple fear, but reverence, whereby an individual recognizes the power and position of the individual revered and renders him proper respect.… There is more involved here than mere psychological fear.” Godly fear involves proper honor and reverence. “ Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness …” (Matthew 6:33). Then, let that encouragement spur you on to the pursuit of the inner, godly characteristics that He desires for you. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 42-47
  39. But still, practicing godly principles is not easy, and you may grow weary in it. We ’ll talk more about perseverance later; for now, let me encourage you by saying that while there may be times when you feel like giving up, God will never give up on you. Philippians 1:6 promises that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion” (niv). Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 82
  40. You should be concerned about caring for your body for two reasons: first, because it is the creation of God. And second, if you are a Christian, God purchased your body. Let ’s take a closer look at the first of these two reasons. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Consider these precious words from Psalm 139:13–14: “Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well.” I have to be honest: When I read these verses about my body being fearfully and wonderfully made, sometimes I have a hard time believing it. I know that frequently I ’m not thankful the way that I should be. I wonder why my body isn’t the way that I want it to be. The sixth commandment is, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13 kjv). I would imagine that the thought of actually murdering someone is far from most of us. We mourn when we hear about shootings at schools. We observe National Right to Life Day in remembrance of the millions of infants who have been aborted in our nation over the last 30 years. We are troubled over the rising murder rates in many of our cities. This is as it should be. But, is it possible that we could be guilty of a kind of murder ourselves by the way that we treat our bodies? Restoring the Years of Loss I hope that these thoughts don ’t discourage you or bring you any sense of condemnation. Perhaps you’ve never thought about your body in this way before, and now it seems as though it’s almost too late. Perhaps you are already suffering the effects of neglecting or abusing your body. Don’t give up. It’s never too late to begin serving God. He can restore and help you. Listen to these words from the prophet Joel: “I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust, My great army which I sent among you” (Joel 2:25). God’s people had sinned and they were reaping the consequences of their behavior. Perhaps you ’ve starved yourself and your bones and skin are weak and your heart has been damaged. Don’t despair—God can still use and fill you. Perhaps you will continue to suffer with these problems, or maybe God will heal you, but one thing is certain: He will restore your life and cause you to be useful to Him. Don’t throw in the towel—He’s waiting to help. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 52, 59, 60
  41. The Price He Paid Let ’s look again at 1 Corinthians 6:19–20: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.” How is it that God has claimed the right to ownership of your body? And what was the cost of this purchase? When you are considering whether you should starve the body that God has given to you, think about Jesus on the cross. When you are thinking about stuffing down those extra slices of pizza, in defiance of His desire for you to be temperate in all things, think about Jesus on the cross. When you are considering another binge and the inevitable purge that will follow, think about Jesus, your Savior, on the cross . Let that terribly beautiful vision of His love control you. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 611, 62 Just as the presence of God dwelt in His temple in Old Testament times, so the Holy Spirit lives in you today. Just as that temple was consecrated, set apart, possessed, occupied, and inhabited by God, so now you are His temple, a place where He dwells … and your body is to be sacred to His use. Your body is set apart, occupied, and inhabited by God. For you to act otherwise would be contradictory. That ’s why you are called to keep your body holy for Him. Just as you would not walk into a church building and desecrate it, so you are to keep your body holy because it’s God’s home. Because your body is God ’s temple, you should treat it with care and concern. This means many things—not just that you should eat properly. It means that you should be careful to get enough rest and exercise. You should learn how to handle stressful situations in a way that doesn’t cause harm to your body. For as long as God gives you health, and in whatever way He does so, you should thankfully seek to be a good steward or manager of what He’s given. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 56, 57
  42. Are you focusing on perfecting your body or health as some pathway to peace and joy? Or have you turned your focus on God ’s presence in you and His need of your faithful service? If you are weak from self-starvation, if your esophagus is eroded from vomiting, if you are so overweight that your heart and muscles cannot function properly, then your usefulness to the Lord may be hindered or cut short in some ways. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 58
  43. El método bíblico de cambiar los hábitos de comer: Dios es un Dios de orden. En la Biblia, Él no enseña el proceso de cambio. Se llama la santificación y puede ser resumida en 4 pasos básicos. Dependiendo en el poder del Espíritu Santo, tienes que: Reconocer que tu forma de alimentarte es pecaminosa y dejarla. Reconocer que una forma disciplinada de alimentarse es correcta y empezar a practicarla. Buscar diligentemente renovar tus pensamientos para conformarse a la mente de Dios especialmente en cuanto a tu cuerpo y tus hábitos alimenticios. Continuar practicando estos nuevos pensamientos y comportamientos, aun cuando la lucha es fuerte. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 82
  44. The Spirit ’s Comfort and Control Both you and I know that neither one of us is able to effect any real change in our own lives. Yes, people do go on diets and lose weight, quit smoking, and take up tennis. I know that even unregenerate people have successfully achieved change for the good in their lives, but these changes are not the change of heart that pleases God.
  45. Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 84
  46. Your Father not only wants you to have hope that you can change, He also wants you to abound in hope—and it ’s the Holy Spirit’s power that will help you do just that: “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13, emphasis added). He doesn’t merely want you to hope; He wants you to super-abound in hope—to overflow with it, to have more than you can imagine. It’s the power of the Spirit that can fill you with hope that true heart-change is possible. You can pray in the same way that Paul did: “God, fill me with all joy and peace. Help me to abound in hope by the power of Your Holy Spirit.” Fitzpatrick, Elyse: Love to Eat, Hate to Eat . Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, 1999, S. 84, 92
  47. Labels tend to type anorexia and bulimic conditions as 'disease'. This provides and gives one an excuse for sin; therefore, God needs to heal them of this disease: it is God's fault. We turn away from the truth to a deception, a problem of wrong thinking and doing as defined by the Bible. Looking for triggers of this action reveals lust of both mind and body. ( 1 Cor. 1 0:13 ; Nu. 11:4, 6, 13-24, 31-34 ; Ps. 78:17 ) Copyright © 2002 Adam Pulaski, Steve Lihn. All rights reserved.
  48. Call a friend for prayer. If she has already started to binge, cry out for His help. Read Isa. 53:3-7 . Become aware of particular 'triggers': e.g., moods, time of month, difficult situations, etc.. Anticipate and be ready for them.
  49. 2 Cor. 5:15 Devotion: BSAF on 2 Cor. 5:1-10 . Put-Off/Put-On: Prepare Section A.9, “ Contingency Plan ” , guided by paragraph above, How to Help . Work out Section A.4, “ Victory Over Sin Worksheet ” for entrenched patterns. A day at a time will do it!. Review Section 13.1, “ Self Hatred ” and Section 13.2, “ Self-Acceptance ” . Copyright © 2002 Adam Pulaski, Steve Lihn. All rights reserved.
  50. Part of the law included practical principles for diet, hygiene, and disease control. Examples: Lev. 7:24 - Not eating of fats (low cholesterol) Lev. 7:26 - Not eating blood Lev. 11 - Not eating of scavenger animals Lev. 22:8 - Not eating of animals which die in fields (without draining blood) Ex. 20:8-11 - Resting one day per week Deut. 23:13 - Burning human refuse Lev. 15:19 - Refrain from relations when menstruating Lev. 15:13 - Using “running” water for washing Lev. 18 - Stoning for immorality (including homosexuality and bestiality) which breeds and spreads diseases Lev. 13 - Quarantining those with diseases
  51. ¿Dolor de cabeza o presagio de derrame? June 9, 2005 7:24 p.m. Por Thomas M. Burton The Wall Street Journal José Yagin despertó la mañana del 18 de marzo con mareos. Tenía una sensación de adormecimiento en el lado izquierdo de su cuerpo. Buscó el hospital más próximo a su casa en San Francisco, pero los médicos de ahí no trataban la principal condición que lo afectaba: había sufrido un miniderrame cerebral. Los síntomas desaparecieron pronto, pero volvieron el 25 de marzo. Esa vez, un amigo lo llevó al hospital de la Universidad de California, en San Francisco, un centro especializado en derrames. Allí le hicieron una angiograma cerebral que pronto reveló que la arteria carótida del lado derecho de su cuello, clave en conducir la sangre al cerebro, estaba bloqueada en más del 90%. La obstrucción podría llegar a generar un derrame masivo en cualquier momento, de manera que los médicos lo operaron al día siguiente para desbloquearla. Yagin, de 65 años, se ha sentido muy bien desde que se sometió a la operación. "Una de cada diez personas que tienen carótidas obstruidas y experimentan un miniderrame semejante sufrirá un derrame más grave un par de días más tarde", afirma S. Claiborne Johnston, director de servicios de derrame cerebral de la UCSF. Es muy frecuente que los médicos y pacientes no reconozcan o reaccionen de manera apropiada ante los síntomas de un miniderrame. Muchos de los derrames serios son precedidos por una señal de alerta que viene en la forma de un miniderrame, en el que los síntomas suelen desaparecer dentro de una o dos horas. Debido a que estos síntomas cesan, los pacientes muchas veces se desentienden de ellos y algunos médicos no los notan. "Estos pacientes a veces regresan a la casa con una aspirina solamente", dice Mark J. Alberts, director del programa de derrame cerebral del hospital Northwestern Memorial, de Chicago. Johnston, del hospital de la Universidad de California en San Francisco, realizó un estudio en 2000 que comprobó justamente por qué estos eventos deberían ser atendidos como una urgencia. Junto con sus colegas, estudió los casos de 1.707 pacientes que habían sufrido miniderrames identificados por médicos de urgencia en 16 hospitales de la cadena Kaiser Permanente en la región nordeste de California. En un plazo de tres meses, un 10,5% de esos pacientes sufrieron un nuevo ataque mucho más devastador y la mitad de estos episodios más serios se produjeron en los primeros dos días después del miniderrame. Oficialmente, los miniderrames se conocen como accidentes isquémicos transitorios (TIA, por sus siglas en inglés.) El término "isquémico" significa que el flujo de oxígeno al cerebro es bloqueado, usualmente por un coágulo de sangre y una placa de grasa en una arteria. El tejido cerebral muere con cada minuto que pasa. A diferencia de un ataque cardíaco, los derrames se producen a menudo con síntomas bastante modestos. A veces vienen acompañados de dolor de cabeza, pero generalmente no. Los síntomas incluyen sensación de hormigueo o debilidad en la cara, brazo o pierna en un solo lado y dificultad repentina para hablar o ver. "Si alguien se despierta por la mañana con la mano dormida, le parece que fue porque se durmió recostado sobre ella", dice Joseph Broderick, director de neurología de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Cincinnati. Pero si la sensación persiste durante más de cinco minutos, dice, podría ser algo grave "que necesita atención inmediata". A veces, el principal obstáculo puede ser la propia incapacidad del paciente para reconocer los síntomas. William J. Hooper, de Pensilvania, acababa de regresar a casa después de un paseo en bicicleta el 25 de abril de 1999, cuando se dio cuenta de que no sentía su brazo izquierdo desde la muñeca hasta el hombro. Estaba tan mareado que tuvo que reposar. Pero se negó a reconocer que algo anduviera mal y siguió yendo a trabajar durante varios días. Cuando Hooper decidió al fin ir a un cardiólogo, se le diagnosticó un miniderrame. Hooper, que gestionaba un negocio de transferencias electrónicas en Nueva York había perdido algunas de sus funciones cerebrales. Estaba tan confundido que había echado jugo de naranja en una cafetera. Tampoco podía leer los mapas de carretera. Después de un proceso de rehabilitación, los problemas cognitivos de Hooper mejoraron en forma significativa. Durante su tratamiento conoció a a algunos profesionales que habían sufrido derrames que los habían incapacitado. "La mayoría de la gente no se da cuenta de los efcetos devastadores que esto puede tener", dice ahora. "Yo tuve suerte".
  52. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn dijo, “ Gracias, prisión, ” Porque durante los 8 años en la prisión soviética, él encontró su alma.
  53. P. 58 Psyc.
  54. El sufrimiento debe ser entendido dentro del marco de su soberanía. ¿Qué es la soberanía de Dios? “ La soberanía significa que nuestro omnisciente y omnisapiente Dios reina en esferas más allá de nuestra comprensión, para originar un plan más allá de nuestra capacidad de alterarlo, impedirlo o detenerlo. ” – Swindoll p. 106 [1] (Romanos 8:28; 11:34-36). ¿Cómo afecta mi vida la soberanía de Dios? La soberanía de Dios me quita toda ansiedad. La soberanía de Dios me libra de toda explicación. -E. Stone y Raquel Castillo en Aplicaciones Bíblicas Adams> In the last chapter I ended on the note of suffering, self-imposed. There is, however, another kind of suffering, for which one is not responsible. It is suffering which, as in the case of Job (or Christ, for that matter), one did not bring upon himself by his own sin. I should like to discuss both sorts in relationship to counseling. Counselors must have a biblical view of suffering  1  from which to instruct and help counselees. The problem is widespread; everyone (at one time or another) suffers. Counselees in particular complain of the suffering they undergo. Indeed, in one form or another, it is some sort of suffering that brings counselees to the place where they seek counseling. Suffering can be the primary problem in counseling—how do I handle it; it can be a complicating problem, or it can be a symptom. Suffering is universal because the fall and its effects are universal. All suffering may be traced back to Adam ’s sin. Had Adam, our representative, not sinned, there would be no suffering; it was the result of God’s curse upon Adam and his posterity. But that does not mean that an individual’s suffering is the result of each individual’s own personal sin. The choice is not between pain and no pain in this life; we have no such choice. Rather, choices lie in these areas: 1.     How are pain and suffering viewed by the counselee? 2.     How are pain and suffering used by the counselee? The cross dignified suffering by giving it meaning and demonstrated that it can have far-reaching effects for good. Christian counselors must recognize these facts and bring them to bear upon the lives of counselees. Because of the cross, no Christian should face suffering as an unbeliever does. How do unbelievers (and, alas, all too many Christians) respond to suffering and pain? By whining and self-pity (seen in every sort of situation from handicapped and shut-ins to disappointed lovers), denial (actually this futile attempt so focuses one ’s efforts on the pain that it actually can intensify it), seeking relief at all costs (the TV commercial and medical mentality seeks “pain-killers,” tranquilizers, etc., but never meaning in suffering; pain is always an enemy, never a friend to such persons). Rightly viewed and used, pain must be interpreted biblically and applied biblically. Otherwise pain may be wasted, misused, dreaded bitterly, fought, hated. 1 For much more on this, see my commentary on I Peter, a handbook on suffering, entitled Trust and Obey .> Adams, Jay Edward: A Theology of Christian Counseling : More Than Redemption . Grand Rapids, MI : Ministry Resource Library, 1986], c1979, S. 271
  55. E. Stone y R. Castillo El sufrimiento debe ser entendido dentro del marco de su soberanía. ¿Qué es la soberanía de Dios? “ La soberanía significa que nuestro omnisciente y omnisapiente Dios reina en esferas más allá de nuestra comprensión, para originar un plan más allá de nuestra capacidad de alterarlo, impedirlo o detenerlo. ” – Swindoll p. 106 [1] (Romanos 8:28; 11:34-36). ¿Cómo afecta mi vida la soberanía de Dios? La soberanía de Dios me quita toda ansiedad. La soberanía de Dios me libra de toda explicación. El proceso del sufrimiento nunca es fácil. A menudo, provoca llanto y el corazón está dolido por la perdida de algo. Uno nunca espera el sufrimiento. No lo espera pero cuando siente allí está. A veces toma decisiones que después le causan dolor. Pueden ser buenas o malas decisiones. El hecho de que padeces de dolor no necesariamente implica que has tomado una mala decisión. Los recursos de Dios traen coraje o valor. Ser consolado por el Espíritu Santo y por otras personas te dará el valor para seguir adelante. Meditar en las promesas de Dios también da valor y trae tranquilidad y calma en tu vida ( Josué 1:8,9; Salmo 119:165; Isaías 48:18 ). Cristo te da la habilidad de controlar los pensamientos y preocupaciones que aumentan el dolor emocional. Una vez que confías completamente en Dios, fijando los pensamientos en Él, las emociones de angustia y temor ya no controlarán tu vida. Entonces tendrás una mejor perspectiva de la vida y del futuro. (Isaías 26:-4; II Corintios 10:5; Filipenses 4:8). [1] Swindoll, Charles. (2001) El Misterio de la Voluntad de Dios , (EEUU: Caribe)
  56. E. Stone y R. Castillo Unos propósitos del sufrimiento PARA ALERTARNOS Por más que aborrezcamos el dolor, tenemos que admitir que muchas veces tiene un propósito bueno. Nos advierte cuando algo no anda bien. El verdadero problema es la causa de la desgracia, no la agonía en si. El dolor es simplemente una sirena o campana que suena cuando una parte del cuerpo está en peligro o se halla bajo ataque. ( Salmo 119:67, 71; Hebreos 12: 5,6 ). PARA DIRIGIRNOS Por extraño que parezca, también es el sufrimiento lo que da una nueva dirección a otras personas, las ayuda a ver la vida más claramente, y hace que su relación con Dios sea más estrecha ( II Corintios 12:9; II Timoteo 2:10). PARA MOLDEARNOS El sufrimiento nos obliga dramáticamente a lidiar con asuntos más profundos de la vida. Al hacerlo nos hacemos más fuertes y maduros, ( Romanos 5:3-4; Santiago 1:2-4 ), lleno de gozo, ( Juan 16:20-22; I Pedro 1:6-7 ), y como Cristo ( Romanos 8:29 ). PARA LIBRARNOS DE PECADO Y DEL YO “ Estas angustias del cuerpo y del alma diseño yo: para liberarte del pecado y del yo; para quebrantar tus propios diseños para alcanzar el gozo terrenal; y para que encuentres todo sólo en mí. ” – por Juan Newton PARA UNIRNOS El dolor y sufrimiento parecen tener la habilidad especial de mostrarnos cuánto nos necesitamos los unos a los otros. Nos hemos acercado más y nos hemos fortalecido al enfrentar juntos las luchas de la vida. Estas experiencias personales a la luz de las Escrituras recuerdan dos verdades claves: El sufrimiento nos ayuda a ver que necesitamos a otros creyentes. Al describir la unidad de todos los creyentes en Cristo, el apóstol Pablo usó la analogía del cuerpo humano en 1 Corintios 12:26-27. Dijo que nos necesitamos unos a otros para funcionar adecuadamente. Cuando los problemas parecen agotar nuestra fortaleza, podemos descansar en otros creyentes para que nos ayuden a renovar esa fortaleza en el poder del Señor ( Romanos 12:4, 5, 10, 15 ). El sufrimiento nos ayuda a satisfacer las necesidades de los demás a medida que dejamos que Cristo viva a través de nosotros. Nos necesitamos mutuamente porque tenemos algo valioso que ofrecernos los unos a los otros. Tenemos entendimiento y sabiduría espirituales que hemos adquirido en las diferentes pruebas por las que hemos pasado. Conocemos el valor de la presencia personal de alguien amoroso. Cuando experimentamos el consuelo de Dios en una situación angustiosa, tenemos entonces la capacidad de identificarnos con las personas que pasan por situaciones similares ( II Corintios 1:3,4; Gálatas 6:2). Adams> But what of the purposes of pain? A. Suffering sometimes comes to further God ’s Word and the progress of the gospel. That’s what Paul discovered in jail (Phil. 1). But he could rejoice at and enter into that purpose only because instead of complaining (why me? why this? why now?), he looked in the trial for the hand of God at work. Suffering is in God’s control. Therefore, counselors must get counselees to ask, “What’s God up to?” B. Suffering sometimes is chastening. Often it is a warning; it may be intended to purify (cf. I Cor. 11:30–32). The Latin word poena = punishment, is the word from which our pain comes. The frequent connection between the two was early noticed (cf. Gen. 3:16). Those who are alert to discipline from God (or who by a faithful counselor are alerted to it) can say with the psalmist, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I observe your Word” (Ps. 119:67). C. Suffering sometimes is instructive. But if we do not help counselees to look for God ’s teaching, they will lose the benefit of it. Cf. Psalm 119:71: “It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statutes.” If suffering doesn’t encourage a Christian to search the Scriptures, then he is missing God’s blessings in it (cf. also Heb. 5:8; 2:10). D. Suffering sometimes comes simply to honor God (Job; John 9:1ff.). All these meanings (and more) from time to time properly describe the purpose for a counselee ’s sufferings. Perhaps one is dominant; perhaps all are present. But every counselor ought to be prepared to have such reasons at hand when a counselee (in earnest—not in complaint) asks, “Why?” A large part of the solution to the problem of bearing up under suffering is in knowing that it is not meaningless. Now the other great fact about suffering is that it may be used. Pain is no excuse for letting down the bars (cf. Trust and Obey on I Pet. 2:22, 23). To “suffer,” etymologically means “to bear under (sub = under; ferre = bear, carry). Consider the following: God provides strength to endure (II Thess. 1:4; I Pet. 2:19) even unjust suffering brought simply because one names the name of Christ. Yet such endurance witnesses to His Name. That is one great use of suffering. In the hospital room, the Christian’s demeanor, itself, ought to be an initial testimony to nurses, roommates, visitors, doctors. A great purpose (and use) of suffering is growth through testing (I Pet. 4:1). Those who can handle this, who pass the test and thereby grow in knowledge and strength, are those who expect such things: “Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is coming upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” To warn counselees of further tests through trials is important. Good counseling looks ahead and prepares others for what they may encounter in the future. One can bear to look ahead to the immediate future if he has first looked far ahead to the ultimate future. Adams, Jay Edward: A Theology of Christian Counseling : More Than Redemption. Grand Rapids, MI : Ministry Resource Library, 1986], c1979, S. 274
  57. How does one interpret pain? First, he must recognize that pain usually isn ’t easy to handle. This will be of special import in the case where a counselee has never handled pain well. Simple solutions either are not available or are not proper. Because of his own experiences in suffering, a counselor ought to be able to show compassion on counselees (cf. Heb. 10:32–34; II Cor. 1:4–6ff.). Next, the counselor must help the counselee to gain a proper perspective on pain and suffering. This perspective is chalked out by the Apostle Paul, who suffered more pain than any of your counselees will ever have to endure: This temporary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory that is beyond all comparison (II Cor. 4:17). He calls it temporary. “ Temporary Why Mary has been on a bed of pain for 12 years!” you object. “ Yes, temporary,” Paul would retort. In comparison to an eternal pain-free existence in glory with Christ (Rev. 21:4), what is 12 (or, for that matter, 50) years? It all depends on one’s viewpoint. If he takes a purely earth-bound attitude toward life, 12 years can seem a long time. In comparison with eternity (and, note, Paul contrasts temporary with eternal, light with weight, affliction with glory ) 12 years is very short. What one believes and where he focuses his eyes in suffering can be the all-important factor in determining how he handles it. But the suffering is temporary in that it will end. Paul makes this point in I Corinthians 10:13c. And the story of Job shows not only that suffering has an end, but that it is, in itself, limited by the purpose and wisdom of God (as, indeed, I Cor. 10:13b also teaches). Suffering is limited in time and extent. Even the body itself has been equipped with a chemical, endorphin, that acts as an agent to keep pain from becoming too intense. Again, the counselor will point out that in contrast to the heavy weight of glory Christ has prepared for those who love Him, any pain one can experience can only be considered light. This is not a matter of not treating pain seriously; it is a simple (but profoundly important) fact. Paul wasn ’t a person who knew nothing of pain; read II Corinthians 4:16; 6:4–10; 11:23–29. He knew pain. He called suffering, suffering—there is no denial in his words. But Paul could endure such pain because of his viewpoint (or perspective) on it. Often we hear people say, “Oh, what a burden this pain is!” But, in contrast, says Paul, “Oh, what a burden—of peace and joy in glory—you will have to carry in eternity. You will be so loaded down then, with so much, that this present load (and it is a load) will seem light. Therefore, let that thought lighten your load today!” That is the reason he could say (in the previous verse—vs. 16): “We don’t give up” (cf. also 4:1, 8). Other points could be made. Suffering is not unique (I Cor. 10:13 makes the point that others—including Christ—have borne up under similar suffering successfully). I Peter 1:9 and Hebrews 2:18 are supporting verses. Adams, Jay Edward: A Theology of Christian Counseling : More Than Redemption . Grand Rapids, MI : Ministry Resource Library, 1986], c1979, S. 273